DITCH THE DESK - Ecotech Institute · MAKING GREEN IN THE GREEN INDUSTRY 5 WHAT’S IT LIKE TO WORK IN RENEWABLE ENERGY? Q&A with Solar Roadways founder, Scott Brusaw You may have

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The sun. It’s a source of light, life and for some, a career. Working in solar energy means not staring at a computer all day, hands-on work, not having the boss constantly looking over your shoulder and solving real problems. Oh, and it’s doing something good for the earth as well.

This e-book is your complete guide to solar power careers. Ever wonder what a typical day is like? We’ve got you covered. Want to know how much you’ll earn? That’s in here too. What about where those jobs are? Yep, all that, and more, is in here.

A LONG HISTORY WITH SOLARHumans have been harnessing this power in some form for thousands of years, from building fires to heating houses. But, it wasn’t until 1888 that the first solar cell was created, and it took nearly 100 years after that before solar energy was available for commercial use.

THE SOLAR BOOMThese days, solar panels are popping up faster than musical parody videos. Well, maybe not that fast but fast enough to really drive demand for jobs. The Solar Foundation, the top dogs in research on the solar industry, found that 142,698 people in the U.S. had jobs in the solar industry in 2013. The bonus? It seems like the demand for clean energy is just starting to take off, and as it becomes more popular, prices drop which makes it even more popular. It’s a whole cycle, see? It’s so popular that Greentech Media reports the U.S. is now installing one solar photovoltaic (PV) system every four minutes.

YOU WANT TO WORK IN SOLAR ENERGYTo get into the solar industry, you don’t have to have an engineering background either. Solar energy professionals come from a variety of backgrounds; mechanics, former military, construction, office jobs and others. A knack for working with your hands is important, as is a good education. Also key: wanting to work outdoors, controlling your own schedule, being able to follow (safety) rules and a preference for hands-on work.

As for actual jobs, it’s easy to think that working in the solar energy industry is all about installation and construction. And, many entry-level jobs are just that. But, there are other options. Research, surveying and supervising are all career paths in the industry available after you’ve put in time.

SOLAR JOB TITLESInstaller SupervisorField Technician Project ManagerDevelopment Engineer

GO WHERE THE WORK ISAnother plus to this field is that you’re not confined to one location for your career; jobs in this industry are popping up all over the country. New sites need to be built and maintained, meaning employers are looking for qualified candidates to move and work at these locations. NRG Energy recently finished the largest solar panel plant in the world in Arizona, covering 2,400 acres of land. You can bet they’ll need workers to maintain the site!

THE FUTUREBy all accounts, the solar power industry is growing at a rapid rate. At the same time, fossil fuels still are being used to produce the majority of energy we consume. This is polluting our planet, and unlike sunshine, fossil fuels are not renewable. Right now the demand for solar energy is greater than the supply. Getting more people working in the solar industry can help make up some of that difference.



1. IT’S A BUSY BUSINESS.The Solar Energy Industries Association reports that 1.3 million

American homes generate electricity from solar power, and a

steep decline in panel prices make solar affordable for even more

families. People are demanding solar – which means they’re

demanding the expertise of solar technicians. There will be no

such thing as a “slow day at work.”

2. ON THE ROAD, AGAIN—AND AGAIN.There are endless opportunities that exist in solar power

generator design, construction and operation – so the “office”

could be in the research lab one day and in the field with the

outdoor crews the next. Projects may exist in the same state or

across the country. The solar technician is always on the road,

whether they’re sitting in on a production meeting at corporate

headquarters down the street or installing PV solar panels three

states over.

3. ADVENTURE SEEKERS, APPLY HERE.Something’s always changing in the solar field and no two

days are the same. Projects are found in a variety of locations,

from houses to corporate buildings. And, if it’s not a different

location, then it’s probably a different stage of the installation.

From setting anchors to secure panels and assembling the

needed parts, to grounding the equipment and protecting it from

potential surges, solar technicians have to be ready for anything

and to do anything. Every day is a new adventure!

4. SAFETY ABOVE ALL.By far the most critical part of the solar technician training

program is safety. It is part of the culture of employment! Being

safe on the job is THE number one priority. When installing PV

panels on residential homes, solar technicians work closely with

local fire departments to determine means and methods of safe

installation, to protect both the technician and the homeowner.

In every scenario, residential or commercial, solar technicians are

trained to safely handle electricity, as they regularly work with

high voltage equipment. Often times, panels are installed on tall

buildings as well – solar technicians are always equipped with

safety harnesses and know self-rescue techniques. First aid/CPR

and electrical safety, among others, are all skills that must be

mastered by solar technicians before they can go out in the field.

