1 | Page Answer Key to RBI Assistant Prelims Live Leak 2016 Ques 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ans 3 2 5 3 1 5 2 4 3 1 Ques 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ans 2 1 5 4 3 3 5 5 5 2 Ques 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Ans 2 4 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 Ques 31. 32. 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Ans 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 Ques 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Ans 3 2 1 4 1 5 4 1 3 3 Ques 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Ans 2 4 2 5 3 5 3 2 3 2 Ques 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Ans 5 3 2 4 5 5 3 2 1 4 Ques. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Ans 1 5 4 1 3 4 2 4 3 1 Ques. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Ans 4 3 4 5 1 3 4 3 5 2 Ques. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Ans 4 2 5 4 1 3 4 1 3 4

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Answer Key to RBI Assistant Prelims

Live Leak 2016

Ques 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Ans 3 2 5 3 1 5 2 4 3 1

Ques 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Ans 2 1 5 4 3 3 5 5 5 2

Ques 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Ans 2 4 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 4

Ques 31. 32. 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Ans 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 2 2 3

Ques 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Ans 3 2 1 4 1 5 4 1 3 3

Ques 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Ans 2 4 2 5 3 5 3 2 3 2

Ques 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Ans 5 3 2 4 5 5 3 2 1 4

Ques. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Ans 1 5 4 1 3 4 2 4 3 1

Ques. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

Ans 4 3 4 5 1 3 4 3 5 2

Ques. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

Ans 4 2 5 4 1 3 4 1 3 4

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English Language


1. The paragraph is pointing out the various data associated with banking in India since

Independence, their growth/ decline, distribution and related figures. Thus option 2 is

the correct answer.

2. Options 1,3 and 4 are complete opposites of what can be deciphered from the

paragraph. Option 5 gives only one of the many things listed in the paragraph. Option 2

on the other hand lists all the key findings and is the correct answer.

3. The following sentence from the paragraph, ‘On the other hand only 15 per cent of

bank offices were located in towns with population of 10,000 and lesser.’ shows that

option 5 is correct.

4. The word ‘comparatively’ in context of the given paragraph refers states that are

better off in relation to other states. The other options except ‘absolutely’ are synonyms

of the given word. Thus, option 3 is the correct answer.

5. The following sentence in the given paragraph states ‘It would be seen that out of the

92 offices of the foreign banks, 75 offices were located in four States of the country i.e.

Maharashtra, 23; West Bengal, 25; Delhi, 17; and Madras 10. Punjab and Kerala had 4

offices each,’ making option 1 is the correct answer.

6. The following sentence of the passage states that ‘Out of the remaining 68 scheduled

banks 15 banks are of foreign origin.’ Hence option 5 is the correct answer.

7. ‘The scheduled banks are 76 and these can be grouped under (i) the Public Sector;

and (ii) the Private Sector’. From this sentence in the paragraph it is evident that option

2 is the answer.

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8. ‘Confidence’ in reference to the given paragraph means the act of faith or believe in

something. In this context, ‘reliance’ is the best fit answer. The other words relate to 'self

confidence' and thus is not suitable in the context of the sentence.

9. ‘The reduction in the number of nonscheduled banks has been phenomenal -- from

473 to mere 33...’. From this sentence it can be concluded the solution 3 is the best fit


10. The following sentence of the passage states that ‘The Banking institutions in India

can be broadly grouped under two categories viz., (i) scheduled, and (ii) non-scheduled.’

Thus option 1 is the correct answer.

11. The passage is talking about the initiatives taken by the State Banks Staff Union to

withdraw the merger of banks with SBI. And then it moves on to give some facts.

The meanings of the words mentioned in the options are as follows:

1. ‘Dissuade’: ‘persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.’

2. ‘Urge’: ‘try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do


3. ‘Disinclined’: ‘unwilling’ or ‘reluctant’.

4. ‘Goad’: ‘provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or


5. ‘Accredit’: ‘give credit to (someone) for something.’

We can easily eliminated ‘disinclined’ and ‘accredit’ as they are out of the context of the

passage. We can also eliminate ‘dissuaded’ because the decision to merge the banks has

already been taken. We want a word that will go with ‘withdraw the efforts’ of this

decision. We could have used ‘dissuaded’ if the decision wasn’t made or if wanted to say

that they wanted to ‘dissuade’ the authorities from the merger. But here they are talking

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about withdrawal of the merger. So it must be that they are encouraging the withdrawal

of the merger.

This leaves us with two words – urged’ and ‘goaded’. ‘Goaded’ is a negative word, so it

can also be eliminated. Thus, ‘urged’, the usage of which conveys that the State Banks

Staff Union has requested the Union government about something, makes a clear sense

when used in place of the first blank. Hence, the correct answer is ‘urged’.

12. Within the context of the given passage, The State Banks Staff Union urges the

government and State Bank India to withdraw the merger of the five associate banks of

the latter. Such crucial information will be contacted to the ‘management’ rather than

the ‘disciplinary committee’, ‘consultancy’ or the ‘staff’. ‘Office’ could have also filled the

blank, but management is more apt in the context. Hence ‘management’ is the correct


13. Here the context is that of the SBI looking for merger of the Associate banks with

SBI itself. Hence a reflexive pronoun has to be used in relation to it. Reflexive pronoun

for a singular subject is ‘itself’, which is the correct answer.

14. The State Banks Staff Union is an ‘organization’ that has raised concerns over the

merger. An organization is a permanent structure as opposed to an assembly that

gathers for a common purpose temporarily. Clearly the Union is a permanent structure

and hence cannot be termed an ‘assembly’. So, the correct answer is only ‘Organization’.

15. Logically, merging two banks would lead to ‘closure’ of several branches of at least

one bank. Closure means ‘an act or process of closing something’. Thus, 3 is the correct


16. Had option 4 been ‘announcement’ instead of ‘announce’, it could have been

considered as an apt choice. ‘Quote’ is also incorrect as ‘quotes’ are not given with a

purpose – rather they are parts of longer speeches and quotes are picked out of them to

fit another context. Whenever something official is said by an official individual or a

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group, it is in the form of a ‘statement’ given to the press. Hence, ‘statement’ is the

correct answer.

17. Clarification regarding an action by any organization is given either by the ‘officials’

or the ‘authorities’ of the organization. Hence, 5 is the correct answer.

18. The whole passage is talking about the effects of merging the banks which would be

in the form of shutting down of the banks. ‘Amalgamation’ also means the same as

‘merger’. Hence both ‘amalgamation’ and ‘merger’ can fit in the blank.

Coalition is a willing union of two or more parties. In this case, the merger is not with

the consent of the workers of the Associate banks, hence the merger cannot be called a

‘coalition’. ‘Severance’ which means ‘the action of ending a connection or relationship’ is

an antonym of ‘merging’. Hence option 5 is the correct answer.

