Duane Miller Anglicanorum Coetibus and OLA

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  • 8/3/2019 Duane Miller Anglicanorum Coetibus and OLA


    AIlg l icalloru11I Ce otibus and the Ch urc h of O ur Lady of th e Aton ement,

    the Founding Par ish of Anglican Us e in th e Roman Cathol ic Church,

    Feast of St. D avid of wal es, 1 March 20 11

    A..nglican ism is sometimes called "Ca tholic-l ite" b ecause of its retenuon

    ora f ormal ized liturgy and bishops, e lements t hat churches born d uring

    the sixteen th-centur y Europea n ref orma tions often d id not perpelll1 te.

    Among Ang licans, there have a lways been so me who longed f or the

    Church of Engla nd to re-estab lish full com munion wi lh the Roma n Ca th-olic C hurch, but lllany factor s mak e this appea r to be an impossi bility to-

    d ay. No nethele ss, having been approac hed by Ang licans over t he d ecad es,

    the Roman Ca tholic Church has gradua lly opened new avenues f or An-

    glican and Episcopal priests, a nd then for en tire group s of Anglicans ,

    to enter into f ull couurumi ou with Rome, while also retaining elements

    of thei r heritage and t rad ition.

    The Pastora l Provis ion o f John Paid II

    On 22July 19 80, Franjo Cardin al Seper, pref ect of the Sac red Con -

    gregation fo r the Doctr ine o f Faith (CDF) , norif ied John Qu inn, then-

    archb ishop of Sa n Franc isco , th at the CDF had dec id ed, rega rdin g certain

    Episcopa lians "who see k reconciliation w ith and entrance into the Ca thol ic

    Church," that "pastora l provis ion" should be made so that such groups will

    be able to continue 10 maintain a "common identity." Furth ermor e, the

    "re-ord inauon of Episcopal clergy, eve n those w ho arc m arried , shall beallowe d.: . " Put int o practice on ly in t he United St ates, such a pastoral

    provisio n resulted only f rom a spec ific request f rom a college o f bishops-

    and the colleges of bishop s in Eugtaoc and Wa les, Cana d a, Australia, and

    elsewhere had not issued suc h a request.An im porta n t aspect of the con tiu ua tion of a comm on ic\ en Lity wa s the

    crea tion o f a n Angl ican Use wi t hin the Roma n Catholic Church in the

    United Sta tes. The precise word use is importa nt, as the pro vision al-lowed [or prie st s a nd individ uals to enter the Roma n Catholic Church

    and d id not esta blish a differen t rile. The Greek Catholic Church and

    29 6


    the Maro nite Catholic Church, fo r example, are ind eper d ent churches

    that are in communion with the Roma n Cathol ic Church, but Lhey have

    their own canon laws, bishops, and liturgies. The Ang lican Use i s not

    such an entity, but rather is part of the Rom a!if"'Cat ho!ic Church itse lf.

    Seek ing to prese rve an Episco pal liturg ical tradition, but Within the

    con text of the Roman Cat hol ic Church in the U ni ted States, a com mi tLeecompi led a colieCl ion of rituals and ruhri cs analogous to the Book of

    Commo n Prayer. Therefo re, in 1984, the CDF allowe d f or the interimuse of the Book of Divine 'Vo rship t, and t hen i n 198 7 gave it fina l

    appr ova l. "This d ocum ent allowe d elements of the old er Prayer Bookof 19 28, but the Eucharistic liturgy was taken only f rom the 1979 Book

    of Common Pr ayer w ith the interpolation of the Roman EIJcharistic

    Canons and the ancient Sarum Canon (wi th the mod ern English'Word s of Instituuon: f rom the Nouns onto m issae iuseuerl}.':"

    The Book of Di vine '.-Vors hip is clearly mod eled af ter the Book of Com-

    ma n Praye r; containing many of the same elements, incl uding ord ers 10('

    mornin g, noond a y, a nd evening praye rs, as well as complin e ..The calendarconta ins the names of va rio us Ame rica n saints like Katharine Drexe l and