5. SOLAR TECHNICIANS ARE JUST LIKE BATMAN, BUT WITH A SALARY.Solar technicians are always on call to make the world a better

place. There are more solar energy workers in California than

there are actors; more solar energy workers in Texas than there are

ranchers; and nationwide, there are more solar energy workers

than there are coal miners. Solar panels are a clean source of

power and are becoming less expensive than they used to be.

According to the most recent data, solar technicians can provide

and manage a clean source of energy to the entire country while

making an average of $39,240 per year. That beats any desk job,

doesn’t it?

Many solar technicians have decided they’d rather do anything

else but sit inside a cubicle for a large part of their day. Some have

chosen the industry to make a green, clean difference in current

energy usage, or others want a more fulfilling career path – either

way, they are the kind of people who like to mix it up, problem-

solve and stay on their toes. That’s why the traditional desk job

doesn’t appeal to them. In the solar energy industry, a technician

will find themselves outside in the fresh air and sunshine, always

presented with new challenges and opportunities to lead.


There’s no easy way to describe a typical day working in the solar industry, and that’s just the way people who have these roles like it. Talk to a solar technician and here’s what they’ll probably say:





Q&A with Solar Roadways founder, Scott Brusaw

You may have heard the buzz around Solar Roadways, a green tech company offering a solution to the increasing energy crisis through solar power. Cofounders Scott and Julie Brusaw have received funding from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration and have found supporters around the world, raising over $1 million through the crowdfunding site, Indiegogo, to build a solar parking lot prototype. They have even gained a mention on George Takei’s Face-book page.

How did you come up with the idea for solar roads?

My favorite toy [as a child] was an electric road with electric cars. My dream as a 6-year-old was that if we could make roads electric then kids could drive. I kept that thought with me my entire life. In high school I would draw pictures of electric roads.

[Solar roads] were actually my wife’s idea. Julie turned to me one day and said, “Can’t you make your electric roads out of solar panels?”

How did you know solar panels could work?

I thought of a black box in an airplane. If we could make an engineered case that could protect solar cells then we could make this device. I contacted the top materials research labs in the nation and they recommended I make the surface out of glass. I had to get away from thinking of window glass and think more of bulletproof glass. I went to an international glass workshop and I learned that the way you make bulletproof glass is out of sheets of tempered glass. When you temper glass it becomes 10 times stronger and more scratch resistant. That’s how we made our panels.

What has been the biggest lesson in working on the solar road project?

With the Indiegogo campaign we’re over 2 million [dollars in donations]. We have people from all over the world asking for information on how to get this in their country. It’s a very

humbling feeling to see that many people want to see your dream become a reality. I feel very blessed by that.

The world of solar must look very bright to you. Do you think more and more companies are going to start investing in solar and other renewable energy sources?

I think this is [a golden era for renewable energy]. I think this because we can’t afford to maintain the roads the way we’ve been making them. We like to say that it’s time to move into the 21st century.

How important do you think programs that train students in renewable energy and sustainability are for the future of the industry?

This is hugely important. I’ve been meeting environmental engineers. That wasn’t even an option when I went to college. Now there are entire programs on this. These kids are growing up and seeing that there are huge problems being ignored. And they’re much better versed on solar energy, wind energy and renewable energy in general. I think it’s great.

What skills do you think are going to be most important for renewable energy companies?

I can only speak for ourselves but we’re looking for mechanical engineers, structural engineers and materials engineers. This project covers all facets of engineering. We’re also going to have assemblers and installers. I also always preach to get a good math background.

What is the best advice you would give a student who is interested in pursuing a green career?

The first thing you have to do is build a prototype to prove that your idea is going to work. If you have an idea, set up a website and start a campaign.

It also doesn’t matter how good your idea is, if you come off as a jerk. You need to be personable and humble. Have a good idea and know how to present it. You have to have good communication skills to get your point across.

Article adapted from Q&A with Solar Roadways founder, Scott Brusaw


Solar panel or solar photovoltaic (PV) installers spend their day in the great outdoors, work with power tools and help make the world a little better. But what do they get paid?

TOP 10 PERCENT: $60,570

MIDPOINT: $39,240

LOWEST 10 PERCENT: $27,970

Pay always depends on experience, job location and the current economy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the middle point of pay for PV installers is $39,240. When comparing the full range of pay, the lowest 10 percent of workers earn $27,970 and the top 10 percent earn $60,570.




Fighting the temptation to stay home and play “Call of Duty“

is hard, but the best networkers know being active in as many

groups as possible can be helpful in building networking skills.

There are lots of groups to pick from too; there’s almost a group

or organization out there for just about anything these days.

PRO TIP: Networking masters join groups because they’re not

only a good place to start building connections but a chance

to pick up facts and trends that can make them seem smart at

networking events or interviews.


