Hi there welcome to the Dot Com Millionaire training session. This is going to be one of the most powerful presentations you have ever seen. I feel very excited to be here and to share this information with you. I hope your ready as Im going to be taking you on an incredible journey into the real workings of a $50 Million dollar internet business in this short presentation and show you how you can replicate this system completely and create a 6 or even 7 figure online bussiness for yourself with no extra effort and on complete autopilot. Sounds Incredible right? Imagine what it would feel like to have the ability to experience any reality you desire, travel the world and never have money be an issue for you again ever in your life. Imagine what it would feel like to have 50,000 to 100,000 dollars or more every single month wired to your bank. What would you do if you had this type of freedom? How would that impact your finances?- How would that transform your family and relationships? How would that improve you health? Sounds like big promises right? Allow me to demonstrate.. When you learn about this incredible proven system, you will see that the biggest difference between those very few people who make millions of dollars on the internet and those who struggle to make money online is something known as a high converting high ticket sales funnel. Right at the end of this presentation you will learn exactly how to piece every part of this system together for yourself and implement it straight away so you can start finally earning the kind of money you have been dreaming of and deserve. So make sure you switch of all disrtactions and stay glued to your screen right till the end. You don’t want to miss a single word. This system that Im going to reveal to you today has in the last year alone paid out over $25 Million dollars to folks just like you in 37 countries around the world, and we are just getting started.

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Page 1: Dot Com Millionaire Sales PresentationFigure+VSL+Script.pdf · Hi there welcome to the Dot Com Millionaire training session. ... * You see, I ve also authored 9 number 1 best sellers

Hi there welcome to the Dot Com Millionaire training session.

This is going to be one of the most powerful presentations you have ever seen. I feel very excited to be here and to share this information with you. I hope your ready as Im going to be taking you on an incredible journey into the real workings of a $50 Million dollar internet business in this short presentation and show you how you can replicate this system completely and create a 6 or even 7 figure online bussiness for yourself with no extra effort and on complete autopilot.

Sounds Incredible right?

Imagine what it would feel like to have the ability to experience any reality you desire, travel the world and never have money be an issue for you again ever in your life. Imagine what it would feel like to have 50,000 to 100,000 dollars or more every single month wired to your bank.

What would you do if you had this type of freedom?

How would that impact your finances?- How would that transform your family and relationships? How would that improve you health?

Sounds like big promises right? Allow me to demonstrate..

When you learn about this incredible proven system, you will see that the biggest difference between those very few people who make millions of dollars on the internet and those who struggle to make money online is something known as a high converting high ticket sales funnel.

Right at the end of this presentation you will learn exactly how to piece every part of this system together for yourself and implement it straight away so you can start finally earning the kind of money you have been dreaming of and deserve. So make sure you switch of all disrtactions and stay glued to your screen right till the end. You don’t want to miss a single word.

This system that Im going to reveal to you today has in the last year alone paid out over $25 Million dollars to folks just like you in 37 countries around the world, and we are just getting started.

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You’re also extremely lucky to be here. I dont usually do these type of presentations anymore and I have no idea how long I will leave this online so take full advantage of it while you can..

And just to give you some quick background information on me, so you understand the credentials I have and why I am even qualified to teach you this today:

Im the founder of ProAdvertising.com we have been leaders in the online marketing space now for over 10 years

I personally have been making money online since 2004. I made my first million dollars online at the age of 24. and Since then Ive built 3 7 figure companies.My online campaigns routinely have brought in over 100,000 a day (Screenshots on screen)

check out what the Real Wolf of Wall Street Mr Jordan Belfort has to say about me: Saj P is an incredible leader, and has great vision and impact when it comes to marketing and business growth. He has given us a lot of great advice in our company. Follow him closely.

Pretty cool huh?!

* You see, I ve also authored 9 number 1 best sellers on clickbank.com who are the largest digital products network in the world, they've paid out over 2 Billion dollars to their top clients like me till date.

and look, its not all about me, I have students just like you and businesses all over the world who have made incredible amounts of money by following my systems.

In fact I built an Internet Marketing publishing company in 2008 that had over 400,000 students from all over the world learning the secrets of making money online. Many of these students became 6 and even 7 figure earners.

Check out this small clip here:xThere are literally thousands of students and dozens of well known companies all over the world who have created amazing success using the systems I teach

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You see, I feel very fortunate because as a result of my passion I have now trained thousands of people all over the world at marketing conferences and shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Lord Alan Sugar and President Bill Clinton.

LIsten, I am not saying any of this to show off or to brag, the reason I am telling you this is to let you know that me and my team have been in the online marketing trenches for years, we have driven millions of clicks from ads and have pretty much implemented every single type of online marketing system, sales funnel and traffic technique that exists.

I am telling you all of this so you understand that I kinda know what I am talking about when it comes to this stuff and more importantly Im always on the lookout for new more efficient, and faster ways to make money online.

