Kingdom of Aerenwe Father Michael’s Report The lay of the land The current Kingdom of Aerenwe lies in the southeastern corner of Anuire. Traditionally a tranquil spot, far removed from the wars and intrigues that plague the rest of the South Coast, Aerenwe has nevertheless seen its share of hardship these past few years. History The Kingdom of Aerenwe is of recent vintage, having emerged from the ashes of the old Duchy of Aerenwe. That legendary realm, that was once one of the two great realms of the South, had fallen on hard times, and was ruled by a cruel tyrant.

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Kingdom of Aerenwe

Father Michael’s Report

The lay of the landThe current Kingdom of Aerenwe lies in the southeastern corner of Anuire. Traditionally a tranquil spot, far removed from the wars and intrigues that plague the rest of the South Coast, Aerenwe has nevertheless seen its share of hardship these past few years.

HistoryThe Kingdom of Aerenwe is of recent vintage, having emerged from the ashes of the old Duchy of Aerenwe. That legendary realm, that was once one of the two great realms of the South, had fallen on hard times, and was ruled by a cruel tyrant.

In 1493 HC, a young woman named Liliene led the peasants of Aerenwe in a

popular revolt against their evil lords. Against all odds she succeeded, and in 1495 HC she was crowned Queen of Aerenwe. She worked hard each day of her reign to make Aerenwe a better place to live, and the common folk loved her dearly. The nobility, however, resented her absolute power and new ways, and would have liked for nothing better than a return to the old ways.

It is said that when the Queen died fighting the Lich in the dark depth of the Erebannien, the common folk wept, while the nobles cheered and celebrated.

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Recent historyIn 1521 HC Liliene was succeeded by her child and heir, Tasaenae. The young Queen was hard pressed in her first years of rule, as internal and external enemies plotted and warred against her Kingdom. In 1524 HC Aerenwe once again went to war against Osoerde. In the following years most other realms neighboring Duke Raenech joined the fight, but they were never able to coordinate their efforts, and victory eluded them.

In the end the balance turned with Roesone joining Osoerde’s side after Marlae Roesone’s marriage to Jaison Raenech. In short order the Aerenwan and allied forces were defeated, and by the summer of 1527 HC Calrie was under siege. Miraculously the Queen and her Consort managed to escape with their family, parts of the court and army, aboard the Royal Navy. In the following years they were not seen or heard from, but rumors abounded as to where they had gone.

The Queen’s general, Lord Darr, was invested as the Crown Regent. For the following years Aerenwe was very much a vassal to King Raenech, supplying men and gold for his continuous campaigning. In the spring of 1528 HC, Crown-Regent Darr, in a last effort to regain his honor, tried to murder Raenech in his command tent in Marakzor. Failing miserably, he was killed, and leaving Aerenwe without a regent.

By decree of King Raenech, a distant relative of the Dhon family currently living in Elinie was invested as Crown-Regent. Crown-Regent Riegon Dhon rules only for

a short while, for as Raenech fell in battle with the Gorgon, Queen Swordwraith reappeared and claimed her birthright back.

Not in position to do otherwise, the court accepted her claim, and in the winter of 1529 HC Queen Tasenae Swordwraith was reinstated as the regent of Aerenwe in a ceremony presided over by the High Priestess Cwylmie of the Eastern Temple of Nesirie. While a Swordwraith was once again on the throne of Aerenwe, the nobility had regained much of their lost power, and this time they would not relinquish their hold so easily.

Queen Tasaenae has slowly but steadily regained some semblance of control over her realm since then. She now rules fairly securely, but has nowhere near the power and wealth she had before the invasion and her exile. The nobility now controls much more of the law and the provinces are ruled by them directly. As long as the Queen don’t try to attack their new privileges and powers, she is safe, but once she tried to do something to one of them, the others will band together – than risk of civil war would be very great.

DemographyThe vast majority of Aerenwe’s population lives in the Berendor Valley or on the Aerenwan Plain, with higher population densities closer to the Berendor. There are many smaller towns and a smattering of larger ones throughout Aerenwe, but the only major city is the capital of Calrie. The Erebannien is but lightly populated and the river delta is virtually uninhabited.

