SATURDAY EVENING, EATOUBBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 0. 1018. DR. BAGNELL TO HOLD SPECIAL SERVICES IN GRACE METHODIST CHURCH NEXT WEEK MASS MEETING AT MARKET SQ "DRY" MINISTERS WILL PREACH NEW SERIES AT GRACE M.E. IS THE CHURCH OBSOLETE? Dr. Weir Will Discuss This I Topic at Y. M. C. A. Mass Meeting i The question, "Is the Church Be- coming an Obsolete Institution?" will be the subject of an address be- fote the men's mass meeting in j Fahnestoek Hall at 3.30 o'clock to- i morrow afternoon. Dr. Weir, who ! will address the meeting, is general j secretary of the Presbyterian Coin- , mittee on Men's Work For the United > States. Ho is a very prominent! men s worker, and his timely, elo- quent addresses have a universal ap- peal. Dr. Weir is very capable of dis- cussing the subject, "Is the Church an Obsolete Institution?" He has had years of association with re- ligious leaders and the nation's best thinkers. He will discuss this ques- tion because it is one frequently asked in these stirring war times, Muklc by (iloe ?lub Special music will be given by the A. M. L. S. Ladies' Glee Club, a singing aggregation which is rated as one of the best in the city. The meeting wJU be held under the aus- pices of the Central Y. M. C. A. The Sunday afternoon men's mass meetings have been very well at- tended. Robert B. Reeves, general secretary of the association, is re- sponsible for the quality of the speakers and musical ensembles pre- sented, because his good Judgment has been used in the selection. A number of speakers are being booked for the Sunday meetings to follow, which promise to be instructive and 1 entertaining. There is no charge for admission# to the mass meetings. MISCELLANEOUS Associated Bible Students?One of the local elders will preach, 3.15, "The Good Shepherd"; 1,4 5, "The New Creation." ]TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY \u25a0 ; Harris Street U. E. Congrega-; ] tion Will Remember Dedi- i cation of New Building I The seventh anniversary of the dedication the new church will be ( observed by the- Harris Street Unit- ed Evangelical congregation to- j morrow. Duvins* the pastorate of the < I Rev. A. B. Say lor a substantial and < j attractive brownstone church was < | erected at the corner of Harris and i 1 | Susquehanna streets, c osting *49,000.! < i Through the-efforts of the Rev. Mr. < | Sayloif and the Rev. G. F. Schaum, the present pastor, the indebtedness ] has been reduced materially. Cash i contributions will be received on 1 Sunday toward the further reduction I of the debt. The congregation has had a steady growth and is In a heal- thy condition. i The Rev. A. A. Winter, superin- tendent of the Evangelical Home, will be the anniversary preacher. He will preach at the morning and | evening services and will address the! Sunday school at 2. Dr. Winter was formerly president of Dallas College, of the United Evangelical Church, Dallas, Ore. The Rev. Dan A. Poling, associate to President Clark of the Christian Endeavor movement, is a graduate of this college. The new-organized choir under the direction of Will Bailey, will sing at both services. The Ladies' Quartet will sing at the afternoon and evening services. Mrs. Gus M. Steinmetz will sing a solo In connec- tion with the afternoon program. UNITED EVANGELICAL Park Street ?The Rev. A. IS. Hangen. 10.45. "The God-Sealed Church"; 7.30, "The Choice of Faith;" 9.30, Sunday school. Harris Street ?The Rev. George i F. Schaum. 10.30., anniversary ser-I man. Rev. A. A. Winter, of >uewis- burg, Pa.; 2.00, Sunday school; 7.00,1 sermon. Rev. A. A. Winter. Men From City and Vicinity to Be Addressed by Dr. Chapman Men Connected With Dry Federation of Penna. to Preach Tomorrow Dr. Bagnell Will Have Charge of Services in Drive For the Kingdom Tonight at 7.30 o'clock a mass meeting of men and boys of the Preabyterian churches of Harris- burg: and vicinty, will be held in the Market Square Church. The music will be under the direction of Henry Kelker, Jr.. with Prof. Frank Mc- Carrell at the organ. The \u25ba.inking will be led by men from the several choirs of the city. Two great ad- dresses will be made. One will be by Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, the moderator of the general assembly; the other by Dr. William P. Weir, general secretary of the committee on men's work of the Presbyterian Church. Two great men, with great addresses, should be met by great audience. And they will. Then, the general public will liavo an opportunity to hear Dr. Weir Sunday night. He will speak again from the pulpit of Market Square Church. This meeting can be at- tended by women and girls, as well as men and boys. By the time this meeting arrives Dr. Weir will have made such a place in