DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs

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  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IYNaturalHousehold Cleaners

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    Testimonials from readers...

    I absolutely love this book! Yall have saved my husband and I somuch money and I love knowing exactly what is going into my clean-

    ing products. Thank yall much!"- Kathlyn

    I gave the #atural $leaners %uide to my mother and sister a&terbuying it mysel&. The chemical-&ree habits and all natural mentality it

    has given me is wonder&ul. I love &inding ways to simpli&y my li&e andmy cabinet space' along with creating practical household necessities.

    The essential oils make a big di&&erence. Thank you &or teaching theaverage (merican consumer how to get behind the expensive label

    and naturally clean our homes."- Margaret, age 22, Alabama

    I have been having all kinds o& &un with the #atural $leaners book'especially with the oils. )hat an awesome idea to have a kit already

    recommended' I*ve been wanting to experiment with oils &orever andyou guys +ust made it too easy to resist! ,or anyone looking &or a &un

    way to pass the time' I highly recommend IY #atural! ig up someold containers and spray bottles' round up the kids' and have &un

    playing chemist in your own kitchen! Thanks again att and /etsy &ormaking this so &un' simple' and economical!"- Dianne

    I &eel like Im doing a good thing &or my &amily and the earth when I

    use the book recipes to make my own instead o& buying commercialproducts. It &eels good to be able to walk by the chemical laden' &oul

    smelling cleaner grocery aisle and know that my product was lessexpensive yet works +ust as good' i& not better!"- Holly, Texas

    I &eel wonder&ul to be able to contribute to reclaiming our earth by

    using the sustainable principles in this book. ince reading it' I*vebeen making my own household detergents and cleaners' and I reallyen+oy the bene&its o& puri&ying my air with the essential oil spray

    recipes. Thanks att and /etsy &or helping to empower me to reclaimthe earth!" Kathy, age 58, Michigan

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    Written and edited by Matt and etsy !abs

    "o#er and images by Mitch olton

    "o$yright % 2&'' by The !abs (ro)$, **"

    All rights reser#ed+ o $art o this $)blication may be re$rod)ced ordistrib)ted .itho)t ex$ress $ermission rom the a)thor+

    The !abs (ro)$, **"

    Mason, M/ 08850



    isclaimer"ontent in this $)blication is or entertainment $)r$oses only and

    sho)ld not be constr)ed as medical ad#ice or man)act)rer instr)ction+3eaders sho)ld cons)lt $roessionals on any matter relating to theirhealth or .ell being, and or any $rod)cts made in their home+ 3ead-ers .ho ail to do so ass)me all ris4+

    The A)thors .ant to stress that the inormation contained herein may

    be s)bect to #arying ederal, state, and6or local la.s or reg)lations+The 7)rchaser or 3eader o this $)blication ass)mes res$onsibility orthe )se o these materials and inormation+

    #ery eort has been made to acc)rately re$resent the $otential bene-its o this inormation+ We cannot and do not g)arantee sa#ings or

    s)ccess d)e to diering )ses o the inormation+ ach indi#id)al9ss)ccess de$ends on his or her bac4gro)nd, dedication, desire and

    moti#ation+ As .ith any ne. endea#or, there is no certain g)aranteethat yo) .ill get s$eciic res)lts+
  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    With my ne.o)nd $ / committed mysel to sto$s)$$orting com$anies / disagreed .ith and to start

    s)$$orting com$anies .ho .ere doing things correctly+My dollars instantly shited rom McDonald=s@ andWalMart@ to local armers and entre$rene)rs ma4ingnat)ral sol)tions in their homes+

    Then / began de#elo$ing reci$es o my o.n+ My irstcleaner $roect .as homemade la)ndry detergent, thendish.asher detergent, and the list started /

    tested, / t.ea4ed, / ailed, / s)cceeded, b)t the best$art is+++ / .rote it all do.n so / co)ld share it .ith yo)+At irst / shared it all on DebtreeAd#ent)re+com b)tB)ic4ly realiCed / needed a se$arate domain or theseideas and diyat)ral+com .as born+

