i il l II - -* ' :' i- . ¦ ¦ ¦ - , ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ '¦•VV/ "^ - -^ ¦ ¦ ' « :*« ; - . .•;. . ¦ ¦ ;• -: ¦ :-/" .v* i .«>:; ' ¦ •^V •' ¦r?- " '*' ' : ' ¦ w^V* ' ". ' •• ' S a^-V-f•- " ¦ ¦ •• ¦ . ; ; 'S;- 'U : r ' ^-v '- -? ¦ ¦^••:;-xTrriifi- ; ' iff-::;: j .: ;!v4g , :j j L. . ;. .;- . ¦¦ . - ,, ,g ' "• ¦ - - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ jjj- ' . ' THE WATEBipoiin/?^' ! •¦?ft«B8T CreOCLATION »*Hia ;t»o »i- ^ r ,ri4«MUi w^ WUIMr , and BtcDiU »?• *•» _ ¦ ¦ ¦ _ *f>>minj^ «t lfti. 49 «»d SQ, ft ; -«3E All-Cheques and P. ^.fen nf * ! ^ •«< \«»Mrue.a«D»foia) , »t Bo [|'poe), 8s. 6d. - , - -ft ;NBWS ' (IibdHi ln^di^S l>*» P»J»bW P, <P wroth of Ireland i* *? Varfcenihelj - "^ta&ed a circulation n«r^« ? n« "fey, feniry, ^linh jAiAWnterfota, anl distincrtHpJ,^ ¦ "jwlli this ImportantoiMpt been|N»ire ha. « -V<K «unmuoahon £rom Lo2frt anflany paper - 4' 33te^^>lL*riS . .. v - ^ - *w *^ **Wivif t Ji * J&P& . .o irioitruito frob paTUM noa* VS" 5 - "*' ' - 1 ; ' ;.. . ' -iV' "' " :J disBttrfcBpect- ^TKBFOBU^ttr ' . Vn rj !iS!amenlP ' Ml - ;* JREKBNNY-Mr. w^nf.3ae^»^Wy tMfc stand. «AHIB-^T HOJ »A« SijrpsOK , New» AgentSllv *. - • LONDON-J. 0. KINO A Son, Bolt Court, Fto efcrt- DUBLIN—Messrs. W. - H. - -flWTi*-»- .8oit .. Abbey-It HENBT B. BooL»r ,.88i ( Samdtr. Hm. JTATION-AL tlVE t? 5EWTOBK. fr«i» LiVsBr66L to Dxw T O ' BK, VU Qaeenstown , every WKDNISUAT. ENGLAND Wednesday, Feb. - 7th ¦\HEOTETIA..... Woaaei»d»y . Feb. , 14th v afwT w.... ; . Tueadaj, ' Feb. 20th From London to New York as follow! i DENMARK 8atnrday, Feb. 3rd THE QUEEN Saturday, . .Feb. 10th GREECE "Wednesday, Feb. 21st tialooa to New York 10. 12, and 15 Guinea* , aooora- lir to position of berth, all having equal saloon privj- lien: Before Aleketa 24 and-22 »Wa». ; ¦ .., ¦ .^teerafe to New York, Boston , Philadelphia , and rialtimora , JB4. Superior aooommodation and abnnd- aaee «f fresh Pwmidons. Cheap throtfgh' Bookings to all parts OS the muted Btotei and Canada. 6pe*ial-Eatei to Tex». Apply to thft National SteaUMMp Company (Limited) , . _ -23. Water-street,.LlTerpooL Or at 88 and 37, Lead«rinall.«trtet , 'London. ' ' ' SOL* *O»KTS »OB WATIBTOBD I ' TxoiU0.. 6. H*«T5rr A S OK, U. WtUe Oeorge' wt. - .. , . . ' : .. . .Wfcterfprd ; ¦ "JEREMIAH MTJEPHYi Barronstrand-street BicKJUtt LkitDY, Carriokion-8nir j BD.' PHILAM, ToTtia# ; Wttli aK'FoBBlrtAL, Grooef, New Boss; fkrBicr Iuaalir , Bonmahoo ; JO»PB M>AKT, Gro- ««r, Don garran or to . - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ . , N. and J V CUJUHXB and BBOS.. . Qoeen»town. THE 1BISH BOATS "WHITE STAB LINE. * OTII . AifD 'UKrntD: BTtTta VJnu SrsxittoB. ¦ . ' ii_ : ' V ' ' "NOTIOB.—The Steamers- ' of this ^^^^r-ftv ¦ line, take the Lane Bontas, reoom- ?^^^P-Vryk- mended by Lieut. MACBT, on both .M«llHsttlsWOutw&rd and Homeward.Pasaiges. <. Tkesa mU-taowa magnifioent Steamers , all oonstruct- •1 by Measrs. HABLAHD * ' WOLTX, ' of ¦ Belfast, * are aotfoUtM' to kail' weelcly aa nnder . oarryingher Majestr * * UfttiaUniWa State* faafls i- - ! :-ii - . ¦ ¦ . . .. :<.From LIVXBFOOL :— ADBIATIC ... Tuesday, ... 30th Jan. CELTIC ... Thursday, ... 8th Feb. BBP0BLtO ... Tuesday. ... 18th |eb. BALTIC I ... Thursday, ... 22nd Feb. ' 0ESMAN10 ... Thnnday, ... 1st Maroh Calling at Qaeenstown, - Cork, the following day - - -Fro* Nur-YoBK : GKBMANIO .. . Saturday, ... 20th J«a. EEPOBIC ; ... ' Thursday, ... 25th Jan. Taeie splendid reasels BEDUCE the PASSAGE to thfrshartMt possible time, and afford to PassengeM tha Ughert degree of oomfort hitherto. attainablsi at sea. . , ^Te^Paiage . 8r<Jay» iii Snmme* s ' 9i diy« to TTixtef. ¦ -- ' ¦ EaaU. Vessel is constructed in 7 water-tight oenpartaents: , . , . " - ¦ < . i^ ' m ' ' T M 'S TMBAOJS are nnnsnauy spaaous , weu lighted; VtttOated: and 1 warmed, and Passengers of this' 61as» feoehtftfce^tmostcrtUity and attention: Cattle , Sheep ei ?iis are> not taken by this line, i Ani unlimited Wrir «t CookedjPwmsions. - Medical oomforta free »f .charge. t Stewardesses , in Steerage to attend the WimeiaadChildren. . . ;. -, ' . , . ¦ " ' ' -Kisehffers booked throngh.at low rates, to all parts of tfnhaaetates ana Canadal APPLT TO r : _ - " ;' T. S. HABTB"r; Little Qeorge' s-street , Waterford , . -BjLANDY.Main-etreet , Carriok-on-Suir. . r^JOHX, WALL. Jnn.r I)nngarTan. ¦ JOHN HQLOHAN. Cwtleoomor. ' ' " JtAME8'WATT8. "Bonmahon. ¦ '"JOHN'TOBIN; senr. ' , fanner Ball ydufl. : JAMES SCOTT 4 Co; Quoenrtown j orto L - IBICAT.'IMBIE * Co 10, Water-street , Liverpool. ¦ ¦;:• ¦ :.,. -AMEEIC5AN . " .LINI S. " ¦ ' - , " ' ¦ . , UNITED:.. 8TATK8 . MAITi ««iisfi^> B^i ' ' ' STEAMERS/ ; ' QljHiUint pNl to Philadelphia ¦•> ., ' PL I .. - ' >;. . . ¦ ¦ BVTEET.WSDKHSDAT. i ' .. * . '' ' Callingat QneenBtowB ereryThnrBday. ' i fbtt-^i tm Full-powered Iron Steamships are appointed ....... -. .-^ -j, ¦ - - ^.gail t-™ . ¦ . ¦ I •Bim*B Qoi ** Jani 27 I »II6HD CLIT« FeK-M): ;»B<rr»H PBIROI Jan. 31 PsKKsTtrAKiA....Feb. 14 Omto L ^:.: .... ».... Feb. 7 I •British Crown....Feb. 21| No intermediate . Passengers carried on royage» r Tie «aT ' Trans-AUantid ; Line sailing under tte Urn, K^. ]S^4e e =^p 9 leSo1 a Lr« MdW'tttanumber of Life Preserrers. . The aooonH mn ^,tifr for all olassm of passengers is equal to any of] th^EuTopean. Steamship lanes. JErery Steamer carriesj % »SBSSrif*SJK. ^ded at Phnad elp hiaon 1 4ie " *Wh»rf of the PennsylTaiiia Bailroad Company,; «*iah has the sbortoet and most direct route to all places: fa fcSSWS£tocan pa.. direct in*o the BaflJ £eSCars with6ut learing the i jnding' . WW,. »nd nn- jSer the same roof, there are Bofrekhmont Eoomi; urn- isd States Letter Box. 'Telemph Office, Exchange Of- ^&lra PAM*flwfS^18 guineas. Beturn Tickets •t«aooodrat«f. . .. .,.» .«_. "SSZZ TZ M a. low «by any othfcr fast toe , ' g£3&i & %&&'Stef l£Z£& rSSSa^ ftSR. . inc luding Beds, B^duur, and all neoessaxy Utensils and separate Table, £8 <M. ^ApjSy farpffidelpW» to TxT«B WWOHT '4 S OKB , tt&ralAgents; 307 , \WnuW* i Sff V^i^n/ CVKXIXT * BBOS ; in Belfast jfJMfcljmiA Soiis ; Sfa LWerpc«l , MrittU aDS^«^g* Co., JOHN DK V gtt EuX , q jiiy/Wasirfftr/ 1; WnilAM -WIOHTaA^t«J^r-sk\10* , ' ¦ Cttftom-h«use<^iay, -W»wford. - j.>. ntrnlABD.LANDT , Carriokon^ni isi^, !JSNGIiASD ilro SOUTH WAXES* Aim «« : f * H rSOUTH p^IBELAND. _ ' ^> , , itWkl and additional S*rrice by bri^^aTOTO - v^^^Co^S« TraJ2U and ' stoambort^ V'S'^I.jiCBSloi. WiWBWBD ' ^«K8 ¦ l-iSaiE -iDa-^WATi^^ ^^ ^^VHi a rjy i^; ' - V^^BfeSj:5|li ^^¦MBisWs V JIFJCBT TfSJBIC J?iT. |g' f A . ^..a/Trata '«« _ L ^5»«^S2 ir tffl f, . Ratal ¦¦^ o THE ; WATERFORD^CHRONIGEE «D .MONSTER ^nijipins CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY FEBBfJABY; 1883. ^ ' . Rtgvlar Steam CewwuticaHon ~ $dvieen ¦ ¦ WATEBPOBD and , _ Ii O»*;p;p.irjii: Via Southampton and London, and ' &rttfl ^Weitark' ' ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - BaUway.;: ' ^ ' ^::. ¦^f. .. ; ' ; - , ; . ¦; ' ¦ ,. PLTMOXJTH UD BOUTHAJlCITOH. um ' SOUTH ov ' XBO- . 1AND, CORE , DUBLIN. BKUAOT.AW QUSQOIVf 1 A" ' . . ^' ¦ *|k 4 ¦ f ¦ I" rj £ww KQu-powvZXul OClvw ^^^^^2~H^. . •' J, n ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ * irnfsfo>B .HJLLJT >^^K3uKV. ' TOtoON , OOPE»aTO50UltBBX ^MBUItt hv I'ABraXT. TOBTLUntBATK^ swmt«pdea^a>flMa*^g* l> »»>J «^ * W f^MJN- V««lt , ' and to : edks*M^mftMaWnktv»^r oafbJ t, h «' tB»to nUir«0«^.^ j^ '^ j « V i Wwi i>lJ -CW»o^ s5ur£j- , - . ' . " ' S rd" 1 ,;>i ¦ .t ' dirert -. - . J > \ U'aooa i WedneJ<y, - 7th ^Cork ; _ ' 1 p.m. I- rldar. ... »h ,„ ¦ . Tia CorkfcBeUiitl pja. Satoidir, loth " - . direct. ' IS noon Xntsdar. IStli ' TUDnbUa 1 p.m. ! Wednetdsy, Hth ., Ti» Cork. 1 p.m. Friday, 16th - TU' Oork ft BeUut l p.m. ; Saturday 17th direct' . U nooa Toesdiy. 20th Tia Dnblln. 1 pjn. WedDeidnj, 21«t Tia Cork . 1 p.m. Frldaj - 23rd Ma Cork * Beltut 1 p.m. Sttsrdftj 2tth , dtreot 12 noon ! Tnetday. S7th rla Dnblln . 1 p.m. , Wedneidajr, «8th Ti« CorL 1 p.m. ¦ raox OLAMOW TO wirxaroau E»ery MONDAY direct ... ¦ ... ... 1 p.m. : BaU. to Oieenock...ej0p.n. Eter/ WEDNESDAY , T U Dnblln ... ... l p.m. ' Bail, to OrcTOock.u8.30p.m. Efery THUBSDAY direct ' ... - ... ¦ 1 p.m. Ball to Qreenock...4 p.m- Erery FEtDAY, ria Cork ... . ...1p.m. ' Ball. ta Ot«Mook.;.ejO p.m. ' ntoK winnroxn TO varin. > ¦ ¦ ¦ £rery FfilDAY, via Cork ¦ ... •• ... atlpja. . MUTin TO WATisrou), Tia Qlaseow. i -.• KTery TOBaDAT. 7-^- nu>K WITSBTOBD *o MiUB—ErerT TUESDAY direct. ! DOLix TO w*mro*D—Erery THUE8DAY; direct. ' ; FROM wimnn TO COEK, , Erery WEDNESDAY , direct ... ... »t l p.m. j Ererf FBtDAT, dtreot ... ... at lpm. ! Faox Coax TO WATZIIORD, direct, j Erarr MONDAY. ¦ WAT »* JOHD TO L OBDOK. Steamer to Sontiiunptos , thtnoe by London and South Wett*ru Railway to Nine Elm* Station, at Thzongh BatM, ; Krary aATUBDAY, at 4jua. . | LOKDOX TO WiTiaromD—Erery TUESDAY. ' Goods notired at any o( the Beoetrtag HOOMC of the " London and South Western BaUway Compaar, and at Nine Etoi Station , np to 6.30 p.m. ' : WiiniOBD TO FLTVOUTR , dlnet, i Erery SATUBDAY, at 4 p.m ; FLTKOUTH TO WATSRIOKD, direct, ; ETery THUBBDAY. ! WlTIRTOBI) TO BOUTBl«rrO», TIA PLTXOCTS, Erery SATCIBDAY at 1 p.m. ; SODTHAXnOV TO WATXRIOBI) , TIA PtTXODTB, , . Erery WEDMEeDAY. at Noon. ' Theie Steomen hare excellent acoommodatioa tot PA8SAQE-M0NEY. ' . Cabin. Betnrn. Deok WatorTord to Glasgow and IJeUast 17a. ed. iSt. 10*. Cork, ta. 14a. St. . Dublin, 12.. Oi 20*. 7a. 6d Plymouth * Sonthamptoa ,20i. ¦ 80g. 10a ' , London. ... 25s. ... 15*. Betnrn Ticket* arailable for two month*—not tnmf«rabl , , Children abore 3 and under 12 yean of age . Half Fan. •V NOTK . The Cl yde Shlpp lflg Company Inann all Good* ¦hipped by these line* of Btaamers at 8* id per cent to Traders haring yearly: agreuments , and As. per Cent to oooarfOiial Shlppen. Value* to be declared at tine of Shipment. Form* and all Information to be had at tha office*. For Bate* of Fiei ght, fto., appbr to—J. C. PinzcTWJ iJeUart i HKX>T J. WABUS S C O., Flymoath i THOKAS H'OABXBT , London and Sonth-Wetteni BaUway. Company j Exeter Bnildlagt , Artnor Street , W««t , and nt the L. «; a Wj Ballway Eeoelring Honse* . threaghoat London j CLTDB Saimxa Co., Glawow, Gxomock, 13 , Tbomoand., Umorick i Southampton: 21 Eden Qmy, Dnblln i Patrick' * Quay, Cork] . CLYDE SmPffKQ COMPANY, , ? ; ! Cuatoin HOOM Qnay, Waterfoid. i S pedal forma *f Bill* of lading required by the Clyd* 1 Shipping Company, to be had of th« Axents. ' . > j Waterford Steuasbip Company ¦ (lJinTKD). INTENDED OBDEB OF SAILING—FEB., 1883 BTIJAHEB8 : r REGINALD , COMEBAOH , LABA , ZEPHYR, OAL- TEB , IDA, TINTEBN , BOSA, and DAUNTLESS, i * -W9«tlLJKV' r»oeiT» Oood« an d IJ»*Bto«kfor:Shl]pJ ^¦^¦¦—liient on'tbe oonditlons- mentloBedU ^T^^^^"""^^r Solllji*; Iikta , to.,-to B* had at their , ~WATEBFO»I> '-*HJ)-«-BBI8TOli -H ¦ .. .} raoii wAtxaroRo to BBUM& ¦ - raox ' BBisroLtowATSRroB D, ' •>DlrMt i •[_ ¦ Direct:. I. j Friday. Feb. 2...31 aft' noon Saturday. Feb. S ...11 nlrtl Friday, Feb. 2...3i af t' noon Saturday. Feb. S ...11 nlghl Toetday, 0...4 olt' ooon Wedntsday, 7 ...Uslxht Friday, 9...1U r mem Saturday, 10 ... 8 aft' q Tueaday, •• 13 ' ... U aft' ooos <¥edneaday, 14 .. 10 nlgbt Friday, le .ii aft' eoon Saturday, 17 ...11 night Tunday, 2O...*{ aft' ooon Wedueaday, 21 ...11 nlgbt Friday, ., 29...10) morn-- Saturday, 34 ... 7 ait' a Tuesday, 27 U noon Wednesday, ,, 28 .. 9 night •jr On early Morning S&Qiuga , Cabin* of the (teamen will be opea to rooeire Faaaengen arriring by the Night Mail Xrain ' - - l Fare*—Cabin , l&a. t do. Betnrn (arailable for One month) 25*. ; do Children and Serrut* , traTelUng- with Famillo> , , 10*. Deck, 7*. ed.ido Children , 4*. WATEBFOBD AND LIVEBPOOL. FRO* WATXRPOSD : rsOX UTVKTOOl. : Friday, Feb. S ... 8 mom Satnrdny, Feb. 3 .„ 7. affn Monday, 8 . 3} affn Wednesday, 7 ...1* morn Friday, 9 ... 1 affn Satarday, 10 ...11 nirhl Monday, 12 ... » att' a Wednesday, 14 ... 8 aft' a Friday 16 ... 8 m or. Baturday, 17 ... 7 affn Hondut ^.^ „. U ... 1 afVn Wednesday 21 ...10 morn JMara355& M . ' .»W5Mtt > * Satarday, 24 ...U nl y ht ^^]^^jpffi |»|wedna *day .. ffl ... S affn Sc »btn»SJr^-«ag^f*ml|ifc, sTilUbl.for a monti , ' 25fc ^• ' t?^!?! 'ffiST'S* '^ ' mlU<M ^ d ChUd«m, 10s t *Rw Cf w^^^i*rtf Tltii^ gyp.^ ^ QQ jj] Setum Ticket* on th* folio-wing Urmai— Jor a Fortnight, Sa. 6d , and for arery snb*equentwe*k;aa .V-: ' . ^ Goo^ rwWreiliJtJMashargedat CUnnos Dock. . ' Ooods BookeUMMrh Jam ' ¦ all principal Stations on Great Horthen jHkSSSk YorkaMn , London and North . Werte ^KSSadKbtbi Wsstern . MsnohesUr . bbemaia , anfl M4slHM|RV3anr.2U<uana ttauways vo Waterford. Tlussjfi»i5£ya.al»o to limerick, Tt»a. " f^'i li ' r 11 TlsMtsSS Si III ' nlilt " on Waterford and Central Ireland Ba^ SJsy . ^isisJttoL DangarTao , andia*more BaUw>y, aid W***SBSMitiEs»ik Ba&wRr. r II iii i i iiii isjssjaf m inii TTHII ' if in 'mi' i '"* Uons on LondoasMLjhMfcinig exD Railway. , r . WATfiLFBto ^Afp* jreWP&HT. . ' raOX Wi9JSiMttl,> »iiW\l j - . . VBOK VXWTOBT. ' Weekfn^Mv-f itfftY^i'' ' Wee kly. W ATKB FO*-Dit*«l) " D U N O A B V A N. ' > .i »<tiv>«\»i OUJB offer*. - - ¦ WATEB*O*D?* JI D YOUGHAL . ' . ¦: ;HJivAs'Catgov-^Ben. - ' WATEBJfC'*t«3rJr 1 -NEW' BOSS | Fao> NBW Boas—DaOy. faadayf exoepted , at 845 a.nu . ¦ . FBOK T7IIHIIWII I VA ;jaia<1i)i exaeptsd , at S-10 p.m. ¦ W A TB B i&j k S ij h V E r fi V ITcl H H O » ; - rum Pirn IIWISJ i T>«flji; s>s»i i >jiiiiii'iilinV iii n in * ni * > rum TT IIIIIW TRBI U J I J. nuiifiiij si m««il»l<wT | «l ITIUli i* I TTill ' TiiirilpsatfOi pliliniiriiiii njr ' IT - | v -'-- aU Good* fl^|^W|a ya^ o t .Bt«ameriat 3». <d.;per Cent to OoolaiSilSKBVwi^S' MoUWaM'tlineo * Shipment. <- . Fon^;*M*UI«BiltmatleR- ' to- *•' had at; - | offlee*. " . :. . - - - . '.r.Jf^>«t»Bk:lrk4 x JUr. > ': . \- = -• '• . | [ B*rtha.aKcndl*«i»aiaVlB«0«uUaa «4ranbTA<«nUat l r - ~ 1 Ttiiiltiii ittsjuiTiii i IIJ ' I Oflce(UotUd) « (Queen s SqnajK^Wlfl^*' ^ > : •¦ ¦ ' ¦ ) ¦ ^irira7oo^»K» ^S»JbJp Company (LteltM); JO, Water^reet/ ' aaaMSMfSsK-r-Tfi'''^' '" ' ' ' ¦ " i . ..MBW>oa»-TBn*j)sj >tiTClg ji e>f s£*iit. - - ¦- . n w5riJ l BsiinBrf*>. »'' ' ' . . Yoco«Air-W. ^-VaX|9l&SSeT . ' ¦ •^UBffi 1 u5^|inS.?YOBK fbiBEOT ?XM >- ~t: -: - « .:i .w»«SK*W»ai <.v i -j ^ •• -' r" g^Jaf^^^SCr^ «S VT Wan*I^MkWs. ? LAridoidWU'Kewj MHNfatHpBSMMipc^l and lpwardsUsuet s^Bjfcpis^^&^SifrOy' i'^^ 1- -* '' ff° V '" -A ¦¦ ¦¦ 1-^ ^sHffilBH »¦:;! ' "^ lffSfls f § siM sI Kill s m IV SSS ;6^H <i£»8ttW8»a WATEBFOBD AJI1> ^CiSTBAL:iBJELAND AHD ! I ¦ HSjCKrWY JUMOTTOH BAHVWAYB. ' The «hort««roat«f«iBnWat«rtorta^ Kilkenny to Dublia Athlon* , ParspiutowB , or»*n«ia, U .^ Maofconrngh. ' , - ., TB W, SuSSSSSlt^TlU S<u4v Tnaos wnilssT* Mary- ^»^«^^^5if irrajjgl af i.Wpj»./ Saturday SIATIOXS. ' . 1 ir.i - . ' . i ' .il! i- ' S. - 8AT0B1UT BBTUBX TicxsTS TO DoBtix-Flrst and Sepond Class Betnrn T)ckcU. »re- totnodon ^ Siturdaja at n Single Fart an?a^a^hWW^Wkt«rfora:tlWMiM dtrn , Kilkenny. Ballyragget , Attauag h, and Abbejlelx . to Dublin, by tbe 1-4 and*0 p.m. U* Trains;<Til lable for . retnjrgjon Sunday, amj WAtKEFOBD AITO iiMEBIOT^J^ivlAY. ! " ' ' . -: ¦ ¦¦' Op Train* frt m- 'Waterfordi ^ ' ' , Down, Traiiu,from Limerie u>xxtcz >• TO wAxniosit. FABXS-Flrst Class Stogie Bokrt , 14*. 6d | Sjeond do.. Us. : Third do., 6*. M. Betum—Ffcrt Class , 20s Bd. ; Second do.l l«^ 6d. :: ..: . : , / . ' ;;{ M., J. KENNEDY , Secrstary. ; WATEBFOBD , DUNOABVAN H *. LIBMOBE BA1LWAY 8HORTXST »otrra TO C ORX. ' . T RALXB, AXD KII .UBKBT.. . ; raox 'WATSxrOBD STATIONS STATIONS aSlS . THOMAB O MALLET,Manager WATEBFOBb ^ Ain) TBAHOkE L BA1XWAY, ¦ With Day Train *. 1 -, V. - .J., i. a;,- vli u.•wNWai AMins.. > i TW-rt . 9 »»^-;jjg jy te ¦ First Glass Hail* Tkk*t; i Third- ¦ ¦ •: ditto. . . " < J- -.'./ WILLIAM BEAt ' ¦: hu : « - .' < ; ^iL« ¦: V. 1 ..;r«,:/i 1 )c«|»t !.Jt; IS^Si l UNITED tTATal '8i BkATUit- .;. - :{!r*'£w»if;«j^H <»wUMAw,v.drev:Bi*u*t*#S -N6TA 8COTlA»;, ' .»OT-*lgskgll« ¦ 0A.«AK "^' .J::' .».*'?S*lgf*g 'BAi»amir.r.K;y*r- tl il»« k sgitl :.^wAsWAir * .>rniro»' BBa«ss«SsJ M : Ll »Zf sm-Ksm^ ElSiss^rSl^issls^ss^^sClssBS ^ S ra^ffiSM mm a mm m WM. ' ** . St^SS*^*S**JT^^P^^*^^^^**P^7^^* V' #**Bl ¦" i'rtU¦ . ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ * v< ' : ' -).- - . .Wa^ftord^deiartuw 7 U ¦ ythSM^fcuU^.