“ We need more Entrepreneurs than Managers" N.Khurana: I agree with the topic that we need more Entrepreneurs than managers because focus from most if the developed countries we soon transfer to countries like India and china and moreover it is said India will be third largest economy in the world by 2050 , This kind of growth can only be seen by India if we have more no of Entrepreneurs. But there are other factors to be taken into consideration which make it compulsory and feasible to became an Entrepreneurs like according to reports, Indian salaries will rise much faster than the cost of living which would be unattractive and people might start ,get into there own venture ,this backed by government in the form of SEZ , tax relief to increase investment and create more jobs for people and increase the base T.Chaturvedi: Entrepreneurs and managers are two sides of a coin in the economy. The former establish businesses of their own and then manage them while the latter are only involved in managing. I think that entrepreneurs are very much required in our economy today because Indians still are extremely risk averse and this causes them to undermine their potential for performance sometimes. On the other hand the need for managers cannot be stressed more because they are pivotal to the running of our booming economy. An entrepreneur may not necessarily be self sufficient and may need managers because he may not be able to simultaneously look after all his concerns in his startup. Ritesh: Let us first start by defining who an entrepreneur is. An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks, puts in effort & perseveres to achieve the end result. At the end he may be rewarded for his effort. He sets examples and shows other people that a certain thing can be achieved by being an example himself. A manager by virtue of his profession is normally assigned a particular task & assigned some resources. He has to complete the assignment

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“ We need more Entrepreneurs than Managers"

N.Khurana: I agree with the topic that we need more Entrepreneurs than managers because focus from most if the developed countries we soon transfer to countries like India and china and moreover it is said India will be third largest economy in the world by 2050 , This kind of growth can only be seen by India if we have more no of Entrepreneurs. But there are other factors to be taken into consideration which make it compulsory and feasible to became an Entrepreneurs like according to reports, Indian salaries will rise much faster than the cost of living which would be unattractive and people might start ,get into there own venture ,this backed by government in the form of SEZ , tax relief to increase investment and create more jobs for people and increase the base

T.Chaturvedi: Entrepreneurs and managers are two sides of a coin in the economy. The former establish businesses of their own and then manage them while the latter are only involved in managing. I think that entrepreneurs are very much required in our economy today because Indians still are extremely risk averse and this causes them to undermine their potential for performance sometimes. On the other hand the need for managers cannot be stressed more because they are pivotal to the running of our booming economy. An entrepreneur may not necessarily be self sufficient and may need managers because he may not be able to simultaneously look after all his concerns in his startup.

Ritesh: Let us first start by defining who an entrepreneur is. An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks, puts in effort & perseveres to achieve the end result. At the end he may be rewarded for his effort. He sets examples and shows other people that a certain thing can be achieved by being an example himself. A manager by virtue of his profession is normally assigned a particular task & assigned some resources. He has to complete the assignment with the constraints imposed on him. Khushi13: Entrepreneurs creates lot of employment in the society. He is the one who undertakes the organization and management of an enterprise involving independence and risk as well as the opportunity for profit. In business there are four main core competence roles that we see. These are the Entrepreneur, Businessman, Investor and Manager. Management" characterizes the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business, through the deployment and manipulation of resources. An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, esp. a business, usually with considerable initiative and

risk. So I think we need more entrepreneurs because if we don’t have entrepreneurs then we automatically don’t have manager.

Antony Thomas: The topic is an interesting one and I do agree with it. Entrepreneurs are the heroes in the whole drama of economic development. Economic development needs investment and capital accumulation and these can be done by efficiently by entrepreneurs. Indian economy needs to develop rapidly and there is no better way than starting up new enterprises, businesses and industries.

Ritesh: Any person who takes initiatives & generates innovative ideas can be termed as an entrepreneur. These are the people who add value to the organization by making significant contributions.

Aditya Ahuja: An entrepreneur is a person with ideas and most of all implementation of these ideas

T.Chaturvedi: An entrepreneur is a face of capitalism as he sets up his venture for profit. Profit can come only when he manages his venture properly. I think these roles cannot be dichotomized. This is because merely setting up a concern will not set the cash registers ringing. At each stage, be it financing the project or trying to set an identity or even managing the logistics, all are a part of managing. To make it, a second choice in preference sue to admiration of a entrepreneurship is not always wise.

Rohit Gupta: Yes true said Tuhin, Managers and Entrepreneur are two side of same coin. But one may be or may be not related to each other

Ritesh: khushi13, I think you are mistaken by what an entrepreneur means. It doesn’t only mean a person who starts his own company, it refers to people who take initiatives & take them to fulfillment

Ankit Gandhi: If you are taking country like India, yes we need more entrepreneur to employ other people who are anyways unemployed

T.Chaturvedi: On the contrary,Mr.Rohit, I think they have to be related. An entrepreneur must be able to manage or else he will be doomed.

Yogesh Srihari: I don’t think entrepreneurs have an edge over the managers but managers are the one who manages the productions of a particular but entrepreneurs create a brand out of managed product. As somebody said they take the risk of satisfying the consumer. Effective marketing & sustainability not only requires good product but it also needs good communication which should reach the customer.

Ritesh: An entrepreneur should be a good manager to manage his team & his resources. Managerial skills are essential for an entrepreneur to succeed.

Rohit Gupta: A manager can be built with the degree only when an Entrepreneur can be making by experience and he can make as many managers under it which may again can become an entrepreneur.

T.Chaturvedi: A person may start as an entrepreneur but may develop into a manager. This is because once his venture is setup, he need not have to struggle as he did but just manage his business excellently.

Rajesh Patra: Well. Today in India the unemployment is around 25%. Our new generation people after education don’t feel comfortable to get back to farming. So they look for job. And if they don’t get job, they ultimately get into anti-social activities. As known "An empty mind is the house of Devil". So we need to address this problem of employment.

Khushi13: That’s what I am saying he is the one who takes the initiative to start the business and creating employment.

Aditya Ahuja: It differs from person to person, some entrepreneurs can be able managers. In India we can find entrepreneurship at every corner even a roadside peddler is an entrepreneur.

Jainisree: In a country like India, entrepreneurs are more needed than managers. But an entrepreneur definitely should be a good manager himself, to be successful

T.Chaturvedi: I think management is a concept which may well outlast entrepreneurship principles in the long term. Let's look at venture capital .An entrepreneur has to be cogent to a VC and make him invest in his business. That’s because it is still in a fledgling condition and has no credibility. This can be done by anyone as long as his focus is clear. But investment in established business usually involves private equity which is a strategic move and requires sound managerial concepts. Moreover as a business grows up, it needs more of management skills. But the entrepreneurial drive also sets in especially when a new product may be formed due to innovation.

Ritesh: Entrepreneurs can also be said as true leaders. They set examples to the rest and lead by example. We have large number of examples in Dhirubhai Ambani, Narayanamurthy, Kiran mazumdar etc.

N.Khurana: By saying it two side of the same coin is not right, by this I get a feeling that these qualities is hold by the same person and he

can switch roles but as per my interpretation a Entrepreneur is a person who is willing to take risk and not only manage the resources he have , more over being an entrepreneur is far more risky then being a manger , moreover at the same time even if you are good manager it is hard to deal with the ever changing environment.

Rohit Gupta: Sorry to say you Rajesh: Unemployment in India is around 4.5% according to Economic Survey of Dec 2006. So please correct your information because as we know that employment is not the main concern of our topic. So let back to topic.

Antony Thomas: But we should keep in mind the fact that not all people are talented enough to be entrepreneurs. It takes certain innate skills to make a good entrepreneur. This is evident from the fact that not many people who start their own businesses end up making it successful.

N.Khurana: Just to add that one of the biggest cause of India being a developing country despite having some of the best talent and is far less when compared to country like china , is not the presence of write people in the political structure , if we have more Entrepreneurs they being built there wealth might compete for the best post and get into the government , which might effect the policies and lead to growth and have respect politically

Ritesh: Group, let us discuss what is the difference between a manager & an entrepreneur. The main difference between a manager & an entrepreneur is the risk taking ability. An entrepreneur takes risks to achieve objectives. This also means that the rewards for success can be very high. An entrepreneur can also be a manager but all managers are not entrepreneurs.

Ankit Gandhi: Manager is the person who has certain specialisation but entrepreneur job is to handle the whole job with specialisation in every field.

Aditya Ahuja: An entrepreneur is the one with the idea and the manager is the person who paves the way for this idea.

T.Chaturvedi: I think an entrepreneur has to manage as well as take risks which may have more bearing on his venture than a manager who may only affect a local area of an organization.

Rohit Gupta: An entrepreneur makes as many Managers he/she wants. A Manager can work under an Entrepreneur with limited freedom to his/her job and he has not get full right to do decision regarding the organization

Ankit Gandhi: If you see Dhirubhai Ambani he was the entrepreneur

who turned in to management with due experience he got from entrepreneurship

N.Khurana: Just to begin with the distinction would be Entrepreneur can be manager ,but not every manager can be a Entrepreneur

Yogesh Srihari: Exactly as Ahuja said entrepreneur create enterprises which should be managed by managers. Nothing is a substitute for experience but our managers are trained by these people having entrepreneur experience.

T.Chaturvedi: Just to add to Mr. Ritesh, the risks taken by a manager may only affect his job if adversity strikes, whereas an entrepreneur may end up losing his venture totally.

Antony Thomas: Excuse me, but exactly how is distinguishing between a manager and an entrepreneur really helping our topic? Let’s talk about why we need more or less of why we need them and not their differences.

Aditya Ahuja: Infact every new proposal or venture needs managerial assistance which can be provided by the managers. Ritesh: Companies need innovative ideas and solutions to beat the competition. Hence there is a necessity in people who think big & have a vision into the future. Mere management skills won’t help as management normally concentrates in managing the problem at hand rather than generating innovative ideas.

Rohit Gupta: Can anyone give the answer why now days people are more interested in Entrepreneurs and not Managers? As we have seen recently that IIMA product refuse to join to the company and want to make their own company.

T.Chaturvedi: I think entrepreneurs and managers could well be interdependent in some cases. Entrepreneurial agents may be the brain behind a move while the managers and give shape to the strategy to it.

N.Khurana: Just to bring the focus back to the topic we are not here to discuss which one is better but which one will actually help in the development of the country like India, which I feel an Entrepreneur would do a nice job because of the ever changing environment and that is some thing India would need to compete with rest of the world.

Khushi13: Ritesh, can you please clarify that do you agree with the topic or disagree.

Aditya Ahuja: But Mr Rohit only those with a vision become an

entrepreneur not everybody becomes an entrepreneur.

T.Chaturvedi: I agree with Mr.Ahuja that IIM A grad may have had a brilliant vision and also a plan to go about it.

Yogesh Srihari: Bill gates was a drop from school, Experience of Entrepreneur can make a great manager.

Rohit Gupta: Yes, you are right Ahuja but an Entrepreneur should be there to make any managers.

Jainisree: A good entrepreneur is the one who selects right business opportunity and source business opportunities and job opportunities to others. So entrepreneurship demands more skills than the skills needed for a manager proper planning about financial aspects, location, technical aspects etc. Also about the market data and government policy, etc.

Ankit Gandhi: If you take Delhi in to account, for every twelve household there is one entrepreneur ready to serve the customer which clarifies the importance and the popularity of entrepreneur.

Rohit Gupta: And this is why we need more entrepreneur than mangers to create more and more jobs to boost our economy.

Ritesh: Entrepreneurial spirit can be nurtured in the employees & they can be given the freedom to try different ideas . Someday such an idea can bring a lot of revenue to the company. For example, Google India is dedicating 20% of the employee's time for their pet projects where they can innovate & become entrepreneurs. "Orkut" & "Google finance" are some of the entrepreneurial ventures born out of the Google labs.

N.Khurana: Moreover I also like to point that it is these Entrepreneur who first built there wealth , contribute to the society and then even can change the political structure of the country which would effect the policies of a country to compete in the future and moreover have respect for there policies.

Khushi13: An Entrepreneurs involves a manger. He is the one who creates a manager and if we have less no. of Entrepreneurs and what will we do with managers so I agree that we need more entrepreneurs then managers and this will automatically create a manager.

Aditya Ahuja: An entrepreneur is always ready to take risks and this gives him the edge over a manager.

Yogesh Srihari: But now a days manager are trained to compete any kind of field either to create a company and other is to work for a

company as a manager.

Rohit Gupta: An entrepreneur can handle all the managers. A manager is specialised in a particular field and this is the job of an entrepreneur to assemble all the jobs to make the objective of the organization to be fulfill.

Antony Thomas: An entrepreneur is one who starts a business. This is a very good thing for the economy as it provides employment, or education or health care facilities and like India needs to increase its rate of economic growth which is currently around 8%. For this we need more industries, output, jobs, incomes better standards of living etc all of which contribute to the development of the economy as a whole. A manager is definitely indispensable. A huge organization cannot be run by an individual alone. It is here that managers come into play.

Ankit Gandhi: Management is a subset of entrepreneurship get more exposure as an entrepreneur to face challenges than management.

Ritesh: What is the percentage of MBA graduates from premier B-schools who are trying to become entrepreneurs after graduation in India ?

T.Chaturvedi: Let's look at it this way. An entrepreneur has a general idea and a little domain specific area. He may not be able to handle all specializations of his venture as he may not be a specialist. For these internal specializations, he needs managerial positions. And managers may not have a general picture.

Rohit Gupta: A managers with the specialized in Marketing, Finance, HR and many mores. But an entrepreneur makes all the things on an equal platform to run an organization.

N.Khurana: I strongly disagree that the management of the company can be trained to became an Entrepreneur but feel that is something which within an individual and it just require an Opportunity not just feedback.

Aditya Ahuja: Entrepreneurship is something that comes in naturally and with experience. For example a person cannot be trained to take risks.

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Thanks everyone, requests everyone to give a concluding statement

Rohit Gupta: We talked all the difference between an Entrepreneur and Managers. We also found this that without any one of the two it’s not possible to run any organization . Whether it is entrepreneur or

manager they must have experience to handle the situation.

Ritesh: Managers manage a company , but entrepreneurs add value by generating path breaking ideas & nurturing them to become innovative products. An entrepreneur is definitely a better value add to a company than a mere manager. Having said, I also feel that a manager can also be an entrepreneur & contribute to the growth of the company.

Aditya Ahuja: Entrepreneurship is the first step to build an organization while managing it is the next.

Antony Thomas: Orion, the percentage is small because the factors that guide us are not the development of our country or patriotism but personal gain. Also, there is a huge factor called risk involved in entrepreneurship. This is definitely a drag on the would be entrepreneurial mind.

T.Chaturvedi: I think that both these positions are interdependent. An entrepreneur cannot be multifaceted and a master of all trades. He needs managers for those where he cannot devote his time. A manager may not necessarily be a visionary who gives ideas. But he may work brilliantly when shown a path and deliver results. Together both can work in a win win situation for the economy. This is what is a optimum situation for the economy.

Jainisree: Entrepreneurs need innovative ideas, continuous planning, one must ensure progress and get on with the start up problems. It is risky but definitely fruitful when one succeeds. In a country like India where population is vast there is need for entrepreneurs as they create opportunities for the unemployed and government is also encouraging thru many development camps etc.

Yogesh Srihari: Entrepreneurs can be successful to certain extent. we require highly trained managers ..to compete in this highly competitive worlds..

N.Khurana: my conclusion would be that yes more Entrepreneur should be encouraged to take this job, in this regard some kind of opportunity should be provided and let them go after it, it is the risk taking feature which makes the distinction from a manager, and I believe this people are the only one which can achieve double digit GDP for India and maintain 6 percent growth rate

“Engineers are wasting their Time in Management Studies”

Rani: Good evening friends. Topic given to us is “Engineers are wasting time in management study”. Every field requires management. Running a hospital or running an industry. Engineers are the ones who is going to invent new ways to do process or new technology. If they have studied management they would be in better position to utilize the technology or new process.

Jainisree: Management in real life has a very important role and there is need for everyone to be a good manager in both his personal and professional life and Management studies will make a person good manager in a systematic manner. “Engineers are wasting their Time in Management Studies” Definitely not. Engineer or a person in any other profession needs some managerial skills and in management studies they are taught in a systematic manner. Moreover an engineer with his technical knowledge cannot climb to the top of corporate ladder without management studies. He can almost go to a position of team/project leader but with management studies he can go to the extent of CEO of a company or can start his own company.

Tuhin: Well, this is a really introspective topic. With engineers forming more than half of the student body in most of the B-schools, there must be a rationale behind such a move. I think that engineers opt to do an MBA because they would like to expand their skill set. A job in the technical line may not offer them the fruition of all their career dreams because it tends to be a vertical plane of activity. Management offers engineers a fresh perspective in their careers in the sense that it offers more choices and challenges. However, again here the knowledge of one’s self comes in. If management is pursued with a proper goal in mind it will reap rich dividends and may not necessarily be a waste of time. Trupti Indulkar: Technology forms the crux of any economy today. Engineers with management degrees literally have the best of both worlds. A thorough knowledge of the shop floor plus the savoir-faire of a boardroom could make a very good manager.

A. Shah: In my opinion Engineers have good Analytical skills which are very important for a MBA. Engineers have very deep technical knowledge in their respective domains which helps them combine their technical knowledge how with management skills and thus emerge as a great manager. Thus they aren’t wasting their time in pursuing MBA.

Tuhin: I agree with Jainisree. The top of the corporate ladder entails crucial strategic decisions which necessitate knowledge of managerial disciplines. This may not be possible with a purely technical employee.

Rajesh Patra: In order to perform the functions of management and to assume multiple roles, managers must be skilled. Basically there are

three managerial skills that are essential for successful management: technical, human, and conceptual. Technical skill involves process or technique knowledge and proficiency. Human skill involves the ability to interact effectively with people. Conceptual skill involves the formulation of ideas. Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill has to do with ideas. So engineers need to be trained.

Jainisree: Management studies will give completeness to one's studies and for an engineer it adds the dimension of management and hones his leadership and managerial skills and helps him in his career. For an engineer who wants to go on research side, management studies may seem waste of time but management education from a reputed institute will increase one's level of thinking and his standards and his exposure and also industrial interaction.

Indrakala Jaiswar: In my views engineering course provides you a mental toughness, logical ability, time management - here one is constantly on his/her toes every time.

Tuhin: Let’s consider a person who’s worked in the technical line for a considerable period if time and now wants to start his own venture. Such an initiative does not only involve the technical aspect. Managing a firm involves bring in capital, proper advertising and also logistics. These intricacies can be taken care of by doing a course in management. Such an instance will not be a waste of time. However, if a technical person shifts to management just for the heck of it, it may backfire as he may lack the aptitude. So it depends on a person’s clarity in his goals.

Trupti Indulkar: It is often heard these days that engineers can manage engineers. There wont the great divide between engineering department and the management. MBAs with B.E. degrees could understand the problems faced by the organization better.

Sharmistha Mallik: I feel that the decision to pursue management studies is irrespective of the previous educational background. The current trend of engineers forming more than 50% is just cause of the higher levels of analytical skills developed over a period of time during the engineering courses!

Rani: Like Tuhin said you can’t start your own company with just technical knowledge you need to know about lot of other stuffs too. You can not have commerce people as purchase manager who doesn’t know anything about the production processes of Pharmacy Company or industrial good manufacturing company. You need to have person who understands the manufacturing process there, a person with technical knowledge. Now engineering doesn’t include about various business laws and taxes and standard costing and all

other things, knowledge of which is required by the purchase manager. So here you need person who knows both the things management and technical knowledge. So engineers are not wasting time while pursuing MBA degrees.

Tuhin: What can also be a possibility is that as happens with number jobs in the BPO sector especially, the job profile hits a plateau and there are no new challenges to be faced. It's the same story everyday. Such people can also opt for management as it will give their career path a much needed boost.

Trupti Indulkar: Rajesh in citing that technical and human skills are very essential. Especially in world like today. One can not hope to run a business with either of these skills independently. It is essential to have the "body" and "mind" in synchrony, Body being the machinery and mind being the people of an organization.

A. Shah: If a person with technical background wants to come in management of a company that is of the background in which he has pursued his technical studies (like if he wants to pursue MBA with IT as specialisation and he is a Computer Engg) then it will be very fruitful for the person as it will help combine his IT knowledge with management principles an thus become a good manager

Sharmistha Mallik: The decision to pursue an MBA for an engineer who has spent 3+ years in a technical environment is more out of the desire for change.

Trupti Indulkar: Technical team will have more faith in the decisions of the management and will view them with less skepticism if not favorably if it came from "one of their own." It has been proven time and again that "technical guys" can run a company as well as they can fix a motor or write a code! Mr Narayanmurthy is proof enough.

Tuhin: I think, Miss Sharmistha, that what you've said is not exactly a symptom which is bothersome. It’s just that the engineers have the forethought of having the best of both worlds. Their analytical skills are just an add on which works in their favor.

Indrakala Jaiswar: I feel, Engineering overall provides you certain kind of qualities to learn. Its not just the case of any technical field, a person should have the capacity to withstand stress if he/she wants to go for managerial position.

Jainisree: Yeah, I agree with Tuhin. Once a person enters BPO sector the profile remains the same for years and there will not be any challenges to face. it will be just a routine

Sharmistha Mallik: A good engineer does not necessarily make a good manager!! Every real-life situation cannot be always analyzed and hence the analytical advantages of an engineer lose their edge in the real world!!

Rajesh Patra: Absolutely as said by Sharmisth, past education doesn't play a great role while pursuing MBA. Engineers during their 4 years study are more focused towards the technical aspects of a problem. But they are not so confident in managerial works to some extent. And by doing MBA they can refine their skills and achieve better height.

Trupti Indulkar: Management studies helps to enhance and hone the latent skills of an individual. So engineers might emerge with better solutions because of what they learnt in their B-School. It would add a new dimension to the approach to a problem. Factors such as cost of various kinds, which are not usually considered while solving technical issues, is better understood and implemented.

Tuhin: I agree with Miss Sharmishtha. Unless that engineer is clear about his goals and his long time perspective about his career is robust, he will not make a good manager. A. Shah: Shamistha, That can be the case with anyone else also. He/She can be from Commerce background but May or may not be a good manager.

Rani: Trupti, exceptions are always there. You need not to have MBA degree to run a business well as well Karshanbhai patel of NIRMA and Dhirubhai Ambani have not done MBAs but they are very good at handling your company. So exception is always there but if you want to go for your own company then study of management would definitely help you.

Indrakala Jaiswar: See, if we are talking about engineers instead of engineering courses then one can say that the management is person specific. If we are talking about the engineering degree then it provides you some components which other graduation degree may not

Sharmistha Mallik: Yes! But what I feel is that an engineer's technical skills are better put to use in a technical background!

Tuhin: I think analysis may not always be what LR in cat is. They require more of managerial tools like gap analysis and SWOT. This may not necessarily be the monopoly of engineers.

Jainisree: Yeah true, but how long in a technical background, there should be some completeness.

Tuhin: Many times another perspective comes up. Let’s assume that a person is in the telecomm line and has worked there for a long time. Now, his company gives him a position which needs managerial skills coupled with technical ones eg as that of a project manager. Such a person may gear up for the new challenge by doing an MBA in telecomm management such as the one offered in SITM of Symbiosis .That may equip him better for the new profile of his job. The only point is that the course must offer him assistance in this case and not necessarily a new perspective as he may not be looking at changing his job but only improving his present profile.

Rani: Sharmistha yes they are put in better use in technical field if person wants to stick with that field. Many chemical engineers dont wanna remain in that field coz it involves night shift then it also involves working with hazardous chemical. If you do management it would be easy for you to change your field.

Sharmistha Mallik: An engineer ends up beginning all over again in the pursuit of management studies!! His 4+ years of technical knowledge basically provides him with absolutely no advantage.

Trupti Indulkar: There was no need for an MBA in the yesteryears. Illiterates could run companies very well and many companies have succeeded with such leaders. There is no hard and fast rule or a 100% successful formula for a successful manager. But what we learn in 4 yrs of technical education comes in handy and also supplements what we learn in a B-School.

Indrakala Jaiswar: It’s incorrect to say, if we see the top management colleges worldwide they ask for the work ex before joining management school.

A. Shah: We can take example from leaders of Corporate world .Many of these is from Technical background .Most of the IT major CEOs/Chairman has good technical background. Be it Bill Gates or Narayan Murthy.

Tuhin: This again will not be a waste of time. However, I will keep reiterating the fact that a lot of introspection must go in the decision to do an MBA. Only if it is adding value to the career graph must be it studied not just to add another degree to your name.

Rani: Shrmistha, I would like to differ, your experience helps you a lot. It helps you in understanding theory better. You can relate theory with practical situations. That’s why people go for MBA after few years of experience. Before you go for MBA, it is always of advantage if you know how industry works. That gives you better understanding.

Indrakala Jaiswar: well, from my experience, I would say: After say 10 yrs you need to have management skills to manage people, resources

Sharmistha Mallik: Rani, but management is not all about seeking changes!! Even in the technical field, one can look for different opportunities!! If stagnation is the only reason for pursuing an MBA then it is possible that even after an MBA degree, a few years down the line one might reach a block, what then?

Rajesh Patra: Tuhin Absolutely. Let us consider the trend of foreign university. They take people with 3+ yrs of exp. This is because by that time the man has known the problems. & people take up MBA to give a boost to their career.

Trupti Indulkar: Put yourself in a situation where there is a technical snag and try as you might to explain the difficulty to your boss (who is a technical-layman), he will find it hard to understand! You lose precious time and money in the process. Decision making and problem solving can be a lot more efficient with a B.E. -M.B.A manager.

Jainisree: Thats not correct to say 4+ yrs of technical knowledge is mere waste, we have management studies in technical fields also and recently IIMB has started PGSEM for IT sector professionals.

Tuhin: I think what Trupti has said is applicable only where after MBA you're working in a technical field. A person joining an investment bank after working in TCS for example will not be using that knowledge.

Rani: Sharmistha I m not saying that it is the only reason but it could be one of the reasons why engineers are going for MBA study.

Sharmistha Mallik: Everybody, I think we all agree about experience being helpful but the point here is that engineers with or without experience pursuing management studies amounts to a wastage of talent!!

Tuhin: I would not agree with Miss Sharmishtha there. Fresher are not always a waste in b-schools. They may provide a new point of view and bring in out of the box thinking to the scene. This may lead to a totally new way of doing business or innovation.

Rani: Sharmistha how come its wastage of talent, Its just enhancement of skills, you are not unlearning what you learned during your engineering study.

Jainisree: Its not wastage of skills definitely but adding one more

dimension of management to already what you have

A. Shah: As I said earlier that if a Computer Engineer joins and IT company as a Manager then he will be more productive and using his knowledge than joining a FMCG major

Rajesh Patra: Sharmisth absolute not. Engineers are not good at the management skills such as market survey, product analysis, and other such skills. By pursuing MBA they can gain these skills and in turn become a good manager or entrepreneur.

Sharmistha Mallik: Yes, you cannot unlearn but you also do not develop on it!! If all engineers went in for management, then we would only have managers but nobody to manage!! We wouldn’t have inventions, because there wouldn’t be any inventors left!!

Indrakala Jaiswar: The summer project helps fresher in many ways to understand ground realities... on the other hand if you are a experienced(in industry) then things becomes much easy for you. Tuhin: Miss Sharmishtha how can we assume that all inventions are done by technicians and specialists in technology?

Sharmistha Mallik: If all our scientists and researchers decided to put their 'analytical skills' into managing rather than into innovating and discovery, where would be progress then??

Rajesh Patra: Sharmistha, Engineers do develop. I'm a Mech. Engineer. I have set up a AC manufacturing unit. & I want to do MBA to expand my biz. So I’m not leaving my tech skills, but enhancing them.

Jainisree: We are not saying that every engineer must land up in management at the end of the day, but just saying that management studies will add to your career in proceeding further

Tuhin: We were talking about engineers and not researchers

Rani: But you really want to develop those skills. See, hardly 5 % of engineers go for M. Tech. It is like you know the basic necessary technical knowledge and you don’t want to go ahead in that field and pursue the career in same field but with different dimensions. Person who is interested in only technical stuff will always go for M tech rather than MBA. So its more about personal choice where you want to go and what you want to do.