You see, I don't care about theory like most of the other so called internet marketing Gurus teach what I want is results and Im guessing thats what you want too or you wouldn't be watching this presentation right now.Am I right?

The good news is we've found itand by the way Its BIG

This isn't some here today gone tomorrow make money online fad. This is big, this is the future of online marketing and its really really exciting.

And today you are gonna get a masterclass on how to implement it starting right now so stay focused and pay 100% attention.

But first I need to ask you something: Why have you struggled up until now to reach the level of success you desire and build the kind of income you want online?

Have you ever bought into the dream of making big money on the internet and then been let down when it hasnt worked out for you. have you ever doubted yourself or been stressed and anxious about money and about your future and the future of your family? Do you feel like you are constantly stuck and just cant seem to get things to work and you dont know why?

I know you must have so many dreams and desires right? But you doubt your abilities to turn them into reality. Maybe your actually in deeper with struggle and frustration where its seems like you will never be able to get things to

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work. You see others who have everything they want and wonder why you are left so far behind. Failure after failure. Does any of this resonate?

More importantly if you feel like now is the time to break free and take complete 100% control over your life, then you must pay absolute attention to what Im about to show you.

There is a permanent way out of this. Would you like to know how?

You see around 10 years ago I got absolutely sick of working on the rat race and started looking for a way out.

I typed into google one day how to make money online and thought to myself that I had struck gold and was lured into the promise of easy riches. xThe next 2 years of my life things got severly worse as I hopd from one opportunity to another, getting sucked into one false promise to another, being dvoured by the hype and fake lifestyle visions painted by those cheating online marketing gurus.

I started spending all of my money buying ebooks, courses and attending expensive seminars in the hope of being able to learn the secrets of making big money on the internet. At the end of it I was left in debt and with depression as nothing I was trying would work.

I dreamed of having financial freedom, being able to travel the world, making a difference, having my own business, but I started to lose faith thinking that these things would never happen for me. Every time I got up motivated myself and tried some new online marketing technique, I was knocked back down when it didnt work, and this was demolishing my will power.

I started losing hope

Can you relate to any of this? If so, I am here to tell you that I feel your pain and Ive been there myself.xIts very important that you understand the truth about what it really takes to build a solid 6 and 7 figure business online and why you may have failed up until now .

in one chart Im going to show you why in todays climate its become so damn hard for the average person to make money on the internet

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and then Im going to show you a new internet business system that has recently emerged that is finally making it very easy for people just like you to earn a 6 and even 7 figure income online in the fastest most hands off way ever in the history of online marketing.

so its not all bad news there is some light at the end of the tunnel

but first I gotta show you that infamous chart that I warned about Alright do you wanna see it? Ok here it is…

This one chart right here sums up why it has gotten so difficult in recent years to make money online.

This chart graphs the drastic conversion rate decline on sales of online products from internet websites.

You can see back in 2005 it was in excess of 10%. That means for every 100 people who would visit your internet site on average 10 people would pull out the credit card and make a purchase of whatever it is you are selling. Pretty cool right?

When I first got started creating and selling my own products online back around 2006ish, things were still pretty awesome we would routinely see conversion rates in excess of 8% and sometimes a lot more.

And then in 2008 and 2010 its getting lower but still not that bad, its still in excess of 4%. And look at where it is today just about at 2% and its zeroing in fast.

Thats the average conversion rate these days on a well optimised website. Crazy right? Less than 2%.This is the death of online marketing!

The fact is that consumers these days are just blind to online ads and offers. They are literally blasted with hundreds if not thousands of offers every single day.

Think about it yourself how many emails and ads do you see on a daily basis, how many of them do you click on and immediately buy the products? Probably not a lot right?

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XPeople online are no different to you. Their behaviours are exactly the same as yours. So the reality is that if you are not buying offers and taking action immediately on the things you are sold then your visitors are doing the same.

You see people don't want to be sold to when they are online, they want entertainment and they want valuable content. Now, there is a hidden advantage here for us marketers in the know who know how to leverage and capitalise on this.

If you don't make an immediate decision to take advantage of high ticket conversion hacking then you will continue to make very little sales online.We'll talk more about that in a moment so keep watching.

Im guessing you may have been around the online marketing space for some time, and if this is the case Im pretty sure that you have been lied to and given false promises and false hope from those pesky internet marketing gurus who know nothing about online business and promise you riches over night? Have you been sucked into these hypey promises before?

You see what these so called Gurus don't tell you is that to build a solid 6 and 7 figure business online is damn hard, its not easy.

Plain old simple websites and online marketing systems are dead, they don't make money anymore.

If you want to make real money online now then you need a high converting high ticket sales funnel. I will explain what that is in a second..

A sales funnel is basically a multi step process that a user is funnelled through once they land on your website. You may have heard the the term funnel thrown around online, its like the latest hot buzz word recently in the online marketing space.And contrary to what you may have been told these things are not that simple to build and profit from, like the gurus tell you.

