What If? It’s from one moment onwards that the slightest things can change friends to enemies. Yet the difference between the situations that was in front of me with no occurrences had succumb to present a possible outcome, which had acted out in such a manor. Everyone was against me, but no reasons were there to suggest a target. I was running furiously around a supermarket, rapidly panting, gasping for breath at every corner. I’d never been so scared but should I have been with only 5 friends within the grounds? My friends love me and I’d do anything for them in any way, yet they still pursue me as if I’m an animalistic criminal. “What have I done?” I scream out in peril, knowing full well my location could be given away. At each end of the supermarket lane I see a face that is all too familiar. I rapidly walk toward the end closest to the sliding doors, which they call the entrance. Instincts kick in to escape the entrapment. I slide past my common enemy as if he doesn’t even know I’m standing beside him and wonder if this was the norm. They both turn to me and my eyes melt as if glass was being created in front of them. “I’ll do it myself, why, I’ll do it myself!” I plunge a kitchen knife which appears out of nowhere into the left side of my abdominals. I fall to the floor as if no hope was worthy for a man of my caliber with my ‘friends’ standing beside me. “You can’t get away that easily.” The lighting fell to a dark minimum as if I could never experience the sunlight again. I’d never been encapsulated in such a vivid distance that I merely wanted one person to guide me out the dark. The supermarket lights had distinguished, I could barely see anything, lying half dead laying within an isle, conjuring a glimpse of the doorway stationed a 2 minute run away. The black consumed my enemy, giving me the hope to sprint nearer the door. The pain was unbearable; I just needed to get out of the situation before focusing on the trauma that was following me. You never think to imagine whom you’d miss in experiences like these and what the outcome could be if you survive. The brutality is that you’re never the same after an incident like this and to be quite honest, lying on that


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Dreaming by Blacklist Media

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What If?Its from one moment onwards that the slightest things can change friends to enemies. Yet the difference between the situations that was in front of me with no occurrences had succumb to present a possible outcome, which had acted out in such a manor. Everyone was against me, but no reasons were there to suggest a target. I was running furiously around a supermarket, rapidly panting, gasping for breath at every corner. Id never been so scared but should I have been with only 5 friends within the grounds? My friends love me and Id do anything for them in any way, yet they still pursue me as if Im an animalistic criminal. What have I done? I scream out in peril, knowing full well my location could be given away. At each end of the supermarket lane I see a face that is all too familiar. I rapidly walk toward the end closest to the sliding doors, which they call the entrance. Instincts kick in to escape the entrapment. I slide past my common enemy as if he doesnt even know Im standing beside him and wonder if this was the norm. They both turn to me and my eyes melt as if glass was being created in front of them. Ill do it myself, why, Ill do it myself! I plunge a kitchen knife which appears out of nowhere into the left side of my abdominals. I fall to the floor as if no hope was worthy for a man of my caliber with my friends standing beside me. You cant get away that easily. The lighting fell to a dark minimum as if I could never experience the sunlight again. Id never been encapsulated in such a vivid distance that I merely wanted one person to guide me out the dark. The supermarket lights had distinguished, I could barely see anything, lying half dead laying within an isle, conjuring a glimpse of the doorway stationed a 2 minute run away. The black consumed my enemy, giving me the hope to sprint nearer the door. The pain was unbearable; I just needed to get out of the situation before focusing on the trauma that was following me. You never think to imagine whom youd miss in experiences like these and what the outcome could be if you survive. The brutality is that youre never the same after an incident like this and to be quite honest, lying on that floor outside the pitch black supermarket, thoroughly bleeding on the floor to the point you know you need a doctor, yet you still try to apply pressure onto the wound and keep calm because your stiff upper lip consumes the pain. You might not actually be all right. Its wrong to think youll be all right. When theres people that need you in life, you cant give up when the situation looks at its worst. Three best friend came at me with knifes, yet the outcome deciphers whether Ill be a hero or a loser. Im no loser. Im a man wholl fight till the end to gain an experience. I sliced myself open to gain approval from a group of people I should never have let into my life. I wouldnt expect anyone to do the same, therefore, be your own self, act your own way and never let anyone depict how youll end up because if you give into pressure, the pressure could consume you.