Discussions on #JLP

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  • 8/3/2019 Discussions on #JLP


    Hmmm Rohit,Apart from the one point you do not have any opposition to the JLPB and the opposition is that you fear, mind you, that you fear that the members might turn corrupt. So thats your basic premise for opposing the JLPB. We will come to this.

    You mentioned ..(If we can amend the Representation of People Act, 1950, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Evidences Act, 1872, we are almost on the verge of a victory ofthe corruption menace.)Why do you want to do that seperately when the JLPB is doing it at one go. Thisis exactly what the congress is trying to do. Divert attention to these issues which have been there for years together and they have always avoided it like theplague, not even allowing it to come into parliament and now when when they arefaced with the dangerous (for the corrupt) bill they have started talking aboutthese. It is a tactis to stall the JLPB. They know that if we try to pass thesebills individually many more years will pass. They will get away with 2G and ma

    ny more scams. The other problem is that when powers are bifurcated lawyers usethat to get time for the corrupt. They will simply say ok now so and so matter has gone out of the jurisdiction of this act and comes under that act and ask forthe court to give that jurisdiction time to investigate and hence buying more t

    ime for the corrupt. Which means a interval of many more years. Poor you and me.Tell me honestly is that what you want.

    You also mentioned ..(We currently follow a completely outdated process of selection of judges at alllevels. We have to amend that. We should eliminate the interference of the law

    ministry in the selection of judges. That is when our judiciary becomes completely independent.)

    Yes. This is something I am really not aware off. If this is as you say then offcourse we should amend it. What has that got to do with the JLPB. What you are

    simply stating is that we need both to happen. We need both!!!You say that ..(There is a quote, "If everyone does their job well, no one would have to fightfor his rights.". The same thing is applicable for our current system of criminal justice. We have lack of man power and at the same time, cases increasing in ageometric progression. )

    Now this I can totally disagree with. My theory is that we create a system. A system which works. Sadly trust on human beings holiness is not what the system is

    based upon. Tell me Rohit do we ever start a business or a financial dealing without an agreement. Why dont we just trust and go ahead on the business on a verbal agreement. We dont and thats the truth. So let us not say that we should leaveeverything to the goodness of human beings. Frankly I would not trust Anna Hazare. BY GOD !!! I would not trust me. What if I became a minister in a powerful post and people started coming to me with ideas to make money for mutual benefit.Crores of rupees. Under the current system when you are guaranteed security howlong will I resist. At the most the opposition may make a noise and I may have to resign but in the current system I still do not go to jail. And you know what,I also get to keep the money that I made by corrupt practices.

    Let us assume I am truly honest. But I do have friends and relatives who will keep on bombarding me with requests for favors. How long would it be before I just

    crumble and do that little, just a little favor for a friend or relative. NO NO!!! The odds are in favor of my crumbling.

  • 8/3/2019 Discussions on #JLP


    No Rohit. I feel that we need a mechanism to control people and make them accountable rather than trusting them with enormous power and access to our money . Mine and yours or the other way !!!And as for lack of man power I can only remind you that we are the 2nd most populist country in the world, a country which cannot provide jobs to their people and yet hold a hugely economy draining Common Wealth Games and the IPL and a F1 G

    P. I wonder where all the money is. The wealthy party throughout the year whilethe poor struggle to make ends meet.

    Ok now we come to the important point that you raised (We do have a fairly good judiciary. While, corruption within judiciary is undeniable, it also raises questions on the possible Lokpal. It is possible for the Lokpal to be corrupt as well. )Yes how can we be sure that the Lokpal will not be corrupt as well. But you yourselves has used the word "POSSIBLE" that the Lokpal may be corrupt. Not 100% sure. This again is a question very effectively raised by the congress for eg. Salman Kurshid.

    My answer to that is that, right now in our country we have a police force to control the civil society. And we all cry about how corrupt the police force is but I have not yet heard a single person saying that we dont want the police forcein spite of it being a cost centre. They do not produce anything and yet have tobe paid in terms of salary and other things for which the common man the aam ja

    nta is taxed. So what do you say Rohit shall we just take out the Police and leave it to your theory of "If everyone does their job well, no one would have to fight for his rights." I want to reword it to "If everyone of us just behaved andnot get angry and not got into fights and not tried to steal and not burn womenfor dowry and not indulge in hooliganism and not molest and rape and there are

    many more things that this society is capable off then why do we need the police". The problem is that we cannot rely on people to behave and call of the police

    . The fact is that with all their deficiencies we still need the Police .

    Only we don

    t think that we need a police for the political class. After all they are the elected representatives. Our Godfathers. We can trust them to behave.We can trust them to do the right thing for the country. I shudder at the thought. No SIR. Rohit I cannot leave it to them. I want a mechanism to put them in check and that is the JLP which is a Police for our elected representatives. Common they are the ones who are handling our money, THE NATIONS WEALTH . Why in the name of the lord do you NOT want to make them accountable ..

    There r a lot of provisions in the JLP to make cases against the members of theLokPal as well and anyway you know what I think it will turn out to be. I thinkit will turn out to be like the police a necessary evil. At least it keeps the larger evil in check. In 10 years time after the JLP is passed we will start seeing a concrete difference. I am sure about that. Jai Hind !!! Jai LokPal !!!