A typical 6 or 7 figure sales funnel would look something like this: There can be some slight variations, but generally it would flow something like this.

Firstly you have a squeeze page that promises to delivers some valuable content in return for someones email address. now, You need to capture

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someones email address to then be able to communicate with them, build a relationship, and build trust. Im sure you have seen these before right?

Then you would have A front end offer or product that usually sells for under 100 bucks. This turns your subscriber now into a paying customer, and completely changes the relationship, they now become a client of yours who have trusted you and spent money with you.

You may then have An upsell or a series of upsells ranging between $200 - $500 that offer more advanced programs for those who are interested.

And then finally you would have a high ticket back end offer ranging from 1000 dollars all the way up to 10,000 dollars or more for clients who are ready to go all the way and speed things up. (Now take note, The major bulk of the money is always made here on the back end, all the top online marketers have a high ticket back end offer, The whole purpose of the funnel is to get people to eventually buy the back end offer, this is where all the big money is made, and this is what you need if you want to make a lot money online quickly)

So there you have it, a 6/7 figure online sales funnel..Sounds pretty simple in theory right? If only it were that easy though.

I should know I have built several million dollar funnels over the last few years for myself and my clients, and believe me its a lot of work.

Lets take a look at what it takes if you are interested in building one of these things for yourself:XFirstly you need to be an expert at something and then if you are, you need to develop good high quality products which can take 3 - 6 months+ of full time work. The products need to be of the highest quality and value otherwise its impossible to build a solid brand and relationship with your potential customers.

Then you need to design sales presentations to sell your products, these days presentations are usually done on video so first you need a high converting sales script. Now To hire a TOP copyrighter who can write these for you would cost you a minimum of 10,000 dollars all the way up to 100,000 dollars or more. You then need to be willing to ditch your privacy and go on video to sell. Most people just don't have the confidence or time to do this.

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You will then need a whole series of follow up emails crafted that plug into your email marketing software which start to build a relationship with your leads and sell them your programs. Ideally You need at least 3 months to 1 years worth of follow up emails pre written. Once again this is very time consuming.

And there is lots of other software, paid subscription services and tech stuff that needs to be integrated in order for your funnel to work properly. So you need to hire a tech person to manage all of this for you.

Now, There are some great softwares out there these days like lead pages and click funnels, which are absolutely amazing and allow you to build funnels much quicker, but without the rest of the pieces in place they are useless.

Then you have the main ingredient which is going to bring you the big bucks the high end offer on the back end. Now, Most people do not have the ability to offer enough value to charge 1000 - 10000+ for a product and even if they do, in order to sell a package of this price point, it cannot be done on a website you need to physically speak to someone over the phone and build a relationship with them, then earn their trust and sell them your offer, and for that you need phone sales training, which is a whole new ball game.

And then here is the real kicker, there is no real guarantee that your sales funnel will convert from the get go, you need to be constantly testing every single aspect of it and improving it as you go along. All the top online marketers are testing every aspect of their sales funnel meticulously from email subject lines, to headlines, to colours, design, sales copy etc everything. This is a massive time consuming and costly ongoing job.

You see building a 6 or 7 figure internet marketing business online is hard, and there is no real guarantee that it will work. You need experience, you need expertise, you need a lot of cash ( I mean the cheapest 7 figure sales funnel I built cost me over 30,000$ in initial expenses), you need massive amounts of focus and energy, you need a lot of time, you need a team of people, that includes tech guys, designers, programmers, copyrighters, sales staff) And at the end of it you cant be afraid to loose money if it all fails. Some projects bomb thats just the way it is its a 50 50 chance. I have had projects make me millions and I have had projects that lost me hundreds of thousands, thats the name of the game.

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Its more than a full time job to to launch and manage one of these things. Most people are mesmerised by the hype that you can easily make money online doing no work and chilling on the beach. But Ask any top online marketer who has made millions and they will tell you they are probably working 12 - 15 hours plus a day on their business. Now granted some of us love what we do, but its not easy work its comes with a lot of stress and a lot of pressure.

So here for the first time you have the truth. The real anatomy of what it takes to build a 6 or 7 figure internet marketing business online. Kinda different to the easy riches those dishonest gurus promise you right?XSo If you've had dreams of making millions of dollars online or tried making money in the past and it hasn't worked out, well now you know why.

And if you're nervous to event attempt to start an online business, I don't blame you, I don't blame you one bit. Unless you really know what you're doing your probably wise to sit on the sidelines because as I said building a 6 or 7 figure business online is hard and its got much much harder.

However, there is hope

Infact I have some great news for you, some really really great news.

I will tell you more about that in a second..

For now I want you to Think about and Visualise what you really want in your life. What is it that you really want? How much income do you need to generate e to live the greatest possible version of your life.