A. Shah: Not all Engineers go for MBA .Majority of them spends their entire career in Technical background. So it is wrong to say that if all engineers go for MBA.

Indrakala Jaiswar: Sharmishta, here we can take example of Mr. Kalam our president or Mr. Kasturirangan of ISRO. All were good scientist but at one level even they had to manage the people , resources, project.

A. Shah: Rani, I think many of them still pursue MS or want to pursue MS from their dream University (if they can get admission into). And many of them go for jobs.

Jainisree: Doing MBA will not stop anyone from doing research or inventing anything new.

Tuhin: I agree with Mr.Abhishek. Many also opt to do an MS and have no liking for MBAs. Such people go into technical research and add value to innovations there.

Rajesh Patra: Yes. One can do well without pursuing MBA. But it’s an added advantage & can achieve the goal within a shorter span.

Sharmistha Mallik: Yes, I agree that at one stage we all end up managing other people or resources but Dr. Kalam's example just proves my point!

Indrakala Jaiswar: I don't agree with Mr. Shah, in my view people opt for MS because its easy to get a job abroad.

Rani: Shah, I am not saying all engineers go for MBA, I m just saying that it depends on your interest and career goals. People who only want to excel in technical field will go for MS or M.Tech. But who are interested in techno commercial field will go for MBA. It changes person to person.

Sharmistha Mallik: If instead of pursuing his career in the technical stream of his choice he had taken up management would he and our nation have been where we are today!

Tuhin: Mr.Kalam is president only for a few years. Is there any guarantee that he won't revert to the technical field after his tenure?

Indrakala Jaiswar: Whereas in India we have immense competition for good things like IIT, IIM or any good colleges.

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Requests everyone to give a concluding statement.

Rani: I would like to conclude that engineers are not wasting their time pursuing management study but they need to be clear about what they want to do in life. What are their goals and how doing MBA is going to help them achieve it.

Rajesh Patra: So it’s absolutely not a waste to pursue MBA after engineering. Rather it’s an added advantage. Engineers through MBA can handle their job more efficiently and effectively.

Sharmistha Mallik: Well in conclusion, I would like to say that i feel that engineers pursuing management studies though not a waste of time because it is a matter personal choice it surely does mean their technical skills not being properly utilized!

A. Shah: A engineer while working in a technical company will be promoted to next step of the stair in the corporate ladder. So he will have to manage people at one stage (like when he will become project Manger then he will have 5-10 or may be more engineers down him).So its good for engineers to have management skills.

Indrakala Jaiswar: I conclude that, its not the waste but it gives you other dimension to understand ground realities.

Tuhin: I think that an MBA if done with a purpose in mind to add value to one's career is not a waste of time. A couple of examples I gave earlier make a clear picture of people wanting to progress. In such scenarios, they will do well because their goal is clear. An MBA will boost their prospects. But if it's done with a view of just being in vogue, it may not help much.

Jainisree: I would like to summaries by saying Management studies by an Engineer is not just waste of time, it will hone his skills, help in climbing his career ladder and increases one's scope and exposure ..

“Indian villages - Our Strength or Weakness."

Rajesh Patra: I would like to start with the definition of village. The Census of India regards most settlements of fewer than 5,000 as a village. Scattered throughout India are more than 500,000 villages. These settlements range from tiny hamlets of thatched huts to larger settlements of tile-roofed stone and brick houses. Most villages are small; nearly 80 percent have fewer than 1,000 inhabitants, according to the 1991 census. It is in these villages that India's most basic business--agriculture--takes place, which accomplishes the challenging task of feeding themselves and the nation. Here, too, flourish many of India's most valued cultural forms. And to add on 80% of Indian population live in the villages.

Dhiraj: Villages are definitely the back-bone of our country. From our

independence we are very much dependent on agriculture. It is our major strength; agriculture still constitutes 21% of our GDP. But side by side we should not forget that 52% of our GDP is just constituted by services sector and remaining 27% by industry. Villages are a boon to us, they produce the requisite amount of food for the country that is 19% of world food grains and our population is also 19% of world.

Lavya: I believe that Indian villages are our weakness but definitely they can undoubted become our strength. Causes are Infant mortality rate, mother mortality rate. Education, if compared to developed countries, the loss of agricultural products is very high in India. If all people get a fair chance to pursue education, medication they will definitely be our strength. Infact most number of polio patients belong to villages which we surely need to take action and we taking it. Hrisheekesh: As we are aware, Indian villages account for about 70% of our population and so they must play a part in any significant development that India wishes to achieve. Yes, as Rajesh pointed out, Indian villages are the source of the cultural diversity of India but because of their large number and remote location they are a challenge for achieving sustained development.

Karan Shah: Of course, India is a country of villages so it is main strength of India no doubt about this. There are 70000 villages in India so far. The all milk products and agricultural is comes through villages. From villages India get many foreign revenues like through exporting wheat, sugar, rice, onion etc for prospective of gaining foreign currency villages are main part.

Anoop Singh: I would like to contradict Lavya - villages are not our weakness, but our biggest strength – it’s the improper utilization that makes us feel so. There was a time when India was called a Golden Bird, and it was all due to the villages!!!

Rani Mehta: India is a country of villages. To prosper and to develop India, one has to develop its villages; if we see our growth then it’s mostly concentrated in service sector and manufacturing sector which are located in urban areas or near urban areas. India's 60% population depends on agriculture but if you see only 23% of GDP is contributed by agriculture and again agriculture is growing at very negligible rate compared to service and manufacturing sector.

Rajesh Patra: Usually villages are humming with activity. The work ethic is strong, with little time out for relaxation, except for numerous divinely sanctioned festivals and rite-of-passage celebrations. Residents are quick to judge each other, and improper work or social habits receive strong criticism. Villagers feel a sense of village pride and honor, and the reputation of a village depends upon the behavior

of its entire resident. The problem is not with the villages, rather with the governance. Because of lack of government machineries, the village economy is suffering

Lavya: I would like to bring a fact that Cuba is smaller than Maharashtra but yields more sugar than Maharashtra, and as we all know the fact that Maharashtra is highest producer of sugar in India.

Poornima: The majority of India lives in villages. India as a nation has spurred an unprecedented economic growth primarily because of urban activities. But if this boom is any indication towards a developed India, then is bound to traverse the roads of Indian villages. Villages in India will be growing up to one of our strengths and on par with urban India, if only India wants a sustained growth.

Dhiraj: So it should be sufficient, but still we import food grains, our basmati rice and some high quality food grains are unaffordable for the people below poverty lines. Still 1/3rd of our population is not able to get even 1 meal a day and 26% of our population is below poverty line. We should concentrate more towards service sector now; because that is giving us good returns now and will pay us in long run too. As it still constitute our 52% GDP growth

Shiva Gopalan: Lack of machinery and equipments is one main area of concern. Latest farming techniques are a must to enhance the yield. Villages are our country's backbone as far as economy is concerned. The quantity of food items produced is a clear indication of the health of that economy.

Anoop Singh: Even today, there are villages in Punjab, where we find one of the richest farmers, it’s because of their proper utilization. The reason of the failure of villages is the people of Villages getting attracted to the modern cities and taking other jobs rather than being a farmer.

Rajesh Patra: Exactly Rani. Here I would like to bring into the lack of technology. China today has less cultivated land than India, but twice the agric production.

Hrisheekesh: Before we look at villages as strengths or weaknesses, we must focus on how the villages have developed about and their characteristics. So the prominent feature of most Indian villages is that they are more or less self-sufficient and being located in remote areas, the effects of the developments of Industrial India have not yet trickled down. Moreover, there are a lot of indigenous technologies that villagers use to sustain themselves. Indian villages are predominantly agrarian and so the income of the villagers largely depends on the monsoons which are quite uncertain in nature.

Lavya: I agree with the fact that they have a huge part of Indian economy but I refer in the fact that the efficiency of production and medication and education is brutally lacking in Indian villages and on other hand developed nations have efficient production. My opinion is that though we have high production of food and dairy goods, but it can increase but an exponential level. That is why our villages are weakness for the time being.

Rani Mehta: Rajesh yes, to keep the growth the growth steady at this level or to increase it, we need to increase growth rate of agriculture, which will be feasible by latest farming technology.

Dhiraj: India is growing at a fast pace like his Asian peers but our Asian peers has a different growth model that is export products and manufacturing cheap goods, but we in india have more concentration on services and domestic market only, we have a all together different growth model and to cater to this growth model we should now concentrate on two things 1. Services industry should be given more preference. 2. Regarding agriculture, we should use more hi-tech machinery, more skilled labor and proper ways to refine this arena so that it can again contribute to become strength of India.

Karan Shah: If India develop many irrigation techniques like Israel drip irrigation help India to prove like china also if government think to provide primarily need to farmers then villages also better take part in progress.

Rajesh Patra: Gandhi ji was a lawyer by profession. But the economic model that he offered still has the potential to address rural woes. Gandhi ji wanted people to lead a healthy, simple and contented life close to nature and preserve their traditional economic activities. The world is beginning to understand the importance of living close to nature. Global warming, depleting ozone layer, extinction of millions of plants and animal species, and ravages followed by the tsunami, the super cyclone, landslips, floods and droughts in different parts of the world have led people to seek comfort in things small and beautiful.

Poornima: Its because of the fact village should be perceived as a strength that business tycoons in India are entering the village markets. For instance, reliance has entered into retail management in the villages of Gujarat.

Shiva Gopalan: Education system must also concentrate on research aspects for agriculture. Improvisation is a must in order to compete with the rise in population.

Hrisheekesh: We have seen earlier that the green revolution was able

to significantly enhance our agricultural productivity through better irrigation facilities, use of good fertilizers and improved seeds.

Anoop Singh: Today, majority of the rural population have just one ambition - to migrate to a developed city and take any job other than being a farmer. I agree that lack of modern machineries is one of the reasons for failure of villages, but the main reason is the diversion of interest of the farmers from their farms to the cities.

Rajesh Patra: Poornima. Exactly, even ITC's e-choupal is an add on.

Hrisheekesh: Well yes, as Anoop pointed out, the migration of villagers to urban areas is one concern we must address, but before that we must focus on how the liabilities of the Indian villages can be minimized and how they can be made the drivers of sustained development

Karan Shah: If we think currently the IT sector is growing but after some time the era of villages will come because if villages are taken care of, the need of whole country is also satisfied by villages. The surrounding of villages also help to enrich our health.

Shiva Gopalan: Villages are our strength as far as the food production is concerned. Without villages, farmlands, cattle, we can never survive. Villages are our weakness in the case of amenities provided to them by the government. The utilization of technology is to the least in villages.

Rani Mehta: If we see our many villages lack basic facilities like electricity, drinking water, telephone, roads, good schools and colleges and to have all this people are running towards urban area, which is just increasing urban population and making city more congested.

Rajesh Patra: Shiva. Because of lack of employment many people are migrating to cities leading to slums and other social & infrastructure problems. The cure for the ailing cities lies in the villages. So by addressing the issue of villages we can solve many problems at the same time.

Lavya: if we incorporate new researched quality management theories we will definitely emerge as A New Efficient Brand India. Dhiraj: We Indians have our roots in agriculture. Once our Prime Minister Mr. Lal bahadur Shastri has given a famous saying that " JAI JAWAN JAI KISAAN' to strengthen this saying we have to make our villages a boon and agriculture is one thing that can add values to it.

Rani Mehta: If we are to make villages our strength then first we need to work on the basic infrastructure facility in villages.

Poornima: To begin with, India saw a boom in IT and IT-ES sectors. It is getting extended to the retail management sector. In future, it is expected that rural management will be on a boom.

Rajesh Patra: Karan. Gram IT is a project aimed at setting up 50-seat BPO operations in villages that Mr. Byrraju of Satyam has adopted. Three are underway, and, eventually, the Gram IT people want to have operations running in all 160 villages that Byrraju has adopted. Right now, the young villagers are doing back office work for the foundation, Satyam, and the government of Andhra Pradesh. The idea here is to provide new job opportunities in the villages, and to help bridge the gap between India's relatively few middle class people and its legions of poor rural people.

Hrisheekesh: Yes, as Rani pointed out, infrastructure is one area which needs a boost in order to bring forth development in villages, but i would like to point out that of the 33 lakh km (approx) length of roads in India about 26 lakh km are rural roads. So the idea that infrastructure is lacking is slightly misplaced.

Shiva Gopalan: Well said Rani. Basic infrastructure is a must for all the villages. Lights, telephone, proper drainage, water facilities to each house. Singapore, for instance does not have any farmland on its own. its ability to sustain food movement is amazing. We have to market our food products and ultimately our village names in the global world.

Lavya: As we all know that India is highly acclaimed for it services but not for manufacturing products but if we solve the social and economical issues of rural India then definitely we can emerge strongly.

Rajesh Patra: Hrisheekesh. I would like to state few points for the development of the villages, for the larger interest of the country. 1. The state should set a time frame to provide quality infrastructure in the villages; mainly road, drinking water, hospital, schools and a sound communication and transportation network. 2. Further by encouraging agriculture and cottage industries with marketing support can generate employment and prevent people from migrating to cities. By this we can keep the cities clean. 3. More than infrastructure the villages need a people-friendly administration, which will help economic activities thrive. This will make educated people village-centric and check the problem of absentee officials. 4. A transparent marketing network for village products will foster economic growth. The state must assure villagers their share of profit from the global market for their products.

Poornima: Now, how do we go about developing rural India? It is by improvising on our agricultural sector and replacing a number of unorganized sectors found in villages into organized sectors.

Anoop Singh: Many farmers from Punjab have proved that, if one is concentrated and interested in only farming, he can still make profits. Now, the point is- why do people want to migrate to cities - its because they do not earn much from their land, than they can from the cities, the major reason for this is the illiteracy of the rural population, the middlemen taking huge chunks of profits - leaving the farmers with no other option than to sell his land and move to the cities. The government has recently took notice of this and institutions like NABARD are taking care of this - although it’s a bit late.

Hrisheekesh: Apart from infrastructure, the other major concerns are illiteracy and poverty. But these two issues are related; to remove poverty we need to get illiteracy out of the way and the provision of education must result in the availability of gainful employment for rural youth, because in the absence of employment, the villagers would not be motivated to send their children to schools

Lavya: Mostly even roads are not even connected to the cities, hence even people residing in villages do complain for connectives secondly even the developed states like Gujarat and Punjab are unable to provide electricity in the villages

Rajesh Patra: Hrisheekesh. You are correct to some extent. Yes infrastructure is there. But the communication mode is missing. Less no. of busses are there to connect villages. In a bus of 50 capacities 100 or more people travel. It’s just a pathetic situation.

Shiva Gopalan: Thats right lavya. This hampers the communication between the urban life and city life and ultimately hampers the development. Agricultural management studies must be improvised and made a part of the curriculum.

Anoop Singh: I think the whole responsibility is of the government - to educate the rural public regarding the advantages of farming, various modernized techniques, and also to ensure that they get the chunk of profit they deserve.

Lavya: Example Vidharb. Farmers are even pushed to commit suicide. It’s a clear indication that our rural sector needs support hence presently they are weakness for india.

Karan Shah: Main need to "roti" comes from villages , also divert our cattle asset in india helpful of dairy products through this we can also help to raise infrastructure and other lack of conveniences.

Rani Mehta: Another thing that we need to concentrate on is the literacy level. Current level of literacy in India is around 65% but in rural areas the literacy level is around 30%. Also there is vast difference in literacy level based on gender in villages compared to city.

Rajesh Patra: Anoop. No, we can’t blame the Govt. Anything happens we blame the Government. But don’t you think, we, as responsible citizens should take the charge.

Hrisheekesh: Well Anoop, a government is only as good as the people it represents and with about 35% of India still illiterate we cannot expect to get democracy to work in a fruitful manner. I agree with Rajesh about the bad situation of the buses and trains but that is more or less a fallout of the rapid population growth which in turn is somehow linked to the problem of illiteracy and ignorance.

Anoop Singh: If People get educated , and earn reasonably well, the reason for them to migrate the cities will get reduced, since education and money are the main reason for people to migrate to cities.

Lavya: Hrisheekesh, India is not 35 % illiterate it’s largely more than that

Poornima: Indian farmers are suffering a suicide instinct. This can come to an end only if the government and NGOs take up a combined action. I believe the NGOs are already doing their best. The rest lays with the govt. its not just introducing schemes like the 4000 crore scheme for Vidarbha that can change the situation. The key lies in educating those farmers out there, making them aware of latest technologies and providing them loans with out creating hassles for them.

Shiva Gopalan: Agriculture must be the main thrust for future plans. Stringent measures must be taken to educate the people of villages about their strengths and the importance of villages.

Rajesh Patra: Lavya, India's illiteracy is 40%.

Shiva Gopalan: We cannot let the village concept die off and let all the people move to cities for alternative job opportunities.

Karan Shah: From some days before one farmer from Gujarat invented the very powerful tractor engine to strengthen farmer needs , no engineer make this so these kind of people comes from our great villages so no doubt about our mind in India.

Lavya: Yes, the difference is 5 % of India population hence cannot be neglected

Poornima: The insurance sector should also make a head start in to the markets of rural India. It is proper land and debt insurance that our farmers need.

Hrisheekesh: Well Lavya, these statistics are roughly approximate and moreover, I agree that the current definition of a literate person (being able to sign) is definitely misplaced

Rajesh Patra: Shiva. Exactly as the villages cater to problems of migration, food generation and many others, we can't neglect them. They are not the weakness, rather the strength India has. So we have to take them along with in our journey towards economic superpower.

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Request everyone to give a concluding statement.

Shiva Gopalan: I wish to conclude by saying that villages are our strength provided the people living there get all the basic facilities they are entitled, improve their standards so that they can concentrate more on agriculture and not think of moving to cities for alternative jobs.

Karan Shah: The villages are heart of India in new era, no doubt about this if government takes more steps in future, so definitely the new era of India through farmer from villages.

Anoop Singh: I think Village is an untapped industry of today’s world - initiatives must be taken to get maximum profit out of it, making a Agri - revolution like the IT revolution, so we require a Narayan Murthy for this field, and yes this revolution will be much bigger and the boom will be much longer, SO Villages are definitely out strength - we need to recognize it and utilize it well!!

Rani Mehta: Indian villages amount to 65% of Indian population, and villagers mainly depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Many Indian villages still lack basic infrastructure facility such as electricity, road, schools, and drinking water. Our agriculture is growing at negligible rate of around 3.5%. If we want to sustain our economic growth, we need to focus on our agriculture growth, we need another green revolution. Currently Indian villages are not its strength but by building up necessary infrastructure we can convert them to our strength.

Poornima: India is foraying into the global markets. If this splurge in development is to continue, then it cannot be without developing our

own local markets of Indian villages. It is these farmers that help as acquire one of the key needs of life, food and they should be given the significance they deserve. Innovative policies like Micro credit funds should not only be concocted but also implemented. The rural management sector will nevertheless take India places

Hrisheekesh: Representing about 70% of the Indian population, rural India has a significant role to play in India's sustained development. The major strength of Indian villages is the cultural diversity and agriculture. But the main problems are illiteracy and lack of good infrastructure which make them a liability. If India can improve in these aspects then rural India will definitely be a source of strength rather than weakness.

Dhiraj: Villages are strength for us and our economy as they still provide us with 27% GDP, they teach us moral values and our ground roots. We can make this strength to be become a powerful tool to our success by teaching the villagers and implementing refined ways for doing agriculture and educating villagers so that they can contribute to our service industry and grow the country to become a super power. Thanks a lot.

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Ok Thanks everyone, Will send the results on the group soon.

“India's Water Crisis”

SHIKHAR GUPTA: Hello friends the topic of our discussion is 'INDIA'S WATER CRISIS'. I think India’s growing population is putting severe constraint on all our natural resources. Most of our water resources are either contaminated or dry

Neha : Water is most valuable property for human beings and its crisis is very serious problem. But government view is not as serious. It’s become a political issue for them as in Kaveri matter. Government should take a hard action about wastage of water in urban areas.

Ankit Jain: India, with a sixth of the world's population, faces a rapidly growing water crisis, both in the urban and rural areas. These include wasteful practices in the use of water, particularly for irrigation, water-logging and salinity, and inadequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation. In many cities people depend on Private water tanks for water supply.

Hrish: Water resource is one of the most important resources for India, especially because of its large dependence on agriculture. Though India has many rivers and the Himalayan rivers are perennial

in nature, the major problems that come under the so called "water crisis" are the inadequate or excessive distribution of water and also the quality of water available. Kanika Bansal: Why is India not able to meet its water demand? What are the factors which are affecting this? What can be the various things we can look for to improve the current situation? I think these can be some of the points, we can look about.

Karun: The Indian government has to keep in pace with this growing population and has to met with all the requirements. The authorities controlling water crisis should search for proper and adequate solutions like canalization of rivers

Mahesh kumar: Perhaps India can take a cue from Canada. Where waste water from drains is collected and treated instead of letting into sea. This water is as good as drinking water but only used for purposes other than drinking. Which reduces the dependence on rain or rivers?

Hrish: We will first look at the drought situations that arise mainly in western India. The main reason for the inequitable distribution of water in India is the topography of the country and it primary dependence on the SW monsoons which may be irregular from year to year.

Kanika Bansal: Besides this people are polluting the water day by day, this is one of the major concern for us to stop such activities. Even as we can see the dispute between the Karnataka and Tamil Naidu on utilizing the water capacity of Kaveri river this is again due to the non utilization of water of Kaveri River effectively.

Saish: Water as it is said is the very essence of civilization. India often is referred to as the land of rivers and still we seem to have a problem. India is home to some of the biggest rivers in the Asian subcontinent the Ganga, Brahmaputra, the Beas to name a few but still the problem continues. The basic cause of this crisis I feel is poor management of these water bodies by the respective administrative bodies and state governments. I feel in India adequate technology has still not been put to use to harness the full potential of the water bodies.

Ashutosh Mishra: Good evening everybody. We have been given a topic which I feel is the most talked about topic and must be taken seriously if we want to excel in any field. Indian economy is on a fast pace but still there are several hindrances among which this is one of the most severe causes. Indian industries rely greatly on the availability of water.

Ankit Jain: Why Government would only responsible for everything.

Isn't we are lacking something.

Hrish: To make up for this inequitable distribution the Government had proposed the national river integration scheme which aimed at eliminating both the drought and flood problems of the country.

Rani Mehta: India's water crisis is mainly due to our inability to use and store the rain water effectively. We depend on rain water for agriculture in many states and there are no dams on many rivers. If we will be able to combine few rivers and build dams on that then it would help us.

SHIKHAR GUPTA: Everyday in the morning water hardly trickles down the pipes Our hole day goes in planning how to save water for our daily needs. I think the main reason for water crisis in India is poor management. All the sewage is dumped into the rivers which makes them unfit to use and government alone is not responsible for this crisis infact we the people should conserve water by storing water and making sure that we doesn’t harm water bodies by polluting them.

Mahesh kumar: Rain water harvesting and river canalization are needed for overcoming a part of this crisis. Water conservation should be taken up as a civilian movement which generates awareness in the masses.

Hrish: Yes Rani, storage of rain water is one major concern but there have been efforts from the Government on this area, prominent examples being the Indira Gandhi canal and the Sardar Sarovar Dam.

Kanika Bansal: Besides this they should have stricter control on states for reservation of water . Water should be reserved on the basis of requirement and extra water should be allowed to flow thru more of the irrigable lands needed. Joining of reasons in on the discussion but as it may harm the ecological balance this thing is not implemented.

Ankit Jain: Rani yeah definitely it would help us, but wouldn't you think there are many reasons beyond that, because I think we have made enough dams up to now

Rani Mehta: There is one proposal to join all rivers of India, to eliminate the uncertainty and dependence on rain water for irrigation and drinking purpose. However it requires very large investment and our parliament is still considering that option.

Hrish: But Neha, instead of just considering the Government culpable for the crisis, we must understand that poor awareness about water saving measures especially in rural areas leads to a lot of wastage of water.

Karun: We should not be dependent on rain water only rather we should try to fix this crisis by management of resources which we have right now in our hand.

Rani Mehta: Another problem is that we are unable to complete the intended project in the decided time period. Most of our project stretches beyond its time limits. Sardar sarover is one example of it.

SHIKHAR GUPTA: Well, I fully agree with Mahesh that there is lack of awareness particularly in rural areas how to conserve water.

Neha -: Yes friend you are right but in rural areas there’s more use for it due to agricultural business.

Saish: The authorities should seriously take up plans to channelise all the water resources into a central supply. Also rain water should be adequately utilized to maximize efficiency.

Ankit Jain: If we look over revenue earned by sale of water, we would found that it is very less than the amount spent on maintenance of water treatment plant.

Ashutosh Mishra: The severity of this problem can be instantiated by this fact that a small proportion of our population ponder over the selectivity between filtered water and mineral water while a vast majority is still waiting with their eyes open for even muddy water which can at least serve their basic family needs.

Hrish: Moreover Rani, the river integration scheme that you are talking about has severe problems cited by the scientists in the country as it would lead to changing the topography of the country and increase the seismic activity.

Kanika Bansal : Yes, I agree with you above so I think they should try to seek some reforms so that there can be some result midway.

Rani Mehta : Hrish what I meant was that if that integration problem if feasible would help us resolve the problem.

Hrish: Ankit. I am not sure I understand the point regarding revenue through sale of water. Can you elaborate on it?

Ashutosh Mishra: I totally agree with Hrish about the scientific drawbacks of the scheme but I think there must be an optimized way which can serve our purpose without these difficulties. I think one example regarding revenue generation can be taken from the current market of packaged water, particularly if we link it with railways which hold the largest demand in this field.

Hrish: Right but as it stands now Rani, we would not be able to achieve this integration in the short run and must rather concentrate on preventing the drainage of rainwater into the seas.

Kanika Bansal: Then there is no point on looking from these things only we should try to look for the effective utilization of water, like Yamuna river is so much polluted and we need to spend crores of rupees for utilization of its water . Reforms should be there to stop polluting the water of Yamuna River. Ankit Jain: Hrish, I am saying if you compare your monthly electricity bill with your monthly water bill it become clearer to you.

Neha -: Yes Ashu, I agree with that’s the point I want to say, first we look inner our self. Who is responsible for it?

Hrish: Ankit. Oh in that way it is not a means of generating revenue but of covering up the costs involved in water purification.

Ashutosh Mishra: Also, there are many industries which rely mainly upon basic infrastructures of which water is the most important issue.

Rani Mehta: Another point here worth considering is that people who have plenty of water available don't understand the value of water and don't conserve it, we need to make them understand that it is really important that they conserve water.

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Is it really a crisis or is it Mismanagement?

SHIKHAR GUPTA: I think it is mismanagement because in India with so many rivers we cannot ever have water shortage. Conflicts over water mirror the most vexing changes India is facing. With competing demands of both rural and urban areas I think we should do something to conserve water and make sure that it is available for all purposes like irrigation, drinking etc.

Karun: Proper usage of revenue generated from sales of water and its guided application under some constant monitoring committee can do wonders for water management

Kanika Bansal: In some areas it can be termed as crisis because there is total shortage of water but then in totality if we see it is more of the mismanagement. I agree with Karun but then we should try to increase our revenue from water supply as these are very less as compared to other sectors

Ashutosh Mishra: I think its mismanagement in some areas but in

several areas it is natural reasons which force this calamity. For example, in Delhi itself, with mushrooming population the water crisis is increasing which also caters with the electricity problem.

Neha : Yes friends just like Tamil nadu and Karnataka who are fighting for water. But in north India there is not as much water problem.

Hrish: Right Bansal, so we are dealing with mismanagement rather than a crisis in terms of amount of water available but if you look at the quality of water, we find that even the amount of pure water available is very less. As for the purity of water, about 20% of the communicable diseases in India are water-borne and prominent among these are cholera, jaundice and typhoid

Ankit Jain: It's not overall crisis but its mismanagement that turned it into crisis. Groundwater is the dominant resource that has been developed in rural India to meet the drinking water needs. But often, the shallower wells are found to be affected by fluoride, arsenic, iron, salt and/or microbial contamination.