    /n a n)tshell o)r ex$eriences and st)dies o the ood,$harmace)tical, and chemical ind)stries tro)bled )seno)gh to search or better sol)tions+ We o)nd most$roblems rooted in one thing - the lo#e o money+ Wedon=t condemn com$anies or $roiting rom $rod)ctsthey ma4e, regardless o .hether or not they=re healthy+Their mission is to ma4e money or shareholders, not to4ee$ yo) and / healthy+ This .on=t be changing anytimesoon, so it=s )$ to )s to ta4e res$onsibility and be the

    change .e .ant to see+

    This inormation .as com$iled and shared so that yo)can bene&itrom the research, 4ic4start yo)r D/ nat)ralo)rney, and ins$ire others in the same $ositi#e change+

    This has t)rned into my $assionate lie=s .or4, and /lo#e it+++ the hard $art .as getting etsy on board b)t


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs



    /=ll let her tell yo) abo)t that?

    Betsy:As .ith any change in o)r ho)se-hold, the s.itch to homemade ho)seholdcleaners came #ery grad)ally+ Matt hadstarted a $ersonal inance .ebsite chron-icling o)r $ersonal mission to get o)t odebt+ /n the months that ollo.ed, / .asa$$roached .ith many reB)ests to do things dierentlyin the ho)se+ Matt=s a#ersion to the strong chemical

    smells o some o the cleaners / had been )sing $rom$-ted many disc)ssions abo)t ma4ing o)r o.n cleaners+The $)r$ose .as to not only to sa#e money, b)t also tomo#e to.ard a EgreenerF li#ing as .e eliminated chem-ical-laden commercial cleaners rom o)r home+

    *a)ndry detergent .as one o the irst reci$es .e beganresearching and testing o)t in o)r o.n home+ / )nder-stood the cost brea4do.n, and belie#ed it co)ld sa#e )smoney, b)t my biggest B)estion regarding this and otherho)sehold cleaners .as al.ays, EWill they .or4>F / didnot ha#e a $assion :or e#en the slightest desire< toma4e my o.n cleaners or B)ite some time, belie#ingthat / co)ld $robably ind green cleaners on sale and 4illt.o birds .ith one stone+ / made many exc)ses or ail-

    ing to )m$ on the band.agon right a.ay+ :"leaning theho)se .as already time cons)ming eno)gh .itho)tha#ing to MAK all my cleaners too? All o it really+7retty m)ch any reason yo) can thin4 o has moti#ated

    )s at one time or another+ /n short, learning, a$$lying,and sharing this inormation .ith yo) is a $assionatecalling o o)rs+ To best design this boo4 .e blended o)ro.n moti#ations .ith reader eedbac4 to meet as manyneeds as $ossible+

    Here are the to$ i#e reasons diyat)ral+com readersand aceboo4 ans ga#e or .anting to ma4e their o.n

    cleaners, along .ith o)r elaborations

    1. Save money")tting costs is more critical or some than others, b)t.ho doesn=t .ant to sa#e a b)c4> We do+ A main oc)so o)rs .as de#elo$ing reci$es that sa#e money+ As an

    exam$le, the a#erage American ho)sehold does 0&&loads o la)ndry each year - o)r reci$e deli#ers ana$$roximate sa#ings o J&+';6load .hich translates intoa J8 sa#ings e#ery year? And that is only ' o the &Lreci$es in this boo4+

    The more recipes you make the more you'll save!


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    2. Reduce Toxic Chemicals in Your HomeHa#e yo) e#er sto$$ed to contem$late )st ho. manydiseases, conditions, and sic4nesses are ca)sed by orexacerbated by all the chemicals .e come in contact.ith on a daily basis> rom coo4.are and bea)ty$rod)cts, to yo)r ood and yo)r cleaners, chemicals /t=s high time .e start as4ing more B)es-tions, demanding more ans.ers, and #oting .ith o)rdollars ater ma4ing inormed decisions+ or all thesereasons .e .ere care)l to hand $ic4 non-toxic, nat)ralingredients or e#ery reci$e+

