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The Netherworld - a place darker thana pitch-black cave, located deeper than

the depth of the seas.

It is a cursed land where evil reigns and foul

beings dwell. Nobody knows its whereabouts,

but everybody fears its existence...



How to Control Using Stylus

Button Icons

How to Start the Game

Saving & Loading

Overlord’s Castle

Area Map


Netherworld Strategy Lesson I

Netherworld Strategy Lesson II

Wireless Play

Wireless Guidelines

How to Connect to Wireless
















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+Control Pad Character & Cursor Movement

A Button Conrm, Advance Message Box

B Button Cancel

X Button Bring up Menu

Y ButtonOn Area Map: Select character with cursor and press the Y +directional button to change which direction to face.

Item Status (when Y button icon is blinking): Change Page

L Button Rotate Area Map Counter-Clockwise

R Button Rotate Area Map Clockwise


SELECT Display Geo Panels ON/OFF

In the Options, the function for and can be switched.

Special CommandY Button + L Button Zoom in and out on Area Map

Y Button + R Button Move cursor to unused character on Area Map

SELECT + Control Pad Area Map/Character Display


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How to Control Using the Stylus

Touch the screen with the stylus to control the game.

Use the stylus and touch the following options.Options Button Icons, Characters

Area Map Command

Battle Command

Rotate Area Map Clockwise

Zoom In/Out of Area Map

Turn Characters

Hover over a character with the cursor and touch this option to view the character information.

Touch it again to go back.



Talk, Examine Items

Button Icons

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How to Start the Game

Make sure that the DS is powered off, then insert the “Disgaea DS” GameCard into the Game Card slot until it makes a sound. Also, if you are usinga “Rumble Pak”, please insert it into the Game Pak slot.

Turn power ON, and you will see the image to the right on your screen.Touch the screen once you’ve read the statement.

Touch the “Disgaea DS” option on the screen to begin the game.

*You will not need to do this if your have your setting on Auto Mode. Please read the instruction

booklet for your DS for further information.

See page 11 for further instructions on controlling the game.*Close the DS system to put it in sleep mode to conserve battery. Open the system to activate it again.

Turn on the console and start up the game. The title screenwill display game modes. If you want to start from the verybeginning, select [Start]. If you want to continue playing apreviously saved game, select [Continue].


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Saving & Loading


Press the X Button at the Overlord’s Castle (home base)to bring up the Commands.

Select the Save option to see the save data screen,where you can save your game. Use the Control Pad to

put the cursor over the data that you want to overwrite,then press the A Button to conrm. You can also createnew save data here.


If you select [Continue] on the Title Screen, you willsee the Load Screen for all previous data. Select thedata you wish to load with the Control Pad and pressthe A Button to conrm.


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Overlord’s Castle

In the Overlord’s Castle (starting area), you will con-

trol the main character, Laharl, and talk to people, orgo shopping.

Character Controls

In the Overlord’s Castle, you will use the Control Pad tomove Laharl. Get close to a resident there and press theA Button to talk to someone.

Usable Commands in the Castle

The following commands will be displayed when you press the x Button in theOverlord’s Castle.

Item Check your items and search through your Bag &

Storage.Equip Check or change your equipment.

Status Check the status of your current ally characters.

Rearrange Organize the way your characters are listed.

Help Check the basics of Area Map battles.

Settings You can select between Cursor Mode and Key Mode.You can also congure the BGM volume, MSGvolume (message voice), SE volume (sound effects),and brightness.

Quit Reset the software and return to the Title Screen. But,if you have not saved, the game will reset without sav-ing your current game progress, so be careful.

Save You can Save (See pg.09).

Close Close Flat Map Command.


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Facility List

Item WorldNetherworld Hospital

Save Shop Dark Assembly

Dimension Gate

Shopping Music Shop


Talk to the merchant at the RosenQueen Company Netherworld Branch inside theCastle to buy and sell items. The products being sold are display only, meaning onceyou buy it, it will sell out.

Facility List

At the Hospital, you can heal your allies who have expended health (HP) and magic(SP) in battle. The Hell (money) required depends on how badly they need thetreatment.

Netherworld Hospital

Any piece of music you’ve heard in game can be bought with HL (Hell). Also,you can set one of them to become your BGM for the Item World.