19. All these are synonyms and fit the blank appropriately. Hence, 5 is the correct


20. The sentence suggests uncertainty about the exact number of banks as a numerical

figure is mentioned after the blank. Hence ‘almost’ is the best fit for the blank. ‘Most’

and ‘several’ cannot be followed by a definite numerical figure.

You can say:

(1) There were several hundred people missing.

But you cannot say

(2) There were several four hundred people missing.

In the first case, they are talking about any number in the hundreds between 101 to 999.

So we can use ‘several’ before ‘hundred’. But ‘four hundred’ is a definite number and so

‘several’ cannot be used before it.

‘Informally’ does not fit the context and can be excluded. Hence, the correct answer is


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21. The sun had set last evening and the artist recreated it later that night. This means

that both the actions were in the past. So the use of the future tense in part 2 of the

sentence is wrong. We need to correct this as follows – “The sight of the sun setting last

evening gave the artist…”

22. The wrong participle has been used to describe the baby. The baby is ‘unconcerned’

about everything else. The error is therefore in part 4 of the sentence. The word should

be the past participle and not present participle. The corrected sentence would be “How

sweetly the baby sleeps in the mother’s lap unconcerned about everything else.”

23. The error lies in the part 3 of the sentence where ‘who’ needs to be replaced with

‘whom’. The relative pronoun ‘whom’ is used to further describe the object of the

sentence ‘the only man in the whole campus’ so the form of the pronoun should be in a

form that can replace the object. Thus the corrected sentence would read “This is the

only man in the whole campus whom you can trust completely.”

24. ‘Where has’ is wrong usage of relative pronoun. We are trying to describe the

platform by saying that it has more than a million users. There are several ways to

correct it-

(A) The platform that has more than a million users…

(B) The platform which has more than a million users…

(C) The platform where there are more than a million users…

So the error is clearly in part 2 of the sentence. The best way to fix it would be in method


25. ‘At’ is the wrong preposition to be used here. ISRO has tested the spacecraft using a

launch vehicle. ‘At’ indicates location while we want a preposition that indicates

‘instrument’. Hence, error is in part 1 of the sentence. ‘At’ should be replaced by ‘with’.

26. There is a wrong use of conjunction in the second part of the sentence. To suggest a

contrast that is unexpected in light of the first clause, the conjunction ‘but’ is used. Thus

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the sentence must read – ‘Brexit may be a success but Britain does not fully understand

its ramifications.

27. You might be tempted to mark 4 as the error. But that would be wrong. Even though

the sentence is in the past, the belief was taken to be a common fact and is hence stated

in the simple present tense. The error is, in fact, in part 2 of the sentence. There are two

ways to correct the sentence. Either:

(A) In medieval Europe, it was believed that the sun… OR

(B) In medieval Europe, it was a belief that the sun…

28. The tense in the given sentence is wrong. The sentence has a cause and effect

structure. The effect is the closing down of prisons in Norway in the near future. So we

use ‘will be shutting down’ in the future continuous tense. The cause, however, must

precede the effect.

The effect must have taken place sometime in the near past for it to be a direct cause to

the effect. So we must use the present perfect tense. The error is therefore in Part 3 of

the sentence. It needs to be corrected to ‘as there haven’t been any’.

29. The error in the sentence is that there is a redundant use of conjunctions. We can

either use ‘though’ or ‘but’ in the sentence, but we cannot use both. Since we cannot

drop ‘though’ in the first part of the sentence since there is a comma (,) present in the

second part after which , we must drop ‘but’ in the third part of the sentence. Thus the

error is in part 3.

30. The error in the sentence is the mistake in the preposition used in part 4. The

preposition ‘on’ should be changed to ‘by’. This is because the watch is an instrument

through which we tell time. So you need to use the preposition ‘by’. Thus there is an

error in part 4.

Numerical Ability

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31. We will solve both the equations separately.

Equation I:

√1225𝑥 + √4900 = 0

⇒ 35x + 70= 0

⇒ x = (- 2)

Equation II:

(81)1/4y + (343)1/3 = 0

⇒ 3y + 7 = 0

⇒ y = - 7/3 = - 2.33

Comparing the values of x and y we get,

x > y

32. We will solve both the equations separately.

Equation I:

(729)1/3 l ÷ 423 = 1


423𝑙 = 1

⇒ 9l = 423

⇒ l = 423/9 = 47

Equation II:

6 × (3375)1/3m – (3240000)1/2 = 36

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⇒ 6 × 15m – 1800 = 36

⇒ 90m = 36 + 1800

⇒ m = 1836/90 = 20.4

Comparing the values of l and m we get,

l > m

33. We will solve both the equations separately.

Equation I:

p2 + p – 20 = 0

⇒ p2 + 5p – 4p – 20 = 0

⇒ p(p + 5) - 4(p + 5) = 0

⇒ (p + 5) (p – 4) = 0

⇒ p = - 5, 4

Equation II.

q2 – q – 30 = 0

⇒ q2 – 6q + 5q – 30 = 0

⇒ q(q – 6) + 5(q – 6) = 0

⇒ (q – 6) (q + 5) = 0

⇒ q = 6, - 5

Comparing the values of p and q, we get,

One value of q is greater than p and one is smaller. So, relation cannot be determined.

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34. We will solve both the equations separately.

Equation I:

a√25 + 2b = √961

Here √25 can only be evaluated as 5

⇒ 5a + 2b = 31

Equation II:

3a + (2401)1/4b = 36

⇒ 3a + 7b = 36

Multiplying the simplified values of equation (I) by 3 and that of (II) by 5, we get,

b = 3

Putting this value of y in the simplified value of equation (I), we get

a = 5

∴ a > b

35. We will solve both the equations separately.

Equation I:

(l1/4 ÷ 16)2 = 144 ÷ l3/2

Taking square root of both the sides


16= (




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⇒ 𝑙1



4= 12 × 16

⇒ l = 192

Equation II:

m1/3 × m2/3 × 3104 = 16 × m2

⇒ 𝑚1



3 × 3104 = 16 × 𝑚2

⇒ m × 3104 = 16 × m2

⇒ m = 3104/16

⇒ m = 194.

Comparing the values of l and m, we get,

l < m

36. The length of a rectangular plot is thrice its breadth.

Assume that the breadth of the rectangular plot is D meter.

According to the question, the length of a rectangular plot is thrice its breadth.

The length is 3D meter.

Area of the plot = length × breath

According to the question, the area of the rectangular plot is 7803 sq. meter.

