Trame aide a /Interview des employes .. FACTORY NAME EMPLOYEE NAME SECTION NUMBER TO CHECK WORKING HOURS'AND COMPENSATION ISSUES 1. How long have you worked here ° c&A? 2. Do you work everyday ? Yes or No 3. How many Saturday or Sundays do you work per month ? 0 { 3 4 5 6 7 8 qW, 4. What time do you start working ? 5. What time do you stop working ? 6. Are you working overtime voluntary ? Yes or No - \ -J7. What breaks are you given 8. Are time cards used ? 9. Who punches your time card ? 10. Do you ever work when your time car is not punched ? Yes or No If yes, when ? 11. How are you paid for overtime ? 12. If paid at piece rate, do you keep track of your pieces ? Yes or No 13.Is the payment equivalent at the number of pieces ? Yes or No 14. Approximately how much do you earn monthly ? 15. Does it depend of the number of hours worked ? 16. How often de you get paid ? 17. When do you get paid ? 18. Are pay stub given to you for each pay period ? Yes or No 19. Do you receive an explanation for all deductions from your pay ? Yes or No 20. Do you understand why these deductions are made ? Yes or No 21.Are you required to pay for any materials or supplies or are you ever charged for any items (i.e. scissors, uniforms, housing, meals...) Yes or No 22. Do you ever work off-site ? Yes or No. If yes, are you paid for the work ? Yes or No 23. What type of work do you do off-site ? 24. Are you indebted to a broker for obtaining your job ? Yes or No 25. Are you indebted to the company Yes or No. If yes what are the terms ?

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Trame aide a /Interview des employes ..






1. How long have you worked here c&A?

2. Do you work everyday ? Yes or No

3. How many Saturday or Sundays do you work per month ? 0 {3 4 5 6 7 8

qW, 4. What time do you start working ?

5. What time do you stop working ?

6. Are you working overtime voluntary ? Yes or No

-\ -J7. What breaks are you given

8. Are time cards used ?

9. Who punches your time card ?

10. Do you ever work when your time car is not punched ? Yes or No

If yes, when ?

11. How are you paid for overtime ?

12. If paid at piece rate, do you keep track of your pieces ? Yes or No

13.Is the payment equivalent at the number of pieces ? Yes or No

14. Approximately how much do you earn monthly ?

15. Does it depend of the number of hours worked ?

16. How often de you get paid ?

17. When do you get paid ?

18. Are pay stub given to you for each pay period ? Yes or No

19. Do you receive an explanation for all deductions from your pay ? Yes or No

20. Do you understand why these deductions are made ? Yes or No

21.Are you required to pay for any materials or supplies or are you ever charged for

any items (i.e. scissors, uniforms, housing, meals...) Yes or No

22. Do you ever work off-site ? Yes or No. If yes, are you paid for the work ? Yes or


23. What type of work do you do off-site ?

24. Are you indebted to a broker for obtaining your job ? Yes or No

25. Are you indebted to the company Yes or No. If yes what are the terms ?


26. How old are you ?

27. What is your date of birth ?

28. How long have you been working at this factory ?

29. Do children ever work here or help their parents with work ? Yes or No

30. Are young workers exposed to hazardous conditions ? Yes or No


31.Is management keeping any of your salary, ID card, passport... ? Yes or No if yes,

what is being withheld, and how much?

When will you receive it ?

32. What days are you not able to leave the premises when your shift ends ?


33. Are you wages deducted for any disciplinary practices ? Yes or No

34. Is deduction from wages reasonable and acceptable ? Yes or No

35. Have you ever witnessed or been subjected to mental, physical or sexual abuse

from management ? Yes or No. If yes, provide details :


36. Have you even been given a pregnancy test ? Yes or No

37. In Muslim countries : are you provided time off to pray ? Yes or No

38. Have you ever been discriminated against on the basics of race, religion, age,

nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political opinion or

disability (e.g. salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement) ? Yes or No. If yes, provide details :

39. Are you afford the same pay and work benefit as male/as female worker ? Yes or


40. Are you member of a union ? Yes or No

41.If you chose to join a union, would still be allowed to work at this factory ? Yes or


