“For All of Your Production Testing Requirements” Member of ISNetworld & Complyworks Production Testing Equipment Skid Mounted Pressure Tank 1725 kpa x 16m3 1965 kpa by 18m3 Liquid Retention Portable Pressure Tank1965 kpa x 18 m3 1965 kpa x 18m3 2” 35 MPA Frac Manifold Contacts Us At: Duane Dawson President Cell: (780) 897-2917 Email: [email protected] Steve Hendrie Vice President Cell: (780) 814-4086 Email: [email protected] Tom Ramsay Sales Manager Cell: (403) 801-2200 Email: [email protected] Portable Pressure Tank1965 kpa x 4 m3 Testing Lease Office Trailer Instrumentation Housed & Heated Portable High Stage 9928 kpa x 0.5 m3 Portable High Stage 7000 kpa x 0.2 m3 20m x 102 mm - Portable Flare Stack Instrumentation Housed & Heated 10214 114A Ave Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6Z4 780-897-2917 www.dawsontesting.com


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Page 1: DPS BROCHURE 2015

““FFoorr AAllll ooff YYoouurr PPrroodduuccttiioonn TTeessttiinngg RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss”” MMeemmbbeerr ooff IISSNNeettwwoorrlldd && CCoommppllyywwoorrkkss

PPrroodduuccttiioonn TTeessttiinngg EEqquuiippmmeenntt

Skid Mounted Pressure Tank – 1725 kpa x 16m3

1965 kpa by 18m3 Liquid Retention

Portable Pressure Tank– 1965 kpa x 18 m3

1965 kpa x 18m3 – 2” 35 MPA Frac Manifold

Contacts Us At:

Duane Dawson President Cell: (780) 897-2917 Email: [email protected]

Steve Hendrie Vice President Cell: (780) 814-4086 Email: [email protected]

Tom Ramsay Sales Manager Cell: (403) 801-2200 Email: [email protected]

Portable Pressure Tank– 1965 kpa x 4 m3

Testing Lease Office Trailer

Instrumentation Housed & Heated Portable High Stage – 9928 kpa x 0.5 m3 Portable High Stage – 7000 kpa x 0.2 m3

20m x 102 mm - Portable Flare Stack

Instrumentation Housed & Heated

10214 114A Ave

Grande Prairie, AB

T8V 6Z4

