Dave Levinthal ’00: Your labor, dedication and vision will live in the form of a Daily Orange that will remain vibrant and essential for years and years to come. I toast you with an old wingtip held high. Tito Bottitta ’03: I remember the day we interviewed you, at the end of a long, dark winter for The D.O. The paper’s full-time profes- sional staff was gone. A handful of students were left running all the business operations. And then you walked through the door, a breath of fresh air. We never could have imag- ined all you’d do for The D.O. over the next 13 years. You navigated the institution through a period of great change, providing unprecedented stability and endless ideas. Your passion for the paper somehow matched that of the students who publish it every single day. We’ll miss you, Pete. Tiffany Lankes ’03: Never forget your first :-) EIC that is. You came in to instability, uncertainty and a lot of breaking news. You brought consistency, commitment and passion. From EIC to board member, it’s been a pleasure work- ing with you and I appreciate all you have done to keep The D.O. going. Justin Young ’05: To say Pete was important to The D.O. is to say Christ was important to the bible. Like Christ he will be missed dearly. Also, like Christ, he wears sandals. So long Waack and thanks for all the fish. Elyse Andrews and Mike Swartz ’06: Thanks for everything you’ve done for The D.O., and us, over the years. We can’t imagine The D.O. without you and wish you the best on your next adventure. Ryan Gainor ’06: You were such a big part of the amazing education The D.O. provides. One unique memory comes to mind. I will never forget riding around together to some of Syracuse’s less-reputable establishments, trying to collect fees they owed The D.O. I was honored you thought I was good backup. Matt Gelb ’09: Thank you, Pete, for teaching a decade of sportswrit- ers where not to stay whenever they’re on the road. The lessons learned at a Budget Host Inn & Suites are unparalleled. Melanie Hicken ’09: It takes a special kind of person to help a bunch of sleep-deprived college kids run an actual functioning business and newspaper. Thanks for all your years of hard work and patience Pete! Andy McCullough ’09: Thank you for everything you’ve done for The Daily Orange. You were Atlas, and you never shrugged. You are the fucking man, even if I once mistook your dip can for a regular can of Coca Cola. A.J. Chavar ’10: What can I say to someone who worked so hard keeping me sane when it seemed everything else in 744 was working against that? Your dedication to independent student press hon- orable. Know that you’re leaving having touched as many or more careers of young journalists as Newhouse has. Brittney Davies ’10: Thank you so much for 13 years of dedication to The D.O. and for always keeping us on solid ground. Good luck in this next chapter, and hope you come across some Utica Club in Colorado. Stephen Dockery ’10: Thank you for such a delicious baker’s dozen of service to The Daily Orange, Pete. So much institutional knowledge is leaving with you, I cringe for the EIC who doesn’t have Waack to paper over their 2 a.m. ad-placing mistakes. Tyler Dunne ’10: Congratula- tions on the job. Thrilled for you. Always enjoyed talking Wisconsin sports, from Packers to Bucks, with you at the house. If you’re ever in Green Bay, I’ll have a Spotted Cow (or five) waiting for you. Thanks for everything! Meredith Galante ’10: “We endured a lot together during my tenure as EIC, and I couldn’t have done it without your voice in my head of what’s right and wrong.” I wrote that four years ago in my duck and still mean it. Thank you for keeping a place that meant so much, to so many, afloat. I pity your successor, because the shoe will be harder to fill than the one EICs drink from. Conor Orr ’10: I’ll always remember the wild Korean ski hostel you put us up in for the 2009 NCAA Tournament as well as the 24-hour trip to Notre Dame on two trains from Syracuse — I ended up having to dictate my sidebar and notes by phone amid a bunch of angry people from Tully just trying to sleep. I didn’t know it then, but you were just trying to prepare us to be journalists and expect the unex- pected. In all seriousness, there was no one who cared more about us and provided a heart of gold during try- ing times like you. My hope is that someday Colorado will brew Utica Club just for you, my friend. Eric Forman ’11: On the busi- ness side, you gave me real respon- sibility and confidence when I had no experience. And of course, taught me everything I know about getting “controversial” advertisers not just in the paper, but Parents Weekend with a bulk discount on top of it. Andrew John ’11: This week I read an NYT column by David Brooks in which he writes about friendly people with a spirit of generosity and “depth of character,” and how rare that is to find these days. Pete, you have that. You are precisely the kind of person people want to work with. Enjoy Colorado. I know The D.O. will miss you. Brett LoGiurato ’11: It’s amaz- ing how much passion you have for everything you do — from furiously booking flights and hotels for football and basketball beat writers, to describing the sweet taste of your favorite cheap beer, Utica Club. And, of course, your passion for The Daily Orange is unmatched. Thanks for everything, Pete, and good luck! Amrita Mainthia ’12: Thank you for embracing us all, from veter- ans to newbies, with open arms and an open mind. Thank you for your tireless service; whether 2 p.m. or 4 a.m. you were a true partner and driver of The D.O.’s success. I am so grateful for your compassion, exper- tise and dedication. Cheers! Katie McInerney ’12: Through the tears, the laughs and the drinks (and there were plenty of each) you’ve been there for me and for every one of us who stepped through the entrance of 744, simply by being you. Thank you for keeping The D.O. alive. Thank you for waking me up when it was noon and I was sleeping on the management couch. Thank you for keeping the basement relatively dry, for making sure we always had enough Mountain Dew in the vending machine, and most importantly — for being someone I knew would always be there for me. I owe you so much, and I wish you the best of luck. Tony Olivero ’12: Pete, the degree of dedication you’ve shown The Daily Orange has been remarkable. There’s no thank you us alumni could provide that’d do your allegiance justice. These walls and these hearts will miss you so much more than you know. We all love you. Thanks, my man. And Go Badgers! Kathleen Ronayne ’12: I doubt there’s anything the kids in Colo- rado can put you through that you didn’t experience on Ostrom Avenue (with me and Katie surely to blame for some of it...) The D.O.’s loss is an entire new batch of student journal- ists’ gain. Thanks for everything. Mark Cooper ’13: The editor in chief and general manager of The D.O. are partners in every way, every day. You, Pete, were the consummate partner for myself and 13 years of D.O. management. You pushed. You excited. You prodded. You inspired. You questioned. You praised. Thanks for the push I needed to let my imagination loose. Thanks for teaching me what commitment truly means. Thanks for your trust and support in our move to a new website and, maybe most of all, thanks for setting me up to spend Thanksgiving 2011 in the swanky digs of a NYC hostel. Laurence Leveille ’13: You were always the first person I’d see when I went to the house in the middle of the day. The D.O. won’t be the same without you and your passion for the paper. You’ll be missed! Dara McBride ’13: It was such an honor to celebrate a decade of you at The D.O. I’ll never forget the night you sauntered up to the house ring- ing a cowbell with your tailgating crew and complimented my sweet station wagon. Thanks again and good luck. Becca McGovern ’13: It’s strange to think that a Daily Orange institution is leaving those halls. That generations to come will no longer be familiar with Pete Waack- isms and Packer paraphernalia. But no matter where you go, I’ll always remember you — whether it’s in board meetings, MC-ing the best wing-eating contest on campus, or in the PUP food room holding a ridiculously large bottle of cham- pagne — as a quintessential part of The D.O. I hope your new adventure is filled with lots of trout and even more happiness. Stephen Bailey ’14: Thanks for all the support, always having an open door and that special present from your girlfriend’s dog. Also for putting the inaugural Beats & Eats on Mayfest/Battle weekend my senior year. Mike Escalante ’14: Here are a few things I enjoy: your singing/ radio jam sessions, wading through the flooded basement to the IT closet, your passion, learning from/ with you, and your endless collec- tion of great stories. Also, after four years, we never went disc golfing ONE time, guess now we have to do it out West. Ankur Patankar ’14: Thanks for all these years, Pete. I’ve seen enough of your unparalleled passion in board meetings to know you’ll do great in Colorado. Just make sure they cover intramural sports. Debbie Truong ’14: For a place that always feels like it’s in perpetu- al flux with so many changing faces year after year, thank you for being a constant, reliable presence at 744 Ostrom. Only a handful of staff members on each masthead had the chance to see your work at the paper up close but your efforts have made it possible for so many young people to find a place to thrive and become journalists, designers and editors. Thank you for that and best of luck to you! Casey Fabris ’15: In a house that is always changing, you have been the constant. You guided me through my first board meeting and helped me find my keys in the man- agement couch after I lost them on my last night of production as Editor in Chief. Thank you for being there, beginning to end. Jacob Klinger ’15: Right after my parents left on move-in day and before I knew anything about how The Daily Orange worked, you welcomed a random wandering freshman into the house I had ran- domly wandered into. To me, you’ve been the man behind the curtain, er corner of your office, ever since. Abby Legge ’15: Pete, since my first day as a timid little freshman, you were an awesome boss. But I still root for Nebraska kicking Wis- consin’s ass any day of the week :) I wish you all the luck in Colorado! Lara Sorokanich and Mere- dith Newman ’15: Throughout this crazy year you’ve always had the students’ backs. We can’t tell you how much we’ve appreciated your support and your advice. We’re so glad we got to work with you your last year at The D.O. You’re leaving it a much better place than you found it. Colorado is lucky to have you! Mara Corbett ’17: You have kept The D.O running smoothly from behind the scenes for 13 years, and there isn’t a way we can thank you enough. I’m jealous of all the other editors who were able to work with you, but I wish you the best of luck in Colorado. With congratulations and gratitude from Rob Howard ’05, Ethan Ramsey ’08, Colleen Bidwill ’14 and Dylan Segelbaum ’15. Special thanks to Emmett Baggett ’12 for the illustration. Waack and roll. IN HONOR OF... PETE WAACK GENERAL MANAGER FALL 2001 — SPRING 2015 april 28, 2015 1 DAILY ORANGE DUCKS

