WrpA is an atypical flavodoxin-family protein under regulatory control of the Brucella 1 abortus general stress response system 2 3 Julien Herrou a,b , Daniel M. Czyż a,b , Jonathan W. Willett a,b , Hye-Sook Kim a,b , Gekleng Chhor c , 4 Gyorgy Babnigg c , Youngchang Kim c , Sean Crosson a,b,d,# 5 6 a Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 7 60637, USA; b Howard Taylor Ricketts Laboratory, University of Chicago, c Argonne National 8 Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA; and d Department of Microbiology, University of 9 Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 10 11 # corresponding author: [email protected] 12 Running title : B. abortus WrpA is an atypical flavodoxin-like protein 13 14 15 Keyword: Brucella abortus, Alphaproteobacteria, General Stress Response, sigma factor, 16 LovhK, WrbA, FMN, NADH:quinone oxidoreductase, EcfG 17 18 19 JB Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 8 February 2016 J. Bacteriol. doi:10.1128/JB.00982-15 Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. on December 26, 2019 by guest http://jb.asm.org/ Downloaded from

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WrpA is an atypical flavodoxin-family protein under regulatory control of the Brucella 1 abortus general stress response system 2 3 Julien Herroua,b, Daniel M. Czyża,b, Jonathan W. Willetta,b, Hye-Sook Kima,b, Gekleng Chhorc, 4 Gyorgy Babniggc, Youngchang Kimc, Sean Crossona,b,d,# 5 6 aDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 7 60637, USA; bHoward Taylor Ricketts Laboratory, University of Chicago, cArgonne National 8 Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA; and dDepartment of Microbiology, University of 9 Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 10 11 # corresponding author: [email protected] 12 Running title : B. abortus WrpA is an atypical flavodoxin-like protein 13 14 15 Keyword: Brucella abortus, Alphaproteobacteria, General Stress Response, sigma factor, 16 LovhK, WrbA, FMN, NADH:quinone oxidoreductase, EcfG 17 18 19

JB Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 8 February 2016J. Bacteriol. doi:10.1128/JB.00982-15Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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Abstract 20 The general stress response (GSR) system of the intracellular pathogen Brucella 21

abortus controls transcription of approximately 100 genes in response to a range of stress 22 cues. The core genetic regulatory components of the GSR are required for B. abortus 23 survival under non-optimal growth conditions in vitro, and for maintenance of chronic infection 24 in an in vivo mouse model. The functions of the majority of the genes in the GSR 25 transcriptional regulon remain undefined. bab1_1070 is among the most highly regulated 26 genes in this regulon: its transcription is activated 20-30 fold by the GSR system under 27 oxidative conditions in vitro. We have solved crystal structures of Bab1_1070 and 28 demonstrate that it forms a homotetrameric complex that resembles WrbA-type 29 NADH:quinone oxidoreductases, which are members of the flavodoxin protein family. 30 However, B. abortus WrbA-related protein (WrpA) does not bind flavin cofactors with high 31 affinity and does not function as an NADH:quinone oxidoreductase in vitro. Soaking crystals 32 with flavin mononucleotide (FMN) revealed a likely low-affinity binding site adjacent to the 33 canonical WrbA flavin binding site. Deletion of wrpA (ΔwrpA) does not compromise cell 34 survival under acute oxidative stress in vitro or attenuate infection in cell-based or mouse 35 models. However, a ΔwrpA strain does elicit increased splenomegaly in a mouse model 36 suggesting that WrpA modulates B. abortus interaction with its mammalian host. Despite high 37 structural homology with canonical WrbA proteins, we propose that B. abortus WrpA 38 represents a functionally-distinct member of the diverse flavodoxin family. 39 40

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Importance 41 Brucella abortus is an etiological agent of brucellosis, which is among the most common 42 zoonotic diseases worldwide. The general stress response (GSR) regulatory system of B. 43 abortus controls transcription of approximately 100 genes and is required for maintenance of 44 chronic infection in a murine model; the majority of GSR-regulated genes remain 45 uncharacterized. We present in vitro and in vivo functional and structural analyses of WrpA, 46 whose expression is strongly induced by GSR under oxidative conditions. Though WrpA is 47 structurally related to NADH:quinone oxidoreductases, it does not bind redox cofactors in 48 solution, nor does it exhibit oxidoreductase activity in vitro. However, WrpA does affect 49 spleen inflammation in a murine infection model. Our data provide evidence that WrpA forms 50 a new functional class of WrbA/flavodoxin-family proteins. 51 52

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Introduction 53 54

Bacterial pathogens face fluctuating chemical and physical challenges in the host 55 environment including low pH, antimicrobial peptides, nutrient sequestration, and oxidative 56 burst. These conditions can damage essential cellular components including nucleic acids, 57 proteins and lipids. As such, bacteria encode a variety of protection mechanisms including 58 antioxidant enzymes, DNA damage repair systems, and efflux systems (1-4), which enable 59 the cell to resist attacks by the host immune system (5-7). 60

The diverse flavodoxin family, which is composed of enzymes that noncovalently bind 61 a flavin cofactor and transfer electrons between a variety of substrates, can help maintain 62 cellular redox balance and confer resistance to oxidative stress (8-10). Flavodoxins and 63 flavodoxin-like proteins are also known to promote pathogen virulence and to play a role in 64 host infection and colonization (8, 11-18) in addition to important roles in enzyme activation 65 and metabolism (15). The flavodoxin-like protein, WrbA (tryptophan (W) repressor binding 66 protein), has been described in several microbial species where it is proposed to facilitate 67 adaptation to varied chemical changes in the environment (13, 19-31). Though WrbA was 68 initially reported as a TrpR (trp repressor) binding protein (24), data supporting its function as 69 a regulator of TrpR are not conclusive (32). In Escherichia coli, wrbA transcription is activated 70 by σS during stationary phase or when challenged with acid, salt, H2O2 or diauxic stress (23-71 30), and is repressed when the quinone pool is reduced (22) or by fumarate and nitrate 72 reductase (FNR) proteins under anaerobic conditions (21). WrbA-like proteins have also been 73 reported to confer oxidative stress protection in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13, 31) and to 74 promote persistence in a mouse model of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection (20). 75

WrbA binds a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor and adopts a characteristic β-α-β 76 fold with a five-stranded, parallel β-sheet surrounded by 5 α-helices (30, 31, 33-38). Three 77

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conserved insertions, in β-strand 5 (loop 2), before α-helix 5 (loop 3) and between β2 and 78 α2b (loop 1, containing α2a) supplement this core topology (31, 33, 35, 38). Insertion loop 1 79 distinguishes WrbA from classic flavodoxins (15). WrbA is tetrameric in solution (30, 32, 39, 80 40) and in crystal structures (31, 33, 36, 38), which is distinct from classic flavodoxins, which 81 are monomeric/dimeric (15, 16, 32, 41-44). The WrbA tetramer presents four active sites, 82 each with a bound flavin cofactor. Each active site can accommodate a nicotinamide cofactor 83 as an electron donor or a quinone as an electron acceptor, but not both simultaneously (45). 84 This structural feature enables serial flavin reduction and oxidation by its substrates during 85 electron transfer reactions (33). 86