ProvincesAerenwe is a sizeable realm, but five of its eight provinces are made up of ancient forests that are effectively a separate entity from the core areas controlled by the Queen. Indeed, for all intents and purposes civilization ends at the edge of the forests, and those that enter do so at their own

peril, for the forest is guarded by a xenophobic brotherhood called the Wardens of the Erebannien.

Bannien's DeepBannien's Deep is the most hilly and broken part of the forest. It is rarely visited

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by common folk, but the Wardens are said to be quite active in this area. Some of the best bows in all of Anuire are manufactured here.

CalrieThis province is mostly cleared farmland, but part is marsh and swamp thanks to the presence of the Berendor delta. The settled regions of Calrie are centered along the Berendor River, and the roads leading to other parts of the realm. The eastern swamp is little explored, and harbors both monsters and brigands.

TownsThe capital of Aerenwe is the city of Calrie.

Sites/featuresThe capital is protected by the mighty Caer Callin, an ancient structure that is said to have been laid down by a forgotten elven king.

The Shrine of St. Liliene can be found on a small hill overlooking the temple district. She is the patron saint of Aerenwe.

InhabitantsThe most famous inhabitants of Claire are the royal family. The High Priestess of the ETN also makes her home in Calrie.

DhoenelDhoenel lies at the exposed north-western corner of Aerenwe, and has therefore become the most heavily armed and fortified region in Aerenwe. The province is currently ruled by Count Bellamie of Roesone, although it remains part of the Kingdom of Anuire.

InhabitantsCount Riegon Dhon is the second most powerful man in Dhoenel, controlling vast tracts of land in the province named after his distant ancestors.

EastmarchThe easternmost part of the Erebannien juts far into the eastern sea, or so sailors would have you believe. The area is the least explored (indeed, it does not appear on any reliable map) and settled (no people are know to live there) area of Aerenwe.

Sites/featuresSome sailor claim that you can sometime glimpse the tip of an immense white tower jutting above the forests.

InhabitantsRumor has it that a powerful elven sorcerer called High Mage Aelies has his sanctuary here.

HalriedHalried has had a very troubled history. While spared from the worst atrocities of war, it has been subject of more disasters and plagues than any other area along the South Coast. The province has also been cursed with some of the worst, most incompetent and cruel nobles Anuire has to offer.

InhabitantsThe current ruler of Halried is the well-like and competent, but ageing Aeric Ardai, a commoner who served Queen Liliene during the rebellion, but who was granted a bloodline by the land’s Choice and a County by his mistress.

NorthvaleNorthvale is part of the Erebannien and of limits for all non-Wardens. It is the primary Warden stronghold.

Sites/featuresThe Citadel of Northvale is an ancient elven structure now inhabited by the Wardens of the Erebannien.

InhabitantsMost Aerenwans know very little of this province, except that a dragon (sometimes

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referred to as Greenheart) is rumored to slumber there.

ShadowgreenShadowgreen was the site of the conflict between Queen Liliene and her allies against the Lich. The Wardens maintain a strong vigil even today.

WestmarchShunned by ordinary folk and carefully guarded by the Wardens, Westmarch is undoubtedly the most dangerous part of the Erebannien. Undead walk the land, not only during winter, but in every night of the year.

HoldingsLawThe Queen used to control almost all the law in Aerenwe. She rightly realized that giving the various nobles a free rein would spell disaster. However, in the wake of Raenech’s occupation and the Queen’s exile, much of House Swordwraith’s power has been eroded. Now the nobles claim about half the law, while the Crown holds the other half.

In the Erebannien the mysterious group, known only as the Wardens, guards that mystical forest from harm. The Wardens also controls some of the law (with the Queen’s blessings) in Calrie and Halried, this being their primary recruiting ground. The Wardens have become less tractable of late, and now seems to desire absolute control over their precious little forest.

