Dynamics of molecule-surface interactions from first principles Axel Groß Physik-Department T30, TU M¨ unchen, 85747 Garching, Germany (Dated: March 5, 2003) Total-energy calculations based on ab initio electronic structure theory can nowadays yield the multidimensional potential energy surfaces of simple molecules interacting with surfaces in great detail. For the dissociation of hydrogen molecules on metal surfaces, these calculations have mo- tivated high-dimensional quantum dynamical simulations of adsorption and desorption dynamics based on ab initio potential energy surfaces in which all hydrogen degrees of freedom were treated explicitly while the metal surface was usually kept fixed. These dynamical studies demonstrated in particular the importance of the multidimensionality of the reaction dynamics not only for a quantitative, but also for a qualitative understanding of the underlying microscopic processes. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations have also addressed adsorption systems in which the substrate degrees of freedom play a crucial role, such as adsorption on semiconductor surfaces or molecular trapping. While all these simulations rely on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, first attempts have already been made to address the interaction dynamics with electronic transitions at surfaces from first principles. Keywords: Molecular dynamics; Computer simulations; Density functional theory; Chemisorption; Sticking; Thermal desorption; Desorption induced by photon stimulation; Hydrogen molecule; Oxygen; Low index single crystal surfaces I. INTRODUCTION The last years have witnessed tremendous progress in the theoretical description of surfaces and processes on surfaces. A variety of surface properties can now be described from first principles, i.e. without invoking any empirical parameters [1]. In particular, whole po- tential energy surfaces (PES) can nowadays be mapped out by total energy calculations based on ab initio elec- tronic structure theory. These development has also mo- tivated new efforts in the dynamical treatment of ad- sorption/desorption processes in the last decade such as the development of efficient schemes for high-dimensional quantum dynamical simulations [2, 3]. Before ab initio potential energy surfaces became available, usually the interaction potential between the molecule and the surface had been based on educated guesses or simplified model potentials. Since the com- plexity of a PES increases significantly with its dimen- sionality, guessing a, e.g., six-dimensional realistic PES for a diatomic molecule in front of a surface is almost impossible. Low-dimensional simulations can still yield important qualitative insights in certain aspects of the adsorption/desorption dynamics [4], but they do not al- low the quantitative determination of reaction probabil- ities. Moreover, certain qualitative mechanisms are only operative in a realistic multidimensional treatment. In fact, the potential energy surfaces derived from ab initio electronic structure calculations demonstrated that the corrugation and anisotropy of the interaction po- tentials of molecules with surfaces, even with low-index metal surfaces, are much larger than previously assumed. Using these potential energy surfaces in realistic dynam- ical simulations confirmed the importance of taking the appropriate multidimensionality of the interaction dy- namics into account [2, 3]. In this contribution I will review dynamical studies of molecular adsorption and desorption from metal and semiconductor surfaces based on potential energy sur- faces that were derived from first-principles electronic structure calculations. In many cases these dynamical simulations are in quantitative agreement with available experiments. Still it is the advantage of simulations com- pared to the experiment that the time evolution of wave packets or trajectories can be followed in any moment. This makes a determination and analysis of the cru- cial qualitative mechanisms governing the interaction dy- namics possible. Thus the high-dimensional simulations based on ab initio electronic structure calculations do not only yield a quantitative, but sometimes also a novel qualitative understanding of the adsorption and desorp- tion dynamics. One prominent example is the concept of dynamical steering [5] whose importance in particular at low kinetic energies was underestimated for a long time. Before a detailed presentation of the ab initio dynam- ics simulations, first the fundamental difference between atomic and molecular adsorption on the one hand and dissociative adsorption on the other hand has to be ad- dressed. Then I will briefly discuss the question whether quantum or classical methods are appropriate for the sim- ulation of the adsorption dynamics. This section will be followed by a short introduction into the determi- nation of potential energy surfaces from first principles and their continuous representation by some analytical or numerical interpolation schemes. Then the dissocia- tive adsorption and associative desorption of hydrogen at metal and semiconductor surfaces and the molecu- lar trapping of oxygen on platinum will be discussed in some detail. Finally I address some first attempts to in- corporate electronic excitations in dynamical simulations from first principles. This review ends with an outlook at the promising prospects for realistic high-dimensional

