DRAFT Fauna Rehabilitation Plan Middle Harbour Catchment Area 2003

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Fauna Rehabilitation Plan Middle Harbour Catchment Area


Page 2: DRAFT Fauna Rehabilitation Plan Middle Harbour Catchment

North Sydney Council PDF Document Created 03/07/2003

Table of Contents 1.1 Overview 4

1.2 Location of Bushland Reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment 5

1.3 Aim Statement 6

1.4 Conservation Status of Native Fauna in Middle Harbour Catchment 1.4.1 Overview 6

1.4.2 Importance of Native Fauna 9 1.4.3 Relevant Legislation 10 1.5 Habitat Requirements for Native Fauna 1.5.1 Overview 12 1.5.2 Habitat Assessment 12 1.5.3 Diversity 14 1.5.4 Green Corridors 14 1.5.5 Stormwater 14 1.5.6 Creekline and Associated Closed Forest Vegetation 15 1.5.7 Habitat and Food Provided by Weed Species 15 1.5.8 Seasonal Food Availability 16

1.5.9 The Importance of Different vegetation Communities 18 and Community Structure 1.5.10 Middle and Understorey Vegetation 19 1.5.11 Importance of Remnant Bushland Reserves and Habitat 19 provided by the Urban Environment 1.5.12 Interaction Between Ants and Plants 20 1.5.13 Specific Habitat Requirements for Significant Species 20

1.6 Threatening Processes 1.6.1 Overview 29 1.6.2 Lack of Bushland Area 29 1.6.3 Habitat Loss and Destruction 29

1.6.4 Habitat Fragmentation – Isolation of Bushland Reserves 30 and Edge Effect 1.6.5 Lack of Middle Storey Vegetation and Loss of Ground 31 Cover 1.6.6 Disruption of Canopy 31 1.6.7 Predation form Feral Animals – The Red Fox Vulpes vulpes 32 1.6.8 Lack of Nesting Hollows and Competition for Nesting Sites 32 1.6.9 Competition, Dominance and Aggressive Bird Species – 33

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The Pied Currawong Strepera graculina and Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala 1.6.10 Predation and Disturbance by Domestic Animals 34 1.6.11 Threats from Other Introduced Fauna Species 35 1.6.12 Street and House Lighting 36 1.6.13 Disturbance from Noise, Movement and Pedestrian Traffic 36 1.6.14 Weed Invasion – Negative Effect of Exotic Berry Species 36 1.6.15 Pollution, Poison and Diseases 37 1.6.16 Drought 37 1.6.16 Specific Threats to Significant Native Fauna 38

1.7 Method 1.7.1 Fauna Surveys 41 1.7.2 Limitations of the Study and Continuing Survey 41

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Table of Contents

2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area

2.1.1 Implementation of the Bushland Rehabilitation Plans for 42 Middle Harbour Catchment 2.1.2 Fauna Conservation Areas 42 2.1.3 Protection of Critical Habitat 44 2.1.4 Replacement of Lost Shelter Sites 45 2.1.5 Buffer Planting 46 2.1.6 Tree Plan 46 2.1.7 Creekline and Rainforest Restoration 46 2.1.8 Tree Preservation Order 47 2.1.9 Green Corridors and Linkages 47 2.1.10 Fire Management 50 2.1.11 Fresh Water Sources 50 2.1.12 Walking Tracks 51 2.1.13 Community Education 51 2.1.14 Feral Animal Control 52 2.1.15 Control of Domestic Animals in Reserves 53 2.1.16 Lighting 54 2.1.17 Nest Boxes 54 2.1.18 Roads and Traffic 55 2.1.19 Council Policy, Development Applications and Assistance 55 Programs 2.1.20 Re-introduction of Native Fauna 55

2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works

2.2.1 Policy for all Bushland Team Members and Contract 57 Bush Regeneration Tenders 2.2.2 Bushland Management Practices – ‘Native Fauna 57 Habitat Protection Guidelines’

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Fauna Rehabilitation Plan for Middle Harbour Catchment


Table of Contents

SECTION 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Location of Bushland Reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment 1.3 Aim Statement 1.4 Conservation Status of Native Fauna in Middle Harbour Catchment 1.5 Habitat Requirements for Native Fauna 1.6 Threatening Processes 1.7 Method


Fauna Rehabilitation Management Plans 2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area 2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works 2.3 Management Plans for Bushland Reserves in the Middle Harbour Catchment

A Tunks Park Bushland B Mortlock Reserve C Primrose Park Bushland D Brightmore Reserve E Wonga Road Bushland

2.4 Bibliography 2.5 Glossary

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SECTION 3 - Not Available Online


Appendix A - List of Common and Scientific Names of Fauna Appendix B - Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix C - Conservation Status of Wildlife in North Sydney Appendix D - Fauna of North Sydney Database Appendix E - Indigenous Flora of North Sydney Appendix F - Wildlife Habitat Plants of North Sydney Appendix G - Habitat Preferences of Vertebrate Fauna in North Sydney Appendix H - Frog Facts No.2: Keeping Frogs in Your Garden Appendix I - How to Build a Bird Bath Appendix J - Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney from 1991-

2000; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to June 2002 Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

Appendix K - Summary of Fox Control Program 2002 Appendix L - Assessment of the cause of Angophora dieback at Cremorne Point for

North Sydney Council Appendix M - North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report Appendix N - North Sydney Council Tree Preservation Order

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Thank you to the consultants and organisations that provided the research information

Dr Arthur White - Biosphere Environmental Consultants

Mr Peter Ekert - Ekerlogic Consulting Services

The Australian Museum

The National Parks and Wildlife Service


Taronga Zoo Wildlife Clinic

Thank you to members of the Bushland Management Team

Adam Burrowes BSc

Brenda Madden B App. Sc (EAM), Postgrad. Dip. (Env. Studies)

Michael Kelso

Ramin Khosravi

Petra Seysner-Judd

Photo Graphics

Superb Blue Fairy-wren on Front Cover by: Frank Park

Birds Australia


Superb Blue Fairy-wren hand drawing from Slater, P. Slater, P and Slater, R. (2000) The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds. Landsdowne Publishing

Dindy Boutagy BSc (Ecology) Bushland Project Officer

North Sydney Council 2003

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Section 1- Introduction 1.1 Overview The biodiversity of Australian native fauna has experienced a great loss since European settlement and North Sydney has been no exception. Indeed, Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate in the world over the last 200 years (NPWS Nature & Conservation, 2001). Prior to European settlement, North Sydney would have been home to around 21 species of mammals and many species of birds, frogs and reptiles. A fraction of this variety still survives today. In order to ensure the survival of these species into the future, management plans need to be implemented to protect native fauna habitat, populations and reduce the threats to native fauna. North Sydney’s landscape contains poor sandy soil that discouraged farming in the early days of settlement. Once covered in woodland, heath, open forest and tidal flats at the mouths of creeks, the opening of the Harbour Bridge in 1932 encouraged urban growth and the 1960’s saw the start of high- rise and Central Business District growth (Benson & Howell, 1995). The high shale-topped ridges once supported a Blue Gum High Forest, of more than 30m in height. This has forest since been completely cleared. The sandstone foreshores, are more exposed than the harbour shores of Port Jackson Catchment, and are the only remnants of bushland left in Middle Harbour Catchment. This catchment supports a woodland and open forest community with fauna populations specific to this community. Tidal flats and water courses once present in Brightmore Reserve, Primrose Park and Tunks Park would have once supported an important variety of aquatic bird life and marine life. In the past these ecosystems were filled in with household and industrial rubbish to create playing fields. Remnant bushland throughout Middle Harbour Catchment provides important habitat for the survival of remnant species of mammals, birds, frogs, reptiles and invertebrates. Effective fauna management requires knowledge of what species are present in the North Sydney area. This report has been compiled using results from findings and recommendations of a Fauna Survey of Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves in March - May 2002 by Biosphere Environmental Consultants (see Section 3), the Fauna of North Sydney Database (see Section 3), The Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report by Ekerlogic Consulting Services (see Section 3), and other first-hand observations from Council staff. Biodiversity loss is largely a result of human impact. Significant vegetation clearing, followed by a range of impacts on isolated remnants of bushland, has placed immense pressure on surviving biota. In particular, native fauna suffers from a decline in quantity and quality of habitat (food and shelter), predation from domestic and feral animals and consequently increasing competition from other persisting aggressive species. This report aims to address the impacts placed on native fauna. Recommendations have been made to reduce the pressures placed on native fauna, and management guidelines have been developed to ensure habitat is rehabilitated and protected. Management issues addressed in this report include: bush regeneration practices; community education; feral and feral animal control; creation of green corridors, detailed for each reserve; fire management; provision of

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fresh water sources; definition of formal walking tracks; lighting; installation of nesting boxes; and installation of traffic calming devices. The focus of these management plans is terrestrial vertebrate fauna and some aquatic avian fauna. The majority of aquatic and invertebrate fauna are not specifically dealt with in this report. However, management practices for native fauna addressed in this report will have positive impacts for aquatic and invertebrate fauna. The Fauna Rehabilitation Plan for Middle Harbour Catchment is designed to be used in conjunction with the Bushland Rehabilitation Plans for Middle Harbour Catchment (2001).

1.2 Location of Bushland reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment - refer to Map 1

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1.3 Aim Statement • Protect and enhance habitat for all local native fauna biodiversity. This includes:

migratory, visitor and residential native fauna in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment.

• Implement management strategies that will help ensure the survival of native fauna in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment into the future.

• Implement sustainable management practices that will maximise biodiversity in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment.

• Create and protect critical habitat used by species that is of local significance in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment.

• Reach a comparable solution to the differing needs of reserve use and native fauna.

1.4 Conservation Status of Native Fauna in Middle Harbour Catchment

1.4.1 Overview

Findings from the Fauna Survey (White, 2002) revealed that the diversity of fauna in the bushland reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment was neither diverse nor abundant. Many species that would have once been present in the past are absent from the reserves. The native animals that still persist in the bushland reserves do so despite a range of impacts on them and their habits. The reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment are quite different from one another in topography and size. Tunks Park, Primrose Park and Brightmore Reserve contain large areas of reclaimed land. Where once mangrove and mud flat areas were, the land has been reclaimed and levelled at least one meter above the high water mark (White, 2002). Mortlock Reserve and Wonga Road, are not associated with reclaimed land but occupy narrow, steep sandstone valleys that overlook Middle Harbour. Certain groups of animals are able to utilize the urban environment better than others and particular groups of animals are notably absent or greatly depleted. The two most poorly represented groups include:

1. Native terrestrial mammals, that appear to be eliminated from all reserves. No native rodents or terrestrial marsupials (such as the Brown Antechinus Antechinus stuartii recorded in the Gore Cove Track, Port Jackson Catchment) were recorded in the Fauna Survey (2002).

2. Frog species are also poorly represented. It Frog habitat however, is naturally low in the hillside woodland areas remnant in Middle Harbour Catchment. Generally, species that are more robust, gregarious and less specialised are able to still persist in Middle Harbours remnant bushland and urban environment.

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More bird species are present in the reserves than any other animal form. However, bird diversity has been greatly modified by urban development and the limitation of the size of bushland areas. The same bird species are present in most of the reserves. In general, the medium-sized native birds that are strongly territorial and have a wide range of food types are well represented in the reserves. The smaller, insectivorous and more specialised bird species (in dietary and/or habitat requirements) are absent from most reserves (White, 2002; Ekert, 2002). Findings from Ekert (2002) recorded woodland birds as being the most abundant guild of birds, two times more abundant than the next highest guild, forest birds. The poorly represented guilds included the freshwater, coastal and ground seed eating birds, while the least represented are the introduced and marine species. Some species have benefited from urbanisation, notably edge dwelling species that are able to utilize the urban environment. Some bird species are able to hunt insects from ovals and large lawn areas (eg. Willie Wagtails and Welcome Swallows). Some bird species have increased in population size due to availability of large quantities of nectar produced from ornamental flowers, such as Robyn Gordon Grevilleas (eg. Noisy Miners and Rainbow Lorikeets). Species that scavenge (Magpies, Currawongs, Silver Gulls and Australian Ravens) have adapted to food that the urban environment provides. Birds that feed on berries produced from exotic or weed trees/shrubs and native trees/shrubs dominating degraded bushland (eg. Currawongs) have also flourished in the urban environment. Some introduced species have also adapted well (eg. the Rock Dove – known previously as the Feral Pigeon, Indian Mynah, Red Fox, and Honey Bees). Exotic birds and mammals have been recorded by the Fauna Survey (2002) and Ekert (2002) and are frequently seen in each reserve. Species include the Domestic Cat, House Mouse, Black Rat and the Red Fox. Both the Red Fox and Domestic Cat were recorded during the spotlight surveys in the evening at Tunks Park and Primrose Park (White, 2002). Despite the lack of diversity of fauna, some species are notable and significant. The insectivorous Large Bent-wing Bat, a species listed as Vulnerable on Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, was first detected near Balls Head Reserve, Waverton in 1999. The Fauna Survey detected what appears to be a roost site in Brightmore Reserve, Cremorne. The bats were also recorded in neighbouring sites in Primrose Park and Wonga Road Reserve. The roosting site at Brightmore Reserve requires protection under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. A second species of insectivorous micro-bat, Gould’s Wattle Bat, first recorded in the Fauna Survey of Port Jackson Catchment (White, 2001) in Smoothey Park, Wollstonecraft, was also recorded in Tunks Park, Cammeray. Grey-headed Flying-foxes were recorded feeding on Paper Bark trees or flying over each reserve. This species is also classified as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. Large numbers of Ringtail Possums and fewer numbers of Brushtail Possums were also detected in all reserves. Only one species of snake, the Golden Crown Snake (harmless to humans) was only recorded in one reserve in the Fauna Survey (2002), Primrose Park. The Common Tree Snake and Red-bellied Black Snake have been recorded in the Middle Harbour area in the Fauna of North Sydney Database. Eastern Water Dragons are frequently sighted basking in the sun along the creek lines in Tunks Park and Primrose Park.

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Significant bird species have been frequently recorded throughout the area: Eastern Whipbird (Primrose Park), Eastern Yellow Robin (most reserves), Crimson Rosella (most reserves), Silvereye (all reserves), Tawny Frogmouth (most reserves) and Superb Blue Fairy-wren persisting in most reserves. No owls were recorded in the Fauna Survey (2002), however, the Southern Boobook and Powerful Owl have been recorded in Middle Harbour Catchment in the Fauna of North Sydney Database. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. Migratory birds such as the Channel-billed Cuckoo and common Koel have also been recorded on this database. Middle Harbour provides important habitat along it shore for water birds. Birds of prey, such as the White-bellied Sea Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Brown Goshawk, Crested Hawk and Black Kite have also been recorded in the area in the database. The Fauna Survey (2002) recorded sea birds for each reserve, such as the White-faced Heron, Little Black Cormorant, Little Pied Cormorant, Darter, Australian White Ibis and the Silver Gull. Pelicans are also frequently seen in Long Bay at Tunks Park. Primrose Park, Brightmore Reserve and Tunks Park still retain a creekline, albeit polluted and altered of its natural state. The creek line vegetation surrounding this, particularly in Primrose Parks provides habitat for birds such as the Sacred Kingfisher (migrant) and Azure Kingfisher (visitor) and Dollarbird (migrant). The Fauna Survey (White, 2002), recorded Primrose Park to contain the highest biodiversity in the Middle Harbour Catchment (See Table 1.1), containing significantly more fauna, this was followed by Tunks Park. Tunks Park is significantly the largest reserve in North Sydney, however Primrose Park represents several different vegetation community types including dry and mesic woodland, despite heavily weed infested areas. This bushland is relatively narrow and degraded in places. Despite these disadvantages, the key factor to this reserve’s high diversity of fauna that is important to note, is that it contains a wide variety of habitat through different vegetation communities and is connected to Brightmore Reserve, Wonga Road Bushland. The Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report (Ekert, 2002) found that both Tunks Park and Primrose Park contained the highest number of bird species throughout North Sydney (see Table 1.2). These two reserves are also the largest reserves in North Sydney and Middle Harbour Catchment. By virtue of their relatively large size this may support a greater area of suitable habitat for bird species and therefore a diversity of bird species (Ekert, 2002). In contrast, Wonga Road Bushland, a narrow strip of bushland, boarded by Wonga Road and open lawn area, recorded the lowest number of bird species. These factors may contribute to the area not being able to support a high diversity of bird species. A comprehensive list of all fauna species present in the North Sydney area, and their status can be found in Section 3 – Appendix D Fauna of North Sydney Database.

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Table 1.1 Number of Animal Species Recorded in the Fauna Survey of Middle Harbour

Bushland reserves (White, 2002)

Fauna Group Tunks Park Mortlock Reserve

Primrose Park

Brightmore Reserve

Wonga Road Reserve

Terrestrial Mammals

6(4) 3(2) 5(3) 5(3) 3(1)

Bats 2 1 3 3 2 Birds 31(6) 24(5) 35(6) 26(6) 20(5) Reptiles 6 3 7 3 2 Frogs 2 1 2 1 1 NB. The number in brackets refers to the number of exotic species found. Table 1.2 Reserves and Number of Bird Species Recorded in the Continuing Bird Survey

Interim Report (Ekert, 2002)

Bushland Reserve Location Number of Species Primrose Park 26 Tunks Park 26 Balls Head 16 Smoothey Park /Gore Cove 16 Oyster Cove 14 Cremorne Point 11 Forsyth Park 10 Berry Island 9 Mortlock Reserve 8 Brightmore Reserve 7 Wonga Road 4 Grand Total 43

1.4.2 The Importance of Native Fauna A broad diversity of fauna is an important component for healthy ecosystem functioning. Different fauna species provide a range of ecosystem services, from pollination of plants, seed dispersal and subsequent promotion of plant diversity to litter decomposition and nutrient recycling. Invertebrates also play an important role in pollinating, dispersing seed and cycling organic matter. They also regulate pest outbreaks through predation (Buchanan, 1996). The greater the diversity of vegetation and number of vegetation communities, the greater the habitat potential to support a diverse range of birds, mammals, insects and microfauna, and the less chance of outbreaks of disease and pests (Buchanan, 1996). The more diverse the vegetation and fauna habitat, the more self- regulatory and healthy the ecosystem will be. Forests provide essential life supporting services by providing erosion and salinity control,

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sediment control for creeks and rivers, oxygen and pollution filters, medicines and textiles, as well as providing recreational, aesthetic and spiritual value. Native fauna is essential in creating and sustaining a healthy forest. It can also be argued that individuals as well as society have an ethical obligation, as well as a legal obligation to conserve the natural environment and our natural heritage through preservation of biodiversity.

1.4.3 Relevant Legislation

1. NSW National Parks Wildlife Act, 1974 All native fauna are protected under the NSW National Parks Wildlife Act, 1974. 2. NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995 Species listed as threatened are protected under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. Species considered Threatened are classified as: vulnerable, endangered or presumed extinct. The NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act provides identification, conservation and recovery of threatened species and their populations and communities. It also aims to reduce the threats faced by those species. North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment is known to contain one resident Vulnerable Species listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995, and two Vulnerable Species visitors:

Resident 1. The Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) listed as a Vulnerable Species

on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. Visitors 1. The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of

the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. 2. The Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) listed as a Vulnerable

Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. 3. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999 The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999 lists currently 13 Key Threatening Processes to Australian flora and fauna. A process is defined as a Key Threatening Process if it threatens or may threaten the survival, abundance or evolutionary development of a native species or ecological community. Up to six of these processes impact or have the potential to impact on the native flora and fauna of North Sydney and the Middle Harbour Catchment. These Key Threatening Processes are:

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- Dieback caused by the root-rot fungus (Phytophthora cinnamoni) - Infection of amphibians with chytrid fungus resulting in chytridiomycosis - Land clearance - Predation by feral Cats - Predation by the European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) - Psittacine Ciroviral (beak and feather) Disease affecting endangered psittacine (Parrots)

species 4. Companion Animals Act, 1998

Section 14 (1) (h)

Wildlife protection areas (meaning any public place or any part of a public place set apart by the local authority for the protection of wildlife and in which the local authority has ordered that dogs are prohibited for the purposes of the protection of wildlife and in which, or near the boundaries of which, there are conspicuously exhibited by the local authority at reasonable intervals notices to the effect that dogs are prohibited in or on that public place).

Section (1) (b)

Wildlife protection areas (meaning any public place or any part of a public place set apart by the local authority for the protection of wildlife and in which the local authority ordered that cats are prohibited for the purposes of the protection of wildlife and in which, or near the boundaries of which, there are conspicuously exhibited by the local authority at reasonable intervals notices to the effect that cats are prohibited in or on that public place).

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1.5 Habitat Requirements for Native Fauna

1.5.1 Overview Important components of an ecosystem for fauna habitat are:

- Mature native hollow bearing trees - Fallen timber (logs and branches) - Rock crevices - Caves - Leaf litter (mulch) - Permanent fresh water source - Continuous canopy coverage - Thick, dense middle-storey vegetation - Understorey vegetation

1.5.2 Habitat Assessment The bushland areas of Middle Harbour Catchment were assessed in the Fauna Survey (White, 2002) on the basis of thirteen habitat components. These components are important habitat criteria that will be addressed in Section 2 for each reserve.

1. Continuity of upper canopy 2. Presence of mid-canopy layer 3. Breadth of canopy cover 4. Density of ground cover 5. Presence and nature of shelter sites 6. Exposure to daylight 7. Exposure to wind 8. Presence of winter-flowering trees 9. Continuity of fringing vegetation along creek 10. Presence of still water sites 11. Presence of deep pools 12. Presence of seepage areas 13. Presence of flowering plants in ground cover

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Table 1.3 Habitat Assessment of Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves (White, 2002)

Component Tunks Park

Mortlock Reserve

Primrose Park

Brightmore Reserve

Wonga Rd Reserve

Upper Canopy

Continuous only in western


Continuous Continuous along western


Continuous in south-east only

Thin and discontinuous

Mid-canopy Present in western section


Present around edges of reserve

Absent except for area near tennis courts

and Willoughby Creek

Present around edges of reserve


Extent of Canopy Cover

Limited to western section

Upper half of reserve covered

Canopy along western and

southern sides

Canopy along southern and south-eastern


Limited to strip alongside

Wonga Road

Density of Ground Cover

Only dense areas in western


Intact in most of reserve

Ground cover reduced in most


Ground cover intact in south-

eastern area

Ground cover sparse

Shelter Sites Rock ledges, logs, hollows in

western area

Hollows in higher parts,

rock ledges near shoreline

Hollows in western and

southern; rock ledges along Willoughby


Hollows in south-eastern


Few hollows, rock ledges

Exposure to Daylight

High except for western area

Reasonable protection

High except for along

Willoughby Creek

High except for south-eastern



Exposure to Wind

Western area protected

Protected from southerly winds

Some protection from southerly


Protected from southerly winds

Exposed to northern and

westerly winds Winter-

flowering Trees

Absent except for small area in western section.

Absent Few, widely spaced trees

Few trees Absent

Continuity of Vegetation

Good continuity in western


No continuity with creek vegetation

Restricted continuity with

Willoughby Creek

No continuity with creek vegetation


Still Water Sites

Quarry Creek and Flat Rock


None Willoughby Creek

None None

Deep Pools None None None None None Seepage Areas Small areas in

western and southern areas

Small areas near shoreline

Small areas near Willoughby


Small area near stormwater



Flowering Ground Cover

Densest in western area,

reduced elsewhere

Scattered throughout


Limited to small areas along western and

southern sides

Limited to small area in south-


Limited to higher ledges

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1.5.3 Diversity

Diversity within habitats is the most important feature of nature conservation (Johnston & Don, 1990; Slater, 1994)). Most of the bushland reserves in the Middle Harbour Catchment predominately contain a single community being Hawkesbury Sandstone Open Forest/Woodland. The exception being, Brightmore Reserve and Primrose Park Bushland that contain remnant Closed Forest vegetation as indicated by Benson and Howell (1994). Although weed species have a negative impact on bushland and degrade native habitat, some fauna species have adapted to utilising particular weed species, providing alternative and often essential habitat. For example, Lantana (Lantana camara) provides protective habitat for Ringtail Possums and Superb Blue Fairy-wrens; and reptiles utilise weedy ground cover.

1.5.4 Green Corridors Narrow corridors and small remnant bushland reserves are likely to be dominated by ‘edge’ species. Many ‘edge’ bird species are large bodied which feed on the ground in surrounding areas and use corridor species for nesting and roosting (Hoye, 2000). ‘Edge’ bird species include: Australian Magpie, Noisy Miner, Kookaburra, Eastern Rosella and Magpie-lark (Hoye, 2000). Forest bird species include small insectivorous species that tend to not move across open spaces and are vulnerable to domination by larger more aggressive ‘edge’ species that are found in forest trees. Small insectivorous birds can live well in areas of shrub only (and no tall trees), despite gaps in the shrub layer (ie. not continuous). Corridors may be effective for a particular species but completely ineffective or worse for other species (Hoye, 2000). A corridor 30m wide is dominated by the processes of the forest edge, typically dominated by the aggressive Noisy Miner with the exclusion of forest birds (Hoye, 2000). A corridor must be designed from the point of view from the fauna utilising the area. Sharp edges and maximum contrast between clearing and bushland may cause serious losses of residual biological value due to abiotic (ie. wind) and biotic forces (ie. nest parasites, predation) (Hoye, 2000). Small populations are at risk of: inbreeding depression, demographic uncertainty, environmental stochasticity, dysfunction of social behaviour and natural catastrophe (Wood, 1996).

1.5.5 Stormwater Common Eastern Froglets, Striped Marsh Frogs, Water Skinks and Common Bent-wing Bats were all recorded in the Fauna Survey (White, 2002) in and around stormwater drains. Thus, indicating that that stormwater is an important fresh water source for fauna such as frogs, Water Skinks and the Bent-wing Bat. Natural fresh water sources are lacking in all reserves and stormwater outlets may be providing the only, albeit polluted, source of fresh water for native fauna that require fresh water for habitat.

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Stormwater drains often contain polluted water from street run off. The ‘Yellow Fish Road’ project run through Council and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Living Thing campaign aims at educating the community that ‘the drain is just for rain’.

1.5.6 Creekline and Associated Closed Forest Vegetation Creekline vegetation and mesic closed forest vegetation is important habitat for reptiles (such as the Eastern Water Dragon, Eastern Water Skink), amphibians (frogs) and birds, especially Doves and migratory birds such as Kingfishers and Dollarbirds. Rainforest mammals are locally extinct. Streams and creeks are highly degraded in Middle Harbour Catchment due to past negligence and development decisions. Urban streams in fact have been modified by development in a way that favours exotic plants and certain native species (King & Buckney, 2000). The protection and re-establishment of creek line vegetation and associated forest communities is important to providing habitat for animals dependant on a freshwater source and associated habitat, and increasing the diversity of vegetation communities that increases species richness (Barrett et al, 1994). Creekline vegetation and rainforest vegetation communities are often difficult and slow to re-establish due to the constant source of weeds and favourable conditions for weeds, erosion issues and slow growth of these species. Hence, these areas are often left until later in bush regeneration works. See Section 2.1.8 Creek Line and Rainforest Restoration.

1.5.7 Habitat and Food Provided by Weed Species Under modification and pressure native vegetation has been out-competed with exotic species. There is much evidence that supports exotic vegetation does provide habitat – food and shelter for native fauna and may now be important for survival of some populations. However, despite the habitat provided by this exotic vegetation, it ultimately does not support the diversity that native vegetation would (Ekert & Bucher, 1999; Loyn & French, 1991; Gosper, 1994). Thus, supporting that bush regeneration is essential for providing and re-creating habitat for native fauna, however care must be taken in removal of weed species that minimal habitat is removed. An introduced plant can become important to a bird species if it provides more food or coverage at a particular place and time than the remaining native vegetation. Fruit and berries are often found in remnant bushland by weed species, such as Blackberry, Lantana, Camphor laurel and Privet and provide an important food source especially in winter (Loyn & French, 1991; Gosper, 1994). The Eastern Whipbird, a frugivore known to eat the fruit from exotic species, that does not travel far is only found in a heavily weed infested area of Lantana of Primrose Park. One study has observed that native birds forage and perch more on native plants than exotic plants and artificial structures, while the opposite was true for exotic birds (Green, 1984). Birds of open woodland (the guild most represented in Middle Harbour Catchment) have been

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observed as making more use of weeds than birds of forests, where weeds are usually less abundant (Loyn & French, 1991). Exotic food sources alter the dynamics and dominance of populations. Studies show that Figbirds have been recorded to rely heavily on Camphor Laurel and Privet fruit as a food source during winter months when native fruit abundance is low (Gosper, 1994; Hackett, 1997). However, Figbirds are commonly found in flocks of up to 10-50 birds that enable these birds to occupy territories and exploit resources by displacing other frugivores (such as Silvereyes, native Pigeons and Doves) (Ekert & Bucher, 1999). Silvereyes have also been recorded eating the berries of Camphor laurel and Privet (Ekert & Bucher, 1999). Currawongs are discussed separately in Section 1.6.9 Competition, Dominance and Aggressive Bird Species. Few if any nectivores utilise the flowers of Camphor laurel (Gosper, 1994). However, Rainbow Lorikeets have been observed relying heavily on the nectar from the introduced Coral Tree especially in winter months (Waterhouse, 1995). Exotic plant species often provide the only source of cover for native birds to take shelter in from predators and roost and nest in (Loyn & French, 1991). Superb Blue Fairy-wrens are frequently seen only in patches of Lantana.

1.5.8 Seasonal Food Availability Seasonal availability of fruit, seeds, nectar and insects affect the occurrence of bird species in an area (Slater, 1994), migration and breeding season for native fauna. An abundance of food is essential in breeding season. Residents often complain of possums eating their ornamental of fruit trees in spring, when possums are rearing their young. Winter is often a time of food shortage, and exotic trees such as Coral Trees, supply nectar for Rainbow Lorikeets (Waterhouse, 1995), while Camphor Laurel and Privet provide food for Currawongs, Silvereyes and Figbirds (Gosper, 1994; Hackett, 1997). Different food trees (native and exotic) will be favoured by different fauna species. For example, in a study of Rainbow Lorikeets in southern Sydney (Waterhouse, 1995), observations were made of Rainbow Lorikeets favouring the blossoms of Melaleuca quinquenervia (Broad-leafed Paperbark), Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt), Banksia serrata (Old Man Banksia) and the seed of Casuarina spp. (She Oak). However, despite bloom, they did not favour flowers on Callistemon spp. (Bottle Brush) or Angphora costata (Sydney Red Gum). It is important that Bush Regeneration work recreates a diversity of plant species that provide food such as berries and nectar in spring, summer, autumn and winter. See Table 1.4 Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs, for an overview of plants of Middle Harbour Catchment and their flowering and fruiting times. It is recommended that an array of plants that flower and fruit at different times be used in revegetation. Seasonal weather variations will also affect flowering and fruiting times.

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Table 1. 4 Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs (ref. Robinson, 1991)

Season Plant Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Acacia linifolia X X Acacia longifolia X X Acacia terminalis Late X Acacia ulicifolia X X Acacia suaveolens X Acacia binervia X Melaleauca quinquenervia X Polyscias sambucifolia X Y Ozothamnus diosmifolius X Pandorea pandorana X Callicoma serratifolia X Ceratopetalum apetalum Nov Ceratopetalum gummeriferum


Hibbertia dentata X Early Elaeocarpus reticulatus X X Y Y Platylobium formosum X Ficus rubignosa Feb - Y Y Rapanea variablis X Acmena smithii X Y Y Angphora costata Oct - - Jan Corymbia gummifera Late - X Eucalyptus pilularis Early Eucalyptus piperita Early Eucalyptus resinifera Nov - - Jan Eucalyptus sieberi X - Dec Kunzea ambigua X - Early Leptospermum trinervium X Syncarpia glomulifera Oct Tristaniopsis laurina X Pittosporum undulatum X Y Pittosporum revolutum X Y Banksia ericfolia X X Banksia integrifolia X X Mainl

y Banksia serrata X Banksia spinulosa X X Grevillea linearifolia X X Grevillea buxifolia X Aug - Grevillea sericea X July - Hakea dactyloides X Hakea sericea - Sept X Lambertia formosa X X X

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Season Plant Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Persoonia levis X Persoonia linearis X X - July Persoonia pinifolia X Crowea saligna X X - June Dodonea triquetra Y Y KEY X – Flowering Y – Berry/ Fruit

1.5.9 The Importance of Different Vegetation Communities and Community Structure

Most of Sydney lies on sandstone and shale. These sedimentary rock types give rise to very different landforms and soils, each providing very different growing conditions for plants and plant communities (Benson & Howell, 2000). Different plants and plant communities (such as woodland, heath, open forest, closed forest) support different fauna populations. Certain species are characteristic of different plant communities and ‘edges’. Middle Harbour Catchments’ remnant bushland is predominately sandstone woodland, with pockets of open forest and areas of mesic closed forest in Primrose Park and Tunks Park. Due to the size and shape of reserves, all reserves are considered as being affected by ‘edge effect’ and characteristic of edge species that include the Noisy Miner, Pied Butcherbird, Currawong and Magpie (Catterall et al, 1991). These birds are territorial and aggressive. Bird species show a clear division in habitat use between woodland, open forest and closed forest (Slater, 1994). Studies have shown that tall open forest with a rainforest understorey supports the largest number of avian species because both open and closed forest species are present (Slater 1994). Woodland produces more nectar-producing plants that support nectivores; closed forests support more berry producing plants, that provide food for frugivores; and understorey vegetation supports invertebrates that supply food for insectivorous birds (Slater, 1994). Floristic diversity is an important factor in the control of bird species diversity (Slater, 1994) and other fauna diversity. Vegetation diversity, density and structure and the types of plants in the understorey contribute to the pattern and composition of bird communities (Slater, 1994). In providing habitat for native fauna of Middle Harbour Catchment it is important to encourage the regeneration of a diversity of flora and enhancement of the different vegetation communities, as different species will favour different communities and some will favour the transition zones.

