Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview

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  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview


    CREDITSProject Development: Herbert A. Beas II

    BattleTech Line Developer: Herbert A. Beas II

    Writing: Mike Miller, Paul Sjardijn

    Product Editing: Herbert A. Beas II

    Production Staff

    Art Direction: Brent Evans

    Cover Design and Layout: Ray Arrastia

    Original Illustrations: Ray Arrastia

    Miniatures Painting & Photography:Ray Arrastia

    Unit design and Record Sheets: Ray Arrastia, Joel Bancroft-Connors, Johannes Heidler

    Factchecking/Playtesting: Joshua Franklin, Keith Hann, Chris Wheeler.

    Special Thanks:To Brent Evans for starting and pushing the concept. To Herb Beas for

    putting together a mighty fine RPG. To Iron Wind Metals for giving us such wonderful

    toys to play with.

    TO: Precentor-Martial Victor Steiner-Davion

    FROM: Precentor Hanna Aedalus

    DATE: 11 July 3068

    SUBJECT: The Bounty Hunter


    Attached is the report you requested concerning the Bounty Hunter. We have

    collated the material from a wide variety of sources, including some of the

    diminishing contacts we retain with other intelligence agencies.

    As you know, the Bounty Hunter is more than a lone mercenary, but a warrior

    who relies on a network of talented associates, the extent of which is not fully

    understood. While every indication we have establishes that the exact composition

    of the Hunters combat retinue varies between assignments, we feel confident that

    the attached dossiers identify those individuals who most likely made up his party

    at the time of Duke Kai Allard-Liaos abduction on St. Ives.

    Once more, I feel that I must reiterate that we have actually been unable to

    confirm the Bounty Hunters involvement in the aforementioned event. It remains my

    considered opinion thatgiven recent eventsthe attack may have been perpetrated by

    the Death Commandos, the Maskirovka, or even the MIIO under the Hunters colors. I

    would not even rule out the chance that other bounty hunters were involved, although

    we have few obvious candidates who have previously demonstrated the competencies

    necessary to infiltrate, capture and extract an unwilling Kai Allard-Liao.



  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview


    HOW TO USE THIS PDFDossiers: The Bounty Hunterprovides players with

    the character sheets of a small independent lance of

    MechWarriors, as well as record sheets for their Battle-

    Mechs. Along with the provided background material,

    players can use the Bounty Hunter in their own campaign,

    either as the opposition, allies, or as ready-for-use player characters.

    The Unit Profilesection includes a brief background on each of the

    MechWarriors, as well as Design Quirk suggestions for use with the op-

    tional Design Quirk rules as found in Strategic Operationspp. 193-199.

    These Design Quirks are optional, and can affect the difficulty level of

    the Missions.

    The Missionssection provides Tracks for a mini-campaign using the

    Bounty Hunter, using rules found in Chaos Campaign Rulebook and A

    Time Of War. The Chaos Campaign Rulebookcan be found here, while

    an abbreviated Quick Start version of A Time of Warcan be found here.

    The Record Sheets section provides character sheets and record

    sheets for the MechWarriors and their BattleMechs. To convert a char-

    acters relevant Gunnery or Piloting Skill in A Time of Warover to Total

    Warfare, simply subtract the characters Skill Level from the Skills Base

    Target Number (TN) as listed in the Skills block of the Character Sheet.

    For example, Chris Santes Piloting Skill Level of 5 in A Time of War

    would have a Total Warfare Piloting Skill Rating of 3; Base TN 8 5 = 3.

    If you enjoy using miniatures in your games, be sure to check out Iro

    Wind Metals companion products: The Bounty Hunter Lance Pack andTh

    Bounty Hunter Companions Lance Pack.



  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview


    One of his screens blinked with new text. ARE YOU SURE?

    Walt had grown to know him too well. Travers had doubted himse

    ever since taking on this last contract. The target had played to his eg

    it was one of the biggest fish he had ever sought out. In the MechWarrio

    game, Kai Allard-Liao was the biggest of all. But maybe he had becom

    too old for this. Maybe he should have retired on the spot; let it be Walt

    first contract.