Ducks spring 2015

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Page 1: Ducks spring 2015

Dave Levinthal ’00: Your labor, dedication and vision will live in the form of a Daily Orange that will remain vibrant and essential for years and years to come. I toast you with an old wingtip held high.

Tito Bottitta ’03: I remember the day we interviewed you, at the end of a long, dark winter for The D.O. The paper’s full-time profes-sional staff was gone. A handful of students were left running all the business operations. And then you walked through the door, a breath of fresh air. We never could have imag-ined all you’d do for The D.O. over the next 13 years. You navigated the institution through a period of great change, providing unprecedented stability and endless ideas. Your passion for the paper somehow matched that of the students who publish it every single day. We’ll miss you, Pete.

Tiffany Lankes ’03: Never forget your first :-) EIC that is. You came in to instability, uncertainty and a lot of breaking news. You brought consistency, commitment and passion. From EIC to board member, it’s been a pleasure work-ing with you and I appreciate all you have done to keep The D.O. going.

Justin Young ’05: To say Pete was important to The D.O. is to say Christ was important to the bible. Like Christ he will be missed dearly. Also, like Christ, he wears sandals. So long Waack and thanks for all the fish.

Elyse Andrews and Mike Swartz ’06: Thanks for everything you’ve done for The D.O., and us, over the years. We can’t imagine The D.O. without you and wish you the best on your next adventure.

Ryan Gainor ’06: You were such a big part of the amazing education The D.O. provides. One unique memory comes to mind. I will never forget riding around together to some of Syracuse’s less-reputable establishments, trying to collect fees they owed The D.O. I was honored you thought I was good backup.

Matt Gelb ’09: Thank you, Pete, for teaching a decade of sportswrit-ers where not to stay whenever they’re on the road. The lessons learned at a Budget Host Inn & Suites are unparalleled.

Melanie Hicken ’09: It takes a special kind of person to help a bunch of sleep-deprived college kids run an actual functioning business and newspaper. Thanks for all your years of hard work and patience Pete!

Andy McCullough ’09: Thank you for everything you’ve done for The Daily Orange. You were Atlas, and you never shrugged. You are the fucking man, even if I once mistook your dip can for a regular can of Coca Cola.

A.J. Chavar ’10: What can I say to someone who worked so hard keeping me sane when it seemed everything else in 744 was working against that? Your dedication to

independent student press hon-orable. Know that you’re leaving having touched as many or more careers of young journalists as Newhouse has.

Brittney Davies ’10: Thank you so much for 13 years of dedication to The D.O. and for always keeping us on solid ground. Good luck in this next chapter, and hope you come across some Utica Club in Colorado.

Stephen Dockery ’10: Thank you for such a delicious baker’s dozen of service to The Daily Orange, Pete. So much institutional knowledge is leaving with you, I cringe for the EIC who doesn’t have Waack to paper over their 2 a.m. ad-placing mistakes.

Tyler Dunne ’10: Congratula-tions on the job. Thrilled for you. Always enjoyed talking Wisconsin sports, from Packers to Bucks, with you at the house. If you’re ever in Green Bay, I’ll have a Spotted Cow (or five) waiting for you. Thanks for everything!

Meredith Galante ’10: “We endured a lot together during my tenure as EIC, and I couldn’t have done it without your voice in my head of what’s right and wrong.” I wrote that four years ago in my duck and still mean it. Thank you for keeping a place that meant so much, to so many, afloat. I pity your successor, because the shoe will be harder to fill than the one EICs drink from.

Conor Orr ’10: I’ll always remember the wild Korean ski hostel you put us up in for the 2009 NCAA Tournament as well as the 24-hour trip to Notre Dame on two trains from Syracuse — I ended up having to dictate my sidebar and notes by phone amid a bunch of angry people from Tully just trying to sleep. I didn’t know it then, but you were just trying to prepare us to be journalists and expect the unex-pected. In all seriousness, there was no one who cared more about us and provided a heart of gold during try-ing times like you. My hope is that someday Colorado will brew Utica Club just for you, my friend.

Eric Forman ’11: On the busi-ness side, you gave me real respon-sibility and confidence when I had no experience. And of course, taught me everything I know about getting “controversial” advertisers not just in the paper, but Parents Weekend with a bulk discount on top of it.

Andrew John ’11: This week I read an NYT column by David Brooks in which he writes about friendly people with a spirit of generosity and “depth of character,” and how rare that is to find these days. Pete, you have that. You are precisely the kind of person people want to work with. Enjoy Colorado. I know The D.O. will miss you.

Brett LoGiurato ’11: It’s amaz-ing how much passion you have for everything you do — from furiously booking flights and hotels for football and basketball beat writers,

to describing the sweet taste of your favorite cheap beer, Utica Club. And, of course, your passion for The Daily Orange is unmatched. Thanks for everything, Pete, and good luck!

Amrita Mainthia ’12: Thank you for embracing us all, from veter-ans to newbies, with open arms and an open mind. Thank you for your tireless service; whether 2 p.m. or 4 a.m. you were a true partner and driver of The D.O.’s success. I am so grateful for your compassion, exper-tise and dedication. Cheers!

Katie McInerney ’12: Through the tears, the laughs and the drinks (and there were plenty of each) you’ve been there for me and for every one of us who stepped through the entrance of 744, simply by being you. Thank you for keeping The D.O. alive. Thank you for waking me up when it was noon and I was sleeping on the management couch. Thank you for keeping the basement relatively dry, for making sure we always had enough Mountain Dew in the vending machine, and most importantly — for being someone I knew would always be there for me. I owe you so much, and I wish you the best of luck.

