Draft Convention and Rules

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  • 8/8/2019 Draft Convention and Rules









  • 8/8/2019 Draft Convention and Rules
















    nited Nations



    Distr.: General




    Agenda items 46 and 120



    Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and

    reaffirming its role under the Charter, including on questions related to

    international peace and security,

    Reiteratingits strong condemnationof terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,

    committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes one

    of the most serious threats to international peace and security,

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    UNGAResolution ASILC2011

    Reaffirming that acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and

    manifestations are activities aimed at the destruction of human rights, fundamental

    reedoms and democracy, threatening territorial integrity, security of States andf

    destabilizing legitimately constituted Governments, and that the international

    community should take the necessary steps to enhance cooperation to prevent and

    combat terrorism,

    Recognizingthat development, peace and security, and human rights are interlinked

    and mutually reinforcing,




    the need to address the conditions conducive to the spread of


    Affirming Member States determination to continue to do all they can to resolve

    conflict, confront oppression, global prosperity, good governance, human rights for

    all and rule of law, improve intercultural understanding and eradicate ethnic

    ifferences that assume divergent forms,d

    Keeping in mind the Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and

    their work on the Basic Human Rights Reference Guide, on The Stopping and

    Searching of Persons, dated September 2010,

    Notingthat International Law Commission is the right forum for codification of laws

    ased on the Principles of International Law,b

    1. Requests the International Law Commission, as soon as it considers it

    advisable, to undertake the codification of the Principles of International Law

    that need to be addressed in furtherance of the resolution adopted by the

    General Assembly in its Sixtieth Session;


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    2. Urgesthe International Law Commission to undertake the codification of theprinciples enshrined in the resolution adopted by the General Assembly in its

    Sixtieth Session in a manner that it constitutes a Draft Convention for

    Compliance with Human Rights and Rule of Law in Counter Terrorism


    3. Requests the ILC to incorporate into the resultant Draft Convention measuresto ensure the respect for the human rights for all and the rule of law as the

    undamental basis of the fight against terrorism;f

    4. Recommends that the ILC codify the laws keeping in mind the Principles ofHuman Rights in particular and International Law in general;

    5. Decidesto remain actively seized of this matter.

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    Draft Convention for Complian of Law in Counter Terrorismce with Human Rights and Rule


    International Law Commission


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    ProvisionalDraftResolution ASILC2011






    TheStates e Parti stothepresent Convention,

    Affirming that acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and

    manifestations are activities aimed at the destruction of human rights, fundamental

    freedoms and democracy, threatening territorial integrity, security of States and

    destabilizing legitimately constituted Governments, and that the international

    community should take the necessary steps to enhance cooperation to prevent and

    combat terrorism,

    Recognizing the right to liberty and security of all persons,

    Desiringthat the States shall respect and ensure the full enjoyment of these rights by

    ll persons within their jurisdiction,a


    that any limitation must be provided by law, be nondiscriminatory,ecessary and proportional,n

    Convincedthat the right to personal integrity and dignity mandates an absolute

    rohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,p

    Bearinginmindthatthe principles of equality and nondiscrimination are both

    integral to international human rights law, and crucial for effectively countering


    Keepinginmindthe principle of legality, the principle of legitimate purpose,

    necessity, proportionality, equality, and non discrimination as the central tenets of

    human rights law,

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    Reaffirmingthat in a very limited set of circumstances, States may also take

    measures to derogate from certain human rights provisions, in the event of which,

    hey must remain within the framework of international human rights law,t

    Realizingthatthe protection of public order and safety, national security are

    legitimate objectives for the restriction of human rights under the International



    consideration that convention against torture is lex

    specialis with regards

    o torture and cruel inhuman degrading treatment,t

    Recognizingthe earlier resolutions on Protection of human rights and fundamental

    freedoms while countering terrorism (A/RES/63/185, A/RES/62/159,

    A/RES/61/171, A/RES/60/158, A/RES/59/191, A/RES/58/187, A/RES/57/219)

    and Human Rights and Terrorism (A/RES/58/174, A/RES/56/160, A/RES/54/164,

    /RES/52/133, A/RES/50/186, A/RES/49/185, A/RES/48/122),A

    Takingnote of the work of CounterTerrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF),

