Dragon Stone Sample

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  • 8/14/2019 Dragon Stone Sample



    Book I: The Shadow King

  • 8/14/2019 Dragon Stone Sample



    To the gods

    To the dragons

    To the Magick that flows through everything

    T. A. Barron

    And also to Erin Hunter and StarClan

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    Authors Note



    I would like to thank you all for reading this story. This story is a great

    adventure I have taken many times in my dreams. Finally, I have decided to

    permanently record this adventure in all its grandeur on paper. It deserves no

    less. I hope you find this adventure inspiring enough to write your own. This

    should be the goal of any writer: to inspire his or her readers to create their own

    adventures. It certainly is my goal, and I hope I am successful. Please note that

    the point of view will shift from one character to another. This transition will be

    marked with a line. Now, enjoy the harrowing story of the land known as


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    Deep in the mines of a Magickal land called Dragonstone, gnomes

    and dwarves hack away at the soft stone wall. The cave runs several miles

    underground. The mine is lined with torches. A track for a mine cart ascends

    from the deepest bowels of the cave up to the entrance where a trackless cart

    awaits. The echoes of metal striking stone and the mine carts squeaky wheels fill

    the cave.

    A gnome named OGerra hacks away at a particular section,

    drawing out the mineral shorn. The mineral is thick, heavy, deeply black, and

    smells like burnt almonds. As he breaks away more of the wall, a strange stone

    falls to the small pile of shorn stones next to OGerras feet. OGerra doesnt

    see it at first. However, as he lifts a few stones to take to the mine cart, he

    notices the stone. Although it looks much like shorn, it beats with a strange

    dark light. Shorn is normally very dull. OGerra sets down the shorn stones

    and picks up the strange stone. As he lifts it off the ground, he is amazed at how

    light it is.

    It has almost no weight , OGerra thinks.

    He sniffs the stone.

    And it has no smell. This is not shorn. I wonder if I should tell

    Tom about it.

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    OGerra mulls over this idea.No. I think I best leave Tom out of


    OGerra hears a voice call from farther down the cave, Whatre ya

    doin up there, OGerra!?

    The voice is that of OShannon, the pickmaster. The pickmaster is

    the king of the dwarves and gnomes. OShannon is a dwarf.

    OGerra answers. Nothin, OShannon!

    Aye, then. Get back to work!

    Right, right.

    OGerra pockets the stone and picks up the shorn stones, carrying them

    to the mine cart. He drops the stones in and continues collecting the mineral.

    As the white-hot sun sets on Dragonstones verdant fields and forests and

    purple, snow-capped mountains (the largest of which juts upward into the clouds

    like Mount Olympus), all the creatures of Dragonstone traverse up to the pure

    white marble castle for dinner. The long procession of varying creatures includes

    small dragons, fries, dwarves, gnomes, Magick-workers and elves. They walk

    through the castles tall doorway, the dragonwood doors open wide, welcoming

    any who come to visit. As they enter the castle, they all gaze up at the

    Dragonstone. The Dragonstone is an immense, pure white stone that emits a

    soft, warm light. The stone is supported above the roof by a ring connected to

    four golden bracings, each extending from the four towers. The creatures

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    continue on through the castles grand chamber up a small, wide staircase and

    into the grandeur of the great hall.

    The great hall is the second-largest room in the castle. The walls climb up

    and up until they suddenly curve inward at the vaulted ceiling, meeting at a

    central point. Stone tables line the room lengthwise from one wall to the other. At

    the front of the hall is the councils table. Three curved platforms rise above the

    floor. The five seats of the lowest platform are empty. Sitting in the five seats of

    the centre platform are the elves of the grand council. Each of them represents

    one of the five sacred elements: Spirit, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Their robes,

    eyes, and hair are colored to match their element. The colors are, respectively,

    as follows: white, silver, red, blue, and green. Four of them are elves. The fifth

    one is human, a wizard. His name is Tom. Seated on the highest platform are the

    Five King Dragons. They are also colored to match their elements. On the left

    wall are windows open to the verdant fields. On the right wall there is a fireplace

    that is now glowing warmly. Torches line the walls. They emit a soft-glowing light

    that gently caresses the walls and tables of the great hall.

    The creatures all seat themselves wherever they please. They talk

    amongst themselves until Tom stands. Then the room quiets, and all eyes are on


    Tom walks to the pulpit in front of the two platforms. Tom smiles as he

    speaks in the Dragonian tongue, Welcome my fellow Dragonians. As you all

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    know, today is the anniversary of when our land was created millions of years


    The room erupts in a cacophony of voices, cutting Tom off.