    But he knew he couldnt.In a way, Travers knew that this was what he had signed on for, un

    knowingly, at a fire with three friends on a far away world. It would b

    perhaps a century or more before the light from Benjamins sun on tha

    day would reach this Feddie planetand right now, he almost felt lik

    that day was indeed that long ago.

    They had changed the Inner Sphere that night, though he did not u

    derstand it at the time.

    And soon he would again. Or die trying. Michi would approve, h

    thought.And Oscar would, too.

    But first he had to deal with the means to that end.

    Travers slapped the switch down, activating his BattleMech withou

    responding to Walts missive. Indicators flashe

    green, multi-ton weapon systems powered u

    and artificial muscles tensed, ready to puhuge armor-clad limbs forward.

    The short company that had passe

    him stirred, suddenly aware tha

    what their sensors had take

    nearby boulder was someho

    now equipped with a fusio

    engine and particle can

    nons. As the Maraud

    reared itself up, his ret

    cule showed gold on th

    Ostroc, and with a gent

    caress of the firing stud

    he speared the Cuirassie

    Mech with one hypesonic metal slug and tw

    electric-blue partic

    beams. A combinatio

    of experience, tech

    nology and raw talen

    conspired against th

    ancient Ostrocs righ

    hip, and its leg separate

    from the severely mangle

    assembly. The heavy collapse

    in mid-turn.

    Travers throttled forward, thunde

    ing towards the rest of the company. Th

    camouflage tarp had torn completely awa

    from his BattleMech, exposing a hide of stri

    ing green and trademark credit symbolsth

    second component of his deadly message.

    Travers keyed his comm. system to broadcast his words on all chan

    nels, and with icy intent issued the last element.

    I am the Bounty Hunter. I am here for your commander. Flee, and liv

    Stand with him, and die.

    Ensemble Hills

    Perkasie, Federated Suns

    11 January 3068

    The wind pushed the long strands of Halens grass

    around, and the red leaves roiled like the sea under the

    setting sun. Massive Lopez gazelles lazily moved out of the path of the

    approaching metal giants, as if unaware of the deadly potential eachone possessed.

    It was another beautiful day on Perkasie, the kind that encouraged

    the locals to go for long walks in their skin-suits and filter maskspre-

    cautions that were always needed against the ever-present Karpov

    spores. The spores were barely distinguishable from normal fibers, but

    when inhaled they could cause lung fibrosis and pleural plagues. Ex-

    posed human skin would develop tiny, calloused warts wherever the

    spores penetrated. In the rare cases that the spores actually grew, the

    visible effects were even worse.

    Perkasies planetary economy did not benefit from tourism.

    The Bounty Hunter watched as Calvins Cuirassiers ventured from their

    base. Situated on one of the taller rises of the En-

    semble Hills, the base was an ancient collection

    of walls and buildings known only by their to-tal lack of involvement in any battle, ever.

    The aging Cuirassiers BattleMechs

    were heading straight for a lance of

    pirates that was assaulting the lo-

    cal water purification plant. An

    Ostrocstruggled with a nas-

    tyand, likely, very old

    limp, but its hindered

    gait did not slow the

    rest of its company, an-

    chored as it was by sev-

    eral heavies that could

    not top sixty-four kph

    unless they were thrownfrom a DropShip.

    Looks like their Cata-

    pult is still down with a

    busted hip, huh, Calvin?

    Too bad. Wonder what

    happened to those ac-

    tuators you ordered.

    Vic Travers spoke to no

    one in particular. This both-

    ered him. He knew himself well

    enough to recognize it as a sign of


    I have been in the business for for-

    ty years. Longer than most. Longer thanany, really.

    The Cuirassiers passed his position without

    showing any sign that they were aware that they

    were marching right by a hundred-ton assault Mech.

    Travers sighed. His hand hovered over the engine switch that would

    bring his Marauder IIup to full power.

    Am I too old for this?he pondered.