Dynamics of molecule-surface interactions from rst …Dynamics of molecule-surface interactions from rst principles Axel Groˇ Physik-Department T30, TU Munchen, 85747 Garching, Germany

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Page 1: Dynamics of molecule-surface interactions from rst …Dynamics of molecule-surface interactions from rst principles Axel Groˇ Physik-Department T30, TU Munchen, 85747 Garching, Germany

Dynamics of molecule-surface interactions from first principles

Axel GroßPhysik-Department T30, TU Munchen, 85747 Garching, Germany

(Dated: March 5, 2003)

Total-energy calculations based on ab initio electronic structure theory can nowadays yield themultidimensional potential energy surfaces of simple molecules interacting with surfaces in greatdetail. For the dissociation of hydrogen molecules on metal surfaces, these calculations have mo-tivated high-dimensional quantum dynamical simulations of adsorption and desorption dynamicsbased on ab initio potential energy surfaces in which all hydrogen degrees of freedom were treatedexplicitly while the metal surface was usually kept fixed. These dynamical studies demonstratedin particular the importance of the multidimensionality of the reaction dynamics not only for aquantitative, but also for a qualitative understanding of the underlying microscopic processes. Abinitio molecular dynamics simulations have also addressed adsorption systems in which the substratedegrees of freedom play a crucial role, such as adsorption on semiconductor surfaces or moleculartrapping. While all these simulations rely on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, first attemptshave already been made to address the interaction dynamics with electronic transitions at surfacesfrom first principles.

Keywords: Molecular dynamics; Computer simulations; Density functional theory; Chemisorption; Sticking;Thermal desorption; Desorption induced by photon stimulation; Hydrogen molecule; Oxygen; Low indexsingle crystal surfaces


The last years have witnessed tremendous progressin the theoretical description of surfaces and processeson surfaces. A variety of surface properties can nowbe described from first principles, i.e. without invokingany empirical parameters [1]. In particular, whole po-tential energy surfaces (PES) can nowadays be mappedout by total energy calculations based on ab initio elec-tronic structure theory. These development has also mo-tivated new efforts in the dynamical treatment of ad-sorption/desorption processes in the last decade such asthe development of efficient schemes for high-dimensionalquantum dynamical simulations [2, 3].

Before ab initio potential energy surfaces becameavailable, usually the interaction potential between themolecule and the surface had been based on educatedguesses or simplified model potentials. Since the com-plexity of a PES increases significantly with its dimen-sionality, guessing a, e.g., six-dimensional realistic PESfor a diatomic molecule in front of a surface is almostimpossible. Low-dimensional simulations can still yieldimportant qualitative insights in certain aspects of theadsorption/desorption dynamics [4], but they do not al-low the quantitative determination of reaction probabil-ities. Moreover, certain qualitative mechanisms are onlyoperative in a realistic multidimensional treatment.

In fact, the potential energy surfaces derived from abinitio electronic structure calculations demonstrated thatthe corrugation and anisotropy of the interaction po-tentials of molecules with surfaces, even with low-indexmetal surfaces, are much larger than previously assumed.Using these potential energy surfaces in realistic dynam-ical simulations confirmed the importance of taking theappropriate multidimensionality of the interaction dy-namics into account [2, 3].

In this contribution I will review dynamical studiesof molecular adsorption and desorption from metal andsemiconductor surfaces based on potential energy sur-faces that were derived from first-principles electronicstructure calculations. In many cases these dynamicalsimulations are in quantitative agreement with availableexperiments. Still it is the advantage of simulations com-pared to the experiment that the time evolution of wavepackets or trajectories can be followed in any moment.This makes a determination and analysis of the cru-cial qualitative mechanisms governing the interaction dy-namics possible. Thus the high-dimensional simulationsbased on ab initio electronic structure calculations donot only yield a quantitative, but sometimes also a novelqualitative understanding of the adsorption and desorp-tion dynamics. One prominent example is the concept ofdynamical steering [5] whose importance in particular atlow kinetic energies was underestimated for a long time.

