Dismissed for 37 years, a few doctors have just rediscovered… “Better-than-Chemo” Miracle Kills Cancer DEAD—Naturally Expert declares it “borders on medical malpractice” to recommend against this natural cancer treatment! Just be prepared for the potential side effects…healthier skin, eyes, and bones—to name a few. Dear Reader, In 1976, when a two-time Nobel Prize winner shared evidence of a natural “cure” for cancer, the mainstream laughed him off. Never mind the fact that the terminal patients on this treatment lived over five times longer on average than those who didn’t get it. Or that some of those patients were completely cancer-free a few years later. Instead, the Mayo Clinic set out to prove him wrong. And they did. They “proved” this therapy didn’t work any better than the placebo. Only problem? They didn’t actually replicate the original study. They didn’t even use the same treatment…or for the same amount of time. Which means the Mayo Clinic’s “proof” doesn’t actually prove anything. Nevertheless, people forgot about the treatment. And one of the greatest discoveries in cancer research was written off as quackery. That is, until recently… Eventually news of this therapy trickled down to a Tulane University-educated physician. It uses one specific natural compound to fight a whole host of common infections–and cancer. Unlike the so-called cures you’ve probably heard of, we think this method could be better. You see, chemo destroys both cancerous and healthy cells. But in laboratory studies this natural compound destroys cancer cells…and leaves healthy ones unharmed. And after over a decade of research and study, this doctor has concluded… This regimen is “very safe” for cancer patients. And…it works. He says it so effective, that doctors who recommend against it are bordering on “medical malpractice!” Now word of this practice is quietly spreading… In fact, even though the FDA has yet to stamp its approval, chances are you’re within driving distance of a facility that offers it. VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.INHRESEARCH.COM Page 1

Dismissed for 37 years, a few doctors have just …institutefornaturalhealing.com/pro/THC/text/THC-better...Dismissed for 37 years, a few doctors have just rediscovered… “Better-than-Chemo”

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Dismissed for 37 years, a few doctors have just rediscovered…

“Better-than-Chemo” Miracle Kills Cancer DEAD—Naturally

Expert declares it “borders on medical malpractice” torecommend against this natural cancer treatment! Just be

prepared for the potential side effects…healthier skin, eyes,and bones—to name a few.

Dear Reader,

In 1976, when a two-time Nobel Prize winner shared evidence of a natural “cure” for cancer, themainstream laughed him off.

Never mind the fact that the terminal patients on this treatment lived over five times longer onaverage than those who didn’t get it. Or that some of those patients were completely cancer-free afew years later.

Instead, the Mayo Clinic set out to prove him wrong. And they did. They “proved” this therapy didn’twork any better than the placebo. Only problem? They didn’t actually replicate the original study.They didn’t even use the same treatment…or for the same amount of time. Which means the MayoClinic’s “proof” doesn’t actually prove anything.

Nevertheless, people forgot about the treatment. And one of the greatest discoveries in cancerresearch was written off as quackery.

That is, until recently…

Eventually news of this therapy trickled down to a Tulane University-educated physician. It usesone specific natural compound to fight a whole host of common infections–and cancer.

Unlike the so-called cures you’ve probably heard of, we think this method could be better. You see,chemo destroys both cancerous and healthy cells. But in laboratory studies this natural compounddestroys cancer cells…and leaves healthy ones unharmed. And after over a decade of researchand study, this doctor has concluded…

This regimen is “very safe” for cancer patients. And…it works. He says it so effective, that doctorswho recommend against it are bordering on “medical malpractice!”

Now word of this practice is quietly spreading…

In fact, even though the FDA has yet to stamp its approval, chances are you’re within drivingdistance of a facility that offers it.


A well-respected Florida oncologist recently made his findings public at the University of PuertoRico. He presented case studies of 40 patients with Stage 4 cancer who received this therapy. In 75percent of the patients, tumors shrank by 50 percent—or more.

In Australia, one study noted that in people who received this nutrient for cancer and several otherailments, “the results have been spectacular, the only side effect is ‘chronic good health.’”

“Chronic good health.”

And this isn’t the only evidence to back it up. Not by a long shot.