Tony Olivero ’12: Pete, the degree of dedication you’ve shown The Daily Orange has been remarkable. There’s no thank you us alumni could provide that’d do your allegiance justice. These walls and these hearts will miss you so much more than you know. We all love you. Thanks, my man. And Go Badgers!

Kathleen Ronayne ’12: I doubt there’s anything the kids in Colo-rado can put you through that you didn’t experience on Ostrom Avenue (with me and Katie surely to blame for some of it...) The D.O.’s loss is an entire new batch of student journal-ists’ gain. Thanks for everything.

Mark Cooper ’13: The editor in chief and general manager of The D.O. are partners in every way, every day. You, Pete, were the consummate partner for myself and 13 years of D.O. management. You pushed. You excited. You prodded. You inspired. You questioned. You praised. Thanks for the push I needed to let my imagination loose. Thanks for teaching me what commitment truly means. Thanks for your trust and support in our move to a new website and, maybe most of all, thanks for setting me up to spend Thanksgiving 2011 in the swanky digs of a NYC hostel.

Laurence Leveille ’13: You were always the first person I’d see when I went to the house in the middle of the day. The D.O. won’t be the same without you and your passion for the paper. You’ll be missed!

Dara McBride ’13: It was such an honor to celebrate a decade of you at The D.O. I’ll never forget the night you sauntered up to the house ring-ing a cowbell with your tailgating crew and complimented my sweet station wagon. Thanks again and

good luck.Becca McGovern ’13: It’s

strange to think that a Daily Orange institution is leaving those halls. That generations to come will no longer be familiar with Pete Waack-isms and Packer paraphernalia. But no matter where you go, I’ll always remember you — whether it’s in board meetings, MC-ing the best wing-eating contest on campus, or in the PUP food room holding a ridiculously large bottle of cham-pagne — as a quintessential part of The D.O. I hope your new adventure is filled with lots of trout and even more happiness.

Stephen Bailey ’14: Thanks for all the support, always having an open door and that special present from your girlfriend’s dog. Also for putting the inaugural Beats & Eats on Mayfest/Battle weekend my senior year.

Mike Escalante ’14: Here are a few things I enjoy: your singing/radio jam sessions, wading through the flooded basement to the IT closet, your passion, learning from/with you, and your endless collec-tion of great stories. Also, after four years, we never went disc golfing ONE time, guess now we have to do it out West.

Ankur Patankar ’14: Thanks for all these years, Pete. I’ve seen enough of your unparalleled passion in board meetings to know you’ll do great in Colorado. Just make sure they cover intramural sports.

Debbie Truong ’14: For a place that always feels like it’s in perpetu-al flux with so many changing faces year after year, thank you for being a constant, reliable presence at 744 Ostrom. Only a handful of staff members on each masthead had the chance to see your work at the paper up close but your efforts have made it possible for so many young people to find a place to thrive and become journalists, designers and editors.

Thank you for that and best of luck to you!

Casey Fabris ’15: In a house that is always changing, you have been the constant. You guided me through my first board meeting and helped me find my keys in the man-agement couch after I lost them on my last night of production as Editor in Chief. Thank you for being there, beginning to end.

Jacob Klinger ’15: Right after my parents left on move-in day and before I knew anything about how The Daily Orange worked, you welcomed a random wandering freshman into the house I had ran-domly wandered into. To me, you’ve been the man behind the curtain, er corner of your office, ever since.

Abby Legge ’15: Pete, since my first day as a timid little freshman, you were an awesome boss. But I still root for Nebraska kicking Wis-consin’s ass any day of the week :) I wish you all the luck in Colorado!

Lara Sorokanich and Mere-dith Newman ’15: Throughout this crazy year you’ve always had the students’ backs. We can’t tell you how much we’ve appreciated your support and your advice. We’re so glad we got to work with you your last year at The D.O. You’re leaving it a much better place than you found it. Colorado is lucky to have you!

Mara Corbett ’17: You have kept The D.O running smoothly from behind the scenes for 13 years, and there isn’t a way we can thank you enough. I’m jealous of all the other editors who were able to work with you, but I wish you the best of luck in Colorado.

With congratulations and gratitude from Rob Howard ’05, Ethan Ramsey ’08, Colleen Bidwill ’14 and Dylan Segelbaum ’15. Special thanks to Emmett Baggett ’12 for the illustration.

Waack and roll.



april 28, 2015 1 DAILY ORANGE DUCKS

Page 2: Ducks spring 2015

2 april 28, 2015 DAILY ORANGE DUCKS


Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.Somehow, the ball bounced my way a few

times and I was fortunate enough to stick around this place for a while. I often joked about being here too long — all right, maybe sometimes I wasn’t joking — but I truthfully cherished every second I spent in this decaying but lovable building.

So now I say goodbye to The Daily Orange with a handful of new friends, valuable real-world experience and five semesters’ worth of memories I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Bailey: Whether I was coming in for my track and field reads or I was the lonely freshman at Battle, you were the first one to ask me how I was doing. I’ve learned more from you these last four years than I did from anyone else I’ve met here, and it’s not even close. And as good a teacher you are, you’re an even better friend. I can’t thank you enough for both of those.Jesse: Your ability to instantly and effortless-ly connect with people — sources, co-workers, whoever —  astounds me. But you don’t need me to remind you how talented you are or tell you that this inaugural web team couldn’t be in better hands. Having you by my side as we moved from beat to beat, laughing our asses off together but working them off even more, real-ly made my time here special. I’m graduating, but I won’t “go away” anytime soon. And you can put that on the board.Sam: Really proud of how much you matured through everything this year — and hopefully it’s enough to realize you can’t take a night off next semester to watch the Mets in the World Series. It’s a bit ironic I’m handing the keys off to someone who can’t see or drive, but I’d bet my life you’ll bust your ass to get this section where it needs to be. Just keep your seatbelt on.Schneid: Even my worst moods were no match for your wit. I think I cracked a smile pretty much every time. I’m so, so impressed by how quickly you’ve developed and I can’t wait to see you make that next step. Don’t beat Sam up too much next semester — you’re going to need that chair one day.Klinger: You’ve dropped plenty of knowledge on me over the years, and I’m grateful for all of it. Although the office missed your intel-lect and creativity this semester, you brought more character to The D.O. than anyone I can remember and your influence on this place never wavered, regardless of your location. Because one heart.Trevor: I look forward to the day we ball up when we all come back for Palooza — assuming my body doesn’t deteriorate before then. We probably owe you some money for borrowing your patented phrases too often. I can throw you a little extra for leaving. Thanks for that, by the way.Grossman: I appreciated the smartass remarks more than I let on, you goober. You’ve come a long, long way since last year. Master-ing the little things is next, and I know you’re too smart to have that slow you down.Schwed: Thanks for holding down the copy-editing fort this semester. I could never get mad at you, but see if Sam can. Your ideas and your work ethic prove how passionate you

