UAB DHC /6 5 Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER _ ,' ___ CniversitatAUlooomadeBarcelona ___ ----1

Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat

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Page 1: Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat


Doctor Honoris Causa


U"~ • _ ,' ___ CniversitatAUlooomadeBarcelona ___ ----1

Page 2: Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat

Doctor Honoris Causa


Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura

celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat de Ciencies

de l~ Un iversilat Aulonoma de Barcelona

el día 29 de mai ll de I'any 1997'

Bellalerra. 1997

, I¿O/365

I IIIltf'>11;¡! -\.ulonuma de Ban"lnn~ HlhllulCCl de C¡cnci.:~

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Page 3: Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat

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de la Uni versirat Aut'bnoma de Barcelona

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Page 4: Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat




Page 5: Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat

Exce l·lcntíss im i Magnífie Scnyor Recto r, Benvolguts Col· legues. Est imats Estudi ant s, Scnyores i Senyors,

Avui és per a mi un dia de molta sati sfacc ió, i ho és per dos 11100ius. Pri ­me r, per rcbre el professor Lukas Hottinger C0111 a doctor hOllor;s causa de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Segon, per I'honor que per a mi suposa vcure"111 c1ircctamcnl vinculada a aquest acte de rcconcixement públie a la tasca investigadora i doeent ele l professor Hotti nger.

Quan. a mitjan anys sctanta. vaig arribar a Basilea, ha vaig fer amb la timidesa ¡por eI 'anal' a un país desconcgut. No era una por eI'anar afora, car ja havia fe t par! de is meLIs estucli s a París, 011. a més. havia col·l aboral amb la Ulli versitat ele París VI, e l Museu el'Historia Nat uml o l' ln stitut de l Petroli. Pero Su',ssa era qucl eom ele eliferellt. A la meva ment arriba­ven aquel les imalges que 1<1 premsa cns cli slribu"fa dei s su"lssos. homes i dones freds i tancats , II Canosos de prese rvar el seu país envers la immigra­c ió. dcs pcc tius amb cls cstrangers, on tOI es movia a I' hora i amb ordrc.

Pero, en trobar-me amb el professor Lukas Hottinge r. Lukas per a mi des d' aleshores, bé que la seva rorta personalilal m' impress ionrL el seu t'-lranna obert em recorda el de la gent deis p¡;flsOS medite rranis. H'-l ig de dir que e l meu primer pensament rou: «O bé en Lukas Hottinge r no és suís O bé les persones que han vis itat e l país i les informacions deis diari s m'han enganyal». Pero és cert que a tots els pa',sos hi ha pe rsones que lenen una qualitat humana excepcional. Aquest és e l cas de l proressor Lukas Hottinger.

Aquesta qualitat humana es fa palesa en I'ajut que el proressor Hotti n­ger ha prestat semprc al s in vestigadors I'oranis. Quants estucliants han pas­sal pcls seus ensenyaments! Quants eSlucliant s o ensenyants de pa'isos en via de descnvolupament han arribat a les portes del seu laboratori, o de casa seva. del11ananl-li ajuda per fer una tesi, per aprendre unes h~cniques, per posar en marxa un laboratori! Han arribat des del Illón ürab, la Xina, Pakistan. I' Ínelia, I'est el'Europa, Amúiea Llatina ... Potser eom a eonsc­qücncia de tot aixo. el seu laboratori ha contrastal alllb l'ordenat Illón suís.

Av ui. dia excepc ional per a tots c1s que hem lingul la sort de re lacio­nar-nos amb el professor Hottinger. voldría comem;ar aquesta scmblan~a amb una rrase qu e cm di gué la primera vegada que va ig anar a Basilea, Quan jo li feia preguntes i lllés preguntes concretes sobre la identificació d'un rbs sil detenninat . sobre la sev¡.¡ eda!. e lllledi on vivi a, responia: «No ho oblielis mai. Per utilitzar els foss il s cal eoncixe r-Ios, i tot e l que neces­sites t'ho diuen les estructures: mira-les bé. No utilitzis e ls fossi ls eom a


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segell s de correu, ans com a éssers del passat que són». Aixo és e l que e ll ha fet al lIarg de la seva prolífica carrera, i ta111bé e l que ha procurat ensenyar, sig ui eles ele la seva catedra de Basi lea, des de cursos inte rnacio­nal s o de col·laboracions instituc ional s i personal s amb molts estudiants i in vestigadors.

És a la Uni versitat de Basil ea, una de les unive rsitat s més antig ues d ' Europa i amb una lIarga tradi ció pal eontologiea, 011 e l professor Lukas I-Iottin ger realitza e ls seus estudi s unive rsitari s de geología i pal eontolo­gía, com a mate ries principal s, i de zoolog ia i botüni ca. En aquesta matei­xa ul1i vers itat prepara , sota la direcció de l professor Manfred Re iehel , una tes i doctoral sobre les a lveolines de l Paleod, i r Eoee , En aquest treball estudia les especies , e ls sc us límit s estrati grafics i e ls canvi s en e l temps aplicant e l concepte de línies filogeneriques a la construcc ió d'una bioc ro­nolog ia deis períodes Paleod:~ i Eoce. Una estreta col·l aborac ió amb e l professor I-I ans Schaub, director de l Mu seu d ' l-li storia Natural de Bas ilea , qui treball ava sobre e l g rup de is nU111111ulits, freqüenr111enl a les mate ixes secc ions i mostres, do¡ü, Iloc a un sistema de zonac ions deIs sediments d ' ai gües poc fond es que és encara vigent avui dia.

El seu caracle r emprenedor i l' afany de coneixer no ves terres e l porta­ren, a l final deis allys c inquallla, al Marroc. A Rabat , sota la direcció de Georges Choubert , i en e l si de l Servei Geológ ic, crea un laboratori de mi cropal eontol og ia amb e l qu al donar suport al s mapes gcologics que es realit zaren. Com ellmateix ex pli ca, allí les difi cultats de treball e ren enor­mes, pero les poss ibilitats d ' aprendre coses noves e ren imn1enses . Les ben exposades i poc deformad es seri es li as iques i jurass iques Ilord-africa­nes li van permetrc d 'ex perim entar, a nive ll generi c, I' apli cació de I' anali ­si estructural en la reconstrucc ió de les complexes estructures inte rnes de les closques ele ls ro raminífe rs, i estendre e ls prin c ipi s ele I' anatomia com­parada, introduHs en la recerca deis foraminíf"ers per Re ichel, al s forami ­nífers aglutinats. L'an uli si estructural deis foraminífe rs basada en diagra­mes tridimensional s fou estesa anys més tard utilitzant e l mi croscopi e lectroni c de rastre ig (scanning) en les complexes i irreg ul a rs estructures deis foraminífe rs perforats, com per exemple el sistema ele condueles o les estructures rotalo ides .

La jubilac ió de l professor Manfred Re iche l porta ele nou Lukas I-Io ttin ­ger a la Uni versitat de Basilea, pero aquesta vegada ja com a professor, situac ió en la qual ha restat t-in s a I'actualitat.

La Uni versitat de Basil ea és una uni ve rsita t tradi c ionalment petita i e fi c ient , qu e en certa manera no ha patit la massificació que la majar part d' uni versitats curopees ha experime ntat des prés de la Segona Guerra Mundial , mass ifi cac ió que a l nostre país no va arribar fin s a l f-ln a l deis anys se ixanla, i producte de la qual fou precisam ent la nostra uni versitat i


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tames altres . Aixó fa qu e al professor Hottinger, com a úni c professor ele l' Area de Pa leontologia, li calgui ensenyar, en els es tudi s ele c ienc ies de la terra, micropaleonlologia i pal eonlol og ia d ' inve rtebrats i vertebrats. Més tard , ha afegit al seu currículum e1s ensenyamcnts de pa leoecologia i metodes biostratigráfi cs . Aquesta divers ifi cac ió de I'ensenyament, que podría e n certa mane ra semblar negati va, és altament pos itiva perque Ji

. dóna una visió inte rdi sc iplinaria de la paleontologia, visió que c ls manca a molls altres ensenyants, la qual cosa benefi c ia no tan soi s I 'ensenyamcnt s inó també, i de man era molt clara, ¡'avene; de la recerca.

La invitac ió per impartir Ull S c ursos de paleontolog ía a la Hebrew Uni ­versity el ' l srae l, I'any 1970, li dona I'oportunitat de prendre contacte amb e l proressor Zeev Re iss i de participar, a 1 'estac ió marítima de Steinitz a E lat, e n la recerca sobre els roraminífers vivcnts. Així, e l mar Roi g es converteix e n I'eix de les seves recerqu es sobre e ls roraminífers aCluals, i va realitzar, e ntre I'esme ntat any 1970 i e l 1984, nombroses ex ped ic ions. Al golf d"Aqaba, va te nir I'oportunitat de combinar I'observac ió directa de is mode ls de re partic ió dels foraminífers, per s imple imme rs ió o utilit­zanl un petit submarí, i d 'esludiar la ultraestructura de l seu protoplasma mitjanyant e l mic roscopi e lectróni c de transmi ss ió (T EM). Aquestes recerques al mar Roi g fore n complementades per d'altres a I'arxipe lag de les Maldives, a Nova Ca ledonia i al mar Medite rrani , en parti c ular a les illes de C re ta i Elba, en co l·laborac ió amb el professor David Senn , del De partament ele Zoo logia de la Universitat de Basilea. Els estueli s sobrc e ls foraminífers v ivents donare n un important suporl a la inte rpre tac ió del reg istre fó" il.

Al final de is anys vuitanta, quan s'obse rva la progressiva destrucció de is eseull s coral·lin s a I' il la Mauriei, amb e l conseqüe nt pe ljudic i econó­mic en una illa on una gran pan de la poblac ió vil! e1 e l luri smc, la Comu ­nitat Economica Europea crea un equip inte rdi sciplinari , format pe r més ele vint c ie ntífi cs ele diferents pa'isos e urope us, per tal d 'estudiar e l que comen<;ava a se r un desastre eco log ic i trobar-hi una soluc ió . La participa­c ió e n aquesta recerca aplicada de l professor Hottinger i e l seu eq uip fou intensa. El resultat de les investi gacion s prova que l'eutrofitzac ió de les ai gües, e n aqucst cas produ·lda pe r l' home -amb la utilitzac ió dcsmes ura­da de fe rtilitzant s e n e l cultiu de la canya de suc re- produ"1a la morl de les comunitat s Ili gades a un med i oligotrofic. Sota condic ions ex tremes, la proelucc ió dc ca rbonat s' aturav a, i donava lloc als «deserts ecolog ics».

Aquestes observac ions de l que succee ix als mars actual s són ex traor­dinariame nl importants en e l cam p de la geo logi a perque plantege n un inte rroga nt a les ex plicac ion s c lass iques de les grans ex tincions de l pas­sa!. I és prec isame nt per aixó que e l professor Hottinger, conjuntament amb Illolts a ltres me mbres de la com unitat c ientífi ca inte rnaciona l, entre


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c ls qual s cm trobo. cngega ara fa set anys. i dintre de l marc dei s Progra­mes Inte rnac ional s de Corre lac ió Geologica palroc inats pe r la UNESCO, I' esludi de la gcnes i i e ls processos que causaren les grans ruplures en 1 'e­volu c ió de la fauna. principalment de is foraminíf'e rs de gran mida , amb una estrategia de vida K ext rema.