  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview


    In at least one instance, Travers has also used persuasion to promp

    an early retirement for another rival bounty hunter band in 3044. Th

    affair, which occurred relatively publicly (possibly as a condition of th

    deal), had Travers buying off his competitors, delivering some or all

    the payment while clad in his armor. The Cursorial Hunt group cashe

    out immediately, and all of its members retired. Some did return to th

    mercenary trade a few years later, but none ever engaged specifically

    bounty hunting again.

    Travers was fairly active during the FedCom Civil War, following

    presumed retirement period between 3051 and 3064 during which h

    evaded the public eye (and that of most intel organizations). He was als

    difficult to locate subsequent to the end of the Civil War, leading some

    believe he had retired a second time.

    Mad Cat Bounty Hunter 2

    There are indications that the famed Mad Catthe Bounty Hunter capturefrom Clan Smoke Jaguar has been disposed of, as he has been witnesse

    exclusively using the GM-sourced Marauder IIfor the last few years. Very r

    cently, it seems Travers has once again deployed a Mad Cat in a modifie

    configuration, but this one does not display any of the wear- and damage

    related problems the Bounty Hunters pre-Jihad Mad Cat, suggesting this

    either a new OmniMech, or a major overhaul of his prior one.

    Marauder II Bounty Hunter

    The Hunters Marauder IIcontinues to be maintained in excellent co

    dition. It was presumed that GM was initially making the hybrid Mec

    available to the Bounty Hunter both as a test bed and as advertising fo

    a mass-produced version. If this is true, GM has yet to demonstrate th

    ability to produce the various Clan technologies required for even mo

    est production rates.

    Marauder Bounty Hunter 3015

    Natasha Kerenskys former Marauderwas customized in 3015, subs

    quent to some heavy damage it sustained during a Periphery mission. I

    ancient Vlar 300 engine was beyond repair, and replaced with a 225-ra

    ed reactor instead. Jump jets were included to compensate for the los

    of mobility, and its GM Whirlwind was replaced with a third Hellstar PP

    The third particle cannon, along with three additional Mk II lasers, re

    heavily on the use of Star League-era double heat sinks recovered fro

    a lostech cache found during the same mission. All these improvemen

    still allowed the armor shell to be improved by three tons.

    Marauder Bounty Hunter 3044

    The Hunters Marauderwas upgraded again in 3044, shortly after Traers managed to acquire an M-7 Gauss rifle and a 225 XL fusion engin

    The Gauss rifles mass and bulk forced the removal of two lasers an

    three heat sinks, along with the dorsal HellStar to make room for th

    large weapon and its sixteen slugs. ER PPCs replaced the remaining tw

    particle cannons in the arms.

    Rank/Position:Bounty Hunter

    Born:3004 (64 in 3068)

    Affiliation:Bounty Hunter

    Home Planet:Annapolis

    Mech:Mad Cat Bounty Hunter 2, Marauder IIBounty Hunter

    MechWarrior Profile

    Arguably the most famous MechWarrior in existence, only a very few

    know the Bounty Hunters true name. This generations Hunter currently

    goes by the name Vic Travers. It is most likely an alias, but one that has

    seen consistent use since 3028. Images of this man existbut none

    show him outside his trademark armor or Mechs. Believed to be well in

    to his sixties, he is beginning to show his age.

    Travers managed to stay off the radar until Michi Noketsuna, the (al-

    leged) previous Bounty Hunter, leveraged him as a resource. Noketsuna

    himself likely assumed the identify and attendant equipment of theBounty Hunter from the Wolfs Dragoons, who had acquired them from

    the prior Bounty Hunter in 3027. It is unclear what became of this man,

    although some rumors claim that either the Dragoons killed him, or he

    met with both Noketsuna and Travers at some point early in their career

    and arranged for his own retirement.