are. Just don’t be afraid to be bolder.Nation: Don’t forget who gave you such a nick-name (hint: it’s the same person whose backseat you annihilated). Some writers leave us because things don’t go their way. But you stuck with The D.O. because you understood it was best for you, and that loyalty always meant a lot to me.Libonati: I’ve met very few people who have the self-drive you do, paesan. Sky’s the limit if you can maintain that, and I know you can.Mettus: Without your car, #DOingClemson would’ve been half the trip it was. I’m happy you’ve found a larger capacity to contribute in.Sports staff: It’s OK to dream big, just don’t forget to call that extra source for your mid-week. Make sure you leave it all in the press box, too. I haven’t even left SU yet and I already have too many regrets.Wilson: Working Thursday nights during your regime was way too fun. Glad we sent you out with a Media Cup victory.Iseman/Mark: My journey here wouldn’t have been possible if you two didn’t give me my chance. Thank you so, so much.DO sports alums: Thank you for setting the bar so high, and being there for us as we strive to reach it.Ankur: The house missed your energy and jokes this year. Number two.Audrey: If only I knew how cool you were back when we first met. But thankfully our paths crossed again, you became a friend I trusted as much as anyone else here and we tossed some knives along the way. I wouldn’t have wanted to share my desk and footrests with anyone else this semester. Let me know when you’re sick of the West Coast —  you’ll just have to accept that it’s pronounced “Oregone.”Lara: I’m sorry I told Lisa you were EIC before you could tell her. If anything rattled you this year, your demeanor never showed it. An up-and-down place like this needs a rock like that. And we had a pretty intelligent one.Meredith: I always appreciated your genu-ine — I hate to say motherly, but, motherly — concern for everyone’s well-being. Looking forward to the sound of “How are things?” at Paloozas down the road.Lindsay: Thanks for preventing me from killing Trevor and Hyber on the way down to Virginia. Not sure if I’ll forgive you for forcing me to watch Harry Potter, though. *Insert weird noise in response* I’m sorry for being so stubborn.Lizzie: You pushed this paper ahead so far visually. Good luck copy editing this summer.Beth: Spring 2013 seems like a lifetime ago. Glad you’ve warmed up to Sports since then.Casey: Remember that time you were news editor and you told me you weren’t coming back? I’m happy that wasn’t true. We needed someone as bright as you at the top.Chase: The Duke road trip is one of my favor-ite memories from this year. Not only are you talented, but an absolute pleasure to work with. That’s not always an easy combination to find here.Jess Iannetta: I was glad to hear you came back in-house this year.Justin: We’ll catch up in a baseball press box one day. Or at A-Rod’s Hall of Fame induction.Brett: I’m thankful that you and I avoided

shedding blood over the front page. Our jobs were stressful enough.Mara: Can’t wait to see the leash you have on the Sports guys next year, Chief. I feel confident knowing we’re handing this paper to someone who is going to go right at the challenges facing it.Chloe/design: Thanks for coming up with ways to make Sports look cool. Make sure the guys are on their sh*t next year.Clare: Don’t knock the house down with your shouting when you return from London.Frankie: Sorry my communication wasn’t always the best, but you handled the job like a champ. Hopefully the N.C. State road trip con-vinced you to shoot sports more in the future.Logan: Your easygoing nature makes you the ideal road trip companion. Long live Clemson, sweet tea and the Smokin’ Pig, dude. Thrilled you’re taking on the challenge of PE.Margaret: Nobody ever challenged my affini-ty for Eminem like you did on the return from Wake Forest. Respect for that, and for how you took the photo editor job head-on.EGK: Awesome job picking edit board topics that worked with minimal — and often nonex-istent — input from me.Seegz: Glad you took the reins during the copy editing workshop last fall. I didn’t even

belong in the same area code as you that day.Kristin: I forgive you for girls’ night. Maddy: It’s still a Sports thing. Nick: #Re2pect right back at you. Would’ve been fun to execute that game plan, if it was necessary.Alfred: New York, represent.Annie/Maggie/Michelle: Volunteering a house for so many D.O. festivities takes guts. Clearly no shortage of those. Cheers to that.Roommate Kyle: Because it wouldn’t be right to exclude you.Eminem: Thanks for the sweet Halloween costume and the tagline.Grandma Dora’s tomato sauce: My taste of home, 285 miles away.Mike, Nick, John and Lisa: I never would’ve thought I could feel so comfortable living five hours away from Farmingdale. But you put up with me returning home at 3 a.m. and waited for me to finish editing before going to Chucks. These four years were the best I could’ve asked for and it’s mostly because of you guys. Let’s make sure the next few weeks commemorate that.Mom, Dad and others back home: Thanks for all the support and for reading, too. There’s more where that came from.


Page 3: Ducks spring 2015

A few weeks ago when I met with soon-to-be Editor in Chief Mara Corbett to tell her about the job, I told her this:

You don’t become Editor in Chief of The Daily Orange for yourself. You can’t get by on knowing it’s good for your resume or on the notion that it will make you a better editor. When you become Editor in Chief of The D.O., you do it because you want to make this beloved, historical, wild student-run institution better, and you think you might stand a chance at doing that.

At this point, I can only hope that I left The D.O. in better shape than I found it. But after a year of ordering late-night bubble tea, over-us-ing my snooze button and spending more Thursday nights at 744 Ostrom than at Chuck’s, I know for sure that The D.O. has made me a better person. For my confidence, my sanity and my wonderfully chaotic senior year, I have The D.O. and the following people to thank.

Mom and Dad: I would not have been able to do this job if you didn’t raise me to think I could. I am so lucky to have parents who told me I could do anything I wanted to. I can’t wait to go back to being a normal daughter, after a year of rushed phone calls and distracted con-versations. I love you so much. I hope I made you proud.Asia, Maggie, Lisa, Yobs and Anabelle: Thank you for not disowning me during this crazy year. You’ve given me a life outside of The D.O. and helped me have some semblance of a real senior year. I would not have stayed sane without you. Thanks for making college so ridiculously fun.Kristin, Joe and Katie: You three formed my first impressions of The D.O. Thanks for helping me fall in love with it.Vandy: Your sage senior wisdom taught me more than you’ll ever take credit for. Thank you for coming back for your last semester. It really did make a difference.Chase and Lizzie: Thank you for keeping The D.O. running for so long, then passing it off to us in good faith. I understand now that it must not have been easy. Your help and advice have been invaluable.Katie, Kathleen, Dara and Mark: Thank you for always answering my phone calls and emails, even before we’d ever met. It meant a lot.Casey: Your advice has helped me get through a lot of road bumps. Thanks for helping out in little ways all year. In the end, it’s added up to a lot. You go above and beyond for The D.O. and it’s a better place because you were a part of it.Klinger: Never did get that workshop sched-uled, but at least we got some nutgrafs in stories.Renee: Thanks for the beautiful photos, smiles and giggles you spread around the office.Natasha: You’re the most fiercest and most fabulous dresser to ever grace The D.O.’s news-room (sorry Brett).Georgie: Stay sassy, my friend.Jocey and Anna: Thanks for keeping up with us through all the breaking news this year, and sorry about the slew texts you received when-ever they happened.Nikeya: For such a little person, you packed in a whole lot of happiness. It was a joy having you in house.Bella: You’ll always be the D.O. baby in my

heart. Good luck next year, I hope you find everything you’re looking for.Jake: This isn’t “goodbye,” it’s “see ya in a month!”Matt: You’ve grown leaps and bounds as a designer this year, and have a lot to be proud of. Keep killin’ grilled cheeses in London, then come back here in the spring. Tony: Thanks for all the illos, and for not prac-ticing boxing on me when asked to redo them.Shawna: Your sunny disposition always made news a little brighter.Alex: Don’t be afraid to speak up, you have great ideas. You’re going to be an awesome assistant.Leslie: When you came in for your interview, you stared googly eyed at all the ducks. You’re a space cadet, but the most creative one I know, and the perfect person to forge the way with the web team.Nick: I will forever be scarred by Shrekt, but will forever be happy to have worked with you. The D.O. needs creativity like yours, I hope you stick around.Sydney and Kat: We were so impressed with both of your interviews in the fall, and you hav-en’t stop impressing since. You’re both vital, sassy parts of this household, and I’m so happy to have worked with such talented freshmen (wait, you’re freshmen?)Danny: As my last lame-duck appointment as EIC, I officially appoint you to the next Wednes-day questioner. Take that role seriously.Lydia and Anna M.: Thanks for toughing it through being assistants. You’re two of the best news feature writers we have, I’m excited to keep reading.Max: Sometimes you’re too art for this D.O. life, but mostly I think you’re a perfect addition. Keep warping text and making people like it.Momin: Your willingness to speak your mind pushed the paper to new places this semester. Keep pushing and stay innovative.Logan: Thanks for letting me eat your Pringles. You’re the most easygoing person at 744, and you’re going to be a great photo editor for it.Brendan: Never forget the Pulp men’s rights movement, or that weird mumbling thing you did for Secret Santa. I laughed thinking about it. Thanks for keeping it light in Pulp.Schwed and Grossman: You are two of the hardest working people I know, with great ideas and the drive to make them reality. Take the two years you have left and really make them count. I know you’ll do some amazing things (and that doesn’t include becoming a paper boy, Schwed).Schneidman: Our resident sports news breaker. Keep working hard, and keep being goofy. Sports morale is important too.Sara: You always have a smile on your face at The D.O., and your giggles make me think you might be the next Jess Iannetta. Keep chasing sirens and stay optimistic.Justin: God bless the news section that gets to have you in charge of it. I have a feeling it will be the most orderly, peppy news section we’ve ever seen. I’ll miss hearing your laugh from across the hall in management. Make sure the next team keeps hearing it.Jackie: Stay confident in your great ideas, they’re the hardest part of this industry and you’ve had them since I hired you as a D.O. baby. Keeping pushing yourself as always, and