Sometimes people stress so much about networking that they forget

their networking tools. A giant networking fail. Avoid this blunder

by showing up with an updated resume and business cards in-

hand. It might sound weird to get business cards made without

first having landed a job, but networking professionals trade those

around like baseball cards. Take a cue from them and look into

getting some business cards printed. It’s a great way to leave behind

contact info. A quick Google search will identify companies that can

print them for less money than it takes to fill up a tank of gas.

PRO TIP: Bringing a resume and business card gives networking

masters something to leave with the new contact they just made,

which has the potential to keep the conversation going after the



It’s easy to spot networking newbies at an event. They’ll be the

people hiding out near the food table or staring at their phones.

Networking pros, on the other hand, will be working the room and

snagging the best connections. It seems safer near the appetizers

table but staring at that veggie tray won’t lead to a job. Leave that

comfort zone and make an effort to speak to other attendees.

PRO TIP: Don’t forget the masters started as rookies too,

but by putting themselves out there they soon realized that

networking isn’t as scary as it seemed.


Breaking it down, networking events are the perfect opportunity

to rub elbows with some pretty important folks who aren’t

normally that easy to access. But talking to these big shots isn’t

just about scoring an interview or adding a LinkedIn contact.

Attending networking events also has the potential to pay off big

and lead to a long-term mentorship.

PRO TIP: Not everyone at a networking event has an immediate

job to fill. But, networking masters know it’s worth talking to

them. Building relationships is key in any industry, and could

lead to bigger and better things in the future. Anyone doubting

the value of mentorship and relationship building just needs to

look at what Rihanna’s famous mentor Jay-Z has done for her


Article adapted from Wind Energy student Networks with U.S. Senator

Networking. It seems simple enough, walk into a room, shake people’s hands, eat some appetizers and leave, right? For a lot of first-timers, it’s not that easy. Picture walking into a room filled with some of the most prominent professionals in renewable energy and sustainability. What’s the first move?

Figuring out what to say, what to bring and what to do after the event can suddenly seem as hard as advanced calculus. But with some rules to follow and a little practice, anyone can become a master of networking.



Mechanical Skills

All those years of taking apart electronics just to put them back

together again will finally pay off. Those interested in joining

the solar squad must like working with complex electrical and

mechanical equipment.

Safety Skills

Knowing how to open and put on a Band-Aid isn’t going to cut

it. Learning and being able to apply safety training, like first aid

and CPR, is a must.

Basic Math Skills

What’s 2+2? Those who said 3 wouldn’t last long in this field.

Solar professionals often have to do some basic math while doing

a job.

Physical Strength

Working in this field doesn’t require Incredible Hulk-level

strength, but since solar installers need to be able to lift panels,

heavy equipment, parts and tools, being able to lift at least to 40

pounds is a requirement.

Physical Stamina

It’s not just about strength! Working in solar also means working

on your feet, carrying panels and other heavy equipment, as well

climbing ladders throughout the day.


Customer-Service Skills

People skills are incredibly important in solar, especially when

working with homeowners. Those in solar are expected to be

professional and complete their work on time.

Detail Oriented

A solar installation can be pretty complicated. It’s important to

carefully follow instructions and pay attention to details to make

sure the system works without a hitch.

Critical Thinking Skills

In a pinch, solar professionals often have to weigh the pros and

cons of solutions.

Communication Skills

Working in solar isn’t just about technical knowhow – part of the

job is being able to communicate well with teammates, the boss

and even the client through writing and speaking.

Collaboration Skills

No one likes to work with someone who isn’t a team player. Solar

professionals work well alone and in teams.

Work Ethic

Show up on time and ready to work! A strong work ethic is

important in the industry!


Napoleon Dynamite said, “Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.” Solar energy companies are just the same. Lots of people get into solar energy because they can’t stand working at a desk all day, they want to be in charge of their own schedule and they want a job that makes a difference. But, without the right skills, none of that other stuff can happen. This is what it takes to be in the solar energy industry.



1. California2. New York3. Arizona4. New Jersey5. Massachusetts 6. Maryland7. Florida8. Colorado9. Oregon10. Texas

The solar industry’s future is so bright that it has to wear shades. But where are the best employment opportunities for solar energy technicians? Job seekers should pack their bags and move to sunny California, or one of the other following locations with the highest rate of job openings in the solar industry.





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Even though the first solar cell was created in the late 1800s, the solar energy industry is kind of like a 19-year-old. The industry has been going through a lot of changes – some of them pretty awkward – in the past few years, and now it’s staring down the glory days of its 20s. Wider adoption, lower costs and better technologies are all part of the future of solar energy. And, as more people see the potential of renewable energy, breaking themselves away from fossil fuel, it’ll mean more solar energy jobs and a more sustainable future for everyone.