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1.5.10 Middle and Understorey Vegetation

A dense shrubby understorey and middle storey is essential for many species of birds, reptiles and mammals (Wood, 1996; White, 2002; Barrett et al, 1994). Lack of fire and further degradation of bushland areas has resulted in loss of middle and understorey vegetation, accompanying the loss of many bird and reptile species. A denser understorey, is reflected by richer avifauna (Slater, 1994). Many small insectivorous birds (such as the: Superb Blue Fairy-wren, Silver-eye, White-browed Scrub-wren, Robin, Thornbill, Eastern Whipbird, and Satin Bowerbird) require habitat created by the structure of dense middle and understorey vegetation for shelter, food and nesting. Many plants of a closed understorey produce fruits for frugivore birds (Slater, 1994). Ringtail Possums make their dreys (nest) in thick shrubby midstorey vegetation. Reptiles, such as snakes, lizards and skinks require a ground cover of native grasses, sedges, logs, rocks and leaf litter for shelter and habitat.

1.5.11 Importance of Remnant Bushland Reserves and Habitat Provided by the Urban Environment

Remnant areas of bushland are important for the survival of native fauna. Despite pressures placed on populations associated with remnant areas, survey results (White, 2002; Ekert, 2002; Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003) confirm a variety of bird, mammal, reptile and amphibian species that continue to survive in Middle Harbour Catchment. Brightmore Reserve is also home to the roosting site of the Common Bent-wing Bat, a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. Protection and enhancement of bushland habitat will ensure the survival and growth in population and diversity of native fauna. Different areas of the urban environment and the interface with bushland are also important and utilised by native fauna able to adapt to the urban environment. Such areas include spaces that provide nesting sites and easy access to food and flying insects: ovals and large lawn areas (Magpies, Willie Wagtails, Welcome Swallows); tall trees next to clearings (the migratory Dollarbird), ornamental flowers and gardens (Noisy Miners, Rainbow Lorikeets); roof cavities (Brushtail and Ringtail Possums); street lighting (Tawny Frogmouth Owls); gardens (skinks, lizards, butterflies). These components of the urban environment and land use adjoining bushland should be enhanced for continuing to support and provide habitat for native fauna. Dead trees provide vantage points for many bird species who like to perch at the top and search for food below, for example: Dollarbirds and Raptors. Fallen limbs and dead branches also give rise to the creation of hollows used as nests and for breeding by bird and mammal species. Rocks, caves, disused buildings and stormwater drains provide roosting sites for owls and micro-bats. The aim of understanding native fauna populations remaining in Middle Harbour Catchment is to maintain local species richness (Barrett et al, 1996).

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1.5.12 Interaction between Ants and Plants Ants help ecosystem functioning by carrying out seed dispersal. Some plant species encourage ants, by enticing them with oil-rich food attached to their seed, to help them disperse their seed. Ants of particular species carry the seed back to their nest, where they eat the food body and discard the rest of the seed, either underground or in the ‘rubbish heap’ outside. Plants with ant attracting food bodies on their seeds occur most commonly in woodland and heath on sandstone, as found in Middle Harbour Catchment. These plants include pes and wattles such as: Zieria spp., Grevillea spp., Hibbertia spp. and Lomandra spp. Fire is then often required to stimulate germination of the soil-stored seed (Benson & Howell, 2000).

1.5.13 Specific Habitat Requirements for Significant Species


Small Insectivorous Birds Eg. White-browed Scrub-wren Sericornis frontalis

Superb Blue Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus - Require shelter from dense middle and understorey of shrubs, grasses and ground

covers (Bakewell, 2001) to provide protection from aggressive larger birds. - Make nests in the shrub layer. - Eat insects that are attracted to insect attracting shrubs (Ondinea, 1997) (see Section 3

Wildlife Habitat Plants of North Sydney).

Kingfishers FAMILY ALCEDINIDAE Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae - Sedentary birds that occupy the same territory year after year. - Live in woodlands and open forest. - Diet consists of: lizards, snakes, insects, rodents and the odd small bird (Reader’s

Digest, 1993). - Nest in a large cavity, either a tree hollow or branch, or a termite mound. Have been

known to nest in possum boxes also.

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Sacred Kingfisher (Winter) Todiramphus sactus - Some, not all will migrate after breeding season in winter to islands north of Australia - Excavate a nesting hollow using their beak and claw. - Feed on small reptiles, crickets, grass hoppers, beetles, larvae and when near water fish

and crustaceans. - Perch on small, bare, fairly low branches (Readers Digest, 1993) Chowchillas, Quail-thrushes and Allies FAMILY ORTHONYCHIDAE Eastern Whipbird Psophodes olivaceus - Occupy habitat in wet gully forests of coastal eastern Australia. - The male and female whipbird together make the antiphonally whipcrack call, this

signals territory and the callers position. - Each partner forages up to 30 metres apart in dense forest underbrush. - Establish permanent territories of about 5 – 10 hectares. - Feed actively on the litter of the forest floor (Readers Digest, 1993).

Parrots FAMILY PSITTACIDAE All require tree hollows for nesting. Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus - Harvest nectar and pollen and associated insects and fruit on the occasion (Reader’s

Digest, 1993) from flowers such as Eucalypt, Angophora, Grevillea, Melaleuca, Callistemon and Banksia blossoms.

- Gregarious birds that flock in groups of two to fifty and roost in groups up to several hundred (Reader’s Digest, 1993).

Australian King Parrot Alisterus scapularis - King parrots feed on seed, berries, fruits, nuts, nectar, blossoms and leaf buds, from

Eucalypt, Acacia trees and rainforest trees. - Common in heavily timbered and rainforest areas. - Require creeklines as water source. - Require hollows in trees to nest. May utilize appropriate nesting boxes.

Crimson Rosella Platycercus elagans - Live along the edges of tall timbered Eucalypt forests and woodlands. - Essentially eat seed and fruit of Eucalypt, Casuarina, native shrubs, grasses and weed

species (Reader’s Digest, 1993).

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Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus funereus - Fly up and down the coast and between ranges in search of food. - Feed on seeds of introduced Conifer trees and Banksia, Hakea, Pine trees and wood-

boring larvae in Eucalypt and Acacia trees (Reader’s Digest, 1993). - Nest in hollows high above the ground (Reader’s Digest, 1993).

Doves FAMILY COLUMBIDAE Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida - Relative to the Diamond Dove (Geopelia cuneata) and Bar-shouldered Dove (Geopelia

humeralis) that often co-exist together. - Nomadic birds - Eat seeds from a wide variety of grasses, herbs and shrubs from areas on road sides,

dusty places and burnt areas. - Habitat found in well-grassed woodland with water source nearby (Readers Digest,


White-headed Pigeon Columba leucomela - Nomads that live of rainforest vegetation in the lower stories. - Eat the berries of native laurels as well as Camphor Laurel, when native rainforest

vegetation is lacking. - Among the wariest and most secretive of rainforest birds.

Crested Pigeon Geophaps lophotes - Originally inhabited west of the Great Dividing Range - Able to utilize lightly wooded areas and grasslands lacking dense vegetation. - Ground-feeders and seed-feeders (Readers Digest, 1993).

Water Birds

White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae - Generalist feeders and habitat requirements - Forage in intertidal mud flats, rock pools and residential lawns - Prey is varied, mostly crustaceans, squid, fish, insects, amphibians, worms, spiders and

snails (Readers Digest, 1993).

Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos - Mix with the Little Black Cormorant. - Visit almost any body of water that is plentiful in food. - Feed predominately on crustaceans and some fish.

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- Breeds in colonies in spring and summer in a nest in trees lining rivers, swamps and ephemeral swamps (Readers Digest, 1993).

Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris - Mix with the Great and Little Pied Cormorant. - Frequent coastal estuaries and quite marine inlets. - Feed on a greater variety of prey than the Little Pied Cormorant, mainly fish. - Breeds mainly in Spring – Autumn depending on food supply, in a nest in a tree or

bush often in the same tree as the Little Pied Cormorant and Darter (Readers Digest, 1993).

Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus - Dive for fish in shallow water and also feed on crustaceans. - Breed on lakes or swamps, fresh or briny (Readers Digest, 1993).

Darter Anhinga melanogaster - Frequent smooth fresh or salty riverine waters and lakes inland from the coast for

feeding. - Feed on insects, fish and tortoise. - Breeds mainly in spring and summer (although can be any month of the year), in a nest

in a tree above the water (Readers Digest, 1993).

Owls FAMILY STRIGIDAE Barn Owl Tyto alba - Nomadic birds. - Feed primarily on the House Mouse (Reader’s Digest, 1993). - Live in open wooded country. - Roost in the day in tree hollows, thickly foliaged trees, caves, rock crevices, buildings

and wells (Reader’s Digest, 1993). Powerful Owl Ninox strenua - Keep large permanent territories (Reader’s Digest, 1993). Population density is kept

naturally low (Greenyer, 1999). - Roost by day in tall forest trees. - Preys on birds and medium sized arboreal mammals, especially the Ringtail possum

(Reader’s Digest, 1993).

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Nocturnal Birds White-throated Nightjar Camprimulgus mystacalis - Live in Eucalypt forests and camouflage themselves on the ground during the day in

dry dense leaf litter with few plants growing close to the ground (Reader’s Digest, 1993).

- Hunt during the night for nocturnal insects, such as moths and flying beetles (Reader’s Digest, 1993).

- Local birds that breed in the same few hectares year after year (Reader’s Digest, 1993). Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides - Sedentary birds living in the same area year after year. - Hunt during the evening for nocturnal insects, spiders and myriapods (centipedes,

millipedes). - Nest on a horizontal fork of a tree 3-15 metres above the ground (Reader’s Digest,

1993). Migratory and Nomadic Birds Common Koel (Winter) Eudynamys scolopacea - Migrate from Indonesia arriving in September to October (Reader’s Digest, 1993). - Live in dense pockets of Eucalypt trees and rainforest. - Parasitises other species’ nests and lay their eggs in species that have similar sized

eggs, such as: Red Wattlebirds, Figbirds and Magpie-larks (Reader’s Digest, 1993).

Channel-billed Cuckoo (Summer) Scythrops novaehollandiae - Migrates south from Papu-asia in August-October to breed. - Parasitises other species’ nests to lay their eggs in, including the Magpie-lark, Magpie,

Currawong and Raven (Reader’s Digest, 1993). These birds then raise the chick as their own.

- Eat fruits and berries, particularly figs. Occasionally eat eggs, chicks and insects.

Dollarbird (Spring) Eurystomus orientalis - Migrates from New Guinea to Australia in Spring to breed. - Nest in hollows in tall trees. - Perch on top-most bare branches of tall trees beside clearings. - Eat insects on the wing (Readers Digest 1993).

Spotted Pardalote (Winter) Pardalotus punctatus - Feeds on lerps, manna and insects on the foliage of Eucalypt trees - Migrate in winter months for warmer areas. Return to breed.

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- Nest in terrestrial burrows excavated in low banks or walls, often on the banks of creeks.

- Forages from the ground through to the mid and canopy levels. Not restricted to mature forests, as they do not nest in hollows (Readers Digest 1993).

Silvereye (Summer) Zosterops lateralis - Require shelter and foraging habitat from the shrubbery vegetation layer in varying

types of forest. - Migrate and disperse after breeding in summer from Tasmania and southern Victoria. - Glean over leaves and twigs for insects – beetles, bugs, wasps, flies and aphids; visit

flowering plants for nectar and seeds; and pick at fruit. - Generally feed in small flocks (Readers Digest, 1993).

MAMMALS Require:

• Tree hollows, • Connecting canopy coverage, • Dense native middle and understorey vegetation. Brown Antechinus Antechinus stuartii - Thick ground cover and abundant logs (Braithwaite, 1995). - Live in forests or scrub with dense ground cover, sleeping during the day in burrows

under rocks or logs (Ondinea, 1997). - Feed at night on stems, bark, leaves, pollen, flowers, fruits, seed and fungi, as well as

earthworms, insects and their larvae (Ondinea, 1997).

Ringtail Possum Pseudecheirus peregrinus - Live in a variety of forest and woodland habitats, often in suburban gardens. - Make nests (drey) of leaves, twigs, ferns in dense middle-storey shrubs (such as

Lantana and Kunzea), or on a branch or tree hollow. Will commonly utilize Possum boxes, and occasionally live in roofs.

- Diet consists predominately of Eucalypt leaves (McKay & Ong, 1995; White, pers.com.) but will also make use of introduced plant species; flowers and fruits.

Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecular - Live in variety of forest and woodland habitats, frequently in the suburban garden. - Nest in tree hollows and roofs, but also in a fallen log, rock cavity or a hollowed

termite mound (Strahan, 1995). - Found to feed mainly outside of bushland reserves, rather in gardens (White,


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- Feed predominately on leaves, succulent shoots, flowers, fruit, buds, bark of native and cultivated shrubs and trees. Very occasionally may eat meat in the wild (How & Kerle, 1995; Ondinea, 1997)

Insectivorous Micro-bats Eg. Gould’s Wattle Bat Chalinolobus gouldii

Large Bent-wing Bat Miniopterus schreibersii - Use echo-location to locate insects near the tops of trees (Bakewell, 2001). - Diet consists of insects, primarily moths (Hoye, 2000). - Roost in tree hollows, under bark, in caves, stormwater culverts, buildings, roofs, old

mines (Hoye, 2000; Ondinea, 1997). - Found in forested areas where small insects can be foraged above tree canopy (Dwyer,

1995). Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus - Common in rainforest and wet Eucalypt forest with a relatively dense canopy. - Commute daily to foraging areas, usually within 15 kilometres of the day roost, a few

individuals may travel up to 50 kilometres in an evening. - Roost in gullies, usually close to water and in vegetation with a dense canopy

(Tidemann, 1995). - Feed nocturnally on rainforest fruits (Figs and Palms) and nectar and pollen from

Eucalypts, Turpentine, Leptospermum, Banksia and Callistemon, and are probably important pollinators of these trees (Ondinea, 1997; Tidemann, 1995). Found in the several sites in the Fauna Survey (Biosphere 2002) to be feeding on Paper Bark Meleleuca trees.

- Responsible for the seed dispersal of many rainforest and other Eucalypt, Angophora, Leptospermum and Banksia trees (Tidemann, 1995).



- Require moist understorey and ground cover near clean water. - Live around logs, rocks and bark for shelter. - Eat insects, snails, worms, spiders, small lizards and other frogs.

Eg. Brown Striped Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peronii

Common Eastern Froglet Crinia signifera - Live in most freshwater environments including: fish ponds, ornamental ponds,

sheltering under logs, rocks or leaf litter during the day (Ondinea, 1997).

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REPTILES - Thick understorey of grasses, mulch, logs, rocks, leaf litter and shrubs to provide

protection from predators. - Large bare rocks and logs for basking in the sun.

Eastern Water Dragon Physignathus lesueuri - Live near fresh water, such as: creeks, rivers, foreshores, fish ponds, ornamental ponds

and swimming pools. Often use overhanging branches (Ondinea, 1997). - Eat small reptiles, frogs, insects, flowers, fruit, snails, worms, small mammals and

some vegetation (Ondinea, 1997).

Geckoes Eg. Southern Leaf-tail Gecko Phyllurus platurus - Shelter beneath small rocks, in rock crevices, in caves and under logs. Also found in

garages. - Nocturnal reptiles. - Eat insects and other invertebrates.

Skinks Eg. Eastern Water Skink Eulamprus quoyii

Grass Skink Lampropholis guichenoti Delicate Skink Lampropholis delicata Weasel Skink Saproscincus mustelina

- Live in and around tree trunks, rocks, logs, ground litter, low cover near basking sites,

concrete paths, fences and walls (Ondinea, 1997). - Eat small insects.

Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard Tiliqua scinoides - Live in rock crevices, hollows, animal burrows, under fallen timber, in drain-pipes,

under concrete and in old brick and stonework (Ondinea, 1997). - Eat snails, insects, fruit, flowers and carrion.

Golden-crowned Snake Cacophis squamulosus - A secretive, nocturnal snake that shelters during the day under stones, logs and leaf-

litter. - Venomous, although not dangerous to humans. - Abundant in sandstone areas in the south. - Feeds mainly on small skinks (Cogger, 1996).

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Common Tree Snake Dendrelaphis punctulata - Live in trees or shrubs, and forage on the ground for food. - Diet consists of: frogs and birds, and some reptiles and small mammals. - Shelter in tree hollows, under rocks, in crevices and caves, or even in houses (Cogger,


FISH AND AQUATIC FAUNA - Require clear, unpolluted water. Some species are more sensitive to pollutants than

others. Macro-invertebrates can be used as indicators for testing water pollution levels. - Habitat requirements include: rocks, logs, and aquatic vegetation, bank vegetation

(including mangroves), intertidal areas (such as mudflats), pools, riffles and backwaters, and bank stability to provide shelter, shade, foraging and breeding site (Ondinea, 1997).

- Food requirements include: aquatic and terrestrial insects, crustaceans, molluscs, plankton, algae and other aquatic plants, fish (Ondinea, 1997).

INSECTS AND OTHER INVERTEBRATES - Appropriate habitat and host species to complete entire life cycle. - Invertebrates rapidly respond to environmental change. - Ecologically important for the functioning of an ecosystem. - Useful as bio-indicators to monitor the health and/or pollution/disturbance of an

ecosystem (Pik, 2000). - Invertebrates have been found to favour native plants with resting stages (egg masses

and pupae), lerps and scales occurring more frequently on native than exotic plants (Green et al 1989).

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1.6 Threatening Processes

1.6.1 Overview

Threatening Processes to native fauna include:

- Lack of bushland area - Habitat loss and destruction - Isolation of bushland reserves - Loss of ground cover - Lack of middle-storey vegetation - Disruption of canopy - Predation from feral animals, namely the Red Fox - Lack of hollows and competition for nesting hollows - Dominance and aggressive bird species, such as: Currawongs, Noisy Miners - Predation by domestic animals, especially the cat - Disturbance from dogs and their scent - Threats from other introduced fauna species - Street and house lighting - Disturbance from noise, movement and pedestrian traffic - Weed invasion - Insecticides, poisons (ie pesticides accumulating in the food chain) including rat

poison, Pollution - Diseases in populations

1.6.2 Lack of Bushland Area The small amounts of bushland area means that only a small percentage of habitat remaining can only support a corresponding small percentage of species and their populations. The remaining bushland areas suffer from edge effect, weed invasion, loss of native vegetation and other associated impacts. Small bushland areas often can only support faunal species that are generalist feeders and generalists in habitat requirement.

1.6.3 Habitat Loss and Destruction The loss of habitat is the overall riding factor in loss of native fauna diversity. Habitat destruction is continuing through cleaning up of dead branches, removal of bush rock, lawn mowing and poor bush regeneration practices eg. over-clearing. Land clearing is listed as a key threatening process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Dead wood and dead trees provide important habitat for native fauna. Dead wood and branches provide habitat for lizards, frogs, ground mammals and invertebrate fauna. Fungi, bacteria and invertebrate organisms breakdown the dead wood, recycling the nutrients back into the soil and ecosystem. Bush rock also provides important habitat for lizards and snakes.

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Removal of Exotic Trees and Bush Regeneration Works Introduced plants often become substitute habitat for native fauna, providing food, transport routes and shelter for birds, mammals and reptiles (see Section 1.5.5 Habitat and Food Provided by Weeds). Removal and over clearing of these tree and shrub weed species causes further loss in habitat and places fauna risk from exposure and lack of shelter, loss of safe transportation routes and loss of food. Coral Trees provide a reliable supply of food for Rainbow Lorikeets; Privet and Camphor Laurel provide fruit for frugivore birds. Date Palms provide nesting sites for Ringtail Possums and Rainbow Lorikeets; Lantana provides critical habitat and shelter for the Superb Blue Fairy-wren and Eastern Whipbird (in Primrose Park), and Pittosporum undulatum provides a sheltered Middle Storey. Dieback Dieback of Eucalypt spp. and Angophora Costata trees can be caused by serval factors relating to an altered and unhealthy ecosystem. Angophora dieback was first observed occurring at Cremorne Point, Port Jackson Catchment. In September 2001 funding was obtained from Coastcare to research the disease and involve the community in restoration of the community in the ‘Protection and Rehabilitation of the Sydney Red Gums at Cremorne Point’. The dieback was positively identified as being causes by the soil pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. Dieback, presumably also due to Pytophthora, is also occurring in areas in Primrose Park. Phytophthora cinnamomi has recently been declared by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service as a Key Threatening Process. Research is being undertaken by The Royal Botanic Gardens into the disease and ways to stop the spread of the pathogen and mitigate its threat. It appears that stormwater is a key factor in the presence of the pathogen. Dieback of Eucalypts and loss of understorey vegetation, common in fragmented and degraded landscapes can also be associated with a greatly reduced diversity of birds (Ford et al, 2001). For further information see: Appendix L - Summerall, B. (2002) Assessment of the cause of Angophora dieback at Cremorne Point for North Sydney Council Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney.

1.6.4 Habitat Fragmentation - Isolation of Bushland Reserves and Edge Effect Isolated Remnants North Sydney’s remnant bushland areas are isolated fragmented islands in a sea of the urban environment. This poses problems for terrestrial, arboreal and some aerial species to move around beyond their home territory in search of food, mates, new territory or habitat. Isolation also limits the capacity of migratory species to use the reserves while moving across Sydney. Island pockets not only have large physical boundaries and implications but may also lead to genetic inbreeding and ultimately local extinction.

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Species that are able to fly large distances may not be disadvantaged by isolated remnants, however terrestrial and short-distance flying species may be totally confined to individual reserves making them particularly vulnerable to local extinction (White, 2002). Edge Effect Remnant Bushland Reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment are small in size and narrow in shape, that makes these areas particularly vulnerable to a variety of impacts (White, 2002). The widest tract of bushland occurs in Tunks Park, still less than 100 metres wide and bound by residential dwelling, roads, street lights and footpaths. All bushland areas suffer their greatest impacts along the boundaries with outside environments termed ‘edge effect’. When reserves are long and thin and surrounded by urban areas, the edge effect is large and the potential for environmental damage is high. Such change includes: the change in vegetation due to change in micro-climate; invasion of weeds; exposure to predators; and the change in fauna species. Edge species that can dominate this habitat include the Noisy Miner, Pied Butcherbird, Currawong and Magpie (Catterall et al, 1991). These birds are territorial and aggressive and push out smaller insectivorous birds.

1.6.5 Lack of Middle Storey Vegetation and Loss of Ground Shelter The loss of middle storey vegetation and ground cover are the most likely reason that terrestrial mammals and smaller birds have been lost from Middle Harbour Catchments’ bushland reserves (White, 2002). In addition, fallen trees, logs, branches and obtrusive rocks have been taken away to make the reserve more human-friendly, further decreasing habitat potential. Small birds, mammals and reptiles need the protection and structure of the middle storey and ground covers for habitat: shelter, protection, food and nesting sites. Fire One of the main reasons for loss of middle storey and understorey plants is the absence of fire (White, 2002). Fire occurs naturally on the Australian landscape and was used extensively by Aboriginal people who ‘farmed’ the land using fire as a tool. Native plant species (with the exception for Rainforest communities) have adapted mechanisms to survive and regenerate with fire. Indeed many species need fire to stimulate seed germination.

1.6.6 Disruption of Canopy Without a continuous canopy, mammals such as Possums must come down to the ground to continue travelling. This leaves the animal vulnerable to predation.

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1.6.7 Predation from Feral Animals – The European Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

Ground-dwelling native terrestrial mammals (such as the Brown Antechinus Antechinus stuartii) are absent within North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment reserves. With this absence, the introduced Black Rat and House Mouse have expanded to become a dominant ground-dwelling terrestrial mammal. The main reason for the demise of mammals appears to be heavy predation by foxes, cats and dogs (White, 2002). Together with the lack of natural habitat and decades of public misunderstanding, these mammals have fallen into serious decline. A Red Fox was seen in the Fauna Survey (White, 2002) during the day in Tunks Park. Foxes have been frequently sighted around North Sydney for many years. Predation by the European Red Fox is listed as Key Threatening Process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. No feral Cats have been seen or recorded in North Sydney, although the domestic cat was sighted in the Fauna Survey in Mortlock Reserve and Tunks Park. Feral Cats are known to exist in the neighbouring municipality of Willoughby City Council. It is possible that feral Cats may make their way into North Sydney Council’s Middle Harbour Catchment via adjoining reserves into Tunks Park and Mortlock Reserve. Predation by feral Cats is listed as a Key Threatening Process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Dogs were observed in the Fauna Survey in all reserves, with the majority being off leads.

1.6.8 Lack of Nesting Hollows and Competition for Nesting Sites Australian fauna have evolved with native vegetation that is susceptible to the development of hollows. Many mammal and bird species, especially parrots, rely on hollows for nesting. Different species require hollows of different size, shape and height that will depend on the maturity of the tree. Some hollows take up to 200 years to develop. Some species require hollows all year round, and others only at breeding season. There is high competition for hollows, especially in remnant bushland reserves, where hollows are in short supply as well as in the surrounding urban environment. Many of the old growth trees have been cut down for timber, or old limbs removed for public safety or to ‘tidy up’ the tree. Birds and mammals that require more specialised hollows have been out competed by species that require more general hollows, or are more dominant or aggressive. There is also competition with introduced animals such as the European Honey Bee and Indian Mynah. Species surviving in Middle Harbour Catchment that require hollows for nesting include the: Rainbow Lorikeet, Crimson Rosella, Brushtail Possum, Dollarbirds (migratory), and the Southern Boobook Owl. Studies have shown that Rainbow Lorikeets have been able to compete successfully for hollows from other native and introduced species (Waterhouse, 1997). Native tree species that produce suitable hollows include: Eucalytus pilularis (Blackbutt), E. Piperita (Sydney Peppermint) and Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum). Exotic trees do not readily produce hollows. Artificial Nesting Boxes can be designed and built for an array of different bird and mammal species. Please refer to Section 2.1.17 Nesting Boxes for further information.

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1.6.9 Competition, Dominance and Aggressive Bird Species The Pied Currawong Strepera graculina and Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala

The urban environment supports many bird species, some at high population densities, however, the assemblages of birds in cities are not in equilibrium (Major et al, 2000). Some species common in cities less than 100 years ago are now rare and new species continue to colonise (Hoskin et al, 1991). There are several interacting factors influencing the survival of species in the urban environment (Major et al, 2000):

1. Size and presence of remnant vegetation. 2. Competition with better adapted exotic species that have a longer history of human

cohabitation. 3. Predation of exotic predators. 4. Structure and floristics of planted garden vegetation. 5. Supplementary feeding by humans. 6. High levels of residual pesticides.

These factors in the urban environment of North Sydney support a high population of the Pied Currawong Strepera graculina and Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala. The Pied Currawong has long been known as a major cause for the decline of small birds and a major threat to urban bird diversity (Major et al, 2000; Bass, 1995). The Noisy Miner is also a major threat to urban bird diversity and to the decline of small bird species. The Pied Currawong The Pied Currawong is a species native to the west of the Great Dividing Range. Due to the altered environment, in recent years the Pied Currawong has made the push to the east. Being omnivorous scavengers (Readers Digest, 1993), and partially frugivore, they have benefited from the prolific abundance of exotic ornamental plants and bush weeds that produce red or black berries, such as Camphor Laurel Cinnamomum camphora and Privet Ligustrum sp. (Buchanan, 1989; Bass, 1995). The other component of these birds diet is prey from nest predation of eggs and nestlings (Major et al, 2000), further threatening the survival of many smaller bird species. Currawongs are also highly territorial and able to defend their territory from other bird species, smaller and larger. Other species are harassed and chased out. Possums caught out of their nest in the day- time, are also harassed (including harassment by Noisy Miners and Sulphur-crested Cockatoos) and can be pecked to death by Currawongs. Currawongs are also responsible for the spreading these berry producing weed species (Privet and Camphor Laurel), in turn helping to perpetuate the survival of the population (Buchanan, 1989). It has been argued that the abundance of exotic berries for the diet of these birds may in fact reduce predation on smaller native bird species (Buchanan, 1989).

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Supplementary Feeding By supplementary feeding these birds, high numbers of the population are able to be supported. Supplementary feeding of other bird species also indirectly supports their population. For example, nest predation was found to be higher in gardens where Kookaburras Dacelo novaeguineae were fed frequently (Major et al, 2000). Vegetation Composition Stands of large trees with little middle and understorey vegetation, such as vegetation in parks and many gardens, also constitutes prime habitat for the Pied Currawong. The Noisy Miner The Noisy Miner, a large Honeyeater, live in large and socially complex communes (Readers Digest, 1993). These communes are highly territorial, with six to thirty birds combined in a loose colony of up to several hundred. Miners unite as mob predators and attack snakes, goannas, and other bird species that enter their territory. They are successful in driving out most species, smaller or larger, and occasionally killing some (Readers Digest, 1993). Vegetation Composition Noisy Miners are woodland birds (Readers Digest, 1993), able to dominate bushland areas smaller than 10 hectares, with limited dense middle and understorey vegetation. This typifies bushland of North Sydney. Noisy Miners also benefit from the copious amounts of nectar provided by large hybrid Grevillea sp., such as ‘Robyn Gordon Grevillea’. These plants are popular in garden and parkland landscaping and considered to be native.

1.6.10 Predation and Disturbance by Domestic Animals Cats and dogs are both a problem in bushland reserves. Cats Domestic cats were recorded in the reserves at night in the Fauna Survey and possums were found killed by cats. Cats are a particular problem to native fauna as they are able to hunt lizards, birds and mammals throughout the day and night. Statistics from WIRES and Taronga Zoo Wildlife Clinic from 1991-2000 regarding cat attacks on native animals in the North Sydney local government area, reveal that out of all the species brought to them for care, Ringtail Possums have had the greatest number of cat attacks/fatalities. These statistics also show that Rainbow Lorikeets and Blue-tongue Lizards have been subject to large numbers of fatalities from cat attack. In 2002 an Eastern Water Dragon was sighted dead at Primrose Park with puncture wounds to its body, most likely from a cat. The animal was not eaten.

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For further information see: Appendix J - Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney from 1991-2000; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to June 2002 Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services Disturbance by Dogs Dogs are also a problem in bushland reserves, as dogs roaming the bushland disturb a lot of native fauna, especially birds. The constant presence of dogs in the reserves is sufficient to cause native animals to abandon the reserves (White, 2002). Dogs also kill some mammals. Possums were found in the Port Jackson Survey (White, 2001) that had been savaged by dogs. Even if dogs do not catch and kill native animals directly, their scent that disseminates throughout reserves causes native animals to avoid these areas. Thus, foraging areas are reduced, stressing native fauna populations further (White, 2002).

1.6.11 Threats from other Introduced Fauna Species The Black Rat Rattus rattus The Black Rat, found in most bushland reserves in Middle Harbour, is omnivorous feeding on many fungi, invertebrates and reptile species. There is little evidence so far in Australia that supports the idea that the Black Rat destroys eggs and young birds. The Black Rat does not so much, displace native species, however, exploits niches not occupied by native species (Watts, 1995). The Black Rat does spread disease (Watts, 1995). And it may act as prey for the Red Fox, thereby taking pressure off native populations. The House Mouse Mus musculus The House Mouse is found in most bushland reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment. Studies have shown that it often becomes abundant and ubiquitous about 18 months after fire at a time when native species are at a low density. These populations can remain high for three to four years, decreasing as the density of small native mammals increases (Singleton, 1995). It therefore may imply that as with the Black Rat, it moves into areas where native ground mammal species is low, such as bushland reserves in North Sydney. The House Mouse is eaten mainly by raptors (Singleton, 1995), and therefore may also take pressure off native populations as prey for raptors and the Red Fox. The European Honey Bee Apis mellifera The European Honey Bees invades nesting hollows and nesting boxes to create hives in, thus depriving arboreal native fauna critical nesting sites. The European Honey Bee also interferes with the natural pollination of indigenous flora. Honey Bees are unable to pollinate some plant species.

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Indian Mynah Acridotheres tristis The Indian Mynah, not to be confused with the native Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala, is brown with a black head and yellow feet, eye-patch and bill and is a very aggressive bird. It evicts other birds from their nests, dumps out the eggs and chases native birds from their roosting areas. The mynah generally prefers urban backyards, where it displaces many Australian species and is a strong competitor for food. (WTMA, 2002). The Indian Mynah breeds in hollows competing with native birds and possums for nesting hollows (Readers Digest, 1993).

1.6.12 Street and House Lighting Street and footpath lighting can be a problem for the nocturnal animals. For fauna such as Ringtail Possums and Owls, light pollution can force these animals out of reserves. Most nocturnal animals avoid street-lit areas, with the only exception being Tawny Frogmouths which have learned to sit above street lights and be concealed in the shadow while waiting for moths to be drawn towards the light (White, 2002). Oval lighting will disturb nocturnal native fauna in Primrose Park due to flood-lights lighting the oval at night for football practice.

1.6.13 Disturbance from Noise, Movement and Pedestrian Traffic Most bushland reserves in Middle Harbour Catchment have several formal and informal walking tracks through them. High pedestrian traffic through much of the reserve, lacking a ‘core’ conservation area will disturb native fauna.

