!night *at and cratd. DUSTIN & PRIME. Subscription Price, $ t .25 Per Year. KEELF.V LEAGUE NEWS. Interesting letters were read by the sec. retary, Thursday from the following old graduates: Chas. M. Ferguson, Galvas- too. Texas. Dr. Mark H. Patton, Spring.• field, Ill., Jas. H. Wilcox. Paducoh, Ky., Horace W. Shepard, Jonesboro, Ark., T. S. Hanford, lloneoye Falls, N. Y., John Wolff, Blue Island, Ill. and Wm. J. O'Meara, Marquette, Mich. Everyone in Dwight will remember Horace W. Shepard who was at one time employed on the STAR AND HERALD. A letter from him at Jodesboro, Ark. nays he Is now a theatrical man with "Our Dorethy" Co. Shep, is still in line with the 95 per cent. The following officers were elected Tuesday: pres , J. P. Hanley of Lacon; that vice, L. J. Gibbs of Criegsvillc, Ill.; second vice, G. A. McCartney of Good Hope Wm. A. Reid of Shelbina Mo. web appointed Sargent at Arms. The usual entertainment will be given next Tuesday evening. The committee having the matter in charge are doing their utmost to make it a success and it is hoped that all who are invited to take part will consent. CHAS. L. HUMMER, Prop'r. Attorney-at-Law. 1111111•111111111M1111111.1111.1.1.1111.1 REAL EsTATE FOR SALE OR TO TRADE IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. ImmiNewommemem Represents the best Insurance Companies in the World. Money to Loan THE CARY SAFE CO. Ltd 1 ,1 : 1 N \( LUSIN 1. -VI Of the Celebrated 'CAR?" Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vaults, Etc, It s PATI,"c sca•W itt)o )1, •wcasse.../MMINse..011/ BAN SAFE Highest Awards WORLD'S FAIR. 250 to WI Chicago Street, 217 to 219 Scott Street, ------BUFFfILO, N. Y. Edwin IVlezger & Co., tIccessors to I larvey & Co., Grain Dealers, We keep pace with the mar'<ets of the World, and pay the highest prices possible. Everything arranged for the accommodation of cus tourers. No waiting. Two big Elevators one right in town and the other at the 3 - 1. We will !cake it an object to you to see us before sell- ing your grain Would he plesed to have all call at our office in the Elevators and become acauainted. EDWIN MEZGER & CO., Dwight. Dwight Land and Loan Office. Ase F sRr R,AC U [3©3s WATem CA5E. malt 8..t I.E.' BY ,J. S. GUARDENIER, DEALER IN ATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. f LIVINGSTON BARBER SHOP ND BATH ROOMS, The finest fitted up place in Dwight. Porcelain Bath Tubs. Prompt and Efficient Attendants. ANTON DIEFENBACH. Proprietor. II, C: Rosendall, . ' CIGARS, East •trout. DWIGHT. , De CARMO'S HAIR FOOD out positively produce a growth of Hair on Bald Heads ! unless the hair follicles are completely de strayed. It keeps the head free from DANDRUFF and allays itching and ir• ritation of the seals. Prevents the Hei falling out and restores its natural lif and vitality, preserves its luxuriance an prevents it from becoming dry and liar FOR SALE BY BARR & DAVIS. ADN. 14Y( AcAA , Regular Practitioner. Diseases of women and children a spec ialty. Catarrh successfully treated, in conference with the ablest Specialists in the world. Office, Residence and Dispen- sary, 120 Mason Ave., Dwight, Ill. Davin MOWILLIAML L. A. NAFFS:101M PitOPRIF.1`0. OAINIAS. IOTA BLISTTED 1115e. ER RI of General Banking Business Transacted. r, Foreign and Dorne , t1c Exebange. Ocean Passage Tickets for Bale. farm Loans on Favorable Terms, sc I E 0 TIC IA _ J. C. LEWIS, Dwitglat,111. JOHN GEIS, Manufacturer and Dealer Cigars, All kinds of Tobacco and Pipe. kept constantly on hand. WEST STREET, DWIGHT. GENERAL Shoeing a , Specialty Il.t ND -MADE SHOP, IF CALLED ruin IMPORTANT NOTICE,. The officers of the ladies' Auxiliary Keeley league desire a full attendance of their members at the meeting next Wed- nesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. on the stage of the club house. Business of the utmost importance to be transacted Remember the hour, 2:30 sharp. Owing to the change in toe time of holding the meetings of Keeley ,Leag•e No. 1. it will be necessary for the Auxil- iary toucomplete their business by -I p.m. Judge Benton White of Rockford, Mo. Class of Oet. '91. brought in a friend for treatment Monday. Arrivals have been numerous since the hitidays. A NEW, STORY DO IOU KNOW WHAT IT IS ? AN OLD COLD Is Cronic Catarrh, the Wor-t Disease Known. The first stage of catarrh us commonly called catching cold. It may begin in the head, nose, throat or lungs. In the ma- jority of cases no attention is paid to a cold, therefore nearly half the people have chronic catarrh in some form. To neglect a cold Is to invite catarrh. The second stage of catarrh ie AMC. times called an old cold. If in the head there is a roaring, cracking in the ears, periodical head ache, and confusion of the senses. if in the nose. discharge sneezing. noisy breathing and bad breath. 