Prestige Class: Druid of Paranor “Truth comes from recognition that it is universal and all- encompassing, and plays no favorites. If you cannot accept it into your life, you cannot force it into the life of others.” -Bremen, Druid of Paranor In the harsh times following the Age of Man, when the earth was healing and Mankind was rebuilding his cities, a new force of nature awakened beneath the earth. Some would say that this force was discovered through adaptation, the evolution of our minds and the energies surrounding our planet. Others said that this new force was always present, and had been hidden from Man since the Time of Faerie. This new force was called ‘magic,’ and its use spread rapidly through The Four Lands. As with any form of power, there were those who sought to understand it, to use it for the better of Mankind. Others sought to capture and control it, to use it to destroy those with different beliefs, heritage, or ideals. As the magic grew in power, it became evident throughout The Four Lands that a means of controlling and studying this force must be created. An organization of men and women from all regions of The Four Lands came together and built a school, an institution where the magic could be studied and understood. The school was called Paranor, and those who founded it were known as the Druids of Paranor. There, within the stone walls and vast libraries, the magic was studied and practiced to perfection. The Druids learned to wield its power safely, and through this new power, they kept the forces of evil at bay in The Four Lands. The Druids of Paranor are the safeholders and students of magic in The Four Lands. Once there were many, but following a brutal attack on Paranor by one of their own, only a few remain. Though rare, they are powerful, and gain respect wherever they travel. They are easily recognized by their flowing black robes and the symbol of Paranor: a gold hand clutching a torch. They are among the most educated and wise of all spellcasters, and emphasize the importance of truth and knowledge over any other form of strength or power. Most Druids of Paranor were once arcane spellcasters, who came to Paranor to seek better understanding of their powers. Others (most often druids) came to Paranor when the earth began to suffer under the burden of magic. These Druids study to find a way to undo magic’s contamination on their homeland or the world at large. The Druids of Paranor may be of any race and gender, although humans and elves tend to be the most common and only a few have ever been female. Prerequisites To qualify for the Druid of Paranor Prestige Class, the character must fulfill all of the following requirements: Alignment: Any non-evil Skills: Knowledge (Arcana and History) 6 ranks each Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge [History]) Spells: Must be able to cast spells of 3 rd level or greater Languages: Must read and write 3 or more different languages. Special: Must be nominated and trained by another Druid of Paranor, and must forsake all other loyalties to any political power, nation, or church. Clerics and Paladins who forsake their duties retain their class features, spells, and abilities, and may not continue to gain levels as a Cleric or Paladin. Class Skills The Class Skills (and the key ability for each) of the Druid of Paranor Prestige Class are Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken separately) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Hit Dice: d6 Class Features The following are the class features of the Druid of Paranor Prestige Class: Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Druids of Paranor gain no new weapon, armor, or shield proficiencies. Spells per Day: A Druid of Paranor continues training in magic. Thus, when a Druid of Paranor gains a new level, he gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in an existing spellcasting class. He does not gain any other benefit a character of that class would gain from an increase in level (such as improved chances for turning the undead, metamagic feats, and so forth), except for an increased caster level. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Druid of Paranor, he must decide to which class he adds the new level to for the purposes of determining new spells per day. Bonus Language (Ex): The Druid of Paranor is well studied in language and culture, and learns languages at a much faster rate than other characters. Books and tomes of history and magic may be written in any language…thus, the Druid of Paranor finds it necessary to take on the study of a new language with frustrating regularity. At each level, the Druid of Paranor gains a bonus language from the following list: Abyssal, Aguan, Arian, Celestial, Centaur, Draconic, Druidic, Dwarf, Elf, Faerie, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Terran, and Undercommon. This is an extraordinary ability. Druid Resistance (Ex): The Druid of Paranor gains special insight, noticing subtleties in his surroundings that others might miss. This keen awareness allows the Druid to avoid danger more easily. Beginning at 1 st Level, the Druid of Paranor adds his Wisdom modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all save throws. This is an extraordinary ability. Druid Fire (Su): The first form of magic discovered in The Four Lands was in the form of a burst of flame. The magic, when summoned, took the form of a crackling arc of white fire that burned even the most resistant substance. Through the centuries, the Druids of Paranor have mastered this manifestation of magic, so much so that they have become known by it. Everyone in The Four Lands has heard of the power of the Druid Fire. Once per day per 2 class levels, the Druid of Paranor may summon forth a plane of white-hot fire from his outstretched hands. This attack takes the form of a semicircular arc of fire 30 feet long (a half-circle with a 10’ radius, centered on the Druid). The Druid of Paranor may make a ranged touch attack against any creature in this area; if successful the fire inflicts 1d6 points of damage per Druid of Paranor level. This fire can damage incorporeal and ethereal creatures as if they were made of solid flesh, and any spell resistance the target might have does not apply to this attack. This is a supernatural ability.