    3. Create and Share As GiftsWhen did ma4ing things o)rsel#es go o)t o style>7ersonally W * gi#ing and recei#ing homemade

    gits? 1erio)sly, .hat is better than a $ersonde#oted time to ma4ing an item es$ecially or yo)> Wesay orget .hat=s in style and do .hat ma4es yo) eelgood abo)t yo)rsel+ "reation is $ and .e=recreati#e beings made in the image o Him .ho createdall+ Why not harness that $ calling to com$osesomething a.esome, then gi#e it a.ay to lo#ed ones+

    4. Better For the EnvironmentWe .ere only gi#en one arth+ Ins)stainable habits canonly last so long and o)r days are n)mbered+ *et=s bethe generation that ma4es a change? #ery one o )sneeds to sto$ $ointing ingers, sto$ relying on others,and start being better ste.ards o o)r earth+ y ma4ing

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    )hy 3se #atural $leaners4

    small changes e#ery day, in o)r o.n homes, .e canchange the .orld? Ising nat)ral ingredients to create

    o)r o.n ho)sehold cleaners is a h)ge ste$ in the rightdirection+ Ma4e the change then go ins$ire others to dothe same+

    5. Increase Family TogethernessT)rn o the T, grab the 4ids, and start doing $roectstogether that are )n, )se)l, and ed)cational+ 1ome oo)r best childhood memories ha#e nothing to do .ithgits .e recei#ed or money .e had, b)t instead restaro)nd time s$ent creating something .ith amilymembers+ Matt=s a#orite "hristmases .ere those s$ent.ith his mother .hen she barely had money or grocer-ies+ 3ather than $)rchasing decorations they had toma4e their o.n, and he remembers it being a.esome?

    7o$corn6cranberry strings, constr)ction $a$er chains,salt do)gh ornaments and more+ o)r 4ids .ill $robablyeel the same, e#en tho)gh they may not admit it+ e aleader+ T)rn o the T and all $ersonal electronicde#ices, and b)st o)t the essential oils, #inegar, ba4ingsoda, and borax?

    Yet even more reasons...ot con#inced yet> Here are a e. more b)llet $oints tom)ll o#er

    o) can sa#e h)ndreds o dollars e#ery year+

    o) can ma4e h)ndreds o dollars e#ery year by


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    ma4ing these reci$es and selling them at yo)rlocal arm mar4ets and ood co-o$s+

    o) control the ingredients and 4no. exactly

    .hat is going into yo)r cleaners+

    o)=ll be teaching children ste.ardshi$ and


    o) .ill lead and ins$ire others to be the $ositi#e

    change they .ant to see+ o) .ill ex$and and im$ro#e )$on yo)r s4ill set+

    3eect a cons)meristic mindset and rebel by

    doing the right thing+

    Decrease yo)r reliance on store-bo)ght $rod)cts+

    7re$are or a declining economy and the $ossibleclosing o stores+

    Inspired yet?(ood, so are .e+ o. let=s get started?


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    %etting tarted

    Getting StartedAs yo) begin ma4ing yo)r o.n ho)sehold cleaners, yo).ill .ant to ha#e a e. basic ingredients on hand+ 1omeo these things may already be in yo)r c)$boards,$antry, or la)ndry room+ This is not a com$rehensi#e listo all the ingredients )sed in the reci$es, b)t.ill get yo) started+

    Baking Soda a4ing soda is a non-toxic nat)ralcleaner that is $erect or deodoriCing, sco)ring, $olish-ing, and all-$)r$ose cleaning+

    White Vinegar White #inegar nat)rally .hitens,remo#es soa$ resid)e, sotens .ater, and disinects+ /talso c)ts grease and hel$s remo#e stains+

    Washing Soda a+4+a+ soda ash 5sodium carbonate6-Arm N Hammer 1)$er Washing 1oda can be o)nd in thela)ndry aisle o most grocery stores+ This cleaningbooster c)ts grease, deodoriCes and disinects+

    Borax 5sodium borate6- 2& M)le Team orax can alsobe o)nd .ith other la)ndry detergents :)s)ally rightnext to the .ashing soda

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    re$lace ammonia and chlorine bleach+ Among its many)ses, it is a stain remo#er, cleaner, and $ disin-


    emon "uice *emon )ice c)ts grease and eliminatesstains on some s)races+

    i#uid $astile Soap "astile soa$ is #ery mild and canbe )sed to clean almost anything+ Added to some o theorm)las in this boo4, it enhances cleaning $