This study focuses on a functional and structural characterization of a WrbA-related 87 protein (WrpA) encoded by the intracellular mammalian pathogen, Brucella abortus (46, 47). 88 Analogous to σS activation of wrbA expression in E. coli, transcription of wrpA and homologs 89 is strongly activated by the general stress response (GSR) sigma factor, σE1/σEcfG (48, 49) in 90 B. abortus and related Alphaproteobacteria (19). Considering that σE1 enables growth and 91 survival under a range of non-optimal growth conditions, including several experienced by B. 92 abortus cells in the mammalian host (5-7, 50, 51), we tested the hypothesis that WrpA 93 functions as an enzyme that facilitates cellular adaptation to particular stress conditions in 94 vitro or in vivo. Unlike strains lacking the primary general stress regulators (σE1, PhyR or 95 LovhK) (48, 49), B. abortus ΔwrpA is not deficient in a hydrogen peroxide stress survival 96 assay, nor is it deficient in growth under 1920 metabolic and drug/chemical conditions we 97 assayed in vitro. Moreover, ΔwrpA is not attenuated in a macrophage infection model and 98 has no colonization deficit in spleens of a BALB/c mouse infection model. However, mice 99 infected with a ΔwrpA null strain do display increased splenomegaly when compared to mice 100 infected with wild-type B. abortus at four weeks post-infection, suggesting WrpA affects the 101

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inflammatory capacity of B. abortus in an animal host. These results provide evidence that 102 wrpA is not a major downstream genetic contributor to the stress survival and animal infection 103 deficits observed in strains harboring mutations in the GSR regulatory genes, rpoE1, phyR 104 and lovhK. 105

Given the results of our in vitro and in vivo analyses of WrpA function, we further 106 tested whether the biochemical and structural properties of WrpA may differ from closely 107 related WrbA proteins characterized in other bacterial species. We solved high-resolution 108 structures of B. abortus WrpA in two crystal forms and characterized its biochemical 109 properties. WrpA is a tetramer in crystals and in solution and possesses a WrbA/flavodoxin-110 type fold, but fails to bind a flavin cofactor in solution and does not exhibit NADH:quinone 111 oxidoreductase activity in vitro, even in the presence of high concentrations of flavin and 112 nicotinamide cofactors. Soaking one of our two crystal forms of WrpA with high 113 concentrations of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) revealed clear electron density for FMN at a 114 site adjacent to the FMN-binding pocket described in E. coli WrbA though the functional 115 relevance of this binding site remains undefined. Our data provide evidence that WrpA, 116 although structurally homologous to WrbA NADH:quinone oxidoreductase enzymes, is a 117 functionally distinct class of protein. 118 119

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Materials and Methods 120 All experiments on live B. abortus were performed at Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) as per 121

CDC select agent regulations at the University of Chicago Howard Taylor Ricketts 122 Laboratory. 123 Chromosomal deletion of wrpA in B. abortus 124

The B. abortus wrpA deletion strain was built using a double-recombination strategy. 125 Briefly, the ∆wrpA in-frame deletion allele (carrying 5’ and 3’ flanking sequences of B. abortus 126 locus tag bab1_1070 / BAB_RS21040) was cloned into the suicide plasmid pNPTS138 127 (M.R.K. Alley, unpublished data), which carries the nptI gene for initial selection and the sacB 128 gene for counterselection on sucrose. Wild-type B. abortus 2308 strain was transformed with 129 pNPTS138-∆wrpA by electroporation, and single-crossover integrants were selected on 130 Schaedler Blood Agar (SBA) plates supplemented with kanamycin (25 µg/ml). Counter 131 selection for the second crossover was carried out by growing Kan-resistant colonies 132 overnight under non-selective conditions and by plating the overnight cultures on SBA plates 133 supplemented with sucrose (150 mM) (52, 53). We performed PCR screening to identify 134 colonies in which the wild-type allele was replaced with the deletion allele. Genetic 135 complementation of the deletion strain was carried out by transforming the B. abortus ∆wrpA 136 strain with the pNPTS138-wrpA plasmid carrying the wild-type wrpA allele. Primer and strain 137 information are available in supplementary Tables S1 and S2. 138 139 Oxidative stress assay 140

B. abortus wild-type, ∆wrpA and ∆rpoE1 strains (strain information available in Table 141 S2) grown on SBA plates for 48 h were harvested and resuspended in Gerhardt's minimal 142 medium pH 6.8 (GMM). Each cell sample was then adjusted to a final cell density of 1x108 143

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colony forming units per ml (CFU/ml) in 2 ml of GMM pH 6.8. The test group was subjected 144 to oxidative stress by the addition of 5 mm H2O2 (final concentration); the control group was 145 mock treated with sterile water. After 1 hour incubation in a shaking incubator at 37°C, 146 cultures were serially diluted and plated on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) to count viable CFUs. 147 Each experiment was performed at least three times for each strain. 148 149 Identification of compounds that support B. abortus metabolism in axenic culture 150

Bacterial Phenotype MicroArray (PM) assays were carried out according to supplier’s 151 protocols (Biolog). Briefly, B. abortus strains (wild-type, ∆wrpA and ∆rpoE1; strain information 152 available in Table S2) were streaked out and cultivated at 37°C and 5% CO2 for 48 hours on 153 an SBA plate, re-streaked, and grown for another 48 hours. Cells were scraped off the plate 154 and resuspended in 1x IF-0a medium (Biolog) at a final density equivalent to 5% 155 transmittance at OD600. PM inoculating fluids (PM1-9+) were prepared from 0.2 µm filter-156 sterilized stock solutions at the following final concentrations: PM1-2: 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM 157 CaCl2, 25 µM L-arginine, 50 µM L-glutamic acid, 5 µM β-NAD, 25 µM hypoxanthine, 25 µM 158 5’-UMP, 25 µM L-cystine (pH 8.5), 0.005% yeast extract, and 0.005% tween 40; PM3, 6, 7, 8: 159 20 mM tricarballylic acid (pH 7.1), 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 5 µM β-NAD, 25 µM 160 hypoxanthine, 25 µM 5’-UMP, 25 µM L-cystine (pH 8.5), 0.005% yeast extract, 0.005% tween 161 40, 0.625 mM D-glucose, and 5 mM pyruvate; PM4: 20 mM tricarballylic acid (pH 7.1), 2 mM 162 MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 25 µM L-arginine, 50 µM L-glutamic acid, 0.005% yeast extract, 0.005% 163 tween 40, 0.625 mM D-glucose, and 5 mM pyruvate; PM5: 20 mM tricarballylic acid (pH 7.1), 164 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.625 mM D-glucose, and 5 mM pyruvate; PM9+: 2 mM MgCl2, 1 165 mM CaCl2, 0.005% yeast extract, 0.005% tween 40, 2.5 mM D-glucose, and 5 mM pyruvate. 166 PM1-5 inoculating fluids (IF) were prepared in a final 1x concentration of IF-0a GN/GP 167 (Biolog) while PM9+ inoculating fluids were prepared at a final 1x concentration of IF-10b 168

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GN/GP (Biolog). All solutions had a Dye Mix G (Biolog) added to a final 1x concentration. A 169 1:13.6 dilution of 5% transmittance Brucella suspension was added to each inoculating fluid. 170 100 µl per well of Brucella-containing inoculating fluids were dispensed to each Phenotype 171 Microarray (PM) plate. PM plates were incubated at 37°C and 5% CO2 and the 630 nm 172 absorbance was measured every 12-24 hours for up to five days using a Tecan Infinite 200 173 PRO microplate reader. Each screening experiment was performed two times for each strain. 174