^. ' a 7<» Attana^h ..i..^...u^«. . 9 S& Abbeylsix :..:.:. 9 50 Marlboro * ...... a*itTBl.l0 IS Maryborough d«p. np i lO l\ Portarllngtott June.... 11 11 Dublin ..... ^ .....arrlral . 11( Athlon* Juno, arrir. 4 43 Maryboro ' dep. down 10 SO BallybroTiny 10 K Boaunu. 11 Si Farsosstown 1Z 4 Nenigh 12 23 Templerura 1 IE Thorle* arriral I 80 ¦uROas A.H. h m Thnrles dep. Templemorc - Bailybrophy - - - ITenagK - - —' pakMnstown - Boecrea .. . . * Mar/ boro " arrl up AtMone Junction -, DubUn •< •• dep. - PorUrlingtonJuno 'tn' VJT.^^^A^^S &»^1 1 ¦ in 1 Marybord 1 ar»l dwn| - 8 25 .10 18 S o , 9 pow* ixn»». ' Was - iMsU 1:8^ Karybora ' ' - dep. 8 40 10 85: 3-30 UuSeylto . - . - 9 0 :iO W : 8 60 Attanwh 0 15 ' 4- 8 BaUnnggrt - - - 9 25 ;11 15 4'15 KUkeuny arriral - 9 (6 11 40 438 Do. detwrtur* 7 80 10, 0 ;ll 45 450 BeuneUbrldi?^ > & « JSKtfi » '5 'i Thbmastown ¦ ' 8(- 5 MO 25 ' 14 * 5' 5 20 Balo-hole ' - , - ! 8 !l0 40 12 «. 5 80 HulUnaTat - - 18 50 11 0 ,. 6 0 KJUmaooir ' .. -I 9 0 11, 10 12 45 6,10 Wateriorf arrltklf 9 80 il SO ' 1 0 «' SO WATXBIOBD : TO XllLSBtCX 14 2 ' Class, WaUrford dep. < 0 Carrick-on-Bulr 6 30 CJonmeL......;. ' .;. 7 _ * Junction arrY/ai 8 25 Dublin. 1 15 Cork. , t80 Dublin deputur . Cork ...:. —' Junction . ;..... ;,. 8 85 Limerick anrrl 9 85 . ' nllBVdlf WXXK DATll MSiatia i«i ¦ ¦ a X8*8r* 2 ri: (na*s. 'OUss. Class. Class. O»s». Ctaw. da* -!.». A.M. -A.RU *Ja. *M.A PJI, ;».K 7 0 11 OflSS 810 ia 5 2 15 . _ t80< 2-0 4 85 ... . 1,16 6 6 | 540 _ _ 9 0 10 15 8 0 8 0 12 30 - ¦ 8 85 12 15 SES 13 30 S8& 7 80 10-5 .1 82 8 30 8J0 10 40 2 0 4 6 9 » ' 11 30 3 85 4 40 J*n - V 1 >-¦">' -A.X. joncHonlaSt. i* (ta/k '&>"'{, * - DuMm*iV, -. . :. .»• Dublin- v dep... Cork>' .?;• -,jv.. . Junction *¦; * .¦. ' •Bppera n^.;.. . -; 8asfcS2?. iS; WitjttforeVturH ' 9 » Waterford •• 6 Kilmeaden ... Carroll' s Cross . ... Eilmaothomas ' ... Dnrrow and Stradbally Dongarran Cappaw Cappoiuin Llsane , . - .. - 8.* Lismore Fermoy MaUow Cork> . . KllUrney Tralee .., arrlv Ballway i : ... dep ..: arrir 8. & W. BaUway. Tral«e ... . ... dep. KllUrney - ... - i, Cork Hallow .. Fermoy ... ... ,,. Usmore arrii W. D. fc L. BaUway.. IOraoro... ._ - dep. Cappoqula ~. ,, Cappaxh; .», . ¦-. Dungarran... ... Durrow k Stradbally ' ,, KUmacthoma* ... Carroll' * Croet - .. ' KUmesdra ¦ ..; Watoford ; I ' - ' U. - arriTal II 8 I . 8- I * ¦ . »•!« I 7 . 8 . 9 no u ' i m| a m | a m ^ p m pm ; pm |pm p mj j pm -^—h tat h m I h m I h m hmjhm h' m ' h ,.Ja t"h" m WM8U10 S0 : UU.S 0 ; ... 4-0 ISO £15 H lWn9 15.U 0 i l loiWft ¦¦•. ¦I 480 9 0 7. 46 9 80 ri.T' .fxoM wnxaroBD. L , TBAIXS :or wssx BATS , f ttnnyTa. ; i ' a*8;i. * . «: - ,isi<»8 . oo<HU ' iit \ tii . Cbss j Osse CJ MS , Cjsaa/Olsta. Cta»*- hrnvh.m. ¦ irvo - 4-0 X10 a' ,10 - ;— v :* ao z&m -ti*t :*>« m$% r^n 8 15 6 25 8 45 7 0 4 2- 4 17 - 5 40 I - 8 30 ! ¦ - 7 11 748 ¦83 -90 920 8 17 f 8 35 10 54 stmsATa, ¦vsmM .SO ' -'— » *$. . II ¦¦ 45 v' -*' :-,«* ^¦^l iiS ' » _ ' _ " 6* .:; '? 0 _ ' 9 63 10 25 TO WATXBIOBD TUTU OX WXXX DAIS 13S|12S 142<14: Class. Class . Class^Class A.K. . A.K. h m h m 7 10 1 - : ?S!. z 0 30 j « 40 ¦ 7 13 - 838 8 15 « 0|8 0 8 8 : 949 8 26 .10 13 Haas. ta*312*'« r ' .BT. Cbss.|Class. : h m h a p m . 2 2 i 2 29 . I 10 ¦ - 120 1 62 3 3 2 80- 10 930 Z45 , 3 9 ' 11 52 ' .SbVrVo ! «; -D -ES: 415 ' .- ' W45 438 1 10 4 50 . 120; 5, £ 1 80 5 ' 20 - 148 : 680 - 2 0 6 0 - 325 , 6, 10 - , 2 35 < «' SO 3 '0' TRAIXS 62wxxi' piTS. .. . |. 8dy : . "7! Maai I ¦ IMaU MaU! 188 183 183 1 231*xl2*8 Class. Class. Class. Class. Class, class! A. B. r.n; r.«. r.ii. r.K, i r.x l —— . i 9 45 118i 8 45 8 80 —.8 80' 10 5 12 7 8 25 9 16 " 6 18 j 10 86 12 85 4 4 10 0 10 0 II 35 145 5 9 11 35 11 85j 11 50 2 0 520 11 55 - 11 55 - 5 5 6 40 10 0 4 10 4 10' 4 85 4 35 8 15 2.0 -20 9 0 10 30 10 7 45 -^ 7:45| 1046 18 80 8 45 10 e - 10.6| UU 8 23 5 46 12 24 18 25| 13 61 3 25 6 50 ISO ISO . 4" 0 10 50 10 50' 515 11 55 11 55, 8 15. 3 0 8 0 10 0 4 10 4 10. -1 ' 017 45 7 45 ; 2 4r|lO 1 « 10 '8 6 85 118 23 12 23' 560, 12 50 I8 60 , 7 " 0 2 20 8 20 745 SO 8 0: 830 346 845 Week Days. Buadayi 3 0 3 12 3 20 sao TO WATXBIOBD eek JDu* A. X.I. V. A.M 81 82 83 86 8 1 98 B4 96 10 , Sondtys 10 15 A. H. 1. « 11 is . _ ¦ ¦ _ 12 30 - 125 ' 2 15 5 0 - - 3 20 ~ ' - 333 - 8 43 410 - - 4 25 4 40 fJi ,-,¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ •¦) v«^^ ' r l- - ¦ : - . ¦¦ •t- :; c5 -<vJSV v% i *Ci->¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - . . ¦ /•J- I 8-^-9 I ka ^n t>m IJim |b. ' m hm 91^1 r. V 5 0 640 020 8 15 932 10 25 71 && *' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ m m i i li wmm ¦ - ¦ ¦ < r ' X *Wi?- - *~'l ^VEJ^g^I^O^PORA'Pp WITH THIS JOURNAL , MAY 9 , 1849 GLA S^iN J JC EI ISA WAR E H 0 U S E " . >: f e/ pf o f ;BT- ESTABLISHED B0V8E IN THE TRADE). ; .. . - ¦ . ^|il^ \ POWER & SON'S , I . ¦ . . ¦ ^-m&- 7, 8/ AND 33, GREAT GEORGE'S-ST.; WATERFORD. A splendid Colleot^pn^of Drosdon and Sevxe China, suitable for Wedding ;.. . ..:.' ¦ ' - ' ' ¦ ¦~^: : 0M M$ ^ > - - ¦¦ ' - ¦f" Mnt»- ' Our ' SSTO'OK cf JDJESSBfeTi SERVIOES aro all of the Newest and most artistic Patterns - - " - . ,:; KKt / tSg.^^- ' :- /; ' -! aatt-DcMgnn. . ' "' ' ' CBE8T3 ANDjuOlTlaUAMS EXECUTED ON GLASS , CHINA , AND IRONSTONE. ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ^ nM ^ f - ^- ¦ i .;; . ; v ; ^- ' :Mi ^M9^ ' ' , MINTOKS & - COPELAND'S CHINA. . " BA^LB, jPi^ix^iiilJgsMNtcs , stn-PLiED wrru CUTLEBT AND ALL OTHEB EKQUISITEB . y.r; \- - ^ ' -- ' .\S riou*\iJSi««riQM . OIVKN TO MATCRI N OB IN GLASS AND CHINA . TR2G.2) Circulars, Names of Local A^eiits, %nd references to GeDtlomcD in the locality using this Food , ' will be sent Post Free on application. THE DUBLIN eitAINS COMPANY , LIMITED , 40 , RAINSFOKD-STREET, DUBLIN. " TheBeSGrains'constitute a variety of Food, to which Cattle are generall y partial . They are nutritious in a high degree ; when properly dried, they n-ill keep unchanged for any leng th of time , and are in particular distinguished by tbe relative low cost at which they may be purchased." " Dried Grains keep in a good condition for almost any length of time , and will bo found a ' gocd and wholesome food for every description of Stock , and particularly useful for Horses and Cattle. " Vcelektr. ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦¦ > . ¦ ¦ Sacks holding one Cwt. charged 8d. each extra, if not returned immediately. (el) MELBOUBNE EXHIBIT ION Copy of Telegram from Agent, A8 FOLLOWS :— MESSES. CANTRELL & COCHEANK. THE JUB OBS HA VE AWA RDED TO UR PROD UCTS FIEST ORDER OF MERIT. my20 Health, r .Tone, . and , Vigour ifpflR mHl8.i>fepPABATI0N IS PEONOUlTqED BT X. , the most eiaiiient.members, of the Medical P<o- fesjion to bo nDeqatlletl for its power in replenishing 'tha vitality of tho body; b y ita snppljing all the es- sential constituents of the blood and nerre snbstanoe, Md for developinp; oil the powers and functions of the system to the 1 highes* dogree. "It removes 1 pimples , blotches , purifies the blood, gives new life, sound and refreshing sleep, and restores the constitution to health and vigour in a short time. Sold by most ehemists at 2s. 8d., ; 4«. 6d., lls., ana 22s. per bottle ; or sent to any adresa carrtagepaiclon reooi pt ' of prioe.by HILTON .4 W., 18ti BigtStreet , Notang'Hni/Xondon. CAUTIONc-Ask- for " Sir 'A«Uey Cooper ' s -Vita' E«storatlve.'' Do not let the chemist persuade you to take 1 any other. The argument of ¦larger bottles and les s prioe is pat forn ard. . It U QUALITY the afflioted require—not quantity. Agents—Barclay * 8ons, 95 Parrlogdon-st., London, and all the Wholesale Houses. •;;.; ¦ r . ¦ ¦ so3J, ' PEICE.£5 PEE TO?, delivered at Railway Stations in Dublin. THE CHEAPEST FEEDING- STUFF^-Especiall y suited for use with Pulped Tbrnips . ESTABLISHED-I847. ^OASSELL'S CELEBEATED ¦: ' ¦ COFFEES. I j Sold retail everywhere- at Is. to 2s. per lb. Sole Prbprietoro . CaBsell , Smith & Co., London. Bold by Wholesale Grocers and Druggists through - . oub Ireland. ' nlO6.m GAlaVANIZED W IRE S HEEP N ETTING nil! . 'i i. M '' f ;We Btrpngly recbuiinpi'd this as the most ' ¦aBrviceable and economical Fence for Folding , Sheep. It oiso forms an excellent Pea Trellis aud ' GaKltn- Fenco. It is made 3 feet liigli , with strong centre strand, best quality of wiro, woven 4-ilich mesb' , carefull y galvsnittd. . Prices copparo favourably with other Portable Felices. See iur Reduced Price LU. K ENNAN MD S ONS , Fishamble St., DUB LIN- The Slue Ribbon Army Brain Restorative ."¦ ¦ •': ¦ - ¦' Fsrswi ALCOHOL. mHB BLUE BIBBpN' jUWIT BRAIN BE- 'IX: ' : , sxOBATim hat.been introdnocd and perfected by the Proiirletor to th« craving for stimilants which exists after the '' eosMattOBJ from taking intoxieatiog liquors, and the terrible malady Dipsomania has-been oared in many cases ' by tbs : nse-of this valuable medi- cine. ..After takingiwo or three dotes of . - . ¦ - . ¦ £ ' _ mHB BLUE EIBBON -ABM^BBAIN BE- X,, 8TOBATIVBJtlie oratipg for stimulants is abated and if pera8veriBd 1 wi t b, v .a. cpro'is effeotod. ' 'All who have fnendsso^eriri^ IrorB this •fri)fht/aldi«e««n ' shon!d ;parobi«ef a bottle, " .and id dnoA t f te m'to try. this - Medi- «iMileapeoial]y- the ' Bluo . B»bon ' men sboul d, endea- Toorinf to win ore? some oouvjnt to tewporanoe , point dnt'that the depression eaosed at Irst by oouaUoa from intoxioatin? drink is much alleviated by empldying the ^rato K*storatfya.;, - ,;:i.: U ;i-.--;^y ; r : ; - . . ¦ ¦>, .;. : - , mHB BtiJB-MBBP^AEMy- . BBAIK-BB. : iJU^firrOBATITH ^ has onredicaaesjwliere . men have i afte rwards * risen to great cmlnsi poa and usefulness. V It WOTCB IS NO? : BEQtf J^BD)^ peases ' of: Goneral JDsbiUtr i arisicgi.lrbnLejtoas aiAji.In-UviDgM OVurwork , BM BM I anxiety, ftQ. 'i Itlm proT»* »he tone of the system and » course of tha cssdietee . wtfl » , wonderf ally, restore «2^n^y, S( ! :u I^pwSWtoneof tUsystei«! to thibj , tre»tmen(- - « ; -ri. ¦ . ¦ - , ••- : ;, y , r J177stffTfT*Fl ll .. Brewari .Browne ., Dqlmaner , &c , &c. ^ ^ AMSBICAN SK^ntw rt toiTns«er»« , «ffl' , wonderfoUy, restore DIBIWIAWO OoHBTrrnTioNs; TBBKBMRQS, > NP -3 WORLD F/^MED •' ,P»OAH 8, HABHONjOK8 , ;4c.,, in . bi8 Ware-rooujg , ' tWBTOeraU ' eallhbf th» p»,mt.^^^^ :- l U* . f Loss NiSYOW 'E»»siiT. -These PUk:are unsur- ; ' : ¦ i fe . ffvni.s/ f ?C<Wls, Ui,. which, by the:unoflu«Uy advantageous contrafcta ha ;. » . . ..-¦?? . .. >*. - ¦ f- "ri ~ 'S ' . ' . " t ' " y - /" passed fts NervInoToni os j theyoorrect all irr egularities . ' 7 1| MJ t iUM I f IIHIJII aiJ I : ;; I ; ha» made, and b y paying Caeb, he ia ablo to Sell at Ptefe?^^^ y ^^^t^^£h^ ^Ma^sS ' ^ ^^^iS^r^ s ^ l miM ^m ^^ ^^^mr: ottlW, b, l ¦uff il^-MVM4»m *^y ^!i>i H»p ^i ZSida^rm^tS^^^f . SHn S&saVesVimJ - 1 . Vfu'respBt-UullyinvitltiK 'inspwtiooi of bin Goods . W CBpUUlathWnils^KiM^Vor.lwjMr^wt , 'i:,^ Sore* of ¦ »1I' Wnda'It U a never-failing and perman ent' p.^ JoNis.fee rs jWdelte^lriK ' abW to refer intend- W«^j'^10|. 8la |^?orJ^i^ r l^ffoTllsA ^^r^r>Xr ^t^m^^: . 8^^:i>itKhif * f -^y a oniaJ ' ^iU ' iR^^VtyuiV ' cVV ^ i^f-^ t, ' , S .VJ: M. ' Joj p^^e^. Thousand*oi Families whow has «» |s^«r ^^P^^"r; Br^:B«toraUve -AStliinft ^-iS^^^ -jfejS^ 'J^^^ i* :VIt:Cnre»-Old-8ores ^; . , . .^ - i V ; " j 1 sttpp^^itb Piaa^orU-sj Ao. ' , and wh,i have expr.sj.Ml B**«ste«riftf»li^^Ko#>h>')^^ j »>cOorM DlooTated Sor<iottOu» Nflek : ., [ ;|, ' !' thjfrttdmiration of lhe Iuatrunieuts . - - Py^m 1 .^^ . ' ..^ .!: ^ . .. ' -; ¦ .. ¦ ¦ ¦ •^¦! iTls^teHt^. '«*«*^ i J/ > - *y^nr 8^gtem«- - i f ;i>-y Ciirea TJWtoai8o».I )ciu .-Wi : : J< V ' L i f^fprtes. ' and J^irm.MiluiM' . Tnned and Bopaitod llJttllTlNa'BMoOCaH ' . 'jlOaiWaKS-an ' evor in;, Blotoheson ; Kndifestlon ! . Tlo^olnorewt. - i ¦ r- ¦ :,j ' * Gorw BliSSSiw Qr Hmnlei oa lbe ! FooVi^ .! ' on «e»«oosAIeterms7I7 : - -rrt ¦ ¦; W& J^^r&^mJ^^f ^Un^-^ . ^^- 1 . r^^V^UvsfOoBi^TJlbsr^iJ " ;i ; » I* V - %m*i Bmn^mfi *^ 1 ^' i^ -t-1. " T^ i ' ° - : - ' ^'Ala^?i«sorteiebi of ^Violins. : Conoertinas , Flutes mm ^^Smvmi^im^ ^^&ii»^: t%z^te^:^ tESfi Ste^^ a^^^^^c^h^^T 1 i^li^fe^^ ^ ' j»«fflfess?^i. ^^s^8saBmfe» mmmm^i^m^ - 8&O^M B ^^ ' ^S^pfi C^if^a^P^io^ioi: M^W&^MWm ^ '^ WPIXBXE VW £ PILLS § ^\mim ^itM ^N ^^m ^ : imI .; :: ^^¦^^•/ATrtestablishment . v-/¦ ¦ . < - -: . -.;- :.M' ^a¥n ^^^iKW*rt >r«*t-®t^«eSi«; tWUi**^^^' oiiMl(li«^rp!«fromUioUrin&ry ^«SM' |T^r «i»!^.»¥»0^f^ 1<* * . -;78; VmMmmPAf S^f ^Jf ^^^ ' ^ w^wSS mumtWS^i^^^^m ^Si^'«i»hfc^^#?p^titutional , QrivJ tf» Blfe ^W-^ tJVf^Qv^^ ¦^raowfW^wcwrtM amiT^wSfc^ Mi^l''* :9t &taa: Ui tli« B*«kt * Jol6riitt^xVr , ' 4s. (kl;ea<jh ,of \ SOLOMOU'S SPECTACiES. OBSERVE19, NASSATJ STREET, DUBLIN (From late Mont Eevd. Dr. O'BBIEN, Biahop of Wntorford). " I have usod Sfr. SOLOMONS ' Spoctftolen tvith groat advantago to my sight , their oolmf? and comforting properties proving roost a^eoaolu unj benoficinl , of- toots whioh I nevor oxporiencod from any other kind of glass or pebblo. " + D. O'B RIEN , Bishop nf Watorford. " (From Most B«v. Dr. Conway, Lord Biahop of KUlala), " Tho experionoa I have had for some time of Mr. E. Solomon' s Spootaclos enables mo to state thoy aro the onl y lenses which afford me tho ease and oomfort to be desired in reading, writing, &o. I am, indeed, glaj that I procured these fnmed si ght preservers, for the use of other glasses and pebbles had caused mo to imagine that snoh satisfaction could not be secured. " + HCOK COMWAT, Bishop of Killala , Ballina. " (From MoBt Bev. Dr. DUOQAN , Lord Bi^' toi) of Clonfert). " I have to express my entiro satintootion with the Spectacles you supplied, and which I have used with great comfort for many years. I liaro not ohnnged the aegroe of power I procured originally from you. ' "fPATBiCK DuoOAN .Bishop of Clonfcrt . Loughroa. " To Mr. Solomons , Optician, Dublin. " (From the Very Eev. Dean O'BBIBX, Foundor of the Catholia Young Men' s Societies). " I feel pleasnro in bearing testimony to the excel- lence of. the Olassoswithirhion I have boen supplied by Mr. Solomons. Having had oooasion to employ them both by day and iiight for somo years, I can say with certainty that the relief whioh they afford and the ae- sistance which they givo aro quite boons to a reador of writer. " B. B, O'BEIEK , D.D., Dean of Iimcriok , Newcastle, Co. Limerick. " " Archdeacon O'SHKA , P.P., is liappy to inform Mr. E. Solomons that the Spectacles supplied to him some ton years since have been eminently successful in afford- ing him easo and comfort, which ho had not experienced from the glasses nnd pebbles ho had been using pre- viously. Archdeacon O Shea has now enjoymont in read- ing and writing by day or night , and his sight appears to have been strengthened and improved. Ho considers that he is indebted to Mr. Solomon' s Spectacles ranch for of tho bonefit derived:—Ball yhalo, Co. Kilkonny. " The BOV. 'EDHD, O'FABRELL ; P.P. , is much pleased with the Bpuctaolos he purchased from Mr. Solomons. They afford him tbe utmost pleasaro and comfort , and are such a striking oontrast to the psbblos and glasses ho had been previously using. He is only sorry hu did not visit Mr. Solomons sooner. —Qleumore, VYatvrford . Mr. E. SoL0K0N8' iSpectacles have been ugod by emi- nent Members of tho Faculty, Nobility, Clergy, &c., in- eludingthelato Chief Jnstice of Ireland ,tho lato ifarquit of Clanrioarde , late Earl of Boden, Lord Vaux of Har- rowden, Clonbruck, Dnnboyna, Athlumney, his Grace tbo-MostBuv. Dr. M'Gettigan , Arohbishop of Armagh, hi* Qraoo the Most Bev Dr MoCabe, Archbishop of Dub- lin ; his Grace the late Most Bev Vr Loahy, Archbishop of Caahol ; Most Bev. Dr. 