Drilling Engineering Presentation

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  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Drilling Problems&Oil Well Cementing Techniques

    2009-Min-31 Sohail Manzoor

    2009-MIN-36 Shafq Asi

    2009-MIN-21 Mirza Muhammad Zaid

    2009-MIN-37 Nasrullah Qaisrani

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    What is Risk or Success rate?

    Normal Subsurface Conditions!

    Problems encountered!


    Stuck Pipe!

    Lost Circulation!

    Sloughing Shale!

    Formation Damage!Corrosive Gasses!

    Abnormal High Subsurface Pressure!

    Drilling Problems

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    The two possible outcomes after drilling.

    Dry Hole.


    Definition of Risk or Success Rate.

    Expressed in Percentage or Decimal.

    Success rate for new field wildcats in US during 2000was 33 %, only

    What is Risk or Success rate?

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Critical subsurface conditions.

    Effect of depth on temperature & pressure.

    Geothermal Gradient.Subsurface pressures.

    Earth or Lithostatic pressure.

    Formation or Fluid pressure.

    Normal Subsurface Conditions!

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Fish or JunkFishing process

    Fishing tools


    OvershootWashover pipe

    Tapered Mill Reamer

    Junk Mill

    Boot Basket

    Wireline Spear

    Fishing Magnet

    Impression Block


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Differential wall Pipe sticking

    Mechanical problems


    Spotting fluid

    Lighter drilling mud



    Stuck-point indicator tool or Stuck-pipe log

    Back off operation

    String Shot

    Chemical cutter

    Spiral-grooved drill collars

    Stuck Pipe!

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Shafq Asi2009-MIN-36

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    so shal! alon" h! #!ll$or!% ha adsor$s#a!r rom h! drillin" mud

    !&'ands and alls o h! $oom o h! #!llin lar"! $alls

    (h!mi)als su)h as 'oassium sals add!d o

    h! drillin" mud or oil-$as! drillin" muds ar!us!d o inhi$i slou"hin" shal!

    Sloughing Shale

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    h! 'arial or )om'l!! loss o drillin" *uid and+or)!m!n slurr, o h! ormaion durin" drillin" or)!m!nin" o'!raions

    Naural )aus!s in)lud! siuaions su)h as naurall,

    ra)ur!d ormaions or un)onsolida!d zon!s Indu)!d loss!s o))ur #h!n h! h,drosai) *uid

    )olumn 'r!ssur! !&)!!ds h! ra)ur! "radi!n oh! ormaion and h! ormaion 'or!s $r!a do#n

    !nou"h o r!)!i.! rah!r han r!sis h! *uid n!# r!quir!m!ns o im! and mud and addsu$saniall, o h! o.!rall )os o a #!ll

    Lost Circulation

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    /os )ir)ulaion addii.!s ar! f$!rs%*a!s% "ranular mass!s% or mi&ur!s

    h!, in)lud! r!d#ood and )!dar

    sha.in"s% ha,% 'i" hairs% shr!dd!dl!ah!r% mi)a *a!s% lamina!d'lasi)% )!llo'han!% su"ar )an! hulls%

    "round '!)an nu hulls% "round )oal%and as$!sos

    Lost Circulation

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    I a .!r, 'orous or hi"hl, ra)ur!d zon! is!n)oun!r!d #hil! drillin" an !&)!ssi.!amoun o drillin" mud is los o ha zon!

    durin" los )ir)ulaion h! zon! is )all!d ahi! or los )ir)ulaion zon!

    A 'ill o los )ir)ulaion addii.! or )onrol

    a"!n )an $! mi&!d #ih h! drillin" mudand 'um'!d do#n h! #!ll o )lo" u' h!los )ir)ulaion zon!

    Lost Circulation

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    h!n drillin" a #!ll% 'ar o h! drillin" mudliquid #ih som! fn!s )all!d mud flra! isor)!d ino an, '!rm!a$l! ro) ad4a)!n o h!#!ll$or! h! mud flra! )an d!)r!as! or

    d!sro, h! '!rm!a$ili, o a r!s!r.oir ro) n!arh! #!ll$or! ha is )all!d h! ormaion dama"!

    5ama"! o a ormaion r!suls in #o )han"!s#ihin h! ormaion

    1 r!du)ion o 'or! siz! .olum! r!du)ion2 r!du)ion in r!lai.! '!rm!a$ili, *o#


    Formation Damage

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    $, drillin" h! ormaion usin" $rin! or anoil-$as!% !mulsion or s,nh!i)-$as! drillin"mud

    $, drillin" #ih a li"h-#!i"h drillin" mudha !&!rs l!ss 'r!ssur! han ormaion'r!ssur!