1.6.14 Weed Invasion Negative Effect of Exotic Berry Species

Although, exotic weed species provide habitat, food and shelter for native fauna, native vegetation is of greater habitat value than weedy vegetation. It has been found that near-pure stands of Privet provides limited resource for birds, however, Privet located near native forests provided supplementary resources for many more species (Ekert & Bucher, 1999). The presence of exotic berry vegetation, such as Privets Ligustrum sp. and Camphor Laurel Cinnamomum campora, also impacts on many species of native fauna indirectly by the presence of flocks of territorial and aggressive bird species attracted to these plants. Such aggressive bird species that utilize these plant species for food include: the Figbird Sphecotheres viridis and Pied Currawong Strepera graculina.

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Ants and other Invertebrates There is evidence that more specialist leaf litter invertebrates are affected by the infestation of weed plant species. Seed dispersing ants have been found to be less abundant in areas infested by Bitou Bush Chysanthemoides monilifera (French & Eardley, 1998) and other weedy areas (Pik, 2000).

1.6.15 Pollution, Poisons and Diseases Pollution outbreaks in waterways can kill and cause illness and mutations to fish and other aquatic fauna. Toxins may bio-accumulate and cause illness and death in animals higher up in the food chain that consume these smaller affected creatures. Insects infected by pesticides and insecticides and consumed by insect predators such as Tawny Frogmouth Owls, can build up the toxin in their fat reserves. In times of little food, fat deposit are utilised by the body and the toxin released into the blood system, causing illness and death. Disease such as Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease is high in the parrot population, especially in the local Rainbow Lorikeet population. Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease is listed as a Key Threatening Process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to endangered Psittacine (Parrot) species. Rainbow Lorikeets are not endangered species, however the disease occurs in high proportions in Sydney. This disease leads to a lowered immune system and loss of flight feathers that can lead to death through easy predation or illness. It is thought that the disease is spreading due to two main causes:

1. In nesting hollows that are not being rested due to constant occupancy. This is related to the lack of nesting hollows and change in food availability causing species such as Rainbow Lorikeet populations to breed in winter and spring; and

2. Through feeding stations where people feed birds, and sometimes a highly inappropriate diet. The feeding of food such as sugar, bread and honey can also lead to susceptibility to disease.

Other diseases are known to occur in populations of the Australian King Parrot population and Frogs. Infection of amphibians with Chytrid fungus resulting in Chytridiomycosis is listed as a Key Threatening Process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Currently, both these diseases have not been recorded in either populations occurring in North Sydney.

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1.6.16 Drought

Drought affects bushland areas and the fauna that rely on that habitat. Food becomes scarce and water sources dry up. In the drought of 2002, possums were seen scavenging from unlikely food sources and Blue-tongue lizards were seen dehydrated. Studies have shown that drought affects most bird guilds, with the exception of those that feed on the ground, on the bark or in the air. This indicates that invertebrate species that live in the leaf litter, under the bark or in the air are more immune to drought due to their ability to find protection. The guild most affected by drought, are the berry eaters (Slater, 1994).

1.6.17 Specific Threats to Significant Native Fauna


Insectivorous Birds - Loss of habitat, particularly dense middle-storey vegetation. - Change in ecosystem, with a greater number of trees in the urban environment that

encourage edge dwelling species and lack of shrubs that favour small insectivorous birds.

- Predatory attack from cats and foxes. - Predatory attack of eggs and aggressive dominance from territorial birds such as

Currawongs. - Change of fire regime affecting loss of flora species, availability and timing of insect

attracting plants.

Parrots - Lack of hollows. Out competition of parrots that only require nesting hollows at

nesting season with parrots that remain in nesting hollows all year round. - Lack of large old growth hollows. - Competition for hollows from introduced species such as the Honey Bee and Indian

Mynah. - High incidence of disease within populations of parrots eg. Pscitticean Beak and

Feather Disease, which affects Lorikeets and Cockatoos.

Kookaburras, Tawny Frogmouths - Loss of suitable trees for nesting, roosting, and perching while waiting for prey. - Insects killed by pesticides, then eaten by Kookaburras and Tawny Frogmouths which

absorb the pesticide chemicals and are stored in their fat. When food is in short supply, their fat storage is used and high concentrations of poison may be absorbed in their blood, which results in reproductive losses or death (NPWS, 2001).

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Owls and Nocturnal Birds - Loss of habitat. Require large areas of bushland (White, pers.com). Reserves are often

too small and isolated to support breeding pairs (Greenyer, 1999). - Lack of prey; fauna species loss affects species higher up in the food chain. - Predation from cats, foxes, snakes and dogs. - Competition with foxes and cats for food, such as Ringtail Possums and other small

mammals (Greenyer, 1999). - Loss of old trees with hollows (Greenyer, 1999). - The main cause of premature mortality is due to road fatalities (Wilbrow, 1999

pers.com.; Debus & Chafer, 1994). High mortality also due to: electrocution, fungal infections, poisoning and predation (Greenyer, 1999).

- Disturbances from noise and presence of humans near nest sites deter Powerful Owls from mating (Greenyer, 1999).


Insectivorous Bats - The Large Bent-wing Bat is preyed upon by owls, pythons, feral cats, and occasionally

the fox (Dwyer, 1995). - Frequent disturbance of roosts used for hibernation increases winter mortality. - Dependence upon relatively few nursery caves, threatens the survival of widespread

populations if these sites are disturbed (Dwyer, 1995). - Gould’s Wattle Bat is preyed upon by owls, the feral cat and the Pied Butcherbird and

Currawong (Dixon, 1995).

Grey-headed Flying-fox - Disturbance of roosting sites, particularly during the last few weeks of pregnancy, can

lead to females spontaneously aborting (Tidemann, 1995). - Electrocution on power-lines (NPWS, 2001). - Persecution due to poor understanding of diseases they may carry (NPWS, 2001).

Possums - A discontinuous canopy leads to individuals needing to descend to the ground more

frequently and are thus more exposed to terrestrial predators. - A large impact on populations of possums and other marsupials is due to predatory

attack from the introduced cat, both feral and domestic, fox and occasionally dogs (Smith, 1995; How & Kerle, 1995).

- Possums crossing roads are subjected to the potential of being run over by cars. - Lack of hollows for nesting. - Lack of middle-storey for shelter and nesting. - Possums are territorial. Possums trapped and relocated greater than 50 metres from site

of capture, are taken outside of their territory. The stress of entrapment and relocation, particularly in the day, leads to a very high incidence of mortality.

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- Resident frustration and subsequent action with possums living in their roofs, and damaging their garden plants.

- Possums killed either accidentally or on purpose with rat poison.

Brown Antechinus - Vulnerability to introduced predatory attack from cats, foxes and dogs (Braithwaite,

1995). - Mistaken as the introduced house mouse or rat and subsequently killed. - Species vulnerability due to specific mating habit. - Loss of habitat through the clearing of native vegetation.


Frogs - Susceptibility to pollution. Increased pollution levels in the air and water. - Lack of permanent fresh water supply. - Alteration of drainage patterns and stormwater runoff (White & Pyke, 1996). - Fungal pathogen (Berger & Speare, 1998). - Water quality, pollution and sedimentation. - Herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. - Predation by feral animals such as foxes and cats (Daly 1995 & 1996). - Road mortality where populations are already small due to other threats (Daly, 1996). - Predation by exotic fish, which eat frog eggs and tadpoles, particularly the Plague

Minnow (Gambusia holbrooki) (Morgan & Buttemer, 1996). - Loss of suitable breeding habitat through alteration by infilling and destruction of

wetlands (Morgan & Buttemer, 1996; Clancy, 1996). - Susceptibility to increasing levels of ultra-violet light (damage to the ozone layer).

Snakes - Loss of habitat and ground cover vegetation. - Removal of bush rock. - Indiscriminate killing of snakes through fear or dislike. Many harmless snakes and

legless lizards are killed unnecessarily in this way (NPWS, 2001).

Lizards and Skinks - Predatory attack from cats, foxes and dogs. - Mortality from cars (especially roaming male Blue-tongue Lizards) and lawn mowers. - Poisoning from pesticides and eating snails that have been poisoned with an


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1.7 Method

1.7.1 Fauna Surveys The Fauna Rehabilitation Plan for Middle Harbour Catchment has been compiled using results from the Fauna Survey conducted by the Biosphere Environmental Consultants in March – May 2002. Carried out over six days and six nights, the survey gave a brief overview of the presence/status of wildlife in North Sydney. The aims of the survey were to catalogue the mammals, reptiles, birds and frogs that occur in each reserve; identify threatened or endangered species or species of local significance; to access the extent of habitat for native fauna; and to recommend methods that might improve the habitat value of the reserves for native fauna. A constantly updated database of the Fauna of North Sydney (see Section 3) compiling sighting records from Council’s Wildlife Watch Program, Bushland Management Team, Contractors and past sightings and studies were also used to supplement findings from the survey. Wildlife Watch is a community based education program whereby interested local residents record fauna seen in their local area. The program provides valuable information for sightings of wildlife in North Sydney, however the information provided is by community volunteers and may not be entirely definitive. In July 2002 North Sydney Council employed Ekerlogic Consulting Services to carry out an ongoing bird survey over the next five years. The summery findings of the interim report for the first six months were also used for information for the Fauna Rehabilitation Plan for Middle Harbour Catchment.

1.7.2 Limitations of the Study and Continuing Surveys Limitations of the study include the rapid assessment of fauna for the Fauna Survey. It is unlikely that all species of fauna present in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment could have been recorded in this survey that occurred over six days and nights. Some species are seasonal and migratory and would not have been recorded if they were not present in the time frame of this study. However, to supplement findings of this report, other studies and the Fauna of North Sydney Database were used. Despite the possibility that not all species are accounted for, management guidelines in this plan will benefit all native fauna species. The Ekerlogic Consulting Services Continuing Bird Survey has been instigated to provide an indication of the dynamics of the bird populations living in the bushland of North Sydney. It is proposed that the results from the survey will be used as an ecological indicator to ascertain the effectiveness of bushland rehabilitation activities in conserving and promoting native fauna habitat.

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Section 2 - Fauna Rehabilitation Management Plans 2.1 Management Strategies for the North Sydney Local Government Area The following management strategies are applicable across the whole local government area, and are geared towards promoting the sustainable management of local wildlife. More specific on-ground strategies have been created for each bushland reserve with the Middle Harbour Catchment, and can be found in the latter part of Section 2 of this report.

2.1.1 Implementation of the Bushland Rehabilitation Plan for Middle Harbour Catchment

It is recommended that the Council continue to implement the Bushland Rehabilitation Plan for Middle Harbour Catchment, which is guided by environmental legislation set out in the Local Government Amendment Act 1998 and the North Sydney Council Plan of Management Plan, adopted in 1995.

2.1.2 Fauna Conservation Areas At present remnant bushland in North Sydney is classified and protected under the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2001 (LEP) as a ‘Bushland Zone’, managed under the Bushland Plan of Management adopted by Council under the Local Government Act, 1993. The LEP specifies that: Bushland Zone 1. Objectives of the zone The particular objectives of this zone are to: (a) protect and preserve bushland so as to provide representation of the natural state and to

enable existing animal and plant communities to survive in the long term, and (b) allow, where appropriate, for low impact recreational opportunities which will protect

the values of bushland, and (c) protect and preserve bushland for its natural, cultural, historical, scientific, educational,

archaeological, geological, recreational, scenic and visual values in accordance with the Bushland Plan of Management adopted by the Council under the Local Government Act 1993.

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2. Development which may be carried out in this zone Any development in accordance with the plan of management adopted under Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993 and for the time being applicable to the subject land. Development for the purpose of:

bushfire hazard reduction; bushland regeneration and management; community notice signs; drainage; landscaping; remediation; vehicular access for emergency and maintenance vehicles; vehicle access to another permissible use within the zone; visitor facilities.

For further information see: ‘North Sydney Council Bushland Plan of Management, adopted in 1995’. Available through North Sydney Council. Some sections of urban bushland may require additional protection to specifically protect native fauna. The zoning of ‘Wildlife Conservation Areas’ is able to be instigated by Local Government under the Companion Animals Act, 1998 and includes the implementation of appropriate regulations for the reserve chosen by Council. An example of such zoning could include: the exclusion of domestic animals, restriction of the placement of walking tracks and public entry, may be fenced and gated, have no internal night lights, or may only be open to the public at certain times of the day, as recommended by White (2002). Bushland areas identified by White (2002) in order of priority for dog exclusion zones are:

1. Wonga Road Reserve and Mortlock Reserve 2. The higher (southern) side of Brightmore Reserve 3. Willoughby Gully in Primrose Park Bushland 4. The higher (southern) bushland areas of Tunks Park Bushland

Wildlife Protection Zones should be given to reserves that are high in biodiversity with the greatest conservation potential and low recreational usage. Wildlife Conservation Areas could initially be targeted in areas that include critical habitat for threatened and vulnerable species, such as Brightmore Reserve, and then on success of these areas be extended to include other fauna rich areas or areas where specific fauna habitats have been recreated. Alternatively, for ease of public compliance, Wildlife Protection Zones could be instated in specific areas of reserve that are not currently under high use by the public or with the absence of walking tracks. For example, Tunks Park bushland has large tracts of area inaccessible to the public. This section could be made a Wildlife Protection Zone and signs erected. Wildlife Protection Zones needs to result in the heightened protection of native fauna. A Plan of Management should be developed for each ‘Wildlife Conservation Zone’ in order to maximise the usefulness of the area (White, 2002). For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: Companion Animals Act, 1998

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2.1.3 Protection of Critical Habitat

The NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 requires that critical habitats of endangered, threatened or vulnerable species be protected. One area of critical habitat that requires protection is the roost site for Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) in Brightmore Reserve. Management of Threatened Species and Critical Habitat The Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) Critical habitat of the Large Bent-wing Bat includes roosting sites. This roost site needs to be recorded and protected and ensured that the is not publicly revealed. Protection of the roosting site can be achieved by covering the stormwater opening with a wide mesh cover that will not prevent bats from flying in and out, however will stop feral animals (and people) from disturbing the bats. The location of the site should not be generally available to the public, though should be known to Council’s Bushland Management team (White, 2002). Management issues for the colony of Large Bent-wing Bats discovered roosting in Waverton in 1999 are discussed in a report compiled for Council by Glenn Hoye (2000). A NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Recovery Plan for the Large Bent-wing Bat is available by contacting NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. For further information see: Fauna and Flora Assessment Waverton Peninsula (2000) Glen Hoye. Available through North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services Division. The Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) A NPWS Recovery Plan for the Grey-headed Flying-fox will be prepared by 2006. Management guidelines set out under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995, for the Grey-headed Flying-fox that are applicable for Council are as follows:

- Continuing synchronous annual counts to track population trends and monitor success of management actions.

- Conducting education programs to increase awareness about Grey-headed Flying-foxes and dispel misconceptions.

- Identification and protection of key foraging areas to ensure foraging resources are available throughout the year.

North Sydney provides foraging areas for the Grey-headed Flying-fox, however there are no roosting sites located in North Sydney.

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Synonymous with the NPWS Recovery Plan, it is recommended that the Wildlife Watch Program continue to help monitor the sightings of the Grey-headed Flying-fox. Residents involved in the program should be notified that recording sightings of this species is important. The information provided from these sightings can then be forwarded to the NPWS for their monitoring program. Grey-headed Flying-foxes are frequently electrocuted on overhead electricity wires. Specific areas of electric wires have been identified in North Sydney (in consultation with a representative from the Ku-ring-gai Bat Conservation Society) as having frequent Flying-fox fatalities. These wires have been prioritised for ‘Aerial Bundled Cabling’. Aerial Bundled Cabling combines all wires into one sheathed cable, which prevents electrocution. It is recommended that North Sydney Council continue to bundle in high priority areas on an annual basis. Educational talks by the Ku-ring-gai Bat Conservation Society have been provided to the public through the Bushcare Adventures Program in 2001. Educational activities and talks by the Ku-ring-gai Bat Conservation Society and other environmental educators for children and adults on the Grey-headed Flying-fox can continue to form part of the Bushcare Adventures educational activities.

2.1.4 Replacement of Lost Shelter Sites Rocks, Logs and Branches In addition to replacing middle and understorey vegetation, fallen trees, logs, branches and bush rocks should be left in place (away from public pathways and access) and replaced for habitat and nutrient recycling within the ecosystem. Lizards, frogs, snakes, terrestrial native mammals and invertebrates will utilize the habitat provided by logs, branches and rocks. Fungi and other micro-organisms will breakdown dead wood recycling the nutrients back into the system. In turn, fungi provides a food source for some native fauna. Rocks and logs can be used in ‘landscaping’ bushland sites. Educational signs could be erected in sites highlighting that that the removal of bush rock and dead wood is prohibited and that it provides important habitat. Dead Trees Where public safety is considered, dead trees and branches should be left on site to naturally break down. Dead trees that need removal for public safety should be only lopped back to a stag. These stags are generally safe for many years to come and provide habitat to native fauna. Advice on the option of lopping back only to a stag can be sought from the professional Arborist. Many species of birds use dead trees and vantage points to observe prey. Possums can also utilize the dead tree as a safe transport route off the ground. Micro-organisms and fungi will eventually create hollows (if not already present) in the trees which provides nesting sites for possums, parrots and other bird species.

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2.1.5 Buffer Planting Bushland reserves can be shielded from the impacts of the surrounding urban environment by a wall of resilient and bushy native plants. These plants need to be chosen for being able to tolerate greater physical damage and exposure and fast growth, whilst creating a buffer between the natural bushland and urban interface (White, 2002). A bushy buffer zone will help prevent the spread of weeds along the edges and provide protection for native fauna from cats, dogs and disturbance by people. A buffer zone may naturally occur through regeneration, or edges can be revegetated with species such as: Acacia spp., Grevillea spp., Banksia spp., Lomandra longifolia, Dodonea triquetra, Monotoca sp., Kunzea ambigua and Hakea spp. Edges of reserves should be targeted as a priority in regeneration works to create this buffer zone.

2.1.6 Tree Plan A Tree Plan is required for each reserve. In the plan, the number and age classes of native trees are recorded as well as the location of exotic trees. The plan should be aimed at successively eliminating the exotic trees and replacing them with native trees (generated from seed collected within the reserve). If tree species are absent from the reserve that should be replanted these should be derived from seed stock taken from the nearest source area. Although the aim of the plan is to replace exotic trees with native trees and to replace senescent native trees with replacements trees, some caution is advised before actions are implemented. Some exotic trees may be used by native fauna as habitat trees in the absence of a suitable native tree being present. When it is clear that exotic trees are being used as habitat, the replacement tree should be well established before the exotic tree is removed. In this way habitat is always present for native fauna (White, 2002).

2.1.7 Creekline and Rainforest Restoration Natural rainforest and creekline vegetation (mesophilic) naturally occurs in successional stages, from the pioneer plants to the large mature trees. Regeneration of such areas takes many years to reach maturity (Greening Australia 1998). Clump Planting Method When revegetating such areas, the first few stages can proceed more rapidly by planting a combination of fast growing light demanding trees and slower growing trees that will live a long time once mature. Robert Kooyman of NSW State Forests has developed a method based on years of trials, known as the Clump Planting method (Greening Australia, 1998). Trees are planted 1.5 metres apart in ‘clumps’. Each clump has a tall fast growing tree surrounded by slower growing species. Rapid growth of this central tree draws on the other trees and shrubs up to the light creating a canopy within an estimated 2-3 year period.

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Creekline Restoration Creek and stormwater drainage lines can be reconstructed using large sandstone rocks. Effective design and engineering of a natural creekline will help prevent erosion, as well as provide habitat and aid natural bushland aesthetics. Within this construction, ponds can be made that will provide habit for frogs and a still fresh water source for birds and lizards. Water loving species such as sedges and rushes should be planted through out the creek line to filter water and provide habitat for fogs and other animals. Dense stands of small trees can be planted above the water flow level (Greening Australia, 1998). Some weeds may need to be retained in the short term to help prevent erosion.

2.1.8 Tree Preservation Order North Sydney Council’s Tree Preservation Order (TPO) needs to assess habitat value of trees on private property when evaluating permission for removal and pruning. During the evaluation process, an assessment should be made on the presence and/or potential of existing nesting hollows, nests and dreys. An assessment should also be made on the food resources the tree provides to local fauna. TPO guidelines for the pruning of larger branches should require a collar to be left (of at least 30cm) to allow a hollow to develop over time. It is also recommended that the Significant Tree Register should be reviewed and amended where appropriate to include specimens of high ecological and habitat value. Such specimens would include mature indigenous trees, especially with hollows and those forming connective canopy. A poster listing indigenous plant species for North Sydney titled ‘Live Local Plant Local’ has been compiled for gardens and gardeners. The list provides information on each species’ growing condition requirement and height at maturity. This list is provided with Tree Preservation Order permits to encourage and educate residents about planting local species in private gardens. For further information please refer to: Appendix N - North Sydney Council Tree Preservation Order

2.1.9 Green Corridors and Linkages The creation of ‘green corridors’ and linkages will enable fauna to move between bushland areas. These corridors should be as large and as wide as possible so as to minimise ‘edge effects’ and enable usage for a wide range of species. Narrow corridors may not provide adequate protection for extremely edge-sensitive bird species (Bakewell, 2001). Maps of possible green corridor creations will be outlined in Map 2 for each reserve in Section 2. 3. Corridors, where possible, should mimic vegetation communities and structure of the bush to include: 1. Canopy trees 2. Middle-storey

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3. Understorey 4. Ground covers There are three ways that corridors can be created:

1. Plantings in Council Parkland areas without interfering with recreational space and/or views.

2. Sympathetic street tree planting/street tree landscaping. 3. ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in Your Garden’ programs for residents adjoining

bushland or linking bushland reserves. A strategy for the creation and design of green corridors for North Sydney has been formulated and will form part of the Council’s Biodiversity Strategy. 1. Parkland Vegetation Planting of indigenous species in Parklands could provide habitat for fauna and linkages to remnant bushland areas. Planting could take place around existing mature parkland trees to create a shrubby understorey, as well as on lawn areas that are not utilised for recreational purposes. In areas where views are to be retained or a population of small insectivorous birds are known to exist, it is recommended that islands of shrub vegetation are created. The exclusion of larger canopy trees in this area means that habitat for larger, more aggressive bird species has been omitted. Therefore, smaller birds can persist without the threat of competition from larger birds, such as Australian Magpies or Pied Currawongs. Remnant vegetation, rubble and weeds found on the side of roads and surrounding old industrial sites, provide important habitat for small birds, possums and reptiles. For example, Lantana can provide important habitat for Scrub Wrens, while rubble provides shelter for lizards; therefore, the habitat value of these particular sites, needs to be carefully considered before removal or a ‘tidy up’ of these sites occurs. If removal is to take place, alternative habitat needs to be arranged prior to the event. 2. Street Tree Landscaping Street Tree Landscaping involves the planting of understorey shrubs and ground covers around the bases of existing street trees. This type of landscaping has the potential to provide habitat for wildlife such as travel routes, shelter, food or nesting sites. Although many indigenous trees may not be appropriate for street tree planting due to their size, structure, root system and/or vulnerability to the streetscape, native trees do provide more habitat and food for fauna compared to their exotic counterparts. On consultation with the Tree Preservation Officer, a list of both indigenous and native species that would be appropriate for street tree landscaping has been compiled and listed below.

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NB. * Indicates native species that are not currently found in North Sydney, or are not

indigenous to North Sydney, but native to the Sydney region.

# Indicates native genera with the potential usage of hybrid species or species not indigenous to the region, selected as appropriate for streetscaping.

Grasses and Ground Covers Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush Geranium homeanum Native Geranium Dichelachne crinita Longhaired Plume Grass Dichleachne micrantha Shorthair Plume Grass Themeda australis Kangaroo Grass Echinopgan caespitosus Hedgehog Grass Viola hederaceae Native violet Shrubs Grevillea linearifolia White Spider Flower #Banksia sp. Banksia Acacia implexa Hickory #Acacia sp. Wattle #Callistemon sp. Bottle Brush Eriostemon myoporides Long-leaved Wax Flower Trees Melaleuca armillaris Braclet Honey Myrtle Eleocarpus reticularis Blueberry Ash Banksia serrata Old Man Banksia Banksia integrifolia Coastal Banksia Acemna smithii Lillypilly Leptospermum polygalifolium

Lemon-scented Tea-tree

*Synoum glandulosum Scentless Rosewood Phebalium dentatum Callicoma serratifolia Black Wattle *Cupaniopsis anacardioides Tuckeroo Livistona australis Cabbage-tree Palm *Diploglottis australis Native Tamarind Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum *Backhousia citriadora Lemon Myrtle Fruiting exotics that have been planted in the streetscape or in parkland areas should be reduced as they provide an abundant, year round supply of food for aggressive bird species such as the Currawong.

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2.1.10 Fire Management

Ecological burning is an essential tool used to maintain bushland resilience, biodiversity and habitat conservation. Whilst fire is needed to create healthy bushland and thus habitat, it is essential that current habitat is also preserved during this process. Small broad-scale burning is the most beneficial type of burning, however should be used only in reserves large enough to provide alternative habitat areas. As a general rule broad-scale burning should not be larger than 10% of the total area of the reserve, and should be proportional to the shape of the reserve. Burning should be undertaken strategically and in a mosaic fashion, with areas adjacent to one another not being burnt until regeneration has reached a height of around 1.5 metres. If broad-scale burning is not appropriate for an area, then pile burning should be used. An entire reserve should be burnt over a period of ten years, excluding areas inappropriate for burning (i.e. indigenous closed forest, degraded sites or young revegetated sites). Repeated burning of an area should not take place more frequently than seven years or less frequently than fifteen years. Too frequent burning of bushland, encourages fire-dependent and fire-tolerant species. Coupled with the loss of other species, this leads to an altered ecosystem with vegetation susceptible to fire ie. more flammable. Likewise, with too infrequent burning, mesophilic vegetation will dominate the bushland with the loss of sclerophyll species and an overall loss of species diversity. Burning should not coincide with the nesting season of birds that are known to make their nests near the ground or in the shrub layer. A table highlighting nesting seasons of birds found in each reserve from the Fauna Survey and the Fauna of North Sydney Database is provided for each reserve in Section 2.3. Birds that are not included in the table are those that nest: above 6m; on creek banks; in tree hollows; in cave and rock ledges; and in rainforests (which should not be burnt). Before burning piles of debris, piles should be disturbed to encourage lizards and other reptiles that may be living in the piles to move on.

2.1.11 Fresh Water Sources There is a lack of fresh water in most of the reserves. Fresh water is crucial in providing habitat for frogs as well as drinking and bathing water for lizards and birds. Artificial frog ponds could be created in appropriate and sheltered areas in reserves. Bird-baths can also be constructed for each reserve. For further information, see: Appendix H - Frog Facts No.2: Keeping Frogs in Your Garden Appendix I - How to Build a Bird Bath

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2.1.12 Walking Tracks

Tracks and pathways create an ‘edge effect’ in a reserve, whereby the bushland intersected with pathways experiences a change in microclimate, is susceptible to weed invasion and other pressures associated with an altered ecosystem. A central ‘core’ area is needed for conservation, which provides an area that is undisturbed and suffers minimally from edge effect. Tracks should be redirected around the outside of the reserves, and tracks running through the middle of reserves should be closed. Where there are too many tracks, especially informal ones, these should be closed and discouraged and a few formal walking tracks constructed or highlighted.

2.1.13 Community Education Community education is essential for promoting an understanding/appreciation of wildlife issues in North Sydney. Lack of knowledge/understanding is often the cause of negative human impact on native wildlife. Community awareness programs highlighting the presence of wildlife populations can be achieved through educational signage placed along bushland walking tracks. Educational signage should educate passers-by about the fauna that inhabit the reserve, to be mindful of their presence and how they can utilize the reserve without negatively impacting on wildlife. Wildlife education needs to reach the wider community. This may be achieved through education of the threats to wildlife that is caused by human impact through articles in local newspapers, displays in the Stanton Library and in rates notices. The selling of indigenous plants locally, possibly through local nurseries, would also be useful in encouraging residents to plant native species in their garden. The Bushcare Community Education Program Council has several community awareness publications that need to reach further into the community. ‘How to Attract Native Birds to your Garden – without Artificially Feeding’ is a publication addressing the negative effects of feeding native birds and if one chooses to feed native birds, how to provide a healthy natural diet and which birds not to encourage. ‘Living with Possums’ is a community educational booklet addressing the issues of illegally trapping and relocating possums, possums in roofs, and possums eating ornamental plants. In 2003, Council produced an educational kit to be distributed to all cat and dog owners in North Sydney. ‘Enviro-pet: A North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ addresses the issues of cats and the threat to native fauna, encouraging residents to keep cats indoors; and the effect of dogs to native fauna and dog faeces, educating why dogs must be on a lead in all bushland areas and why owners must pick up after their dog. The ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in Your Garden’ program is offered to all residents in North Sydney. This program provides assistance and indigenous plants for residents to create a native habitat garden.

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Other community education programs are currently run through North Sydney Council’s Bushcare program, include: Wildlife Habitat Gardens workshop, Wildlife Observation Field Trips to Barren Grounds Bird Observatory and Calga Springs Sanctuary and other provision of educational material/displays. The community volunteer wildlife Program is another way to educate residents by getting them involved in wildlife observation. The Bushcare Adventures Program provides interactive educational activities for children and adults in the school holidays. This Program provides important education about local wildlife and bushland issues and should continue as part of the Bushcare Program. For further information see: North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services Division, Bushland Department for community awareness publications and the Bushcare programs offered. Or, online at: www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/what’s on/Bushcare Activates

2.1.14 Feral Animal Control The Red Fox Vulpes vulpes Fox control programs are required by the NPWS and are in progress. Foxes may never be completely eradicated from bushland reserves but their numbers can be culled (White, 2001). Den fumigation and a baiting program both need to be utilized. By making den fumigation the focus of the fox control program, this will ensure the culling of juvenile foxes, thus reducing the next generation of foxes. Vagrant foxes will still be present and these can be culled through a baiting program in reserves that are a distance of 150m from residential dwellings at Balls Head Reserve, Waverton and Berry Island Reserve, Wollstonecraft. For further information Appendix K - Summary of Fox Control Program 2002 Feral Cats Felis cattus Cat traps can also be placed in reserves to trap any feral cats that may be present. Cat traps may also trap domestic cats found in reserves. Feral cats can generally be distinguished from domestic cats by their larger size and more aggressive behaviour. If there is uncertainty as to whether a cat is feral or domestic, the cat should be taken to a veterinary clinic for identification. Feral cats will need to be taken to a veterinary clinic to be euthanased. If the cats’ owners can be identified from a tag on their cat’s collar or microchip, the cat should be released to their owner and the owner notified that their cat was caught in bushland.

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Rabbits Escaped domestic rabbits are not regularly sighted in Middle Harbour bushland. A Rabbit Trap can be placed for such occurrences and taken to the local veterinary clinic and euthanased, or returned to the owner (if there is one). It is unlikely that rabbits in small numbers pose much threat to native fauna and flora in Middle Harbour. It is likely that their presence would take the pressure off native populations as prey for foxes and cats. European Honey Bee Apis mellifera Bees that invade nesting boxes, should be removed. Boxes can be taken away by Apiarists and the hive and Honey Bees used. Bees that invade hollows, if safely accessible can be destroyed with smoke or flame. Use of an insecticide is not preferable. An Apiarist can be employed for assistance. Indian Mynah Achridotheres tristis A research team from the Australian National University has been trialing a method to remove Indian Mynahs in the ‘Australian National University Minimising Myna Project’. Decoy birds and food are used to attract Indian Mynahs into a trap through special valves in the base designed to fit Indian Mynahs and Starlings Sturnus vulgaris but not other birds like the Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen. Once the birds are trapped, they are taken away and humanely euthanased with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (ABC, 2002).

2.1.15 Control of Domestic Animals in Reserves Community education regarding responsible pet ownership needs to be targeted across all areas adjoining bushland, in particular those areas where there has been declaration of a Wildlife Protection Zone. The focus of the education should be to encourage cat owners to keep their cat within residential property boundaries, particularly at night. All bushland reserves in North Sydney require dogs to be on a lead at all times. This policy ensures that dogs are confined to the tracks and under control of their owner, which minimises disturbance to wildlife and the bushland. In 2003, this policy will be supported with educational signage stating North Sydney Councils policy that dogs be kept on leads, in all bushland reserves in North Sydney. Further, active enforcement of this policy is required by Council’s Rangers. Dog bins and plastic bags need to be provided for all reserves. Dog Exercising areas are available around North Sydney to allow a space for dogs to run around freely. In 2003 ‘The North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ Community Education Kit was produced and distributed to all pet owners in North Sydney to educate residents on this issue. The aim of this education kit is to inform residents on why it is important to keep your cats indoors, all or most of the time, how to do this, why it is important and that it is legally required to keep dogs on leads in bushland areas.

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For further information Appendix J - Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney from 1991-2000; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to June 2002 Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

2.1.16 Lighting Street lighting should not be aimed into the reserves. Shielding on the back of street lights should be implemented which greatly reduces the amount of light entering the reserves. Footpath lighting along bushland reserves need to be shielded so that light is directed downwards rather than radiating in all directions from an overhead light source. Residents whose properties back onto the bush should be discouraged from having backyard spotlights pointing into reserves. A single backyard spotlight can dislocate fauna for 50m either side of the light source (White, 2002).