    John Neum ann, whi ch reminds us that the Book of Divine Worship, in itsfirst ed ition, was p ubl ished specifica lly f or lise in the Un ire d States o f Amer-lea. The Feast Day ofS t. Augustin e of Canter bury is a mand atory f east, an d

    not an opt ional on e, Anglo-Ca tholic figures like Lancelot Andrewes and

    John Ke ble are a bsent. The cycle of readings is f or two years . There

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    was on the committ ee that produ ced [he first Book of Divine Worship is

    the current pas to r o f the C hurch of Our Lad y of the Aton ement in SanAntonio, Texas. He has been the pastor of the congregat ion since its

    f oundi ng in 1983. Whi le an ordinand of the Episcopal Church, he stud-

    ied at Sali s bury and W ells College (now ca lled Sarum College) and was

    ord ained by a bishop of the Church of England . His f ir st cure wa s in thed iocese of Bristol. E ventuall y he returned to the United States , wa s mar -

    ried , and he and his wif e had three children. During this rime he was

    living in Rhode Island , an d by the late 1970 s had come to the conclus ionthat he must enter into full cornrn union with the Roman Catholic Churc h.

    Some say that Anglo-Ca tholic s who split off f rom the Episcop al Church to

    form the so-ca lled "continuin g Ang lican churches," or who entered into

    full communion w ith Rom e, did so because they were d isaff ected by theinno vation of the 1976 G eneral Conv ention to a llow t he o rd ination of

    wom en to the priesthood . But during an extended interview, the pastor

    explained that th is is a caricature o f a more comp lex series of events.

    He explained th a t rhe ord ination of w omen was rather a verification

    of w hat some Ang lo-Catholics alread y snsp ec tec l, which was tha t the

    "three- branch " theory wa s no longer tena ble, and that wom en's ord ina-

    t ion w as simp ly a resound ing affirm ation of that sus picion. (The three-

    branch theory proposes t hat Anglicans, Roman C atholics, and Orthodox

    for m t he three " branches" of the one, holy, apostolic, and catholi c

    church described in the Nicene Creed .) In other words, wom en's ordi-

    nation was simply a rather noticeable s ymptom of a d eeper d isease: it

    indicated that. .- \nglicanisrn had no o ne authority capa ble of enfo rcing

    catholic orthodoxy. The church was "governed by d emocrac y, not. by d i-

    vine reve lation," as the pastor said . Once the Pastor al Provis ion wa s

    issued , the pastor traveled up and do wn New England t rying TO f ind a

    Roman Catho lic bishop who wou ld re-ord ai u him and li se his nor incon-siderabl e leaching a u d leaders hip skills . His requests were turned down,

    as the Rom an C atho lic bishops w ere concerned about ecumenical rela-

    tionships with Episcopa lians.During the sam e period , in San Antonio, T exas , several par ishioners,

    most ly from the still-extant Ep iscopa l par ishes of St Paul's and St Andrew's,d ecid ed that they woul d , as a conunun ity, enter into f ull commu nion wit h

    Rome . T hey invi te d t his priest to lead their small congregat ion, Saint

    Anthony's Angli can Catholic Church. After a visit he acc epted the invit a-

    tion, and inj anu ary of 19R2 he and his f amily mov ed 10 San An tonio, a city

    f ounded as a series of five Roma n Catho lic missions locate d a long t he

    San A ntonio River. Four of them are still f uncti oning parishes in the


    archdioces e; one of them is a museum (the Alamo ). Into this trad itional

    city whe re the Roman Cat holic Church and conservative eva ngelicalshold a great deal of sway t his man stepped .

    So he an d the congreg ation that had called him mer in rent ed space,

    and eventua lly several of the parish loners d ecid ed that they wished t o re-

    main in the Episcopal Church. Nonetheless, O il 15 August 198~, at theCathedral Church of San Fe rnando, the ma n wa s ord ained to the Roman

    Catholic priesthood , and t he s eventeen ot her i nd iv id uals ma de p ro fc s-

    sions of fairh. A few weeks later they received the sacra ment of Confirm a-

    lion. The pastor chuckled as he expla ined that five of the eighteen

    origina l memb ers were his family. T he cong regation took the name of

    Our Lady of the Atonem ent as the archd iocese alread y had mult iple par-

    ishes named af ter Anthony, as is the city of San Anto nio itself

    Our Lad y of the Aton eme nt and Anglita no/'/(1/l Coc tibu s

    The unusual Mar ian title "Ou r Lad y of the Atonement " has an impor-

    tant history behind it in regard s to Anglican -Cuholic relations. Th e titlegoes b ack to a Franciscan com munity f ounded i n 1898 by the Rev. Paul