Yet you won’t hear a peep about it from the mainstream. This natural cancer treatment makessense…but it makes no profit.

So how is it possible that a natural compound—one so common you might not even believe it—could destroy cancer so efficiently? And, unlike chemotherapy, without hurting any healthy cells?

I’ll explain in a moment.

But let me start by sharing with you several success stories we’ve stumbled upon while researchingthis therapy...

“Controversial” Treatment Bringing People Back from theBrink of Death

Arlindo Olivera had Stage 4 lung cancer. He was just 59 years old. And not much time left, if hisdoctors were to be believed.

It’s a good thing he didn’t listen. After completing his course of treatment, he was cancer-free.

But it wasn’t chemo or radiation that saved him. Instead, he turned to this natural treatment. It costsa fraction of conventional therapies…It’s been confirmed by numerous scientists and experts.People who have received this therapy report that it has no toxic or unusual side effects. But themainstream still refuses to embrace it.

Carol R, a retired schoolteacher, is probably glad she did choose to embrace it. She was diagnosedwith breast cancer in 2009. Conventional treatments scared her. So she went to a specializedhealth facility in Wichita, Kansas for this therapy.

Now she says, “Not only is the cancer gone from the inside, everything has improved...head totoe...skin, nails, hair, teeth, eyes...everything. I feel stronger than I did 20 years ago–which isamazing because I thought I was healthy then!”

I’m sure Dennis Vaughan of the UK would agree.

He too was wary of mainstream methods after his PSA score leapt from 13 to 18.5. But luckily hisregular doctor was one of the few to offer this protocol. So Dennis went every week and as heexplained, “It’s a very easy treatment… There’s no discomfort and afterwards you feel fine.”

Even better?

In less than 2 months, his PSA dropped back to 13. At the time his story was reported, hisVISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.INHRESEARCH.COM Page 2

oncologist said he didn’t need to come back until next year.

And then there’s the man in Auckland, NZ—Allan Smith—who slipped into a coma, suffering fromboth pneumonia and leukemia. His family had to fight the hospital to get him this treatment. Andthank goodness they did. Just eleven weeks after receiving it, he walked out of the hospital—bothpneumonia and leukemia-free. Locally he’s known as a “miracle man.” But the Tulane Universityphysician I mentioned earlier explains, “It’s no miracle. It’s hard science.”

But how does it work?

The latest research suggests that this compound destroys a unique protein in cancer cells. It’s theprotein that helps cancer cells survive. It lets those cells build new blood vessels so they can keepgrowing. And it is activated by energy from free radicals.

But when antioxidants neutralize the free radicals, this “cancer protein” no longer works. This stopsthe tumor in its tracks. Researchers found that the protein was abundant in untreated cancer cells.But it completely disappeared in cancer cells treated with this nutrient.

You’d think a breakthrough like this would make its way to the front page of The New York Times orbe a huge story on ABC News. Unfortunately, that just isn’t the case.

What’s worse, this isn’t the only promising, natural cancer treatment they’re keeping from you…

For instance, there is a compound in one common fruit that seeks out cancer and destroys it.Dozens of studies have shown that when this substance is turned loose, it results in massive cancercell death! One animal study reported that it prevented the spread of colon cancer cells to the liverby 100%.

Then there’s an “immune stimulator” that can supercharge your body’s own defenses. You caneasily find it in hundreds of clinics throughout Asia. It is highly effective for ramping up the immunesystem against cancer. In fact, it works so well that it is one of the leading complementary andalternative cancer therapies in Japan.

And it might be hard to believe from what you know about traditional cancer treatments, but there isone natural cure that is not only deadly to cancer…it is safer than a piece of bread. It’s already beenused in over 100 laboratory studies and human trials and may enhance the effectiveness of chemodrugs.

And that’s just for starters.

What Other Life-Saving Secrets are “They” Keeping fromYou?

So far I’ve mentioned just a few natural cures for cancer that can help wipe it out naturally. But thereare plenty more.

On top of that, all of these cures and treatments are secrets that are hiding in plain sight. You haveprobably never heard of them, but they’re readily available. Every single one of them is backed byscience. But Big Pharma would like to keep them quiet.

