1 LISTA DE LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE Dr. CHIBELEAN BOGDAN CĂLIN Medic primar urolog Doctor în Ştiinţe Medicale Şef de Lucrări UMFST "George Emil Palade" Tîrgu Mureş Premii 1. Premiul “Second Karl Storz Prize”: PRIMARY CARCINOMA OF THE MALE URETHRA – DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Zogas V, Bălşanu C, Dick A,Mirvald C, Lupu F, Domnişor L, Sinescu I. EAU 11 th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011 2. Premiul III “Best Poster Presentation”: MULTIMODAL SALVAGE THERAPY FOR YOUNG PATIENTS WITH PENILE CARCINOMA AND LYMPH NODE METASTASES Gîngu C, Hârza M, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Ştefan B, Zogas V, Bălşanu C, Tica D, Surcel C, Sinescu I The 7 th EAU Central European Meeting, Zagreb, Croaţia, 26-27 oct. 2007. 3. Premiul Academiei Române, Secţia de Ştiinţe Medicale – Premiul „Daniel Danielopolu” 17.12.2009: UROLOGIE ONCOLOGICĂ - Sinescu I, Glück G, Hârza M Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, 2006 4. Diploma de Excelenţă - Editura „Carol Davila”, la Târgul de Carte ROMMEDICA - pentru cea mai valoroasa carte medicală: UROLOGIE ONCOLOGICĂ - Sinescu I, Glück G, Hârza M Universitatea de Medicina şi Farmacie Carol Davila, Bucureşti, 23.11.2006 5. Premiul special pentru “Cartea de referinţă din domeniul medical” 2006: UROLOGIE ONCOLOGICĂ Sinescu I, Glück G, Hârza M - Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, 2006 Salonul Internaţional de Carte, sept. 2006, Constanţa 6. Diplomă de excelență- acordată de către Societatea Română de Nefrologie, Colegiul Medicilor din România, Filiala Iași, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Gr. T. Popa” din Iași pentru contribuția în efectuarea primelor transplante renale din Centrul Universitar Iași-noiembrie 2000 7. Premiul I: STUDIUL COMPARATIV AL ANGIOTOMOGRAFIEI RENALE COMPUTERIZATE ŞI AL ARTERIOGRAFIEI RENALE CONVENŢIONALE PENTRU EVALUAREA DONATORULUI RENAL ÎN VIAŢĂ Manu MA, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Şerbănescu B, Georgescu Ş, Sinescu I Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional al Societăţii Române de Urologie, Sibiu, 1999.

Dr. CHIBELEAN BOGDAN CĂLIN - UMFST...1 LISTA DE LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE Dr. CHIBELEAN BOGDAN CĂLIN Medic primar urolog Doctor în Ştiinţe Medicale Şef de Lucrări UMFST "George

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    Medic primar urolog Doctor în Ştiinţe Medicale

    Şef de Lucrări UMFST "George Emil Palade" Tîrgu Mureş

    Premii 1. Premiul “Second Karl Storz Prize”:

    PRIMARY CARCINOMA OF THE MALE URETHRA – DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Zogas V, Bălşanu C, Dick A,Mirvald C, Lupu F, Domnişor L, Sinescu I. EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011

    2. Premiul III “Best Poster Presentation”: MULTIMODAL SALVAGE THERAPY FOR YOUNG PATIENTS WITH PENILE CARCINOMA AND LYMPH NODE METASTASES Gîngu C, Hârza M, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Ştefan B, Zogas V, Bălşanu C, Tica D, Surcel C, Sinescu I The 7th EAU Central European Meeting, Zagreb, Croaţia, 26-27 oct. 2007.

    3. Premiul Academiei Române, Secţia de Ştiinţe Medicale – Premiul „Daniel Danielopolu” – 17.12.2009: UROLOGIE ONCOLOGICĂ - Sinescu I, Glück G, Hârza M Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, 2006

    4. Diploma de Excelenţă - Editura „Carol Davila”, la Târgul de Carte ROMMEDICA - pentru cea mai valoroasa carte medicală: UROLOGIE ONCOLOGICĂ - Sinescu I, Glück G, Hârza M Universitatea de Medicina şi Farmacie Carol Davila, Bucureşti, 23.11.2006

    5. Premiul special pentru “Cartea de referinţă din domeniul medical” 2006: UROLOGIE ONCOLOGICĂ Sinescu I, Glück G, Hârza M - Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, 2006 Salonul Internaţional de Carte, sept. 2006, Constanţa

    6. Diplomă de excelență- acordată de către Societatea Română de Nefrologie, Colegiul Medicilor din România, Filiala Iași, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Gr. T. Popa” din Iași pentru contribuția în efectuarea primelor transplante renale din Centrul Universitar Iași-noiembrie 2000

    7. Premiul I: STUDIUL COMPARATIV AL ANGIOTOMOGRAFIEI RENALE COMPUTERIZATE ŞI AL ARTERIOGRAFIEI RENALE CONVENŢIONALE PENTRU EVALUAREA DONATORULUI RENAL ÎN VIAŢĂ Manu MA, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Şerbănescu B, Georgescu Ş, Sinescu I Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional al Societăţii Române de Urologie, Sibiu, 1999.

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    Conducător ştiinţific: Prof. Dr. SINESCU I. Susținerea tezei: 23 septembrie 2009 Confirmat prin ordinul MECT nr. 6026 din 27.11.2009, Domeniul Medicină

    B. CĂRȚI DE SPECIALITATE 1. Boja R., Chibelean C., Oșan V.G. (sub redacţia Schwartz L.) - Clinica Urologică din Tîrgu

    Mureș împlinește 60 de ani. Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2017. ISBN: 978-973-169-487-0. CNCSIS-210

    2. Vartolomei D.M., Chibelean C., Martha O., Porav Hodade D., Boja R.M., Dogaru G.A. (sub redacţia Vartolomei D.M. - Noutăți în managmentul tumorilor vezicale. Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2015. ISBN: 978-973-169-425-2. CNCSIS-210

    Cărți luate în considerare la ultima promovare

    3. Surcel C., Chibelean C., Sinescu I. - Actualităţi în diagnosticul şi tratamentul incontinenţei urinare de efort la femeie. Editura Medicală, Bucureşti, 230 pagini (2010), ISBN: 978-973-39-0696-4. CNCSIS-167

    4. Sinescu I., Gîngu C., Surcel C. Coautori: Baston C, Bălşanu C, Bucşa Cristina, Burchiu Eliza, Chibelean C., Cerempei V, Constantinescu Ileana, Daia Denise, Dick A, Domnişor Liliana, Gluck G, Hârza M, Hăineală B, Kereszy Eminee, Lazăr R, Manea I, Mirvald C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Savu Carmen, Stoica R, Şerbănescu B, Ştefan B, Tacu Dorina, Tulbure Ruxanda - Cancerul renal cu extensie venoasă, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2011, 304 pagini. ISBN: 978-973-708-558-0. CNCS-114


    1. Chibelean C., A. Maier. - Adenocarcinom de prostată- prostatectomie radicală în Prezentări de cazuri urologice pentru examene și concursuri, (sub redacţia Martha Orsolya), Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2014, pg. 253-260, ISBN: 978-973-169-290-6. CNCSIS-210

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    2. Chibelean C., A.O.Vida, L. Lakatos - Fistulă vezico-vaginală- cura fistulei vezico- vaginale în Prezentări de cazuri urologice pentru examene și concursuri, (sub redacţia Martha Orsolya), Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2014, pg. 228-235, ISBN: 978-973-169-290-6. CNCSIS-210

    3. Chibelean C., A. Maier - Abces renal cu flegmon perirenal- incizie, evacuare, drenaj în Prezentări de cazuri urologice pentru examene și concursuri,( (sub redacţia Martha Orsolya), Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2014, pg 85-92, ISBN: 978-973-169-290-6. CNCSIS-210

    4. Chibelean C., A. Brad – Pionefroză - Nefrectomie în Prezentări de cazuri urologice pentru examene și concursuri, (sub redacţia Martha Orsolya), Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2014, pg. 77-84, ISBN: 978-973-169-290-6. CNCSIS-210

    5. Chibelean C., A. Brad, A. Nechifor-Boilă - Feocromocitom - suprarenalectomie în Prezentări de cazuri urologice pentru examene şi concursuri, (sub redacţia Martha Orsolya), Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2014, pg. 51-60, ISBN: 978-973-169-290-6. CNCSIS 210

    6. Chibelean C., A. Brad, A. Nechifor-Boilă - Tumoră suprarenaliană - suprarenalectomie în Prezentări de cazuri urologice pentru examene şi concursuri, (sub redacţia Martha Orsolya), Editura University Press Tîrgu Mureş, 2014, pg. 42-50, ISBN: 978-973-169-290-6. CNCSIS 210

    Capitole luate în considerare la ultima promovare

    7. Oșan V.G., Muntoi I.D., Chibelean C., Simion Carmen - Capitolul 12: Bolile parazitare ale

    aparatului urogenital, în: Tratat de urologie (sub redacția I. Sinescu, G. Glück), Editura Medicală, 2008, p. 997-1024. vol.1-4, ISBN: 978-973-39-0655-1 şi 978-973-39-0656-8 vol.I, 978-973-39-0658-2 vol.III, 978-973-39-0659-9 vol.IV. CNCS-114

    8. Sinescu I., Chibelean C., M. Hârza, Cerempei V., Dudu C., Iordache A., Voinea S., Mihaela Mihai - Capitolul 29: Cancerul de prostată, în: Tratat de urologie (sub redacția I. Sinescu, G. Glück), Editura Medicală, 2008, p. 2353-2438, vol.1-4, ISBN: 978-973-39-0655-1 şi 978-973-39-0656-8 vol.I, 978-973-39-0658-2 vol.III, 978-973-39-0659-9 vol.IV. CNCS-114

    9. Ciofu C., Chibelean C, Capitolul 40: Evaluarea urodinamică şi electrofiziologică în urologie, în - Tratat de urologie (sub redacția I. Sinescu, G. Glück), Editura Medicală, 2008, pg. 2869-2920, vol.1-4, ISBN: 978-973-39-0655-1 şi 978-973-39-0656-8 vol.I, 978-973-39-0658-2 vol.III, 978-973-39-0659-9 vol.IV. CNCS-114

    10. Chibelean C, Surcel C., Moldovan C., Avram D. - Capitolul 41: Vezica hiperactivă, în: Tratat de urologie (sub redacția I. Sinescu, G. Glück), Editura Medicală, 2008, pg. 2921-2938, vol.1-4, ISBN: 978-973-39-0655-1 şi 978-973-39-0656-8 vol.I, 978-973-39-0658-2 vol.III, 978-973-39-0659-9 vol.IV. CNCS-114

    11. Ciofu C., Bajenaru V., Chibelean C. - Capitolul 43: Vezica neurologică, în: Tratat de urologie (sub redacția I. Sinescu, G. Glück), Editura Medicală, 2008, pg. 2951-3004, vol.1-4, ISBN: 978-973-39-0655-1 şi 978-973-39-0656-8 vol.I, 978-973-39-0658-2 vol.III, 978-973-39-0659-9 vol.IV. CNCS-114

    12. Sinescu I., C. Chibelean, M. Hârza, B. Șerbănescu, Mihaela Mihai, Monica Hortopan - Capitolul 4: Tumori prostatice, în: Tratat de urologie oncologică (Sub redacția Sinescu, G.

