Dr Simkins

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  • 7/27/2019 Dr Simkins


    Dr. Ian Simkins

    American Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology, Specializing in the Celts and

    Welsh of the British Isles


    Ian Simkins is about 30, 59 and 165lbs. He is rather slight and bookish, but good-looking with strong features. He has pale skin, blue eyes and black hair, and is a natty

    dresser (in an Ivy League sort of way). He carries himself with a naivet that is the result

    of his upbringing in a good family from a New England college town.


    His father, Dr. Eugene Simkins, is a respected surgeon, while his mothers is a banking

    family. Ian has a sister, Loretta, who was recently married to a young man whos enrolledin Miskatonics medical school, one Earl Connors.

    Ian grew up enjoying good schooling, and long summers filled with trips to the country

    or the small coastal villages of New England. As he grew older, he developed a fondnessfor hunting and went on several hunting expeditions a year with his father.

    Ian also spent many hours deep in books, both scientific and mythological. He gravitated

    towards his own heritage in Great Britain, devouring what he could of the societies and

    what theyd left behind. He spent a year abroad, studying at a dig in north Wales.

    Now, having finished his Doctorate, he is anxious to begin a career. He has an offer to

    teach at home in Arkham, but hes decided to revisit Great Britain and explore

    opportunities there. Hed like to associate himself with a university abroad, and spend agood deal of time doing fieldwork rather than teaching in the classroom. Therefore hes

    traveled via cruise ship and recently arrived in Green and Pleasant lands.


    Simkins is a romantic, a tad too introspective, given to long periods of quiet that can be

    unproductive. He is subject to sleeplessness and nightmares, many of which involvebeing at the mercy of the elements. He loves his work and the outdoors, as well as

    paintings by the Romanticists. While he can be sociable, his heart really isnt into it

    unless he has found kindred spirits. He enjoys fine dining, cigars and strong drink (all

    of which he discovered while abroad).

    OOC: I am pasting in below one of the few messages to survive in my Inbox after the

    Lost Messages incident. My new character had just been introduced. I believe Iexchanged a few sentences with Genevieve and Father Thombold. Then someone invited

    me to stay with him, but I don't recall who. If that person would be so kind as to remind

    me, I'd appreciate it.

  • 7/27/2019 Dr Simkins


    In any case, Dr. Ian is standing looking a little out of place when Dame Elizabeth brings

    over a few more people to meet. He is very polite, his New England accent evident as he

    introduces himself.

    "Dr. Ian Simkins, quite pleased to make your acquaintence," with a hearty handshake for

    any who are so inclined. He is rather slight and bookish, but good-looking with strongfeatures. Simkins is about 30, 59 and 165lbs. He has pale skin, blue eyes and black hair,

    and is a natty dresser (in an Ivy League sort of way).

    Doctor Ian ;O) You kick off having been invited to a soiree at the home of Dame Elizabeth

    Bradley, some contact you have in the Institute of Archeology wangled you the invite so youcan expand your circle of acquaintances here in London, Dame Elizabeth takes a quite a

    fancy to you and decides to introduce you to her little group of special friends at the do:

    "Dr Simkins I would like to introduce you to Father Thombold St John, Genevieve Beausard,William Butler Yeats and Jacques Robair." She pronounces this with a disarming smile

    before slipping away to attend to other guests.While you get to know one another (intros please) The usher is heard to announce

    "Mr Alan Bennet and Mr Aleister Crowley"

    There is a definite decrease in the volume of conversations at this announcement.

    ruedas (Ref) wrote:

    Well all of you from Jem's game, some time has passed since that adventure,

    time enough for you to all have improved your skills a little.

    We are at a party at Dame Elizabeth Bradley's house where we are getting to know one

    another: The Dame introduces everyone personally, so it's best if you imagine yourselvesto be in a larger group with some strangers and make your introductions. Imagine a

    glittering hall filled with the kind of opulence we associate with the height of Victoriana.A band plays waltzes and liveried servants hand out champagne and canaps. All of

    London's society is here including most of the Isis Urania temple of the Hermetic Order

    of the Golden Dawn.

    The new game "Sheela na gig" starts here

    The Reply:Jacques Robair was the one who invited you to stay at his family home at 36 Bloombury,

    London. Jacques is on medical furlough from the military and has been released from

    military hospital recently. He has just hired a new staff for his home and had it reopened.

    He was on assignment as engineering attache' to the British Consulate in Berlin when he fell"ill". you can see his description in the party roster.

  • 7/27/2019 Dr Simkins


    And from Jem:

    (( That was 36, Gordon Square, int the Bloomsbury ( WC1 ) district of London.You must excuse the precision; Chris & I frist met when we were both working as

    motorcycle couriers in London. ))