Well, it’s time for that to change.


My name is Angela Salerno. I’m the President of The Institute for Natural Healing.

Our investigation into hundreds of little-known cures led to arealization that the most effective health solutions—like this cancertreatment—are intentionally and systematically hidden from publicview.

So we pulled the most successful studies and consulted withresearchers connected to the most prominent doctors and scientists.And we produced our own special report.

We called it Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe OutCancer—Naturally.

It normally sells for $24.95. But in a moment, I’ll show you how toget it for free.

This eye-opening report will tell you everything you need to know about the treatment I mentionedthat cured a man from Stage 4 lung cancer. Another from pneumonia and leukemia. And a womanfrom breast cancer. We’ll even give you the contact information to consult with one of the world’sleading experts in this protocol. And that’s just one part of what you’ll discover.

This report dispels all of the common—and dangerous—myths about cancer. More important, itgives you effective ways to fight—or prevent—it by addressing the cause, not just the symptoms.

We’ve uncovered everything you need to know right now:

Simple ways to reduce your risk of getting cancer.

Seven breakthrough, natural treatments that allow your body to fight cancer at its source.

Plus you’ll discover how to simply incorporate these methods into your life. It’s easier—and cheaper—than you think.

5 Things You MUST Know About Cancer Right Away

The American Cancer Society has made their yearly prediction: more than 1.6 million newdiagnosed cancer cases. That makes cancer the second most common cause of death in the U.S.

It’s scary. But you don’t have to be one of the statistics.

In the Extreme Healing report, you will find five vital ways to help protect yourself. You’ll discover:

1. What our ancestors never had to worry about—but you do. Find out how making differentchoices on your next shopping trip can help you dodge cancer like cavemen did.

2. The surprising "cancer-preventer" and the simple way (that most doctors say is bad for you) toget more of it. You may not get enough of this nutrient, depending on where you live. Andthat’s very bad news. If your levels are low, you’re at risk. One study found that those with thelowest levels on this nutrient increased their risk for a certain type of aggressive cancer by 594percent. Discover what you can do about it.


3. A dietary ratio that when balanced, helps keep you healthy. But when it’s off, it promotesinflammation, which may stimulate cancer to grow. It’s easy to tip this ratio back in your favor.We show you how.

4. The one thing in your diet that research suggests fuels cancer like throwing gasoline on aflame. Learn how to tame that fire to extinguish one of cancer’s main energy sources.

5. How to create an environment in your body that some experts say makes it difficult for cancerto exist—and the one must-have device you need to make it happen.

You won’t hear this kind of stuff from your doctor or oncologist. But don’t blame him. His hands aretied. He could even lose his license for recommending these safe, inexpensive alternatives to toxiccancer drugs!

But here’s the thing…

We have no financial interests in any of the cures or preventive methods we discovered. We don’tget any kind of compensation for recommending them to you. However, we give you all theresearch, all the results, and all the details on how to use them yourself.

The Shocking Truth About Chemotherapy

Now let me ask…

When it comes to treatment choices, where do you turn for the real truth about cancer therapies…chemo and radiation…side effects and secondary outcomes?

For instance…

Ralph Moss, a well-known researcher of natural cancer cures, reports that a prominent oncologist atthe Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York told his colleagues, “Do anything you want—butno chemotherapy!” when he discovered he had advanced stage cancer.

And why would Dr. Otis Brawley, Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society, callchemotherapy a “double-edged sword?” Can it be that the cure is worse than the disease? You’llfind out on page six of Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out Cancer—Naturally.

And just how effective are these mainstream treatments? Are you being deceived by numbers thathave been “rigged” to be more hopeful than they really are? Get the answer on page five.

Also, did you know that most tumors are not deadly in themselves? It’s true, even when theyexpand and grow. But we tell you on page seven just when cancer actually becomes dangerous—and natural ways to combat it before it does.

And that’s not all. The cures we have uncovered don’t even necessarily have to be “alternatives.” Ifyou have cancer and have decided on chemo or radiation, these treatments can be used along withconventional methods. They can even help reduce some of the side effects.

The “Teflon” Secret to Defeating Cancer


Here’s the thing…

These natural cures don’t just mask the symptoms of cancer…they address the cause and helpyour body overcome and eliminate it at the source.