175 Cell culture and macrophage infection assay 176

Human monocytic THP-1 cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented 177 with 10% heat-treated fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 2 mM L-glutamine, and were 178 differentiated into inactivated macrophages by the addition of 40 ng/ml phorbol 12-myristate 179 13-acetate (PMA) (Sigma-Aldrich) for 48 hours at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. For 180 differentiation into activated macrophages, 40 ng/ml of PMA and 150 ng/ml of IFN-γ 181 (PrepoTech) were added to the THP-1 cell cultures for 48 hours at 37°C in a 5% CO2 182 atmosphere. For differentiation into immature dendritic cells, 100 ng/ml of rhIL-4 (Sigma-183 Aldrich) and 100 ng/ml rhGM-CSF (Sigma-Aldrich) were added to the THP-1 cell cultures for 184 48 hours at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. 185

Prior to infection, bacteria were harvested from freshly plated SBA plates, 186 resuspended in sterile RPMI and cell densities were adjusted. For infection assays, 5x104 187 cells were infected with 5x106 brucellae (wild-type or ∆wrpA; see Table S2 for strain 188 information) to achieve a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1:100 in 96-well plates for 1 hour in 189 triplicate. Following the infection, extracellular bacteria were removed by treatment with 190 gentamicin (50 μg/ml) for 20 min. To determine the numbers of intracellular bacteria after 1 191 hour, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours post-infection, cells (with the exception of immature 192

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dendritic cells) were washed three times with PBS and lysed with 0.1 ml of 0.1% Triton X-193 100. The lysate was serially diluted, and plated on TSA plates for CFU counting. Each 194 infection experiment was performed in triplicate. 195 196 Mouse infection assay 197

Bacteria (WT, ∆wrpA, ∆wrpA::wrpA; see Table S2 for strain information) harvested 198 from freshly plated SBA plates were resuspended in sterile PBS and diluted to a final 199 concentration of 5x105 CFU/ml. 100 µl of each bacterial suspension was intraperitoneally 200 injected into 6 week old female BALB/c mice (Harlan). At weeks 1, 4, 8 and 12 post infection, 201 5 mice per strain were sacrificed and spleens were removed for weighing and CFU counting. 202 For bacterial enumeration, each spleen was homogenized in 5 ml of sterile PBS 203 supplemented with 0.1% of Tween 20. Each homogenized spleen solution was then serially 204 diluted and 10 µl were plated on a TSA plates for CFU counting. 205 206 Recombinant expression plasmids 207

Primers used for E. coli wrbA, B. abortus wrpA and wrbA(Y80F) PCR amplification are 208 listed in Table S1. After purification, the different PCR products were either treated with T4 209 polymerase (NEB) and directly inserted in pMCSG68 expression plasmid by a ligation 210 independent cloning technique, or digested NdeI-XhoI and ligated into pET28c expression 211 plasmid. Plasmids were then transformed in E. coli Top10 strain. After sequencing, plasmids 212 with the different inserts were purified and transformed in E. coli Rosetta (DE3) pLysS strain 213 for protein expression (see Table S2 for strain information). 214 215 Protein expression and purification 216

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A 100 ml overnight Luria Broth (LB, Fisher) culture inoculated with the protein 217 expression strains (see Table S2 for strain information) was used to inoculate 1 liter of LB 218 medium supplemented with the appropriate antibiotics. Overexpression of His-tagged WrbA 219 and WrpA (used for P4222 crystal form) proteins was induced at an OD600 ~ 0.8 (37°C, 220 220 rpm) by adding 1 mM Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG, GoldBio). After 5 hours 221 of induction, cells were harvested by centrifugation at 11,000 x g for 20 min at 4°C. Cell 222 pellets were resuspended in 20 ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM 223 imidazole buffer supplemented with 5 µg/ml of DNase I and half a tablet of complete protease 224 inhibitor Cocktail (Roche). Cells were disrupted by one passage in a microfluidizer 225 (Microfluidics LV1). The resulting cell lysate was clarified by centrifugation at 39,000 x g for 226 20 min at 4°C. 227

Purification of His-tagged proteins was performed using nickel affinity chromatography 228 (NTA resin, GE Healthcare). After binding the clarified lysate samples to the column, three 229 washing steps were performed using 10 mM, 30 mM and 75 mM imidazole Tris-NaCl buffers 230 followed by elution with 500 mM imidazole Tris-NaCl buffer. All purification steps were carried 231 out at 4°C. Protein purity of the different samples was assessed by 14% SDS-PAGE gel 232 stained with Coomassie Blue. B. abortus WrpA strongly precipitates if imidazole is removed 233 from the buffer. As such, the B. abortus and E. coli purified proteins were dialyzed against 234 Tris-NaCl buffer (Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl) containing 200 mM imidazole. 235

For purification of the protein used for crystallization of the WrpA P43212 crystal form, a 236 1 liter culture of M9 medium was grown at 37°C (190 rpm). At OD600 ~1, the culture was 237 cooled-down to 4°C and supplied with 90 mg of L-selenomethionine (Se-Met) and 25 mg of 238 each of methionine biosynthetic inhibitory amino acids (L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-239 lysine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine). Protein expression was induced overnight at 18°C with 240 0.5 mM IPTG. Cell pellets were resuspended in lysis buffer (500 mM NaCl, 5% (v/v) glycerol, 241

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50 mM HEPES pH 8.0, 20 mM imidazole and 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol) and treated with 242 lysozyme (1 mg/ml). Debris was removed by centrifugation. Se-Met WrpA was purified via Ni-243 NTA affinity chromatography using an AKTAxpress system (GE Health Systems). Protein 244 was washed and eluted using a linear imidazole gradient (10–250 mM). Immediately after 245 purification, the His-tag was cleaved at 4°C for 24-48 hours using a recombinant His-tagged 246 TEV protease, resulting in an untagged WrpA protein with a N-terminal Ser-Asn-Ala peptide. 247 An additional Ni-NTA purification was performed to remove the protease, uncut protein, and 248 affinity tag. The purified protein was then dialysed against a 20 mM HEPES pH 8.0, 250 mM 249 NaCl and 2 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) buffer. 250

For every construct, protein concentrations were estimated by UV absorption 251 spectroscopy (280 nm) using a NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific) or 252 using a Pierce BCA protein assay kit (ThermoFisher Scientific). When necessary, purified 253 proteins were concentrated using a centrifugal filter (3 kDa MWCO, Amicon-Millipore). 254

255 UV-Visible spectrophotometry 256

Immediately after purification, a UV-visible spectrum was measured for E. coli WrbA 257 and B. abortus WrpA. 1 ml (200 µM) of each protein was loaded in a 1 cm path-length quartz 258 cuvette and absorbance was measured from 200 to 700 nm using a UV-1650pc Shimadzu 259 spectrophotometer. 260

261 Size exclusion chromatography 262

Protein complexes were analyzed by size exclusion chromatography after affinity 263 purification. Concentrated samples (300 µl of a 10 mg/ml protein sample ± 1mM FMN) were 264 injected onto a GE Healthcare Superdex 200 10/300 GL column (flow rate 0.5 ml/min). 265 Elution profiles were measured at two different wavelengths (280 and 446 nm) and fractions 266

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of 500 µl were collected during the run; the same dialyzing buffer previously described was 267 used for all runs. Protein standards (blue dextran (2000 kDa), aldolase (158 kDa), 268 conalbumin (75 kDa), and ovalbumin (43 kDa)) were also injected in the column and the 269 corresponding calibration curve was use for molecular weight estimation of the different 270 complexes (Figure S1). 271 272 Enzyme activity assays 273

