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DUAs for Success

100+ DUAs from Quran and Hadith


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Copyright © 2012 IqraSense.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher and authors. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1477617248 ISBN-13: 978-1477617243

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Other Books by IqraSense.com

1. The Power of Dua (Prayers) 2. Jesus – The prophet who didn’t die 3. Jerusalem is OURs: The Christian,

Islamic, and Jewish struggle for the "Holy Lands"

4. Summarized Stories of the Quran

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Introduction ...................................... 7

DUAs of the Prophet (S) ................ 11

DUAs from the Quran .................... 81

References .................................. 124

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DUAs for Success



This book contains a number of Duas that can be made at

various occasions. Most of the Duas are compiled from

Prophet Muhammad (s)’s ahadith and a select few are taken

from the Quran. Each Dua is included with its translation,

along with its English transliteration to help those who don’t

have knowledge of the Arabic language. Based on the

meanings of the Dua, a general guide is provided about each

Dua’s applicability for a given situation.

Before you review the Duas included in this book, it would

be useful to understand the role of sins in one’s life and how

minimizing those sins are essential to help alleviate the

burden of hardships in our lives.

The Role of Sins

Trials, tribulations and challenges are part of every person’s

life. To counter that, Allah has provided us a very powerful

tool – and that is the tool of dua or asking Allah for help and

his mercy when we need it. And we need it all the time.

However, to understand trials and tribulations that we face in

our daily lives, we also need to understand the topic of "sins"

and how the sins that we commit may be related to our trials

and tribulations and also in the way of our dua being


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The better we understand the ghastly nature of our sins, and

the rate at which we accumulate them, along with their

undesirable impact on our daily lives and the hereafter, the

more it can propel us away from committing sins in general

and the more it will drive us to seek forgiveness for our sins

– through making the right dua for ourselves and for others.

Ibn al-Qayyim, one of the very renowned Islamic scholars,

provided one of the notable descriptions of sins and the

impact of sins in this life and after. Here is a very short

summary of what he compiled about how our sins impact our

lives. [islamqa.info]

Sins deprive a person of provision (rizq) in this life. In

Musnad Ahmad it is narrated that Thawbaan said:

“The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: ‘A man is

deprived of provision because of the sins that he

commits.’” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 4022, classed

as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah).

A sinful person experiences a sense of alienation

(indifference) with his Lord, and between him and

other people. One of the salaf had said that he could

see the impact of disobedience to Allah (in some

aspects of his daily life).

A person who commits sins sees that things become

difficult for him. In any matter that he turns to, he finds

the way blocked or he finds it difficult. By the same

token, for the one who fears Allah, things are made

easy for him.

‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Abbaas said: “Good deeds make the

face light, give light to the heart, and bring about

ample provision, physical strength and love in

people’s hearts. Bad deeds make the face dark,

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give darkness to the heart, and bring about

physical weakness, a lack of provision and hatred

in people’s hearts.”

Sin breeds sin until it dominates a person and he

cannot escape from it. Sin weakens a person’s

willpower. It gradually strengthens his will to commit

sin and weakens his will to repent until there is no will

in his heart to repent at all… so he seeks forgiveness

and expresses repentance, but it is merely words on

the lips, like the repentance of the liars, whose hearts

are still determined to commit sin and persist in it.

This is one of the most serious diseases that is

likely to lead to doom. He becomes desensitized

and no longer find sins abhorrent, so it becomes

his habit, and he is not bothered if people see him

committing the sin or talk about him.

So, we can easily see that sins not only make the prospects

of our afterlife (integral part of Islamic faith) bleak but they

can greatly and actively contribute to the difficulties of our

daily lives.

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whatever of

good reaches you, is from Allah, but whatever of evil

befalls you, is from yourself…” [al-Nisa’ 4:79]

Whether we encounter challenges in earning a living, in our

family affairs, or other matters of life, the burden of sins

greatly inhibits us from seeking the ultimate blessings of

Allah and to have the potential of leading a good life in this

world and the hereafter.

So, although the Duas included in this book can help us

alleviate our tough situations, we should also strive to

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minimize engaging in sins thus clearing our path for the

good in this life and the hereafter.


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DUAs of the Prophet (S)

Dua # 1

ال إله إال الله العظيم الحليم، ال إله إال الله رب العرش العظيم، ال إله إال الله رب السموات ورب االرض ورب العرش

الکریم/laa ilaaha illal-laah-ul-ζaŽeem-ul-ĥaleem,laa ilaaha illal-

laahu rabbul-ζarshil-aŽeem,laa ilaaha illal-laahu rabbus-

samaawaat (i),wa-rabbul-arD (i),wa-rabbul- ζarshil-kareem/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Relief from hardships


“There is no God but Allah, the Magnificent, the Forbearing; there is no God but Allah, Lord of the Glorious Throne; there is no God but Allah, Lord of the heavens and the earth, and Lord of the Glorious Throne.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6346

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Dua # 2

انك إني كنت من الظالمين الإله إال أنت سبح /laa illaaha illa aŋta subĥaanak (a), innee kuŋtu minaŽ-


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Relief from hardships

Translation: “There is no God but You. May You be exalted. I was among the wrongdoers.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3505

Dua # 3

.یا حي یا ق يوم برحمتك أستغيث /yaa ĥayyu yaa qayyuumu (u), biraĥmatika astagheeth/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Resuce from various types of problems related to

health, wealth, family issues, etc.

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“O You, the Alive, the Eternal! By Your mercy I am pleading for rescue.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3524

Dua # 4

ها وما بطن أعوذ باهلل من الفتن، ما ظهر من /aζuuđu bil-laah (i) minal-fitan (i),maa Žahar minhaa wa maa


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

General protection and security from life’s trials.


“I seek refuge in Allah from trials, overt and covert.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2867

Dua # 5

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من جهد البالء، ودرك الشقاء، وسوء القضاء، وشماتة األعداء

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/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ jahadil-balaa’(i), wa-

darkish-shaqaa’(i),Wa-suu-ilqaDaa’(i), wa-shamaatatil-


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Relief from hardships and afflictions

Protection from enemies

Protection from wrong and evil judgment

Translation: “O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the difficulty of affliction, from the burden of hardship, from evil judgment and from the enemy’s malicious rejoicing (for my suffering).”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6347

Dua # 6

ن يا و اآلخرة، اللهم إني أسألك اللهم إني أسألك العافية في الدالعفو و العافية في دیني ودن ياي، وأهلي ومالي، اللهم است ر

دي ومن خلفي، عوراتي وآمن روعاتي، اللهم احفظني من ب ين ی و عن یميني و عن شمالي، ومن ف وقي، و أعوذ بعظمتك أن

أغتال من تحتي

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/Alaahumma innee asalukal-ζaafiyata fid-dunyaa wal-

aakhirah, Allaahumma innee asalukal-afwa wal-ζaafiyata fee

deenee wadunyaaya, wa ahlee wa maalee, Allaahumma-ustur

ζawraatee wa aamin- rawζaatee, Allaahumma-ahafaŽnee

mimbayni yadayya, wa min khalfee, wa ζay-yameeneewa ζaŋ-

shimaalee, wamiŋ fawqee, wa aζuuđu bi-ζaŽamatika an

ughtaala min tahtee Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:


Seeking forgiveness

Protection of family

Protection of wealth


Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for health in this world and in the Hereafter. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness, for soundness of faith and for security in this world and safety of my family and of my wealth. O Allah, keep my awraat (body parts, secrets, etc. that are forbidden to be revealed to others) concealed, and protect me from being terrorized. O Allah, protect me from the front and the back, from my right and my left and from above, and I seek refuge in Your Magnificence from being swallowed (by the earth) from beneath.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 5074

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Dua # 7

اللهم إني عبدك وابن عبدك، ناصيتي بيدك، ماض في حكمك، عدل في قضاؤك، أسألك بكل اسم هو لك، سميت به ن فسك، أو علمته أحدا من خلقك، أو أن زلته في كتابك، أو

أن تجعل القرآن ربيع : استأث رت به في علم الغيب عندك ي لبي، ونور صدري،ق وجالء حزني، وذهاب هم

/Allaahumma innee ζabduk (a) wa-bnu ζbdik (a), naaSiyaatee

bi-yadik (a), maaDiŋ fiyya ĥukmuk (a), ζadluŋ fiyya qaDaa-

uk, as’aluka bikullismin huwalak (a), sammayta bihi nafsak

(a), aw ζallamtahu aĥadam-minkhalaqik (a), aw-anzaltahu fee

kitaabik (a), aw-ista’thart (a), bihi fee ζilmil-ghaybi ζiŋdak

(a), aŋtajζal-alquraana rabeeζa qalbee, wa nuura SaDree, wa-

jilaa’a ĥuznee, wa đahaaba hammee/ Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Relief from sadness and worries

Use Quran (knowledge and recitation) for physical and

spiritual benefits

Translation: “O Allah, I am your slave, the son of your slave. My forehead is in Your Hand. Your judgment of me is inescapable. Your trial of me is just. I am invoking You by all the names that You call Yourself, that You have taught to anyone in Your creation,

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that You have mentioned in Your Book, or that You have kept unknown. Let the Qur’an be delight of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness and the pacifier of my worries.”

Source: Musnad Ahmad # 1/391

Dua # 8

اللهم إني أسألك صحة في إیمان، وإیمانا في حسن خلق، نك ونجاحا ی تب عه فالح، ورحمة منك وعافية، ومغفرة م

ورضوانا /Allaahumma innee as-aluka Siĥĥataŋ fee eemaan, wa

eemaanaaŋ feeĥusni khuluq, wa najaahay yatbaζuhu falaaĥ,

wa raĥmatam-miŋka waζaafiyah, wa maghfiratam-miŋka wa

riDwaanaa/ Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Soundness of faith

Improving Manners



Seeking Allah’s forgiveness and satisfaction

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Translation: “O Allah, I beg You to grant me soundness of faith, faith with good conduct, success followed by further success, mercy and healing, and Your forgiveness and Your satisfaction.”

Source: Musnad Ahmad # 2/321

Dua # 9

اللهم عافني في بدني، اللهم عافني في سمعي، اللهم عافني في بصري، ال إله إال أنت

/Allaahumma ζaafini fee badanee, Allaahumma ζaafini fee

samζee, Allaahumma ζaafini fee baSaree, laa illaaha illaa aŋt/ Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:



“O Allah! Make my body healthy. Make my hearing healthy. Make my eye sight healthy. There is no God but You.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 5090

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Dua # 10

ر ال ر النجاح، اللهم إني أسألك خي ر الدعاء وخي مسألة وخي ر الممات، ر الحياة وخي ر الث واب، وخي ر العمل وخي وخي

ماني وارفع درجاتي، و ت قبل ل موازیني، وحقق إیوث بتني و ث ق من الجنة، ى لك الدرجات العلأسأ صالتي، واغفر خطيئتي، و

اللهم إني أسألك ف واتح الخير وخواتمه، وجوامعه، وأوله . آمينرجات العلوآخره، و ظاهره وب . من الجنة، آمين ى اطنه، والد

ر ما اللهم إني أسألك ر ما أف عل، و خي ر ما آتي، و خي خي ر م ر ما بطن و خي من ى ا ظهر، والدرجات العلأعمل، و خي

اللهم إني أسألك أن ت رفع ذكري، وتضع وزري، . الجنة، آمينق لبي، وتحصن ف رجي، وت ن ور ق لبي، و وتصلح أمري، وتطهر

رجات العلت غفرلي ذنبي، و اللهم . من الجنة، آمين ى أسألك الدإني أسألك أن ت بارك لي نفسي، وفي سمعي، وفي بصري، وفي

لقي، وفي أهلي، وفي محياي، وفي روحي، وفي خلقي، وفي خ

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ى أسألك الدرجات العلمماتي، وفي عملي، وت قبل حسناتي، و من الجنة، آمين

/Allaahumma innee as-aluka khayral-mas-alah, wa khayrad-

duaa’, wa khayrannajaaĥ, wa khayral-ζamal, wa khayrath-

thawaab, wakhayral-ĥayaati wa kayral-mamaat, wa

thabbitnee, wa thaqqil mawaazeenee, wa ĥaqqiq eemaanee,

warfaζ daraajaatee, wa taqabbalSalaatee, waghfir khaTee-

atee, wa as-alukad-darajaatil-ζulaa minal-jannah, aameen / /Allaahumma innee as-aluka fawaatiĥal-khayri wa

khawaatimah(u) waJawaamiζah(u), wa awwalah (u) wa

aakhirah (u), wa Žaahirah(u) wabaatinah (u), wad-darajaatil-

ζulaa minal-jannah, aameen/ /Allaahumma innee as-aluka khayra maa aatee, wa khayra maa

afζal, wa khayra maa aζmal, wa khayra maa baTaana, wa

khayra maa Žahar(a), wad-darajaatil-ζulaa minal-jannah,

aameen/ /Allaahumma innee as-aluka an tarfaζa đikree, wa taDaζa

wizree, wa tuSliha amree, wa tuTahhira qalbee, wa tuĥaSSina

farjee, wa tunwwira qalbee, wa taghfira lee đambee, wa as-

aluka ad-darajaatil-ζulaa minal-jannah, aameen/ /Allaahumma innee as-aluka an tubaarika lee nafsee, wa fee

samζee, wa fee baSaree, wa fee ruuĥee, wa fee khalqee, wa fee

khuluqee, wa fee ahlee, wa fee maĥyaaya, wa fee mamaatee,

wa fee ζamaalee, wa taqabbal ĥasnaatee, wa as-alukad-

darajaatil-ζulaa minal-jannah, aameen/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