Mahesh kumar: Yes it is mismanagement turned into crisis which needs to be managed now.

Saish: Urpercentile, Rather a case of mismanagement. Its not that India has insufficient water resources only that they are not properly utilized. Mass awareness has to be created in both urban and rural areas for careful use of water. This would sure help in the long run in easing the crisis. Basically if every citizen of India plays his part in using water conservatively wherever needed, half the problem would be solved

Ashutosh Mishra: But can we blame that mismanagement is there if the basic cause is not in our hands. Can we control shifting population to support our cause.

Kanika Bansal: Yes and thus the crore of rupees spend in water improvement can be basically spend in other direction like canalizing the water if we take major step towards this. This is what aspect of mismanagement is only. They should try to implement harder rules for the people who are doing this.

Hrish: But Kanika Bansal, do u really feel lack of funds is the reason for mismanagement? I think it is just that the funds allocated by the government don’t trickle down to have tangible results for water improvement.

Karun: Our former prime minister 'Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee' even gave a very good seminar on river channelisation but Indian authorities should take bold steps to implement his sayings. I agree with Kanika

Bansal that there is complete mismanagement of funds by water managing authorities.

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Kanika Bansal: So I think problem with India is basically of mismanagement as they are not regulating it properly . We need better reform to control the misuse , pollution , wastage , and for proper storage of water available in surplus in various regions.

Saish: The so called water crisis I feel in India can be eased to a great extent by better management between the various governing bodies in charge of these water bodies and also by utilizing new scientific methods for harnessing rain water and also control water resources like tapping of ground water.

Neha : For summarizing the GD we really find that the water crisis in India is really based on mismanagement where there is lots of problem thru water and there is a place where people waste water.

Hrish: Well in conclusion, it can be said that the water crisis facing India is mainly due to the inadequate distribution of water resources in India coupled with mismanagement and contamination of existing resources. The revenue generated by selling water to the masses must be re-channelized to further purification of water and awareness about healthy and judicious use of water amongst the masses will be significant in solving the water crisis.

Rani Mehta: We have state disputes over the water allocations, and disputes with Pakistan also for the water, every state is looking for their own benefits and due to which the whole country benefits are overlooked and no effective outcome comes and many important projects like Saradar Sarover gets extended for long so mismanagement is one of the important cause for water shortage.

SHIKHAR GUPTA: I think it is high time that masses are awarded regarding proper utilization of water resources and government should make laws more strict so that nobody can cause harm to these water bodies.

Mahesh kumar: Water crisis today is a multifaceted problem, and hence a multifaceted solution is needed for India’s water crisis. It should counter every challenge faced by Indians. Solution should come from all spheres like technology, civilian movement, government intervention etc.

Ashutosh Mishra: We had a great discussion on the topic which is essentially one of the most prominent problems in country owing to

its utility in general and civic life, value in market, usefulness in industries, their capability to increase the yield in agriculture. But, to do so we should go for its root cause and that is prominently the mismanagement which can be solved partially by river integration scheme, keeping other.

Ankit Jain: See we have discuss lot of point over why and how water become a crisis in India instead of having large number of rivers. The only way to solve this issue is to have coordination among people and Governmet and people need to understand the importance of water.

Karun: Well instead of playing such blame games on authorities the people of India should manage their own water consumption judiciously. Awareness among people is the key factor to overcome any crisis.

Dhiraj : India is a huge country and as a famous saying is there that "water taste changes here after every 5km" basically it means that we have different cultures from different origins, but one problem is common to all of us that is water problem whether its drinking water or water needed for agriculture. Water is a covering earth's 70% area, but still we face severe water crisis in India Delhi , which is called as capital of India faces severe drinking water problems and in summer's they have to ask for water from neighboring states like Haryana supplies them around 4000 cusecs, but still they are facing severe problems here. Water is an important resource which can be used in very effective way specially for electricity presently we are producing around 588 billion KWH of electricity, as compared to 3892 produced by USA and 1472 produced by china, The major reason behind these figures is proper utilization by them of water resources. But we are more depended on thermal and other resources as compared to renewable resources Even if we go to central India the water levels of dams in Pune had hit 5 years low this year, due to less rainfall and that is ultimately affecting rain and ultimately water problems arises and we people are hit badly, so its a vicious circle. So if we have to come out of this crisis than first of all we should make our environment less populated Secondly it’s about water wastage also, we waste a lot of water in our daily deeds, and we should take care about the water wastage and utilize it properly.

“Is Globalization good for the world”Rajesh: Let us start from the definition of the term "Globalization". Globalization is the increasing interdependence, integration and interaction among people, industry and government in different locations around the world. Globalization/ internationalization has actually felt with a number of trends, most of which have developed or accelerated since World War II. These include greater international

movement of commodities, money, information, and people; and the development of technology, organizations, legal systems, and infrastructures to allow this movement.

Abhishek: Globalization in its economic sense refers to cross border transaction of goods and capital flows and increase of free trade between different countries across the globe. But Globalization is not limited to its Economic sense. It also means political, cultural and informational Globalization.

Tuhin: Globalization is affecting all of us irrespective of whether we like it or not. If we logically analyze it, we see that that it affects the economic, social, technological and political atmosphere of all countries. The Tata Corus deal is as much an example of Globalization as the espousal of Chicken Tikka and Yoga by westerners. Similarly, McDonalds', KFC, Giorgio Armani being present in India is also Globalization. I feel that exposure to Globalization accompanied by the preservation of national identity is a huge positive. This is because when we get to know a number of various cultures, we have the option of selecting and consolidating all the positives of these cultures and improving our national profile more. Rajesh: Further, Globalization brings a level playing field for all the companies throughout the world. And only the fittest survives, in the process eliminating the existence of sub-standard goods. In the process of Globalization finally winner is the consumer. For e.g., Indian Govt. has put 200% excise on Scotch. Because of this general Indians cant afford it. Further the Indian Govt. is indirectly not encouraging Indian industries to explore the field of Scotch

Tuhin: Also, Globalization has the potential positive because if we analyze the technical sphere, India can obtain prodigious levels of foreign investment, technical expertise, state of the art technology which will only contribute to our own betterment. Similarly, agriculture which is a sore wound in our economic report card can be assuaged if we turn towards foreign expertise. Keeping this in mind, I feel that it is a beneficial influence.

Shilpa: Globalization means different countries can operate, buy and sell in many countries that have open market. In Indian context, it has benefited the consumers by providing them access to many options. Increased competition leads to many changes in the industry, economy and the culture.

Nilanjan: Well I admit that fact that globalization is good for corporate, but it is harmful for agro based country like us.

Shilpa: With India opening its economy in 1991, many changes have taken place. Many small industries have been wiped out. While the really competitive ones have grown by leaps and bounds, for example

Tata Steel, SBI etc

Srikanth: The topic give today is a quite interesting and currently the whole world is also thinking in the same thing. Yes Globalizations is good for the common people because Globalization will increase supply more than demand leading to drop of costs. So its good for customers who need to buy the product.

Rajesh: Because of globalization, we are now able to ride luxury vehicles like Mercedes, Toyota, Honda, Or else we still would have been riding lousy models like Fiat & Ambassador

Abhishek: Let us first understand few benefits of Globalization Greater international cultural exchange, Greater international travel and tourism, spread of local consumer products (e.g., food) to other countries, World-wide sporting events, Development of a global telecommunications infrastructure and greater transporter data flow, Promotion of free trade are some of the benefits of Globalization.

Tuhin: Globalization can also be seen from the angle of disappearing physical and geographic boundaries thanks to technological advancements. Indian call centers and BPOs are excellent examples of this idea. Today Indian BPO employees can fix a British housewife's credit card problems in an instant. Similarly, corporate can easily make high profile decisions with their foreign counterparts by means of a video conference or webinar in a jiffy. People who are friends and are living in different countries can use the web camera for the added personal touch.

Srikanth: What Rajesh said is ok but it will also leads to the fall of local brands if they are not having enough strength to compete. No, not 100 percent, it affects small scale industries in India.

Nilanjan: We are now preparing SEZ, but are it really good for our countries interest? I think NO, it is grabbing our fertile agricultural land and on another side of the coin is MNCs are here only because of the cheap labor.

Lavya: Yes it is true that Globalization is good for the world we live in. its good for the nations which belong to under developed category to make an alliance with developed nations and make financial growth

Abhishek: But all this comes at an expense too .Many countries have faced their economy slowdown because of Globalization. It leads to shutdown of national industries. Just for example many electrical appliances industries like BPL have faced tremendous competition from big MNCs like LG and Samsung.

Rajesh: Srikanth. Well you are wrong to some extent. Because of

Globalization Indian comp. like Tata, Birla, UB group, Reliance, ONGC, and many others are able to expand their market.

Shilpa: Everyone here agrees that it has made consumer the king. But one aspect that needs to be taken into account is the realty bubble which is due to the sudden rush of MNCs to set up offices here. Also, with higher pay packages by MNCs, the average income of households has increased with more people going for 2nd 3rd houses contributing to the realty process soaring. This has created problems for the common man. Especially those who are about to retire and do not have skill sets that can be marketed in the free economy.

Tuhin: However, Globalization must not be such that we just adopt foreign practices and culture blindly without any forethought. We may marvel at American food, clothing and the way they do business but we may not necessarily want to marvel at their way of living which includes teenage pregnancies, single parent families, and high rates of divorce and drug abuse. This is not what a number of Indians associate with. So we may wish to filter this aspect of influence. India's tryst with Globalization has been good in the sense that FII and FDI inflows are massive and so is outsourcing. However, in the face of all this we have managed to preserve our identity.

Srikanth: Rajesh its all about big companies and MNCs. What about small scale industries?

Nilanjan: Our intelligent workforce is becoming back office collies due to Globalization, not only that MNCs are using our natural resources at very cheap rate.

Rajesh: Globalization is meant for common good. Globalization asks all countries to have same taxation on all goods, whether foreign or local. But how effectively we utilize it is the point of contention. For example, America and Western countries are giving huge unfair compensation to its agricultural industry. Because of this progress of agricultural industries in developing countries are being hampered. So no individual benefits should be entertained.

Tuhin: I think that the unfair subsidies which Mr.Rajesh mentions can be offset by having a lower import duty which will make imports more competitive. This may bring in an element of competition.

Shilpa: With increased competition, the onus is on higher productivity which is good. The banking, telecom sectors till now dominated by PSUs have become much more efficient. It can’t be said that agricultural industries are hampered. Even today the Agricultural industry in India is growing at 6% against the estimated 3.9%.

Abhishek: Economic arguments by fair trade theorists claim that

unrestricted free trade benefits those with more financial leverage (i.e. the rich) at the expense of the poor. Some argue that Globalization imposes credit-based economics, resulting in unsustainable growth of debt and debt crises. Many global institutions that have a strong international influence are not democratically ruled, nor are their leaders democratically elected. Therefore they are considered by some as super national undemocratic powers. State-centric nationalists fear Globalization is displacing the role of nations in global politics and point to NGOs as encroaching upon the power of individual nations Many countries have benefited from Globalization and many have hampered their economies due to it.

Shilpa: One thing that has had negative impact is that the lure of easy money has made the youth give up on building important skills that will help in the long run. Many graduates are taking p call-centre jobs because of the money factor and neglecting higher education.

Rajesh: Abhishek. Well to some extent some countries are hampered. But it’s on short term. When we consider in long run every country is getting benefit from global. Well here we all have agreed that Globalization to some or more extent is beneficial for the World. So let us now concentrate on how to eliminate the negative impact of globalization and how to regulate it. One we have to make the regulatory body (WTO) more effective. Two every country has to abide by the rules set by WTO. Every contentious issue has to be set by the WTO jury. Lavya: well the exchange of human resource is important for harmony on earth. Globalization makes world a good place to make economic progress and prosperity

Abhishek: So the world is thus divided into two groups one favoring it and another against it, because Globalization promotes overall trade/culture/technology but hampers individual growth (in some cases)

Tuhin: Countries must adapt Globalization to the extent that their local enterprises are made more efficient. By this I mean that the retail boom in India which involves the entry of Wal-Mart and Tesco must be done in a careful way. This must not leave the mom and pop stores in the cold and neglected. That will be a case of selectively pernicious Globalization. So, the local shops may also be brought in the fore.

Srikanth: Shilpa , I agree with it but 90%of the people are getting advantage from it. The poor people who can’t study due to financial problems are doing jobs and studying in distance course or some way. Any way it’s helping them.

Shilpa: Let's consider retail sector. With players like Wal-Mart coming

into play, how can the small retailers (mostly unorganized) can be protected? How the consumers be protected? The average tickets at a multiplex are about Rs 150 against Rs 60 in cinema halls.

Abhishek: See we are a developing country and thus we always think for Globalization because it makes India a better place to be. But countries like US, UK who are developed see this concept as a fear. It is one of the causes of economic slowdown of US. It may have benefited some sectors of US but comparing an overall effect, in trade between India and US its India who benefits more rather than US

Lavya: Globalization is the only tool where we can jointly practice on technology and human background. Globalization promotes entrepreneurship even in developing countries

Tuhin: As far as neglecting higher education is concerned, we cannot blame the BPOs. We must look at individual profiles. A person who has a family of 4 and is the only bread winner and is an English speaking will bless the BPOs because they can they give him his daily bread. He may not even contemplate higher education.

Rajesh: Shilpa, Your worry about big player entering retail sector is not valid. Customers of retail outlets are diff, & that of general kiranis are different. For buying 2 kg of rice or dal or some other, won’t go to retail outlet.

Nilanjan: Developed countries also affected from Globalization, many of the production unites (i.e Levi jeans) have shifted from there

Abhishek: The software industry in India is on a roll. Now major Big Giants of US software industry are outsourcing their work to India (for their own profit because Indian provides them with the cheap alternative) , which should have been done by US citizens. In this case Indians are benefiting a long way as it provides employment to thousands and thousands of people in India. But in US? They are now facing problems of Unemployment

Shilpa: Agree with Tuhin. Selectivity is more important. In our country the best players in Oil are still the PSUs, which mean our government has been successful in implementing policies. About developed countries, it can have an adverse impact when trade becomes two way. When developing countries open up, the MNCs get access to new markets. But when this new markets mature, they will consider the developed countries as potential markets. Most developing countries like India and China have great operational capabilities. This prowess can be harmful to the developed countries in the long run. For Example, if Tata’s start cutting jobs in Corus it will be like the developed UK getting a dose of its own medicine.

Tuhin: Countries like US, UK also benefit from this phenomenon. The influx of yoga, Bhagvad Gita and other religious artifacts have provided them with the elusive peace of mind which unbridled capitalism and high stress work environments have taken away from them.

Nilanjan: It is shifted from there and now it’s taking advantages of the cheap labor of underdeveloped countries.

Lavya: Globalization promotes entrepreneurship and aids making progress even in developing countries Example : Bajaj - alliance , Corus Tata venture, Bharti Wal-Mart. Globalization promotes entrepreneurship and even helps existing companies to make progress eg : Tata Corus, Bharti Wal-Mart, Bajaj - Allianz , Mahindra- Renault

Abhishek: Thus the concept of Globalization is beneficial in some cases and harmful in other cases because all in all a balance is always maintained.

Shilpa: In case of outsourcing, it can still be considered as exploitation because Indians are working at a fraction of the cost that the MNC would incur at their home country. In the absence of an open economy, such staff would have been taken to the MNCs country and employed there.

Rajesh: If we think about the developed countries, they have even benefited from it. Because of globalization they have outsourced their job to labor intensive markets in developing countries. And as a result their industries are saving a lot, and in turn have become competitive.

Nilanjan: I think Indian corporate are being misguided due to Globalization , Tata paid quite a high price for Corus, if it is invested in India no doubt profitability would be greater

Tuhin: Another benefit which developed countries have obtained is that of learning better management concepts. For e.g. the Indian Dabba walas and their phenomenal efficiency in the supply chain is now at a case study at Harvard. Similarly, the JIT concept and lean manufacturing of Japanese auto industries are being studied by DC and GM after they lost out on market share.

Abhishek: Mr.Rajesh and Lavya you are only talking of companies, just see how it has created a problem of unemployment in the respective countries

Nilanjan: The tendency of buyout of large corporate may cause problems. It may cause capital scarcity for developing countries like


Shilpa: The impact in the cultural front is positive as it helps sharing of ideas, languages, and cuisines. The economic advantage may one day help overcome the political and religious barriers and truly the world could become on happy family.

Rajesh: Abhishek. One invests to earn. So how he earns it is a different issue. And in the due course the companies are making more profit.

Shilpa: One thing we need to consider is in pre-British times, there was trade between countries but there was no such concept of free economy. Yet the prosperity was unquestionable.

Abhishek: Just see even if these companies are making profit then why US economy is on slowdown, why so many people unemployed.

Tuhin: Another downside of the decreasing global barriers due to Globalization is the terrorist attacks.9/11,7/7, the Madrid bombings as well the Mumbai bombings were examples of this phenomenon, unfortunately.

Shilpa: One thing that Globalization has helped India is in preserving the brain-drain. Now the west is no longer the preferred destination of well qualified people.

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Nilanjan: Impact of Globalization is good to some sectors, but to make a strong base economy we can’t depend on it, we have to believe on our own strength.

Abhishek: Globalization is like a pan balance which makes the balance between different countries across the world .It may help a country in one sector but may hamper in other. So the country must decide its policies for Globalization protecting its own National Interests.

Tuhin: I think that Globalization is positive when you know what positives are to gleaned from foreign influences. Everything you are exposed to is not healthy .So, if this phenomenon is welcomed selectively, it will reap rich dividends if we know what will benefit us and what will not.

Shilpa: I conclude by saying that Globalization has its pros and cons. But it cannot be denied that the impact it has had on our country has been positive. It has helped Indian companies to become more

competitive and ensured survival of the fittest. Though, policies should be framed to protect the interest of consumers and there should be restraint in opening the market at least in some sectors.

“Money is sweeter than Honey"

Mittal: Hi friends, today we have a very interesting topic for discussion, Money is sweeter than Honey. Money is sweeter than Honey because to taste the sweetness of Honey you need Money for buying it.

Teja: I say neither of them is sweet but the absence of them brings the comparison. Now the immediate question to be raised would be what if in case we don’t have both? To what I feel, the thirst for both these things differs from man to man. Person mostly interested in material substance would go for Money and a man looking for emotions would prefer Honey. I assume the Honey here in discussion refers to life partner. Added to this the phase of the life also determines the importance of the above mentioned things. A person needs Money when he has the zeal and passion to excel in career or want to spend a luxury life. When I believe most of them look for Honey, because I think they look for something which accepts them as they are in the sense doesn’t judge them. So, I would say the sweetest would be Honey with Money.

Rajni: Hello friends, the world we live in today is no doubt materialistic, things have changed a lot and all the human values are being overtaken by Money and desire for the same. Honey relates to the sweetest of things available but Money has replaced its worth and has acquired a greater value.

Rani: Money is sweeter then Honey: well without Money you can not enjoy the Honey as well as you can not have Honey. But it’s just the basic level needs after its satisfied i.e after you have Money other things like prestige, ego, social status become more important then Money.

Sucheta: Its all about the Money goes the line of a song and today we have come to discuss a topic that somewhat is linked with the words of the song. This is indeed an interesting topic for discussion. Honey is indeed sweet to taste and contains within it the purity of nature. But Money is man made and only man uses it. Rohit : Interesting analogy Mittal and topping that sweetly is dharma but let's not forget the point here is to compare Money as a bane or an solution to all problem the topic is digressing and it is not meant for comparison between Money and Honey rather it is meant for taking about pros and cons of Money.

Hemanshu Panchal: This is very good topic for discussion I think this is very interesting topic & I think Money relates to the purchasing power & I think purchasing can also afford for most sweetest thing then Honey or

even more for all others what they mean as sweetest. Money is such a drug for which a human can sacrifice the biggest drug in the world.

Raju: For everything Money matters. Even today the famous quotation health is wealth changed as wealth is health.

Mittal: I agree Rohit and therefore let’s look at the different sides of Money and Honey

Sucheta: Honey is sweet to taste but it is with Money that we can buy more sweet things and infact also Honey. Also Honey does have some medicinal properties and can cure many ailments but with Money we can afford the most expensive of treatments and increase the longevity of our life and also quality.

J.Agrawal: To start of lets define Money and Honey. Money is that little piece of crumbled paper in our pockets that gives us the power to purchase and Honey, as per my interpretation, is something related to sweetness of life or happiness. Now starting off with the comparison of the two. Here we have got to define what happiness actually means to an individual? In case it is the materialistic happiness that we are looking about then surely there is no comparison between the two The former is simply a means to earn the latter. And with this begins the rat race to earn more and more.

Teja: Money can definitely buy Honey but you it cant assure that its sweet.

Hemanshu Panchal: Today a person is divided based on the Money power of the person. By Money 80% of human problem is solved before we face any problem I think

J.Agrawal: Looking at the other side of the coin, In case happiness to one means being content with the basic needs of life being fulfilled and enjoying every moment of life then definitely Money seems to be one of the many needs and definitely not the end. As Teja has pointed out it can help you buy Honey but cannot assure sweetness.

Rohit : I hope like Mittal people after making there first remark will try to concentrate on the essence of topic . Although it can easily stimulate you to create more and more fun out of it. I request not get carried away.

Mittal: Honey represent the sweet part of life, it is something which is an inner feeling of satisfaction. It is correct as my friends pointed out that in this materialistic world Honey come only with Money but the inner satisfaction is something which one can feel even by trivial and non materialistic experiences.

Rajni: Individual definitions of happiness are one thing, But what is actually happening in the world proves the point, bribes, robberies, killings, loots - all are inspired by Money, earning!

Rani: Well here we are said that Money is better then Honey. One thing in argument to this is well you earn to give comforts and all possible things to your loved ones; you can say here Honey can mean the loved ones, your better half. What would you do even if you have tons of Money but no one to share with? No one to enjoy the pleasure of world that Money can buy. I say Money is important, yes it definitely is but it’s just the basic need you need to think about your loved ones more.

Ravi: Well, the idea of using the words Money and Honey are to signify things, in my view, Money means something which has the same value irrespective of the person who uses it and which can get in return something else. It’s a means of easy exchange. While Honey signifies hard work, and something which can never be used for harm. Going back to the topic, Money if in the hands of wrong persons can lead to destruction while Honey cannot be used in such a way. So in my view Money is subjective and can be a beast as well, while Honey can never become a beast, so definitely Honey is sweeter than Money

Rohit : So as we are on track now I would say that Money is certainly not everything but it is the thing to survive flourish and thrive in today's cut throat competitive world.

Mittal: I agree to what Rani said, Money can buy materialistic things but it can not bring us inner satisfaction and therefore it can not be above one's life and family.

J.Agrawal: However, we can not ignore the importance of Money altogether. We need Money to buy the basic necessities of life that are required to be alive in fact. So what will be happiness for a dead person? What I mean to say is that Money is important but it is not above all

Rani: Very nicely said Rohit, it’s like something that you can never have enough of it and you can’t survive without it. But running to earn lots and lots of Money, many people ignore their health. You need to pay attention to your health also even if Money is sweeter than Honey. You need to take care of your health. Honey is quite nitrous that could be one analogy for this topic that we can discuss.

Achal Arora: I would say that Money is above all, infact Money is the motivation behind everything; it is the end result everyone expects

Sucheta: Whether Money is sweeter or Honey is very much an individualistic outlook, it depends on one's perception. If you think that it can buy you all the comforts of the world then you are right. But if as it has been taken here Honey to be company of loved one, one couldn’t be

wrong to say that that is a pleasure altogether different from that of possessing Money.

Rohit : J. Agrawal, we have to think about Money all the way in life ignoring it even partially is out of question if you are an ambitious individual whose aim may vary from swimming into dollars like uncle scrooge or to be the biggest philanthropist world has ever seen either way you have to have lots of Money and you need to keep it right in the centre of your objectives to progress.

Ravi: There is a quote in Telugu "Anni Dhaanallo kalla goppa dhaanam annadhaanam" which means that in all charities in the world the greatest one is to serve food and the reason being, only after you have had enough of food, you tend to say enough, while in any other mode one is never satisfied, and in those lines I would say that Money is never satisfying while Honey can satisfy your hunger, so Honey is sweeter than Money again.

Achal Arora: It is the thing which can make life full of Honey, here by Money I mean what we are worth of. I am not asking for any charity, it is what my efforts are worth and it should be given to me, and it is much sweeter than Honey.

Rohit : Suchy, I would like to quote famous Hollywood actress that "those who think that Money can’t buy everything didn't know where to shop from"

Sucheta: Honey can also means the simple pleasures of life which cannot be bought so here Honey is sweeter than Money.

Mittal: Adding to what Suchy said, one can be too obsessed bout one's life partner of loved one and this can bring bitterness is life also. We can see this is examples around us, at young age people fall in to the trap of love and lust and even commit offences like murder for "HONEY" of their life and hence I think its very subjective to decide which is better Honey or Money.

Rohit : Money cannot do everything for you but you can do everything with it. It all ends up to person possessing it he can make it at heavenly asset or an nightmarish liability

Teja: To counter Rohit's statement, we can buy a house but not home. We can buy Honey but not its sweetness

Achal Arora: The practicality of life is that Money is much sweeter than Honey, it is what brings you the Honey in the, if it is not there than you can't even buy Honey. If prudently used it is the greatest asset.

Ravi: When I am trying to analogies Honey with anything, I am only able

visualize the sweetest things of humanity like hard work, life partner etc, while Money is really not giving me many things, it just brings into my mind dissatisfaction, because there are umpteen things which can buy but none of them would satisfy me, definitely Honey is sweeter to me.

Achal Arora: To counter Teja argument you can't buy sweetness if there is no Money.

Sucheta: Money rules many aspects of our life. We need Money for schooling, for healthcare, for food, for shelter, for clothes but do we really need Money when we are spending time with friends or family. Isn’t their company enough to make us feel good. Mittal: Rohit brought a very interesting turn to the topic that Money cant do anything, we do things with it. So let’s consider a case when one doesn’t have either Honey or Money in life and let us examine the situation to decide which is more important in life.

Rani: Yes Rohit, very rightly said Money can be utilized in any way it depends on the person possessing it, one might use it for personal pleasure, one might use it to help others, one might not use it for anyone and would just keep collecting it, but in anyways Money has power and everyone likes power.

Rohit : Teja you didn't get the essence of my statement Yes, Money cannot buy home for you but you can make it buy a house for you and turn it into an home . If you don't have Money you can't even get a house whether you posses the quality of turning it into a home or not.

Achal Arora: Suchy, will you be having friends, if you don't go to school, will you be able to live properly if you don't have healthcare facility, will you have food, and will you be alive without it.

Ravi: As Mittal said, Money definitely rules many aspects of our lives, but one should remember that Money is a medium we have decided upon so it should always be under our control rather than we being controlled by Money.

Teja: I see that everyone is more interested in discussing the materialistic part of life in which undoubtedly Money would be the most important thing anyone would want to have. But there is another component of life: the Emotional quotient, in this regard even if you we are the most richest and don’t have the loved ones, Money then tastes sour.

Rani: Ravi, its not about who is controlling whom its rather about the importance of Money in your life and in today’s world without Money you can not do anything. You have to have Money but again having Money is not everything but its essential to achieve everything.

Mittal: If Money is not there in one's life, life becomes difficult. In situation

like present, where society is so materialistic and assessment of ones character is don’t by which brand he or she uses, life will become difficult. At the same time we also shall remember that people do live without Money or less Money. No doubt their life is a struggle, but they live if they have a loving family and supporting companion.

J.Agrawal: Rohit, if you have the persons who make home then you can stay happy anywhere but what if those who make the home are missing altogether then. Definitely a bungalow can not give you happiness.

Rohit : Teja there you go, this is the point that Is Money the most important thing and you yourself agreed to it we are not discussing about the penultimate things in life but the pinnacle the source of all pleasures.