Music Shop

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Dark Assembly

By making your own underlings at the Dark Assembly,you can gain more allies, regardless of the storyline. Atrst, only the basic classes - and low capability characters- are available for creation. The capability describes thecharacter’s basic abilities and growth. There are a fewways you can increase the number of available classes,and create higher capability characters. There are alsohidden classes as well. We hope you can nd them on

your own...

Make a Disciple

If you select [Promotion] in the Assembly Menu, you willenter battle. Only one character, who wants to take theexam, will be allowed to ght the battle. When you passthe exam, that character’s rank will go up. When rank

increases, more bills become available to submit, andmore powerful senators (higher level senators) will beginto join the Assembly. Though these powerful senators aregreat if they’re on your side, if you make enemies withthem, this will become quite a disadvantage. Make sureyou keep the stronger ones on your side.

Take the Promotion Exam

Check! If you fail a Promotion Exam, it is Game Over! Don’t go forimpossible exams!


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You will have more topics to choose from as you level up.

The voting of the members will begin if the topic needsto be approved by the Dark Assembly. The topic will beapproved when the difference between agreeing points anddisagreeing points exceeds the required Mana to suggestthe topic. You can always force the topic to be approved,but it is not recommended while you’re still at a low level.(The game will be over if you lose.)

Suggest a Topic for the Dark Assembly

Characters (disciples) who were newly created by theDark Assembly are very closely tied with the character(master) who created him/her. For example, if Laharlcreates a Warrior, the Warrior becomes the disciple, and

Laharl becomes the master. The master will gain bonuspoints in his stats as the disciple levels up. Also, on theArea Map, if the master is next to his disciple, he can useany magic that the disciple has, even at level 0 mastery.Continue to use it until mastery level 1, and the master canlean that magic, meaning that he can use it even withoutthe disciple close by. This master-disciple relationship iscalled Extra Gain.

Extra Gain

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Item World

The Item World is another world that exists inside anitem. There are many residents living in the Item World,but make sure that you’re fully trained and equippedbefore you challenge them. Otherwise, you will easily bedefeated. You will not be able to enter the Item World ofan item that you have equipped. You will need to take itoff before you try to enter.

Item World

The item level will go up one as you clear one oor inthe Item World by defeating the residents.

Increasing Item Level

How to Leave Item World

Clear 10 oors.Use a “Mr. Gercy Exit”.

Opposing the bad residents, “Notorius”, the goodresidents are called the “Innocents”. Innocents are notconsidered your enemies, or friends, but if you can

defeat them in the Item World, they will help you bypowering up your item.

Find Innocents!


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You will be able to move the residents to a different ItemWorld, but you may not exceed the given capacity. If you

see “Pop. 5/12” under the item status, it means that 5residents are now occupying the place for 12.

Moving Residents

You may combine two innocents to organize thepopulation. Go to the menu in the Item World and select“Combine Innocents” to choose an item that you wantto apply this option to. Use this system to create a betteritem by combining and strengthening the residents.

Combining Innocents

Rarity indicates the rarity level of the item. You willnd very rare items labeled as “Rare” or “Legend”.

Try collecting as many rare items as you can.


You can view your past record of your adventures by talking to the Save Shop. Youwill also be able to view various data like the records of the items and equipmentthat you’ve collected in the past. Try creating your own perfect collection of data.

Save Shop

He will tell you details about every weapon in the game. You should try talkingto him at least once. And if he accepts your power...


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The 3D map like the one to the right is called the Area

Map. All battles take place on this Area Map, and willbe played out on a turn-based system. Turn-based meansthat all the allies go rst, and then the turn switches tothe enemy, and repeats.

Dispatching Allies

Adjust your cursor to the Base Panel on the Area Map and press the A buttonto display the list of ally characters you can dispatch onto the map. Select thecharacter and press the A button to conrm. Now you can move the characteraround. You can only dispatch one character at a time. Bring out the charactersfrom the Base Panel in order. But remember that the max number of characters

on a map is 10.

Commanding Allies

The player will select a command to order an ally character to ght the enemy.In one turn, each character can Move once, and do one of the following: Attack,Special, Lift&Throw, Defend, or use an Item.

*You can use the [Equip] and [Status] command as many times as you’d like. (Equipmentcannot be changed after nishing the action).