⇒ 7803 = 3D × D

⇒ 7803 = 3D2

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⇒ D = 51 meter

∴ Breadth of the plot = 51 meter

37. Tap fills the cistern in 15 hours

∴ part of cistern filled by the tap in 1 hour = 1/15

With the leak tap fills the cistern in 5 hours more, i.e. in 20 hours

∴ part of cistern filled by the tap in 1 hour with the leak = 1/20

= (1



20) =



∴ in 1 hour liquid flowing out through the leak

The full liquid will flow out through the leak in 60 hours

38. Let the first number be ‘n1’,second number be ‘n2’ and the third number be ‘n3’

∵ Average of the first 3 numbers = 17


3= 17

∴ n1 + n2 + n3 = 51 ------(1)

Also, the average of the last 3 numbers is 14


3= 14

∴ n2 + n3 = 42 – 19

∴ n2 + n3 = 23

∴ Substituting the value of (n2+ n3) in equation (1) we get,

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⇒ n1 + 23 = 51

∴ n1 = 28

Thus the first number is 28

39. Let assume the age of the girl is x years.

We know, Average of quantities =sum of all quantities/no. of quantities

Three years ago, the average age of a family of 4 members was 14 years.

∴ Sum of ages of all four family members three years ago = 14 × 4 = 56 years

Today, each of the four member ages by 3 years.

∴ the total age of the 4 members of the family = 56 + (4 × 3) = 68 years.

A girl having been born, the average of the family is the same today i.e. 14 years.

∴ 14 = (68 + x)/5

⇒ 68 + x = 70

⇒ x = 2

∴ The age of the girl is 2 years.

40. According to the given information,

We know that,

Efficiency × Time Taken = Work Done

Here, work done is checking the answer papers. In the first case, let’s assume the work

done to check the certain number of answer papers is ‘1’

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Number of examiners = 4

Number of working hours = 10 × 5 = 50 hours

All the examiners are equally efficient.

Let’s assume the efficiency of one examiner to be ‘E’

⇒ 4E × 50 = 1

⇒ E = 1/200

In the second case, let’s assume the number of working hours to be ‘t’

The work to be done is doubled because number of answer papers are doubled.

⇒ 2E × t = 2

∵ t = 1/E = 200 hours

∵ No. of days = 20

∴ No. of working hours a day = 200/20 = 10 hours

41. The pattern of given series is :

→ 8,

→ 8 + (3)1 = 11,

→ 11 + (3)2 = 20,

Here to satisfy the pattern of series 17 is replaced by 20

→ 20 + (3)3 = 47,

→ 27 + (3)4 = 128,

→ 128 + (3)5 = 371,

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→ 371 + (3)6 = 1100

∴ the wrong term is 17.

42. The given series is,

→ 1,

→ 2 = 1 + 30,

→ 5 = 2 + 3,

→ 14 = 5 + 32,

→ 41 = 14 + 33,

→ 122 = 41 + 34

∴ The wrong number is 124.

43. The given series is,

→ 325,

→ 259 = 325 – 11 × 6,

→ 204 = 259 – 11 × 5,

→ 160 = 204 – 11 × 4,

→ 127 = 160 – 11 × 3,

→ 105 = 127 – 11 × 2,

→ 94 = 105 – 11 × 1

∴ The wrong term is 202.

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44. The given series is

16 24 48 120 ? 1260

Search for pattern:

16 24 48 120 ? 1260

16/2 = 8 and 8 × 3 = 24

24/2 = 12 and 12 × 4 = 48

48/2 = 24 and 24 × 5 = 120

120/2 = 60 and 60 × 6 = 360

360/2 = 180 and 180 × 7 = 1260

Thus, the required number be 360


→ 4,

→ 7,

→ 11 = 4 + 7,

→ 18 = 11 + 7,

→ 29 = 18 + 11,

→ 47 = 29 + 18,

→ Next number = 47 + 29 = 76,

→ 123 = 76 + 47,

→ 199 = 123 + 76

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46. Let the length of the cone be X

Given, Width of the canvas = 3 m

Slant height of the conical tent (l) = 4.9 m

Diameter of the conical tent (d) = 12 m

∴ Radius of the conical tent (r) = d/2 = 12/2 = 6 m

∴ Area of the canvas = length × width = 3X m2

∴ Curved surface area of the conical tent

= 𝜋𝑟𝑙 =22

7× 6 × 4.9 = 92.4 𝑚2

∵ Area of the canvas = Curved surface area of the conical tent

⟹ 3X = 92.4

⟹ X = 30.8

∵ Length of the cone= 30.8 m

47. In organization D number of Males = 3250

In organization D number of Females = 2750

The ratio of the number of females to the number of males from Organizations D

= 2750 : 3250

= 275 : 325

= 11 : 13

Hence the answer is 11:13

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48. The number of females in organization E = 2750

The number of males in organization E = 2500

Total number of employees in organization E = 2750 + 2500 = 5250

The number of females in the Organizations E will forms the percent of the total number

of employees form that organization is =

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒× 100


5250× 100

= 52.38

Hence the answer is 52.38

49. The number of female employees in Organization A = 1500

The number of male employees in Organization A = 1750

The total number of employees in Organization A = 1500 + 1750 = 3250

The number of female employees in Organization C = 2500

The number of male employees in Organization C= 2500

The total number of employees in Organization C = 2500 + 2500 = 5000

The total number of employees working in organisations A and C together = 3250 +


= 8250

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Hence the answer is 8250

50. The number of female employees in Organization B = 2250

The number of male employees in Organization B = 2000

The total number of employees in Organization B = 2250 + 2000 = 4250

The number of females in the Organizations B will forms the percent of the total number

of employees form that organization is =

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑔 𝐵

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑔.𝐵× 100


4250× 100

= 52.94

≈ 53 %

51. The number of male employees in Organization A = 1750

The number of male employees in Organization B = 2000

The number of male employees in Organization C= 2500

The number of male employees in Organization D= 3250

The number of male employees in organization E = 2500

The total number of males from all the organisations together

= 1750 + 2000 + 2500 + 3250 + 2500

= 12000

Hence the answer is 12000

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52. Let Investment of C is ‘x’.

Then investment of B = 800 + C’s investment = 800 + x

Investment of A = 700 + B’s investment = 700 + (800 + x) = 1500 + x

Total sum invested in the business = Rs 5,000

⇒ Investment of (A + B + C) = Rs. 5,000

⇒ 1500 + x + 800 + x + x = 5,000

⇒ 2300 + 3x = 5000

⇒ 3x = 2700

⇒ x = 900

Such that

A’s investment = 1500 + x = 1500 + 900 = 2,400 Rs.

B’s investment = 800 + x = 800 + 900 = 1,700 Rs.

C’s investment = x = 900 Rs.

Ratio of A: B : C = 2,400 : 1700 : 900 = 24 : 17 : 9

Sum of all the ratio’s = 9 + 17 + 24 = 50

Share of B out of profit of Rs. 1500

= (1500 ×17

50) = 510 𝑅𝑠.