TemplesThe Eastern Temple of Nesirie is the temple of greatest importance in Aerenwe. Aerenwans used to worship Haelyn back in the days of the Empire, but the many hardships forced upon the people after the Fall turned many to the worship of Nesirie.

After Liliene's ascension to the throne, the faith gained even more followers. Today all other faiths are second to that of Nesirie, with the IHH being the only temple with any significant influence at all.

In the Erebannien, the druids and rangers of the Wardens pay homage to no god, but instead follow an old spiritual path handed down by the elves that has slowly evolved into what almost is a separate religion.

ManorsThe nobles of Aerenwe control most of the land in Aerenwe, even more so after the occupation, as the Queen was forced to give away vast tracts to secure her return. In the three central provinces, a handful of counts and viscounts control vast numbers of manors and through them the loyalty of many lesser nobles. The Queen herself holds some land around Caer Callin, but they are no longer as extensive as those of her major nobles.

In the depths of the Erebannien, there are no traditional manors, but the current High Warden has taken to awarding his followers with their own areas to control.

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The Warden’s may happen not to call them ‘manors’, but that is effectively what they are.

Guilds & tradeIn the wake of the Eastern Trade Guild’s tragic demise, four major guilds now control most of the guilds in Aerenwe. The Spider River Traders have been steadily increasing their guild holdings in Aerenwe in the past, but has recently run afoul with Count Bellamie in Dhoenel, which has had disastrous consequences. The SASI has moved into Aerenwe in equal measure, and is contending with the newcomer the Berendor Coaster to be second in power. The Royal Guild of Baruk-Azhik has some holdings in and near Calrie, and is currently much in favor with the Court.

In the Erebannien, all guild activity is controlled by the Wardens. They import small amount of special goods, and export rare woods and herbs, bows, and worked leathers and furs to the outside world.

The pattern of trade follows that of the guilds. Calrie imports a growing amount of luxury goods, especially jewelry and metalwork from the Iron Peaks. Major exports include wine, wheat, timbers, and tin.

SourcesOne of the Wardens, the high Mage Kawela, now rules the sources once held by High mage Aelies. The second wizard of note is Geraldine el-mesir of Ilien. Her predecessors have contested Aelies’ hold on the sources of the Erebannien for as long as anyone can remember.

AssetsAble Assistance

Advisers/Hirelings Aerillon Kerrie (1498HC); MAn;

Expert; Avanalae; Unblooded; An unblooded son of a merchant family from Alamiet. Studied architecture and engineering in the Imperial City. Castellan.

Malved of Farway (1485HC); MAn; Fighter/Expert; Haelyn; Unblooded; He has spent many years a assistant to Avan’s quartermasters, but grew frustrated when his common background prevented him from getting promoted. Quartermaster (Army).

Followers/Henchmen Darian Enlien; MAn; Guilder/Fighter;

Sarimie; Vorynn (Enlien), tainted; A distant relative of Suris Enlien. Been working as a guilder for various masters along the Gulf of Coreanys. Last assignment was with the Eastern Trade guild. Seneschal.

Lieutenants Father Michael (1480 HC); MAn;

Cleric; Unblooded; The Queen’s spiritual advisor and divine protector. Steward.

ArmyThe Royal Army was more or less wiped out during the defense of Aerenwe. Only a few units escaped along with the Queen aboard the ships of the Royal Navy. Now most of those units are fighting under the Baron of Roesone up in the Gorgon’s Crown. Aerenwe desperately needs to improve her army

FortificationsNumerous fortifications used to dot the Aerenwan plain. When Liliene capture the crown, many of the noble families resisted. As a consequence of this she had their castles besieged, and after they surrendered, she had many fortifications reduced to rubble.

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While this certainly reduced the nobles’ ability to resist her decrees or rebel, it also left the realm with few defensive capabilities. When Raenech invaded, the Queen saw the countryside overrun in short order, and her fate was sealed. During the Queen’s exile, the nobles started building new fortifications or repairing old ones.

NavyThe Queen escaped from Calrie aboard the Royal Navy, and she has managed to keep the fleet in surprisingly good shape during the years in exile.