1n the throat it produces enlarged tome's hawking sore throat, sore throat, hoarse- ness or weak voice. When the catarrh reaches the bronchial tubes and lungs, it produces cough, pain in the chest, cams toration, night sweats, loss of Seth and shortness of breath. A cold in the head, which a single bot- tle of Peru-na will cure, soon becomes a case of cronic catarrh, whisti will take many bottles to entirely cure. A. sore throat which one bottle of Pe..ru-na will cure, soon becomes cronic pharyngitis or enlarged tonsels, whisk will require many bottles. A slight cold which, without a yestage of doubt, would soon disappear with the use of Pe ru-na, becomes chronic bronchitis, which requires a presistant use of Pe-nrna for some time. There are a great many cases of consumption each year due directly to a neglect of coughs, colds etc., which, if Pe-ru-na had been kept in the house and used according to directions, would have been prevented For a free treatise on catarrh, coughs, colds, consumption and all diseases of winter, send to the Peru - na Drug Man- ufactkirinv Company, Columbus, Ohio. What We Will Give Cattarh Cnnot he Cured With local applications, as they can- not reach the seat of the disease. Ca- tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Ilall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. IIall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was perscribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular per- scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com- bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials. free. 1: J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Chicago & Alton Railroad now the Best Line to California, Arkansas and Texas. Try the "True Southern Route to Cali- fornia " Pullman First , Chiss Sleeping Cars, Pullman Towle Sleeping Car Ser- vice, low rates and quick time, to the land of oranges, roses and sunshine, that semi-tropical kingdom by the sea,Southern California. Menlo served on the train or in depot dining rooms. Daily First-Class Pullman Sleeping Cars, and through Pull. man Tourist Sleeping Car service to the Principal cities in Arkansas and Texae. For illustrated foldere, maps, pamphlet. and full particulars, call upon local ticket ' agent or address James Charlton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago, Home and Country. flow do you manage to is It for the money? Is is question which might properly be put to orally of our magazine pniersirere. The world won- ders at It. Yet the answer Is found Is M. fart In these days, many of Me inontlilles furnish veritable gold•nilno In way of Illustration, and added to MIS ati excellent Intellectual feast at a low subscription price, while a few pears sloe, none but the higher price—riot higher •lass- r tr altr lie nVIti n =ett su v.tthi thi gi n. c(i tl s hi ,g1111 X luxury seen us none but the rich and well•to-do could afford. The popular heart was not touched. The tendency now Is to make the magazine a, much a necessity in the homes of the COO11110, overy•day people as Is the daily or weekly home raper, without which life Is nut worth the II, Among the magaz.lnes of the present time, the Christmas mania, of Home and Country, ror. poral James Tanner, Editor, lust at band, Is lin evidence of what 41111 be done by the publisher latent on serving the muse of the common ,eo- ple. Reduced Is subscription price to $1.6o a year, and sold at in emote a month, the latest Is sue of this publication, from an artistic point of slew, because of Its lillrrIerusa 111u4t flow, and as well from the variety of sold/pis treated, well maintains Its reputation as a leader In Its Ilue. Published by .1.. W. Hay- , 1,11%1 10th tit., New York Home and Country and your Isom" paper for special Home-Seeker. Excursion vin the Chicago A Alton Railroad. The attention of all those who, betwe, n now and the last of April, 151 5, contem- plate purchasing tickets to Southern and South-western points, is called to the feet that the Chicago & Alton—America's most popular railroad—in concert with its connections, will sell low rate round ti fp Home Seeker's Excursion tickets to the orincipal points in the territory described Full particulars as to dates of sale, rate, limits, points reached, etc., can be olc. talned by calling upon or addressing your local ticket agent, J tme. Charlton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent,Chi- car, In. CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD. (THE POET SCOUT., We hat e in store for our readers a delightful treat in the shape of a story from the pen of the above gifted writer. . IT IS ENTITLED . Private Brown, vi v And in its pages " Captain Jack" has depicted in glowing colors the adventures and romance of life at one of our frontier forts. As a picture of a phase of our sit fil- iation fast disappearing it will prove doubly interesting. Mother .. . New Story Private 4 Brown, 8 ROMANCE OF pi frontier Milltdru Post. ....WRITTEN CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD. I THE POET SCOT; I A story that will compare favor- ably with Captain Charles King's work, and very much after the style of the latter's tales. We bespeak for it a careful! reading. ....You Will Enjou PRIVATE BROWN. BY CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD. HE POET SCOUT. corer,; 15-J ••4. by CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD. All Ivzhts Reserved Private .. ...Brown And his interesting arid thrilling adventures at a frontier military post, as related by Capt. Jac ;s Crawford, ale worthy of the closest atten- tion of our readers. It Is highly entertaining, and, being written by a limn who has spent many years on the frontier as a gov- ernment scout, is true to nature. Repairing done promptly and 'stifle lion