I know you’ll thrive. The Larax believes in you.Clare: Don’t underestimate what you’ve accomplished this semester. It was crazy at times, but you’ve done a great job. You’ve grown so much since the day you told me you wanted to work in Feature and wrote it on an orange. I’m proud of you.Margo: I remember hearing about the girl who wrote stories AND took her own photos when I was a copy editor. You’ve taken on a lot of positions since then, and you’ve handled being thrown into unexpected roles with grace. Keep it up, kiddo.Jacob: You’re going to do a lot for feature. You’re young, but you have some of the best ideas of anyone in house. Never be afraid to ask for help carrying them out. And never yuck anyone’s yum. Seriously.KB: Never apologize for being fabulous. You are one of the most interesting people on this campus, and I’m glad you found people who appreciate your humor and sass at The D.O. Sorry I thought you were a snob the first time I met you, it’s just because you dress so well. Keep being you, and you’ll end up ruling the world.Chloe: Sharing cute animal pics with you has been a pleasure. Let me know if you ever end up in that fallback job of being a zookeeper. I hope it’s with the baby sloths. In the meantime, you’re going to be an amazing PD. Sam: You’ve had your grumpy moments, but I’m really proud of how much you’ve grown this semester. It’s evident that you care deeply about The D.O., and that’s a strong start already. Use that passion to make sports great. Listen to this management team, they’re smart and will never guide you in the wrong direction.Frankie: You light up the room your outgoing-ness, I’ve been blown away by it since the day we interviewed you last spring. Thanks for handling one of the hardest jobs in house with kindness, patience and endless optimism. You killed it.Phil: You’ve been a part of The D.O. for so many years, it’s hard to believe you’re done. I’m really proud of the quiet guy I met my sophomore year for turning into the confident sports editor who gave a killer speech at Battle. Thanks for letting me infringe on your friend group, and for all the memories that have come with it.Jess: You were the perfect News Editor for an EIC from Feature to have her first semester. Thanks for always having stories planned, for teaching me great news judgment by example and for handling that extremely difficult job with patience and a lot of giggles. Erin: The quest for a perfect ugly Mayfest sweatshirt was a grueling one, but ultimately we prevailed. I’m so happy I got to know you this semester, there was a lot more laughter in management because of it. Handle with care.Lindsay: I cried when you left house because sending the paper with you while listening to JoJo was always one of the best parts of the night. Thanks for bringing laughter and “meeps” to the wee hours of the morning. More importantly, thanks for being brave and creative with your design. It really helped push this paper forward.Audrey: I still remember the day you FB mes-saged me about becoming copy chief of The D.O. You asked if it was a hard job. I lied and

I’m glad I did. You’ve been a hilarious and wonderful addition to 744, a beloved honorary member of sports and a staple of D.O. parties, along with your knife. I was so happy to have you be a part of this. I hope you loved The D.O. as much as it loved you.Brett: Your dry sense of humor has kept me smiling all year. You’re going to do a great job as ME and unofficial morale booster. You’ve proven your talent by having one of the most organized and happy news sections I’ve seen in my time at The D.O. Thank you for making this semester easy and fun for news, and for making it so easy to pass the paper off to you. Mara: When I first started at The D.O. my junior year, you were the first semester fresh-man designer that everyone wanted in their sections. You’ve always excelled and impressed, and now you’re about to be an incredible and innovative Editor in Chief. If you ever need help, I’m a phone call or G-chat away — but I doubt you’ll need it. I’m so proud of you, I couldn’t be leaving the paper in better hands.Meredith: The best decision I ever made as EIC was asking you to be my ME. You have been my partner through printer issues, ceil-ing collapses, budget troubles, fundraising, NCAA sanctions, chancellor meetings and a slew of other tough situations we never expect-ed. The craziest thing is that after all that, it still managed to be one of the best years of my life. I attribute that to my other half, who kept up morale even in our own office. I would never have gotten through this year without you. Thanks for making Laradith whole.Jesse: You may not remember, but on the first night we ever hung out, I told you I wanted to be Editor in Chief. You smiled at me and said, “You’re going to do it.”

Since that day, you have never stopped encouraging me. You held my hand as I walked to senior board and have dried my tears as I come to grips with graduating. You have kept me grounded, and smothered my insecuri-ties with love and loyalty and understanding. We’ve come a long way from most eligible bach-elor and bachelorette, and you made my most stressful year the best I’ve ever had. I couldn’t have done it without you. I love you. Kayak.

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Well, I suppose its pretty cool that I’m drawing my own duck. The duck is not really my animal of choice, but oh well,

it’s tradition, right? It’s been a pretty solid year working in The

D.O. Although I wouldn’t go as far as saying that I’ll miss being in 744 Ostrom, or working on The D.O.’s illos, I think it’s generally been a pretty good time here, and the people have been cool enough that the 10 minutes each day I spend in the house is actually a pretty good time.

I think this is the part where I thank a bunch of people and write some random thoughts about them, so here goes:Lara: Thanks for laughing at my scribbles every day and just being a chill person to work for in general.Meredith: Thanks for not vetoing all my scribbles for offensive or politically incorrect materialsMara and Lindsay: You guys make my draw-ings look good on the pages, thanks for that. You guys do a tremendous job.Audrey: Wouldn’t have gotten through Sun-day meetings without you.

Well, I think that’s about all the people in the house I talk/interact to, if I forgot anyone, it is not my fault. So for the rest of you, I’m sure you’re all cool people, good job making the paper run and Jesus, you guys work hard here.

4 april 28, 2015 DAILY ORANGE DUCKS

I joined The Daily Orange on a whim and I couldn’t be happier that I did. I’m writing a Duck because although I plan on coming

back in house after I get back from London, who knows — I might transfer to Hogwarts. Here are just a few of the people that made my time at The Daily Orange so special.

Lindsay: You hired me and got me into this mess. I’ve been grateful ever since. You are one of the most talented designers I know — I even used your website as a reference for mine — and you make everybody around you strive to be better.Meredith: You made me feel right at home on my very first day at The D.O. and every day after that. But more importantly, are my East Coast Jewish mother and I know I can always go to you if I need to use a little Yiddish.Lara: Every time I talked to you, I always felt like I was wanted at The D.O. and like my opin-ion really mattered. Oh, and thanks for putting up with my crappy Secret Santa tasks. Mara: I shadowed you on my very first day at The D.O. but throughout my time at here, you taught me so much more than just D.O. style. We might not have always agreed about some of my designs but you always pushed me to be better and it always worked.Audrey: Thanks for never actually machete-ing my face off.