the public esteem as to insure an audience. On Sunday Dr. Weir will aveach at 10.00 at the Immanuel °resby- terian Church at 7.30 at the Mar- ket Square Presbyterian Church, , and at 3.30 will address the Y. M. t'. A. [Other t'liui-rhes on Page 14.] f Overland-Harrisburg \ / Spring Sale \ | Used Cars B See ( lanitlflrd jj I: I:\ . ROYAL HARRIS The Rev. Royal Harris, secretary of the Dry Federation of Pennsylva- nia, and liis assistant, the Rev. J. 13. Miller, who are in the city preparing for the convention of the Dry Fed- eration which is to be held in Che3t- ut street auditorium, Thursday ne<t, will occupy pulpits to-morrow as follows: At 10.30 Dr. Harris will preach at the Stevens Memorial Methodist Church; at 2 o'clock he will address the Augsburg Luther- an Sunday school upon the occasion of the unfurling of a service Hag, and at 7.30 ho will preach at the Westminster Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Mr. Miller will preach at the morning service at tho <\u25a0 irst Presbyterian Church, Steelton at 2 o'clock he will uddress the mtn of the Bible class ut the Covenant Presbyterian Church and at 7.30 he will preach at the Olivet Presbyter- ian Church. Camp Hill MethQdist-Presbyterian Joint Services Preaching, Morning at 11.00 Evening at 7.30 SUNDAY SCHOOL at 9.45 A. M. Come and bring the whole family. You will find a warm welcome. "The Church With The Chimes'' What Lutherans Are Doing IN America the Lutherans have 29 Theo- logical Seminaries, 41 Colleges and 69 Academies and Colleges for Girls. They have 64 Orphan Homes, 44 Homes for the Aged, 9 Deaconess Mother Houses, 19 Hospitals, and 68 other inner-mission institutions. As one of the more prominent Lutheran Churches in America, Zion Church has been largely respon- sible for the success of these worthy institutions. A member of Zrion Church may truly be conscious of great things being done for the Master. Zion Lutheran Church fourth Street, Uelotv Market REV. S. W. HERMAN, Pastor. Bethlehem Lutheran Church Green and Cumberland Streets REV. J. BRADLEY MARKWARD, D. D., Minister THE CHVHCH THAT IS CONSGIIVING COAL, YET HOLDS ALL HER REGULAR SERVICES The Pastor Preaches at 10.30 on * "THREE NECESSARY FORCES IN LIFE" AT 7.80 ON 'Abraham Lincoln,the Great Democrat' AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE SERMON IMPRESSIONS OF LINCOLN'S GETTYSBURG SPEECH by Hon. Theodore B. Klein Music at the Evening Service MR. GIBSON and quartet will sing as a solo and chorus, "KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING" MRS. BUMBAUGH will Sing "DEAR LAD O' MINE," By Gena.?Branscombe. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 1.45 P. M. W'WMVUWWWWWIWMIIWWWWWWIIWMB FAMOUS ROYAL WELSH SINGING PARTY Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church Thirteenth and Vernon Streets Three Great Sacred Musical Attractions Tomorrow?lo.3o A. M.?3.15 P. M.?7.30. P. M.?Tomorrow At the morning service the party will sing and the Rev. Dr John Royal Harris?of Pittsburgh?is to preach. In the afternoon, at 3.15 o'clock, a Grand Sacred Concert is to be given by the Welsh Singers and a thrilling address describing the sinking of the Lusitania bv llis. a Williams, the Famous Harltone of the company. Ben Davies the Eminent Welsh Tenor, will appear on the program. A silver offering will lie received for the party at the close of the afternoon meeting 111. Sunday evening address by Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker on "THE POISONED WELLS OF HEREDITY '?A Father and Son Week sermon in to be given choral accompaniment by tko FAMOUS ROYAL WELSH SINGING PARTY. * "wiai, You are invited to attend all services. The best scat In the house is yours if you roach it first. Church Doors Open All Day. Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of Grace j Methodist Church, has announced the Grace Church Drive For the King- dom from February 10 to March 3. Services will be held every night ex- i cept Saturday, beginning at 7.45 o clock and ending shortly after it | o clock. Tho Sunday evening serv- ! ices Will start at 7.30 and will be a series on "Is Christianity Facing a orld crisis?" and Dr. Bagnell. in these sermons, will discuss the "Out- J?? ,? Rel 'Bi°n When the War Is Over. The four Sunday evening special sermon topics are as follows: "is Christianity Facing a World, Crisis?"