Druid of Paranor

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Page 1: Druid of Paranor

Prestige Class: Druid of Paranor “Truth comes from recognition that it is universal and all-encompassing, and plays no favorites. If you cannot accept it into your life, you cannot force it into the life of others.” -Bremen, Druid of Paranor In the harsh times following the Age of Man, when the earth was healing and Mankind was rebuilding his cities, a new force of nature awakened beneath the earth. Some would say that this force was discovered through adaptation, the evolution of our minds and the energies surrounding our planet. Others said that this new force was always present, and had been hidden from Man since the Time of Faerie. This new force was called ‘magic,’ and its use spread rapidly through The Four Lands. As with any form of power, there were those who sought to understand it, to use it for the better of Mankind. Others sought to capture and control it, to use it to destroy those with different beliefs, heritage, or ideals. As the magic grew in power, it became evident throughout The Four Lands that a means of controlling and studying this force must be created. An organization of men and women from all regions of The Four Lands came together and built a school, an institution where the magic could be studied and understood. The school was called Paranor, and those who founded it were known as the Druids of Paranor. There, within the stone walls and vast libraries, the magic was studied and practiced to perfection. The Druids learned to wield its power safely, and through this new power, they kept the forces of evil at bay in The Four Lands. The Druids of Paranor are the safeholders and students of magic in The Four Lands. Once there were many, but following a brutal attack on Paranor by one of their own, only a few remain. Though rare, they are powerful, and gain respect wherever they travel. They are easily recognized by their flowing black robes and the symbol of Paranor: a gold hand clutching a torch. They are among the most educated and wise of all spellcasters, and emphasize the importance of truth and knowledge over any other form of strength or power. Most Druids of Paranor were once arcane spellcasters, who came to Paranor to seek better understanding of their powers. Others (most often druids) came to Paranor when the earth began to suffer under the burden of magic. These Druids study to find a way to undo magic’s contamination on their homeland or the world at large. The Druids of Paranor may be of any race and gender, although humans and elves tend to be the most common and only a few have ever been female. Prerequisites To qualify for the Druid of Paranor Prestige Class, the character must fulfill all of the following requirements: Alignment: Any non-evil Skills: Knowledge (Arcana and History) 6 ranks each Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge [History]) Spells: Must be able to cast spells of 3rd level or greater Languages: Must read and write 3 or more different languages. Special: Must be nominated and trained by another Druid of Paranor, and must forsake all other loyalties to any political power, nation, or church. Clerics and Paladins who forsake their duties retain their class features, spells, and abilities, and may not continue to gain levels as a Cleric or Paladin.

Class Skills The Class Skills (and the key ability for each) of the Druid of Paranor Prestige Class are Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken separately) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Hit Dice: d6 Class Features The following are the class features of the Druid of Paranor Prestige Class: Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Druids of Paranor gain no new weapon, armor, or shield proficiencies. Spells per Day: A Druid of Paranor continues training in magic. Thus, when a Druid of Paranor gains a new level, he gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in an existing spellcasting class. He does not gain any other benefit a character of that class would gain from an increase in level (such as improved chances for turning the undead, metamagic feats, and so forth), except for an increased caster level. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Druid of Paranor, he must decide to which class he adds the new level to for the purposes of determining new spells per day. Bonus Language (Ex): The Druid of Paranor is well studied in language and culture, and learns languages at a much faster rate than other characters. Books and tomes of history and magic may be written in any language…thus, the Druid of Paranor finds it necessary to take on the study of a new language with frustrating regularity. At each level, the Druid of Paranor gains a bonus language from the following list: Abyssal, Aguan, Arian, Celestial, Centaur, Draconic, Druidic, Dwarf, Elf, Faerie, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Terran, and Undercommon. This is an extraordinary ability. Druid Resistance (Ex): The Druid of Paranor gains special insight, noticing subtleties in his surroundings that others might miss. This keen awareness allows the Druid to avoid danger more easily. Beginning at 1st Level, the Druid of Paranor adds his Wisdom modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all save throws. This is an extraordinary ability. Druid Fire (Su): The first form of magic discovered in The Four Lands was in the form of a burst of flame. The magic, when summoned, took the form of a crackling arc of white fire that burned even the most resistant substance. Through the centuries, the Druids of Paranor have mastered this manifestation of magic, so much so that they have become known by it. Everyone in The Four Lands has heard of the power of the Druid Fire. Once per day per 2 class levels, the Druid of Paranor may summon forth a plane of white-hot fire from his outstretched hands. This attack takes the form of a semicircular arc of fire 30 feet long (a half-circle with a 10’ radius, centered on the Druid). The Druid of Paranor may make a ranged touch attack against any creature in this area; if successful the fire inflicts 1d6 points of damage per Druid of Paranor level. This fire can damage incorporeal and ethereal creatures as if they were made of solid flesh, and any spell resistance the target might have does not apply to this attack. This is a supernatural ability.