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Asking for ease in affairs

Raising one’s status

Asking for Allah’s help

Soundness of character


Asking for rewards from Allah

Success in life and after death


“O Allah, I beg You to make my asking You best and my supplication best. I beg of you the best success, the best work, the best rewards, the best life and the best death. I beg You to make my scales heavy with rewards, to make me strong in faith, to raise me in rank, to accept my prayers, and to forgive my sins. I beg you to put me on the highestlevelin Heaven. Amen.” “O Allah, I beg You to grant me good’s opening and good’s closing, comprehensive good, good in the beginning and good in the end, and good in the outside and good in the inside, and I beg You to put me in the highest level in Heaven. Ameen.” “O Allah, I beg You to make best my achievements, to make best my acts, to make best my deeds, and to make best my inside and my outside. I beg you to put me on the highest level in Heaven. Amen.” “O Allah. I beg You to raise my remembrance, to remove my burdens, to make good my affairs, to purify my heart, to protect my private parts, to enlighten my heart, and to forgive my sins. I beg you to put me on the highest level in Heaven. Amen.” “O Allah, I beg You to bless me, bless my hearing, bless my eyesight, bless my soul, bless my body, bless my manners,

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bless my family, bless my life, bless my death, and bless my work. Accept my good deeds. I beg you to put me on the highest level in Heaven. Amen.”

Source: Al-Haakim’s Al-Mustadrak # 1/519

Dua # 11

يئا ربي، ال أشرك به ش اهلل اهلل /Allaahu Allaahu rabbee, laa ushrika bihee shay-aa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Attesting to Allah’s Lordship and Oneness

Seeking Allah’s satisfaction


“Allah, Allah is my Lord, with Whom I associate no partners.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 1525

Dua # 12

اللهم باسمك أحيا، وباسمك أموت /Allaahumma bismika aĥyaa wa-bismika ammuut/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

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Blessings for when awake and asleep


“O Allah! In Your name I live, and in Your name I die.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2710

Dua # 13

اللهم رب نا لك الحمد، ملء السماوات واألرض، وملء ما مجد، أحق ما قال العبد شئت من شيء ب عد، أهل الث ناء وال

وكلنا لك عبد، ٱللهم ال مانع لما أعطيت، وال معطي لما فع ذا ٱلجد منك ٱلجد من عت، وال ی ن

/Allaahumma rabbanaa, lakal- ĥamd (u) mil-asamaawaati wal-

arD(i),wa-mil-a maa shi’ta miŋ shayimbaζd, ahluth-thanaa-i-

wal-majd (i),aĥaqqu maa qaalal-ζabd(u), wa-kulluna laka ζabd

/Allaahumma laamaniζa limaa aζTaita, wa-laa muζTiya limaa

manaζt(a), wa-laa yaŋfaζuđal-jaddi miŋkal-jadd/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Praising Allah

Attesting to His power of giving and taking

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Translation: “O Allah, our Lord! To You belongs as much praise as the fill of the heavens, the earth, and everything else You wish. You are worthy of praise, glory and the most truthful words a slave can ever say, and we are all Your slaves. O Allah! None can prevent what You bestow, nor can anyone bestow what You prevent. No fortune can be of benefit to its possessor against Allah’s Fortune.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 477

Dua # 14

ه إال ال إل أنك أنت اهلل، اللهم إني أسألك بأني أشهد أنت،ٱالحد ٱلصمد ٱلذي لم یلد ولم یولد ولم یكن له كفوا

.أحد /Allaahumma innee as-aluk (a), bi-annee ash-hadu annaka

aŋta-Allaah(u),laa ilaaha illaa aŋt(a), al-aĥad(u), aS-

Samad(u), allađee lam yalid wa-lamyuulad, wa-lam yakul-lahu

kufuwan aĥad/ Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Testifying Allah’s Oneness

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“O Allah, I am supplicating to you, for I testify that You are Allah and that there is no God but You. You are the One, the eternally besought of all, Who begets not, Who is not begotten and unto Whom there is none comparable.”

Dua # 15

م والمغرم اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الكسل والهرم، والمأث /Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika minal-kasal (i), wal-haram(i),

wal-ma’thami wal-maghram/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from laziness

Protection from sins

Protection from debt

Protection from old age


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from sloth (laziness), from old age, from sins and from debt.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6368

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Dua # 16

ین، و غلبة الرجال اللهم إني أعوذ بك من ضلع الد/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ Dalaζid-dayni wa


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from debt

Protection from persecution


“O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the burden of debt and from being persecuted.”

Source: Hadith Abu Dawood

Dua # 17

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من العجز و الكسل، والجبن والبخل، و نة المحيا و أعوذ بك من عذاب القبر، و أعوذ بك من فت


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/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika minal-ajzi wal-kasal (i), wal-

jubn(i) wal-bukhl(i), wa-aζuuđu bika min ζađabil-qabr(i), wa-

aζuuđu bika miŋ fitantil-maĥyaa wal-mamaat/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:


Protection from laziness

Protection from cowardice

Protection from miserliness

Protection from the trials of this life and the hereafter


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from incapacity, from sloth, from cowardice, from miserliness, from the torment of the grave, and from the trial of life and death.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6367

Dua # 18

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الكفر والفقر، وعذاب القبر /Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika minal-kufr (i), wal-faqr (i), wa


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from poverty

Protection from getting into disbelief

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Protection from the torment in the afterlife


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from disbelief (in You), poverty, and torment in the grave.”

Source: Sunan Annasaaey # 5464

Dua # 19

االخالق واالعمال و االهواء اللهم إني أعوذ بك من منكرات /Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika min muŋkaraatil-akhlaaq (i),

wal-aζmaal (i) wal-ahwaa’/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from bad character, manners and whims


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from reprehensible manners, deeds and whims.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3591

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Dua # 20

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الجوع فإنه بئس الضجيع، وأعوذ بك من الخيانة فإن ها بئست البطانة

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika minal-juuζ, fa-innahu bi’sal-

Dajeeζ, wa aζuuđu bika minal-khiyaanah, fa-innahaa bi’satil-


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from hunger

Protection from betrayals


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from hunger; it is the worst mate. I seek refuge in You from betrayal; it is the worst companion.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 1547

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Dua # 21

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهدم، وأعوذ بك من الت ردي، وأعوذ ك من الغرق، والحرق، والهرم، وأعوذ بك من أن ی تخبطني ب

الشيطان عند الموت /Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika minal-hadm (i), wa aζuuđu

bika minat-taraddi, wa aζuuđu bika minal-gharaq (i), wal-harq

(i), wal-haram (i), wa aζuuđu bika min ay-

yatakhabbaTaniyash-shaytaanu ζindal-mawt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from drowning

Protection from demolitions

Protection from burning

Protection from old age

Protection from satan’s temptations


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from demolitions. I seek refuge in You from falling down from high places. I seek refuge in You from drowning, burning and old age. I seek refuge in You from Satan’s temptations at death.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 1552

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Dua # 22

اللهم رب السماوات ورب األرض ورب العرش العظيم، رب نا ، ومنزل الت وراة واإلنجيل ىوالن و الحب فالق ل شيء،ورب ك

اللهم والفرقان، أعوذ بك من شر كل شيء أنت آخذ بناصيته،لك ، وأنت اآلخر ف ليس ب عدك شيء أنت األول ف ليس ق ب

شيء، وأنت الظاهر ف ليس ف وقك شيء، وأنت الباطن ف ليس ین وأغننا من الفقر دونك شيء، اقض عنا الد

/Allaahumma rabbas-samaawaati wa-rabbal-arD (i), wa-

rabbal-ζarshil-ζaŽeem, rabbanaa wa-rabba kulli shay-in,

faaliqal-ĥabbi wan-nawaa, wa-munzilat-tawraati wal-iŋjeeli

wal-furqaan, a ζuuđu bika miŋ sharri kulli shay-in aŋta

aakhiđum-binaaSiyatih/ /Allaahumma aŋtal-awwal (u) fa-

laysa qablaka shay-un, wa- aŋtal-aakhir (u) fa-laysa baζdaka

shay-un, wa- aŋtaŽ-Žaahir(u) fa-laysa fawaqaka shay-a, wa-

aŋtal-baaTinu fa-laysa dunnaka shay-un, iqDi annad-dayn (a),

wa-ghinna minal-faqr/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from evil

Protection from debt

Protection from poverty

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“O Allah, Lord of the heavens and earth and the Magnificent Throne, our Lord and Lord of all things, the Splitter and Grower of the seed grain and date stone! the Revealer of At-Tawraah, Al Injeel, and the Qur’an, I seek refuge in You from the evil of all things, which you hold under Your control. You are the First, nothing before You. You are the Last, nothing after You. You are the Manifest, nothing above You. You are the Innermost, nothing beyond You. Remove the burden of our debt, and relieve us from poverty.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2713

Dua # 23

اللهم اغفر لي وارحمني، واهدني، وعافني، وارزقني/Allaahumma-ghfir lee wa-rĥamnee, wa-hdinee, wa-ζaafinee,


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking forgiveness and mercy from Allah

Asking for his help to be on straight path


Protection of wealth

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“O Allah! Forgive me, and have mercy on me. Guide me, grant me health and provision.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2697

Dua # 24

اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي، ووسع لي في داري، وبارك لي فيما رزق تني

/Allaahumma-ghfir lee đambi, wa wassiζ lee fee daaree, wa

baarik lee feemaa razaqtanee/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seeking forgivness

Asking for blessings in wealth and living

Translation: “O Allah, forgive my sins, make my dwelling large, and bless whatever you give me.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3500

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Dua # 25

اللهم اكفني بحاللك عن حرامك، وأغنني بفضلك عمن سواك /Allaahumma-akfinee bi-ĥalaalik (a) ζan ĥaraamik (a),

waghninee bifaDlika ζamman siwaak/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for Allah’s help in lawful activites

Asking for Allah’s help to avoid unlawful activities

Translation: “O Allah! Suffice me with Your lawfuls that shun Your unlawfuls. Enrich me by Your Grace that I be in need of none but you.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3563, 5/560

Dua # 26

اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي، وأخسئ شيطاني، وفك رهاني، واجعلني في الندي األعلى

/Allaahumma-ghfir lee đambi, wa akhsi’ shayTaani, wa fukka

rihaani, wajalni finnadiyyil aζlaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

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Seeking forgiveness

Protection from evils

Protection from debt

Seeking blessed companionships

Translation: “O Allah, forgive my sins, keep Satan away from me, release me from debts, and place me among the highest companions.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 5054

Dua # 27

[فيما أعطيتني اللهم ارزقني ماال وولدا وبارك لي [ /Allaahumma-rzuqnee maalaw-wa-walada (w), wa-baarik lee

[feemaa aζTaytanee/]

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for wealth and children

Asking for blessings in all provisions


“O Allah! Grant me wealth and children, and bless whatever you give me.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 1982

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Dua # 28

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك، وتحول عافيتك، وفجاءة تك، وجميع سخطك نقم

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ zawaali niζmatik (a), wa-

taĥawwuli ζaafiyatik (a), wa-fuja-ati niqmatik (a) wa-jameeζi


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seeking protection from deprivation of Allah’s bounties

Seeking protection from Allah’s revenge and dismay


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from being deprived of Your bounty, from losing Your security, from Your sudden revenge, and from all Your Dismay.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2739

Dua # 29

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من شر ما عملت ومن شر ما لم أعمل

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/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ sharri maa ζamilat(u),

wa-miŋsharri maa lam aζamal/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seek protection from evil actions


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done and the evil of what I have not done.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2716

Dua # 30

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من شر سمعي، ومن شر بصري، ومن شر ، ومن شر ق لبيلساني

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ sharri samζi, wa miŋ

sharri baSari wa miŋ sharri lissaani, wa miŋ sharri qalbi/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seek protection from the evil of our own faculties


“O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the evils of hearing, the evils of eyesight, the evils of the tongue and the evils of the heart.”

