Explore. Build. Learn. Dremel Dreams integrates specially designed curriculum and lesson plans with activities centered on invention, design, modeling and building. A remarkable thing happens when students connect a physical model with an abstract concept. They engage more deeply and build new knowledge and skills that they can retain and apply. That’s the way learning with technology is supposed to work. The technology tools that work best in today’s classrooms are highly interactive, such as digital whiteboards, com- puters and tablets. The Dremel 3D Idea Builder harnesses the power of interactivity with the challenges of problem-solving and critical thinking to open a new world of learning for students. Dreams Dremel Dreams introduces a breakthrough new approach to digital technology in the classroom. The program utilizes 3D printing, lesson plans and hands-on learning to transform abstract concepts into physical models. Students become more engaged in the process of design, invention and creation to develop the essential skills necessary for the 21st century information age. Dremel Dreams challenges and inspires students and teachers to… Design materials. Research new ideas. Enhance curriculum. Activate imagination. Motivate each other. Shape a better future. 1

DremelDreamsBro InsidePgs 9x12 eng necessary for the 21st century information age. Dremel Dreams challenges and inspires students and teachers to ... successive layers of material

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Explore. Build. Learn.

Dremel Dreams integrates specially designed curriculum and lesson plans with activities centered on invention, design, modeling and building. A remarkable thing happens when students connect a physical model with an abstract concept. They engage more deeply and build new knowledge and skills that they can retain and apply.

That’s the way learning with technology is supposed to work.

The technology tools that work best in today’s classrooms are highly interactive, such as digital whiteboards, com-puters and tablets. The Dremel 3D Idea Builder harnesses the power of interactivity with the challenges of problem-solving and critical thinking to open a new world of learning for students.

DreamsDremel Dreams introduces a breakthrough new approach to digital technology in the classroom.The program utilizes 3D printing, lesson plans and hands-on learning to transform abstract concepts into physical models. Students become more engaged in the process of design, invention and creation to develop the essential skills necessary for the 21st century information age. Dremel Dreams challenges and inspires students and teachers to…

Design materials.Research new ideas.Enhance curriculum.Activate imagination.Motivate each other.Shape a better future.


What is 3D Printing?The earliest 3D printing technologies �rst emerged in the late 1980’s. They’ve come a long way. Today, 3D printing is commonly referred to as “additive manufac-turing”, in which an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until complete. Think of each layer as a thinly sliced cross-section of the �nal object.

The Dremel 3D Idea Builder uses a speci�c technology called Fused Filament Fabrication. With this process, the printhead or “extruder” heats or “melts” a spool-fed �lament so it lays the �lament down easily. This heated �lament then quickly cools and hardens so the next layer can be applied.

"Using 3D technology takes what we learn in class to a whole new level. The children are more inspired to learn about the various parts of an animal cell and its functions when they simultaneously watch the construction and formation of a 3D animal cell. Incorporating this type of technology into their learning allows them to make connections from what they are learning in class to the greater world around them."

– Chaidan Leshinski, 5th Grade Math, Joseph Sears School


3D Modeling SoftwareStudents and teachers can create their models using a computer and a 3D modeling program such as Tinkercad and 123D Design. There are many options available that make designing 3D objects easy, instructional and fun. Once a model is created, the design �le is then sent to the 3D printer. The printer forms the digital model into a real, tangible object students can hold, study and analyze.

tinkercad.com 123dapp.com/Design


3D Printing Unlocks Multidimensional LearningWith 3D printing, students can build 21st century learning skills or absorb learning through hands-on activities, resulting in the development of new knowledge.


21st Century Learning

EngagementFrom design thinking to assembling printed objects, students fully engage in project-based learning.

UnderstandingLarger, more complicated concepts are presented in individual parts for easier, sca�olded comprehension.

RetentionLearning connects to real life experiences so it’s more memorable and meaningful for students.

Hands-on Learning

Traditional New 3D Learning Method!

Show a Diagram Design it! Print it! Use it!