Rani: If you don’t have Money you can’t get better education, without good education you cant get good job, without good job again you are short of Money so you can enjoy all the pleasures of life that you deserve

Ravi: Long ago, when there was barter system, definitely there was a dispute between the exchange rates, but everyone had to be properly skilled to get in exchange while today when Money has become the source of exchange, people turn out to do lot of notorious things. This clearly states that mankind has been benefited with Money, but then Money has proven to be a major source of disparity, destruction also.

J.Agrawal: I completely agree with Ravi. All the corruption that is prevalent these days is the outcome of Money. Most of the crimes that are committed in this society have Money as motive.

Sucheta: Money is the cause of many an evil. With today’s fast paced world there is growing disparity between rich and poor. So in order to gain those material benefits the so called happy rich possess many are turning to antisocial activity. The lust for Money is polluting our society.

Ravi: What has Money brought into our lives? Corruption, dissatisfaction, sleepless nights thinking about the robberies in the town and how can I avoid them etc. When we think back in time, did we have the same crime rate and corruption rate in the time of our forefathers?

Rohit : Ravi both the system had there own pitfalls and you cannot directly conclude on anyone of them. At the time physical power was another thing that use to rule and a person not blessed by god equally used to suffer but with Money your physical disability do not stand anywhere.

Mittal: I agree with what Rani said, but at the same time I would like to point out that not having Money is a temporary state and one with his hard work can change this and there are several opportunities for one who desperately wants to earn Money. I agree there can be wrong ways

of doing it also but then in whatever way one can change the state of not having Money and hence this becomes a transit condition in life.

J.Agrawal: There is a famous quote in Hindi that means that "Money is more dangerous than poison. Poison affects when you eat it but only having Money in your hands affects you adversely"

Teja: At Ravi the barter system was bought in to picture because the man wanted most to enjoy as much as luxury available and Money is just a measure to the luxury he is enjoining and I would like to make my point clear, that its a measure of materialistic luxury.

Mittal: I agree with Rohits point of view. Its not essential that everyone having Money is anti social or corrupt.

Teja: Ravi, its not Money that has brought the corruption, dissatisfaction. Its the greed for having more and more and too much of anything is poisonous. I would say taking much of Honey would also not taste sweet.

Rohit : J. Agrawal very true but you cannot blame Money for it. It is the person holding it who is responsible with Money and power comes responsibility you can leverage it or exploit it wrongly it is all on the person you cannot hold Money responsible for it.

Ravi: Barter system was good in its own way Teja, because people used to buy only when they needed something unlike today, where people just buy things because its coming for less or because he fears that tomorrow the prices might increase. When people buy things, most of the times its just they don’t need it, but they think they might need it.

Mittal: As Teja said , I think excess of Money and Honey both is dangerous

Ravi: Teja going by your statement, Money has become too much and it just doesn’t taste sweet, while Honey is being rarely used and is being used when needed so its still sweet

Sucheta: Money is like a drug that is so powerful that it overpowers you. Often in the race to make Money we lose sight of what is right and wrong. What I mean to say is making Money is not necessarily a bad thing but one must not get overpowered by it. As Ravi said now we buy because we can and not because we need and often don’t know the place to draw the line before we spend too much.

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Mittal: After this interesting discussion, I think we analyzed various possible interpretations of Money and Honey. Money represents

materialism and Honey the feeling of happiness or a companion. Though both have their own importance in life and excess of both is dangerous, at the end Money is also used to bring inner satisfaction and happiness in life and hence significance of Money is only to bring Honey in life making Honey better than Money.

J.Agrawal: To conclude, I want to say that the topic of discussion is open to different perspectives. If you define materialistic gains to be happiness then Money is the means to happiness but it can not assure you happiness that means satisfaction in life.

Sucheta: I would like to conclude by saying that whether Money is sweeter or Honey lies in the perspective of the individual. While Money can give us materialistic pleasures it is company of friends and simple pleasures of life that make life a spiritual experience and happiness then flows from within.

Ravi: Money has driven the society into such a situation where things are bought just because they are lying there; the word need is losing its value. In such a state Money is definitely not a winner, while Honey which is rarely being used and being used only when needed. Henceforth Honey is definitely sweeter than Money.

“Sky is Blue, Grass is Green”

Jyoti: “Sky is Blue, Grass is green” Indeed a topic open to individual interpretation. As far as I can see, I can interpret it in two ways: A symbols of perfection i.e. everything at its place -- which is seldom the case. Another interpretation can go as having lack of creativity and innovation and sticking by the rules set by the world. Other perspective can go as interpreting the things the way you have known them to be.

R. Patra: Why there are thirteen cards of Spades or why 1 + 2 = 3? Doesn’t it sound strange? Similarly if you ask me why sky is blue and grass is green, and then I will say it’s just one more riddle we got no hope of solving. So, apple will stay red, the grass will stay green, the sky will stay blue and the clouds will stay white.

Thomas: The sentence brings to my mind the beautiful things in life we so often take for granted. We are so inundated in the bigger things in life that we often fail to take note of the more subtle but beautiful things.

Abhishek: I agree with Jyoti that it’s a matter of interpretation. I interpret it in a way that Grass is green and sky is blue just because they have to be like that .Their significance will change if their colors are changed. Dharma Tej: Well it can also be interpreted as things are not same

everywhere, perfection can take different forms though both beautiful they have their own ways.

Jyoti: Looking at it from the first perspective. Perfection is an appreciated act in case it is exercised keeping in mind the practicalities of life. Everyone in this world tries to attain perfection and in a fight to attain the same sometimes forgets the practicality of life. To consider a real time scenario, All the projects some deadlines to meet and in case we go for perfection we might end up missing the deadlines, which can result in spoiled customer relations and no further business

Jainisree: Yes, I agree with these interpretations and in addition to these we can also interpret as there cannot be change in certain things. The topic can be seen as there cannot be change in certain things and people aren't ready to accept changes in certain issues.

R. Patra: Well when I sit by the window & look at the distance horizon, then I find these two meeting. And then I start dreaming myself as a bird. When I wish I can fly & when I wish I can walk on the grass.

Ravi: hmm, that’s lot of interpretations. For me, this phrase reminds me of the name of the book "The World is flat", the sentence is as simple but there is a book written on it. Similarly when we say the sky is blue and the grass is green, it means progress and everything is green and clear. The word green is associated with happiness and pleasantness, so when we say the grass is green, which means that everything is pleasant and when we say the sky is blue, it means a clear sky that in turn means there are no blockades. As a whole this means that everything is in its expected idealistic state, just not one or two but everything.

Jyoti: Coming to the next perspective, Lack of creativity and innovation is why India has not been seen on the global charts for R&D work. The educational institutes here teach the students the things as they are believed to be, leaving little room for innovation. They are seldom given the chance to fill colors to their imagination. Considering it from a child's view, how many marks can a KG child hope to secure in case he has painted the grass blue -hardly any!! It can also mean interpreting the things the way you have known them to be. Just to site an example if a American boy proposes an Indian girl, which she accepts smilingly then gifting a white wedding to her can invite Reponses, why this mourning dress for the wedding.

M Srinu: Well it can be interpreted as in this world everything is in proper order without this it cannot sustain, so keep the system moving every wing must do its work properly to keep the system live always.

R. Patra: Exactly. We can relate our dreams as blue, which is difficult to reach as the sky, but not impossible. And the actions we take to realize the dream as green, ie, the grass. It is only through the actions taken in a proper way, we can realize our dreams. One can say it is this color of life which keeps us alive in this world. Otherwise our life would have been like a black & white movie, without any meaning.

Shilpa: Sky is blue and Grass is green. It means everything comes with its own specialty. Just like people are different. And we need all varieties. Variety is the spice of life. Blue of the sky is a perception. It is a color seen due to the interplay of solar light. Sky itself is a perception as only space exists.

Thomas: The phrase also reminds me of the uniqueness of things in life. Everything has been given a unique characteristic. Also it may be interpreted as the ability of people to distinguish one from the other.

Jyoti: The point is just to show that different things can mean different things in different regions and cultures. Hence, it is good if we can keep ourselves open to the different options and look at things in all possible ways. So that we can identify the pros and cons and can take an informed decision then

Ravi: For me it also looks like a caption for an Ad campaign, where they want to associate their brand to a thing, when they say the sky is blue and the grass is green, these are two things that are common, so in the same lines they can promise their brand also, eg: Clothes is Raymonds, Mobile is Hutch etc. They can start showing first a blue sky, then show green grass and finally the mobile and say its hutch.

Abhishek: Nature has chosen the colours of all the things in this world and it has chosen it so carefully and fantastically that even a minor change in them will abrupt the whole system. Like if colours of people living in Africa are Black then it’s to protect them from harmful rays of sun because they live near to the equator where the sun rays fall directly and thus cause more damage to skin as in Russia where skin of people is white. Similarly these colours represent life, calmness, peace and wideness (for grass and sky)

Shilpa: But a perception we create when we say Sky is the limit which means it’s boundless. Green of the grass also symbolizes growth and prosperity which is depicted in our national flag.

Jyoti: Abhishek -> Does that mean God is against globalization and migration? Thomas: It also brings to my mind the longing of a person incarcerated for whatever reason to see the blue skies and walk on the green grass. It depicts the feeling the man goes through in his

cell, going over the same thoughts, day in and day out.

Abhishek: I am not saying that God is against Globalization. But God has made such things to protect and nurture people living in different terrains of the world.

Dharma Tej: Sky is blue. Here it speaks how future is beautiful and bright but it never exits and grass is about present, where we live. It’s beautiful too with its gentle shades.

Jyoti: Yes, agreeing with Antony. It can mean monotonous life style and lack of innovation and experimentation.

Ravi: It can also symbolize the word equality as they say every body's blood is red in color, so anywhere in the world the grass is green and anywhere in the world the sky is blue. So it can symbolize Equality.

Rani Mehta: Topic given to us is grass is green, sky is blue. Everything has purpose. Green colour of grass is due to its chlorophyll. Sky is blue due to its vastness like that everything you do must have purpose.

Shilpa: Tata sky logo is also blue in colour. Then why all fresh retailers aren’t green in colour. Subhishksha is red and green. Spencer’s also has red and green. The colours also mean that nature has selected them for sky and grass. But we humans have choices. Some grasses also have choices, as they are red in colour.

Dharma Tej: Grass changes it colour in different seasons. Sky is not always blue. Its black at night, this add that nothing is constant, it’s temporary

R. Patra: We can relate it to the Windows background on our computer screen, with blue sky & green grass. It gives a feeling of serenity.

Jyoti: The keyword in today's world is innovation whether it is personal or professional life. In industrial scenario any organization that can be innovative enough to provide uniqueness to its operation is the one to succeed in the long run. In personal life we always prefer the company of a person that can change the mood and direction of talks depending upon the company and place he is in. This reminds me of the Darwin's theory that talks of the survival of the fittest and the ability of an individual to adapt to the environment he is in.

Thomas: It would make one think of our world, and how its environment is being exploited and trampled upon through the callous activities of the human hands. A day may come, when the skies may no longer be green or the grass may no longer be green. A

war could clearly swipe both these pulchritudinous entities away from us.

Rani Mehta: Like Ravi said the basic things remains the same throughout the world. No matter where you go. So you shouldn’t differentiate person based on colour or cast. Everyone has equal right to live and prosper.

Shilpa: Yes, when there is no innovation and change is not seen, it leads to stereotypes. It is difficult to be in a competitive market by having stereotypes. Change is the key here.

R. Patra: In this world of competition we have to change colour as the sky or grass changes according to situation or as a chameleon. The winner would be the one who learns the art of molding according to requirement.

Ravi: Again, we should understand here that innovation is not about changing the value of 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 its about meaningful things, so that’s the reason why even if a kid paints grass blue in color its not treated as innovation as there are some basic rules on which innovation is made. Shilpa: It also reminds us that two different colours together symbolize peace, which means it takes variety to add beauty. Like landscape paintings are beautiful as they contain grass, sky and many other things with their 'nature-given' colours.

Abhishek: But you can’t change the colour of sky/grass. It’s just playing with nature and in past we have seen the results of playing with nature. Scientists say that Cyclones, Quakes etc come mainly due to playing with nature.

Shilpa: Abhishek, playing with nature could be good too. A whole crop science of crops and genetics arose out of Mendel’s studies on green peas which have given rise to good varieties of crops and higher food yields.

Dharma Tej: One more way to interpret would be sky is blue only at day and the grass is seen green at that time, though the colour of grass doesn’t change at night the sky is turned black and we cant see the real colour of grass. One drives another, though they never meet only one is dependent on other not necessarily both.

Rani Mehta: We can also relate it to morale values. The basic morale value remains the same, No matter in which country you are; everyone respects honesty, friendship, generosity, kindness. So no matter where you go except for the changes in manner the basic values remains the same.

R. Patra: We can take another aspect. If there is a change in the colour of the sky, we can say it’s going to be a rainy day, or it’s going to be hot day, or it’s going to be a pleasant day. Similarly if the colour of grass changes, we can guess that something is wrong and action has to be taken to correct our misdeeds.

M Srinu: It also reminds of individuality and diversification that nature process, in the same way in order to keep the system working properly there should be diversification and individuality so that each person will perform his own duty perfectly

Shilpa: A starlit sky is most beautiful. Also, fluffy white clouds on the sky make us imagine shapes. It is these 'add-ons' that enhance the beauty of the sky. So also the little flowers on the grass add to its beauty.

Jyoti: The sky is scientifically of no colour, it is only the interaction of the sunlight and the air currents that gives it the colour. So we can interpret the statement as nothing is good or bad, it’s totally dependent on us as to how we look at it and use it. An example in this case can be of the nuclear power that can be put to both constructive and destructive usage

Ravi: This looks like a good title for a movie "The Sky is Blue, The Grass is Green" in line with "The Sound of Music". The title would look like a classical and musical movie for most of the people.

R. Patra: We can say it is this color of grass which saves the grasshopper from being detected from its enemy.

M Srinu: In nature grass, sky and so many things. Everything will have its unique identity and purpose, in the same way in any organization each person will have its own role to play which should not be neglected.

Rani Mehta: Patra that’s the reverse case. Grasshopper’s colour is green due to green colour of grass. It gives them protection. Its grasshopper’s adaptation for its survival and not the other way around.

Shilpa: Agree with Rani. Some things don't change and they should not change, like culture, values and morals. So is for commitments also. Once a commitment is made, it should be honored. Everyone has his or her own sky. The sky for a sparrow and that for an eagle are different. Just as different people have different potentials. What is important is that everyone should try to reach their full potential and push it every time they reach it.

Thomas: Imagine a person soaring through the skies in pursuit of his

dreams and yet humble enough to tread on ground, being caring and compassionate and ethical. Though in great heights, he has never ignored the qualities inculcated in him when he was young and now is on a sure path to success.

R. Patra: Rani. Why the colour of grasshopper is green can’t be answered by us. Nor the grass is responsible for its colour. It’s the almighty or the supreme power that has made of colour of grasshopper green & even the colour of grass green.

Abhishek: It’s the nature which modifies the colour of each and everything in this universe in to maintain its limitations and balance. May be its rainy day, snowy day or night sky or dry grass or red grass or green grass, its just due to different climatic conditions /ecological balance.

Rani Mehta: I will like to add to Jyoti, yes it’s the way you interpret things. The way you use technology that determines weather its good or bad like the use of internet can be done to share information and it can also be used top plan terrorist activity depends on how you use it.

Ravi: The Sky is actually Black, but it’s because of the refraction in the earth's atmosphere that makes it appear blue in color. And most of us would like the sky to be blue rather than black. This analogizes with the fact that many of us in the world today are a different individual from what others see us as. And it also proves a point that "What all are seen with the eyes can be deceptive"

Dharma Tej: Well one more thing to understand here is. In spite of the several colours of the grass can exist in we choose green for its the best and same is the case with sky, we can learn for this statement that always take the best of all the forms that exist for an object.

Rani Mehta: Rajesh its grass is green due to chlorophyll and grasshopper is green to avoid the budgeters.

Shilpa: Abhishek. It's just like circumstances change a person or an organization. In lean times companies spend to increase morale while in good times money is spending on celebration. People in poor countries are malnourished while those in developed countries are Ravi on an average.

Jyoti: It can also be seen as the sky and grass are of different colors but are equally important for sustaining life on earth. Grass provides feeding ground to the herbivores and the sky provides the space to birds to open their wings wide. This is to mean that every individual has his/her own role to play and the contribution from none can be neglected and considered as insignificant.

Ravi: And the most important thing here is that even if the sky isn’t blue its still called the sky and even if the grass isn’t green its still green. So it really doesn’t matter what color one/thing is? What really matter is its inner self

R. Patra: Ravi Exactly. It’s this deceptive nature of human who helps him/her in deceiving others and leaving them behind in the race of life.

Thomas: Living in a hedonistic world, we often fail to stop and take in the enormous peace and sanctity that nature has to offer us. Everybody is in hot pursuit of things that they think would make their lives better. So into it are they that they have never noticed how green the grass is or how blue the skies are or to rephrase, how one can be satisfied with the little things in life like love, family, friends and the like

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Abhishek: Most of us agree that the colours are given by nature to Sky and Grass due to a purpose and it changes in various circumstances which denote different aspects of life.

R. Patra: WELL. Why they are so? I would say they are riddle. And like these colors we have to add color to our personality to succeed in the corporate world, to cut our road through the crowded world.

Shilpa: I conclude that sky and grass are eternal. Sky is a perception but grass a reality. But both are beautified with small things. Variety is nature and it is the spice. But some things should always remain as they are to ensure peace, prosperity and growth.

Ravi: The sky is a sky even if its not blue and the grass is grass even if its not green. So color like any other should never undermine anything in the world. Everybody is equal.

Jyoti: This was an enlightening discussion with various interpretation of the statement discussed. While some believed that it was symbol of perfection, there were others to believe that it means lack of innovation. Some related it to commitment. Some interpreted it as God's way of creating distinction and providing breathing space to all. Others related it to equal rights being given to all the human beings irrespective of caste, color or creed.

M Srinu: Everything in its world has its unique purpose and identity so to keep this world alive everything must do its own duty without negligence.

Thomas: As a conclusion I would like to say that life is too precious to be wastes by relentless and tiresome pursuits. I say stop, look around, look at the clear skies, breathe in the fresh air, takes life more gracefully and above all, learn to appreciate the little and beautiful things in life.

Rani Mehta: “Sky is blue and Grass is green” General things which does not change no matter where you are. Similarly values and morality also doesn’t change. No matter in which part of the world are you, so always follow the morally correct values and don’t differentiate between people. Everyone has the equal right to live.

Yash Singh -IIT Mumbai : Colour of objects is attributed to the component of light reflected by it(among the seven constituent colours of white light).The colour of sky is due to the absorption and subsequent scattering of low wavelength blue light by the particles of atmosphere whereas, grass is green as chlorophyll ,the chemical present in leaves absorb all components of white light barring green (and its shades). Hence ,every phenomenon in this universe can be explained through science. " God doesn't play dice with the universe "- Albert Einstein

One should never judge a person by external appearances.

hiiiiiiiiiiiii Its very true that a person should not judge another by outside appearance we all individuals look different and so does ur attitude and behaviour also varies its very difficult, almost impossible to judge a persons mind by looking at them not all human beings are beautiful but there are beutiful human beings by heart whom we cant judge externally. I think it is fairly wrong on the part of any person doing so.

Indian As a Superpower

Hi Friends. About 60 years have passed since India had got independence.What she was and what is she? really sounds good when we compare the whole scenario. Industrlisation, Privatisation, IT, BPO, KPO have a positive impact on Indian Economy. Today it is independent and even distributing loans to other nations. Indian economy is booming with its 8% GDP rate against around 5% inflation rate, having a perfect economical balance. The import-export balance

is also showing a positive sign. Her relationship with other nations like US, Russia and so on, has made her a major hub for MNCs. Which has helped to grow it's forex. It has to be a developed nation till 2020 as too said by our hon'ble president Dr. Kalam.

hi frds well i am not agree with rohit.. that india will become develop nation till 2020........its right that we develop lots after independence but its not shows that we achieve lots..........ya i agree that our GDP rate is increasing but what about our per capita income it is very low........our 30% population are still living in poverty line ..they hve not even their basics.............our country also has a big debt of word bank and from other nations....in india all problems like price rice, corrupsion, crime etc are increasing day by day .......money which is sationed by central gov. 4 the development of the nation is maearly used in it..n its goes in the pocket of ministers.......we likes do job 4 MNCs .......they earn lots of money 4 their own country not 4 india...they uses our resources and manpower 4 making money 4 themself...........ya india earn money as imposes tak on them but it not real development...............if we want high level of development we should come with our own prodect in market nt by doing work 4 MNCs.......................................SO SEEING PRESENT SITUATION IT I DO'T THINK THAT INDIA WILL BECOME DEVELOP NATION TILL 2020

All nationalized banks in India should be privatized

Are Degrees Becoming Worthless?

Today, more and more people are attending third level education, and many go on to post-graduate degrees. People specialize in subjects that were not dreamed of a century ago. However, the result has not been an increase in real knowledge, but a cheapening of education. In this essay I will discuss how education has become devalued. Education is now something that can be purchased. Like a powerful new car or an architect-designed house, a degree or a post-graduate degree has become a luxury that everyone wants. But when everybody has something, that thing becomes worthless. Gold is sought after because it is expensive and hard to find, but if everybody changed their attitude to gold, its value would drop. In the same way, education, like the currency of a bankrupt country, is becoming devalued as more people have degrees. It takes ever-higher qualifications to get a job. Once a degree-holder was respected and listened to. Now he or she is just another job-seeker or employee. One effect of the rush towards degrees is that knowledge becomes less important. Other factors, such as influence, are more central in

getting a job or a promotion when everyone has a qualification. A further point is that people lose respect for themselves. Since everybody has a degree, even degree-holders feel that what they have is almost worthless. More seriously, the pressure to have degrees results in a drop in quality. When thousands of people study in a college, the professors cannot possibly maintain standards. Furthermore, we need to question whether advanced education is suitable for everyone. Does our entire population really need to spend years in school and college just to do fairly simple jobs? In conclusion, there are many negative aspects to the increased emphasis on qualifications. If we want to maintain the value of education, we need to examine the emphasis we put on degrees.

Are studies more benifitial in India or in Abroad.

Look !!! as a matter of fact, you have to enquire about the nature of Courses you are going to do. Suppose you are going to do B.Tech. or B.E., then India is far better than the other nations. So, in this case its worthless to flee off to other nations just for the sake of doing B.E. Better you should compete for IIT, and moreover, many of the Engineers working for Companies like Microsoft, are IITians. On the other hand if you want to do masters like that of M.B.A. or M.S., then you should better seek for the foreign universities and colleges. B'coz foriegn nations provide better study of M.S. or M.B.A. as compared to India. Moreover after the complettion of the course the colleges also provde better job opportunities. So, in this case you should give the competetions like GMAT or GRE. On the whole, I just wanna explain that some of the courses are better provided by India, while ome of the other are better considered of those of the foriegn nations. And the coice of the college or country totally depends on the nature and attributes of the study, scope of the study, expenses you are to going to give to aquire that course, and forthcoming job opportunities.

Are there links between krishna and Christ

According to me there are strong links between krishna and christ-the two almightys.both have a lot of similarities in their life history. there is a lot of data available over the net on this. please let me know in which direction you think.

Stephen knapp is a great personality who belives that there is a global existence of vedic culture.you all can visit his web site.

Are women are better parents than men?

yup..its true 2 sum extent...women have proved themselves far more better parent than men coz of their unconditional devotion n dedication towards their children n family.they possess equanimity,patience..they bless their children wid da immense luv n care...... proud 2 b a woman!!! ...

Are women managers better managers

I favor this topic as in my opinion women can take better decisions as compare with men. Take past examples from politics...who can forget the contribution of our late prime minister Indira Gandhiji

Bofors Scandal and the 'Q' Factor

The 155mm Howitzer(type of artillery gun) deal with Bofors AB(Sweedish Company) had cost the Indian National Congress, its Election in 1989.The middleman between Bofors and Indian Army, associated with the deal was Italian businessman [i]Ottavio Quattrocchi[/i],who was the Asian representative of a Milan(Italy) based construction company,Snamprogetti,for 16 years till late 1980s.The CBI had stated that AE Servises(Mr.&Mrs.Q's Company)had received illegal payments to the tune of $7Mn. from the sweedish Arms manufacturer.In between the investigation the two main people linked with the scandal,Mr.Rajiv Gandhi and Mr.Win Chadda(Indian Arms Agent) died .In May 2005,The allegation against the UK based Indian businessmen Sri Chand ,GopiChand and Prakash Hinduja was dismissed.By Jan'2006 even Mr.Quatrocchi's two British bank accounts were defreezed,on grounds of insufficient information against the accused.The Interpol had a red corner notice to arrest Mr.Q.He was detained in Argentina on 6th feb ,but the news of his detention was released only on 23rd feb...The question remains unanswered as the UPA is in power and Mrs.Sonia Gandhi being its Chairperson.So we can only wait and watch ....

Boom in the Retail Sector : Reliance Mart

Boom in the Retail Sector : Reliance Mart By Aayush Patni

Key People

Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Retail Ltd (RRL), Chairman & Managing Director K. Radhakrishnan, CEO, Reliance Hypermarket Raghu Pillai, Reliance Retail, Chief Executive & President

Launching of Reliance Mart

Aug 15: Reliance Retail Ltd (RRL) launched its first Hypermarket named 'RelianceMart' at Iscon Mega Mall (biggest mall in Gujarat) in Ahmedabad. Reliance Mart, 3-storey Mart spread over 1,65,000 sq ft will have on its shelves over 95,000 products ranging from fresh produce, food and grocery, home care and health products, apparel and accessories, non-food FMCG products, consumer durables and IT, automotive accessories, lifestyle products and footwear with aggregate stocks of about half-a million pieces. This Hypermart is being opened in less than a year of Reliance's entry into the 300-billion-dollar booming organised retail business. Last November, it had set up a cluster of Reliance Fresh stores in Hyderabad. According to Raghu Pillai, President and CEO (operations and strategy), Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), each of the hypermarket "will be better than the best in the market."

Services Offered

It offers some unique services to the shoppers like tailoring, shoe repair, watch repair, a photo shop, gifting services and laundry services all within the store under one roof and also it has its own bakery shop. The launch of RelianceMart is a step forward by Reliance Retail towards providing an international shopping experience to the customers at unmatched affordability, guaranteed quality and choice of products and services. RelianceMart will also provide easy and attractive finance options, including zero per cent financing for the purchases on select products. RelianceMart will continue to offer all its customers RelianceOne, a common membership and loyalty programme across all its formats, which follows the philosophy of 'Earn Anywhere, Spend Anywhere'.

Future Plans

The next two hypermarkets are to be opened in Jamnagar in Gujarat and in the NCR by next month with plans to open 30 such marts by the year. Raghu Pillai, President and CEO (operations and strategy), Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) said the company is planning to set up 500 hypermarkets across 784 towns by 2010. Reliance Retail is building a robust and state-of-the-art supply chain infrastructure spanning the entire country, besides setting up its own cold storage chain. It is expected to generate direct employment for half-a-million people and indirect employment to two million. Reliance hypermarket CEO K. Radhakrishnan said six malls under the RelianceMart brand would come up in the national capital region (NCR), five each in Punjab and Andhra Pradesh, three in Gujarat and two in Bangalore.


The hypermarket would be selling the products on EDLP (every day low price) basis at prices 15-20 percent lower than market prices. In order to grow faster and better in local markets with higher margins, it has focused largely on local brands instead of national brands or private labels. Local brands includes Induben Khakrawala’s Namkeens, Lijjat Papad, Wagh Bakri and Madhur (spices brand). This is in addition to 100 private labels that Reliance plans to display. Company’s Sources says that the share of regional brands in the Hypermarts would be over 10%.


Keeping local brands at the outlets is more profitable and also makes the supply chain more efficient. Being a bulk purchaser, Reliance Mart can offer products at very low prices. Also taking into consideration the local brands, the products at the outlets would be easily acceptable by the customers. And there would be comparatively less efforts needed by the marketer to explain the product to the consumers.