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    Glück, M. Hârza), Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, 2006, pag. 295-388, vol.1 şi 2, ISBN: 973-708-096-3 şi 973-708-110-2. CNCS-114

    13. Sinescu I., C. Chibelean, M. Hârza I., B. Șerbănescu, Mihaela Mihai, Monica Hortopan - Capitolul 9: Tumori retroperitoneale, în: Tratat de urologie oncologică (Sub redacția Sinescu, G. Glück, M. Hârza), Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, 2006, pag. 627-645, vol.1 şi 2, ISBN: 973-708-096-3 şi 973-708-110-2. CNCS 114

    14. Chibelean C. - LP 17: Principii de urodinamică în urologie, în: Lucrări practice pentru studenţi (sub redacţia I. Sinescu), Editura Universitară “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2005, pag.139-149, ISBN: 973-708-103-X. CNCS-114

    15. Chibelean C. - Capitolul 3: Evaluarea pacientului, în: Urodinamica aparatului urinar inferior (sub redacția Lucian Iliescu), Editura ARC 2000, 2003, pag. 21-29, Bucureşti, ISBN: 973-99718-7-3.

    16. Chibelean C. - Capitolul 8: Organizarea laboratorului de urodinamică, în: Urodinamica aparatului urinar inferior (sub redacția L. Iliescu), Editura ARC 2000, 2003, pag. 160-167, Bucureşti, ISBN: 973-99718-7-3.



    1. Chibelean B.C., Ghirca Veronica., Petca R., Porav-Hodade D., Nechifor Boila I. A., Todea-Moga C., Claudia Mehedintu, Martha Orsolya The efficacy and safety of Uractiv Control in Overactive Bladder treatment Rev. Chimia (Bucuresti),2020; 71(1):In press ISSN 0034-7752. FI:1,605 adeverinta

    2. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Chibelean B.C., Andrada Loghin, Adela Nechifor-Boilă, Voidăzan S., Flavia Maria Rădulescu, Angela Borda - Histopathological predictive factors for the overall survival rate in patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladder treated by radical cystectomy: a Romanian cohort study. J Morphol Embryol 2019, 60(4): In press ISSN 1220-0522. FI: 1,5 autor corespondenţă

    3. Cristina Beiu, Marius-Nicolae Popescu, Mihai Cristian Dumitrascu, Aida Petca, Claudia Mehedințu, Patricia Delia Farcasanu, Răzvan-Cosmin Petca, Călin Chibelean, Florica

    Șandru The Evaluation of Estrogen Receptor β as a Potential Prognosis Factor in

    Melanoma Rev. Chimia (București), 2019 70(12): 4212-4216, ISSN0034-772. FI:1,605.

    autor cu drepturi egale

    4. Chibelean B.C., Nechifor-Boilă I.A.- Abobotulinumtoxin A treatment for Idiopathic Hyperactive bladder: impact of complications on patients’ quality of life, Rom J Leg Med,

    2019 (3), ISSN 1844-8585 (online), DOI:10.4323/rjlm.2019.x. FI: 0,48

    5. Chibelean B.C., Nechifor-Boilă I. A., Andrada Loghin, Adela Nechifor-Boilă, George M., Angela Borda - Histopathological and perioperative factors influencing the length of hospital stay and patients’ outcome after radical cystectomy for urothelial carcinoma, Rom J Morphol Embryol 2019, 60(3): 905-911, ISSN 1220-0522, PMID: 31912103. FI=1,5

    6. M.C. Dumitrascu, Madalina Iliescu, R.C.Petca, Florica Sandru, Claudia Mehedintu, Patricia Delia Farcasanu, Nicoleta Maru, C. Chibelean, Aida Petca - The Chemical Pregnancy. Rev.

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    Chimia (Bucuresti),2019, 70(11): 3818-3823, ISSN 0034-7752. FI:1,605 autor cu drepturi egale

    7. Fizazi K, Shore N, Tammela TL, Ulys A, Vjaters E, Polyakov S, Jievaltas M, Luz M, Alekseev B, Kuss I, Kappeler C, Snapir A, Sarapohja T, Smith MR; ARAMIS Investigators .Collaborators (360) Metrebian S, Montes de Oca LF, Richardet M, Dowling A, Hovey E, Joshi A, Krieger L, Oliveira N, Parnis F, Meran J, Silva E, Bumbu G, Cauni V, Cebotaru CL, Chibelean BC, Dinu M, Ghizdavescu GD, Harza M, Jinga V, Lungulescu DS, Schenker M, Sharifi R, Shevrin D et al. - Darolutamide in Nonmetastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. New Engl J Med. 2019 Mar 28;380(13):1235-1246. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1815671. Epub 2019, Feb 14. FI: 79,258

    8. Balan D., Orsolya Martha, Chibelean B. C., Tataru O.S., Voidazan S., Anca Sin, Matei D.M., Vartolomei MD, Lucarelli G, Cioffi A, Del Giudice F, De Berardinis E, Angela Borda, Busetto GM, Ferro M, Pytel A, Daniel-Porav Hodade - Comparison of 10-year overall survival between pacients with G1 and G2 grade Ta bladder tumors. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018,97:16 e0522, doi 1097/MD. FI= 1,87

    9. Orsolya Martha, Porav-Hodade D., Bălan D., Tătaru O.S., Anca Sin, Chibelean C.B., Vartolomei M.D. - Easily Available Blood Test Neutrophil- To- Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Progression in High- Risk Non- Muscle Invazive Bladder Cancer. Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator 2017; 25(2): 181-189. FI: 0,400.

    10. Todea-Moga C., Orsolya Martha, Chibelean B.C., Veronica Ghirca, Porav Hodade D. - The efficacy of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in elderly patients, Merit Research Journals, 2017, 5(11): 547-554, www.meritresearchjournals.org/mms/index.htm, ISSN:2354-323x. IF:1,325.

    11. Ghirca MV, Chibelean BC, Frunda EA, Mártha O. - The importance of Bladder Contractility Index in the management of underactive bladder Orv Hetil. 2017 Aug; 158(31):1222-1227, Doi: 10.1556/650.2017.30776.Hungarian. PMID:28758433, ISSN 0030-6002. FI: 0,349/2016

    12. Echim G.,Cătălina Gabriela Pisoschi, Vari C.E., Melinda Kolcsar,Bianca Eugenia Osz, Gall Z., Chibelean C., Anca Berbecaru-Iovan, Maria T. Dogaru - Long term efects of olanzapine cumulative doses on fat tissue. An experimental model in rats. Farmacia 2016; 64 (3): 358-366. FI: 1,348.

    13. Loghin A, Bănescu C, Nechifor-Boila A, Chibelean BC, Orsolya M, Nechifor-Boila A, Tripon F, Voidazan S, Borda A. - XRCC3 Thr241Met and XPD Lys751G ln gene polymorphisms and risk of clear cell renal cell carcinoma, Cancer Biomark 2016, 16(2):211-217. FI:1,736

    14. Maier A., Man A., Chibelean B.C., T. Cighir, Eniko Nemes-Nagy, Ioana Maier, Todea C., Vida O., Orsolya Martha. Bacteriological evaluation of the non-struvite nephrolithiasis and its association with urinary tract infections. Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator, 2015, Vol.23,Nr.4, ISSN 1841-6624. FI:0,143.

    15. Vartolomei MD, Cotoi OS, Badea MA, Chibelean CB, Cotoi T, Morariu V, Albu C, Morariu SH - Indurative Edema of the Prepuce Mimicing Phimosis, an Atypical Manifestation of Primary Syphilis. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat. 2015; 23(4):301-3. FI:0,46

    16. Chibelean B.C., Nechifor-Boilă I.A. - Botulinum neurotoxin A for overactive bladder treatment: advantages and pitfalls, Can J Urol 2015, 22(2):7681-9, ISSN 1195-9479. FI: 1,066.


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    17. Andrada Loghin, Chibelean B.C., Martha Orsolya, Adela Nechifor-Boilă, Nechifor-Boilă A., Angela Borda. Micropapillary urothelial carcinoma: an aggressive variant of urothelial carcinoma, Rom J Morphol Embryol 2014, 55(3): 939-45, ISSN 1220-0522. FI: 0,659, autor de corespondență

    18. Surcel C, Savu C, Chibelean B.C., Iordache A, Mirvald C, Sinescu I - Comparative analysis of different surgical procedures for female stress urinary incontinence. Is stem cell implantation the future? Rom J Morphol Embryol 2012;53(1):151-4, ISSN 1220-0522, FI: 0,620

    Articole luate în considerare la ultima promovare

    19. Sinescu I., C. Chibelean, C. Surcel, Maria Viorica Ştefănescu, M. Ferrara – Principal

    component analysis and classification with application in medicine. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research Journal, vol.4, 2009 ISSN: 1842-0650 (CNCSIS-A+332-ISI)



    1. Ioana Rodean, Chibelean B.C.- Renal Denervation- a Modern Option for Treating Resistant

    Hypertension. Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine, 2019; epub DOI 10.2478/jim-2020-0001 ISSN: 2501 - 8132 (Online)

    2. Chibelean B.C., Tătaru O.S., Angela Borda, Andrada Loghin, Nechifor-Boilă A.I., Orsolya Mártha Zinner’s Syndrome – The Value of Clinical Imaging and Morphopathological Findings for Diagnosis. Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine, 2019;4(4):196-200, DOI: 10.2478/jim-2019-0029, ISSN: 2501 - 8132

    3. Tataru O. S., Porav-Hodade D.,Orsolya Martha, Balan D., Vartolomei M. D., Chibelean C. B., - Long-term Overall Survival of Patients with T1 Bladder Cancer following BCG, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 17, nr 1, 2018, pp:18-22. ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, indexat EBSCO şi ProQuest

    4. Chibelean BC., Ghirca V., Porav-Hodade D., Nechifor Boila A.I:, Todea-Moga C., Brad A., Vida O., Orsolya Martha - The Efficacy and Safety of Uractiv Control in Overactive Bladder Treatment, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 17, nr 3, 2018, pp:23-27, ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, indexat EBSCO şi ProQuest

    5. Nechifor-Boilă IA, Borda Angela, Loghin Andrada, Nechifor-Boilă Adela, Chibelean B.C. - Diffusion Weighted Imaging in MRI for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: current efficiency as a standalone sequence for an unenhanced MRI experience - a pilot study, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2016, 62(1):47-50, ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, indexat EBSCO Discovery Service, https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/tnh-coverage.htm.

    6. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Klara Branzaniuc, Angela Borda, Monica Vasilescu, Chibelean B.C. - Enhancing diagnostic accuracy for prostate cancer in multiparametric MRI: current Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) techniques and future perspectives, Revista Română de Urologie 2015, 14(4):10-14, ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, indexat EBSCO Discovery Service, https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/tnh-coverage.htm.