Roads, monuments and other structures Aerenwe is well equipped with roads, both large and small. The Great Forest Road

enters Aerenwe in Halried, and more or less follows the edge of the Erebannien to its terminus in Calrie. Queen Liliene also constructed a small road leading to the fort in Shadowgreen, but this has fallen into disrepair over the years.

HighwaysGreat Forest Road: (Duerlin) – Halried – Calrie

RoadsQueen’s Way: Halried – Shadowgreen

Noble housesHouse AerenThis House has been declared extinct, and the line Aeren gone from Cerlia. The old Duke of Aerenwe and his family were the last remnants of this once powerful House – the Duke killed them all, before killing himself, rather than let any be taken prisoner when Liliene broke into Caer Callin.

House ArdaiHouse Ardai are the Counts of Halried. Aeric Ardai was a commoner in the Queen’s service that was unexpectedly granted the ancient Halre bloodline by the land.

Lord Aeric Ardai (1470 HC), Count of Halried.

Kimeric Ardai, (1500 HC), his only child and heir, a formidable archer and wrestler.

House DhonHouse Dhon supported the Queen against Raenech, and in return Raenech’s men treated them harshly. Count Tagart Dhon

was killed, and many of House Dhon’s assets were seized. The current lord is Riegon Dhon of Elinie, who in return for his service as Crown-Regent received sizeable manors in Dhoenel, restoring the family’s fortune. House Dhon has holdings in Elinie, and are on good terms with Patriarch Daouta (they were instrumental in helping forge the defensive alliance).

Lesser houses

House FasteThe oldest surviving noble House of Halried. They were just as bad as the rest, and no one knows how they survived the old duke's fall. They have even prospered lately, and the head of the family is a trusted friend of the Queen's.

Lyam Faste (1482 HC), a vain man, often seen a the court, on good terms with the queen

Council of Mhoenel A group of wealth landowners (knights for the most part) have banded together with

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local merchants and guilders to form the Council.

Ser Naelan Khird (1489 HC), the leading knight of the Council.

Ser Ibrahim (1488 HC), a knight from Elinie, granted lands by Queen Liliene after doing her an unknown favor

House MolineThis House is descendent from a wealthy merchant family that purchased their lands and titles from the Queen during the difficult first years.

House WindingThe Viscounts of Winding, the area around Forest's Shadow, are a strange lot with elf blood running through their veins.

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Eastern Temple of NesirieThe Eastern Temple of Nesirie has always been one of the staunchest supporters of Aerenwe and the line of Queens. With the investiture of the Queen they appear to still be supportive and may be a key factor in rebuilding the realm.

The WardensThe group of rangers, druids and bards that guards the Erebannien has always been on friendly terms with the ruler of Aerenwe - as long as that ruler has respected and supported their work. Queen Tasaenae was once a member of this order, and still has friends and contacts within the Wardens.


IHHLiliene's ascension to the throne also heralded the downfall of the old Eastern Temple of Haelyn, and a new era of Nesirie worship. The IHH, who thinks itself the heir to the old temple, would like to regain their following in Aerenwe.

High Mage KawelaHigh Mage Aelies used to be a vocal defender of Aerenwe, but he has not been seen or heard from in a very long time. Now there is talk of a woman Warden called Kawela having replaced him.

RoesoneRoesone is made up partly of land that was formerly a part of Aerenwe. While the claim still remains, the Queens have never forced the issue. In addition there are rumors that the Baron of Roesone was a key factor in returning the Queen to her

position, which if true will indicate that they have reconciled over this fact and may plan to cooperate in the future.


OsoerdeThe realm of Osoerde have for many years been a thorn in the side of Aerenwe. Numerous times there has been war between them, and even more so while Raenech ruled there. While the Queen supported William Moergen (now William Osoer) in his struggle against Raenech, William eventually sided with Raenech, leaving the Queen in a difficult position.

Nobility of AerenweThose noble families that remember the late Duke long for the old days. While they might not all agree with his harsh methods, they want their old power and privileges back.