Kat: Developments.Jesse: The sports office could be a little crazy sometimes but you always made me feel like I fit in. Jackie: The D.O. doesn’t feel right without you. I’m glad I could witness your first Lemon-ade Instagram.Brett: I’m still amazed by your cutting skills. It definitely made my life easier when you could cut 150 words like it was nothing.Justin: Working in news was always fun because I never knew when I would hear an amazing fact or story. It was also nice to have somebody to talk hockey with.Frankie: Your positivity and taste in music brighten my day every time I walk by the visual office. Also, never stop wearing your Joker onesie — it’s amazing. Thanks Frankie, you’re the best!Margo: I swear I’m not cropping your photos.Nick: It was an honor to be mistaken for you as well. Maybe one day we will actually make it to drop-in hockey and I can make up for that time on the pond.Chloe: Sorry I ruined the word chinstrap for you but we won the $40,000 so that’s all that counts. You are going to do some amazing things as PD and I hope I will get a chance to work for you next spring.Shawna: You are literally the only person that I have ever been afraid to play against in beer pong.

Schneidman: Let’s be real, you’ll still be able to hear me breathe from London.Jacob: I’m still not quite sure how you find coming up with macs so easy but it impresses

me every time.Everybody else: I really enjoyed working with all of you and I hope that you will all still be here when I get back.


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This is my first byline in The Daily Orange ever — if it even counts as a byline. I still call dibs on Brett’s obituary.

Stephen: I said you’d be first and I meant it. Thanks for sharing your desk and including me in Sports; I would have been gone after half a semester if I were stuck alone on the porch. Instead, I made it three full semesters, cut up a door at 5 a.m. and started throwing knives at parties. That’s all you.Patrick: If the only reason I liked Syracuse was because I met you here, I would make the same choice a million times over. Everything I have loved over the past four years, you’ve been a part of and I know you’ll be there for every-thing that happens next. I love you, Pats. Hope this doesn’t make anything awkward. Phil:I wish we were friends back when Dudy was rolling around on your quad floor, but better late than never. If you ever want to leave the time zone, I’d love to show you Oregon — as long as you learn to pronounce it, that is. There are no words for how excited I was when you became sports editor. I could have never cut you from my duck.Sam:You’ve been primed for sports editor since I met you — I know you’ll make the sec-tion your own. I would have been honored to share your desk. Be nice to the new copy chief.Daddy: I always loved reading your stories so it doesn’t bother me much that I can’t repeat most the things I’ve heard come out of your mouth. At least you always made Sports the most fun.Grossman: You’re going to be a much better assistant than copy editor. It was fun to have someone to pick on who could throw it back at me; hopefully you’ll still go to Giants games with me this summer. Also, it never snows in Oregon.Schwed: I’m happy I got to know you beyond the philosophical email questions you would send Jesse. You were so fun to have in-house. Green bananas only.Jesse: We liked to fight, but at the end of the day, you were one of my first friends at The D.O. and always fun to have around. Look me up when you’re out in California again. Klinger: You’re the only one who under-stands my mill stories, and that’s awesome because then I don’t feel so weird. We missed out on Lloyd’s class but I’m glad I got a semes-ter with you. Trevor: It seems like so long ago we sat across from each other in Sports. Luckily, you’re a leg-end so I still hear your catchphrases every day.

Meredith: When I told you I was working at The D.O., you told me that you weren’t working in house anymore. I was pissed. I’m glad you came back, even if Becca hates us both now.Lara: It has been so fun to share both The D.O. and Theta with you. I’m lucky to count you as more than just a boss or a girl in my sorority but as a really good friend. Brett: It’s been a long time since we’ve stran-gled each other in the art director’s closet, but I’m glad I kept my promise of staying in-house as long you were news editor. I know you’ll be a great ME but when you need to vent, I’m just a phone call, Skype, G-chat, anything away. It’s too bad we never got to take a class together.Erin: I feel like you’ve been around more than one semester and I wish you would have been. I never missed sitting on the porch until you came around. Tony: I love our Sunday meeting conversa-tions in the back. Also I love your scribbles — it’s too bad Meredith had to censor so many of them. Mara: You have totally transformed since I first met you and it’s awesome. It would be my greatest pleasure to be stranded on an island or go to Mars with you. Chloe: There are a couple things I’ll never be able to see without thinking of you: red pan-das, corgis, Disney movies, “Lollipop” by Lil’ Wayne. I’ll miss you Chlo. Kait: I’m so happy you joined The D.O. this year because we actually get to see each other. After running around all day Mayfest last year I always wanted to, but this semester it finally happened. Justin: I don’t think I like anything as much as you like politics and baseball. Well, maybe Oregon football. Still, it’s impressive how dedi-cated you are. You worn born to be news editor. Jess: You handled everything with a smile and a diet soda, truly inspirational. Natalie: Still mad they forgot to add you to the listserv. If it makes you feel any better, they forgot me for the next party. Lindsay: I loved your design and I love you as a person. I missed you in house this semester.Lizzie: Thanks for letting another Hart into the house. I hope I lived up to the standard. Casey: You took a wild shot in the dark with a very unfocused application three semesters ago. Thanks for all of this.Chase: You still running that marathon with me? I’ve been training.Design: I’m glad I never actually macheted any of you.

Sydney: You and Betsy are going to be my tour guides over break. Get ready. Clare: I admire your transition from design to editorial. I hope you have fun in London.Alex: I can’t tell you how happy I was to be your Rho Gamma. You’re so sweet, so strong, and such a secret spitfire. I’m glad you started here so young.Jackie: Take care of Dara for me — Lord knows what she’ll get herself into. KB: You were infuriating, but to your credit, you’re hilarious. I always like when you’re around.Midge: Don’t be a stranger when you come back to California. Laura, Michelle, Jules: Thanks for letting me be the most absentee roommate in the world. I wish I would have actually been able spend time at home, and even if I never did, it always meant a lot that you guys invited me to everything and tried to get me to skip work.Brendan: We’ve come a long way in 4 years,

but some things haven’t changed at all. I’m happy we’ve stayed such good friends through it all. You’ll always be my second-favorite Brendan — I’m sorry that siblings had to go first — and I’ll really miss your jokes next year. Rest of the boys: You guys have stayed friends with me from my aggressive alcoholic year to my boring, neurotically domestic years and when my next extreme personality comes along, I’m sure you’ll still be there. I have no idea why. Come visit me on the best coast. I’ll miss you all a lot.Becca, Kels, Dudy, Scoll, Emma: My ride or dies. You guys all think that I think you are stupid — it’s true, I do. But I can’t name any better friends. I love you all. Also, kelseyohira.com — check it out everyone. To everyone I ran out of room for: I’m sorry I probably demanded stories from you, possibly threatened you, occasionally scared you. It was all out of love.

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Visit dailyorange.com for graduation coverage

Page 6: Ducks spring 2015

6 april 28, 2015 DAILY ORANGE DUCKS



Clare wanted my entire duck to be about her, and for that she’s a bitch. It’s that time of the year, folks. After

two wonderful semesters at The Daily Orange it’s time for me to say goodbye.

Mara, you’re a doll. It’s been a pleasure spending countless guides and hours in the photo office with you. I don’t know how you put up with my antics but for that you’re an angel and, son-of-a-hamster, I will miss you.

Clare, you’re headed off to merry old England and for that I hate you. You’re leav-ing me alone to face post-D.O. syndrome with nothing to comfort me but mango bubble tea. Don’t have too much fun without me.

B-rett, it all started with Stephanie Miner. You accepted my hatred of speaker photos and I still can’t believe it took me a semester and a half to realize you live across the street from me.

Phil. It’s been real. Hopefully my driving didn’t scare you too much on the way down to N.C. State and now you can finally sleep at night knowing I will never again yell up the stairs asking you to car swap.