    Noketsunas tenure as the Bounty Hunter was brief, but it appears

    that he used the Hunters technology and persona as a vehicle for

    vengeance. Travers approach as Bounty Hunter appears to be more

    pragmatic. The majority of the jobs we know of have been relatively

    low-key, relying on subterfuge and clandestine operations to come to

    fruition. While the Bounty Hunter is routinely well informed, Travers re-

    lies on intelligence gathering more than most. A lot of this freelance

    intel work focuses on blackmail and possibly connections with the lo-

    cal organized crime syndicates. This is a bit of a departure from priorBounty Hunters, but it should be noted that Michi Noketsuna made

    use of similar means to gain access to his targets. This suggests that

    Travers was Noketsunas primary intelligence gatherer, and also indi-

    cates that Travers has organized crime connections that likely predate

    his tenure among the Hunters companions.

    The majority of Travers contracts as the Bounty Hunter include the

    standard dead or alive capture terms, but while many of his targets

    have indeed died, most have been brought in alive. This may actually be

    more of a marketing strategy than actual mercy; many potential custom-

    ers consider it greater challenge to capture a target alive, and a proven

    track record of that level of competency is highly prized.

    We also have strong indications that Travers has been actively en-

    gaged in eliminating his competition. This is sometimes achieved with

    violence, such as his rather public and brutal execution of Isabella theHyena Cygnus (who had taken to advertising herself as the new Bounty

    Hunter) in 3047. It is also presumed Travers violently eliminated the

    Meticulous Pursuit mercenary team. Other examples suggest Travers

    involvement with little tangible evidence.




  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview



    The Defender consists of a combined arms mercenary force known Lowdons LongToms. (Despite the name, they actually lack artillery su

    port.) This force must include at least one lance of BattleMechs (to a ma

    imum of 8 Mechs), one lance of vehicles, and one company of infantr

    More of each unit type may be added, but they must never have mor

    vehicles than Mechs. All of the LongToms technology must be Introdu

    tory. The LongToms must use the Regular-rated experience column of

    273, TWwhen randomly determining skills, or simply assign 4 Gunne

    and 5 Piloting/Driving/Anti-Mech Skill to each unit.

    WARCHESTTrack Cost:250 WP

    Optional Bonuses:

    The listed Warchest Points (WPs) are awarded if at least one Objectiv

    is completed with the following optional rules (all bonuses cumulativeTake Five: Use only three of the Hunters companion Mechs. (R

    ward: X WP, where X is equal to the 2 times tonnage of the Mech no


    OBJECTIVES1. In One Piece.The objective is a distraction. All Hunter Mechs mu

    survive. (Reward: 300 WP)

    2. Credible Threat.This does not work as a distraction if the defende

    do not need to call for reinforcements. Destroy, cripple, or force all oppo

    nents to retreat using the Forced Withdrawal rules. (Reward: 300 WP)

    SPECIAL RULESThe following rules are in effect for this track:

    Forced Withdrawal

    The Attacker and Defender both are under Forced Withdrawal (see

    258, TW).

    Wait, Who do They Work for?!

    All of the Bounty Hunters associates Mechs are painted a distinctiv

    green with the Hunters trademark credit symbols on them. The Hunte

    reputation is a powerful weapon in its own right, and to a lesser degre

    it extends to his companions as well.

    Every time the Defender loses a Mech, or has one forced to withdraw, ro

    2d6. Apply a 1 modifier to the roll for each Defending Mech that has bee

    destroyed, crippled, or forced to withdraw at that point. On a modified resu

    of 2 or less, the entireDefending force becomes demoralized and must r

    treat as if all units have met the conditions for Forced Withdrawal.This roll must be made in whatever phase in which a Defending Mec

    is either destroyed or meets the conditions for Forced Withdrawal. Ther

    are no modifiers applied for any vehicles or infantry that are destroye

    or forced to withdraw.

    AFTERMATHThe attack succeeded in causing a rout among the defending mercena

    ies. Additional reinforcements were called in the form of Calvins Cuirassier


    Water Purification Plant 51Perkasie, Federated Suns

    11 January 3068

    Elite MechWarriors can be difficult to employ, especially outside of

    House Regiments. Their exceptional skills are marketable, and provide

    excellent leverage. They will never want for a jobas long as they have

    a Mechand they know it. This arrogance frequently manifests itself in

    the form of the excessive input they often exercise in any given assign-

    ment, and their role in them. Elite MechWarriors often have difficulty

    taking orders (or even advice) from those above them in the chain of

    command, especially when those superiors are of lesser skills.