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Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3492

Dua # 31

تي ال أعوذ بوجه اهلل الكریم، وبكلمات اهلل التامات، الالیجاوزهن ب ر وال فاجر، من شر ما ی نزل من السماء وشر ما

ها، ومن ی عرج فيها، وشر ما ذرأ في األرض وشر ما یخرج من رقا یطرق فتن الليل والن هار، ومن طوارق الليل والن هار،إال طا

بخير یارحمن /aζuuđu bi-wajhil-laahil-kareem (i), wa bi- kalimaatil-laahit-

taamaat(i),allaatee laa yujaawizhunna barrow-walaa faajir

(um), min-sharri maayanzilu minas-samaa’(i), wa sharri maa

yaζruju feehaa, wa sharri maađara’a fil-arD(i) wa sharri maa

yakhruju minhaa, wa min fitnatil-layliwan-nahaar(i), wa min

Tawariqil-layliwan-nahaar(i), illaa Taariqay-yaTruku bi-

khayr(iy) yaa Raĥmaan/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seek protection from various evils

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“I seek refuge in Allah by Allah’s Perfect Face and by His Perfect Words, which cannot be surpassed by the righteous or the profligate, from the evil of whatever comes down from heaven and whatever goes up to it, from the evil of whatever goes into the earth and whatever comes out of it, from the trials of night and day and from the knocking disasters of night and day, except a knocker bearing good. O You, the Merciful.”

Source: Musnad Ahmad # 3/419

Dua # 32

أعوذ باهلل السميع العليم، من الشيطان الرجيم، من همزه ون فخه ون فثه

/aζuuđu bil-laahis-sameeζil-ζaleem(i), minash-shaiTaanir-

rajeem(i),miŋ hamzih(i), wa-nafkhih(i), wa-nafthih/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from shaytan and his mischief


“I seek refuge in Allah, the All-Hearing, All-Knowing, from Satan, the outcast, and from his whispers, his blowing and his nafth.”

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Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 775

Dua # 33

ات اهلل التامات من شر ما خلق أعوذ بكلم /aζuuđu bi-kalimaatil-laahil-taam-maat(i) miŋ sharri maa


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from evils of Allah’s creatures


“I seek refuge in Allah’s perfect words from the evil of what He has created.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2708

Dua # 34

نة القبر و نة النار وعذاب النار، وفت اللهم إني أعوذ بك من فت نة الفقر نة الغنى، و شر فت عذاب القبر، و شر فت

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ- fitnatin-naar (i), wa-

ζađaabin-naar, wa-fitnatil-qabr(i), wa-ζađaabil-qabr(i), wa-

sharree fitnatil-ghinaa, wa-sharree fitnatil-faqr/

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Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from hell fire

Protection from the torment of grave


“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the affliction of the Hell Fire and its torment, from the affliction of the grave and its torment, and from the affliction of wealth and from the affliction of poverty.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6377

Dua # 35

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم، ومن عذاب القبر، ومن جال نة المسيح الد نة المحيا والممات، ومن شر فت فت

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika miŋ ζađaabi jahannam, wa

min ζađaabil-qabr(i),wa-miŋ fitnatil-mahyaa wal-mamaat (i),

wa-miŋ sharr(i), fitnatil maseeĥid-dajjaal/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from trial of life and death

Protection from the evil trial of Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal


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“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the affliction of the torment of the Hell fire, from the affliction of the torment in the grave, from the trial of life and death and from the evil of the affliction of Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal (AntiChrist).”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 1377

Dua # 36

اللهم أصلح لي دیني الذي هو عصمة أمري، وأصلح لي دن ياي التي فيها معاشي، وأصلح لي آخرتي التي فيها معادي،

واجعل الحياة زیادة لي في كل خير، واجعل الموت راحة لي شر من كل

/Allaahumma aSliĥ lee deenee, allađee huwa ζiSmatu amree,

wa-aSliĥ lee dunyaaya, allatee feehaa maζaashee, wa-aSliĥ

lee aakhiratee, allatee feeha maζaadee, wa-jζalil-ĥayaata

ziyaadatal-lee fee kulli khair(iw), wa-jalil-mawta raĥatal-lee

miŋ kulli sharr/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for good in this life and the life hereafter

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“O Allah! Make good my religion, which is my sanctuary and make good my (present) world, where my livelihood is, and make good my Hereafter, where I will return. Fill my life with more of all that is good, and make my death a relief for me of all that is evil.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2720

Dua # 37

ن نا وب ين معاصيك، اللهم اقسم لنا من خشيتك ما یحول ب ي نا ومن طاعتك ما ت ب لغنا به جنتك، ومن اليقين ما ت هون به علي

ن يا، ومت عنا بأسماعنا وأبصارنا وق وتن ا ما أحي يت نا، مصيبات الدواجعله الوارث منا، واجعل ثأرنا على من ظلمنا، وانصرنا على ن يا أكب ر من عادانا، وال تجعل مصيبت نا في دیننا، وال تجعل الد

لغ علمنا، وال تسلط نا، وال مب نا من ال ی رحمنا هم علي /Allaahumma-qsim lanaa min khashyatik(a) maa yaĥuulu

baynanaa wa bayna maζaaSeek (a), wa min Taaζ atika maa

tuballighunaa bihi jannatak (a), wa min-alyaqeeni maa

tuhawwinu bihi ζalaynaa muSeebaatid-dunyaa, wa mattiζnaa

bi-asmaaζinaa, wa abSaarina,wa quwwatina maa ahyaytanaa,

wajζallhul-waaritha- minnaa, wa-jζal tha’ranaa ζalaa man

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Žalamanaa, wa-nsurnaaζalaa man ζaadaanaa,wa-laa tajζal

muSeebatana fee deeninaa, wa laa tajζalid-dunyaa akbara

hamminaa, wa laa mablagha ζilminaa, wa laa tusalliT

ζalaynaa mal-laa yarĥamunaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for good in this life and the hereafter


“O Allah, let us have a portion of fear that prevents us from disobeying You. Let us have a portion of obedience to You that we may reach Your Jannah. Let us have a portion of definite faith that we may endure the afflictions of this world. O Allah, make us enjoy our hearing, our eyesight and our energy as long as You let us live, and let this slate of enjoyment continue till we are inherited (till our death). O Allah, let our revenge be on the ones unjust to us. Give us victory over those that transgress against us. Let us not be afflicted in our faith. Let not this world be our major interest or our focus of knowledge. Let us not be under the control of anyone that will have no mercy on us.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3502

Dua # 38

رائيل وميكائيل وإسرافيل، فاطر السماوات اللهم رب جب هادة، أنت تحكم ب ين عبادك فيما واألرض، عالم الغيب والش

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كانوا فيه یختلفون، اهدني لما اختلف فيه من الحق بإذنك، إنك ت هدي من تشاء إلى صراط مستقيم

/Allaahumma rabba jibraa-eel(a), wa-meekaa-eel(a), wa

israafeel(a) faaTiras-samaawaati wal-arDi, ζaalimal-ghaibi

wash-shahaada(ti), aŋta taĥkumu bayna ζibaadika feemaa

kaanuu feehi yakhtalifuun(a),ihdinee lima-khtulifa feehi minal-

haqq(i) bi-iđnik (a), innaka tahdeemaŋ tashaa-u ilaa SiraaTim-


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Guidance to find and follow the truth


“O Allah. Lord of Gabriel, Mikail and Israfil, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the Unseen and the Seen. You will judge among Your slaves concerning matters wherein they differ. Guide me by Your permission to the truth of those matters wherein they differ, for You guide whom You will to the straight path”.

Source: Sahih Muslim # 770

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Dua # 39

اللهم عالم الغيب و الشهادة، فاطر السماوات واألرض، رب كل شيء ومليكه، أشهد أن ال إله إال أنت، أعوذ بك من شر

ن فسي، ومن شر الشيطان وشركه /Allaahumma ζaalimal-ghaibi wash-shahaada, faaTirsaa-

maawaati wal-arD,rabba kulli shay-iw wa-maleekah, ash-hadu

allaa ilaaha illa aŋt, aζuuđu bikamiŋ sharri nafsee, wa miŋ

sharrish-shytaan wa shirkih/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from disbelief

Protection from one’s and shaytan’s evils


“O Allah, Knower of the Unseen and the Seen, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Lord of everything and the Owner: I testify that there is no God but You. I seek refuge in You from my own evil and from Satan’s evil and disbelief.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3392

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Dua # 40

عث عبادك اللهم قني عذابك ی وم ت ب /Allaahumma qinee ζađaabaka yawma tabζathu ζibaadak/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from the torment of the hereafter


“O Allah, keep me away from torment on the Day when You resurrect Your slaves.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 5045

Dua # 41

اللهم ث بتني واجعلني هادیا مهدیا/Allaahumma thabbitnee, wajζalnee haadiyam-mahdiyyaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for firmness in faith

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“O Allah! Make me firm (in faith), guide me, and make me a means to guidance.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 3036

Dua # 42

دني اللهم اهدني وسد/Allaahumma-hdinee wa-saddidnee/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for guidance


“O Allah! Guide me and make my steps firm.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2725

Dua # 43

ر من زكاها، أنت ها أنت خي اللهم آت ن فسي ت قواها، وزكفع، ومن ولي ها وموالها، اللهم إني أعوذ بك من علم ال ی ن

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ق لب ال یخشع، ومن ن فس ال تشبع، ومن دعوة ال یستجاب لها

/Allaahummaaati nafsee taqwaahaa, wa zakkihaa aŋta khayru

maŋ zakkaahaa, aŋta waliyyuhaa wa mawlaahaa, Allaahumma

innee aζuuđu bika miŋ ζilmil-laaYanfaζ(u), wa miŋ qalbil-laa

yakhshaζ(u), wa-min nafsil-laa tashbaζ(u), wa-miŋdaζwatil-laa

yustajaabu lahaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for taqwa

Asking for good heart and soul


“O Allah, I beg You to grant my soul its proper taqwa, and to refine it, You are the best in refining. You are its Helper and Master. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge that is not beneficial, a heart that is not submissive, a soul that is not contented, and a supplication that is not answerable.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2722

Dua # 44

اللهم إني أسألك الهدى و الت قى، والعفاف والغنى

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/Allaahumma innee as-alukal-hudaa wat-tuqaa, wal-ζafaafa


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for guidance

Asking for piety

Asking for chastity and wealth


“O Allah! I am praying to You for guidance, piety, chastity and wealth.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 2721

Dua # 45

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من أن أشرك بك شيئا أعلمه، و أست غفرك لما ال أعلم

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu bika min an ushrika bika shay-an

aζlamuh(u),wa astaghfiruka limaa laa aζlam/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from indulging in shirk

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“O Allah, I seek Your protection from associating with You anything that I am aware of, and I seek Your forgiveness for whatever I am not aware of.”

Source: Musnad Ahmad # 4/304

Dua # 46

اللهم أنت ربي ال إله إال أنت، خلقتني وأنا عبدك، وأنا على ت، أعوذ بك من شر ما صن عت، أبوء عهدك ووعدك ما استطع

، بذنبي فاغفر لي، فإنه ال ی غفر [لك ] وأبوء لك بنعمتك علينوب إال أنت الذ

/Allaahumma aŋta rabbee, laa ilaaha illaa aŋt(a), khalaqtanee

wa-anaa ζabduk(a),wa anaa ζalaa ζahdika wa-waζdika

mastaTaζt(u), aζuuđu bika miŋ sharri maa sanaζt(u), abuu-

laka bi-niζmatika ζalayy(a), wa-abuu-laka bi- đambi, fa-ghfir

lee, fa innahu laa yaghfiruđ-đunnuba illaa aŋt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Admitting our mistakes

Seeking forgiveness

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“O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no God but You. You have created me, and I am Your slave. I try my best to keep my covenant (faith) with You and to live in the hope of Your promise. I seek refuge in You from the evil I have done. I acknowledge Your favors upon me, and I admit my sins. Please, forgive me, for none forgives sins but You.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6306

Dua # 47

ٱللهم ٱغفرلي خطيئتي وجهلي، وإسرافي في أمري، وما أنت ي، وخطایاي وعمدي، أعلم به مني، ٱللهم ٱغفر لى هزلي وجد

وكل ذلك عندي/Allaahumma-ghfir lee khaTeeatee wa jahlee, wa israafi fee

amree, wa maa aŋtaaζlamu bihi minnee, Allaahumma ighfir lee

hazlee wa jiddyee, wa khaTaayaaya wa-ζamadee, wa-kullu

đaalika ζindee/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking forgiveness for sins

Asking forgiveness for ignorance

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“O Allah! Forgive my sins, my ignorance, my intemperance in my affairs and all that I am not aware of but You know. O Allah! Forgive my play and my seriousness. Forgive my sins, be they undeliberate or deliberate, for all of which I am responsible.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6398

Dua # 48

اللهم اغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت، وما أسررت وما أعلنت، ر، وأنت على كل شيء قدیر م وأنت المؤخ أنت المقد

/Allaahumma-ghfir lee maa qaddamt(u), wa-maa akhkhart(u),

wa-maa asrarat(u), wa-maa aζlaŋt(u), aŋtal-muqqaddim(u),

wa-aŋtal-mu-akhkhiru(u), wa-aŋta ζalaa Kulli shai-iŋ qadeer/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness


“O Allah! Forgive my sins, the earlier and the later ones, the secret and the declared thereof. You are the One Who puts things forward, and the One Who delays them, and You have power over all things.”