To everyone I’ve been able to road trip with this semester after realizing sports photography wasn’t the devil itself: Jesse, Sam and Grossman. The unforgettable moments: Jesse rocking out to “Chicken Fried” in the car; Sam asking if we were there yet every 10 minutes and making fun of Grossman for falling asleep with his mouth open;

and Grossman I’m happy we’ve had our small bro moments on the way home from work and that you finally found a lid at Wawa’s.

To Mer, my long lost D.O. mother. I’ll miss you passing by the photo office every time ask-ing, “How are we doing?” Long live Tinkerbell.

Lara, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this but you’re fashion choices are on point. Design meetings won’t be the same without you. #WhiteSpace.

Bella, I’ll miss our karaoke sessions in the photo office and your efforts to defy journal-istic integrity for artistic merit. To be honest sometimes I was tempted, but hey, we gotta do what we gotta do.

To my darlings in News. Sara Swann you are the sunshine in my days and you’re smile makes getting Newsfront caption information bearable. Justin, I will never forget our early days together. Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing ambulances? Stay classy.

To Jacob and Maggie, my Cleveland cohorts. Long live the ‘Land. Jacob, I’m glad we’ve bonded over Bene and Beaumont problems together. Shoutout to Mrs. Bihuniak for teach-ing me everything I know about writing. Mag-gie, you’re the bomb.com.

To all the designers who have put up with my stubbornness. Kat, I cherish your hugs and the brightness you bring to the house. FYI, we need to have many more mall adventures, but

without Clare because she’s leaving the coun-try. What the actual. Momin, I love how sassy you’ve become as a designer, never change. Max, we will be going to London together senior year, and it will be the shit. By the way, you were so white-girl wasted at Mayfest, it was amazing. Sydney, make sure you keep B-rett on his toes. Matt, my man. Words can’t describe how I’ll miss our shenanigans on the Quad and in-house. Stay Savage. Chloe, don’t ever let Sam’s crude jokes ruin you. And I still stand by the theory that Corgis will someday rule the world. Long live Bilbo.

Here’s were it gets sappy guys, grab the tissues.To my mentors Margo and Chase. Margaret,

you saw something in me when you hired me spring of last year. You gave me the best thing I could’ve ever asked for: a chance to be a part of The Daily Orange. Sending me to Skrillex was still the coolest concert I’ve ever shot. You’ll be going off to England as well and I know you’ll do amazing and inspiring things. Chase. I walked in-house after shooting the Danceworks rehearsal spring of last year and I met the legend. I wouldn’t have survived this semester without Chase, folks. Even on the hardest and longest days, Chase came stroll-ing into the photo office full of optimism and inspiration that somehow made everything okie dokie. Your words of wisdom will never be forgotten and even as you graduate your name

will live on. All hail the Chase beanie. And now Logan, my successor. You’ve

endured my ever-changing music moods in the office and I have every confidence that you will make next semester better than ever. I wish you the best of luck and I’ll see you around, kid.

Cheers, everyone! R.I.P. FrankP.S. Grossman, I leave my Tabasco sauce to

you. Use it well.

On my first night, I thought Lara, Chloe and Mara were all the same people. With the amount of clippings on the

wall, I thought everyone was a serial killer and I was especially frightened of Sports. I walked into The D.O. intimidated, and two semesters later I am training a future design editor. God bless America.

I don’t think I left the house much earlier than 2:30 a.m. most nights first semester, so thanks Mer for the rides home. It’s weird thinking of school without The D.O., but sub me in for any front-page graphics. I’ll miss the bylines. 744 Ostrom became much more than the permanent address on my Grub Hub account, and these people are why:

Lara: Thanks for hiring me! You changed my college experience because yes, I am still a freshman. I aspire to be as confident and poised as you. Mer: Things are good. You thought I was the sassiest thing, and I always appreciate my fans. Thank you for being my friendly Jewish face, and not chopping my face off when you found me FaceTiming. Audrey: Thank you for understanding Pac-12 over Syracuse any day. After you threat-ened to cut my arm off with a chainsaw, I never forgot to give you pages. A premature thank you for when Betsy and I come and

crash over the summer. Lindsay: You’re the sh*t and molded me into the designer I am. I pray you end up in LA. Thank you for appreciating my stories during design meetings. Someone had to. Oh and thanks for the Snapchats from Race. They were saved and greatly appreciated. Ankur: I am so happy I had a chance to meet you. I always wondered the person-ality behind the shrine in the bathroom, sign on the water fountain and name every-one praised. Thank you for your advice, encouragement and humor throughout my semesters. Mara: I can’t believe last semester we were design editors, and next semester this is all yours. You are beyond talented and have such an eye for design. Chloe: My goal for you next year is to hear that you cursed once during first design meeting. Also, may your G-chat status from April 14 go down in history.Nick: Keep killing it, Champ. Matt: BHK for life. Kat: I’m so happy for you. Pulp deserves all your creativity. But please never stop design-ing. I am still intimidated by your Play Boy Mac treatment. Brett and Justin: It wouldn’t be a Tuesday without you guys. I truly loved working with both of you. You’re both going to kill it next

semester. Always aim for good, because then things just might be fine. News: The design computer crashes a lot. Tell designers to save frequently. Sports: You guys give me anxiety and I was disgusted a majority of the time, but you’re fun. Pulp: You’re really the good stuff in the middle. Keep the personalities strong and coverages short. Chase: My name is Sydney. Chancellor Kent Syverud: Please follow through on your promise to give students a safe ride home. Future design staff: Go beyond what you think because management will always bring you back to reality. Front-page graphics are scary until you read your first front page byline, and show all your friends. Trust me, it goes bicoastal quickly. Finally, get a Pinter-est. Really. 9 Pack & Em: Hi. Thank God for the time change is all I have to say. Thank you for keeping me virtually company, and getting ready to call the police if I didn’t text you back 15 minutes after leaving the house. Betsy: It feels like two minutes ago we were eating in Ernie when I got the call to join the staff. Thank you for not unfriending me for geeking out — I was a bit excited. I loved that you learned Sports was a good night and

News would be a long one, and coming with me to the parties. I’m sorry for coming home so late and being loud, blame News.Mom, Dad, & Jordan: As always, thanks for the support. I love you.

Honored to be a Fresh Princess. Order shirts through me next year, and try and keep Cali vibes running through the house.

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The first time I stepped foot on Syracuse University was move-in day. Being from Los Angeles, it was tough adjusting to

a place so far away from home, but The Daily Orange was the best thing that happened to me. This place has caused more headaches than all classes combined, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nothing gets done unless you love what you do. And I’ve been so fortunate to not only be surrounded by people who are equally as passionate for storytelling as I am, but also to be able to call them my family.