    A greater problem employers can expect when working with elite

    MechWarriors is that they are frequently difficult to deploy together in

    small formations, where their inflated self-esteem and competitive na-ture makes them disinclined to cooperate with others who might ex-

    ceed them.

    At the same time, the results can be quite devastating when a small

    force of exemplary MechWarriors does find a way to put their egos aside

    and cooperateas the mercenaries defending Water Purification Plant

    51 discovered.

    GAME SETUPThe Attacker sets up half the maps during this mission, using a mini-

    mum of two maps (and a maximum of four) placed in any legal con-

    figuration. Consider using the Flatlands, Hills, Mountain, and Badlands

    Tables (see p. 263, TW). Hexpacks may be used as well, with maps modi-

    fied to better match rolling hill terrain.

    The Defender should use the same type of maps as the Attacker. Oneof the maps must hold a significant body of water, either a river that

    passes across the map, or a lake with at least five adjacent hexes of wa-

    ter to represent an underwater spring. On this map, five buildings must

    be placed. Consider using the Cities and Roads Hexpack. One of the

    five buildings must be at least three hexes large, and must be adjacent

    to the lake or river; this is the water purification plant. The other build-

    ings can be no more than 2 hexes from another building. All buildings

    are considered to be Light with a CF of 15, and can be no larger than

    two hexes.

    The Defender must place his maps first, and must deploy all units on

    the map with the water purification plant. All Defender units must be

    within at least five hexes of the target buildings. Infantry can start inside

    the buildings. The Defender must pick a side of the mapsheets that is ad-

    jacent to the map he is on; this is the Defenders Home Side. The side ofthe mapsheets opposite of the Defenders Home is the Attackers Home.

    The Attacker must deploy from his Home Side on Turn 1.


    The Attacker consists of the Bounty Hunters four companions in their

    respective BattleMechs. Note that Walk Urizemans Cauldron Bornmay

    be equipped in any legal configuration using technology available in

    3068, including the one in this Dossier.




  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview



    2010 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and theCatalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.





    / ( )

    ( ):


    Height: cm





    Weight: kg




    Score Link XP

    Trait Page Ref.TP XP

    Skill LinksLvl TN/C XP















    Skill LinksLvl TN/C XP















    Condition Monitor

    Movement (Meters per Turn)

    Standard Damage:

    Fatigue Damage:

    Stun: Unconscious:

    Run/Evade: Crawl:

    Walk: Climb:

    Sprint: Swim:Personal Armor (Loc)

    Weapon Range Ammo NotesSkill AP/BD

    Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X( / / /

    ( / / /( ):

    ( / / /( ):

    ( / / /( ):

    Martial Arts Melee N/A

    / ( / / / )

    / ( / / / )

    / ( / / / )




    Vic Travers


    4 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 7 0 7 0 6 0 4 0

    94 Bounty Hunter

    Black Brown

    Alternate ID 2 p. 108

    Connections 8 p. 111

    Extra Income 6 p. 116

    Good Vision 1 p. 118

    Marksman SPA 2 p. 220

    Sharpshooter SPA 1 p. 221

    Sniper SPA 1.5 p. 221

    10 5

    20 3

    40 11

    Main Torso Cooling Suit 1 1 1 1

    Helmet Head Neurohelmet, Combat 2 3 2 1

    Boots Feet Plasteel Boots 4 6 4 4

    +4 0 1

    2 Pistols +4 3B 6 5 15 38 70 3 Range Mods:

    (Sternsnacht Claymore) +0/-3/-6/-11

    Knife +2 1M 1

    Acting +6 CHA 8/CBAppraisal +3 INT 8/CBCareer/Soldier +5 INT 7/SBDemolitions +3 DEX+INT 9/CACommunications +3 INT 7/SBComputers +3 INT 8/CBDisguise +5 CHA 7/SBDriving/Ground Vehicle +3 RFL+DEX 8/SAForgery +3 DEX+INT 8/SAGunnery/BattleSuit +3 RFL+DEX 8/SA