    Wa nson an d Mo ther Lurana W hite. The So ciety of the Atonemen t was

    founded w ithin the Episcopa l Chu rch with the explicit goal o f seeking

    reconc iliation with the See of Peter, and i n 19J 9 Fr . Wau son explai ned at

    length the sig nificance of this title. He stated that Mary was de voted 10

    the aton ement becaus e it was her son's d eath that brough t itabo u t. Also,

    because Mary is "insepara bly asso cia ted" w ith Jesus I hrough rhe incarna-

    tion, sh e is also "closely asso cia ted " with him in his atoning d eath on the

    cross . Mo reover , it is thro ugh the atonem ent that she becam e th e Second Eve an d the "mot her of all the rege nerat e.':"

    The Society of the Atonement entered i nto f ull c omrnunion with [heSee of Peter in ]909. Th e soc iety, consisting of the Francisca n Fria rs ofthe

    Atoneme nt and the Francisca n Sisters of the Atonem ent, still exists and

    thei r head quarters is at Greymoor; in Ganiso n, New York. T he Friars' we b-

    site (atonementfria rs.org) states their vision, "Since its inception in IR98 ,

    reconci liation through a to nement-the unity o r men and wom en with

    God and with one another-has been rhe mission of the Friars' wo rk and ministries to people of every rac e, relig ion , and w alk of lire."

    3 Quoted in Chris topher Phillips , "Witne ss (0 the Atonem ent", 2010. Ac-cessed o n 03 Ma rch 2011

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    The pastor. during our in terview, comm ents that given the f act that

    this Mari an title was revealed to Fr. wan son while still in the Epi scopal

    Churc h, and then brought to the Roman C atholic Church, it is a most

    appr opriate name f or the parish which he helped to f ound .

    Bishop s within both the Chu rch of Engla ml and the Tradi tiona l Anglican

    Communi on (f oun ded in 1991, but not in C0ll111111nio nwith Canter bury)had appro ached the Roman cu ria on multipl e occasions over the years

    seekin g 10 explore the possibil ity or what we might call an expansion of

    the Pastoral Pro vision of John P aul Il. For instance, Our Lad y of the Atone-

    ment, as a parish, is und er the arch bishop of San Antonio , and has no of-

    ficial orjur id icaJ connections to other Ang lican Use parishes like Our Lad y

    otWalsingham in Houston, Texas, or St . Mary the Virgin in Arlington , also

    in Te xas , or St. Arhanasius ncar Boston. Whatthese C hurch of England and Traditio nal Angl ican Co mmuni on bishops were seeking was a way for

    group s of Anglicans \0 enter the Cat holic Church but enjoying som e-

    thing more than the sta tus of a norm al parish llsing an abnormal liLUrgy

    withi n the Catholic dioces e. The most optimistic ind ividuals envisioned an

    Angli can rite, similar to the aforementioned Greek Catholic and Maronite

    Catholic Churches, wi th its O W I1 bishops, d ioceses, ca thedr als, and liturgy.

    In a r ather dari ng move f or someone known f or his traditionali st ten-

    d encies, Pope Bened ict XV I issued the Apo stolic Constitution Ang l im n o- nun co eubus (AC) in Rorne, on '" Nove mber 2009. This const itution allows

    f or the creation of the nove l juridical eruir y of the perso nal ordi naria re:a jurisdic tion with an ordin ary, who would have many of the privil ege s of

    a bishop, but one that would b e personal, whi ch is 1 0 say memb ership

    d etermin ed not by physicallocation but b y connection to a person, in this

    case the ordi nar y, One migh t li ken this to a militar y d iocese, but such adiocese, whi le non-territorial, will normall y have a bishop as its ordin ary.

    The ordinariates envisioned by Angliauumtm Coeti bus ma y be hea ded byany pri est, nor necess arily a bishop; the one or d inariate to hav e been

    establ ished to da te-s-Our Lad y of Wa lsing ham in En gland and \ 'Vales-

    has a marri ed priest f or its first ordinary. Funhennor e, the ordin ariates to

    be established will be within th e physical territory of a Roman Catholic

    confe rence of bishop s, which is why Eng la nd a nd W ales have one ordi -

    nariate . Propon ents of AC envision ord inariate s in the United Slates,

    Canada, and Austral ia, and perhaps other regions as well.