    The room quiets and Tom continues, Aye. Today is a day to celebrate. I

    want to thank you all for working so hard to be sure that Dragonstone remains as

    beautiful and peaceful as on the day She was created

    Unbeknownst to OGerra, the stone deep in his pocket houses a dark spirit

    imprisoned within. All the while, the spirit has been listening to Toms speech. It

    laughs to itself.Soon, Priest, I will have my vengeance on you. Your land will

    lose its peace and beauty and shall become mine.

    Tom wraps up his speech, And now, to show my appreciation, please

    enjoy this as you eat.

    Tom raises his hands. Various flower petals from all the rare flowers found

    only in Dragonstone fall from the ceiling. The Dragonians stare in awe as the

    petals gently flutter to the ground around their tables but never landing on the

    actual table. Tom claps his hands, and lavish food fills the tables. The

    Dragonians indulge themselves in the bounty that their land has given them.

    As the Dragonians eat, a bottle of elf mead is passed around the table. As

    the celebrations continue, the mead takes its effect on the Dragonians, sending

    them into a hazy world. Drunken singing and shouting fills the halls and

    chambers of the castle.

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    As the eastern sky turns from the starry, dark blue of night into the

    welcoming grey of twilight, the celebrations draw to a close. The great hall slowly

    empties of Dragonians. The members of the Dragonstone Council retire to their

    bedchambers. The rest of the creatures return to their respective homes. The

    gnomes and dwarves go to their houses carved into the rock of the cliff face

    overlooking the Dragonstone forest. OGerra returns to his home. He cleans off

    his pickaxe, washes out his snow-white beard and cleans off his hands. His

    mouth opens wide in a drunken yawn. He waddles over to his straw mat and lies


    The spirit imprisoned in the stone suddenly realizes it has hit a snag. The

    spirit cannot break out of the stone all by itself. It needs the gnome to break open

    the stone. But how to convince the gnome to do it. The spirit had done things like

    this before. Convincing those against him to turn in his favor. The spirit quickly

    formulates its plan.

    Adopting a light, frothy tone the spirit speaks for the first time in decades.


    The stone is suddenly lifted from inside the gnomes pocket. The spirit can

    sense victory.

    The stone continues, Is there someone there?

    A wall suddenly flies up inside the gnomes mind. Being wary, he asks,

    Who are you?

    I am a wanderer spirit. I was trapped in this stone by dark Magick.

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    OGerra had heard of wanderer spirits before. Unlike ghosts, wanderer

    spirits are guardians. They guard the gates between the worlds. They are called

    wanderer spirits because they drift between the worlds they protect. Forever


    Who did it, OGerra asks. Still cautious.

    I am not sure. It was someone with dark powers.

    What gate do you guard?

    The spirit is prepared for this question. Avalon.

    OGerras eyes widen. In his hand he holds a spirit that guards Avalon.

    Avalons location is known only to a select few. Its wanderers are the most

    powerful spirits, their identities known only to those with the highest titles. High

    Priest Tom is the only mortal in Dragonstone who knows this information. A

    thought suddenly occurs to OGerra.

    If you are an Avalon wanderer, how is it that you are imprisoned in this


    The spirit hesitates. It didnt expect this question. It only takes a moment

    for the spirit to recover.

    I am an Avalon wanderer. I dont have to explain myself to a lowly gnome

    like you.

    OGerra realizes he has made a mistake. Offending an Avalon wanderer is

    dangerous. Their rage is endless. That is what makes them such good guardians

    for the gates.

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    I-Im sorry, your grace. Please forgive me.

    The spirit smiles inwardly. Its all right. I know its unlikely for an Avalon

    wanderer to be trapped by a spirit, but it does happen.

    Apparently , OGerra thinks.

    Just break open the stone and free me.

    Again, OGerra hesitates. I should go tell Tom about this.

    The spirit is prepared for this. By the time he decides what to do, it could

    already be too late.

    OGerra stops. What do you mean?

    The thing that trapped me may have invaded Avalon. It may be wreaking

    havoc on the sacred land as we speak. I must get back and stop it as soon as


    OGerra understands what the Wanderer is saying. If he doesnt release

    the wanderer now, there could be dire consequences. However, if the Wanderer

    is not, in fact, a wanderer, the consequences again could be dire.

    OGerra makes his decision. What do I have to do?