Now what if I told you that you can have all of this and more. What if I told you that you could earn 50,000 - 100,000$ or more per month online with very little effort, sound impossible? Listen up and then decide for yourself.

Thanks to this new online marketing business system The great conversion rate decline is rapidly becoming the great conversion rate increase, yep happy days are here again

So what is this new money making honey hole that we have discovered?

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well its so new that almost no one is talking about it except for those who are Very in the know

I call it the high ticket wealth system

Imagine.. What if you could have your very own, proven, high converting, 7 figure high ticket sales funnel fully loaded with all products, all integrations and all sales systems including a professional world class sales team selling your high ticket products for you.

A complete high ticket funnel in a box ready to crank out big money for you on autopilot. Not just a concept or a fancy idea, but a system thats proven to work, a system that has already generated over $50 Million dollars and paid out over $25 Million dollars to people just like you in the last year alone. Does that sound interesting?

Hmm I thought that would get your attention and make you feel like you want a piece of this..

Thats right, We are going to give you access to our very own proven high converting 7 figure sales funnel with everything integrated and completely automated for you including the sales process.

This is A revolution in online marketing and its creating a major disruption in this industry. People all over the world like you are starting to live the life of their dreams and achieve unimaginable success with very little effort thanks to this god send of a system.XThis is the Savvy choiceThe quickest, easiest and smartest way to create a 6 or 7 figure income online

Let our advanced proven push button 7 figure sales system do all the work for you on complete autopilot

Why start from scratch and slog it out the hard way trying to build your own sales funnel online which is going to take you forever, cost a bomb, and has no real guarantee to work

when you can get instant access to a powerful proven automated sales system that will crank out high ticket sales for you on clockwork

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and allow you to experience the real laptop millionaire lifestyle doing the things you love like travelling the world, spending quality time with your family and enjoying the finer things in life whilst you make money on complete autopilot.

Believe me when I tell you this, this experience is the best feeling in world

LIke I said earlier this is not a concept, its a system thats proven to work, is working right now paying out millions of dollars, and one thats responsible for thousands of people like you earning an incredible income online in the fastest most hands off way ever and living their dream life at last without failure and frustration and without any extra effort. Even if you have 0 experience in doing any of this stuff

Isn't that what you want?

Heres what the vast majority of our successful students choose

Let me explain how it works?XThis is what you are going to get instant access to when you sign up today:

You are going to get your very own fully automated high converting, high ticket 7 figure sales funnel.

Its called a sales funnel because we want to get visitors into the top of your funnel and pass them down through the different layers which will convert them from being a free visitor into a paying client of yours.

The top layer of the sales funnel is a squeeze page which tell the user to leave their email address in order to reveal the free offer on the other side.

This allows us to build a relationship with the subscribers and build up trust with them as we offer them lots of value, after which they will buy time and time again from you.

As part of this deal to get our system making money for you on autopilot, we have already written hundreds of high converting follow up emails that will be sent out automatically to your leads and build a solid relationship with them offering them value and quickly turning them into paid customers and sending money straight into your pocket

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Our team will integrate everything for you so you have no tech issues to deal with what so ever.

Now the second section of the sales funnel is known as the front end offer which will be integrated into your sales funnel and these products sell from anywhere between $10 - $300. We currently have 9 front end products all of which convert like crazy.

These products are super high quality and low priced so that we can get you a high amount of sales whilst delivering extreme value to your leads and build great trust with them.

The hardest part of any online sales system is getting a visitor to pull out the credit card and make that initial purchase. Therefore by offering something of high value and low cost we make it a no brainer offer for your visitor who quickly turns into a paying customer.

Once they have become a paid customer, they get locked under you for life, which means every time they spend money you get a commission as our system tracks them underneath you whether they buy more products today or anytime in the future.At this level of the funnel, you will get a massive 90% commissions on every sale generated to your leads.

The final level of the sales funnel is what we call the back end offer. This is where you make the life changing income. This is what has created several millionaires with our system within the last year alone.

Within your new sales funnel that our team is going to create for you, you have the following back end high ticket offers already integrated.

We have a $2000 offer, we have a $9000 offer and we have a $15,000 offer and you will make a Monster 50% commission on all of these products.XYes thats right when we sell the $9,000 product for you, you make a massive $3500 commission. Just two or three sales of these a month is life changing for most people, Imagine what happens when you sell 10, 20 or more. We have many people doing that and more, you will hear from them soon so keep watching.

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Now, Heres the mind blowing part of this that beats anything else you may have ever tried before: Listen carefully. You do not have to do any selling of these back end offers what so ever. Thats right you do not have to speak to anyone, you do not have to email any one, you don't have to have any communication what so ever with anyone to make your 50% monster commissions on these high ticket offers.Thats because we have an in house fully trained highly professional and super effective telesales team, that will be calling up all of your leads and selling the high ticket products on your behalf over the phone. The sales team are not pushy but they are very efficient in helping your customers and closing the high ticket sales. This team consists of some of the best sales professionals in the world some of whom are 6 and 7 figure earners themselves. And yes you've guessed it, the moment they make a sale, you earn the Monster 50% commission.