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    7. Nechifor-Boila I.A., Suciu H., Loghin Andrada, Borda Angela, Maier A, Martha Orsolya, Chibelean BC. - Piggy-back Hepatic Transplant Technique and Veno-venous Bypass Without Cardiac Arrest: A Multidisciplinary Approach in Borderline T3b/T3c Renal Tumors, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2015, 61(2):132-135, ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, indexat EBSCO Discovery Service, https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/tnh-coverage.htm.

    8. Vartolomei M.D., Chibelean C.B., Voidazan S., Orsolya Martha, Borda Angela, Boja R.M., Dogaru G.A. - How Far WE Should Go with Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection on the Controlateral Side in Unifocal Muscle Invazive Bladder Cancer, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2015, 61(3):180-183, ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, autor corespondență

    9. Chibelean BC., A. Brad, D. Porav, A. Nechifor-Boilă, Andrada Loghin, Orsolya Martha - Impact of locoregional lymph node dissection for staging on intra- and early postoperative evolution in RCC, Revista Romana de Urologie 2012, 11(4):31-35, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    10. Chibelean BC., C. Surcel, A. Nechifor-Boilă, A. Brad, D. Porav, Andrada Loghin, Angela Borda, Orsolya Martha, I. Sinescu - Clinical effectiveness of Abobotulinumtoxin A (Dysport®) therapy in the treatment of idiopathic overactive bladder syndrome, Revista Romana de Urologie 2012, 11(4):40-44, ISSN:1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    Articole luate în considerare la ultima promovare

    11. C. Chibelean, C. Moldovan, V. Cerempei, S. Pătrăşcoiu, C. Surcel, C. Gîngu, B. Şerbănescu, R.

    Constantiniu, G. Glück, M. Hârza, I. Sinescu - Prostatectomia radicală retropubiană – analiză retrospectivă a perioadei 2000-2008, Revista Română de Urologie, 2009, vol.8, nr.3, pag.35-38, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest


    1. Brad A., C. Mateescu, G. Bita, V. Ghirca, M.D. Vartolomei, D. Porav, C. Simion, C. Chibelean, V. Osan, O. Martha - ESWL in patients with horseshoe Kidney - Single center experience. Revista Romana de Urologie, 2018 nr.1, vol .17, pp:35-38. CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    2. A. Brad, O.S. Tătaru, Veronica Ghirca, A.O. Vida, D. Porav, Carmen Simion, C. Chibelean, V. Oșan, Orsolya Martha - The Efficacy of Extracorporeal Lithotripsy in Patients with Lithiasis on Solitary Kidney, Revista Romana de Urologie, 2017,vol 16,nr.4, pp 16-19. CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    3. V. M. Ghirca, C. Chibelean, D. Porav-Hodade, C. Todea, O. Vida, A. Nechifor, A. Brad, O. Martha - The role of urodynamic investigations in diagnosis of women’s urinary retention, Revista Romana de Urologie, 2017, vol.16,nr.4, pp:35-39. CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    4. A. Brad, Alexandra Simion, Veronica Moldovan, C. Todea, M. D. Vartolomei, D. Porav, Carmen Simion, C. Chibelean, V. Oșan, Orsolya Martha - The place of ESWL in the treatment of urinary stones in patients with renal malformations, Revista Română de urologie, vol 15, Nr. 1, 2016. CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest


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    5. Ghirca Veronica Maria, Porav-Hodade D., Chibelean C., Voidazan S., Vartolomei M., Boja R., Martha Orsolya - The role of urodynamic investigations in management of stress urinary incontinence, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2015, Tg Mures, 61 (4), 298-302, www.aajournal.ro, ISSN 2068-3324, DOI: 10.1515/amma-2015-0115, 103 B+

    6. M.V. Moldovan, A. Brad, D. Porav-Hodade, C. Chibelean, A. Maier, e. Buzsi, R. Boja, Orsolya Martha - Predictors of stress urinary incontinence in women. Revista Română de Urologie 2015, 14(4): 31-35. ISSN 2068-3324, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    7. Vartolomei MD, Geambasu S, Cotoi T, Badea MA, Chibelean C, Voidezan S, Albu C, Cotoi OS, Dogaru GA, Boja RM, Dogaru GA. - Knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients. Bull Transilv Univ Braşov. 2015;8 (57)(1):33–8. ISSN 2065-2135, CNCSIS B+

    8. Gingu C, C. Chibelean, A. Turcanu, A. Dick, C. Surcel, S. Patrascoiu, C. Mirvald, O. Himedan, Liliana Domnisor, I. Constantinescu, I. Sinescu - Renal cyst-a benign disease?-discussions based on a case report, Revista Romana de Urologie, Nr.3/2012, ISSN: 1223-0650. CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    9. Sinescu I, Voinea S, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Manea I, Gagiu C, Hăineală B. - Analiză comparativă retrospectivă a protocolului extins versus protocolul de saturaţie la al doilea set de biopsii prostatice, Revista Română de Urologie, 2011, vol.10, nr.4, pag.57-61, ISSN: 1223-0650. CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    Articole luate în considerare la ultima promovare

    10. Ileana Constantinescu, Ana Moise, C.V. Gîngu, B. Şerbănescu,. C. Surcel, C. Chibelean,

    Hârza M, Sinescu I. - Killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (kir) genotype and the risk of viral infection after kidney transplantation, Revista Română de Urologie, 2010, vol.9, nr.4, pag.60-64 , ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    11. Surcel C, Chibelean C, Iordache A, Mirvald C, Gîngu C, Margaritis S, Stoica R, Codoiu C, Țucă M, Sinescu C, Savu C, Marksteiner R, Sinescu I. - Tratamentul modern minim invaziv al incontinentei urinare de efort - este transplantarea celulară o soluție? Revista Română de Urologie, 2010, vol.9, nr.4, pag. 27-32, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    12. Sinescu I, Voinea S, Pieleanu S, Manea I, Gagiu C, Chibelean C, Haineală B, Preda A, Neagoe L, M. Țucă , Dohle G. - Impact of subinguinal microscopic varicocelectomy on sperm quality - first romanian experience, Revista Română de Urologie, 2010, vol.9, nr.4, pag. 22-26, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    13. Gîngu C, Pătrășcoiu S, Hârza M, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Tica D, Bălşanu C, Dick A, Țucă M, Sinescu I. - Uretroplastia cu mucoasă bucală în doi timpi pentru hipospadias multiplu operat complicat şi recidivat, Revista Română de Urologie, 2010, vol.9, nr.4, pag. 53-59, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    14. Sinescu I, Surcel C, Avram D, Mirvald C, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Cerempei V, Manea I, Hăineală B, Lefter D, Margaritis S, Savu C. - New clinical insights in bourneville disease, Revista Română de Urologie, 2010, vol.9, nr.3, pag.51-54, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

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    15. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Zogas V, Hârza M, Tica D, Creţu O, Surcel C, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Sinescu I, Reich P, Deja T, Kopp J. - Uretroplastiile cu grefă de mucoasă bucală pentru lichen sclerosus cu afectare uretrală la barbat, Revista Română de Urologie, 2009, vol.8, nr.4, pag.53-59, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    16. Sinescu I, Surcel C, Mirvald C, Chibelean C, Gîngu C, Avram D, Hârza M, Manu M.A., Lazăr R, Savu Carmen, Guţu I, Udra A, Joianu S. - Factori de prognostic în fibroza retroperitoneală idiopatică, Revista Română de Urologie, 2009, vol.8, nr.4, pag.49-52, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    17. Surcel C, Chibelean C, Mirvald C, Gîngu C, Sinescu I. - Epidemiologia incontinenţei urinare în românia – studiul omnibus, Revista Română de Urologie, 2009, vol.8, nr.1, pag.49-58, ISSN: 1223-0650, CNCSIS B+, indexată EBSCO şi ProQuest

    Categoria CNCSIS-C= 1

    18. Sinescu I., C. Surcel, Mirvald C, Chibelean C, Gîngu C, Avram D, Hârza M, Manu MA, Lazăr R, Savu C, Udrea A. - Prognostic factors in retroperitoneal fibrosis, Journal of Medicine and Life, 2010, ian.-mar., 3(1), 19-25, ISSN: 1844-122X (CNCSIS-C-852), PMID: 20302193

    Categoria CNCSIS-D= 25

    19. Sinescu I, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Şerbănescu B, Cerempei V, Voinea S. - Recidive loco-regionale după tumori renale parenchimatoase – probleme terapeutice, Revista Română de Urologie, 2002, vol.1, nr.3, p.16-19, ISSN: 1223-0650

    20. Chibelean C., L. Iliescu - Nicturia: o boală sau o manifestare fiziologică a îmbătrânirii? Revista Română de Urologie, Vol.1, nr.2, 2002, pag. 49. ISSN: 1223-0650.

    21. Chibelean C, Iliescu L, Sinescu I . - Toxina botulinică şi utilizarea ei în afecţiunile aparatului urinar inferior, Revista Română de Urologie, 2002, vol.1, nr.4, p.34-36, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    22. Sinescu I, Eminée Kerezsy, Dorina Ticu, Manu MA, Hârza M, Chibelean C, Şerbănescu B. - Donatorul în viaţă pentru transplant renal, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.1, p.12-18, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    23. O. Traxer, C. Chibelean, F. Pasqui, C. Ciofu, B. Gattegno, P. Thibault - Ureterorenoscopul flexibil cu dublă deflexie activă – un nou instrument folosit în tratamentul calculilor caliceali inferiori, Revista Română de urologie, vol.2, nr.2, 2003, 59-64. Issn: 1223-0650.

    24. Sinescu I, Manu MA, Chibelean C, Neicuţescu C, Roşu T, Vârşăndan R, Dorina Ticu - Nefrectomia de la donatorul în viaţă în vederea transplantului renal – evaluare, tehnica, complicaţii, evoluţie, rezultate, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.1, p.19-22, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    25. Sinescu I, Manu MA, Hârza M, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Dorina Ticu, Capşa D, Eminée Kerezsy, Neicuţescu C, Liliana Domnişor - Donatorii şi receptorii marginali în transplantul renal, Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.1, p.23-26, ISSN: 1223-0650.