    The practical signifi cance of this f or a parish like Our Lad y of the

    Atonement is that, onc e an ord in ariate is establi shed in the Unit ed Slates,

    accordi ng to present p lans, the parish will, along wit h a ll other Ang lican

    Use parish es, have one ordin ary who has j II risdict ion over it. Furthermo re,


    while the ord inariate will n ot. have a cathedral , i t will have a "principalchurch." O ur Lad y o f the Aton ement: is by f ar the largest Anglican Usepari sh in the United St at es, wi th a success ful school and daily chapel, lo-

    cated in a ma jor Am eri can city, and it is therefore not unreasonable to

    guess that this pari sh may well b e the principa l church of the ordinariat e

    once it is esta blished . When I ask ed the pas tor ifhe migh t be appointed 10 be the ord inary, he chuckled and a nsw ered: "l'H d o what ever the popeasks me to do," and changed rhe topi c.

    One reason that the pope i ssued AC was that An glicans had approac hed

    him seeking full communi on with his see, but wi shed to retain elements or

    their liturgy and trad ition. It appears that , f or the most pan , the prospe cts

    of Episcopalians enterin g the ordinar iate whil e retainin g their chur ch

    property are dim, as the presi d ing bisho p and her arrorncy have spent ma s-sive amoun ts or f und s to reta in real prop erty f rom congregations leaving 10

    join otherjurisdiction s, eve n when that entail s inheriting a building wit h

    no congregation . As the nascent or d inari ate in England and Wales. jus t

    form ed in januar y of 2011, has only a hand f u l of me mb ers, it is not yeta relia ble indicator of what thi s mix of Anglican and La tin Chrisrianuics

    will look like. But this parish, wh ich has experienc ed vel)' ro bust growth

    since the early 1980s, ha s a genuine experience of what it look s like for

    Anglican patrim ony and trad i tion to exist over a sustained period of lime

    within the Roman Catholic Church. Mo reover, the instruc tions of AC

    mean tha t, unl ike with the Pastoral Provisio n , the local conference ofCiu h-

    olic bishops is nor the bod y that m akes the dete rmination of wheth er or

    not to erec t an ordinari ate. Let us reca ll that it was t he reticence 01 epis-

    copal confe rences outsid e the U.S . that made it impo ssible for the Pastoral

    Provision of John Paul IT to take eff ect in their synodal r egions. Rather;

    under AC, the erection of an ordinaria te is the prerogative of'the pope ,

    who h as d elegat ed t hat a ut hority to the Congre gation of Divine Faith. Interms of mission-c- esta blishi ng new Anglican Use pari shes, schools, con-

    vents, monas teries-the vision is that there will be one person coordtn.u-

    jng all of this. Furth ermor e, it is plann ed that there wil l be regular

    meetings of lcaclers, both ordain ed and Ja y, who b elong to the ordinaria te.

    In other words, accord ing to present plans, each Atlglican U se parish wil l

    go from being a rather odd entity in a conven tional Catholic diocese, to

    being uniLedju rid ically and m issionally to other such congregations, all

    the wh ile remain ing within the Catholic Church. OLA of fers some insi ghts

    into wh at this ecumenic al alchem y may look like down th e road.

    In tertns of grcw th. the experience ofOLA has been nothing less than

    extraordi nary. What start ed with rented space and eighteen people now

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    has a bout six hundr ed fam ilies and owns a large p lant of abou t one hun-

    d red thou san d squa re f eel, with plans to dou ble that f ootage. The church

    its elfha s a capacity ofa l ittle over f ive hundred . On Sunday the r e arc four

    mass es: a Low Mass (lite f), two So lemn Hig h Masses (rite I), and an even-ing Latin Ma ss usin g the NOVllS ont o. Additionall y, there are two weekd ay

    masses said daily, one of which is a t 9:15 a.m. and is primaril y for thestudents . There i s also a Low Mass on Saturda y morn ing. The first church

    bu ild ing was const r ucte d in 1987, when the church had a bout f ort )' fam-

    ilies, it was, said the pastor , "far to O big f or us." It has, since t hen, beenexpa nd ed consid era bly. Tn 1994 , af ter find ing the loca l Cat holic schools

    less than id eal f or sundry reason s, he d ecid ed that [he parish shou ld start.

    a schoo l, and the Atone ment Academ y was found ed with sixty-s ix students,

    prov id ing educ ation f or kindergart en through third grad e (roughly ages

    f our through e igh t). As of 2011, it n umb ers over f ive h und red s tu d entsand includ es elementar y, midd le, and high schools. Wh y d id the pastor

    feel that he sho uld start a school? I asked. He answer ed, "lf we are serious

    Cathol ics, we need to train our stud ents and chi ldren in it." The dailystud ent mas s fills the e n ure church and som e of the choir, and I have to

    sit all the way in t he back, in the last pew, to allow room [or the stude nts.