The enzymatic activity of purified E. coli WrbA and B. abortus WrpA in presence FMN 274 or FAD was assayed by monitoring the oxidation of NADH at 340 nm. 100 nM of each 275 purified protein was mixed with 100 µM NADH and 250 µM benzoquinone in 10 mM Tris-HCl 276 pH 7.4, NaCl 150 mM buffer. Reactions were started by the addition of the purified proteins. 277 WrbA was assayed immediately after purification, without addition of any FMN. WrpA was 278 pre-incubated with FMN/FAD cofactors (1mM) for 1 hour on ice and then activity was 279 assayed. Assays were performed in a 1 cm path-length quartz cuvette at room temperature 280 with a total volume of 1 ml, and were monitored for 120 seconds using a UV-1650pc 281 Shimadzu spectrophotometer. 282 283 Crystallization of B. abortus WrpA 284

P4222 crystal form: initial crystallization screening was carried out using the hanging-285 drop, vapor-diffusion technique in 96-well microplates (Nunc). Trays were prepared using a 286 Mosquito robot (TTP LabTech) and commercial crystallization kits (Nextal-Qiagen). The 287 drops were set up by mixing equal volumes (0.1 µl) of the purified protein and the precipitant 288 solutions equilibrated against 75 µl of the crystallization solution. The protein concentration 289 used was 17 mg/ml. P4222 crystals appeared in approximately five days in condition #83 of 290 the Cryos Suite crystallization kit (Qiagen). After manual refinement of the crystallization 291

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condition, the best crystals were obtained at 19°C with the following crystallization solution: 292 100 mM Sodium Acetate pH4.6, 300 mM Ammonium Sulfate, 20% PEG 2000 MME. Prior to 293 flash freezing in liquid nitrogen, crystals were cryo-protected by soaking in the crystallization 294 solution containing 20 % glycerol. 295

P43212 crystal form: initial crystallization screening was carried out using the sitting-296 drop, vapor-diffusion technique in 96-well CrystalQuick plates (Greiner Bio-one). Trays were 297 prepared using a Mosquito robot (TTP LabTech) and commercial crystallization kits (MCSG-298 1-4, Microlytic Inc.). The drops were set up by mixing equal volumes (0.4 µl) of the purified 299 protein and the precipitant solutions equilibrated against 140 µl of the crystallization solution. 300 The protein concentration used was 12.7 mg/ml. P43212 crystals appeared within a week in 301 condition #8 of the MSCG-2 crystallization kit (Qiagen). After manual refinement of the 302 crystallization condition, the best crystals were obtained at 16°C with the following 303 crystallization solution: 0.2 M potassium formate pH 7.3, 20% (w/v) PEG 3350. For FMN 304 binding studies, crystals were quickly soaked (10 min) in 0.1 M FMN with 0.2 M Potassium 305 formate pH 7.3, 20% (w/v) PEG 3350, 10% glycerol. Prior to flash freezing in liquid nitrogen, 306 crystals were cryo-protected by soaking in the crystallization solution containing 20% 307 glycerol. 308 309 Crystallographic data collection and data processing 310

For the apo-WrpA P4222 crystal form, crystal diffraction was measured at a 311 temperature of 100 K using a 1 degree oscillation range on beamline 21-ID-F (LS-CAT, 312 Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, Illinois, USA). Diffraction images were collected on a 313 MAR Mosaic 300 detector (LS-CAT) and processed using the -3d approach in xia2 (54-59). 314 Geometric refinement and examination of the scaled amplitudes revealed that the WrpA 315 crystals belong to tetragonal space group P4222 with the cell dimensions: a=61.28, b=61.28, 316

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c=128.34 (see Table S3). 317 Diffraction from a single WrpA protein crystal was measured to 2.5 Å at 12.66 keV 318

(0.979 Å) energy. The structure was solved by molecular replacement in PHENIX (60) using 319 a WrpA search model based on E. coli WrbA structure (PDB ID: 3B6I) generated with the 320 Expasy SWISS-Model server (61). The number of WrpA molecules in the asymmetric unit 321 was estimated using the Matthews Probability Calculator web server 322 (http://www.ruppweb.org/mattprob/). We found one molecule in the asymmetric unit for the 323 P4222 form. The initial structural models were manually examined and corrected; ions and 324 waters molecules were added, and refinement of the structure was conducted iteratively 325 using COOT and PHENIX.refine (60). The final structural model was refined to an Rwork of 326 23.9% and Rfree of 26.8%. Coordinates of B. abortus WrpA P4222 structure have been 327 deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB ID: 5F51). Crystallographic data and refined model 328 statistics are presented in Table S3. The diffraction dataset from this crystal form has been 329 uploaded to the Structural Biology Data Grid (62) and is available for download at 330 http://dx.doi.org/10.15785/SBGRID/203. 331

For the WrpA P43212 crystal form, Se-Met crystal diffraction was measured at a 332 temperature of 100 K using a 1 degree oscillation range on beamline 19-ID (SBC-CAT, 333 Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, Illinois, USA). Diffraction images were collected on a 334 ADSC Q315r detector (SBC-CAT) and processed using the HKL3000 suite (63). Diffraction 335 data measured to 2.50 Å for both the apo-form and the FMN-bound form were collected with 336 an X-ray wavelength near the selenium edge of 12.66 keV (0.979 Å). Geometric refinement 337 and examination of the scaled amplitudes revealed that the WrpA crystals belong to 338 tetragonal space group P43212 with the cell dimensions: a=63.58, b=63.58, c=188.53 (see 339 Table S3). The diffraction dataset from this crystal form has been uploaded to the Structural 340 Biology Data Grid (62) and is available for download at 341

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http://dx.doi.org/10.15785/SBGRID/202. 342 The structure of the apo-form was independently determined by SAD phasing and 343

initial automatic protein model building with resolve, buccaneer, or Arp/Warp as all 344 implemented in the HKL3000 software package. The initial model built using COOT for the 345 apo-form was used to determine the structure of the FMN bound form by molecular 346 replacement using HKL3000. The structure of the FMN-bound form was then iteratively 347 refined using COOT, PHENIX and/or REFMAC (60); FMN cofactors, ions and waters 348 molecules were also added. The final structural model was refined to an Rwork of 23.03% and 349 Rfree of 26.90%. Coordinates of B. abortus WrpA bound to FMN have been deposited in the 350 Protein Data Bank (PDB ID: 5F4B). Crystallographic data and refined model statistics are 351 presented in Table S3. 352 353 Protein sequence and structure alignments 354

Amino acid sequences were aligned using T-COFFEE Multiple Sequence Alignment 355 Server (64) and shaded using BoxShade. Structural alignments and RMSD calculations were 356 carried out using FATCAT (65) or PyMOL (PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.7.4 357 Schrödinger, LLC). PyMOL was used to visualize hydrophobic and electrostatic surfaces. 358 ConSurf server (66) was used to visualize conserved regions. The XtalPred server (67) and 359 Dali server (68) were used to find proteins with the highest structural and sequence 360 homologies. A structural model of WrpA based on the E. coli WrbA structure (PDB ID: 3B6J) 361 was generated using ExPASy SWISS-Model server (61) and used to model the missing 362 loops. 363 364 365 366

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367 Results 368 wrpA transcription is strongly activated by the general stress response (GSR) system 369 under oxidative conditions, but wrpA is not necessary for resistance to acute oxidative 370 stress in vitro 371