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Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6398

Dua # 49

نيته اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي كله، دقه وجله، وأوله وآخره، وعال وسره

/Allaahumma-ghfir lee đambi kullah(u), diqqahu wajillah(u),

wa-awwalahu wa-aakhirah(u), wa-ζalaaniyatahu wa-sirrah/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness


“O Allah! Forgive all my sins, the smallest and the greatest, the past and the future, and the declared and the undeclared.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 483

Dua # 50

اللهم لك الحمد أنت نور السموات واألرض، ولك الحمد ك الحمد أنت رب السموات واألرض، ول أنت ق يم السموات

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وق ولك الحق، ووعدك الحق، واألرض ومن فيهن، أنت الحق،والساعة والنبيون حق، والنار حق، ولقاؤك الحق، والجنة حق،

وبك آمنت، وعليك ت وكلت، وإليك حق، اللهم لك أسلمت، أن بت، وبك خاصمت، وإليك حاكمت، فاغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت، وما أسررت وما أعلنت، أنت إلهي ال إله إال أنت

/Allaahumma lakal-ĥamd(u), aŋta nurus-samaawaati wal-

arDi, wa-lakal-ĥamd(u),aŋta qayyimus-samaawaati wal-arDi,

wa-lakal-ĥamd(u), aŋta rabbus-samaawaatiwal-arDi wamaŋ

feehinn(a), aŋtal-ĥaqq(u), wa-waζdukal-ĥaqq(u), wa-

qawalukal-ĥaqq(u), wa-liqaa-uka ĥaaqq(uw), wal-jannatu

ĥaqq(uw), wan-naaru ĥaqq(uw),wan-nabiyyuuna haqq(uw),

was-saaζatu ĥaqq(un), Allaahumma laka aslamt(u),wa-bika

aamaŋt(u), wa-ζalayka tawakkalt(u), wa-ilayka anabt(u), wa-

bika khaaSamt(u), wa-ilayka ĥaakamt(u), faghfir lee maa

qaddamtu wa-maa akh-khart(u), wa-maa asrartu wa-maa

aζlaŋt(u), aŋta ilaahee, laa ilaaha illaa aŋt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Praising Allah and asking for His forgiveness

To put trust (Tawakkul) in Allah


“O Allah, all praise belongs to You. You are the light of the heavens and the earth, and all praises belongs to You, You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all praise belongs to You, You are the Lord of the heavens and the earth

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and whoever is in them. You are the Truth, Your promise is true, Your words are true and the meeting with You is true. The Garden (Paradise) is true, the Fire is true, the prophets are true and the Hour is true. O Allah, I submit to You, and I accept You, and I trust in You, and I turn to You, and I argue by You, and I summon to You for judgment. So, forgive me what I have sent before me and what I have left behind, what I have kept secret and what I have proclaimed, You are my God - there is no God but You.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 4799

Dua # 51

ال إله إال أنت، أنت ربي وأنا عبدك، ظلمت اللهم أنت الملك ن فسي واعت رفت بذنبي فاغفر لي ذنوبي جميعا، إنه ال ی غفر

نوب إال أنت، اللهم اهدني ألحسن األخالق ال ی هدي الذاصرف عني سيئ ها ال یصرف عني سيئ ها ألحسنها إال أنت، و

ر كله في یدیك، وٱلشر ليس إال أنت، لب يك وسعدیك، وٱلخي إليك، إنا بك وإليك، ت باركت وت عاليت، أست غفرك وأتوب إليك /Allaahumma aŋtal-malik(u), laa ilaaha illaa aŋt(a), aŋta

rabbee, wa-anaa ζabduk(a), Žalamtu nafsee, wa-ζtaraftu

biđambee, faghfir lee đunuubee jameeζaa, innahu laa

yaghfiruđ-đunuuba illaa aŋt/ Allaahumma-hdinee li-aĥsanil-

akhlaaq(i), laa yahdee li-ahsanihaa illaa ant (a), wa-Srif ζnnee

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sayyi-ahaa, laa yaSrifu ζannee sayyi-ahaa illaa aŋt/ labbayka,

wa-saζdayk, wal-khayru kulluhu fee yadayk(a), wash-sharru

laysa ilayk(a), innaa bika wa ilayk(a), tabaarakta wa

taζaalayt(a), astaghfiruka wa atuubu ilayk/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness


“O Allah! You are the King, there is no God but You. You are my Lord, and I am Your slave. I have wronged myself, and I hereby admit my guilt. Please, forgive all my sins. None can forgive sins except You. O Allah! Guide me to the best manners. None can guide to the best manners except You. Protect me from bad manners. None can protect from bad manners except You. l am hastening in response to your call, and all happiness is Yours. All good is in Your hands, but evil is not for You. May You be glorified and exalted! I am returning to You in repentance and seeking Your forgiveness”.

Source: Sahih Muslim # 771

Dua # 52

نوب إال اللهم إني ظلمت ن فسي ظلما كثيرا، وال ی غفر ال ذأنت، فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك وارحمني، إنك أنت الغفور


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/Allaahumma innee Žalamtu nafsee Žulmaŋ katheera(w), walaa

yaghfiruđ-đunuuba illaa aŋt(a), faghfir lee maghfiratam-min

ζiŋdik(a), warĥamnee, innaka aŋtal-ghafuuru-raĥeem/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness


“O Allah! I have wronged myself considerably. None can forgive sins but You. Grant me Your forgiveness. You are the Ever-Forgiving, the Merciful.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 834

Dua # 53

اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني/Allaahumma innaka ζafuwwuŋ tuhibbul-ζafwa faζfu ζannee/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness


“O Allah, You are great in pardoning, and You love to pardon. Grant me Your pardon.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3513

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Dua # 54

اللهم أعوذ برضاك من سخطك، وبمعافاتك من عقوبتك، ك، أنت كما أث ن يت على وأعوذ بك منك، ال أحصي ث ناء علي

ن فسك /Allaahumma aζuuđu bi-ri-Daaka miŋ sakhaTik(a), wabi-

muζaafaatika min ζuquubatik(a), wa-aζuuđu bika miŋk(a), laa

uĥSee thanaa-an ζalayka aŋt(a) kamaa athnayta ζalaa nafsik/.

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness and Allah’s pleasure

Translation: “I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your wrath, and in Your pardon from Your punishment, and in You from You. I cannot enumerate Your praises as You praise Yourself.”

Source: Sahih Muslim # 486

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Dua # 55

اللهم باعد ب يني وب ين خطایاي كما باعدت ب ين المشرق والمغرب، اللهم ن قني من خطایاي كما ی ن قى الث وب األب يض

نس، اللهم اغسلني من خطایاي بالماء والث لج والب رد من الد/Allaahumma baaζid baynee wa-bayna khaTaayaay(a), kamaa

baaζatta baynal-mashriqi wal-maghrib, Allaahumma naqqini

minal-khaTaayaa kamaa yunaqqa-aththawbul-abyaDu minad-

danas (i), / Allaahumma-ghsilni min khaTaayaay(a), bil-maa-i-

wath thalji wal-barad/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Protection from sins


“O Allah! Distance me from my sins, as you have distanced the east from the west, and wash away my sins with cool water, ice and hail, as a white garment is cleansed of all dirt.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 744

Dua # 56

اللهم اجعل في ق لبي نورا، و في بصري نورا، وفي سمعي نورا، وعن یميني نورا وعن یساري نورا، و ف وقي نورا وتحتي نورا،

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وأمامي نورا وخلفي نورا،واجعل لي نورا،وٱجعلني نورا،وأعطني نورا، وعظم لي نورا، وٱجعل في لساني نورا، وفي ن فسي نورا،

وفي شعري نورا، وفي بشري نورا، وفي لحمي نورا، وفي عظمي نورا، وفي عصبي نورا، وفي دمي نورا

/Allaahumma-jζal fee qalbee nuuraa, wa-fee baSaree nuuraa,

wa-fee samζee nuuraa, wa-ζay-yameenee nuuraa, wa-ζay

yasaaree nuuraa, wa-fawqee nuuraawa-tahtee nuuraa, wa-

amaamee nuuraa, wa-khalfee nuuraa, wa-jζallee nuuraa, wa-

jζalnee nuuraa, wa-aζTinee nuuraa, wa ζaŽŽim lee nuuraa,

wa-jζal fee lisaanee nuuraa, wa fee nafsee nuuraa wa fee

shaζree nuuraa, wa fee basharee nuuraa, wa fee laĥmee

nuuraa, wa fee ζaŽmee nuuraa, wa fee ζaSabee nuuraa,wa fee

damee nuuraa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for blessings of Allah


“O Allah, let there be light in my heart, light in my sight, light in my hearing, light on my right, light on my left, light above me, light under me, light in front of me and light behind me. Make me a (guiding) light, grant me light; and make my light great. Put light in my tongue, light in my soul, light in my hair, light in my skin, light in my flesh, light in my bones, light in my nerves and light in my blood.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 6316

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Dua # 57

ن فسي طرفة عين، وأصلح ىأرجو، فال تكلني إل اللهم رحمتك لي شأني كله، ال إله إال أنت

/Allaahumma raĥmataka arjuu, falaa takilnee ilaa nafsee

Tarfata ζayn, wa aSliĥLee sha’nee kullah, laa ilaaha illaa aŋt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for goodness in all affairs.


“O Allah, it is Your mercy I am seeking. So, let me not give in to myself for the span of an eye’s wink. Make good all my affairs. There is no God but You.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 5090

Dua # 58

اللهم إني أسألك من الخير كله عاجله وآجله، ما علمت منه وما لم أعلم، وأعوذ بك من الشر كله عاجله وآجله،ما علمت

ها من ق ول أو منه وما لم أعلم، و أسألك الجنة وما ق رب إلي

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ها من ق ول أو عمل، و عمل، وأعوذ بك من النار وما ق رب إلي ر ما سألك عبدك ورسولك محمد ، وأعوذ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصأسألك خي

، ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصد بك من شر ما است عاذ بك منه عبدك ورسولك محم .و أسألك ما قضيت لي من أمر أن تجعل عاقبته رشدا

/Allaahumma innee as-aluka min-alkhayri kullih(i), ζaajilihi

wa aajilih, maa ζalimtu minhu wa maa lam aζlam, wa aζuuđu

bika minash-sharri kullih(i) ζaajilihi wa aajilih, maa ζalimtu

minhu wa maa lam aζlam, wa asalukal-jannata wa maa

qarraba ilayhaa miŋ qawlin aw ζamal, wa aζuuđu bika miŋ

annaari wa maa qarraba ilayhaa min qawlin aw ζmal, wa

asaluka khayra maa sa-alaka ζbduka wa rasuuluka

Muĥammad, wa aζuuđu bika miŋ sharri ma-staζaađa bika

minhu ζabduka wa rasuuluka Muĥammad, wa asaluka maa

qaDyata lee min amrin an tajζala ζaaqibatahu rashadaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for goodness

Asking for success in this life and the hereafter


“O Allah, I beg You to give me of all good, now and later, be it known to me or not. I seek refuge in You from all evil, now and later, be it known to me or not. I beg You to let me into Heaven, and to guide me to whatever sayings and actions lead to it. I seek your refuge from the hell fire and whatever sayings and actions that lead to it. I ask of You whatever good your slave and Prophet Muhammad (s) asked of You. I seek Your protection from the evil Your Prophet and slave

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Muhammad (s) sought of You. I beg You to make whatever You ordain for me to have a successful conclusion.”