In some cases, few regional brands strongly liked by the consumers offer lower margins than that offered by the national brands. It has to face a tough competition by big shopping malls ie. Big Bazaar, Spencer Hyper, Vishal Mega Mart nad the upcoming Wall Mart.

business ia a war!!!

Yes I think buisness is a war but its not faught by swords & guns. Its played by two companies having a very nice management. They should have good people strength. Its a war of growth. Its a war to be the best in a particular industry & make your company the best. People do a lot of hard-work & smart work to make their firm the best. The company which is at the 2nd rank would always try to reach the first level by an means. We can see the exmaple of Mr. Tata who is trying to make a very big service center at Calcutta in Nandigram to launch his new car for Rs.1 lac & now he is fighting with the poor people of Calcutta & Trinamool leader Mamta Banerjee.

Hi guys we can’t say exactly that business is a war. It’s a competition between two or more parties for success, business growth and of course for money. Every businessmen want to make money more than the front party. That’s why they give competition to each other sometimes by decreasing product rate, by increasing salesmen services, produce better quality of product etc. while doing this things customer obviously come forward. According to me business is a competition

capital punishment shuld be banned or allowed

hii frns i think its a great topic capital punishment shuld be banned or not, in my point of view it should be banned we hav no right to take life. if we do same thaen what will be the difference between us and criminals, we can take any other type of punishment.

hey gopal...i guess it should'nt be banned...i know tat we have no rite to take sumthin which we cant return...but its not logical...keepin so many prisoners in a jail....requires a lot of resources...n u cant set dem free in dis society too..n den we have many prblms like hijackin n all where our govt. is asked to release such deadly prisoners...its quite easy fr us to comment ...but think of dose who sacrificed der lives for it..

Cauver water verdict ..how far satisfactory?

The Tribunal has allocated 419tmc ft to TN,270tmc ft. to karnataka ,30 tmc to kerala and 7tmc ft to puducherry.The major

conflict has been between karnataka and TN.It all started when the water sharing agreement was signed b/w madras presidency and princely state of Mysore in 1892 and 1924.As per the agreement TNand pondicherry-566,karnataka-177 and kerela-5 tmc ft.It took 16 years to decide how much water should be passed on to which state.This issue has seen even film actors on streets trying to raise their voices,to solve the century long dispute.But after the verdict the Karnataka Govt. was not happy and is still agitated over the verdict ,there has been lot of activity in the Cauvery basin ,as cauvery still remains an emotive issue and needs further study .

Corruption is a necessary evil for success in any sphere???

Corruption is definitely not "necessary" for success in any sphere. It is only something which is easy. Since it is easy, many weak-minded, lazy, or cowardly individuals fall prey to its temptation. Although such immoral or illegal behaviour may lead to immediate short-term gains, in the long run it only leads to the downfall of the individual.

Not only that, if corruption becomes widespread, it eats into the fabric of the society or the environment in which it operates. Thus, widespread corruption in every field will not lead to success but, on the contrary, will guarantee failure, chaos, pain, and suffering for the society as a whole.

So, that means you support 99% of the politicians who misuse their political power for their petty vested interests at the cost of the people of our country. You support those corrupt officials who tamper with evidence and help criminals get away after committing heinous crimes like murder and rape. You support cheap individuals who aldulterate food and cheat the common man at the cost of his health. You support nepotism and not merit or hard-work. You support thousands of such individuals who get a fake MBBS degree and play with the lives of innocent people. You support such people who open unlawful private educational institutions and cheat poor people after sucking out the little money that they have. These small examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

When you are making a strong statement like that, I suggest you to please give it a little more thought. When you say that you believe that curruption is necessary, you are spitting on the laws of the country; you are undermining the value of ethics; and you are missing the big picture altogether. Just imagine if most people on earth were corrupt (thinking that corruption was necessary)? What would happen? Anarchy and utter chaos. This is because no one would do his task or duty as he is supposed to do it. No one will be able to trust anyone anymore. Nobody will be responsible anymore.

Our society is still functioning essentially because most people on earth are still responsible and good. The day this gets reversed, our human society will crumble to pieces.

Think about it.

Hey... as far as i am concerned , i think corruption and success are completely two opposite ideas.. the Former stalls the Latter. how can success be achieved in the presence of corruption. Hope i am not missing a trick dude !!!

Hello sowmya, I think you are strongly protesting my statement.

You cannot name any person as a corrupted person without knowing about an uncorrupted person.Gandhiji is great because of britishes only.If there was no british person you might not here the name of gandhiji.

In a movie one person will be named as hero because he will be fighting against the evil(corruption).In one word, what is the meaning of success?............Reaching the goal or destiny against all odds.So that odd is necessary for you to be named as a successful person.In this topic that odd is Corruption.

deepu wrote:

In a movie one person will be named as hero because he will be

fighting against the evil(corruption).In one word, what is the

meaning of success?............Reaching the goal or destiny against all

odds.So that odd is necessary for you to be named as a successful

person.In this topic that odd is Corruption.

It seems, you have misunderstood the topic. The topic here means: is it necessary to use illegal or immoral ways in every or any sphere to climb the ladder of success?

Hi Everyone...

I would never agree to that say...

Anything is possible by anyone...Success never depends on anything else other than the individual's ability...Corruption can never aid mankind in anyway to pluck the fruits of success...

The only way and the best way to eradicate corruption is to instill tonnes and tonnes of moral values and to make them aware of the significance of hardwork...

"The only place where success comes before work is the dictionary..."

Its not whether u are corrupt or not, its how much and whether u show it or not... cos i m sure that everybody in this world is corrupt in one way or the other... Be it buying tickets in black, or giving a 50 Rs note to a policeman to avoid ur licence being taken away or anything else...

Everyone is corrupt, its only a matter of how much and whether u show it or not... At times, lot of people even dont realise it... cos its normal for them and they think its not corruption...

Using a reference to get a job is also corruption in its own way... hence i wud say that u cannot measure whether u succeeded with or without corruption as there is no definite definition of corruption... its person specific...

Take for eg our politicians, they are all corrupt but some of them show it and some dont... I personally like Laloo Yadav even when we all know he is corrupt... Cos he works hard and produces result... All we want is results, whether they come thru corruption or not is secondary...

Success is success... Be it with corruption or without, unless and until u are not harming a person its all a fair game as everyone plays it and no one is non corrupt...


In my opinion its not the corruption that helps someone in rising , it is the hard work and luck that matters but u can say that it give a small lift towards progress but when u see that u are getting good results u become habitual of this. But had u ever thought this thing that are u able to answer ur inner voice that whatever u are doing is right or wrong? since we know that corruption is main disease that had infected punjab to a great extent . so in my opinion as far as possible corrupt decsions in everyday life itself should be avoided as far as possible.........

hi frnds , I totally agree with wat soumya said...but i will stick on my view that corruption is necessary.... soumya u tell me if government is making reservation for all backward class as well as women...dont u think its unfair in this competetive world

for a person who has scored much higher than than that backward class stud ? here ppl r forced to pay xtra money(corruption) to get their deserving child an admission in good coll....now here corruption is used for good purpose ....u mentioned abt doc...if all this backward class student will bcme docs dont u think it will be a big loss to our society?

as every coin has two sides....having a corruption to achieve a ladder of success may be fair smetimes.....dont u think soumya? I even personally think that there is hardly any person who has has been wrkin without ne corruption....... talkin abt gandhiji....i accept that he was amongst the person who gave us freedom ....but did u ever imagine that if he wouldnt have followed life without corruption there would hve been no indo pak seperation.....!

"Cos ttheta"

Following GD was conducted on 21st Feb 06 . The topic "Cos ttheta" was suggested by one of the subscriber, Sulagna who got calls from IIMs-C,L,I,K .

Gaurav200X and Tina kulkarni clear this GD. Dhananjay Vidyasagar and Vishal Bhinde also performed OK but not good enough to clear the GD. Others need to improve. This kind of topic is open for interpretation in different ways and requires lot of imagination and creativity, those who stick to the literal meaning of the topic are likely to fail. For this type of discussion, the evaluator looks for the candidates who forms the basis of discussion, guides the discussion and get other people involved. rajesh kumar: hai guys i am rajesh

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Request everyone to select a font color of liking so that the comments of individuals are identifiable easily. We will start with a one line introduction from each one of you stating your education qualification, job experience (if any), location and the names of the institutes you have got calls for GD/PI till now.

vishal bhinde: Hi friends i m Vishal Bhinde, i done engi from Mumbai University. i got calls from XIMB GIM BIM n SIMSR..

dhananjay vidyasagar: hi dhananjay from cochin final yr bcom calls from gim and bim

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ The topic of the GD is "Cos theta"

abhishek mishra: let's start cos theta = 1/sintheta

abhishek mishra: Hello friends I am Abhishek doing engg from mumbai uni TCET

vishal bhinde: i m currently working with Bharti tele ventures as VAS GPRS Engi

tina kulkarni: Hello am Prajakta Kulkarni, am a BA psychology, worked for a year with veritas software

gaurav200x: i am gaurav....from cochin university..... I finished my graduation in 2005.... currently preparing for CAT

rajesh kumar: hai guys i am an engg student in E.E.E


vishal bhinde: i would like to start ....Cos thetha is the basic fn of trignometry once u understand cos theta u can understant whole of trignometry similiarly if u understand how finance management works then u can understand whole of finance sector... like financial analysis, loans debentures n equities etc....

dhananjay vidyasagar: I used to think tht learnin math is not going to get me any where but now i c tht math plays an important role not only in mine but in everybody's lives to build building and bridges and trignometry is an imp part of it so os cos theta

rajesh kumar: i think we must confine to the given GD topic and should not divert to other subjects which r far from

gaurav200x: well, i would like to say that 'cos theta' is an integral part of trignometry, which is used to measure the length and distances..... With the help of one function, eg. cos theta, we can come to know other functions too.... eg if we know cos, we can find sin theta, tan theta and all the sides of the traingle

dhananjay vidyasagar: cos theta is a term tht we mba aspirants have to be well versed with bcaz we need it if we have to crack the exams hence has got mathematical functions but is it very imp practically

abhishek mishra: Well cos theta is a most important part of Trignometry and what i think is all the term in trigo are related to each other in such a way that they compleate each other and form standard eqn

vishal bhinde: yes u r right it is an integral part of trigo n so if

finance... so v have to start from the basic and go to the apex...

dhananjay vidyasagar: it is one of the frist things we learn in trigo is tht y it is imp caz it is the bare basic of trignometry

rajesh kumar: cos theta is used in trignometry to solve mANY PROBLEMS TRIGNOMETRY IS used in finding large distances which cannot be measured so trignometry which is useful has its basic formula as cos theta hence it is a useful formula in trignometry

gaurav200x: So cos theta is a fundamental entity of tignometry.... and hence useful to find any side of the triangle.... In real, life.... cos theta maybe assigned to a real life situation... eg in euler's formula, which states cos theta + i sin theta... where cos in the real part and sin is the imaginary part.... Hence cos theta can be related to a real life situation and sin to a hypothetical one , both combined give a complete life.....

vishal bhinde: Cos thetha is an even function even fn where as Sine thehta is odd fn Cos thetha is same on both sides of Y axis... similarly some people r same from outside n inside where as others r not... so as a manager i would like to lears the skills of analysing people and knowing them better before dealing with them... good management institute like this one will help me in that....

rajesh kumar: yes i agree with gaurav we can use the formula of cos theta in real life problems

dhananjay vidyasagar: we are relating this theory with real life but how can we apply it

tina kulkarni: i would like to say that cos theta is always defined as the base of the triangle upon the hypotenuse,, and once we have these two basic values we can find the third one and so on.. his is the case with with principle of any organisation, once we decide that the organisation has to follow basic principles of honesty and hard work.. they rest like profits and fame will follow

gaurav200x: one should know, that a person lives a real life as well as an imaginary one... and hence.... he/she has two lives to lead in his/her life.... and hence cos can be used to resemble a real life of a person

rajesh kumar: i think vishal is deviating more from the topic i request all the members to be confined to the topic

abhishek mishra: Well i see cos theta and all trigo terms are use to calculate geometric information.

rajesh kumar: hai guys i am rajesh

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Request everyone to select a font color of liking so that the comments of individuals are identifiable easily. We will start with a one line introduction from each one of you stating your education qualification, job experience (if any), location and the names of the institutes you have got calls for GD/PI till now.

vishal bhinde: Hi friends i m Vishal Bhinde, i done engi from Mumbai University. i got calls from XIMB GIM BIM n SIMSR..

dhananjay vidyasagar: hi dhananjay from cochin final yr bcom calls from gim and bim

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ The topic of the GD is "Cos theta"

abhishek mishra: let's start cos theta = 1/sintheta

abhishek mishra: Hello friends I am Abhishek doing engg from mumbai uni TCET

vishal bhinde: i m currently working with Bharti tele ventures as VAS GPRS Engi

tina kulkarni: Hello am Prajakta Kulkarni, am a BA psychology, worked for a year with veritas software

gaurav200x: i am gaurav....from cochin university..... I finished my graduation in 2005.... currently preparing for CAT

rajesh kumar: hai guys i am an engg student in E.E.E


vishal bhinde: i would like to start ....Cos thetha is the basic fn of trignometry once u understand cos theta u can understant whole of trignometry similiarly if u understand how finance management works then u can understand whole of finance sector... like financial analysis, loans debentures n equities etc....

dhananjay vidyasagar: I used to think tht learnin math is not going to get me any where but now i c tht math plays an important role not only in mine but in everybody's lives to build building and bridges and trignometry is an imp part of it so os cos theta

rajesh kumar: i think we must confine to the given GD topic and should not divert to other subjects which r far from

gaurav200x: well, i would like to say that 'cos theta' is an integral part of trignometry, which is used to measure the length and distances..... With the help of one function, eg. cos theta, we can come to know other functions too.... eg if we know cos, we can find sin theta, tan theta and all the sides of the traingle

dhananjay vidyasagar: cos theta is a term tht we mba aspirants have to be well versed with bcaz we need it if we have to crack the exams hence has got mathematical functions but is it very imp practically

abhishek mishra: Well cos theta is a most important part of Trignometry and what i think is all the term in trigo are related to each other in such a way that they compleate each other and form standard eqn

vishal bhinde: yes u r right it is an integral part of trigo n so if finance... so v have to start from the basic and go to the apex...

dhananjay vidyasagar: it is one of the frist things we learn in trigo is tht y it is imp caz it is the bare basic of trignometry

rajesh kumar: cos theta is used in trignometry to solve mANY PROBLEMS TRIGNOMETRY IS used in finding large distances which cannot be measured so trignometry which is useful has its basic formula as cos theta hence it is a useful formula in trignometry

gaurav200x: So cos theta is a fundamental entity of tignometry.... and hence useful to find any side of the triangle.... In real, life.... cos theta maybe assigned to a real life situation... eg in euler's formula, which states cos theta + i sin theta... where cos in the real part and sin is the imaginary part.... Hence cos theta can be related to a real life situation and sin to a hypothetical one , both combined give a complete life.....

vishal bhinde: Cos thetha is an even function even fn where as Sine thehta is odd fn Cos thetha is same on both sides of Y axis... similarly some people r same from outside n inside where as others r not... so as a manager i would like to lears the skills of analysing people and knowing them better before dealing with them... good management institute like this one will help me in that....

rajesh kumar: yes i agree with gaurav we can use the formula of cos theta in real life problems

dhananjay vidyasagar: we are relating this theory with real life but how can we apply it

tina kulkarni: i would like to say that cos theta is always defined as the base of the triangle upon the hypotenuse,, and once we have these two basic values we can find the third one and so on.. his is the case with with principle of any organisation, once we decide that the organisation has to follow basic principles of honesty and hard work.. they rest like profits and fame will follow

gaurav200x: one should know, that a person lives a real life as well as an imaginary one... and hence.... he/she has two lives to lead in his/her life.... and hence cos can be used to resemble a real life of a person

rajesh kumar: i think vishal is deviating more from the topic i request all the members to be confined to the topic

abhishek mishra: Well i see cos theta and all trigo terms are use to calculate geometric information. Adhananjay vidyasagar: we should also take into consideration life is not like a RIGHT angled triangle life can be say obtuse and acute

tina kulkarni: the same principle can be applied in all walks of life once we identify the basic characters to any argument or problem the solution to all problems will come along

gaurav200x: Another point substantiating VISHAL is, that cos of a negative no. is postive... which resembles an attitude of a person.... i.e. the person's attitude is so cool that whether he hears negative remarks or positive, he always considers things to be positive..... and hence always has a positive thinking, atitude and outcome

vishal bhinde: Cos after 90 degrees is negative but the point is good that v should all b positive in life n must be same from heart n outside

abhishek mishra: if cos is alone it is opposite of sin i.e cos theta = 1/ sin theta but when they meet the make either tan or cot

tina kulkarni: i would agree with gaurav.. this is to be seen in the real life example of mr.Mittal today, inspite of facing several problems with his acleor takeover and facing problems of racism, he still is positive about his outcomes

vishal bhinde: Cos thetha is a defined in only a specific interval then it repeats.. similiarly our industry is also defined with some rules and regulations so we must remain confined to them but still get means to get maximum profit.... these are the skills v need to learn n manage...

dhananjay vidyasagar: can we look at cos theta as a bench mark or a symbol for positivity provide v have been given the angles and the measure accurately

gaurav200x: , i dont understand ur point.... how is cos= 1/sin?

rajesh kumar: raj tilak i think u r confused

rajesh kumar: cos =1/sin is not correct\

abhishek mishra: y wait, well it is a gr8 equation i found out while Proving one of equations in trigo LHS = RHS

dhananjay vidyasagar: like me raj too is not goodin math but the point remains how v must look at cos

vishal bhinde: yes it gives us the way to get exact measurements of angles n sides... so it can b used as benchmark to measure your performance

rajesh kumar: sec=1/cos

abhishek mishra: well i know it is 1/ cosec abhishek mishra: confused

rajesh kumar: ok rajtilak b cool

vishal bhinde: well cos is 1/ Sec but thats not imp i guess...

rajesh kumar: its ok

rajesh kumar: no i am just clarifying rajtilak'

abhishek mishra: ok

gaurav200x: well cos is a periodic function which fluctuates from -1 to 0 and then 1.... which indicates the life of a person, that it is a mix of positive and negative and nothing remains constant.... if it is negative... after a period , it becomes positive ..... and vice vers....

tina kulkarni: also as we take cos theta to be base/hypo it is the smaller side on the larger.. this creates am equilibrium.. and brings about stability.. thus even in our economy today it is the bigger industrialists that should bear the weight of society and help the smaller and less previliged people to move forwat.. this will createequilibrium and help us progress

vishal bhinde: can anyone give or relate any real life example related to significance of cos thethta

gaurav200x: vishal:: i think that was my point

rajesh kumar: well i agree to gaurav rajesh kumar: life also fluctuates from place to place in a confined region


dhananjay vidyasagar: cos fluctuates btw positive and negative like all us future managers have to do but has the future can v b confined btn -1 and 1 but think beyond it

gaurav200x: management teaches us to be positive in life... it teaches us to not become overly conscience over bad times and be a fighter always.... i.e. to say that it teaches us that life changes periodically from good to bad and vice versa.... like a function of cos

tina kulkarni: as i said earlier it is the smaller side on the larger.. this is the case with successful organistons.. where the management ormanagers are responsible for work done and make sure they carry the organisatio to safety and success while jeeping the base which is the workforce of the company happy and satisfied

vishal bhinde: ya i agree GAURAV... Cos is related to Finance as i told early... as it has no ending similarly finance has no ebd... as cos keeps changing its value so does finance changes... n we will have to keep a track of it as a manager

dhananjay vidyasagar: if v take the speculative trade sometimes v have to b negative to make money there cos fits in perfectly

vishal bhinde: ya i agree SAGAR all people have negative n positive times in life but v shd keep our personal feeling off as a manager n should be positive.... gaurav200x: another thing, which is a part of my point is that every organisation starts from scratch and then rises to glory.... similiarly an org, which is on the top can also go deep down to dust.... which proper mgmt... hence the irony of the func is depicted.... from 0 to -1 and then 0 to 1 and then veice versa

dhananjay vidyasagar: hence like a learned trader v change according to the situation bull when v have to bear when we must

tina kulkarni: exactly.. we need to be positive and as managers and

also capable of facing change with the same positive attitude as is the changing value of theta

rajesh kumar: ya thats a good point vishal in cos theta if we have negative input also we will get positive value,that if we take cos theta in management we can change every negative to positive

gaurav200x: we have to be always positive in life and give positive output to become successful mgrs.... which is the property of cos.... (obviously within 90 deg)

dhananjay vidyasagar: hence cos works only within this 90 degree dhananjay vidyasagar: ??

vishal bhinde: like COS starts from 1 similarly MBA aspirants also star with much enthu but fade of in due cource of time... i would like to tell all should continue working hard n u will suceed

tina kulkarni: also we need to experiment and encourage others to broaden their views and accept new ideas as the valure is never constant

gaurav200x: A +ve mgr is one who resembles his office, surroundings... and is the brand name of his project... i.e. to say that we can come to know abt the org just by the attitude of the mgr.... which resembles cos theta.... because just by knowing cos theta and one side... we can know all the properties of the triangle

dhananjay vidyasagar: v r ment to break barriers and think ahead initially v must play btw -1 to 1 but once v have attained that 1 we must move ahead and not b scared to move back a lil to move ahead even more i believe cos func can b used initially but v have to find out own barriers to break

gaurav200x: well vishal buddy, all the aspirants needn't start from 1.... some start from 0 and make it to 1.... while some start from -1 to 1... hence it varies on the individual

vishal bhinde: YES i ahree TINA v should be flexible n take others into account... being stagnent in an developing n changing economy will not be much useful...

abhishek mishra: When cos is zero it have the highest value and when in it @ 90 it has lowest value so dealing with human behaviour i think As a manager it is one of the best way to take risk

tina kulkarni: well i would like to say that as managers we must accept change, help the organisatin to move forward by taking the responsibility of the workforce(base) on our shoulders and be

openminded and ever changing

vishal bhinde: i mean all start with lots of enthutiasm but after some faliure they leave it n take random or lower B schools or even leave hopes of MBA so i told that all should keep trying in life.........

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Ok, Thanks everyone, request everyone to give a concluding statement.

dhananjay vidyasagar: cos apart from being a mathematical tool which helps professionals and students attain their objective it is also a scale tht v r put into in management which v r ment to break by takin good daring decisions to break across 1 and move ahead

gaurav200x: I think cos theta resembles human life..... the ups and downs.... from -1 to 0 and then 0 to 1 and again from 1 to - 1..... it resembles, that all whether gud or bad lasts only for a certain period and life cycles keep on repeating.... mgmt is a life science which teaches the same and hence mgmt is pretty much like a cos theta.... giving +ve outcome always

abhishek mishra: Well Cos theta is one of the important entity which we can not avoid in mathmatical term and if we relate it to our daily life ,many similarity we can find with that.

vishal bhinde: i think like COS v shd be flexible n well defined but still never endinding n keep learning as our economy changes ev rapidly........thank u all

rajesh kumar: i new to this type of GDs i cant get with u, i think this does not help us to develop skills of GD

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Ok thanks everyone , will analyse the discussion and send the result at the group in 1-2 days

dhananjay vidyasagar: it does helps u think out side the box

tina kulkarni: thank you urpercentile

abhishek mishra: thnx

dhananjay vidyasagar: thanx urpercentile

gaurav200x: thank you every 1..... nice GDing......

vishal bhinde: YES it helps.. tnx URpercentile

rajesh kumar: ok thanks ur percentile

dhananjay vidyasagar: hope u let me pass

gaurav200x: thanks urpercentile........

abhishek mishra: well this was my first time i am ok with my contribition

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Dabhol power corporation- A miracle or a debacle

Do children learn more quickly than adults?

Who learns faster - children or adults?

Small children seem to learn very quickly, while adults sometimes appear to lose the ability to pick up new subject such as languages, music, games, or computer programs. In this essay, I will discuss whether children or adults make the best learners. It is undoubtedly true that children seem to learn very quickly. In just a few years, they can learn how to play a musical instrument, speak one or even two new languages, and deal with many subjects at school. They even have time for sports and hobbies, and become experts in their favorite pastimes. However, how much of this is social pressure and how much is genetic? I am convinced that while children's brains have a natural ability to absorb new information as part of their developmental growth, much of their achievement is because of social pressure. Schools force them to take many subjects. Parents force them to practice new sports or to learn music. Even their playmates force them to become better at computer games or to read Harry Potter novels faster. In summary, children may enjoy learning, but their environment also is a big motivating factor. Adults on the other hand are supposed to be poor learners. However, I disagree with people who say that adults cannot learn quickly. Adults have many skills that compensate for the decline in the ability of the brain to grasp and remember new material. They can organize their learning by setting times for reading or practice. They can build on skills and experiences they know already. Adults usually cannot learn to do ballet or to play the violin, but even despite these physical

challenges, their motivation can often be higher than a child's. Unfortunately, society does not encourage many adults to learn. People are busy with families and work, and some adults may feel that further learning is pointless, since they have already achieved many goals at work or in their personal life. In conclusion, I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners. It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of enthusiasm he or she has for learning

Do freedom was success due to Mahatma Gandhi?

Freedoms was due to the brave freedom fighters that our country had It was the result of the hard work and patriotism of all of them The great GANDHIJI was undoubtedly the most important chapter in the history of our freedom struggle but it would be wrong to grant credit only to him. We must always realise it was never a 1 man's journey.

as rightly said above...achievin freedom was not 1 man's job...it was a cumulative process in which many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for it..tho ghandhi ji played a major role , but he alone cant be accredited for it..infact i feel tat da path of non voilence he choosed delayed our independce...wen it comes to freedom....der is no point in compromisin..

[color=darkred]yes i agree with it.Freedom is the gift given to us by many leaders like Bose,patel,nehru,tilak etc Ofcourse Gandhiji took an active part in it But we can not credit only him Even if Shewag scores century he alone is not responsible for victory He can not play the match with out other 10 Simmilary Gandhi alone can not be credited[/color]

Dollar is Devaluating in terms of rupees?

Dollar is definitely devaluating in terms of rupees; earlier the value per dollar was arnd approx. 50 rupees but conserding our fast growing economy the value per dollar has devaluated to approx. 40 rupees On one hand it is an advantage to a developing country like ours as our import bills will be reduced, but on the other hand it is discouraging our exporters

as they are running into losses. The govt. is trying to compensate for the losses to the exporters by covering a genuine percentage of the difference in currency rates.


yes girls r good acadamecians becz they do they work more effiently then boys.Girls work hard becz they never waste time and r regular in their syidies

GLOBAL WARMING - The biggest threat

Climate change is a far greater threat to the world than international terrorism, the UK Government's chief scientific adviser has said.

Sir David King said the US had failed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

And without immediate action flooding, drought, hunger and debilitating diseases such as malaria would hit millions of people around the world.

US President George Bush says more research is needed before he introduces punitive carbon taxes on industry.

But Sir David criticised the Bush administration for relying too exclusively on market-based incentives and voluntary actions.

He told Science, the "house magazine" of the US scientific establishment: "As the world's only remaining superpower, the United States is accustomed to leading internationally co-ordinated action.

"But at present the US Government is failing to take up the challenge of global warming."

Flood risk

In Britain, the number of people at high risk of flooding was expected to more than double to nearly 3.5 million by 2080, Sir David said.

And damage to properties could run to tens of billions of pounds every year.

Britain was trying to show leadership by cutting energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable sources, Sir David added.

But the UK was responsible for only about 2% of the world's emissions while the US, with just 4% of the world's population, produced more than 20%.

The UK was asking the world's developed economies to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 60% of 1990 levels by about 2050, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), Sir David said.

Severe problem

But despite declaring support for the UNFCC's objectives, the US had failed to ratify the Kyoto accord for emission reductions and "refused to countenance any remedial action now or in the future". Sir David added: "We can only overcome this challenge by facing it together, shoulder to shoulder.

"We in the rest of the world are now looking to the USA to play its leading part."

Sir David said climate change was the most severe problem faced by the world.

"The United States is already in the forefront of the science and technology of global change, and the next step is surely to tackle emissions control too," he said.