? February 10, "The New Opportunity of Christianity Growing Out of the War;" February 17. "The Elements of Menace Which Will Be Made More Serious by the Results of the War:" February 24. "Will the < hureh ITave the Vision and Cour- age to Make the Necessary Readjust- n-.ents?" March 3, "Will the Church and the World Give God the Right of Way?" The services during the weekdays, which begin at 7.45 and close short- ly after- 9 o'clock, will be conducted in a straightforward, simple way and nothing will be done that will be embarrassing to anyone who wants to hear the questions of the religious life discussed In a reasonable way. The first fifteen minutes will be de- voted to a song service and the good old Methodist Hymnal will be used. There will be a large chorus choir of more than 100 voices in charge of the singing, under the direction of John W. Phillips, and there will be special musical features every even- ing. Campaign on Business flails Dr. Bagnell will preach short, di- rect sermons telling of the vital problems of life. This campaign lias been organized in a businesslike manner. Committees have been ap- pointed to handle every phase of the city's life and efforts are being made by the chairmen of the various com- mittees to reach as many of the People of Ilarrisburg who are not church members as it is possible to do. There are more than 600 peo- ple working on active committees and women's conferences are being held almost daily in various districts of the city. There have been several businessmen's lurfrheons and a com- mittee of ninety-seven, having charge of the young people's work, have also been exceedingly active. Dr. Bagnell feels that in these stirring times, with the entire membership In active service and unceasingly using the power of prayer that God has given us, that the members of Grace Church will not fail if they give themselves wholly to God and this work and If the attitude o t every one Is "Lord what wilt Thou have me to do?" Grace Church has been stirred with the preparations for this campaign as never before and it looks as if she is going to do great things for the Kingdom. Sunday. March 3, will be the last Sunday of the Grace Church Drive For the Kingdom and will tie membership day. All efforts will be concentrated on this day to win to the church all who are won to Christ, to recover lost lotters and to welcome to their fellowship all who have no other church home. The Epworth League will hold an especially important meeting at 6.30 o'clock in the lecture room of the church to-morrow evening. Charles W. 8011, president of the Ilarrisburg District Epworth League, have charge of the meeting and -*lll make an address on "What will\the Ep- worthians Gain in the Grace Church Drive For the Kingdom?" Special solos will be a feature of the serv- ice. LUTHERAN Augsburg?The Rev. A. M. Stam- ets. 10.30, "The Glory of the Lord in His Congregation"; 7.30, "The Christian a Changed Man"; 2.00, Sunday school. Zion?The Rev. S. Wtnfleld Her- man. 10.30, "The Spiritual Vic- tory"; 7.30, "The Christian's Best Service"; 1.45, Sunday school. Christ ?The Rev. Thomas .ielseh D. D. 10.30, "Message to the Church ?Her Cause of Stumbling"; 7.30, "The Four Square Christ"; 2.00, Sunday school. Trinity?The Rev. R. I. Meiseti- helder. 10.30, "Preparatory Serv- ice"; 7.30, "Communion"; 2.00, Sun- day school. Memorial ?The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. 10.30, "The Word of Sure Prophecy"; 7.30, "Wild Waves and the Master's Voice"; 2.00, .Sunday school. Redeemer ?The Rev. M. E. Shafer. 10.30, "Peter Brought by His Brother"; 7.30, "Lincoln." Messiah ?The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson. 10.30, "The Teachings of Jesus ?Concerning Men"; 7.30 "The Tragedy of Greatness ?In the Life of David"; 2.00, Sunday school. Bethlehem ?The Rev. J. Bradley Murkward. 10.30, "Three Necessary Forces in Life"; 7.30, "Abraham Lincoln, the Great Democrat"; 1.45, Sunday school. Holy Communion ?The Rev. John Harvey Miller. 10.45, "Our Lenten Prayer"; 7.30, "The World and the War"; 9.30 Sunday school. Trinity, Camp Hill ?The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. 10.30, "Blind Bartt- meoua"; 7.30, "Honor Due Parents"; 9.30, Sunday school. Salem, Oberlin ?The Rev. Daniel E. Ruplejv 10.30, "Always Abound- ing in the Work of the Lord"; 7.30, "All Things to Be Done to Edify- ing"; 9.30, Sunday school. Calvary?The Rev. Edward H. Paar. 11.00, Glorious Changes In Store For Christians"; 7.30. "Christ the Vim"; 10.00, Sunday school. CHURCH OF GOD Maclay Street?Tito Dr. William S. Houck. 11.00, "The Carpenter's Son and I"; 7.30, "Behold the Man"; 9.45, Sunday school. \ Fourth Street?The Rev. William ; N*. Yates, D. D. 10.30, "Our First I Problem"; 7.30. "Making Pennsyl- vania Dry": 1.40, Sunday school. . Nagle?The Rev. Elmer E. Kauff- man. 10.30, "Strong Points In Job's Character"; 7.30, "The Unpardon- able Sin"; 1.30 Sunday school. Pleasant View?The Rev. George W. Harper. 9.45, Sunday school; 10.45, "The Influence of the Man- hood of Lincoln": 7.30, "The v \ither and Son Working Together." Penbrook?The Rev. J. C. Forn- crook. 