    Takingintoaccountthe request made by the General Assembly to the International


    Commission to commence codification of Laws on the subjects mentioned in its

    esolution 786 adopted in its Sixty Fifth Session,R


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    Article1Useof erms

    1. Terrorism means a persons or a group of persons unlawfully andintentionally causing or threatening to cause violence by means of firearms,

    weapons, explosives, any lethal devices or dangerous substances, which results,

    or is likely to result in death or serious bodily injury to a person or a group of

    persons or serious damage to property whether for public use, a State or

    Government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility.

    Acts of terrorism shall also include such persons attempt to commit such an

    offense, participate as an accomplice in the commission of such an offense, or in

    organizing or directing others to commit such an offense, or in contributing to

    the commission of such an offense.


    2. Terrorist means a person who commits an offence or is an accomplice to anoffence, directly or indirectly, mentioned in Paragraph 1. A terrorist is also any

    person also commits an offence, if that person makes a credible and serious

    threat to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article, or aperson who attempts to commit an offence set forth in paragraph 1.

    3. Law Enforcement Officials means all officers of the law, whether appointed orelected, who exercise police powers, especially the powers of arrest and


    (a) In countries where police powers are exercised by military authorities,

    whether uniformed or not, or by State security forces, the definition of law

    enforcement officials shall be regarded as including officers of such powers.

    (b) Similarly, when States delegate police powers to civilian contractors, these

    contractors shall also be regarded as law enforcement officials.

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    (c) Further, all Intelligence Services, including all State institutions that

    undertake intelligence activities pertaining to national security, shall also be

    regarded as law enforcement officials.

    4. The stopping and searching of persons are two interrelated, but distinct acts.As such, their legality, necessity and proportionality must be individually

    justified to ensure their compatibility with human rights law.

    (a) A stop is the act by which a law enforcement official requires a person, in a

    public space, to account for himself.

    (b) A search is the act that may follow a stop, by which a law enforcement

    official or any person authorized by the law, inspects a person and the area

    immediately within that persons control, including clothes, any objects being

    arried or a vehicle.c

    5. Public order means the sum of rules which ensure the functioning of society orthe set of fundamental principles on which society is founded including the

    espect for human rights (ordrepublic).r

    6. Profiling means the systematic association of sets of physical, behavioural orpsychological characteristics with particular offences and their use as a basis for

    making law enforcement decisions.

    7. "States Parties" means States which have consented to be bound by thisConvention and for which this Convention is in force.


    Accomplice is a person who becomes guilty in the crime of anotherperson/people, by knowing and voluntary aiding the other to commit the

    offence. Accomplice includes an accessory or an abettor. The accessory aids the

    riminal prior to his crime, whereas the abettor aids him during the crime.c

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    9. "Torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical ormental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from

    him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or

    a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or

    intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on

    discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the

    instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other

    person acting in an official capacity.

    Article2Obje tive

    The objective of this convention is to establish measures to ensure respect for

    human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis of the fight against





    1. The Present Convention applies to all situations dealing with treatment ofsuspected terrorist and any measures employed to combat terrorism.

    2. Notwithstanding anything stated in paragraph 1, the present Convention shallnot apply where the act of terrorism is committed or is about to be committed

    within a single State, the alleged terrorist and the victims are nationals of that

    State and the alleged terrorist is found in the territory of that State.




    The decision to employ any measures of counterterrorism must at all times beconsistent with international human rights law. The decision must be necessary

    to prevent acts of terrorism or apprehend those who participate in acts of

    terrorism, it must be authorised by law, and it must not have a disproportionate

    or discriminatory impact upon the lives of ordinary citizens.