Wild-type B. abortus and strains harboring in-frame deletions of the GSR regulators, 372 rpoE1 and lovhK, were previously challenged with oxidative stress in an effort to characterize 373 the in vitro stress survival deficit of GSR regulatory mutants and to define the GSR 374 transcriptional regulon (48, 49). We found that σE1 and LovhK mediated a 30-fold increase in 375 transcription of the gene bab1_1070 (wrpA) under oxidative conditions (Figure 1A). wrpA 376 contains a canonical σE1 binding site in its promoter and is among the most strongly activated 377 genes in the GSR regulon (Figure 1B). WrpA is 40-55% identical at the primary structure level 378 to known WrbA NADH:quinone oxidoreductases which, as outlined in the introduction, have 379 been implicated in other bacterial species as resistance factors to oxidative stress. As such, 380 we investigated the role of WrpA in B. abortus oxidative stress survival in vitro. 381

We treated a B. abortus strain harboring an in-frame deletion of wrpA (∆wrpA) with 5 382 mM H2O2 for one hour and plated on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) plates to enumerate viable 383 colony forming units (CFU). Loss of ∆wrpA cell viability after treatment was statistically 384 equivalent to the wild-type strain subjected to the same treatment (Figure 1C). As a positive 385 control, we also subjected the ∆rpoE1 strain to the same oxidative stress treatment. As 386 expected (48), ∆rpoE1 exhibited a greater than 1 log loss in cell viability under this condition. 387 388 wrpA is not a major genetic contributor to GSR-mediated cell survival 389

While we observed no deficit in viability of the ∆wrpA strain relative to wild-type in the 390 presence of 5 mM H2O2, we considered that WrpA may confer a growth or survival advantage 391

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under other conditions. As such we implemented the Biolog phenotyping platform (69) to 392 assay the growth of wild-type and B. abortus ∆wrpA strains under 1920 distinct metabolic and 393 chemical/drug conditions. As a positive control, we also screened a strain harboring an in-394 frame deletion of the known general stress response (GSR) regulator, rpoE1. 395

Wild-type B. abortus growth in the Biolog platform identified molecules that are 396 catabolized as sole carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus sources. These measurements 397 captured known metabolic traits of B. abortus (70) including utilization of erythritol, which has 398 been previously described in Brucella (71, 72) and related Rhizobiales (73-75). B. abortus 399 exhibited growth on several hexose (D-fructose, D-glucose, D-galactose, D-fucose) and 400 pentose (L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-ribose, adonitol) sugars, amino acids, and di-peptides. 401 While a B. abortus rpoE1 null mutant exhibited growth defects in a number of metabolic and 402 stress conditions (Figure 2A and Table S4), a ∆wrpA strain did not exhibit comparable growth 403 defects under any assayed condition (Figure 2B). 404 405 A ∆wrpA strain is not attenuated in cell or animal infection models; wrpA affects the 406 magnitude of splenomegaly in infected mice 407

We next tested whether deletion of wrpA affects B. abortus infection and replication in 408 cell-based and animal infection models. Inactive and IFN-γ activated human macrophage-like 409 cells and immature dendritic cells were derived from a THP-1 monocytic cell line and infected 410 with either wild-type or ∆wrpA B. abortus strains. Infected mammalian cells were lysed and 411 plated on TSA for CFU enumeration at 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours post-infection. We observed 412 no difference in CFU between the wild-type strain and ∆wrpA in any cell type, providing 413 evidence that deletion of wrpA does not affect the potential of B. abortus to infect and 414 replicate in the host in these in vitro infection models (Figure 3A). We further evaluated the 415 capacity of the ∆wrpA strain to infect, colonize, and persist in the mouse spleen over a 3-416

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month time course. Mice were intraperitoneally injected with 5x104 CFU of wild-type, ∆wrpA 417 and the complemented ∆wrpA strain (∆wrpA::wrpA) and sacrificed 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks post 418 infection. For each time point, spleens were harvested and plated for CFU enumeration. 419 There was no difference in the number of B. abortus per mouse spleen between strains at 420 any time point (Figure 3B). However, we did observe a statistically significant difference in 421 spleen weight 4 weeks post infection: ∆wrpA-infected mice had elevated splenomegaly at this 422 time point relative to wild-type (Figure 3B). This result suggests that WrpA modulates the 423 inflammatory capacity of B. abortus in a mouse model. Adding back a wild-type copy of wrpA 424 to the ∆wrpA null strain genetically complemented this splenomegaly phenotype. 425 426 WrpA forms a stable tetrameric protein complex that does not bind FMN in solution 427

The results of our in vitro and in vivo functional analyses of B. abortus wrpA suggested 428 that this gene, though homologous to the well-characterized wrbA family, may not encode a 429 flavin-binding oxidoreductase involved in oxidative stress response. As such, we sought to 430 biochemically and structurally characterize the B. abortus WrpA protein. To this end, we 431 expressed and purified recombinant WrpA; as a positive control, we also expressed and 432 purified a recombinant version of E. coli WrbA NADH:quinone oxidoreductase. 433

After Ni2+ affinity purification, WrpA appears colorless at visible wavelengths, 434 suggesting that no flavin cofactor is bound to the protein. Using the same purification 435 protocol, E. coli WrbA appears bright yellow, indicating presence of a bound FMN cofactor. 436 Indeed, a UV-visible (200-700 nm) absorption scan of purified E. coli WrbA clearly shows a 437 spectrum characteristic of flavoproteins, consistent with its previous description as an FMN-438 binding enzyme. We observed no flavin absorption spectrum for purified B. abortus WrpA 439 (Figure 4A). 440

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Though WrpA did not co-purify with a flavin cofactor, we considered the possibility that 441 the protein formed a low affinity interaction with flavin mononucleotide (FMN) that was 442 disrupted during affinity purification. To test this hypothesis, we mixed 420 µM WrpA with 1 443 mM FMN in Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl buffer and performed size exclusion 444 chromatography. The elution profile of this mixture was monitored at 280 nm and 446 nm and 445 compared to WrpA alone. WrpA alone eluted at a volume of an apparent molecular weight of 446 118 kDa, which is consistent with a tetramer or pentamer (23.6 kDa per monomer) (Figures 447 4B and 1S). WrpA injected in the presence of 1 mM FMN had an identical elution volume and 448 no absorption signal at 446 nm. A large 446 nm peak eluted after 23.8 ml, which corresponds 449 to the full column volume and is consistent with a small molecule such as FMN (Figure 4B). 450 This result provides evidence that WrpA is a multimer in solution that does not interact with 451 FMN at these concentrations, though we cannot exclude the possibility that FMN-WrpA 452 association occurs but is rapidly reversible. These results also provide evidence that the 453 presence of FMN does not affect the oligomeric state of WrpA at the assessed 454 concentrations unlike what has been previously described for E. coli WrbA (39) and other 455 flavodoxin-like proteins (44, 76). 456 457 WrpA is not an active NADH:quinone oxidoreductase in vitro 458

While our biochemical analysis of purified WrpA failed to identify binding between the 459 protein and FMN, it remained possible that these molecules formed a transient but 460 functionally relevant interaction. Therefore, we tested the ability of WrpA to oxidize NADH in 461 presence of FMN or FAD and benzoquinone. In this assay, we mixed 100 nM WrpA pre-462 incubated with 1 mM flavin with 250 µM NADH and 500 µM benzoquinone. We then 463 monitored change in absorbance at 340 nm, which provides a colorimetric readout of NADH 464 oxidation into NAD+. Our positive control, E. coli WrbA (36), exhibited clear NADH:quinone 465

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oxidoreductase activity, with full oxidation of NADH within 1 minute. Purified B. abortus WrpA 466 had no NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity above buffer control in the presence of either 467 FMN or FAD (Figure 4C). We note that in some flavodoxins, the enzymatic activity depends 468 on protein oligomeric state (44). Our data show that B. abortus WrpA is a stable oligomer in 469 the presence and absence of flavin cofactor, but do not exclude the possibility that other 470 proteins or cofactors may be required to elicit a change in oligomeric state and/or enzymatic 471 activity. 472 473 WrpA crystal structures reveal a WrbA-like fold that can interact with FMN in a non-474 canonical fashion 475