10.30. "Our Educational In- terests": 7.30, teachers training graduating exercises. Camp Hill?The Rev. Charles O. Houston. 10.30. "God's Adopting Love": 7.30, "Will a Man Rob God?" 9.30, Sunday school. PLAN TO RAISE BIG CHURCH SUM Lutherans From Central and j Eastern Synods to Meet in Zion Church On Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock there will be representative Lu- therans from the Central and East- ern districts of Pennsylvania pros- ' ent to consummate the plans for the ! drive for $175,000 to be raised by ' the Lutherans of Pennsylvania to i equip our chaplains and to provide I camp pastors at home and abroad, j The pastor, the Rev. S. Wintield Herman, will preach at both serv- ices to-morrow. The morning theme will be "The Spiritual Victory," and the evening theme, "The Christian's Best Service." The men's praver hour is held at 10 o'clock and the senior catechetical hour at 6.30. All departments of the Sunday school will convene at 1.45. On Thursday evening. at 5.30 the pastors and laymen of the churches | of Dauphin county will meet at the Y. M. C. A. to arrange for the great drive (rom February 18-25. The pa- triotic prayer service will be held on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mem- bers of tho Lutheran Woman's League of Gettysburg College will meet at Messiah Church on Tuesday at 2.30 and the Lutheran Red Cross unit will meet at Bethlehem on Wednesday from 10-4. Zion will ob. serve Lent by holding Lonten serv- ice on Monday and Wednesday evenings each week. Special series I of themes will be presented at both < Sunday and midweek services. I The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society will meet on Wednesday afternoon. The Y. P. Missionary Society will meet with I Miss Schmidt, 2034 Green street, on ; Saturday evening. The regular mis- I slonary program of the Children's M. and W. Band will be held on Sat- I urday afternoon. The Lutheran | Brotherhood Central will meet in , Rev. Mr. Russell to Preach .at St. Matthew's Lutheran The Rev. Walter Russell, who has been conducting services for the last week at the Hethcsda Mission, will preach at the morning service at the St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. In addition to this special sermon! Mrs. John Fulton, wife of the superin- tendent of the Bethesda Mission, will sing several vocal ? selections. The Rev. Mr. Russell Is a resident of Oalt Park, 111., and recently con- ducted services at the Christ Lu- theran Church. . Zion on Thursday evening in tho men's room. The memorial service I for itfte late Prof. Edwin* J. Decevee j will bo held In Zion on Thursday ! evening. The anthems and solos to i be rendered by the leading vocalists of Harrisburg arc of his composition. ' The fbremost organists of the city will be at the .organ. This service | promises to be one of the most beati- ! tlful over rendered in our city. The j public is invited to be present and | to pay their tribute of respect to one who was so deeply interested In the musical and general activities of the city. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street?The Rev. Wil- liam K Conner 11.30, "Missions"; I 7.30.- "Missionary Program"; 9.45, ] Sunday school. ? ' ? , ! j//FRESB IIURCII \\ ! \ff/ Third and Pine Streets ' l . \u25a0 ¥./ Sunday, Febtuary 10, 1918 V& ; llf ? 10.30 A.M. VI ' "> Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D. 3 | f The Noted Evangelist ' Moderator of The General Assembly . I | M ill Spenk On "WAR WORK IN THE CAMPS" I 7.30 P. M. ! Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D. 3 ; ?, j Will .Preach. A WARM WELCOME TO YOU ] i ass-" 1 "' i"i i" rrn v," Terrell j | GRACE CHURCH i | rv ? _C 1 1 Drive tor ft | I the Kingdom Jl I I BEGINNING FEBRUARY 10 JE| | FOR A PERIOD OF THREE WEEKS jß?' 1 Services every night except Saturday, beginning at 7.45 o'clock \ j I a MlleillHi I Grace Methodist Episcopal Church | STATE STREET NEAR THIRD STREET The Pastor, REV. ROBERT BAGNELL, D. D., will preach short, direct sermons dealing with llie W vital problems of life. H The first fifteen minutes will be devoted co a song service. There will be a large chorus choir of one hundred voices, under the direction of Prof. John \V. Phillips jp And there will be special musical features every evening. p 1 -THE SUNDAY EVENINGS OF THE "DRIVE" J j "Is Christianity Facing a World Crisis?" J I A Series of Sermons 1 When g FEBRUARY 10. "The New Opportunity of Christianity Growing \u25a0 W d&Sto 'Wi Out of the War." -1 \u25a0 M FEBRUA ® Y I - "The Elements of Menace Which Will Be Made Bk JMB More Serious by the Results of the War." FEBRUARY 24. "Will the Church Have the Vision and Courage 1 i to Make the Necessary Readjustments?" "Will the Church and the World Give God the Right j| VCn^ erv^ces 7 '30 O'clock 2