guaranteed. Car. East and Chippewa. Dwight. Late Literary Newa. An old fashioned sea story full of in- terest and adventure, with a strong love motive, is begun by Mr. W. Clark Russell in the January Cosmo- politan. "Outdo," succeeds Froude, Gorse, Lang and other great writers, with an installment of the "Great Passions of History" series, which has been appearing in the Cosmopolitan. A discussion is aroused by Edward W Bok's article on "The Young Man and the Church," which will consume tons of ink before it is settled. Just pre- ceding the famous Charcot's death, he prepared an article for the Cosmopol- itan on Pasteur, to be published after Pasteur's death. But Charcot has died first, and so with the consent of Char- cot's executors, the article is given now. The present "Theatrical Season in New York" is critically considered by Mr. James S. Metcalfe, editor of "Life" and there are stories by Tourgee, Howells, and the famous French writer Francois Coppee. M. S. MICKELSON, Tobacco and Confectionery. Successor to I.iggitt & I.iggitt. COLD - DIIIIKII - OF - ILL- KINDS I , Personally Conducted Trip to Old Mexico. Via the Chicago dr Alton Railroad, Tuesday, January 29, 1085. A special term made up of luxurious drawing room sleeping cars and dining car, which equipment will be at the disposal of the mums of this first clam; tour, during their entire outing in the land of the Montezuma.. Tor further particulars. call upon or write the ticket agent here, or James Charlton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago, 111. "American Patriot..." Wet have made arrangements to sup- ply any of our readers with the above pretty parlor game. It is similar to "Authors," only it is historical, and deals with great men and principal events of American history. The cards are put up in is neat box, and sell at re- tail for 50 cents. To our subscribers who pay in ad- vance and 15 cents extra- -$1.-10 we will give "American Patriots." Call at this office and see the game. Beatithrul Pictures From life. F rty - eight of them, each 517 inches and gems of art. making altogether the grandest calender In the world: Only ten cents fur the collection. Don't wail until all are sold. Send order at once to American Engraving Company, ;100 Dear , born Street., Chicago 111. Dec ir; Weekly Toledo Blade. We arc prepared to offer the Toledo Weekly !Slade and your home paper for 51.75 to all new subscribers. For renewals the best we can do is S2 This paper and the Inter Ocean for 01.76. Alcahest, The new WASHING POWDER. It is good. It will not injure the hands or clothing. Ask your Grocer for Alkahest. Prepared by ALKAHEST COMPANY, Milford,Ill. For sale by John Mahony of Alms, Iowa. Class of To any one who nor fl new Oct. '1..2. was in Chicago Wednesday and subscribers paid in advance, we will give and came down to visit his alma mate, a handsome portfolio, which is adveriised He says he grows more enthusiastic over in this paper and can be seen at this of his cure every day he lives. fice. We will give any of the following beau The meeting for today of the national executive board of the Keeley league at tifully bound, illustrated books. to any Leavenworth, Kay. has been declared off one who will get us five new paid up for the present. Sew. Thos. E. Barry subscribers: will move headquarters to Chicago and Savage World. the next meeting will be held there. Heroes of it Dark Continent. The moving of headquarters has been Farming in the United Slates. done to keep the secretary in touch with Health, Wealth and Happiness. Around the World with Great Voyagers the other national temperance organize Wonderful. Curious and Beautiful. tions. The move is a good one and will ' ..Nlemorial Volume of the Life and Work undoubtedly result in much good. of James G. Blaine. It has been deemed advisable by the in the Jungles and Under the Wave. members of the club to change the hour of meeting from 9.30 a , m. to 4 p. rn. To anyone sending us four new paid The Sunday song service will be held as up subscribers, we will give one of the usual at 9:30. following handsomely bound books. The Sunday morning song service on Path to Wealth. Jan. 27, will be attended by the state ex- Sea and Land. ecutive committees of the league and Wild West. auxiliary. Heroes of the Plains. Our Father's House. Christ in Camp. World's Wonders. Metropolitan Life. Russian Nihilism. Call at this oilier and see the samples of the books. Any young man or lady or those not eo young can get one of these handsome books for Christmas in an hour if they c•E N cAVEATS_TRADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. ()AN 1 , IIITAIN A PATENT t For • tole A1:4):=4,V" .5..Y" .,P'4" ,„1,= LITirbt Ica! and Aelontino book. sent fr.. Patents taken tbrough Munn & Co. no pedal notion Si the Melentliic A merle's n. and thus ern 147,11,1 ,141 ,3;Ir T Dere the public out east wonl e il .y rixilpfaut rly unt ;ni t s:176=i Pante world, ill& a Teal! liarrfifTa" Cip rim " co " nto "' 84111. l plates, in colors, and photograpnruf be n ' a u w . bow. with plane, anabIlna builders to Om, the legtqrretrrm.0_,,,. s. A ddress Yves, BIROADwATON GOOD SECURITY. Call on or address Chas. L. Romberger. JOHN BAKER, Assistant. BUGGY & WAGONWC Repairing of all kinds. Walter M. Weer East Delaware Street Deis...,