    $itric %cid & 1o)nds scary, b)t really it=s )st a .ea4organic acid+ /t can be )sed in cleaners to soten .aterand remo#e hard .ater stains+ o) can $)rchase citricacid in $o.der orm rom health ood stores or s)$$ly stores+

    ssential (ils ssential oils $osses many beneicial

    $ro$erties, some being antibacterial, anti-)ngal, antibi-otic, or e#en anti#iral+ 1ee Essential ilsF or a e.good essential oils to $)rchase i yo) .ant to ollo. therecommendations in the reci$es that ollo.+


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    7ssential ils

    Essential OilsBeneficial Properties of Essential OilsThe oils )sed in the $ages o this boo4 .ere chosens$eciically or the cleaning beneits they $ro#ide+

    Many essential oils boast antibacterial, anti#iral, ande#en anti-)ngal $ro$erties+

    The chart lists some o the beneicial $ro$ertieso the oils )sed in o)r reci$es+

    SS)T*% (* B)+*$*% ,(,T*S

    ergamot antibacterial, anti#iral

    "edar.ood antibacterial, anti-)ngal

    )caly$t)s antibacterial, anti-)ngal, anti#iral

    (ra$er)it antibacterial

    *a#ender antibacterial, anti-)ngal, anti#iral

    *emon antibacterial, anti-)ngal, anti#iral

    *ime antibacterial, anti#iral


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    SS)T*% (* B)+*$*% ,(,T*S

    7e$$ermint antibacterial, anti-)ngal, anti#iral

    3osemary antibacterial, anti#iral

    1$earmint antibacterial

    1.eet range antibacterial

    Tea Tree antibacterial, anti-)ngal, anti#iral

    IY Natural Starter Kit/ yo)=re ne. to )sing oils don=t be intimidated, .e=#edone all the leg .or4 or yo) by .or4ing .ith o)r essen-tial oils $ro#ider, e. Directions Aromatics, to create theD/ at)ral 1tarter Kit+

    isit the .ebsite in the table to $)rchase oils+The starter 4it comes com$lete .ith all the oils yo)=llneed or e#ery reci$e in this boo4 and o co)rse .enegotiated a great disco)nt?

    3se coupon code 99521at checkout &or an additional5%discount.

    I1 ")stomershtt$66...+ne.directionsaromatics+com6diy-nat)ral-starter-4it-$-2&80+html

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    7ssential ils

    "anadian ")stomershtt$66...+ne.directionsaromatics+ca6diy-nat)ral-starter-4it-$-2&8;+html

    /t=s already $riced at '&O o, yo) get an additional GOo or online orders, and beca)se yo) bo)ght this boo4yo) get another 5O disco)nt by )sing the --./0co)$on code d)ring chec4o)t+ The 4it comes com$lete.ith G+G o)nces o all '2 essential oils in the


    Many o o)r reci$es contain inormation on the costsa#ings o#er commercial cleaners+ :"osts o the oils arebased on the $rices in the ED/ at)ral 1tarter Kit+F< /yo)=re amiliar .ith )sing oils and already 4no. .hichones .or4 best or yo) then $)rchase accordinglyQthey=re a#ailable at most health ood stores and online+

    These are the essential oils )sed in this boo4 andcontained in the D/ at)ral 1tarter Kit

    *emon *a#ender Tea Tree

    *ime ergamot 1$earmint

    1.eet range 3osemary 7e$$ermint

    (ra$er)it )caly$t)s "edar

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    / $)rchasing essential oils )st isn=t .ithin yo)r b)dgetright no., go ahead and try the cleaning orm)las

    .itho)t the oils+ o) .on=t get the $ added bene-its o the oils, b)t things .ill still get clean+

    8emember to use coupon code 99521at checkout &or

    an additional 5%discount.