    The Church and the Litmgy

    The main doo rs to the church are large, heavy, and painted red. They

    lead into a narthex wh ere one can pic k up inf ormati on on variou s top icsof interest, f rom the school's mul tiple child ren's choirs to the Roman

    Cathol ic Chu rch's teach ing on birth control and natura l family planning.

    From there the visito r walks into the long, dark nave. The walls are dar k

    wood, as arc the pews. Th e ceiling, which meets at an ang le high a bove the

    cong regation, is blue with criss- crossing lines in gold. The loft above a nd behind t he c ong regation accomm odates a choir a s large as eig hty. The re

    are various stained-glass wind ows up and d own the nave don e in d if ferent

    styles. There is a raised pulpit to the len, in the trad itiona l Anglican d esign,

    sha pecllike a cup of win e with a sound ing board above it, the altar is be-

    hind the rood screen, and is, in the medieval tradit iou , right against thewall, so the priest and the d eacon face away f rom the cong regation du ring

    the liturgy of the Euchari st. This is one way in wh ich the litHrgy di f fers

    f rom the Roma n Cathol ic N ouns ovdo . Above the a ltar i s a large tri ptych

    in bronz e, enamel, an d oil paint. II d epicts Christ theJlldge wit h vari ous

    instru ments of h is passion. During Lent , when the triptyc h is closed, t he

    Annunciation is dep icted in shades of g rey. In ad dition to the d ominant

    figu re o f Chris t, t he ope n triptyc h includes depic tions of S1. Gregory the

    CH UR CH RE VIEW 30'l

    Grea t, SL Augustin e of Canterbur y, St. Alban , and the Venera hIe Bcdc.

    Near the f ron t o f the chur ch to the right is a small Lad y Chapel with

    various sta tues and images includ ing those o f Mal)" Patrick, and Joseph.

    Aroun d 9:15 children dressed in unif orm stan filteting in. Ry the timethat the ent ire church has be en f il led w ith the hund reds of stndems. w ho

    enter quiet ly and in an ord erly manner, genuflecting towards the ta ber-nac le, a bout fifteen more minutes pass, and then the mass begins. Re-

    marka bly, t he children s it quieLly d uring this lime. The p riest and the

    d eacon, wearing a chasub le and d almauc . respectively, ente r f rom the

    rear . The week d ay mass is not a so lemn high mass, so un like Sund ay there

    is no incense, an d the pries t wears his chasub le during the e nt ire mass. III

    ad d ition lO the studen ts there are perhaps a doz en or so peo ple Fron t the

    commun ity sitting near the bac k of the church (which is the only place

    where there is space) . A stud ent read s f rom Sirac h 35:I-l2 ("He who

    kee ps the law makes man y of ferings . .. "}, we sing t he K)'1ie in English ,the psa lm is sung, and the d ea con r eads Mark 10:28 -31.

    The short homily is almost entirely conc erned w ith (he lif e OfSL David of Wa les. The priest explained that he likes David because he has some

    Welsh anc estry. And then, in a perfect exa mple o f educat ing young

    Roman Catholics in thei r trad itions, he aske d the student s who the P'"tron o f the United States is, and a f ew ventur e a guess, Mary . Yes, but

    und er the tit le o f the Immacu late Concept io n. And who is the Patron

    of England ? Geo rge. And Scotland ? Andrew . And irelan d ? Here a large

    numb er of the stud en ts ene rget ica ll y a nswe red , "Patrick! " Simila rly, Da vid

    is the patron of Wa les, and some selected stories f rom his biography arc

    pres ented [0 the stu d ents. The homily conclud es wit h the prie st men lion-

    ing one of the sayings of Davi d on the Sund ay bef ore he die d , when he told his flock to "Do the little things you have seen me do." A nd this, the priest

    said , is a remind er 1.0 thos e present that sometimes wha t is importan t toGod and f or our lives as C hristi ans are not the things that I he w orldjudge sto be important.