Ever wonder how cancer cells spread like they do? Well, it's partly because they are very "sticky."That's how they manage to clump together and grow into tumors.

So what if you could make them "un-sticky"? What if they were more like Teflon and couldn't cling toeach other?

That's exactly what researchers have studied. Because when cancer cells can't stick together theyhave nowhere to go. And without new blood vessels to bind to, they can't survive, let alone spread.Soon they die from lack of nourishment.

But there’s something most people—heck, most DOCTORS—don’t even realize… You can helpmake this happen!

There is a natural compound that actually interrupts the binding process of cancer cells. The earlyresults are promising. Very promising. One mouse study published by the Journal of Natural CancerInstitute showed that this substance reduced the spread of melanoma by 90 percent! And scientistshave already tested it on humans.

That’s huge.

You’ll find all the details in Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out Cancer—Naturally.We even tell you where to purchase this safe and highly effective substance for yourself.

But remember, this is just one of the natural cures you’ll discover.

Your Body’s #1 Defense Against Cancer Is…

There's a smart way to fight cancer—and it is not by cutting it out, burning it out, or poisoningyourself hoping that the cancer dies before you do.

No, the smart way to fight cancer is to separate the good cells from the bad.

No chemo drug can do that.

But your own immune system can. It’s always your first line of defense. So anything you can do tostrengthen it will guard against invaders like rogue cancer cells.

That’s why we’ve included a treatment that could not be simpler. Hundreds of cancer clinicsthroughout Asia already use it. In fact, it is one of the top alternative cancer therapies in Japan.

You'll be amazed at how this powerful substance ramps up your body's army of immune cells. It hasbeen shown to increase natural killer cell activity by as much as 900 percent!

In our report, we'll not only tell you the name of this supplement—we'll tell you what therecommended therapeutic dose is and how you need to take it.

Because it’s important that you take a specific type of this product—and even more important that


you take the right dose. That’s why our research team has recommended the only brand that metour high standards. At one time it was not widely available in the U.S. But we found an Americandistributor. So we tell you the exact name of the company and the brand name of the product.That’s on page 11. We get no compensation for recommending it. It’s simply the best productwe’ve uncovered. And it would be irresponsible not to report on it.

And still there’s more…

The Food Every Man Needs to Eat for Ultimate Protection

This therapy specifically fights and prevents prostate cancer. And as everyone knows by now, if aman lives long enough, he will probably develop it. Almost all men over the age of 90 havecancerous cells in the prostate. Autopsy studies prove it.

The good news? Most men who have prostate cancer don't die from it, especially if they get it laterin life. But if you get it when you’re younger, it’s far more serious. And it leads to truly terrifyingtreatment options. They can leave you incontinent or impotent… No man wants to face that.

But Dr. Alan Pantuck, director of cancer research at UCLA, uses a natural food to slow downincreases in PSA levels. He recently did a study on 50 men who had prostate cancer and who hadgotten surgery or radiation—but PSA tests showed these men still had active cancer.

All of the men took Dr. Pantuck's natural remedy—which they were able to buy at their local grocerystore. And the results were amazing...

Normally, if a man has prostate cancer, it only takes just over a year for a man’s PSA score todouble. But for 82 percent of the men in this study, their PSA score didn't double for more thanFOUR years.

You'll find out what this easily available—and delicious—food is on page 15 of our breakthroughreport. Here’s another one…

The Cancer Fighter You Might be Throwing Away

And this one’s important. Because you need to know about it before you potentially throw it in thegarbage.

There’s one food item—a known cancer fighter—that you most likely always throw away. It containsa compound that can destroy cancer cells from within.

The human and laboratory study results on this compound are astonishing. It...

Reduced tumor development by 500 percent.

Cut risk of skin cancer by up to 30 percent.

And when combined with another natural food that is probably already in your pantry (whichwe’ll also tell you about)—reduced the risk of a certain type of skin cancer by a whopping 70percent!


But there are two things you need to know to use this natural kitchen ingredient to fight cancer: howto buy it...and the simple kitchen tool (less than $10) you'll need to use it.