'Leah y, Bishop of Dromore Most Eev. Dr. Dorian, Biahop of Down and Connor ; Most Bev. Dr. Duggan, Bishop of Clonfort ; Most ROT. Dr. Kyan, Bishop of Killaloe ; Mos t Bev. Dr Power, Bishop of Watorford ; Most Bev. Dr. Moran , Bishop of Ossory, &o., &c. . « Porsons in the country can be supplied with Spectacles , io., by Post. Bepairs promptly attended to. Improved Tolescops, Opera, Baco, and i'ield Glasses ; also Microscopes at most moderate prices Barometers , Thermometers , Magio Lantorns, to. CAUTION I—In oonaoquonco of numorous attempts at imposition, it is necessary to note namo and addross, and to particularly boar in mind, that MB. E. SOLO- MON'S Establishment is Number NINETEEN, NASSAU-STBEET , DUBLIN Established 66 years). PRXEND OF ALL ! HOLLO WAT'S FILLS PURITY O» B LOOD ESSENTIAL TO LIFE , HEALTH AND STBBNOTH . These Pilla surpass all other known Medicines for Purifying the iJLOOD ; being safe and in- effective , they arc available for all a Domestic and Household remedy. In eongestionsand obstructions of tho LuNOSand laviB, they quiokly remove tho cause of the disease, and In consti pation and disordered condition of the BoWKts , they act as ' a cleansing aperient, remov- ing irritant matter from the intestinal canal, and reliev- ing spasms , cramps , and painful gripings. BIMODS AI)AOHE8 , NAUSEA AND * ' oui. STOMACH , L OBS or APPETITE, AND L OWNEBS or SPIBITS. The oleansiiig properties of these Pills MOOU produce a wonderful change in tho constitution , removing all ei- oess ofbile . headnohe ' , pal pitation , poingaf tor eating, and giddiness. . They ' restore the ^appetito, cloar the com- plSxion. and Improve the general noalth. " ' •-T HK MOTHSB ' B FBIBND;—F EMALES'SPICIFICS. Evory Mother of a Famil y should know the vdluo of these Pillsln romoving all accumulatio ns : and restoring, BUB- ponJod or pervartod seerutions ; at various critical period* of female life they are I ussinl beyond measure! they can be token safely, by females of; aU ages) and are invaluablo in alliOhildron. ' s complaints. !, : , ., .; S CIATICA, LUIUBAOO, AMD OBaTEucnons or THE KiDN>rs. -r : If thase Pill J be taken rugularl/. urorj- night , in strict.acebrdiinoejwith tho ' p rinted, dirootwu^, tho most obstinate ciuroa .will ' soon yiolJ ; the •uvrotibnfrom tho kidneys will become clear ' aud ' limpid ; no function of'the ' body should be more' oarul ' nlly watohod : most serious ' uonsequanbes ensue . from neglect in ' this re- spect. ¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦'• ¦ ¦ '' . '(¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦ ' - ;<• : . ; ;, SOBB THEOATS, DIPTIWBIA, COUGHS , COLUS AND ALL BBONCHIAT . ATVKCTIONB should be immediately treated by these fills, ' Which' will, when oombined with tho offdbtnal use faf the OiAtment to the part affected , iiiford snoh a mejsnro of ruliof as is ( scarcely oredible; XL. f .t-i'.MBM^ A! tk' n I' wn ' iiamaritail ta in'MftfAnr' ^Kaf f REGISTERED FOR \ ~DT>Ti~^~TP C SINGLE COPY—2d- I TRANSMISSION ABROAD, j JTXL±V^XU ) BY POST—24d. j datds SHE ANGBL HOTE.O ThlS Largo, Comfortablo, and conveniently sitaated HOTEL, has recently been thoroughly painted and renovated by tho present Propriotor, Mr. HEALY. For Gentlemen and families coming to Dnblin on legal business, it will be found mast convenient , being situated next to the Four Courts ; and for Wedding Parties and Visitors to Dnblia, tha accommodation is secoud to none in the Kingdom. . Private Sitting and Dining Booms, Coffee-room for Ladies, Bed-rooms from is. 6d. to 2s. eaoh. Smoking and Billiard BoomB. , John Jameson and Sons' Soven yearV old Malt ; iuinncss' s Stout Bass' s Ale. Wines, Brandies , ChampagnoK, Li queures, &c. . EICHAED HEALY, Proprietor. ' ial3.1y SOUTH KENSINGTON Private Residential Family Club. " GLENDOWEB MANSION, " 13, 15, 17 , and 19, HARRINGTON ROAD, S.W., LONDON. ¦ - " (The best and most ecAvenient position, in Town).; One minnto from Sotwh Koneington Etedon. ;. .; ten minutes to Wcstminstor ; eightoen minutes to the Cit y—Mansion Honse Station ; noar Parks, Gardens , Albort Hall , and Museums. FOB Families wishing to avoid expense of House- keeping, Visitors to Town , or Gentlomon desiring the advantage of a Clab , combined with the privaoy and comfort of Homo , at a moderate Cost- Introduction or reference required. ' dl!>-tf &&" AddreKS Secretary, THE GLENDOWEH BESIDENTIAL CLUB and PEIVATE HOTEL, Harrington Road , South Kensington , S.W. LIMEEICE-The Glentwortb , A First-class Family and Commercial Hotel. rpHE " -Glentworth" is the nearest Hotel ia J- tho City to tho Bailway Station , Banks, Stcam< boat Offices , Telegraph and Post Offlco , and to all pub- lic places of amusement. P. KKNNA , Proprietor. 14, 15, f.nd 16, Glentworth-strcet , Limerick . jol8 BAT HOTEL^ DUNMORK EAST, CO. WATERFOED. THIS bcautifully-situated HOTEL is now OPEN for tho Season. 8gy Tariff considerably reduced for May and Juno. AU applications to bo ad- dressed to A. M. PLAHAVAK , Proprietress. ap28.tf Hibernian Hotel, DAWSON-STBEET, DUBLIN. FOE FAMILIES nnd GENTLEMEN , under NEW MANAGEMENT. This 0!<l-E*tablis!ieil Firat-Claii Punil y and Com- moreial Hotel Ims r^cmtly nn'lergono thorough Renovating, a-id U no* un ler entirely Jfaw Manage- ment. 'fho Tari.T has boon cnrufnlly r vised , t> ' .vhich ttio attention of Vinitors i-f specially i:ivito l , . Tablu il'diti Winner at (> .)' o' cl >o!< Ht>rred at sviinratu tabl.iH. Hrioo 3*. 01 . THOMAS LUB1MN.} , Proprietir , (J29) Lato Manager of tho Uoyal Marino Hotel , Kingstown. Imperial Hotel , LOWER SACKVILLE-STREUT, DUBLIN. (Opposite the General Post-Office and Telegraph Offlco) The most central in the City. COMPLETELY remodelled and ire-fumished. Magnificent Ladies' Coffeo-Boom, Dining-Boom, Smoking-Boom. BilJiard-room. Charges moderate. CHABLES LAWLER, l' roprietor. f8.tf The Burlington Restaurant , 27, ST. ANDBEW STBEET , DUBLIN, Oyster and Shell-Pith , Luncheon , Dinner and Supper Rooms, CHURCH-LANE , (next door to Hibernian Bink). LUNCHEONS and Dinners, Soup, Fish, En- troes, and joints, &c , Supper*, Fish and Meat. Gamo always ready. The BILLABD ROOM is olegantly appointed. I®- LUNCHEONS at . tho clcgaatly^ttod Fish Buffet , consist of Oysters, Lobsters , Crabs, and Savoury Fish, and a variety of Meat and other Sand- wiohos. Wines aud ' Spirits of the finest qnality. Jameson' s Soven Years' 'Old Malt. Martell'B Brandy, 14 years old. Alos and Stoat from tho bost Breweries, and in perfect condition. Finest Bed Bank Bnrron Oysters Over 1,000 Boxes of very old Cigars in Stock, purohased by tho late Mr. Corless. 4 trial solicited. THOMAS F. COBLESS, PKOPBIETOB . ( U22 SHIP and COMMEBCIAI. HOTEL, 24 , QUA Y. WATER FORD. MICHAEL KIEWAN H AVING purchoaed tb.« Interest in the above HOTEL, begs toannounce that this Estab- lishment OPENED on SATUEDAY, FF J B. 15, 1879. 1 M. K. truata, by strict attintion to those who patronise THE SHIP AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, to merit a continuance of their patronage. 1 ' Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1881. f28.tf SOTAL TALBOT FAUILT AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL , BRISTOL. JAMES BErNOLOS , CATRBER , (Lato of tho Christopher Hotel , Bath.) A fow minutes' walk from the Joint Station. THE Hotel is open for ttie Mails. Night Porter in attendanco. Tram Cars from tho Hotol door every fire minuter. Noted Hoaan for Turtle. Billiard and Smoking Booms, Solooa and Stock Booms. ' rjelO.lyl GREAT GLOBE HOTEL. LOWER BRIDGE-STREET, DUBLIN , Mn RICHARD COFFET , Proprietress (widow of the late RICHARD COFFETJ. MOST Central ; immediate nei g hbourhood of Law Courts and Telegraph Offices ; a few doora from King ' s Bridge Tramway Lino ; five to ten minutes ' drive to any City Railway ; nuwly deooratcd re-fnrnished, itnd supplied with every modern improve- ment requisite for the oomfort of . visitors, under tho personal auporviaian of Mrs. Corrr r and family. Eggs, ' Butterj Cream, and Vegetableo from the Farm daily. Notwithstanding presont high rates, terms are most moderate. ~ Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Beds, from 1 B. 6d. eaoh. Table d'Hote daily, threo o' clock ; Sun- days, five o' clock. Soup, Two Joints , Vegctablos and Cheese , 2s. only. . . . . " .,. - A Night Porter in attendnncp. . All Servants pud by the Proprietress. All communications to be addressed , Mrs. COFFEY , Groat Globe Hotel , ., - . ¦ Lower Bridgo-street , Dublin. No enmmnnication ' with any othor house. 126. ly DUB LIN- .' Commercial and Private Lodging Honse , ^ 49, MABLBOROUGH STEEET. ; PASTIES Visiting Dublin can be aocommocUted , with or without Board, and all the comforts of a homo, on Moderate Terms. . . . " . ¦^. ¦ ¦ ' ' J^^ - KA} " Situation central, dose to SacVvflle-stroot. DE. SMITH'S ,, •;, POSITIVE BElffiEDIES , EOR THE CURE of NEHVOFS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY—GEATis-Sout by post to all parts of tba World oh roooipt of Two Stamps, 'to prepay postage^ '214 p»?es. - . The BOOK O» POSTTTVE fi««Di«s gives some extrsw ordinarjLOnres .of . Diseases of the . Urinary Organs. -j Wnakaess, Gravel, Backanhe , and Discharges. Also; ofJfrrroqs Debility. .The Nauieof thaMedioine given iaBnglisfi whlolj was xx *Ad in eaotfcaaol :The P«rf0v« Mudiolnea ilat wo ' re us^;by Dr:-8KiTK . for over . TJurtJ! Yearsaw 'now patented. -! FoinnstruotJons are riven , with eaoa-:Me«idne. to enable th» Invalid to select the Mtdieiue and Care himself , without consulting a Medi. cal Man. ' Sent direct from the Laboratory. . . ! ; H SMITH * Co. , 28 Southampton Bow, London, .) ?' : ¦:¦!. :• > ¦< . ¦ . ¦ ¦ W.C. ; ' ¦ : l n3.tf| ! ' ~ . ~^ : V FOE THE. BLOObl JS . THE LIFE. " ! PRINTING ! PRINTING ! Effective arrangements exist at TEE NEWS Office for PRINTINO of every description , including POSTEBS, Bill-heads, Circulars, Note Headings, Pamphlets , Shop-bills, Hand-bills, Invoices, Memorandum? , Bent Recei pts , Bentnlx, Coursing, Hunt, Kace, and Invitation Cards, and all tbe FormB used in Poor Law Unions. 833"" ETE-LET LABELS to any size or pattern Mocbine-Euling, Book-Binding, and, in fact, every thing that can be done in a first-class I'rintiuj; Sstablishment. 2s. TEA ! OF EXTBAOBDINAEY QUALIT Y, AS SUPPLIED TO DUKES; EAELS, BABONS, tSS" And the County Families of Great Britain. ¦ ' " ' ¦¦¦" ' ' ' JL. .. ' t ' J Samples; gratis and Post Free. COOPE R COOPER & CO 50 , King William-Street, London Bridge ; G3, Bishopsgate-Street Within , E.O. ; 2G8, Regent-Circus, W. 5 35, Strand (near Charing. Cross), W.C. ; ' 7, Westbourne-Grove , LondoD , \V. (f24) Free Grants of Land in Canada. 160 ACEES in MANITOBA nnd the NOETH- WEST. 100 to 200 Acres in other parts. Further quanties of New Land and improved Farms to be purchased on easy terms. ASSISTED PASSAGES are granted to Quebec to Mechanics , Navvies , General Labourers , and their Families at X4 per adult; Children under 12 years Half-price. Agricultural Labourers nnd their Families and Female Domestic Servants , for which the demand is large , £3 per udnlt. Information and Pamphlets (supplied post free), containing tbe testimony of Englinb and Canadian Farmers as to tho advantages of the CouDtry, and other particulars. THOMAS CONNOLLY , Canadian Govcrnmunt Agent , Northumberland House , Dublin fll.Gm. Eweotman Catholic Colony IN SOUTH-WESTERN MINNESOTA. EAEJIEES intending to Emi grate shoul.1 write for Pamphlets to J OHN SWEKTMAN , IriRh- Ainericau Colonization Company (Limited). 12, Souch Frederick-Street , Dublin. j26.4t WEAVE TRUTH WITH TRUST BRUSSELS CARPETS Of tho Quality made T _ WENTT-FIVE YEAKS AGO, with the improved Design and Colouring of tho present. THE term BEST BRUSSELS as generall y used conveys no meaning or guarantee as to qnality. H. B. WILLIS and CO'S BEST FIVE-FRAME BRUSSELS arc mado exclusively of home-grow* Wools, specially selected for durability. They are war- ranted to be entirely free from mixture of cotton or jute , and to be FULL fivo frames. Well-grown long-stnplsd home-grown Wools aro as superior |to tho short-stapled Foreign Wool*, nsud of necessity in the manufacture of low-priced Carpels, ac tho best Antorican Cotton ia superior to Surat. Insist upon having a WILLIS'S BEST BRUSSELS. Every piece has H. B. WILLIS AND C O., KIDEBMINSTER-BEST, Woven at each .emi. s - 29.13t Important to Farmers. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT To Her Majesty, by Special Warrant , dated December ZHh, 1865. To the Prince of Wales, by Special Warrant , daM February 10th, 1866. DAY, SON, & HEWITT, THE Inventora and Sole Proprietors of tbe " OriRinol" STOCK BEEEDEB ' 6 MEDICINE CHEST, for all Disorders in HOUSES , CATTLE, CALVES , SHEEP , and LAIIBS . This matchless Chust contains all that a Farmvr can rrqnire to keep his Stock free from disease, anil in fine lualthv condition, viz : DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S " CHEMICAL KXTKACT " prevents paining aud heaving in bad lambing, cures swollen and brokon uddors in Ewes and Cow3, and nil gangrenous wounds , cnta , and sores in nil animals. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S " GASEOUS FLUID " stops internal pain , colic , scour, or diarrhoea, debility, colds , shivering, fits , and exhaustion in Horses , Oxen , Calces , Sheep, and Lambs , imparting rare strength , vigour, and appetite. DAY , SON, & HEWITT'S" B ED DKENCH ," the al- most marvollous cleansing drench ; is of immense value ouecking all feverish symptoms after cnlving and lamb ing, rendering the milk of tho Cow and Ewe copious , pnre , and wholesome for their offspring. DAY , SON, & HEWITT'S " BRONCHOLINE , " for husk and hoose in Sheep und Calves. It enters th.: blood and imprognatos ~it* with a pungent , ga. -tcoos odour , destructive to the worm or parasite in the wimlpi po and lungs. DAY , SON, & HEWITT'S " EBP PAHTE BALLS , " for Mares after foaling, being a great pnrifior of tho milk for tho colt; it scatters all humours and feverish symptoms in Horses , and is just the remedy to restore appetite and impart a mole-like condition. DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S " GASEODTNE ," "CARMI - NATIVE CHALK ," Ac , are contained in thfao Chosts. Price of Chestoompletoincluding " Koy to Farriery, " £2 16K. 6d. ; carriage paid. Any article can bo had separately iu boxes. 'L'heBe important inventions have, stood the test of time, and are tho Farmer' s truu friend and Guide iu all iis Cattle Diseases. CAUTION.-^TIeware of low priced Imitatiom , and tee that the name of DAT, SON , & HEWITT IS on al bottles and packets. PBIZK MEDALS AWARDED. DAY, SON, f HEWITT , 22, Dorsot-street. Baker-street. London. W. Established 1831. AGENTS I Waterford— POKOELL, T., Barronshand-Street. ., —WHITE, G. <t SONS, Thomas-Street. CUmmtl—Hiaaiirs , D. H.; PELLISSIEE, B. Lismore NOONAK, JOHN. Note Ross—ABMSTBONO <fe Co. is2lj-13t "Wonderful for the Hair. DOES ' YOUR HAIli FALL OFF, OB TUBN GBEY, &c? If so , me BOSALIE COU- PELLE'S CELNUTBLAB , noted »U over tbe world for its inlnwnlonsproperties , and ss tbe only remedy thstcan depended npon. It is g-n&ntnteed to produoe whiskers, motuUchlos, &O., Iu a few weeks, aud will be found emi. aeutly succewf ul la nourishing, carting, and beautifying th* hair; ^booking gr«yneu, itnuuth«iilsK w»akh»ir ,proT«utij)g tsfalBnjr ofl . and-reatoiing it-in baJdnen- from whatever cuase. Upwards ot . tOOphjslobns h«To recommended it Is tha nxaterj, tot promoting, a. one, healthy head of hair , and averting baldness In after yoars. In bottles prios it. euh. ' "1 WUJ bald-nlae reou. Imt I And new hair coming-ra- pidljr . —J. Bone. ". I Thanks to your staff , I have an' ex- iaUentmotutooh ' s and . whUkers , —Major Browne." " I had lost mjr hair n patches , but it has restored it. —Hiss Uowitt." "After 20 years bsldntss , it has acted miracn. onsly. —H.Moir." . - W Sold at Tn Siw» Orrics Waterford. . CHABLES A. JOUES, 123. PABADB ' QtJAY , WATEBFORD, And 52; BAOWBLL:8TBEET, CLONMEL, BEOS to direct attention to the splendid assoit- . ' meWof PIANOFQBTES b y Messrs. CoIIard and; Collurd , : Broadwood , Kirkman, Brinsoiead , Br^werj. Browne^' j Dalmaner , &c , &c. AMERICAN ,PaoAHS , HABMojiiuk8 , 4c., in . bis Ware-rooms , wbiuh, by tbe:unusually advantageous contratta ha ; bas oiade, and b y payiaK Caah, he is ablo to Sell at much , under L j ondop ana Dublin Prices. 11 ' . !AJ BO ; *6: bis. One, Two, . or Three Years' . System J A Purchase (which iaa; become so general), and to bis Byntetii or HIKING with optioa of Purubatie , and alio/.his present Cash system. ¦ - 1 . ' ' lu ' respectfullyinvitliiij ' inspection^! bin Goods , n.% J ONIS ; reers ' jprtdellriitiBin ' x ' abW to refer intend- Io^ puit phasers to . Thousands pi Fauiilitis whou ho has sttpp^Ba , 1 with j Pi»a.>forttB;4o. ' , and whii have expressed thefr admiration of the InStrumeutn. ' - •• ' Pianofortes ' and Hsrm.ml ' umi' Tuned uid R.MmIr..^