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    26. Sinescu I, Manu MA, Hârza M, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Neicuţescu C, Vârşăndan R - Anomalii vasculare întâlnite în transplantul renal, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.1, p.27-30, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    27. Sinescu I, Manu MA, Hârza M, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Neicuţescu C, Roşu T, Vârşăndan R - Tehnici de revascularizare a grefei renale în condiţii de angio-anatomie modificată, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.1, p.31-36, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    28. Sinescu I, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Şerbănescu B, Voinea S, Cerempei V. - Autotransplant renal modalitate de tratament pentru boala takayasu cu afectare renală, la copil, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.3, p.5-10, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    29. Sinescu I, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Şerbănescu B, Voinea S, Cerempei V, Monica Hortopan, Lesaru M. - Anevrism multiplu, voluminos de arteră renală dreaptă, parţial trombozat –modalitate de rezolvare, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.3, p.11-14, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    30. Sinescu I, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Şerbănescu B, Gîngu C- Prostatectomia radicală – O istorie de 99 anI, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.4, p.5-10, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    31. Sinescu I, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Andreea Vultur - Complicaţiile urologice post-terapeutice ale neoplasmului de col uterin, Revista Română de Urologie, 2003, vol.2, nr.4, p.21-24, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    32. Ambert V, Băjenaru O, Brătilă P, Chibelean C, Ciofu C, Ioiart I, Ispas C, Martha Orsolya, Sinescu I. - Terminologia internaţională a aparatului urinar inferior, Revista Română de Urologie, 2004, vol.3, nr.4, p.26-39, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    33. Chibelean C, Surcel C, Cerempei V, Postolache E, Iliescu L, Sinescu I - IVS – procedură tip tvt în tratamentul incontinenţei urinare de efort – optimizarea rezultatelor utilizând datele clinice şi urodinamice, Revista Română de Urologie, 2005, vol.4, nr.1, p.9-14, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    34. Hârza M, Gîngu C, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Voinea S, Cerempei V, Manea I, Sinescu I. - Ureterul retrocav – clinică şi diagnostic, Revista Română de Urologie, 2005, vol.4, nr.2, p.17-22, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    35. Ciofu C, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Cerempei V, Baston C, Iliescu L, Sinescu I. - Chestionarul în practica urologică, Revista Română de Urologie, 2005, vol.4, nr.2, p.35-40, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    36. Monica Hortopan, Cristea C, Mustafa E, Pecheanu C, Herlea V, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Lazăr R, Baston C, Sinescu I. - Mielolipomul – tumoră benignă de glandă suprarenală, Revista Română de Urologie, 2005, vol.5, nr.3, p.54-56, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    37. Gîngu C, Hârza M, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Ştefan B, Tica D, Bălşanu C, Cerempei V, Surcel C, Sinescu I. - Incontinenţă urinară prin cale falsă transprostatică iatrogenă la pacient cu strictură de uretră membranoasă consecutivă unei fracturi de bazin, Revista Română de Urologie, 2006, vol.5, nr.4, p.42-46, ISSN: 1223-0650 (CNCSIS-D-486).

    38. Sinescu I, Surcel C, Glück G, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Manu M, Gîngu C, Cerempei V, Avram D, Dudu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Stoica R, Pavel C, Zogas V, Moldovan C. - Gangrena fournier – factori

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    de prognostic. Experienţa centrului de chirurgie urologică Fundeni, Revista Română de Urologie, 2007, vol.6, nr.1, p.32-36, ISSN: 1223-0650 (CNCSIS-D-486).

    39. Carmen Savu, Eliza Burchiu, R. Popescu, Chibelean C, C. Surcel - Avantajele utilizării anestziei generale cu sevoflurane pe mască laringiană în intervenţiile urologice de scurtă durată, Revista Română de Urologie, 2007, vol.6, nr.1, p.43-46, ISSN: 1223-0650 (CNCSIS-D-486).

    40. Sinescu I, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Gîngu C, Hârza M, Manu M, Cerempei V, Avram D, Dudu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Stoica R, Moldovan C, Pavel C. - Tratamentul chirurgical conservator al cancerului renal – experienţa fundeni, Revista Română de Urologie, 2007, vol.6, nr.2, p.15-18, ISSN: 1223-0650 (CNCSIS-D-486).

    41. Hârza M, Dudu C, Iordache A, Pavel C, Gîngu C, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Voinea S, Baston C, Preda A, Rodica Anghel, Mădălina Vasile, Liliana Domnişor, Laura Rebegea, Rădulescu MF, Sinescu I. - Brahiterapia prostatei cu implant permanent de iod125 (ldr) – rezultate preliminare, Revista Română de Urologie, 2007, vol.6, nr.2, p.32-35, ISSN: 1223-0650 (CNCSIS-D-486).

    42. Chibelean C, Surcel C, Şerbănescu B, Gîngu C, Hârza M, Manu M, Cerempei V, Avram D, Pătrăşcoiu S, Stroescu C, Hortopan M, Sinescu I. - Pseudomyxoma retroperitonei – o nouă afecţiune urologică sau o excepţie?, Revista Română de Urologie, 2007, vol.6, nr.2, p.42-45, ISSN: 1223-0650 (CNCSIS-D-486).

    Reviste neindexate

    43. Chibelean C. - Cum funcţionează sistemul urinar şi când funcţionează acesta? Revista

    Columna, 2009, nr.1, pag.20-21.

    44. Oșan V., Martha Orsolya, Chibelean C, Porav-Hodade D. - Tîrgu-Mureș – Repere urologice, Medica Academica, 2018, pag,14-15.



    1. M.V. Ghirca, C. Chibelean, D. Porav-Hodade, A. Nechifor, C. Todea, A. Brad, O. Vida, O. Martha- Effects of the electro-magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor in pacients with storage symptomts. EAU 18th CEM 12 October, Cluj Napoca, Eur. Urol. Suppl. 17(12), October 2018, pg.e2652. ISSN 1569-9056, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, FI=2,613.

    2. O.S. Tataru, A. Hutanu, S. Voidazan, D.Porav-Hodade, C.B. Chibelean, A. Sin, A. Loghin, V. Osan, M.D. Vartolomei, O. Martha-Serological investigation of Fascin-1 in prostate cancer:A case-control study, EAU 18th CEM 12 October, Cluj Napoca, Eur. Urol. Suppl. 17(12), October2018, pg. e2633http://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, ISSN 1569-9056, FI=2,613.


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    3. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., V. Ghirca, O. Martha, C. Chibelean - Tension-free mid-urethral sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence: Complications and management, EAU 17th Central European Meeting in conjunction with the national 63rd annual conference of the Czech Urological Society (CUS), 19-20 October 2017, Plzen, European Urology Supplements, 16(11): e2892, ISSN 1569-9056, FI=16,265.

    4. Loghin, C. Bănescu, A. Nechifor-Boilă, C. Chibelean, O Martha, F. Tripon, S. Voidăzan, A. Borda - DNA repair gene polymorphisms and risk of clear cell renal cell carcinoma, 28th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, 25-29 September 2016, Cologne, Virchows Archiv 2016; vol 469 Supp 1, p S233-S234, FI=2,613.

    5. Orsolya Mártha, Ghirca V.M., Frunda E.A., Chibelean C. - Urodynamic estimation of detrusor contractile function : The Bladder contractility index (BCI), 36th SIU Congress, Buenos Aires, World J Urol (2016) 34(Suppl 1): 1. doi:10.1007/s00345-016-1931-2, ISSN 0090-4295, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urology-supplements/, FI=2,3912.

    6. Veronica Ghirca, C. Chibelean, D.Porav Hodade, A. Maier, O. Vida, C. Todea, A. Nechifor Boila, Orsolya Mártha - Preoperative urodynamics in women with stress urinary incontinence, Congress CEM 15, Budapest, Eur Urol Suppl 2015;oct.14 (5), ISSN 1569-9056, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, FI=2,358.

    7. Vartolomei MD, Balan D, Anda Ştefan, Mariana Tilinca, Voidezan S, Chibelean CB, Boja RM, Anca Sin, Angela Borda, Orsolya Mártha, Dogaru G. - Long term follow-up after TUR-B for NMIBC. An external validation of EORTC risk tables. Congress CEM 15, Budapest Eur Urol Suppl.2015;14(5):e169-e169a,ISSN1569-905https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, FI=2,358.

    8. Loghin., C. Banescu , A. Nechifor Boila A., C. Chibelean., Orsolya Mártha, Nechifor Bolia A., Tripon F., Vultur M., Voidazan S., Dema A., Borda Angela - XRCC3Thr241Met and XPD:ys751G1n gene polymorphism and risk of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Association with histopathological prognostic factors. Al XIII-lea simpozion Nat de Morfologie Microscopica, cu participare internationala Craiova 4-6 iunie 2015, RJME, 81-82, ISBN 978-606-11-4705-2, http://www.rjme.ro/, FI=0,723.

    9. Nechifor-Boila I.A. , Borda A., Loghin A., Buruian M., Vasilescu M., Mártha O., Chibelean C. - Clinical efficiency of the Diffusion Weighted Imaging /T2 image fusion for prostate cancer diagnosis in multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging – a pilot study, Congress CEM 14 Cracow,Eur Urol Suppl 2014; 13(6) e1306, ISSN 1569-9056, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, FI=2,16

    10. Nechifor-Boilă I.A.,A. Borda, A. Loghin, E.Gliga-Baubec,..., C. Chibelean – Nephon-sparing surgery in our current clinical setting: From guideline recomandation to practice. Congress CEM 14 Cracow, Eur. Urol. Suppl 2014;13(6), e1406, ISSN 1569-9056, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, FI=2,16.

    11. Vartolomei M.D., Morariu S, Orsolya Mártha, Mariana Tilinca, Anca Sin, Brad A., Boja R.M., Dogaru G.A, Chibelean C.B. - Catheter free rate after cystectomy with cutaneous ureterostomy diversion, 34th SIU Congress Glasgow Urology 2014, 84 (supl. 1):173, ISSN 0090-4295, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urology-supplements/, IF=2,391.

    12. Orsolya Mártha, Brad A., Hodade P. D. Chibelean C, Maier A, Vida O, , Vartolomei - Is blood group a risk factor in kidney cancer, 34th SIU Congress Glasgow, World Jornal of Urolgy, vol. 84, supl. 1, 2014, p. 268. ISSN 0090-4295, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urology-supplements/, IF=2,391

    13. Todea-Moga C., Boja R.M., Porav-Hodade D., Chiujdea A., Chibelean C., Maier A., Vida O., Moldovan V., Buzsi E., Mártha O - Is age a barrier for percutaneous nephrolitotomy?