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OBSOLETE?Dr. Weir Will Discuss This


Topic at Y. M. C. A.Mass Meeting


The question, "Is the Church Be-

coming an Obsolete Institution?"will be the subject of an address be-fote the men's mass meeting in jFahnestoek Hall at 3.30 o'clock to- imorrow afternoon. Dr. Weir, who !will address the meeting, is general jsecretary of the Presbyterian Coin- ,mittee on Men's Work For the United >States. Ho is a very prominent!men s worker, and his timely, elo-quent addresses have a universal ap-peal.

Dr. Weir is very capable of dis-cussing the subject, "Is the Churchan Obsolete Institution?" He hashad years of association with re-ligious leaders and the nation's bestthinkers. He will discuss this ques-tion because it is one frequentlyasked in these stirring war times,

Muklc by (iloe ?lubSpecial music will be given by

the A. M. L. S. Ladies' Glee Club, asinging aggregation which is ratedas one of the best in the city. Themeeting wJU be held under the aus-pices of the Central Y. M. C. A.

The Sunday afternoon men's massmeetings have been very well at-tended. Robert B. Reeves, generalsecretary of the association, is re-sponsible for the quality of thespeakers and musical ensembles pre-sented, because his good Judgmenthas been used in the selection. Anumber of speakers are being bookedfor the Sunday meetings to follow,which promise to be instructive and 1entertaining. There is no charge foradmission# to the mass meetings.

MISCELLANEOUSAssociated Bible Students?One of

the local elders will preach, 3.15,"The Good Shepherd"; 1,4 5, "TheNew Creation."



; Harris Street U. E. Congrega-; ]tion WillRemember Dedi- i

cation of New Building

IThe seventh anniversary of the

dedication o£ the new church will be (observed by the- Harris Street Unit-ed Evangelical congregation to-

j morrow. Duvins* the pastorate of the <I Rev. A. B. Say lor a substantial and <

j attractive brownstone church was <| erected at the corner of Harris and i 1| Susquehanna streets, c osting *49,000.! <i Through the-efforts of the Rev. Mr. <| Sayloif and the Rev. G. F. Schaum,the present pastor, the indebtedness ]has been reduced materially. Cash icontributions will be received on 1Sunday toward the further reduction Iof the debt. The congregation hashad a steady growth and is In a heal-thy condition. i

The Rev. A. A. Winter, superin-tendent of the Evangelical Home,will be the anniversary preacher. Hewill preach at the morning and |evening services and will address the!Sunday school at 2. Dr. Winter wasformerly president of Dallas College,of the United Evangelical Church,Dallas, Ore. The Rev. Dan A. Poling,associate to President Clark of theChristian Endeavor movement, is agraduate of this college.

The new-organized choir underthe direction of Will Bailey, willsing at both services. The Ladies'Quartet will sing at the afternoonand evening services. Mrs. Gus M.Steinmetz will sing a solo In connec-tion with the afternoon program.


Hangen. 10.45. "The God-SealedChurch"; 7.30, "The Choice ofFaith;" 9.30, Sunday school.

Harris Street ?The Rev. George iF. Schaum. 10.30., anniversary ser-Iman. Rev. A. A. Winter, of >uewis-burg, Pa.; 2.00, Sunday school; 7.00,1sermon. Rev. A. A. Winter.

Men From City and Vicinity to

Be Addressed by Dr.Chapman

Men Connected With Dry

Federation of Penna. toPreach Tomorrow

Dr. Bagnell WillHave Chargeof Services in Drive

For the Kingdom

Tonight at 7.30 o'clock a mass

meeting of men and boys of the

Preabyterian churches of Harris-burg: and vicinty, will be held in theMarket Square Church. The musicwill be under the direction of Henry

Kelker, Jr.. with Prof. Frank Mc-

Carrell at the organ. The \u25ba.inking

will be led by men from the severalchoirs of the city. Two great ad-dresses will be made. One will be

by Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, the

moderator of the general assembly;

the other by Dr. William P. Weir,general secretary of the committeeon men's work of the PresbyterianChurch. Two great men, with greataddresses, should be met by greataudience. And they will.

Then, the general public will liavoan opportunity to hear Dr. WeirSunday night. He will speak againfrom the pulpit of Market SquareChurch. This meeting can be at-tended by women and girls, as wellas men and boys. By the time thismeeting arrives Dr. Weir will havemade such a place in the publicesteem as to insure an audience.

On Sunday Dr. Weir will aveachat 10.00 at the Immanuel °resby-terian Church at 7.30 at the Mar-ket Square Presbyterian Church,

, and at 3.30 will address the Y. M.t'. A.