2.1.17 Nesting Boxes Possum boxes are useful in providing homes particularly for Ringtail Possums, Brushtail Possums and occasionally Kookaburras. Possum boxes can be installed in all reserves with the exception of Berry Island. Possum boxes are utilized in the majority by Ringtail Possums although they are designed for Brushtail Possums. The number of boxes will vary for each reserve depending on the size of the reserve. Please refer to individual reserve management plans in Section 2.3 for the numbers of boxes recommended. Further research and trial needs to be done to determine the most successful Parrot nesting box design. Other boxes designed for Owls, King Parrots and Kookaburras can also be specifically made, installed, monitored and evaluated. A publication from The Gould League of Victoria (1997) The Nest Box Book: Nestboxes for Birds and Mammals, covers a range of nest box design for species of birds, bats and possums. This publication can be referred to for specific nest box design for different species that may benefit from nesting boxes being erected in bushland reserves. Possum boxes should be installed outside bee swarming season (generally for 6 weeks within mid-August to December) to try to avoid the possibility of European Honey Bees moving into the boxes. It will not be possible to avoid boxes being inhabited by feral animals, particularly bees and Indian Mynahs. If this occurs, the box should be removed. Council encourages local residents to install possum boxes in their properties. Possum boxes are sold by North Sydney Council at cost price.

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2.1.18 Roads and Traffic

Traffic calming devices could be installed along roads adjacent to bushland to reduce possum fatalities on roads. Aerial pathways for possums can be constructed over roads by the Roads and Traffic Authority that have a particularly high incidence of road mortality. Roads, with few options for safe commuting overhead for possums, that have a high incidence of possum fatality, can be identified and the RTA approached for the construction of an aerial possum pathway. The RTA has constructed an aerial pathway for possums over the Wakehurst Parkway, to trial the success of pathways for possums needing to cross areas of frequent and high traffic usage.

2.1.19 Council Policy, Development Applications and Assistance Programs Council’s draft Development Control Plan Section 19 outlines guidelines for properties that share a common boundary with bushland. The guidelines are in place to ensure that works adjacent to bushland are compatible with the long-term conservation and management of remnant bushland in accordance with the Bushland Plan of Management and the principles of the State Environmental Planning Policy No. 19 – Bushland in Urban Areas (SEPP 19). In March 2003 Council’s Bushland Team met with members of Council involved with Development Applications to discuss Council’s Development Application process to involve encouraging residents adjoining bushland to plant a section of their garden with indigenous native plants, so as to not adversely affect bushland. Development Applicants adjoining bushland will be provided with the ‘Live Local Plant Local’ poster, detailing appropriate indigenous species, planting conditions and plant details, how to create a Wildlife Habitat Garden and a list of Native Nurseries. Council also provides a ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program free of charge to all residents in North Sydney. This program provides a professional site assessment, an information package, indigenous plants, assistance with planting, loan of tools and on-going support and advice. The program, through advertising aims to reach the community and encourage native habitat gardens.

2.1.20 Re-introduction of Native Fauna Breeding and re-introduction programs of endangered native mammals, birds and reptiles has been trialed, successfully and unsuccessfully carried out in many parts of Australia by private and government bodies. The primary determinant factor in successful re-introduction and survival of the species is the availability of appropriate habitat and the eradication of the threat to the species – namely feral animals, in particular the Red Fox Vulpes vulpes. Fox baiting programs have been carried out in private sanctuaries that have re-introduced indigenous mammals, such as Earth Sanctuaries and Calga Springs Wildlife Sanctuary. An electric fence have been placed around the reserves after a total eradication of all feral predators has been carried out.

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There are several other factors to consider with the re-introduction of any native fauna. These include issues of inbreeding and the animals being able to interbreed, and that the animals are still wild and able to survive in the natural environment. Populations able to inter-breed, is possible when species can travel easily between reserves ie. that they are not isolated. This can happen when the animals are mobile between large distances and able to utilize green corridors. Animals held in captivity for a great length of time, particularly over generations are difficult to release back into the wild. Native Bees (Trigona carbonaria) and Blue-tongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoids) Due to the limited size and isolation of bushland reserves in North Sydney and the present of the Red Fox, the possibility of successfully re-introducing native mammals and birds is unlikely. However, the re-introduction of native bees Trigona carbonaria and Blue-tongue Lizards Tiliqua scincoids may be possible. It is possible that these two species can also be re-introduced into bushland reserves in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour Catchment. Foxes and in particular, cats and dogs will need to be eliminated from sites for Blue-tongue lizards to be released. Habitat and shelter sites would also need to be created with rocks, logs, grasses and other ground covers. Blue-tongue lizards readily utilize ‘artificial’ shelter sites and will eat native and introduced invertebrate species (such as the garden snail). These lizards also exhibit strong site fidelity and utilize corridors of dense vegetation (Koenig et al 2001). The native Bee Trigona carbonaria will live in artificial hives, however they need to remain cool. Sites chosen for native bee release will need to contain large tracts of flowering vegetation, such as Tunks Park. Ku-ring-gai Council Re-introduction Program – Trials and Discoveries In 2003, Ku-ring-gai Council’s Bushcare Department in conjunction with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and herpetologists, are breeding and releasing Blue-tongue lizards into suitable sites. Ku-ring-gai Council’s Bushcare Department has also been re-introducing native bees Trigona carbonaria back into bushland reserves. T. carbonaria naturally occur in Sydney and stock for releasing into Ku-ring-gai was sourced from Queensland, where genetic difference is minimal. It was discovered that the hives are susceptible to heat and that the bees can die on hot days above 40oC. The hives will now be painted with a ceramic paint called ‘Supertherm’ which is an insulation paint providing protection equivalent to 8 inches of fibreglass with a single coat. Supplies can be purchased from: ‘Supertherm’ Available – online at www.supertherm.net Native Bees Trigona carbonaria Available – online at www.uq.net.au/~zzrzabel

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2.2 Statement of Management Objectives for Bush Regeneration Works 2.2.1 Policy for all Bushland Team Members and Contract Bush Regeneration Tenders Ø That Tenders for Bush Regeneration must include a clause for native fauna habitat

protection and enhancement specific to native fauna present on site. Tenders must meet a standard and be hired on merit for fauna habitat protection practices within bush regeneration works.

Ø That Bush Regeneration supervisors must be aware of native fauna habitat protection

issues. These supervisors must be educated and instated on the basis that they are aware of native fauna habitat protection practices and will supervise these practices on site. All supervising staff should be given a copy of ‘Native Fauna Habitat Protection Guidelines’. This policy will need to apply to Council staff and all contracting staff.

2.2.2 Bushland Management Practices ‘Native Fauna Habitat Protection Guidelines’ To be utilized in Bush Regeneration works by local Bushcare groups, contract Bush Regenerators and the Bush Regeneration Team throughout bushland in Middle Harbour Catchment. Protect, Enhance and Recreate Middle-Storey Vegetation The loss of middle-storey vegetation had a large impact on wildlife populations. To restore middle-storey vegetation is a foremost priority. The middle-storey can be recreated using ecological burning, direct seeding, or planting. Poisoned exotic canopy and mid-storey trees should be left in situ until new native canopy trees have matured in height. Creating Connective Canopy To ensure that the canopy is still connected when removing canopy weed species, leave poisoned exotic canopy in situ until new native canopy tree has matured in height. Buffer Planting Buffer planting along the edge of the reserves can be done to increase habitat area. This may include plantings next to parkland or on the roadside. This will require the cooperation of other departments in the Open Space and Environmental Services Division. Spraying of Herbicide The spraying of herbicide should not be used next to creek lines and near water sources. Hand weeding and other methods such as blanketing out weeds should be used instead. The spraying of herbicide needs to be minimised where possible in all bush regeneration sites. Other methods should be adopted where possible.

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Use of Mosaic Pattern for Weeding and Clearing (Method from Ondinea, 1997) Begin weeding in number 1 areas and allow regeneration or revegetation to develop to a height of no less than 2m, or a density similar to the previous weed cover before commencing on number 2 areas and so forth. Choose upslope sites to begin work at and then move downslope. Upslope 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4

Downslope Size of Bush Regeneration Site Each site for bush regeneration should be no larger than 20m x 20m, or ? of the reserve (Ondinea, 1997). Replacement of Ground Cover Replace ground cover habitat components such as rocks, logs, leaf litter and native plantings. Uncover rocks from weeds and plant native ground covers around rocks to create habitat for lizards and skinks. Removal of Exotic Vines Cut vines back from indigenous trees, leaving the vine in the tree and remove base of vine from the soil. For non-indigenous trees, leave vines or cut back at base and remove base of vine where necessary, until the tree is removed. When to carry out Bush Regeneration Works ‘Primary’ Bush Regeneration work and Ecological Management Burns (eg pile burns, broad area burns) should be done outside of breeding times of scrub birds: March, April, May and June, that are in an area to maximise the retention of the middle-storey for nesting habitat (see Table 1 in individual site management plans in Section 2.3). ‘Maintenance’ work should be carried out throughout the other months of the year.

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Fauna Rehabilitation Plans Tunks Park Bushland

Middle Harbour Catchment Area


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Tunks Park Bushland


1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

1.1 Creekline Vegetation

1.2 Weed Assessment

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History


3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

3.4 Pets

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

3.6 Locally Rare Species


4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives

4.4 Nesting Seasons of Scrub Birds

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

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Table 2 – Management Strategies

Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

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INTRODUCTION Tunks Park Bushland consists of a narrow north-facing strip bordered by residential properties, sports fields, the waters of Flat Rock Creek and associated tributaries. Stormwater enters the main tributary at the junction of Marks St and Hamilton Lane, Crows Nest. The area is approx. 55 130m2. The dominant vegetation association is an Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus resinifera (Red Mahogany) Open Forest with Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt) Open Forest dominating to the west. Weed species are dominant along property boundaries, creekline edges and the numerous stormwater drains located at various points throughout the bushland area. Bush regeneration activities are carried out by the Tunks Park Bushcare Group, Tunks Park West Bushcare Group, Council’s Bushland Management Team and bush regeneration contractors. The bushland at Tunks Park forms an important link to Mortlock Reserve to the east and the bushland of Flat Rock Gully located in the Willoughby Council area. The bushland is mainly utilised by passive recreationists. The absence of a formal track system through the bushland has limited certain issues that lead to bushland degradation eg. creation of informal tracks, trampling of vegetation, the presence of dogs and their faeces, litter and vandalism. The creation of informal tracks can lead to soil erosion due to the loss of vegetation, soil compaction and the invasion of weed species. Native fauna throughout the North Sydney Local Government Area is not very diverse or abundant. However, the fauna of Tunks Park is relatively diverse and abundant due to the relative large size of the reserve and diversity of habitat provided. Many bird species persist, and it has the highest recorded bird species, equalled with Primrose Park, in North Sydney (Ekert, 2002). Several reptiles, plus frog, owl, bat and possum species also inhabit Tunks Park Bushland. 1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities for location details.

Tunks Park consists of two remnant vegetation communities that are part of the Sydney Sandstone Complex – Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest (10ag) as indicated by Benson and Howell, 1994. The vegetation is symbolic of the North Shore and consists of:

1. Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus resinifera (Red Mahogany) Open Forest dominated by a midstorey of Allocasuarina littoralis (Black She-oak), Hakea dactyloides (Broad-leaved Hakea), Grevillea linearifolia (White Spider Flower), Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and an understorey of Lomandra longifolia (Mat Rush), Dianella caerulea (Blue Flax Lily) and native grasses (including Entolasia sp.).

2. Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt) Open Forest with a dominant midstorey of Dodonaea

triquetra (Native Hop Bush), Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and Entolasia stricta in the understorey.

For further information see:

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Appendix E – Indigenous Flora of North Sydney Database

1.1 Creekline Vegetation The creekline receives stormwater from the greater residential catchment of Cammeray. The piped stormwater enters the creekline below the junction of Hamilton Lane and Marks Street, Cows Nest. This tributary continues through the bushland and joins the main creek (Flat Rock Creek) that originates in the Willoughby bushland area in the upper catchment. Flat Rock Creek flows beneath the sports fields of Tunks Park via several underground concrete channels and drains to Long Bay. Remnant creekline vegetation includes Callicoma serratifolia (Black Wattle), Acmena smithii (Lily Pily), Ceratopetalum apetalum (Coachwood), Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree), Polyscias sambucifolia (Elderberry Panax) and Clerodendrum tomentosum (Hairy Clerodendrum). Weed species are also found throughout the bushland edges of the creekline. These are discussed below. The original estuarine plant community at the mouth of the creekline adjacent to Long Bay was lost during the construction of the sports fields in the 1950’s. This area would have contained mangrove thickets, mudflats and habitat for a wide variety of estuarine flora and fauna. Remnant vegetation of the lost estuarine environment can still be witnessed on the lower edges of the bushland. Native species include Casuarina glauca (Swamp She-oak), Gahnia aspera (Sword Grass) and Juncus usitattus (Common Rush).

1.2 Weed Assessment Weed species are present in the reserve due to many factors. The creekline is a source of weed seed and increased nutrient pollution from the upper catchment. This has resulted in the spread of weed species along the banks of the creekline below. Large Leaf Privets (Ligustrum lucidum) and pockets of Lantana (Lantana camara) line the banks of the creek in some areas. Exotic vines are also present in the area eg. Morning Glory (Ipomea indica) and Balloon Vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum). Other prominent weed species found along the creekline are Cassia (Senna pendula), Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) and Camphor Laurel (Cinamomum camphora). Weed species found adjacent to the rear of residential properties are present due to many factors which contribute increased moisture and nutrients to the bushland edge. These include:

- ‘Hard surface’ runoff from impervious surfaces eg. driveways, concrete paths, roofs; - Garden watering systems and pools; - Imported fill soil and major disturbance to the original soil structure; - Use of fertiliser; and - Dumping of garden clippings into bushland that has enabled many ornamental species to

spread throughout the reserve. Native species that are usually found along rainforest margins eg. Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum), Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash) and Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) are successfully colonising areas of Open Forest. These native species flourish in elevated soil moisture and nutrient conditions and in areas where fire has been excluded for long periods.

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The original soil profile has been disturbed in some locations and the native seed bank (found in the topsoil) has been buried or lost. The native seed bank takes many years to develop and mature. Major soil disturbance makes unassisted native plant regeneration almost impossible. To assist regeneration, sections of the bushland may have to be planted with local indigenous species. The placement of these plants will reflect their natural occurrence in the existing bushland ecosystem. Weed species also invade along the edge of the bushland. The perimeter of bushland along the edge of the sport fields is highly impacted by ‘edge effects’ where the bushland is bordered by lawn grass species and wind borne seeds are most likely to be deposited along these edges as the bushland slows down wind velocities. 2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History

During 1996 a broad area burn was undertaken in bushland on the western side of the Suspension Bridge. Preparation for the burn included tree injection of large woody weeds such as Large Leaf Privet (Ligustrum lucidum), Camphor Laurel (Cinamomum camphora) and control of Ochna (Ochna serrulata) throughout the understorey. Fire trails were cut through the bushland to protect local residences and the adjoining bushland that was not part of the planned burn area. The burn was assisted by two local Fire Brigades and Council’s Bushland Management Team. The fire was successful in increasing the diversity of native species. Weed species to emerge after the burn included Ink Weed (Phytolacca octandra), Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Lantana (Lantana camara). Due to the success of the native plant regeneration following the broad area burn, future burns will be planned for this area. Fire is an ecological tool required to sustain the plant communities of Tunks Park. There are several areas throughout Tunks Park that require burning for the purposes of maintaining diversity and stimulating the germination of native seeds which lay dormant in the soil. Some species can be eliminated from a bushland area due to the absence of fire. As addressed in the Bushland Fire Management Policy, 1997: Section 4 – ‘several areas that contain high fuel levels require burning not only for ecological purposes but also to manage the fuel levels on some sites’. 3.0 FAUNA Information used in this section has been compiled from the Fauna Survey conducted by Dr Arthur White and the Biosphere Environmental Consultants in March 2002. Fauna sightings recorded on the Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 and the North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report by Peter Ekert and the Ekerlogic Consulting Services in December 2002 has also been considered. However, these two surveys are not specific for each reserve, rather the broader area of Middle Harbour Catchment.

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For further information see: Section 1.7 – Method Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 Appendix M - North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview There is a relatively wide diversity of fauna species within the bushland areas of Tunks Park. Ringtail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), Brushtail Possums (Trichosurus vulpecular) and the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) frequent the area on nightly foraging trips. Eastern Water Dragons (Physignathus lesueurii) have been sighted along the creeklines and stormwater runoff areas. Usually both adults and juveniles can be witnessed. This suggests that there is a healthy population present in the area. The Blue-tongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) and Eastern Water Skinks (Sphenomorphus quoyii) are commonly found in the area. The Green Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata), the Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) and the Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) are rarely seen. Common bird species can be found in the bushland of Tunks Park. These include the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala), the Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), the Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina) and Rainbow Lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus). Other common species that have been sighted in the bushland include the Grey Butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus), the Red Wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata), and the Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina novaehollandiae). The Southern Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) occasionally visits the bushland area. This species has also been witnessed hunting Ringtail Possums in Cremorne Point bushland and also in the bushland of Gore Cove, in Wollstonecraft. Tawny Frogmouth Owls (Podargus strigoides) are found in the bushland of Tunks Park The Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) and the Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) are both migratory species visiting in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region. Less common species include the White-headed pigeon (Columba leucomela), the Eastern Whip-bird (Psophodes olivaceus), the White-browed Scrub-wren (Sericornis frontalis), Azure Kingfisher (Alcedo azurea) and the Spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus). The Australian Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), Magpie Lark (Grallina cyanoleuca), the Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena) and the Willy Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) are occasionally witnessed along the bushland edges. A pair of Masked Lapwings (Vanellus miles) are commonly seen on the sports fields adjacent to the bushland area. The Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans) and periodically, the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus), and the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) have been seen in Tunks Park Bushland perhaps seeking out any available nesting hollows. There is a lack of nesting hollows in Tunks Park due to the absence of mature native trees that tend to bear such hollows. Native birds, arboreal mammals and bat species suffer from the lack of

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safe nesting and roosting sites. These creatures play an important role in the ecology of the vegetation communities of Tunks Park. They act as pollinators, natural seed dispersal units, and aid in the germination of some native plant species For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

• Terrestrial Invertebrates • Aquatic Vertebrates, and • Aquatic Invertebrates.

A formal survey of the diversity and abundance of Terrestrial Invertebrates has never been undertaken by North Sydney Council. It is recommended that more detailed studies be undertaken in the future. Aquatic birds are recorded in the Fauna Survey and the Fauna of North Sydney Database, however it is recommended that a more comprehensive study of Aquatic Vertebrate fauna also be undertaken in the future. Aquatic Macro-invertebrates are regularly sampled in water testing of creeklines in North Sydney as indicators of water quality. This testing is carried out by the Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information contact: North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals Tracks, scats and other traces of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) have been identified in Tunks Park and one fox was sighted in the Fauna Survey. The Red Fox would probably have a territory covering the area of both Tunks Park and adjoining Willoughby Council bushland areas. Two exotic species of rodent dwell in Tunks Park: the Black Rat (Rattus rattus) and House Mouse (Mus musculus). Six introduced bird species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Red-Whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis), Rock Dove (Columba livia) and Spotted Turtle Dove (Streptopelia chinensis). European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) are also known to have created hives in tree hollows in the reserve.

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3.4 Pets Dogs are frequently seen throughout the bushland of Tunks Park, and often not on leads. Dog scats were found throughout the Fauna Survey. Residential dwellings back onto Tunks Park (the lower section is bordered by an oval). It is highly probable that domestic cats prowl in the bushland of Tunks Park. It is North Sydney Council policy that dogs must be on a lead whilst in bushland and that dog owners must pick up after their dogs. Under the Companion Animals Act 1999, cats are prohibited from harming native fauna. This is only possible if cats are kept out of the reserve. North Sydney Council encourages owners to keep cats inside all or most of the time. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: Companion Animals Act, 1999 Appendix J – Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney Council From 1992 – 2001; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species The only Vulnerable and Threatened species known to visit Tunks Park is the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus policephalus), listed as Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. This species is frequently seen flying over and feeding in the reserve. Under this Act critical habitat is required to be protected. Tunks Park Bushland provides a food source for this species. The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) has been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. It is likely that this species may visit the area for food but it is unlikely that it nests or roosts in the area at present. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements

3.6 Locally Rare Species The first sighting of Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) in Tunks Park was recorded by the Fauna Survey 2002, flying over the western end of the reserve. This species of insectivorous micro-bat was first discovered in North Sydney in the Fauna Survey of Port Jackson Catchment in Gore Cove Bushland in 2001. This species was also recorded in Primrose Park and Brightmore Reserve in the Fauna Survey. One of the two remaining species of large lizards, the Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueuri) lives around edges of the creekline in Tunks Park. The other large lizard being the Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) that was not recorded the Fauna Survey, however it has been recorded in the Fauna of North Sydney Database. This reserve is also home to the Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus). The Green Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata), the

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Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) and the Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) have been seen on rare occasions. Water birds such as the White-faced Heron (Ardea novaehollandiae), Little Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax melanoleucos) and Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) and Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) live around the waters edges of Tunks Park. Small insectivorous birds such as the Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis), Superb Blue Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus), Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) and the White-browed Scrub-wren (Sericornis frontalis) also inhabit Tunks Park. These species are locally significant and indicators of the health and habitat provided by bushland. Less common species include the White-headed pigeon (Columba leucomela), the Eastern Whip-bird (Psophodes olivaceus), Eastern Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris) and the Spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus). Periodically, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus funereus) are seen flying over and feeding in the reserve. In Summer 2002, a pair of Sacred Kingfishers (Todiramphus sanctus) were seen nesting in a termite nest in a Eucalypt tree in Tunks Park. Crimson Rosellas (Platycercus elegans) are frequently sighted in the reserve. And although not indigenous to the region, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo’s (Cacatua galerita) and Galah’s (Cacatua roseicapilla) are also seen in Tunks Park. The only nocturnal bird recorded in the Fauna Survey and regularly in the reserve is the Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides). The Southern Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) and Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) have been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Owls are significant and also indicative of ecosystem health, as these creatures require large tracks of bushland, specific habitat and a food source of substantial prey (such as moths and Ringtail Possums). Migratory species, the Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) and the Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) visit in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region for breeding. Pairs return to the same site each year to parasitise the nests of Pied Currawongs (Strepera graculina), Australian Ravens (Corvus coronoides), Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen), Magpie-larks (Grallina cyanoleuca) and Red Wattle Birds (Anthochaera carunculata). For further information see: Appendix C – Conservation Status of Wildlife in North Sydney Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements

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4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species The aim of the Rehabilitation Plan for Tunks Park Bushland is to protect and enhance habitat for all known locally occurring native fauna. By doing so, these measures may help provide habitat for more occasional visiting and species uncommon to the area.

Species Habitat Protection and Restoration:

Mammals: Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecular) Brushtail Possums spotted mainly in the western end of the park.

Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) Ringtail Possums present in both the eastern and western ends of the park.

Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) Flying foxes observed flying over the reserve and feeding in tall Paperbark trees.

Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) Detected flying over Flat Rock Creek in the western end of the park.


Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Common Koel Eudynamis scolopacea Crested Pigeon Geophaps lophotes Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Eastern Whip-bird Psophodes olivaceus Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae

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Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus Superb Blue Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena White-browed Scrub-wren Sericornis frontalis White-headed Pigeon Columba leucomela White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae Willy Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus funereus


Eastern Water Skink (Eulamprus quoyii) Found along Flat Rock Creek.

Grass Skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) Present in western end of Tunks Park.

Delicate Skink (Lampropholis delicata) Found in the eastern and western parts of Tunks Park.

Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueuri) Found in Flat Rock Creek.

Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus) Found in sandstone areas near Quarry Creek.

Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) Recorded in the Fauna of North Sydney Database.

The Green Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata), Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) and Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) Recorded occasionally on the Fauna of North Sydney Database

Frogs: Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera) Present in wet areas near Flat Rock Creek.

Striped Marsh Frog (Limnodynastes peronii) Present in a drain leading into Quarry Creek from Quarry Road. 4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

Native fauna throughout the North Sydney Local Government Area is not diverse or abundant. However, the fauna of Tunks Park is relatively diverse and abundant due to the relative large size of the reserve and diversity of habitat: Open Forest and remnant creekline vegetation.

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No ground-dwelling native mammals were found. Two possum species were observed, with Ringtail Possums (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) being higher in abundance than Brushtail Possums (Trichosurus vulpecular). Two species of exotic rodent were present. A Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) was also seen. Two species of Bats were detected: the Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) and Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii). Thirty-one species of bird were recorded, with six of these being exotic. The Continuing Bird Survey observed twenty-six species of birds in Tunks Park Bushland. It is equalled only by Primrose Park in numbers of bird species for bushland areas in North Sydney. Five species of reptile were identified and two frog species.

For further information see: Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix M – North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives


- Tunks Park once bounded a bay including mud flats and a creekline. The bay was filled in for playing fields. Flat Rock Gully, once a waterfall and creekline area (on Willoughby Council side of Tunks Park Bushland) was filled in and used as a rubbish dump. This area is now being restored by Willoughby City Council with the Flat Rock Gully Project. This change in landscape has impacted on the surrounding remnant vegetation.

- Tunks Park is bordered by playing fields to the north, and residential dwellings to the south. The border of houses will have impacts of domestic animals, artificial lighting shinning into the reserve, and garden plant escapees.

- The large grassed areas of the playing fields, provides important habitat for native birds such as the Masked Lapwing, Welcome Swallow, Sacred Ibis, and Australian Magpie.

- Bordered by residential dwellings, Tunks Park has the potential for encouraging residents to plant native habitat gardens with the ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program, and to educate residents on domestic pets and native fauna.

- Bordering Willoughby City Council, this reserve has the potential to work in with North Sydney Council. Vegetation diversity is far higher in Willoughby than North Sydney, probably due to larger tracts of bushland and more recent urbanisation. Plant species from Willoughby could be sourced to increase overall biodiversity. Corridors between Willoughby and North Sydney may allow more native fauna to travel between the two areas and populate Tunks Park Bushland.

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Tunks Park Bushland

- To protect the diversity of vegetation communities and habitats,

- To promote biodiversity,

- To re-establish native vegetation and community structure of connective canopy, dense middle storey and understorey vegetation,

- To preserve and create shelter sites,

- To create Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages,

- To create clean fresh water sources,

- To reduce the effect of ‘edge effects’,

- To eradicate all feral animals – namely, the Red Fox

- To reduce the effect of domestic and introduced animals on native fauna,

- To reduce the effect of aggressive and territorial native species (Noisy Miner, Pied Currawong) on native fauna,

- To encourage the practice of Bush Regeneration work that preserves and protects habitat,

- To reduce the artificial light shining directly into the reserve,

- To educate and facilitate residents wishing to create native fauna habitat gardens.

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4.4 Nesting seasons of Scrub Birds

This table is to be used when considering the timing of pile burns and broad area burns, and primary bush regeneration. These activities should be carried out outside the breeding season of scrub birds. This is a list of scrub birds that are known to inhabit or thought to most likely inhabit (*) this bushland reserve.

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

Common Name Height (m) J F M A M J J A S O N D

Superb Blue Fairy-wren

Up to 1m

* White-browed Scrub-wren

On or near ground


1 – 5m

* Eastern Spinebill

1 – 5m

* Grey Fantail

1 – 6m

Eastern Yellow Robin Up to 7m

* Brown Thornbill Low shrubs

* Buff-rumped Thornbill

Low shrubs

Willy Wagtail

1 – 20m

Red Wattlebird 3 – 10m (-20)

* Golden Whistler Up to 5m

* Rufous Whistler Up to 10m, mostly lower

* Red-browed Finch

Up to 8m, often thorny

* Eastern Whipbird

0.5-4m dense under-growth

Key Indicates breeding season

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Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

Priority The priority ratings given to each action in the matrix are subject to the availability of staff, funding and existing ideologies at the time of creation. For these reasons modification of priorities may occur as special circumstances arise.

ST (Short Term) Action completed within 2 years.

MT (Medium Term) Action completed within 2-4 years.

LT (Long Term) Action commenced after 4 years.

O (Ongoing) Action is carried out on a regular basis for the life of this action plan.

C (Commenced) Action has commenced.

CP (Completed) Action has been carried out.

AN (As Needs Basis) Action to be carried out on an as needs basis.

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Table 2: Management Strategies for Tunks Park Bushland

For further information on all Action objectives see Section 2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area, and Section 2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works.

Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1, 2, 3 Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area

Lack of protection for native fauna under the Local Government Act.

Zone areas 1, 2 & 3 ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ under the Companion Animals Act, 1998.

- All Native Fauna There are few walking tracks in Tunks Park Bushland and conservation value is high. See Section 1.4.3 Relevant Legislation.


All Replacement of lost shelter sites.

Loss of shelter sites. Leave and replace rocks, logs, leaf litter and dead trees. Create temporary artificial shelter sites in areas that have been cleared. Place educational signage stating the importance of leaving these items in bushland areas.

- Reptiles - Frogs - Terrestrial Mammals

Dead trees should be left safe. They may need to be lopped back to stags. Collars of at least 30cm should be left where branches are to be removed, to allow for hollows to develop. Rocks and logs can be used in landscaping bush regeneration sites.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Weed removal techniques that preserve habitat.

Over-clearing and loss of shelter and habitat for native fauna in bush regeneration work.

Apply mosaic clearing pattern technique to bush regeneration work.

- All Native Fauna - Small Bird Species - Possums


Clear only, an area no larger than 20m x 20m or 1/3 of the site.

Leave areas of weeds (de-seeded) that provides middle storey vegetation and/or connective canopy.

Ensure Contract Tenders include native fauna habitat protection and ensure site supervisor follows habitat protection methods.

Lantana (Lantana camara) often provides the only habitat for small birds such as Superb Blue Fairy-wrens. Pittosporum undulatum is frequently over cleared in bush regeneration works, often providing the only middle storey vegetation for possums and birds.

Primary Bush Regeneration and removal of scrub layer to be carried out outside scrub bird breeding season.

See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Recreation of Natural Vegetation Structure.

Lack of connective canopy.

Create a Tree Plan for the reserve.

- Possums ST O

Plant indigenous canopy species in areas lacking canopy.

Install aerial pathways between areas lacking connective canopy. See: ‘Installation of Aerial Pathways’.

Dieback is occurring in the Burn Site in several Blackbutts (Eucalyptus pilularis). The cause is unclear, but large Termite nests inhabit each of these trees.

Lack of dense middle storey vegetation.

Use of fire as a tool to regenerate middle storey vegetation.

- Small Bird Species - Ringtail Possums


‘Direct Seed’ middle storey species where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

Loss of middle storey vegetation is one of the primary causes for loss of native fauna.

Plant middle storey seedlings where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

Lack of understorey vegetation.

Remove weeds to encourage natural regeneration.

Some species of ground covers generally always naturally regenerate.


Use of fire as a tool to encourage regeneration.

- Reptiles - Terrestrial Mammals - Invertebrates - Birds foraging for insects

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Plant or direct seed indigenous ground covers where natural regeneration has been unsuccessful.

Plant ‘Buffer Plants’ along edges of reserves.

- Small Bird Species - Reptiles

For appropriate buffer species see Section 2.1.5 Buffer Planting.


All Reduce ‘Edge Effect’ ‘Edge Effect’ changing flora and fauna species diversity, allowing invasion of weed species and predation.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

In 1996 the pilot project ‘Backyard Bushcare’ was trialed for residents backing onto Tunks Park. The project received some positive response.


All Creation of ‘Core’ Conservation Area

Lack of core area with minimal disturbance and ‘edge effect’. Disturbance from pedestrian traffic.

Reduce the number of walking tracks. Create formal walking tracks with boardwalks.

- All Native Fauna There are few walking tracks through Tunks Park Bushland. Boardwalks over water puddles will create habitat for frogs.


All Creation of Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages

Isolated pockets of bushland.

Create Green Corridors and linkages by extending indigenous planting on the playing fields and at Tunks car park.

- Large Bent-wing Bats - Birds - Some Terrestrial Fauna

See Map 2 for proposed Green Corridor plantings. Green Corridor planting needs to take into consideration views. To prevent blocking views, shrubs should only be used.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

In 1996 the pilot project ‘Backyard Bushcare’ was trialed for residents backing onto Tunks Park. The project received some response.


All Broad Area and/or Pile Burns approximately every 10 years. Broad area burn to be no greater than 1/4 of reserve area.

- All Native Fauna Broad area and pile burns should be carried out outside breeding times of scrub birds. See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.



Effective Fire Management

Lack of fire and subsequent and loss of vegetation diversity and middle storey vegetation.

Broad Area Burn carried out in 1996.

Regeneration of greater diversity and abundance was achieved than prior to pre-burn.


3 Creation of Fresh Water Sources

Lack of clean freshwater sources.

Create Frog Ponds. - Birds - Reptiles - Frogs

See Appendix H: Frog Facts No.2.


Ensure clean stormwater is released into stormwater outlet through the use of Gross Pollutant Traps and public education.

The ‘Yellow Fish Road’ project in 2001 – 2002 aimed to educate people that ‘the drain is just for rain’.


Recreate a natural creekline in Quarry Creek, and include ponds.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1, 2, 3 Create Bird Baths. - Birds See Appendix I: How to Build a Bird Bath.


The Red Fox – Predator of native fauna.

Carry out Fox Baiting Program; and Den Fumigation.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

Fox baiting has not yet been carried out in Tunks Park. Willoughby Council has carried out fox baiting in the Willoughby side of Tunks Park.


European Honey Bees - Occupy critical habitat of nesting hollows.

- Possums - Parrots

Some hollows occupied by bees can be high and difficult to get too. Apiarists can be hired for assistance and/or Bee hive removal. Removal of hollow or killing with an insecticide is not favourable.

European Honey Bees - Interfere with natural and successful pollination of native vegetation.

Remove Bee hives by blocking the hollow containing the bees, or to kill with flame or smoke.

- Native Bees Loss of small pollinating mammals and many bird species has also affected the loss of pollination of many species.


All Feral Animal Control

Indian Mynahs - Occupy tree hollows

Trap by use of Tree Netting or removal in nesting hollow.

- Possums - Parrots

Indian Mynahs may not be in high enough numbers in bushland areas in North Sydney for Tree Netting.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Feral Cats - Predator of native fauna.

