DOCUMENT RESUME ED 085 12n RC 007 457 AUTHOR Trueba, Henry T. TITLE Mexican-American Bibliography. Bilingual Bicultural Education. PUB DATE [73] NOTE 26p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; *Biculturalism; *Bilingual Educatioa; Cultural Background; Economics; English (Second Language); History; Language Development; Linguistics; Mental Health; *Mexican Americans; Publications; Rural Population; *Social Sciences; Sociology; Spanish Speaking ABSTRACT Three hundred and six books and articles published between 1919 and 1973 are listed in this bibliography covering- Mexican Americans and bilingual bicultural education. It is divided into 3 major sections: (1) social sciences, (2) education, and (3) bibliographies. The works deal with history, sociology, ant4opology, economics, linguistics, political science, law, mental health, educational psychology, methodology, teaching English as a second language, and modern language teaching. Each section is'arranged alphabetically according to the author or institution. (NQ)

DOCUMENT RESUME Trueba, Henry T. Mexican … · TITLE Mexican-American Bibliography. Bilingual Bicultural. ... 1958 "Some Linguistic Problema of Spanish-Speaking People of ... Mexican

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ED 085 12n RC 007 457

AUTHOR Trueba, Henry T.TITLE Mexican-American Bibliography. Bilingual Bicultural

Education.PUB DATE [73]NOTE 26p.

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; *Biculturalism; *Bilingual

Educatioa; Cultural Background; Economics; English(Second Language); History; Language Development;Linguistics; Mental Health; *Mexican Americans;Publications; Rural Population; *Social Sciences;Sociology; Spanish Speaking

ABSTRACTThree hundred and six books and articles published

between 1919 and 1973 are listed in this bibliography covering-Mexican Americans and bilingual bicultural education. It is dividedinto 3 major sections: (1) social sciences, (2) education, and (3)bibliographies. The works deal with history, sociology, ant4opology,economics, linguistics, political science, law, mental health,educational psychology, methodology, teaching English as a secondlanguage, and modern language teaching. Each section is'arrangedalphabetically according to the author or institution. (NQ)




c., I. Social Science


Bilingual Bicultural Education

E 19 7 57

RE CEI _\11[

GEC 10 1973


H. T. Trueba DE.RJJ:.Secondary Educ

NSLC.- k) I 510 1

Sources from history, sociology, anthropology, economics, linguistics,CO political Science, law, and mental health.CDc:5 Aarons, Leroy F.

LIJ1970 "The Chicanos Want In." The Washington Post Outlook,January 11, 1970.

Allen, Steve

1966 The Ground Is Our Table. New York: Doubleday.

Anderson Imbert, Enrique

1963 Spanish American Literature, a History. Translated from the Spanish byJohn V. Falconierio Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

Barakat, Robert A.

1965 "Aztec Motifs in La LLorona." Southern Folklore Quarterly, December.pp. 288-296.

Beberfall, L.

1958 "Some Linguistic Problema of Spanish-Speaking People of Texas."Modern Language Journal, 42:87-90; February.

Beegle, Allan J., Harold F. Goldsmith, and Charles P. Loomis

1960 "Demographic Characteristics of the United States-Mexican Border."aural_Pociology, March. pp. 107-162.

Belden Associates

1962 The Mexican-American Market in the United States. Mexico City:International Research Associates.

Belliaeff, Alexander

1966 .Undezatanding_tleliexacanAmerieanln_Tadzy's Culture. San Diego:San Diego City Schools.

Bennis, Warren G., 'ztenneth D. Benne, and Robert Chin




1969 The Planning of Change. Second Ed., New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc.,


Bernal, Ignacio

1968 Ancient Mexico in Colour. New York; Graw-Hill.

Berry, Brewton

1965 Race and Ethnic Relations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Bernstein, Saul

1967 Alternatives to Violence; Alienated Youth and Riots Race and Poverty.New York: Association Press.

Bettelheim, Bruno, and Morris Jahowitz

1964 Social Chan _e and Pre udice Including Dynamics of Preludice. New York:Free Press of Glencoe.

'Blalock, Hubert M.