53. Let there is C amount of Copper in the mixture for 1 amount of gold.

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Given 15 is the relative density of mixture w.r.t water.

Volume of mixture = 1 + C

Mass of the mixture = 19 + 9C

⇒ 19 + 9C = 15 × (1+C)

⇒ 4 = 6C

⇒ C = 4/6 = 2/3

∴ Ratio of Gold to Copper = 1: C = 1: 2/3 = 3: 2



4 𝑜𝑓 56% 𝑜𝑓 550 = ?

= ¾ × 56% × 550



100× 550

= 3 ×14

100× 550

= 3 × 14 × 5.5

= 42 × 5.5

= 231

55. Given Equation is-

⇒ 30492 ÷ √? = 77 × 12

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⇒ 30492 ÷ √? = 924

⇒ √? = 30492 / 924 = 33

⇒ ? = (33)2 = 1089

Hence the answer is 1089.

56. Given expression:

73% of 650 – 111% of 240

= [73% of 650] – [111% of 240]

⇒ [73

100× 650] − [


100× 240]

= [73 × 6.5] – [111 × 2.4]

= 474.5 – 266.4

= 208.1

57. Given Equation is,

⇒ (23)3 × 33 – (52 – 22)2 =?

⇒ 23×3 × 27 – (25 – 4)2 = ?

⇒ ? = 29 × 27– 212

⇒ ? = 512 × 27 - 441

⇒ ? = 13,824 – 441

⇒ ? = 13,383

Hence, the required answer is 13,383

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58. Given that,

Amount = Rs 5984, Principal = Rs 4400

∴ Simple interest (S.I.) = amount – principal = Rs (5984 – 4400) = Rs 1584

Rate of interest r = 4%

We know that:

𝑆. 𝐼. =𝑃×𝑅×𝑇



S.I. = Simple Interest

P= principal

T = Time

R = Rate of interest

Now, according to the question,

Required time = (1584 × 100)/(4400 × 4)

= 9 years

Hence, the required time is 9 years.

59. A man sells two watches for Rs. 199 each. On one he gained 10 p.c. and on the other

he lost 10 p.c.

Selling price (SP) of one watch = Rs 199

Let Cost price (CP) = Rs x

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Gain % = 10 %

Now 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 % =𝑆𝑃−𝐶𝑃

𝐶𝑃× 100%

⇒ 10 =199−𝑥

𝑥× 100

⇒ 10(x) = (199 - x)× 100

⇒ 10 x = 19900 – 100x

⇒ 110x = 19900

⇒ x = 180.9 Rs

Selling price (SP) of another watch = Rs 199

Let Cost price (CP) = Rs x

Loss % = 10 %

Now 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠% =𝐶𝑃−𝑆𝑃

𝐶𝑃× 100%

⇒ 10 =𝑥−199

𝑥× 100

⇒ 10(x) = (x - 199) × 100

⇒ 10 x = 100x - 19900

⇒ 90x = 19900

⇒ x = 221.1Rs

Total selling price = Rs199 + Rs. 199 = Rs. 398

Total Cost Price = Rs. 180.9 + Rs. 221.1 = Rs. 402

Now 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 % = 𝐶𝑃−𝑆𝑃

𝐶𝑃× 100%

⇒ 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 % = 402−398

402× 100% = 0.99% ≃ 1% 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠

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60. Formulas to be used:-

SI, SI = (P × r × t)/100

For CI:

𝐴 = 𝑃 (1 +𝑟



Where SI is Simple interest,

A is the amount at the end of time t,

P is the principal,

t is time in years.

r is annual rate of interest

A man borrowed Rs. 800 at 10% p.a. SI for 2 years.

∴ SI = (800 × 10 × 2)/100

⇒ SI = 160

Thus amount which he has to return = P + SI = 800 + 160

⇒ Amount which he has to return = 960

He lent the whole sum, i.e., Rs. 800 he borrowed at 10 % p.a. CI for 2 years.

∴ Amount which he will receive = 800 (1 +10



⇒ A = 800 × 1.12

⇒ A = 968

∴ Amount he earns = 968 -960 = Rs. 8

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61. Follow BODMAS rule to solve this question, as per the order given below,

Step-1-Parts of an equation enclosed in 'Brackets' must be solved first,

Step-2-Any mathematical 'Of' or 'Exponent' must be solved next,

Step-3-Next, the parts of the equation that contain 'Division' and 'Multiplication' are


Step-4-Last but not least, the parts of the equation that contain 'Addition' and

'Subtraction' should be calculated.

Now, given expression:

⇒ (40% of 1,965 × 74) ÷ ? = 4,847 ÷ 22

⇒ (0.4 × 1,965 × 74) ÷ ? = 4,847 ÷ 4

⇒ (786 × 74) ÷ ? = 1211.75

⇒ 58164 ÷ ? = 1211.75

⇒ ? = 58164/1211.75

⇒ ? = 48

Hence, the required answer is 48


{𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 =𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒


⇒ Speed of the first train 15015 = 10𝑚


Total length of both trains = 300 m

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Total time = 12 seconds

∴ Total speed =300



𝑠− 25



∴ Speed of the second train = Total speed – Speed of the first train

= 25 – 10 = 15 m/s

= 15 ×18



ℎ= 54


63. Let us assume that `x’, `y’ and `z’ be the three numbers.

Sum of three numbers = 98

∴ x + y + z = 98 ………..(1)

Given that the ratio of first number to the second = 2:3

⇒ x/y = 2/3

⇒ x = 2y/3 …………(2)

Similarly the ratio of second number to the third = 5:8

⇒ y/z = 5/8

⇒ z = 8y/5 ………….(3)

Substituting (2) and (3) in (1), we get


3+ 𝑦 +


5= 98

⇒ 49y/15 = 98

⇒ y = 30

∴The second number is 30

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Let's Assume there are 20 poles named P1 to P20, also it is given that the poles are placed

at equal distances between them, Let the distance between 2 consecutive poles is x

⇒ If the car is at 2nd Pole or Pole P2 the Distance covered by the car is x

∴ When the Car is at pole 12 or P12 the distance covered by the car is 11x

⇒ Speed × Time = Distance

Given time taken to reach 12th Pole = 24 secs.

Let the Speed of the Car = S m/sec

And Distance Covered = 11x

⇒ (11x) = 24 × S .... (i)


∴ When the Car is at pole 20 or P20 the distance covered by the car is 19x

Speed × Time = Distance

Let time taken to reach 20th Pole = t secs.

