Diva certificate students spring 2012

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LostIt has been said that people often struggle to say that this or that person

has not yet found them himself. Even in the darkest of times if one only

remembers to turn on the light, may it be a light to you in the dark places

when all other lights go out, but the self is not something one finds, it is

something on creates.

SEbASTIAN HobbSNottingham, UK

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Waiting. . . Anticipating. . .We often wait and anticipate the next best thing, the end or a fresh be-

ginning. The thing I have waited for the most, entered, stayed, and be-

came an enlightening constant in my life. Then, I found that thing had

to exit, but not end, so again, I find myself waiting and anticipating until

it is in my reach, in my touch, and next to me. So I ask myself do we

ever stop waiting and anticipating.

I chose to create a project of self-portraits as a way to “see” and define

my own anticipation, to capture what it looks like to wait. I will continue

this work very soon when my waiting has ended and test myself to see

if there is a new “waiting” that takes its place.


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Dark side of. . .I started out by just taking pictures of all kinds of people on the streets

in Florence.

After I had done that for a while, I realized that most of the men that I

capture had this Mafia look going on.

Suit up, sunglasses, hats and mysterious...like they were really aware

of the "Mafian" idea

So I decided to try to capture the "idea" of that Mafia look around


HILmAR GUDmUNDUR TomASSoN Reykjavik Iceland

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PAlAZZI President


DIvA Chair

GIulIo vInCI

DIvA Coordinator


Introduction to Digital Photography DAvID WEISS

Introduction to Classic Photography nErI FADIGATI

Introduction Web Design SIlvIA J.MAnCInI

Introduction to Photoshop SIlvIA J.MAnCInI

visual Comunication Design Foundamentals Studio I MICHEl


Intermediate Classic Photography nErI FADIGATI

Intermediate Digital Photography DAvID WEISS/ SIMonE PIEroTTI

Introduction to rich Media:Podcast Production JoSEPH CoSTA

Advanced Web Design AAron CrAIG

History of Photography MArGHErITA AbboZZo

Eleonora Accorsi

Sofia barrios

Enrica Quaranta

DIVA Staff

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PALAZZO DONI FLoRENCE ITALY WWW.DIVAFLORENCE.COMvia Magliabechi, 1 - 50122 Florence Italy ph. +39 055 244664 [email protected]

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