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When you defeat all enemies on the Area Map, you clear the stage.

Victory Condition

When all your ally characters dispatched on the Area Map are defeated, it isGame Over. You will have to continue from your last save.

Game Over

Character Commands

When this is selected, the character’s movement range is



Select this option and choose an enemy to attack, and theattack command will be inputted. The range of attack willdepend on the weapon that the character is using.


Select this to display the list of the special moves that thecharacter has. Special moves include the following:


  l The character’s unique Special skills  l The equipped weapon’s trainable Special skills  l Magic spells that mainly magician-type

characters learn

Select [Lift] to pick up an enemy or ally that is next to you.This command is not available unless there is a characterright next to you. The character that is lifted will not be ableto take any actions, and will not become a target for attack.The character that is lifted can, though, be Thrown. Select[Throw] and decide on a direction and distance to throw thelifted character.

Lift & Throw

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Use items. Consider the abilities and effective rangewhen deciding which item to use.


Defending will temporarily raise the defense value of thecharacter. But in turn, the number of counter attacks willbe lost.


Here, you can change the equipment. Depending onthe character’s stats, and their distance from the enemy,you may want to change their equipment accordingly.


Here, you can check on the characters’ stats.


* By moving the cursor to the character and pressing the B Button, you can cancel the com-

mand that you have inputted. But remember, these commands cannot be cancelled if theyhave already taken the action [Execute].

* Characters who have already taken an action (including those who have already receivedan order) will have an [E] icon. The direction that the character is facing can still be changedafter the [E] is displayed.


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Press the x Button on the Area Map to display the following commands.

Area Map Commands

The characters who have received orders will take action.


This will end your turn (all ally actions will end). Afteryou end the turn, it will be the enemy’s turn, and they

will take action.

End Turn

This will list the bonus items that you can receive if you clear the Area Map.The Bonus Chart correlates with the Bonus Gauge that is displayed at the bottomright. This gauge basically goes up when you attack the enemy.


You can look at the basic knowledge you should have about Area Map battles.


This will reset the software and return you to the Title Screen. If you have notsaved, your current game progress will be lost. Be careful before you think aboutresetting the game.


You can select between Cursor Mode and Key Mode. You can alsocongure the BGM volume, MSG volume (message voice), SE volume(sound effects), and brightness.



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The Top Part of the Area Map Screen

You will see a simple 2D map at the top of the Area Map. The area within the movingrange of a selected character will show up as red.



Direction of a team member

Direction of an enemy

Direction of a third party

Base Panel

Time Gate

Geo Symbol (Red)

Geo Symbol (Green)Geo Symbol (Blue)

Geo Symbol (Yellow)

Geo Symbol (Purple)

Geo Symbol (Null)

Cursor Position

Bonus Gauge

An effect ofthe selected Geopanel

Area Map Display

Character Display

Character’s Basic Information

Character’s Equipment

Name of the Character

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Explanation about Each Stat

LV Character’s level.COUNTER Max number of counter attacks.

MV Range of movement (ex. 4 would mean you can move 4 grids).JM Jumping power. This is how high you can jump, in dm.

HP Health points. At 0, the character will be defeated. Items, magic(special), and the Netherworld Hospital can recover this.

SP These points will be consumed when using a [Special]. Items and theNetherworld Hospital can recover this.

ATK Attack power.DEF Defense power.

INT Intelligence. Affects the power of magic skills.

SPD Speed. Affects the dodge rate.

HIT Accuracy.RES Resistance. Affects defense against enemy’s magic attack.

EXP Current experience points.NEXT Experience points needed to get to the next level.

Each character has a Mastery for each of the seven types of weapons:st, sword, spear, bow, gun, axe, and staff. Equipping these weaponswhen ghting will increase their mastery with that specic weapon.When the mastery goes up, you can learn the weapon’s Special skills.The higher the mastery, the more stats that get added when the characterequips that type of weapon.

Weapon Mastery

Check!Staves and Monster-only weapons do not have any Specialskills. Monster type characters can only equip Monster-only

weapons, and do not have weapon mastery. But the higherthe character’s level, the more additional stats the character

receives. 21

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When using a normal attack against an enemy, if thereis an ally character to the right, left, front, or behindthat character, a team attack may occur. The followingconditions must be met for this to occur:

About Team Attacks

  l The character is next to the enemy you are about to attack.

  l An ally character is next to the character who will attack.