Before a detailed presentation of the ab initio dynam-ics simulations, first the fundamental difference betweenatomic and molecular adsorption on the one hand anddissociative adsorption on the other hand has to be ad-dressed. Then I will briefly discuss the question whetherquantum or classical methods are appropriate for the sim-ulation of the adsorption dynamics. This section willbe followed by a short introduction into the determi-nation of potential energy surfaces from first principlesand their continuous representation by some analyticalor numerical interpolation schemes. Then the dissocia-tive adsorption and associative desorption of hydrogenat metal and semiconductor surfaces and the molecu-lar trapping of oxygen on platinum will be discussed insome detail. Finally I address some first attempts to in-corporate electronic excitations in dynamical simulationsfrom first principles. This review ends with an outlookat the promising prospects for realistic high-dimensional

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simulations. More and more complex systems will beaddressed by ab initio molecular dynamics simulationsdeepening our microscopic understanding of many funda-mentally and technolgically important processes at sur-faces.


In the adsorption of atoms and molecules at surfacesone usually distinguishes between chemisorption andphysisorption depending on whether or not true chemicalbonds between substrate and adsorbate are formed. Bothcases still correspond to a bond-making process even ifthe bond is relatively weak, as it is typical for physisorp-tion systems where the attraction is caused by van derWaals forces. The bonding state is in general character-ized by a lower energy than the separated system. Thusthe adsorbate-substrate bond can only be formed if theadsorption system can get rid of the energy gained uponthe adsorption, i.e., if the excess energy can be dissipated.This is similar to gas-phase reactions where a bond be-tween two reactants can only be formed in a three-bodycollision where a third reaction partner has to carry awaythe energy gained by the reaction unless there are otherdissipation channels such as radiation.

However, reactions at surfaces differ from gas-phasereactions insofar as the whole substrate can serve as anefficient energy sink. There are two main channels forenergy dissipation, namely phonon and electron-hole pairexcitations. In fact, the theorectical description of bothdissipation mechanisms upon adsorption from first prin-ciples still represents a challenge. On the one hand, themodelling of phonon excitations in the molecule-surfacecollision usually requires the consideration of large sys-tems which is computationally rather demanding. Onthe other hand, electronic structure theory for extendedsystems has not matured enough yet in order to provide areliable, computationally feasible scheme for the determi-nation of electronically excited states which is necessaryfor the description of electron-hole pairs. However, thereare promising approaches that will be discussed in thisreview.

The sticking or adsorption probability is defined as thefraction of atoms or molecules impinging on a surfacethat are not scattered back, i.e. that remain on the sur-face. For the explicit evaluation of sticking probabilities,we first define PE(ε) as the probability that an incomingparticle with kinetic energy E will transfer the energyε to the surface. In order to remain at the surface, theparticle has to transfer more than its initial energy to thesubstrate excitations, i.e., the sticking probability can beexpressed as

S(E) =∫ ∞E

PE(ε) dε. (1)

� � �� � �

� � � �� � � �


E ad






FIG. 1: Schematic illustration of the hard-cube model. Anatom or molecule with mass m is impinging in an attractivepotential with well depth Ead on a surface modeled by a cubeof effective mass Mc. The surface cube is moving with avelocity vc given by a Maxwellian distribution.