1967 Toward a Theory of Minority-Group Relations. New York: Wiley.

Bloomfield, Leonard

1964 "Literate and Illiterate Speech;' Language in Culture and Society, 1964,Edited by Dell Hymes, Harper and Row; pp. 391-396.

Boatright, Mody Coggin (ed.)

1967 Mexican Border Ballads and Other Lore. Dallas: Southern MethodistUniversity Press.

Bogardus, Emory S.

1943 "Gangs of Mexican-American Youth-." Sociology and Social Research,September. pp. 55-66.

Broom, Leonard, and Eshref Shevky

1952 "Mexicans in the United States; a Problem in Social Differentiation."Sociology and Social Research, January. pp. 150-158,

Brushwook, John S.

1966 Mexico in Its Novel. a Nation's Search for Identity,. Austin: Universityof Texas Press.

Bunker, Robert and John Adair

1959 First Look at Strangers. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University. Press.

Burma, John H.

1949 "The Present Status of the Spanish Americans of New Mexico." 22siallsEspA,December. pp. 133-138.

-3 -

1954 Spanish - Speaking Groups in the United States. Durham, N. C.: DukeUniversity Press.

1970 Mexican Americans in the United States: A Reader. Cambridge: Schenkman

Publishing Co., Inc.

Cabrera, Y. Arturo

1971 Emerging Faces: The Mexican Americans. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. BrownCompany, Publishers.

California. Mexican Fact-Finding Committee.

1930 Mexicans in California. Sacramento: California State Printing Office.

Cali, Francois

1961 The Spanish Arts of Latin America. New York: Viking.

Call, Tomme Clark

1953 TheMexican Venture; from Political to Industrial Revolution in Mexico.New York: Oxford University Press.

Camejo, Antonio

1970 "Texas Chicanos Forge Own Political Power." La Raza Unida Party in Texas.New York: Pathfinder Press.

Cardenas, Leo.

1969 "Chicano 1969? A series of articles in The San Antonio Express and News.April.

Chavez, Cesar

1969 "Letter from Delano," Christian Century, 86, 539-540. April 23.

Clark Margaret

1959 health in the Mexican-American Culture; a Community Study. Berkeley:University of California Press.

Cole, Stewart G., and Mildred Wiese Cole

1954 Minorities and the American Promise; the Conflict of Principle and Practice.New York: Harper.

Commission on Race and Housing

1958 Where Shall We Live? Berkeleyl University of California Press.


Cross, Ira Brown

1935 LB12=ofttvetteettinClionia. Berkeley: University of

California Pte8S,

Day, Hark

1971 Lolly Acres: Cesar Chavez and the Farm Workers,. Introducti,byCesar Chavez. New York: Praeger.

Delgado, Abelardo

1970 icarghicnoMind. Denver: Migrant Workers' Press.

Diaz-Guerrero, Rogelio

1955 "Neurosis and the Mexican Family Structura." American Journal ofPsychiatry, December. pp. 411-417.

Dunne, John Gregory

1971 Delano; The Story of the California Grape Strike. New York: Farrar,Straus. & Giroux.

Espinosa, Aurelio M.

1951 "Spanish and Spanish-American Folk Tales." Journal of American Folklore,April-June, pp. 151-162.

Fabrega, Horacio, Jon D. Swartz, and Carole Ann Wallace

1968 "Ethnic Differences in Psychopathology--II Specific Differences withEmphasis on a Mexican American Group." Journal of Psychiatric Research,December. pp. 221-235.

Findling, Joav

1969 "Bilingual Need Affiliation and Future Orientation in Extragroup andIntragroup Domains." Modern Language Journal, April. pp. 227-231.

Forbes, Jack D.

1968 "Race and Color in Mexican-American Problems." Journal of Human Relations,First Quarter, pp. 55-68.

Foster, George M.

1953 "Relationships Between Spanish and Spanish-American Folk.Medicine." JournalDCAmerican Folklore, July - September. pp. 201-217.