Dwight Land and Loan Office.dwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald... · Il.t ND -MADE SHOP, IF CALLED ruin IMPORTANT NOTICE,. The officers of the ladies' Auxiliary Keeley

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Page 1: Dwight Land and Loan Office.dwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald... · Il.t ND -MADE SHOP, IF CALLED ruin IMPORTANT NOTICE,. The officers of the ladies' Auxiliary Keeley

!night *at and cratd. DUSTIN & PRIME.

Subscription Price, $ t .25 Per Year.


Interesting letters were read by the sec. retary, Thursday from the following old graduates: Chas. M. Ferguson, Galvas-too. Texas. Dr. Mark H. Patton, Spring.• field, Ill., Jas. H. Wilcox. Paducoh, Ky., Horace W. Shepard, Jonesboro, Ark., T. S. Hanford, lloneoye Falls, N. Y., John Wolff, Blue Island, Ill. and Wm. J. O'Meara, Marquette, Mich.

Everyone in Dwight will remember Horace W. Shepard who was at one time employed on the STAR AND HERALD. A letter from him at Jodesboro, Ark. nays he Is now a theatrical man with "Our Dorethy" Co. Shep, is still in line with the 95 per cent.

The following officers were elected Tuesday: pres , J. P. Hanley of Lacon; that vice, L. J. Gibbs of Criegsvillc, Ill.; second vice, G. A. McCartney of Good Hope Wm. A. Reid of Shelbina Mo. web appointed Sargent at Arms.

The usual entertainment will be given next Tuesday evening. The committee having the matter in charge are doing their utmost to make it a success and it is

hoped that all who are invited to take part will consent.