Speed of the Car = S m/sec

And Distance Covered = 19x

⇒ (19x) = t × S .... (ii)

⇒ From Equations (i) & (ii)

⇒ 19x = t × (11x / 24)

⇒ t = (19/11) × 24

⇒ t = 41.45 secs

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65. Total number of letter in the word ELATION = 7

Vowels = EAIO

Consonant = LTN

In the first place we have 4 choices and then in the last place we have 3 choices

In the remaining 5 place we are to arrange 5 letters in 5p5 ways

∴ total number of rearrangements possible = 4 × 5p5 ⋅ 3

= 4 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 × 3

= 1440

Reasoning Ability

66. Given series is: 258 427 753 684 892

On replacing first digit by third digit and second by first digit and third digit by second

digit → 825 742 375 468 289

Now 289 is the smallest number which is obtained by interchanging digits of 892.

Hence 892 is the answer.

67. Given series is: 258 427 753 684 892

On arranging them in descending (decreasing) order → 892 753 684 427 258

Now third digit of 2nd number (753) is 3 and second digit of 3rd number (684) is 8

Difference between them = 8 – 3 = 5.

68. Given series is: 258 427 753 684 892

On interchanging 1st and 2nd digits → 528 247 573 864 982

Now smallest number is 247 which is obtained by interchanging digits of 427.

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Hence 427 is the answer.

69. Given series is: 258 427 753 684 892

On interchanging 1st and 3rd digits → 852 724 357 486 298

Clearly 852 is the largest which is obtained by interchanging 258.

Hence 258 is the answer.

70. Given series is: 258 427 753 684 892

On subtracting ‘1’ from middle digit of each number the series become:

248 417 743 674 882

On arranging them in Descending (Decreasing) order → 882 743 674 417


Newly formed second number from left is 743 and sum of its digits = 7 + 4 + 3 = 14.

71. On word ERQHKA, none of the conditions apply, hence, we can code it simply using

the table.

Letters P M A E J K D R Q H I U T F


Conditions 4 $ 1 2 3 # 5 @ © 6 % δ 7 9

E = 2, R = @, Q = ©, H = 6, K = #, A = 1

Hence, 2 @ © 6 # 1 is the answer.


Letters P M A E J K D R Q H I U T F

Digits/Symbols Conditions 4 $ 1 2 3 # 5 @ © 6 % δ 7 9

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In the word MPEKDU, we can see that the first letter is a consonant and last letter is a

vowel so the condition 1 applies here we have to interchange first and last letter

We can see, Code of MPEKDU without condition from the table is $42#5δ.

Now we apply condition 1 and final answer becomes δ 4 2 5 # $

Hence, δ 4 2 5 # $ is the answer.


Letters P M A E J K D R Q H I U T F

Digits/Symbols Conditions 4 $ 1 2 3 # 5 @ © 6 % δ 7 9

In the word TMEIUF, we can see that both the first and the last letter are consonants so

condition 2 is applicable here i.e. both first and last letter are to be coded as the last


From the table, the simple code for TMEIUF becomes 7$2%δ9, after condition 2 it

becomes 9$2%δ9.

Hence, 9$2%δ9 is the answer.

74. In the word JTAERI, we can see that first letter is a consonant and last letter is a

vowel so condition 1 applies here; we have to interchange first and last letter.

Letters P M A E J K D R Q H I U T F

Digits/Symbols Conditions 4 $ 1 2 3 # 5 @ © 6 % δ 7 9

We can see from the table that Code of JTAERI without condition is 3712@%, now we

apply condition 1 and final answer becomes %712@3.

Hence, %712@3 is the answer.

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75. In the word UKTMIH, we can see that first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a

consonant hence condition 3 is applicable here that is both first and last letter is to be

coded as ⋆.

Letters P M A E J K D R Q H I U T F

Digits/Symbols Conditions 4 $ 1 2 3 # 5 @ © 6 % δ 7 9

UKTMIH is coded as δ# 7 $ % 6. After applying condition, ⋆ # 7 $ % ⋆.

Hence, ⋆ # 7 $ % ⋆ is the answer.

76. Here right turn means going in clockwise direction.

Total distance walked by Sourabh = 5 + 7 + 10 + 6 + 5 = 33m.

77. Here right turn means going in clockwise direction.

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Clearly Point H is 1m towards east of point M.

78. Here, in a joint family of seven persons L, M, N, O, P, Q and R two are married


1) ‘R’ is a housewife and her husband is a lawyer.

2) ‘N’ is the wife of ‘M’.

3) ‘L’ is an engineer and is the granddaughter of ‘R’.

4) ‘O’ is the father-in-law of ‘N’, a doctor, and father of ‘P’, a professor.

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‘Q’ is L’s brother and M’s son:

Gender of ‘P’ is not known.

Thus data is inadequate.

79. Here, in a joint family of seven persons L, M, N, O, P, Q and R two are married


1) ‘R’ is a housewife and her husband is a lawyer.

2) ‘N’ is the wife of ‘M’.

3) ‘L’ is an engineer and is the granddaughter of ‘R’.

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4) ‘O’ is the father-in-law of ‘N’, a doctor, and father of ‘P’, a professor.

‘Q’ is L’s brother and M’s son:

Therefore, Q is the grandson of O.

80. Here, in a joint family of seven persons L, M, N, O, P, Q and R two are married


1) ‘R’ is a housewife and her husband is a lawyer.

2) ‘N’ is the wife of ‘M’.

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3) ‘L’ is an engineer and is the granddaughter of ‘R’.

4) ‘O’ is the father-in-law of ‘N’, a doctor, and father of ‘P’, a professor.

‘Q’ is L’s brother and M’s son:

Therefore, O is father of M.

81. According to the question, we have 7 individuals – Alan, Barton, Dana, Kyle, Peter,

Remus and Sarah.

Considering the information provided in the question:

Sarah weights more than Barton and Alan. Hence Sarah > (Alan, Barton).

Remus weights less than only Kyle. Hence Kyle is the heaviest followed by Remus at

second place. Kyle > Remus > Sarah > (Alan, Barton)

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Peter weights as much as Sarah but less than Dana. Hence Dana is heavier than

everyone except Kyle and Remus. Kyle > Remus > Dana > Peter = Sarah > (Alan,


Alan does not weigh the minimum. Hence Alan is heavier than Barton. Kyle > Remus >

Dana > Peter = Sarah > Alan > Barton

So the final arrangement is:

Kyle > Remus > Dana > Peter = Sarah > Alan > Barton

Hence we can conclude that Dana is the 3rd heaviest individual.

82. According to the question, we have 7 individuals – Alan, Barton, Dana, Kyle, Peter,

Remus and Sarah.

Considering the information provided in the question:

Sarah weights more than Barton and Alan. Hence Sarah > (Alan, Barton).