There is a very simple model for estimating the trap-ping probability in atomic adsorption due to a phonon-excitation mechanism. In the hard-cube model (HCM)[6, 7], the impact of the atom on the surface is treatedas a binary elastic collision between a gas phase atom(mass m) and a substrate atom (mass Mc) which is mov-ing freely with a velocity distribution Pc(vc). This modelis schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. If the depth of theadsorption well is denoted by Ead, the adsorbate will im-pinge on the hard cube with a velocity

vwell = −√v2

g +2Ead

m. (2)

Assuming a weighted Maxwellian velocity distribution forvc, the trapping probability in the hard-cube model canbe analytically expressed as [7]

Strap(vg) =12


erf(αvlim) +exp




, (3)

where α =√Mc/2kBTs , vlim is given by

vlim =µ+ 1



m− µ− 1

2vwell , (4)

and µ is the mass ratio µ = m/M .When an atom hits a surface, the initial kinetic energy

of the atom can not only be transfered to the substrate.If the surface is corrugated, i.e., if the atom-surface in-teraction varies as a function of lateral coordinates of theatom, then the impinging atom can also change its lateralcomponent of the initial velocity upon the collision. Inthe case of molecules, there are also the internal degreesof molecular vibration and rotation that can be excited(or de-excited) during the collision with the surface.

Eventually any adsorbed atom or molecule will equili-brate with the surface which means that the mean energyin the lateral and internal degrees of freedom of the adsor-bate will correspond to the surface temperature. Henceany excess energy in these degrees of freedom will be dis-sipated to the substrate. Still the temporary excitationof lateral motion and internal degrees of freedom in theadsorption process can be very important for the mag-nitude of the sticking probability. The energy stored in

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these additional degrees of freedom is not available fora direct escape from the adsorption well. If enough ofthe initial perpendicular kinetic energy is transfered inthe first collision into these other degrees of freedom, themolecule becomes dynamically trapped for a while [8, 9].While being trapped, the molecule can hit the surfaceseveral times and transfer successively more and moreenergy to the substrate until it equilibrates. This mecha-nism, which will be treated in detail in the section aboutthe adsorption of O2 on Pt(111), is not described at allby the hard-cube model which assumes a projectile with-out any internal degrees of freedom colliding with a flatsurface.

In the case of dissociative adsorption on surfaces thereis an additional channel into which energy can be trans-fered, namely the conversion of the kinetic and internalenergy of the molecule into translational energy of thefragments on the surface with respect to each other. Infact, in the dissociation of light molecules such as H2

on metal surfaces the dissociative adsorption probabilityis almost entirely determined by the initial H-H bond-breaking process. The surface does not participate dy-namically in this dissociation process because of the largemass mismatch between the substrate atoms and the im-pinging molecule and due to the fact that metal surfacesusually do not exhibit a strong surface rearrangementupon adsorption. Thus the dissociative adsorption pro-cess can be described within the low-dimensional frame-work of only the molecular degrees of freedom. The de-termination of the sticking probability can be expressedas a transmission/reflection problem where the dissocia-tive adsorption probability is given by the probability toenter the dissociation channel. Of course, the molecularfragments will eventually accommodate at the surface,however, this process is not relevant for the dissociativeadsorption and is therefore usually not considered in thedynamical simulations.

This is different at semiconductor surfaces where thecovalent bonds between the substrate atoms are oftenstrongly perturbed by the presence of adsorbates. Thiscan result in a significant surface restructuring. Hencethe dynamics of the substrate atoms has to be explicitlytaken into account which of course increases the complex-ity of the modelling of the adsorption/desorption dynam-ics, as will be shown below for the H2/Si system.


The interaction between a molecule and a surface isgoverned by the forces acting between the electrons andnuclei of the whole system. Due to their light mass,the electrons have to be treated quantum mechanically.However, because of their large mass the nuclei hardlymove on the time scale typical for the electron dynamics.Therefore it is reasonable to assume that the electronsfollow the slow motion of the nuclei adiabatically. This

so-called Born-Oppenheimer or adiabatic approximationallows the separation of the electronic and nuclei degreesof freedoms in the solution of the Schrodinger equation.First one solves the electronic many-body Schrodingerequation using a Hamiltonian where the positions of thenuclei just enter as fixed external parameters.

Usually one assumes that the electrons stay in theirground state. The ground-state energy of the electronicHamiltonian as a function of the nuclear coordinates thenrepresents the potential energy surface describing the in-teraction of a molecule with a substrate. Of course allelectronic transitions are neglected in this ansatz. Of-ten this is a reasonable assumption although its validityis hard to prove. Still, there is an important class ofdynamical processes on surfaces which involve electronictransitions. I will also briefly discuss such processes laterin this review.