Totes aquestes acti vitats de l professor Lukas Ho ttinger, que jo he vol­gut ex plicar en poques parau les, i que possibleme nl no he acon seguit real , ar el que es mcre ix ia, queden paleses en la lIi sta de les se ves publi ca­c ioll s més important s, la major part monog rafi es que recull en una vida de dedicac ió a l'esllIdi de is foraminífe rs en totes les scves facet es ,

Pe ro , tan sois pe l que he ex plicar, possiblemenr e l professor Hottinger no seria aquí. Hi ha quclcolll Illés: la relac ió de Lukas Hottinge r amb e l nostre país, la nas tra univers itat.

La re lació de l Lukas Honin ger amb e l nostre país comen~a , com a e ll li ag rada d'eslllentar. «abans que la majoria de nosaltres entréss im en con ­tac te amb la be Ilesa geolog ica que ens cnvoltava», Ai xo rou J'any 1954, quan realitzava la seva les i doctoral , i es tras llad ~l a Cata lunya pe r estudiar les seri es terciüri es, aleshores mal conegudcs. de la conca de Tremp, regió que més ta rd faria «popular)) geologicament parlanL fin s a arribar a con­vertir- la en seu d'cstudi ob ligal per a qual sevo l geo leg de conques sedi­me nl ar ies. tant de l món uni vers itari com d 'cmpreses i serveis geologics. A e ll , j untame nt amb Hans Schaub, es de u la c reació de I'estatge lIe rdi ü, que des igna pree isament una seri e a la conca de Tremp com a estratotip.

En aquel1 s any s difícils al nostre país, qU<:ln e ls camins e ren intrans ita­bles, e ls hOlel s no ex istien, e ls estrangers e ren sos pitosos i fe r geologia de camp e ra ga ircbé una aventura. e ll va quedar enamoral de Is pobles piri ­nenes. de la seva gent ¡de is seus costums. Com em confess~1 anys més tarel, I' impac te que produí en ell e ls fe ste igs dedi cats a Sant Martí a la localitat de Be rnués. al Pirinc ll cI 'O sca, i com fou acceptat a participar-hi , van determinar que al seu primer lillli fos imposat e l nom de Martin ,

O"aleshores cn~a" sempre més ha estat lligal al nOSll-e país i a la seva geo logia, tant pe r la seva co l·laboració pe rsonal amb les unive rsitats i ce ntres de recerca, com pe l fet que aquesta te rra es convertí en 1I0c de prac tiqu es ele ca mp i treball s de recerca de la major part dei s se us alum­nes .

La relació i.tmb la Unive rsitat All tonoma ele Barcelona poclem dir que comeJ1~a abans de l naixeme nl de la mate ixa Secc ió de Geologiques_ quan el professor Lukas Hottinger va entrar en contacte . al linal deis anys sei­xanla, amb rara professor eI 'aquesta univers itat Joan Rosell. Aquesta estre­ta col,laboració entre ambdós professors va fe r poss ible I'organit zac ió, pe r pan de la Uni vcrs itat Autonoma ele Barcelona (una un ive rs itat mo ll nova a I 'epoca, 1973) conjuntament amb l' Emprcsa Nac ional Adaro de In vestiga-


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eiones Geológicas, del X III Congrés Europeu de Micropaleonlolog ia. A partir d 'aqucst moment, la re lac ió s' illtcnsifi cü. i e l pro ressor Lukas

HOllingcr mantill gué la promesa, fe ta al professor Joan Rose l), d 'ajudar a la formHc ió d 'espec iali stes en mi c ropaleontolog ia. pe r tal de poder orga­Ilitzar a la nova Sccc ió de Geologiques tan! la docencia C0111 la recerca en aqucst campo Fou ai x í COI11 e l profcssor Lukas Hottinger es convertí en supervisor e1 ' una par! de la meva tesi. primer. i en company de recerca. més lardo Haig de dir qu e durant els me lis primcrs anys de docencia a la Univers itat Autonoma ele Barcelona, qllall no hi havia cap tipus de mate­riaL i e ls meLIs cone ixeme nts e re n Illolt limitat s. e l professor Hotlillger rOl! una mica el Ill CU «salvador», és a dir, la persona a qui sempre podia demanar-li una informac ió determin ada, un llibre que no era al meu abast o un conse ll davanl d'un problema.

Amb cl lemps, aqucsla relació de Ireball i co l·laboraeió ha esdcv inguI una relació eI ' amista!. És per aixo que ara em permclo, Exce l·lent íssim i Magnít-ic Rector de la Universitat A ulonoma de Barcelona, de sol·licitar per al professor, company i amic Lukas Hottinger el grau de doctor halla· ris call sa. que perm eli d 'cxpressar en un moment en que la seva jllbilació no és gaire lIunyana i, COIn ell mateix diu, per part deis «seus hereus», el reconei xemenl degllt a la seva declicació al món de la biologia, de la pale­onlologia i de la geo log ia, unicles en el coneixemenl deis foraminífers.


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Paleontology, quo vadis'?

Vil' Magnifice, Vir Mirabili s. Dear Co lleag ues ami Fri ends.

The honour to rece ive a doctorate of your distingui shecl acaclem ic institu­lion goes of co urse in lhe first place ro lhe University of Basel having pro­vided Ihe poss ibiliry lo do research and academic leaching w ilhoul too much material preoccupations during most 01" my active academic ¡ife for over lhree decades . Far a single pe rson, to build an architecture of scienli ­Re thought of some breadrh and s ignifi cance ane! intcgrated into lhe currenl kno\vledge by academic teaching ideecl takes time alle! stable wor­king condit ions far Illally years if nor a school over more than Qne genera­rion. Toclay, rhe 10ng-tenl1 stabilily in Ihe slalu s 01' lhe acadcmic personel rend s in most larger di sc iplines ro be replaced by the formarion of coope­rati ve task forces in arder lo acceleratc sc ientific produetion and eeonomie progress with innovaLive products. This has dangerolls s ide effeets v .. :hi eh mal' deepen lhe gap be t\veen rhe seientifi e eommunity and Lhe general public by rhe ir success ive ly more dive rg ing views al' Ihe world expressed in more and more di vergenL lang uages. Unfounded fears and emotion al rejeetion of current ideas in sc ience are produeed \vithin rhe general pub li c, if rhe re is no e ffort and le isure lo inlegrale new sc ienrific knowled­ge into rhe world view of the socie !"y. To carry out o ur scientifi e \vork , my gene raLion , inc luding myself, has been lucky to li ve in an eXLraordinary period of peace, economi e g rowth and social vvelfare for \vhi ch \:ve have 10 be deeply graleruL

The instilutions promotin g, organizing and cod ifying Lhe spiritual life of our soc ieties by produ c ing nevv Lhollghts, and tran smitting these 1'0 sllb­seq uent gene ralion s by teaching, are the churches, llni vers ities, academies and mu se um s. I ha ve al\vay s been impressed by rhe long-Lenn stability of these structllres of soc ie ty in spite of the ir numero us imperfection s and shortcommings due lO fhe human narllre of lhe pe rsons invo lved. \Vhere­ver you investigate thi s phenomenon in the world , Lhese slructures ha ve surv ived over centurie s the changes in poliLica l reg imes, rhe turnover of state constitlltions and Lhe substitution of economi c systems. This empha­z ises lhe ael you carry out toda y by supporting and rev ... 'arding a Sllceess­fuI co llaboration bet\veen our respective in stiLutions go ing back to the pe riod 01' Lhe fOllndation of Be llate rra Autonomous University in Lhe early years of my academic act ivily in BaseL Thus, my Ihanks are direcrecl ro both yo ur and ml' insLitutions providing rhe in stitutional frame and the


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economical bas i ~ for a ",ucccs~ ful C0l111110n academic aCli vi ly during seve­ral clccacles.

On lhe olher hancl. persona ll y. I am cleeply moved 10 be honourecl by a doclorare 01" a uni ve r~i l )' belong ing lO a cullural r~a lm which i", so much di ffcrcn l from au r~ in $wilze rland. During m)' year:.. of ~ojourn in M orae­eo, I have lcarned 10 perce ivc Ihe mighl and imporl ance of Ihe cultural bond~ of Janguagc. 111 Ihe Rif mounlain ",. Ihe lilllil ~ bClween the French and lhe Span i sh inOuence on cvc ry-day li fe \\¿¡~ :-. Iill overwhclm ing during lhe carl y ~ i x ti c~ in spit e 0 1' Ihe c rrort ~ of ara bi ~a ti on in Ihis \\'on­dcrful ~lart h - afri can caunlry. Lale!'. l learncd Ihe significan ce of Ihe cultu ­ral bond~ produced by lhe Spani~h language accros"i Ihe world oecans. Stro lling onc da) Ihrough th e narro\-v slreels 01' Ihe center 01" Tremp, Ihe hospitable lilll e Pyrencan town which ha..; bccn 01' ~o Illuch importance 10

my ~cienti fic activity, thcrc wa~ a book ..;hop ~clling book~ 01' cOlll11111ni sl <llllhors from Cuba al a time \\fhen Franco \Va~ still ve ry Illuch in power. I poinled out Ihe:-.e book~ to l11y co ll eag uc~ 1'1'0111 cOI11J11l1 niSI Rus~ ia bul Ihey \Vere unab lc lo understand the phenolll cnon 01' /¡is/}(fllidat!. a langua­ge bond lo be ..;0 Illuch more forceful Ihan ~ Iale idcolog ies from len 0 1'

right. Thll~. I am gral eful 10 be aclmittccl. so- ror-say. lO your cultural realm. in~pile 01" my pOOl' know ledge 01" Ihe Spani~h languagc, ror thb ope n ~ 10 me Ihe I,.vorld accross lhe atlanli c lo Soulh A merica ancl w ilJ e"{ lend m)" Jire's cxpc rience "..; much a~ did Ihe accc~~ 10 Ihe marine world uncler Ihe sllrfacc 01' Ihe sea by scuba cli ving. Could Ihere be a betler rea­~on 10 be grate ful ?

Your act honours nOI only in ~lilulion s and iJ single I"esearcher. bU I al so a clil"cipline 01' n;'tlural sc i e nce~. pa leontology, Thi ~ disc ipline ha~ li ved during Ihe I¡¡ ~ I Ihree dccade~ in Ihe: shadow 0 1' p]atc lec l onic~ in geo logy and 01" Ihe rap id l:xpan ..; ion 01" gene: tics w ilhi n biology. \Vilh Ihe increa~ ing

socia l demand rOl" an e:eo logical under ..... landing of ou r planel ¡1I1c1 01' lhe Jife 011 it~ ~u rrace inc luding our o\Vn c"{ i ~lel1ce, the hi ~ t ol)' 01' lite as il is cx plorcd by pa leontology gains signili cance and e:s lec lll in Ihe general public much more Ihan in QUI" imJlll:d ialc s i ~ t L:r di sc i pl il1 c~. Each ccologi­cal siluation in the prc~c nl day and al a parti cular sil e h a~ it ~ 0\\'11 indi v i­dual hi~tory \\ hich mu:..I be taken ¡!l10 aCCOllllI w llen lry ing lo ulldersland Ihe proce:-.~e..; invo lved. Paleolltology has Ihe answer nOl only to recon~­

lrucl anel elescribe lhe hi sl ory 01' lire bUI also lo exp lore ecological proce,­..;es running rol' time pcriods 01' geologica l dimc ns i on~ and th ercforc inacce~~ibJc 10 experimcntal approachcs. The current di~c uss i on on con­tradicting Illodeb des ignecl lO unclcrstand the recovery al' li fe after event ~

01' mass eXlinclion ¡!lustrates Ihe currenl state af lhe an in paleon lology \vhe re Ihe laxonomic inven tory 01" the organblll~ having li vt":d 0 11 canh during Phanerozo ic limes almosl double"i w ith each general ion 01" ~c l cn-


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li sIS aClive in the field while lhe progress in lheorelical lhinking is slo\V. The di sequilibrium in favour of complementation of the inventory is eas)' to understancl: !lew laxa are rcwardecl as sc ientific result by Ihe rules of nomcnclature inclucling Ihe allthor '~ Ilallle in Ihe designarian of Ihe laxan while new theories llave a high ri sk lO be \vrong or rapidly surpassed by bCllcr ones. their aulhors being forgottcn very quickly.