Source: Al Haakim’s Al-Mustadrak # 1/521

Dua # 59

، وامكر لي ، وانصرني وال ت نصر علي رب أعني وال تعن علي، واهدني وی سر لي الهدى، وانصرني على من وال تمكر علي

، رب اجعلني لك شكارا، لك ذكارا، لك رهابا، لك ب غي عليمطواعا، لك مخبتا، إليك أواها منيبا، رب ت قبل ت وبتي،

د لساني، واغسل حوبتي، وأجب دعوتي، و ث بت حجتي، وسد واهد ق لبي، واسلل سخيمة صدري

/Rabbi aζinnee wa laa tuζin ζalayy(a), waŋ Surnee wa laa

taŋSur ζalayy(a), wamkur lee wa laa tamkur ζalayy, wahdinee

wa yassir liyal-hudaa, waŋSurnee ζalaa mam-baghaa

ζalayy(a), rabbi-jζalnee laka shakkaraa, laka đakkaaraa, laka

rahhaabaa, laka miTwaaζ laka mukhbitaa, ilayka awwaaham-

muneeba, rabbi-taqabbal tawbatee, wa-ghsil ĥawbatee, wa-

ajib daζwatee, wa thabbit ĥujjatee, wa saddid lisaanee, wa-hdi

qalbee, waslul sakheemata SaDree/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

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Asking for Allah’s help, support, and victory in affairs

Seeking protection from other’s plans against us


“O Allah, help me, but help not against me. Support me, but support not against me. Plan for me, but plan not against me. Guide me, and make guidance easy for me. Give me victory over whoever persecutes me. O Allah, make me thank You profusely, remember You regularly, fear You greatly, obey You consistently, submit to You wholly, and relent unto You often. O Allah, accept my repentance, cleanse my conscience, answer my prayers, strengthen my arguments, perfect my tongue, guide my heart and remove envy from my inside.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 1510

Dua # 60

مك الغيب وقدرتك على الخلق، أحيني ما علمت اللهم بعل الحياة خيرا لي، وت وفني إذا علمت الوفاة خيرا لي، اللهم

وأسألك خشيتك في الغيب والشهادة، وأسألك كلمة الحق في لغضب، و أسألك القصد في الفقر والغنى، و أسألك الرضا وا

قطع، و أسألك الرضاء فد، وأسألك ق رة عين ال ت ن نعيما ال ی ن

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ب عد القضاء، و أسألك ب رد العيش ب عد الموت، و أسألك لذة لنظر إلى وجهك والشوق إلي لقائك في غير ضراء مضرة وال ا

نة مضلة، اللهم زی ن یمان، واجعلنا هداة مهتدین فت ا بزینة اإل /Allaahumma bi ζilmikal-ghayb(a), wa qudratika ζalal-khalq,

aĥyinee maa ζalimtal-ĥayaata khayral-lee, wa-tawaffenee iđaa

ζalimtal-wafaata khayral-lee, Allaahumma wa as-aluka

khashyataka fil-ghaybi wash-shahaada, wa as-aluka kalimatal-

ĥaqqi fir-riDaa wal-ghaDab, wa asalukal-qaSda fil faqri

walghinaa, wa- asluka nζeemal-laa yanfađ, wa as-aluka

qurrata ζaynil-laa taŋqaTiζ, wa-aslukar-riDaa baζdal-qaDaa,

wa as-aluka bardal-ζayshi baζdal-mawt, wa asluka lađđatan-

naŽari ilaa wajhik, wash-shawqa ilaa liqaa-ika fee ghayri

darraa,a muDirrah, wa laa fitnatim-muDillah, Allaahumma

zayyinna bizeenatil-eemaam, wa-jζalnaa hudaatam-muhtadeen/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seeking good in this life and after death

Asking for fear of Allah in public and private


“O Allah! As You are the Knower of the unseen and the One capable of creating, keep me alive if, in Your Knowledge, living is better for me, but take my life if death is better for me. O Allah, I beg You to make me fear You in private and in public. I beg You to make me say the truth when pleased or angry. I beg You to make me a careful spender when poor or rich. I beg you to grant me blessings that never end, and continued satisfaction. I beg You to make me pleased with whatever You ordain. I beg You to give me a comfortable life after death. I beg You to bless me with the pleasure of seeing

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Your Face and meeting You without being exposed to harms or misleading temptations. O Allah, beautify us with faith, make us rightly guided, and let us promote Your guidance.”

Source: Sunan Annisaaey # 1306

Dua # 61

اللهم أحيني ما كانت الحياة خيرا لي، وت وفني إذا كانت الوفاة خيرا لي

/Allaahumma aĥyinee maa kaanatil- ĥayaatu khairal-lee, wa-

tawaffanee iđaa kaanantil-wafaatu khayral-lee/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

For better life

Protection from burden of life


“O Allah! Keep me alive so long as life is (in Your Knowledge) better for me, but take my life if death is (in Your Knowledge) better for me.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 5671

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Dua # 62

رات، وت رك المنكرات، وحب ا للهم إني أسألك فعل الخي ر نة فاقبضني إليك غي المساكين، وإذا أردت بعبادك فت

مفتون /Allaahumma innee asaluka fiζlal-khayraat, wa tarkal-

muŋkaraat, wa ĥubbal-masaakeen, wa iđaa aratta bi ζibaadika

fitnataŋ faqbiDnee ilayka ghayra maftuun/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

To do good deeds

Avoid bad habits

Love and helping of the helpless


“O Allah, I beg You to make me do good things, shun reprehensible things, and love of the helpless. If You plan to afflict Your slaves with faith trials, I beg You to make me die without affliction.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3233

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Dua # 63

فعني، وزدني اللهم ان فعني بما علمتني، وعلمني ما ی ن علما

/Allaahumma-nfaζee bimaa ζallamtanee, wa ζallimnee maa

yanfaζuunee, wa zidnee ζilmaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Increase in knowledge

Obtaining benefit from knowledge


“O Allah, benefit me from what you teach me, and teach me what is beneficial, and increase me in knowledge.”

Source: Sunan Attermidhiy # 3599

Dua # 64

ین اللهم علمني الكتاب و الحكمة، وف قهني في الد/Allaahumma ζallimnil-kitaaba wal-ĥikma(ta), wa-faqqihnee


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Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for wisdom


“O Allah! Teach me the Book and wisdom, and grant me understanding of the religion.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 75

Dua # 65

ى محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما صليت اللهم صل عل . جيد آل إب راهيم، إنك حميد م [ إب راهيم وعلى]على

وبارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على نك حميد إ [ في العالمين ]آل إب راهيم [ إب راهيم وعلى]جيد م

/Allaahumma Salli ζalaa muĥammadi(w), wa- ζalaa aali

muĥammad(iŋ), kamaa Sallayta ζalaa ibraaheem(a), wa-ζalaa

aali ibraaheem(a),innaka ĥameedum-majeed. Allaahumma

baarik ζalaa muĥammadi(iw), wa- ζalaa aali

muĥammad(iŋ),kamaa baarakta ζalaa ibraaheem(a), wa-ζalaa

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aali ibraaheem(a), fil-ζaalameen(a), innaka ĥameedum-


Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Sending blessing on prophet


“O Allah, send Your salutations on Muhammad (s) and the family of Muhammad (s), as You have sent Your salutations for Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem. You are praiseworthy and gloryworthy. O Allah! Bless Muhammad (s) and the family of Muhammad (s), as You have blessed Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem, in all the worlds. You are praiseworthy and gloryworthy.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 3370

Dua # 66

سالم قاعدا، اللهم احفظني باإلسالم قائما، واحفظني باإلسالم راقدا، وال تشمت بي عدوا وال واحفظني باإل

حاسدا، اللهم إني أسألك من كل خير خزائنه بيدك، ل شر خزائنه بيدك وأعوذ بك من ك

/Allaahumma-ĥfaŽnee bil-islaami qaaimaa, wa-ĥfaŽnee bil-

islaami qaaζidaa, wa-ĥfaŽnee bil-islaami raaqidaa, wa laa

tushmit bee ζaduwwaw wa laa haasidaa, Allaahumma innee

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asaluka miŋ kulli khayrin khazaa-inuhu bi-yadik(a), wa aζuuđu

bika miŋ kulli sharrin khazaa-inuhu bi-yadik/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seeking protection by means of following Islam


“O Allah, let me be taken care of by Islam when I am standing. Let me be taken care of by means of Islam when I am sitting. Let me be taken care of by means of Islam when I am lying down. Let not enemies or envious ones find satisfaction in my afflictions. O Allah, I beg You to give me of all the good things in Your hands. I seek refuge in You from all the evil under your control.”

Source: Al-Haakim’s Al-Mustadrak # 1/524

Dua # 67

أعوذ بكلمات اهلل التامة من غضبه وعقابه وشر عباده، ومن همزات الشياطين، وأن یحضرون

/aζuuđu bi-kalimaatil-laahi-taammaat(i) min ghaDabih(i), wa

ζiqaabih(i), wa sharri ζibaadih(i), wa min hamazaatish-

shayaaTeen(i) wa ay-yaĥDduruun/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

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Seek refuge from Allah’s anger

Protection from Shaytan


“I seek refuge in Allah’s perfect words from His anger and punishment, from the evil of His slaves, and from Satan’s whispers and presence.”

Source: Musnad Ahmad # 2/181

Dua # 68

اللهم إني أعوذ بعزتك الذي ال إله إال أنت الذي ال یموت والجن واإلنس یموتون

/Allaahumma innee aζuuđu biζizzatik(a), laa ilaaha illaa aŋtal-

lađee laa yamuut(u), wal-jinnu wal-iŋsu yamuutuun/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Seek refuge in Allah’s honor

Translation: “O Allah! I seek refuge in Your Honor, as there is no God but You, the only Eternal One, Who never dies whereas the Jinn and humans die.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari # 7383

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Dua # 69

اللهم اهدني فيمن هدیت، وعافني فيمن عاف يت، وت ولني فيمن ت وليت، وبارك لي فيما أعطيت، وقني شر ما

قضى عليك، وإنه ال یذل من قضيت، إنك ت قضي وال ی ، ت باركت رب نا وت عاليت [وال یعز من عادیت ]واليت،

/Allaahumma-hdinee feeman hadayt(a), wa-ζaafinee feeman

ζaafayt(a), wa-tawallanee feemaŋ tawallayt(a), wa-baarik-lee

feemaa aζTayt(a), wa-qinee sharra maa qaDaytt(a), innaka

taqDee wa-laa yuqDaa ζalayk(a), wa-innah(u) laa yađillu

maw-waalayt(a), wa-laa yaζizzu man ζaadayt(a), tabaarakta

rabbanaa wa-taζaalayt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking to be on the right path with safety

Increase in blessings

Protection from the evil of bad destiny


“O Allah, guide me among those You guide. Grant me safety among those You grant safety. Take me into Your care among those You take into Your care. Bless what You give me. Protect me from the evil You have decreed. Verily, You decree, but nothing is decreed for You; whomever You take care of is never humiliated, and whomever You take as an

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enemy is never honored. Our Lord, blessed and exalted be You.”

Source: Sunan Abu-Daawuud # 1425

Dua # 70

اللهم ال سهل إال ما جعلته سهال، وأنت تجعل الحزن .إذا شئت سهال

/Allaahumma laa sahla illaa maa jaζaltahu sahlaa, wa-aŋta

tajζalul-hazna idaa shi’ta sahlaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Making hard things easy


“O Allah! Nothing is easy except that which You make easy and it is only You who can, if You will, turn grief and difficulties easy.”

Source: Sahih Ibn Hibbaan, Hadith No. 970

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Dua # 71

اغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت، وما أسررت وما اللهم أعلنت، وما أسرفت، وما أنت أعلم به مني، أنت

م، وأنت المؤخر، ال اله إال أنت المقد/Allaahumma-ghfir lee maa qaddamt(u), wa-maa akhkhart (u),

wa-maa asrart (u), wa- maa aζlaŋt(u), wa-maa asraft(u), wa-

maa aŋta aζlamu bihee minnee, aŋtal-muqaddim(u) wa-aŋtal-

mu-akhkhir(u), laa ilaaha illaa aŋt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking forgiveness for sins


“O Allah! Forgive my sins, the earlier and the later ones, the secret and the declared thereof, what I have done excessively and what You know, but I do not. You are the One Who puts things forward, and the One Who delays them, and there is no God but You.”

Source: Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 771

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Dua # 72

أست غفر اهلل /astaghfirul-laah/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for forgiveness that can lead to ease of affairs


“I seek Allah’s forgiveness.”

Source: The prophet (s) instructed us to ask Allah for forgivness constantly to alleviate burdens of life. Abu Dawwud (1518), Ibn Maja (3819) and others.

Dua # 73

اللهم أسلمت ن فسي إليك، وف وضت أمري إليك، أت ظهري إليك، رغبة ورهبة ووجهت وجهي إليك، وألج

إليك، ال ملجأ وال منجا منك إال إليك، آمنت بكتابك ي أن زلت، وبنبيك الذي أرسلت الذ

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/Allaahumma aslamtu nafsee ilayk(a), wa-fawwaDtu amree

ilayk(a), wa-wajjahtu wajhee ilayk(a), wa-alja’tu Žahree

ilayk(a), raghbataw-wa-rahbatan ilayk(a), laa malja’awa-laa

maŋjam-miŋka illa ilayk (a), aamaŋ tu bi-kitabikal-lađee

aŋzalt(a); wa-bi-nabiyyikal-la đee arsalt/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Surrendering to Allah

Asking help from Allah by surrendering to Him.