Galarza, Ernesto

1964 Merchants of Labor: The Mexican Bracero Story; an Account of the ManagedMigration of Mexican Farm Workers in California, 1942-1960. Santa Barbara,California: McNally & Loftin.


1970 lottiaidez1J11,..__LcieldWorkesitthettt.he Fields. South Bend: Universityof Notre Dame Prods.

Gemio, Manuel

1969 LielkisollEggsaion to the United States. New York: Arno.

Graves, Theodore D.

1967 "Acculturation, Access, and Alcohol in a Tri-Ethnic Community." AmericanLjagnistnttiLlat, June/August. pp. 306-321.

Crebler, Leo, Joan W. Moore, and Ralph C. Guzman

1970 The Mexican American People. The Nation's Second Largest Minority.New York: The Free Press.

Guitierrez, Jose Angel

1970 "22 Miles." La Rnne Magazine, Los Angeles: East Los Press.

Henke, Lewis

1965 The Spanish Struggle for Justice in,the Conquest of America. Boston:

Little Brown & Co.

Heaps, Willard A.

1968 Wandering Workers: The Story of American Migrant Farm Workers and TheirProblems. New York: Crown Publishers. p. 192.

Heizer, Robert F. and Alan F. Almquist

1971 The Other Californios. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Heller, Celia Stopnicka

1966 Mexican-American Youth: Forgotten Youth at the Crossroads. New York:Random House.

Hernandez Alvarez, Jose

1966 "A Demographic Profile of the Mexican Immigratioa to the United States,1910-1950." Journal of Inter-American Studies, July. pp. 471-496.

Hernandez, Louis F.

1970 A Forgotten American. New York: Anti-defamation League.

Hoijer, Harry

1964 "Linguistic and Cultural Change." Language, Culture and Society, editedby Dell Hymes, Harper and Row, pp. 455-466.

Humphrey, Norman D.

1944 "Me Detroit Mexican Immigrant and Naturalization." Sociatjorcesj March,pp. 332-335.

1944 "The Integration of the Detroit Mexican Colony." Amrrican Journal ofEconomica and Sociology, January. pp. 155-166.

1943 "Migration and Settlement of Detroit Mexicans." Economic Geography,Octoter. pp. 358-361.

Hutchinson, Edward Prince

1956 Immigrants and Their Children 1850-1950. New York: Wiley.

Jackson, Helen Hunt

1919 Ramona. Boston: Little Brown & Co.

James, Daniel

1963 Mexico & the Americans. New York: Frederick A. Praeger.

Jones, Robert C.

1948 "Ethnic Family Patterns: The Mexican Family in the United States."American Journal of Sociology, May. pp. 450-452.

Jones, Willis Knapp

1966 Behind Spanish American Footlights. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Kelly, Isabel

1965 Folk Practices in North Mexico; Birth Customs, eolk Medicine, andSpiritualism in the Laguan Zone. Austin: Published for the Instituteof Latin American Studies by the University of Texas Press.

Kibbe, Paulinge Rochester

1946 Latin Americans in Texas. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Kiev, Ari

1968 Curanderismo; Mexican-American Folk Psychiatry. New York: Free Press.

Kostyu, Frank A.

1970 Shadows in the Valle : The Stor of Man's Stru or Justice.New York: Doubleday, p. 192.

Lamb, Ruth S.

1970 Mexican Americans: Sons of the Southwest. Calremont, California:Ocelot Press.


Lambert, Wallace E.

1963 "Psychological Approachea to the Study of Language: Part II: OnSecond Language Learning and Bilingualism." Modern Language Journal.47- March. pp. 114-121.

Lauritzen, Jonreed

1965 The Cross and the Sword,. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

Lewis, Oscar,

1959 Five Families: Mexican Case Studien in the Culture of Poverty. New York:Basic Books.

1960 Tepaztlan. Villajc in Mexico. New York: Holt.

1964 Pedro Martinez: a Mexican Peasant and His Family. New York: RandomHouse.

Lohman, Joseph D.