~DT>Ti~^~TP jjj-'.' THE WATEBipoiin/?^' ° ¦ •¦) i I TRANSMISSION …snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1883/... · 2018. 7. 17. · Wett*ru Railway to Nine Elm*

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    ., 'PL I ..- '>;. . . ¦ ¦ BVTEET.WSDKHSDAT. • i

    '..*. '' 'Callingat QneenBtowB ereryThnrBday. ' ifbtt- îtm Full-powered Iron Steamships are appointed....... - . .-^ -j, ¦ - - .̂gail t-™ • . ¦ . ¦ I•Bim*B Qoi** Jani 27 I »II6HD CLIT« • FeK-M):;»B.ntrnlABD.LANDT, Carriokon n̂iisi ,̂!JSNGIiASD ilro SOUTH WAXES* Aim ««


    f *H rSOUTH p ÎBELAND. _' >̂, ,

    itWkl and additional S*rrice by bri^ âTOTO- v^̂ ^Co^S«

    TraJ2U and'stoambort^

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    FEBBfJABY; 1883. ^' . Rtgvlar Steam CewwuticaHon ~ $dvieen ¦ ¦WATEBPOBD and, _ Ii O»*;p;p.irjii:Via Southampton and London, and'&rttfl^Weitark' ''¦¦¦ ¦¦' :¦

    ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦- BaUway.;: '^'

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    ¦ >¦ *|k 4 ¦ f ¦ I" rj £ww KQu-powvZXul OClvw^̂ ^̂ 2̂~H .̂. •' J, n ¦¦ ¦¦¦ *irnfsfo>B.HJLLJT>^^K3uKV.' TOtoON, OOPE»aTO50UltBBX^MBUItthvI'ABraXT. TOBTLUntBATK^

    swmt«pdea â>flMa* ĝ*l>»»>J« B̂«*W f^MJN-V««lt,' and to:edks*M^mftMaWnktv» r̂oafbJ t,h«'tB»tonUir«0« .̂ ĵ '̂̂ j«Vi Wwi i>lJ-CW»o^

    s5ur£j-,- .'." ••' Srd"1 ,;>i ¦ .t 'dirert -. - . J :¦ > \ U'aooa iWedneJ j

    Waterford Steuasbip Company ¦• (lJinTKD).



    *-W9«tlLJKV' r»oeiT»Oood«and IJ»*Bto«kfor:Shl]pJ¦̂̂ ¦¦¦¦—liient on'tbe oonditlons-mentloBedUT̂^̂ ^̂ """^̂ r Solllji*; Iikta, to.,- t o B* had at their

    , ~ W A T E BF O » I> '-*HJ)-«-BBI8TOli -H ¦.. .}raoii wAtxaroRo to BBUM& ¦- raox'BBisroLtowATSRroBD,'

    •>DlrMt i • • [ _ : ¦ ¦ Direct:. I . jFriday. Feb. 2...31 aft'noon Saturday. Feb. S ...11 nlrtlFriday, Feb. 2...3i af t'noon Saturday. Feb. S ...11 nlghlToetday, „ 0...4 olt'ooon Wedntsday, „ 7 ...UslxhtFriday, „ 9...1Ur mem Saturday, „ 10 ... 8 aft'qTueaday, •• 13'...U aft'ooos ,,10*.Deck, 7*. ed.ido Children,4*.