Remus weights less than only Kyle. Hence Kyle is the heaviest followed by Remus at

second place. Kyle > Remus > Sarah > (Alan, Barton)

Peter weights as much as Sarah but less than Dana. Hence Dana is heavier than

everyone except Kyle and Remus. Kyle > Remus > Dana > Peter = Sarah > (Alan,


Alan does not weigh the minimum. Hence Alan is heavier than Barton. Kyle > Remus >

Dana > Peter = Sarah > Alan > Barton

So the final arrangement is:

Kyle > Remus > Dana > Peter = Sarah > Alan > Barton

Hence we can conclude that:

Only one person is heavier than Remus

Peter weighs more than Barton

No one weighs less than Barton

No one is heavier than Kyle

Hence the answer is ‘No one weighs less than Barton’.

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83. Statement: T < U ≤ P; R ≤ N ≤ U < H = S

Let us check each conclusion one by one.

I) T < S → as T < U; U < H = S ⇒ T < U < H = S ⇒ T < S → True

II) P = R → as U ≤ P; R ≤ N ≤ U ⇒ R ≤ N ≤ U ≤ P ⇒ R ≤ P → False

III) R < P → as U ≤ P; R ≤ N ≤ U ⇒ R ≤ N ≤ U ≤ P ⇒ R ≤ P → False

Now since conclusions (II) and (III) together are true, so they will form pair and either

case will be true.

Therefore, only (I) and either (II) or (III) follow.

84. Statement: U > Y < W; M < Y > I ≥ K = O ≥ L

Let us check each conclusion one by one.

I) W > M → as Y < W; M < Y ⇒ W > M → True

II) L ≤ I → as I ≥ K = O ≥ L ⇒ I ≥ L → True

III) U > O → as U > Y; Y > I ≥ K = O ⇒ U > Y > I ≥ K = O ⇒ U > O → True

Therefore all conclusions are true.

85. Given statements:

R ≤ J > M, J ≥ L = S < N, S ≥ P

On simplifying:

R ≤ J, J > M, J ≥ L = S ≥ P, L = S < N


I. P ≤ J → Clearly True (as J ≥ L = S ≥ P → J ≥ P)

II. R = L → False (as R ≤ J and J ≥ L → R ≤ J ≥ L → clear relationship between R and L

cannot be determined)

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III. M < N → False (as J > M, J ≥ L and L = S < N, so we get, M < J ≥ L = S < N → M < J

≥ L < N → clear relationship between M and N cannot be determined)

Hence only conclusion I is true.

86. People: Anagha, Kirti, Garima, Sanchit, Ronit and Aditya.

Profession: Fashion Designer, Businessman, Financial Analyst, Engineer, CA and


Belongs to: Haryana, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Jodhpur, Mumbai and Chennai.

We can make the following diagram according to information given.

1) The Fashion Designer and the Businessman are sitting opposite to each other.

2) The Financial Analyst is to be immediate right of the CA.

Two cases can be formed:

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3) The Doctor, from Haryana, is to the immediate left of the Businessman.

It means Case 2 will be considered.

Now as only Engineer is left, it occupies the vacant place.

4) The person from Ranchi and Mumbai are sitting opposite to each other and neither of

them is a Fashion Designer.

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It means they can only be Engineer and CA.

5) Garima is from Ranchi and is to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad.

Thus only CA or Engineer can be from Ranchi.

If Garima is sitting to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad then Garima

must be CA.

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6) Anagha and Sanchit are sitting opposite each other and neither of them is from


7) Anagha is to the immediate left of Aditya.

Thus the Final Diagram:

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We can see that Ronit and Kirti are sitting opposite to each other.

87. People: Anagha, Kirti, Garima, Sanchit, Ronit and Aditya.

Profession: Fashion Designer, Businessman, Financial Analyst, Engineer, CA and


Belongs to: Haryana, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Jodhpur, Mumbai and Chennai.

We can make the following diagram according to information given.

1) The Fashion Designer and the Businessman are sitting opposite to each other.

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2) The Financial Analyst is to be immediate right of the CA.

Two cases can be formed:

3) The Doctor, from Haryana, is to the immediate left of the Businessman.

It means Case 2 will be considered.

Now as only Engineer is left, it occupies the vacant place.

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4) The person from Ranchi and Mumbai are sitting opposite to each other and neither of

them is a Fashion Designer.

It means they can only be Engineer and CA.

5) Garima is from Ranchi and is to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad.

Thus only CA or Engineer can be from Ranchi.

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If Garima is sitting to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad then Garima

must be CA.

6) Anagha and Sanchit are sitting opposite each other and neither of them is from


7) Anagha is to the immediate left of Aditya.

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Thus the Final Diagram:

The Doctor is sitting to the immediate right of Engineer.

88. People: Anagha, Kirti, Garima, Sanchit, Ronit and Aditya.

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Profession: Fashion Designer, Businessman, Financial Analyst, Engineer, CA and


Belongs to: Haryana, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Jodhpur, Mumbai and Chennai.

We can make the following diagram according to information given.

1) The Fashion Designer and the Businessman are sitting opposite to each other.

2) The Financial Analyst is to be immediate right of the CA.

Two cases can be formed:

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3) The Doctor, from Haryana, is to the immediate left of the Businessman.

It means Case 2 will be considered.

Now as only Engineer is left, it occupies the vacant place.

4) The person from Ranchi and Mumbai are sitting opposite to each other and neither of

them is a Fashion Designer.

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It means they can only be Engineer and CA.

5) Garima is from Ranchi and is to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad.

Thus only CA or Engineer can be from Ranchi.

If Garima is sitting to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad then Garima

must be CA.

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51 | P a g e

6) Anagha and Sanchit are sitting opposite each other and neither of them is from


7) Anagha is to the immediate left of Aditya.

Thus the Final Diagram:

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The person sitting to the immediate right of the person from Jodhpur is from Mumbai.

89. People: Anagha, Kirti, Garima, Sanchit, Ronit and Aditya.

Profession: Fashion Designer, Businessman, Financial Analyst, Engineer, CA and


Belongs to: Haryana, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Jodhpur, Mumbai and Chennai.

We can make the following diagram according to information given.

1) The Fashion Designer and the Businessman are sitting opposite to each other.

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2) The Financial Analyst is to be immediate right of the CA.

Two cases can be formed:

3) The Doctor, from Haryana, is to the immediate left of the Businessman.

It means Case 2 will be considered.

Now as only Engineer is left, it occupies the vacant place.

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54 | P a g e

4) The person from Ranchi and Mumbai are sitting opposite to each other and neither of

them is a Fashion Designer.

It means they can only be Engineer and CA.

5) Garima is from Ranchi and is to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad.

Thus only CA or Engineer can be from Ranchi.

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55 | P a g e

If Garima is sitting to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad then Garima

must be CA.