    Just break the stone open.

    OGerra sets the stone down on the floor. He takes his pickaxe from the

    wall, raises it above the stone and brings it down. The stone splits open with a

    mightycrack .

    The crack rouses the priest, asleep in his bedchambers. Careful not to

    disturb his sleeping wife, Tom ventures down to the cliff face. As he rounds the

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    corner, he stops dead in his tracks. Before him is a tall, dark creature. A hooded

    robe shrouds its entire body. The only parts of its body that are visible are its

    black, clawed hands and its blood-red eyes.

    You, Tom says in the Dragonian tongue.

    The creature speaks in the tongue of the most powerful creatures in all

    existence. The tongue of the Shadow Dmons. Yes, Priest. I have escaped

    from my prison. And this time, Iwill succeed in taking Dragonstone from you.

    I will never let you take my lands. Or the Stone.

    Im afraid you dont have a choice.Deascishyra !

    The death spell flies from the creatures hands. Unprepared for the spell,

    Tom prepares himself for the inevitable. Just as the spell is about to hit him, a

    form suddenly jumps in front of him, absorbing the spell. Surprised by the sudden

    intrusion, the creature is momentarily distracted. Taking advantage of the

    momentary distraction, Tom splits the ground below the creature, sending it into

    a never-ending fall. As Tom reverses the spell, closing the crevice, the creature

    shoots out of the ground on the back of a giant Chaos Dragon. The creature flies

    to the highest mountain, the Mount Dragonstone and disappears. As the dragon

    disappears, Tom kneels next to the Dragonian who saved him. His eyes well with

    tears as he looks upon the face of his dear friend and brother-in-law.

    No, Valmre. Why?

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    Valmres face contorts in pain as he draws a halting breath.

    BecauseTomasit isthe waythe godssaidit shouldbe. Nowyou

    mustleadDragonstonein the fightagainst

    Valmre lets out a scream as a wave of pain runs through his body.

    How can I? Ive never

    You area wisepriestTomas. You willfigureit out

    Tom nods.

    Tomasthere issomethingthatI needyouto doforme

    Anything, Brother.

    Firstyou mustpromise meyoull do it

    Tom hesitates. I promise.

    You knowthe sufferingthe deathspellcauses. I want youto

    kill me

    I cant do that, Valmre.

    You mustTomas. You promised

    And what about Anu? What will she think if she knows I killed her


    Valmre chuckles lightly. My sister is wiseTomas. She will


    Valmre pauses. Please, Tomas.

    Tomas nods. Alright.

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    Tomas moves up to above Valmres head and draws his dagger from his

    robes. Tom places his dagger on the side of Valmres neck. Valmre nods. Tom

    puts pressure on the dagger. As he sees a flash of blood, he draws the dagger

    across Valmres flesh. The dagger slices easily through Valmres neck,

    severing muscles and arteries. Blood flows from the wound, staining Valmres

    robes and the lush grass of the field. Valmre lets out one last breath and lies

    still. Tom stands.

    Tom uses his Magick to lift Valmre into the air. Tom transports Valmres

    body to the burial chamber and prepares his body for burning.

    He returns to his bedroom, dreading to have to tell his wife that her brother

    is deadand that he is responsible for it. Tomas quietly climbs into bed. After

    several minutes of tossing and turning, he decides that he cannot sleep and

    ventures downstairs.

    Walking towards the great hall, he turns right before entering, descending

    a staircase tucked neatly away in the wall. At the bottom of the stairs are two

    large doors with a pentacle on them. Tom pushes open the doors, the pentacle

    splits in half as the doors open. As the doors open, the torches inside Magickally

    sputter to life revealing the Priests Library. Tom enters and the doors close. The

    priests library is the largest room in the Dragonstone castle. Ascending from one

    level below ground to the full two stories of the Dragonstone castle. Filled with

    bookcases from ceiling to floor, the Priests library contains the most dangerous

    books ever written. Reserved only for the Grand Council of Dragonstone, the

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    Priests Library contains thousands of books filled with spells that are forbidden

    to cast, including the deathspell. Tom finds the appropriate book and sits down at

    one of the tables. He opens the book and turns to the page regarding the

    deathspell. The language is written in the Dmon Shadow tongue, called

    shenwella by the Shadow Dmons. Tom reads over the many passages

    regarding the spell, looking to see if there was anything he missed regarding a


    As Tom reads, the doors of the library suddenly open. Tom turns to see

    who is entering. Standing in the doorway is a creature wearing a hooded purple

    robe, its face shrouded under the hood. Its hands are hidden by the sleeves,

    which meet together, resting gently on the creatures chest. Even though Tom

    cannot currently see the creatures face, he knows immediately who it is.