Once the potential energy surface is available, the dy-namics of the nuclei can be simulated. The appropriatemethod would again be the solution of the Schrodingerequation, now for the nuclear coordinates. Unfortu-nately, this can only be done for a limited number offreedoms. As mentioned in the previous section, in the in-teraction of hydrogen molecules with close-packed metalsurfaces the substrate atoms do usually not participatein the dissociation process. Still there are six moleculardegrees of freedom left. While a decade ago it was stillnot possible to perform full quantum dynamical simula-tions in all hydrogen degrees of freedom, this can nowbe routinely done by several groups [5, 10–13]. Even oneadditional surface oscillator coordinate has been includedin full quantun dynamical simulations [14].

Nevertheless, the computational effort required forquantum dynamical simulations scales very unfavorablywith the number of degrees considered. In addition, forheavier atoms quantum calculations also become morecostly. However, for atoms heavier than hydrogen or deu-terium the quantum effects in the dynamics are often neg-ligible [2]. Hence it is usually justified to perform classicalmolecular dynamics simulations for these heavier atoms.In fact, even in the hydrogen adsorption/desorption dy-namics many integrated quantities such as the stick-ing probability which corresponds to an average overall possible initial molecular configuration can be semi-quantitatively or even quantitatively determined by clas-sical dynamics [15–17]. If the microscopic dynamics ofmany substrate atoms should be explicitly included inthe dynamical simulation, then there is anyhow no alter-native to classical dynamics simulations at the moment.


The potential energy surface is the central quantity inthe discussion and analysis of the dynamics of a reaction.Its determination requires the solution of the many-bodyelectronic Schrodinger equation. While in the early days

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a) H /Pd(100)2

H−H distance d(Å)



of m




Z (

Å) 3.0






0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5






2.0 1.0






H−H distance d(Å)



of m




Z (


2b) H /Cu(100)



FIG. 2: Contour plots of the potential energy surface along two-dimensional cuts through the six-dimensional coordinate spaceof H2 in front of (100) metal surfaces determined by DFT-GGA calculations in the h–b–h geometry. The contour spacing is0.1 eV per H2 molecule. (a) H2/Pd(100) (after [18]), (b) H2/Cu(100) [19].

of theoretical surface science quantum chemical methodshad a significant impact, nowadays electronic structurecalculations using density functional theory (DFT) [20,21] are predominantly used. DFT is based on the factthat the exact ground state density and energy can bedetermined by the minimisation of the energy functionalE[n]:

Etot = minn(~r)

E[n] = minn(~r)

(T [n] + Vext[n] + VH[n] +Exc[n]) .

(5)Vext[n] and VH [n] are the functionals of the external po-tential and of the classical electrostatic interaction en-ergy, respectively, while T [n] is the kinetic energy func-tional for non-interacting electrons. All quantum me-chanical many-body effects are contained in the so-calledexchange-correlation functional Exc[n].

In most present implementation of DFT, the many-body Schrodinger equation is replaced by a set of coupledeffective one-particle equations, the so-called Kohn-Shamequations [21]{− ~


2m∇2 + vext(~r) + vH(~r) + vxc(~r)

}ψi(~r) = εi ψi(~r) ,

(6)where vext is the external potential and the Hartree po-tential vH is given by

vH(~r) =∫d3~r′n(~r′)


|~r − ~r′|. (7)

The exchange-correlation potential vxc(~r) is the func-tional derivative of the exchange-correlation functionalExc[n]

vxc(~r) =δExc[n]δn

. (8)

The electron density n(r) which minimizes the total en-ergy is then given by the sum over single-particle Kohn-Sham states

n(~r) =N∑i=1

|ψi(~r)|2 . (9)