    Friday, Feb. S ... 8 mom Satnrdny, Feb. 3 .„ 7. affnMonday, „ 8 ... 3} affn Wednesday, „ 7 ...1* mornFriday, „ 9 ... 1 affn Satarday, „ 10 ...11 nirhlMonday, „ 12 ...» att'a Wednesday, „ 14 ... 8 aft'aFriday „ 16 ... 8 m or. Baturday, „ 17 ... 7 affnHondut̂ .̂ „. U

    ... 1 afVn Wednesday „ 21 ...10 morn

    JMara355&M.'.»W5Mtt>* Satarday, „ 24 ...U nlyht^̂ ]^̂ jpffi |»|wedna *day .. ffl ... S affnSc»btn»SJr -̂«ag f̂*ml|ifc,sTilUbl.for a monti,'25fc

    •̂'t? !̂?! 'ffiST'S* '̂ 'mlU .i »«\»iOUJB offer*. - - ¦

    WATEB*O*D?* JI D Y O U G H A L .' . ¦: ;HJivAs'Catgov-^Ben. - • 'WATEBJfC'*t«3rJr1J» -NEW ' BOSS |Fao> NBW Boas—DaOy.faadayf exoepted, at845 a.nu .• ¦

    . FBOK T7IIHII W II I VA ;jaia«flji;s>s»ii>jiiiiii'iilinV iii n in* ni * >rum TTIIIIIW TRBIUJIJ.nuiifiiijsi m««il»l«t»Bk:lrk4 x JUr .> ': . \-= -• '• . • • | [B*rtha.aKcndl*«i»aiaVlB«0«uUaa«4ranbTAoa»-TBn*j)sj>tiTClgjie>fs£*iit.- • - ¦ - .n w5riJl BsiinBrf*>.»'' ' '. .Yoco«Air-W. -̂VaX|9l&SSeT . ' ¦

    •̂ UBffi 1u5^|inS.?YOBK fbiBEOT?XM >- ~t: -:-« .:i.w»«SK*W»aixxtcz >•TO wAxniosit.

    FABXS-Flrst Class Stogie Bokrt, 14*. 6d | Sjeond do.. Us. :Third do., 6*. M. Betum—Ffcrt Class, 20s Bd. ; Second do.ll«^ 6d. :: ..: . :, /.';;{ M., J. KENNEDY, Secrstary. ;





    aSlS • . THOMAB O MALLET,Manager


    • ¦ With Day Train*.

    1 -, V.- .J . , i. a;,-vli u.•wNWai AMins.. > i

    TW-rt.9 »» -̂;jjgjyte¦ First Glass Hail* Tkk*t;i Third- ¦¦ •: ditto. .. " < J- -.'./


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    WATXBIOBD :TO XllLSBtCX 14 2' Class,

    WaUrford dep. < 0Carrick-on-Bulr 6 30CJonmeL......;.'.;. 7 _*Junction arrY/ai 8 25Dublin. 1 15Cork. , t80Dublin deputur —.Cork ...:. — 'Junction. ;.....;,. 8 85Limerick anrrl 9 85.

    'nllBVdlfWXXK DATll

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    Waterford •• 6Kilmeaden ...Carroll's Cross. ...Eilmaothomas '...Dnrrow and StradballyDongarranCappawCappoiuinLlsane,. -. . - 8.*LismoreFermoyMaUowCork> . .KllUrneyTralee

    .., arrlvW» Ballway i :

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    8. & W. BaUway.Tral«e ... . ... dep.KllUrney - ... - i,Cork • „Hallow ..Fermoy ... ... ,,.Usmore arrii• W. D. fc L. BaUway..IOraoro... ._ - dep.Cappoqula ~. • ,,Cappaxh; .», . ¦-. „Dungarran... ... „Durrow k Stradbally ',,KUmacthoma* ... „Carroll'*Croet - .. ' „KUmesdra ¦• ..;Watoford ; I ' -'U.- arriTal

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    GLA S îNJ JC EI ISA W A R E H 0 U S E" . >:f e/ pf of ;BT-ESTABLISHED B0V8E I N THE TRADE). ;

    . . . - ¦• • .̂ |il̂ \ POWER & SON'S , I.

    ¦ . .

    ¦ -̂m&- 7, 8/ AND 33, GREAT GEORGE'S-ST.; WATERFORD.

    A splendid Colleot^pn ôf Drosdon and

    Sevxe China, suitable for Wedding;... ..:.'¦'-'< ¦ '¦ ¦~ :̂:0MM$ >̂ - - ¦¦'- ¦f"Mnt»- 'Our'SSTO'OK cf JDJESSBfeTi SERVIOES aro all of the Newest and most artistic Patterns- - " -. ,:; K K t/ tSg.^̂ -

    ':- / ; ' -! aatt-DcMgnn. • . • ' " '' ' CBE8T3 ANDj uOlTlaUAMS EXECUTED ON GLASS , CHINA , AND IRONSTONE.

    ¦ '¦ ¦'¦ ¦'

    n̂M f̂ - ^- ¦

    i.;; .; v ; -̂ ':Mi M̂9 '̂',MINTOKS & - COPELAND'S CHINA.. " BA^LB, jPi îx îiilJgsMNtcs, stn-PLiED wrru CUTLEBT AND ALL OTHEB EKQUISITEB.y.r; \-- '̂- - '.\Sriou*\iJSi««riQM. OIVKN TO MATCRINOB IN GLASS AND CHINA . TR2G.2)

    Circulars, Names of Local A êiits, %nd references to GeDtlomcD in the locality using this Food,' will be sent Post Free on application.

    THE DUBLIN e i t A I N S C O M P A N Y , LIMITED, 40, RAINSFOKD-STREET,D U B L I N ."TheBeSGrains'constitute a variety of Food, to which Cattle are generally partial . They are

    nutritious in a high degree ; when properly dried, they n-ill keep unchanged for any length of time ,and are in particular distinguished by tbe relative low cost at which they may be purchased."

    " Dried Grains keep in a good condition for almost any length of time, and will bo found a'gocdand wholesome food for every description of Stock, and particularly useful for Horses and Cattle."—Vcelektr.

    ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ >. ¦

    ¦ Sacks holding one Cwt. charged 8d. each extra, if not returned immediately. (el)

    MELBOUBNE EXHIBITIONCopy of Telegram from Agent,

    A8 FOLLOWS :—


    FIEST ORDER OF MERIT. my20Health, r .Tone, ;¦. and , Vigour

    ifpflRmHl8.i>fepPABATI0N IS PEONOUlTqED BTX. ,the most eiaiiient.members, of the Medical Pi H»p î ZSida r̂m t̂S^^ f̂ . SHn S&saVesVimJ -

    1. Vfu'respBt-UullyinvitltiK'inspwtiooiof bin Goods.W CBpUUlathWnils^KiM^Vor.lwjMr^wt ,'i:, ̂ Sore* of

    ¦»1I' Wnda'It U a never-failing and permanent' p.^JoNis.fee

    rsjWdelte l̂riK 'abW to refer intend-

    W« ĵ'̂ 10|.8la |̂ ?orJ î r̂l^ffoTllsA ^ r̂ r̂>Xr t̂ m̂^ :̂.8^^:i>itKhif*f - ŷ a oniaJ'̂ iU 'iR^^VtyuiV 'cVV ^i^f-^t, ', S.VJ : M. ' Joj p^ ê .̂Thousand*oi Families whow h« has«»|ŝ «r^̂ P^̂ "r;Br^:B«toraUve -AStliinft -̂iS^^ -̂jfejS^'J^̂ ̂ i* :VIt:Cnre»-Old-8ores ;̂., . .^- i V • ; " j 1 sttpp^ îtbPiaa^orU-sjAo.', and wh,i have expr.sj.MlB**«ste«riftf»li^^Ko#>h>')^̂ j »>cOorMDlooTated Sor-tf&&" AddreKS Secretary, THE GLENDOWEH

    BESIDENTIAL CLUB and PEIVATE HOTEL,Harrington Road , South Kensington , S.W.

    LIMEEICE-The Glentwortb,A First-class Family and Commercial Hotel.

    rpHE " -Glentworth" is the nearest Hotel iaJ- tho City to tho Bailway Station, Banks, Stcam<boat Offices , Telegraph and Post Offlco , and to all pub-lic places of amusement. P. KKNNA , Proprietor. 14,15, f.nd 16, Glentworth-strcet , Limerick. jol8


    THIS bcautifully-situated HOTEL is nowOPEN for tho Season. 8gy Tariff considerably

    reduced for May and Juno. AU applications to bo ad-dressed to A. M. PLAHAVAK, Proprietress. ap28.tf

    Hibernian Hotel,D A W S O N - S T B E E T , DUBLIN.

    FOE FAMILIES nnd GENTLEMEN , underNEW MANAGEMENT.This 0! '.vhich ttioattention of Vinitors i-f specially i:ivito l,. Tablu il'diti Winner at (> . ) ' o'cl >o!< Ht>rred atsviinratu tabl.iH. Hrioo 3 *. 01.

    THOMAS LUB1MN.}, Proprietir , (J29)Lato Manager of tho Uoyal Marino Hotel , Kingstown.


    (Opposite the General Post-Office and Telegraph Offlco)The most central in the City.

    COMPLETELY remodelled and ire-fumished.Magnificent Ladies' Coffeo-Boom, Dining-Boom,

    Smoking-Boom. BilJiard-room. Charges moderate.CHABLES LAWLER, l'roprietor. f8.tfThe Burlington Restaurant,

    27, ST. ANDBEW STBEET, DUBLIN,Oyster and Shell-Pith, Luncheon, Dinner and Supper

    Rooms, CHURCH-LANE ,(next door to Hibernian Bink).

    LUNCHEONS and Dinners, Soup, Fish, En-troes, and joints, &c, Supper*, Fish and Meat.

    Gamo always ready.The BILLABD ROOM is olegantly appointed.I®- LUNCHEONS at . tho clcgaatly t̂tod Fish

    Buffet , consist of Oysters, Lobsters, Crabs, andSavoury Fish, and a variety of Meat and other Sand-wiohos. Wines aud ' Spirits of the finest qnality.Jameson's Soven Years' 'Old Malt. Martell'B Brandy,14 years old. Alos and Stoat from tho bost Breweries,and in perfect condition. Finest Bed Bank BnrronOysters Over 1,000 Boxes of very old Cigars in Stock,purohased by tho late Mr. Corless. 4 trial solicited.



    M I C H A E L K I E W A N

    HAVING purchoaed tb.« Interest in the above

    HOTEL, begs toannounce that this Estab-lishment OPENED on SATUEDAY, FFJ B. 15, 1879.1 M. K. truata, by strict attintion to those whopatronise THE SHIP AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, tomerit a continuance of their patronage.1 ' Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1881. f28.tf


    JAMES BErNOLOS , CATRBER ,(Lato of tho Christopher Hotel, Bath.)

    A fow minutes' walk from the Joint Station.THE Hotel is open for ttie Mails. NightPorter in attendanco. Tram Cars from tho Hotoldoor every fire minuter. Noted Hoaan for Turtle.

    Billiard and Smoking Booms, Solooa and StockBooms. ' rjelO.lyl


    Mn RICHARD COFFET, Proprietress (widow of thelate RICHARD COFFETJ.

    MOST Central ; immediate neighbourhoodof Law Courts and Telegraph Offices ; a few

    doora from King's Bridge Tramway Lino ; five to tenminutes' drive to any City Railway ; nuwly deooratcdre-fnrnished, itnd supplied with every modern improve-ment requisite for the oomfort of .visitors, under thopersonal auporviaian of Mrs. Corrrr and family.

    Eggs,' Butterj Cream, and Vegetableo from the Farmdaily. Notwithstanding presont high rates, terms aremost moderate. ~ Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Beds, from1B. 6d. eaoh. Table d'Hote daily, threo o'clock ; Sun-days, five o'clock. Soup, Two Joints, Vegctablos andCheese, 2s. only. . • . . „ „ ." . , . -• A Night Porter in attendnncp. . All Servants pud bythe Proprietress. All communications to be addressed,

    Mrs. COFFEY, Groat Globe Hotel,., - . ¦ Lower Bridgo-street, Dublin.No enmmnnication' with any othor house. 126. ly

    D U B LI N -.'Commercial and Private Lodging Honse,^ 49, MABLBOROUGH STEEET. ;PASTIES Visiting Dublin can be aocommocUted,

    with or without Board, and all the comforts of ahomo, on Moderate Terms. . . . ". ¦ .̂ ¦ ¦ ' 'J^̂ -

    KA}" Situation central, dose to SacVvflle-stroot.

    DE. SMITH'S ,, •;,P O S I TI V E B E l f f i E D I E S,

    EOR THE CURE of NEHVOFS andPHYSICAL DEBILITY—GEATis-Sout by postto all parts of tba World oh roooipt of Two Stamps,'toprepay postage ̂ '214 p»?es. - .

    The BOOK O» POSTTTVE fi««Di«s gives some extrswordinarjLOnres .of . Diseases of the. Urinary Organs.-jWnakaess, Gravel, Backanhe, and Discharges. Also;ofJfrrroqs Debility. .The Nauieof thaMedioine giveniaBnglisfi whlolj was xx *A d in eaotfcaaol :The P«rf0v«Mudiolnea ilat wo're us^;by Dr:-8KiTK.for over.TJurtJ!Yearsaw'now patented.-! FoinnstruotJons are riven,with eaoa-:Me«idne. to enable th» Invalid to select theMtdieiue and Care himself , without consulting a Medi.cal Man.' Sent direct from the Laboratory. . •. !; H SMITH * Co., 28 Southampton Bow, London,.) ?':¦ : ¦ ! . :• . » > ¦




    CREACON VILLA, one mile from NewRoss, County Wexford.

    JOHN PKNDKB baring received instructions fromLUKE WHITNET. Esq., will SELL BY AUCTION, atTho City Auction Mart, 27, Barronstrand-Btreet,

    Waterford,O2V MONDAY, 2Sth FEBRUARY, 1883,

    (Side at One o'Clock),CREAOON VILLA AND DEMESNE,

    Which contains 258 Statute Acres of Good Land,hold in Feo Simple.

    DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS.This estate is nicely situated, and in a most re-

    spectabla neighbourhood, well circumstanced, goodlocality, quiet and pvaceablo, and affords an op-portunity eeldom offered for procuring a first-classResidence, not requiring any expenditure.

    The House, which is two Stories, stands in asheltered position, with a cheerful Southern aspect,and the Pleasure Grounds are tastefully planted withEvergreens, and Lodge ni Gate Entrance.

    Tho Lands are of good quality, either for Pastureor Tillage, having been long nurtured and highlycared for by the present Proprietor, and are all underGrass, with the exception of about Twelvo AcresThe fields are well laid out and sheltered.

    There is a sufficiency of full-grown Timber on theLands to make them ornamental, and a suitable Re-sidence for any Gentleman's Family. The Fruit andVegetable Garden is walled in.

    The Farm is well Fenced and has an Abundantsupply of Water. There are Three Spring Wellson the Lands, which have nover run dry, and can beused for Irrigation.

    There is a Monthly Fair held in New Boss, whichis attended by the principal Buyers bf the surround-ing Counties, and a good Salmon and Trout Riverwithin; half-a mile, and the Fox Hounds meet veryoften in the' neighbourhood, so that it is rarely sovery desirable a property con be procured.

    For any further particulars apply toJOHN PENDER, Auctioneer, Waterford.

    $8T Private Offers will be received by the Auc-tioneer up to the 12th February. jl9

    BALL7B07, County waterford,Tno Miles from Kilinacthoinas and four from


    JOHN PENDER having received instructionsfrom Mru. ANABTATIA POWJSE, willSELL BY AUCTION on TUESDAY, 30th JAN.,

    1883 (the Fair Day), at WALSHE' HOTEL,KILMACTHOMAS,

    HER INTEREST in the FARM at BALL1-BOY, which contains 72 Acres Statute, at

    the Yearly Rent of J645. and held under JOHNPALLISIB, Esq.j who i as given his consent to theSale:

    The Lands are all under Grass, except about fourAcres, which were sown under Oato and Potatoes.

    The Purchaser can have immediate possession.Sale nt One o'clock. For further particulars

    apply toDOBBYN, TANDY, & McCOY, Solicitors,

    Waterford ; or tojl2.3t JOHN PENDER, Auctioneer.

    Private Offei« will be received by the Auctioneerup to the 23rd inBt.


    HOUSE AKD LAND AGENT, 27 BarronstrandStreet, Waterford, and 2, Alexandra Place


    Auctions are held at the Horse, Carriage, andFurniture Repository, Morgan-street, Waterford,on the first MONDAY in every Month (the FairDays), of Horses, Cattle, and every kind ofProperty. Money advanced on Property sent forabsolute Sale. Horses, Houses, Land, and everykind of Property, bonght and snld on Commission,daily. Persons having Property of any kind forSale will find this Agency desirable, as a promptCash settlement is made immediately after Sale.All kinds of Property valued for Probate and theLand Courts.

    JOHN PENDER, Auctioneer.$3T An Auction will be held every SATT/BDAT

    nt tbii King Street Auction Mart of Furniture,nn.l every kind of Property sent for Sale. si


    Important to Merchants, Traders, andOTHERS.


    E00MS of Messrs: THOMAS WALSH & SON,Auctioneers, on the MALL, WATKEPOBD,

    On THURSDAY , the 15th FEBRUARY, 1883,at the hour of 12'o'clock, noon,

    On behalf of the Governor and Company of theBauk of Ireland, under power of Sale containedin a Mortgage, whereby the Premises were de-mised to them for the residue of the term of 61yoars, less the last day thereof.The Premises are numbered 12 and 13, Barron-

    strand-Street, Waterford, late in the possession ofA NDREW O'NCILL, held under Lease for residue ofa term of 61 years, from th« 25th day of March,1857, at the yearly Rent of JMO.

    The Premises consist of Dwelling-house, contain-ing five Rooms, large Shop and Ware-Rooms. TheShop has plate-glass Windows, Counters and Shelv-ing, fitted for the Hardware and General Ironmon-gery business within the last two yean, at a largeexpense, and are situate in the greatest thorough-fare and 'best business part of the City, within 100yards of the Quay.

    For Statement of Title and Conditions of Sale,apply to AGENT, Bank of Ireland, Waterford j


    Solicitor having Carriage of the Sale,Solicitor's Office, Bank of Ireland,Dublin. It



    TO BE SOLD, with immediate possessions, theINTEREST in the LEASE of the above old-established LICENSED HOUSE, situate in tbevery best part of tbe City of Waterford, in which alucrative business has been carried on for over 60years. Tenders will be received up to FRIDAY,8nd FEB., 1883, by

    THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.Tbe Mall, Waterford, Jan. 19,1883. }19.2t


    TO BE SOLD, the TENANT'S INTEREST inthe PREMISES, situate in CROSS LANE,NEW ROSS, which compilses a Largo BARMBREWERY, containing everything requisite forcarrying on the businea.with a comfortable Dwell-ing-House and Garden âttached.