[Other t'liui-rhes on Page 14.]

f Overland-Harrisburg \

/ Spring Sale \

| Used CarsB See ( lanitlflrd jj


The Rev. Royal Harris, secretaryof the Dry Federation of Pennsylva-nia, and liis assistant, the Rev. J. 13.

Miller, who are in the city preparing

for the convention of the Dry Fed-eration which is to be held in Che3t-ut street auditorium, Thursday ne<t,will occupy pulpits to-morrow asfollows: At 10.30 Dr. Harris willpreach at the Stevens MemorialMethodist Church; at 2 o'clock he

will address the Augsburg Luther-an Sunday school upon the occasionof the unfurling of a service Hag,and at 7.30 ho will preach at theWestminster Presbyterian Church.

The Rev. Mr. Miller will preach atthe morning service at tho <\u25a0 irstPresbyterian Church, Steelton at 2o'clock he will uddress the mtn ofthe Bible class ut the CovenantPresbyterian Church and at 7.30 hewill preach at the Olivet Presbyter-ian Church.

Camp HillMethQdist-Presbyterian

Joint ServicesPreaching, Morning at 11.00

Evening at 7.30SUNDAY SCHOOL

at 9.45 A. M.Come and bring the whole

family.You will find a warm welcome.

"The Church With The Chimes''

What LutheransAre Doing

IN America the Lutherans have 29 Theo-logical Seminaries, 41 Colleges and 69Academies and Colleges for Girls.

They have 64 Orphan Homes, 44 Homes for theAged, 9 Deaconess Mother Houses, 19 Hospitals,and 68 other inner-mission institutions.

As one of the more prominent Lutheran Churchesin America, Zion Church has been largely respon-sible for the success of these worthy institutions.

A member of Zrion Church may truly be conscious ofgreat things being done for the Master.

Zion Lutheran Churchfourth Street, Uelotv Market

REV. S. W. HERMAN, Pastor.

Bethlehem Lutheran ChurchGreen and Cumberland Streets


The Pastor Preaches at 10.30 on* "THREE NECESSARY FORCES IN LIFE"

AT 7.80 ON

'Abraham Lincoln,the Great Democrat'AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE SERMON


Music at the Evening ServiceMR. GIBSON and quartet will sing as a solo and chorus,


O' MINE," By Gena.?Branscombe.SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 1.45 P. M.



Stevens Memorial MethodistEpiscopal Church

Thirteenth and Vernon Streets

Three Great Sacred Musical AttractionsTomorrow?lo.3o A. M.?3.15 P. M.?7.30. P. M.?Tomorrow

At the morning service the party will sing and the Rev. Dr JohnRoyal Harris?of Pittsburgh?is to preach. In the afternoon, at 3.15o'clock, a Grand Sacred Concert is to be given by the Welsh Singersand a thrilling address describing the sinking of the Lusitania bvllis. a Williams, the Famous Harltone of the company. Ben Davies theEminent Welsh Tenor, will appear on the program. A silver offeringwill lie received for the party at the close of the afternoon meeting

111. Sunday evening address by Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker on "THEPOISONED WELLS OF HEREDITY '?A Father and Son Week sermonin to be given choral accompaniment by tko FAMOUS ROYALWELSH SINGING PARTY.

* "wiai,

You are invited to attend all services. The best scat In the houseis yours if you roach it first. Church Doors Open All Day.

Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of Grace jMethodist Church, has announced theGrace Church Drive For the King-dom from February 10 to March 3.Services will be held every night ex- icept Saturday, beginning at 7.45o clock and ending shortly after it|o clock. Tho Sunday evening serv- !ices Will start at 7.30 and will bea series on "Is Christianity Facing a

orld crisis?" and Dr. Bagnell. inthese sermons, will discuss the "Out-J?? ,? Rel 'Bi°n When the War IsOver. The four Sunday eveningspecial sermon topics are as follows:"is Christianity Facing a World,Crisis?"? February 10, "The NewOpportunity of Christianity GrowingOut of the War;" February 17. "TheElements of Menace Which Will BeMade More Serious by the Results ofthe War:" February 24. "Will the< hureh ITave the Vision and Cour-age to Make the Necessary Readjust-n-.ents?" March 3, "Will the Churchand the World Give God the Rightof Way?"

The services during the weekdays,which begin at 7.45 and close short-ly after- 9 o'clock, will be conductedin a straightforward, simple way andnothing will be done that will beembarrassing to anyone who wantsto hear the questions of the religiouslife discussed In a reasonable way.The first fifteen minutes will be de-voted to a song service and the goodold Methodist Hymnal will be used.There will be a large chorus choir ofmore than 100 voices in charge ofthe singing, under the direction ofJohn W. Phillips, and there will bespecial musical features every even-ing.