Ally doing

the attack

Ally unit Ally unit Ally unit Enemy unit

ex 1) One ally team attack ex 2) Two ally team attack

ex 3) Three ally team attack


Longer range attacks(more than 1 grid away)with spears, bows, andguns will not activate a

team attack.

Netherworld Strategy Lesson I


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Combos are when you attack the same opponent consecutively.For example...

About Combos

 = Enemy character

 = Ally characters  who will attack

In this case, there is a 3 Hit Combo (the rst attack does not count).

The higher the Combo, the larger the damage done to the enemy. Ifyou do this with a Team Attack (see pg22), you can even defeat avery strong enemy in just one turn. Doing more Combos will alsoallow you to gain more in the Bonus Gauge. If you’re going for a

high Bonus, Combos will be a must.

Check!You must attack the same enemy consecutively for aCombo. Attacks and Special skills both count as Com-bos, but make sure to order the attacks consecutivelyon the same target before you execute the command.

If you get even one different enemy attack in there, theCombo will be cut short.


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The colorfully lit up panels on the Area Map arecalled Geo Panels. They may have various effectsdepending on the placement of Geo Symbols.

Geo Panel

The objects placed on the Area Map are called Geo Symbols. These GeoSymbols can be destroyed with normal attacks, as well as special moves

and magic.

Geo Symbols

For example, if a Geo Symbol (Attack + 1) is placed on a yellow GeoPanel, all yellow Geo Panels will have the Attack +1 effect, affecting allcharacters on those panels.

Geo Effects of Geo Symbols

In battle, you must consider the “height (dm = decime-ter = 1/10 meter)” and the “direction” of your attack.Attacking the enemy from a higher position will dealmore damage. The same goes for direction. Damage

dealt is greater when attacking from the side than thefront, and from the back than the side.

Height and Direction of Attack

Netherworld Strategy Lesson II


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Geo Symbols have a role, other than effects that add to battle.When they are destroyed, the Geo Panels may change colors,

or may disappear. Destroy them wisely, since making them alldisappear will give you a Termination Bonus.

When you destroy a Geo Symbol...

Change RedDestroying this symbol on a panel will change all the panels of

the same color to Red.Change Green

Destroying this symbol on a panel will change all the panels ofthe same color to Green.

Change Blue

Destroying this symbol on a panel will change all the panels ofthe same color to Blue.

Change Yellow

Destroying this symbol on a panel will change all the panels ofthe same color to Yellow.

Change Purple

Destroying this symbol on a panel will change all the panels ofthe same color to Purple.

NullDestroying this symbol on a panel will destroy all the panels of

the same color.


DS Wireless Communications (DS Wireless Play)

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DS Wireless Communications (DS Wireless Play)

Here we will explain how to play using wireless communications.

■What you will need:

□Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite 2 Systems

□A Disgaea DS Nintendo DS Game Card 2 Cards

Instructions1. Make sure that the power is OFF to both DS systems. Insert one Nintendo DS Card into each

of the systems.

2. Turn the power to both DS systems ON. The Nintendo DS Menu Screen will be displayed.

3. Tap the panel that says “Disgaea DS”.

4. See pg27 for further instructions.

Wireless Communication Guidelines

Wireless Signal Strength

During wireless communication setup or game play, an icon will appear on the upper orlower Nintendo DS screens showing the strength of the wireless signal. The icon has fourmodes depending on the signal strength:

# of bars 0 1 2 3Signal strength Weaker Stronger

For optimal communication, keep the

signal strength at 2 or 3 by moving closer

to the wireless access point if necessary.

❖ Keep the maximum distance between systems and the access point at 30 feet (10 meters) or less.

❖ The DS systems should face the access point as directly as possible.

❖ Avoid having people or other obstructions between the DS systems and the access point.

❖ Avoid interference from other devices. If communication seems to be affected by other

devices (wireless LAN, microwave ovens, cordless devices, computers), move toanother location if possible or turn off the interfering device.

Follow these guidelines to maintain a strong signal:


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How to Connect to Wireless

You can use the wireless communications to buy/sell or

battle with the other players. To begin the wireless com-munications, talk to the Communicator. It will be located inthe room at the very back of the Castle (Laharl’s bedroom),after the tutorial map.