And you’ll find the answers to these questions, and so many more, in our Extreme Healing report.

The Most Extensive, Effective Research Available Today

Listen. I get it. Cancer is a scary thing. But as frightening as it is, it’s a part of our reality. That’s whyit is absolutely critical that we use these natural cures and preventives in our everyday lives.

There’s no way you can afford to miss out on Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe OutCancer—Naturally. It is by far the most extensive report we’ve made available today on naturalmethods to fight or prevent cancer.

Find out what no traditional oncologist will tell you or your family if you or a loved one is diagnosedwith cancer. Discover the simple, but effective, natural methods that could be the answer toeliminating cancer from your life for good.

Information that Could Literally Save Your Life… or a LovedOne

Do you want to do everything in your power to stay healthy? Do you have a frightening family historyof cancer? Do you have cancer yourself…or maybe a friend or family member who has received thedreaded diagnosis?

What would it be worth to those friends, family, and yourself if you had information that could help?

It would be priceless, of course.

And yet that is exactly what you'll find in this report.

Best of all? You don't have to pay a fortune for this cutting-edge research and advice. Like I said,this report normally sells for $24.95. Even at that low price it’s a steal. But if you respond to thisspecial offer today, it can be yours free. And let me be clear… This is the only way to get it free. Everyone else pays.

All I ask is that in return you try a subscription to Natural Health Dossier.

Natural Health Dossier is unique among health publications. We are private, so we don't have tobow to government interference. We are subscription based, so advertisers don't influence us. Andwe are unbiased.

We don't care whether a therapy fits a preconceived theory about medicine. If it comes from arespected source and is backed by serious, scientific proof… If we can find personal evidence that itworks, then we bring its details to our members.

Let’s face it… Doctors, the FDA, and big drug companies are practicing voodoo medicine in everypossible area of health.

It is almost as if their goal is to keep you dependent on drugs and doctors for the rest of your life!


Take diabetes, for example.

I mean, how many diabetics are completely dependent on insulin injections every day, sometimesseveral times a day, just to survive? And it’s only getting worse.

Even the New York Times agrees...

"Within a generation or so, doctors fear, a huge wave of newcases could overwhelm the public health system and engulfgrowing numbers of the young, creating a city where hospitalsare swamped by the disease's handiwork, schools scramble forresources as they accommodate diabetic children, and the workforce abounds with the blind..."

But don’t worry. That does not have to include you.

I'd like to show you a way to gain total control over diabetes and never fear a blood sugar spike orcrash again.

Fact is, the American Diabetes Association is operating on highly questionable information. Toomany of the therapies these organizations recommend are based on flawed or outdated science.And too many doctors force-feed these recommendations to their patients.

But you don't need to scour medical journals (as we have) to know that. Ask any doctor who knowsbetter and he’ll tell you. Insulin doesn't cure diabetes. In fact, one doctor has made a convincingcase that the ADA protocol is making diabetes worse.

Certainly their bad advice about nutrition has at least in part led to an unnecessary and widespreadplague of Type II diabetes – the type of diabetes that many healthy people get in middle age.

But our research team has discovered a safe and natural cure for diabetes. It comes from a doctorwho has studied this condition for over 40 years. As a Type I diabetic, he was his own, first testsubject.

It’s thanks to his pioneering work that the practice of self-monitoring blood sugar is used bydiabetics around the world.

To date he's published six books on the subject and numerous articles.

He says if you're a Type I diabetic, you could drastically reduce your dependence on insulin (like hedid for himself). And some Type II diabetics can get off medication for good.

People from all over the world have had life-changing success with his program. Many of themleave inspiring testimonials and thank you notes on the doctor’s website.

Like Mandy Rodrigues from North Wales. She said,

"How does one begin to thank someone for saving their life? I was diagnosed with TypeII Diabetes in January 2002... following your regime my blood glucose levels havedropped to 6.4 - 7.1... I fully expect my BG levels to fall further over the coming weeks(after all, I have only been on the regime for 11 days)!"

And Pamela Nordick, who wrote,


"I've never been in such tight control of my blood sugars. I haven't been this thin sincebefore being diagnosed. Thank you... for sharing your wisdom with us. I honestly think Imight not be here today, if I hadn't found such success..."