6) Anagha and Sanchit are sitting opposite each other and neither of them is from


7) Anagha is to the immediate left of Aditya.

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Thus the Final Diagram:

The person sitting to the immediate right of Aditya could be Kirti or Ronit.

90. People: Anagha, Kirti, Garima, Sanchit, Ronit and Aditya.

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57 | P a g e

Profession: Fashion Designer, Businessman, Financial Analyst, Engineer, CA and


Belongs to: Haryana, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Jodhpur, Mumbai and Chennai.

We can make the following diagram according to information given.

1) The Fashion Designer and the Businessman are sitting opposite to each other.

2) The Financial Analyst is to be immediate right of the CA.

Two cases can be formed:

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58 | P a g e

3) The Doctor, from Haryana, is to the immediate left of the Businessman.

It means Case 2 will be considered.

Now as only Engineer is left, it occupies the vacant place.

4) The person from Ranchi and Mumbai are sitting opposite to each other and neither of

them is a Fashion Designer.

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It means they can only be Engineer and CA.

5) Garima is from Ranchi and is to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad.

Thus only CA or Engineer can be from Ranchi.

If Garima is sitting to the immediate left of the person from Hyderabad then Garima

must be CA.

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60 | P a g e

6) Anagha and Sanchit are sitting opposite each other and neither of them is from


7) Anagha is to the immediate left of Aditya.

Thus the Final Diagram:

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If Ronit is from Haryana, profession of Kirti is Financial Analyst.

91. Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing north.

Note: Four of them are males. There are three couples in the family.

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Let us draw a straight line and mark 8 persons who are facing north.

1) T sits second to the right of V.

2) Q is on the immediate left of V.

3) S is second to left of Q.

Thus we get 3 possibilities,

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4) S is wife of W and sits adjacent to her husband.

5) P is brother of W, who is on the immediate right of P.

Were possibility 1 and 2 are not possible.

6) U is not a neighbour of V.

Now let us draw family tree.

7) T is a male and sits second to the right of V, who is wife of R.

8) Q is a female and sits second to the left of her father in law. It means R is father in law

of Q.

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9) S is wife of W. U is daughter of W.

10) P is brother of W, T and U are siblings, T is a male.

Now combine both family trees,

Now we can mark the male and female members in the line as:

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Clearly there are four females between R and W.

92. Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing north.

Note: Four of them are males. There are three couples in the family.

Let us draw a straight line and mark 8 persons who are facing north.

1) T sits second to the right of V.

2) Q is on the immediate left of V.

3) S is second to left of Q.

Thus we get 3 possibilities,

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4) S is wife of W and sits adjacent to her husband.

5) P is brother of W, who is on the immediate right of P.

Were possibility 1 and 2 are not possible.

6) U is not a neighbour of V.

Now let us draw family tree.

7) T is a male and sits second to the right of V, who is wife of R.

8) Q is a female and sits second to the left of her father in law. It means R is father in law

of Q.

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9) S is wife of W. U is daughter of W.

10) P is brother of W, T and U are siblings, T is a male.

Now combine both family trees,

Now we can mark the male and female members in the line as:

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Clearly U sits second to left of V and U is the granddaughter of V.

93. Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing north.

Note: Four of them are males. There are three couples in the family.

Let us draw a straight line and mark 8 persons who are facing north.

1) T sits second to the right of V.

2) Q is on the immediate left of V.

3) S is second to left of Q.

Thus we get 3 possibilities,

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4) S is wife of W and sits adjacent to her husband.

5) P is brother of W, who is on the immediate right of P.

Were possibility 1 and 2 are not possible.

6) U is not a neighbour of V.

Now let us draw family tree.

7) T is a male and sits second to the right of V, who is wife of R.

8) Q is a female and sits second to the left of her father in law. It means R is father in law

of Q.

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9) S is wife of W. U is daughter of W.

10) P is brother of W, T and U are siblings, T is a male.

Now combine both family trees,

Now we can mark the male and female members in the line as:

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Clearly R is third to the right of S’s daughter U.

94. Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing north.

Note: Four of them are males. There are three couples in the family.

Let us draw a straight line and mark 8 persons who are facing north.

1) T sits second to the right of V.

2) Q is on the immediate left of V.

3) S is second to left of Q.

Thus we get 3 possibilities,

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4) S is wife of W and sits adjacent to her husband.

5) P is brother of W, who is on the immediate right of P.

Were possibility 1 and 2 are not possible.

6) U is not a neighbour of V.

Now let us draw family tree.

7) T is a male and sits second to the right of V, who is wife of R.

8) Q is a female and sits second to the left of her father in law. It means R is father in law

of Q.

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9) S is wife of W. U is daughter of W.

10) P is brother of W, T and U are siblings, T is a male.

Now combine both family trees,

Now we can mark the male and female members in the line as:

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Clearly VQ is different from others as second person is sitting to the immediate left of

first person whereas in other options second person is sitting to the immediate right of

first person.

95. Eight family members P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing north.

Note: Four of them are males. There are three couples in the family.

Let us draw a straight line and mark 8 persons who are facing north.

1) T sits second to the right of V.

2) Q is on the immediate left of V.

3) S is second to left of Q.

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Thus we get 3 possibilities,

4) S is wife of W and sits adjacent to her husband.

5) P is brother of W, who is on the immediate right of P.

Were possibility 1 and 2 are not possible.

6) U is not a neighbour of V.

Now let us draw family tree.

7) T is a male and sits second to the right of V, who is wife of R.

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8) Q is a female and sits second to the left of her father in law. It means R is father in law

of Q.

9) S is wife of W. U is daughter of W.

10) P is brother of W, T and U are siblings, T is a male.

Now combine both family trees,

Now we can mark the male and female members in the line as:

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Clearly S is third to the left of V (Mother-in-law of S).

96-100. Candidates: A, G, L, N, P, Q, R and S [5 males, 3 females]

Banks: BOB, BOI, Dena Bank, UBI, OBC, Indian Bank, Corporation Bank and UCO

City: Jaipur, Delhi, Noida, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad

1. P has applied for Indian Bank from Ghaziabad.

G has applied for OBC. His sister L has applied for Dena Bank from Jaipur. ⇒ G is male,

L is female.

N has applied for UBI. (And her friend) ⇒ N is female.

Q is from Gurgaon and has not applied either for Corporation Bank or for UCO Bank.

S has applied from Kanpur. A does not apply from Patna.

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur



Indian Bank Ghaziabad


Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




2. No male has applied from Ranchi and Kanpur. ⇒ S is female, all else are male.

Also, N is from Ranchi (only female left)

Person Gender Bank City

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Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




3. Only bank left for Q are BOB or BOI but the one who belongs to Delhi has applied for


⇒ Q applied for BOI.

Only cities left: Delhi, Noida and Patna.