Nevenheless. lhe firsl lask 01' a paleonlologisl is lo look al lhe histori ­ca l document, ¡,c. al Ihe foss il itself ane! atlhe Il<:ltllre of the en casing rack. analysing in particular Ihe Illorphology 01' Ihe hardparts af Ihe organisJ11 lInder investi gatioll. In l11y vi ew, Ihe prec ise observati on 01' Ihe fossil 's Illorphology ando beyond taxonomic identificarian. its interpretati on accorcling lo Ihe laws and processes of morphogenesis and comparative analomy are lhe primal')'. and presently lhe most neglected. task of lhe rc~earche r. In foralllinifera, my O\V I1 fi elcl 01' spec iali zed compelence, mOS1 smaller benthics are slill described onl y as lO lheir oUlside morphology and orten inadequalely documenled by SEM piclures regislering exclusi­ve ly lhe relier on lhe olll siclc 01' lheir shell. wilh lhe exclusive goal lO jus­liry lheir iclenlifi calion. However, beyond laxonomic idenlily. lhe shells of Ihe foraminifera may have registered milliol1 s of years ago functions alld modes of metaboli sm, fOI" instance gaz exchange, biolllinerali skltion. moti­lit y, growlh, reproduclion. elldosymbios is. interaclion v,,, ilh olher orga­nisms or olher types of slress elc. Such lrails, visible often in lhe interior 01' lhe shells' archileclllre (Fig. 1), doeumenl much more lhan lhe sysle­malic POsilioll of Ihe taxon alld help ro undcrstalld lhe organism's ecologi­cal success in particular cnvironments and the canalisalion 01" Ihe evolu­lion of ils descendanls during earth hislory \v ithin the afIen narrow limits 01" inlernal and/or aUlecological conslrainl s (Table 1).

Foraminifera produce lheir test as a biolllineralized cell enve lope func­ti oning simultaneously as a protecti ve clcv ice ror lhe inner par! of lhe pro­toplaSI and as endo~kele lon wilh mechanical performances. C¡lIciul11 car­bonate is available in all110st limitless quanli¡-i es in lhe primar)' shallov.¡ environmcnts of lhe foraminifera. lts use for biomineralisalion rcprcsents lhe mosl efR eienl way 10 produce mechanicall y res istenl hardpan s shaped under biologica l control v,.r ith mini mal expenses of proteins lost to recy­cling. T hus. calciulll ca rbonate biominerali sation is the response to Ilutrienl scarseness in lhe environment wherever lhe nitrates in particular represenl lhe limiling ractor, ralher than encrgy, for the ca rrying capacity 01" lhe foramini reran 's habil a!. Adding slepwise new pans of cell envelope 10 prev ious ones is the primary strategy 01' cell gro\vth in foraminifera perll1ining lO subdiv ide lhe proloplasl inlo cOll1partll1cnts 01' average ce ll size representing Ihc optimal volume for ce llular metabolism. Thus. the foraminiferal cell may produce giant body-s izcs reaching about 15 cm


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after a comparali vely long ontogenesis during several years. Thi s opens for rhe unice lllllar organism rhe porential to adopt strateg ies of lire lI slIally characteri stic ror multi cellulars. Dimorphism 01' the generation s w ill sup­port " nel further differentiate this str" tegy by attributing di f fercnr life­times to each gencrati on anel hcnce two e1 iffercnt strategies of l i fe for the same species. The repeated success of thi s double straregy of life is reflec­lec! by lhe repeaLed ri se of larger foramini fera during earlh hislory since rhe Late Carboniferous w irh it s e1 iversi fi ed fusulinid faunas. Thus. the basic nature of a foraminifer and its cell envelope consritutes a heritagc from aboul Mid-Paleozoic limes w"hich may be used in vari ous ways lO survive in almost allmarine environmenls. In the same lime, th is heritage constilutes a general constrainl li miting th e evo lurionary potential to com­paral ively narrow palhs and enforcing stereotyped responses i f simi lar environmental conditions are repeated in eal1h history.

During peri ods of more or less simultaneous mass extincti on the basic heritage of the foralllinifera, as far as cxpressed in their shelllllorphology, i.e. Iheir modc of biolllinerali sation, lhe challlberwi se growlh and lhe altcrnati on of sexual and asex ual reproducti on survi ves in populations of smaller benthics vvhile the geneLic inforlllation governing Ihe more elabo­rate and spec iali zed strategies of life is lost, mas! probabl y by a loss oF lhe co rresponding particular cnvironlllcnts. Changing panerns in oceanic circulation govern ing Ihe dislribuLion o f nutrients, \~iater temperatu res and c1 imalic belts Illay be Ihe primary cause of so me if no! allmass ex tinction event"s.

Vv'hen environmelllal condi tions are stabi li zed for a l1l in imll l1l of abollt len mi ll ion ycars 01' lime. benthic foraminiferal coml11l1ni ties will have

Fig. l. Diffcrcnl gcncric slruClUrcs in stereolypc, larger foralll in ifcra. A: Soril(,.\' (rcccm), B: Arc!uúa" (nov. gen .. Miocene. Midd le Easl), C: Orlúfofifes (Eocc­

ne) . Scclor~ uf 1\\'0 ami a half chamberl cI cydes out uf a pon.:e lancous di sco Ste reo­graphs, schemat ic, nOl 10 scale. La leral wa ll of d isc indic~tted in B. CUI away in A and C. Arrows: di reclion of rad ia l growl h. in B abo radial apert ura l axes. Thc slruclura l ¡rai ts of gcneric relevance are ¡he di spos ilion 0 1' rad ia l (13 ) 0 1' c ros~w i se-obl iq ll e (A. C) apc rt ural axes and ¡he Illode 0 1' subcl ivision of lhe chamber IUlllcn by con tinuo us walls (septula) in A and C or by free-stand ing pill ars in 8 . l he COll1mOIl . stercolype Irai ls con .. isl in Ihe discoida l she ll shape produc\!d by <ln ll tlla r growlh uf succe~si ve challl ­bedel cycles. The 8pe rtures are a ll groupecl excl usivdy on Ihe margina l face 01' Ihe d isco Moreover. ¡here is al\vays an open passage be¡ween Ihe latera l chamberle¡ cavi­lies belo\\' Ihe laleral slI rfact:. 0 1' Ihe d i ~c. irrcspective of all ot hcr slru clura l Irails. Liv ing rep resl!ntati ve~ revcal Ihe fun ction of Ih i ~ pa~sagc: Ihe di no ll age ll atc sy rnbionls change pl ace in Ihe cl i ~c in o rder 10 avoid too lllllCh irradiatio ll by s ll nlight in Ihe uppcnllosl pholic zonc (pholoi nh ib ilion). Thus. Ihe slcreotype ~t ru c l llral ¡ra il rell ecls Ihe presence of a dev ice lo regulalc irradialion in un rcla lcd genera frolll cl iffe renl geo­logica l epochs bul p re~c nl in si milar. ve ry ~ha llow environmenls.


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Table l. Thc cascade of constr:li nl s in furaminifcral shcll moqlhoJogy

Mi crotllbll lar c..:1I ~keleton in rhi /opod ial el: lopla~m - > foramen in (ell cm'dope

:2 Bioll1i nerali~a lion of calciu1l1 carbonate -> :!cces:-. 10 oligolmph ie env ironrnen t ~

2 -> J Cell cnvclope produced by cndu..:cll ll lar processes -> temcnt ... for aggl ut inated wa ll , ami porce laneous walls -> irhide-o Ulside pohrris:ruoII blll 110 layering of wa ll ... -> exo- and endmkclt.:lulh

2 -> 4 Ccll cm·clope prodllced by cxocdl ll lar proces ... e:- -> 4a - nun-I a)'ered en velol~ (?) 4b - laycred envelopc 40;; ",cparale lllorphogcllcti ¡; control for ouler alld illlH.:r laya .> exn- alld c lldo~k c·

l elOn~. seplal l1a p~. plat..: .... . ~ lIpplelllcnlal ~kclcto l\s

I + 2 -> :; Ch:Hnbo.!r-wi~c . additi ve growth -> opt ima! chmn bo.:!r cavi ty volullIC corrc~ pullding

to average cdl , ile -> growth tO ... hd l ovcrsi ze - > +2 -> accc ... s 10 marine K· ~tnltcgy -> odd pair ... -> di rnorphi ... m 0 1' generations in ¡¡<lul! ... hdl size: double ... tratcgy \v it hi n ,i ngle ~pec ics

2 + 3/4<: -> 6 Chamber "ulxJ ivi ... io ll -> ha((cric" 01' productivc uni" -> hig,h volume accretion l'::t tC,

I -> 7 C:lvi ty , hape of productivo.: unih (o;;h am ber ... 01' challll~rlcl ca" ities) 7a - 110 :-.hape conslraiul .... -> ex pan~e chamocrs - > ~ccullda ry lInchalllt~red shc:ll

cavi ti e~

7b c long:uc-tubular. wilh terminal opcn ing~

7r: morc or Icss isornctric, .... ¡lh lllul1i plc openil1g~. nu con~traillb ,h 10 lltc I;l((cr\ po~i l ioll

7c - > 8 Umbi lical cavily - > umbil ical C1WCn. -> umbilical an.;hi1ectu re~

4c -> 9 Intcrlocu],lr ' paces -> canal 'iy"'Wl1h -> mllrgi nal car(1:,

IU Mcchal1ical fUl1ctions of ~hdl , hapc in relat ion wilh di\po,ition of a¡x:rturcs aml/ar callal ~y\tcm mOUlhs lOa - protcclive fu nction .... ¡,:xclu~ivc or largcly dominant -> g¡,:omctry of growth

COIl ~trained by \'o lume :H.;crct iOI1 rate~ onl)' IOb mech alli cal fUllction~ con~tall( durillg onlogcny -> sh apc cunstance I Or: - Illcch:mic¡t l fUllct io ll ~ changing during ontogcny -> ~ha pc changes

1I [n tratcllll lar commulIicatiun t la no con~l rai ll\ s - > apcl1urc~ in I~ri phcral positioll 1I b - ~hortClol ways -> :lpcI1Ure\ in inlcriomarginal or PO"lf J)(Ntioll -> rllnc t io~

nal d irrerentiation fOl' grO\ ... th ¡¡nd lllovcment

5 ... 10b + li D--> 12 GC(l1llCtlY 01' growth conslraincd by \'ulume accretioll rates. con~t ance 01' , he ll shape :111(\ lohOl1est c01l11l1unicat ioll

5 ->

5---6na -> 5 +6 - >

\--> y:

12a - low accretion rales+ 7b -> Illiliolid-spira l cha1l1t~r arr:lI1ge1llelll + 7e - > rot:llid or Ilonionid challlbcr nrrang':l1ll:!ll t

12b hi gh arcrction rat c.~ -> :\I1nUlilr, concen tric 01' dcndroid g ruwth 12e r:n rnprom i .... c 12a ¡¡ud b -> lllultip1c sp i ra l ~ 01' altcnr:ltillg chamber arrange·

rnCIll in allllular or curtcclltric growlh x is prcn:quisilC to.y

Tah!r /. Foraminircral :-,hclllllorphology bclwcen <lulccologica l I"uncl ion:-, and con:-,t railll s dcrivcd from twelve main pcrformancc"i or Ihe liv ing ce ll. Cell melabol ism as reftcc­lec! by ch:unbcr VOIUlllC accretion ralcs. ~ymhio"i is and nuclear proccsse~ (numbcr of c hromosollle~ . polyp loidy in larger fortns , 1l1cc hani ~rns and periodicily 01" nuclear divi ­sion) are nol l istcd a<; Iheir morphogcuelic :-.igniticance is not yel llndcr"i IOod. Ac¡i ng ribers (known lo be presc lll in Ihe rhi zopodial eCloplasm) Illay play ~ome morphogc­Ilctic ro le in Ihe shaping of Ihe shel l's ornallle nl ~ , in part icular around Ihc apcrtures and all over Ihe "ihcll surface 01' inl'aullal spccico;.