As eqs. (6)–(9) show, the solutions ψi(~r) of the Kohn-Sham equations do in fact enter the effective one-particleHamiltonian. In such a situation, the set of one-particleequations can only be solved in an iterative fashion: Onestarts with some initial guess for the wave functionswhich determine the effective one-particle Hamiltonian.The Kohn-Sham equations are then solved and a new setof solutions is determined. This cycle is repeated so of-ten until the iterations no longer modify the solutions,i.e. until self-consistency is reached. Of particular im-portance for the reliability of the DFT calculations is thespecific form of the exchange-correlation functional. Inprinciple DFT is exact, however, the exact form of thecorrect exchange-correlation functional is unfortunatelynot known so that approximative expressions are needed.While the so-called local density approximation has beensurprisingly successful for bulk properties, it is not suf-ficiently accurate to describe reactions at surfaces [22].In the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) thegradient of the density is also taken into account in theexchange-correlation functional [23]. GGA calculationsgive satisfactory results for many adsorbate systems butthere are still important exceptions [24].

Using efficient DFT codes, whole potential energy sur-faces of the interaction of molecules with surface canbe mapped out in great detail. Figure 2 presents two-dimensional cuts through the six-dimensional configura-tion space, so-called elbow plots of two benchmark sys-tems, namely H2/Pd(100) and H2/Cu(100). In these

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plots, the PES is shown as a function of the hydrogendistance from the surface Z and the intramolecular H-Hspacing d; the molecular orientation and lateral positionare kept fixed. Both plots in Fig. 2 correspond to theso-called h–b–h geometry with the molecular center ofmass above the bridge site and the atoms oriented to-wards the adjacent fourfold hollow sites. The interac-tion of H2 with palladium represents the standard ex-ample for non-activated dissociative adsorption [25]. AsFig. 2a demonstrates, H2 can spontaneously dissociateon Pd(100) since there is no barrier along the reactionpath from the molecule in the gas phase (upper left cor-ner of the plot) to the dissociatively adsorbed moleculeon the surface (lower right corner). H2/Cu used to bethe model system for the study of the dynamics of disso-ciative adsorption and associative desorption in the lastdecade [4, 10, 13, 26–34]. In this system, the dissocia-tive adsorption is hindered by an energetic barrier whoseheight is 0.5–0.6 eV (Fig. 2b).

It is important to note that DFT total-energy calcula-tions do not provide a continuous potential energy sur-face, as one might naively assume from the inspection ofFig. 2. In fact, the elbow plots shown are based on aseries of 50–100 DFT calculations with varying center ofmass and H-H distance. The continuous representationis just a result of a contour plot routine that interpolatesbetween the actually calculated energies.

For any dynamical simulation, a continuous represen-tation of the PES is mandatory since the potential andthe gradients are needed for arbitrary configurations.One can in fact perform ab initio molecular dynamicssimulations in which the forces necessary to integrate theclassical equations of motion are determined in each stepby an electronic structure calculations. There have beenfew examples for such an approach [35–37]. However,in spite of the fact that electronic structure calculationscan nowadays performed very efficiently, still there is asignificant numerical effort associated with ab initio cal-culations. This effort is so large that in the ab initio dy-namics simulations addressing molecular adsorption anddesorption at surfaces the number of calculated trajecto-ries has been well below 100, a number that is much toolow to extract any reliable reaction probabilities.

An alternative approach is the interpolation of theab initio PES by some suitable analytical or numeri-cal scheme. For the six-dimensional quantum dynamicalstudies of hydrogen dissociation on Pd(100) and Cu(100)discussed in the next section, ab initio potential energysurfaces have been fitted to an analytical representa-tions [5, 10, 13, 15, 38].

Most of the corrugation in molecule-surface potentialenergy surfaces can already be derived from the atom-surface interaction. This observation has been used incorrugation-reducing procedures [39, 40]. First the po-tential energy surface of both the atomic and the molec-ular species interacting with a particular surface is deter-mined. From the atomic PES, a three-dimensional refer-ence function is constructed. This function is substracted

from the molecular potential energy surface leaving a re-maining function that is much smoother than the orig-inal potential energy surface and therefore much easierto fit. This method has been successfully used for a con-tinuous representation of the H2/Pd(111) [39] and theH2/Ni(111) interaction [40].