"If we do not begin now, more substantial, more disruptive, and more expensive change will be needed later on."

Population growth

Levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen steeply since the industrial revolution.

Concentrations have increased mainly because of the use of fossil fuels, deforestation and other human activities, spurred on by economic and population growth.

Greenhouse gases stop energy escaping from the Earth's surface and atmosphere.

If levels rise too high, excessive warming can distort natural patterns of climate, researchers say.

Climate change is the most severe problem we are facing today The United States is already in the forefront of the science and technology of global change, and the next step is surely to tackle emissions control too

Hi guys the threat of global warming is increasing day by day. U.S. scientist learned is that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming and humans emit them in variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of fossils fuels in cars, factories, and other electrical product. The gas responsible for warming is CO2. Other contribution include methane released from landfills and agriculture, nitrous oxide from fertilizer, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes and the lost of forest that would otherwise store CO2. And the effects of rising temperature are not waiting for far flung future. The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice; it’s also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move. See level rise became faster over the last century. Rain and snowfall has increased. If warming will continue then other effect could happen. Flood and droughts will become more common. Less fresh water will be available. Some diseases will spread such as malaria carried by mosquitoes. And many more. Many people and govt. are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases and everyone can help.

green and orange

hii friends i m lipika.i would like to say that green is the significance of the begining and orange is the significance of maturity.so we can take the example of an orange and we can relate it with our IT industry.for example TCS.which was green in 1960s and now very matured. also we use both colours in traffic signalling.

i m lipika.i would like to say that green is the significance of the begining and orange is the significance of maturity.so we can take the example of an orange and we can relate it with our IT industry.for example TCS.which was green in 1960s and now very matured. also we use both colours in traffic signalling.[/quote]

hi i am new to this site.well i really like what lipika wrote.green is the significance of begining and orange of maturity.those who have seen wheat plant, in the bigining its green and when its fully grown its orange. also we consider green for happiness.

we all forgeting one of the most vital meaning of these colours... we find them in our national flag.. orange( from the family of saffron!) is the color of sacrifice! sacrifices

that gr8 leadrs made to get us freedom. and green depicts prosperity!

HardWorking or Smart working?

well...i believe in smart workin rather than hard-workin..but honestly speakin,therez no ne short cut 2 success..1 has to go thru all da phases whichz required to b an achiever...but in a smart way.. for ex:--to crack da CAT, 1 has 2 put in hard work in a strategic manner....hard work surely pays off provided if done wid a smart approach..

I definetely gonna support the Smart working guys, b'coz they are having a clear picture of their aims and objectives and they also know how to achieve their goals. They, first make a plan of what is to be done, and work upon their strategy made. Achieving goals also require hard work for them. On the other hand, in most of the cases, Hard working guys seem to work hard without knowing about the short-cuts and the consequences of their hard-work. Only doing hard work and hard work is like a WILD GOOSE CHASE, and nothing else. Percentage of Success is very less in this case. So, I am in favour of Smart working guys, b'coz, if u have to survive in the modern world, and if u have to compete in the modern competent environment, then surely, u have to be smart and fast. I hope that u have understood my point .

I think Hard working and Smart working always goes together..

if u work Smartly but u dont work hard enough to complet it or u work very hard without any direction, it will never give Desired result...

in my openion, for Successful Completion of work, u should act smart and work hard


hi all

i think if both smart work and hard work are co related because if you are working smartly and not doing hard work to achieve your gole then its vain simillarly if you are working very hard and you dont know for what i am doing that much of hard work then also its vain, so in my oppenion one should work hard in a smart way to get things easily and in a proper way.

What I believe is Smart work & hard work go together. If you are an agent of any call center & you are satisfying your customers while on phone & ur Team Leader is happy with you but you are not maintaining your stats then at the end of the month you will get your normal salary. However if you will maintain your stats & will satisfy customers as well then you would get a very good salary. You would have got brilliant chances of promotion if u are doing smart work including hard work. Such kind of person comes in the eyes of his Managers & supervisors, but if a person will keep on doing hard work like a spider does to climb the wall then it will take a very long time for him to get promoted.

Smart work in an industry means ur manager should see that you are doing hard work & taking care of the entire team in absence of ur team leader. So, these two things go all together.

I think hard working or smart working both goes together. If working day n night without any strategy you might not achieve your goal. Suppose before examination you are working hard but you don’t have any idea or skill that what kind of question need to prepare more you never get your success. Both together like SONE PE SUHAGA.

India towards westernization or modernization

I think India is moving almost parallely but it is more tilted towards the westernization rather than modernization...wat do u say???

How safe to work in Call centers at night for girls...

when you are saying that is it safe for girls to work in night hours that means you are blaming boys for that indirectly..? why every body keep blaming boys always in some cases girls are also indulged. if girls want to work incall centers then first they have to put themselfe within proper boundries so that if somebody dair to approach towards them have to think once. when they know that there would be nobady to help them then they must not work in night hours in call centers.

I`m new here

Hello all! im new to the boards. and just want say "Hello!" and Mary Christmas!

Best regards, Inga! P.S. mbaforum.ascenteducation.com - the best forum!


R.Mehta: Good evening friends. Topic given to us is winning is not everything then why do you keep scores? Some say, there are no second places. Its either you win or you loose. Winning is not everything, your participation and sincere efforts is what is of the utmost importance. Keeping scores would let you know where you lag behind and what you need to improve to be the best. I think your craving to win is necessary if you want to win. And to be successful it’s really required that you aim to be on top in your field.

A. Ahuja: Good evening everybody the topic given today “If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score” is a very discussable topic and is quite interesting .Well according to me It doesn’t matters if you win or loose all it matters how you play the game but on the other hand the score has to be maintained so as to analyze a person’s

performance and his shortcomings. Moreover keeping scores lets an individual know he stands and help him better his own track record it helps him in improving his own Individualistic character. Keeping score helps a person compete against his own self

T. Chaturvedi: Well, winning may not be everything but performance measurements with respect to the ambient circumstances is everything. By monitoring this aspect, people can aspire to improve, if not for beating the competition, then to gratify their own sense of egos. Scores are also kept to analyze why one aspirant was able to perform much better. Was it because the conditions favored him or was it that his mental makeup was much more robust? If it was the former the conditions must be altered so that the competition becomes more interesting and the spectators get a great value for money.

Trupti Indulkar: Participation is more important. For the spirit of sportsmanship, one must participate and scores are an indication of how one has performed. Scores let you know where you stand. It eggs you to perform better. Flip side would be that, one would be part of a rat race. Numbers become more important than performance. Could also hamper ones confidence and bog him/her down. Keeping scores could also be an indication of healthy competition.

Sucheta: Winning is not the most important thing in the world but surely the scores is an indication of your performance. The score tells how far have you reached and how far you have to go. It is a means of comparing your performance to that of the winner. Winning gives one a sense of achievement also just because one does not mean that he doesn't need encouragement. The score gives him an idea of how much better he is than the other participants and hence pushes him to perform better.

R.Mehta: Your sincere and full effort is of utmost importance. It doesn’t matter if you win or loose once you give your best efforts. Keeping scores will let you know where you lag behind and where you need to work to improve your performance. If you don’t keep scores then how will you come to know your weakness and weakness of your opponents?

Ashwin Kumar: Looking at the topic, let us define winning and score. Winning, the word shows that there are more than two participants and there is the concept of one of them being better and scores are a way to evaluate people. What comes 1st to our minds looking at the topic is the very popular game of cricket obviously the game is played as an entertainment for the spectators and scores do the trick. Human mindset is that unless there is a target to be achieved one does not work.

Vivek: I think the two sentences of the topic should be seen with different views while the first one is for individuals; the second one is for those who evaluate them. For an individual what should actually matter is his efforts while when you have to judge many people you need to give them some kind of scores.

Ganesh Ettiappan: Winning is not important, but how much you scored and where your standing and which direction you should proceed to win makes sense. So for measuring the depths we need scores otherwise we need some terms to quantify our level, and future improvement, If we don’t know the distance of traveling then it is not possible to reach that place safely. Always these scores will give confident and sell motivation will be formed by measuring our effort using scores

T. Chaturvedi: Winning is also only a subset of the competition. What really matters is the participation. How the competition was performed, if the spirit of healthy competition was maintained, winner was gracious and the loser respectful. I would rather say that the performance may not always be compared to the winner's. A player may map his own performance and see the scope to improve by his own standards.

A. Ahuja: Winning and loosing are the two sides of the same coin. We learn from both winning and loosing but scores are a magnitude of your performance irrespective of winning or loosing. Scores help us know where we stand and where others stand. At the end of the day all that matters is how you fared and what you learnt whether you won or lost and scores can help you to determine your performance.

Jainisree: Winning may not be important but there should be a winner. So that there will be a measure for performance. Participation is important but if there is something like scores then it will reflect your performance and helps to put more efforts to climb the ladder and for the winner it will be a boost and for others it will be a source of inspiration.

Roohi: A contest with rules to determine a winner. Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything. I agree with this. It’s not about winning it’s about your enthusiasm, your will to play. To keep your hope, to keep your enthusiasm in the game we need to keep the score. And if you don’t keep score, one won’t play with whole heart. As we all know that if there is no interest or reward for anything, one wont like to go for it and same goes for this if we don’t keep score, no one want to play. It’s just to keep the enthusiasm of the game we keep score. And secondly to measure a person performance we need to keep the score. To know one's shortcomings, weakness or day one's achievements we need to keep the score. Its about giving a

meaning to something. So I agree with it

Vivek: I agree with Ahuja, they are actually two sides of a coin because everyone makes an effort to win but since there are two possible outcomes and not every body can be a winner I think somebody has to lose but it surely does not maker the loser less respectful or less intelligent.

Tej: Well, I agree that winning is not everything but it is destination which drives us to do that particular thing. Scoring lets you know how well we fared in it .It reflects your ability and the skill required for reaching the game. Now this doesn’t mean one who scores less doesn’t perform well but scoring is to rate a person ability and skill in that game.

R.Mehta: T.Chaturvedi, unless and until you compare yourself with others, it would be really hard to stretch yourselves. You will not work really hard and try your best at every possible time unless you have got very close competitor who is ready to snatch your title or place. Your ambition to be the best is what keeps you going.

Sucheta: Agree with Tej, Scores lets us know the direction we have taken in our performance. Also how much we have to work to reach the goal.

T. Chaturvedi: Scores may also be kept in order to keep a record of the potential of a aspirant. This could be a check point where an aspirant may want to introspect and form new strategies to perform much better not necessarily to win next time. It may well be to reach the next check point. Miss Rani, I am again just typifying not stating a general platitude.

Trupti Indulkar: Competition brings out the best in a person. There should also be a fair means of scoring. A set standard that is agreeable and verifiable is essential.

Ashwin Kumar: So that’s the important of scores. As far as " winning is not everything...", I feel its a way of consolation for the losers, or the people who don’t win, its saying that he/she might not be won here but definitely there is another field where he will succeed.

R.Mehta: Suppose that you are the only one in class who got 80 percentages and all others are getting 70 or 60 percent then it will not lead you to work hard but if someone is just behind you like someone getting 79 or 79.5 percentage then you will work harder to stay on top. or to maintain your place.

Sucheta: Scores are also kept to motivate the player. Suppose if one

was playing well at some point of time but has reduced performance now. Seeing those scores again will give him hope and the determination to try and achieve that excellence again. Since, he already did it once. Agreed scores help others to evaluate your performance. It gives them the idea of how good you are. When they don't have the time or inclination to really get to know you scores can do the talking for you.

Vivek: Actually what dharma has just said is right that you need the scores to see where you stand but actually speaking the scores are not actually meant for the person itself they are more meant for the people who are judging you. For a person it is just the effort that he has made, not to say that the scores serve a purpose for the individual also in that they let the participants know there own shortcomings.

Tej: It’s true that most of them requiring scoring be it for any reason. But does the entire destination (winning) require scoring?? Say something like qualifying exam??

Trupti Indulkar: Though we all agree that scores don't mean much, we live in a society where these are more important than any other gauge of performance. Right from school to the time we die, scores are being kept. By our teachers, parents, colleges and work places.

Ashwin Kumar: Exactly scores act as a motivation factor. It is the past performances in the field that help you work harder and gives you confidence when you aren’t in the best of forms. Look at our stock market index for example : Its an indicator of our economy when it fell after reaching record high, our industries worked harder and improved it. Having reached a higher index earlier showed them what they are capable of.

T. Chaturvedi: A competition is an abstract term, It may be that two teams have faced each other earlier and beaten each other an equal no of times. In a certain competition, they may be equally matched. Anyone can win. Both have put in hard work. How else can you determine the difference other than quantifying?

A. Ahuja: Yes Tej, even in an examination there is a set score that you have to reach a set point which determines if you have qualified or not.

Tej: Its just an qualifying exam why does someone want to rate it. All it matters in a qualifying exam is whether he qualified or not. Here the qualifying is winning. Why does someone want to rate it??

Jainisree: Right, if there is nothing like scores. How one will know about his position wrt others.

Ganesh Ettiappan: See in life we should compare things which will help us to improve ourselves to level where we want to see ourselves, that’s reason we have scores and time limit in all cases.

Sucheta: After all if you were not capable you couldn't have managed that score. That kind of fluke happens rarely.

R.Mehta: Very rightly said how you can compare two teams or individuals if you don’t keep scores. Wining is not everything still everyone wants the best player in his or her team and best way to judge or choose is to keep a score. Percentile Score required to get GD/PI call There are about 1.7 Lakh students writing the MBA entrance exams.. Scorerequired.htm Online GDs/PI at UrPercentile ONLINE MOCK GD :Cos Theta ;Should IIMs start engineering courses? GD-1;ASEAN AND INDIA. OnlineGD/PI.htm Sample GD Topics Neccesity is the mother of invention. Engineers joining management is a national waste. GDTopics.htm

Vivek: I think you are right in putting that question Tej. The ratings are given for the transparency of the process. So that nobody can question it.

T. Chaturvedi: I would like to ask Miss R.Mehta, how is it that GE has always managed to better it's performance in the plastics market in spite of the fact that it's been way ahead of the competition since the past decade? It’s because true winners always improve upon their show even if they win every time. So getting an 80 with others getting 70 does not necessarily mean you have no scope to improve.

Roohi: See we not keeping scores to measure just the performance of a person, it is also to keep that person going in the game. If we won’t keep the score the person won’t have any interest in the game. We have to keep the interest also going on.

Tej: Yes, I agree that there is a cutoff and it is different from scoring, I think scoring here refers to relative performance and its not needed in cases as qualifying exams.

Trupti Indulkar: Like it or not, we will always be measured. We compare ourselves to the world around us all the time. Numbers are an objective way to illustrate this standing.

Sucheta: See in a group of bad performers anybody slightly better automatically wins but then you can't call him a winner because he won by default there. But if scores are kept we can understand what

level of expertise he reached.

A. Ahuja: Why not! It is not needed in qualifying exams. How would you keep a set point then how would u know who has qualified and who has not?

Shiva Gopalan: I think R.Mehta is right by saying that scores are essential to rate ourselves with our competitors. We can improve upon that. Each one has their own potential, but it needs to be measured in the proper way. Scores and competition are essential.

T. Chaturvedi: I agree with Trupti but though we will always be measured, that does not mean that we don't have any personal standard.

Jainisree: Tej, if there are no scores and if 1000 qualified in an exam and there is an institute which wants only best 100 there scores come into picture.

Vivek: But here I would like to put a question for all of you. Can a qualifying exam not demoralize a person in life if he scores very badly due to some reason even if he was good as ruchi said earlier he might have made a mistake.

Shiva Gopalan: No vivek, it can be taken in the positive sense also. Humans are supposed to make mistakes. We are supposed to learn from our mistakes and move up in life.

R.Mehta: T.Chaturvedi, I am not saying that there is no scope of improvement, I am just saying that some people might feel complacent and they will not really put in 100% effort if they are way ahead of the rest and there might be few exceptions to that but its the general thing that you will not really put in your best or work to the fullest potential if you are sure that you are going to come 1st even if you don’t put in any effort.

Trupti Indulkar: Friends, I also think that keeping scores may mean that one is holding a grudge against someone. You are counting someone’s offences against you. It happens all the time! This is another dimension we could explore.

Tej: Qualification I m referring to here is not relative , the one you are referring to is a competitive one, you have to meet a pre-decided goal to qualify for that winning and only thing you need to judge is whether he crossed it or not.

Ganesh Ettiappan: What Jainshree told is right. See in CAT many were getting good scores but those who are in top only getting calls which make others to think what should we improve and what to be done

next some thing like that .

A. Ahuja: I would like to tell you that it depends on how he takes it he can learn something positive from it in fact the score would tell his performance and that is why scores are needed to evaluate.

T. Chaturvedi: Scores are kept only for the sake of records to see whether a person cleared the specified benchmark or not. That's why they only matter till they are the present. Once they enter the record books, they are forgotten and the focus shifts to the next competition. What is not forgotten is what learning the aspirants garnered in the older one.

Sucheta: A person who can get demoralized by one exam needs to do some serious thinking. One score does not make someone good or bad. It is consistent performance. Scores are a way of telling you how you are doing. Scoring here is basically setting a benchmark for yourself. So in fact every individual rates himself one way or the other.

Shiva Gopalan: Every single person needs to keep a scoring mechanism for himself. He has to constantly rated his performance.

A. Ahuja: Exactly T.Chaturvedi, but after all scores are necessary at some point may be not for evaluation but from some purpose

Trupti Indulkar: It happens between companies, partners, friends and your own flesh and blood. When you are keeping scores, you are taking to heart all the minor offences also.

Vivek: Yes Shiva it can be and it must be, as it happens in most of the cases. If i don’t score in a exam i don’t think I am bad just because i didn’t do good in this particular exam but just think of a person who is good in ideas, he has a lot of knowledge but he can not speak in public so he can not clear a gd/pi, Can this kind of a process demoralize someone like him

Tej: Also winning does matter in competitive fields and I say scoring is required there but in fields where it is only a qualified or not sort of things, I say its not required.

Jainisree: Scores are not always valued but only where necessary. For example to get into the corporate world after graduation there are only cut-offs, after the cut-off your score doesn't matter.

Ganesh Ettiappan: Always scores makes sense and gives us reward. Everyone were winning I mean achieving there own goals .One might aim for moderate B-schools but his score will be less compare to the one which got 99%.

T. Chaturvedi: That purpose is satisfied by the fact that the competition must have a winner by traditional principles of a competition. The scores serve this purpose of determining who was superior.

Ashwin Kumar: This is a competitive world and survival of the fittest has been the key since the earliest days of evolution. So one needs to decide the best in every field and accordingly rank them. Scores are necessary there and when they say winning is not everything, we need to take into account what winning is. It is an individual's perspective. For me getting a job to have a self sufficient family could be winning, for someone else becoming the CEO and heading an organization may be winning, for someone like Hitler conquering the world was winning. So it varies, one has to compare with what one gets and form his conception of victory.

Shiva Gopalan: Atapattu of Srilankan cricket team was a failure in his first few matches. He did not give up, he rated himself and improved. Winning isn't everything, it is the ultimate learning that matters.

Trupti Indulkar: Friends, I think we are discussing more about scores than the actual topic. We need to see beyond our noses. Not just cat scores and cricket scores. When do we as people keep scores? Not just in academics and games! In a lot of ways in life. Let's not take the topic literally. There is so much more to it and we must try to explore each one's perception and not just what's obvious

R.Mehta: Yes like T.Chaturvedi said scores are only important when they are present, what is really important is what you learn from your experience. Did you realize where you made mistake and what is important is what you did to improve on that.

A. Ahuja: The general thing here Trupti is scores and scores serve the purpose of rating whether in a cricket field or a competitive score

Vivek: Yes, I agree with you Shiva what actually matters is that you look at your performances and try to find out where you lag and try to improve yourself

Sucheta: Winning is great it makes you feel good. All of us here want to win and the scores put your winning into black and white. It legitimizes your winning so that others can see your score and marvel at it. They understand how hard you worked for your goals.

Ashwin Kumar: So wining is not everything just reiterates that one has to try out various options and see what his field of interest is, that is winning. May be we can say WINNING EVERYWHERE IS NOT EVERYTHING. We have good examples, Sachin was not good at

studies, and he is good at cricket. Scores in studies and cricket helped him decide his future

Vivek: But Ashwin, what do you do when the person who is rating yourself is not you but is someone else that is when the scores matter, that is where you have to really think what does my score in a exam or a competition mean to me.

http://www.urpercentile.com:/ Request everyone to give a concluding statement.

Tej: Winning may not be everything but passion to win and achieve. It is everything and the measure for which is scoring, it tells you where we are placed in regard to that destination.

A. Ahuja: Conclusion : Winning or loosing it doesn’t matters all that matters is what you learn and what you gain . But scores are necessary for evaluation and performance enhancement.

T. Chaturvedi: I think that scores are kept only to quantify performances. They may decide a winner but they are not the be all and end all of a competition. There is always the next day and new aspirations. What matter is how much you've strengthened your pluses and how well have you worked on your weakness.

Trupti Indulkar: I think scores are an indication to oneself and the world outside of one's position. It inspires you to do better and pushes your limits. But keeping scores can also have a negative connotation. It depresses you and gets you caught in a rat race. There is also another dimension when people start counting the offences incurred and leads to a lot of bad blood in society

Jainisree: Winning is not everything definitely, but scores are there for the measure of one's performance. To let an individual know how best he can improve and what best he can achieve if he improves to his best and become a winner.

Vivek: I will like to correct Aditya by saying that what you learn is fine but when you say what you gain you actually need to quantify what types of gains one expects from it.

R.Mehta: Scores are just past records and they in no way determine your current standing but current scores are really good indicators if you want to select players for your team. Scores also will let you know where you stand and what are your strengths and weaknesses, which will help you in improving your performance. Winning is not everything but keeping scores will motivate and help you improve your performance.

Shiva Gopalan: I would like to conclude by saying that scores are very much essential to rate one's performance, improve oneself in every performance and aim to deliver the best always

Sucheta: Winning here surely is in the competitive sense while it may be true that winning may not be everything but keeping scores sure lets us know where we stand and improve ourselves. It allows us to feel a sense of achievement. It is a way of quantifying achievements. One must try his best always but not get disheartened by performance. They are just numbers and they can be changed.

Ganesh Ettiappan: Winning is not important, only participation in events and analyzing themselves, comparing with others in order to improve them to achieve their goals.

Vivek: Wining is not everything but it tells you how good or bad you are in comparison to others. You actually need to look at the result in a critical way and find out where you lag and may be give it a try once more until you win as some body gave an example of Attapattu. The scores are actually needed to rate yourself in comparison to others so that we can decide a winner which can be only one or a limited number.

Ashwin Kumar: Scores are the encouraging factors to better one's performance, act as motivation; they entertain spectators in field of sports, and show a person what his field of excellence may be. Winning everywhere may not be everything but one must define his victory and try to attain it for personal growth and scores at various points of his preparation for the victory help him as indicators as to how close he is to the target.

Impact of the 15th August on today young Generation

Everybody has impact on this. But the way of expressing with others differs from person to person. Some may not show their spirit which they have in themselves hidden. Many peoples have the impact which even they dont realize. If any circumstances comes to show their spirit, they will show their spirit & impact. After that they could realize that they have this much of spirit within them which they haven't felt these days.

India's policy of SEZs - A move from Agriculture to Industry

Abhishek: India is opening /allotting more and more agriculture land for SEZs. In my view it is a very good move for the economy of India.

The rural areas where there is dearth of facilities like power, water, materials etc will grow up with urban India. This is also very helpful for Industrial growth of the Indian Economy. More an more Industrialist and MNCs are hunting for SEZs where they get subsidies and thus would help their business. This is very important for Foreign inflows via the MNCs which along with increasing infrastructure will provide employment for people of rural India and provide many such opportunities to them.

Manish: India has been an agricultural country for ages. This is a shift in policy of India, we must go slowly about it. Industrialization will certainly help we must try to maintain a balance. If we are taking lands of farmers we must make sure that they also reap the benefit of industrialization.

Shilpa Kolte: SEZ provide an opportunity to concentrate industry in a particular location, which helps in development of the region. Today, a vast chunk of the GDP comes from the service sector and it is likely to go up in near future. Abhishek: But government should not forget that only a part of the agricultural land must be allocated to SEZs. Because it is the most essential part of ones economy. It is not only because it contributes to the GDP but because it provides the country with most essential thing of life that is : FOOD and CLOTH. We can import the food grains/agricultural products from other country but seeing the large population of our country I think it is impossible for our country to be depended on any other country for it. So if government goes in a planned way and develop both SEZs and agriculture in proper manner I think India will see a great Economic upturn.

Rajesh: Well. In our country 12.4 % of population is dependent on agriculture. It’s a huge population. So we need to divert some of the people dependent on agriculture towards other sectors. SEZ is a good move towards a new start. But the way it's implemented is a matter of concern. For example, the Tata Project, in Singur & chemical SEZ in Nandigram.

Manish: Yes correct India need to improve in infrastructure and many will have to sacrifice for it. For anything you want you have to sacrifice. We got independence when many sacrificed their lives etc. But with so many opportunities one really does not have to sacrifice at current time, they just need to compromise a bit.

Antony Thomas: The SEZ policy introduced by the Indian government is a welcome one. It would provide better job opportunities and also give India a chance to enter the paths of development processes of the developed countries. Economic development is a transition phase from primary through secondary to tertiary.

Shilpa Kolte: Yes, implementation is surely a matter of concern as industrial development should not be at the cost of agricultural development

Rajesh: Our country has only 3% of world land area, but 16% of world population. So we need to manage our land properly. By using Satellite Imagery we have to allocate lands for Agri, Indus and Resid. And no fertile lands should be converted to Indus as in case of Singur Antony Thomas: Even though a huge chunk of the population in India is employed in the primary sector, its contribution to enhance personal income is very unimpressive

Rajesh: On one hand we are spending huge money in irrigating lands, and on the other hand we are diverting already irrigated lands to ind land. So there is a serious flaw in selection of lands for SEZ & ind purpose

Shilpa Kolte: There are many SEZ coming up, with many sanctioned and few put on hold as the Government is treading cautiously on the policy. It is important that the Government strikes a balance in promoting both industry and agriculture. But the shift from agriculture to industry is clear and well timed, with the economy booming and the policy makers trying their best to take advantage of the emerging brand India

Antony Thomas: But what is wrong in starting industries where land is fertile but it is of no use to the owners or to the government. The ones who did sell the land to the TATAs in Singur must have done so because they thought that was more profitable in the long run.

Manish: Politicians are just making fuss of it for their vote bank. Political parties should think about the country as a whole and decide what will benefit the country most. There should not be vote bank politics on such issues which are going to decide future of country

Rajesh: Shilpa, you are somewhat wrong in saying Government. is maintaining balance. On one hand Government. is giving thumbs up to new SEZ & Industries, and the other hand death cases of farmers in AP, Maharashtra, Orissa

Shilpa Kolte: Fertile land, in all cases should be used for cultivation. Indian population is booming, just like our economy and we should ensure that we do not lose our 'self-stuffiness' in food status. There are many areas which are barren; it's just a case of proper management of available land

Rajesh: Antony, once a land cant is made fertile. If we have fertile land then it should be conserved & properly used. But on the other

hand it’s very easy to destroy the fertile land.

Shilpa Kolte: I said they should try to maintain balance. The farmers suicide in AP, Maharshtra is not related to SEZ, bit more on adequate price to the produce. Let's not mix the two issues

Antony Thomas: India is very sufficient in food production. In fact the statistics of how much food is destroyed by rodents and other poor storage facilities is alarming. Why not reduce food production a little and allot more space and manpower to other industrial goods and services?

Rajesh: And along with population growth, we need to increase our agri production to meet our country's food req. the farmer suicides are not only due to price, but because of lack of amenities, draught, lack of irrigation water

Shilpa Kolte: One thing Antony, natural resources are precious. Once the quality of land has deteriorated, it will take many years to regain the quality. I agree with Rajesh

Rajesh: Antony. I am sorry to inform that India is not self sufficient in Agri. This year imported even wheat.