Set Cat Traps. Cats to be taken to the local vet to be euthanased.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

To date no feral cats have been sighted in North Sydney.


Rabbits - Destroy native seedlings and regeneration.

Set Rabbit Traps. - Native Plant Regeneration

Few rabbits have been sighted in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour. These have been escaped or dumped pet rabbits. The Calicivirus is not known to have reached North Sydney.


All Domestic Animal Control

Disturbance from dogs and dog scent; dog faeces affecting bushland soil pH and nutrient status; and dog predation.

Install educational signage around reserves, stating that dogs need to be kept on leads in bushland areas and that owners need to pick up after their dog.

- All Native Fauna Dogs disturb, chase and some kill native fauna. This disturbance and scent cause some nesting birds and possums to abandon nests.


Provide dog bins at either end of bushland reserve walking tracks.

One dog bin is situated in Tunks Park playing field.


Educate residents with the ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ publication.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Increase Ranger patrol and enforcement laws.


Domestic cat predation, scent, and faeces.

Instate cat curfews and cat exclusion from bushland areas. See ‘Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area’.

- All Native Fauna Domestic cats are responsible for the deaths of many native fauna.


Educate resident cat owners with ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


Trap cats found in bushland areas and return to the owner with a letter or take to Pound.

The only way to effectively stop cat predation is to keep cats in doors, all the time or at least during dusk, evening and dawn.


All Minimise Artificial Lighting

Residential, street, footpath, and playing field lighting obstructing nocturnal faunal vision and reducing the overall effective habitat area of reserve.

Install light shields on street, footpath and playing field lighting next to reserves. Educate residents backing onto the reserve to not direct lighting into the reserve.

- Possums - Owls - Nocturnal Fauna

Tawny Frogmouths benefit from lights, as lights attract moths and other insects. Light shields will not impact negatively on Tawny Frogmouths.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Installation of Nesting Boxes

Lack of nesting and breeding hollows.

Install nesting boxes bushland reserve for Possums and Parrots.

Nesting boxes can be made for many hollow dwelling species.


- Hollow Nesting Fauna - Parrots - Brushtail Possums - Ringtail Possums - Owlet Nightjars

For further information on nest box designs refer to The Nest box Book: Nestboxes for Birds and Mammals (1997) Gould League of Victoria Inc.

Nesting Boxes have been successful in attracting Ringtail Possums and some Brushtail Possums.

In 2003 Council Employed ‘Sleepy Hollows’ to make and install Possum Boxes throughout reserves in North Sydney.

Nesting Boxes have not yet proven successful in North Sydney in attracting Parrots. Boxes for other species have not yet been trialed.

Nest Box invasion of European Bees needs to be monitored and boxes removed if invaded. Apiarists will remove and use hives.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Bee swarming season, from November – January, instigates a higher chance of bees moving into boxes and installation should be avoided in this time.

Indian Mynahs invading Nest Boxes has not been an issue in North Sydney.

The Boul-evarde, Rowl- ison Pde

Installation of Traffic Calming Devices

Possum fatality on roads due to speeding vehicles.

Install traffic calming devices on roads adjacent to bushland areas.

- Possums - Blue-tongue Lizards

Contact North Sydney Council’s Traffic Department.


2 3

Installation of Aerial Pathways

Increased risk to possums due to lack of connective canopy and the need to come down to the ground.

Construct aerial pathways to allow possums to move safely over Miller Street.

- Possums The RTA has trialed aerial pathways over large roads between bushland.


Construct aerial pathways between Tunks Park in North Sydney and bushland in Willoughby Council, over the playing field lacking connective canopy. Suggestion of up to 6 pathways.

Aerial pathways constructed over playing field to be installed by Council in conjunction with Willoughby Council. See Map 2, for suggested Aerial Pathway construction.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Various Installation of Aerial Bundle Cabling

Frequent Possum and Bat electrocution in certain areas of aerial cables.

Install Aerial Bundle Cabling (ABC) on electric cables identified as having frequent bat and/ or possum electrocution. Identified areas need to be submitted to the OSES division.

-Possum -Grey-headed Flying-foxes

ABC is carried out by Energy Australia in conjunction with North Sydney Councils Open Space and Environmental Services Division (OSES).


3 Creekline and Closed Forest Restoration

Degraded waterways and creeklines.

Regenerate indigenous creekline vegetation slowly without causing erosion.

Loss of indigenous closed forest (rainforest) vegetation.

Carry out methods of natural regeneration, transplantation of clumped seedlings from other areas and, revegetation may need to be utilized.

- Powerful Owl - Native Doves and Pigeons - Kingfishers - Dollarbirds - Spotted Pardelotes


Plant native rainforest berry producing trees, such as Acmena sp. and Syzigium sp.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Reduce Habitat Favoured by Aggressive Native Fauna

Large populations of the Noisy Miner and Pied Currawong.

Re-establish dense middle storey vegetation in bushland areas through the use of fire, natural regeneration, planting or direct seeding. Plant shrubs and understorey vegetation only in island pockets and/ or in parkland. Discourage the planting of ‘Robyn Gordon’ and other large flowering hybrid Grevilleas in Parkland and private gardens, as they supply a large quantity of nectar to Noisy Miners.

- Small Bird Species - Visiting and Migrant Birds - Possums out of their nest in daylight hours.

Dense middle storey vegetation provides shelter for small birds. Noisy Miners and Pied Currawongs are ‘edge’ species that utilize edges of bushland areas. Bushland in North Sydney is predominately small and narrow and dominated by large areas of ‘edge’. Pied Currawongs and Noisy Miners favour stands of trees only as habitat.


All Pollution, Poison and Insecticide Control

Use of Insecticides, Pesticides and Organophosphates.

Increase public education on the dangers of these chemicals to native fauna. Increase public education on organic gardening and natural alternatives to garden/ vegetable/ orchid pests.

- Tawny Frogmouths - Insectivorous Birds - Blue-tongue Lizards - Insectivorous Reptiles - Frogs - Kookaburras, Magpies, Butcher Birds - Owls

Birds and reptiles that consume poisoned insects store the toxin in their fat reserves. In times of food shortage, fat reserves are used and the toxin is released. These poisons cause a painful death due to attacking the Central Nervous System.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Use of Rat Poison that indirectly kills Possums.

Increase public education on the dangers of rat poison to native fauna.

- Antechinus - Possums

Possums will eat and die from rat poison.


Use of Rat poison to directly kill possums.

Increase public education on how to live with Possums. Sell Possum Boxes at cost price to the community. Distribute Councils publication ‘Living with Possums’ that addresses this issue.

- Brushtail and Ringtail Possums

Some residents, frustrated with having a possum in their roof, or eating their garden plants will purposely poison or trap possums and release them into bushland, causing probable death.



Pollution and toxins entering waterways. Eg. Pesticides

Enforce tighter controls and fines on industry, companies and persons who pollute waterways , through the Environmental Protection Association.

- Fish & Crustaceans - Water Birds that eat fish and crustaceans - Ducks and Water Birds - Frogs

A toxin discharged into the catchment of Flat Rock Creek in March 2003 killed all fish and aquatic fauna. This toxic outbreak will then affect native fauna higher in the food chain and water birds and reptiles that live in the creek.


All Seasonal food availability.

Loss of vegetation diversity. Loss of food availability all year round, particularly in winter.

Plant a diversity of vegetation that provides a mixture of flowers, seeds and berries throughout the year.

- Nectivore and Frugivore Birds - Possums

For further information see: Table 1.4: Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Re-introduce Blue-tongue Lizards into suitable habitat.

-Blue-tongue Lizards


Re-introduction of Native Fauna

Loss of biodiversity.

Re-introduce Native Bees into suitable habitat.

- Native Bees - Native Flora

These species can be bred and the program overseen by a trained Herpetologist and Apiarist. Permission is needed from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. See Section 2.1.20: Re-introduction of Native Fauna.


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Fauna Rehabilitation Plans Mortlock Reserve

Middle Harbour Catchment Area


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Mortlock Reserve


1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

1.1 Creekline Vegetation

1.2 Weed Assessment

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History


3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

3.4 Pets

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

3.6 Locally Rare Species


4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives

4.4 Nesting Seasons of Scrub Birds

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

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INTRODUCTION Mortlock Reserve is a small north facing reserve located on the eastern foreshore of Tunks Park covering approx. 5 820m2. Brothers Avenue separates Mortlock Reserve from the bushland of Tunks Park. This bushland is also bordered by Vernon Street, the Tunks Park foreshore carpark and the waters of Long Bay. Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) and Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) form the dominant Woodland vegetation association. Other interesting native remnants include Syncarpia glomulifera (Turpentine), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia), Ficus rubiginosa (Port Jackson Fig), Casuarina glauca (Swamp She-oak) and Acacia fimbriata (Fringed Wattle). The southern end of Mortlock Reserve is highly weed infested. This is the area where the bushland becomes narrower towards the junction of Vernon Street and Brothers Avenue. There is a combination of garden escapees, annual weeds and exotic vines threatening the remnant vegetation in this zone. The Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group currently works throughout the remainder of the bushland parcel excluding the steep rocky cliff edges adjacent to Long Bay. Recreational opportunities are limited. There are no formal or informal tracks traversing the bushland. This is reflected by the successful regeneration over the years in an area where human use is minimal. The abundance and diversity of fauna for Mortlock Reserve is low. A largely contributing factor to this would be the small and narrow size of the reserve. However, Mortlock Reserve does provide and has the potential to provide important habitat to many species with the implementation of the amelioration measures outlined in the Action Plan below. Mortlock Reserve is home to one species of possum and frog, birds, reptiles and visiting bats. 1.0 FLORA

Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

Mortlock Reserve Bushland consists of a remnant vegetation community, which is part of the Sydney Sandstone Complex – Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest (10ag) as indicated by Benson and Howell, 1994. The vegetation is symbolic of the North Shore and consists of:

1. Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Woodland community with a midstorey dominated by Casuarina glauca (Swamp She-oak), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) and an understorey dominated by Lomandra longifolia (Mat Rush).

For further information see: Appendix E – Indigenous Flora of North Sydney Database

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1.1 Creekline Vegetation

The stormwater channel was converted to a concrete drainage line early in the 1990’s. The original vegetation adjacent to the stormwater drainage line has, in the past, been highly disturbed. The Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group is working towards rehabilitating this edge by removing herbaceous weeds and planting native species.

1.2 Weed Assessment Weed species are present in the various locations due to many factors. Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica) and Balloon Vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum) remain a threat to the canopy areas. Fishbone Fern (Nephrolepsis cordifolia), Crofton Weed (Ageratina adenophora), Asparagus fern (Protoasparagus aethiopicus), Paddys Lucerne (Sida rhombifolia) and Cassia (Senna pendula) are present in the southern end of the Reserve. Milk Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), Ehrharta (Ehrharta erecta), Summer Grass (Digitaria sanguinalis), Cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa) and Fleabane (Conyza sp.) are commonly found along the edges of the roadway. Weed species adjacent to roadways and residential areas are present due to many factors that contribute increased moisture and nutrients to the bushland edge. These include:

- ‘Hard surface’ runoff from impervious surfaces e.g. roads; - Stormwater entering the bushland; - Imported fill soil and major disturbance to the original soil structure when the road was

formed; - Dumping of garden clippings into the reserve has also enabled many ornamental species

to spread throughout the bushland area. Along the perimeter of the bushland adjacent to the road the original soil profile has been disturbed and the native seed bank (found in the topsoil) has been buried or lost. The native seed bank takes many years to develop and mature. Major soil disturbance makes unassisted native plant regeneration almost impossible. Due to this factor, to assist regeneration, sections of the bushland may have to be planted with local indigenous species. The placement and selection of plants will reflect their natural occurrence in the existing bushland ecosystem. 2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History

A series of pile burns were conducted during 1998 on the Bushcare Site. Five major piles of stacked woody weeds were burnt to encourage the germination of native seed stored in the soil. The results were positive with many native species emerging from the ashes. Identified species included Dodonaea triquetra (Hop Bush), Entolasia marginata, Acacia fimbriata (Fringed Wattle), Omalanthus populifolius (Bleeding Heart Tree) and Grevillea linearifolia (White-spider Flower). Fire is an ecological tool required to sustain the plant communities of Mortlock Reserve. There are several areas throughout Mortlock Reserve that require burning for the purposes of

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maintaining diversity and stimulating the germination of native seeds which lay dormant in the soil. Some species can be eliminated from a bushland area due to the absence of fire. As addressed in the Bushland Fire Management Policy, 1997: Section 4 – ‘several areas that contain high fuel levels require burning not only for ecological purposes but also to manage the fuel levels on some sites’. 3.0 FAUNA Information used in this section has been compiled from the Fauna Survey conducted by Dr Arthur White and the Biosphere Environmental Consultants in March 2002. Fauna sightings recorded on the Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 and the North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report by Peter Ekert and the Ekerlogic Consulting Services in December 2002 has also been considered. However, these two surveys are not specific for each reserve, rather the broader area of Middle Harbour Catchment. For further information see: Section 1.7 – Method Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 Appendix M - North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview There are relatively few fauna species within the Reserve. Ringtail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and the Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) frequent the area on nightly foraging trips. Blue-tongued Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) and Green-tree Snakes (Dendrelaphis punctulata) have also been sighted in the bushland area. Common bird species can be found in Mortlock Reserve including the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala), the Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina), the Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), the Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), the Magpie Lark (Grallina cyanoleuca) and the Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina novaehollandiae). Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) and the Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus) are also occasionally seen on the edges of Mortlock Reserve. There is a lack of nesting hollows in Mortlock Reserve due to the absence of mature native trees that tend to bear such hollows. Native birds, arboreal mammals and bat species suffer from the lack of safe nesting and roosting sites. These creatures play an important role in the ecology of the vegetation communities of Mortlock Reserve. They act as pollinators, natural seed dispersal units, and aid in the germination of some native plant species. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

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3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

• Terrestrial Invertebrates • Aquatic Vertebrates, and • Aquatic Invertebrates.

A formal survey of the diversity and abundance of Terrestrial Invertebrates has never been undertaken by North Sydney Council. It is recommended that more detailed studies be undertaken in the future. Aquatic birds are recorded in the Fauna Survey and the Fauna of North Sydney Database, however it is recommended that a more comprehensive study of Aquatic Vertebrate fauna also be undertaken in the future. Aquatic Macro-invertebrates are regularly sampled in water testing of creeklines in North Sydney as indicators of water quality. This testing is carried out by the Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information contact: North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals Tracks, scats and other traces of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) have been identified in Mortlock Reserve. The Red Fox would probably have a territory covering the area of both Mortlock Reserve and the adjoining Tunks Park bushland. Two exotic mammal species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: the Black Rat (Rattus rattus); and a domestic Cat (Felis cattus) seen in the spotlight survey near the shore of Long Bay. Five introduced bird species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Red-Whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis), and Spotted Turtle Dove (Streptopelia chinensis).

3.4 Pets

There are no formal or informal tracks found within Mortlock Reserve and dogs are not commonly seen in the reserve. No dog scats were found in the Fauna Survey. A domestic cat was recorded in Mortlock Reserve during the Fauna Survey in the evening Spotlight survey. It is North Sydney Council policy that dogs must be on a lead whilst in bushland and that dog owners must pick up after their dogs. Under the Companion Animals Act 1999, cats are prohibited from harming native fauna. This is only possible if cats are kept out of the reserve. North Sydney Council encourages owners to keep cats inside all or most of the time.

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For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: Companion Animals Act, 1999 Appendix J – Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney Council From 1992 – 2001; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species The only Vulnerable and Threatened species known to visit Mortlock Reserve is the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus policephalus), listed as Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. This species was seen flying over the reserve in the Fauna Survey. Under this Act critical habitat is required to be protected. The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) has been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. It is likely that this species may visit the area for food but it is unlikely that it nests or roosts in the area at present. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements

3.6 Locally Rare Species Water birds such as the White-faced Heron (Ardea novaehollandiae), Little Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax melanoleucos) and Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) and Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) live around the waters edges of Long Bay. Small insectivorous birds such as the Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis) , Superb Blue Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) and Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) are known to inhabit Mortlock Reserve. These species are locally significant and indicators of the health and habitat provided by bushland. The Fauna Survey recorded the Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus) found in the escarpment overlooking Long Bay. The Delicate Skink (Lampropholis delicata) was also recorded around the escarpment overlooking Long Bay and near the stone wall below Vernon Street. Blue-tongued Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) and Green-tree Snakes (Dendrelaphis punctulata) have also been sighted in the bushland area. Tawny Frogmouths (Podargus strigoides) are known to roost in the reserve. The Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus) has occasionally been seen on the edges of the reserve. The Southern Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) and Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) have been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Owls are significant and also indicative of ecosystem health, as these creatures require large tracks of

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bushland, specific habitat and a food source of substantial prey (such as moths and Ringtail Possums). For further information see: Appendix C – Conservation Status of Wildlife in North Sydney Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements 4.0 FAUNA REHABILITATION MANAGEMENT PLAN

4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species The aim of the Rehabilitation Plan for Tunks Park Bushland is to protect and enhance habitat for all known locally occurring native fauna. By doing so, these measures may help provide habitat for more occasional visiting and species uncommon to the area.

Species Habitat Protection and Restoration: Mammals:

Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecular). Brushtail Possums were not recorded in the Fauna Survey in Mortlock Reserve. However, it is likely that they could inhabit this reserve.

Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) Ringtail Possums were spotlighted in trees over looking Long Bay.

Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) Flying foxes observed flying over the reserve.

Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) and the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) Not currently recorded in this site but with the creation of Green Corridors would have the potential to utilise this site for feeding.


Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Common Koel Eudynamis scolopacea Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris

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Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae Superb Blue Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae Willy Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys


Eastern Water Skink (Eulamprus quoyii) Found below the escarpment overlooking Long Bay

Delicate Skink (Lampropholis delicata) Found around the escarpment overlooking Long Bay and near the stone wall below Vernon Street.

Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus) Found in the escarpment overlooking Long Bay

Frogs: Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera) Found in the base of the escarpment overlooking Long Bay

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings The abundance and diversity of fauna for Mortlock Reserve is low. A largely contributing factor to this would be the small and narrow size of the reserve. However, Mortlock Reserve does provide and has the potential to provide important habitat to many species with the implementation of the amelioration measures outlined in the Action Plan below. No ground-dwelling native terrestrial mammals were found. Only one species of possum was observed, the Ringtail Possum (Pseudecheirus peregrinus). One species of exotic rodent and the domestic cat were present. One species of Bat was seen flying over the reserve, The Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Twenty-four species of bird were recorded, with five of these being exotic. The Continuing Bird Survey recorded eight bird species, the third lowest number for the eleven bushland reserves in North Sydney. Three species of reptile were discovered, and only one frog species. For further information see:

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Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix M – North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives


- Mortlock Reserve is a small reserve with the potential to have greater Green Corridors linking it to Tunks Park and over into Willoughby bushland.

- The reserve is only bordered by residential dwellings on its upper side on Vernon Street. Residents may be encouraged to plant native habitat gardens in the front yard with the ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program. Residents should also be educated on the issue of domestic pets and native fauna.

- Bordering Willoughby City Council, this reserve has the potential to work in with this Council. Vegetation diversity is far higher in Willoughby than North Sydney, probably due to larger tracks of bushland and more recent urbanisation. Different plant species from Willoughby could be sourced to increase overall biodiversity. Corridors between Willoughby and North Sydney may allow more native fauna to travel between the two areas and populate Tunks Park Bushland.

- There are no formal or informal walking tracks through the reserve. This is a plus for the reserve limiting impact from people and dogs and maximizing a ‘core conservation’ area.

- The reserve is lacking dense middle story vegetation, despite pile burns burnt in 1998.

- The reserve has a stormwater channel running through the eastern side. This could be reconstructed to imitate a natural creekline, contain frog ponds and be re-vegetated with water loving plant species.


Mortlock Reserve

- To protect the diversity of vegetation communities and habitats,

- To promote biodiversity,

- To re-establish native vegetation and community structure of connective canopy, dense middle storey and understorey vegetation,

- To preserve and create shelter sites,

- To create Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages,

- To create clean fresh water sources,

- To reduce the effect of ‘edge effects’,

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- To eradicate all feral animals – namely, the Red Fox,

- To reduce the effect of domestic and introduced animals on native fauna – namely the domestic cat,

- To reduce the effect of aggressive and territorial native species (Noisy Miner, Pied Currawong) on native fauna,

- To encourage the practice of Bush Regeneration work that preserves and protects habitat,

- To reduce the artificial light shining directly into the reserve,

- To educate and facilitate residents wishing to create native fauna habitat gardens.

4.4 Nesting seasons of Scrub Birds known in Mortlock Reserve This table is to be used when considering the timing of pile burns and broad area burns, and primary bush regeneration. These activities should be carried out outside the breeding season of scrub birds. This is a list of scrub birds that are known to inhabit or thought to most likely inhabit (*) this bushland reserve.

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

Common Name Height (m) J F M A M J J A S O N D

Superb Fairy-wren Up to 1m

* White-browed Scrub-wren

On or near ground

Silvereye 1 – 5m Eastern Yellow Robin Up to


Red Wattlebird 3 – 10m (-20)

Key Indicates breeding season

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Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

Priority The priority ratings given to each action in the matrix are subject to the availability of staff, funding and existing ideologies at the time of creation. For these reasons modification of priorities may occur as special circumstances arise.

ST (Short Term) Action completed within 2 years.

MT (Medium Term) Action completed within 2-4 years.

LT (Long Term) Action commenced after 4 years.

O (Ongoing) Action is carried out on a regular basis for the life of this action plan.

C (Commenced) Action has commenced.

CP (Completed) Action has been carried out.

AN (As Needs Basis) Action to be carried out on an as needs basis.

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Table 2: Management Strategies for Mortlock Reserve

For further information on all Action objectives see Section 2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area, and Section 2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works.

Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 & 2 Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area

Lack of protection for native fauna under the Local Government Act.

Zone Mortlock Reserve as a ‘Wildlife Protection Area’ under the Companion Animals Act, 1998.

- All Native Fauna There are no formal walking tracks and little public usage in Mortlock Reserve. This makes for an easy trail of a ‘Wildlife Protection Area’.


All Replacement of lost shelter sites.

Loss of shelter sites. Leave and replace rocks, logs, leaf litter and dead trees. Create temporary artificial shelter sites in areas that have been cleared. Place educational signage stating the importance of leaving these items in bushland areas.

- Reptiles - Frogs - Terrestrial Mammals

Dead trees should be left safe. They may need to be lopped back to stags. Collars of at least 30cm should be left where branches are to be removed, to allow for hollows to develop. Rocks and logs can be used in landscaping bush regeneration sites.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Weed removal techniques that preserves habitat.

Over-clearing and loss of shelter and habitat for native fauna in bush regeneration work.

Apply mosaic clearing pattern technique to bush regeneration work. Clear only, an area no larger than 20m x 20m or 1/3 of the site. Leave areas of weeds (de-seeded) that provides middle storey vegetation and/or connective canopy. Ensure Contract Tenders include native fauna habitat protection and ensure site supervisor follows habitat protection methods.

- All Native Fauna - Small Bird Species - Possums

Lantana (Lantana camara) often provides the only habitat for small birds such as Superb Blue Fairy-wrens. Pittosporum undulatum is frequently over cleared in bush regeneration works, often providing the only middle storey vegetation for possums and birds.


Primary Bush Regeneration and removal of scrub layer to be carried out outside scrub bird breeding season.

See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Lack of connective canopy.

Create a Tree Plan for the reserve. Plant indigenous canopy species in areas lacking canopy. Install aerial pathways between areas lacking connective canopy. See: ‘Installation of Aerial Pathways’.

- Possums ST O

All Recreation of Natural Vegetation Structure.

Lack of dense middle storey vegetation.

Use of fire as a tool to regenerate middle storey vegetation. ‘Direct Seed’ middle storey species where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful. Plant middle storey seedlings where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

- Small Bird Species - Ringtail Possums

Loss of middle storey vegetation is one of the primary causes for loss of native fauna.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Lack of understorey vegetation.

Remove weeds to encourage natural regeneration. Use fire as a tool to encourage regeneration. Plant or direct seed indigenous ground covers where natural regeneration has been unsuccessful.

- Reptiles - Terrestrial Mammals - Invertebrates - Birds foraging for insects

Some species of ground covers generally always naturally regenerate.


Plant ‘Buffer Plants’ along edges of reserves.

- Small Bird Species - Reptiles

For appropriate buffer species see Section 2.1.5 Buffer Planting.


All Reduce ‘Edge Effect’ ‘Edge Effect’ changing flora and fauna species diversity, allowing invasion of weed species and predation.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums


All Creation of ‘Core’ Conservation Area

Lack of core area with minimal disturbance and ‘edge effect’. Disturbance from pedestrian traffic.

Reduce the number of walking tracks. To create formal walking tracks with boardwalks.

- All Native Fauna Boardwalks over water puddles will create habitat for frogs. No formal walking tracks currently exist in Mortlock Reserve.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Create Green Corridors and linkages by extending indigenous planting on the playing fields and at Tunks car park.

- Large Bent-wing Bats - Birds - Some Terrestrial Fauna

See Map 2 for proposed Green Corridor plantings. Green Corridor planting needs to take into consideration views. To prevent blocking views, shrubs should only be used.

LT All Creation of Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages

Isolated pockets of bushland.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums


All Broad Area and/or Pile Burns approximately every 10 years. Broad area burn to be no greater than 1/4 of reserve area.

Broad area and pile burns should be carried out outside breeding times of scrub birds. See Table 1: Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.



Effective Fire Management

Lack of fire and subsequent and loss of vegetation diversity and middle storey vegetation.

Pile burns were carried out in 1998.

- All Native Fauna

Pile burns created moderately successful regeneration.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 Create Frog Ponds. To ensure clean stormwater is released into stormwater outlet through the use of Gross Pollutant Traps and public education. Re-create a natural creekline, replacing existing structure at the stormwater outlet

- Birds - Reptiles - Frogs

See Appendix H: Frog Facts No.2. The ‘Yellow Fish Road’ project in 2001 – 2002 aimed to educate people that ‘the drain is just for rain’.


1 or 2

Creation of Fresh Water Sources

Lack of clean freshwater sources.

Create Bird Baths. - Birds See Appendix I: How to Build a Bird Bath.


The Red Fox – Predator of native fauna.

Carry out Fox Baiting Program; and Den Fumigation.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

Fox baiting has not yet been carried out in Mortlock Reserve.


All Feral Animal Control

European Honey Bees - Occupy critical habitat of nesting hollows.

Remove Bee hives by blocking the hollow containing the bees, or to kill with flame or smoke.

- Possums - Parrots

Some hollows occupied by bees can be high and difficult to get too. Apiarists can be hired for assistance and/or Bee hive removal. Removal of hollow or killing with an insecticide is not favourable.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

European Honey Bees - Interfere with natural and successful pollination of native vegetation.

- Native Bees Loss of small pollinating mammals and many bird species has also affected the loss of pollination of many species.

Indian Mynahs - Occupy tree hollows

Trap by use of Tree Netting or removal in nesting hollow.

- Possums - Parrots

Indian Mynahs may not be in high enough numbers in bushland areas in North Sydney for Tree Netting.


Feral Cats - Predator of native fauna.

Set Cat Traps. Cats to be taken to the local vet to be euthanased.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

To date no feral cats have been sighted in North Sydney.


Rabbits - Destroy native seedlings and regeneration.

Set Rabbit Traps. - Native Plant Regeneration

Few rabbits have been sighted in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour. These have been escaped or dumped pet rabbits. The Calicivirus is not known to have reached North Sydney.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Domestic Animal Control

Disturbance from dogs and dog scent; dog faeces affecting bushland soil pH and nutrient status; and dog predation.

Install educational signage around reserves, stating that dogs need to be kept on leads in bushland areas and that owners need to pick up after their dog.

- All Native Fauna Dogs disturb, chase and some kill native fauna. This disturbance and scent cause some nesting birds and possums to abandon nests.


Provide dog bins at either end of bushland reserve walking tracks.

One dog bin is situated in Tunks Park playing field.


Educate residents with the ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ publication.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


Increase Ranger patrol and enforcement laws.


Domestic cat predation, scent and faeces.

Instate cat curfews and cat exclusion from bushland areas. See ‘Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area’

- All Native Fauna Domestic cats are responsible for the deaths of many native fauna.


Educate resident cat owners with ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.

Trap cats found in bushland areas and return to the owner with a letter or take to Pound.

The only way to effectively stop cat predation is to keep cats in doors, all the time or at least during dusk, evening and dawn.


All Minimise Artificial Lighting

Residential, street, footpath, and playing field lighting obstructing nocturnal native fauna vision and reducing the overall effective habitat area of reserve.

Install light shields on street, footpath and playing field lighting next to reserves. Educate residents backing onto the reserve to not direct lighting into the reserve.

- Possums - Owls - Nocturnal Fauna

Tawny Frogmouths benefit from lights, as lights attract moths and other insects. Light shields will not impact negatively on Tawny Frogmouths.


All Installation of Nesting Boxes

Lack of nesting and breeding hollows.

Install nesting boxes bushland reserve for Possums and Parrots.

- Hollow Nesting Fauna - Parrots - Brushtail Possums - Ringtail Possums - Owlet Nightjars

Nesting boxes can be made for many hollow dwelling species.


For further information on nest box designs refer to ‘ The Nest box Book: Nestboxes for Birds and Mammals’ (1997) Gould League of Victoria Inc.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Nesting Boxes have been successful in attracting Ringtail Possums and some Brushtail Possums.

In 2003 Council Employed ‘Sleepy Hollows’ to make and install Possum Boxes throughout reserves in North Sydney.

Nesting Boxes have not yet proven successful in North Sydney in attracting Parrots. Boxes for other species have not yet been trialed.

Nest Box invasion of European Bees needs to be monitored and boxes removed if invaded. Apiarists will remove and use hives.

Bee swarming season, from November – January, instigates a higher chance of bees moving into boxes and installation should be avoided in this time.

Indian Mynahs invading Nest Boxes has not been an issue in North Sydney.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Vernon Street, Brothers Avenue

Installation of Traffic Calming Devices

Possum fatality on roads due to speeding vehicles.

Install traffic calming devices on roads adjacent to bushland areas.

- Possums - Blue-tongue Lizards

Contact North Sydney Council’s Traffic Department.


1, 2 & Brothers Avenue & Vernon Street

Installation of Aerial Pathways

Increased risk to possums due to lack of connective canopy and the need to come down to the ground.

Construct aerial pathways to allow possums to move safely over Vernon St, Brothers Ave and into Tunks Park.

- Possums The RTA has trialed aerial pathways over large roads between bushland. See Map 2, for suggested Aerial Pathway construction.


Various Installation of Aerial Bundle Cabling

Frequent Possum and Bat electrocution in certain areas of aerial cables.

Install Aerial Bundle Cabling (ABC) on electric cables identified as having frequent bat and/ or possum electrocution. Identified areas need to be submitted to the OSES division.

-Possum -Grey-headed Flying-foxes

ABC is carried out by Energy Australia in conjunction with North Sydney Councils Open Space and Environmental Services Division (OSES).


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

3 Creekline and Closed Forest Restoration

Degraded waterways and creeklines. Loss of indigenous closed forest (rainforest) vegetation.

Regenerate indigenous creekline vegetation slowly without causing erosion. Carry out methods of natural regeneration, transplantation of clumped seedlings from other areas and, revegetation may need to be utilized. Plant native rainforest berry producing trees, such as Acmena sp. and Syzigium sp.

- Powerful Owl - Native Doves and Pigeons - Kingfishers - Dollarbirds - Spotted Pardelotes


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Reduce Habitat Favoured by Aggressive Native Fauna

Large populations of the Noisy Miner and Pied Currawong.

Re-establish dense middle storey vegetation in bushland areas through the use of fire, natural regeneration, planting or direct seeding. Plant shrubs and understorey vegetation only in island pockets and/ or in parkland. Discourage the planting of ‘Robyn Gordon’ and other large flowering hybrid Grevilleas in Parkland and private gardens, as they supply a large quantity of nectar to Noisy Miners.

- Small Bird Species - Visiting and Migrant Birds - Possums out of their nest in daylight hours.

Dense middle storey vegetation provides shelter for small birds. Noisy Miners and Pied Currawongs are ‘edge’ species that utilize edges of bushland areas. Bushland in North Sydney is predominately small and narrow and dominated by large areas of ‘edge’. Pied Currawongs and Noisy Miners favour stands of trees only as habitat.


All Pollution, Poison and Insecticide Control

Use of Insecticides, Pesticides and Organophosphates.

Increase public education on the dangers of these chemicals to native fauna. Increase public education on organic gardening and natural alternatives to garden/ vegetable/ orchid pests.

- Tawny Frogmouths - Insectivorous Birds - Blue-tongue Lizards - Insectivorous Reptiles - Frogs - Kookaburra’s, Magpies, Butcher Birds - Owls

Birds and reptiles that consume poisoned insects store the toxin in their fat reserves. In times of food shortage, fat reserves are used and the toxin is released. These poisons cause a painful death due to attacking the Central Nervous System.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Use of Rat Poison that indirectly kills Possums.

Increase public education on the dangers of rat poison to native fauna.

- Antechinus - Possums

Possums will eat and die from rat poison.


Use of Rat Poison to directly kill possums.

Increase public education on how to live with Possums. Sell Possum Boxes to the community at cost price. Distribute Councils publication ‘Living with Possums’ that addresses this issue.

- Brushtail and Ringtail Possums

Some residents, frustrated with having a possum in their roof, or eating their garden plants will purposely poison or trap possums and release them into bushland, causing probable death.



Pollution and toxins entering waterways. Eg. Pesticides

Enforce tighter controls and fines on industry, companies and persons who pollute waterways , through the Environmental Protection Association.