    An there is no Establishment of tbe kind in theTown, to a person who understand* the business,this offers a good opening for a profitable Trade.

    Also, for SALE on the Premises—a number otCasks, various Bizes ; Beam, Scales, and Weights ;Donkey's Car, Corn Shovels, Flour Bin, OfficeDesk, Stove, and other Sundries.

    For particulars apply to ,' • ;PATRICK BOLGER, Auctioneer, ice.,

    South-Streot, New Boss.31st January, 1883. ' It

    JAMES O'CQtfXTEM, Auctioneer,Mart and Office—il , BAOWELL-BT., CLONMBL

    TEHICLES, JIACHIHEBT, FUBNITUBE, andGoods of every description Warehoused and Sold

    by Private Sals, or by AUOBOD, on the most reasonable.terms. ' • •.. . • . . , ' : - s29.1jr ',

    Tippeiary Union

    NOTICE that BATE BOOKS are OPEN for 'Inspection of R̂atepayers, . ;

    "IVTOTICE is hereby given,, thai Rates, aa heretmderJ3i mentioned, are atont to be made on the'propertysituated in the tinder-mentioned Electoral Dirmou ofthe above-named Union, rateable under the provisionsof the Acts far the relief of the Destitute Poor in Ire-land, The Rates for (he Ordinary Expenditure of thesoveral Electoral Diviiiona aa follows »—; " . ' : ; ; I

    ' Electoral Divisions of BaUyotrrooJa'rate of ls.8d. Iithe pound ; BaUvarriffln, Is. 8d. ; BaUykittoen Is. 2d. jBansha, 2s. Od. ; Bilbo*, 2a. 6d.; Brois, 1«. 7d. ] Cap.pagh, '8s. Id. : Clonbeg, Is. 10d- ; Cullen.. l*..ld. ;unrraneen, *t. vo. ; jsououw, *», »u. »• JSVUU ouum, o».8d. ; Drnmwood, 2s. Id, nEmly. lsM. j QlBngar, 2s.9d. ; Golden; 2*. lOd. ; Grean, U. lOd. rKllfeicle,la.lOd. ; Kilaldriffe, Is. 7d. ; KUmacklk.ls.id. j Lattia,Is. 4d. ; Oola, 8». Od. j Bathlynin, Is.6d. i Rodtu, U.63. ; Shronell, U. 4d t 8oUohedbeg, 1*. M.; Temple-neiry, Is. lOd j Templebrsden, Is. W. j Thomastown,Is. 8d.

    ¦/ Tippewry, *. (^̂

    .rftC i'lvV: ^^ .̂The aatd Bates jneloda OatfHalf-peniur in the pound

    for General .Expenses, nadft th«i «'> Ĥ«rtia >e|,N 1878,"onall UiaEleot3ralDivu)loai.of:th«UnIon /̂-iikvUtaa U also made in tha BaKsof aU the Elifc

    torsi Divisions, for Instalment jwrWtoTwiaer.iMtti-1

    '¦ The Bate Books are deposited for Wf iaMoti6oa.it*DT B»t«p«yeratthB Board-rboin of,th»j;Wot»hoaa#,:

    ¦:;; of Ten'o'otockjB thefowoopj; •ojijr?ttry«Jo*;U;tt(»l̂^rbMf îirdBria Ûw fourteen P»vs nwt.turiiKtM?

    business NoticesOIZTGER WISE,


    -TI7UMILIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superiorJE to any other offered to the Public.


    May bo obtained of all Grocers and WineMerchants throughout the Country,

    And Wholesale (in Wood and Bottle) from theManufacturers,

    BEWLEY & DRAPER (LIMITED),f28. D U B L I N . tf




    OjJicH and Show Room : No. 10 LAD Y LANE.


    PUBLIC BUILDINGS ; HEATED by Hot Wa-tor, on the most approved principle.

    Testimonials, too numerous for insertion, from theleading Gentry of Waterford and surrounding Counties,whose places I have heated, may be seen at my offioes.' P.S.—Having purchased at the Sale at Little George'sstreet the entire Stock of Brass, Wood, and Lead Pat-terns connected with the Foundry, for Brass Castings,I am enabled to execute all orders for Casing at theshortest notice, and on reasonable termo.

    Entrance to Works from Peter Btreet. [mbIMPORTANT NOTICE.

    Parties about to Supply their Honsee with the newPIPE-WATBB will bonsnlt their own interests by callingat the above Establishment, where estimates can be hadfreo. ¦

    All work will be guaranteed of the best material andworkmanship, and will be executed on the most E»A-BOKABLB TEBHS. . $ .

    >A trial respectfully solicited;10, Lady Lano, Waterford, Aug. 27, '81.



    IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all per-JL3i sons now in arreurof Water Rate are herebyrequired to pay same on or before THURSDAY,the 15th February, inst. After that date legal pro-ceedings will be taken for the recovery of Ratesagainst all parties who shall be then in arrear.

    AND N O T I C E IS HEREBY FURTHERGIVEN, that the Water supplying such persons'premises will be cut off on or immediately aftersaid date.

    No further or other notice will be given.By order, JOSEPH W. HOWARD,

    Town Clerk.Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall,

    Waterford, February 1st, 18S3. It

    ROBERT JULIANBEGS to intimate tbat be never had a nicer

    assortment of SANDEINGHAM, POLO, DOG,and LORNE CARTS, either in Varnished Timber orPainted, which, for stylo, durability, ease, balance,finish, and prices are all that can be desired. All atpreaont On view, together with some excollent SECONDHAND ONES, only a short time in nge,At the SOUTH MALL COACH FACTORY,

    C O R K . d22-6t


    M I L L I N E R Y , M A N T L E ,AND


    W. K E L L YINVITES special attention to the large and

    carefully selected WINTER STOCK!which be is now showing, and which includes :



    well stocked with the best valuo yet offered tothe Public.

    Millinery, Mantles, Furs, Fur Trimmings,&c, in great variety.

    W. K. is also offering splendid Value inGrey and White Calicoes, Sheetings, &c.

    Tbe favor of a. call respectfully solicited.





    )ll3,ly EOUI KABKET,May be had of all Wholesale Houses, or at




    PORTS (Tarragonn)...16s., 18s., 21s. ... per dozenPORTS (Oporto)...24s., 28s., 84a., 40s., 48s. „SHERRIES (Xeres)...168, 18s, 22s, 28s, 34s, 42s.CLARETS (Medoc)...12s, 16s, 18s, 24s, 30s, 86s.WHISKEY (Dublin)—27s., 32s., 36s., 37s., 42s.BRANDY (Cognae)...426, 48s., 60s., 66*. ¦:. vfe;

    v; _^Jj }_«_ •_

    [mh3.10m) •' - '-/A .JOHN SKANAHAN,

    COMMISSION AGENT, Butter, Corn, and Pig\J Broker, 29, BALLTBBicKEN.Waterford. sl6.6mH U G H I K o L E A N ,



    Having porohased the Interest ,and Plant of the lateFirm of!

    Me L E A N A»D M c l N T O S H ,Enables me to execrate all Orders entrusted, to me asPLUMBER. BRASS FOUNDER, and GAS-FIT-

    TER ; al»o Heating of Green-honaes, Conserva-tories, and Pnblio Buildings, on the most improvedprinciple, by the circulation of hot water.

    HOIMS. and Ship Water Octets; Balht ; Lift andForce Pump tj Hy draulic Ramt; OataUtri, Oat Heat-ing, and Cooking Btovet ultoavi on hands. £mh2.tf

    H U G H M o L E A N ,3, LittU George'i-ttrtxl , Wattrford

    Tha Turkish. Baths, Waterford.For HEALTH , CLEANLINESS, and HAPPINE88

    ¦ ' USE THSmURKISH BATH, situate at PABK-BOAD,X WATEBFORD, now entirely renovated andimproved, and open frotr 6 a.m.- to 8 p.m..eachWeek Day, and on Sunday mornings. . : ..

    Single Baths, la. to 2s. each, ' and' one dozen at8a. . On Saturday Evenings, 5 to.8 p.m., 6d.

    Hot, Cold, and Shower Batbs, Is." One of the most remarkable properties of the Bath

    is its abilitr to destroy the sense of fatigue and exhaus-totion."—Mr. EBABMDS WILSON.

    " Habitual Bathers seldom take cold, and those whohiive got a ohill, and feel Catarrh ia imminent, can al-ways oot it short by • good long.bath.—Dr. MADBBN."

    1, Broad-Streot, WaterfordNOW OPEN-^OENERAL GROCEBY,


    ;TlyfAURIOE POWER begs to announce thatAXJL ¦ he has Opened the abov» EtUblUhment with aline and well-seleoted Stock of GROCERIES, WIMES.and SPZBXTS,: ar.d resp««tf ally solioiU the patconage orhit Friends and the Poblio, . He invites tpeoUl atten-tion to hi» TEAS, wUoh Kave been moat oarefally »e-leoted, andon best terms. - j ! • ol3^m


    WHOLEBALB AND BSTAIL <Tish, Qam»,i Poultry.jand loe Storea,. . . BBAU-SITWET; WATEBFOBD. r

    fTtHE attenition-olithe - Geatiy- and PublicJj '. U called to thUEitahliihrnent; ¦' GOODS '. or; THU CHOioisxiQuALm. :

    Country ordert ioarefaUjrjtUeoded to.- i . ¦.

    ¦ , ¦ ;. r w. STREET,-PBOPWETOB. : ,.. ICE I ICE 11' Ioa '! -A loxttry for hot weatherf s»-oiirely paoked for joonveyajine by rail, Ao. Tema on•JjolieaUon. '. . :. ; • j

    1;.¦".. >..,> "* :[ ,' n bMt Uunki toiQ* l^JHpMrwaWneMvid byj^rJSBM tbt tewtff t ' < tiw SiiliTXwTi' âoia to bu, aa4

    if tOKMol ***f **f *** to my Friends andJL Patrons and tbe Public generally, that myFather, Mr. SAHUBL ALLEN, having retired frombusiness on the 1st of October last, and called forpayment of all outstanding accounts due to him,he banded over his Business to me, which I con-tinue to carry on as UBual ; and that all debts dueto the Establishment from and after that day atepayable to me.

    Hoping to have a continuance of that patronage,I wish to assure my costumers that nothing shallbe wanting on my part to merit a continuance andincrease of that support which has been so longconferred by a generous public. jld.tf

    29th December, 1882. WILLIAM ALLEN.


    TO SOLD, by PRIVATE TREATY, a HOUSEsituate on tbe TIBBACB, Tramore, containingseven Bed and four Sitting-Rooms, Kitchen, andOut-Offices , held under Lease, at a very low rent.

    For paiticulars as to price, Ac., apply toSAMUEL C. ALLINGHAM, Solicitor,

    24.tf 3, King-street, Waterford.

    TBAHEOBX.HOUSES, fully famishad, TO BE LET, by tho'. Month, for he Season or by the year, at StLlOEft TEKBACE , Tramore. Apply oh the promisoB.

    Tramore. County waterfordmO be LET or SOLD, two large Grass FABM 8,JL K I L B R I D E a n d M00NV0Y, situatewithin one "mile of Tramore, and five of Waterford.Kilbride about 179A. 8B. 8P. Statute ; Mocnvoyabout 86A. 8B. 25P. Statute. For particulars apply,to ' JAMES BUDD; Esq., Tramore ; or

    THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers. :The Mall, Waterford. •: ' \ d22

    ARMT SERVICE."VOUNG iS^rSbwS-tdm'HER MA-•J-'-: - JESTY'S ARMY'will, on'uppllcat on at anyPost Office in the United Kingdom, be snppljod, with-out charge; jrith a pamphlet containing detailed Infor-mation as td the Conditions of Service and Advantsgenof the Army, a* to P»y, Doferred Pay,* and Pensions.'1; -SERVICB Or SOLpiEBS.: .̂' ..]';" 'Enlistment will be for seven yeafiVUk'tiiColournand five in Reserve, or eight je»r« wi'i- the Colours enctfour in the Reserve, if the Soldier oompleter his sevenyears while Mrvinf'abrotd. ; . ¦

    ¦ " ¦.* '¦ ^> ' '• '.• > : ¦ ¦.'¦ PROMOTION IN THE ABMX '. . > ,¦ The foDowiaf positions with the regular Almy »taclAuxiliary Forces »re held exolaiivelj by deserving

    Amm imaU f a .'tf - Viturt of ' • Batf» o/Pa»," of the wdl-lmovm Educational

    Establishments of. Coloma, near Malines, Brussels,Rue du Marait, 23, and Chaussie d' Haecht, 68,

    THE constant aim of the DAMES BE MABII is to_ givo to their Pupils such a careful religious

    training as shall make them good and piousChristians, and such intellectual culture as shallmeet the requirements of modern Education.

    Pension, £32 in each of the above Institutions.For further particulars, apply to the respectiveReverend Mother, Supeiior of the Establishments.

    Reference is kindly permitted to the ReverendMother Superior, Coloins House, Bedford Park,Croydon,W., Surrey.

    Mr. McCarthy, Surgeon Dentist,ATTENDS Wuterford professionally every

    , MONDAT and TUESDAY.Address-4 0 , L A D Y - L A N E .

    Nelson-Street, Clonmgl. j!0.7fcTO BE LET,

    THE GRAZING of part of tbe Lands of CBOOK,known as " Grcenhills," Passuge East, con-taining abont 18 Acres. Apply to I.'THOBNTON , -42,'Ladj-Lonu, Waterford. j26.t£

    Maternity or Lying-in Hospital,PARLIAMENT-STREET.

    11th Jannary, 1883.THE Ladies who form the Committee of theMATEBNITT or LTINO-IN HOSPITAL are obligedto appeal to the Public. ' Tbe Fnnds are in suoh a vurylow state, that unless a large number of Sabsoriboracome forward , the Hospital must soon bo closed.

    The skilled attendance and care bestowed on thepoor patients are not its only claims to the considera-tion of the Citizens, inasmuch as for many years thoInstitution has been most useful and successful in thetraining of Nuraes.

    Subscriptions thankfully received by the Treasurer,Mrs. H. DENNY , Jobn's-hill ; or the Hon. Sea., Mrs.J. W. HOWABD, Catherine-Street. jl2.3tWATERFORD AND CENTRAL IRELAND AND


    ATTANAH (Queen's County) STEEPLECHAS ES(Racecourse.adjoining the Station),

    T ¥ E S D A r ,. 6th F E B K U A K Y .ON the above day, a First; Second, and ThirdClass SPECIAL TRAIN will run as nnder :—

    Waterfora departure 10.0 a.m ; Kilmacow 10.10 ;Mullinavatt 10.20; Ballybale 10.40 ; Thomastown 10.55:Bennttabridgo 11.5 ; Kilkenny 11.45 ; ifeUyngget,12.15 p.m ; Attanagh arrival 12.80.

    FABXS to Attanagh and Back:—From Waterford, to Kilma-cow and MoUlnoTat, lit clou 6s j 2nd olais 4s W; 3rd chuij3s. From B&Ujhale, Thomastown, and BenneUbridge, 1stolasi 5s i 2nd class 4s; 3rd alus 2s 6d. From Kilkenny, 1stclass 4s; 2nd class 3s ; 3rd clua 2s. from Bdll/ragget, 1stclass Is s 2nd class Bd : 3rd class 6d.

    The B«tarn Train will leave Attanagh at 415p.m., stoppingat all Stations, and arriving in Waterford abont 6.30 p.m.

    Passengers from Maryborough and ilbbeyleix oan reach At-tanagh br the 8.40 a.m and 10.8A a.m. Down Trains, and retnrnby a Special leayini? Attanagb lor Maryborough ut *&) p.m.Uetnrn Tickets only will be Issued to or Irom Attanagb bytbe ordinary or special trninB,

    Horse* will ouly be coaieyed to Attanagb by the trainsleuiing Maiyborongb at 8.4J a.m. ond Waterford at 7.15 ».mou the day of the Kaces, and can only return from Attaaaghfor tbe Up Stations by tbe Train leatiog at S.10 p.m. and forthe Down Stations by a Train leaving at 7.45 p.m.

    By Order WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.Waterford Terminal^ Jannary 20th, 1883.

    Waterford and Limerick RailwayCOMPANY.

    ¦\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tbat theJ l̂ Seventy-fifth Ordinary Half-yearly GeneralMeeting of tbe Shareholders and Stockholders ofthe Company will be held at the Board-room,Waterford Terminus, in the City of Waterford, onTUESDAY, the 27th day of 'FEBRUARY, 1883, atthe hour of Twelve o'Clock, noon, for the transac-tion of tbe business of a General Meeting. . ,

    Tbe 'Stock and Share : Transfer Books of theComptn»(will be Closed from TUESDAY , tbe 13thProz.,' .inclusive, until after conclusion of saidMeeting.—By order, ¦ ;

    ~ .̂ .: M. J. .KENNEDY, Secretary.Head Offlws, Waterford Terminus, ¦• ¦ - ¦¦ .• • - •:" 26th Janoary, 1888." ;¦''" -

    ¦ . ,

    C L O N M EL O AIT I i E PA1E-; WEDNE8DAY,. 7th *EB., Ig83. . i• Foi/th* accommodation of. persons attending this Fair,a 8MECIAL TBAIN, with Carriages stUohed, wfll leaveWAT»«foaii(.TJrjOllMEL AND' THURLE8 PIQ MARKETS^viiv.¦̂ •-, -.,"•¦ .-MONDAY;- s«i FEB.; :. ; ¦ ;'¦Itoi the aocommodation of -Buyers and others att»nd-abbveVTi Special Train, with Carriages attaobod/mllleave Waferfordfoi'Clonmeland Thurlas, at 5.0. p.m.,on SUNDAY; 4th'FEB.,'1883. r|¦;•- ¦¦ ;- r.V .JOHN ROBERT8, Trafflo Manager J' TraiBo MujtceVs Offlco, Limerick, Jan., 1883. ; : ,

    "EIJEBEUABTTAIBS. 1883.—The ordbhryJD . Goods Trains,' br SpeoUJ Trains, will carry liveStockfromth« under-mentiqnedFairs i— ; ., ', . .¦!.„ i ,

    EnnU, for. mtowji.Malbav Fair. Thuraday, Feb. 1 ;KulaJoe,for Botfif Fair, Feb. 11 Athonry, for Cas ĉ.bUken«y.,Falr,-JfrWay, 2nd t . Tnlee, fer CasUeislraidFair, FrUtay Ŝad jBoii., Saturday,8rd ; Birdhijl. forNemiirh Pig Mark*. Saturday,Wi Limeribk; Janot.,for OnartavUUPif Market, Saturday, Srd ;. Newea* U*

    l Pi«4Ma*k >̂ 8atMdar,3rdrKewoastIa a UtiiHtit,'MoW,.Jih WSSUi 'tot^boon Fair,:Mondayi»»k|,WaWotd* MoaoVMk i Thmrlai Plf.Itorkafc^H««£|Sih .̂Cloj. ŝl l̂la^^M r̂^̂ ii.TMtfcaMarkk.'ll^Bdayf 6fh t IMN Cattle FftlrYTnMH(Hhj,TkarlsiTC«k«)Jalr. Ti««4ay( dtb'i-'SathhiBPit Maika*,.TM^ ,̂6*t -i-Bathaê (ia^^H

    ŝ 'iSSS?^Ms^m&iss&mFatr«, bat 11M Oa«aiw M r>aMa«M Um'VMtitymu!