Mom, Dad, John: It’s hard to be away from you, but through it all, I’ve appreciated you more. Thank you for your undying support in everything I do. I hope I’m making you proud.Lizzie: Thanks for hiring me and giving me my start at The D.O. Just remember that no matter what, I’m a designer at Hart.Casey: You were a peer adviser, EIC and friend all in one, and I owe my D.O. involve-ment to you. Legendary fam forever.Chase: It took you a while to stop calling me Chloe, but I loved working with someone as passionate as you.Ankur: The highlight of my designer days was when you complimented my bracket spread. You’re a legend, and I’ve got so much respect for your talent. Lindsay: One of my favorite things to do was to give you nightly hugs. I loved working with you in design, and thought you were an awesome PD.Beth: We never worked together but it felt inappropriate to leave you out. Never let the sass die.Kristin: You knew I belonged in Pulp. Never forget you were the first head-ed I designed for. Joe: Remember when you unplugged the design computer? Thanks for the elf cos-tume and for all the advice when I first started in Featch. Vandy: If you hadn’t come back, I wouldn’t have met you and that would’ve been terri-ble. You helped me so much with my stories and concert coverages, and I only wish that we somehow were able to be Feature Crea-tures together. Just know that your name will live on forever in the Pulp office. Annie, Maggie, Michelle: I’m so glad I still saw you all a lot this year. Thanks for hosting all the parties and to Annie, for writing some Pulp stories.Alfred: The one thing I’ll thank you for — giving me my first article. Margaret: I loved that I was the first friend you made at The D.O. Here’s to future adven-tures in London.Josh Romero: #ClarefestErin G. Kelly: Never just “Erin.” It was an honor being kicked off the computer every night by you. Audrey: You have such a strong personality, and I admire the way you speak what you think, no filter.Leslie: I’m glad Pulp provided you with sto-ries for video. Please keep bringing cute dogs

to the house.Matt: Dude, we’re going to have a blast in London. But like, get out of Pulp.Sydney: I loved having another LA girl around, and you always killed it when design-ing for us.Max: It was refreshing having someone from Shaw join The D.O., and our late-night YouTube sessions while checking pages are always on point. I love that you’re sticking around.Momin: You’ve got a lot of fresh ideas — use The D.O. to execute them. I see a lot of poten-tial in you, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish. Sports: Whether it was being in the room as a designer or hearing you put it on the board, you guys always had something interesting going on. You bring a lot of talent and person-ality to this house, so keep doing what you’re doing and stretch. Sara Swann: Pulp teases you out of love. Good luck next fall when it undoubtedly gets worse — just don’t forget to spell check.Justin Mattingly: You’re one of my favorite people in this place, and I know News will be strong with you in charge. Thanks for grabbing me ice cream from the dining hall without my asking — it always made my night.Nick: Thanks for the memories and the jam session that never happened. You’ll always be the best pong partner ever. #SevenInARowBrett: You’ve been a great friend —  Hi, Jon — and I’m going to get serious FOMO, but I know that you’ll be a great ME. Bring Brett Roulette back.Sam Blum: Despite your jokes about my last name — which I might actually miss — I really admire the passion you have for journalism and The D.O. It’s the reason you’re going to kill it as SE. Brendan: You brought great wit into Pulp, and we made a kickass tag team, whether it was A2s or writing cutlines. I missed laugh-ing at your fake headlines. Alopecia — never forget. Jackie: You’ve been there whenever I needed to talk to someone who was in my shoes. I learned a lot from my experiences, and I owe part of that to you. Thanks for everything. Georgie: Having another person in Pulp as sassy, if not sassier, than me was awesome. I loved your drive to make your stories the best they can be — don’t lose that.Kait: You were the mother in Pulp this spring. I loved having you as an assistant, and I hope you keep writing stories for The D.O. Say hi to Marvin for me.Alex: I’m so proud of you. From Meet Monday to Prasch, I loved watching you grow as a writer. You’re taking on a lot next fall, but I’m confident you’ll kill it. Believe in what you can do, keep smiling and remember when you’re editor on.Kat: “It’s a Mexican thing.” Babe, I’m so glad you came back this semester and that our friendship has blossomed. You’re so multi-faceted, and I can only imagine the impressive things you’ll accomplish in Pulp. *Insert rose emoji here* Jacob: I don’t know how I would’ve func-

tioned without you. You have an enthusiasm for learning that I can’t find in a lot of people. Follow through with your ideas and make Pulp a f*cking party. I’ll be an email away if you need anything or if you just want to ask about my open-toed shoes.Jon: Despite how you openly dislike me, you’re actually one of my closest friends. Obviously I know you’re going to miss me as much as I’m going to miss you, but no worries. Just wait for my daily emails. You’ll love them. Emily, Dani, Zack, Justin, Gautam: From our movie nights to forts in the living room, you reminded me to have fun and take things easy. Thanks for making this semester one of the best — and for being patient when I had to edit stories. Chris and Stephen: It’s heartbreaking that I won’t see you 2016. Stephen, you’ve been a great friend and I don’t know what I would’ve done without our talks. Chris, you’ve been my rock and have been there when I needed someone, especially when things got stress-ful. I expect Skype calls from both of you next fall. (And The D.O. still trumps WAER.)Lara: I feel like I’ve come a long way since you gave me my first A1, and I owe it to your faith in my abilities. Thank you for always pushing me to do my best and teaching me that I don’t need to do everything on my own.Meredith: Remember when I wasn’t in your

duck? And when I typed “whore” on the front page? I give you so much sass, but I hope real-ize that the amount of sass directly correlates to how much I respect, love and look up to you. Thank you for all you did for me as an editor and a friend. I’ll miss you so much.Frankie: From covering Bandersnatch con-certs to almost burning down my kitchen, it’s been a wonderful working with you, with plenty of tears and laughter along the way. But we did it, and more importantly, we did it together. You’re my favorite diva, always and forever.Chloe and Mara: Sept. 15, 2013 was our first Sunday meeting as the only freshmen in house, and look at us four semesters later — head editors. Mara, you’re the perfect com-bination of sweet and sassy, and I’m glad you didn’t let your first impression of me get in the way of us being friends. I’m excited to see where you’ll take the paper as editor in chief. Chloe, PD’s a job that has had your name on it since you walked in this house, and I can’t wait to check Issuu every day to see the paper’s design. I love you girls so much, and I’ll miss you.Future D.O. members: I’m jealous of you. You’ve got an incredible experience coming your way, and I can only hope that The D.O. will do as much for you as it did for me. Long live Delta Omega.

Page 8: Ducks spring 2015


The following sponsors contributed money to The Daily Orange during the 2014-15 school year:

Abram BrownAdam BeilmanAdam Newman

Aileen GallagherAlfred Ng

Amrita MainthiaAmy Dygert

Andrew KovachAndrew Meola

Ankur PatankarAnthony Palomba

Beckie StrumBobby Patrick

Breanne Van NostrandBrett LogiuratoBrian Tahmosh

Bruce LevineChase Gaewski

Cheryl SeligmanChico Harlan

Craig WeinsteinDan Grossman

Darryl SlaterDave Levinthal

David BlumDavid Rubin

Debra and William SamuelsDebra Hernandez

Dennis CorbettDevorah Moos Hankin

Doug LevyDylan Segelbaum

Eli and Rachel SaslowEmily KulkusEric FormanEric Meister

Eric MowerEvan Thies

Eveyln StraderFrank SuretteGregg Caren

Helen CappuccinoHoward Brenner

Jacqueline CappuccinoJaimie and John Clayton

James FishJared Diamond,

Jaye Michelle HarrisJayson StarkJean CreganJena McRae

Jenna MonticelloJessica Derschowitz

Jill Mercadante NicholsonJosh Frost

Judith LevineJudy Corbett

Kathleen RonayneKevin SajdakKristin Ertel

Laura CalandraLaura Van Wert

Lauren BertoliniLauren Murphy

Lauren TousignantLauren Wiley

Laurence LeveilleLinda Fein

Lisa DoughertyMac Cappuccino

Margaret AmisanoMary Beth Barrett-Newman

Mary Jean CorbettMelanie Hicken

Meredith GoldsteinMike JanelaNan ThomeyNancy Lane

Nina Lakretz ShaprioPete ThamelPeter Parrish

Peter StacePeter Waack

Phil D’AbbraccioRandy Kauftheil

Robert OwenRobert Tischenkel

Roy GuttermanRussell Beckman

Sandra Douglas-ParkerSandra IannetaSanford Montag

Sara SwannStacey Martin Smith

Stephen BaileyStephen Dockery

Steven KovachTami Luhby

Ted AndersonTerry Skuse

Theresa FlemingTonja Kostichka

Warren FrankWayne Mattingly

Whitney KummerowWilliam Diggs

William SuttonWink Back, Inc.