“O Allah! I have surrendered my soul to You, Entrusted You with my affair, turned my face towards You, and sought Your protection of My back. All this is in pursuit of Your Pleasure and out of fear of You. There is no escape or refuge from You except in You. I believe in Your Book, which You have sent down, and in Your Prophet, whom You have sent.”

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 6311

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Dua # 74

ن يا و اآلخرة، اللهم إني اللهم إني أسألك العافي ة في الدأسألك العفو و العافية في دیني ودن ياي، وأهلي ومالي،

اللهم است ر عوراتي وآمن روعاتي، اللهم احفظني من ب ين و عن شمالي، ومن یدي ومن خلفي، و عن یميني

ف وقي، و أعوذ بعظمتك أن أغتال من تحتي/Allaahumma innee as-aluk-alζaafiya(ta) fid-dunya

walaakhira(ti), /Allaahumma innee as-aluk-alζafwa wal-

ζaafiya(ta), fee deenee wa-dunyay(a), waahlee wa-maalee.

Allaahumma-stur ζawraatee, wa-aamin-rawζaatee,

Allahumma-hafŽnee mimbayni yadayya, wamin khalfee, wa-

ζay-yameenee, wa-ζan shimaalee, wamin fawqee, waζuuthu bi-

ζaŽamatik(a) an ughtaala miŋ taĥtee/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

Asking for good in this life and after death

Asking for protection from all evils


“O Allah, I ask You for health in this world and in the Hereafter. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness, and soundness

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of faith and for security in this world and safety of my family and of my wealth. O Allah, keep my awraat (body parts, secrets, etc.) concealed, and protect me from being terrorized. O Allah, protect me from the front and the back, from my right and my left and from above, and I seek refuge in Your Magnificence from being swallowed (by the earth) from beneath.”

Source: Sahih Abu-Daawuud, Hadith No. 5074

Dua # 75

رضيت بالله ربا، وباإلسالم دینا، وبمحمد صلي الله عليه وسلم نبيا

/raDeetu bil-laahi rabba(w), wa-bil-islaami deena(w), wa-bi-

Muĥammadiŋ Sallal-laahu ζalayhi wa-sallama nabiyyaa/

Uses: This Dua can be useful for the following:

To declare satisfaction with faith in Allah, Islam, and

Muhammad (s)


“I am pleased to accept Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad (s) as His Prophet.”

Source: Sahih Muslim

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DUAs from the Quran

Dua # 76

حمي لره ن ٱ م ح لره

ٱ لله

١بسم ٱ

لمي لعم رب ٱ لحمد لله

٢ ٱ

حمي لره ن ٱ م ح لره


ين ل ل يوم ٱ ٤مم

ك نعبد وإ يه

تعي إ ك نس ٥يه

تقمي ط ٱ لمس لص هدن ٱ


ين ٱنعمت له ط ٱ م ص لمغضوب علي

م غي ٱ ول علي

ال ي لضه ٧ ٱ

1. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheem

2. Alhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalameena

3. Alrrahmani alrraheemi

4. Maliki yawmi alddeeni

5. Iyyaka naAAbudu waiyyaka nastaAAeenu

6. Ihdina alssirata almustaqeema

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7. Sirata allatheena anAAamta AAalayhim ghayri

almaghdoobi AAalayhim wala alddalleena


1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most


2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the

Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists).

3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the

Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)

5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for

help (for each and everything).

6. Guide us to the Straight Way.

7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your

Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger

(i.e. those who knew the Truth, but did not follow it) nor

of those who went astray (i.e. those who did not follow

the Truth out of ignorance and error).

Source: Surah Fateha

Dua # 77

لعلمي ... ميع ٱ هك ٱنت ٱ لسه ن

إ ها هنا تقبهل من رب

Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka anta alssameeAAu


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Translation: "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us. Verily!

You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knower."

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Ibraheem (alaihis

salam) when he and his son Ismail were raising the walls of

the Ka’bah. Allah Most High says He had urged Ibraheem

(alaihis salam) and Ismail to keep Allah’s House pure for those

who would go round it and those who would retire to it for

devotion and prayer and for those who would bow down and

prostrate themselves there in worhsip. This dua is mentioned

after Allah (SWT) says He had enjoined the people to worship

at the place where Ibraheem (alaihis salam) used to stand for


Source: Surah Al-Baqarah (127)

Dua # 78

نة ... نيا حس ل هنا ءإتنا ف ٱ لأخرة حس رب

وقنا نة وف ٱ

لنهار عذإب ٱ

Rabbanaatina fee alddunyahasanatan wafee alakhirati

hasanatan waqina AAathaba alnnari

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Translation: "Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the

Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of

the Fire!"

Source: Surah Al-Baqarah (201)

Dua # 79

نة لقيوم ل تأأخذهۥ س لحي ٱ

له هو ٱ

ه إ لم

ل إ لله

ۥ ول نوم ٱ له

ي يشفع عندهۥ له لرض من ذإ ٱ

ت وما ف ٱ و مم لسه

ما ف ٱ

ۦ ي ذنهله ب

يطون إ عل ما بي ٱيدهيم وما خلفهم ول ي

ء ت بش و مم لسه يه ٱ له بما شاء وسع كرس

ن علمهۦ إ م

لرض ول ي لعهمي وٱ

لعي ٱ

وههۥ حفههما وهو ٱ

Allahu la ilaha illa huwa alhayyu alqayyoomu la takhuthuhu

sinatun wala nawmun lahu ma fee alssamawati wama fee

alardi man tha allathee yashfaAAu AAindahu illa biithnihi

yaAAlamu ma bayna aydeehim wama khalfahum wala

yuheetoona bishayin min AAilmihi illa bima shaa wasiAAa

kursiyyuhu alssamawati waalarda wala yaooduhu hifthuhuma

wahuwa alAAaliyyu alAAatheemu

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Translation: Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped

but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who

sustains and protects all that exists). Neither slumber nor

sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the

heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is he that can

intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows

what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what

will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never

encompass anything of His Knowledge except that which He

wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and

He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He

is the Most High, the Most Great.

Source: [This Verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursi]

Dua # 80

مل ... هنا ول ت هسينا ٱو ٱخطأأن رب ن نهنا ل تؤإخذن إ رب

ص هنا ـ إ ك علينا إ ين من قبلنا رب له

لتهۥ عل ٱ لنا ا ح ول تم

غفر لنا ما ل طاقة عف عنها وٱ

رح لنا بهۦ وٱ

وٱ ٱنت نأ

فرين لك لقوم ٱ

ن عل ٱ نص

مولىنا فأ

Rabbana la tuakhithna in naseena aw akhtana rabbana wala

tahmil AAalayna isran kamahamaltahu AAala allatheena min

qablina rabbana wala tuhammilna ma lataqata lana bihi

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waoAAfu AAanna waighfir lana wairhamna anta mawlana

faonsurna AAala alqawmi alkafireena

Translation: Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.

He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is

punished for that (evil) which he has earned. "Our Lord!

Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not

on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us

(Jews and Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden

greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us

Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Maula (Patron,

Supporter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the


Reference from Quran: This dua is found in the concluding

portion of Surah Al-Baqarah. These verses were revealed on

the occasion of the Mi'raj (Ascension to Heaven) of the Holy

Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) about a year before his

migration to Madinah. The persecution of the believers at this

time was at its worst not only in Makkah but the whole of

Arabia where a Muslim was not allowed to live in peace. It was

to cope with these circumstances that the Muslims were

taught this prayer.

Source: Surah Al-Baqara (286)

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Dua # 81

ذ هديتنا وه هنا ل تزغ قلوبنا بعد إ ب لنا من رب

اب لوهه هك ٱنت ٱ ن

إ ة نك رح له

Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana baAAda ith hadaytana wahab

lana min ladunka rahmatan innaka anta alwahhabu

Translation: (They say): "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the

truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You.

Truly, You are the Bestower."

Source: Surah Al-Imran (8)

Dua # 82

لنهار ... غفر لنا ذنوبنا وقنا عذإب ٱ

هنا ءإمنها فأ ن

هنا إ رب

Rabbana innanaamanna faighfir lanathunoobana waqina

AAathaba alnnari

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Translation: Those who say: "Our Lord! We have indeed believed, so

forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the


Source: Surah Al-Imran (16)

Dua # 83

همه مل إلمل تؤت إلمل من تشأء وتزنع قل إلمل إلل

ن تشأء وتعز من تشأء وتذل من تشأء بيدك إلخي ممه

ء قدير ار وتولج . إنهک عل ك ش هيل ف إلنه تولج إل

هيل ار ف إل ت من إلنه رج إلمي ت وت رج إلمحيه من إلمي وت

وترزق من تش إلمحي ء بغي حساب أ

26. Quli allahumma malika almulki tutee almulka man tashao

watanziAAu almulka mimman tashao watuAAizzu man tashao

watuthillu man tashao biyadika alkhayru innaka AAala kulli

shayin qadeerun

27. Tooliju allayla fee alnnahari watooliju alnnahara fee

allayli watukhriju alhayya mina almayyiti watukhriju almayyita

mina alhayyi watarzuqu man tashao bighayri hisabin

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Translation: 26. "O Allah! Possessor of the kingdom, You give the kingdom

to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You

will, and You endue with honor whom You will, and You

humiliate whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You

are able to do all things.

27. You make the night to enter into the day, and You make

the day to enter into the night (i.e. increase and decrease in

the hours of the night and the day during winter and summer),

You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead

out of the living. And You give wealth and sustenance to

whom You will, without limit (measure or account).

Reference from Quran: This dua has been given by Allah

(SWT) to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)

and all the believers after him.

Source: Surah Al-Imran(26-27)

Dua # 84

هة ... ي نك ذر ب رب هب ل من له طي عاء ة ل يع ٱ هك س ن


Rabbi hab lee min ladunka thurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka

sameeAAu aldduAAai


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"O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are

indeed the All-Hearer of invocation."

Source: Surah Al-Imran (38)

Dua # 85

كتبنا مع سول فأ لره

هبعنا ٱ ت

ها بما ٱنزلت وٱ هنا ءإمن هدين رب م لشه


Rabbanaamanna bima anzalta waittabaAAna alrrasoola

faoktubna maAAa alshshahideena

Translation: Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we

follow the Messenger [('Îsa (Jesus)]; so write us down among

those who bear witness (to the truth i.e. La ilaha illallah - none

has the right to be worshipped but Allah).

Reference from Quran: This dua was offered by the

disciples of Eesa alaihis salam (Jesus) when, perceiving that

the children of Israel were bent upon disbelief, he asked, "Who

will be my helper in the cause of Allah?" The disciples’ prompt

response was, "We are Allah's helpers: we have believed in

Allah; so do bear witness that we are Muslims (who surrender

to Allah).” And then they recited this dua.

Source: Surah Aal-Imran (53)

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Dua # 86

طل ... ذإ ب هنا ما خلقت هم ن رب بحم لنهار س ك فقنا عذإب ٱ


لنهار فقد ٱخزيتهۥ وما ل هك من تدخل ٱ ن

هنا إ لمي رب م لهه

١٩٢ ٱنصار من

عنا مناهي ره هنا س نهنا إ ن ٱن ب مم

ها ءإمنوإ برب ك ف يناهي لل امن

غفر لنا ذنوبنا وكف ر عنها هنا فأ ي رب لبرإر س

اتنا وتوفهنا مع ٱ


هنا وءإت مة رب لقي زن يوم ٱ هنا عل رسل ول ت نا ما وعدت

لميعاه لف ٱ هك ل ت ن


191. Rabbana ma khalaqta hatha batilan subhanaka faqina

AAathaba alnnari

192. Rabbana innaka man tudkhili alnnara faqad akhzaytahu

wama lilththalimeena min ansarin

193. Rabbana innana samiAAna munadiyan yunadee lileemani

an aminoo birabbikum faamanna rabbana faighfir

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lanathunoobana wakaffir AAanna sayyiatina watawaffana

maAAa alabrari

194. Rabbana waatina ma waAAadtana AAala rusulika wala

tukhzina yawma alqiyamati innaka la tukhlifu almeeAAada

Translation: 191. Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers)

standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think

deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth,

(saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without

purpose, glory to You! (Exalted are You above all that they

associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the

torment of the Fire.

192. "Our Lord! Verily, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed,

You have disgraced him; and never will the Zalimun

(polytheists and wrong-doers) find any helpers.