- Fish & Crustaceans - Water Birds that eat fish and crustaceans - Ducks and Water Birds - Frogs


All Seasonal food availability.

Loss of vegetation diversity. Loss of food availability all year round, particularly in winter.

Plant a diversity of vegetation that provides a mixture of flowers, seeds and berries throughout the year.

- Nectivore and Frugivore Birds - Possums

For further information see: Table 1.4: Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1,2 Re-introduction of Native Fauna

Loss of biodiversity. Re-introduce Blue-tongue Lizards into suitable habitat.

-Blue-tongue Lizards LT

1,2 Re-introduce Native Bees into suitable habitat.

- Native Bees - Native Flor

These species can be bred and the program overseen by a trained Herpetologist and Apiarist. Permission is needed from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. See Section 2.1.20: Re-introduction of Native Fauna.

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Fauna Rehabilitation Plans Primrose Park Bushland

Middle Harbour Catchment Area


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Primrose Park Bushland


1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

1.1 Creekline Vegetation

1.2 Weed Assessment

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History


3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

3.4 Pets

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

3.6 Locally Rare Species


4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives

4.4 Nesting Seasons of Scrub Birds

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

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Table 2 – Management Strategies

Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

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INTRODUCTION Primrose Park Bushland consists of a narrow south-east facing strip bordered by residential properties, grass covered sports fields and the waters of Willoughby Bay. Willoughby Falls is located off Grafton Street and is the main point of entry for stormwater to the receiving natural creekline below. The area is approx. 76 390m2. The dominant vegetation association is an Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Open Forest community. The bushland is typical foreshore vegetation on Hawkesbury sandstone. Weeds are dominant along property boundaries and the creekline edges. A large monoculture of Lantana (Lantana camara) exists below sixteen residential properties of Churchill Crescent. Other areas are being degraded by invasive exotic vines and the spread of Privet (Ligustrum sp.) and Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) by birds throughout the bushland area. Bush regeneration activities are carried out by the Primrose Park Bushcare Group, Council’s Bushland Management Team and bush regeneration contractors. The bushland of Primrose Park forms an important link to Brightmore Reserve, to the east and the bushland of Wonga Rd, to the north-west. The bushland is mainly utilised by passive recreationists and dog walkers, often seen to be without a lead. Domestic cats are sometimes observed wandering through the vegetation between residential areas and the main walking track. According to findings in the Fauna Survey and the Continuing Bird Survey, Primrose Park Bushland contains the greatest diversity of fauna of the bushland areas in Middle Harbour Catchment. Despite the narrow shape of the reserve and heavily weeded areas, this high proportion of fauna diversity is most likely due to the diversity of habitat contained within the reserve. Many bird species, including some notable locally rare species, and some reptile, bat, possum and frog species inhabit Primrose Park. 1.0 FLORA

Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

Primrose Park consists of two remnant vegetation communities that are part of the Sydney Sandstone Complex – Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest (10ag) as indicated by Benson and Howell, 1994. The vegetation is symbolic of the North Shore and consists of:

1. Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Open Forest on the slopes with an understorey dominated by Allocasuarina littoralis (Black She-oak), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree), Lomandra longifolia (Mat Rush) and Pteridium esculentum (Bracken Fern).

2. Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt) Woodland dominated by Casuarina glauca (Swamp She-oak) and Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Meadow Grass).

For further information see: Appendix E – Indigenous Flora of North Sydney Database

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1.1 Creekline Vegetation

The creekline receives stormwater from the greater residential area of Cremorne and enters the waterway at Willoughby Falls that is located off Grafton Street, Cremorne. The water initially runs through the bushland area for 50m and is then diverted into an open concrete channel approx. 1.5m wide. The water is then discharged into Willoughby Bay. Efforts have been made in the past to reduce the high velocity of water emerging from the concrete channel that has a smooth surface and runs in a straight line towards the Bay. An energy dissipater has been installed at the end of the channel to slow down and disperse the waters before they enter the Bay. Large Leaf Privets (Ligustrum lucidum) and pockets of Lantana (Lantana camara) are found along the creekline together with remnant native vegetation such as Callicoma serratifolia (Black Wattle), Ceratopetalum apetalum (Coachwood), Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash) and Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree). The original estuarine plant community at the mouth of the creekline adjacent to Willoughby Bay was lost during the construction of the Sewerage Works in 1891. The mudflats were reclaimed and the water diverted through a series of tanks and concrete lined channels. This area would have contained mangrove thickets, mudflats and habitat for a wide variety of estuarine flora and fauna.

1.2 Weed Assessment

Weed species are present in the reserve due to many factors. The creekline is a source of weed seed and increased nutrient pollution from the upper catchment. This has resulted in the spread of weed species on the cliff face of Willoughby Falls and along the banks of the creekline below. Many Large Leaf Privets (Ligustrum lucidum) and pockets of Lantana (Lantana camara) still line the banks of the creek. Exotic vines are also present in the area eg. Morning Glory (Ipomea indica) and Balloon Vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum). Weed species found adjacent to the rear of residential properties are present due to many factors that contribute increased moisture and nutrients to the bushland edge. These include:

- ‘Hard surface’ runoff from impervious surfaces eg. driveways, concrete paths, roofs; - Garden watering systems and pools; - Imported fill soil and major disturbance to the original soil structure; - Use of fertiliser; and - Dumping of garden clippings into bushland that has enabled many ornamental species to

spread throughout the reserve. Native species that are usually found along rainforest margins eg. Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum), Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash) and Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) are successfully colonising areas of Open Forest. These native species flourish in elevated soil moisture and nutrient conditions and in areas where fire has been excluded for long periods. The original soil profile has been disturbed in some locations and the native seed bank (found in the topsoil) has been buried or lost. The native seed bank takes many years to develop and mature. Major soil disturbance makes unassisted native plant regeneration almost impossible. To assist regeneration, sections of the bushland may have to be planted with local indigenous species. The placement of these plants will reflect their natural occurrence in the existing bushland ecosystem.

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Weed species also invade along the edge of the bushland. The perimeter of the bushland along Grafton Street, Cremorne is highly impacted by ‘edge effects’ where the bushland is bordered by lawn grass species and wind borne seeds are most likely to be deposited along these edges as the bushland slows down wind velocities.

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History Three pile burns have been conducted within the bushland of Primrose Park during the past 6 years. A management burn was carried out during 1996, on a 200m strip of bushland, on the lower side of the track at the Folly Point end of the bushland area. This was done to complement the activities of the bush regeneration contractors who had been regenerating the area for the past 9 yrs. Many native species germinated as a result of the fire including Astrotricha sp., Dodonaea triquetra (Hop Bush), Acacia linifolia (Flax-leafed Wattle), Hibbertia dentata (Twining Guinea Flower), Geitonoplesium cymosum (Scrambling Lily), Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt), Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) and Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum). The second burn was also undertaken during 1996 on the Primrose Park Bushcare Site. During primary weeding activities in 1995-96, woody weeds were stacked into piles (1m height x 2m width) and later burnt to further assist the natural regeneration already occurring on the site. The third burn to occur in the area was undertaken in 1998 in bushland below Grafton Street. A total of 8 woody weed piles were burnt to assist the regeneration of this contract site. The regeneration of species included Gahnia aspera (Sword Grass), Dodonaea triquetra (Hop Bush), Acacia linifolia (Flax-leafed Wattle), Acacia terminalis (Sunshine Wattle), Grevillea linearifolia (White Spider Flower), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia), Lomatia silaifolia (Crinkle Bush) and Leptospermum trinervium (Paperbark Tree). All burns in the area were carried out by the local fire brigade and assisted closely by the Bushland Management Team. Pile burns were conducted late in 2001 on the Bushcare Site and opposite 35-37 Grafton Street, Cremorne. Results are yet to be recorded. Fire is an ecological tool required to sustain the plant communities of Primrose Park. There are several areas throughout Primrose Park that require burning for the purposes of maintaining diversity and stimulating the germination of native seeds which lay dormant in the soil. Some species can be eliminated from a bushland area due to the absence of fire. As addressed in the Bushland Fire Management Policy, 1997: Section 4 – ‘several areas that contain high fuel levels require burning not only for ecological purposes but also to manage the fuel levels on some sites’.

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3.0 FAUNA Information used in this section has been compiled from the Fauna Survey conducted by Dr Arthur White and the Biosphere Environmental Consultants in March 2002. Fauna sightings recorded on the Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 and the North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report by Peter Ekert and the Ekerlogic Consulting Services in December 2002 has also been considered. However, these two surveys are not specific for each reserve, rather the broader area of Middle Harbour Catchment. For further information see: Section 1.7 – Method Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 Appendix M - North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview There are several native fauna species within the Reserve, particularly bird species. Ringtail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and the Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) frequent the area on nightly foraging trips. Eastern Water Dragons (Physignathus lesueurii) have been sighted along the creekline. Usually both adults and juveniles can be witnessed. This suggests that there is a healthy population present in the area. The Blue-tongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) and Eastern Water Skinks (Sphenomorphus quoyii) are commonly found in the area. Common bird species can be found in Primrose Park bushland. These include the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala), the Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), the Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina) and Rainbow Lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus). Primrose Park Bushland is also inhabited by several locally rare bird species including the Eastern Whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus). Other bird species that have been sighted in Primrose Park Bushland include the Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans), the White-browed Scrub-wren (Sericornis frontalis), Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) and the Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) that is a migratory species visiting in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region. The Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), Magpie Lark (Grallina cyanoleuca), and the Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena) are occasionally witnessed along the bushland edges. A pair of Masked Plovers (Vanellus miles) are commonly seen on the sports fields adjacent to the bushland area. There is a lack of nesting hollows in Primrose Park due to the absence of mature native trees that tend to bear such hollows. Native birds, arboreal mammals and bat species suffer from the lack of safe nesting and roosting sites. These creatures play an important role in the ecology of the vegetation communities of Primrose Park. They act as pollinators, natural seed dispersal units, and aid in the germination of some native plant species. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

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3.2 Other native Fauna Groups

• Terrestrial Invertebrates • Aquatic Vertebrates, and • Aquatic Invertebrates.

A formal survey of the diversity and abundance of Terrestrial Invertebrates has never been undertaken by North Sydney Council. It is recommended that more detailed studies be undertaken in the future. Aquatic birds are recorded in the Fauna Survey and the Fauna of North Sydney Database, however it is recommended that a more comprehensive study of Aquatic Vertebrate fauna also be undertaken in the future. Aquatic Macro-invertebrates are regularly sampled in water testing of creeklines in North Sydney as indicators of water quality. This testing is carried out by the Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information contact: North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals Tracks, scats and other traces of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) have been identified in Primrose Park. The Red Fox would probably have a territory covering the area of both Primrose Park and Brightmore Reserve bushland areas. Three exotic mammal species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: the Black Rat (Rattus rattus); the domestic Cat (Felis cattus) seen in the spotlight survey in the western and southern areas of the bushland reserve and Dog (Canis familiaris) scats were found along the walking track throughout the park. Six introduced bird species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Red-Whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis), Rock Dove (Columba livia), and Spotted Turtle Dove (Streptopelia chinensis). European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) are also known to have created hives in tree hollows in the reserve.

3.4 Pets

Dogs and cats are frequently seen throughout the bushland of Primrose Park. Dogs are often not on a lead with their owner. It is North Sydney Council policy that dogs must be on a lead whilst in bushland and that dog owners must pick up after their dogs. Under the Companion Animals Act 1999, cats are

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prohibited from harming native fauna. This is only possible if cats are kept out of the reserve. North Sydney Council encourages owners to keep cats inside all or most of the time. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: Companion Animals Act, 1999 Appendix J – Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney Council From 1992 – 2001; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

The Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) was identified in the Fauna Survey along Willoughby Gully. This species has previously been recorded seasonally in the park. It is likely that the Large Bent-wing Bat roosts in Brightmore reserve and flies over to Primrose Park for feeding. This species is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) has been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. It is likely that this species may visit the area for food but it is unlikely that it nests or roosts in the area at present. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995 Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements

3.6 Locally Rare Species The first sighting of Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) in Primrose Park, was recorded in the Fauna Survey flying along Willoughby Gully. This species of insectivorous micro-bat was first discovered in North Sydney in the Fauna Survey of Port Jackson Catchment in Gore Cove Bushland in 2001. This species was also recorded in Tunks Park Bushland and Brightmore Reserve in the survey. A locally rare species, the Eastern Whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus), resides in Primrose Park and is also occasionally heard in Tunks Park. A male and female pair are frequently heard calling as they take shelter and forage in Lantana in the heavily degraded vegetation of Zone 3. A Peaceful Dove (Geopelia placida) was recorded in the Fauna Survey and has only been recorded previously as a visitor in the bushland in areas of Port Jackson Catchment. Other small insectivorous birds such as the Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis), Superb Blue Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus), White Browed Scrub-wren (Sericornis frontalis) and Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) also inhabit Primrose Park. These species are locally significant and indicators of the health and habitat provided by bushland. Water birds such as the White-faced Heron (Ardea novaehollandiae), Little Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax melanoleucos) and Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) live around the waters edges of Primrose Park. The only recording in the Fauna Survey of a Darter

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(Anhinga melanogaster) was seen along the waters edges of Primrose Park. In 1997, a Little Egret (Ardea garzetta) was seen in the canopy of the foreshore vegetation leading out to Folly Point. This bird was driven out of the area by territorial Noisy Miners (Manorina melanocephala). Periodically, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus funereus) are seen in Primrose Park bushland perhaps seeking out any available nesting hollows. The small flock of birds are, however, readily harassed by the extremely territorial Noisy Miners and chased from the Reserve. Crimson Rosellas (Platycercus elegans) are frequently sighted in the reserve. And although not indigenous to the region, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo’s (Cacatua galerita) and Galah’s (Cacatua roseicapilla) are also seen in Primrose Park. The Willoughby creek provides habitat for the migrant Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus) and Dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis) and the visiting Azure Kingfisher (Alecedo azurea). The only nocturnal bird recorded in the Fauna Survey and regularly in the reserve is the Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides). The Southern Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) and Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) have been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Owls are significant and also indicative of ecosystem health, as these creatures require large tracks of bushland, specific habitat and a food source of substantial prey (such as moths and Ringtail Possums). One of the two remaining species of large lizards, the Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueuri) livein Willoughby Gully. The other large lizard being the Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) that has been recorded in the Fauna of North Sydney Database in Primrose Park. This reserve is also home to the Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus) and the only sighting of a Weasel Skink (Saproscincus mustelina) for the Fauna Survey in Middle Harbour was recorded near the end of Lambert Street. The Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) was also recorded in the Fauna Survey, again the only recording for Middle Harbour Catchment. This species is occasionally seen under rocks and rubble. Migratory species, the Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) and the Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) visit in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region for breeding. Pairs return to the same site each year to parasitise the nests of Pied Currawongs (Strepera graculina), Australian Ravens (Corvus coronoides), Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen), Magpie-larks (Grallina cyanoleuca) and Red Wattle Birds (Anthochaera carunculata). For further information see: Appendix C – Conservation Status of Wildlife in North Sydney Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements

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4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species

The aim of the Rehabilitation Plan for Primrose Park Bushland is to protect and enhance habitat for all known locally occurring native fauna. By doing so, these measures may help provide habitat for more occasional visiting and species uncommon to the area.

Species Habitat Protection and Restoration: Mammals:

Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecular). Brushtail Possums spotted in trees near houses mainly in the western end of the park.

Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) Ringtail Possums present in all the bushland area of the park.

Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) Flying foxes observed flying over the reserve and feeding in tall Paperbark trees.

Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) Detected flying over Willoughby Creek Gully in the western end of the park.

Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) Detected in the Willoughby Creek Gully.


Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Azure Kingfisher Alecedo azurea Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Common Koel Eudynamis scolopacea Crested Pigeon Geophaps lophotes Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans Darter Anhinga melanogaster Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Eastern Whip-bird Psophodes olivaceus Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Little Egret Ardea garzetta Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida Powerful Owl Ninox strenua

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Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopic Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae Superb Blue Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena White-browed Scrub-wren Sericornis frontalis White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae Willy Wagtail Rhipidura leucophry Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus funereus

Reptiles: Eastern Water Skink (Eulamprus quoyii) Found along Willoughby Creek.

Weasel Skink (Saproscincus mustelina) Present near the end of Lambert Street.

Delicate Skink (Lampropholis delicata) Found throughout the bushland reserve.

Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueuri) Found in Willoughby Creek.

Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus) Found in sandstone near Willoughby Creek.

Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) Recorded in the Fauna of North Sydney Database.

Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) Found in Willoughby Creek Gully.

Frogs: Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera) Found in Willoughby Creek.

Striped Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peroni Found in lower section of Willoughby Creek.

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings Primrose Park contained the greatest diversity of fauna in the bushland areas of Middle Harbour Catchment. Despite the narrow shape of the reserve and heavily weeded areas, this high proportion of fauna diversity is most likely due to the diversity of habitat contained within the reserve: two Hawkesbury Sandstone vegetation communities - Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Open Forest, and Eucalyptus pilularis

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(Blackbutt) Woodland; harbour foreshore; playing fields; and the heavily weeded undisturbed areas of Lantana (Lantana camara) that also provides valuable habitat to small birds and the Eastern Whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus). No ground-dwelling mammals were found. Two possum species are present, with Ringtail Possums being higher in abundance than Brushtail Possums. Three species of introduced mammals were present: the Black Rat (Rattus rattus), the domestic cat (Felis cattus), and Dog (Canis familiaris) scats throughout the reserve. Three species of bats were detected, including two micro-bat species: the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus policephalus) and Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chaninolobus gouldii) and the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii). The Large Bent-wing Bat is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995. Thirty-five species of bird were recorded, with six of these being exotic. The Continuing Bird Survey observed twenty-six species of birds, having the highest number of species with Tunks Park for all the bushland areas in North Sydney. Six species of reptile were discovered and only two frog species and one species of snake. For further information see: Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix M – North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives


- Primrose Park is bordered in its central area by playing fields and tennis courts. These recreational areas have extensive artificial lighting in the evening for sports activities. This lighting would greatly affect the nocturnal fauna of the reserve, especially possums.

- The large grassed areas of the playing fields, provides important habitat for native birds such as the: Masked Lapwing, Welcome Swallow, Sacred Ibis, and Australian Magpie.

- The ecology of Primrose Park bushland has been greatly altered with the filling in of the head of the bay to create the sewerage works in 1891 and today providing playing fields.

- The heavily degraded areas behind the houses along the north/ western slope of the Park support a largely monoculture of Lantana camara. This area provides important habitat for small bird species such as the: Superb Blue Fairy-wren, White-browed Scrub-wren and the only known habitat in North Sydney for the Eastern Whipbird.

- Primrose Park contains the only formally advertised extensive walking track in Middle Harbour Catchment’s bushland areas. These tracks are popular for residents walking their dog. Primrose Park playing field is also a dog exercise area.

- Partially bordered by residential dwellings, Primrose Park has the potential for encouraging residents to plant native habitat gardens with the ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program, and to educate residents on domestic pets and native fauna.

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- Primrose Park has the potential to be more greatly linked to Brightmore Reserve and Wonga Road Bushland through the creation of Green Corridors.


Primrose Park Bushland

- To protect the diversity of vegetation communities and habitats,

- To promote biodiversity,

- To re-establish native vegetation and community structure of connective canopy, dense middle storey and understorey vegetation,

- To preserve and create shelter sites,

- To create Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages,

- To create clean fresh water sources,

- To reduce the effect of ‘edge effects’,

- To eradicate all feral animals – namely, the Red Fox,

- To reduce the effect of domestic and introduced animals on native fauna,

- To reduce the effect of aggressive and territorial native species (Noisy Miner, Pied Currawong) on native fauna,

- To encourage the practice of Bush Regeneration work that preserves and protects habitat,

- To reduce the artificial light shining directly into the reserve,

- To educate and facilitate residents wishing to create native fauna habitat gardens.

4.4 Nesting seasons of Scrub Birds

This table is to be used when considering the timing of pile burns and broad area burns, and primary bush regeneration. These activities should be carried out outside the breeding season of scrub birds. This is a list of scrub birds that are known to inhabit or thought to most likely inhabit (*) this bushland reserve.

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

Common Name Height (m) J F M A M J J A S O N D

Superb Blue Fairy-wren

Up to 1m

* White-browed Scrub-wren

On or near ground

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Common Name Height (m) J F M A M J J A S O N D


1 – 5m

• Eastern Spinebill

1 – 5m

• Grey Fantail

1 – 6m

Eastern Yellow Robin Up to 7m

* Brown Thornbill Low shrubs

* Buff-rumped Thornbill

Low shrubs

Willy Wagtail

1 – 20m

Red Wattlebird 3 – 10m (-20)

* Golden Whistler Up to 5m

* Rufous Whistler Up to 10m, mostly lower

* Red-browed Finch

Up to 8m, often thorny

Eastern Whipbird

0.5-4m dense undergrowth

Peaceful Dove 1- 12 m

Key Indicates breeding season

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Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

Priority The priority ratings given to each action in the matrix are subject to the availability of staff, funding and existing ideologies at the time of creation. For these reasons modification of priorities may occur as special circumstances arise.

ST (Short Term) Action completed within 2 years.

MT (Medium Term) Action completed within 2-4 years.

LT (Long Term) Action commenced after 4 years.

O (Ongoing) Action is carried out on a regular basis for the life of this action plan.

C (Commenced) Action has commenced.

CP (Completed) Action has been carried out.

AN (As Needs Basis) Action to be carried out on an as needs basis.

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Table 2: Management Strategies for Primrose Park Bushland

For further information on all Action objectives see Section 2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area, and Section 2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works.

Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

2, 3, 4, 5

Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area

Lack of protection for native fauna under the Local Government Act.

Zone areas 2, 3, 4 & 5 ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ under the Companion Animals Act, 1998.

- All Native Fauna Primrose Park Bushland receives high public usage along its walking tracks. This Park should only be zoned once trialed and proven successful in other reserves. See Section 1.4.3 Relevant Legislation.


All Replacement of lost shelter sites.

Loss of shelter sites. Leave and replace rocks, logs, leaf litter and dead trees. Create temporary artificial shelter sites in areas that have been cleared. Place educational signage stating the importance of leaving these items in bushland areas.

- Reptiles - Frogs - Terrestrial Mammals

Dead trees should be left safe. They may need to be lopped back to stags. Collars of at least 30cm should be left where branches are to be removed to allow for hollows to develop. Rocks and logs can be used in landscaping bush regeneration sites.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Weed removal techniques that preserves habitat.

Over-clearing and loss of shelter and habitat for native fauna in bush regeneration work.

Apply mosaic clearing pattern technique to bush regeneration work.

- All Native Fauna - Small Bird Species - Possums


Clear only, an area no larger than 20m x 20m or 1/3 of the site.

Leave areas of weeds (de-seeded) that provides middle storey vegetation and/or connective canopy.

Lantana (Lantana camara) often provides the only habitat for small birds such as Superb Blue Fairy-wrens. Pittosporum undulatum is frequently over cleared in bush regeneration works, often providing the only middle storey vegetation for possums and birds.

Ensure Contract Tenders include native fauna habitat protection and ensure site supervisor follows habitat protection methods.

Primary Bush Regeneration and removal of scrub layer to be carried out outside scrub bird breeding season.

See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

3 Address issue of Dieback Dieback in Eucalyptus trees.

Address issues of stormwater and sewerage pipes in bushland. Refer to on-going research being carried out by the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens.

-Possums -Birds

Dieback is occurring in areas of Primrose Park, presumably due to the soil pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. See Appendix L: Assessment of the cause of Angophora dieback at Cremorne Point.


All Recreation of Natural Vegetation Structure.

Lack of connective canopy.

Create a Tree Plan for the reserve. Plant indigenous canopy species in areas lacking canopy. Install aerial pathways between areas lacking connective canopy. See: ‘Installation of Aerial Pathways’.

- Possums ST O

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Lack of dense middle storey vegetation.

Use of fire as a tool to regenerate middle storey vegetation. ‘Direct Seed’ middle storey species where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful. Plant middle storey seedlings where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

- Small Bird Species - Ringtail Possums

Loss of middle storey vegetation is one of the primary causes for loss of native fauna.


Lack of understorey vegetation.

Remove weeds to encourage natural regeneration. Use fire as a tool to encourage regeneration. Plant or direct seed indigenous ground covers where natural regeneration has been unsuccessful.

- Reptiles - Terrestrial Mammals - Invertebrates - Birds foraging for insects

Some species of ground covers generally always naturally regenerate.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Plant ‘Buffer Plants’ along edges of reserves.

- Small Bird Species - Reptiles

For appropriate buffer species see Section 2.1.5 Buffer Planting.


All Reduce ‘Edge Effect’ ‘Edge Effect’ changing flora and fauna species diversity, allowing invasion of weed species and predation.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

Residents bordering Primrose Park were letterbox dropped advertising the ‘Bush Friendly Backyard’ program in October 2002.


All Creation of ‘Core’ Conservation Area

Lack of core area with minimal disturbance and ‘edge effect’. Disturbance from pedestrian traffic.

Reduce the number of walking tracks. Create formal walking tracks with boardwalks.

- All Native Fauna Boardwalks over water puddles will create habitat for frogs.


5 Creation of Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages

Isolated pockets of bushland.

Create Green Corridors and linkages by extending indigenous planting on the playing fields at Primrose Park towards the car park.

- Large Bent-wing Bats - Birds - Some Terrestrial Fauna

See Map 2 for proposed Green Corridor plantings. Green Corridor planting needs to take into consideration views. To prevent blocking views, shrubs should only be used.


All Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

Residents bordering Primrose Park were letterbox dropped advertising the ‘Bush Friendly Backyard’ program in October 2002.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Broad Area and/or Pile Burns approximately every 10 years. Broad area burn to be no greater than 1/4 of reserve area.

Broad area and pile burns should be carried out outside breeding times of scrub birds. See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.


2, 3, 4

Effective Fire Management

Lack of fire and subsequent and loss of vegetation diversity and middle storey vegetation.

Three pile burns conducted since 1996.

- All Native Fauna

Zones 2 and 4 resulted in successful regeneration. Zone 3 had little success.


4 Creation of Fresh Water Sources

Lack of clean freshwater sources.

Create Frog Ponds. - Birds - Reptiles - Frogs

See Appendix H: Frog Facts No.2.


Ensure clean stormwater is released into Willoughby Falls by use of Gross Pollutant Traps and public education.

The ‘Yellow Fish Road’ project in 2001 – 2002 aimed to educate people that ‘the drain is just for rain’.


2, 3, 4 Create Bird Baths. - Birds See Appendix I: How to Build a Bird Bath.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

The Red Fox – Predator of native fauna.

Carry out Fox Baiting Program; and Den Fumigation.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

Fox baiting or den fumigation has not yet been carried out in Primrose Park.


European Honey Bees - Occupy critical habitat of nesting hollows.

- Possums - Parrots

Bees have invaded a Possum Box on Young Street (Zone 5) and hollows in Eucalypt trees in Zone 4. Apiarists can be hired for assistance and/or Bee hive removal. Removal of hollow or killing with an insecticide is not favourable.

European Honey Bees - Interfere with natural and successful pollination of native vegetation.

Remove Bee hives by blocking the hollow containing the bees, or to kill with flame or smoke.

- Native Bees Loss of small pollinating mammals and many bird species has also affected the loss of pollination of many species.


Indian Mynahs - Occupy tree hollows

Trap by use of Tree Netting or removal in nesting hollow.

- Possums - Parrots

Indian Mynahs may not be in high enough numbers in bushland areas in North Sydney for Tree Netting.


All Feral Animal Control

Feral Cats - Predator of native fauna.

Set Cat Traps. Cats to be taken to the local vet to be euthanased.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

To date no feral cats have been sighted in North Sydney.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Rabbits - Destroy native seedlings and regeneration.

Set Rabbit Traps. - Native Plant Regeneration

Few rabbits have been sighted in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour. These have been escaped or dumped pet rabbits. The Calicivirus is not known to have reached North Sydney.


All Domestic Animal Control

Disturbance from dogs and dog scent; dog faeces affecting bushland soil pH and nutrient status; and dog predation.

Install educational signage around reserves, stating that dogs need to be kept on leads in bushland areas and that owners need to pick up after their dog.

- All Native Fauna Dogs disturb, chase and some kill native fauna. This disturbance and scent cause some nesting birds and possums to abandon nests.


Provide dog bins at either end of bushland reserve walking tracks.

One dog bin is situated in Primrose Park playing field.


Educate residents with the ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ publication.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


Increase Ranger patrol and enforcement laws.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Domestic cat predation, scent and faeces.

Instate cat curfews and cat exclusion from bushland areas. See ‘Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area’

- All Native Fauna Domestic cats are responsible for the deaths of many native fauna.


Educate resident cat owners with ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


Trap cats found in bushland areas and return to the owner with a letter or take to Pound.

The only way to effectively stop cat predation is to keep cats in doors, all the time or at least during dusk, evening and dawn.


All Minimise Artificial Lighting

Residential, street, footpath, and playing field lighting obstructing nocturnal fauna native vision and reducing the overall effective habitat area of reserve.

Install light shields on street, footpath and playing field lighting next to reserves. Educate residents backing onto the reserve to not direct lighting into the reserve.

- Possums - Owls - Nocturnal Fauna

Tawny Frogmouths benefit from lights, as lights attract moths and other insects. Light shields will not impact negatively on Tawny Frogmouths.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Installation of Nesting Boxes

Lack of nesting and breeding hollows.

Install nesting boxes bushland reserve for Possums and Parrots.

- Hollow Nesting Fauna - Parrots - Brushtail Possums - Ringtail Possums - Owlet Nightjars

Nesting boxes can be made for many hollow dwelling species.


For further information on nest box designs refer to ‘ The Nest box Book: Nestboxes for Birds and Mammals’ (1997) Gould League of Victoria Inc.

Nesting Boxes have been successful in attracting Ringtail Possums and some Brushtail Possums.

In 2003 Council Employed ‘Sleepy Hollows’ to make and install Possum Boxes throughout reserves in North Sydney.

Nesting Boxes have not yet proven successful in North Sydney in attracting Parrots.

Boxes for other species have not yet been trialed.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Nest Box invasion of European Bees needs to be monitored and boxes removed if invaded. Apiarists will remove and use hives.

Bee swarming season, from November - January, instigates a higher chance of bees moving into boxes and installation should be avoided in this time.

Indian Mynahs invading Nest Boxes has not been an issue in North Sydney.

Grafton Street; Young St

Installation of Traffic Calming Devices

Possum fatality on roads due to speeding vehicles.

Install traffic calming devices on roads adjacent to bushland areas.

- Possums - Blue-tongue Lizards

Contact North Sydney Council’s Traffic Department.


5 & Young St

Installation of Aerial Pathways

Increased risk to possums due to lack of connective canopy and the need to come down to the ground. Suggestion of 3 pathways.

Construct aerial pathways to allow possums to move safely between areas of Primrose Park Bushland and Brightmore Reserve.

- Possums The RTA has trialed aerial pathways over large roads between bushland. See Map 2, for suggested Aerial Pathway construction.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Various Installation of Aerial Bundle Cabling

Frequent Possum and Bat electrocution in certain areas of aerial cables.

Install Aerial Bundle Cabling (ABC) on electric cables identified as having frequent bat and/ or possum electrocution. Identified areas need to be submitted to the OSES division.

-Possum -Grey-headed Flying-foxes

ABC is carried out by Energy Australia in conjunction with North Sydney Councils Open Space and Environmental Services Division (OSES).


4 Creekline and Closed Forest Restoration

Degraded waterways and creeklines. Loss of indigenous closed forest (rainforest) vegetation.

Regenerate indigenous creekline vegetation slowly without causing erosion. Carry out methods of natural regeneration, transplantation of clumped seedlings from other areas and, revegetation may need to be utilized. Plant native rainforest berry producing trees, such as Acmena sp. and Syzigium sp.

- Powerful Owl - Native Doves and Pigeons - Kingfishers - Dollarbirds - Spotted Pardelotes


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Reduce Habitat Favoured by Aggressive Native Fauna

Large populations of the Noisy Miner and Pied Currawong.

Re-establish dense middle storey vegetation in bushland areas through the use of fire, natural regeneration, planting or direct seeding. Plant shrubs and understorey vegetation only in island pockets and/ or in parkland. Discourage the planting of ‘Robyn Gordon’ and other large flowering hybrid Grevilleas in Parkland and private gardens, as they supply a large quantity of nectar to Noisy Miners.

- Small Bird Species - Visiting and Migrant Birds - Possums out of their nest in daylight hours.

Dense middle storey vegetation provides shelter for small birds. Noisy Miners and Pied Currawongs are ‘edge’ species that utilize edges of bushland areas. Bushland in North Sydney is predominately small and narrow and dominated by large areas of ‘edge’. Pied Currawongs and Noisy Miners favour stands of trees only as habitat.



Pollution, Poison and Insecticide Control

Use of Insecticides, Pesticides and Organophosphates.

Increase public education on the dangers of these chemicals to native fauna. Increase public education on organic gardening and natural alternatives to garden/ vegetable/ orchid pests.

- Tawny Frogmouths - Insectivorous Birds - Blue-tongue Lizards - Insectivorous Reptiles - Frogs - Kookaburra’s, Magpies, Butcher Birds - Owls

Birds and reptiles that consume poisoned insects store the toxin in their fat reserves. In times of food shortage, fat reserves are used and the toxin is released. These poisons cause a painful death due to attacking the Central Nervous System.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Use of Rat Poison that indirectly kills Possums.

Increase public education on the dangers of rat poison to native fauna.

- Antechinus - Possums

Possums will eat and die from rat poison.


Use of Rat poison to directly kill possums.

Increase public education on how to live with Possums. Sell Possum Boxes to the community at cost price. Distribute Councils publication ‘Living with Possums’ that addresses this issue.