To address the question of whether particular structural features of WrpA could explain 476 the absence of flavin cofactor binding and oxidoreductase activity in vitro, we solved 477 structures of B. abortus WrpA in two tetragonal crystal forms: P43212, with two monomers in 478 the asymmetric unit (ASU) and P4222 with one monomer in the ASU. In both crystal forms, 479 WrpA monomers are arranged about crystallographic symmetry axes into the same 480 tetrameric configuration (Figure 5A). This oligomeric organization is consistent with the 481 biological assembly described for WrbA-like proteins of other species (31, 33, 38) and is 482 congruent with our size exclusion chromatography data (Figure 4B). Monomers from both 483 crystal forms are highly similar (average RMSD of the Cα atomic coordinates= 0.35 Å) 484 (Figure S2A) and are further described below. Crystallographic data and refinement statistics 485 are presented in Table S3. 486

The overall tertiary structure of the WrpA monomer is most closely related to E. coli 487 WrbA (PDB ID: 3B6M, ~50% sequence identity; Cα-RMSD=0.5 Å). B. abortus WrpA is 488 composed of 4 parallel β-strands organized into a β-sheet with 5 surrounding α-helices 489

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(Figure 5B). An additional α-helix (α’: Y144-G157) is present in the P43212 crystal form 490 (Figure 5B and S2A). In the P4222 form, polypeptides spanning A115-G119 and A145-S172 491 are missing electron density, likely due to disorder, and are therefore not modeled. Electron 492 density for polypeptide spanning V42-K53 was also poor (Figure S2A). The FMN-binding site 493 in this crystal form does not contain a flavin cofactor. However, a sulfate ion occupies the 494 position corresponding to the 5’ phosphate of FMN in the holo E. coli WrbA structure (Figures 495 5C and S2B). 496

The P43212 crystal form also has missing density for polypeptides spanning V42-K53, 497 A115-G119 and M163-S172 (Figures 5B and S2A). After soaking the crystals in a solution 498 containing FMN, we observed single bound FMN molecules at the same position in each 499 WrpA monomer (Figures 5A and 5B). However, the position of FMN was distinct from E. coli 500 WrbA: the flavin isoalloxazine ring is stacked between the tryptophan (W98) side chain of one 501 monomer and the tyrosine (Y80) side chain of the opposite monomer approximately 11 Å 502 away from the FMN-binding site in E. coli WrbA (Figure 5C). Residue W98 has been 503 previously described in E. coli WrbA to be part of the hydrophobic active site, with the 504 aromatic substrates being stacked between the side chain of the tryptophan and the FMN 505 ring (33). In addition to this π-stacking interaction, FMN also makes a hydrogen bond to the 506 side chains of H134 and E148, respectively present in the opposite monomer and the 507 adjacent monomer (Figure S2C). A simulated annealing composite omit map (contoured at 508 1σ) of this FMN molecule is presented in Figure S2C. 509

The location of FMN positions the terminal phosphate of its ribityl tail outside the usual 510 binding pocket. This pocket is instead occupied by a Cl- ion in this WrpA crystal form, which is 511 in the same position as the SO4

2- ion in the P4222 (apo) crystal form (Figures 5C and S2D). A 512 chloride ion has previously been described at the same position in the E. coli apo-WrbA 513

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structure (PDB ID: 2RG1) (38). Residue Y80, which forms π-stacking interactions with the 514 FMN ring, also makes close hydrogen bonds with residues D92 and Q131 of the opposite 515 monomer (Figure 5C). A phenylalanine is present at the same position in enzymatically active 516 WrbA-like proteins (Figure 6C). To test whether interaction of the Y80 hydroxyl moiety with 517 D92 and Q131 may constrain FMN binding in WrpA, we generated a Y80F mutant. However, 518 WrpA(Y80F) also failed to bind FMN or exhibit oxidoreductase activity (Figure 4C). 519

The phosphate group of FMN bound to the P43212 crystal form interacts with the side 520 chain of Y12 (Figure S2C), which has been described to participate in a non-productive 521 NADH interaction in E. coli WrbA (PDB ID: 3B6J) (33). However, an alternative view of NADH 522 binding has been reported in the flavodoxin-like EmoB protein (PDB ID: 4LTN) (77). In this 523 structure FMN and NADH molecules are stacked through their isoalloxazine and nicotinamide 524 rings; modeling these two molecules into the binding cavity suggests that B. abortus WrpA 525 could accommodate both FMN and NADH simultaneously (Figure S3A). This stated, the 526 actual position of FMN that we observe in our crystal structure is clearly not compatible with 527 NADH (Figure S3B) or benzoquinone binding (Figure S3C). 528

The two crystal structures of B. abortus WrpA presented here are highly homologous 529 to WrbA from E. coli and other species, and do not easily explain why WrpA fails to bind FMN 530 in solution. Indeed, the cofactor binding pockets of WrpA and WrbA have equivalent volumes 531 and very similar hydrophobic and electrostatic characteristics and it is clearly possible to 532 model FMN into WrpA cofactor-binding pocket (Figure 5D) with NADH or benzoquinone 533 substrates (Figure S3A). We note that unusual FMN interactions in flavodoxin-like proteins 534 have previously been reported in the literature: in the E. coli SsuE (PDB ID: 4PTZ) and in the 535 Mezorhizobium spp. EmoB (PDB ID: 4LTM) flavoproteins, two stacked FMN molecules are 536 present in the active site. The first FMN is in the typical binding site; the second FMN 537 occupies a position closer to the FMN binding position we observe for WrpA (Figure S3D). 538

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However, in these proteins, the second FMN is displaced by an NAD(P)H molecule during 539 the enzymatic reaction (76, 77). 540 541 The disordered regions of WrpA interact with the FMN cofactor and substrates in WrbA 542

As discussed above, several regions of polypeptide corresponding to loops that 543 connect elements of secondary structure in E. coli WrbA (31, 33, 38) are missing in both 544 WrpA crystal forms, presumably due to disorder (Figure 6A). However, if we model the 545 missing regions in the WrpA active site and compare it to WrbA-like protein active sites, both 546 sites appear to be very similar (Figure 6B). Loop V42-K53 (connecting β2-α2b) (Figures 6A 547 and 6C) has been previously described in WrbA-family proteins (31, 33, 38) and contains a 548 helical segment (α2a) that helps to form a hydrophobic groove that accommodates the 549 mispositioned NADH in E. coli WrbA (33). Electron density for this loop is absent in the 550 P43212 crystal form and is poorly modeled in the P4222 form, suggesting it is dynamic (Figure 551 S2A). The hydrophobic loop A115-G119 that connects β4 to α4 and makes important 552 contacts with the FMN isoalloxazine ring in WrbA (31, 33, 38) is also absent in both of our 553 structures (Figures 6A and 6C). Lastly, the region spanning β5a-β5b-α5 in E. coli WrbA (33, 554 38) is partially missing in our P4222 (from A145 to S172) and P43212 (from M163 to S172) 555 structures (Figures 6A and 6C). This region makes important contacts with FMN in WrbA (31, 556 33, 38). Notably, WrpA primary structure (Y144-G157) corresponding to insertion loop 2 in E. 557 coli WrbA (Figure 6C) is mostly helical (α’) in the WrpA P43212 crystal form and protrudes 558 outside the tetramer (Figures 6A, 6C and S2A). This conformation is not favorable with the 559 β5-strand formation and could explain the absence of β5 in our structural models. Overall, the 560 regions of missing electron density in the B. abortus WrpA structures presented here are 561