I hope you can feel the power of this.XSo Just to recap, we will deploy and integrate for you, your very own proven 7 figure high ticket sales funnel. This will be totally hands off for you, we will take care of everything You will get the exact funnel that has paid our over $25 Million so far to smart marketers all over the world just like you. You will get everything from the squeeze pages, the front end offers, the auto responders, the back end offers and a full time telesales team all integrated for you. You have to do nothing but drive leads into the front end of the sales funnel and we will be showing you exactly how to do that easily.

Once one of your leads buys into our core front end offer, our sales team will then start offering them our back end high ticket products. The beauty about this sales funnel is that it has taken over 5 years to build and is now a proven conversion monster. The product quality, value and customer support is also the best of the best, so your customers will love every part of the experience.

We are also offering the back end high ticket items only to your buyers, those people who make a decision now to pull out the credit card and make a purchase - this is a major factor in how we get the crazy conversions on our back end offers.

97% of people try to get freebie seekers to buy back end offers and this is a fatal mistake. With our highly optimised funnel that you will have setup for you we filter out freebie seekers and only offer back end high ticket products to buyers which gives you incredible conversion rates.

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Remember all of your leads are hard coded to you for life which means when they go on to buy any of the back end products you will earn a Massive 50% commission on all of those monster high ticket sales on the back end.

And remember our fully trained telesales team will be doing all of the back end selling for you on your behalf.

This literally is the most powerful genius online marketing system every created. Can you feel how amazing this is?XCurrently we are seeing the following monster conversions on the back end high ticket offers as a company average:

16% of the people who buy the front end offer that sells for under $100 go onto buy the $2000 offer.1/3rd of those people then go onto buy the $9000 offer and then 54% of those people go ahead and upgrade to the $15,000 offer.

Now Your math is probably a lot better than mine but lets run some figures quickly.

Lets say you aim to sell 100 units of your front end offer a month, which is very easy to do when you follow our traffic training. Thats 25 sales a week for a product that costs under $100 bucks. Even some of our most inexperienced marketers are following our step by step training and doing more than that, you will hear from some of these people shortly.

A 100 sales a month of the front end offer where you make around $30 commission = $3000 of easy fast commission straight to you.Now according to company average due to the immense amount of value these customers will be receiving and because of our advanced selling system and phone sales team around 16% of these 100 buyers will upgrade to the $2000 offer where you get paid $1000 commission so thats $1000 X 16 = $16,000 straight to you. What would you do with that easy money? How would you spend that?Now 1/3 of those people will upgrade to the $9000 offer where you earn $35000 commissions so thats 5 who now upgrade X $3500 = $17,500 easy hands free commissions sent straight to your bank. Imagine what that would feel like?and finally 54% of those people which is 2 people roughly will upgrade to the $15,000 package where you earn $5500 in commissions per sale so thats 2 X $5500 which = another $11000 in automated income while you do nothing.

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XSo for 100 measly low front end sales which our system will do for you, you can end up with $47,500 in fully automated hands free income with no selling from you involved what so ever Our system took care of the whole thing for you on complete autopilot.

* Isn't that just mind blowing?!

Would an extra 47,500$ be handy to you right now?

Can you see why this is so powerful!?XThis is way better than any other affiliate marketing program on the planet and much better and smarter than trying to set something up yourself.

There is nothing like this available anywhere that pays out these type of high ticket commission and is totally hands free.

This is why the worlds most powerful online marketers and entrepreneurs are joining this system and literally milking this cash cow. This is why we are the 2nd largest home business company in the whole world. This is why we have paid out over $25 Million dollars in commission so far and havent even scratched the surface yet, we re just getting started.

You will hear from some real people in just a moment who have started banking big money with this system *but for the smart and visionary ones*, if you have heard enough and can see the power of this and are feeling totally ready to go right now.XThen you should see a button below this video. Just click on that and go through the fast application process on the next page, you will see a form like this - fill it up and hit submit and if you are approved you will get instant access to our 21 step training system that will teach you exactly how to get started banking big money with our high ticket wealth system I will explain more about this in detail in a few seconds.

However if your intuition is already telling you that this is the opportunity you've been waiting for, and you can just feel the excitement and confidence this type of system will bring into your life then you can go ahead and sign up right now

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Imagine what it would feel like to finally have complete control over every aspect of your life. What would an extra 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 100,000 or more a month coming into your bank account feel like to you. How would your life change when you start to experience that reality. This is real its happening right now and you are lucky to be here.

Imagine being able to fully leverage and profit from the high ticket funnel that all the online millionaires have been using for years without every having to build it yourself and risking failure and loss.