- Brushtail and Ringtail Possums

Some residents, frustrated with having a possum in their roof, or eating their garden plants will purposely poison or trap possums and release them into bushland, causing probable death.


4 Pollution and toxins entering waterways. Eg. Pesticides

Enforce tighter controls and fines on industry, companies and persons who pollute waterways, through the Environmental Protection Association.

- Fish & Crustaceans - Water Birds that eat fish and crustaceans - Ducks and Water Birds - Frogs

To date, no pollution outbreak has been recorded in Willoughby Falls.


All Seasonal food availability.

Loss of vegetation diversity. Loss of food availability all year round, particularly in winter.

Plant a diversity of vegetation that provides a mixture of flowers, seeds and berries throughout the year.

- Nectivore and Frugivore Birds - Possums

For further information see: Table 1.4: Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

2, 3, 4, 5

Re-introduction of Native Fauna

Loss of biodiversity. Re-introduce Blue-tongue Lizards into suitable habitat.

-Blue-tongue Lizards LT

Re-introduce Native Bees into suitable habitat.

- Native Bees - Native Flora

These species can be bred and the program overseen by a trained Herpetologist and Apiarist. Permission is needed from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. See Section 2.1.20: Re-introduction of Native Fauna.

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Fauna Rehabilitation Plans Brightmore Reserve

Middle Harbour Catchment Area


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Brightmore Reserve


1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

1.1 Creekline Vegetation

1.2 Weed Assessment

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History


3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

3.4 Pets

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

3.6 Locally Rare Species


4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives

4.4 Nesting Seasons of Scrub Birds

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

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Table 2 – Management Strategies

Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

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INTRODUCTION Brightmore Reserve Bushland is a small west facing reserve covering approx. 38 850m2. It is triangular in shape and overlooks Willoughby Bay. Diverse remnant open-forest exists in the northern and southern sections. Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) and Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) form the dominant vegetation association. Other interesting native remnants include Ficus rubignosa (Port Jackson Fig), Xanthorrhoea media (Forest Grass Tree), Astrotricha latifolia and Livistona australis (Cabbage Tree Palm). Most of Brightmore Reserve is highly weed infested, with two pockets in the north and south of the Reserve in relatively ‘good’ condition. The main causal factor of weed invasion is a combination of imported landfill and poor drainage (eg. sewage, urban runoff). A Bushcare Group currently meets at a site off Little Young Street once a month to work in the area. Recreational opportunities are limited and consist of two short walking tracks linking this area to Primrose Park Bushland and a large grassed area that is ideal for picnics, walking the dog etc. In 1997 a children’s circular bicycle track was created at the northern end of the parkland that is very popular with local families. These activities are considered to have minimal impact on the bushland areas. Native fauna diversity for Brightmore Reserve is not high. One exceptional value of the reserve is that it houses a roosting site, that is classified as critical habitat for the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii), listed as a Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Brightmore Reserve is also home to several species of bird, some reptiles, bats and possums and one frog species. 1.0 FLORA

Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities for location details.

Brightmore Reserve consists of 2 remnant vegetation communities which are part of the Sydney Sandstone Complex – Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest (10ag) as indicated be Benson and Howell, 1994. The vegetation is typical of the North Shore and consists of:

1. Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Open Forest on the hill sides with a midstorey dominated by Hakea dactyloides (Broad-leaved Hakea), Allocasuarina littoralis (Black-she Oak), Kunzea ambigua, Dodonaea triquetra (Hop Bush) and an understorey containing Lomandra longifolia (Mat Rush) and Pteridium esculentum (Bracken Fern).

2. Ceratopetalum gummiferum (Coachwood) Closed Forest along the edges of the open

section of creekline surviving amongst numerous weedy specimens of Large Leaf Privet (Ligustrum lucidum).

For further information see: Appendix E – Indigenous Flora of North Sydney Database

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1.1 Creekline Vegetation

A short natural creek system remains in the western end of the Reserve. Stormwater originates from the greater suburb of Cremorne and is discharged into the creek below Little Young St. There is an open section of natural creekline for 60m before the water is again piped underground and eventually discharged into Willoughby Bay. The stormwater carries weed seeds, detergents, dog faeces and runoff from fertilised areas in the upper catchment. These factors lead to increased nutrient pollution in the creekline. This has influenced the spread of weed species along the banks of the creek that are slowly encroaching further into areas of good bush. Many Large Leaf Privets (Ligustrum lucidum) are out competing the remnant native canopy of Ceratopetalum gummiferum (Coachwood) and Small Leaf Privets (Ligustrum sinense) are dominant in the understorey. Exotic vines such as Balloon Vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum) and Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica) reach high into the canopy restricting the light penetration. Hence, there are very few seedlings of remnant native trees and shrubs naturally regenerating in this area.

1.2 Weed Assessment Weed species are present in Brightmore Reserve due to many causal factors. Major factors include stormwater and urban runoff, soil disturbance and the presence of fill. Dumping of building materials and soil disturbance during residential development has been detrimental to the soils natural seed bank and the ecosystem dynamics at Brightmore Reserve. The presence of stormwater and urban runoff carrying weed seeds and increased nutrients also has a negative affect on the native vegetation of the area causing some species to die out and the area then becomes quickly colonised by vigorously growing weed species. Exotic vines (eg. Balloon Vine, Morning Glory) pose a great threat to large areas of the Reserve. In many areas the vines can be seen smothering the native canopy. This not only causes stress to the native trees but it also prevents light filtering down into the midstorey/understorey to allow for native plant regeneration. The heavy shade conditions (and hence the high moisture content of the soils) in the understorey are incompatible with the needs of the native species and many native trees and shrubs have been lost in the past. To assist regeneration the area may have to be planted with local indigenous species. The selection and placement of plants will reflect the natural species occurring in the existing bushland ecosystem.

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2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History

One broad area ecological management burn was undertaken in Brightmore Reserve during 1997 in the south-eastern end of the Reserve adjacent to the main walking track. This was to complement activities undertaken by the Brightmore Reserve Bushcare Group. Native plant regeneration on this site was extensive with many native grasses and other less common species emerging from the ashes. Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Meadow Grass), Entolasia marginata, Oplismenus imbicilus (Basket Grass), Commelina cyanaea (Scurvy Weed), Calochlaena dubia (Soft Bracken), Grevillea linearifolia (White Spider Flower) and Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) are just a few of the native species to have been naturally regenerated by the use of fire. Three pile burns were carried out on the Bushcare Site adjacent to Little Young St during 1997. The seedlings to emerge from the ashes of these burns also indicate a successful germination of native indigenous species including: Entolasia stricta, Imperata cylindrica (Bladey Grass), Pomax umbellata (Pomax), Oplismenus imbecillis (Basket Grass), Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Meadow Grass) and Juncus usitattus (Common Rush). Five pile burns were undertaken in late 2001 on the Bushcare Site; behind 56-64 Benelong Rd, Cremorne. These burns were on the eastern side of the previous pile burns undertaken in 1997 on the same Bushcare Site. Results are yet to be recorded. Fire is an ecological tool required to sustain the plant communities of Brightmore Reserve. There are several areas throughout Brightmore Reserve that require burning for the purposes of maintaining diversity and stimulating the germination of native seeds which lay dormant in the soil. Some species can be eliminated from a bushland area due to the absence of fire. As addressed in the Bushland Fire Management Policy, 1997: Section 4 – ‘several areas that contain high fuel levels require burning not only for ecological purposes but also to manage the fuel levels on some sites’. 3.0 FAUNA Information used in this section has been compiled from the Fauna Survey conducted by Dr Arthur White and the Biosphere Environmental Consultants in March 2002. Fauna sightings recorded on the Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 and the North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report by Peter Ekert and the Ekerlogic Consulting Services in December 2002 has also been considered. However, these two surveys are not specific for each reserve, rather the broader area of Middle Harbour Catchment. For further information see: Section 1.7 – Method Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 Appendix M - North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

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3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview

There is a relatively low native fauna species diversity within Brightmore Reserve. Ringtail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and the Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) frequent the area on nightly foraging trips. Eastern Water Dragons (Physignathus lesueurii) have been sighted along the creekline. Usually both adults and juveniles can be witnessed. This suggests that there is a healthy population present in the area. Blue-tongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) are occasionally seen in the bushland and on lawn areas. In 1996, a deceased juvenile Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) was found in recently mown grass adjacent to Little Young St. Common bird species can be found in Brightmore Reserve. These include the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala), The Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), the Australian Raven (Corvus mellori) and Rainbow Lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus). Less common species that have been sighted in Brightmore Reserve include the Crested Hawk (Aviceda subcristata), the Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) and the Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) which are all migratory species visiting in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region. The Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) is also occasionally witnessed in the Reserve. Periodically, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus funereus) have been seen in Brightmore Reserve perhaps seeking out any available nesting hollows. The small flock of birds are, however, readily harassed by the extremely territorial Noisy Miners. There is a lack of nesting hollows in Brightmore Reserve due to the absence of mature native trees that tend to bear such hollows. Native birds, arboreal mammals and bat species suffer from the lack of safe nesting and roosting sites. Such creatures play an important role in the ecology of the vegetation communities of Brightmore Reserve. They act as pollinators, natural seed dispersal units, and aid in the germination of some native plant species. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

• Terrestrial Invertebrates • Aquatic Vertebrates, and • Aquatic Invertebrates.

A formal survey of the diversity and abundance of Terrestrial Invertebrates has never been undertaken by North Sydney Council. It is recommended that more detailed studies be undertaken in the future. Aquatic birds are recorded in the Fauna Survey and the Fauna of North Sydney Database, however it is recommended that a more comprehensive study of Aquatic Vertebrate fauna also be undertaken in the future.

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Aquatic Macro-invertebrates are regularly sampled in water testing of creeklines in North Sydney as indicators of water quality. This testing is carried out by the Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information contact: North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

Tracks, scats and other traces of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) have been identified in Brightmore Reserve. The Red Fox would probably have a territory covering the area of both Brightmore Reserve and Primrose Park bushland areas. Two exotic species of rodent dwell in Brightmore Reserve the: Black Rat (Rattus rattus) and House Mouse (Mus musculus). Six introduced bird species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Red-Whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis), Rock Dove (Columba livia) and Spotted Turtle Dove (Streptopelia chinensis). European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) are also known to have created hives in the area.

3.4 Pets Dogs are frequently seen throughout the bushland of Brightmore Reserve and often not on leads. Dog scats were found along the walking track in the Fauna Survey. Domestic cats are also frequently seen in the reserve. It is North Sydney Council policy that dogs must be on a lead whilst in bushland and that dog owners must pick up after their dogs. Under the Companion Animals Act 1999, cats are prohibited from harming native fauna. This is only possible if cats are kept out of the reserve. North Sydney Council encourages owners to keep cats inside all or most of the time. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: Companion Animals Act, 1999 Appendix J – Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney Council From 1992 – 2001; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

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3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

Two Vulnerable and Threatened species have been recorded in Brightmore Reserve. The Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus policephalus), listed as Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, visits the reserve. This species is frequently seen flying over and feeding in the reserve. Under this Act critical habitat is required to be protected. Brightmore Reserve bushland provides a food source for this species. For the first time in Brightmore Reserve, the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii), listed as Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, were recorded in the Fauna Survey. These bats were detected near the stormwater drain at the southern end of the reserve. It is believed (White, 2002) that the bats use the stormwater drain as a roosting site. This constitutes as critical habitat for the Large Bent-wing Bat and requires protection under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) has been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. It is likely that this species may visit the area for food but it is unlikely that it nests or roosts in the area at present. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements

3.6 Locally Rare Species The first sighting of Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) for Brightmore Reserve was recorded in the Fauna Survey flying over the eastern end of the Reserve. This species of insectivorous micro-bat was first discovered in North Sydney in the Fauna Survey of Port Jackson Catchment in Gore Cove Bushland in 2001. This species was also recorded in Primrose Park and Tunks Park in the survey. The last two remaining species of large lizards, the Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueuri) and the Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) have been sighted in the reserve in the Fauna of North Sydney Database. Eastern Water Dragons have been seen along the creekline and Blue-tongue Lizards are occasionally seen in the bushland and on the lawn areas. A deceased juvenile Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) was seen in 1996. The White-faced Heron (Ardea novaehollandiae) was recorded in the Fauna Survey in the reserve. The Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) was also recorded in the parkland. Small insectivorous birds such as the Superb Blue Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) and Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) are also frequently observed in Brightmore Reserve. These species are locally significant and indicators of the health and habitat provided by bushland. Crimson Rosellas (Platycercus elegans) are frequently seen in the reserve, as is the Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae). Periodically, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus funereus) are seen flying over and feeding in the reserve. And although not

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indigenous to the region, Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) are also seen in Brightmore Reserve. The only nocturnal bird recorded in the Fauna Survey and regularly in the reserve is the Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides). The Southern Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) and Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) have been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Owls are significant and also indicative of ecosystem health, as these creatures require large tracks of bushland, specific habitat and a food source of substantial prey (such as moths and Ringtail Possums). Migratory species, the Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) and the Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) visit in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region for breeding. Pairs return to the same site each year to parasitise the nests of Pied Currawongs (Strepera graculina), Australian Ravens (Corvus coronoides), Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen), Magpie-larks (Grallina cyanoleuca) and Red Wattle Birds (Anthochaera carunculata). For further information see: Appendix C – Conservation Status of Wildlife in North Sydney Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements 4.0 FAUNA REHABILITATION MANAGEMENT PLAN

4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species The aim of the Rehabilitation Plan for Brightmore Reserve is to protect and enhance habitat for all known locally occurring native fauna. By doing so, these measures may help provide habitat for more occasional visiting and species uncommon to the area.

Species Habitat Protection and Restoration:

Mammals: Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecular). A Brushtail Possum was sighted near garbage bins at the western end of the reserve.

Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) Ringtail Possums present throughout the reserve.

Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) Flying foxes observed flying over the reserve and feeding in tall Paperbark trees.

Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) Detected flying over the walking track in the eastern end of the reserve.

Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) Detected flying near the stormwater drain at the southern end of the reserve.

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Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Common Koel Eudynamis scolopacea Crested Hawk Aviceda subcristata Crested Pigeon Geophaps lophotes Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae Superb Blue Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena White-browed Scrub-wren Sericornis frontalis White-headed Pigeon Columba leucomela White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus funereus


Eastern Water Skink (Eulamprus quoyii) Found near the stormwater drain at the western end of the reserve.

Grass Skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) Found present in the western end of the reserve.

Delicate Skink (Lampropholis delicata) Found in the eastern and western parts of the reserve.

Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueuri) Found along the Creek below Little Young Street.

Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) Recorded in the Fauna of North Sydney Database.

The Green Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata), Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) and Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) Recorded occasionally on the Fauna of North Sydney Database.

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Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera) Present near the stormwater drain in the western parts of the reserve.

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings Native fauna diversity for Brightmore Reserve is not high. One exceptional value of the reserve is that it houses a roosting site, that is classified as critical habitat for the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii), listed as a Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. No ground-dwelling terrestrial mammals were found. Two possum species were observed, with Ringtail Possums being higher in abundance than Brushtail Possums. Two species of exotic rodent were present: the Black Rat (Rattus rattus) and House Mouse (Mus musculus). Three species of bats were detected: the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus policephalus) and Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chaninolobus gouldii) and the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii). Twenty-six species of bird were recorded, with six of these being exotic. The Continuing Bird Survey observed seven species of birds, having the second lowest recording of avian species out of the eleven bushland reserves in North Sydney. Three species of reptile were recorded and only one frog species. For further information see: Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix M – North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives


- Brightmore Reserve has an altered ecology due to a shallow bay being filled in to create parkland on the northern aspect of the reserve, and an altered water course. A waterfall would have once flowed down the centre of the reserve, which is now channelled through a stormwater drain below the surface and has a walking track and stairway through this site.

- Brightmore Reserve is bordered by parkland and residential dwellings. The border of houses will have impacts of domestic animals, artificial lighting shinning into the reserve, and garden plant escapees.

- The large grassed areas of the parkland, provides important habitat for native birds such as the: Masked Lapwing, Welcome Swallow, Sacred Ibis, and Australian Magpie.

- Bordered by residential dwellings, Brightmore Reserve has the potential for encouraging residents to plant native habitat gardens with the ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program, and to educate residents on domestic pets and native fauna.

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- Brightmore reserve has a walking track through the centre of the reserve and along the south/ western boundary that is frequently used by walkers, especially people walking their dog.

- Brightmore Reserve has the potential to be more greatly linked to Primrose Park and Wonga Road Bushland through the further creation of Green Corridors.


Brightmore Reserve

- To protect the diversity of vegetation communities and habitats,

- To promote biodiversity,

- To protect critical habitat of the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii),

- To re-establish native vegetation and community structure of connective canopy, dense middle storey and understorey vegetation,

- To preserve and create shelter sites,

- To create Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages,

- To create clean fresh water sources,

- To reduce the effect of ‘edge effects’,

- To eradicate all feral animals – namely, the Red Fox,

- To reduce the effect of domestic and introduced animals on native fauna,

- To reduce the effect of aggressive and territorial native species (Noisy Miner, Pied Currawong) on native fauna,

- To encourage the practice of Bush Regeneration work that preserves and protects habitat,

- To reduce the artificial light shining directly into the reserve,

- To educate and facilitate residents wishing to create native fauna habitat gardens.

4.4 Nesting seasons of Scrub Birds This table is to be used when considering the timing of pile burns and broad area burns, and primary bush regeneration. These activities should be carried out outside the breeding season of scrub birds. This is a list of scrub birds that are known to inhabit or thought to most likely inhabit (*) this bushland reserve.

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Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

Common Name Height (m) J F M A M J J A S O N D

Superb Fairy-wren Up to 1m

White-browed Scrub-wren

On or near ground

Silvereye 1 – 5m Red Wattlebird 3 – 10m


Key Indicates breeding season

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Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

Priority The priority ratings given to each action in the matrix are subject to the availability of staff, funding and existing ideologies at the time of creation. For these reasons modification of priorities may occur as special circumstances arise.

ST (Short Term) Action completed within 2 years.

MT (Medium Term) Action completed within 2-4 years.

LT (Long Term) Action commenced after 4 years.

O (Ongoing) Action is carried out on a regular basis for the life of this action plan.

C (Commenced) Action has commenced.

CP (Completed) Action has been carried out.

AN (As Needs Basis) Action to be carried out on an as needs basis.

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Table 2: Management Strategies for Brightmore Reserve

For further information on all Action objectives see Section 2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area, and Section 2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works.

Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area

Lack of protection for native fauna under the Local Government Act.

Zone areas 1, 2, 3 & 4 ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ under the Companion Animals Act, 1998.

- All Native Fauna Brightmore Reserve has one walking track through the centre of zone 3 that is useful for pedestrian traffic; and one along the edge of zone 2 with minimal impact. See Section 1.4.3 Relevant Legislation.


1 Management of Critical Habitat.

Lack of protection of roosting site for the Large Bent-wing Bat Miniopterus schreibersii.

Record and protect roosting site. Cover stormwater opening with wide mesh. Keep location knowledge within staff and not openly available to the general public.

- Large Bent-wing Bat The Large Bent-wing Bat is listed as a Vulnerable species under Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Replacement of lost shelter sites.

Loss of shelter sites. Leave and replace rocks, logs, leaf litter and dead trees.

Dead trees should be left safe. They may need to be lopped back to stags.


Create temporary artificial shelter sites in areas that have been cleared.

Collars of at least 30cm should be left where branches are to be removed, to allow for hollows to develop.

Place educational signage stating the importance of leaving these items in bushland areas.

- Reptiles - Frogs - Terrestrial Mammals

Rocks and logs can be used in landscaping bush regeneration sites.

All Weed removal techniques that preserves habitat.

Over-clearing and loss of shelter and habitat for native fauna in bush regeneration work.

Apply mosaic clearing pattern technique to bush regeneration work.

- All Native Fauna - Small Bird Species - Possums

Lantana (Lantana camara) often provides the only habitat for small birds such as Superb Blue Fairy-wrens.


Clear only, an area no larger than 20m x 20m or 1/3 of the site.

Leave areas of weeds (de-seeded) that provides middle storey vegetation and/or connective canopy.

Pittosporum undulatum is frequently over cleared in bush regeneration works, often providing the only middle storey vegetation for possums and birds.

Ensure Contract Tenders include native fauna habitat protection and ensure site supervisor follows habitat protection methods.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Primary Bush Regeneration and removal of scrub layer to be carried out outside scrub bird breeding season.

See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.

Lack of connective canopy.

Create a Tree Plan for the reserve. Plant indigenous canopy species in areas lacking canopy. Install aerial pathways between areas lacking connective canopy. See: ‘Installation of Aerial Pathways’.

- Possums ST O

All Recreation of Natural Vegetation Structure.

Lack of dense middle storey vegetation.

Use of fire as a tool to regenerate middle storey vegetation. ‘Direct Seed’ middle storey species where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful. Plant middle storey seedlings where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

- Small Bird Species - Ringtail Possums

Loss of middle storey vegetation is one of the primary causes for loss of native fauna.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Lack of understorey vegetation.

Remove weeds to encourage natural regeneration. Use fire as a tool to encourage regeneration. Plant or direct seed indigenous ground covers where natural regeneration has been unsuccessful.

- Reptiles - Terrestrial Mammals - Invertebrates - Birds foraging for insects

Some species of ground covers generally always naturally regenerate.


Plant ‘Buffer Plants’ along edges of reserves.

- Small Bird Species - Reptiles

For appropriate buffer species see Section 2.1.5 Buffer Planting.


All Reduce ‘Edge Effect’ ‘Edge Effect’ changing flora and fauna species diversity, allowing invasion of weed species and predation.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

Residents bordering Brightmore Reserve were letterbox dropped advertising the ‘Bush Friendly Backyard’ program in October 2002.


All Creation of ‘Core’ Conservation Area

Lack of core area with minimal disturbance and ‘edge effect’. Disturbance from pedestrian traffic.

Reduce the number of walking tracks. Create formal walking tracks with boardwalks.

- All Native Fauna Boardwalks over water puddles will create habitat for frogs.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Create Green Corridors and linkages by extending indigenous planting on the parkland Brightmore Reserve.

- Large Bent-wing Bats - Birds - Some Terrestrial Fauna

See Map 2 for proposed Green Corridor plantings. Green Corridor planting needs to take into consideration views. To prevent blocking views, shrubs should only be used.

LT All Creation of Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages

Isolated pockets of bushland.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

Residents bordering Brightmore Reserve were letterbox dropped advertising the ‘Bush Friendly Backyard’ program in October 2002.


All Broad Area and/or Pile Burns approximately every 10 years. Broad area burn to be no greater than 1/4 of reserve area.

- All Native Fauna Broad area and pile burns should be carried out outside breeding times of scrub birds. See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.


2, 3

Effective Fire Management

Lack of fire and subsequent and loss of vegetation diversity and middle storey vegetation.

Pile Burns carried out 1998 and 2001.

Successful regeneration occurred in Zone 2. Zone 3 was unsuccessful due to landfill soil.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 3

Creation of Fresh Water Sources

Lack of clean freshwater sources.

Create Frog Ponds. - Birds - Reptiles - Frogs

See Appendix H: Frog Facts No.2.


Ensure clean stormwater is released into stormwater outlet through the use of Gross Pollutant Traps and public education.

The ‘Yellow Fish Road’ project in 2001 – 2002 aimed to educate people that ‘the drain is just for rain’.


Re-create natural creeklines along stormwater outlets.


2 Create Bird Baths. - Birds See Appendix I: How to Build a Bird Bath.


The Red Fox – Predator of native fauna.

Carry out Fox Baiting Program; and Den Fumigation.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

Fox baiting or den fumigation has not yet been carried out in Brightmore Reserve.


All Feral Animal Control

European Honey Bees - Occupy critical habitat of nesting hollows.

Remove Bee hives by blocking the hollow containing the bees, or to kill with flame or smoke.

- Possums - Parrots

Some hollows occupied by bees can be high and difficult to get too. Apiarists can be hired for assistance and/or Bee hive removal. Removal of hollow or killing with an insecticide is not favourable.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

European Honey Bees - Interfere with natural and successful pollination of native vegetation.

- Native Bees

Loss of small pollinating mammals and many bird species has also affected the loss of pollination of many species.

Indian Mynahs - Occupy tree hollows

Trap by use of Tree Netting or removal in nesting hollow.

- Possums - Parrots

Indian Mynahs may not be in high enough numbers in bushland areas in North Sydney for Tree Netting.


Feral Cats - Predator of native fauna.

Set Cat Traps. Cats to be taken to the local vet to be euthanased.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

To date no feral cats have been sighted in North Sydney.


Rabbits - Destroy native seedlings and regeneration.

Set Rabbit Traps. - Native Plant Regeneration

Few rabbits have been sighted in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour. These have been escaped or dumped pet rabbits. The Calicivirus is not known to have reached North Sydney.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Disturbance from dogs and dog scent; dog faeces affecting bushland soil pH and nutrient status; and dog predation.

Install educational signage around reserves, stating that dogs need to be kept on leads in bushland areas and that owners need to pick up after their dog.

- All Native Fauna Dogs disturb, chase and some kill native fauna. This disturbance and scent cause some nesting birds and possums to abandon nests.


Provide dog bins at either end of bushland reserve walking tracks.

One dog bin is situated in Brightmore Reserve in the lower end of Little Wonga Road.


Educate residents with the ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ publication.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


Increase Ranger patrol and enforcement laws.


All Domestic Animal Control

Domestic cat predation, scent and faeces.

Instate cat curfews and cat exclusion from bushland areas. See ‘Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area’.

- All Native Fauna Domestic cats are responsible for the deaths of many native fauna.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Educate resident cat owners with ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


Trap cats found in bushland areas and return to the owner with a letter or take to Pound.

The only way to effectively stop cat predation is to keep cats in doors, all the time or at least during dusk, evening and dawn.


All Minimise Artificial Lighting

Residential, street, footpath, and playing field lighting obstructing nocturnal native fauna vision and reducing the overall effective habitat area of reserve.

Install light shields on street, footpath and playing field lighting next to reserves. Educate residents backing onto the reserve to not direct lighting into the reserve.

- Possums - Owls - Nocturnal Fauna

Tawny Frogmouths benefit from lights, as lights attract moths and other insects. Light shields will not impact negatively on Tawny Frogmouths.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Installation of Nesting Boxes

Lack of nesting and breeding hollows.

Install nesting boxes bushland reserve for Possums and Parrots.

- Hollow Nesting Fauna - Parrots - Brushtail Possums - Ringtail Possums - Owlet Nightjars

Nesting boxes can be made for many hollow dwelling species. For further information on nest box designs refer to ‘ The Nest box Book: Nestboxes for Birds and Mammals’ (1997) Gould League of Victoria Inc.


Nesting Boxes have been successful in attracting Ringtail Possums and some Brushtail Possums.

In 2003 Council Employed ‘Sleepy Hollows’ to make and install Possum Boxes throughout reserves in North Sydney.

Nesting Boxes have not yet proven successful in North Sydney in attracting Parrots. Boxes for other species have not yet been trialed.

Nest Box invasion of European Bees needs to be monitored and boxes removed if invaded. Apiarists will remove and use hives.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Bee swarming season, from November – January, instigates a higher chance of bees moving into boxes and installation should be avoided in this time.

Indian Mynahs invading Nest Boxes has not been an issue in North Sydney.

Tobruk Avenue; Bright-more St; Bene- long Rd

Installation of Traffic Calming Devices

Possum fatality on roads due to speeding vehicles.

To install traffic calming devices on roads adjacent to bushland areas.

- Possums - Blue-tongue Lizards

Contact North Sydney Council’s Traffic Department.


2, 4 Installation of Aerial Pathways

Increased risk to possums due to lack of connective canopy and the need to come down to the ground.

Construct aerial pathways over parkland and Wonga Road and Young Street to connect areas of bushland to Wonga Road Bushland and Primrose Park. Suggestion of 3 pathways.

- Possums The RTA has trialed aerial pathways over large roads between bushland. See Map 2, for suggested Aerial Pathway construction.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Various Installation of Aerial Bundle Cabling

Frequent Possum and Bat electrocution in certain areas of aerial cables.

To install Aerial Bundle Cabling (ABC) on electric cables identified as having frequent bat and/ or possum electrocution. Identified areas need to be submitted to the OSES division.

-Possum -Grey-headed Flying-foxes

ABC is carried out by Energy Australia in conjunction with North Sydney Councils Open Space and Environmental Services Division (OSES).


1,2,3 Creekline and Closed Forest Restoration

Regenerate indigenous creekline vegetation slowly without causing erosion.


Degraded waterways and creeklines. Loss of indigenous closed forest (rainforest) vegetation.

Carry out methods of natural regeneration, transplantation of clumped seedlings from other areas and, revegetation may need to be utilized.

- Powerful Owl - Native Doves and Pigeons - Kingfishers - Dollarbirds - Spotted Pardelotes

Plant native rainforest berry producing trees, such as Acmena sp. and Syzigium sp.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

All Reduce Habitat Favoured by Aggressive Native Fauna

Large populations of the Noisy Miner and Pied Currawong.

Re-establish dense middle storey vegetation in bushland areas through the use of fire, natural regeneration, planting or direct seeding. Plant shrubs and understorey vegetation only in island pockets and/ or in parkland. Discourage the planting of ‘Robyn Gordon’ and other large flowering hybrid Grevilleas in Parkland and private gardens, as they supply a large quantity of nectar to Noisy Miners.

- Small Bird Species - Visiting and Migrant Birds - Possums out of their nest in daylight hours.

Dense middle storey vegetation provides shelter for small birds. Noisy Miners and Pied Currawongs are ‘edge’ species that utilize edges of bushland areas. Bushland in North Sydney is predominately small and narrow and dominated by large areas of ‘edge’. Pied Currawongs and Noisy Miners favour stands of trees only as habitat.


All Pollution, Poison and Insecticide Control

Use of Insecticides, Pesticides and Organophosphates.

Increase public education on the dangers of these chemicals to native fauna. Increase public education on organic gardening and natural alternatives to garden/ vegetable/ orchid pests.

- Tawny Frogmouths - Insectivorous Birds - Blue-tongue Lizards - Insectivorous Reptiles - Frogs - Kookaburra’s, Magpies, Butcher Birds - Owls

Birds and reptiles that consume poisoned insects store the toxin in their fat reserves. In times of food shortage, fat reserves are used and the toxin is released. These poisons cause a painful death due to attacking the Central Nervous System.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Use of Rat Poison that indirectly kills Possums.

Increase public education on the dangers of rat poison to native fauna.

- Antechinus - Possums

Possums will eat and die from rat poison.


Use of Rat Poison to directly kill possums.

Increase public education on how to live with Possums. Sell Possum Boxes to the community at cost price. Distribute Councils publication ‘Living with Possums’ that addresses this issue.

- Brushtail and Ringtail Possums

Some residents, frustrated with having a possum in their roof, or eating their garden plants will purposely poison or trap possums and release them into bushland, causing probable death.


1 Pollution and toxins entering waterways. Eg. Pesticides

Enforce tighter controls and fines on industry, companies and persons who pollute waterways, through the Environmental Protection Association.

- Fish & Crustaceans - Water Birds that eat fish and crustaceans - Ducks and Water Birds - Frogs


All Seasonal food availability.

Loss of vegetation diversity. Loss of food availability all year round, particularly in winter.

Plant a diversity of vegetation that provides a mixture of flowers, seeds and berries throughout the year.

- Nectivore and Frugivore Birds - Possums

For further information see: Table 1.4: Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

2 Re-introduction of Native Fauna

Loss of biodiversity. Re-introduce Blue-tongue Lizards into suitable habitat.

-Blue-tongue Lizards

These species can be bred and the program overseen by a trained Herpetologist and Apiarist.


Permission is needed from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

See Section 2.1.20: Re-introduction of Native Fauna.

2 Re-introduce Native Bees into suitable habitat.

- Native Bees - Native Flora

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Fauna Rehabilitation Plans Wonga Road Bushland

Middle Harbour Catchment Area


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Wonga Road Bushland


1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities

1.1 Creekline Vegetation

1.2 Weed Assessment

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History


3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview

3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

3.4 Pets

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

3.6 Locally Rare Species


4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species

4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives

4.4 Nesting Seasons of Scrub Birds

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

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Table 2 – Management Strategies

Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

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INTRODUCTION Wonga Road Bushland is a narrow 25m wide north-west facing strip of remnant vegetation bordered by Wonga Road, Willoughby Bay and the open lawn area of Primrose Park to the south. The entire area of the bushland parcel is 9 800m2. The dominant vegetation association is Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Open Forest community. The bushland at Wonga Road is typical foreshore vegetation on Hawkesbury sandstone. Weeds species are predominantly found at the most northern end of the bushland area. The remainder of the bushland area has been successfully regenerated and requires only minimal maintenance. Recreational opportunities are extremely limited. There are no walking tracks, formal or informal. Therefore there is minimal impact on the bushland area from visitor usage. This may be one of the reasons the site has responded so well to regeneration. The bushland acts as a wildlife corridor and vegetative buffer along the foreshore of Willoughby Bay. The fauna diversity for Wonga Road Bushland is low, the lowest recorded in Middle Harbour Catchment. This is probably due to the reserves small and narrow size. Despite this, native birds, possums, reptiles, frogs and bats including visiting Large Bent-wing Bats (Miniopterus schreibersii), listed as a Vulnerable species under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, still inhabit this reserve. 1.0 FLORA Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities for location details.

Wonga Road Bushland consists of a remnant vegetation community that is part of the Sydney Sandstone Complex – Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest (10ag) as indicated by Benson and Howell, 1994. The vegetation is symbolic of the North Shore and consists of:

1. Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Open Forest community with a midstorey dominated by Allocasuarina littoralis (Black She-oak), Banksia serrata (Old Man Banksia), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) and an understorey of Pteridium esculentum (Bracken Fern) and Omalanthus populifolius (Bleeding Heart Tree).