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    Congress CEM 14 Cracow , Eur Urol Suppl 2014; 13(6) e1353, ISSN 1569-9056, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, IF=2,16

    14. Vartolomei M.D., Chibelean C.B., Cotoi O.S., Orsolya Mártha, Craciun C., Mariana Tilinca, Anca Sin, Brad A., Boja R.M., Dogaru G.A, Morariu S.H - Human Papilloma virus infection in penile and genitalia tumors: Atypical aspects, 34th SIU Congress Glasgow Urology 2014, 84 (supl. 1):173, ISSN 0090-4295, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urology-supplements/, IF= 2,3916

    15. Chibelean C., Nechifor-Boila, I.A., Moldovan, V., Brad, A., Mártha O - Abobotulinumtoxin A (Dysport®) treatment for overactive bladder syndrome – a potential contraindication in patients with suburethral slings, despite favorable urodynamic data, Congress CEM 13 Prague, Eur Urol Suppl 2013, 12, e 1244, ISSN 0090-4295, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urology-supplements, FI=2,16

    16. Loghin A, C. Chibelean, Orsolya Mártha, A. Borda - Micropapillary carcinoma of the urinary bladder: A rare and agressive variant. A case presentation, Virchovs Arch.2013, 463, 101-352, www.bioxbio.com/if/html, FI=2,67

    17. Maier Adrian C., Malau O., Chibelean C., Porav H.D., Golea O., Vida A.O., Todea C., Mártha O - Antibiotic prophylaxis: is important in preventing urinary tract infection in management of ureteral lithiasis? Congress CEM 13 Prague, Eur Urol Suppl 2013, 12, e 1244, ISSN 0090-4295, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-urologysupplements, FI=2,16

    18. Carasca C, Andrada Loghin, C. Chibelean, Orsolya Mártha, Angela Borda - Multiple skin and systemic metastases of choriocarcinoma from a mixed germ cell tumour of the testis, Al XI-lea Simp Nat de Morfologie Microscopica cu participare internat, Craiova 2013, vol rez p. 81, ISBN 978-606-11-3432-8.http://www.rjme.ro/, FI=0,723

    19. A. Brad, L. Lakatos, A. Nechifor, C. Golovei, A Borda, O. Martha, C. Chibelean, - The implications of loco-regional lymph node dissection for staging on RCC: Intra- and early postoperative patients outcomes. European Urology Supplements, vol 11(4), EAU 12th CEM October2012,pg.116 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1569-9056(13)60142-6 FI=2,16

    20. Sinescu I., C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, V. Cerempei, C. Savu, A. Udrea - Box counting fractal analysis in the management of small renal masses 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, UP-01.183, vol 78., issue 3, suppl,. pag. S248, oct. 2011; PII: S0090-4295(11)01439-7; DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.734 ISSN: 0090-4295. FI=2,334

    21. Surcel C., Carmen Savu, C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, V. Cerempei, Ursianu V. I. Sinescu: Mathematical models for estimating the severity of postoperative acute kidney injury after radical nephrectomy, 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, UP-01.184, vol 78., issue 3, suppl., pag. S248-S249, oct. 2011. ISSN: 0090-4295. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.735, FI=2,334

    22. Sinescu I, Surcel C, Mirvald C, Chibelean C, Gîngu C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Cerempei V, Haineala B, Iordache A, Savu C - Tuberous sclerosis with cutaneus phenotype – clinical particularities, 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, UP-01.182, vol 78., issue 3, suppl,. pag. S248, oct. 2011. ISSN: 0090-4295. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.733, FI=2,334

    23. C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, D. Avram, C. Chibelean, C. Gingu, V. Cerempei, Margaritis S, Iordache A, C. Savu, I. Sinescu : The value of meld score in predicting the outcome of patients with liver cirrhosis undergoing an urological procedure, 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, UP-01.011, vol 78., issue 3, suppl,. pag. S187-S188, oct. 2011. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.563 ISSN: 0090-4295. FI=2,334


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    24. Pătrăşcoiu S, Gîngu C, Hârza M, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Zogas V, Bălşanu C, Dick A, Domnişor L, Sinescu I - The buccal mucosa “snodgraft” hypospadias repair – our experience, 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, MP-12.11, vol 78., issue 3, suppl,. pag. S119, oct. 2011. ISSN: 0090-4295, DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.288, FI=2,334

    25. Chibelean B.C, Surcel C, Gîngu C, Moldovan C, Voinea S, Stoica R, Cerempei V, Harza M, Manu MA, Sinescu I - Comparing results of two types of trans obturator tape (tot), in-out technique, used in women with stress urinary incontinence 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, UP-01.080, vol 78., issue 3, suppl,. pag. S211-S212, oct. 2011; ISSN: 0090-4295, DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.632, FI=2,334

    26. Chibelean C, Surcel C, Gîngu C, Moldovan C, Voinea S, Pătrăşcoiu S, Cerempei V, Harza M, Manu MA, Sinescu I - Minimally invasive surgical treatment of complex genital prolapse in elderly women – impact on quality of life, 31th SIU Congress, Berlin, 16-20.10.2011, Urology, UP-03.177, vol 78., issue 3, suppl,. pag. S403, oct. 2011; ISSN: 0090-4295. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2011.07.1266, FI=2,334

    27. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Bălşanu C, Dick A, Lupu F, Domnişor L, Sinescu I - Urethral “sphincter” strictures post turp - dorsal buccal mucosa onlay graft repair, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011 European Urology Supplements, C28, 2011;10(9):618;, PII:S1569-9056(11)61609-6; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61609-6, ISSN: 1569-9056, FI=2,538

    28. Sinescu I, Manu MA, Chibelean C, Gîngu C, Surcel C, Mitroi V, Lisa M, Prie I, Lazăr R, Manu Rucsandra - Congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction in pediatric patients – open surgery results, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011 European Urology Supplements, C22, 2011;10(9):617; PII: S1569-9056(11)61603-5; ISSN: 1569-9056. DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61603-5, FI=2,538

    29. Voinea S, Pieleanu S, Manea I, Gagiu C, Neagoe L, Chibelean C, Hăineală B, Preda A, Dohle G, Sinescu I- Impact of subinguinal microscopic varicocelectomy on sperm quality - first romanian experience, eau 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C47, 2011;10(9):623PII: S1569-9056(11)61628-X; ISSN: 1569-9056. DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61628-X, FI=2,538

    30. Voinea S, Pieleanu S Manea I, Gagiu C, Ladislau N, Chibelean C, Matei M, Hârza M, Sinescu I - Is there any relevance of subclinical recurrence of varicocele after subinguinal microscopic varicocelectomy?, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C48, 2011;10(9):623; PII: S1569-9056(11)61629-1; ISSN:1569-9056. DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61629-1, FI=2,538

    31. Chibelean C, Stoica R, Surcel C, Gîngu C, Dușca R, Mirvald C, Savu Carmen, Sinescu I - Comparative urodynamic evaluation of bladder outlet obstruction due to surgical procedures for stress urinary incontinence in women, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C32, 2011;10(9):620;, PII: S1569-9056(11)61613-8; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61613-8 ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    32. Chibelean C, C. Moldovan, R. Dusca, C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, C. Gîngu, S. Voinea, M. Hârza, C. Savu, I. Sinescu - Quality of life study in young patients before and after initiation self-catheterization. EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C155, 2011;10(9):650;, PII: S1569-9056(11)61735-1; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61735-1 ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    33. Chibelean C, C. Moldovan, R. Duşca, C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, V. Cerempei, C. Gîngu, S. Voinea, M. Hârza, I. Sinescu - Comparative evolution of ipss score in t3-t4 prostate cancer patients treated lhrh analogues or surgical castration, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011,


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    European Urology Supplements, C74, 2011;10(9):630, PII: S1569-9056(11)61654-0; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61654-0, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    34. Mirvald C, C. Surcel, C. Gingu, C. Chibelean, C. Savu, R. Stoica, A. Udrea, I. Sinescu - Normal kidney mathematical “phantom”. Can kidney normality be predicted? EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C98, 2011;10(9):636; PII: S1569-9056(11)61678-3; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61678-3, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    35. Surcel C, C. Mirvald, C. Gîngu, C. Chibelean, A. Iordache, C. Savu, A. Udrea, I. Sinescu - Box counting fractal analysis in the management of small renal masses, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011,European Urology Supplements, C157, 2011;10(9):650; PII: S1569-9056(11)61737-5; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61737-5ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    36. Sinescu I, C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, C. Gingu, C. Chibelean, M.A. Manu, C. Savu - Early oncological outcomes for radical prostatectomy as monotherapy in the management of locally advanced prostate cancer, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C69, 2011;10(9):629; PII: S1569-9056(11)61650-3; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61650-3 ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    37. Sinescu I, C. Codoiu, C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, C. Gîngu, C. Chibelean, C. Savu - Oncological outcomes of patients with penile cancer and bulky-fixed inguinal lymph nodes (n3) - is surgical treatment needed?, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C55, 2011;10(9):625; PII: S1569-9056(11)61636-9; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61636-9, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    38. Codoiu C, C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, C. Gîngu, C. Chibelean, A. Iordache, R. Stoica, C. Savu, I. Sinescu - Oncological outcome of patients with t2n0m0 penile cancer that underwent prophylactic lymphodissection, over a five year period, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C56, 2011;10(9):625; PII: S1569-9056(11)61637-0; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61637-0 ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    39. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Bălşanu C, Dick A, Mirvald C, Lupu F, Domnişor L, Stoica R, Iordache A, Sinescu I - Nonclamping open partial nephrectomy complications are decreased by “ligasure” haemostasis and tumor bed compression with perirenal fat flap, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011,European Urology Supplements, C163, 2011;10(9):652; PII: S1569-9056(11)61743-0; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61743-0ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    40. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Surcel C, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Zogas V, Bălşanu C, Dick A, Mirvald C, Lupu F, Domnişor L, Sinescu I - Primary carcinoma of the male urethra – diagnosis and treatment, EAU 11th CEM, Timișoara, 28-29 Oct. 2011, European Urology Supplements, C54, 2011;10(9):625; PII: S1569-9056(11)61635-7; DOI: 10.1016/S1569-9056(11)61635-7 ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    Luate în considerare la ultima promovare

    41. Sinescu I., Proca E., Harza M., Manu M., Gingu C., Serbanescu B., Chibelean B., Sinescu R. -

    Renal cell carcinoma with cavo-atrial extension. European Urology Supplements, Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2003, Page 140, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,507

    42. Traxer O., Chibelean C., Roland E., Tligui M., Vigneau C., Bastien P., Doublet J. D., Gattegno B., Thibault P. H. - Prospective randomised study evaluating the safety of five ureteric stents. European Urology Supplements, Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2003, Page 32, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,507

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    43. Sinescu I, Manu MA, Chibelean C, Hârza M, Neicuţescu C, Vârşăndan R, Ticu D, Manu R - Vascular anomalies in kidney transplantation. Al XX-lea Congres Internaţional al Societăţii de Transplant, Viena, Sept. 2004., Transplantation, abstractul nr. A129, vol.78, nr.2, pag.681, 27 iulie 2004. ISSN:0041-1337. FI=3,972

    44. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Zogas V, Stefan B, Cerempei V, Tica D, Surcel C, Sinescu I - Meatal and anterior urethra buccal mucosa dorsal onlay graft urethroplasties. Al XXII-lea Congres al European Association of Urology, Berlin, 21-24 Martie 2007. European Urology Supplements, rezumat nr.463, vol.6, nr.2, pag.138. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,507

    45. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Hârza M, Chibelean C, Ştefan B, Bălşanu C, Tica D, Surcel C, Sinescu I - Multimodal salvage therapy for a patient with penile carcinoma and bulky inguinal lymph nodes metastases. Al XXIX-lea Congres al Societăţii Internaţionale de Urologie, Paris, Sept. 2007. Urology, nr. VID-06.03, vol.70, supliment 3A, pag.185-186. ISSN: 0090-4295. FI=3,956

    46. Gîngu C, Hârza M, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Tica D, Ştefan B, Bălşanu C, Surcel C, Stoica R, Baston C, Sinescu I - Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular teratoma in a patient with horseshoe kidney. Al XXIX-lea Congres al Societăţii Internaţionale de Urologie, Paris, Sept. 2007. Urology, nr. VID-06.02, vol.70, supliment 3A, pag.185. ISSN: 0090-4295. FI=3,956

    47. Chibelean C, Surcel C, Hârza M, Gîngu C, Cerempei V, Avram D, Pătrăşcoiu S, Moldovan C, Sinescu I - Transobturator ivs used in failed stress urinary incontinence cases. Al XXIX-lea Congres al Societăţii Internaţionale de Urologie, Paris, Sept. 2007. Urology, nr. POS-01.118, vol.70, supliment 3A, pag.226. ISSN: 0090-4295. FI=3,956