CHAS. L. HUMMER, Prop'r. Attorney-at-Law.




Represents the best Insurance Companies in the World.

Money to Loan

THE CARY SAFE CO. Ltd 1 ,1 : 1 N \( LUSIN 1. -VI

Of the Celebrated 'CAR?" Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vaults, Etc, It s PATI,"c sca•W itt)o )1, •wcasse.../MMINse..011/


Highest Awards WORLD'S FAIR.

250 to WI Chicago Street,

217 to 219 Scott Street,

------BUFFfILO, N. Y.

Edwin IVlezger & Co., tIccessors to I larvey & Co.,

Grain Dealers, We keep pace with the mar'<ets of the World, and pay the highest

prices possible. Everything arranged for the accommodation of cus

tourers. No waiting. Two big Elevators one right in town and the

other at the 3 - 1. We will !cake it an object to you to see us before sell-

ing your grain Would he plesed to have all call at our office in the

Elevators and become acauainted. EDWIN MEZGER & CO., Dwight.

Dwight Land and Loan

Office. AseF



U [3©3s WATem CA5E.

malt 8..t I.E.' BY






The finest fitted up place in Dwight.

Porcelain Bath Tubs.

Prompt and Efficient Attendants.


II, C: Rosendall, . '


East •trout. DWIGHT. ,


HAIR FOOD out positively produce a growth of

Hair on Bald Heads ! unless the hair follicles are completely de strayed. It keeps the head free from DANDRUFF and allays itching and ir• ritation of the seals. Prevents the Hei falling out and restores its natural lif and vitality, preserves its luxuriance an prevents it from becoming dry and liar



ADN. 14Y ( AcAA ,

Regular Practitioner. Diseases of women and children a spec

ialty. Catarrh successfully treated, in conference with the ablest Specialists in the world. Office, Residence and Dispen-sary, 120 Mason Ave.,

Dwight, Ill. Davin MOWILLIAML L. A. NAFFS:101M



ERRI of General Banking Business Transacted. r, Foreign and Dorne ,t1c Exebange. Ocean Passage Tickets for Bale.

farm Loans on Favorable Terms,



0 TIC IA _ J. C. LEWIS, Dwitglat,111.

JOHN GEIS, Manufacturer and Dealer

Cigars, All kinds of Tobacco and Pipe. kept

constantly on hand. WEST STREET, DWIGHT.


a , Specialty



The officers of the ladies' Auxiliary Keeley league desire a full attendance of their members at the meeting next Wed-nesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. on the stage of the club house. Business of the utmost importance to be transacted Remember the hour, 2:30 sharp. Owing to the change in toe time of holding the meetings of Keeley ,Leag•e No. 1. it will be necessary for the Auxil-iary toucomplete their business by -I p.m.

Judge Benton White of Rockford, Mo. Class of Oet. '91. brought in a friend for treatment Monday.

Arrivals have been numerous since the hitidays.


Is Cronic Catarrh, the Wor-t Disease Known.

The first stage of catarrh us commonly called catching cold. It may begin in the head, nose, throat or lungs. In the ma-jority of cases no attention is paid to a cold, therefore nearly half the people have chronic catarrh in some form. To neglect a cold Is to invite catarrh.

The second stage of catarrh ie AMC.

times called an old cold. If in the head there is a roaring, cracking in the ears, periodical head ache, and confusion of the senses. if in the nose. discharge sneezing. noisy breathing and bad breath. 1n the throat it produces enlarged tome's hawking sore throat, sore throat, hoarse-ness or weak voice. When the catarrh reaches the bronchial tubes and lungs, it produces cough, pain in the chest, cams toration, night sweats, loss of Seth and shortness of breath.

A cold in the head, which a single bot-tle of Peru-na will cure, soon becomes a case of cronic catarrh, whisti will take many bottles to entirely cure. A. sore throat which one bottle of Pe..ru-na will cure, soon becomes cronic pharyngitis or enlarged tonsels, whisk will require many bottles. A slight cold which, without a yestage of doubt, would soon disappear with the use of Pe ru-na, becomes chronic bronchitis, which requires a presistant use of Pe-nrna for some time. There are a great many cases of consumption each year due directly to a neglect of coughs, colds etc., which, if Pe-ru-na had been kept in the house and used according to directions, would have been prevented

For a free treatise on catarrh, coughs, colds, consumption and all diseases of winter, send to the Peru - na Drug Man-ufactkirinv Company, Columbus, Ohio.