1966 "Expose, Don't Impose." NEA Journal, January. pp. 24-26.

Ludwig, Ed and James Santibanez

1971 The Chicanos: Mexican American Voices. Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc.

Madsen, William

1964 "The Alcoholic Agringado." American Anthropologist, April. pp. 355 -361.'

1964 Mexican-Americans of South Texas. New York: Holt.

Mangers, Dennis H.

1970 "Education in the Grapes of Wrath." The National Elementary Principal,50:34-40, November.

Manuel, Hershel T.

1965 Spanish-Speaking Children of the Southwest. Austin: The University ofTexas Press.

Mattieseen, Peter

1970 Sal Si Puedes: Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution. New York:Random House. p. 372.

McLemore, S. Dale

1963 "Ethnic Attitudes Toward Hospitalization: An Illustrative Comparisonof Anglos and Mexican Americans." Southwestern Social Science Quarterly,March. pp. 341-346.


McWilliams, Carey

1943 Brothers Under the Skin. Boston: Little Brown.

1946 Southern California Country, an Island on the Land. New York: Duell,Sloan & Pearce.

1949 North from Mexico, the Spanish- Sneaking People of the United States.Philadelphia: Lippincott.

1967 X11 Fares the Land: Migrants and Migratory Labor in the United Stntoa.Barnes and Noble. O. 419.

1968 North From Mexico. New York: Greenwood Press.

1969 EsnysFjead;TactoiesitfiiratoFarmLaborin,Califoilrni.Hamden, Conn.: Shoe string Press.

Mercer, Jane R.

1967 "Imprints of Culture on the Personalities of Children." CaliforniaMental Health Research Digest, Summer. pp. 161-162.

Metzler, William

1950 "The Routes of the Migratory Workers in the AreWare described inThe Agricultural Labor Force in the San Joaquin Valley, California.United States Dept. of Agriculture.

Mooney, Gertrude X.

1957 Mexican Folk Dances for American Schools. Coral Gables: Universityof Miami Press.

Moote, Truman

1965 The Slaves We Rent. New York: Random House. p. 171.

Moquin, Wayne

1971 A Documentary History of the Mexican Americans. New York: Praeger Fub.

Morales, Armando

1968 "Justice and the Mexican- American:' El Grito 1:4,

1969 "Current Mental Health Problems of Mexican-AmerIcane ReReneracion 1:2Los Angles.

1970 "Mental and Public Health Issues: The Case of the Mexican-American inLos Angeles!' El Grito 111:2.



1970 "Police Deployment Theories and the mexican-American Community." El Grit°,IV:1, Fall 1970; Voices ed. by Octavio Romano (Berkeley: Quint.° Sol

Pub. 1971); also in Press, The Urban Policeman in Transition. John andHosea Snibbe eds., (Springfield: Charles C. Thomas); in press The ThirdVorld Within, ed. by Octavio Romano, (Belmont, Calif.: WadsworthPublishing Company).

1971 "The Collective Preconscious: A Concept for Understanding Racism."Social Casework 52:3, May 1971; also in La Causa Chic rm. The Movementfor Justice, ed. by Margaret M. Mangold (New York: FSAA, 1973).

1971 "Chicano-Police Riots." in Nathaniel Wagner and Marsha Haug (eds.) Chicanos:Social and Psychological Perspectives, (St. Louis: C. V. MosbyPublishing Company).

1971 "A Community Mental Health Service for Mexican- Americana in a Metropolis."Co-authored with Marvin Karno, M.D. in Nathaniel Wagner and Marsha Haug(eds.) Chicanos. Social and Psychological Perspectives, Ot. Louls:C. V. Mosby Publishing Co., also, in Journal of Comprehensive Psychiatty,Vol. 12, #2 (March) 1971.

1971 "Distinguishing Psychodynamic Factors from Cultural Factors in theTreatment of the Spanish-Speaking Patient." in Nathaniel Wagner andMarsha Haug (eds.) Chieanoa: Social and Psychological Perspectives,(St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Publishing Co.).