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Although this powerful attack uses white-hot flames, the damage caused by the Druid Fire is unique; it is an untyped damage that can surpass fire resistance. For the purposes of damage reduction, consider the Druid Fire to inflict either slashing damage or fire damage, whichever is most effective. Sense Magic (Sp): Druids of Paranor study magic intently, and learn to develop almost a “sixth sense” about magical enchantments and auras. At 3rd Level, the Druid of Paranor can detect magic and read magic, as the spells of the same name, at will. The Druid of Paranor need only concentrate for one round (or more, see the detect magic description) to manifest the ability. Doing so is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This is a spell-like ability. Spell Focus (Ex): As they advance in their training, Druids of Paranor select a school of magic to focus on above all others. The Druid of Paranor gains the Spell Focus feat for free, for any school of magic he desires. Most choose Divination, but scholars of all schools were once found within the halls of Paranor. The Druid of Paranor gains this ability at 5th Level. Druid Sleep (Su): At 7th Level, the Druid of Paranor is taught how to enter the Druid Sleep, a form of magical hibernation that allows him to extend his natural lifespan. A total of 28 consecutive days out of the year must be spent in hibernation. Provided that the hibernation is maintained and uninterrupted, the Druid of Paranor adds 28 years to his normal lifespan. If the Druid Sleep is somehow interrupted, the days spent provide no benefit. Provided the Druid of Paranor continues hibernating on a regular basis, he will no longer suffer the penalties of aging, nor will he show physical signs of age. Bonus still accrue. The Druid Sleep is a powerful ability that the last Druids of Paranor used to extend their ability to protect The Four Lands; however, using the sleep too frequently makes the Druid dependant upon it. If used more than once, the Druid Sleep can rob the Druid of his humanity, gradually changing him into a creature of the spirit world. Such was the fate of Brona, a fallen Druid of Paranor who would become the Warlock Lord. Every time the Druid of Paranor enters the Druid Sleep (beyond the first time), he must make a successful Will save (DC 15) or fade into a ghostly, spectral form. The Wills save DC increases by 1 point with each continued use, until the Save throw eventually fails. Druids of Paranor who lose their humanity also lose their minds, and are considered to be monsters (to be run by the DM only).

Druid Blade (Su): At 8th Level, the Druid of Paranor learns how to temporarily infuse a weapon with magical energy. This can be done as a free action, provided the weapon is already held in hand. This is a supernatural ability. By spending one use of his Druid Fire ability (above), the Druid of Paranor may temporarily enchant any melee weapon into a +1 flaming weapon. By spending two or more uses of his Druid Fire ability, he may increase the enhancement bonus of the Druid Blade. If 3 uses of the Druid Fire are sacrificed, for example, the weapon temporarily becomes a +3 flaming weapon. The weapon remains enchanted for a number of rounds equal to the Druid of Paranor’s class level, or until the weapon is no longer held by the Druid of Paranor. Magical weapons that are infused with this ability temporarily lose any previous enchantments while the Druid Blade is in effect (thus, a +1 lawful mace enchanted with this ability would lose its lawful qualities, and its +1 enhancement bonus would not stack with the temporary enhancement bonus). Incredible Memory (Ex): Beginning at 9th Level, the Druid of Paranor gains the ability to recall information with surprising accuracy. This ability gives the Druid of Paranor a +4 competence bonus to all Knowledge checks. This ability is also useful in combat, for it gives the Druid of Paranor a +2 competence bonus to all attack rolls against any specific opponent he has fought before. This is an extraordinary ability. Immolate Body (Su): At 10th level, the Druid of Paranor can increase his abilities at the cost of his health. By permanently sacrificing one point of Constitution, the Druid of Paranor may permanently gain one extra use of the Druid Fire per day. Alternately, the Druid of Paranor may use this ability to gain extra spell slots per day: by sacrificing one point of Constitution per spell slot level, the Druid of Paranor can increase his maximum number of spells per day. For example, to gain one extra 4th level spell slot per day, the Druid of Paranor would have to permanently sacrifice 4 points of Constitution. Constitution points sacrificed by the use of this ability do not return, and may not be recovered by any means. This is a supernatural ability. Ex-Druids: A Druid of Paranor who becomes evil cannot gain new levels as a Druid of Paranor. The character retains all class abilities obtained up to the point of becoming evil, but begins to age rapidly as his life force slips from him. The fallen Druid of Paranor must use the Druid Sleep each year or age 2d10 years.


Level Base

Attack Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save Special Spells per Day

1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Bonus Language, Druid Resistance +1 level of existing class 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Bonus Language, Druid Fire 1/day +1 level of existing class 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Bonus Language, Sense Magic +1 level of existing class 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Language, Druid Fire 2/day +1 level of existing class 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Language, Spell Focus +1 level of existing class 6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Language, Druid Fire 3/day +1 level of existing class 7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Language, Druid Sleep +1 level of existing class 8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Bonus Language, Druid Fire 4/day, Druid Blade +1 level of existing class 9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Bonus Language, Incredible Memory +1 level of existing class 10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Language, Druid Fire 5/day, Immolate Body +1 level of existing class