Critical Thinking3D printing empowers students to think rationally and critically about

the models they create.It inspires forward thinking as students solve problems and

practice real time troubleshoot-ing. Creativity

Creativity ranks among the most important business skill today. From

conceptualizing to designing a model, students are required to push the boundaries and create real world


CollaborationStudents work in small groups to

conceptualize, design and prepare print models in 3D.

Working together e�ciently and leveraging each other’s strengths is

real time career readiness. Communication

In the same 3D printing groups, students are working on multiple,

separate 3D creation tasks to achieve a common goal. Students develop their communication skills to lead, contribute, and collaborate more


Science no longer has to be diagrams and charts but rather tangible models of complex, modi�-

able concepts.


3D technology can be used to build models and prototypes of mechanical, architectural and artistic designs to further practical understanding.


Geography, Art, Design…all subjects can be transformed to challenge students to think

di�erently and more critically.

EngineeringFrom combustion engines to drones, students can design and engineer using hands-on trial and error learning.

MathMath can now become an interactive subject in

which students can integrate learnings and heighten their problem-solving skills.

3D Printing – A Major Catalyst for STEM Learning and Innovation3D printing promotes 21st century learning and is growing as a fundamental technology to master in STEM �elds. Combined with other virtual resources, students of today are preparing for the jobs of tomorrow in order to reach new levels of thinking and problem-solving.


When you purchase a Dremel 3D Idea Builder, you are getting more than just a 3D printer with software and �lament. You are also getting world-class 1:1 customer support, professional development, curriculum-based lesson plans and peace of mind with UL certi�cation and the industry's best warranty.

Why ?One Complete Solution



World-Class Customer Support

Webinar Training & Professional Development

Comprehensive Curriculum (1st to 12th grade)

Easy-to-Use Software

Safety First

Industry Best Warranty

PLA Filament


Why ?Easy-to-UseFastest out-of-the box usability in the market and easy-to-use software. Build objects within minutes.

SafeDremel was the �rst manufacturer to receive UL certi�cation for its 3D printer.

Dremel ReliabilityDremel, a trusted brand for over 80 years, has designed the 3D Idea Builder with simplicity at its core. Backed by a full 1-year warranty, it’s built to last.

SupportDremel Experts provide world-class 1:1 support and mentorship. Call, Skype, chat or email.



9" x 5.9" x 5.5"230 x 150 x 140mm

Build Area

SD Card RemovableBuild Plate


InternalFilament Holder


9 x 5.9 x 5.5Build Plate

SD Card EnclosedWorkspace

InternalFilament Holder


Note: the Idea Builder 3D20 is available in selected regions.

Our Next Generation 3D Printer.COMMON FEATURES 3D40 FEATURES





250mm x 150mm x 170mmBuild Plate

AdvancedMotion Control


See-Thru LidTouchscreen 1-YearWarranty

1LED Lighting

Our Next Generation 3D Printer.COMMON FEATURES 3D40 FEATURES




Large10" x 6" x 6.7"

250 x 150 x 170mmBuild Area

AdvancedMotion Control


See-Thru LidTouchscreen 1-YearWarranty

1LED Lighting


Why ?

Critical Thinking • Creativity • Collaboration • CommunicationAll projects (3 grade clusters) will begin with a design challenge, so that students gain experience with the entire 3D printing process: designing with Autodesk software, printing, �nishing, and re-designing if needed to achieve the desired outcome and pass the lesson.

Developing 21st Century Learning Skills

Ex. Design a picture frame with frame’s dimensions, color, materials, and style, calculating the angle where the frame is joined at each corner.

Ex. Design sunglasses while learning about the eye and the harmful e�ects of UV rays.

Ex. Design a reusable water �lter after learning about the earth’s limited supply of drinking water, �ltration, and di�erent materials to �lter water.

ElementaryGrades 3rd – 5th5 Middle School

Grades 6th – 8th10 High SchoolGrades 9th – 12th5

New Lesson Plans: Available in Q4 2016Aligned to American CCSS, NGSS and other quality State Standards20


Why ?