1971 "Impact of Racism ad Class Discrimination on the Mental Health of Mexican-Americans." in Nathaniel Wagner and Marsha Haug OdsjChicanos: Social andPsychological Perspectives. (St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Publishing Co.).

1971 "Foreword." for Chicanos: Social and Psychological Perepectiyes,Nathaniel Wagner and Marsha Haug (eds.) (St. Louis: C. V. MosbyPublishing Co.).

1973 Ando Sangrando: A Study of Mexican-American Police Conflict, (La Puente,California: Perspectiva Publications, 1972); in hardback by (New Jersey:R. E. Burdick Inc.).

Morin, Raul

1963 Among the Valiant; Mexican-Americans in W.W.II and Korea. Los Angeles:Borden.

Nava, Julian

1969 Mexican Americans: A Brief Look at Their History. New York: Arti-.Defamation League.

1969 Mexican Americans: Ehst, Present, and Future. New York: American Book Co.

Nelson, Eugene

1966 Huelga: The First Hundred Days of the Great Del no Grape Strike..Delano, California: Parm Worker Press. p. 122.

Paredes, Americo

1967 "Estados Unidos, Mexico y el Machismo." Journal of Inter-American Studies,January. pp. 65-84.


Pat, Octavio

1962 The Labyrinth _of Solitude: Life and_Thoultht in Mexico. New York:Grove Preaa.

Penalosa, Fernando

1967 "The Changing Mexican-American in Southern California." Sociology 4nd,

So dol Research. July. pp. 405-417.

Pitt, Leonard

1966 The Decline of the Californi001_ a Social History of the Spanish- SpeakingCalifornians. 1846-1890. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Prescott, William H.

History of the Conquest of Me 4112: and. History of the Conquest of Peru.New York: Modern Library. n.d.

Press, Irwin

1969 "Ambiguity and Innovation: Implications for the Genesia of the CultureBroker." American Anthropologist, Vol. 71, No. 2, April . pp. 205-217.

Ramirez, Manuel

1967 "Identification with Mexican Family Values and Authoritarianism inMexican-Americans." Journal of Scoial Psycholo, October. pp. J-11.

Ramon, Samuel

1962 Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico. Austin: University of Texan Press.

1965 "Psycho-Analysis of the Mexican." The Modern Mexican Essay, ed.Jose Luis Martinez. Toronto: University of Toronto Prose. pp. 239-250.

Ransy, Glenn V., and Beulah Hodge

1959 "Anglo-Latin Problems as Perceived by Public Service Personnel."Social Forces, May. pp. 339-348.

Redfield, Robert

1930 Tenozlan. a Mexican Village: A Study of Folk Life. Chicago: Universityof Chicago Press.

Rios, Armando

1971 "The Mexican in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore." Voices. Berkeley: QuintoSol Publications.

Roberts, Launey F.

1968 "Hinority Stlf-Identification Through Texts: A Study of PublicationProgress." Journal of Human Relation!, Third Quarter. pp. 356-367.

Robinson, Cecil

1963 AO the Ears f Stran ers the Mexican in American Literature. Tucsnn:

University of Arizona Press.

Roonno, Ottavi.o Ignacio

1965 "Charismatic Medicine, PoW,.V4aling and Folk-Sainthood." AmericanAnthropologist,, OctOler. pp. 1151-1173.

1970 "Social Science, Objectivity, and Ole Chicanoa." El Grito, Fall, 1970;Vol. IV, No. 1.

Ruiml, Arthur J.

1960 "Concepts of Disease in Mexican-American Culture." American Anthropologist,October. pp. 795-814.

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1966 Actoaa the TreckaL Mexican Ameritlns in a Texan City. Austin: TheUniversity of Texas Previa.

Ruiz, Ramon E.

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Sanchez, George I.

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Servin, Manuel P.

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Seward, Georgene H.

1958 Clinical Studies in Culture Conflict. New York: Ronald Press.

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