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divers ifi ed aga in by recrcating a difTe re ntiated genctic he ritage \·vhich is ne v.' as to it s parli c ulars but eco logica ll y as cffective as Ihe prcv iou sly losl one, permitting Ihe foram inifera lO play a n ana logous, complex rol e in the marine ecolog ica l syste m as before. The recavery 01' Ihe gcne li c eample­xity ill lhe posl -eveJ1l populalioll s is re lleclcd by the ri se 0 1' Ilew phelloty­pes \Vith lheir oversized alld eomplex morphology. The complex iJ1lernal morphology 01' lhe roraminiferal shell permits to differenliale the 1l3ture of lhe progress as relleeted by lhe c1ifference of level ill the taxollomic syslem of Ihe laxa involved: in foraminifera , the genera are definecl by qualitalive difTe re nces in Ihe slructural c haracle rs of the she ll archileclure while speeics are delilled by qllaJ1litati ve differellces in shell proportioll. shape and s ize. DOll btless ly, di st inct gene ra ex press larger genet ic discre­paneies lhall spec ific c1i lferences whieh often Ileed ollly a change in a sill­gle factor 01' allometry lO produce a c1iflerent phenotype.

During times of recovery after mass ex tinct ion evcnt s \vc o bse rve in shal low be nthi c fo raminifera an early phase where gene ri c diversity ri ses (Table 2). Mosl 0 1' these genera are mon os pec ific ancl many are cosmopo­litan . In lhe subseq uc nt phase. a fev.' SlIccess rul gene ra dominate the fa una a nd star! to produce paralle l phyla 0 1' congene ric s ister species. The lalter fo llow c10sely limilecl palhs of further evolution. often excl usively restric­ted to s ize inc reasc \v ith time bUI many phyla show a n increase in dimor­phism with adlllt s ize increase re fl ec lin g a g radual adaplation of their lite strategy 10 the periodiciry in th eir environment (Fig. 2). In later phases 01' undisturbecl evo lulion. ditTerelll phyla \Vi II become dominanl or exc lusive in diffe rent areas prodllcing a g radual advance 01' e ndel11i sl11. A cyc le 01' subsequent phases of community maturation may be compared to a serc. i.e. 10 lhe s lIcccssion o f cOl11munilies as observec! for instance on a forest clearing 01' o n a ploug hed field le ft unculti v:ued for several years. In con­trast lO seres hov.levc r. lhe mechanism o f re place me nt al' success ivc com­munities is not a dirre re nti atec! immig ralio n of spec ies ex isl ing some\vhe­re in the c loser or more di stant ne ig hbourhood but a coevo lutionary process in vo lvin g the chan ge 01' Ihe gencti c heritage 01' eac h individual living within lhe commllnity. Thi s latter process requires lime periods 01' geological dime ns ions \vhile even a com pl ex sere may reach ilS equilibra­tec! final stage afler somc decades. A stri ki ng example is givcll by lhe recovery 01' rhe lropica l rorest on the Bikini atolllOlally dcvastated by the ex pe rime ntal atomi c cx plosions four decades ago.

The var io LI S phases cOll stituling a cyc lc of g lobal cOl11l11unity matura­tion as sketched out above may be lruncmed at very differenl stages of progress by a new mass extinction event or may lac k the ir initial stage s by an incol11pl ele ex tinction preserving par! of lhe more e laborate genelic inheritance. The lall er s it uation is linde l' closer scrlltiny in lhe !'rame 01' lhe


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Table 2. G loba l cOllllllllnit.l' matura tion (GC!\·t ) Phases in ;] cycle, 1'01' K-Sln ltegist for aminifera

Eocene-Oligoccnc boundary c"cnl: planklon and orlhoph r:lgminifomls out. shallow K -slratcg i ~ls survivc

Priabonian 3?

Lale Banonian 2?

Early Banonian 5 (= Biarrillian)

LUlctian Cuisi:ln

Lite I1crdiall

Earl y Il crdian

Late Palcoccne



compcli lion successfu l

fa iling 10 con line compclltlon

ncw genera inSlallcd bc ... idc!I old one\

new gencm emcrge O. (1 /pi l/{/ dOlTli lla lc~

kceping compel ilOrs 0111 spec ie~ di\'cr~ i ¡y


gain ing sile

rcveli ng in success

cxpcrimeming \'v ith ways 01' livc

spcc ics cndcmisrn incrcase

par.lllel evolulion of di"crsi fi cd lincages: odd pairs develop

slIccessfu l genera d iver~ ify in di ffcrc nl SI>ccies

generie di vcrsity incrcase low-levcl endem ism

Early Palcoccllc prcpílring ror K -slr.ltegy no phenol)'pic rc~pOll '\C

pha!ICs loor no K-~Ira tcg)' (?J

ne\.\' onl)' SpimdYPcl/.t

new compclilors: Pellali ípira Biplal/ispi}'(/ /-Ielerosll'gi/w

1T10nOSI>ccilic cndemi~m

of largc-silcd species frc qucnl

dm sizc cb~'\Cs rcached

succc~.~ for Alvl'()!il/({. Orhiwlifl'S. Assifina. .'liul1/l/IlfluC''\.

onhoph ragminironns

abolll 40 ."maller ... ized fonm wil ll complex slruclures

no largcr forms no complex ... tmelure), ('! i

K-T bound<try c\'cnl: all K-Slrillegists ou1. decpcr bcnth{l~ sun¡ i ve~.

Only Laffi lffillo ~u rvives in sllallow water.

Table 2. The only lal'gcr. complex rorami ni fe r sllrviving Ihe K-T-bollndary cven1. Laffilfei­l/a. disappears during phase 2 logclhcr wilh many genera or smal h!r bcnlhics living in decpcr-neriti c rea lms. Laf(¡lll'illa prc'icnls a slereolypic rOlal iid morphology very simi­lar 10 recenl IJ .w'/Idom/ulia living in mc<;o- or cutrophic, muddy es l11ar ic:-, of Iropical rivcr~ (Mahakam. Kal i manl~lIl). Thc lwO genera arc 11 01 rda led sincc Ihey belong lo dilTcrellt rota liid fam i lie~ according 10 lhór um bi lica l archilec tll rc.

Afler pha:-,e 5. a ncw GCM cyde slarh wi lholl l apparcllI eeological forcing. The following phase'i are ICllIalivcly comparcd 10 Ihe c¡¡rlicr phases 2 and 1 bascd 011 gcneric K-Slra­Icg i ~ 1 diversi ly al lhough several smal l lo medi1l1l1 SilCd genera ~urv i ve inc luding Ihc NlIl!/11l/{liresfahiallii lineagcs rcprc:-,cnting maybe. by il " ~o-callcd rCli c lll ~l r ~ lrucILlrc.

an advanccd grade 01' Ilummulilic organisal ion. Phase J! i" cul off by Ihe Eocene-Oli­gocene bOllndary c\'cnl prior lo spcci ti c divers it y incrcLlsc in sll cccssful genera .


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400 300 200 100

-- --- / -60

20 P ~Ia ' 1-1

N Ilall -I

~-----------+-----c~>-.. ----------t-----\~---dl - ma,

I ~""''''''='''''''''''--+ __ '''''~~ ____ ':::::::::'''''~+-¿'''-______ I_ carryi ng cap. r mm

a: ~======E==:~~::=====~==~:~~ Rep = reproduct ior ~ ... = li l e span

Fig. 2. Scasonal change in Ilu trien t cOll cerllrati on in a bluc deser! during [wo years ane! lhe response ol" populat ion dens ity of dia torns dependan! 0 11 lhe N02 + N03 fen i l izer <lne! of cyanophytes having d irect access lo N2 from Ihe at mosphcrc d isso lvccl in lhe sea­water. l\otc lhe delay 01' P max . in re [al lan lO N02 + N03 max. in auturn n whi le lhey are s imul 1ancous in spring. T h is indicales a (s1ill poor ly un dc rstood) di ffcrence in qua ­lit y bctwccn lhe spring and auLumn Ilul rienl input and thci r respect ive algal b looll1s. Thc diatoms are a source 01' food fOI" Ihe foram in ifc ra and pus h lhe earry ing eapaeily 10 a shorl rnax im um. Reprodu clion lakes place \.v hen food is mosl abUIl(hl1ll. Sl nllegy (J uses both yearly alga l bloom s as reproducl ion time: strategy IJ lhe spring b looms only: while slra legy e is designed lo survivc the m ín imum leve ls of Ihe earry ing eapa­e ily over more than one yea r. Within a dímorphíc speeies. each genera líon may rollo\\' its OW Il . d ist inct slraLegy. Ihe megalospher ie spccimcns foll owing slra tegy (1, lhe míerosphe ri c ones sl ralegy h and (". Th is is de ri vecl from b iometriea l analys is 0 1" Eoce­ne Tl umrn ulit e shell s where E . .\tlachan iec ( un publ ishecl) measu red Ihe periodicity of volume 3ccrelion rates in cha mberw ise growlh. Nutrient and b loom dala from Ihe gu lf 0 1" Aqaba. Red Sea ( Rc iss and Ho1t ingcr. IY84, fig. D45. simpl ilied). L ífe span and reproduc tion rates accord ing 10 Zohary el al. ín Reís.'; and HOll inger. 1984. lig . G7).

ClIrrent IGCP 392 projec l involving yOllr and my OV,/11 in stitlltion ve ry mu cho Allhe limil Middl e- Upper Eocene, a parliallurnover in larger spe­c iali zed foramini fe ra lakes pl ace, apparently without enforccment of heavy envirollmenta l change as it wo uld be reAected by isotopi c anoma­li es in lhe lilhostrati graphi c record . Maybe, thi s change is the res ul t 01' bi ological instabiliti es in cOl11l11l1nilies progres ively dominated by ende­mists.