    48. Moldovan C., C. Chibelean, C. Surcel, C. Necoara, R. Stoica, C. Gîngu, Carmen Savu, M. Hârza, I. Sinescu - Minimally invasive surgical treatment of complex genital prolapse in elderly women – impact on quality of life. EAU 9th CEM, 23-24.11.2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. European Urology Supplements, Vol.8, Issue 8, Sept. 2009, p.664, C22. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    49. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Cerempei V, Tica D, Bălşanu C, Sinescu I - Risk factors in renal cell carcinoma with venous extension, EAU 9th CEM, 23-24.11.2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. European Urology Supplements, Vol.8, Issue 8, Sept. 2009, p.675-676, C53. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    50. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Cerempei V, Tica D, Bălşanu C, Sinescu I - Two stage hypospadias cripples buccal mucosa graft repair, EAU 9th CEM, 23-24.11.2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. European Urology Supplements, Vol.8, Issue 8, Sept. 2009, p.700-701, C130. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    51. Harza M, Dudu C, Iordache A, Voinea S, Pavel C, Gîngu C, Şerbănescu B, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Preda A, Baston C, Stefan B, Hăineala B, Anghel R, Vasile M, Domnişor L, Rebegea L, R.dulescu MF4 Sinescu I - Prostate brachytherapy with permanent iodine (125i) seed implant (ldr) – intermediate biochemical results and complications, EAU 9th CEM, 23-24.11.2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. European Urology Supplements, Vol.8, Issue 8, Sept. 2009, p.688, C91, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    52. Surcel C., C. Chibelean , C. Mirvald, C. Gîngu, D. Avram, V. Cerempei, M. Hârza, M. Manu, C. Savu, I. Sinescu - Epidemiology of urinary incontinence in romania - omnibus study. EAU 9th CEM, 23-24.11.2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Urology Supplements, Vol.8, Issue 8, Sept. 2009, p.665, C25. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

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    53. Sinescu I., C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, D. Avram, M. Hârza, M. Manu, R. Lazar, C. Savu, A. Udrea - Image fractal analysis in retroperitoneal fibrosis - 5-years of experience with 19 patients. EAU 9th CEM, 23-24.11.2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Urology Supplements, Vol.8, Issue 8, Sept. 2009, p.677-678, C59. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    54. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Domișor L, Cerempei V, Tica D, Bălşanu C, Sinescu I, Risk factors in renal cell carcinoma with venous extension. 25th EAU Annual Congress, 16-20 April 2010, Barcelona, Spania, European Urology Supplements, Vol.9, Issue 2, April 2010, nr. 293, p.118-119, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    55. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Chibelean C, Surcel C, Hârza M, Manu MA, Zogas V, Domnișor L, Cerempei V, Tica D, Bălşanu C, Sinescu I - Two stage hypospadias cripples buccal mucosa graft repair. 25th EAU Annual Congress, 16-20 April 2010, Barcelona, Spania, European Urology Supplements, Vol.9, Issue 2, April 2010, nr. 382, p.700-701. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=1,711

    56. Chibelean C, Surcel C, Gîngu C, Moldovan C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Stoica R, Cerempei V, Harza M, Manu MA, Sinescu I - Treatment of the stress urinary incontinence using two types of trans obturator tape (tot), in-out technique, in women – analysis of failures after surgery. The 10th CEM of EAU, Bratislava, 22-23.10.2010. European Urology Supplements, CEM10-0132, C12, Sept. 2010, 9(6):622, C12. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    57. Gîngu C, Pătrăşcoiu S, Hârza M, Chibelean C., Surcel C., Zogas V., Manu MA, Ştefan B., Tica D., Bălşanu C., Lupu Florin, Dick Alexandru, Domnişor L., Sinescu I - The buccal mucosa “snodgraft” hypospadias repair – our experience. The 10th CEM of EAU, Bratislava, 22-23.10.2010, European Urology Supplements, CEM10-0137, C115, Sept. 2010, 9(6):647, C115. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    58. Sinescu I., Surcel C., Avram D., Mirvald C., Gingu C., Chibelean C., Cerempei V., Manea I., Haineala B., Iordache A., Lefter D., Harza M., Manu M.A., Savu C. - Tuberous sclerosis with cutaneous phenotype – clinical particularities. The 10th CEM of EAU, Bratislava, 22-23.10.2010. European Urology Supplements, CEM10-0138, C130, Sept. 2010, 9(6):651, C130. ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    59. Sinescu I., C. Surcel, C. Mirvald, D. Avram, C. Chibelean, C. Gingu, V. Cerempei, C. Dudu, M. Harza, M. A. Manu, C. Savu - The implications of liver cirrhosis on perioperative mortality and morbidity of urological interventions. The 10th CEM of EAU, Bratislava, 22-23.10.2010, European Urology Supplements, CEM10-0138, C54, Sept. 2010, 9(6):633, C54, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    60. Surcel C., C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, D. Avram, C. Gîngu, A. Iordache, C. Savu, M. Hârza, M. Manu, I. Sinescu - Prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in Romania.SIU World Meeting – LUTD, SIU2010-454, Marrakech, Morocco, 22-23.10.2010, Urology, volume 76, issue 3, suppl. 1, 2010; pag.S90, ISSN:0090-4295. FI=2,365

    61. Surcel C., C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, V. Cerempei, D. Avram, C. Dudu, V. Zogas, I. Sinescu - Perioperative morbidity and mortality in fournier’s gangrene. SIU World Meeting – LUTD, SIU2010-456, Marrakech, Morocco, 22-23.10.2010, Urology, volume 76, issue 3, suppl1, 2010; pag.S102-S103. ISSN:0090-4295. FI=2,365

    62. Sinescu I, Savu Carmen, Mirvald C, Surcel C, Gîngu C, Chibelean C, Cerempei V, Florica Popescu, Victor B - Mathematical models for estimating the appearance of postoperative acute kidney injury after radical nephrectomy. 26th Annual congress of EAU, 18-22 MarCh

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    2011, Vienna, Austria, European Urology Supplements, Volume 10, Issue 2, March 2011, Page 200, ISSN: 1569-9056. FI=2,538

    63. Surcel C., C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, S. Najjar, V. Cerempei, C. Savu, A. Udrea, I. Sinescu - Renal capsule interface in RCC - a fractal analysis. AUA 2011 Annual Meeting, 14-19 May 2011, Washington, SUA. EUS Book of Abstracts, pag.27, Journal of Endourology, 8 Sept. 2011, 25(9):A-1-A-51, ISSN: 0982-7790. DOI: 10.1089-end.2011.supp, FI=1,75

    64. Surcel C., C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, S. Najjar, V. Cerempei, C. Savu, A. Udrea, I. Sinescu - Box counting fractal analysis in the management of small renal masses. AUA 2011 Annual Meeting, 14-19 May 2011, Washington, SUA. EUS Book of Abstracts, pag.47, Journal of Endourology, 8 Sept. 2011, 25(9):A-1-A-51, ISSN: 0982-7790. DOI: 10.1089-end.2011.supp, FI=1,75

    65. Surcel C., C. Mirvald, C. Chibelean, C. Gîngu, S. Najjar, V. Cerempei, C. Savu, A. Udrea, I. Sinescu - Box counting analysis in retroperitoneal fibrosis - 5-years of experience with 19 patients. AUA 2011 Annual Meeting, 14-19 May 2011, Washington, SUA. EUS Book of Abstracts, pag.48, Journal of Endourology, 8 Sept. 2011, 25(9):A-1-A-51, ISSN: 0982-7790. DOI: 10.1089-end.2011.supp. FI=1,75,


    1. Ghirca V., Martha Orsolya,D.Porav-Hodade, A. Nechifor Boila, C. Todea-Moga, A. Brad, O.

    Vida, C. Chibelean - The efficacy and safty of Uractiv Control in Overactive Bladder treatment. Al XXXV-lea Congres al Asociației Române de Urologie, București, Volum de rezumate p 49, Revista Română de Urologie 2019 vol 18 nr. 2 ISSN:1223-0650.

    2. Todea-Moga C, Martha Orsolya, C. Chibelean, V. Ghirca, A. Friedl, A. Brad, O.Vida, D. Porav-Hodade - 3D Laparoscopic radical prostatecomy- learning curve, Al XXXV-lea Congres al Asociației Române de Urologie, București, Volum de rezumate p 16, Revista Română de Urologie 2019 vol.18 nr.2. ISSN:1223-0650.

    3. Todea-Moga C, Martha Orsolya, C. Chibelean, V. Ghirca, O. Amota, A. Brad, O. Vida, D. Porav-Hodade - Laparoscopic pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction on a right pelvic ureteral duplication (case report). Al XXXV-lea Congres al Asociației Române de Urologie, București, Volum de rezumate p 30, Revista Română de Urologie 2019 vol.18 nr.2. ISSN:1223-065.

    4. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Angela Borda, Andrada Loghin, Veronica Ghirca, Martha Orsolya, C. Chibelean - Absence of tumor tissue in radical cystectomy specimens after transurethral resection of bladder tumor. the 34th Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 10-11 octombrie 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 17, nr.2, p 30, ISSN:1223-0650.

    5. Vacariu Victor, Nistor Dan, Ciobanu Daniela, Chibelean C B - Total psa serum level as a predictor factor for surgical margins positivity after retropubic radical prostatectomy, International Congress for Students and Young Doctors and Pharmacists, Marisiensis, Tirgu-Mureș, 28th-1st of April 2018, Acta Medica Marisiensis, 2018,vol 64(1):38, ISSN:2068-3324.

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    6. Ghirca V., O. Martha, A. Nechifor Boila, D. Porav-Hodade, C. Todea-Moga, S. Tataru, C. Chibelean - The efficacy and safety of Uractiv Control in Overactive Bladder treatment. the 34th Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 10-11 octombrie 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 17, nr.2, p 84, ISSN:1223-0650.

    7. Tătaru O.S., D. Porav, C.B. Chibelean, C. Todea, M.D. Vartolomei, S. Voidazan, D. Balan, A. Brad, A. O. Vida, Veronica Ghirca, R. Boja, Orsolya Martha - Surgical Outcome, Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Management of Staghorn Calculi, the 34th Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 10-11 oct. 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 17, nr.2, p 86, ISSN: 1223-0650.

    8. Brad A., S. Tătaru, Veronica Ghirca, Corina Mateescu, A. O. Vida, C. Todea, C. Chibelean, Carmen Simion, D. Porav, Orsolya Martha - ESWL in patients between 10-18 years with urolithiasis - still an option? the 34th Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 10-11 oct. 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 17, nr.2, p 88, ISSN:1223-0650.

    9. Dee Edith, Loghin Andrada, Chibelean C., Borda Angela - Primary osteosarcoma in urinary bladder-case report, Days of the Usiversity of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu-Mureș, Scientific Session of University Academic staff. The 11th Conference of Ph. Students and Young Doctors 2018, Book of Abstracts nr1/2018. ISSN 2602-1609, ISSN:2602-1609.