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    2. The implementation of counterterrorism should be carried out in a mannerconsistent with the inherent dignity of the person and international human

    rights law. No one shall be subject to unlawful or arbitrary deprivation of liberty

    in the implementation of counterterrorism measures.

    3. All counterterrorism measures, including the stopping and searching ofpersons, must respect the principles of equality and nondiscrimination. Any

    difference in treatment, including through profiling practices, must be supported

    by objective and reasonable grounds.

    4. The prohibition of racial discrimination is a peremptory norm of internationallaw from which no derogation is permitted. The principle of nondiscrimination

    shall be observed in all matters, in particular in those concerning liberty,

    security and dignity of the person, equality before the courts and due process of

    law, as well as international cooperation in judicial and police matters in these


    5. States shall ensure the proper and effective implementation of laws throughprecise and strict guidelines regulating inter alia searching of persons. All

    requests made by law enforcement officials to employ methods to counter

    terrorism must in all circumstances meet the standards of necessity and


    6. Any person who is taken into custody or regarding whom any other measuresare taken or proceedings are carried out pursuant to the present Convention

    shall be guaranteed fair treatment, including enjoyment of all rights and

    guarantees in conformity with the law of the State in the territory of which that

    person is present and applicable provisions of international law, including

    international human rights law and, in particular, the Standard Minimum Rules

    for the Treatment of Prisoners.

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    Art Dicle5Permitted erogations

    1. Notwithstanding anything contained in any provisions in Part II of thisConvention or any international treaty or convention for time being in force,

    States may legitimately limit the exercise of certain rights, including the right to

    freedom of movement and the right to privacy.

    2. Limitations must be prescribed by law and in pursuance of one or more specificlegitimate purposes. Such limitations must also be both necessary and

    proportionate. These requirements mandate that States shall use the least

    restrictive means for the achievement of the objective sought.

    3. Limitations imposed for the protection of national security must be necessary toavert a real and imminent not just hypothetical danger to the existence of the

    nation, its territorial integrity or political independence. The measures and their

    implementation must be in strict compliance with the principles of equality and



    1. State agents conducting counterterrorism measure shall not make use of forceand/or enhanced interrogation techniques unless it is strictly necessary and

    only to the extent required by the circumstances. Force and/or enhanced

    interrogation techniques shall be used exclusively for lawful law enforcement

    purposes and no exceptions or excuses shall be permitted for the unlawful use of

    force and/or enhanced interrogation techniques. Nonviolent means shall be

    attempted first; force and/or enhanced interrogation techniques may be used

    only when strictly necessary, including, in cases to prevent a particular serious

    threat. The measures and their implementation shall not amount to torture

    under any circumstance.

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    1. The mandates of law enforcement officials relating to counter terrorism measureshall be narrowly and precisely defined in a publicly available law by all member

    states. Mandates shall be strictly limited to protecting legitimate national

    security interests as outlined in publicly available legislation or national security

    policies, and identify the threats to national security that law enforcement

    officials are tasked to address.

    2. The powers and competences of law enforcement officials shall be clearly andexhaustively defined in national laws. Members should ensure that law

    enforcement officials shall use these powers given for the purposes of counter

    terrorism exclusively for these purposes.




    States Parties shall encourage nonparties to this Convention to become parties

    thereto and to adopt laws and regulations consistent with its provisions.




    States Parties shall fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed under this

    Convention and shall exercise the rights recognized in this Convention in a

    manner which would not constitute an abuse of right.




    States Parties are liable in accordance with international law for damage or loss

    attributable to them in regard to this Convention.

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    1. Four years after the date of entry into force of this Convention, the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations shall convene a conference with a view to

    assessing the effectiveness of this Convention in securing measures to ensure

    respect for human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis of

    the fight against terrorism. The SecretaryGeneral shall invite to the conference

    all States Parties and those States which are entitled to become parties to this

    Convention as well as those intergovernmental and nongovernmental

    organizations entitled to participate as observers.