    Sra, what are you doing up?

    I could ask you the same thing, Tomas.

    The creature sits down across from Tom and pulls down his hood

    revealing pure white glowing eyes and a long, white, scaly snout. Sra, the king

    Spirit Dragon of Dragonstone.

    Well, then, Tom says, why dont you answer first? Then Ill tell you why

    Im here.

    There is electricity in the air. Something drastic has happened here in

    Dragonstone. It feelswrong.

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    Tom nods. Something bad has happened. Something terrible. Something


    Tom begins his story, regaling the events that occurred only a few hours

    before. Sra listens intently as Tom finishes. When Tom reaches the end of his

    tale, Sra sighs morosely. There is a long road ahead of us, Tomas. You should

    get some rest, as should I. Well all need it.

    Tom Places the book back on the shelf.

    Tom and Sra walk out of the library together.

    Tom asks, How can I lead Dragonstone in this fight? Ive never done

    anything like this before.

    Sra then does something rare for a dragon, he smiles. You are a wise

    priest, Tomas. Even wiser than your father

    A pained look crosses Tomas face.

    I know you miss him. But if he was wise enough to help Dragonstone

    win the last time, then you certainly are wise enough to do the same, Tora.

    With that, Sra turns and ascends the stairs to the second floor. Tom

    watches after him for a moment then returns to his room. As he lies in bed

    staring at the ceiling, he thinks about what Sra has said. He has not heard his

    Dragonian name in so long. It sounds strange yet familiar. It comforts him, refills

    him with a new sense of vigor. He can do this. If his father could than so can he.

    Toms eyes mist over as the thought of his father crosses his mind. He falls into a

    gentle slumber.

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    The next morning, Tom calls an impromptu council meeting. He stands at

    the pulpit before his people.

    My fellow Dragonians, I have some terrible news. Last night, a loud

    sound awoke me in my bedchamber. As I went to investigate, my eyes fell upon

    a horrid sight. I saw something that I never thought Id see again. I saw


    The entire room gasps in unison as whispers ripple through the crowd.

    Quiet please, Tom says.

    The room quiets and the creatures return their attention to Tom. I know

    that this comes as a shock. We must prepare ourselves to fight him. I want us to

    stay in the castle for today. The only place I want you to be is in the training field.

    Its protected by the castles Magick, so you should be safe there. The market will

    be closed until we can decide what to do. You are dismissed.

    Tom turns to his wife. Anu, I need to talk with you and Jericho.

    Anu, Tom and their son, Jericho, all go up to Tom and Anus room.

    They all take a chair and sit in a circle.

    Tom begins. Last night, when I confronted shendam, he tried to kill me

    with the deathspell. I was unprepared to defend myself, so I prepared myself to

    be hit by the spell. As it was about to hit me, a form jumped in front of me to

    absorb the spell. shendam was momentarily distracted. I took advantage of the

    distraction and split the ground beneath shendam. As I reversed the spell,

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    shendam shot out of the ground on the back of Necrafere. As he disappeared, I

    looked upon the face of the creature who saved me. It was Valmre

    Anu and Jerichos eyes widen.

    and he asked me to end his suffering from the deathspell. He asked me

    to kill him. And I did.

    Anu and Jericho suddenly burst into tears. Tom sits quietly.

    As their tears dry, Anu asks, Did he suffer?

    Tom shakes his head. No. I slit his throat.

    Tom places his hand on Anus, which are neatly folded in her lap. I am

    sorry, my love. But I promised him I would do it.

    Anu nods. Its okay. I myself know that the suffering of the deathspell is

    the worst suffering a person can go through. You did the right thing.

    Valmre said that you would understand.

    The three go down to the great hall.

    The day wares on without incident. However, Tom can feel the electricity

    in the air. shendam is preparing for battle.