    10. Tătaru S, Martha Orsolya, Porav Hodade, Chibelean C, Todea C, Oltean A, Boja R. -The experience of urology clinic Targu-Mures in the managment of Staghorn calculi, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Tîrgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63(4):58, ISSN:2068-3324.

    11. Chibelean C, Tataru S, Nechifor Boila IA, Brad A, Martha Orsolya - Nephron sparing approach in a polytrauma pacient, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63( 4):58, ISSN:2068-3324.

    12. Vida ÁO, Brad A, Ghirca Veronica, Todea C, Porav Hodade D, Chibelean C, Mártha Orsolya - Complication of JJ stent forgotten for 3 years- case report, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63( 4):59, ISSN:2068-3324.

    13. Brad A, Tătaru S, Ghirca Veronica, Vida AO, Chibelean C, Oșan V, Martha Orsolya - The efficacy of extracorporeal lithotripsy in pacients with lithiasis on solitary kidney, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63(4):59-60, ISSN:2068-3324.

    14. Ghirca Veronica, Chibelean C, Osan V, Todea C, Vida AO, Nechifor Boila IA, Martha Orsolya - The importance of post-void residual urine in the management of women’s voiding dysfunction, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63(4):60, ISSN:2068-3324.

    15. Balan D, Vartolomei MD, Sin Anca, Porav Hodade D, Chibelean C, Tataru S, Martha Orsolya - Comparison of long-term overall survival of pacients with G1 and G2 grade TA bladder tumors Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63(4): 61, ISSN:2068-3324.

    16. Ghirca Veronica, Martha Orsolya, Porav Hodade D, Osan V, Brad A, Nechifor Boilă IA, Chibelean C - To do or not to do the surgery- this is what urodynamics help the pacient and

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    the urologist to decide(case report), Educational Staff, 11-15 decembrie 2017, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 63(4):58-59, ISSN:2068-3324.

    17. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Oltean A, Iliuță O, Martha Orsolya, Chibelean C. - Stone burden and pregnancy: a therapeutic challenge, the 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 51, ISSN:1223-1650.

    18. Veronica Ghirca, Nechifor-Boila A, Todea C., Porav-Hodade D., Biro A., Szabo Z., Orsolya Martha, Chibelean C. - The contribution of urodynamical investigations in determination of long term functional prognosis in patients with stress urinary incontinence when a surgical treatment is considered, The 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 118, ISSN:1223-1650.

    19. Ghirca Veronica, Nechifor-Boilă A., Todea C., Brad, A., Vida O., Porav-Hodade D., Chibelean C., Martha Orsolya - Bladder dysfunctions in patients with diabetes, the 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 117, ISSN:1223-1650.

    20. Tătaru S.O., D. Bălan, Adina Huțanu, Anca Sin, C. Chibelean, M.D. Vartolomei, Orsolya Mártha - Nivelul seric de Fascin1 e mai mare la pacienții cu cancer de prostată decât la pacienții de control sănătoși, the 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 20, ISSN:1223-1650.

    21. Bălan D., S. Tătar, S. Chiujdea, A. Friedl, D. Porav Hodade., C. Chibelean, M.D. Vartolomei, Anca Sin, Orsolya Mártha - Supraviețuirea generală la 10 ani după diagnosticul de cancer vezical non-muscular invaziv, the 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 101, ISSN:1223-1650.

    22. Vida A.O., A. Brad, N. Szekeres, Ghirca Veronica, D. Porav Hodade, C. Chibelean, Orsolya Mártha, C. Todea - Complicațiile augmentației peniene și plastia peniană- prezentare de caz, the 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 139, ISSN:1223-1650.

    23. Porav D., C. Chibelean, C. Todea, S. Nedelcu, A. Chiujdea, N. Szekeres, A. Friedl, Orsolya Mártha - Tratamentul chirurgical versus tratamentul conservator în fracturile peniene, the 33rd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 14-17 iunie 2017, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 16, nr.2, p 155, ISSN:1223-1650.

    24. Mihai Dorin Vartolomei, Orsolya Mártha, Sabin Tataru, Daniel Balan, C.Chibelean, Adina Hutanu, Raluca Marian, George Thalmann, Anca Sin - Importance of serum Fascin 1in diagnosis and outcomes of patients with prostate cancer, 9th National Congress with International Participation and 35th annaul Scientific session of the Roamnian Society for cell biology, Iasi 2017, vol rez p. 23, Bulletin of Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Editura Sedcom Libris, ISSN:2392-7933.

    25. Loghin Andrada , Chibelean CB , Halațiu VB , Borda Angela Gleason score versus gleason grade group concordance on prostate needle biopsy and radical prostatectomy , Zilele Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie Târgu-Mureş, Sesiunea Ştiinţifică a cadrelor didactice, 8-9 decembrie 2016, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 62, suppl 8, p 74, ISSN:2068-3324

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    26. Nechifor-Boila I.A., Ghirca Veronica, Tataru S, Golovei Corina, Martha Orsolya, Chibelean C. - Single-session nephron-sparing surgery for multiple synchronous bilateral renal tumors in von Hippel Lindau disease: a surgical challenge, Zilele Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie Târgu-Mureş, Sesiunea Ştiinţifică a cadrelor didactice, 8-9 decembrie 2016, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 62, suppl 8, p 95, ISSN:2068-3324.

    27. Tataru Octavian Sabin, Vartolomei Mihai Dorin, Balan Daniel, Sin A., Chibelean C.B., Porav H.D., Mártha Orsolya - Easy available blood test neutrophil to lymphocytes ratio predicts progression in high risk non muscle invassive bladder cancer, Zilele UMF Tg Mures, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2016, 62 , suppl 8 p 95-96, ISSN:2068-3324

    28. Loghin Andrada, Chibelean Călin, Nechifor-Boilă Alin, Halaţiu Vasile Bogdan, Borda Angela. Histoprognostic factors in prostate cancer: correlation between prostate needle biopsy and radical prostatectomy, 14th National Symposium of Microscopic Morphology with International Participation, 4-6 may 2016, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 62, suppl 3, p 13-14, ISSN:2068-3324.

    29. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Veronica Moldovan, Martha Orsolya, C. Chibelean. - Transobturatory (TOT) suburethral sling surgery in underactive detrusor patients experiencing stress urinay incontinence, the 32nd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 8-11 iunie 2016, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 15, nr.2, p 74, ISSN:1223-0650.

    30. Brad, N. Szekeres, Veronica Moldovan, A.O. Vida, C. Todea, L. Schwartz, O. Golea, D. Porav, C. Chibelean, Mártha Orsolya - Stent autostatic calcificat rezolvat prin tratament endoscopic multimodal-prezentare de caz, the 32nd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 8-11 iunie 2016, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 15, nr.2, p 66, ISSN:1223-0650.

    31. Maria Veronica Ghirca, C. Todea, A. Brad, O. Vida, Alexandra Sanislav, D. Porav Hodade, C. Chibelean, Mártha Orsolya - Importanta indicelui de contractilitate vezicala (BCI) in managementul vezicii hipocontractile, the 32nd Congress of Romanian Association of Urology, 8-11 iunie 2016, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology, vol 15, nr.2, p 80, ISSN:1223-0650.

    32. Nechifor-Boilă A., Veronica Ghirca, Eniko Buzsi, Orsolya Martha, C. Chibelean - Urodynamic obstruction following incontinence surgery: when is it clinically significant?, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff 7-11 decembrie 2015, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 61,(suppl 8):86, ISSN:2068-3324.

    33. Ghirca Veronica, Buzsi Eniko, Nechifor-Boilă A., Chibelean C, Martha Orsolya - The place of urodynamic investigations in the management of women’s voiding symptoms, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, 7-11 decembrie 2015, Târgu-Mureş, Acta Medica Marisiensis, vol 61 (suppl 8):70-71, ISSN:2068-3324.

    34. Maier A., Chibelean C., Vida O., Brad A., Maier Ioana, Todea C., Mártha Orsolya - Bacterial culture and drug sensitivity analysis of urinary tract infection caused by gram negative strains, Scientific Session of University. Educational Staff, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2015, 61 (suppl 8):69, ISSN:2068-3324.

    35. Brad A., Simion Alexandra, Vida O., Maier A., Simion Carmen, Chibelean C., Mártha Orsolya - The place of ESWL in the management of childern`s urinary stones, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2015, 61 (suppl 8):70, ISSN:2068-3324.

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    36. Balan D., Vartolomei M., Sin Anca, Brad A., Chibelean C., Borda Angela, Mártha Orsolya - Depth of lamina propria invasion is not associated with worse clinico-pathological features in T1 non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2015, 61 (suppl 8):72, ISSN: 2068-3324.

    37. Nechifor-Boilă A., Veronica Moldovan, Uzun B., Orsolya Martha, C. Chibelean - Multidisciplinary management of retroperitoneal fibrosis: case report, the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015 vol 14 (3): 15, ISSN:1223-0650.

    38. Buzsi Eniko, Moldovan Veronica, Chibelean C., Mártha Orsolya - Studiu privind incontinenta urinara la femei, the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015 vol 14 (3):3, ISSN:1223-0650.

    39. Buzsi Eniko, Veronica Maria Moldovan, Buzsi Enikő, O. Vida, C. Todea Moga, A. Maier, A. Brad, M. Vartolomei, Aleaxandra Simion, R. Boja, Chibelean C., Mártha Orsolya - Importanța investigațillor urodinamice la femei cu disfuncții micţionale de evacuare, , the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015 vol 14 (3):5, ISSN:1223-0650.

    40. Todea C, R. Boja, A. Chiujdea, C. Chibelean, A. Maier, A. Brad, Veronica Moldovan, Laura Somodi, Mártha Orsolya, D. Porav Hodade - Impactul vârstei pacienților asupra perioadei medii de spitalizare la pacientii cu NLP, the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015, vol 14(3):57, ISSN:1223-0650.

    41. Brad A., Alexandra Simion, A.O.Vida, Veronica Moldovan, C. Todea, M.D. Vartolomei, D.Porav, Carmen Simion, C. Chibelean, Orsolya Mártha - Locul ESWL in tratamentul litiazei urinare la pacientii cu malformatii renale, the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015, vol 14 (3):73, ISSN:1223-0650.

    42. Maier A., C. Chibelean, O. Malau, O. Vida, C. Todea, Veronica Moldovan, M. Guliciuc, Ioana Maier, A Brad, Orsolya Mártha - Managementul terapeutic in infectiile urinare the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015, vol 14 (3): 99, ISSN:1223-0650.

    43. Maier A., F. Coros, C. Chibelean, A. Oltean , Orsolya Mártha - Abordul laparosopic pentru boala renala multichistica bilateral-prezentare de caz, the 31st National Congress of Urology, 17-20 Iunie 2015, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2015, vol 14 (3):145, ISSN:1223-0650.

    44. Maier Adrian, Mălău Ovidiu, Maier Ioana, Chibelean C., Guliciuc Mădălin, Moldovan Veronica, Mártha Orsolya - Renal cell carcinoma with bilateral adrenal tumor masses: Case report, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff 12 decemder 2014, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2014, 60 (suppl 4):141, ISSN:2068-3324.