    I1 ")stomers htt$66...+ne.directionsaromatics+com6diy-nat)ral-starter-4it-$-2&80+html

    "anadian ")stomershtt$66...+ne.directionsaromatics+ca6diy-nat)ral-starter-4it-$-2&8;+html

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    3sing IY $leaners in Your 1ome

    Using IY Cleaners in Your HomeAs .ith any cleaner, o)r do-it-yo)rsel cleaners sho)ldbe labeled a$$ro$riately and stored o)t o reach o 4idsand $ets in tightly sealed containers+ :s$ecially beca)semany o these orm)las smell so .onder)l, and co)ldbe mista4en as a rereshing drin4?< Al.ays test theres)lts o a ne. cleaner in a small incons$ic)o)s s$otbeore cleaning the entire area+

    When )sing essential oils in yo)r cleaners, 4ee$ in mindthat these oils are $ tools and ca)tion sho)ldal.ays be exercised .hen handling them+ ssential oilsare $)re, highly concentrated, $lant deri#ed liB)ids+Ising more than the s)ggested amo)nts o oils in o)rorm)las is not recommended+

    Altho)gh the cleaners in this boo4 are nat)ral, ne#eringest or allo. them to come into contact .ith eyes+Al.ays )se ca)tion .hen introd)cing any ne. cleanerinto yo)r home+ We recommend .earing glo#es .hencleaning to $rotect yo)r s4in rom the $, concen-trated nat)re o the oils and other ingredients )sed+ Asyo) ta4e the $ro$er $reca)tions to cleaning .ith D/

    orm)las, .e are conident that yo) .ill enoy the manybeneits rom these nat)ral cleaners?


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs


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    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs


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  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    HE washersH .ashers reB)ire s$ecial, lo. s)ds detergent beca)sethey )se less .ater+ This detergent is 3 lo. s)ds+

    SavingsAt c)rrent $rices yo)r cost .ill be a$$roximatelyJ&+&86load :J&+&06tbs$+< "om$arati#ely, store-bo)ghtdetergents are closer to J&+2'6load - sa#ing yo) a$$rox-

    imately J&+';6load or 2'2O+

    diyNaturalreader tips: / yo) ha#e really hard .ater, add a little

    $o.dered "algon Water 1otener or citric acid toyo)r mixt)re+

    s$ecially or H .ashers+++ .hen grating the

    soa$, ta4e the extra time to )se the ine grate orthe larger soa$ la4es may create cloggingiss)es+ :*arger soa$ la4es also don=t dissol#e as.ell .hen )sing the hand .ash or gentle cycles+ or best res)lts, ma4e s)re tostart .ith a clean beore )sing this orm)la+

    ' R c)$s .ater

    ' R c)$s .hite #inegar

    8 dro$s gra$er)it seed extract :dierent rom

    gra$er)it essential oil Want to enoy a ne. $)rchase.itho)t the $rice tag :or stic4y resid)e that remains< let

    on> Try this sim$le remedy?

    s.eet orange essential oil

    dam$ s$onge

    A$$ly dro$s o essential oil directly onto stic4er orresid)e let by a stic4er and let sit or a e. moments+3)b dam$ s$onge o#er area+ Add a e. more dro$s oessential oil as needed to moisten stic4er and .or4 thearea )ntil stic4er is com$letely remo#ed+ 3inse area .ithclean dam$ s$onge+ Ise only on non-$oro)s s)races+


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    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs


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    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    )ood usters and $leaners

    Wood usters and Cleanersat)ral .ood can lend a .armth to the rooms in yo)rho)se+ rom loors and c)$boards to chairs and tables+++it all needs a little T*" rom time to time+ Maintain yo)r.ood=s bea)ty by treating and cleaning it .ith these D/orm)las+

    Wood usting Spray/ )se this d)sting orm)la on my .ooden coee table,dining room table, end tables and boo4cases+ / lo#e itbeca)se it smells s.eet and doesn=t lea#e a slic4 s$ot onthe 4itchen loor or yo) to sli$ on each time yo) s$rayit?

    '6G c)$ .ater

    2 tables$oons oil soa$ :M)r$hy=s il 1oa$ or

    another brand o yo)r choiceolish

    Furniture Polish*ess is more .ith these homemade .ood $olishingorm)las+

    Varnished Wood Polishnoy yo) only s$ent $ennies as yo) bea)tiyyo)r .ood .ith this $olish?