42. Can you freely express your opinion to supervisor and/or management ? Yes or No

43. Do you have any regular meeting among workers discussing work-related issues ?

Yes or No


it'44. Have you got any training before beginning of work ? Yes or No

45. Do you have fire drills ? Yes or No If yes, how often ?

46. Can you explain what do you do in case of emergency ? Check ifit's compliant with

what you have seen during the visit of the factory Yes-or No

47. What types of injuries occur in the factory ?

48. Do-you know how to operate a fire extinguisher ? Yes or No

49. Do you know where are first aid supplies ? Yes or No. If yes, where ? Check if its

compliant with what you have seen in the factory? Yes or No

50. Can you-make use of them when necessary ? Yes or No

51. Do you have access to potable water? Yes or No

52. Can you read the evacuation signs ? Yes or No

53.Are the emergency exits in the factory locked during working hours ? Yes or No

54. Have you been trained in the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemicals (if

LIpica le)?Yes or No

\^ 55. Does your employer provide you with'adequate personal protective quipment,

( J'especially w enring with chemicals (gloves, masks, protective eyewear, etc.) ?

Yes or o. Yes, is it effective in protection ? Yes or No

56. Are the doors in the dormitories locked at night ? Yes or No

57. Are you allowed to cook in your room ? Yes or No

58. How large is your dormitory room ?

59. How many people are living in the room ?

Please note each interesting details :

ATTENTION . Cette liste est.donnee a titre indicatif de support qu'utilisent les

cabinets d'audits externes Il est cependant largement preferable de preferer le mode discussion, les question ouvertes et de s'affranchir de cette liste.



The following document is about a mock exercise where in one can know how to take a proper interview.

-This is to be made in a film in English, French, Chinese and any other

language , as required for trainees convinence.

-General intro remains the same where you ask the general information

including name, family, education

-Questions can be formulated as per the special focus an interviewer may have.


-Child Labour is suspected- interviewing a suspected child labour

-Where do you live? Who all is living along with you?

-Do you have elder siblings? What do they do? How old is your elder sibling

than you?

-Did you study? What is the last class/standard you attended? Did you pass it?

When was it? What all subjects did you study? What is your favourite subject?

-How many years since you left study?

-Why did you join factory? Who brought you here'?

-Where is your ID card? (in some countries , ex-china and Bangladesh it is

common to have a national id).However un common to have in india.

How many years you working after you left home/studies?

When you came for this job, didn't they tell you that you look so young? What did you say? Did they ask you for some papers or certificate, if yes, what all did you give them? If no, then what did they check for you? Did they ask you about your age? What did you tell them? Did some one tell you what age you must tell them? Did they accept your answer?

What is your pay? How do you know how much you earned last month? Who is your manager?

-What work do you do?

-Till what time do you remain in the factory? Do you have to take permission

to go out? If yes, from whom?

-When was it last time that he did not permit you to go.. and why ( say this in a

joking manner, smiling)

Do you know where the chemicals are kept in the factory (if fly has

chemicals). Do you ever work there? If yes, what do u do... how long did you work there?

-Do you have any friends working in this factory? If yes, which department?

Where are they now? How about at home? How many friends do you have at home? What are they doing? Does any one go to school? If yes, what class? Is he younger to you or elder?

The put pose is to find out if this worker is a child worker or not? You mayf et some indications that he is child. Look for his/her age 12roofAlwavs Pitt the interviewee at extreme ease and relaxed. Smile a lot, We a lot, don't allow any one to be present, no one must be in the interviewee's site range.. (make him/ her, face von

Forced Labour

Questions to ask are related to any form of inability of the worker to leave at his own wish

-Where do you stay'? Who provided you that accommodation? How many

people are staying there'? Are they from same company? How much rent is

given? Who gives that rent?

-Did you fill up any application form while taking up this job.

-What documents did they ask you to submit? Did any one ask you any money

to get this job? Did company ask you any security?

-When do you plan to get married? (if unmarried), when do you plan to have

children( if no children). When do you plan to go home?

-Suppose you want to leave the job after marriage, do you know what needs to

be done to get relieved from the job?

-Where is your id card/passport/school certificate/ ration card'? Did at any time

factory ask for any of these? If yes, when was it? When did u get it back?

-How many factory uniform do you have? Whats the cost of the uniform?

When did you buy it'? When will you buy next dress'? What will you do incase this is accidently torn?

-Do you have some deduction in your salary? What is it? How much per

month? Is it for every one or only for you'? When did this deduction start'?

-If dormitory provided acconlnlodation-what is your dormitory timing?