Talk to the Communicator and create a Network Card. Battlerank, points and the number of times you connected will berecorded on the card. The name on the card will be “your username”. You can go up to the 9th rank in battles with this sytem.The more you win the battles, the more options you will have insetting the battle rules. In the battles, you will get 2 points for

winning, and 1 point for losing. You will not get any points if the battle ends in a tie,or if the connection gets cutoff.


You may start the connection, once both players have madetheir cards. Select “Start Connection” in the lobby screen,

and the rst player will conrm. The second player willselect the name of the rst player and conrm.

 W a r n i n g !The options for “Battles”, “Sell/Buy Items”, “Choosing Rules”,and “Choosing Map” will only be accessed by the rst player.

S / I

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Sell/Buy Items

You can sell or buy items from each other’s “Sales Bag”.The rule will be slightly different. The buyer will need to

purchase items from the seller using HL, but the seller willnot receive the HL paid.



You will be able to buy any items in the otherplayer’s bag. The other player will be able topurchase any items in your bag as well.

You can choose which items to put into the bag from your storage.

You will be able to organize the items inyour Bag and Storage.

You will be able to organize the character’s equipment and items inthe Bag and Storage.

Start Sale

Organize the Bag



More RulesYou will not be able to purchase two items that are of the same kind, with the same raritylevel. You will not be able to put some items in the Sales Bag. The level of the itemwill not change after purchase, but the status of the Item World residents will most likely


BattlesThe battle system is slightly different from the battles in the main game. You will not beable to use items during the battles, and also, you will not gain any experience, so you willnot level up from playing these battles. The maximum amount of characters that can attackoutside of the Base Panel is 8.

* The characters within the Base Panel will gain 20% HP and 5% SP afterevery turn.

B ttl R l

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Battle Rules

The rules can only be chosen by the rst player in the game. The rst player

will also have the rst turn to attack, and the second player will follow. 

Participating Character Limit

Geo Panels

Battle Animation

Level Limit

Demon Gadgets

Search Mode

Win Condition

Third Party

Geo Cubes

Time Limit

Participating Character Limit

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Participating Character Limit

You can set the limit of participating characters during the battles. Even if you set this

at 9, only 8 of them will be able to participate at a time. You will lose if all those 8participating characters are defeated.

Geo Panels

There are already certain Geo Panels set for each battle.Use this option to turn them off or on.

Battle Animation

You can turn on or off the battle animations. The set animation will not matter duringwireless battles.

Level Limit

You can set the maximum level that both players can be. The characters that are higherthan the limit will have decreased levels, but it will return to normal once the battle isover.

Demon GadgetsThere are three different kinds of Demon Gadgets; Level Sphere, Soul Pod, and SuperBall. When this option is “On”, you might nd them on the map.

Search Mode

You will be able to see enemies and Demon Gadgets that are within three squares of your

characters. You will not be able to throw anything at enemies that are not within thatradius. You may move past the three square radius, but you will be stuck as soon as you

bump into a character or Demon Gadget.

* Only Prinnies can see up to 4 squares away.Warning!

Win Condition

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Win Condition

You will be able to choose a leader at the beginning of thegame. When that leader is defeated, the battle will end. Youwill still lose the game if all 8 participating ghters, not

including the leader, die.

Third Party

You may turn on or off the help from a third party.

Geo Cubes

These are items made especially for wireless battles, whichprovide various effects for the game. Choose 8 of thembefore the battle, and you will get 5 of them randomly. You

will need “Geo Souls” to use this system, which you willget at the end of every turn.

Time LimitYou may set the time limit for the waiting player. If the timeexceeds this limit, it will automatically move on to the otherplayer’s turn.

P ti i ti M b S

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Participating Members Screen

You will be able to choose the participating members after you choose thegame rules. You will only be able to choose the number of members thatyou set for the characters limit. If you chose “Defeat Leader” as the wincondition, you will need to pick a leader here.

* Conrm the selection of the leader by pressing the X Button.

You will see a [ ] icon on the face window of the chosen character.

Choosing the Map

You may choose a map to use for the battle.There are 9 of them that you can use for

wireless battles.