1. WARMING UP TO SOLAR ENERGYThe Solar Energy Industries Association estimates that 1.3 million American homes have some sort of solar power system. It’s a small number when compared to other forms of energy, but it’s growing. With so many people getting on the solar bandwagon, USA Today says the U.S. is currently the third-largest solar market in the world, behind China and Japan. Business leaders are buying into solar energy too. Apple, Google and Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway have all started dropping cash into the industry, helping make some of the recent changes possible. Props also go to the Obama administration for making a commitment and creating policies to address global climate change.

2. SOLAR ON THE CHEAPThanks to the solar boom, solar installation costs have gone down which has taken it from Richard Branson affordable to nearly regular person affordable. The Department of Energy did some digging and found that the cost of going solar not only started dropping significantly in 2013 but that will continue to decrease. Because the cost of solar installation has gotten cheaper, it’s become a more realistic option for the non-millionaire population. The option to lease solar panels makes it even easier to afford because most leasing arrangements don’t require any payment up front. Making it cheap and easy to go solar really lit a fire in this industry. Leasing alone was responsible for a 38% jump in home installations in 2013.

3. HARDER, BETTER, FASTER, STRONGERResearchers, solar industry professionals and innovative solar companies, like Solar Roadways, have been hard at work, leading the battle against climate change and improving the science behind this source of renewable energy. They’re pulling all-nighters to make photovoltaic cells more efficient at converting sunlight into electric power. To put it into perspective, Forbes Magazine found that the conversion efficiency rate of an average solar panel is between 15% and 16%. Even the smallest increase in that number can mean a big increase in total energy output,

meaning that better, faster, stronger solar cells are needed, pronto!

4. PEEK INTO THE FUTUREWith cheaper options available and more people going crazy for renewable energy, Team Solar will need more manpower to meet the growing demand. And there are many types of jobs to fill. People will be needed in the coming years to help with research and development, manufacturing of solar power materials, construction and operation of solar power plants, and solar power installation and maintenance. Interested in joining the team? Because of new technologies and improved methods of installations, not just anyone off the street will make the cut. Team Solar recruits need to be well trained and educated on the latest happenings in solar.



1. Greentech Media

2. Solar Buzz

3. Solar Power World

4. Solar Thermal Magazine

5. SolarEnergy.net

6. SolarPro Magazine


7. American Solar Energy Society

8. North American Board of Energy Practitioners

9. Solar America Board for Codes and Standards

10. Solar Energy Industry Association


11. Solar Energy Network

12. Solar Power Career Group

13. Solar Energy Professionals - PV & Thermal

14. Renewable Energy World


15. Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency


16. Department of Energy

17. Environmental Protection Agency

18. National Renewable Energy Laboratory

19. Solar Energy International

20. Women in Solar


Can’t get enough of solar energy? Click on the links below for resources about the industry and careers in it.


Click on the links below for references.

5 Things All Solar Energy Technicians Know Are True

i. Solar Energy Industries Association, Did You Know There are More Solar Workers in Texas than Ranchers?


ii. Solar Energy Industries Association, What’s in a Megawatt?


iii. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Careers in Solar Power, http://www.bls.gov/green/solar_power/

Do You Have What It Takes to Be in Solar?

i. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Solar Photovoltaic Installers, http://www.bls.gov/ooh/construction-and-extraction/solar-photovoltaic-installers.htm

ii. Women’s Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, Why Green is your Color: A Woman’s Guide to a Sustainable Careerhttp://www.dol.gov/wb/Green_Jobs_Guide/Why_Green_is_your_Color_html_version.htm

iii. iSeek Solutions, MN Energy Careers, Solar Photovoltaic Installershttps://www.iseek.org/industry/energy/careers/careerDetail?id=4&oc=472231&title

Industry Watch: 4 Big Changes for Solar

i. Bloomberg, Rooftop Solar Leases Scaring Buyers When Homeowners Sellhttp://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-23/rooftop-solar-leases-scaring-buyers-when-homeowners-sell.html

ii. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Careers in Solar Power, http://www.bls.gov/green/solar_power/

iii. Forbes, As Solar Panel Efficiencies Keep Improving, It’s Time To Adopt Some New Metricshttp://www.forbes.com/sites/peterdetwiler/2013/07/16/as-solar-panel-efficiencies-keep-improving-its-time-to-adopt-some-new-metrics/

iv. Solar Energy Industry Association, Solar Industry Data, http://www.seia.org/research-resources/solar-industry-data

v. USA Today, Why Buffett, Apple, Google love solar powerhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/06/08/warren-buffett-apple-mojave-desert/10067283/

vi. VoteSolar.org, National Lab Shows Another Year of Double Digit Solar Price Reductionhttp://votesolar.org/2014/09/17/national-lab-shows-another-year-of-double-digit-solar-price-reduction/

10 States Where The Solar Jobs Are Hot




For information about graduation rates, median debt of students who completed our programs, and other important information, visit www.ecotechinstitute.com/consumerinfo.