-Do you go out for movies , shopping etc.. when? How many times per

week? Month? Whom do you inform when you go out? Incase you are late in returning? Whom do you inform? What happens if you arrive at 1 am on Saturday and you find gate is locked? Do you need to inform some one or just call the security?

-Have you ever been asked not to come late? If yes, by whom? What had


-How many security guards are there in the factory'? Is it there day and night'?

-Where are the security guards when you are going out? Do they check you?


-As you are foreigner, where do you keep your passport?

-Don't you think it may get lost if you keep it with you'? Did management tell

you that'? When you are going out to market, do you carry your passport? If

no, then what do you do if some policeman stops you and asks you your id?

-Who brought you here?

-How much did you pay fee'?

-Who bought your ticket? When you go on leave? Do you have a return ticket

booked already?

-Do you have a contract? Can you bring a copy of that and show me?( if

interviewed in dormitory? ( try to interview foreigners in their dormitory room, if possible?

Be very thorough in documentation checking while looking at personal files. Read the details of foreign workers contract and also am^ contract of workers.

Health and Safety

Chemical Safety

Since when are you working here? What is your exact nature of work?

What chemical is this? Do you know what you will do if it falls in your eyes? Which are the most harmful] chemicals here? Do you have a list? Can u show


How do you take out this chemical( point to a hazardous), can u show me'? Where did you get this mask and gloves from'?

How much did it cost?

Why do you need it? Can u tell me in detail?

Suppose some chemical that is in this container( point to a container), falls on floor, what do you do'?

Which two chemicals should you not put together'? Can you show me those? Why you should not'? Can u explain?

Suppose a chemical finishes in the container, what do you do to the container? Can u show me where you keep?

How many people help you in this section? Who are your colleagues here'?

-Suppose a person gets injured and gets burnt by acid accidently , what will

you do'? Who told you to do that'?

-Can you show me how you operate an eye wash?

-Suppose in one corner of this room, you see there is some black smoke kind of

thing coming out? What will you do?

-Suppose a worker from other section comes here and asks you some water to

drink'? How can you help him?

-Where is your lunch box'? If you cat in canteen, once there is lunch break

where do you keep your mask/gloves /apron?

-Ok once you keep it there. then what do you do? Do you go straight to the

canteen ( idea is to check if he washes his hands and himself). Washing hand

with soap is must.. it is impt that factory provides soap to clean hands for

chemical users)

-Who is there when you go on leave?

-How many ladies are working here? Who were there yesterday? Can u tell me

where they are today? What are the names (to check if any pregnant woman was working till yesterday and today deliberately sent out).

Describe me any incident when you had to use the fire extinguisher / eye

wash/ or had to rush a person to doctor. When was this? Where is the person now?

Dangerous Machines- An operator interviewed-

First ensure that machine is stopped If not possible., then ask management that you need him/her for interview.

-What is the operation of this machine?

-Where were you working before working in this machine?

-How much experience do you have in working in this machine'?

-What are the dangers in this machine'?

-What do you do to avoid any accident from happening'?

-Does this machine stop during daily work, due to any maintenance problem or

small fault? What happens normally , can a describe? And what do a do then? How many times per day does it happen?

-What happens if machine stops suddenly and wont start again'? What do

u do?( idea Is to see if he calls a maintenance guy or not? If he says I call

maintenance, good, but if he says I do it my self, it is an issue? Also you can ask him, suppose maintenance guy does not conic up? What do u do then?

-Do you know how to repair this machine yourself? ( he may boast that yes he


-Can you show me when was last maintenance done of this machine'?

Idea is to ensure that workstations are safe, workers are trained on that and

maintenance is done by experts.

Attention to pregnant ladies

-Since when are you working in this factory

-How many children do you have?

-What do you do? Were you doing this since before

-How did factory come to know that you are on family way'?

-When did they change your work from previous to your present assignment?

-Till when did they say you will be doing this work?

-When do you have breaks?

-How many leaves did you take in past one month'? For what purpose did you

take those leaves'?

-Do you go for regular doctor check ups? When did you go last? How many

times have you gone in past one month?

-Can you show me where you are presently working and work you do'? Any

other work you do in the day? ( idea is to see if the place is comfortable, seats

are there and work is light and non hazardous ex- no chemical room work)

-Suppose you are feeling little sick, what do you do then? Suppose you want to

take rest, what do u do? Where can u take rest?

-What time do you leave factory?( checking for OT)

-When do you plan to go on leave?

-What time you reach home'? Who all are there at home? Who cooks food at