    #!ll )an $! drill!d as!r usin"und!r$alan)!d drillin"

    Formation DamagePreention

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    )orrosi.! "ass!s su)h as )ar$on dio&id!(

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    A$normal hi"h 'r!ssur! is *uid 'r!ssur! ha ishi"h!r han !&'!)!d h,drosai) 'r!ssur! orha d!'h

    >n!&'!)!d a$normal hi"h 'r!ssur! in h!

    su$sura)! )an )aus! a $lo#ou% anun)onroll!d *o# o *uids u' h! #!ll

    8luids *o# ou o h! su$sura)! ro)s ino h!#!ll in ha is )all!d a i)

    As su$sura)! *uids *o# ino h! #!ll durin" ai)% mor! *uids #ill $! *o#in" ou o h! o'o h! #!ll han ar! $!in" 'um'!d ino h! #!ll

    Abnormal "igh Pressure

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    h! sudd!n in)r!as! o *uid *o# ou o h!#!ll and h! ris! o *uid l!.!l in h! mud 'iar! d!!)!d $, an insrum!n )all!d a 'i-.olum! oaliz!r h! 'i-.olum! oaliz!rus!s *oas in h! mud ans o )oninuousl,monior and r!)ord drillin" mud .olum! Isounds an alarm i h! mud .olum!d!)r!as!s du! o los )ir)ulaion orin)r!as!s du! o a i)

    Detection o Mu# Leel

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Anoh!r d!!)ion m!hod is $as!d on h!'rin)i'l! ha shal! should $!)om! d!ns!rand l!ss 'orous #ih d!'h as i is)om'a)!d

    I h! shal! d!nsi, in)r!as! and 'orosi,d!)r!as! ar! l!ss han 'r!di)!d rom

    )om'uaions $as!d on normal )ondiions%a$normall, hi"h 'r!ssur!s )an $! !&'!)!d

    Detection o Mu# Leel

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    In h! #ai-and-#!i"h m!hod% h! #!ll is shu in ash! ill mud is $!in" 'r!'ar!d h! mud 'um's ar!sar!d% and usin" a slo#!r 'um'in" s'!!d% h!ori"inal mud and i) *uids ar! r!'la)!d #ih h!h!a.i!r ill mud durin" on! )ir)ulaion

    In h! drill!r?s m!hod% h! frs )ir)ulaion $, h! mud'um's is us!d o r!'la)! h! ori"inal drillin" mudund!r hi"h 'r!ssur! ha #as )u $, i) *uids #ihori"inal drillin" mud #ihou h! i) *uids h! s!)ond

    )ir)ulaion r!'la)!s h! undilu!d% ori"inal mud #ihill mud h! a$normal hi"h-'r!ssur! zon! is h!ndrill!d% and 'ro!)ion )asin" is run and )!m!n!d inoh! #!ll o isola! h! zon!

    Control o Abnormal "ighPressure

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Oil Well Cementing

    TechniquesMirza Muhammad Zaid


    Shafq Asi


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    8un)ions o

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    o allo# h! s!"r!"aion o h! ormaion$!hind h! 'i'!

    o a@ord addiional su''or or h! )asin" or!ih!r $, 'h,si)al $ra)in" or 'r!.!nion oormaion 'r!ssur! $!in" im'os!d on h!'i'!

    o r!ard )orrosion $, minimizin" )ona)

    Functions o oil $ell cementingtechnique

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Single stage %rimar cement 'ob

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Single stage %rimarcement 'ob

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    &)!ssi.! 'um' 'r!ssur! r!quir!d

    I h! )!m!n d!nsi, is hi"h!r han

    h! d!nsi, o mud

    I h! )!m!n d!nsi, is l!ss han h!

    d!nsi, o mud

    Densit Di(erence%roblems

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Slurr, d!nsi,hi)!nin" im!Sr!n"h-im! r!quir!m!ns 8ilraion 'ro'!ri!s:!rm!a$ili, o h! s! )!m!n:!rorain" qualii!s(orrosion r!sisan)!

    Factors a(ecting the selectiono cement

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Normall,% slurr, d!nsi, should $! h! asha o mud in h! hol! a h! im! o)!m!nin"

    A s'!)ial diaoma)!ous !arh o lo#!rd!nsi, han $!noni! is us!d

    &'!nd!d '!rli! is o!n us!d or h! sam!'ur'os! % his is a .ol)ani) or! ma!rial

    #hi)h has $!!n !&'and!d $, h!ain" o isusion 'oin and su$s!qu!n )oolin" 2-6 B $!noni! is us!d #ih '!rli! slurri!s

    Slurr #ensit

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    hi)!nin" im! is h! amoun o im! ha)!m!n r!mains 'um' a$l! #ih r!asona$l!'r!ssur!s his is h! '!rha's h! mos)rii)al 'ro'!r, in h! dis'la)!m!n


    8a)ors a@!)in" h! hi)!nin" im! in)lud!