Thi s is not lhe pl ace to di sc uss th e diffe rellt models available in recent literature whi ch try to exp lain the patlern s of bioli c recove!"y after mass ex linc li on eve nls (Kauffmall and Harries, 1996) or 01' the so-call ed coor­din ated stasis (Bren and Bird, 1995). However, all these mode ls are based

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on lhe number and, eventually. on lhe re lative frequen cy of the taxa in the time gradient fr0111 vvhich eventual qualifications such as so-called laza­rus, di saste r. re fugia or progenitor taxa are derivcd. In foraminil'e ra , lhe understanding of the biolog ical s ignifi cance of theír morphology has advanced to a leve l pennitting at lcast to reconstrucllhe ir Jife strategy in a s impl e K-r gradienl on lhe basis 01' lheir morphology and independently from lhe ir d istribution pattern. Mass extinction and reco very events a¡lecl almoSl exclusive ly lhe K slralegists among the foraminifcra. If the latte r are separated from all olhers, the signal of the fo ss il record is much improved while the noi se is pushedlO lhe background. The noi se may be produced by preservatíon bias, sedimentary gaps and other complications inherent ro small -scalc fac ies change, loca l versus g lobal eco logical CO I1 -

dition s \vilhin a c limalic belt, diffi culti es in hi gh-resolution time con'cla­tion s and taxonomi c inconsi ste nc ies . They all may inftuence the fre­quency of individual s up lo dete rmining their presence-absence pattern in the loca l pal eo ntological record. The di scuss ion on rhese models is fully on the movc and illustrales rhe needs of future research in paleontology.

In order to ,U1 S\Ver the qucstions rai sed by current mode lin g, my inli­mate requests to paleontolog ical resea rch would be the followin g: hand­ling the overv,,:helming quantity of taxonomi c data fmm lhe ross il record available today needs the help of machines . The prerequisite would be a common language with standardi zed lllorpholog ical te rm s in the diagno­ses . The lalte r represent rhe I1rst step 01" abslraction beyond illu stration 01' some spec imens represenling the taxon. The choice of the tcnn s for com­posing a significant diagnos is implie s also a first interpretation of Ihe meanin g of the corresponding morpholog ical traits. Thi s \vould pe nnit to filter the fossil record with the suppor! of computers according to selected Iraits of the lifc hi story 01' lhe organisms investig ated. pe rmiuing the attri ­bution of qualifications to the taxon bcyond its systematic position. Mor­phomctrics, al least in roraminife ra. in my view are not a tool to separate laxa but rather to intcrprct the ir \-vay ol' life . for instance by characteri z ing the ir growlh rates. Taxa should be c lassified according 10 the ir life strate­gies, beyond Ihe simple K-r gradi ent, into even more predicative catego­ries 01' aUlecological s ignificance. Moreover, we need a new di scuss ion about the s ignificance uf higher taxa, in particular the genera, usecl so often as units in modeling processes of biolic change on earlh.

A secund bundl e of rcquests is adressed to organismic marine biology. The paleontologists need a comprehensive descriplion of the life hi slories of se lecteel marine lower invertebrates and unicellular e ucaryotes inclu­ding rood requirement s, moeles of reproduction ancl ontogenes is, life times, requiremenls as lO their substrate. st rategies of larval settl ement, ambient temperaturc and oxygen consumption e tc. Many data of thi s kind


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are scattered in Ihe aleler lilerature 01" marine biology, 1110S1 are punclual "nd incompl ele . Marine ecology and paleontology shou ld unite their e ffon s lO des ign a slrategy fOl' meeling these demands 10 Ihe be nefit 01' both di sc iplines.

The cu rrenl knowlcdge 011 morphogencs is reflects long neglecl. Shcll shape in man)' groups 01' paleontological signifi cance is conslrained by modes 01' she ll fonnalion condilioning Ih e gcomelry 01' she ll g rowrh. Thc eompromi se belween Ihe constrainl s of growrh wirh othe r fune lions sueh as Illorility or protection <:lne! parsimony 0 1' matcrial consllJ11ption has to be investigated in many groups by ex perimental approaches \vith li ving organisms as we ll as by geomelric model1ing. The effcct 01' envirollmcn­tal stress 011 the morphology a lle! it s intraspec ifi c variation is another sub­.icel on Ihe me nu of deside rata .

The e urre ntl y rising DNA amplifi ealio n a nel sequenei ng leehniques seem \O open new ways lO approach Ihe old problem 01' Ihe genelic s ign i­Acance 01' Ihe phenolypes delining Ihe laxa usce! as basi c unils of measu­rcment in paleontology. Cons ider IwO brolhe rs (standing I'or a phenolype) inheriling rrol11 lhc ir falher equal parl s of Ihe family fOrlune (standing for Ihe eorrespondi ng genol ype). Unclcr whal conditions wou ld Ihey use Iheir capilal in whal \vays in o rder lO leavc lO lhe ir own son S lhe salllc amounl 01' money'! Do the laws formulalee! by genc ries reall y c1e line Ihese condi ­tion s or ralhe r Ihe rul es of bankin g c1ele rmining the slabilil y 01' capilal value in Ihe eeonomi e system as a prcrcqui s ite, frame and eonslrainl lO rhe transrer ol' cap ital I"'rom one generati on to lhe next? This parable may be all wrong or inadequate bul il mi ghl illuslrale rhe complcx ily and I'as­c inalion of Ih e many qucstions rai sed. In the ansv .. :ers. paleontology \vi ll have to parlic ipale. In c rediting the disc ipline by youl" ae!. you w ill. hope­full )'. aecele rate Ihci r e laboration.

BREn, C. E. and B A1RD, G. C. (1995) «Courdinalcd stasis ami CVolulionary ecology of Si lurian to f\·1iddlc Dcvonian faunas in Ihe Apalachian basin)}. In: D. H. Erwin and R. L. AlIstey (ed".): Ne l .. approoc!tc.\· 10 .\pen'alioll ill l/U' Iossi/ record. Col umbia Uni\'. Press. P.2R5-315.

K AUFFMAN. E. G. and II ARR1 ES . P. J. ( 1996) «Tlle imponance 01" cr¡ '\ ¡ ~ progell¡ lor~ in rcco­ver)' fro111 mass cxti llct iom:> . In: M . B. Har! (cel. ): Bio!ic R('('()\'cIY'/;'ol/l Ma.H EX/;'Ie­lioll En'lIls . Gcologica l Soco Lonclon. spcc. pub!. 102. P. 15-39.

R E1SS, Z. and Hon Il\CiER, L. ( 1984) ( Tht: Gu lf of Aqaba. Ecological Micropa lconlO logy». Eco!ogica! S!lIdie.\ 50. Springer. Berlin.


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Born 1933 in Düsse lclorf, as son 01' Pral'. Aclolf Hottingcr. pccliatrist, anel 01'. Greta Hottin ger-Cahn, chemist. 01' Swiss nl:lcionalit y. res ident in AlI sehwil (Bascl).

Primal')' and secondary schools in Base l (Swi tzerland). SUIlllller courses in Neuehiíte l (Sw it zerland) ancl Exeter (Eng land). Matllriry 1952 at HlImanisti sehes Gym nasillm Basel (c1ass iea l Greek anel Latin ). Uni ­versity stucli es at Basel Uni versity in Geo logy-Pa le011t ology. Minera­logy. Zoology ancl Botan)' ( 1952- 1959) . Ph.D. Thes is el iree teel by ProL Manrred Rcichcl on «Paleogene ancl Eocene Alveo liniel s» .

1959-64. Setting up a mi cropalcontolog ieal laboratory wi thin the Morae­can geological survey's mapping dcpanmenl , lindel' Ihe dircction 01' Georges Choubert. Introductory courscs 011 micropal contology al Rabat Uni versi ty wi thin a DEA teaehing eycle, lInder the clireetion 0 1' Pral'. Anne Faurc-Murel.

1964-66. Assistan t eurator at Natural I-li story Museum 01' Basel. e1ireeted at thi s time by Pra l'. I-Ians Schaub.

1965. Habi litation at thc Uni vers it y 01' Base l (Pri vatdozentur) with a habi ­lit ation thcs is 011 «Moroccan Jurass ic Larger Foraminifer».

1966. Eleetion to slleeeeel PraL M. Reichel at the Unive rsi ty 01' Basel as Proressor ror Geo logy anel Paleont ology.

1969-71 . Pres iele11t Swiss Paleontolog ieal Soeiet)'. 1970. Guest proressor at I-Iebrew Uni versit y. Jerll sa lem 1970-72. Pres ielent S wi ss jlln iar se ient i sts. 1974-78 . MClllber 01' execlItive eOllne il 01' German Paleo nt olog ica l

Soc iety. 1977-79. Procllletion 01' a TV series in seven pans on thc geo logy of the

Alps for Swiss ancl Babarian TV. 1978-1986. Presiclent grollp 01' ex pert s ror MAB-Switzerlanel (Man ami

Biosphere Nati onal Researeh program of Swiss Nat iona l Sc ienee FOllndat ion) .

1980-84. Delegate 01' Swiss grollp 01' ex perts ror ASP IS (s tuely 01' cleposi­lion of racl iocti ve v./aste in lhe occan bottolll. Illoc\cling ocean circula­tion ).

198 1. Expecli tion to Numea (New Caledonia) for thc stuely 01' Nall tilus. 1988-94. Viecpres ident Swiss Aeadcmy 01' Natural Sciences. 1989-95. ElI ropcan Commllnity Project in Mallritills for the stllcly 01' the

litoral. 1990-95. Leader 01' IGCP 286 «Ea rl y Paleogene Benthos» 1993-96. Leader al' Inlernalional Training Courses on Benlhic Faramini ­

rera , within th e frame 01' European COMETT aCliviti es. 1994. Membcr 01' the Slovenian AeaclclllY.


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1954- 1959: Paleogene and Eocene Alveolincs. Speeies. rhe ir definirion and lhe ir c hange in lime. concepr of phylogene ti c lineages a11(1 lhe ir use for derailed . zona l bioc hrono logy. The resulr s were publi shed as vo l. 75-76 01' Mémoires SlIisses de Paléol1lologie in 1960.

1959- 1980: Slruclural analysis in Larger Foraminifera. The Liassic and Jurassic fauna produced lhe opporluniry ro ex pe rime nto at gene ri c level, \v ith slructural analysis ancl reconstruc tion of compl ex internal she ll struetures. The eoncept of «exos ke le lon » and «endoske letol1» provided a CUITImon basis ror structural compari son inde pe nde nt of hi ghe r syste matics and produced a founcl ation for a gene ra l functional morphology of impe rforale foraminifera. The de tail s of structura l analys is supporled by 3D diagrams were committed lO a monograph 0 11 mainl y Moroccan imperforate foraminifera publi shed in Rabat 1967 and subsequentl y compl eted by a sludy of Paleogene co ni ca l imperforares (Hottinger and Orobne. 1980) . These studies were exlen­ded to more irregu lar structures in perforale fo raminife ra , such as canaliferou s operculiniforms (1977) and rorali id structures (1980). The sy nlhes is of lhe sludies of comparati ve anatomy of foraminifera l shell s was wrirten as a contriburion to Foraminifera 3 ( 1978).