We've prepared a report with the most essential information aboutthis breakthrough plan for reversing diabetes.

In this report – called Cure Diabetes in 3 Weeks: What the ADAWon’t Tell You –you'll discover:

Why listening to the advice of the American DiabetesAssociation guarantees that you never totally manage yourdiabetes. This "conventional wisdom" among diabetics likelyleads to more drug use and complications than any othermainstream advice.

Why following the "6-12-12" rule could completely eliminatethe insulin roller coaster and keep your blood sugar in ahealthy range. Even after meals or when you don't have timefor a snack.

How following a few simple guidelines could prevent eye problems, frozen shoulders, inflamedlegs, kidney problems, and other diabetes-related complications.

And again, I’d like to send this report to you absolutely free.

It's this type of in-depth, behind-the-scenes reporting we bring to each monthly issue ofNaturalHealth Dossier.

If you aren't a full member of The Institute for Natural Healing community, you may be wonderingwhere we came from.

It all started with Mr. Mark Ford, our multi-millionaire sponsor. Mark was no novice to the healthworld. He had worked as a business consultant to the industry for over 20 years.

But despite his many contacts, he wasn't happy. There wasn't enough good health advice for thepublic. "The mainstream health industry is filled with myths and bad science," he told me at our firstmeeting." The alternative press is better. But just barely. It’s still plagued by bias and personalopinion."

So he decided to create his own independent, science-based research group.

At first his reasons were personal. He’d had some health scares himself. But more important, he'dseen too many friends and family members die needlessly. It wasn't just disease that killed themeither... They were misdiagnosed or mistreated by conventional medicine.

So Mark decided that his group would focus only on natural cures for every sort of health challenge.

His researchers would cover the most pressing and dangerous problems like diabetes, heartdisease, and cancer. But they would also report on improvements for the more routine healthconcerns like pain relief, eliminating allergies, and improving eyesight...

The team started with just one researcher. From there it quickly expanded to include three PhDs,


three MDs, two nutritionists, three best-selling medical authors, and the publisher of one of theworld's largest natural health information services.

How was Mr. Ford able to assemble all these amazing healers?

Simple: Lots of money and loads of high-level industry contacts.

He found that many medical practices in Europe and America had no proven basis in scientificresearch.

And I'm not talking about obscure therapies. I'm talking about the most common practices inmainstream medicine today... Including most heart bypass operations, stents, mastectomies, and aton of other common treatments.

The more research he read, the more obvious it became... Big business and government agencieswere in cahoots to promote drugs and surgery. Even where no evidence was available to support it.And they were ignoring or degrading proven natural cures.

But he did find a few brave doctors willing to tell the truth. So Mr. Ford ended his early retirement tohelp those doctors get their ideas and research out to the public. And he created The Institute forNatural Healing.

His team prepared a monthly report – a dossier, he called it. It had to cover the most relevant, mostimportant, and most recent medical and health information. Not just from American universities andhospitals... but from any reliable and proven research published anywhere in the world.

While he didn't know it at the time, this became the basis for Natural Health Dossier.

Today our monthly publication quietly circulates among a small circle of about 25,000 people.

The mainstream media simply can't cover the latest medical stories as thoroughly and unbiased aswe do. They would lose hundreds of millions of dollars in pharmaceutical advertising every year.They just aren’t willing to part with that kind of money.

Because we're outside the influence of the medical establishment, no one can control what we tellyou.

Whether we’re blowing the lid off cancer cures you won’t discover anywhere else... overlookedtreatments for diabetes… or the true story behind heart disease.

For example, you may be shocked to learn that:

75% of heart attack patients have normal cholesterol!

That’s right. Cholesterol isn’t the problem.

A national study by UCLA medical school showed that only 25% of hospitalized heart attackpatients had high risk cholesterol levels!

So if cholesterol isn’t the problem, why hasn’t anyone told you that?

Perhaps it’s because the U.S. pharmaceutical industry makes $25 billion dollars every year sellingcholesterol-lowering drugs.