193. "Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one

(Muhammad صلى هللا عليه وسلم) calling to Faith: 'Believe in your

Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins

and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the

state of righteousness) along with Al-Abrar (the pious

believers of Islamic Monotheism).

194. "Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through

Your Messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of

Resurrection, for You never break (Your) Promise."

Source: Surah Al-Imran (191-194)

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Dua # 87

هدين ... م لشه كتبنا مع ٱ

ها فأ هنا ءإمن رب

Rabbanaamanna faoktubna maAAa alshshahideena

Translation: They say: "Our Lord! We believe; so write us down among the


Source: Surah Al-Ma’idah (83)

Dua # 88

نا لنكوننه ... هم تغفر لنا وترح ن لنا وإ هنا ظلمنا ٱنفس رب

سين لخم من ٱ

rabbanathalamna anfusana wain lam taghfir lana watarhamna

lanakoonanna mina alkhasireena

Translation: They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You

forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall

certainly be of the losers."

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Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Adam (alaihis

salam) and Hawwa (Eve) after they had been tempted by

Satan to disobey Allah and tasted the fruit of the forbidden

tree. Later, they both realized their mistake and offered this


Source: Surah Al-A’raaf (23)

Dua # 89

لقو ... علنا مع ٱ هنا ل ت لمي رب م لهه

م ٱ

Rabbana la tajAAalna maAAa alqawmi alththalimeena

Translation: They will say: "Our Lord! Place us not with the people who are

Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers)."

Reference from Quran: This dua will be the supplication of

those people who will be placed on ‘Al-A’raaf’ (the Heights) –

a barrier between heaven and hell. They will call out to the

inmates of Paradise, "Peace be upon you!"-They will not yet

have entered Paradise, but will be expecting to be admitted

into it. Turning their eyes towards the inmates of Hell, they will

offer this supplication: "O our Lord, do not include us with

these wicked people."

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Source: Surah Al-A’raaf (47)

Dua # 90

هن ... وٱنت رب لحق فتح بيننا وبي قومنا بأ

ت ا ٱ لفم

حي خي ٱ

Rabbana iftah baynana wabayna qawmina bialhaqqi waanta

khayru alfatiheena

Translation: Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, for You

are the Best of those who give judgment."

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Prophet Shu’aib

(alaihis salam) when he was threatened by the chiefs of his

tribe, that he and his believing companions would be banished

from the city, if they did not return to falsehood.

Source: Surah Al-A’raaf (89)

Dua # 91

هنا ٱفرغ علينا صب ... هنا مسلمي إرب وتوف

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Rabbana afrigh AAalaynasabran watawaffana muslimeena

Translation: 126. "Our Lord! pour out on us patience, and cause us to die

as Muslims."

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of the magicians

whom Pharaoh had brought to defeat Musa (alaihis salam).

The moment they realized that Musa (alaihis salam) had True

Faith to support him they acknowledged and asserted their

Faith in the Lord of the worlds - the Lord whom Moses and

Aaron acknowledged. Enraged by their assertion, Pharaoh

threatened them with a torturous death but they remained firm

and said they knew they had to return to Allah and supplicated

to Him to make them die as Muslims.

Source: Surah Al-A’raaf (126)

Dua # 92

ٱعوذ بك ٱن ٱس رب ... ن له عل ا ليس ل بهۦل م إ


سين لخم ن ٱ ن ٱكن م تغفر ل وترح

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Rabbi innee aAAoothu bika an asalaka ma laysa lee bihi

AAilmun wailla taghfir lee watarhamnee akun mina


Translation: "O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from asking You that of

which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and

have Mercy on me, I will indeed be one of the losers."

Reference from Quran: This dua was offered by Nooh

(alaihis salam) when he and his believing companions were

granted safety from the deluge by Allah (SWT). He had called

his son to join him in the ark and be safe but his son refused.

Still Nooh (alaihis salam) beseeched Allah to save him as he

was of his family. But he received the answer, "O Nooh! He is

not of your family; he has turned out to be a worthless act. So

do not ask Me anything of which you have no knowledge. I

admonish you that you should not behave like ignorant

people." Then Nooh (alaihis salam) offered this prayer to


Source: Surah Huud (47)

Dua # 93

من لله فى عل ٱ في وما نعلن وما ي هك تعل ما ن ن

هنا إ رب

ء م ش لسه لرض ول ف ٱ

ف ٱ ء أ

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Rabbana innaka taAAlamu ma nukhfee wama nuAAlinu wama

yakhfa AAala Allahi min shayin fee alardi wala fee alssamai

Translation: "O our Lord! Certainly, You know what we conceal and what

we reveal. Nothing on the earth or in the heaven is hidden

from Allah.

Reference from Quran: This dua is the concluding part of

the dua offered by Ibraheem (alaihis salam) when he left his

wife and child alone in the valley near Kabah in Makkah and

prayed for Allah’s protection and provision for them. Allah

granted this prayer of Ibraheem (alaihis salam).

Source: Surah Ibraheem (38)

Dua # 94

لوة ومن ذر لصه جعلن مقمي ٱ

هنا وتقبهل هعاء رب ٱ هت رب ي

Rabbi ijAAalnee muqeema alssalati wamin thurriyyatee

rabbana wtaqabbal duAAai


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"O my Lord! Make me one who performs As-Salat (Iqamat-as-

Salat ), and (also) from my offspring, our Lord! And accept my


Reference from Quran: This is a part of the former dua in

which Ibraheem (alaihis salam) prays to Allah for the

establishment and strengthening of True Faith of his


Source: Surah Ibraheem (40)

Dua # 95

غفر ل ول هنا ٱ لحساب رب

يه وللمؤمني يوم يقوم ٱ ل و

Rabbana ighfir lee waliwalidayya walilmumineena yawma

yaqoomu alhisabu

Translation: "Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers

on the Day when the reckoning will be established."

Reference from Quran: This dua was made by Prophet

Ibraheem (alaihis salam), who keen on establishing Allah’s

religion, prays for all Muslims, thanks Allah for granting him

sons like Ismail and Ishaq and then supplicates Allah to

forgive his parents and all Muslims on the Day of Reckoning.

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Source: Surah Ibraheem(41)

Dua # 96

نك رحة .. هنا ءإتنا من له رب إ لنا من ٱمرن رشد وهي Rabbanaatina min ladunka rahmatan wahayyi lana min amrina


Translation: "Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for

us our affair in the right way!"

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of the “sleepers of

the cave” who sought refuge in Allah’s Protection from the

pagan disbelievers. They reached a cave set in a mountain

and offered this prayer to Allah, for protection from evil. Allah

(SWT) put them to sleep for three hundred and nine years.

Source: Surah Al-Kahf(10)

Dua # 97

ح ل صدري ... ش ل ٱمري (٢٥)رب ٱ (٢٦)ويس

25. … Rabbi ishrah lee sadree

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26. Wayassir lee amree

Translation: 25. "O my Lord! Open for me my chest (grant me self-

confidence, contentment, and boldness).

26. "And ease my task for me;

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Musa (alaihis

salam) after Allah (SWT) spoke to him about the True Faith in

the One and Only Lord Allah, showed him His signs, and

asked him to convey the Truth to the Pharaoh who had

become rebellious. Musa (alaihis salam) then prays to Allah to

grant him confidence and boldness, and make his task easy.

Source: Surah Taha (25-26)

Dua # 98

علمـا زهن رهب …

Rabbi zidnee AAilman

Translation: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge."

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Reference from Quran: The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa

sallam) is instructed by Allah (SWT) to offer this dua after

Allah (SWT) tells him about The Arabic Qur'an which contains

warnings in various ways so that people may be saved from

perverseness. Allah also instructs the Prophet (Sallallahu

alaihi wa sallam) not to hasten in reciting The Quran and to

offer this dua.

Source: Surah Ta-Ha (114)

Dua # 99

إ و رثي ت خي إلو نٱ رب ل تذرن فره

Rabbi la tatharnee fardan waanta khayru alwaritheena

Translation: "O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are

the Best of the inheritors."

Reference from Quran: Allah answered this supplication of

Zakaria (alaihis salam) by bestowing on him Yahya (alaihis

salam). Allah says that He, the Most Generous answered their

prayers as these people exerted their utmost in righteous

deeds and called upon Him with love and fear and they

remained humble before Him.

Source: Surah Al-Anbiyaa (89)

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Dua # 100

‎ ... ح رب إحك بلحق نا إلره تعان عل ورب ما ن إلمس


Rabbi ohkum bialhaqqi warabbuna alrrahmanu almustaAAanu

AAala ma tasifoona

Translation: "My Lord! Judge You in truth! Our Lord is the Most Gracious,

Whose Help is to be sought against that which you attribute

(unto Allah that He has offspring, and unto Muhammad (s) that

he is a sorcerer), and unto the Qur'an that it is poetry)!"

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Prophet

Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) after Allah (SWT)

tells him that Allah had sent him to be a real blessing for the

people of the world. If people do not pay heed to his Message

that Allah is the One and Only Deity to Whom they should

surrender, then he should tell them that he has warned them

openly; and he does not know whether the Day of Judgment is

near at hand or far off. The delay may be a trial for them, and

they are being given respite to enjoy themselves for an

appointed term. Allah has the knowledge of what is uttered

aloud and also of what is spoken in secrecy. Then the Prophet

( sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) offers this prayer.

Source: Surah Al-Anbiyaa (112)

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Dua # 101

م علن رب فل ت لمي ف إلقوم إلهه

Rabbi fala tajAAalnee fee alqawmi alththalimeena

Translation: "My Lord! Then (save me from Your punishment), put me not

amongst the people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and


Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Prophet

Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) when the disbelievers

continued in their shirk even after being warned about The

Day of Judgment and their return to Allah (SWT). Allah

instructed Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to

pray, "Lord, if You inflict, during my presence among them,

that punishment with which they are being threatened, then, O

my Lord, do not include me among these unjust people.”

Source: Surah Al-Mu’minun (94)

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Dua # 102

o طي وقل رهب ٱعوذ بك م ي ت ٱ لش ه ن هز

o ون ض وٱعوذ بك رب ٱن ي

97. Rabbi aAAoothu bika min hamazati alshshayateeni

98. WaaAAoothu bika rabbi an yahdurooni

Translation: 97. "My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings

(suggestions) of the Shayatin (devils).

98. "And I seek refuge with You, My Lord! lest they should

come near me."

Reference from Quran: All (SWT) instructs Prophet

Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to repel evil with that

which is best and to seek refuge in Allah from Satan by

reciting this dua.

Source: Al-Mu’minun (97-98)

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Dua # 103

ي ح لره رحم وٱنت خي ٱ

غفر وٱ

… رهب ٱ

Rabbi ighfir wairham waanta khayru rahimeen

Translation: "My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of

those who show mercy!"

Reference from Quran: Allah (SWT) tells The Prophet

(Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) that if some one invokes any

other deity along with Allah, he shall have to give an account

to his Lord. And then instructs him to offer this dua.

Source: Surah Al-Mu’minun (118)

Dua # 104

نه عذإبا كن ... إ صف عنها عذإب جنه

هنا ٱ رب

ا غرإم

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Rabbana isrif AAanna AAathaba jahannama inna AAathabaha

kana gharaman

Translation: "Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell. Verily its torment

is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment."

Source: Surah Al-Furqan (65)

Dua # 105

ة ٱعي ... تنا قره ه ي جنا وذر هنا هب لنا من ٱزو جعلنا رب وٱ

ا مام للمتهقي إ

Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata

aAAyunin waijAAalna lilmuttaqeena imaman

Translation: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the

comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the Muttaqun."

Source: Surah Al-Furqan (74)

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Dua # 106

م حقن لمٱ رب هب ل حك ا و 38 لحي بلصه

38ن خريل لسان صدق ف إل وإجعل

35 هة إلنهعمي وإجعلن من و رثة جن

83. Rabbi hab lee hukman waalhiqnee bialssaliheena

84. WaijAAal lee lisana sidqin fee alakhireena

85. WaijAAalnee min warathati jannati alnnaAAeemi

Translation: 83. My Lord! Bestow Hukm (religious knowledge, right

judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) on me, and join me

with the righteous.

84. And grant me an honorable mention in later generations.

85. And make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of


Reference from Quran: This is Ibraheem (alaihis salam)’s

dua after he had tried to make people understand their

foolishness and grave sin of worshipping idols. He told them

about The One and Only God, Allah (SWT), Who Alone

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should be worshipped and then offered this supplication to

Allah All Mighty.

Source: Surah Ash-Shu’araa (83-85)

Dua # 107

هت ٱ رب ... نعمت عيه وعل ٱ وزعن إن إشكر نعمتك إل

ل صم و يه وإن إع ا ترضه ل تك ف وإهخلن الح برح

م لحي عباهك إلصه

Rabbi awziAAnee an ashkura niAAmataka allatee anAAamta

AAalayya waAAala walidayya waan aAAmala salihan tardahu

waadkhilnee birahmatika fee AAibadika alssaliheena

Translation: "My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be

grateful for Your Favors which You have bestowed on me and

on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that

will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your

righteous slaves."