Listen, My dad used to always say to me son there are no short cuts in life, but once in a while you find one and when you do you better jump on it and take full advantage while you can because they don't stick around forever.

If you feel ready to capitalise on this unfair advantage that you have been lucky to have land in your lap right in now, then go ahead and click the button below, and submit the form on the next page to get started with this system straight away.

In the last year alone this system has cranked out many six and 7 figure earners,

People like John Chow who has made over 1.6 Million dollars till date with this system

Shaqir Hussyin who you saw earlier in this video you remember him? Well has has earned over 1.7 Million dollars in easy commission so far with this system

Paul Lynch from the UK has earned over 1.4 Million dollars so far with this system..

Terry Lamb has made over a quarter of a million dollars

Bill and Michelle Pescolido have made over 680,000 dollars

Isn't that incredible, imagine you started earning even 10% of what these guys have done, how would that change your life?

Now these checks are very impressive and I know what you might be thinking, you have just shown me a bunch of well known Gurus, how about some regular people. I thought you might ask that. Here are some

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testimonials from some average everyday people many of whom have never done anything like this ever before and have started earning life changing income and banking the easiest money of their entire lives:

Check these outXWow amazing right? I mean can you see now why this is such an incredible opportunity.

Remember you are getting the exact same sales funnel that has allowed all of these people to achieve their results when you sign up today.

Now I am not saying that their results are typical or that you are going to make a million dollars overnight with this system or any specific sum, no ethical or honest person would tell you that - there is some work to do, you have to generate leads into the system but we will show you exactly how to do that. And Once you start doing that you can potentially make more money than anything else you have ever tried before or will ever try in the future. The potential to earn 50,000 - 100,000 or more per month is here, this is your ticket to big time internet riches, this is the real deal, and if you are serious then this can be last online business opportunity you will ever have to look at.

There is no one else out there willing to give you a majority share of their back end high ticket sales. Ive checked. With our system we will even show you how to generate the leads. Thats right we take care of everything after the lead comes in and we will show you how to find the leads in the first place even if you have zero experience online.

Now just so you understand, this is not an mlm program or some scammy pyramid scheme. Nothing of the sort. This is a well respected and fast growing high end affiliate program, the only one of its kind in our industry and in the world right now.

most affiliate programs pay their affiliates next to nothing amazon ebay and iTunes pay out a measly 4% on each re feral sale. How fair is it for a company to make 96% profit and pay out a tiny 4% to the affiliate who has done all the hard work.

Thats where our system is totally different, its designed with your mega success in mind.

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our system comes with a simple easy to understand training program that will show you step by step how everything works and how to go and get leads for it, so heres whats included when you join the high ticket wealth system today.

whats gonna happen is you will log in in just a moment I will show you how to get access and when you do you are going to see the 21steps right there in front of you.

Each step is broken down into simple quick videos and we explain it to you in easy to understand language, you don't have to be some tech geek or anything like that to get it. We explain to you exactly how the business works how you use it and how you get those big monster high ticket commissions. You will see my business partner Matt in the videos he is the genius who has created this entire system and manages the whole business side of things.

You can also see a calendar there, thats all the training and online workshops that we have available for you, so you can actually get a lot of support with this, we want you to succeed and our support system is the best in the world.

Its what allows our members to get to a high level of success very quickly. On top of that as a mega bonus if you choose to sign up right now, you will have your very own personal high ticket business coach, you will get their phone number, their email address, their Skype address and their calendar.

You will actually be able to talk to someone, a real person, and have them walk you through this step by step so you will never feel confused or lost, you will have someone there almost as if they are looking over your shoulder, and telling you exactly what you need to do to get the money.

This really is the internets only done for you direct sales system that will deposit 1000, 3000 and even 5000 checks into your bank account on clockwork.Xand like I said if you decide to take action today and sign up right now, you will get personal 1 on 1 coaching with one of our high ticket business coaches they will actually be there to guide you through everything you need.

you'll get a simple 21step training program to making you your first 1k 3k or 5k commission with this high ticket business system including short easy to watch videos and webinars.

you'll get a professional sales team that will make all the phone sales for you

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you'll get done for you product fulfilment, payment processing and customer service so you don't ever have to worry about doing any of that for your customers, we do all of that for you

and you'll also get at the end access to a 30 day traffic made easy plan that will show you the most cutting edge strategies for generating traffic online today including youtube Facebook and google

does that sound good?

Now I could easily charge a 1000 dollars or more for this program, easily considering what we are talking about and the fact that you are getting 1 on 1 coaching. Most good coaching programs out there are 5k dollars or more. But Im not going to do that.

You see we have a goal to be the worlds first billion dollar affiliate program and we are very serious about this and fast on our way. the way that we see we are going to reach that target and achieve that is by bringing on more partners like you so that we have more reach.