Manish: Just because we imported wheat does not mean we are not self sufficient, we paid for that wheat. And at the same time we exported other agricultural products.

Shilpa Kolte: Precisely, but they are not related to SEZ land acquisition. Proper earmarking of land for SEZ can also lead to balancing development. We already have an imbalance with segregation on industrial activities in areas like Mumbai, Bangalore etc creating a burden on infrastructure in these areas, along with concentration of population in some belts. A good SEZ policy, along with impetus to industry can also help in uniform development of all regions.

Rajesh: Now friends, we have agreed that SEZs are quite essential to sustain the economic growth of 8+% and in the due course achieve the goal of super power. So let us now decide how to harp this opportunity and implement the SEZ in a better way

Manish: The capacity to pay for that wheat cam from other sources where we performed better, you need produce everything to be self sufficient. Even major countries import goods

Rajesh: Manish. Now let us get back to our topic of SEZs

Shilpa Kolte: Imports are inevitable. No one can produce everything.

The only concern should be net exports should be more than net imports value wise. SEZ will help increase goods and services exports as these exports get many benefits like taxes from the government. We can consider the impact of existing SEZs on the country and the effect on agriculture in nearby zones.

Rajesh: Shipa. Exactly, Land acquisition is one of the most important aspects of SEZs. And it is a critical issue. A single mistake can lead to issue like Singur

Antony Thomas: India needs to increase its GDP if it needs to uplift the condition of its citizens as it plays a huge role in determining per capita income. By the setting up of new industries, it can increase the production and hence GDP and consequently, put India to a self sustained path to development.

Shilpa Kolte: Singur like case should not happen. I agree. But it is also true that the problem was not solved by the media attention and agitation by leaders and NGOs. What could have been done was that the government should have consulted the farmers in the zone before letting the company set up a car project there.

Antony Thomas: Rajesh. Singur was so blown up by the trinammol congress and their trying to come back into power. Infact Singur was an issue that should have gone on smoothly if it weren’t for some political parties trying to take advantage.

Shilpa Kolte: We cannot forget that the Jamnagar SEZ has given us a facility to refine sour crude and it will now house the worlds largest refinery

Rajesh: Shilpa, Absolutely, what was happened was the monopoly decision by the Government without consulting the farmers. So we need to make our land acquisition process more transparent and people friendly

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Antony Thomas: Therefore to conclude I would say that SEZ in indispensable phenomenon in India. Rather than trying to reject and repel it, we have to wise up and use this phenomenon to our advantage, the advantage of the nation as a whole.

Rajesh: Well. As seen in China, SEZs have played a vital role in their economic resurgence. So we need to concentrate more on this sector and further take steps not to make the same mistakes done my China. And along with progress towards industrialization, we need to maintain the balance between Agri & Inds.

Shilpa Kolte: I conclude by saying that the Government with the new SEZ policy has shown that the focus is on Industry and services. But also the restraint orders and giving the go ahead to only 70 SEZ instead of the 630 under consideration shows the Government's concern to ensure the development of all sectors, or at least that no sector is dealt with unjustly.

Manish: If India has to move forward more industrial avenues have to be opened, and proper care should be taken of those people who effected by this. Chandana Sunder : India's move into SEZs is to strengthen itself in manufacturing (that's where China has done very well). As the service industry alone cannot be a job provider to the huge population of India, SEZs can be seen as a source of employment. Among the success stories for the SEZs include the IT Parks both at Bangalore and Chennai.

Is Education Being Devalued?

Education: Still Invaluable! In the past, degrees were very unusual in my family. I remember the day my uncle graduated. We had a huge party, and for many years my mother called him "the genius" and listened to his opinion. Today, in comparison five of my brothers and sisters have degrees, and two are studying for their masters'. However, some people think that this increased access to education is devaluing degrees. In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against the increased emphasis on degrees in our society. People have several arguments against the need for degrees. They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree. People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race. Graduates have to compete for jobs even after years of studying. Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible. They know a lot about one narrow subject, but are unable to apply their skills. Employers prefer more flexible and adaptable workers. However, I feel strongly that this move to having more qualifications is a positive development. In the past education was only for the rich and powerful. Now it is available to everyone, and this will have many advantages for the country and the individual. First of all, it is impossible to be overeducated. The more people are educated, the better the world will be, because people will be able to discuss and exchange ideas. A further point is that people with degrees have many more opportunities. They can take a wider variety of jobs and do what they enjoy doing, instead of being forced to take a job they dislike. Finally, a highly educated workforce is good for the economy of the country. It attracts foreign investment. In conclusion, although there are undoubtedly some problems with

increased levels of education, I feel strongly that the country can only progress if all its people are educated to the maximum of their ability.

Is Education Losing Its Value?

Today, it seems to be universally accepted that increased education is a good thing. Thousands of colleges and millions of students spend vast amounts of time and money chasing pieces of paper. But what is the value of these qualifications? This essay will discuss whether education has been devalued. Supporters of education (usually teachers or educators, or those who have an interest in stopping people thinking for themselves) say that increased levels of education will open doors for students. Certificates, diplomas, and degrees are held up as a status symbol, a passport to a private club of money and power. However, the truly powerful are not those who have taken degrees, but people who have stood back and looked at what is really important in life. They have seen opportunity and followed dreams. These people are found in every part of society. Like many brilliant people, Einstein was a weak student at math. Like many successful businessmen, Bill Gates never completed college. Like many inventive and creative people, Edison never went to school. The greatest religious teachers do not have letters after their name, but have looked into their hearts for meaning. Similarly, the world’s political leaders do not have master’s degrees or doctorates. These are the people who shaped our century, and they are too busy with real life to spend time in the paper chase. Students in college are being sold an illusion. They are made to believe that self-understanding and society approval will come with the acquisition of a piece of paper. Instead of thinking for themselves, and finding their own personality and strengths, they are fitted like square pegs into round holes. The role of education is to prepare masses of people to operate at low levels of ability in a very limited and restricted range of activities. Some of these activities are more challenging than perhaps the assembly lines of the past, but still the ultimate purpose is equally uninteresting. More worryingly, despite the increased level of education, people are still not genuinely expected to think for themselves. In fact, the longer years of schooling make the job of brainwashing even easier. There is still a role for study, research, and education. However, we need to examine our emphasis on education for the sake of a piece of paper, and to learn the real meaning and revolutionary challenge of knowledge.

Is Love just a 4 letter word??

quote="Rinki Sahay"]hiii everybody..!m postin an abstract topic out here..!hope to hear frm u..soon..!plz give ur opinions abt this topic..! does love possess its true meaning in today's scenario..?[size=18][/size][/quote]

hiiiiiiiiiiiiii every1, it feels great writing about the most beautiful expression in this world ever 'LOVE' yes love still possess its true meaning even in today's scenario it is such a pure expression of heart undemanding , uncorrupt, love never knows any boundaries its not because i am in love and am saying all the positive aspects about it i have been on the other facet of love too where i have suffered a lot but it didn't stop me loving myself my life . After all i can juss say love is GOD

Love is an emotional attachment. Love is a set of behaviors that humankind is encouraged to act out. One is encouraged not just to love one’s partner or even one’s friend. According to the Bible- Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails. Love is God.

is male and female equal in all aspects ?

No , I think there are lots of differences in thoughts and applications and hence male and female are not equal in all the aspects. A female has more perseverance and she is more emotionally attached. While a male is generally temporal in nature but he is not very emotional. And talking about the physical strenght men are far stronger than women.

Women are more artistic and they are not very expressive while men are the other way.

Well.. as far as m concerned..men n women r equal in all aspects..but da factz shez ignorant of wat consitutes a true action..though shez equally capable of changin da face of da world..she has been taught since her childhood to accept da masculine authority..so she gives up criticisin, investigatin n judgin 4 herself..n thereby lacks confidence..2 do sumthin..n whenever women r called upon 4 a concrete action..when they recognise their interest in da designated goals..they r as bold and courageous as men..... ...

No,men and women are not equal in all aspects..bcoz given a situation both will react in a different way..percentage of their opinion matching is less...women very emotional and has very good temperment which lacks in men....ofcourse men are physically stronger...


Hello everybody,

I read all the replies,and i got a thought that "How can we compare men and women?".A female excels in the fields alloted to them by the nature and a man fails in those fields.Similarly man excels in his respective.

If we can take an example....women don`t dare to join army to safegaurd the country.And man don`t dare to or never succeded in bringing up childern as women does.Every has been alloted their own duties.

HI guys I think it’s a difficult job to compare men and women in 21st century. Where as in past century women were not so qualified and educated..That we can compare to men. But now both have their own qualities but in different ways. Like women are not physically as strong as men but even men are not so qualified in cooking as well as women. So I just wanna say that both have their own qualities but in different aspects.

Is mercy killing justified ?

Pain n sufferings are part of survival, but excessive pain leads to death rather painful death. So when suffering is interminable, unavoidable and is penultimate to death then why not free the soul from all the misery. It doesn’t not mean that every patient of incurable disease should lead to premature death, but only in the case where the person is unable to survive n enjoy the life n knows that death is just a step ahead.

Offcourse,it must be legalized but certain standard measure should be there so that only in specific and particular cases "mercy killing" or "Euthanasia" will get implemented to prevent misuse of this method.Only in real and genuine case it must be implemented.

I do agree that Euthanasia should be legalized. It is better to accept death when you can't bear anymore pain of your illness and you know that your situation is not going to change i.e., you are going to remain in same condition tell you die. In such a situation, it is better to embrace death that lying on bed and waiting for the day when death will embrace you. But in our system with some many illegal activities going on, it will difficult to practice euthanasia. We need to ensure that it is not misused.


Its a very serious issue.

As far as i feel mercy killing should be legalised only in specific cases.when one suffers from unbearable disease and when one has to meet his end soon then one should go for mercy killing.

there should be proper investigation for the person's health. Bcoz in todays time no one can keep trust on anyone so how can we be sure of what doctors say abt the patient.he may frame things under pressure or some other reasons.

The most popular response so far seems to be to legalize mercy killing. Just to put a different perspective into view i would like to put across the following scenario.

A very old and sick lady who is paralyzed for life and has only a few more months of painful existence left in her wishes to end her life: mercy killing.

Though it might seem justified to a spectator standing in the stalls... the true reason for this wish of the patient could be that she thinks she is a burden on her family and wishes to relieve them of their

obligations even though in reality she wishes to live the last few months of her existence doing the few things that she still can.

Mercy killing is legalized in few countries like NZ,Belzium etc.And it is successfully being implemented there.

But mercy killing is not applicable in such case while the person has possibility to live for few more months.

Only when a person is waiting for severe pain in the hospital but life is no more than few hours.Whose death is already obvious within few hours but unnecessarily suffering for severe pain before death for few hours---to give him/her relief from needless severe pain mercy killing is implemented.

If we talk of mercy killing it doesn’t mean that it is only for certain specific characterized disease or time duration for which the patient or sufferer is going to live. I thing it should depend on other factors like, how much intense is the suffering. A person can bear the severest of pains if he know that there is a cure to it and it ll last only for few hours or days but if there is no cure and he still have to live with that pain for a month or two then I think a calm unnatural is better than very painful natural.

hiiiiiiiii Yes i think mercy killings should be justified there are certain cases where mercy killing is the only and the best option every person is born free and he/she has every due right to put an end to his/her sufferings so i dont think there should be any law concealing the rights of people atleast ot in such cases.

Hi guys I think euthanasia should be legalized. Euthanasia is a painless killing when a patient is suffering from great pain. But it should be legalized with some terms and conditions. Like if a person is suffering from pain or disease and there is no chances of his/her live or even he/she want to die then it should be followed. But if

he/she may become healthy after sometime whether he/she is suffering from pain or he/she want to die it should not be followed, because during pain some people cannot tolerate this or want to die but a strong decision is, it should not followed.

is rural life left behind in indian economy

Yes , I think rural life is India is far behind It's not about their way of living its their mentality and their ability to adapt to changing circumstances though they still practise agriculture they are resistant to adapt to new technology to improvise their occupation its not about what they prctise its all about how they practise compared to the villagers of our country with those of other developing or developed countries we lag far behind our economy is the second fastest growing ecoomy in the current scenario we should definitely keep in pace with the running time

JOB opportunities high in India or foriegn. Why?

Job opportunities are high in India because now India is developed so many mnc are open their branch in India. Here they invest low price then get high profit. So they open new branches from that we have lot of job opportunities have been produced. * Yes job opportunities are more in India, which is developing now. Many foreign companies are Opening their branches in India in the name of BPO's and CALL CENTERS. * The main reason why these foreign companies are opting India is due to the simple fact that India has many graduates and unemployed youth who are ready to accept a job with less pay then their foreign counter parts. Due to which they will gain more profits.

Posted By: sowbhagyavathi

* As India is a developing country, the Job opportunities in India are more. * India has large number of graduates and postgraduates in each and every field such as science and technology, IT sector, arts, etc. * As the graduates and postgraduates in India are ready to expose themselves to the world of competition, they are ready to work for

less pay. The main reason for that is, the people want experience and exposure to different environment where the chance of learning several things is more. * Money matters less for people who have the capacity to prove themselves. The foreign companies in the present that's openings their branches in India because they knew that Indians are hardworking and they have the zeal to accept and work for the upliftment of their country

Posted By: meenakshisekar

* No job opportunities are not only more in India but they are also more in other countries like china, Japan etc.reason is now Chinese. Japanese they are also equally competent to u and us know why china has seen a drastic change in their development? B’s they work even harder and smarter than us. Even more people and more opportunities are there in India do u known that we are also ranking high in unemployment?

Posted By: keerthi

* As meena said As far as job opportunities are considered they are more in china and Japan but they don't give a chance to foreigners as in US. * If we consider the opportunities for Indians I think there are more opportunities in India than in US or any other country abroad as most of the mnc's are opening their branches here.

Posted By: arivazhaganit Hi everybody... Now a day’s job opportunity is more than any other country in this world. But problem is ratio of job opportunities to job seeker in our country is very less compare to US, Europe countries because of huge population of our country. Because of BPO jobs, it alleviates pain of lot of job seekers in our country. Major positive ability of our Indian is good in technical knowledge, fluent in English as well as ready to work for less salary. SO than have been with standing in this world. Posted By: biranchi HI FRIENDS Yah as u said job opportunity are more in India. There are so many reasons for this. As India is a developing country here every body wants to expose his knowledge and here cost is less, people are ready to work in less price also. So many companies are ready to open their branch in India. And as compare to other country Indians are more fluent English speaking. One more thing is if we see other than software, India is full of natural recourses so foreign industrialists want use there new technology here. So no of mncs are increasing. Posted By: rajeev_kranjan In my opinion job opportunities are not high in India with respect to foreign countries especially Europe and US. In India there are huge number of unemployed educated person but the employment is very less. Current operating companies in India can't even sufficient to accommodate the students

who have great educational qualification. But now India's growth rate (sensex crossed 10000) is on pick, so we can expect here more opportunities in near future.... Posted By: raghu Hello, Job opportunities are increasing in INDIA compare to China, Philippines and other foreign countries. The reason is quite simple. The MNC's are getting the Quality output at cheaper cost compare to other countries. And Indians are technically sound. So if you really have the talent and ready to work hard, there are many opportunities in INDIA compare to other countries. Posted By: cishawsharma Well to start with... In my opinion its a quite easy yet difficult to answer. Opportunity to a job raises many questions such as which type of job and in which field? Job opportunities in every country depends upon many factors such as Tourism, technology, business, agriculture. And it also depends upon fast growing and economically favorable field. And the one and only fast growing field and economically favorable field is software in India. Coming to the point yes India is having more job opportunities in particular areas like technology specially in software field and hardware field and bpo's. And I hope even other fields have equal opportunities but difficult to get into (like govt jobs, coz there will be many criteria to pass through). And fortunately in software field there will be not criteria except academic. In my opinion opportunity of jobs depend upon the particular favorable factors in that country. For example consider Switzerland, Swiss people concentrate more on tourism and getting into such jobs people feel it as opportunity there. But in our country we don't concentrate on tourism much. So job opportunity in tourism is very less compared to other countries. Yes job opportunities in tourism r less when compared to others. But we have major opportunities in software companies and BPO's. And most important is we must feel proud about our great achievement of the hardware industry, which is going to show its form in about 2 or 3 years in our own capital Hyderabad. And by this there will plenty of opportunities of even hardware professionals who have comparatively less opportunities till date. So guys we need not go to any other countries in search of jobs in future. Lets hope other countries like US will have to come to India in search of jobs. Posted By: cishawsharma I totally agree with you keerthi my point not to focus on tourism but every country has its loopholes and positive points, lets improve in the aspect, which is more favorable to us. That’s all In my opinion job opportunities in india are higher as compared to foreign countries. I think in india [esp. after post ilberalisation] quest for job has been changed dratically toward india because of boom in BPO and IT sectors. In last one decade a lot of foreign companies have set up their backofficies in india not only for cost benefits but also for cheap manpower. If we look at our expats who shifted and settled in foreign countries for better job opportunities. Now few of them have started coming back to india to serve their motherland's upliftment and betterment. Further in india talent crunch is very high because of inexorable unemployment level and zilch job

opportunities. I think people in india are ready to work for meagre salary and these companies can take the advantage of this attitude to increase their profitablilty. I hope in coming years india not only will be the hub of ITES sector but also for manufecturing sector. So rather than going outside we can use pool of talenated people [in tandem with foreign companies] to this new thriving avenue.

Juss 8 yrs to go- Save The Earth

Thanx dear for ur interest in this topic i liked ur answer but how far is it logical ur answers are impractical we cant avoid using petrol vehicles but ys can definitely replace petrol by other substitutes n abt growing trees its too late for now dust particles are absorbed only by long n big trees they only help in bringing rain n keeping the atmosphere cool n to grow such tall n big trees we need approx 40 to 50 yrs so no hopes for that reduce pollution by other methods is fyn n acceptable

Left is Right

An abstract topic but definitely interesting...Scope for innovation for all u ppl...Come up with ur innovative views..

I look at it in these poss ways:

1) Our heart is on the left side of the body n it is always right...so left is rite 2) Saurav Ganguly is a left hander and people think he is wrong...but i think he is a great batsmen and a wonderful captain...so left is rite 3) When u look into the mirror, what u c is ur opposite image...there ur left hand seems to be the right hand...so left is rite...

Come out with more interesting views ppl...

So with your examples you can say that left is right. Can I say with my examples right is left? Ok see this

1) You said that our mirror image shows that our left as right, but it is also true that the same mirror show our right as left.

2) We know that our right brain will controll left side parts of the body. So we can also say that right is left. Of course our let brain will controll the right

What I understand from Left is right is person sometime if we do things our of the usual way it might prove as right & good. I have seen many team leaders of call centers who talk with their team in an unprofessional manner by using abusive words but all the team member listen to them very carefully & they even try to implement the things told by his supervisor in their dail routine. But after 3 or 4 months they get tired of listening to such kind of language or with the unprofessional manner of handling d team & they start disobeying, ignoring their respective team leaders or managers which is then a hit to the company as it would result in loss to the company. Hence, my idea would be left is right but not always. Lets suppose that you are tying to buy a pen for Rs.100 which has got the actual price tag of 150 on it. Now, we start doing bargaining from the shopkeeper, at the end the retailer would might sell that pen for Rs.100 however if we will visit his shop for the next time then he will ignore us & will not tell us the correct price of any of the items in his store. so again left is right but now always. Because right means dexter, dextrous means skillful or hardworking. Left is a synonym for awkward. People like dextrous person not an awkward person.

life is beautiful

fine lifi is really beautiful but u should do something extra to be really happy, everybody have luxury but how many really invest money for society,very few ..if ur income can give smile to poor children of our country then easily u can say life really beautiful....

life is realiy beautiful: it depends upon person to person.it is how we handle the situation in our life.Life can be curse for those who thinks so.it entirely depends on our thinking.

a drug addict can make his life a hell or a heaven.it depents upon him/her.he can make his life beautiful by leaving drugs and can make his life hell by getting addicted to this poision.

life can be good for the students if they study hard and never lose heart.also it can be hell to him if he indulge himself in evil practices like cheating,leaking papers etc.

so god has given everyone this precious life and ask us to choose our own path so it is upto u how u take and live your life.

ya life is really so beautiful.........it's depend to persion to persion how he takes the life........life is full of challenges it give us apportunity to

do something best in our life and make our life b'ful ..in life sadness n happiness is like a part of a one coin.......so always b positive and be happy in whatever u have and always try to get better in life......... whenver u feel sad or depress tht life gives u nothing always see the people who hve less then u......then u fell the real value ..that what u hve...........it make u happy n satisfy ...................so live each and every moment of life by this u can make ur life b'ful........

According to me yes life is really beautiful! Life is full of challenges it’s depend on you how you take it. sometimes a lots of problem come in your life if u start abusing your life ..it will not good for u if u take it easy it will keeps you happy. You can take it as a coin like head and tell ups and down will be happen so guys take it easy .

it actually depends on ur attitude..if u r n optimist its beautiful else its a curse..it depends a lil bit on ur luck too.. well accordin to me ..yeah ...its awesome..it teaches u everythin..but life itself is a lesson which u learn only wen u r thru..life 's full of surprises...its an 100 percent efficient system...wht u put is wht u get..

but sumtimes i feel like.. wht bout dose who live on streets..who suffer frm sum deadly disease..who have lost der eyes or cant walk..tats where luck factor comes inn...

life is so beautiful.its depend upon u how u adjust it if u want to enjoy ur life then enjoy always be happy do ur work but dont think about result there are only two reuslt it will be good or bad then why we take more n more tension just do hard word as u can do thats is just enjoy ur life

Its a cute topic. Really life is a beautiful thing which has to be utilized in a good way. We must have the intention of helping others while we were helped by others(Parents). Once, you have a practise of helping orphans and handicaps, you can understand there problem and could realize how gifted we are with healthy life. So, everyday have a smile in your face and cheer up others also.

life is mirror!!!

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii frns, i think its very true that Life is a mirror life reflects our deeds and those who are involved in cruel deeds cannot escape life so easily life takes it own revenge and we dont know

when will we have to pay for it, and good deeds are always paid for.............

Hi guys I believe that life is mirror. But it is much more than the glass mirror in which we see we see ourselves everyday. This is the mirror in which we can see only our physical personality not our inner personality. But life is the accurate mirror which shows our character, nature, behaviors our deeds etc. In human being there are two types of nature good and bad. If we give the world the best we have it will come back to you. Life is the mirror of our deeds, if we will hurt anybody by our deeds love will not come to us. If we give respect, respect will meet to you.

Love Marriages or Arrange Marriages!!

before giving my opinion about this topic,friends do u know this? LOVE MERRIAGES ARE CHOICE ARRANGED MERRIAGES ARE CHANCES.so love merriage is better,at the time of merriage wee know what is suitable for our tastes.And one more thing this is a seond step in every ones life which canot repeat again.we dont know about the tastes and life styels of other person in case of arranged merriage where as in love merriage a complete understanding is possible.

Well...In my view, Arranged Marriage is better than love marraige. I wonder why people think that arranged marraige will always be against their wishes and they will not be consulted at all. The very meaning of arranged marraige is that it has been planned after giving much thought about the pros and cons of the possible relationship. As a member of family, we should take into confidence our parents and relative before taking such a big decision because it smoothens the path of acceptance to the new member in the family. Human are a social being and they always like to be there where they are cared and loved. An arranged marraige doesnot mean that no love exist between the boy and the girl. It is just that the decision to marry has not been taken without consulting guardian. Arranged marraige brings cohesion in the family and provides better environment for the growth of children also.

Its a matter of luck and nothing else... Love Marriage or Arranged marriage, u cant blame either for not working out... There are times when Love Marriages fall apart but there are times when even well planned Arranged Marriages dont last...

Its a matter of understanding, trust and most importantly luck that makes a marriage successful...

I wud infact go with a Luv-cum-Arranged Marriage where i wud be knowing my partner well and my marriage wud also be planned and

accepted by my parents... However again, its luck whether it will work or not... U cud be the best of understanding people and u wud be loving each other a lot, but u cant be sure what goes wrong when...

Still, if i had to pick, i wud choose Luv-cum-Arranged...


hiiiiiii frns, I would prefer an arranged love marriage it is but obvious that i can't marry the one whom i don't know and in today's scenario it is very difficult to trust anyone i dont say that the one whom i'll choose is the best but atleast i'll have the benefit of knowing him for long which would help me understand him very well . It doesn't mean that i m against love marriage if in my phase of life i dont come accross any person whom i don't love i would definitely leave it up for my parents to decide the guy for me which i very well know will be the best choice .

Love marriage- A love marriage is a union of two parties based upon affection and a mutual attraction between the individuals. Arrange marriage- In arrange marriages the parents will introduce their son or daughter to a potential spouse. The parents may briefly talk to the parents of the prospective spouse. From that point on, it is up to the children to manage the relationship and make a choice. According to me both have their good or bad points. In arrange marriages, if there will be any problem in their life or between them there is their family to support them. But in love marriage in this case they will not have their family support. In love marriage between the bride and the groom understanding, carrying, craziness, etc…is more then the couple of arrange marriages. So both have good and bad qualities it’s depend on the bride and the groom to live their relationship happily.

Managing Your Study Time

There are only so many hours in a day, a week, and a term. You cannot change the number of hours, but you can decide how to best use them. To be successful in school, you must carefully manage your study time. Here is a strategy for doing this.

At the beginning of a term, prepare a Term Calendar. Update it as the term goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Term Calendar. 1) Record your school assignments with their due dates and your scheduled tests.

2) Record your planned school activities. 3)Record your known out-of-school activities.

Each Sunday before a school week, prepare a Weekly Schedule. Update it as the week goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Weekly Schedule.

1) Record your daily classes. 2)Enter things to be done for the coming week from your Term Calendar. 3) Review your class notes from the previous week to see if you need to add any school activities. 4) Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved during the week. 5) Be sure to include times for completing assignments, working on projects, and studying for tests. These times may be during the school day, right after school,evenings, and weekends.

Each evening before a school day, prepare a Daily Organizer for the next day. Place a √ next to each thing to do as you accomplish it. Here is what to do to prepare a Daily Organizer. 1) Enter the things to do for the coming day from your Weekly Schedule. 2)Enter the things that still need to be accomplished from your Daily Organizer from the previous day. 3) Review your class notes for the day just completed to see if you need to add any school activities. 4) Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved the next day.

Your Weekly Schedule should have more detail than your Term Calendar. Your Daily Organizer should have more detail than your Weekly Schedule. Using a Term Calendar, a Weekly Schedule, and a Daily Organizer will help you make the best use of your time.

"MBA or MCA – Which one has better prospects”

Aditya Ahuja: Good Evening everybody, the topic today we are discussing is MBA or MCA which one has better prospects. I would like to say that both of these are equally important and have bright prospects and they cannot be compared. Comparing them here would be wrong as both of these courses have there own advantages and are equally important as they give knowledge and knowledge never goes wasted.

Yogesh Srihari: MBA or MCA, I would rather go with MBA. You see MBA in good college or rather a management institute has a weight age of million dollar jobs. The person unless he wants to be in technical field he would definitely opt for MBA though competitive it seems to be fruitful. People those who have done MBA in institutes such as IIMS have been leading the major companies as CEO etc. More the technology advances more there is a need for management, so MBA qualified people will form the spearhead of these technical companies. Though we need people with technical background such as MCA and many others for managing or competing with their peers we need management trained guy who knows what competition is and also how to compete peers. Every body the glamour for MBA has increase.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: I think that MBA is a degree which is more inclusive in the sense that it covers a number of concepts not only related to software and computers as does MCA. Not all businesses in our country are computer related. A person doing an MCA may face an undesirable situation wherein the managerial skills are not at all related to the software sector and he may not have much to fall back upon. An MCA is a great bet for the software sector as he will contribute enormously but in more business specific sectors like FMCG, corporate banking he may have negligible prospects.

Ritesh: Both MBA & MCA are good career options but they are fundamentally different from each other. An MBA equips a person with all the skills required to manage an enterprise. It enables him to think rationally & make decisions in complex business scenarios. An MCA on the other hand is focused on subjects related to computer science & information systems. This is a domain specific course & gives the student good insights on programming, maintenance & testing of software.