    1 )om'osiion o )!m!n 2 !m'!raur!

    Thic)ening time

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    h!r! is no uni.!rsal a"r!!m!n on sr!n"hr!quir!m!ns or oil #!ll )!m!ns ho#!.!r% f"ur!s200 o C00 'si )om'r!ssi.! sr!n"h a!r 2D-hr'!riods ar! o!n quo!d

    h! .alu! o C00 'si is mor! #id!l, a))!'!d

    :orland )!m!ns ha.! mor! sr!n"hs han is"!n!rall, n!!d!d% so man, addii.!s r!du)! o isnormal l!.!l

    5!nsi, r!du)ion

    Strength*time requirement

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    (om'l!!l, hard!n!d )!m!n is a''ro'ria!o sha!r and ra)ur! !&)!ssi.!l, #h!n"un '!rora!d

    /o# sr!n"h )!m!ns ar! d!sira$l!

    )!m!n sha!rin" is no n!)!ssaril,

    in4urious in s!)ions #h!r! n!ar$, "as or#a!r sraa ar! a$s!n and ma, a)uall, $!$!n!f)ial

    Perorating +ualities

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    S! )!m!n )ould $! '!n!ra!d $, )orrosi.!liquids !s'!)iall, hos! )onainin" (

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Shafq Asi


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    h! si& A:I )!m!n )lassif)aions ar! asollo#s

    (lass AE in!nd!d or us! o 6000- d!'h%#h!n s'!)ial 'ro'!ri!s ar! no r!quir!d

    (lass ;E in!nd!d or us! o 6000- d!'h%#h!n sul'ha! r!sisan)! is r!quir!d

    (lass (E in!nd!d or us! o 6000- d!'h%#h!n hi"h !arl, sr!n"h is r!quir!d

    Classifcation o cements

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    (lass 5E in!nd!d or us! o 12%000- d!'h%#h!n mod!ra!l, hi"h !m'!raur!s and hi"h'r!ssur!s ar! r!quir!d

    (lass E in!nd!d or us! o 1D000- d!'h%#h!n hi"h !m'!raur! and 'r!ssur!s ar!!n)oun!r!d

    (lass 8E in!nd!d or us! o 16000- d!'h%#h!n !&r!m!l, hi"h !m'!raur! and'r!ssur!s ar! !n)oun!r!d

    Classifcation o cements

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Som! o h! mos im'oran ,'!s o)!m!ns ar! as ollo#sE

    1 :ozzolan (!m!ns

    2 5ia)!l )!m!n s,s!m3 /a!&-)!m!n

    D 5i!s!l-oil-)!m!n 5

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    :ozzolan ar! sili)!ous ma!rials #hi)h #illr!a) #ih lim! o orm a )!m!niiousma!rial

    h!, ma, $! us!d as an addii.! oordinar, )!m!ns or 'r!'ar!d as lim!-'ozzolan $l!nd #ihou :orland ,'!)!m!n

    lim!-'ozzolan )!m!n has 'ro.!d o $! asaisa)or, d!!' #!ll )!m!n 5i@!r!n.ariaions in 'ro'!ri!s o 'ozzolans has$!!n o$s!r.!d% and indi.idual !sin" is


    Po--olan cements

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    his d!si"naion r!!rs o )!m!n s,s!msmodif!d $, on! or mor! o addii.!s lis!d asdia)!l 5% //% and A $, sandards

    Su)h )!m!ns ha.! a lar"! ran"! o d!nsii!sand hi)!nin" im!s% #hi)h "i.! h!m a #id!s)o'! o a''li)a$ili,

    8or sand 9CB hrou"h 200 m!sh is som!im!sadd!d o in)r!as! !arl, sr!n"h o h! mi&ur!

    Diacel cement sstem

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    his is a s'!)ial )!m!n )om'os!d o la!&%)!m!n% a sura)! a)i.! a"!n% and #a!r

    I has 'ro.!d us!ul in su)h s'!)iala''li)aions as 'lu"-$a) 4o$s or #a!r!&)lusion

    I is !s'!)iall, r!sisan o )onaminaion#ih oil or mud and !&hi$i a hi"h sr!n"h$ond #ih oh!r ma!rials su)h as )asin" %ro)s and !)