1970- 1984: The Gulf of Aqaba sludies. They are summed up in vol. 30 01' Springer 's Ecologica l Studies ( 1984) supple me nled by an invenrory of the foraminifera l fauna as a whole ( 1993). The latrer provided rhe opportunity to combine, together w"ith Z. Reiss, the comparali ve ana­lomy of smalle r be nrhies wirh rhe one of la rge r foraminifera and ro produce a comme nred and amply illu slraled glossary rend in g ro unify morphologica l description in fo raminife ra . The main result of the Aqaba sludies consists in rhe recognition of the overr iding im portance of the oligorrophic natllre of a carbon ate producing tropical e nviron­me nt hou sing the larger-s ized foraminifera! K-strategists. The resea r­ches in fhe Red Sea were suppl eme nted by severa! sClIba-d iving ex pe­dirions ro rhe Maldive Is lands, lO New Ca ledoni a and ro various places in lhe Medilerranean. in parti cular ro Crere and lO Elba Island. Studies on macroid formalion based mainly on observarions in Elba ls land (in Coa red gra ins. 1983) re lali vized lhe importance of rhe stal ic eco log ical factor hierarchy «n utri ent co ncentration-substrate-depth» by lhe dimension of rime ([990): maruraLÍon 01' communiti es \ViII be an impo rta nt concept in lh e unde rstanding of foraminifera l hi story.

1989- 1995 : Studies on Mauritius (1989-1995). In lale e ighl ies, J. Müller from Marsella Universiry approached me for laking over rhe srudy of recent foraminifera frolll Mauritiu s (lndian Ocean) \\/here he had


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obse rvcd heavy e!amages in the coral reces and was tooking ror rea­son s of such an ecotogic e!esaste r. From thi s approach result ed a rese­arch projeet involving over l\.venly se ienti sts from hall' a e!ozcn Frcnch and Sv.' iss llni vcrs iti es studying wale r chemi stry ane! lhe ecology of most major biotic c lcmenlS in lh is eoastal env iro nmc nt. I parli c ipated in Ihree ex pedili ons 10 Maurilius att racled by the opport unil y 10 obser­ve lhe consequcnccs of man -made cUlrophicalion in an cx tremel)' oli ­gotrophi c environmenl on Ihc foraminifc ral assemblages. In oppos i­li on lO whal I ex pecled to hapen. Ih e oligolrophi c I'oraminife ral community is not replaced by meso- to e Ulrophi c ones such as knowll for instance from large tropical estllari es (Mahakam De lata. Borneo) w ilh Pseudvro(alitl-dominaled asscmb lages, but s impl y di es away logether w ith most other carbonate produc ing organ is111s. Une!c r irre­vers ible conelilion s 01' eUlrophicalion, Ihe carbonate proelucli on is stop­ped altogelhe r. a process generalins I'ull e1eserts consliluling a model for some lypes of fossili zed harel-ground s. The result s oí' lhese aClivi ­ti es are c0111mi tted to a sc ries 0 1' report s to Ihe ElIropean Co mmunily in Brussels ane! still await mOllograph ic Ireatmenl lO bc pllbli shecl in Erlangen as a vo lume of Facies.

1989- 1994: ICG I' 286 Early I'aleogcne Benthos. For many years, lhe di scussio ll abo ut genesis and processes calls ing faunal breakdowl1 during shon pcrioe! s in Eanh hi story are a permanenl source 01' irrita­tion to mc. be ing convinccd that the re is too much genu s of Ihe prescm period in volveel. Thi s in sti gated lhe sel up of the IG CP projecl facused 0 11 Ihe recover)' of K-slratcg ist foraminife rat fauna in shall ow tropi cal walers afIer the K-T boundary eve nl. In co l laboral ion wi lh lhe Subco­mi ss ion o f Palcogene S trati graph y, lhe biostrati graphic zonati on of shallow benlhi cs had lO be rev ised. comple leel anel corre laled 10 mag­neto- anel scquence slratigraphy in order lo proeluce a c losely spaced time fram e for Ihe recovery event. The e laborati on 01' a rev ised and unifieel zonal ion rev ivcel all lhe o ld conlaClS eSlab li shed e1uring earl y \vork in Pal cogene. in particular with the Autonomolls Uni vers it )' of Barcelona. lhe S lovenian Academy anel lhe MTA A nk ara in Turkey. In adeli tion . c lose coltaboration w ilh lhe Geolog ical InslilulC 01' Lahore Uni versity (Pakislan) was sel up. A I'ter fauoal break-down at the K-T bouodary. lhe reeovery of the cnvironment. i.c. de-culrophi catiol1 01' s hallo\~l tro pi ca l waters, produ ­ces after so me 6-8 million ycars a t-irst sct 01' assoc iations consisting 01' high numbers 01' 1110no- or o li go-specifi c gene ra with a considerable dcgrcc 0 1' prov in c ia li sm. Fev.i 01' these gene ra survi ve th c ¡-irsl K-stra­tegy diversilicali on pe riodo O nl y Ihe successful ones lhen start to deve­lop spec illc diversily in a more cos mopolilan pallern anel on ly later


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reestabli shed a ne w, more diversifr ed provincialily on spee ies leve l. The qualifr calion of these observal ions will ha ve lo be worked out as soon as lhe syslemalie descriplion of the numerou s, slill in suffieientl y defin ed or new laxa is completed,

1993- 1996: COMETT training courses. The ex tremely use ful work of Loeblieh and Tappan on foraminiferal ge nera (1987) and spec ies (from the Sahul shelf, 1994) as well as the practical work ca rried out in lhe rrame of IOCP 286 elearl y demonstrated the in suffi e ient stale of th e arL in lhe analysis 01' foramini fera l ll1orphology ancl its taxonom ical consequences as a basis far approach lO so many prcss ing questions aboul the hi story of the Earth and its biota. Thereforc, \V ith the help of lhe European Community. and in lhe frame of EUCOR (three-nati ona l cooperalion of the Uni versities on lhe Upper Rhine). annu al, lwO­week courses 0 11 benlhic foraminifera, their comparati ve anatomy and their ecology, were carried through al Ihe University 0 1' Basel al a high profess ional level. These courses uniled many workers of lhe ICPO projecl producing a unified doctrine as to lhe treatmenl of SLructural analysis and interpretation of benthic foraminifera constiruling a basis fOI" uniform identifi cation of laxa. The hand -outs produeed and suecessively compleled for thi s cou rse \V iII provide a bas is for a tex lbook on benthi c foraminifera to be publi shed in 1997. There wil l be in particular a g lossary unifying the morphologica l tenns on a basis of comparative analomy covering all fo ss il groups frolll the late Paleozo ic to rccent. Thi s would constilute an inslrumenl lO IransfonTI Ihe foraminiferal diagnoses inlo tex ts of objeti ve precis ion perlllitt ing ro treat lhem by cOlllpul ers for automatic retreaval and comparison with programs presently in ¡he state of ela­boralion. T his will be rhe only means to handl e in future the owershelming quantity of taxonomic dala with reasonable efforts.


Larger foraminifera: morphology, structure, taxonolllY, biostrati­graphic distribution, paleoecology and palcogeography.

Presentl y. resca rch is rllnning on r\Vo paralle l tracks: qllantificati on 01' clo­ning in benlhic foraminifera by measuring the relation oF micro- and megalospheric spec imens in a popu lation 0 11 one hand, a l1c1 biometry of grov,: th 0 11 Ihe other. Grov.,th is measured as acereation rate of chamber eav ity surface as seen in equatorial seeti on oC planispiral spe­eies and by sp iral eharaeteri stics. Both measuring melhods are suppor­led by computer teehniques. Progress is slow beeau se our approaehes


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to biometry are very cautio us. Both tracks of research are supposed to conduct to bette r morphological definition s of life strategies. a concept which , I am convinced, \vill be basic to future foraminiferal research combinin g fun ctional and eonstructional morphology with eco logy. biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography.


1956 With Sc haub , H. and Vondersehmitt , L. "Zur Statrigraphie des Lute­ti en im Adourbeckel1». EcI. Geo/. He/v. 49/2, 453-468.

1958 «Géologie du Mont Cay la (A ude, Aquitaine orienlale» >. Ec/. Gco/. He/v. 51/2,437-45 1.

1959 With Dubourdieu, G. " Présence de Néoalvéolines dans le Mioeene du Mes louda (A Igérie orienlale)>> . Micropa/ (Pari s), 2/ 1, 3-7.

1960a "Ueber paleocaene und eocaene Alveolinel1». Ec/. Geo/. He/v. 53/1, 265-283 .

1960b «Reeherches sur les Alvéolines du Paléoeene el de l 'Eocene» . Mém. SlIisses Pa/eont., 75/76.

1960e Wilh Sehaub, H. «Zur Stufeneinteilung des Pal eoeaens und des Eoeaens. Einfüh rung der Slufen lle rdien und Biarritzien». Ec/. Ceo/. He/v. 53/1 , 453-479. Traduc.: NOlas y Como /n sl. Cco/. y Mili. Esp., 6 1, 199-234.

1962a With Suler, G. " La structure de la zone pré rifaine au sud du moyen Ouerrha (Maroe se ptentrional) >> . C . R. Acad. Se. (Pari s), 254, 140- 142.

1962b Wilh Durand-Delga, M., Mareais, J., Mattauer, M. and Suter, y. G. «Donnés actuelles sur la structure du Rif». Livre-gllide a la mémoire dll Prol Pall/ Fallol 1,399-422.

1963a «Les Alvéolines paléogenes, exemple d ' un genre polyph ylétique». EVO /llliollary Irends in Foramimfera (ed. Von Koenigswald), 298-3 14. El sev ier.

1963b «Doeumenls micropaléonlologiques sur le Maroe: remarques géné­rales el bibliographie analytique». Noles Se¡: Géo/. Maroe , 2 1, 7-39.

1963c "Quelques foram iniferes poreelanés oli gocenes dan s la séri e sédi ­mentaire prébé tiqlle de Moratalla (Espagne méridionale»> . Ec/. Ge/. /-le/ v .. 56/2, 963-972.

1964a With Choubert, G. , Marcai s, M. anel Suter, G. «S lralig raphi e et micropaléolltologie du Néogene au Mame septentrional». Inst. Laca.',' Mallada. Curso y Con}:, 9, 229-257 .

1964b wilh Lehmann , R. and Schaub, H. " Donnés ael ue ll es sur la biostra­li graphie dll NUmI1111lilique méditerranéen». Mém . SRClvl (Pari s) 28/2, 10 13- 1 031.

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1965a «Evolution et va riation morphologique des Palmula er Flabelinella du Coniacien er Santonien ele Tarraya (Maroe mérielional). Mélll. BRCM (Paris) 32, 101 111.

1965b «Die untere Kreide am Pilatus-Gipfel. In: Eckert , R., 1\10hlcr. H. P., Schaub, H. «Krciele unel A lttertiar des Helvetikums in del' Zen­tralschwiz». BII//. Ver. Se/¡. Pelro/-Ceo/-/I/g. 3 1/8 1, 115- 123.

1966a With Droogcr, C. W. and Reiss, Z. «Lineages and 70nes used for st ratigraphic subdi vision of thc Neogenc». Proc. 111 Ses . 11¡Jed. !Veoge­l/e Slraligr. Bem (ed. Brill ), 18-20.

1966b «Heterosteg ina. Grzybowskia er Spiroclypeus néogénes elu Maroe». Ibid. 61-69.