What We Will Give

Cattarh Cnnot he Cured

With local applications, as they can-not reach the seat of the disease. Ca-tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Ilall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. IIall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was perscribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular per-scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com-bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials. free.

1: J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0

Sold by Druggists, price 75c.

Chicago & Alton Railroad now the Best Line to California, Arkansas

and Texas. Try the "True Southern Route to Cali-

fornia " Pullman First , Chiss Sleeping Cars, Pullman Towle Sleeping Car Ser-vice, low rates and quick time, to the land of oranges, roses and sunshine, that semi-tropical kingdom by the sea,Southern California. Menlo served on the train or in depot dining rooms. Daily First-Class Pullman Sleeping Cars, and through Pull. man Tourist Sleeping Car service to the Principal cities in Arkansas and Texae. For illustrated foldere, maps, pamphlet. and full particulars, call upon local ticket ' agent or address James Charlton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago,

Home and Country. flow do you manage to is It for the money? Is

is question which might properly be put to orally of our magazine pniersirere. The world won-ders at It. Yet the answer Is found Is M. fart In these days, many of Me inontlilles furnish veritable gold•nilno In way of Illustration, and added to MIS ati excellent Intellectual feast at a low subscription price, while a few pears sloe, none but the higher price—riot higher •lass-

rtraltrlienVItin=ettsuv.tthithigin. c(itl ■sh i,g1111 X luxury seen us none but the rich and well•to-do could afford. The popular heart was not touched.

The tendency now Is to make the magazine a, much a necessity in the homes of the COO11110, overy•day people as Is the daily or weekly home raper, without which life Is nut worth the II,

Among the magaz.lnes of the present time, the Christmas mania, of Home and Country, ror. poral James Tanner, Editor, lust at band, Is lin evidence of what 41111 be done by the publisher latent on serving the muse of the common ,eo- ple. Reduced Is subscription price to $1.6o a year, and sold at in emote a month, the latest Is sue of this publication, from an artistic point of slew, because of Its lillrrIerusa 111u4t flow, and as well from the variety of sold/pis treated, well maintains Its reputation as a leader In Its Ilue. Published by .1.. W. Hay- , 1,11%1 10th tit., New York

Home and Country and your Isom" paper for

special Home-Seeker. Excursion vin the Chicago A Alton Railroad.

The attention of all those who, betwe, n now and the last of April, 151 ► 5, contem-plate purchasing tickets to Southern and South-western points, is called to the feet that the Chicago & Alton—America's most popular railroad—in concert with its connections, will sell low rate round ti fp Home Seeker's Excursion tickets to the orincipal points in the territory described Full particulars as to dates of sale, rate, limits, points reached, etc., can be olc. talned by calling upon or addressing your local ticket agent, J tme. Charlton,General Passenger and Ticket Agent,Chi- car, In.



We hat e in store for our readers a

delightful treat in the shape of

a story from the pen of the

above gifted writer.


Private Brown, vi v

And in its pages " Captain Jack" has depicted in glowing colors the adventures and romance of life at one of our frontier forts. As a picture of a phase of our sit fil-iation fast disappearing it will prove doubly interesting.

Mother .. .

New Story

Private 4 Brown,


frontier Milltdru Post. ....WRITTEN


A story that will compare favor-

ably with Captain Charles King's work, and very much

after the style of the latter's

tales. We bespeak for it a careful! reading.

....You Will Enjou



corer,; 15-J ••4. by CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD. All Ivzhts Reserved

Private .. ...Brown

And his interesting arid thrilling adventures at a frontier military post, as related by

Capt. Jac ;s Crawford,

ale worthy of the closest atten- tion of our readers. It Is highly entertaining, and, being written by a limn who has spent many years on the frontier as a gov- ernment scout, is true to nature.

Repairing done promptly and 'stifle lion guaranteed.

Car. East and Chippewa. Dwight.

Late Literary Newa.