    2. The conference shall review and assess the adequacy of this Convention and, ifnecessary, propose means of strengthening the substance and methods of

    implementation of those provisions in order better to address any continuing

    problems in the measures to ensure respect for human rights for all and the

    rule of law as the fundamental basis of the fight against terrorism.




    1. The parties shall seek a solution through the means indicated in Article 33 of theCharter of the United Nations.

    2. If no solution has been reached within a period of 12 months following the dateon which the objection was raised, any one of the parties to a dispute concerning

    the application or the interpretation of any article may, by a written application,

    submit it to the International Court of Justice for a decision unless the parties by

    common consent agree to submit the dispute to arbitration.

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    This Convention shall be open for signature by all States and shall remain open for

    signature at United Nations Headquarters for 12 months from the xxxxx date on

    which the convention w s adopted.a


    This Convention is subject to ratification by States. The instruments of ratification

    shall be deposited with the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations.


    This Convention shall remain open for accession by States. The instruments of

    accession shall be deposited with the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations.


    1. This Convention shall enter into force 30 days after the date of deposit of the

    thirtieth instrument of ratification or accession.

    2. For each State which ratifies the Convention or accedes thereto after the deposit

    of the thirtieth instrument of ratification or accession, this Convention shall enter

    into force on the thirtieth day following the deposit of its instrument of ratification

    or accession.


    1. This Convention shall be applied provisionally to a State which consents to its

    provisional application by so notifying the depositary in writing. Such provisional

    application shall become effective from the date of receipt of the notification.

    2. Provisional application by a State or entity shall terminate upon the entry into

    force of this Convention for that State or entity or upon notification by that State or

    entity to the depositary in writing of its intention to terminate provisionalapplication.


    No reservations or exceptions may be made to this Convention.


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    Article 18 does not preclude a State, when signing, ratifying or acceding to this

    Convention, from making declarations or statements, however phrased or named,

    with a view, inter alia, to the harmonization of its laws and regulations with the

    provisions of this Convention, provided that such declarations or statements do not

    purport to exclude or to modify the legal effect of the provisions of this Convention

    in their application to that State or entity.


    1. This Convention shall not alter the rights and obligations of States Parties which

    arise from other Conventions compatible with this Convention and which do not

    affect the enjoyment by other States Parties of their rights or the performance of

    their obligations under this Convention.

    2. Two or more States Parties may conclude Conventions modifying or suspending

    the operation of provisions of this Convention, applicable solely to the relations

    between them, provided that such Conventions do not relate to a provision

    derogation from which is incompatible with the effective execution of the object and

    purpose of this Convention, and provided further that such Conventions shall not

    affect the application of the basic principles embodied herein, and that the

    provisions of such Conventions do not affect the enjoyment by other States Parties

    of their rights or the performance of their obligations under this Convention.

    3. States Parties intending to conclude a Convention referred to in paragraph 2 shall

    notify the other States Parties through the depositary of this Convention of their

    intention to conclude the Convention and of the modification or suspension for

    which it provides.


    1. A State Party may, by written communication addressed to the SecretaryGeneral

    of the United Nations, propose an amendment to this Convention and request theconvening of a conference to consider such proposed amendment. The Secretary

    General shall circulate such communication to all States Parties. If, within six

    months from the date of the circulation of the communication, not less than one half

    of the States Parties reply favourably to the request, the SecretaryGeneral shall

    convene the conference.

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    1. A State Party may, by written notification addressed to the SecretaryGeneral of

    the United Nations, denounce this Convention and may indicate its reasons. Failure

    to indicate reasons shall not affect the validity of the denunciation. The denunciation

    shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification, unless the

    notification specifies a later date.

    2. The denunciation shall not in any way affect the duty of any State Party to fulfil

    any obligation embodied in this Convention to which it would be subject under

    international law independently of this Convention.


    The SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations shall be the depositary of this

    Convention and any amendments or revisions thereto.