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similar to regions missing in apo E. coli WrbA structure (PDB ID: 2RG1) (38), suggesting that 562 the interaction with cofactor and substrates stabilizes these portions of polypeptide. 563 564 Discussion 565

PhyR phosphorylation by LovhK frees σE1 from an inhibiting interaction with NepR, and 566 promotes the transcription of genes involved in B. abortus stress adaptation and chronic 567 infection (48, 49). B. abortus wrpA contains a consensus σE1 binding site, and its transcription 568 is strongly activated by σE1 under oxidative conditions (Figures 1A and 1B) (48). Crystal 569 structures of WrpA reveal a flavodoxin-like protein that is closely related to known WrbA 570 NADH:quinone oxidoreductases (Figures 5 and 6). While these transcriptional and structural 571 data suggest a role for WrpA in adaptation to oxidative stress, deletion of wrpA had no 572 significant effect on the ability of B. abortus to survive acute peroxide stress in vitro, nor did 573 deletion of wrpA compromise infection and replication of B. abortus in cell-based or animal 574 infection models (Figures 1C, 3A and 3B). However, mice infected with the ΔwrpA strain did 575 exhibit elevated splenomegaly at week 4 (Figure 3B) suggesting WrpA can modulate B. 576 abortus interaction with the host. Notably, increased splenomegaly is not correlated with an 577 increase of CFU per spleen, providing evidence that the ΔwrpA strain elicits a stronger 578 inflammatory response than wild type. The basis of this inflammatory response is not known 579 at this time, though it is possibly related to levels of IFN-γ, IL-12, or cyclic beta-1,2-glucan in 580 the host, which are correlated with the development of splenomegaly (78, 79). 581

The lack of an in vitro stress phenotype or attenuation of infection in ΔwrpA could also 582 be due to functional redundancy with other redox enzymes. Such cases have been noted in 583 P. aeruginosa, where flavodoxin-like proteins have no apparent protective effect unless the 584 katA catalase gene is also deleted (13). 585

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Our functional analysis of purified WrpA revealed surprising biochemical properties. 586 Specifically, WrpA does not form a stable complex with a flavin cofactor in solution (Figures 587 4A and 4B) despite high sequence and structural homology with E. coli WrbA (Figure 6C). 588 While soaking one crystal form of WrpA with FMN did reveal an atypical, and likely low affinity 589 binding site (Figures 5B and 5C), we failed to observe NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity 590 under several assay conditions (Figure 4C). Notably, the FMN-protein interaction we 591 observed in the P43212 crystal form is analogous to classic flavodoxins, with each side of the 592 isoalloxazine ring π-stacking with tryptophan and tyrosine side chains (Figure S3E) (14-16) 593 but is not compatible with NADH or benzoquinone binding (Figures S3B and S3C). While this 594 cofactor interaction in WrpA is distal from the established WrbA functional FMN-binding site, 595 we cannot exclude the possibility that the FMN binding we observe in soaked crystals is 596 functionally relevant in the cell. The atypical FMN position in WrpA evokes the second bound 597 FMN cofactor that has been reported outside the FMN-binding site in EmoB and SsuE 598 (Figure S3D), though both of these proteins exhibit strong oxidoreductase activity in vitro (76, 599 77, 80-82). 600

A careful comparison of sequence and structure of WrpA and related WrbA proteins 601 failed to reveal differences that could easily explain why WrpA does not bind a flavin cofactor 602 in the typical location (Figures 5 and 6). Certainly, the archetypal FMN binding pocket of 603 WrpA is fully intact and closely resembles that defined in E. coli and related WrbA crystal 604 structures (Figures 6 and S3A). Indeed, expression and purification of E. coli WrbA using the 605 same purification protocol (as a control for our enzymatic and binding assays) revealed clear 606 visible absorption signal for FMN and corresponding NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity 607 (Figures 4A and 4C). This stated, it is important to note that two crystal forms of B. abortus 608 WrpA grown in two distinct buffer conditions have several shared regions of missing electron 609 density (Figures 5B, 6A, 6C and S2A). These regions of protein structure are presumed to be 610

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disordered under the assayed conditions and may have positive or negative effects on the 611 binding of FMN cofactor or other redox substrates. WrpA activity may also require association 612 with other accessory proteins that modulate the structure of these regions, and hence the 613 ability of WrpA to function as an enzyme. As we present in Table 1 and as is presented in 614 previous studies (35, 76, 77), flavodoxin-like proteins have very conserved three-dimensional 615 folds but strongly differ at the amino acid sequence level and in their oligomeric state in 616 solution. These primary and quaternary structural differences define the nature of the 617 cofactors and substrates utilized by these proteins. Thus, despite clear homology to WrbA-618 like proteins, we cannot exclude the possibility that WrpA uses different cofactors and 619 substrates and has a different enzymatic function than predicted using sequence and 620 structural informatics approaches. 621 622

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623 Acknowledgements 624 We thank members of the Crosson lab for helpful discussion and Dr. Lauriane Quenee and 625 Dr. Lois Zitzow for guidance in animal experiments. 626 627 Funding 628

This project was funded by Federal funds from NIH-NIAID, grant numbers 629 U19AI107792 and R01AI107159 to S.C. J.W.W. is supported by the NIH Ruth Kirschstein 630 Postdoctoral Fellowship F32 GM109661. 631 632

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633 Figure 1: Regulated expression of wrpA (bab1_1070). A) Differential expression of 634 wrpA under oxidative stress in B. abortus ∆rpoE1 and ∆lovhK backgrounds relative to 635 wild-type (WT) as measured by RNA-seq (49). B) Cartoon representation of wrpA 636 promoter region with the consensus σE1 binding site at -35 and -10. C) Oxidative stress 637 (H2O2) resistance of B. abortus 2308 wild-type (WT) strain, ∆wrpA strain and ∆rpoE1 638 strain. CFU ratios between the treated and untreated strains (mock) are presented on a 639 log scale. Experiments were performed in triplicate; error bars represent standard 640 deviation. 641 642 Figure 2: Bacterial Phenotype MicroArray. A) Comparison of cell growth between wild-643 type B. abortus 2308 (WT) and B. abortus ∆rpoE1 strains across a range of distinct 644 metabolic and stress conditions. Plot shows tetrazolium reduction (measured at 630 645 nm) after 72 hours in WT versus ∆rpoE1 strains. Dotted lines show 99% confidence 646 prediction band; red dots correspond to conditions where ∆rpoE1 shows a difference in 647 growth relative to WT outside the 99% confidence prediction band after 72 hours. The 648 full list of conditions in which ∆rpoE1 differs from WT (with data collected at multiple 649 points on the growth curve) are presented in Table S4. B) Comparison of cell growth 650 between wild-type B. abortus 2308 (WT) and B. abortus ∆wrpA strains across the same 651 set of conditions after 72 hours. We detected no significant, repeatable differences 652 between strains after 72 hours, or at any other time points measured. Each full screen 653 of 1920 conditions was performed in duplicate for each strain and averaged. 654 655