Aditya Ahuja: MBA is helpful in managerial grounds while MCA goes towards the technical side or hardcore computer applications or skills .We cannot here say that which one has better prospects as MBA is required or Management and MCA for hardcore skills. Both Management and technical skills are equally important.

Mittal: Hi friends, let us first look at the two degree, requirements for them and options after them. Both the degrees are PG. Requirements for MBA is bachelors in any branch whereas for MCA math’s is required as a subject in bachelors. MBA equips a person with future options in management capacities where as MCA leads a person to computer programming and hence it’s more on the technical side.

Yogesh Srihari: Every body the glamour for MBA has increased over the recent past. More people want to opt for MBA because of a high

designation and fat salary packets. This trend will continue and might also increase in the future, CEO are recognized or even celebrated. No doubt people like Bill Gates drop out from Warton University who are technically oriented did create Microsoft but it was then. Now it has changed, competition has increased, we need managers for sure.

Daman Preet: MBA could be the single most important investment of time, effort and money you will ever make. So I will go for MBA! You will develop an excellent portfolio of business knowledge and skills.

Ritesh: The job opportunities are immense for both streams & with the current boom in the software sector, an MCA graduate may pocket a salary nearly equal to an MBA graduate. But what matters is the role & responsibility which one is given in his job. An MBA will enjoy good roles & challenging opportunities in management. An MCA on the other hand get opportunities on cutting edge technologies & can have a very good technical career. So the entire issue boils down to whether one wants to grow technically or in a management position in an organization. This depends on a person’s interests & aspirations on what he wants to achieve in life.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: When we talk of masters in computer Applications, we are restricting the purview only to Info tech. This may be a serious drawback in cases where strategy of a company is desired. Moreover, business is not just based on the software sector. It also has manufacturing in its ambit. An MCA may not be able to contribute much to the managerial aspect of manufacturing and may be limited.

Ritesh: Being in only one domain may have a negative impact on an MCA graduate. If there is a slowdown in the software industry, he will lack the skills to survive in the competitive job market. The ability to adapt & change will be lesser in an MCA rather than an MBA student. An MBA on the other hand has good skills in management & can adapt & change to different industry verticals.

Khushi: Well I believe today is the time to be more technical. So I am strongly in favor of MCA. Not only MCA teaches us the technical part about making the s/w and all but it’s also covers the various subjects of management. In totality MCA is better then MBA.

Aditya Ahuja: I agree with Mr Mittal both the technical as well as management is important so both of them have better prospects.

Daman Preet: MBA helps in improve your communication and teamwork skills that are 80% of your Job work

Ritesh: Daman, I feel that communication skills & teamwork skills can be learnt even without an MBA . The main reason for which we go to an MBA program is to broaden our vision & get formal education on

managing businesses. Marketing & finance knowledge are some of the key differentiators

Mittal: Friends as rightly pointed out by both Tuhin and Ritesh, both MBA and MCA have their separate positive aspects but we shall not forget that they both lead a person to two very separate lives and hence we shall look in to that also as to which life is better so as to decide which degree is better. I think it depends on personal choice, where a person wants to see him or her self after 5 years and what the long term goals

Tuhin Chaturvedi: I don't think that an MCA is only a technical person. However, it may not be only desirable because of the software aspect. An MCA may have a really tough time in the market if the software sector goes into a recession. An MBA will have more options open to him because his degree will be more multifaceted and will be preferred for his wider and more eclectic skill set.

Khushi: Mr. Ritesh, an MBA graduate cant adapt to a technical filed or say cant join a s/w company but a MCA student have both the options open.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: I don't agree with Miss Khushi there. An MBA has no reason to join the software sector for technical reasons. Why would he wish to alter his specialization so drastically?

Aditya Ahuja: An MBA graduate can survive even when the industry is downsizing due to its vast scope but for an MCA graduate all he is left is only hardcore computer industry hence making it difficult for him to survive when the software industry is on a decline.

Yogesh Srihari: As I said earlier, MCA is meant for technical person who wants to be technically inclined only but MBA covers all possible adaptation techniques for a company to prosper or survive the competition, this is MBA.

Ritesh: Khushi , I am not able to understand your statement, can you please elaborate on it .

Khushi: Mr Tuhin that case can be only if there is recession how much is that percentage. Today the world is changing to more technical grounds so I don’t think there are much chances of recession.

Mittal: khushi has a very valid point that MBA limits one's options but I would also like to add that at the same time progress in MBA is faster in terms of rise in organizational tree and hence that offsets the diverse option available to the person after MCA.

Ravi : If we consider the industry as a pyramid, managers occupy the

top slots of the pyramid while technical people occupy the wide bottom. A manager needn’t be a MBA grad, but an MBA grad would definitely be a manager and his growth starts a little high in the ladder while a technical person who has done MCA will start from the bottom. There is a vast opportunity for MCA’s as there is a very huge spectrum for them while the MBAs are to fight for opportunities. Having a vast spectrum shouldn’t undermine the capacity of a MCA because he/she is in the foundation of the pyramid and without the foundation there exists no pyramid and at the same time the MBAs drive the industry with their strategies.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: MBAs are preferred all over the world because they are multi faceted. As far as technology is concerned, it cannot be sustained without proper management.

Aditya Ahuja: I agree with Yogesh, it all depends on the individual what he want whether he wants to hone his technical skills or whether he is more inclined to increase his management skills. I here disagree with Mittal and Khushi that MBA limits a person’s options. Ritesh: Mittals, I differ from you because I don’t feel that an MBA will limit your options. Even with my MBA, I can still join my previous job. An MBA only adds to my existing set of capabilities & gives me new options to explore in life.

Mittal: Tuhin made a valid point but I would also like to add that the technology and management are two separate parts of a project and hence they both have their respective utilities and both need other to support so we shall not compare them on this basis

Daman Preet: Yes I agree with Aditya, it depends on individual like; if someone wants to become an animator then he will go for MCA.

Khushi: Ritesh, you said that MBA can adapt to any field if required but I don’t think he can’t join an s/w company and make s/w for the company. We are not saying that it limits a person but then being a MCA has an edge over a MBA student

Tuhin Chaturvedi: An MBA in finance can shift seamlessly between corporate banking to retail banking of even asset management should the occasion demand it. Similarly, marketing has a wide gamut of areas like branding, sales, market research etc. All these are possible options for an MBA. So it's a lateral playing field wherein options are aplenty. An MCA on the other hand may have to work only in vertical parallels. May we learn from you Miss Khushi what that edge is please?

Aditya Ahuja: Absolutely khushi but neither can an MCA graduate come and head an HR dept.

Mihir pande: MBA can never limit your options; it only widens a man's thinking ability and perspective whereas an MCA is a technical training which infact closes your career options only to computer streams.

Ravi : Each of these is dependent on the other e.g.: A bad product designed by the MCAs can never see the light of the day even if they have excellent managers and a very good product will have very less chances to see the light of the day even if they worst management. So, each of them is very much important. There is a little weight age that needs to be given to the MCA’s wrt the IT industry because a MCA graduate can always become a manager in his career while a MBA grad does almost zero chances to do what the MCA guy does or understand what he does. So the MCA are very crucial to the IT industry while MBA is crucial to the whole of the business sector. Going by the reach then MBAs stand a fare chance but going by the strength MCA’s have the strength as they lay the foundation of IT.

Khushi: i being a student of MCA can say this because not only does BCA teach the computer subjects but also the management subjects. So a MCA student has a edge over a MBA student.

Ritesh: I feel that it is wrong to compare a technical course with a managerial course. At least, we should be able to clearly know what we want to achieve in life & how to go about doing it. Doing either course is equally good if you see it keeping the monetary benefits aside.

Mihir pande: Industry wants people who are both technically advanced as well as they have better thinking, leadership qualities, managerial skills and the like which is why we have an MBA course for. An MCA would totally limit a person to a technical job and moreover limit his growth prospects

Aditya Ahuja: I agree with Ritesh as I said earlier it all depends from individual to individual and comparing both of them would be wrong.

Ravi : MBA and MCA are both similar in a way that both of them give a strong foundation in their own domain. Here I think MBA is an analogy for Managers and MCAs is an analogy for the technical people.

Mittal: Friends lets look now at the rise of an individual in organization after he or she gets an MBA or an MCA. I think with an MCA one can move fast in technical side of the organization, he can fast become leading project executioner from technical side where as with an MBA a person immediately joins the management of the organization and then moves to core team of decision takers.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: It's not always imperative that an MBA cannot revert to the software sector. What if he has had a work experience in the sector? Most MBAs today end up having work experience in software before they do an MBA. That does not imply that that option is closed for them.

Khushi: Edge means that not only we lean about the s/w industry but we are also made to learn about some management subjects, where as in case of MBA they only teach us the management subjects. And the second point is what is required in today's world???? I think a person who has knowledge of all the subjects has a bright future and next is depends upon the individual.

Yogesh Srihari: Technical people are required but you know with out management skills it is not possible to create a Microsoft as bill gates created long time ago or infact Google, then as I said earlier competitive world requires competitive people to give an winning edge with their management skills. MCA would remain as good as it is today but the glamour for MBA would definitely increase.

Mittal: Both the degrees take the person to management level in due course of time but then MBA definitely accelerates the movement.

Ritesh: Khushi, I feel that a person who is an MBA can join a software company. But having said this, he need not develop S/W. Instead he can move to managerial roles or HR or into an analyst position.

Aditya Ahuja: Technique is as important as management is so the need for both of them will keep arising and hence both MBA and MCA have prospects.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: I think that the software sector is not the only place an MBA would revert to in case of a recession.

Mittal: Adding to Mihir, MCA will limit a person to technical, but then he still becomes a manager at a later stage, only the time taken will be very long which is saved if he has an MBA.

Mihir pande: This topic is totally not worth a discussion because there are no 2 sides to it. Everyone is just highlighting the + points of an MBA.

Mittal: I don’t agree to Mihir, I think we have sufficient to discuss and lets look in to another aspect.

Ravi : One good thing in terms of the MBAs is that MBAs can change their domain from IT to FMCG to anything while the MCAs have a very little scope in terms of shifting their jobs and that is IT, so if there is an IT crash that happened in the year 2000 the MCA’s will have a

terrible time again.

Ritesh: A degree is not a prerogative for success. We have ample number of cases where people have achieved great success without either of these degrees. A degree can get you knowledge & an initial opportunity in life, but later it depends on how you carry yourself in your job & success purely depends on your attitude towards work & life.

Khushi: Mr Mihir, I am saying it again and again it doesn’t limit a person to a technical field. I agree most of the preference is on computers rather then management but they also teach us the various subjects of management.

Mittal: Let us look as to which degree is easier to get in to, especially for people of diverse backgrounds. I think MCA , there are more number of colleges in India and with boom in software we c lot of jobs also in the field and hence at time it does make sense for a person to go for MCA rather than MBA, choosing a technical rods to management rather then core management

Mihir pande: Talking about the career prospects definitely an MBA holds a much better value which the stats would tell as to how many people in India apply for MCA and how many of them apply for an MBA. And also we can have a survey in companies as to how many companies are hiring MCA’s and how many are going for management grads.

Yogesh Srihari: I don’t agree fully with Mittal because learning to be manager from experience is different from the being manager through training with competition to out do their peers.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: An MCA is a good way to begin a career where a man wants to have the best of both worlds. But this may be a tedious task as eventually man has to choose the direction of his career. If he prefers to be technically inclined, MCA is tops. But if he chooses to be managerially operational, what is the sense in his doing an MCA and not an MBA directly?

Khushi: See Mr Ritseh we are not here discussing when we require a degree or not.

Aditya Ahuja: An MCA graduate is no Less than an MBA graduate and vice versa it all depends on hw u take the knowledge and implement it in you personal and professional life

Ritesh: Some of the most lucrative career options are BE in CSE/ISE/ECE , MCA, MBA, CA . Doing an MS with PHD is also a good career option. Why are we limiting our discussion to only two options


Aditya Ahuja: I guess Orion because the topic of discussion is MBA or MCA

Mihir pande: Ahuja, no one is here degrading MCA as a degree, its just that career prospects, growth, money , security is more when we talk about a MBA grad

Tuhin Chaturvedi: It depends on one's perspective. Some people do an MCA because they've decided that management is a no. But later if they face a plateau in their technical career, won't an MBA bail them out?

Mittal: I agree with Ahuja, the selection is personal and based on one's choice of career and goals.

Aditya Ahuja: MBA or MCA depends from individual to individual but the base is knowledge never gets wasted

Ritesh: Some of the hottest sectors are Finance, Software, Retail , Hospitality & travel, HR. In order to enter these fields an MBA degree will give a good edge over an MCA

Daman Preet: I think MBA is popular because develop an excellent portfolio of business knowledge and skills improve your communication and teamwork skills, discover and enjoy a wider range of career opportunities, even while studying give yourself a competitive advantage

Khushi: It all depends upon an individual. Conclusion is what an individual requires and secondly which of the two prospects has a more options open in today's time. And for sure MCA graduate has more options more for him and if by chance there is recession in s/w industry he can move to management field which is not the case with MBA students.

Ravi : Adding to what aditya says, if it is not for the MCA’s who have done an extremely great job, IT wouldn’t have been flourishing so much and the huge pay cheques being bagged by the MBAs (most of them manage wealth either in investment banking or maintaining accounts or marketing products). That requires a kudos to MCA. The underlying statement is that, MCA is like the common man in India, with whom India can be made and the MBAs are like the officials (govt) who manager. Without the common man there is no manager and without the manager its utter chaos. Each of them is very important and are mutually dependent on each other for their growth.

Tuhin Chaturvedi: As I said earlier it is dependent on one's career goals. Some people take the long route and spend a few years in the technical sector. MCA is good for such as they are patient and not in a moolah raking rush. However, their job profile is restricted. MBA gives a person more leverage to perform and more choices and is also a quick way to making money. Both paths are viable depending on one's goals. Mittal: Concluding the discussion, we analyzed the topic from different perspectives, the advantages and disadvantages of both the degrees in helping the person rise up in the organization, and I think we all agree that both the degrees add values to one's profile but both lead to two different levels and so its depends on one's personal choice as to which degree is better for him or her

Ritesh: It is purely a personal decision to do either an MCA or MBA, there are other career options as well which could be considered like CA , MS + PHd. An MBA is a good option in the long term perspective. A degree is not a prerogative for success. We have ample number of cases where people have achieved great success without either of these degrees. A degree can get you knowledge & an initial opportunity in life, but later it depends on how you carry yourself in your job & success purely depends on your attitude towards work & life.

Mihir pande: When it comes down to personal talent, a degree only helps you get a the right start, in the end it all depends on the man, his grit, his ideas, his thinking and his qualities to reach his goals. Many MBAs are still not successful whereas many computer grads have been very successful. Despite saying all that I just want to say that in today’s scenario and considering Indian economy and the way its turning, we need managers and not technical people. Managers take a firm to great heights and not technical people.

Media and Privacy 2

Do the media treat famous people unfairly? Should famous people be given more privacy? Is publicity about their private lives the price VIPs must pay for fame?

Most ordinary people respect the rights of others to a private life. However, some people are obsessed with celebrities and VIPS. They want to know everything about them, and have an insatiable desire for more information. This essay will discuss whether newspapers and TV should show us intimate details of famous people’s lives. Famous people deserve privacy and respect. First of all, we should admire what they do, not who they are. If someone is a famous singer or footballer, we should enjoy their talent on the pitch or at a concert, but we should not invade their family or private life through the

media. Secondly, the children and family of famous people should not be affected. Some stars have to hire security for their children or spouses because of media attention. Another point is that too much attention can affect celebrities. They begin to act strangely and lose touch with reality. Although, generally speaking, the media should not interfere in people’s private lives, there are times when it is correct to do so. If a politician is becoming very rich, the media should investigate where the money is coming from. If a businessman is committing a crime, the public should know. It is also fair for the media to show contradictions between a famous people’s private and public lives. A further point is that media such as TV or papers are meeting a demand. We can make the media accountable by not buying rubbishy magazines or watching sensationalist programs. In conclusion, the responsibility lies with us, the consumers. We should treat celebrities the way we would like to be treated—with respect, and we should treat trashy media with the scorn it deserves.

I certainly think the media is invading the private life of renoved personalities. The job/role they perform in their life is just like any other person trying to make a living. We all work for our careers and the image the personalities portray is of public domain and meant for entertaining the masses. This is a job like any other work profile. But by intruding the daily life of a celebrity without the parties knowledge or permission is wrong. Some times the media can turn an average person to a super star while the vice versa is also possible. Media sells news which is filled with gossip, at the cost of any thing.

Moral police

I think we don’t need moral police. Moral police makes rule and regulation for their own profit. They give such orders to follow that in public or city or country. Like for example if they give order that every woman will have to wear abayas (black robs) and further they should walk 10 steps back from men. One western celebration our great moral police have developed some notoriety for suppressing is Valentine’s Day. They inspect hotels, restaurants, coffeehouses, and gift shop on 14th Feb. to prevent couples from giving each other valentines or other present. The moral police ban the sale of red roses, red stuffed animals, red greeting cards and other red items, report store owner. Many other incidences we can take like recently happened Shilpa Shetty and Richard Gere kiss Shilpa was innocent. Sometimes police hold morchas against sex education. Is it right? No. Then why should we follow that rules which are not made for our happiness or peace. Everybody can understand their good or bad. In additional if people need any rules for their society or city ….they together can make rules by their society. So guys I don’t think we need such type of moral police.

My IIM Kozhikode GD-PI Experience

hi all

jus 2 giv u a brief background abt myself....am manoj...hav been working in satyam computers ltd for 3 yrs....got 99.50 in cat...got 5 iim calls except blore...attended kozhikode interview last week in blore....

gd/pi was scheduled at 2 pm... i reached monarch hotel around 1 pm....introduced with the ppl already there...most of them had similar profiles....most of them had kozhikode call alone....most of them were frm IT background n had atleast 1 yr workex....an interestin coincidence was that around 7 to 8 ppl wer frm College of engg guindy....also met karthik (ascent student) there....discussed abt cauvery issue n other current topics with him....around 2 the grp was seperated in2 3 panels....karthik n me were put in the same panel....v had 9 ppl in all for our gd....there were 2 profs in the panel...

the topic for the gd was on Corruption - Abdul kalam had suggested 3 ways to eradicate corruption....after abt a min v got started....fairly chaotic gd....managed 2 get some decent airtime in btw....talked abt looking into corruption in different spheres such as politics, education and in society....gav the example of manjunath and Delhi public school bribery scandal....then talked abt corporate governance n whistle blower act....other points discussed by the grp included RTI, ethics as a subject in school, etc...1 guy towards the end brought in an interesting pt as 2 legalising corruption....the panel stopped our gd at this pt...none of us wer asked 2 summarize....

overall i wud say tat it was a decent gd performance...

i was the last guy for the interview....got pretty restless....then around 5 was called in....l giv the details in Q & A format below...P1 for prof 1 and P2 for prof 2...

P1: Tell me abt yourself... A: Told...

P1: Why an MBA? A: Told...abt workin as presales in satyam...abt wantin 2 move in2 sales...n tat mba was a logical step towards tat...

P1: Why sales??? dont u feel sales is a dumb job??? A: No sir...spoke abt challenges in sales...etc etc...

P1: ok Whats your split in cat score? A: told him…

P1: what do you think about the gd performance as a whole? A: Said it was decent gd and that we covered the topic pretty well…

P1: what do you think about Satyam as an employer?? A: Told him that Satyam was among the top indian firms in terms of employee satisfaction…also told how I had benefited by moving into presales profile frm tat of the software engineer…

P1: wat do u think abt America as a neo colonial regime??? A: said something abt not being a fan of the American regime. Said tat however i was in favor of the current iraq scenario and tat saddam deserved 2 b hanged…

P1: what do u think abt the Indian govt? A: told tat they r doin a fairly gud job…spoke abt economic progress…etc…

P1: Don’t you think tat there is a divide happenin…due to religion caste…what do u think can b done to solve the issue… A: Spoke abt the role for tolerance…abt our political leaders observin restraint in these matters…also spoke abt youth enterin in2 politics…

P1: So y don’t u enter politics??? A: No sir am not interested in politics…

P1: So u r one of these ppl who only talk abt doin gud but do nuthin abt it….? A: No sir I do not think politics is the only way 2 do gud 2 the ppl…spoke abt my role in Satyam foundation…wat it does…etc etc…also spoke abt setting up a trust later to do social good…

P2: (Asking me for the 1st time)…asked me abt some policy… A: dunno sir…

P2: It’s a macroeconomic concept….havent u heard abt it? A: No sir

P1: so u play table tennis…? A: Yes sir…

P1: (proceeded to ask me abt table tennis, how I play, abt the different syles of play, asked abt my fave player, y I liked him) A: told

P1: ( asked me abt my interest in books, y I liked Jeffrey archer, my fave archer book, my fave character in tat book, y I liked him, etc) A: told

P1: (looks at P2…anything you want 2 ask him…P2 says no)

P1: ok…(smiles)…so tell me manoj wat do u think abt ur performance here? A: I think I have done fairly well sir…

P1: ok see you A: Thank you sir

Well dunno how to judge this interview…went fairly ok…but guess I hav 2 wait till the results come out…

Nathuram Godse, A Murderer or a Patriot???

quote="nitu"]well,personally i dont feel that gandhiji was a patriot.as if he were we wudnt have been seperated from pakistan.bcoz of him even today jammu kashmir is facing violence. i think nathuram ghodse was definitely a patriot..[/quote]

Well, we r well known about MAHATMA GANDHI. There is no need to describe his character. even it is not needed to have a doubt. He was a great person of 20th century. It was Mahatma Gandhi due to him we r in independent country. we r born independent today. His lessons of peace and non-violence are still in our heart. If we talk about Nathuram ghodse, his intension is not known, he was a murderer and not a patriot.

No Night shifts 4 Women After 8 p.m...

A bill has been proposed in karnatka assembly dat women shld nt work in night shifts after 8 p.m for security reasons, though IT sector and medical sector has been exempted frm this proposal..! Is it justified...? plz post ur opinion...![/quote]

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii frns, well on my opinion the assembly should amend its proposal and just tighten its security system via other measures than harrasing the women mentally our country is free and even we women have every due right which the men enjoy. I think it is very foolish on their part to imply such a barrier on women, they are just opting for foolish ways rather than implicating some senseful startegy to avoid violence faced by women in our society.

Hi guys its true that the incident happened last year in Karnataka highly insecure the condition of working women in our country. But wo kehte hai nnn Life doesn’t stop. One more thing I wanna say that this kind of case happen because the lack of women economic and social security. So government should tights the security system. India is a independent country so why women spend their life like prisoners.


Hi freinds I am Ajit Bansal from Symbiosis Institute Of International Business. We are organizing R.D. Aga Series. Now what is it?..................... its a series which we organize every year, and eminent guest speakers grace the occasion. We had Kiran Bedi, Shoba De, T. N. Seshan, and this year too we are planning for some great personalities who have made a significant differnce in their respecive feild. Why dont you guys just get on woth the topic " One can make a diiference" . For instance Maneka Gandhi has made a mark in protecting the animal rights.. shoot up and rattle ur grey matter .. do some tickling.. to ur thoughts.....hope to hear some good food for thought...

Yes ,definitely one can make a difference in the society and the environment he has grown in.Here I am not talking about Mahatma Gandhi,Martin Luther King ,Winston Churchill or the leaders who have made history.But my point is that we as an individual can even make significant contribution to the society,like by taking initiative to plant trees in the colony we stay,try to educate atleast one individual who belongs to a decripit family.So,there are ways in which ,we can become an ideal person and we can set an example....So,Yes even one can make a difference.

Yes I believe that one can make difference. One person can make changes everybody has this power. For example like in this selfish world nobody think about poor people if in every family even one person would help poor people (financially, emotionally, etc) by this most of the poor people would be educated. Every one people can make his society or city neat and clean by putting dust in liters instead of road. They can cultivate more plants and trees. All we can take steps one person can do a lot of good.

It is a very powerful sayings that "One can make a difference". Ofcourse, every individual has the capacity to do great things. But most of the peoples have plans in their mind and they are not applying it in their day-to-day life. It makes them to lose their outstanding performance. If they implement it in their life, they could make a difference and it will be a source of inspiration for others also.

One should never judge a person by external appearances.

hiiiiiiiiiiiii Its very true that a person should not judge another by outside appearance we all individuals look different and so does ur attitude and behaviour also varies its very difficult, almost impossible to judge a persons mind by looking at them not all human beings are beautiful but there are beutiful human beings by heart whom we cant judge externally. I think it is fairly wrong on the part of any person doing so.

Our political system is not a reason for our backwardness

our political system is not only a reason for our backwardness but there are a lot of reasons also behind it..... firstly we all r responsible for it and we should except it dat we r responsible for it.... bcz if we dont do anything for our backwardness so we dont have right to give our opinion abt it.... we all should work hard to get ahead..... here some of my friends will not be agree with me..... but its true.... dat we r just working, earning & spending for ourself.... no one of us want to do for our country.... no one would like to join politics & clear its dirty... no one would like to join the army....... bcz bcz bcz everyone want white color job in infosys, satyam, tcs etc etc..... i know dat all of my friend will not agree wid me... but its true...... so we all are responsible for our backwardness.....including our pilitical system.......


red-is a symbol of purity .Red is worn at weddings. It is also the colour of sindhoor and tikkas. Red is about energy and passion. Goddesses Durga and Lakshmi wear red.

Red: passion, romance, fire, violence, aggression. Red means stop or signals warning or forbidden actions in many cultures.Because red is the color of blood, it is associated with strength, health, and passion


Red is a colour similarly green is a colour. Red is more like green than it is different. Because red is not actually red but every thing other than red as it only appears red but absorbers all other colour (scientific fact). Similar is wid green. So mathematically calculating out of 7 red n green have 5 colour in common. ..................rest post response

as the topic is RED IS RED N GREEN IS GREEN i think it indicates about worlds or a particular person state.by dis fact ,may b, we can dinstict between wats rite n wats wrong.rite things always remain rite no matter anybody try to make it wrong n in same manner wrong deeds or things as well as talks cant b proved as rite stuff as in actual they remains rite or wrong no matter whats the fact is presented in front of ur eyes .i think so if i m wrongly judging the topic den plzzz correct me

quote="seema 20"]as the topic is RED IS RED N GREEN IS GREEN i think it indicates about worlds or a particular person state.by dis fact ,may b, we can dinstict between wats rite n wats wrong.rite things always remain rite no matter anybody try to make it wrong n in same manner wrong deeds or things as well as talks cant b proved as rite stuff as in actual they remains rite or wrong no matter whats the fact is presented in front of ur eyes .i think so if i m wrongly judging the topic den plzzz correct me[/quote]

Hi Dis is savitha,

Very recently i happened to come accross this topic.. Accoding to my viewpoint red stands for revolution and green depicts prosperity..

Retirement Age

When should people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory age limit?

Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations. Other people, however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their or even earlier because of company or national regulations. This essay will examine whether people should be allowed to continue working for as long as they want or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a

particular stage. There are several arguments for allowing older people to continue working as long as they are able. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees and are more willing to implement company policies than younger less committed staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force someone to resign or retire at 60 or 65 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over. Allowing older people to work indefinitely however is not always a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, however arbitrary, many people would continue to work purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their life’s labor by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this can affect the older individual’s freedom - and right - to work and can deprive society of valuable experience and insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual.

saddam' execution

saddam's execution was absolutely right..... bcz he was guilty... i think dat everyone who did or do a crime he get d proper judgement for his crime.. saddam was guilty n he got his punishment.... further i wanna say dat saddam was a great ruler..... but every1 should get his proper judgement for his crime...

I too believe that saddam's execution is a great step for the betterment of humanity. He is responsible for assassination of more than 140 shiahs(religious persons in iraq). He is a dictator. He even does't regret at the the time of his death and too had the same pride. Saddam's execution teaches us that PRIDE HATH A FALL.