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Mi&ur!s o :orland )!m!ns% di!s!l oil or!ros!n!% and a )h!mi)al dis'!rsan ha.!$!!n ound us!ul in #!ll r!'air #or o s!al o@#a!r $!arin" sraa

    his ma!rial do!s no s! unil $rou"h ino)ona) #ih #a!r% and has h!r!or!% anunlimi!d 'um'in" im!

    I has also $!!n us!d o 'r!.!n los )ir)ulaion'ro$l!ms

    Diesel*oil*cements /DOC0

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    /o# #a!r loss% lo# d!nsi, )!m!ns oad!qua! sr!n"h and hi)!nin" im! ha.!$!!n 'r!'ar!d rom !ros!n!% #a!r%)!m!n% and 2 o DB $!noni!

    (al)ium li"nosulona! is us!d as!mulsi,in" a"!n and r!ard!r

    Su)h )!m!ns ha.! a''li)a$ili, in $oh'rimar, and r!m!dial )!m!nin"

    Oil*in*$ater emulsioncement

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    !sin )!m!nsE :ro'!r )om$inaion os,nh!i) r!sin% #a!r% and :orland )!m!nar! o!n us!d o 'ro.id! an im'ro.!dormaion )!m!n $ond in )!rain r!m!dialo'!raions h!s! ar! )osl, han oh!rs

    F,'sum )!m!nsE h!s! ar! s'!)ialmi&ur!s #hi)h ha.! hi"h !arl, sr!n"h

    and !asil, )onroll!d s!in" im!s F,'sumis $asi) in"r!di!n h!, 'ro.id! !m'orar,'lu"s durin" !sin" and r!m!dial #or

    1esin cements an# !%sumcements


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    8ollo#in" ar! h! au&iliar, !qui'm!n us!d

    1 (asin" sho!

    2 (ollars

    3 (!niliz!rsD S)ra)h!rs

    C (!m!n $as!s

    6 'lu"s

    Au.iliar cementequi%ment2s

  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Casing Shoe3 A )asin" sho! is a shor% h!a.,#all!d 'i'! run on h! $oom o h! )asin"srin" I has a round!d Gnos!H o "uid! h!)asin" ino h! hol! h! sho! is s)r!#!d on h!

    )asin" and "!n!rall, is G"lu!dH #ih a hr!ad-lo)in" )om'ound (asin" sho!s ar! "!n!rall,a.aila$l! in hr!! ,'!s

    "uid! sho! *oa sho! di@!r!nial fll sho!


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Collars3 A )!m!nin" )ollar is ,'i)all, run as anin!"ral 'ar o h! srin" and is 'la)!d a h! o'o h! frs or s!)ond )asin" 4oin h! )ollar s!r.!sas a so' or h! )!m!n #i'!r 'lu" so ha all h!

    )!m!n is no inad.!r!nl, 'um'!d )om'l!!l,ou o h! )asin" and ino h! annulus Centrali-ers3 (!nraliz!rs ar! 'la)!d on h!

    !&!rior o h! )asin" srin" o 'ro.id! sand-o@disan)! $!#!!n h! #!ll $or! and h! 'i'! in an

    !@or o assis in aainin" )!m!n !n)ir)l!m!n oh! 'i'! Num!rous ,'!s o )!nraliz!rs ar!a.aila$l! h! $o# s'rin" ,'! is mos )ommon


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Scratchers3o a)hi!.! an !@!)i.! )!m!n4o$% h! slurr, mus $ond o h! ormaionS)ra)h!rs assis $, s)ra'in" and s)ra)hin" h!mud )a! on h! ormaion o 'romo! $ondin" o

    h! .ir"in ormaion

    Cement 6as)ets3 (!m!n $as!s 'ro.id!su''or or h! )olumn o )!m!n #hil! i )ur!s%

    or hard!ns h! $as!s ar! o!n 'la)!d a$o.!los )ir)ulaion zon!s ha )anno su''or a ull

    )olumn o )!m!n


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation


    Plugs3 h! )!m!n slurr, is normall,s!'ara!d rom h! mud )olumn $, 'lu"sha minimiz! in!ra)! )onaminaion h!

    $oom 'lu" has a dia'hra"m ha isru'ur!d #ih 'um' 'r!ssur! a!r i s!ason h! )ollar or sho! h! o' 'lu" has asolid aluminum ins!r h! 'lu"s ar!

    moun!d in a )!m!nin" h!ad a h! o' oh! )asin"


  • 7/25/2019 Drilling Engineering Presentation