    The Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts of this Convention

    re equally authentic.a

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized

    hereto, have signed this Convention.t

    OPENED FOR SIGNATURE at ___________, in a single original, in the Arabic, Chinese,

    English, French, Russian and Spanish languages.

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    Rules ASILC2011

    Registration fees The registration fees for Annual Session of the International Law

    Commission is Rs.750. The demand draft drawn in favor of SPIL Government Law College

    umbai along with registration form should be submitted before 30th November, 2010 tohe following address






    MobileNo- +919869777979

    You may alternately communicate with: Ms. Akanksha Tiwary (+91 9920335751). Kindly

    intimate the details of the demand draft by an email


    Team Code shall be given to each of the participating teams. Names of Participants, orColleges or Universities ought not to be mentioned anywhere in the Critique. Team Codes

    shall be communicated to all the participants in due course of time


    5.RULE FORTHECRITIQUE(WrittenComment)5.1. SubmissionoftheCritiqueAll Critique submissions must conform to the following general requirements. Teams will

    be penalized for failure to abide by these requirements.

    Each team shall prepare a critique. Judgment must be e mailed to [email protected]

    n 15th January 2011 by 11.59 pm. Once submitted to SPILMumbai, the critique may notobe altered.

    Eight (3) hard copies of the Judgment post marked 15th of January, 2011 should be sent to:







    MobileNo- +919869777979

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    Rules ASILC2011

    5.2.FormatoftheCritique1. Critique must be typed and reproduced on white standard A4 paper (21 x 29 3/4

    centimetres) except for the covers, where coloured paper must be used. The font and

    size of the text of all parts of the Critique, including the footnotes, must be the same and

    must be in Times New Roman 12point. ( except cover page)

    2. The text of all parts of each Critique must have one and a half spacing, except that (a)the text of footnotes and headings may be singlespaced.

    3. There must be doublespacing between separate footnotes, between each heading andthe bodytext of the critique


    The length of the critique should not exceed 3000words


    The Critique must contain an enumeration of the specific articles of the Provisional DraftConvention that the team has criticized, or approved (if the team has taken any other stand

    in the Written Comment, please mention) in their Written Comment. This synopsis is for

    organizational purposes. Thus, the word limit is not inclusive of the synopsis


    Each page of the critique shall have margins of at least one inch, or two point six (2.6)

    centimetres, on all sides, excluding page numbers.


    The cover page chosen for critique is to be similar to that of the this document. The headingshould be Critique on the Draft Convention for Compliance with Human Rights an Rule of

    Law for Counter Terrorism. The end of the page should have the Team Code provided.


    Critique must be fastened by viro binding along the left side. No other form of binding

    including stapling or bookbinding is permitted.



    4.TheCritiquewillbejudgedonthefollowinggrounds:1. Appreciation and critique the Provi n n 20 mark

    ional Draft Co ventio s

    2. Application of Legal Principles 20 marks


    3. Use of authorities and citation 10 marks

    4. Analysis and Organisation 40 marks

    5. General Impression 10 marksTotal:100marks

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    Rules ASILC2011


    5.5.DelayintheCritiqueCritique postmarked after the deadline as designated shall be penalized five (5) points.

    5.6.ExtremeDelayinMailingCritiqueCritique shall be penalized three (3) points per day, in addition to the initial five (5) points

    described in Rule 1.6. for delay up to an additional five (5) days. Critique not submitted

    within six (6) days of the deadline shall not be judged, and automatically be disqualified.

    5.7.OtherMan atoryJudgment Penaltiesd Penalties shall be assessed for violations of other Rules concerning the Critique by

    reference to the following table:1.Font of inconsistent size, improper line spacing, or improper format of block quotations :

    2 points per violating page, up to a total of 10 points

    2. xcessive length of Critique : 1 point per 10 words exceededE



    1. During the ASILC the participants will play a role of the members of the ILC. Theproceedings shall be in a form ofgroupdiscussion, to be presided over by the SpecialRapporteur(s), according to an agenda defined and notified to the participants through

    Email, prior to the competition. This agend shall be identified based upon the perusal ofhe Critique submitted by participants. The agenda will be accompanied by at

    compilation of the critiques of the fellow participants.