    A hymn is sung befo re the l i tu rgy of the Eucha rist beg ins: "God h imse lf

    is wit h us, let LIS all ad ore him." The hym n is led hy the stud ent choir and the skilled organist. T he school has many c hoir s , and each d ay a d if f erent

    cho ir is responsi ble f or the mass . The small piece ofpa per with the words

    of the hymn ind icates the text is by Gerhar d t Tersteega n, and the tune is

    called Tysk,an old Germa n melod y. F01l1 1 II of the Eucharist is used , asthe many stu d ents commune the organist plays; all the stud ents receive

    comm union kneeling. During the Eucharist the Lord's Prayer is sung in

    plainsong, a nd we si ng the Agnus D ei.

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    The liturgy wo uld be access ible 10 anyone familiar with the Episcopal

    liturg y. There are a f ew ad d itions not f ound in the Book of Common

    Pra yer, but which would be found in Anglican missa ls influ enced bythe Oxf ord Mov em ent. For instance, "Pr ay, brethr en, that our sacrifice

    would be accepta ble to God , the almlg tny Father," is sornething rarely

    heard at an E piscopal church. Another exa mple of such an element isthe triple repetition of "Lord , I am not worthy that thou should est come

    und er my roof , bu t speak the wo rd only, andm y so ul shall be healed ." But

    note that the English is slightl y different than the customar y respon se in

    the N oo ns o rd o: "Lord , r am not worthy to receive you, but only say theword and I shall be healed," During the interview with the church's

    pastor he explains that the only element of the mass that does not come

    from one of the prayer books or f rom an Anglo-Cathol ic missal is the

    prayer of consecration . He also explains that [he English translation of

    the Bi blical verses like the one just mentioned is that of Miles Cove rd ale

    (d. 1569).Aft er the mass is over the stud ents file out , returnin g to their class-

    rooms. An altar boy wea ling a reel choir cass ock and surplice extingu ishes

    the candl es on the altar. The priest stays to hear confess ions of stud ents

    and the visitor goes fo r a walk around the qui et, wood ed neighborhood

    where the church and acad emy m-e located. The pastor hears conf ess ion

    f rom each class of t he school once a month, and the lime is determin ed by

    his schedule, so there is no speciallh eological si gnificance to healing con-

    f ess ions af ter mass .The experience is one of a living strain of Anglican trad ition and lirurgy

    withi n t he Rom an Catholi c Church. The visitor lias a strong sense o f con-

    nection to the Anglo -Catholic tradit ion in terms of music and luurgy.

    Moreo ver, the Anglican tradition in question i s no t hypothetical or under

    const ruction , which see ms to be the case with the orc\inaria te of Our Lady

    of "Va lsinghal11 in England and Wa les. As the pastor notes duri ng the in-

    tervi ew, the church is in a position where there are youn g adu lts who ha ve

    only ever known the Angli can Use, for them the Praye r ofHumbl e Acc ess

    is Roman C atholic, and not j ust a bit of Anglicanism brought into theRoman Catholi c liturgi cal tradi tion. But oth er parts of the tradition are

    under evalua tion at the mom ent. f or i ns tance, the Book of Divine W or-

    ship is presently being ed ited and upd ated by a committ ee directed f romRome. Th e Pasto r is not on that committ ee, bur. he acts as a consultant to

    it. It appears that the pope and CDF envisi on a single Anglican Use for

    any and all Anglophon e ordin ariates that may be erected over the com-

    ing years. When asked i f t he church uses a specific hymnal t he priest says


    no, bu t t hat the plan is for one hymnal f or all [he ordinarta tes to even-

    tually be publi shed. At the moment though, the four profe ssional musi-

    cians who work for the church and acad emy may choose From multiple

    source s, includ ing E pi sc opal h ymnals. When asked if there was a nything

    particularly Anglican a bout the vestment s of the prie st and deacon , the

    pastor says no, that they a re the same sort of vestments being used allover San Anton io in Catholic pa rishe s.

    Upon refl ecting on the forth coming ot-dinari.u e in the United Slates,

    the Church of Our Lad y of the Atonement appears 1 0 be a positive indi-

    cater f or grow th and m ission. A church started with eig hteen people has

    grown to six hundr ed f amilies and a schoo l with fi ve hundred stud ents, two

    daily masse s, and f ou r Sunday m asses. Muc h of the Episc opal trad ition ,

    especially in terms of liturgy and hymnod y, has been pre served . 01 1 1' Lad y

    of the Ato nement is a place wher e Anglican heritage within the Roman

    Cal holic Chu rch is neither new nor exper imen tal, but has f lourished lo ng

    enough to become part of the trad ition of the Catholic Church.

    Duane A lexand er Miller University of Texas at San Antoni o