We want to grow fast and with thousands of people like you joining us every day our goal is very quickly turning into a reality.

so for that reason I am not going to charge you 1000 dollars today or even 500 dollars, Im not even going to charge you 250 dollars.

Your investment today is a small application fee of 49 bucks. Thats it. Just 49 dollars.

Once you take care of this fee we will put you in touch with your coach who will ask you a couple of simple questions to make sure you are a good fit for this program and also so we are a good fit for you. You will not be sold anything on this call so don't worry.

think of this as a friendly interview where we get to know each other to make sure we are a good fit.

If you decide the program is not right for you, no problem we will refund you on the spot. Just tell your coach, there won't be any problems or any questions they will cheerfully refund you all your money.

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Now if we decide that this is a good fit then your in. we can get started and start going through those 21 steps.

Once accepted you will get instant access to the HIgh ticket wealth system. And your coach will be available to answer any questions that you may have.

Now you should know that most of our coaches are 6 and 7 figure earners themselves so having them guide you is invaluable. Your coach is also assigned to your time zone and country. So if you are in australia you will get an australian coach, if you are in america you will get an american coach and we have coaches in the uk and a whole bunch of other countries too. so wherever you are in the world you should be able to get someone local who will be in your time zone.

Now If that wasn't enough, Im going to do something that no on else in this industry has the guts to do because thats how much I believe that you will succeed with this system fast.XHeres what Im going to offer you as far as the guarantee goes. Im going to offer you our famous 500$ cash back guarantee.

Heres how that works, we are so confident in this high ticket wealth system that we are willing to back it up with a $500 cash back guarantee. The results from this opportunity are so great that we’ll Guarantee you'll make your first commission within 30 days of completing the training or we will give you your money back and pay you an extra $500 just for taking a no hassle risk free test driveEither way you make money or you get $500 for your time. XThe potential to get paid 50000$ to 100000$ per month or more is here, we know this and thats why we are so confident in your success.Remember we have affiliates who after seeing this potential joined our high ticket wealth system and have gone on to make half a million to one million dollars plus in commissions very quicklyand Now their success can be yours.

We have already done 100% of the work for you creating and testing everythingits already proven already profitable and ready to start making you money!

We have already helped many people make a fast 100,000$ cash and much more

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Now we will do everything possible to help you make as much as 50000 to 10000 as quickly as possible

you can make money with no inventory to stock or ship, no phone calls to take, no orders to process, no office to rent, no employees to manage, no sales letter to write, no tech skills, no leaving your home, no headaches or hassles

this is the fastest easiest way to make money online

this is completely moral, ethical and fun

everything has already been tested, proven and ready for you to cash inwhy try to invent the wheel when we are already helping so many other people make so much moneyyou will have no frustration of trying to figure everything out for yourselfthis is exactly what you have been looking forwell do all the hard work, all the selling and all the follow up marketingthis is completely different to anything you may have seenyou will be amazed shocked and excited when you see this high ticket wealth system

and Im so positive and feel so confident that I will make you this iron clad no brainer guaranteethis must be everything and more than I say it is or the secrets are yours absolutely free plus an extra 500$ cashHere how my you must make money guarantee works

Sign up to the high ticket wealth system right now, by clicking the button below this video and filling in the simple form on the next page, once approvedyour confirmation and welcome email arrives pretty much instantly start watching the videos, you won't have to read anything, just watch the short videosthen at the end of the video series if you are not 100% convinced that this system is everything and much more than I say it is simply let us know and your money will be cheerfully refunded

and if you like what you see and hear, go ahead and take it for a 30 day test drive and implement the training we give youthen if you haven't made your first commission in that first 30 days

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we will send you $500 cash!

Now How could I possible make you a guarantee and promise this strong unless I was completely sure this high ticket wealth system will make you money

I can't and you know it

Some people will want their money back and I know this and thats ok with meYOu see this isn't for everyone, we are not looking for people who like to waste time and hop from one opportunity to another and not take action. We are not looking for people who want to waste more of their lives with mediocrity. We are not looking for people who are not willing to put in a little bit of work for a massive outcome.We are looking for those few people who will use these secrets for 30 days and prove they work

Remember we guarantee that you will make money within 30 days of completing the training and if not we are willing to give you all of the secrets plus pay you 500$ just to try it

Fair enough?XListen thanks to my strong and no brainer guarantee you have no excuse not get the high ticket wealth system right now. Ive done everything to take the risk away from.

Infact this is even better than risk free you win whether you love the program or not

we areso confident in this training and system that you will make money that we are doing something incredibly unique something other companies are afraid to do

we will put a guarantee on your success

either you make a real commission or you'll get 500$ back. Thats over 10 times your initial $49 startup fee

Thats why we call this a better than risk free guaranteethere are no catches no loopholes and no fine print

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Xyou will make a commission within 30 days of completing your training or you'll get 10 times your money back guaranteed. Click the button below to sign up now.