An old fashioned sea story full of in-terest and adventure, with a strong love motive, is begun by Mr. W. Clark Russell in the January Cosmo-politan. "Outdo," succeeds Froude, Gorse, Lang and other great writers, with an installment of the "Great Passions of History" series, which has been appearing in the Cosmopolitan. A discussion is aroused by Edward W Bok's article on "The Young Man and the Church," which will consume tons of ink before it is settled. Just pre-ceding the famous Charcot's death, he prepared an article for the Cosmopol-itan on Pasteur, to be published after Pasteur's death. But Charcot has died first, and so with the consent of Char-cot's executors, the article is given now. The present "Theatrical Season in New York" is critically considered by Mr. James S. Metcalfe, editor of "Life" and there are stories by Tourgee, Howells, and the famous French writer Francois Coppee.

M. S. MICKELSON, Tobacco and Confectionery. Successor to I.iggitt & I.iggitt. COLD - DIIIIKII - OF - ILL- KINDS I ,

Personally Conducted Trip to Old Mexico.

Via the Chicago dr Alton Railroad, Tuesday, January 29, 1085. A special term made up of luxurious drawing room sleeping cars and dining car, which equipment will be at the disposal of the mums of this first clam; tour, during their entire outing in the land of the Montezuma.. Tor further particulars. call upon or write the ticket agent here, or James Charlton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago, 111.

"American Patriot..." Wet have made arrangements to sup-

ply any of our readers with the above pretty parlor game. It is similar to "Authors," only it is historical, and deals with great men and principal events of American history. The cards are put up in is neat box, and sell at re-tail for 50 cents.

To our subscribers who pay in ad-vance and 15 cents extra- -$1.-10 we will give "American Patriots."

Call at this office and see the game.

Beatithrul Pictures From life. F ► rty - eight of them, each 517 inches and gems of art. making altogether the grandest calender In the world: Only ten cents fur the collection. Don't wail until all are sold. Send order at once to American Engraving Company, ;100 Dear ,

born Street., Chicago 111. Dec ir;

Weekly Toledo Blade. We arc prepared to offer the

Toledo Weekly !Slade and your home paper for 51.75 to all new subscribers. For renewals the best we can do is S2

This paper and the Inter Ocean for 01.76.

Alcahest, The new WASHING POWDER. It is

good. It will not injure the hands or

clothing. Ask your Grocer for Alkahest.


Milford,Ill. For sale by

John Mahony of Alms, Iowa. Class of To any one who nor fl „ new

Oct. '1..2. was in Chicago Wednesday and subscribers paid in advance, we will give and came down to visit his alma mate, a handsome portfolio, which is adveriised He says he grows more enthusiastic over in this paper and can be seen at this of

his cure every day he lives. fice. We will give any of the following beau The meeting for today of the national executive board of the Keeley league at tifully bound, illustrated books. to any

Leavenworth, Kay. has been declared off one who will get us five new paid up for the present. Sew. Thos. E. Barry subscribers: will move headquarters to Chicago and Savage World. the next meeting will be held there. Heroes of it Dark Continent. The moving of headquarters has been Farming in the United Slates. done to keep the secretary in touch with Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Around the World with Great Voyagers the other national temperance organize Wonderful. Curious and Beautiful. tions. The move is a good one and will '..Nlemorial Volume of the Life and Work undoubtedly result in much good. of James G. Blaine. It has been deemed advisable by the in the Jungles and Under the Wave.

members of the club to change the hour of meeting from 9.30 a , m. to 4 p. rn. To anyone sending us four new paid The Sunday song service will be held as up subscribers, we will give one of the usual at 9:30. following handsomely bound books.

The Sunday morning song service on Path to Wealth. Jan. 27, will be attended by the state ex- Sea and Land. ecutive committees of the league and Wild West. auxiliary. Heroes of the Plains.

Our Father's House. Christ in Camp.

World's Wonders. Metropolitan Life.

Russian Nihilism. Call at this oilier and see the samples of

the books. Any young man or lady or those not eo young can get one of these handsome books for Christmas in an hour if they



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co"nto"' 84111. l plates, in colors, and photograpnrufben'auw. bow. with plane, anabIlna builders to Om, the legtqrretrrm.0_,,,. s. A ddress



Call on or address

Chas. L. Romberger. JOHN BAKER, Assistant.

BUGGY & WAGONWC Repairing of all kinds.

Walter M. Weer East Delaware Street Deis...,