    The next morning, Tom awakes to the sound of screams. He rushes out

    onto the fields in front of the castle. The Dragonians are fighting with gnomes,

    sirens, werewolves, banshees, and Shadow Dmons. Tom summons his sword

    and throws himself into the throng. He fights creature after creature. Blood stains

    the verdant grass. Tom suddenly hears a scream from atop the great castle. He

    rushes inside and climbs the stairs in the front left tower of the castle up to the

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    observatory. He then exits through the door, out onto the roof of the castle.

    shendam, on the back of Necrafere, is trying to steal the Dragonstone. Standing

    below the stone is Jericho. He is trying to hold the stone down with his powers,

    but he is failing. Suddenly, two deathbirds appear, grab Jericho and fly towards

    the now black mountain. shendam rips the Dragonstone from its bracings and

    carries it off to the mountain. Tom falls to his knees. He can hear Anus scream in

    anguish as she watches her son being carried off by the deadly birds. The evil

    creatures suddenly disappear. The council gathers on the field.

    Tom, with tearstains on his cheeks turns to the chief alchemist, Toldan.

    Medical report?

    Toldan closes his red eyes. After a few moments, he opens them.

    Several injuries. None fatal. No deaths.

    Tom nods. Good. Lets get back inside. I have an idea.

    The Dragonians all collect in the great hall.

    Tom stands at the pulpit. I have an idea of how we can defeat shendam.

    I am sure you all remember the Dragon Warriors. After some research, I have

    discovered that they have descendants. If we can track down these descendants

    and bring them here, they can help us defeat shendam.

    But how can we do that, Karn, the Earth Priest asks.

    It will be difficult. And it will take time. But I might have a way we can buy

    some time. shendam may be a ruthless warlord, but he is bound by the laws of

    the Shadow Realm. If I can offer him something in return, we might be able to

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    stave off battle until we can find and prepare the warriors. The only question is

    what can we offer him that wont hurt us? Does anyone have any objections to


    The hall remains quiet

    Alright, Tom continues. Now, does any one have any ideas on what we

    can offer him?

    The hall remains quiet as everyone thinks about an answer.

    I have an idea, Sara, the Water Priestess says. shendam has always

    been impressed with fine jewelry. Dragoncrystals are the purest jewels. If we

    offer him several Dragoncrystals in exchange

    Tom ponders the notion. That might work. I need a messenger.

    One of the mages steps forward. Ill take it.

    Tom nods and turns to Joyce, Dragonstones seamstress. Joyce, would

    you please bring out the messengers vest?

    Joyce nods and walks out of the great hall. Tom walks down to the mage.

    Thank you, Lorna. You know you cannot walk into shendams blighted lands

    with your Magick.

    Lorna nods. Tom places the tip of his index finger against Lornas

    forehead and gently drains Lornas Magick. Once all the Magick is gone, Tom

    asks, How do you feel?

    A little weaker, but Im fine.

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    Joyce returns carrying a Dragonleather vest, the emblem of a scroll and

    quill pen stitched onto the back. Lorna dons the vest.

    Remember, Tom says, shendam cannot kill you as long as you wear

    the messengers symbol and carry no weapons or Magick.

    Lorna nods.

    Tom waves his hand over Lornas head. A blue barrier appears then

    disappears. This veil will protect you from the harsh atmosphere of the blighted


    Tom places his hand on Lornas shoulder. Give us a month. Good luck.

    Tom hands Lorna a small sack filled with Dragoncrystals. Lorna turns and

    walks out of the great hall. A few days later, he returns. Tom meets him at the

    doors to the castle. His face looks older, his back is bent, and his skin is pale and

    ashy. Hes agreed to your terms. Now, if youll excuse me, I need to lye down.

    Suddenly, Lorna collapses.

    Toldan, Tom calls.

    Toldan comes running out of the great hall and Tom helps him take Lorna

    up to the medical wing.

    As they lay him on a bed, Tom asks, Will he be okay?

    Toldan nods. The blighted lands drained him quite a bit. But hell


    Tom and Toldan go down to the great hall.

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    Tom stands at the pulpit. shendam has agreed to our terms. We have

    one month to find the warriors.

    Three weeks later, Tom stands at the pulpit before his people. I have

    wonderful news. The descendants of the warriors have been found. I shall be

    sending people soon to collect them.

    A guard suddenly enters the room. Tom recognizes her as one of the

    patrolling guards he put on the border to be sure shendam stays true to his


    Master Tomas, she says as she walks up to the pulpit. I found this on

    my patrol.

    She hands Tom what remains of the Dragonstone, a small dull pebble,

    and a copy of the Shadow Dmons' newest spell book.

    Jericho, Tom says, I hope you are all right.

    Meanwhile, deep in the dungeons of shendams castle, a young naked

    boy is tied to a slab and being whipped by two Shadow Dmons.

    He screams as he says, I dont know where it is!

    He screams again as the whip cracks across his back once more.