The only reason we ask you to put a tiny deposit on the program is because we only want to give it to people who are 100% serious

I know you are probably one of them because you've come this far

you now owe it to yourself to see this new breakthrough money making discovery

it is beyond a doubt better and different from anything you've seen before you will love that is guaranteed, this program is the real thingI know you really want to learn the secret of making huge sums of money in just minutes a dayeveryone I have talked to has said yes I want to do this

Don't delay your dreams any longer. Click the button below this video, fill in the quick and easy form on the next page and get started to creating your first mega successful online business in the fastest way possible, like so many others before you have done.

you have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain. apply below right now.

And if you are still here and haven't jumped at this opportunity to drastically change your finances and improve your life I have one final mega bonus that I am going to offer only to the next 10 people who sign up for this right now, after that its gone.

You see, I made a commitment to creating 100 new million dollar earners online starting this year using this system,, you now have a chance to join my mission.

Go ahead and click the button below this video, fill in the application form on the next page and sign up for the high ticket wealth system today, then once you have been accepted I want you to go through the 21 steps apply what you learn and follow everything your coach tells you to do. Once you have successfully completed those steps and shown your seriousness and commitment to changing your life and earning big money with this system, I

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will personally get on a call with you and show you how to make a 6 and 7 figure income with this system and crank it up to the next level in the fastest way.Now just so you know I usually charge 15,000 dollars for a few hours of my personal time and many of my top consultancy clients routinely pay me this, you have heard from some of them earlier in this presentation.

However because I know how powerful this system is because I know this will radically shift your finical reality faster than anything else thats currently available online, once you commit to this and show me you are serious, when you sign up and complete all the steps, I will help you get to the next level and tell you what you need to do to earn the mega bucks. I will personally have a mentoring call with you. You saw what happened to the other students who have been mentored by me in the past, students like Shaqir Hussyin who has already made almost 2Million dollars with this system you are about to sign up to.

Do you want to be next?

Don't delay, this is not for indecisive people, If you are ready to take massive action then I am willing to help you excel beyond your wildest imagination. I want you to be my next million dollar case study if you feel ready for this much power and the freedom that it will bring you.XThere will only be 10 spots for this private coaching training program with me so if you want it then you got to act now.

Either you want to control your financial destiny or you don't. Either you believe that this is the future for you or you don't.

Its really up to you. But if you ' GET IT' if you believe that this is the future if you recognise that wow its hard to create a successful online business these days and its only gotten harder.

All of these so called get rich quick schemes and ninja traffic techniques that you see all over the internet you have got to know that those things just don't work and never will you have got to know that. People who blindly follow those promises will get burnt and hurt you don't have to be one of them. You can be one of the ones making a lot of money doing it the right way.This is the last online business opportunity you ever have to join. If you get it then this is the system you need to follow.

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I know because its the exact same system I follow. Its the same system that has generated over $50 million dollars till date.

Its one of the fastest growing companies in the entire home business niche on our planet. We have paid out over 25M$ to partners like you in 37 countries in the last year alone and regularly bring in millions of dollars per month in sales. I don't know of any other business model that generates money like this in such a hands off way in this entire industry. Our Goal is to become the worlds first Billion dollar affiliate program. That means a lot more money is going to be paid out and the smart people that get in now will get their share of this monster cash cow.

Click the button below this video fill in the application form on the next page and sign up right now to secure your coaching bonus with me, and remember you are protected by our crazy $500 cash back guarantee. There is literally no way you can lose with this its a no brainer.

Now look you real have two choices on what you can do from here.

Number 1 you can not take action and miss out on this opportunity of your life and go back to living your same mediocre reality where nothing changes, the same finances, the same money worries, the same bills and the same hopes and dreams of making it big one day which you know deep down are fading away fast. You Lose out on this cash cow and watch from the sidelines as more and more people make it big in front of your eyes. Its only a matter of time before everyone in this industry jumps on this. Its already started happening now.

Or you can get plugged in immediately and start earning fast, join the high ticket wealth system revolution and change your life for good and start earning completely automated hands free commissions of 1000, 3000 and 5000 dollars and watch how that quickly accumulates and if you sign up right now then you get coached by me and potentially multiply your income rapidly into multiple 6 and even 7 figures.XYou have seen how the system works now, you have heard the case studies you can feel deep down that this is the break you have been dreaming of.

Do the only smart thing you can and go ahead and click the apply now button below this video, fill out your details, lets get you started, and lets get you on a new path. to a new financial future.

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Remember you are totally protected by our iron clad guarantees and have nothing to lose. We offer you these crazy guarantees because we know if you follow what we show you, you have to succeed there is no other way.

You are not only gaining access to an incredible money making system here but you are joining a community of people who are changing this planet. This is a revolution in online marketing.

Click the button below sign up today and get started right now.

I will see you in the members area very soon..