That in itself is bad enough. But what is worse is that most popular cholesterol-lowering drugs aredangerous. Recent studies suggest that many of them may lead to diabetes which increases yourrisk for heart disease--the very disease they are supposed to prevent!

It’s outrageous.

But it’s not all bad news…

A group of forward-thinking doctors have been working to find real solutions to heart disease –solutions that repair the actual cause of it.

One of these doctors is a New England-based physician. And he uncovered a nutrient solution thatcould save your life!

Let me tell you the true story of one of his patients…

An Amazing Recovery From Heart Disease

Mary was 79. She had congestive heart failure. When she was admitted to a community hospitalnear her home in Connecticut she was in a coma. She couldn’t even breathe on her own.

Doctors told her son Bob that he should “pull the plug.”

He didn’t listen. Instead Bob reached out to every cardiologist he could find. Finally he found thedoctor who came up with this surprising solution.

After just three days, Mary came out of her coma…

Within 10 days, she was off the ventilator…

On day 14 she was sitting upright in a wheelchair, using only supplemental oxygen…

Pretty soon after that she was back in the comfort of her own home – baking, cleaning, evenrearranging her collection of 3,000 books. All on her own.

It sounds like nothing short of divine intervention, I know.

But the most amazing part of the story is that this doctor cured Mary using a single, natural nutrient!

Stop and think: if one nutrient pulled a 79-year-old woman from the brink of death, imagine what itcan do for you.

Of course you don’t have to imagine.

You could begin using this miracle compound today to help keep your heart pumping strong foryears to come.

And it’s all thanks to this courageous doctor who actually found not one, but four heart boosters.Ones that restore energy, reverse heart disease, and give his patients a second chance at livingtheir best lives.

In fact, he says many of them who were awaiting heart transplants actually tookthemselves off the list and went back to a normal, active lifestyle!


And before too long, another forward-thinking physician followed the same course of treatment forhis patients. And he was stunned.

The number of patients that returned to him for heart problems dropped – to almost zero!

Again, you may be wondering why you haven’t heard about this remarkable solution. And I’d have torepeat the answer: Because the mainstream medical community makes more money by keepingyou in the dark.

The truth is this: treating a sick heart with drugs doesn’t cure heart disease. You just continue tosuffer the symptoms for years and years. Meanwhile the huge cost of your medications makes BigPharma richer and richer.

Reclaim Your Healthy Heart with These Four AmazingMicronutrients

What this pioneering cardiologist developed is a safe and simple natural solution that can halt heartdisease in its tracks. More important, it can give you back the energy and vitality of a healthy heart.

This four-nutrient “cocktail” goes to work immediately, fueling and protecting your heart – and yourentire body.

Micronutrient #1 – Providing the Spark: This vitamin-like compound is absolutely crucial forheart health. There’s just one huge problem… your body slows down making it after age 40.It’s no coincidence your risk for heart disease increases exponentially right about that time too.

If you’re already on prescription meds for your heart, this is one supplement you’ll want toconsider adding to your diet immediately. We’ll tell you why.

Micronutrient #2 – Turning Fat into Fuel: This probably goes against everything you’veheard about keeping your heart healthy. But red meat could help you fight heart disease!That’s right. There’s an important nutrient found in red meat and dairy. And this compoundactually turns fat into fuel to help keep your heart beating 60 to 100 times every minute. It mayalso help keep blood vessels open. With better blood flow, oxygen gets delivered to the heart.And a good oxygen supply allows the heart to work more efficiently.

Micronutrient #3 – Sweetness in Action: Chances are, you haven’t even heard of thisnutrient… yet. But I don’t expect it to stay quiet for long. I mean, who would have thought thatsugar of any kind could be good for your heart? It is. But I’m not just talking about any sugar. This one is produced by the body and naturally boosts muscle energy.

Micronutrient #4 – The Rescue Mineral: Every organ in the body – especially the heart –needs this mineral. But the body doesn’t make it naturally. And that’s too bad. Because ithelps relax blood vessels, which leads to healthy blood pressure.

Discover what it is and – just as important – the two everyday foods that could be draining yourbody of this important nutrient.


Each of the four nutrients offers tremendous benefits. Butcombined? They have an even more powerful effect. One that canreturn you to a healthful, energized, and active lifestyle.