1966c «Observalions su r quelques lI vigerines du Néogene marocain». Ibiel .84-86.

I 966c1 «Les A mmonia dan s le Mioccne supéricur el Pliocene maroca in». Ibid.11 7- 123.

1966e Wirh ChouberL G., Fame-Muret, A., Leeo intTe, G. «Le Néogene du bassin de f\.'lelilla (Maroc septentri onal ) e l sa signifi catian pour dellnir la limite Mio-Pliocene au Mamo>. 238-249.

1966f «Resumé ele la stratigraphie micropaléontologique du Mesozoique et Tertiaire maroca in». Prae. \VeSI Al Mieropa/. Col/. (eel. Brill , Lei­den), 92- 104.

1966g «Foraminiferes rotalif"onncs et Orbioides du Séllonien inférieur pyrénéen». Ec/. Ceo/. /-Ie/,·. 59/1,277-301.

1966h with Chouber, G., Faure-Murer, A. «Aper9u géologique du bassin cari er ele Ta rfaya» Mélll. Servo Céo/. Marae (Rabal), 175/1,8-220

1966 i «Foraminite res benthoniques du bassin Corier de Tarfaya>! . /V1ém. Sen'. Cio/. Morae. 175/2, 181-232.

1966k Wirh Chollber, G. and MameL B. «Notes sur le earbonithe du Jefel Ouarkziz. Érude du passage dll Viséen all Namurien d'apres les Foraminilhes». NOles Sel'l'. Ceo/. Marae. 27,29-33.

19661 Wirh ChoubcL G .. Faure-Muret. A .. Leeo intre. «Le prétenelu Pliocé­ne de Charf el Arak prés ele Tanger est d'áge TortonieJl». Ibid. 29-33 .

1967a «M ikropaliiontologie». Ver/1. NaIf Ces. 80S e/. 78/ 1, 55/62. 1967b et al. «Europiii sches M ikroopa laontologisches Kolloquium

( 1965)>>. «Diskuss ionsbeitrage und Erganzungen ZlJm Exkursionsfüh­rer». BIII/. Ver. Sc/¡wei:. Pelro/-Ceo/-/l1g. 33/84, 59-72.

1967c wirh GohrbandL «Del' Libysche Floseulina Limestone». Ec/. Ceo/. He/l'. 60/2, 697-705.

1967d «Die Erdgeschichte in del' Umgebllng von Basel». Veroj¡: l1all/r­hisl. Mllsel//JI Bose/6.

1967e «Foraminiferes imperforés du 1\.1csozoiquc marocain». A1ém. Sen'. Ceo/ . Marae 209, 129 p.


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1967 1' Wirh Choubert. G. er al. «Note au subjet de I'áge isotopiquc de la limite Mioeene-Plioeene au Maroc» . C. N. Acad. Se. 264, 222-224.

1968a \Vi rh Choubert , G. et al. «Note préliminaire sur le volcanisme mes­sinien-pontien au Maroe». Ibid . 266, 197- 199.

1968b With Chouber, G. and Faure-Mauret. A. "Séri e strat igraph ique de Tarfaya e l le problcl11c de la nai ssan cc de ]'ocean At lantiquc». In Symposium on Continental Drifr. Montev ideo, 1967.

1969a With Azéma, 1.. F\Vernex, F. , Magné, J. anel Paquet, J. «Borelis melo (Fiehtel and MolI) dans le Mioccne de la partie ori entale eles Corelill eres Bétiques (Espagne)>>. BI/// . Soco Ceo/. Pi: (Pari,,). 7/ 1. 444-448.

1969b «The foraminiferal genus Yaberinell a Vau ghan 1928. Remark s on irs spee ies and on its systemati e position». EeI. Ceo/. /-I e/,'. 62/2, 745-749.

1970 With Malter. A" Nabholz anel Schineller. C. «Geologiseher A tals del' Sehweiz 1:25.000. 1093 Hbrnli mit Erl auterun gell» Kummerli & Frey. Berll , eels.

197 1 a «Larger foramini fera of lhe M editerranean Jurassic ancl thci r strati ­graphie use». Anl/. JI/SI. C eo/. PI/M J.JI/ I/g. 54/2,497-504.

197 1 b «Largcr foraminifcra C0l11111 0 11 to M edilcrranean and Inclian Palco­cene anel Eoeene formations». Ibid. 54/4, 145- 15 l .

197 1 e With Drobne, K. «Broeekinella unel Saudia (Foraminifcrida) aus dem norclwestlichen Teil .Ju goslawiens. ihre M orphologie Llnd ihre stratigraphi sehe». Na: pral'e 14/7, 215-238 .

1972a (EJ.) «Arbe irstagung eler SVJW liber das Doktorat». Orhis Sóel/I. 2/2.3, 7-30.

1972b «Campanian Larger Foraminifera from Si tc 98, Leg. II 01' rhe Deep Sea Drill ing Project (North West Providenec Channel. Bahama Islands» ), Jnilia/Neporls D. S. D. P. 11 ,595-605.

1972c with Kru sat, G. «Un foraminiferc nQuveau intermédiaire entre Opertorbito lites et Somal in" de l ' llerdien Pyrenécl1». Nn·. Esp. Micl'Ol'. n. extra .. 249-27 1,

1972d «Psel/dochal1w col'l1l/col'iae (L) in Dahab, a model oí' rudist reers». Scielll. Nel-l'sl. Marille Biol. SIal . 2, 6-7.

1973a «Seleeted Paleogene Larger Foramini fcra» . In: I-Iallam (de.) Al/a.\' ofpa/aeogeograpln'. EIsevier. 443-452.

1973b \Vith Rose ll. J. «El Cretáe ieo superior de l Montsec». X III Co l. Europ. Mieropa l. España. Enadimsa, 77-85

1974a With Dreher, D. «Differcntiation 01' Protoplasm in Nummulitidae (Foraminifera) frolll Ela!. Red Sea». Marine Bio/ .. 25. 4 1-6 1.

1975 «Late Oligoecne larger Foraminifcra frolll Kobo Guyo!. Site 309». Jllilia/ Rel'OrlS D . S-J). P. 32, 825-826.


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1976a <dnvenlaire ele la faune el ele la flore ele la Medilerranéc orienrale aulour de la Crele orientale. Rapport d'aClivi té de la mission en Crele (sep. 1974)>>. NalUre 11If. (Lausanne) I 976n, 32 1-323.

1976b «An Early Umbilical Canal Syslem in Troc/¡olilla cllOllberri 11. sp. from Ihe Lower Cretaceous 01' North-EaSlern Morocco». Ec/. Ceo/. He/l'. 69/3, 8 15-820.

1977a «Geomelry 0 1' a forallliniferal shell SlruClure reflecLing eCLoplasllla­lie I'unclions». Experiel1lia 33/6, 47.

1977b «Foramilliferes opercul ini formes ». /vlém . A1l/s. Na!. /-li st . Nal. (Pari,,) 40.

1977c «DisLribulion 9f larger Foralllin ifera in Lhe Gu lf 01' ElaL (Red Sea)>> . Vlrecl/I Microp. 81//1. 15,35- 109.

1978<1 «Comparali ve analomy of se lecled foraminifera l shell structures». In : Hedley, R. H. and Adams, C. G. (de,). Foral11illif.era 3. Academie Press (London), 203-266.

1978b «CelllenLaLion 01' Reef in Lhe Gulf of Elal (Rcd Sea) by Aeervulinid Foramill ifenl». In Friedman, G. M. (de.). Inler. Congr. Sedimentology (Jerusalelll),3 15-3 15.

1978c «Early Diagenes is as a Main Ecologica l Factor 01' Shal1 0w Benthic L il'c in IheGulfofElat». lbiel. 3 13-3 14.

1979 «AraldiL als Hel fer in der Mikropaleontologic». Ciba-Ceygy Aspek­le3, 1- 10.

I 980a «Wenn Sle ine Sprechen». Ed. Birkhüuser (Base l). 1980b Wilh Billman, H. and OesLerle, H . «Neogcne to Reeenl Rotalid

Foraminiferans from Indones ia». Mém. SI/ines Pa/éolll. 10 1,7 1- 11 3. 1980c With LeuLenegger. S. «The SLrucLure 0 1' ca lcarinid foralll inifera».

Méll/. SI/isses Pa/éOI1l. 10 l. 115- 154. 1980d Wilh Drobne. «Earl y tertiar)' conica l imperforale foraminifera».

I?a:/,ra,'e 22/3, 169-276. 1980e «RépaniLion comparée des grands forallliniféres de la Mer Rouge

el de l 'Océan Indien». Ann. Vni,·. Ferrara, spp. 4, 1- 13. 19801' Wilh Zohari . T. and Reiss, Z. «PopulaLion dynamics 01' Alllphisorus

/¡empric/¡ii ( foraminifera) in Lhe Gulf 01' Elal (Aqaba), Red Sea». Ec/. Ceo/. He/, ·. 73/3,1071- 1094.

1980g With Caus, E. and Tambareau, Y. «PI issemenLs du "sepLal l1 ap" el sysleme des cananaux chez Daviesina, foramin iferes paleogenes». Eclog . Ceo/. I-Ie/I'. 73/3, 1045- 1069.

1980h «Ich heisse Apatosaurus, was bin ieh'!» Dinopark Ve rein SI. Gallen.

198 1 a «Foncti ons de la disposi ti on allernanLe des loges chez les forami ­ni reres el la sL ruelUre d ·Olllphalocyclus». Ca/¡. M icropa/. 1981/4. 45-55.


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198 1 b "Funkrion unel Funktionswanele l der Grossforam ini ferenschalen». In: Funkrionsmorphologie, de. Reifr, W. Palaonl. C es . Mlln c!Jen, 159- 172.

1981c " The resolurion prower 01' rhe biostrari graphic clock based on evo­lution and irs limirs». In: Mart ibnell , J. (de.). 1111. S)'/1/p. Concepls Mel/¡. Paleonl. (Barcelona), 233-242.

198 1d "Eine expedition aus Ende der Welt und an den Anfang eler Zeit». Um Nova (Base l), 22-23.

1982a «Larger foraminifcra, giant ce lls wirh a histori ea l background». Naturwissellsc/¡ 69, 36 1-371.

1982b «Dem Meer gehemnisse ent locken». Mag. Ciba-Ceigy 2/82, 29-33.

1982c With Causo E. «Marginoporiform structure in lIerdorbis declIssall/s 11. Rel1. 11. sp. a Scnonian agglutinated di scoidal foramini fer». Ec/og. geol. Heh-. 35/3,607- 619.

1983a Wirh Vi scher. H. «Di srributi on and migrarion of Pos idonia Mea­c10vvs as observec! by Scuba Diving during nine consecutivc years in South-Eastern Elba ( Italy»>. Ropp. Conll1/. 11/1. Medilerr. 28/3, 17 1- 172.

1983b With Fricke, H. and Picard, J. «Wh y use manncd submergibles for scientific cxplorat ion o f rhe oceans?». Ibid 28/2, 189- 192.

1983c «Neri tic macroid genes is, an ecological approch», In : Peryl. T. (ele.) Comed grains (Springcr), 38-55.

1983d «Enreg istTcmcnt de processus marin s cycliques de curte et moyen­nc durée par des intcractions de mccanismes bioLiqucs el abiotiques». ColI. OceallogJ: Conseil El/rape Science, Oeean 35/1,31'.