    ON MONDAY , FEBRUARY 5ft , 1883,Under tho Patronage of the Right Worshipful

    the MATOB of WATBBFOBD.Several Lady and Gentlemen Amateurs bavo

    kindly consented to assist on the occasion.Conductor :

    J. F. FITZOKRALD, Esq., Mus. B., T.C.D.PBICBS—Front Seats, 2s. ; Second Seats, Is. ;

    Gallery, 6d.Particulars in future announcements.

    ' 2t JOHN BROWNE, Hon. Sec.



    (Exhibition Palace Concerts, Dublin ; NationalIrish Exhibition Concerts, Dublin ; St. Patrick 1!Oratorio Society, Dublin ; Philharmonic Society'sConceits, Belfast, &c.),

    i îAN ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS for the above,\y Communications as to Terms, vacant Dates,and Press Opinions, may be addressed care of

    Messrs. POHLMANN & SON, Dawson-Street,Dublin. ]26.2t


    ARE prepared to make special terms withBOTTLERS for theirSAMPSON, XX, and MEDIUM STOUT.

    Having an abundant supply of the finestHOPS, they ore enabled to meet the require-ments of the Trade liberally.

    Tbe New Season's ALES are new deliver-ing in sparkling condition.



    -oL son of long experience. Testimonials, both asto character and competency, can be given. Apply to

    f2.4f R. GOUQH, Great George's-streot.Notice and Advertisement of Writ

    of Summons,Issued in Actions against Incorporate Body , Rail-

    way Company, Poor Law Guardians, tf c.

    THOMAS HENBT MCSWINET,~| "VTOTICE is herebyPlaintiff; j JLsl given, pursu-

    Tho Waterford & Limerick J-ant to the ProvisionsRailway Company, I of the Act 16 and 17

    Defendants.] Victoria, chap. 113,sec. 33, tbat a Writ of Summons has been issuedat the suit of said THOMAS HSKBT MCSWINETagainst tbe Waterford and Limerick Railway Com-pany (having tbeir principal Office at Waterford),in tbe Queen's Bench Division of Her Majesty'sHigh Court of Justice in Ireland.

    Dated this 29th day of January, 1883.STANDISH O'GRADY, Solicitor for said

    Plaintiff, No. 19, Upper Ormond-quay,Dublin.

    To the said Waterford and Limerick RailwayCompany, and all whom it may concern . It


    N O T I C E TO B U I L D E R S.SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the under-

    signed, wiU be received up to 12 o'Clock, noon,on the 19th day of FEBRUA RY, 1883, for


    - The Plans and Specification can be seen at theWaterford Post Office , where Printed Forms forTenders can be bud. The Board will not be boundto accept tbe Lowest or any Tender.

    By order, EDWARD HORNSBY, Secretary.Offico of Public Works, Dublin,

    3lst January, 1883. ItARMT CONTRACTS

    nnENDERS will be received at the undormen-JL tioned Offices until 1.2 o'Clock, noon, on the

    15th day of FEBRUARY, 1883,For tbe Supply of COAL. COKE, TURF, BOG-

    WOOD, and KINDLING WOOD ; also, for thedelivery of COAL and COKE in bulk , into theseveral Barrack Yards, at tbe principal Stations,for the use of Her Majesty's Land Forces in Ire-land, for ONE YEAR, from 1st APRIL, 1883.

    Forms of Tender, containing conditions of Con-tract, approximate quantities, and all detailed in-formation , may be obtained on personal application,between the hoars of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., or byletter, addressed to the Senior Commissariat Officersas under :—




    FOR CORK DISTRICT :Commissariat Offices —CORK ,


    FOR BELFAST DISTRICT :Commissariat Offices— BELFAST,


    Tho Tenders must be on the printed Forms, pro-perly filled up, signed and dated, and no Tenderwill be noticed unless deliveredat the CommissariatOffices at Dublin, Cork, and Belfast respectively,in closed Envelopes, marked " Tender for Fuel" ontbe outside, before 12 o'Clock, noon, on the 15thFEBBDABT.

    Commissariat, Ireland, Jan. 15th, 1883. . It


    THE Committee of Management of theFethard Dispensary District will, at their Meet-ing to bo held on THURSDAY, tha 8th day of FEB.,1843, at Twelve o'Clock njon, at the Dianonsary atArthurstown , proceed to ELECT a properly-qualified

    MEDICAL OFFICER;For tho FETHARD portion of the above Distriot, at

    a Salary of JBIOO per Annum, with JS15 per Annum asRural Sanitary Officer ; also, Fees under Registrationand Vaccination Acts.

    Candidates must possess the necessary qualificationsprcBoribed by Sealed Order of the Local Government.Personal attendance of Candidates, with Testimonials,on the day of Election indispensable, and the gentle-man elected must reside in the Distriut.¦ JAMES NEILL, Hon. Secretary,

    It KUaiannock, Prieethaggard.THANES.

    THE Christian Brothers thankfully acknowledgethe following Subscriptions :—The TrinitarianSociety, £2 ; Mr. Denny's Men, £1 10a j Mr. DavidCasey, South Parade, 2s. 6d. ,THE Sisters of Charity:gratefully acknowledgehaving received from Messrs. Denny's Menil for St. Martin'«̂ Orpbs«iit |p /̂,.*(-1>vi:-.- , •

    ; LOND0K PEOVi?JON̂̂ KBr-MoNDAT.Lard-jfeiors for Irish bWoVfed and'keg of fine

    qualityiSH'steady, but few 'solow.'were reported lastweeV.f iSmk tf A m c / i i m a t i a . moderate request. InEuropStoprim* ¦«**littlo doing. Amerioan of goodqualij|wnquir«d ler. .̂S:.

    'fcpNDOH-BUTTBB MARKET—MONDAT. ¦Import* of "Irish" l»o|».wwk by long sea 25 firkins.

    From tiw Cwltoisbt */-.direct .steamers, 3,821 caskswere reArM *nh»t}M*7. last year, »nd vj» outporteand «sown;wheaU are losing colour and|ivlfc *k«f HWiitinuad wat«r-loirged ooodlUonmiiUklt*,' x>a tbe. oth.r hand, some of .thenV4l»** aw appearing, above ground. 110?KM'MMpeeU of toe growing.wheat crop'areBiSSt ia ,T»1M to those of a week, ago, bnt

    fB^^ss îsaa¦Ed in London on Mon4w;la«,p« ftU-Mjand

    s*£E ?̂£l!? 2 0 00 0LAED (chandler's) — — 17 0 0J 0

    BUTCHERS' ME4T.Bmr, per lb. — — 0a. 8.1 to 0s. 20dMnTTOM, per lb. — — 0 8 « it)LAKB, per lb. — — 0 0 o oVSAL, per lb. — — 0 7 0 9PORK , per lb. — . — 0 7 0 8

    POTATOES.Champions, per stone, — — 0s. 9d to to. OdScotch Downs, do. — — 0 0 0 0

    BKEAD.WHITE, per -Ubs. — — 0s. 7Jd. to 0d. 8 IHOUSEHOLD, per do. — — 0 u 0 u

    WHISKEY.DOBMH , per gallon — — 19s. Od. to 20s. OilCORI , puncheon — . — 16 0 16 6

    F I S H .NEWJ-OCHDLAXO Coaflsh , ).er cwt. — 20a. Od. to 26». OdH KKIU .NUS , ltound Norwegiun, j«r luno! 27 0 00 0

    Do. Split Labrador — — 2J 0 23 0SA IXOK , per lb. (wholesale) — 2 8} 0 0f £ix, per do. — — 0 0 o 0BOIH , per do. — — 0 in u uTOKD OT, per do — — 0 8 0 0

    FOWL AND Eli.JSCHICKESS, each — — 2a. 61. to 2 < . 101.Turkeys, do. — — 5 0 5 6Ducxs, do. — — 2 2 2 4QEESE, per pair — — 1 1 0 H tfEoos, perl2o — — 12 6 0 0FOWL, per pair — — 5 0 5 6

    SOAP AND CANDLES.WHITE, per cwt. — — 26s. 0J to V9 • "rlBROWH, per do. — — 18 0 vs uMOULD, per dozen lbs. — — 4 i> 4 9DIPT, per do. — — 4 6 4 9

    WOOL AND HI11KS.Hogiret Wooi, per lb. — — Os.BJl. oO( .10J I.Wether and Ewe, do. — — 00 81 (O 10Skin Wool, do. — — 00 5 00 9HIDES, per CKt. — — 22 0 2« uKira, per owt. — — 2! 0 26 0CALF, per dozen — — 18 0 u u

    TIMBERBED PUTS per ton, — — 70a. 0d. to 80s. OdYELLOW PINS per do. — — 89 0 00 0STAVES, per 1000 — — 70 0 80 0LATHS, per do. — — 13 0 15 u

    C O A L S .COALS, por ton — — 17J. ftl to 00a. 01COIE, per do. — — 14 6 00 v

    FODDEE AND GREEN CROPS.OAT, per ton — — 60s.0d. I O 75J . 0,iSTRAW, wheaten, per do. — — 50 0 55 0

    Do., oaten, — — 35 0 4i uToRHira, per do. — — 18 0 20 0MAHOOLDS, por do. — — 20 0 22 0CARno-rs, per do. — — 3d 0 35 ft

    WATERFOBD BUTTEE MAEKET.Number of f irkins weighed at the Public Butter Market

    for week ending Friday (this dayj , and prices.Saturday, — 9 — 112a. Od. to 000a. Od.Monday, — 0 — OuUs. Od. to 000s. 0J.Tuesday, — 0 — 000s. Od. to 000a. OJ.Wednesday— 3 — 12-ls. Od. to 000a. 0JThursday, — 1 — 120a. Od. to 000s. Od.Friday, — 0 — OOOs.- Od. to 000s. Od.No. of Firidns corresponding week last year... 14Price per cwt., New 165a. Od. to 000a. 0J.

    girths, Carriages, and deaths.Announcenur.lto/ Births,Mirriagtt,ani Dealhi,mustbe pre -)tai

    B I S T H . SJan . 22, at Instow, North Deion, tho wife of Co mmanderEdward Cuiceater, B.N., of a son.Jannary 22, at Molltuabro',. Hro. H. Hawtry Jones of adaughter, who surrlTed but a f«w.JioBTSV-i:" '

    Jan.5r at.TaiuJojs M̂ahno3BKa*jr?5Sgg °̂i î

    - ¦ JjiSli :atv»h» WatwoS 1a K̂eaSo25jfeilf L̂:

    ¦ . : TrcJ \«a4etir\if nv!Hit»^kTUf rrf TmGi X̂ ' -^- ¦;- -^t--;:-;f,nWat»Ttertrj-A»li»BSB^bwi5!»Mii?i

    &££¥ ?*MM !»!»; feT


    JONES *t COMPANY,Coach Builders and. Harness Manufacture,OAL, IRON , anU«ilieTitt»j>oor" r ôes^̂ y l̂ t̂V i - ls Peneetly :h*rmlc«.ana» aHJ^^L^i?roda9e? »¦ w*tw»l.««M »lw> by-'O&Tijig ĝSWmrtroin pain, and the little olwrnS"

  • i ¦• -::• '' ¦ ' : - U^ J î> ' /̂/ffd EDITOE

    OP THE WATEEPOBD NEWS.: J ; ' '' ¦ VTJ '̂ ':- -" • ̂ .¦

    ¦\»DKAB SIB,—I was tit a loss to understand the.t .yi.-i?-- ;- ¦. ; : * . ipKi>.« ; '.•. • • ';. -> . ,- .̂ .\«»ning of " Pair Play's" letter, appearing in¦r ?- ;' ¦- .' : -.: ¦', XTCT ! ic, V / ¦¦ ¦v;t.:3^̂ ur

    issue of the

    26th, till I came to tae last para-.c'.*j V : * . . i' -^ --i .jrjo; , ¦; v-rryfraph, and then the aim of thia ardent vindicator' . '.' .. ' • • : '""' ' • '• ! ' ". "' ' ' Y of a victim of " unwarrantable attack" and " mt's-» •• ¦ _ ! ¦• - .. -. - -—=rT:»-Ji mS 'rom his writing, it would-seoin easy to guess"• -' : !A" .- \̂TOT V'Y rY I I Raw? that he is onl* an "P"*0?1 to one or °°th ; but I«y" (,-"- .*i * V/J-i« - *A v\ y\' § |l |p* hope he will not consider it unkind of me to say

    y.V-^L.. .. .. . ' !'¦ ! ¦ ' /. '¦ ;-|. hj° that his letter, so far from being a refutation of- I' -sr—^—-— — Tj t̂ iu ' mine, is only a display of unwholesome, and, I•»• |?f ' '•'. *.* T332 WATEBFOBD /oeriods hope' nnaTai.IlDg adulation. I would ask an answer-v7;V,

    '¦" ' . EsTJUmsHtD-lM n̂ âter- to the foUowing questions :-- • TSKOR !]-! CIBCOLATION TO TH» Sdfiines that (L) Has Falr Play 81VUQ Mr- Redmond's words

    ^r;,r*.\i,ui , try.yEiD^r, on4 SwBijfrhe Marts- M the* were uttered- or DM he oal* 8'vea his ownx t Magis-,5»«mt'thr. merchants ib-aA V^" g ?IJi t"te as a kind of lay clergyman, anxious for the. ;l-ro%«ljWS«,*o.;lnWate/w »̂ ™n»Z well-being of those committed to his charge, can

    - ;£* »onth of Ireland IS J15 °ri-°i, AM only bring a 8inUe to the UP8 of tho8e who know' ; S^^ -̂ """• t̂ion nevSf\an.? ?• „ mia more of such matters than innocent " Pair Play,"r îjCin Watorford, ¦ml «t8^

    nctlon- . TbJ and his advocacy of measures that have done more• Ĉ -̂ JOrtFtcWSfa COn

    i?Lri to create discontent than anj thing since the Penal,

    ̂cc "taTiiwahon from Lc3fr« any political L shewB ye uinl in wha\ e .. Fair

    U •„•'¦' "i"̂ «attention paia to oSg °(, ŝ own pJ A, tender sympathies run. To my poor

    * r ^™., . .

    r .,V the office ; êrstBLniingt my letter was a remonstrance, . • ;o^'Ontsi«nexoected J am not fond. o£ contro»ersy, and would pro-1 ¦ '¦¦ *Kiko 4'WirrJVy tnW now bablv have hesitated about intruding on your.> ¦ •''. 'itegars. .Ttf>'JM'JI«irwS?k---i?L- fn columns if I thought there were such terrible fel-¦Vj . -™enl. ..a^ v̂e'of'l«tSWEailta ê>_ to low8 a8 .. Faic J ,̂, han(jing round> readv topublic interests. demolish poor people who are actuated by a desire

    fco see a state of government existing that wouldTHE CORK EXHIBITION, 1883. do away with the necessity of such gentlemen as

    Mr. T. O'KEEFFK, tho organiser for the "Fair Play" displaying their " feelings," set in, _ , , , . , . . , . .. the questionable framework of their literarySonth of Ireland, baa arrived in this city to ab51itj*8._T aul) dcttl. 6ir, faitufuiiy yours,solicit subscriptions and exhibits for the Cork 29th January, 1883. ADVOCATE.Exhibition. Already the exhibition promises =to be a vast success. It has been taken up in F A S H I O N A B L E N E W S .tho most energetic manner by the leading LEVEE AT DUBLIN OASTLE.—The first leveecitizens of every shade of opinion, and their of the season was giron by Earl Spencer on Tuesdayunited eflorta have resulted in a large amount of aftornoon, when the attendance was nnsaally largu,money bein" subscribed. A splendid site has been the general public boing exclnded from tho Castlesecured in the Ccrn Exchange, and even now Yard. Sir Michael Hiok« Beach, M.P ; Mr. Edwardapplications for space are fast coming in. The S,lb»°nVM t̂

    l?d Tn6 .° C "̂* DOB were present,tt, given JlrUh ̂ ^tbf gMMto SB^^WifflRinr Dublin will be increased by that m Cork, and Earl ŝ noer who waa attended by the Bight Hon.

    now that the Irish people are appreciating their Q 0 T̂ eTei,an, M.P, Chief Secretary, and the tnom-own produce, it is to the interest of each manufac- oecs of the honsehold and staff.tnrer—large or small—to show his goods and make r̂s. and Mies Power Lalor, Longorchard,them known beyond their present limits. As the naTe arrived at 19, Molseworth-streot, Dublin, tor thtCork Exhibition will be, to an extent, internationrl, season.great influx is expected into the city during its MABBIAOB OP MB WILLIAM GALLWEY, orcontinuance, with, it is to be expected, a most WATEBTORD, AT BATH.— On Thursday the marriagebeneficial influence on Irish manufacture. was celebrated of Mr. William Gallwey, eldost «jn