Engagement • Understanding • RetentionGet 3D printing integrated into classroom learning right out of the box. Written by actual teachers and subject matter experts, Dremel 3D hands-on lesson plans tie an abstract concept with a printed model for better under-standing, engagement and retention.

Experiential, Hands-on Learning

Current Lesson Plans: Available NowAligned to 2 standards (CCSS and Florida)10


Ballista/Force Generator Kit

Pencil Catapult Kit

Loaded Dice Kit

Pythagorean Proof Kit

Punnett Square Dice (GG) Kit

Pencil Quadrat Kit

Moths Kit

Measuring Precision Kit

Coriolis E�ect Kit

DNA Transformation Kit















Why ?Dremel 3D Professional Development

4-Hour Self-Paced Online ClassRoll up your sleeves and experience using software and hardware to design and print a real object. Learn what makes students, teachers and administrators so excited about 3D printing in just a few hours, on your own time.

• Available online (self-paced)

• Curated open education resources to support course

• Pre-assessment

• Alignment to ISTE teacher standards

• Certificate of completion

What’s Included :

4 Hour PD Class in English • Key Topics Covered

ELEMENTARYGrades 3rd – 5th

MIDDLE SCHOOLGrades 6th – 8th

HIGH SCHOOLGrades 9th – 12th






the complete solution

Introduction: Why 3D Printingis a Game Changer for Education Software, Hardware and Printing

Implementation & Integration How to Choose a 3D Printer

PD is tailored to �t the di�erent dynamics of Elementary, Middle and High School.

The quickest and easiest way to integrate 3D design and printing into schools and classes.


"The Dremel 3D Idea Builder is unstoppable! It's built to last in an educational setting. It is safe and user friendly! My students are constantly checking out what is printing and planning on what they will print next! Students design with intention - as they now can bring their 2-D conceptual design into the 3-D world! They have the ability to design a 3-D model using a variety of software products that the Idea Builder is ready to print! Holding their design in hand, is magic!"

– Susan Nichol, Project Lead The Way Instructor Holmes Junior High School


Dremel PLA FilamentClassroom FriendlyPLA is safe to use in class or at home. Since it is plant-based, there are no toxic fumes to inhale.

The Dremel Di�erenceDremel PLA �lament has been speci�cally engineered for optimal printing, producing a stable, strong object with a high quality �nish.

Recyclable/RenewableDremel PLA is Bosch certi�ed to be both plant-based and recyclable.

Quality TestedDremel �lament has been quality tested to ensure that it does not clog your 3D printer.


Why ?When working with print-ready �les, Dremel 3D software gives you the ability to change your object’s location, orientation and size on the build platform. Plus, the build settings allow you to customize both the build quality and build time with temperature, in�ll and speed control.

The easy-to-use toolbar icons let you import, layout, repair, support and preview your objects to make them �t your imagination.

Easy-to-Use Software

Import Layout Repair Supports Preview Export


Our dedicated team of 3D Experts, provides world-class 1:1 product support, troubleshooting and mentorship. • Call, or email to get all of your questions or issues resolved – guaranteed.

• Fast turn-around for replacement parts.

• Consistently updated How-To Videos and FAQs.

World-Class CustomerSupport and Training

Unboxing and Getting Started

Cleaning Extruder Tip and Unclogging

Building a Model from Dremel 3D App

Leveling the Build Platform

Filament Installation

File Preparation in Print Studio


With the Dremel Mobility Solution, you can easily transport your Idea Builder anywhere within the building or across the campus.

Additional Solutions

Mobility Solution

Expand the creative possibilities of your classroom further with the Sprout by HP. Sprout is now a fully integrated desktop 3D scanning solution with 3D object capture, editing and multiple streamlined 3D print options.Now anyone can grab something from the real world, manipulate it in the digital world, and bring it to life in physical space.

Adjustable heightfor ease of accessibility

Sliding tablefor laptop computer

Built-in power stripand long extension cord

Lockable storage areafor �lament, printed models and more

Expand Your System