1983e «Processcs delermillillg the dislribulioll of larger foram ill ifera in space anel t ime». In: Meulekamp, J. E. (de,) , RecolIslruclioll oJ marine paleoelll'úwllllellls. Vlrec/¡I Micropal. 81/11 .. 30. 239-253.

19831' With Fri cke, H. W. "Coral bioherms below rhe euphot ic zone in the Rcel Sea». Marine Ecology Progr. Ser. 11 , 11 3- 11 7.

1983g With Brianza, M .. Hauber, L. and Maurer, H. " Die geologischen Resultate del' Thcrmalwasserbohrung von Leymen (Haut -Rhin) süel­lieh von Base! lintel' besonderer Berucksicht igung del' Schwermillera­le». Ec/og. Ceol. He" '. 76/1 ,253-279.

1984a «Les organismes constructeurs sur la plaleforme du golfe d'Aqaba (Mer Rouge) el les mecan ismes regissant leur réparti ti oll». Geobios 8, 24 1-249.

1984b «Role des organ ismes elans la genese eles sed imenrs et eles raches: eli scuss ion sur les pcuplements de rudi sres». Ceohios 8. 27 1-272.

1984c With Reiss, Z. «The Gulf of Aqaba: Eco logica l Micropa leonto­logy». Ecologicol SIl/die" 50, Spri nger. 354 p.


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1984d «Strat ég ies vitales et processus écologiques se lectionnés rég issant la constitution des corps bioconstruit s» . In: Ge iste r . .l. and Herb. R. (ed.). G¿alogie el paléoecologie des réC/fs .

1 984c «Bioconsrrucrion s rece ntes ¡, cora llinacées». Ibid. 171 - 175 . 1984 f «Zur Ti efenverbreitung von grossforaminiferen». In: Lulerbacher,

J. P. (de .) Palaobal/¡ymelric PalCioll l . K llrsI7II ('/¡er 2. 140- 147 . 1984g «Foraminiferes de grande taillc, signification des stru cLures com­

plexes de la coquill e» . //1111. Syl1l. Bell l/¡ic Fommillitera 29/ 1. 35-39. 1985a «Rcfk xions sur la coll aboration interdi sc iplinairc cn océanologie»_

I?app. COI1lI1l .llIler. Mer M edilerr. 29/ 1, 35-39. 1985 b " Revolution in sc uba di vin g by a new decompress ion mete r». Ibid .

29/6. 185- 188. 1985c " Spira li ge Schale l1». In: Hartmann , H. and Mi slin. H. (eds.) . Die

Spirale (MG Edirion s, Basel), 46-53. 1986 «Construcrion , srructure and I'unction o f foraminiferal she ll s» . In:

Leadbeat e r. B. and Ridin g, R. (cds.): Biol1lillCml isalioll ill lower planls { /l/ S all imals. Svs/ema/. Ass., sp. vo l. 30 (Clarendon, O xford ), 2 19-235 .

1986 \Vith E. Cau s. «Particularidades de la faun a (I'o raminífe ros) de l Cre­rácico supe rior pirenai co». Paleolltolag io i El'OllIció 20, 115- 123.

1987 \Virh Ca us, E.. Drobne, K. and Leppi g, U. « Pa leobiogeography o f Larger FOJ"aminirera from Late Crctaceous to Earl y Paleogcnc» . / 11 1.

Syl71p. on lhe E l'O/lIIioll al l ile Karslic Carhollo /e Pla/jónll 3-9. Tri este. 1988a \Virh Drobne, K. «A lvéolines teniaires; que lques probl emes liés a

la conceprion de 1 'cspece» . l?el'lIc Paléob. sp. vo l. 2, 665-68 1. 1988b w irh Bourrouilh-Jan, F. G. "Occurrence o f rhodo lires in the tropi ­

cal Pacifi c: a con sequence 01' Mid-Miocenc paleo-oceanographic chan­ge». Sedil71ell /([IY Ceology 60, 355-367 .

1988c \Virh Morariu, A. «Amphi sreg inids : spec ifi c idenrifi carion , dimor­fi sm , coling direction and pro vin c ia li sm ». Ne\'. Pa léoh. sp. vol. 2, 695 -698.

1988d «Conditions fuI' generaLin g Carbonate platform». /l¡lém . Soc. Ceo/. 1101.40.265-27 1.

1989a \Virh Caus, E. and Drobne, K. «Late Cretaceous, larger, compl ex mi liolids (foraminifera) endemic in lhe Pyrenean faunal prov ince» . Facies 21 . 99-1 34.

1989b \Vith Langer, M. and Hube r, B. «Functional morphology in Low­Di verse Be nrhi c Foraminil'eral Asemblagcs from T id a l ti ats 01' the No nh Sea» . SCl!kcnhergial!a mari/l ima 20/3, 8 1-89.

1990a «S ignifi cance of di vers iry in shallo w benthic foraminife ra». M/ls. I?eg . Sciel! . Na/. Toril/o. 35-5 1.

1990b \Vith I-Iali ez, E. and Re iss, Z . " \Va ll texture 01' Spil'O/'IIl i l/ls» . ./0111'-


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'l(¡/ Foram. Res. 20/1. 65-70. 1990c With Halicz, E. and Rei ss. Z. «Partitions and fi stulose chamberlets

in Texll//ariil/(l» . In: Hem leben, c., Kaminski , M. A .. Scott, D. B. (de.) . Pa/eoec%gy, Bioslraligraphy, Pa/eoceal1ography al/d Taxo -110llly aI Agg /lllillaled Foramillijáa. Dortrech (Boston). Kluber Aead. Publ .. NATO ASI se ries C 327. 37-49.

1990d With Rei ss, Z. and Halics. E. «Comments on Neoeponides». Re,'. de Pa/éobi% gie 9/2,335-340.

I 990e With Gerber, Ch. (eds .): «Qualitatives Waehslum ». Wissell.l'chafrs­polilik Beilr. 48 (Bern).

199 1 a With Halicz. E. and Rei ss. Z. «A rchiteclure of Eponides and Poro­eponides reexaminaled». MiC/'opa/eoll lO/ogy 37/1. 60-75.

1991 b with Haliez, E. and Reiss. Z. «The foraminifera genera Pararala­lia, Neorotalia alle! Ca/carina: taxonomic revi sioll» . .lol/rllal qf Pale­OIlIO/og)' 6511, 18-33 .

1992 Wilh Renz, O. and Be rno uilli , D. «Cretaeeous ammonites from Fuerteventura. Canary islands». Geo/. 129/6.763-769.

1993a «Quality and quantily in paleontology as experienced in foramini ­feral research». Europa/. 3.

1993b With Caus, E. «Praslorse//a meslae (Visser), a foraminifcral index fossils for late Crctaeeous deeper neritic deposit s» . Ziflelialla 20. 1-9.

1993c With Halicz. E. and Re iss. Z. «Recent Foraminife rida from rhe Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea» . Slovenian Aeademy of Seiences and Arts and Swiss Academy 01' Nal ural Se iences.

1994 «Hans Schaub ( 19 13- 1994) in memoriam ». EI/ropa/ 6, 48-50. In press WiLh Rei ss, Z., Langer, M. and Hali ez. E. «Spira l eanals in selec­

ted E/phidiidae». Marille Micropa/eolll% gy. In press «Shallow benthi c foraminife ral assemblages as signal s far depth

01' Ihe ir depositi on and their limilalion s» . BI///. Soco Géo/. Fr. In press «Se is nulririfs el biosedim entation ». M ém. Soc. Géo/. Fr. In press With Bourrouilh -Jan. G. and Calvert. B. «The birrh 01' a carbona­

te platform: Miocene LO recent carbonate sediments on Ku vutu Island (Austral Archipelag. SE Pacifi c)>>. BI///. Soc. Géol. F r

In press «Foraminife ra , cell beyond measure». In: Savazzi, E. (de. ) PI/llc/iolla/ 1110IP/¡O/Ogy oIlhe il/l'el'lebrOle ske/elOIl. Wiley and sonso London.

In press Wilh Tambarea u, Y. «Rolalids index I'oraminife ra from 01'11010-

I/onion lII i llflfU.\· prethaneti an paleocene levcl s: introduction of linean names» . De/a Opera.

In press Wilh Sameeni. S. J. and Butl. A. A. «Enmendation 01' A/l'eo/il/a wredenblfl~'Si» . Davies 1937. fraln Sa lt Range, Pakistan. Dela Opera.

[n press With Serra-Kie l. J .. Causo E. et al. «Larger I'oraminifera l biostra-


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li graphy 01" Ihe Ihelyan Paleocenc and Eocelle». Bul/. S. Ceo/. Fr. In press Wilh Serra, L Drobne, K. el al. «Benlhic foraminifera from Pale­

ocene and Eocene». In : Graciansky, P. C. el al. (ed.). Meso:oic-Ceno­:oie Sequence S/ra/igrap/¡y of \Ves/NI/ EI/rapeol/ Basin.\'. Soco Econ. Pa/aoll/. Miner .. Spee. Puh!.


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Acte d' investidura com a doctor honoris causa del senyor Lukas Hottinger

29 de maig de 1997

Uni\'ersilal AlIlimoma de Barcelona

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l. El reCtor obre I'acte i diu:

Constitueixo aquest claustre, avui día 29 de maig

de 1997, per tal d'investir doctor honoris causa el senyor Lukas

Hottinger, i deITlano al doctor Salvador Alegret, secretari general

d' aquesta universitat, i a la padrina del doctorand, doctora

Esmeralda Caus, que el vagin a cercar.

La padrina i el secretari general surten a cercar el nOll doctor, que

entra a la sala. i és rebut a peu drer per tots e1s assistents.

2. El rector inicia la sessió dient:

Es declara oberta la sessi6. Té la paraula el secretari

general, que llegira l' acord pe! qual es concedeix e! tÍtol

de doctor honoris causa al senyor Lukas Hottinger.

3. El secretari general procedeix a la lectura de I'acord

de la Junta de Govern.

4. El rector dóna la paraula a la padrina:

La doctora ESITleralda Caus, padrina de! doctorand, té la paraula.

S. La padrina llegeix el seu discurs i conclou amb les paraules


Per tot aixo, Excel·lentíssim i Magnífic Rector, sol· licito que

s' atorgui i confereixi el grau de doctor honoris causa al senyor

Lukas Hottinger.

Page 38: Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER - ddd.uab.cat · Doctor Honoris Causa LUKAS HOTTINGER Discur.; llegil a la cerimonia d'inveslidura celebrada a la sab d' acles de la Facultat

6. A conrinuació , pre n la pa raula el recto r, fa el lIiurament d e l

diploma al nou doctor i li imposa la m edalla, toC d ient:

Heu estat designat doctor honoris causa pe!" la Junta de Govern de

la Universitat Autonorna de Barcelona i, com a símbol, us Jliuco

aquest diploma i liS ilnposo la Inedalla de doctor honorís cau.sa.

Us admeto i us incorporo al claus(["e de la Universitat Autonorna

de Barcelona.

7 . A continuació , el recto r d ó na la para ula a l d octo ra ndo

Té la pacaula el Sr. Lukas Hottinger, el qual pronunciara la lIic;:ó

magistral en aquest claustre.

8. L1i~ó mag istral d e l S r. Lukas Hottinge r.

9. Discurs de c1 0enda d e l recto r.

10. El rector diu:

S'aixeca la sessi6.