    Gunnery/Mech +8 RFL+DEX 8/SAInterrogation +5 WIL+CHA 9/CAInvestigation +5 INT+WIL 9/CALanguage/English +5 CHA 8/SALanguage/Japanese +4 CHA 8/SALeadership +4 WIL+CHA 8/SAMartial Arts +4 RFL+DEX 8/SAMedTech +3 INT 7/SBMelee Weapons +3 DEX 7/SBNavigation/Ground +4 INT 7/SBNegotiation +5 CHA 8/CBPerception +5 INT 7/SBPiloting/BattleSuit +4 RFL+DEX 8/SAPiloting/Mech +8 RFL+DEX 8/SA

    Protocol/Draconis Combine +4 WIL+CHA 9/CAProtocol/Federated Suns +1 WIL+CHA 9/CAProtocol/Lyran Alliance +1 WIL+CHA 9/CAProtocol/Mercenaries +4 WIL+CHA 9/CAProtocol/Yakuza +6 WIL+CHA 9/CASecurity Systems/Electronic +4 DEX+INT 9/CASensor Operations +2 INT+WIL 8/SASmall Arms +6 DEX 7/SBStealth +4 RFL+INT 8/SAStrategy +4 INT+WIL 9/CA

    Streetwise/Lyran Alliance +2 CHA 8/CBStreetwise/Federated Suns +3 CHA 8/CBStreetwise/Draconis Combine +6 CHA 8/CBSwimming +1 STR 7/SBTactics/Land +6 INT+WIL 9/CATechnician/Electronic +1 DEX+INT 9/CATechnician/Jets +2 DEX+INT 9/CATechnician/Mechanics +3 DEX+INT 9/CATechnician/Myomer +2 DEX+INT 9/CATechnician/Nuclear +1 DEX+INT 9/CATechnician/Weapons +2 DEX+INT 9/CATraining +3 INT+WIL 9/CATracking/Urban +4 INT+WIL 8/SA

    ( )Melee N/A

    +1 to perception; encumbering; may be sealed in hostile environments (1 hour air supply)

  • 7/26/2019 Dossiers - The Bounty Hunter_Preview


    Marauder II Bounty Hunter




    BV: 3,767

    Era: Civil War




    (31) (31)

    (46)(34) (34)

    (42) (42




    (21) (21)

    (17) (17)


    (21) (21)

    1 Gauss Rifle RT 1 15[DB,X]

    2 7 15 22

    1 Targeting Computer LT [E] 1 ER PPC RA 15 15 [DE] 7 14 232 Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 7 [P] 4 8 121 ER PPC LA 15 15 [DE] 7 14 232 Medium Pulse Laser LA 4 7 [P] 4 8 12


    Upper Arm Actuator

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    ER PPC

    ER PPC

    Medium Pulse Laser

    Medium Pulse Laser




    Upper Arm Actuator

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    ER PPC

    ER PPC

    Medium Pulse Laser

    Medium Pulse Laser



    Fusion Engine

    Fusion Engine

    Fusion Engine





    Fusion Engine

    Fusion Engine

    Fusion Engine

    Jump Jet

    Endo Steel

    Jump Jet

    Targeting Computer

    Targeting Computer

    Targeting Computer

    Targeting Computer

    Targeting Computer

    Targeting ComputerTargeting Computer

    Endo Steel

    Endo Steel

    Endo Steel

    Endo Steel

    Double Heat Sink

    Double Heat Sink

    Jump Jet

    Gauss Rifle

    Gauss Rifle

    Gauss Rifle

    Gauss RifleGauss Rifle

    Gauss Rifle

    Ammo (Gauss) 8

    Ammo (Gauss) 8


    Life Support



    Roll Again


    Life Support


    Upper Leg Actuator

    Lower Leg Actuator

    Foot Actuator

    Endo Steel

    Endo Steel


    Upper Leg Actuator

    Lower Leg Actuator

    Foot Actuator




    17 (34)