Campaign on Business flailsDr. Bagnell will preach short, di-

rect sermons telling of the vitalproblems of life. This campaign liasbeen organized in a businesslikemanner. Committees have been ap-

pointed to handle every phase of thecity's life and efforts are being madeby the chairmen of the various com-mittees to reach as many of thePeople of Ilarrisburg who are notchurch members as it is possible todo. There are more than 600 peo-ple working on active committeesand women's conferences are beingheld almost daily in various districtsof the city. There have been severalbusinessmen's lurfrheons and a com-mittee of ninety-seven, having chargeof the young people's work, havealso been exceedingly active. Dr.Bagnell feels that in these stirringtimes, with the entire membership Inactive service and unceasingly usingthe power of prayer that God hasgiven us, that the members of GraceChurch will not fail if they givethemselves wholly to God and thiswork and If the attitude ot everyone Is "Lord what wilt Thou haveme to do?" Grace Church has beenstirred with the preparations for thiscampaign as never before and itlooks as if she is going to do greatthings for the Kingdom. Sunday.March 3, will be the last Sunday of

the Grace Church Drive For theKingdom and will tie membershipday. All efforts will be concentratedon this day to win to the church allwho are won to Christ, to recoverlost lotters and to welcome to theirfellowship all who have no otherchurch home.

The Epworth League will hold anespecially important meeting at 6.30

o'clock in the lecture room of thechurch to-morrow evening. CharlesW. 8011, president of the IlarrisburgDistrict Epworth League, havecharge of the meeting and -*lll makean address on "What will\the Ep-worthians Gain in the Grace ChurchDrive For the Kingdom?" Special

solos will be a feature of the serv-


LUTHERANAugsburg?The Rev. A. M. Stam-

ets. 10.30, "The Glory of the Lordin His Congregation"; 7.30, "TheChristian a Changed Man"; 2.00,Sunday school.

Zion?The Rev. S. Wtnfleld Her-man. 10.30, "The Spiritual Vic-tory"; 7.30, "The Christian's BestService"; 1.45, Sunday school.

Christ ?The Rev. Thomas .ielsehD. D. 10.30, "Message to theChurch ?Her Cause of Stumbling";

7.30, "The Four Square Christ";2.00, Sunday school.

Trinity?The Rev. R. I. Meiseti-helder. 10.30, "Preparatory Serv-ice"; 7.30, "Communion"; 2.00, Sun-day school.

Memorial ?The Rev. L. C. Manges,

D. D. 10.30, "The Word of SureProphecy"; 7.30, "Wild Waves andthe Master's Voice"; 2.00, .Sunday

school.Redeemer ?The Rev. M. E. Shafer.

10.30, "Peter Brought by HisBrother"; 7.30, "Lincoln."

Messiah ?The Rev. Henry W. A.Hanson. 10.30, "The Teachings ofJesus ?Concerning Men"; 7.30 "TheTragedy of Greatness ?In the Lifeof David"; 2.00, Sunday school.

Bethlehem ?The Rev. J. BradleyMurkward. 10.30, "Three NecessaryForces in Life"; 7.30, "AbrahamLincoln, the Great Democrat"; 1.45,Sunday school.

Holy Communion ?The Rev. JohnHarvey Miller. 10.45, "Our LentenPrayer"; 7.30, "The World and theWar"; 9.30 Sunday school.

Trinity, Camp Hill?The Rev. Dr.E. D. Weigle. 10.30, "Blind Bartt-meoua"; 7.30, "Honor Due Parents";9.30, Sunday school.

Salem, Oberlin ?The Rev. DanielE. Ruplejv 10.30, "Always Abound-ing in the Work of the Lord"; 7.30,"All Things to Be Done to Edify-ing"; 9.30, Sunday school.

Calvary?The Rev. Edward H.Paar. 11.00, Glorious Changes InStore For Christians"; 7.30. "Christthe Vim"; 10.00, Sunday school.

CHURCH OF GODMaclay Street?Tito Dr. William

S. Houck. 11.00, "The Carpenter'sSon and I"; 7.30, "Behold the Man";9.45, Sunday school.

\ Fourth Street?The Rev. William; N*. Yates, D. D. 10.30, "Our First

I Problem"; 7.30. "Making Pennsyl-vania Dry": 1.40, Sunday school.. Nagle?The Rev. Elmer E. Kauff-man. 10.30, "Strong Points In Job'sCharacter"; 7.30, "The Unpardon-able Sin"; 1.30 Sunday school.

Pleasant View?The Rev. GeorgeW. Harper. 9.45, Sunday school;10.45, "The Influence of the Man-hood of Lincoln": 7.30, "The v\itherand Son Working Together."

Penbrook?The Rev. J. C. Forn-crook. 10.30. "Our Educational In-terests": 7.30, teachers traininggraduating exercises.