Reference from Quran: This is Prophet Sulaiman (alaihis

salam)’s dua when on an expedition he heard an ant say to its

fellow ants, "O ants, get into your holes lest Solomon and his

hosts should trample you down without even knowing it."

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Hearing its words, Sulaiman (alaihis salam) smiled and offered

this dua to Allah.

Source: Surah An-Naml (19)

Dua # 108

… رب ... ظلمت نفس فاغفر ل ن إ

Rabbi innee thalamtu nafsee faighfir lee

Translation: "My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, so forgive me."

Reference from Quran: This is Prophet Musa (alaihis

salam)’s dua when he had wrongly killed someone.

Source: Surah Al-Qasas (16)

Dua # 109

م ن من إلقوم إلهه لمي رب ن

Rabbi najjinee mina alqawmi alththalimeena

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Translation: "My Lord! Save me from the people who are Zalimun

(polytheists and wrong-doers)!"

Source: Surah Al-Qasas (21)

Dua # 110

رب زلت إله من خي فقي نٱ لما ن إ …

Rabbi innee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeerun

Translation: "My Lord! truly, I am in need of whatever good that You

bestow on me!"

Reference from Quran: This is Musa (alaihis salam)‘s dua

after he had left Egypt and gone to Madyan. He helped two

women by watering their animals and then rested in a shady

place and offered this prayer. Soon after, he was called by the

father of the women and given assurance of safety from

wicked people.

Source: Surah Al-Qasas (24)

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Dua # 111

ن عل … ن إلقوم إلمفسدي رب إنص

Rabbi onsurnee AAala alqawmi almufsideena

Translation: "My Lord! Give me victory over the people who are Mufsidun

(those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants,

mischief-makers, corrupters).

Reference from Quran: This is Prophet Lut (alaihis

salam)‘s dua when he tried to stop his people from committing

indecencies. But heedless of their Prophet’s admonition, they

dared him to bring forth the torment of Allah if he was truthful.

Then Lut (alaihis salam ) offered this prayer to Allah (SWT).

Source: Surah Al-Ankabut (30)

Dua # 112

م رب هب ل لحي من إلصه

Rabbi hab lee mina alssaliheena

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Translation: "My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous."

Reference from Quran: This was Prophet Ibraheem

(alaihis salam)’s prayer to Allah and his prayer was granted

with the birth of Ismail (alaihis salam) the most obedient son.

Source: Surah As-Saaffat (100)

Dua # 113

هت ٱ رب ... نعمت عيه وعل ٱ وزعن إن إشكر نعمتك إل

ا ترضه و الح ل صم يه وإن إع ل هت ٱ و ي إن صلح ل ف ذر

من إلمسلمي تبت إليك وإن

Rabbi awziAAnee an ashkura niAAmataka allatee anAAamta

AAalayya waAAala walidayya waan aAAmala salihan tardahu

waaslih lee fee thurriyyatee innee tubtu ilayka wainnee mina


Translation: "My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be

grateful for Your Favor which You have bestowed upon me

and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good

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deeds, such as please You, and make my offspring good.

Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one

of the Muslims (submitting to Your Will)."

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of the righteous,

humble and obedient servants of Allah who are kind to their

parents. Allah the Most Generous accepts from them the best

of their deeds and overlooks their evils. Allah says they will be

among the dwellers of Paradise according to the true promise

that has been made to them.

Source: Surah Al-Ahqaaf (15)

Dua # 114

ن ول ... ممل بقون بأ ين س له

ننا ٱ خو

غفر لنا ول

هنا ٱ رب

عل ف قل ت هك رءوف ءإم ين وبنا غل ل له نهنا إ حمي نوإ رب ره

Rabbana ighfir lana waliikhwanina allatheena sabaqoona

bialeemani wala tajAAal fee quloobina ghillan lillatheena

amanoo rabbana innaka raoofun raheemun

Translation: "Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us

in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those

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who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness,

Most Merciful."

Source: Surah Al-Hashr (10)

Dua # 115

هنا عليك توكه ره ... لمصي ب ليك ٱ

ليك ٱنبنا وإ

نا وإ

Rabbana AAalayka tawakkalna wailayka anabna wailayka


Translation: "Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone)

we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final


Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Ibraheem (alaihis

salam) and his companions whom Allah (SWT) sets as an

example when they clearly said to their people: "We have

nothing to do with you and your gods whom you worship

instead of Allah. We renounce you and there has arisen

between us and you enmity and hatred for ever, until you

believe in Allah, the One." And then they offered this prayer to


Source: Surah Al-Mumtahanah (4)

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Dua # 116

... غفر لنا هنا ٱتمم لنا نورن وٱ ء رب هك عل ك ش ن

ير قد إ

Rabbana atmim lana noorana waighfir lana innaka AAala kulli

shayin qadeerun

Translation: "Our Lord! Keep perfect our Light for us [and do not put it off

till we cross over the Sirat (a slippery bridge over the Hell)

safely] and grant us forgiveness. Verily, You are Able to do all


Reference from Quran: Allah describes the Day of

Judgment as a Day when He the Most Merciful will not

humiliate His Prophet and those who have believed with him.

The light will only be with the believers by which they will be

traveling on their way. They will hear the wailings and

groaning of those groping in the dark and will feel terror

stricken. In view of their past errors and shortcomings they will

be afraid lest they too should be deprived of their light and

made to grope about like the wretched people. Therefore, they

will offer this prayer.

Source: Surah At-Tahreem (8)

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Dua # 117

يه لو و رب إغفر ل ولمن هخل بيت مؤمن ا وللمؤمني ل

م ت وإلمؤمن إلمي إله تبار ول تزه إلهه

Rabbi ighfir lee waliwalidayya waliman dakhala baytiya

muminan walilmumineena waalmuminati wala tazidi

alththalimeena illa tabaran

Translation: "My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters

my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women.

And to the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers, and

disbelievers) grant You no increase but destruction!"

Reference from Quran: This is the dua of Prophet Nooh

(alaihis salam) after he had tried hard to persuade his people

to give up their false beliefs and turn to Allah All Mighty. They

did not listen to his preaching but stubbornly continued on

their evil path till they were drowned. Nooh (alaihis salam)

then offers this prayer to Allah.

Source: Surah Noah(28)

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This checklist is taken from the book “Power of Dua” and is

derived from the divine guidance mentioned in that book.

Keep this handy and refer to it often until you fully inculcate

this discipline in your life.

Remember –

Dua is an act of worship. Make it at all times to seek

Allah’s attention.

Dua can cause miracles to happen.

Use Allah’s 99 names to call upon Him. For example,

use “Allah” or “Rahman”

Avoid haram food, provision and sins

Preferably face the Qiblah when making dua

Do not ask Allah for anything that is sinful in your dua

Say a lot of istighfar during the day (the simplest form is

to say AstaghfurAllah)

Make dua during the last one third of the night

Make dua after the prescribed prayers

Make dua between the Adhan (call for prayers) and the


Make Dua at the time of rain

Make plenty of dua on Fridays

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Engage in lot of Dhikr-Allah (remembrance of Allah)

Send a lot of blessings on Prophet (peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him)

Make dua with the help of the prayer of Dhun-Noon

(Prophet Yoonus)

Be focused and ask Allah with full conviction

Be persistent in your dua and repeat it often

Make a lot of dua when you are fasting or travelling

Do NOT pray against oneself, wealth and children

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To learn about the power of Dua and its etiquettes, you are

encouraged to get the other publication by IqraSense.com

called “Power of Dua.” The following is the table of contents of

that book.

1 Foreword

2 Introduction

3 The role of sins in bringing misery to our lives

4 Why making Dua to Allah is not an option, but a necessity?

4.1 Seeking Allah’s attention

4.2 Dua is considered as an act of worship

4.3 Not making Dua makes Allah angry

5 What are Allah’s and his prophet’s assertions about making Dua?

5.1 Allah’s promise to the believers

5.2 The Prophet’s reassurance to the believers

5.3 Dua is very dear to Allah

6 How to invoke Allah?

6.1 Calling by the names of Allah or Rahman

6.2 Calling him by his beautiful names

7 What are the benefits and remedies of making Dua?

8 Why should we make Dua, when everything is already decreed?

9 Can Dua cause miracles to happen?

10 What if someone makes a Dua about something sinful?

11 Why a Dua doesn’t get answered?

12 What are the etiquettes of making Dua?

12.1 Ask only from Allah

12.2 Precede Dua by praising Allah and sending blessings upon the prophet (saw)

12.3 Ask Allah with humility

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12.4 Be focused and ask Allah with full conviction

12.5 Have patience when making Dua

12.6 Be persistent in your Dua

12.7 Avoid haram food, provision and sins

13 What about the wait in getting the Dua answered?

14 What is the best position for making Dua?

14.1 Being in a state of prostration

14.2 Facing toward the Qiblah (kaaba)

15 Can Dua be said during salat (prayer)?

16 What are the best times for Dua being accepted?

16.1 Making Dua in the depths of the night

16.2 Dua made after the prescribed prayers

16.3 Dua made between the adhan (call for prayers) and the iqamah

16.4 Dua made at the time of rain

16.5 Dua made on friday

16.6 When praying (sending blessings) on prophet (saw)

16.7 Making Dua with the help of the prayer of dhun-noon (prophet yoonus)

16.8 Prayer of the oppressed, traveler, fasting person and a father’s prayer for his child are never rejected

16.9 When drinking zamzam water

17 What were the other special occasions during which the prophet (saw) made Dua?

17.1 The six different places while performing hajj

17.2 During circumambulation of the Kaabah

18 Which is the best among the Dua and where is it said?

19 The biggest mistake that people commit after their Dua is answered

20 What should never be asked when making a Dua?

20.1 Wishing for death because of a calamity that has befallen one

20.2 Praying against oneself, wealth and children

21 Can one say Dua in their own words and own language?

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22 Istighfar (repentance) as a form of Dua

22.1 Sayyidul istighfar (best among the istighfars)

22.2 Other noteworthy istighfars (words of repentance)

23 Is Dua allowed at other people’s graves?

24 What about wiping ones face after making Dua?

25 Being careful about ones spoken words

26 Dhikr as a form of Dua and its impact on the Dua

26.1 Allah’s statements on the importance of dhikr

26.2 Ahadith on dhikr and its numerous benefits

26.3 Views of scholars on dhikr

27 Virtues of Quran and impact on our Dua and relationship with Allah

27.1 Quran on “virtues of the Quran”

27.2 The word of the lord of the worlds

27.3 Quran as a divine healing and a mercy

27.4 The rewards of reciting Quran in Qiyaam al-layl (night prayers before fajr)

27.5 Reciting Quran in Ramadan

27.6 Benefits of reciting certain Quranic surahs (chapters)

27.7 A Muslim’s status is raised by the Quran

27.8 Allah’s gift of guidance

27.9 Allah’s final revelation to mankind

27.1 The greatest miracle of prophet muhammad (saw)

27.11 Ahadith on the “virtues of Quran”

28 Dua stories of the prophets mentioned in the Quran

28.1 Prophet Adam’s Dua on showing his remorse for wrongdoing

28.2 Prophet Nuh on being accused of falsehood

28.3 Prophet Ibrahim’s Dua for the protection of his family and the Muslim ummah

28.4 Prophet Lut’s Dua for people who had belied him

28.5 Prophet Yakoob’s Dua in the face of calamity

28.6 Prophet Yusuf’s Dua on staying away from sins and to stay as a righteous person

28.7 Prophet Shuayb’s Dua on asking for judgment

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28.8 Prophet’s Musa’s Dua in making his tasks easy against pharaoh

28.9 Prophet Ayub’s Dua in the face of severe distress

28.1 Prophet Yunus’s Dua in accepting his weakness during calamities

28.11 Prophet Zakariyyah’s Dua in seeking righteous children

28.12 Prophet Dawood’s Dua in the face of trials

28.13 Prophet Sulaiman’s Dua for a great kingdom

28.14 Prophet Muhammad’s Dua on facing difficulties

29 Dua checklist

30 References

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1. Quran

2. Hadith books

3. Tafheem ul Quran by Maulana Syed Abul Ala


4. Jawame Duaa, By: Khalid Aljuraisy

5. Islamqa.info

6. IqraSense.com Online Blog

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Other Books by IqraSense.com

1. The Power of Dua (Prayers) 2. Jesus – The prophet who didn’t die 3. Jerusalem is OURs: The Christian,

Islamic, and Jewish struggle for the "Holy Lands"

4. Summarized Stories of the Quran

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