    R c)$ .arm .ater

    G dro$s lemon essential oil

    "ombine ingredients in a s$ray bottle and sha4e to mix+1$ray lightly onto a clean dry cloth+ "loth sho)ld only beslightly dam$+ Wi$e )rnit)re .ith cloth and inish by.i$ing once more .ith a sot dry cloth+

    Unvarnished Wood Polish1ho. yo)r )n#arnished .ood some lo#e .ith thisorm)la+


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    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    2 teas$oons oli#e oil

    2 teas$oons lemon )ice

    "ombine ingredients in a s$ray bottle+ 1ha4e .ell, thens$ray only a small amo)nt onto a sot dry cloth+ Wi$e on)rnit)re )sing broad stro4es to distrib)te mixt)ree#enly on yo)r .ood s)races+


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    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    )indow $leaners

    Window CleanersWe .ill ne#er s$end money on commercial .indo. orglass cleaners again ater )sing sim$le #inegar N .atermixt)res? We sa#e old cleaning $rod)ct s$ray bottles orstoring o)r homemade cleaning s$rays+ As4 neighborsor amily members to sa#e them or yo) i yo) ha#en=tdone this and don=t .ant to $)rchase ne. ones+ !)stma4e s)re to .ash and dry them inside and o)t tocom$letely remo#e any traces o the old cleaners+

    Citrus Glass CleanerThis cleaner costs $ennies and smells better than itscommercial co)nter$arts? Ise to clean .indo.s,mirrors, glass tables, or other glass s)races in yo)rhome+

    ' c)$ .ater

    ' c)$ .hite #inegar

    '& dro$s lemon or lime essential oil

    "ombine ingredients in a s$ray bottle and sha4e to mix+1$ray on s)race to be cleaned and .i$e clean .ith asot dry cloth or cr)m$led ne.s$a$er+ Wi$e )ntil


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    com$letely dry+

    Savings"ommercial glass cleaners cost a$$roximately J2+;5 or2 o)nces .hich is J&+''6o)nce+ )r citr)s glass cleanerreci$e costs only J&+'P or ' o)nces .hich is a littlemore than J&+&'6o)nce or a sa#ings o J&+'&6o)nce or','&&O?

    diyNaturalTip:(void cleaning windows when the sun is shining on

    them 5even though this helps you see the grime6.)arm windows will show streaks upon drying.

    Just Like the Pro's Window CleanerThis mixt)re .ill clean more eecti#ely and .ill be a lotchea$er than commercial .indo. cleaners+ Alcohol isthe secret ingredient in this mixt)re, mimic4ing the

    commercial cleaners+

    2 c)$s r)bbing alcohol :can be s)bstit)ted .ith

    8&-'&& $roo #od4a or other clear grain alcohol Dirt, grime, and )nex-$ected s$ills e#ent)ally ta4e their toll on car$ets e#en inthe cleanest o homes+ x$eriment .ith these orm)lasto get the most lie o)t o yo)r car$ets and create cost-eecti#e, gentle cleaners+

    Carpet eodorizer SprinkleThis reshening s$rin4le is great or eliminating odors onbathroom r)gs or in rooms .here $ets reside+ We lo#ema4ing o)r o.n scented s$rin4le :rosemary la#ender isa a#orite< and storing it in an re$)r$osed s$ice ar .itha sha4er to$+

    R c)$ ba4ing soda

    8-'& dro$s o essential oil o yo)r choice

    "ombine ba4ing soda and oil and s$rin4le on r)gs orcar$eted areas+ Wait '5 min)tes , then #ac))m thor-o)ghly+ Ise only on dry r)gs and car$et+



  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    "ommercial car$et odor eliminators sell or aro)ndJ&+&;6o)nce+ De$ending on .hich essential oils yo)

    choose, this homemade #ersion can cost as little asJ&+&G6o)nce+ That is a sa#ings o J&+&06o)nce or 2G&O+

    diyNaturalTip:$leaning is hard on carpet &ibers so spot-treat stains

    whenever possible to avoid having to clean an entireroom.