    Th« committee have decided, btsides giving of Mr. Henry Gallwey, J.P., of Tramore, County Wft-medala to the best exhibits, also to give special terford, Ireland, mih Mas Francii, &te TreUwnyuicwuu . !,„„. _,/W?,,«,M1 ihn» Davics, eldost dftughtor oi the Kev. B. W. L. Davies,praes to the artirans who have produced those gf ̂̂ ̂ Bath

    «s Tha UBrrUga ^̂ ^ ̂wag 1̂exhibits. ... . . . . j .t. formed in St. Mary's Catholio Church, Julian-road, the

    We hopeWaterford will not be backward, neither 0)6^̂ ), clergyman being the Very Eev. Canon

    in its exhibits or subscriptions, and thus do its part Longhnan, assisted by the Bev. T. Doyle. There wasin the revival of Irish industries. Mr. O'KKKFFE, a luge congregation aosembled to witness the ceremony,who is staying at the Imperial Hotel, leaves this and among the company w«re the Bar. Sir John Bnn-city for Clonmel on Saturday evening. bnry, M.A, Captain Halifax, Mrs. and Muw Thompson,* —-. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Butterworth, Mus Knight Dariet,~—¦ Mrs. J. Bntterworth, tho Missea Bruoe, AIis« Airey,

    L O C A L I T E M S . Miss Northey, Mr. Lewis Knight Bruce, Mr. Walter,. _ w » j , .. . T . . Brinkley, Mr. C. W. Maokillop, Mr. Foicroft, Mrs.TKI LZOXL PsorEssioK.-We find by tbe In,h Bland f .̂ The bride wiw attired in a robe of white

    Lav Times that Mr. J. P. Meade O Sullivan, of Drocadod gatin> trimmed with Honiton point laco (theCarrick-on-Suir, has been awarded a_ special certi- gjft of the bride's mother), with wh.te tnlle veil, snr-ficate of merit at the final examination of law ap- mounted by a wreath of orange bloaioms and myrtle,prentices seeking admission as solicitors for the She also carried a choice bonquot, and wore handsomeHiirh court of Justice in Ireland, which was held on gold bracelets, the gift of the bridegroom. The hrldes-Ihe8th and9th January. We heretofore noted Mr. maid*, four in number, were-Miss GjJl»ey, Miaa A.

    aminations. at which he obtained the first place, Caahmere and whi ŵaterei .Uk, trimmed with whiteand we are glad to perceive that the same good fnrand martUia8i fMtened with bnnches of red rosesluck has attended his career throughout.—l/Wnmel and ghamrooks. They also wore handsome pearl arrowChronicle. broaches, whioh, as wrll aa the bouquets they cam ed,

    SAKITABY R EGULATIONS.—At the last monthly were presented, by the bridegroom. Mr. Henry B.meeting of the Public Health Committee of the Burke, D.L, cousin of *,ho bridogroom, acted as bestP/»mnrafion lh« Mavor Dresidinir. and Aid. B. man, the groomsmen being Mr. T. J. Qallwey, Mr. P.PoweT^'co'unc^rMSeyf'Fielding. and '̂"fe ̂ ̂"JS

    1''*.̂ ^M-Grath aho present the record £ «» «antary g *̂ Vto - ̂A.̂ S? 'J Ŝl totowork performed by the officials from the 11th to regidenca of the brid8.a' {ithet t ĥeJre tbe weddingthe 26th of January waa as follows r—Number of breakfast was served. During the afternoon Mr. andnotices served, 20 ; prosecutions for neglect of jjn,. William Gallwey left Bath on their way to Borne,orders or notices, 6; convictions^; houses, yards, —Bath Herald.and premises inspected, 559 ; horises, rooms^

    or pre- j ̂Arthm- Butler, D.L., has been on amises limewashed, 36; dwellings disinfected. 11; Ti3;t at Dabiin CMUO witn bill Excellency tbe Lorddieinfectirg chamber u&ed by 4 persons ; articles of Lieutenant.clothing disinfected 16 in number ; clothing and it j3 in contemplation, wo learn, to have abedding destroyed by order of the sanitary baU at tho Imperial.Hotel, in this city, on the 16thauthority to the value of 12s. 6d. ; number of per- in8t.sons removed to hospital whilst labouring under . •._infections diseases, IS. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN.

    LOCAL TALENT.—We feel much pleasure in On Monday the annual distribution of prizes of this¦tatia? that Mr James McCoy, at a recent exarai- invaloablo sohool . took place at the spacious sohool-Bating for solicitor's apprentices, held in Dublin, room, King-street. The attendance was largo andSS&a third place amongst *> «*£*£* V$££*t£\*SiJ&. SSff N'W^TI;dates, and isto bepermitted tocompetefor the. gold M-EIA Mr- ̂Kent- j.p., Mr. G. Walpolo. Aid.medaL Mr. McCoy is a brother of Mr. A. S» Bedmond to. Mr. White read the ropoit of theMcCoy, of the firm of Dobbyn. Tandy & McCoy, of gebool for o,, p ̂}„«.«.,»,, and Mr. Mnrphy, thethis city. able muster, read out the list of prizes, which included

    TH« W>ATH*B.—This unfailing topic of amaze- valuable books, &c., and whiob, being presented tonsent and admiration in town has been more than each pnpU, wvro rccciveJ with mnch applause Onumally erratic bf. late-in fact, it may be described motion of Mr. WoJpol*, seconded by Mr. Kent, theM dreadfully depressing, distressing, destructive, reflection of the officers was adopted. The beantifnlM areaoauiij uepie»ius, 6> » drawings in the room were then inspected by the»nd deplorable j and with the prospec:t or the heavy « a{ter ^^ ̂ edi tonninateleale that is promised us in March, it is truly "kmentable. The N.W. gales at the close of last TRIAT

  • cv:

    £?Ucttd $?*£& -THE SORT OF PEOPLE THAT ONE


    W ho thinks the world all rows,Who loves at sight the first man who propose! ;Believes that each tdinlrer 1* sinoere, ¦And ca.mot bur that mou at lore slioald snoer.

    THE N EAT Yomco SLIN,With hi«u woll-starched collar.And expectations I Bead/ cub, * dollar |Who dances like a welt-made dance-machine,And wears a most depressed indifferent mien.

    THE KNOWINO DIM,Who's Knitted throngh several seasons,Not married jet I ' But then she has her reasons.Who'd always dressed with Me that makes girls

    jealous ;To lileaue her partners this one 1B most sealous.

    THE MAX or YKARS,No longer pleated with folly,W'jo thinks that din ling's good, bnt flapper's jolly ;l'rcfers to spend bis time in conversation,With perhaps, to sweeten it, the least flirtation.

    THE CLEVXR OIBL,Who's great on education,Whose tnlk is lofty and or long duration ;Who ecoms frivolity, negleots her clothing,Loves Women's Bights, and looks ou men with

    loathing.THE KKRVODS MAX,

    Who stands ap in a corner, * 'The very image of a new Jack Homer ;Tiio sort of a man who asks (whilst ahjlj glancingAt his (air partner) " Aro you [ond of dancing I"

    THS PKETTT Gmt,Of whom men «tk, " Who U she ?"And women mnrmur that she's far tno gusby •Of whom few guess, who meet her winsome glances,Sho bos a heart, a thing apart—from dances.

    TUE T«BE Yocso ALur,Who tilks about the woather,And hopes your step aud his go well together ;Agrees to every single word you utter,On't dance a bil, and then begins to stutter.

    THS A-VIIOOS GIRL," Not boon out inucli before,"But very willing to go out much more ;Who, when Bhe's asked to dance, looks very grateful,Likes grown-up men, and thiaks that boys are hateful,

    THE FLIETIHO MAX,Who falls In attitudes,Tnlks to each girl of love—ia platitudes ;Look3 ling'rinjr looks whioh seein to breathe devotion,Aud doesn't feel, himself , the least emotion.

    TUK FAST YOUKO 1IA»,Who drops in for an hour.Who general ly wears some large white flower ;Who quotes from coiuic songs, an 1 smells of smoking,Aud hiu a great propensity tor joking.

    THE CHAVEBON ,Who sits with smile so weary,To bur a dance must be a thing right dreary ;Who beams upon youug man with lots of money ;For poor young men her looks are not so sunny.

    Tur. GENERAL CROWD,The uverago man aud maiden.With never too much brain or beauty laden ;Bnt he will see, who at theBe lines ouoe glances,The sort of people that one meetd at dances.


    I feel that I am growing old—My lamp of day 1 tby flame behold I'Gins to barn low ; and I've unrolled

    My life's erentf nl volume 1Tbe sea has borne my fragile barkClose to the shore—now rising dark,O'er tbe subsiding wave I mark.

    ThiB brief . world's final column.'Tis time, my soul, for pensive mood.For holy calm and solitude ;Then ceaso henceforward to delude

    Thyself with, fleeting vanity.The pride of art, tho sculptured thought,Vain idols that my hand had wrought—To place my trout in suoh were nought

    Bat sheer insanity.What can the pencil's power aohleve ? ¦¦'¦¦¦¦¦ • ." ¦> • <

    As to administering charcoal, and tbe time, ifyour sheep are. badly flaked,1 give the charcoal dailyin their food until , they are. better,' cuiedAor fat.It doeB not matter bow or in what food yon give it";only see that it ball eat«n, not" •waited.1 "Changetheir food frequently for » week or.twd. ¦¦Knook he believed that after a time tbs directorswould come to the same way of thinking. Anothersubject to which be wished to call attention wus tbeextension of London branches; Some people inIreland objected to that, but if they could be as-Ett rud that those London branches were self-sup-porting, or were profitable to the general concern,the objection might be removed.' . Perhaps it waswell to have two strings to their bow ; yet the Lon-don branches of this bank seemed numerous in com-panion with other institutions, such as London andWeatminister.wbioh »os a purely London establish-ment. There was no fear that the directors em-ploy any .Irish money in tho! London branches thatthey could avoid, but thingB" might change. Lon-don was able to absorb any amount of money, and;in days , gone by, gentlemen who pretended to bepatriotic starved the Irish branches to develop theLondon business,.which wasariskybusiness. Atany rate, be hoped they would stop where tbey wereiu regard to London branches, and if they coull re-ceire from the chairman tbe assurance that thosebranches were self-Bnpporting, and did not diaw onIrish roBcources, it would be so far satisfactory(hear, hear.) With regard to Aoiet loan GovernmentBonds and stocks, he bad been tbe first to call theattention 'to the point of a former chairman, Mr.Manaey. At that time they had £1,100,000 employedin tboae stocks, and tbe explanation be got was notentirely satisfactory to him. Since then,' however,he had obtained sufficient information, wbjch showedhim., that this investment was not a wrong invest-ment, and that within "toe pait two years it hadbeen reduced to moderate proportions (hear, hear )With. regard to improving, tbe position of tho offi-cers of tbe bank,. something .was promised at tbelast meeting; and since then he baa huard no com-plaints, and be was not going to make any (hear).He. was quite sure tbat at tbe proper time tbe posi-U6n of the officers would be fairly considered, andtbat it. would be the ambition'ol the directors toptabd .well with «o numerous ! and, , respc'otable. abody of official* (cheers). t With regard to tho in-creased expense •ooiething might be mid on accountof the change to limited liabtlity,;and somethingon account of the formation!of new. branobe*.Little, could be done without money, and ., few wben therJ vere pre^nt 3o.,ph^u5ett7MiUbae Tt was w^Finc'edible sight S*£Thow %i£tbousand r ĝ ^WMt W- 'jg "*™ Fagan/ Sylvester Kingiton. Patriok "elaney. Jame. mined they wire K move an in^h fromTeachtbeincreawMemed large, and he troiterl the chair- tee Eobert Farrell ' (the f other approver),' and other. Several viirorour; attempts were made bv

    V T -̂ - Su ^̂ 'J^̂ Sf îX-S3S&L ,̂ rf14, wl^eM/ ' ^

    er? *M a .d»cns.ion iOv«r Joe putted all tbatwaYdone ia tbat direc ion, and îfthLondon branch*i. ta^̂ ^JW '̂̂ A* poole and otber.partie., and it; WM arranged that instinctive'reiolaHbn, tbey eeemed ready toiler¦bareholders tbat these, brancbeft wonld.not/iu any a we coda poMibly number enough we would form opu* and whip ratb«r tbatTto quit each otheVi com-,way, beallowedtoluterferewitttbe«ocommodaUon a frMh ,Vigilance'VwitneM exptalned that t the pkny.-i In jffi n«i :̂ M.MV. agent'foond1

    ^̂ h Ŝ ĴSJSM Ŝ ̂VigiUnce.wa. to ? obey the

    command.; received B V̂obl Ŝ^̂ dl -̂S Ĵ'S!the Lopdonbranches werealway* entirely inbtidlary from the directory in executiwr anvthine that was ¦«« «n n̂M.Utiui'.v .«» fwk.iu '̂U îii

    to the Irish demanosi (cheers.) | , t ̂': .. :̂ "̂ required" j JowpbAMnllett ;»«• tbe'; chairman of the ca»man/rMa r̂>iceepHn«:̂ 5 1n bis Urrntot!The f ^^ î f̂ S ^a^vSS ^ the. Directory i;,when; the . 'copplatot. about Joe pbk-V^ m̂ Ŝ ŜiMm ^ M̂aqeonnta was then ;put andca êd. ̂ .TTie retiring Poole was made,, MuUet .said that; in the words of their companloaibip, and' were kiain joked: to ŝ,directors, the Eight Hon. yisooant jMpncfc, Henry the witness;.;.'.the matter Would be dealt With when carriage aid drirS'tt i ̂l̂ y^&IS B̂ar,F. flUttew 1̂ ., and tho ̂Bight Hon/ Bobert the Ylgilauce wooldbe fortoed." I Another! meeting ri ,̂ clcWvtKefrferif5ho2e, oVthebSaSS

    -Oaj htnotion«t Mr. Qio^Sar.aeordnaTote of Bridgets Oronnd, in Olasnevin Cemetery'upon a •:JW*tAT -̂;̂ swdaV^ !̂'Wheal/cwp'-tfr:lai4'̂ ¦¦%&1E &̂&^ &̂ ̂B ^iM ^mMt ^edtm̂ t ĝ ih^ d̂ year> x,nawiaiy:l̂ V>;inV.ByVHo^and tbe werting.broke np/ ;„ ; (.;., \\ ,;, ,'._ J;' • met'Michael Famni; James3^^Lee.fDanieT'Delaney, tbtT t̂m'̂ alfBkt^rW'ViMps^ -̂mcjsOTtilv - t -̂i 'i== . . . ,.. ^~==;'J i ; .;',, ,. >.- and JoJMph>Knflefc rhe ;pi|d.;tbe; last-named ̂

    bushel; yit b iu 5̂whiif Is'oaUeasrronjr^^wheiit t̂n*= CIUEOW or Powinio''i4ifl0a—Arthe^ London V' «»H »̂w«y'71»pdfw«» handsd^back îii receipt, excess of gluten giving 'it the inwas .̂weliihtfas

    Mandon HouM oriTuetaiy.CapialnChiaesClifton stodttflalsfOB/ksai^F*^ tlnteni isWvW.tht4iiiMcJ>;v.Thislaig9.p»ik>^Wood. Sccreliry bf^he ITOrtnjDcck'Coiniiaiiy,; «ioM îi M̂ î t̂hv n*xt(.n>«*ilng was at a tk« (of >glut*«ja«i,s*afkr wtight isproUbly tb»wsTchMKed'with' fonjing th«]deb«tu«i oFfb. P?«»Ucho >̂to5C**..tfett;tb-t;»andJ:aid!iiot


    of, the moirtic ̂,*U».rastbih-d. w«.

    S ât l̂he ease for

    p ô d̂tbo;«,e pH ŜtK Wim *^M& *W*nXi!& *^*tiim& b always grows UeM sMasc ̂and that it ttstonim̂l^& îwmiratntfW JiM&f , ^̂ S^̂ ^̂ S^̂ ^̂ ^ ^'i to«W™^ n̂*m^™*>tf tiWinastnrt«a iirfwi ,̂«K n̂rtAv« Prt ê«rarrifted fot x̂a«i«»«i(.,jp|:*eonrtabU Cooxoy rtattoned ai Kin,•ald!̂ ,*^ ,̂*^̂ *

    objected to ti#foie*.

    AU;thewf l% ,•!,.«»» Maioa',w«re. in iWaWrford,: aud: thera WM'ab-pataeUb* rjjht. ( Th* witaMi. MallUu, on ,bdnrr âlUd, oVpqiitf iE»i ,h«' b.li.veo'that each pirt that[wa^KfoMf fbaraittV afaaaltatiwaaty ¦ mn»t,' h»ve'; been,,*pa îyiHijo n%.JTh» jCli»iriwh»viof->ut thelih^ t̂im3r» W W"- fc "i '"•».nel mildrf felled.M, gT ŝt nml: .V2«. 9d., an« , high jtureun. both -.! u,rHKlfAXACUM ft PODOLMIY .. M .̂JL to the Liver.—A done of tliif c . r««inincuded to any ono complnining of I " .1. monparticularly when aruinf; from sli^::' y MQU*Htimulutinfr the Liver and ulightly .e[, ([,,heavy drowsy feeling and IIcacUchL, •• . vaii, j Bthe Chest and Back, especbily u :t. , . xipotedlT*BA.HCD11 1ND PODOPaTLLIH is >uuc > : ' :>i •<Stiuipa. Address, hv-r ' -.ry, Ins ' ' • .;> ;Binning' am. J...t>.ij '.'*

    x,. S ~Y2n- - - ' ¦ B J . LS. . : . IAV. |Q _^ j y Ci ¦• -, ¦. -a, -.ml n. i .-.< | , - B'L ,

    ^ ̂ %, ....•¦- ¦ •; or ei£ha;¦!,..¦ -.n'' '»!•¦

    -.^aCL* »"*¦ ¦ ¦ •. -•? ¦¦¦¦• ' iudre-cove. .1 »• { jtt -n-il|r(,Uc,- x>rv̂ThoJ^*)qo ̂ pH^̂ ft- i». perfeo&r harmlt ind


    >firaBMn HBBffl^i« "!ŜBM^NQJBB M̂! : W ̂ vf t l̂itoni,nxny nf , bid. - >ri

    *̂ %*sM-