For further information see: Appendix E – Indigenous Flora of North Sydney Database

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1.1 Creekline Vegetation

There is no creekline or associated vegetation in Wonga Road Bushland.

1.2 Weed Assessment

Weed species are present in the various locations due to many factors. Large Leaf Privet (Ligustrum lucidum), Camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), Fishbone Fern, Crofton Weed (Ageratina adenophora), Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Lantana (Lantana camara) are present along the stormwater channels. Bamboo (Phyllostachys spp.), Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster sp.), Asparagus Fern (Protoasparagus aethiopicus), African Olive (Olea europaea spp. africana), Ochna (Ochna serrulata) and Honeysuckle (Lonicera joponica) are present along the residential boundary to the north. Milk Thistle, Ehrharta (Ehrharta erecta), Cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa) and Fleabane (Conyza sp.) are commonly found along the edge of the roadway. Weed species adjacent to roadways and residential areas are present due to many factors that contribute increased moisture and nutrients to the bushland edge. These include:

- ‘Hard surface’ runoff from impervious surfaces e.g. roads; - Stormwater entering bushland; - Imported fill soil and major disturbance to the original soil structure when the road was

formed; - Dumping of garden clippings into the reserve that has enabled many ornamental species to

spread throughout the bushland area. Along the perimeter of the bushland, adjacent to the road, the original soil profile has been disturbed and the native seed bank (found in the topsoil) has been buried or lost. The native seed bank takes many years to develop and mature. Major soil disturbance makes unassisted native plant regeneration almost impossible. To assist regeneration, sections of the bushland may have to be planted with local indigenous species. The placement of these plants will reflect their natural occurrence in the existing bushland ecosystem.

2.0 FIRE

2.1 Fire History

No pile burns or strip burns have been undertaken within this bushland area to date. Several pile burns are however planned for 2001/02. The piles are located close to the waters edge of Willoughby Bay. Fire is an ecological tool required to sustain the plant communities of Wonga Road Bushland. There are several areas within Wonga Road Bushland that require burning for the purposes of maintaining diversity and stimulating the germination of native seeds which lay dormant in the soil. Some species can be eliminated from a bushland area due to the absence of fire.

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As addressed in the Bushland Fire Management Policy, 1997: Section 4 – ‘several areas that contain high fuel levels require burning not only for ecological purposes but also to manage the fuel levels on some sites’. 3.0 FAUNA Information used in this section has been compiled from the Fauna Survey conducted by Dr Arthur White and the Biosphere Environmental Consultants in March 2002. Fauna sightings recorded on the Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 and the North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report by Peter Ekert and the Ekerlogic Consulting Services in December 2002 has also been considered. However, these two surveys are not specific for each reserve, rather the broader area of Middle Harbour Catchment. For further information see: Section 1.7 – Method Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003 Appendix M - North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

3.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates Overview There are few native fauna species found within this bushland area. Ringtail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) reside in the canopy. Possum dreys can be seen on close inspection. Common bird species such as the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) the Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina) and the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) can be witnessed along Wonga Road. The Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) is also occasionally seen in the reserve. Seabirds also utilize this bushland area for roosting and nesting sites. This bushland parcel acts as a wildlife refuge with minimal human disturbance. White-faced Herons (Ardea novaehollandiae), Mangrove Heron (Ardeola striatus), Masked Plover (Vanellus miles), Pacific Duck (Anas superciliosa) and occasional visits by the Little Egret (Ardea garzetta). There is a lack of nesting hollows in Wonga Road bushland. Native birds, arboreal mammals and bat species suffer from the lack of safe nesting and roosting sites. These creatures play an important role in the ecology of the existing vegetation communities. They act as pollinators, natural seed dispersal units and aid in the germination of some native plant species. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

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3.2 Other Native Fauna Groups

• Terrestrial Invertebrates • Aquatic Vertebrates, and • Aquatic Invertebrates.

A formal survey of the diversity and abundance of Terrestrial Invertebrates has never been undertaken by North Sydney Council. It is recommended that more detailed studies be undertaken in the future. Aquatic birds are recorded in the Fauna Survey and the Fauna of North Sydney Database, however it is recommended that a more comprehensive study of Aquatic Vertebrate fauna also be undertaken in the future. Aquatic Macro-invertebrates are regularly sampled in water testing of creeklines in North Sydney as indicators of water quality. This testing is carried out by the Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information contact: North Sydney Council Open Space and Environmental Services division. For further information see: Appendix D – Fauna of North Sydney Database 2003

3.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

Only one exotic mammal species has been recorded in the reserve: the House Mouse (Mus musculus). Five introduced bird species were recorded in the Fauna Survey: House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Red-Whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis), and Spotted Turtle Dove (Streptopelia chinensis). European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) are also known to have created hives in tree hollows throughout the area. The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is also seen in the area, although none have been sighted in Wonga Road Bushland.

3.4 Pets

Dogs and cats are rarely seen throughout the bushland of Wonga Road. No cats were seen in the Fauna Survey and no dog scats were collected either. It is North Sydney Council policy that dogs must be on a lead whilst in bushland and that dog owners must pick up after their dogs. Under the Companion Animals Act 1999, cats are prohibited from harming native fauna. This is only possible if cats are kept out of the reserve. North Sydney Council encourages owners to keep cats inside all or most of the time.

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For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: Companion Animals Act, 1999 Appendix J – Cat Attack and Fates of Native Animals of North Sydney Council From 1992 – 2001; Some Statistics for Ringtail Possums – 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services

3.5 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

Two Vulnerable and Threatened species have been recorded flying over or near Wonga Road Bushland: the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus policephalus); and the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii), both listed as Vulnerable Schedule 2 under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) has been recorded in the area on the Fauna of North Sydney Database. It is likely that this species may visit the area for food but it is unlikely that it nests or roosts in the area at present. The Powerful Owl is listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. For further information see: Section 1.4.3 – Relevant Legislation: NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 Section 1.5.11 – Specific Habitat Requirements

3.6 Locally Rare Species

Wonga Road Bushland is entirely bounded on its lower side by harbour foreshore. Seabirds utilize this bushland area for roosting and nesting sites. White-faced Herons (Ardea novaehollandiae), the Mangrove Heron (Ardeola striatus), Masked Plover (Vanellus miles), Pacific Duck (Anas superciliosa) and occasional visits by the Little Egret (Ardea garzetta) are some of the sea birds sighted at Wonga Road Bushland. Small insectivorous birds such as the Superb Blue Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) and Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) inhabit the reserve. These species are locally significant and indicators of the health and habitat provided by bushland. Crimson Rosella’s (Platycercus elegans), the Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), Red Wattle Birds (Anthochaera carunculata), Magpie-larks (Grallina cyanoleuca) and Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes (Coracina novaehollandiae) are frequently sighted in the reserve. And although not indigenous to the region, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo’s (Cacatua galerita) are also seen in Wonga Road Bushland. Migratory species are known to visit the area in Spring and Summer each year from the Asia Pacific Region for breeding: the Common Koel (Eudynamis scolopacea) and the Channel-billed Cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae). Pairs return to the same site each year to parasitise the nests of Pied Currawongs (Strepera graculina), Australian Ravens (Corvus coronoides), Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen), Magpie-larks and Red Wattle Birds.

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For further information see: Appendix C – Conservation Status of Wildlife in North Sydney Section 1.5.13 – Specific Habitat Requirements 4.0 FAUNA REHABILITATION MANAGEMENT PLAN

4.1 Habitat Protection for Locally Significant Species The aim of the Rehabilitation Plan for Wonga Road Bushland is to protect and enhance habitat for all known locally occurring native fauna. By doing so, these measures may help provide habitat for more occasional visiting and species uncommon to the area.

Species Habitat Protection and Restoration:

Mammals: Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecular). A Brushtail Possum was spotted in trees off Wonga Road.

Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) Ringtail Possums present in trees off Wonga Road.

Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) Flying foxes observed flying over the reserve.

Gould’s Wattle Bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) Detected flying over the southern end of the reserve.


Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Common Koel Eudynamis scolopacea Crested Pigeon Geophaps lophotes Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Little Egret Ardea garzetta Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca Mangrove Heron Ardeola striatus

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Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles Pacific Duck Anas superciliosa Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae Superb Blue Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena White-browed Scrub-wren Sericornis frontalis White-faced Heron Ardea novaehollandiae


Grass Skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) Present in the western end of Wonga Road Bushland.

Delicate Skink (Lampropholis delicata) Found in the eastern area of Wonga Road Bushland.

Southern Leaf-tail Gecko (Phyllurus platurus) Recorded in the area but not at presently recorded in Wonga Road Bushland.

Blue-tongue Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides) Recorded in the area but not at presently recorded in Wonga Road Bushland.

The Green Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulata), Golden-crowned Snake (Cacophis squamulosus) and Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) Recorded occasionally in Middle Harbour Catchment in the Fauna of North Sydney Database

Frogs: Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera) Present in a stormwater drain at the southern end of the reserve. 4.2 Summary of Fauna Survey Findings

Native fauna diversity for Wonga Road Bushland is low, the lowest in Middle Harbour Catchment. This is probably due to its small and narrow size. No ground-dwelling mammals were found. Two possum species were observed, with Ringtail Possums (Pseudecheirus peregrinus) being higher in abundance than Brushtail Possums (Trichosurus vulpecular). One species of exotic rodent was present: the House Mouse (Mus muscularus). Two species of Bat were detected: The Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) and the Large Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii).

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Twenty species of bird were recorded, with five of these being exotic. The Continuing Bird Survey observed four species of birds, bellowing the lowest in avian diversity for all the bushland areas in North Sydney. Two species of reptile were recorded and only one species of frog. For further information see: Appendix B – Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves 2002 Appendix M – North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey Interim Report 2002

4.3 Site Issues and Objectives


- Wonga Road Bushland has the potential to be more greatly linked to Primrose Park and Brightmore Reserve through the creation of Green Corridors.

- With minimal walking tracks and little recreational usage, this reserve has the potential to act as a refuge for nesting water birds.

- The reserve is small and narrow and bounded by Wonga Road on the eastern side and by harbour foreshore on the western side.

- Residents along Wonga Road could be encouraged to plant indigenous plants in their front yards through the ‘Native Havens – Flora for Fauna in Your Garden’ program, and be educated about pets and native fauna.


Wonga Road Bushland

- To protect the diversity of vegetation communities and habitats,

- To promote biodiversity,

- To re-establish native vegetation and community structure of connective canopy, dense middle storey and understorey vegetation,

- To preserve and create shelter sites,

- To create Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages,

- To create clean fresh water sources,

- To reduce the effect of ‘edge effects’,

- To eradicate all feral animals – namely, the Red Fox,

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- To reduce the effect of domestic and introduced animals on native fauna,

- To reduce the effect of aggressive and territorial native species (Noisy Miner, Pied Currawong)

on native fauna,

- To encourage the practice of Bush Regeneration work that preserves and protects habitat,

- To reduce the artificial light shining directly into the reserve,

- To educate and facilitate residents wishing to create native fauna habitat gardens.

4.4 Nesting seasons of Scrub Birds

This table is to be used when considering the timing of pile burns and broad area burns, and primary bush regeneration. These activities should be carried out outside the breeding season of scrub birds. This is a list of scrub birds that are known to inhabit or thought to most likely inhabit (*) this bushland reserve.

Table 1 – Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season

Common Name Height (m) J F M A M J J A S O N D

Superb Fairy-wren Up to 1m

* White-browed Scrub-wren

On or near ground


1 – 5m

Red Wattlebird 3 – 10m (-20)

Key Indicates breeding season

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5.0 ACTION PLAN Refer to Map 2 – Rehabilitation Zones and Green Corridor Proposal

Priority The priority ratings given to each action in the matrix are subject to the availability of staff, funding and existing ideologies at the time of creation. For these reasons modification of priorities may occur as special circumstances arise.

ST (Short Term) Action completed within 2 years.

MT (Medium Term) Action completed within 2-4 years.

LT (Long Term) Action commenced after 4 years.

O (Ongoing) Action is carried out on a regular basis for the life of this action plan.

C (Commenced) Action has commenced.

CP (Completed) Action has been carried out.

AN (As Needs Basis) Action to be carried out on an as needs basis.

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Table 2: Management Strategies for Wonga Road Bushland

For further information on all Action objectives see Section 2.1 Management Strategies for North Sydney Local Government Area, and Section 2.2 Statement of Management Practices for Bush Regeneration Works.

Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area

Lack of protection for native fauna under the Local Government Act.

Zone Wonga Road Bushland as a ‘Wildlife Protection Area’ under the Companion Animals Act, 1998.

- All Native Fauna There are no formal walking tracks in Wonga Road Bushland and little public usage. This would be a relatively easy reserve with which to trial a Wildlife Protection Area.


See Section 1.4.3: Relevant Legislation.

1 Replacement of lost shelter sites.

Loss of shelter sites. Leave and replace rocks, logs, leaf litter and dead trees. Create temporary artificial shelter sites in areas that have been cleared. Place educational signage stating the importance of leaving these items in bushland areas.

- Reptiles - Frogs - Terrestrial Mammals

Dead trees should be left safe. They may need to be lopped back to stags. Collars of at least 30cm should be left where branches are to be removed, to allow for hollows to develop. Rocks and logs can be used in landscaping bush regeneration


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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority


1 Weed removal techniques that preserves habitat.

Over-clearing and loss of shelter and habitat for native fauna in bush regeneration work.

Apply mosaic clearing pattern technique to bush regeneration work.

- All Native Fauna - Small Bird Species - Possums

Lantana (Lantana camara) often provides the only habitat for small birds such as Superb Blue Fairy-wrens.


Clear only, an area no larger than 20m x 20m or 1/3 of the site.

Leave areas of weeds (de-seeded) that provides middle storey vegetation and/or connective canopy.

Pittosporum undulatum is frequently over cleared in bush regeneration works, often providing the only middle storey vegetation for possums and birds.

Ensure Contract Tenders include native fauna habitat protection and ensure site supervisor follows habitat protection methods.

Primary Bush Regeneration and removal of scrub layer to be carried out outside scrub bird breeding season.

See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 Recreation of Natural Vegetation Structure.

Lack of connective canopy.

Create a Tree Plan for the reserve.

- Possums ST O

Plant indigenous canopy species in areas lacking canopy.

Install aerial pathways between areas lacking connective canopy. See: ‘Installation of Aerial Pathways’.

Lack of dense middle storey vegetation.

Use of fire as a tool to regenerate middle storey vegetation.

- Small Bird Species - Ringtail Possums

Loss of middle storey vegetation is one of the primary causes for loss of native fauna.


‘Direct Seed’ middle storey species where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

Plant middle storey seedlings where the use of fire is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Lack of understorey vegetation.

Remove weeds to encourage natural regeneration.

Some species of ground covers generally always naturally regenerate.


Use fire as a tool to encourage regeneration.

- Reptiles - Terrestrial Mammals - Invertebrates - Birds foraging for insects

Plant or direct seed indigenous ground covers where natural regeneration has been unsuccessful.

1 Reduce ‘Edge Effect’ ‘Edge Effect’ changing flora and fauna species diversity, allowing invasion of weed species and predation.

Plant ‘Buffer Plants’ along edges of reserves.

- Small Bird Species - Reptiles

For appropriate buffer species see Section 2.1.5 Buffer Planting.


Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

Residents bordering Wonga Road Bushland were letterbox dropped advertising the ‘Bush Friendly Backyard’ program in October 2002.


1 Creation of ‘Core’ Conservation Area

Lack of core area with minimal disturbance and ‘edge effect’. Disturbance from pedestrian traffic.

Reduce the number of walking tracks. Create formal walking tracks with boardwalks.

- All Native Fauna Boardwalks over water puddles will create habitat for frogs. No formal walking tracks exist in Wonga Road Bushland.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Create Green Corridors and linkages by extending indigenous planting on the parkland at the lower end of Wonga Road, Primrose Park.

- Large Bent-wing Bats - Birds - Some Terrestrial Fauna

See Map 2 for proposed Green Corridor plantings. Green Corridor planting needs to take into consideration views. To prevent blocking views, shrubs should only be used.

LT 1 Creation of Green Corridors and Wildlife Linkages

Isolated pockets of bushland.

Advertise and encourage the ‘Native Havens –Flora for Fauna in your Garden’ program.

- Small birds - Reptiles - Birds - Possums

Residents bordering Wonga Road Bushland were letterbox dropped advertising the ‘Bush Friendly Backyard’ program in October 2002.


1 Effective Fire Management

Lack of fire and subsequent and loss of vegetation diversity and middle storey vegetation.

Broad Area and/or Pile Burns approximately every 10 years. Broad area burn to be no greater than 1/4 of reserve area.

- All Native Fauna Broad area and pile burns should be carried out outside breeding times of scrub birds. See Table 1: Bird Species, Nesting Height above Ground and Nesting Season.


No burns have been carried out in Wonga Road Bushland to date.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 Creation of Fresh Water Sources

Lack of clean freshwater sources.

Create Frog Ponds. - Birds - Reptiles - Frogs

See Appendix H: Frog Facts No.2.


Ensure clean stormwater is released into stormwater outlets through the use of Gross Pollutant Traps and public education.

The ‘Yellow Fish Road’ project in 2001 – 2002 aimed to educate people that ‘the drain is just for rain’.


Create Bird Baths. - Birds See Appendix I: How to Build a Bird Bath.


1 Feral Animal Control The Red Fox – Predator of native fauna.

Carry out Fox Baiting Program; and Den Fumigation.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

Fox baiting has not yet been carried out in Wonga Road Bushland.


Some hollows occupied by bees can be high and difficult to get too.


European Honey Bees - Occupy critical habitat of nesting hollows.

Remove Bee hives by blocking the hollow containing the bees, or to kill with flame or smoke.

- Possums - Parrots

Removal of hollow or killing with an insecticide is not favourable.

Apiarists can be hired for assistance and/or Bee hive removal.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

European Honey Bees - Interfere with natural and successful pollination of native vegetation.

- Native Bees Loss of small pollinating mammals and many bird species has also affected the loss of pollination of many species.

Indian Mynahs - Occupy tree hollows.

Trap by use of Tree Netting or removal in nesting hollow.

- Possums - Parrots

Indian Mynahs may not be in high enough numbers in bushland areas in North Sydney for Tree Netting.


Feral Cats - Predator of native fauna.

Set Cat Traps. Cats to be taken to the local vet to be euthanased.

- Possums - Birds - Reptiles

To date no feral cats have been sighted in North Sydney.


Rabbits - Destroy native seedlings and regeneration.

Set Rabbit Traps. - Native Plant Regeneration

Few rabbits have been sighted in North Sydney’s Middle Harbour. These have been escaped or dumped pet rabbits.


The Calicivirus is not known to have reached North Sydney.

1 Domestic Animal Control

Disturbance from dogs and dog scent; dog faeces affecting bushland soil pH and nutrient status; and dog predation.

Install educational signage around reserves, stating that dogs need to be kept on leads in bushland areas and that owners need to pick up after their dog.

- All Native Fauna Dogs disturb, chase and some kill native fauna. This disturbance and scent cause some nesting birds and possums to abandon nests.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Provide dog bins at either end of bushland reserve walking tracks.

A dog bin could be provided at the lower end of Wonga Road Bushland.


Educate residents with the ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ publication.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


To increase Ranger patrol and enforcement laws.


Domestic cat predation, scent and faeces.

Instate cat curfews and cat exclusion from bushland areas. See ‘Declaration of Fauna Conservation Area’.

- All Native Fauna Domestic cats are responsible for the deaths of many native fauna.


Educate resident cat owners with ‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’.

‘Enviro-pet: North Sydney Guide to Pets and Native Fauna’ is an educational booklet addressing the issue of pets and native fauna to be distributed to all pet owns in North Sydney in mid 2003.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

To trap cats found in bushland areas and return to the owner with a letter or take to Pound.

The only way to effectively stop cat predation is to keep cats in doors, all the time or at least during dusk, evening and dawn.


1 Minimise Artificial Lighting

Install light shields on street, footpath and playing field lighting next to reserves.

- Possums - Owls - Nocturnal Fauna

Tawny Frogmouths benefit from lights, as lights attract moths and other insects.


Residential, street, footpath, and playing field lighting obstructing nocturnal native fauna vision and reducing the overall effective habitat area of reserve.

Educate residents backing onto the reserve to not direct lighting into the reserve.

Light shields will not impact negatively on Tawny Frogmouths.

1 Installation of Nesting Boxes

Lack of nesting and breeding hollows.

Install nesting boxes bushland reserve for Possums and Parrots.

Nesting boxes can be made for many hollow dwelling species.


- Hollow Nesting Fauna - Parrots - Brushtail Possums - Ringtail Possums - Owlet Nightjars

For further information on nest box designs refer to ‘ The Nest box Book: Nestboxes for Birds and Mammals’ (1997) Gould League of Victoria Inc.

Nesting Boxes have been successful in attracting Ringtail Possums and some Brushtail Possums.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

In 2003 Council Employed ‘Sleepy Hollows’ to make and install Possum Boxes throughout reserves in North Sydney.

Nesting Boxes have not yet proven successful in North Sydney in attracting Parrots. Boxes for other species have not yet been trialed.

Nest Box invasion of European Bees needs to be monitored and boxes removed if invaded. Apiarists will remove and use hives.

Bee swarming season, from November – January, instigates a higher chance of bees moving into boxes and installation should be avoided in this time.

Indian Mynahs invading Nest Boxes has not been an issue in North Sydney.

Wonga Road

Installation of Traffic Calming Devices

Possum fatality on roads due to speeding vehicles.

Install traffic calming devices on roads adjacent to bushland areas.

- Possums - Blue-tongue Lizards

Contact North Sydney Council’s Traffic Department.


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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

1 & Wonga Road

Installation of Aerial Pathways

Increased risk to possums due to lack of connective canopy and the need to come down to the ground.

Construct aerial pathways to allow possums to move safely over Wonga Road Bushland and into Brightmore Reserve. Suggestion of 3 pathways.

- Possums The RTA has trialed aerial pathways over large roads between bushland. See Map 2, for suggested Aerial Pathway construction.


Various Installation of Aerial Bundle Cabling

Frequent Possum and Bat electrocution in certain areas of aerial cables.

Install Aerial Bundle Cabling (ABC) on electric cables identified as having frequent bat and/ or possum electrocution. Identified areas need to be submitted to the OSES division.

-Possum -Grey-headed Flying-foxes

ABC is carried out by Energy Australia in conjunction with North Sydney Councils Open Space and Environmental Services Division (OSES).


1 Reduce Habitat Favoured by Aggressive Native Fauna

Large populations of the Noisy Miner and Pied Currawong.

Re-establish dense middle storey vegetation in bushland areas through the use of fire, natural regeneration, planting or direct seeding.


Plant shrubs and understorey vegetation only in island pockets and/ or in parkland.

- Small Bird Species - Visiting and Migrant Birds - Possums out of their nest in daylight hours.

Dense middle storey vegetation provides shelter for small birds. Noisy Miners and Pied Currawongs are ‘edge’ species that utilize edges of bushland areas. Bushland in North Sydney is predominately small and narrow and dominated by large areas of ‘edge’.

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

Discourage the planting of ‘Robyn Gordon’ and other large flowering hybrid Grevilleas in Parkland and private gardens, as they supply a large quantity of nectar to Noisy Miners.

Pied Currawongs and Noisy Miners favour stands of trees only as habitat.

1 Pollution, Poison and Insecticide Control

Use of Insecticides, Pesticides and Organophosphates.

Increase public education on the dangers of these chemicals to native fauna.

Birds and reptiles that consume poisoned insects store the toxin in their fat reserves. In times of food shortage, fat reserves are used and the toxin is released.


Increase public education on organic gardening and natural alternatives to garden/ vegetable/ orchid pests.

- Tawny Frogmouths - Insectivorous Birds - Blue-tongue Lizards - Insectivorous Reptiles - Frogs - Kookaburra’s, Magpies, Butcher Birds - Owls

These poisons cause a painful death due to attacking the Central Nervous System.

Use of Rat Poison that indirectly kills Possums.

Increase public education on the dangers of rat poison to native fauna.

- Antechinus - Possums

Possums will eat and die from rat poison.


Use of Rat Poison to directly kill possums.

Increase public education on how to live with Possums.

- Brushtail and Ringtail Possums


Sell Possum Boxes to the community at cost price.

Some residents, frustrated with having a possum in their roof, or eating their garden plants will purposely poison or trap possums and release them into

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Zone Objective Threatening Process

Action Fauna Protected Comments Priority

To distribute Councils publication ‘Living with Possums’ that addresses this issue.

and release them into bushland, causing probable death.

1 Pollution and toxins entering waterways and stormwater outlets. Eg. Pesticides.

Enforce tighter controls and fines on industry, companies and persons who pollute waterways, through the Environmental Protection Association.

- Fish & Crustaceans - Water Birds that eat fish and crustaceans - Ducks and Water Birds - Frogs

There is one stormwater outlet in the eastern higher end of Zone 1.


1 Seasonal food availability.

Loss of vegetation diversity. Loss of food availability all year round, particularly in winter.

Plant a diversity of vegetation that provides a mixture of flowers, seeds and berries throughout the year.

- Nectivore and Frugivore Birds - Possums

For further information see: Table 1.4: Flowering and Fruiting Times of Native Trees and Shrubs.


1 Re-introduction of Native Fauna

Loss of biodiversity. Re-introduce Blue-tongue Lizards into suitable habitat.

-Blue-tongue Lizards These species can be bred and the program overseen by a trained Herpetologist and Apiarist.


1 Re-introduce Native Bees into suitable habitat.

- Native Bees - Native Flora

Permission is needed from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

See Section 2.1.20: Re-introduction of Native Fauna.

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Section 2.5 – Glossary Arboreal Animals adapted to living and moving about in trees. Avian Having to do with birds. Frugivore An animal that eats fruits and berries. Green Corridor Stands of (native) vegetation either planted of left uncleared to form a

linkage between remnant bushland areas that enable the movement of some fauna and flora species. Thus, helping to overcome the problems associated with isolated pockets of vegetation and native fauna populations.

Guild An organization of different bird species characteristic of and found in

particular vegetation communities. Indigenous Plants originating from, characteristic of and specifically native to a

particular region. Insectivore An animal that eats insects. Mesophyll Vegetation with soft leaves adapted to wet conditions, creating

vegetation communities such as Closed Forest and Rainforest. Microbat A mostly insectivorous or carnivorous bat of the Suborder

Microchiroptera weighing up to 170 grams and a wingspan of 30cm, but usually much smaller.

Nectivore An animal that eats nectar. Omnivore An animal that eats both animal and plant foods. Pile Burns Piles of dead branches, consisting of culled woody weeds and dead

native woody vegetation created in strategic places in bushland areas. Burnt primarily to gain ecological benefits of natural regeneration and to reduce the hazard of wildfire. Usually piles are a size of around 2m2 and used in areas where larger broad area burns are inappropriate.

Raptor Birds of prey of the Order Raptor, consisting of carnivorous birds such

as Hawks and Eagles that soar in the air in search of prey on the ground or in the sea.

Sclerophyll Vegetation with hard stiff leaves adapted to dry conditions, creating

vegetation communities such as Heath, Woodland and Open Forest.

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Section 2.4 - Bibliography ABC - 7.30 Report, (1/7/2002) ‘Scientists declare war on Indian Mynah’ Bakewell, G., (2001) The University of Sydney – Faculty of Rural Management – Rural Vegetation, Assignment 3: Final Report – Part A. Barrett, G.W, Ford, H.A. and Recher, H.F., (1994) Conservation of Woodland Birds in a Fragmented Rural Landscape. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 245-56 Bass, D.A., (1995) Pied Currawongs and invading ornamentals: What’s Happening in Northern New South Wales. Eleventh Australian Weeds Conference Proceedings. Benson, D. and Howell, J., (1994) The Natural Vegetation of the Sydney 1:100 000 Map sheet in Cunninghamia – A Journal of Plant Ecology 5(2), National Herbarium of New South Wales Berger, L. and Speare, R., (1998) Chytridiomycosis – a new disease in amphibians. ANZCCART News 11 (4): 1-3 Braithwait, R.W., (1995) Brown Antechinus Antechinus stuartii in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books Buchanan, R.A., (1989) Pied Currawongs (Strepera graculina): their Diet and Role in Weed Dispersal in Suburban Sydney, New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Society. N.S.W. 11 (4): 241 – 255 Buchanan, R.A., (1996) Bush Regeneration – Recovering Australian Landscapes. The Open Training and Education Network, TAFE NSW Catterall, C.P., Green, R.J. and Jones, D.N., (1991) Habitat use of birds across a forest-suburb interface in Brisbane: implications for corridors. Pp 247-258 Nature Conservation 2 Clancy, G.P., (1996) The Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea in Station Creek area of Yuraygir National Park. Australian Zoologist 30 (2): 214-217 Cogger, H.G., (1996) Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia, 5th ed. Reed Books Australia Debus, S.J.S. and Chafer, C.J., (1994) The Powerful Owl Ninox strenua in New South Wales. Australian Birds – Journal of the NSW field Ornithologists Club Inc. 28: 21-38 Daly, G., (1995) Observations of the Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) (Anura: Hylidae) in southern NSW. Herpetofauna 25 (1): 1-9 Daly, G., (1996) Some problems in management of the Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea (Anura: Hylidae) at Coomonderry Swamp on the south coast of NSW. Australian Zoologist 30 (2): 233-236 Dixon, J.M., (1995) Gould’s Wattled Bat Chalinolobus gouldii in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books

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Dwyer, P.D., (1995) Common Bentwing-bat Miniopterus schreibersii in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books Ekert, P., (2003) The North Sydney Bushland Continuing Bird Survey, Interim Report. Ekerlogic Consulting Services Ekert, P.A. and Butcher, D.J., (1999) Winter Use of Large-leafed Privet Ligustrum lucidum (Family: Oleaceae) by Birds in Suburban Lismore, New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 121:29-37 Ford, H.A., Barrett, G.W., Saunders, D.A. and Recher, H.F., (2001) Why Have Birds in the Woodlands of Southern Australia Declined? Biological Conservation 97: 71-88 French, K. and Zubovic, A. (1997) Effect of the Weed Chrysanthemoides monilifera (Bitou Bush) on Bird Communities. Wildlife Research 24: 727-735 French, K and Eardley, K. (1997) The Impact of Weed Infestations on Litter invertebrates in Coastal Vegetation. CSIRO? Green, R.J., (1984) Native and Exotic Birds in a Suburban Habitat. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 181-90 Green, R.J., Catterall, C.P. and Jones, D.N., (1989) Foraging and Other Behaviour of Birds in Subtropical and Temperate Suburban Habitats. EMU: 216-222 Greening Australia, (1998) Reforestation: why and how. Australia Greenyer, N., (1999) Habitat Restoration: A Study of the Powerful Owl Gosper, C.R., (1994) Comparison of the Avifauna of Rainforest Remnants with Regrowth Dominated by the Exotic Tree Camphor Laurel Cinnamomum camphora. Thesis, University of New England, Armidale Hoskin, E.S., Hindwood, K.A. & McGill, A.R., (1991) Birds of Sydney, 2nd edition. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd, Chipping Norton, NSW How, R.A. and Kerle, J.A., (1995) Common Brushtail Possum Trichosaurus vulpecula in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books Howell, J. and Benson, D., (2000) Sydney’s Bushland: More then Meet’s the Eye. Royal Botanic Gardens, Australia Howell, J. and Benson, D., (1995) Taken for Granted: The Bushland of Sydney and it’s Suburbs. Kangaroo Press, Australia Hoye, G., (2000) Fauna and Flora Assessment Waverton Peninsula Johnston, P. & Don, A., (1990) Grow Your Own Wildlife – How to Improve Your Local Environment. Greening Australia, Canberra

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Pik, A.J., Dangerfield J.M., Bramble R.A., Angus C. and Nipperess D.A., (2000) The Use of invertebrates to assess bush regeneration: A case study in urban bushland. Ecological Management and Restoration. Pizzey, G., (2000) The Australian Bird-garden: Creating Havens for Native Birds. Harper Collins Publishers, Australia Reader’s Digest, (1993) The Complete Book of Australian Birds. Reader’s Digest (Australia) Pty Ltd Robinson, L. (1991) Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney. Kangaroo Press, Australia Singleton, G.R., (1995) House Mouse Mus musculus in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books Slater, P.J., (1995) The Interaction of Bird Communities with Vegetation and Season in Brisbane Forest Park. EMU: 194-204 Smith, B., (1995) Caring for Possums. Kangaroo Press, Australia Tidemann, C.R., (1995) Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books Waterhouse, R.D., (1997) Some Observations on the Ecology of the Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus in Oatley, South Sydney. Corella, 21(1): 17-24 Watts, C.H.S., (1995) Black Rat Rattus rattus in Strahan, R (Ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books White, A., (2001) Fauna Port Jackson Bushland Reserve, Biosphere Environmental Consultants, North Sydney White, A., (2002) Fauna Survey Middle Harbour Bushland Reserves, Biosphere Environmental Consultants, North Sydney White, A.W. and Pyke, G.H., (1996) Distribution and conservation status of the Green and Golden bell Frog Litoria aurea in New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 30(2): 177-189 Wilbrow, L., (1999) WIRES Raptor Specialist, personal interview with Nikki Greenyer on Powerful Owls. Wood, K.A., (1996) Bird Assemblages in a Small Public Reserve and Adjacent Residential Area at Wollongong, New South Wales. Wildlife Research 23: 605-20 Woodford, R. (1998) Making Bush Regeneration Work. Nature Conservation Council - Urban Bushland Reference, Australia. WTMA - Wet Tropics Management Authority, (2002) Managing a World Heritage Area Website.