    2. The session shall commence after an introductory address by the Special Rapporteur(s)of the issue at hand, wherein all members (ateamrepresentsonemember) will be

    allowed a predetermined period of time to deliver their opening address, to make clear

    their stand on the issue. Thereafter, there shall be an itemwise progress of all thematters on the agenda. Thespeakersofeachteamcanchangeroleitem-wisebuttwospeakerscannotparticipateorallyinthesameitemontheagenda.


    The time period for each item shall be proposed by the members of the ILC


    their opening address. Subject to the discretion and judgment of the Special

    Rapporteur(s) the time frame per item on the agenda will then be announced. Theecisions of the Rapporteur(s) in all matters shall be final and binding on alld


    4. Participants are allowed at any point in the course of the session to change their stand.Please note that this is a session to be moderated by the Special Rapporteur(s), and

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    Rules ASILC2011

    therefore, all comments, observations and contrarian views may be expressed at any

    point, with the consent and permission of the Special Rapporteur(s).

    5. The Special Rapporteur(s) and three observing judges will be marking the proceedingsof the session. Each team will be assessed on their combine performance. The Special

    Rapporteur(s) will also elect one participant as the best member on his observation ofthe session based solely of his/their discretion.

    6.1 perJudge).TheteammarkingcriteriaforOralDeliberations(1. Marshalling of resources and Articulation of issues 15 marks

    resentation Skills and Genera Etique2. P

    l tte 20 marks

    3. Use of authorities and precedents 20 marks4. Legal analysis and persuasiveness. 20 marks

    s5. Ability to take lead and control the group 15 mark

    6. Innovative thinking 10 marksTotal:100marks


    7. DressCodehe teams are expected to follow a strict dress code of western formals.T


    Following are the prizes for this edition of the competition:

    BestTeam: INR15,000

    Runner- upTeam:INR10,000

    BestMember: INR10,000

    BestCritique: INR7,500


    he which secures the highest cumulative points (Critique and oral marks) shall bewarded Best team




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    The which secures the second highest cumulative points (Critiqueandoralmarks) shall

    be awarded runnerup team


    he Best Member prize is an individual award which will be presented to the participantho is nominated by the Special Rapporteur(s) as the Best participant at the session.



    The Best Critique will be presented to the team that secures the highest marks after

    assessment of their legal critique of the Provisional Draft Convention.

    Prize winners will also be given certificates for the same along with the certificates forparticipation. Participation certificates will only be distributed at the Valedictory Function

    and teams not present to collect them will not be entitled to receive the certificates

    subsequently other than in special circumstances. Winners also will receive trophies




    ccomodation will be provided for the participating teams for the competition period.A

    Teams are supposed to arrive on 4th February 2011

    Note: A Team consists of two (2) Members. Observers and extra members will not be

    considered part of the team. The participating teams will be received by the volunteers of

    he Organizers at their respective venues of arrival. To enable the organizers to do thet

    same, please provide prior intimation of your travel details.

    Participants are requested to kindly mail their travel details to SPILMumbai [email protected] on or before January 20, 2011. Any subsequent changes made to

    nthe travel pla s should also be intimated to SPILMumbai

    Participants must provide SPILMumbai with one Email address to facilitate vital

    communication. That Email id shall be used for the purpose of intimating important

    information from time to time by SPILMumbai in connection with the Competition.

    nformation communicated to that email address will be deemed to have beenIcommunicated to both the participants.

    ll communication with SPILMumbai must be addressed to the following Email address:[email protected]



    1. If any one of the members of a team be notified / informed of any detail or information, itshall be deemed as if the said team as a whole has duly been notified / informed.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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