This is all detailed in the report I want to send you. It’s called ABreakthrough in the Treatment of Heart Disease. It explainsMary’s cure and details everything you need to know about thesemiracle nutrients.

This is exactly the kind of “off-the-grid” research and insight you canexpect from our team.

And you can discover all of these breakthrough cures and find outwhere they're available today.

When you become a subscriber, you'll immediately receive three free e-books on these importantmedical breakthroughs.

Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out Cancer—Naturally. … Cure Diabetes in 3Weeks… and A Breakthrough in the Treatment of Heart Disease.

Just click the button at the bottom of this page and you can access your reports in just minutes.

And of course, as a member of Natural Health Dossier you're going to get much more than justthese reports.

You’ll also get a new, detailed issue every month, and access to all of our archives.

Here you’ll discover hidden health secrets like:

The simple “tricks” that practically reversed one man’s clinical dementia—that are even morepowerful if you use them to keep your own brain young, sharp and healthy. (And find out whata shocking study of over 600 old nuns tells us about Alzheimer’s and brain aging.)

The hidden culprits zapping you of your manhood. The CDC even admits these testosterone-killers rob you of “the things that make a man a man,” as one of their scientists put it. You’lldiscover what they are and how to possibly reverse the damage.

How the founder of INH actually made himself younger. He watched his own biological clockreverse by 11 years. And his secret lies in a mega-supplement that keeps him in better shapethan most men half his age. But that’s only part of it.

The one simple vitamin that could cut the risk of heart disease by 40%.

The plant substance that could reduce liver tumors by up to 64% that you can easilyincorporate into your diet.

Simple weight loss tricks you can do every day – without the expensive gimmicks (like taking5-HTP)

Now if you're like most of our members, you do everything in your power to stay ahead of yourhealth. You may spend hours upon hours scouring health forums online. Or you may subscribe tothree or more free health e-zines.


Since you've followed along this far, you're already more aware of advanced and effective curesthan many working doctors.

This is the kind of information that only Natural Health Dossier subscribers have access to.

As each monthly issue comes out... and with each urgent bonus report... the library grows. Oneyou’ll refer to again and again.

The most recent health breakthroughs, with actual scientific results, are only available in medicaljournals. Subscriptions to these journals cost hundreds of dollars a year.

But most of that research is funded by tax dollars. So we essentially pay for the research, then we'recharged hundreds of dollars to discover the results!

That's not only ridiculous, it’s just plain unfair.

That’s why we decided to make this service as affordable as possible. We find the best cures,validate the findings, and deliver only the most relevant information to you. All at a price that doesn'thurt your budget.

The cost of research that goes into Natural Health Dossier is substantial. As a privately-circulatedreport, it would probably sell for $400 or $500 a year. But since we wanted to make it affordable foranyone…

We settled on $79 a year – just over $6 a month. That’s a bargain considering the amount of originalresearch we bring to each issue, the quality of the doctors and scientists on board, and the numberof special reports and other advantages that members get for free.

But since we are in a membership drive you can subscribe now for half price. It’s only $39 for a fullyear's subscription.

For this low price you get:

12 monthly issues of Natural Health Dossier. This is delivered by e-mail and stored in your privatemembers area so you always have access to your issues. When you sign up today, we'll alsoinclude all of our past issues in your account as a bonus.

And you’ll get instant access to the three free reports I described.

You've only seen a small sample of what you're getting when you join us today. You will never get achance to do so much for your health for just $3.25 a month.

And there is never any risk to you. If you ever think we're letting you down, let us know byphone or e-mail and we'll quickly refund your subscription fee. Even up to the last day ofyour membership.

We want to prove to you every month that you've made the right decision. If we can't live up to ourpromise, we don't deserve your money.

So join now and get instant access to the complete details on all these revolutionary cures. Take thesteps to help prevent heart disease and diabetes. Or get vital information that could help save yourown life or that of a loved one, with underground cancer cures you won’t hear anywhere else.


Simply click the button below to claim all your membership benefits now. And set yourself up toreceive uncensored and vital information on new medical cures every month.

In Good Health,

Angela SalernoPublisher, Natural Health Dossier