The one who has applied for UCO Bank has applied neither from Patna nor from Noida.

⇒ UCO bank goes with Kanpur. [For S]

The one who has applied for Corporation Bank is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur

⇒ Corporation bank goes with Patna. [For R]

⇒ OBC for Noida.

Person Gender Bank City

A M BOB Delhi

G M OBC Noida

L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M BOI Gurgaon

R M Corporation Patna

S F UCO Kanpur

Clearly, S, L and N are females.

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1. Candidates: A, G, L, N, P, Q, R and S [5 males, 3 females]

Banks: BOB, BOI, Dena Bank, UBI, OBC, Indian Bank, Corporation Bank and UCO

City: Jaipur, Delhi, Noida, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad

1. P has applied for Indian Bank from Ghaziabad.

G has applied for OBC. His sister L has applied for Dena Bank from Jaipur. ⇒ G is male,

L is female.

N has applied for UBI. (And her friend) ⇒ N is female.

Q is from Gurgaon and has not applied either for Corporation Bank or for UCO Bank.

S has applied from Kanpur. A does not apply from Patna.

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur



Indian Bank Ghaziabad


Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




2. No male has applied from Ranchi and Kanpur. ⇒ S is female, all else are male.

Also, N is from Ranchi (only female left)

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

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P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




3. Only bank left for Q are BOB or BOI but the one who belongs to Delhi has applied for


⇒ Q applied for BOI.

Only cities left: Delhi, Noida and Patna.

The one who has applied for UCO Bank has applied neither from Patna nor from Noida.

⇒ UCO bank goes with Kanpur. [For S]

The one who has applied for Corporation Bank is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur

⇒ Corporation bank goes with Patna. [For R]

⇒ OBC for Noida.

Person Gender Bank City

A M BOB Delhi

G M OBC Noida

L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M BOI Gurgaon

R M Corporation Patna

S F UCO Kanpur

a) A – UBI– Ranchi ⇒ False

b) R – Corporation Bank – Noida ⇒ False

c) L – UCO Bank – Jaipur ⇒ False

d) G – OBC – Noida ⇒ True.

Hence, G – OBC – Noida is correct.

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2. Candidates: A, G, L, N, P, Q, R and S [5 males, 3 females]

Banks: BOB, BOI, Dena Bank, UBI, OBC, Indian Bank, Corporation Bank and UCO

City: Jaipur, Delhi, Noida, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad

1. P has applied for Indian Bank from Ghaziabad.

G has applied for OBC. His sister L has applied for Dena Bank from Jaipur. ⇒ G is male,

L is female.

N has applied for UBI. (And her friend) ⇒ N is female.

Q is from Gurgaon and has not applied either for Corporation Bank or for UCO Bank.

S has applied from Kanpur. A does not apply from Patna.

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur



Indian Bank Ghaziabad


Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




2. No male has applied from Ranchi and Kanpur. ⇒ S is female, all else are male.

Also, N is from Ranchi (only female left)

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

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P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




3. Only bank left for Q are BOB or BOI but the one who belongs to Delhi has applied for


⇒ Q applied for BOI.

Only cities left: Delhi, Noida and Patna.

The one who has applied for UCO Bank has applied neither from Patna nor from Noida.

⇒ UCO bank goes with Kanpur. [For S]

The one who has applied for Corporation Bank is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur

⇒ Corporation bank goes with Patna. [For R]

⇒ OBC for Noida.

Person Gender Bank City

A M BOB Delhi

G M OBC Noida

L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M BOI Gurgaon

R M Corporation Patna

S F UCO Kanpur

Clearly, A applied for BOB.

3. Candidates: A, G, L, N, P, Q, R and S [5 males, 3 females]

Banks: BOB, BOI, Dena Bank, UBI, OBC, Indian Bank, Corporation Bank and UCO

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City: Jaipur, Delhi, Noida, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad

1. P has applied for Indian Bank from Ghaziabad.

G has applied for OBC. His sister L has applied for Dena Bank from Jaipur. ⇒ G is male,

L is female.

N has applied for UBI. (And her friend) ⇒ N is female.

Q is from Gurgaon and has not applied either for Corporation Bank or for UCO Bank.

S has applied from Kanpur. A does not apply from Patna.

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur



Indian Bank Ghaziabad


Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




2. No male has applied from Ranchi and Kanpur. ⇒ S is female, all else are male.

Also, N is from Ranchi (only female left)

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon


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3. Only bank left for Q are BOB or BOI but the one who belongs to Delhi has applied for


⇒ Q applied for BOI.

Only cities left: Delhi, Noida and Patna.

The one who has applied for UCO Bank has applied neither from Patna nor from Noida.

⇒ UCO bank goes with Kanpur. [For S]

The one who has applied for Corporation Bank is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur

⇒ Corporation bank goes with Patna. [For R]

⇒ OBC for Noida.

Person Gender Bank City

A M BOB Delhi

G M OBC Noida

L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M BOI Gurgaon

R M Corporation Patna

S F UCO Kanpur

Clearly, G belongs to Noida.

4. Candidates: A, G, L, N, P, Q, R and S [5 males, 3 females]

Banks: BOB, BOI, Dena Bank, UBI, OBC, Indian Bank, Corporation Bank and UCO

City: Jaipur, Delhi, Noida, Kanpur, Patna, Ranchi, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad

1. P has applied for Indian Bank from Ghaziabad.

G has applied for OBC. His sister L has applied for Dena Bank from Jaipur. ⇒ G is male,

L is female.

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N has applied for UBI. (And her friend) ⇒ N is female.

Q is from Gurgaon and has not applied either for Corporation Bank or for UCO Bank.

S has applied from Kanpur. A does not apply from Patna.

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur



Indian Bank Ghaziabad


Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




2. No male has applied from Ranchi and Kanpur. ⇒ S is female, all else are male.

Also, N is from Ranchi (only female left)

Person Gender Bank City


Patna ×


L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M Corporation × UCO × Gurgaon




100. Only bank left for Q are BOB or BOI but the one who belongs to Delhi has applied

for BOB.

⇒ Q applied for BOI.

Only cities left: Delhi, Noida and Patna.

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The one who has applied for UCO Bank has applied neither from Patna nor from Noida.

⇒ UCO bank goes with Kanpur. [For S]

The one who has applied for Corporation Bank is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur

⇒ Corporation bank goes with Patna. [For R]

⇒ OBC for Noida.

Person Gender Bank City

A M BOB Delhi

G M OBC Noida

L F Dena Jaipur

N F UBI Ranchi

P M Indian Bank Ghaziabad

Q M BOI Gurgaon

R M Corporation Patna

S F UCO Kanpur

Because, L is female while all others are males.

So, L is odd-one out.

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