    Carpet Stain CleanerIsing #inegar is $erect or car$et stains beca)se it=s anat)ral cleaner and it .on=t harm the car$et ibers+ Ther)le o th)mb or cleaning stains on car$ets is to tac4lethem immediately+ The longer yo) .ait, the longer thestain has to set+

    R c)$ .ater

    R c)$ #inegar

    Mix ingredients in a s$ray bottle+ lot stain irst .ith aclean dry cloth )ntil no more o the stain can be lited+


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    $arpet $are

    1$ray the sol)tion on the stain and let sit or se#eralmin)tes+ "lean the stain gently .ith a s$onge or br)sh N

    .arm soa$y .ater+ e#er sat)rate yo)r car$et .henattem$ting to remo#e stains+

    diyNaturalTip:Try using hydrogen peroxide 59

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    S c)$ salt

    S c)$ borax

    S c)$ #inegar

    ac))m the area to be treated irst+ "ombine all ingredi-ents in a bo.l, and gently r)b the $aste into the car$et.ith a clean s$onge or br)sh+ Wait a e. ho)rs, ma4ing

    s)re no one .al4s on the treated car$et+ ac))m thor-o)ghly+

    Lavender Carpet Cleaner#en i yo) can train e#eryone in the amily to ta4eshoes o .hen they come in the ho)se, high-traicareas still need an occasional cleaning+ This car$etsham$oo .ill lea#e a $leasant smell and gi#e yo)rcar$ets the treatment they=#e been needing+ Test theorm)la in a small hidden area beore treating the .holeroom .ith this reci$e+

    2 c)$s ba4ing soda

    S c)$ borax

    25 dro$s la#ender essential oil

    R c)$ #inegar


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    $arpet $are

    2 c)$s .arm .ater

    ac))m the car$et to be cleaned+ Mix the ba4ing sodaand borax in a bo.l, and add the essential oil last+ Mix.ell+ 1$rin4le the $o.der mixt)re e#enly on the car$et+"ombine #inegar and .ater in a small b)c4et+ Ise aclean s$onge di$$ed in the #inegar mixt)re to go o#erthe car$et, sB)eeCing o)t any excess liB)id beore

    a$$lying to car$et+ Wait a e. ho)rs, not allo.inganyone to .al4 on the car$et+ ac))m the car$et thor-o)ghly .hen dry+

    diyNaturalTip:(&ter cleaning' get carpets dry as soon as possible byturning on &ans' sucking up excess moisture &rom aspot treatment with a 5clean6 shop-vac' or even usinga hair dryer on cool to dry a spot.

    Rosemary-Mint Steam Cleaner FormulaThis reci$e is or one )se, and as al.ays, sho)ld betested in a small s$ot or a reaction beore cleaning the.hole area+


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs



    EpilogueThan4 yo) again or interest in o)r .or4 and ors)$$orting o)r mission to hel$ others become more$assionate abo)t sa#ing money and being better ste.-ards o o)r reso)rces and o)r .orld+

    We=re ha$$y to yo)r B)estions abo)t homemadeho)sehold cleaners and a$$reciate yo)r eedbac4 so .e

    can im$ro#e )$on the B)ality o o)r content+

    Do not hesitate to contact )s abo)t reci$es or anythingelse by #isiting ...+diy#atural.comFcontact- we lo#e tohear rom o)r comm)nity o readers+

    We ho$e yo) are ins$ired by this inormation andenco)rage yo) to share the enth)siasm and oy .ith

    others+ o) can $)rchase additional co$ies o this boo4as gits or riends N amily, and share o)r .ebsite andaceboo4 $age as .ell+

    Than4s again or yo)r ongoing s)$$ort+

    Ha$$y D/ cleaning,

    att and /etsy 2abs

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs

    Resources)r .ebsite ...+diyat)ral+com

    aceboo4 ...+aceboo4+com6diyat)ral

    T.itter ...+t.itter+com6diyat)ral

    Diyat)ralessential oils1tarter Kit


    "itric acid ...+diynat)ral+com6go6amaCon+$h$>asinV&&';W(

    orax ...+diynat)ral+com6go6amaCon+$h$>asinV&&&3&(

    Washing soda ...+diynat)ral+com6go6amaCon+$h$>asinV&&0H"*D/

  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


















  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs
















  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


















  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs
















  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


















  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs
















  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs




  • 8/13/2019 DIYNaturalHouseholdCleaners Jabs


    IY #atural 1ousehold $leaners att and /etsy 2abs