Camp Hill?The Rev. Charles O.Houston. 10.30. "God's AdoptingLove": 7.30, "Will a Man Rob God?"9.30, Sunday school.


Lutherans From Central and jEastern Synods to Meet

in Zion Church

On Monday afternoon at 1 o'clockthere will be representative Lu-therans from the Central and East-ern districts of Pennsylvania pros- 'ent to consummate the plans for the !drive for $175,000 to be raised by 'the Lutherans of Pennsylvania to iequip our chaplains and to provide Icamp pastors at home and abroad, j

The pastor, the Rev. S. WintieldHerman, will preach at both serv-ices to-morrow. The morning themewill be "The Spiritual Victory," andthe evening theme, "The Christian'sBest Service." The men's praverhour is held at 10 o'clock and thesenior catechetical hour at 6.30. Alldepartments of the Sunday schoolwill convene at 1.45.

On Thursday evening. at 5.30 thepastors and laymen of the churches

| of Dauphin county will meet at theY. M. C. A. to arrange for the greatdrive (rom February 18-25. The pa-triotic prayer service will be held onMonday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mem-bers of tho Lutheran Woman'sLeague of Gettysburg College willmeet at Messiah Church on Tuesdayat 2.30 and the Lutheran Red Crossunit will meet at Bethlehem onWednesday from 10-4. Zion will ob.serve Lent by holding Lonten serv-ice on Monday and Wednesdayevenings each week. Special series

I of themes will be presented at both< Sunday and midweek services.I The Woman's Home and ForeignMissionary Society will meet onWednesday afternoon. The Y. P.Missionary Society will meet with

I Miss Schmidt, 2034 Green street, on; Saturday evening. The regular mis-

I slonary program of the Children'sM. and W. Band will be held on Sat-

I urday afternoon. The Lutheran |Brotherhood Central will meet in

, Rev. Mr. Russell to Preach.at St. Matthew's LutheranThe Rev. Walter Russell, who has

been conducting services for the last

week at the Hethcsda Mission, willpreach at the morning service at the

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Inaddition to this special sermon! Mrs.

John Fulton, wife of the superin-

tendent of the Bethesda Mission, willsing several vocal ? selections.

The Rev. Mr. Russell Is a resident

of Oalt Park, 111., and recently con-

ducted services at the Christ Lu-

theran Church.

. Zion on Thursday evening in thomen's room. The memorial service

I for itfte late Prof. Edwin* J. Deceveej will bo held In Zion on Thursday

! evening. The anthems and solos toi be rendered by the leading vocalistsof Harrisburg arc of his composition.

' The fbremost organists of the citywill be at the .organ. This service

| promises to be one of the most beati-! tlful over rendered in our city. Thejpublic is invited to be present and

| to pay their tribute of respect toone who was so deeply interested Inthe musical and general activities ofthe city.

CHURCH OF THE BRETHRENHummel Street?The Rev. Wil-

liam K Conner 11.30, "Missions";I 7.30.- "Missionary Program"; 9.45,] Sunday school.


' ? ,

! j//FRESB IIURCII \\! \ff/ Third and Pine Streets '

l . \u25a0 ¥./ Sunday, Febtuary 10, 1918 V&; llf ? 10.30 A.M. VI

' "> Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D.3 | f The Noted Evangelist

' Moderator of The General Assembly. I | M ill Spenk On


I 7.30 P. M.! Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D. 3

; ?, j Will .Preach.A WARM WELCOME TO YOU ]

iass-" 1 "'i"i i" rrn v," Terrell j

| GRACE CHURCH i |rv ? _C 11 Drive tor ft |


FOR A PERIOD OF THREE WEEKS jß?' 1Services every night except Saturday, beginning at 7.45 o'clock \ j

I aMlleillHi

I Grace Methodist Episcopal Church| STATE STREET NEAR THIRD STREET

The Pastor, REV. ROBERT BAGNELL, D. D., will preach short, direct sermons dealing with llieW vital problems of life.

H The first fifteen minutes will be devoted co a song service. There will be a large choruschoir of one hundred voices, under the direction of Prof. John \V. Phillips

jp And there will be special musical features every evening. p

1 -THE SUNDAY EVENINGS OF THE "DRIVE" Jj "Is Christianity Facing a World Crisis?" JI A Series of Sermons 1

When gFEBRUARY 10. "The New Opportunity of Christianity Growing \u25a0

W d&Sto 'Wi Out of the War." -1\u25a0 MFEBRUA ®Y I - "The Elements of Menace Which Will Be MadeBk JMB More Serious by the Results of the War."

FEBRUARY 24. "Will the Church Have the Vision and Courage 1i to Make the Necessary Readjustments?"

"Will the Church and the World Give God the Right j|VCn^ erv^ces 7 '30 O'clock