However, the parametrization of some set of analyticalfunctions becomes almost impossible if in addition to themolecular degrees of freedom also the substrate degrees offreedom should be included. Then the high-dimensionalPES of the molecule interacting with the surface has tobe represented as a function of the positions of the sub-strate atoms. As an intermediate approach, the adjust-ment of a tight-binding Hamiltonian in order to repro-duce the results of ab initio total energy calculations hasbeen proposed [41, 42]. A tight-binding method is moretime-consuming than an analytical representation sinceit requires the diagonalization of a matrix. However, dueto the fact that the quantum mechanical nature of bond-ing is taken into account [43] tight-binding schemes needa smaller number of ab initio input points to perform agood interpolation and extrapolation [41]. The molecu-lar dynamics simulations of the adsorption of O2/Pt(111)presented later in this article have been performed usingsuch a scheme.



The system H2/Pd has served as the benchmark sys-tem for the non-activated dissociative adsorption on sur-faces. Figure 3 compares the sticking probability forH2/Pd(100) as a function of the kinetic energy obtainedby molecular beam experiments [44] with the results ofsix-dimensional quantum calculations based on ab initiopotential energy surfaces [5, 12]. The experiment showsan initial decrease of the sticking probability as a func-tion of the kinetic energy while at larger kinetic energiesthe sticking probability slowly rises again.

The decrease of the sticking probability is typical foratomic or molecular adsorption where the molecule ad-sorbs non-dissociatively. Consequently, it was assumedthat the hydrogen molecules do not directly dissociateon Pd(100). They are rather first trapped in a molecularprecursor from which they then dissociate [25, 44], and itis the trapping probability into the precursor state thatdetermines the dependence of the sticking probability onthe kinetic energy.

However, there is a large mass mismatch betweenthe impinging hydrogen molecule and the palladiumsubstrate. Simple estimates show that the hydrogenmolecules do not transfer enough energy to the substratein order to become trapped at energies above 0.1 eV. Fur-thermore, the calculated potential energy surface showsno evidence of a metastable precursor state of H2 atPd(100). Still the quantum results of the sticking prob-

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0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

Kinetic energy Ei (eV)








ng p




Experiment6D QD, ji = 0 (Gross et al.)6D QD, beam simulation

0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,50,0






Experiment6D QD, ji = 0 (Eichler et al.)

FIG. 3: Sticking probability of H2/Pd(100) as a function ofthe initial kinetic energy. Circles: experiment [44], dashedand solid line: theory according to H2 initially in the groundstate and with a thermal distribution appropriate for a molec-ular beam [5]. The inset shows the theoretical results usingan improved ab initio potential energy surface [12].

ability [5] are in semi-quantitative agreement with theexperiment. As the inset of Fig. 3 demonstrates, withan improved potential energy surface based on more abinitio points even quantitative agreement with the exper-iment can be achieved [12].

The reason for initially decreasing sticking probabil-ity is a dynamical process which had been proposedbefore [45] but whose efficiency had been grossly un-derestimated: dynamical steering. This process canonly be understood if one takes into account the multi-dimensionality of the PES. The PES of H2/Pd(100)shows purely attractive paths towards dissociative ad-sorption, but the majority of reaction paths for differentmolecular orientations and impact points exhibits ener-getic barriers hindering the dissociation.

At very low kinetic energies the particles are so slowthat they can be very efficiently steered to a favorableconfiguration for dissociation. This leads to a very highdissociation probability. Since this mechanism becomesless effective at higher kinetic energies, the reaction prob-ability decreases. This scenario is illustrated in Fig. 4. Acut through the six-dimensional potential energy surfaceof H2/Pd(100) is plotted along the reaction path coor-dinate and one surface coordinate. The reaction pathcoordinate connects the molecule in the gas phase withthe dissociated molecule on the surface. There is onepurely attractive path in the center which correspondsto the dissociation at the hollow-bridge-hollow configu-ration indicated in Fig. 2a while the path directly overthe maximum barrier in Fig. 4 represents the dissociationabove the top site.