    45. Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Loghin Andrada, Buruian M., Mártha Orsolya, Chibelean C. - Fusion imaging in multiparametric MRI for prostate cancer diagnosis, combining morphologic and functional imaging, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff, 12 decemder2014 Acta Medica Marisiensis 2014, 60 (suppl 4):141, ISSN:2068-3324.

    46. Chibelean C., Nechifor-Boilă I.A., Calancea I., Mártha Orsolya - Greenlighit laser 180W XPS photovaporisation of the prostate, our initial experience, Scientific Session of University

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    Educational Staff 12 decemder 2014, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2014, 60. (suppl 4):142, ISSN:2068-3324.

    47. Moldovan Maria Veronica, Brad A., Nechifor-Boila A., Buzsi Enikő, Chiujdea S., Chibelean C., Mártha Orsolya - The role of urodynamic investigations in the management of storage urinary tract dysfunctions, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff, 12 decemder 2014, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2014, 60(suppl 4):143, ISSN:2068-3324.

    48. Vartolomei M.D, Dogaru G.A, Nechifor-Boila A.I, Mártha Orsolya, Voidezan S, Boja R.M, Chibelean C: Pelvic lymph node dissection in invasive tumors of lateral bladder wall, a prospective study with pre-operative and postoperative CT and histological lymph nodes correlations, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff, 12 decemder 2014, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2014, 60(suppl 4):140. ISSN:2068-3324.

    49. Veronica Moldovan, L. Lakatas, A. Nechifor-Boilă, A. Brad, C. Todea, N. Szekeres, E. Buzsi, R. Boja, Martha Orsolya, C. Chibelean -The impact of the anterior vaginal prolapse over the detrusor function, the 30th National Congress of Urology, 07-10 Mai 2014, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2014, 13(2):63, ISSN:1223-0650.

    50. A.Brad, Veronica Moldovan, C. Todea, A. Maier, Corina Golovei, A. Loghin, D. Porav , C. Catarig, C. Chibelean, Mártha Orsolya - Tumoră renală rară - prezentare de caz, the 30th National Congress of Urology, 07-10 Mai 2014, Bucureşti, Romanian Journal of Urology 2014, 13 (2):93, ISSN:1223-0650.

    51. Moldovan Veronica, Brad A., Porav Hodade D., Uzun B., Nechifor Boila A., Mártha Orsolya, Chibelean C. - The correspondence between pT and pN stage in patients with parenchymal renal tumours evaluated No on preoperative CT, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tirgu Mures, 9-13 December 2013 Acta Medica Marisiensis 2013, 59 (suppl 4):79, ISSN-L:2068-3324.

    52. Brad A., Chibelean C., Porav Hodade D., Maier A., Nechifor Boila A., Vartolomei M.D., Mártha Orsolya - Cutaneous Ureterostomy an option for patients with local cystectomy, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tirgu Mures, 9-13 December 2013 Acta Medica Marisiensis 2013, 59 (suppl 4):79, ISSN-L:2068-3324.

    53. Maier A., Nechifor Boilă A., Vida A.O., Mălău O., Mártha Orsolya, Chibelean C. : Rare case of retroperitoneal tumour in young patient, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 9-13 December 2013, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2013, 59 (suppl 4):80, ISSN-L:2068 3324.

    54. Mălău O., Porav Hodade D., Chibelean C., Maier A., Mălău Minerva, Mártha Orsolya - Study of irradiation in patients who underwent retrograde ureteroscopy for management of ureteral stones, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 9-13 Dec. 2013, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2013, 59 (suppl 4):80, ISSN-L:2068 -3324.

    55. Nechifor Boilă A., Brad A., Moldovan Veronica, Golovei Corina, Mártha Orsolya, Chibelean C. - Role of local tissue status in vesico-vaginal fistula repair after intravesical foreign body, Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 9-13 Dec.2013, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2013, 59 (suppl 4):81-82, ISSN-L: 2068 -3324.

    56. Morariu S.H., C.B. Chibelean, Andrada Loghin, M. Vartolomei, O.S. Cotoi - Carcinom scuamos cheratinizat infiltrativ al penisului pe fond de carcinom in situ multifocal, Al 12-lea

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    Congres Național de dermatovenerologie cu participare internațională, Târgu-Mureș, 23-26 octombrie 2013, Dermatovenerologie, vol. 58(2):14, supliment, ISSN: 1220/3734.

    57. Veronica Ghirca, L. Lakatos, B. Uzun, O. Vida, C. Todea, A. Szöllősi, C. Chibelean, Orsolya Mártha - Rolul determinărilor urodinamice în diagnosticul tulburărilor de evacuare la bărbatul tânăr cu vârsta sub 40 de ani, the 29th National Congress of Urology, 16-19 Mai 2013 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology 2013, 12(2):62, ISSN:1223-0650.

    58. Lakatos L., C. Chibelean, A. Szöllősi, A. Brad, O. Vida, Veronica Ghirca, A. Maier, A. Nechifor Boilă, Orsolya Mártha - Retenţia cronică de urină la femei, the 29th National Congress of Urology, 16-19 Mai 2013 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology 2013, 12(2):63, ISSN:1223-0650.

    59. Veronica Ghirca, A. Brad, D. Porav, B. Uzun, A. Nechifor Bolia, A. Maier, Orsolya Mártha, C. Chibelean - Corespondenţa dintre stadiul pT şi pN la pacienţii cu tumori renale parenchimatoase evaluaţi tomografic preoperator, the 29th National Congress of Urology, 16-19 Mai 2013 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology 2013, 12(2):99, ISSN:1223-0650.

    60. Nechifor Boilă, H. Suciu, Irina Modrigan, Andrada Loghin, Angela Borda, A. Maier, A. Brad, Veronica Ghirca, Orsolya Mártha, C. Chibelean - Bypassul veno-venos al venei cave inferioare în trombectomia tumorală pentru carcinoamele renale cu celule clare, cu tromb tumoral la nivel diafragmatic, the 29th National Congress of Urology, 16-19 Mai 2013 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology 2013, 12(2):100, ISSN:1223-0650.

    61. Maier A, Enikő Hajdu Barabás, C. Chibelean, O. Mălău, A.O. Vida, M. Vartolomei, Orsolya Mártha - Rezistenţa la fluoroquinolone în tratamentul ureaplasmei urealzticum în infecţiile uro-genitale la bărbaţi, the 29th National Congress of Urology, 16-19 Mai 2013 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology 2013, 12(2):120, ISSN:1223-0650.

    62. Lakatos L., Mártha Orsolya, Chibelean C., Szöllősi A., Keszegpál Éva Katalin - A cisztomanometria szerepe a női krónikus vzelet retenció kórismézésében, EME. Orvos-és Gyóyszertudományi Szakosztály XXIII. Tudomáyos Ülésszak Székelyudvarhely, Orvostudományi Értesitő 2013, 86(2):34, ISSN:1453-0953.

    63. Nechifor Boila I.A., Chibelean C., Brad A., Szöllősi A., Uzun B., Mártha Orsolya - Nehpron sparing surgery for renal masses: an initial experience, Session of University Educational Staff Tirgu Mures, 13-15 December 2012 Acta Medica Marisiensis 2012, 58 (suppl 3):98, ISSN-L:2068 3324.

    64. Todea C., Chiujdea A., Porav H.D., Chibelean C., Borda Angela, Golovei Corina, Mártha Orsolya - Rare form of testicular cancer-case report, Session of University Educational Staff Tirgu Mures, 13-15 December 2012, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2012, 58 (3):99, ISSN -L 2068-3324.

    65. Porav H.D., Todea C., Boja R., Chibelean C., Mártha Orsolya - Preliminary results after local screening program for prostate cancer, Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 13-15 December 2012, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2012, 58 (3):99, ISSN -L 2068-3324.

    66. Brad A., Chibelean C., Porav D., Nechifor Bolia A., Maier A., Lakatos L., Mártha Orsolya - The indications of cutaneous ureterostomy after a total cystectomy, Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 13-15 Dec. 2012, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2012, 58 (3):100, ISSN-L:2068-3324.

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    67. Loghin Andrada, Chibelean C., Bartha J.R., Mártha Orsolya, Borda Angela - Micropapillary carcinoma - a rare variant of urothelial carcinoma with aggressive clinical course, Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 13-15 December 2012, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2012, 58 (3):56, ISSN-L:2068 3324.

    68. Maier A, C. Chibelean, O. Mălău, D. Porav, A Szöllősi, A. Brad, R. Boja, Orsolya Mártha - Impactul profilaxiei infecţiilor urinare asupra evoluţiei multirezistenţei bacteriilor la pacienţii cu cateter vezical pentru retenţie acută de urină, the 28th National Congress of Urology, 9-12 Mai 2012 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology, volum de rezumate 2012, 11 (2): 32, ISSN:1223-0650.

    69. Brad A, C. Chibelean, B Uzun, A Chiujdea, O. Mălău, D. Porav, L. Lakatos, C. Golovei, A. Borda, Orsolya Mártha - Impactul limfodisecţiei loco-regionale de stadiere în tumorile renale parenchimatoase asupra evoluţiei pacienţilor intra şi postoperatorii precoce, the 28th National Congress of Urology, 9-12 Mai 2012 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology, volum de rezumate 2012, 11 (2):38-39, ISSN:1223-0650.

    70. Todea C., A. Chiujdea, D. Porav Hodade, C. Chibelean, Angela Borda, Corina Golovei, Orsolya Mártha - Formă rară de cancer testicular- prezentare de caz, the 28th National Congress of Urology, 9-12 Mai 2012 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology, volum de rezumate 2012, 11 (2):44, ISSN:1223-0650.

    71. S. Voinea, C. Gagiu, I. Manea, B. Haineala, C. Chibelean, M. Hârza, I. Sinescu - Unilateral versus bilateral varicocelectomy – There is any difference?, the 28th National Congress of Urology, 9-12 Mai 2012 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology, volum de rezumate 2012, 11 (2):59, ISSN:1223-0650.

    72. Orsolya Mártha, L. Lakatos, C. Chibelean, D. Porav, O. Malau, A. Chiujdea, S. Nedelcu, A. Brad, O. Vida - Rare bladder tumours in the casuistry of the Clinic of Urology Tg. Mures, the 28th National Congress of Urology, 9-12 Mai 2012 Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Urology, volum de rezumate 2012, 11 (2):59, ISSN:1223-0650.

    73. Boja R., D. Porav Hodade, Orsolya Mártha, C. Chibelean, L. Vass, Corina Golovei - The multimodal treatment of staghorn stones, Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 15-17 December 2011, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2011, 57 (3):39. ISSN-L: 2068-3324.

    74. Chibelean C, Orsolya Mártha, A. Maier, C. Surcel, Gingu G, Mirvald C., Sinescu I - The urodynamic consequences of surgical procedures for stress urinary incontinence in woman, Session of University Educational Staff Tîrgu Mures, 15-17 December 2011, Acta Medica Marisiensis 2011, 57 (3):39-40. ISSN-L:2068-3324.

    75. Chibelean C, Orsolya Mártha, Todea C., Surcel C., Gingu C., Mirvald C., Sinescu I - The ultimate and goldstandard treatment for severe urinary stress incontinence in male patient - the artificial urinary sphincter,