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Figure 3: In vitro and in vivo infection assays. A) Infection of differentiated THP-1 cells 656 with wild-type B. abortus 2308 (grey lines) and ∆wrpA (blue lines) strains: inactivated 657 macrophages (IM), activated macrophages (AM), and immature dendritic cells (ID). B. 658 abortus CFU recovered from different THP-1 cell variants after 1, 12, 24 and 72 hours 659 post-infection are plotted. Each infection was performed in triplicate; error bars 660 represent standard error of the mean (SEM). B) Mice (n=5 per strain per time point) 661 were injected intraperitoneally with 5x104 brucellae (wild-type (black), ∆wrpA (orange) 662 and ∆wrpA::wrpA (blue)). Spleens were harvested, weighed (top) and plated for CFU 663 enumeration (bottom) at 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks post infection. Error bars represent 664 standard error of the mean (SEM). 665 666 Figure 4: Biochemical characterization of Brucella abortus WrpA. A) UV-visible spectra 667 of purified E. coli WrbA (WrbAEc; orange) and B. abortus WrpA (blue). B) Size exclusion 668 chromatography of purified WrpA incubated with (black) or without FMN (blue). 669 Corresponding standard curve for molecular weight calculation is presented in Figure 670 S1. C) Representative NADH:quinone oxidoreductase assay. Purified WrbAEc (orange) 671 and WrpA with FAD or FMN cofactors (in green and blue, respectively) were subjected 672 to an enzymatic activity assay in which oxidation of NADH in the presence of 673 benzoquinone (BQ) was monitored spectrophotometrically at 340 nm. Buffer control is 674 in black; activity of WrpA(Y80F) mutant is in pink. 675 676 Figure 5: Structure of B. abortus WrpA. A) WrpA tetramer with one monomer colored 677 pink. Chloride ions and FMNs are colored green and orange, respectively. B) Ribbon 678

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diagram of WrpA monomer (from the P43212 crystal form) with α-helices in cyan, β-679 strands in yellow, chloride ion as a green sphere and FMN cofactor in orange. Missing 680 regions of polypeptide are represented as dashed lines. C) Zoomed view of the WrpA 681 FMN-binding site. Surface rendered model of WrpA (white) with FMN cofactor from E. 682 coli WrbA (FMNEc; PDB ID: 3B6M) modeled at its expected position into the open B. 683 abortus WrpA cavity; sulfate ion from the P4222 crystal form is modeled as yellow sticks; 684 chloride ion from P43212 crystal form is modeled as a green sphere. Chloride and 685 sulfate ions from the two WrpA crystal forms overlap with the terminal phosphate of the 686 FMNEc. The FMN cofactor (FMNBa; orange) from FMN-soaked WrpA crystal structure is 687 stacked between W98 and Y80 side chains (red); Y80 H-bonds to residues D92 and 688 Q131 (cyan) are shown as dotted lines. D) Zoomed view of B. abortus WrpA (WrpABa) 689 and E. coli WrbA (WrbAEc) active site cavities. WrbAEc FMN cofactor (orange, PDB ID: 690 3B6M) (33) is modeled into WrbAEc and WrpABa actives sites, to show the similarity in 691 the physicochemical properties of these regions. Left panel: surface representation of 692 active site hydrophobicity (white-hydrophilic / red-hydrophobic). Right panel: surface 693 representation of the electrostatic potentials of the active sites (blue-basic (+) / red-694 acidic (-)). Missing regions of WrpABa structure described in E. coli WrbA to participate 695 in the active site formation were modeled using the SWISS-Model server (PDB ID: 3B6J 696 as a template). 697 698 Figure 6: A comparison of B. abortus WrpA structure to classic WrbA-family proteins. 699 A) WrpA monomer (transparent) with missing regions (salmon: V42-K53, pink: A115-700 G119 and maroon: M163-S172) modeled using E. coli WrbAEc structure (PDB ID: 3B6J) 701

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as a template. B) Conservation of WrpA and WrbAEc active sites. Color scale ranges 702 from identical (magenta) to unconserved (blue). WrbAEc FMN cofactor (orange) from 703 PDB structure 3B6J (33) is modeled into the WrpA active site. C) WrpA sequence 704 alignment to WrbA-like proteins from E.coli (Ec) (33), D. radiodurans (Dr) (31), P. 705 aeruginosa (Pa) (31), Sulfolobus tokodaii (St) (PDB ID: 2ZKI) and Agrobacterium 706 tumefaciens (At) (PDB ID: 3D7N). WrpA secondary structure is reported above the 707 alignment with the β-strands in yellow and α-helices in cyan. Unmodeled regions are 708 delimited as in panel A (salmon: V42-K53, pink: A115-G119 and maroon: M163-S172). 709 Residues involved in FMN interaction and in Cl- and SO4

2- interactions are marked 710 above the alignment with open black circles and red letters, respectively. Residues 711 reported as interacting with FMN and NADH in WrbAEc structures (PDB IDs: 3B6J, 712 3B6K and 3B6M) (33) are marked below the alignment with orange and light blue dots, 713 respectively. Insertion loops (iloop) are delimited in gray at the bottom of the alignment. 714 715 Table 1: Diversity of flavodoxin and flavodoxin-like proteins 716 717 718 719 720

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Table 1: Diversity of flavodoxin and flavodoxin-like proteins

aRMSD corresponding to monomer/monomer structural alignment of main chain alpha carbons. bIdentity % and homology % based on the alignment of the x-ray structures (using WrpA-FMN bound structure). *used for RMSD and % identity / % homology calculation.

Protein name Organism Function Cofactors Substrates Oligomeric state


with WrpA

Identity % Homology %b With WrpA PDB Ref.

WrbA E. coli NADH:quinone oxidoreductase FMN NADH

benzoquinone Tetrameric ~0.5 50% / 61% 3B6J* 3B6M 3B6K


Flavodoxin Desulfovibrio gigas oxidoreductase FMN - Dimeric ~1.9 16% / 27% 4HEQ* (41) Apoflavodoxin-Riboflavin complex D. vulgaris oxidoreductase Riboflavin

FMN - Monomeric/Dimeric (?) ~0.9 13% / 25% 1BU5* 5FX2 (84, 85)

Rubredoxin:oxygen oxidoreductase (ROO) D. gigas Dioxygen reduction FMN O2

2Fe Dimeric ~1.1 16% / 31% 1E5D* (86)

ArsH Shigella flexneri Sinorhizobium meliloti

NADPH:FMN oxidoreductase FMN NADPH Tetrameric ~1.2 13% / 28% 2FZV*

2Q62 (87, 88)

ChrR E. coli Gluconacetobacter hansenii

Quinone/Chromate reductase FMN Chromate

NADH Tetrameric ~2.0 12% / 26% 3SVL* 3S2Y (89, 90)

SsuE E. coli NADPH:FMN reductase 2xFMN NADPH Dimeric/Tetrameric ~2.5 11% / 23% 4PTY* 4PTZ 4PT0


Emob Mesorhizobium sp. BNC1 NADH:FMN oxidoreductase 2xFMN NADH Tetrameric ~2.9 10% / 22%



Flavodoxin Helicobacter pylori oxidoreductase FMN - Monomeric ~2.7 9% / 25% 1FUE* (16)

YLR011wp Saccharomyces cerevisiae

NAD(P)H:FMN / Ferric Iron reductase FMN

NADH NADPH Ferricyanide

Dimeric ~3.1 8% / 21% 1T0I* (91)

MmNQO Methanothermobacter marburgensis

NADH:quinone oxidoreductase FMN NADH

quinones Dimeric ~3.2 11% / 24% 4R81* (43)

MdaB Streptococcus mutans NADPH:quinone oxidoreductase FAD NADPH

menadione Dimeric ~3.1 9% / 24% 3LCM* 4F8Y (92)

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