Three typical trajectories are included in Fig. 4. Thelow and medium energy trajectories are related to each






Gas phase

Surface coordinate

FIG. 4: Illustration of the steering effect on a potential energysurface with a coexistence of purely attractive and repulsivepaths towards dissociative adsorption. Three typical trajecto-ries corresponding to the low, medium and high kinetic energyregime are included.

other by the mirror symmetry along the surface coordi-nate. They are supposed to have the same initial condi-tions except for the initial kinetic energy. Both energiesare too small to allow a direct crossing of the barrier theparticles are directed at. However, at the low kinetic en-ergy the forces acting on the incoming particle can redi-rect it so that it follows a path that leads to the purelyattractive region of the PES. At the medium energy, ofcourse the same forces act on the incoming particle. Butnow it is too fast to be steered significantly. It is reflectedat the repulsive part of the potential and scattered backinto the gas phase. This suppression of the steering effectfor increasing kinetic energy leads to the initial decreaseof the sticking probability in Fig. 3. If the energy isfurther increased, then the particles will eventually haveenough kinetic energy to directly cross barriers, as thehigh-energy trajectory illustrates in Fig. 4. This leads tothe rise of the sticking probability at high kinetic ener-gies.

In general, the reactive trajectories are not always assimple as illustrated in Fig. 4. In particular in the low-energy regime, impinging particles may not directly ei-ther adsorb or scatter. They can convert part of theirinitial kinetic energy into internal and lateral degrees offreedom, so that the particles do not have enough kineticenergy to escape back into the gas phase, but also do notcome to rest at the surface. This leads to a dynamicaltrapping of the particles [8, 9, 46] which will be discussedin detail below.

The steering effect is strongly suppressed if the im-pinging molecules are rapidly rotating because moleculeswith a high angular momentum will rotate out of a fa-vorable orientation towards dissociative adsorption dur-ing the time it takes to break the molecular bond. Thedependence of the sticking probability on the initial ro-tational state was proposed as a property that can beused to distinguish between the steering and the precur-sor mechanism [47]. Molecular adsorption into a weakprecursor state should be relatively independent of the

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0 200 400 600 800 1000Surface temperature (K)









n te



re (


Experiment (D2)

Theory (H2)

Rotational t








FIG. 5: Vibrational and rotational temperatures of hydrogendesorbing from Pd(100) as a function of the surface temper-ature. The experimental results have been determined bytunable vacuum ultraviolet laser ionization spectroscopy forD2 while the theoretical results have been derived from six-dimensional quantum calculations for H2 (after [50]).

rotational motion. This rotational hindering of the steer-ing effect has actually been confirmed for H2/Pd(111)[48, 49]. By seeding techniques the translational energyof a H2 beam has been changed in a nozzle experimentwithout altering the rotational population of the beam.The rotationally hot beams showed a much smaller stick-ing probability than rotationally cold beams [48, 49].

The influence of internal molecular degrees of freedomon the dissociation process can also be probed by study-ing the time-reversed process of dissociative adsorption,associative desorption, using the concept of microscopicreversibility or detailed balance [51, 52]. In Fig. 5, so-called rotational temperatures in desorption are plotted.They correspond to the mean rotational energy in des-orption via Trot =


⟩/kB . According to the principle

of detailed balance, the suppression of the sticking prob-ability by the rotational hindering should be reflected bya population of rotational excited states in desorptionwhich is lower than expected for molecules in thermalequilibrium with the surface temperature. The exper-imental results have been obtained by tunable vacuumultraviolet laser ionization spectroscopy for D2 [50]. Deu-terium is often used in desorption experiments because ofthe unavoidable H2 background in the vacuum chambers.The calculations, on the other hand, are done for H2 be-cause of the much smaller computational effort for lighthydrogen in quantum methods. Still both experimentand theory agree well as far as the so-called rotationalcooling is concerned, thus confirming the rotational hin-dering.

In Fig. 5, additionally the calculated and measured vi-brational temperatures [50] are plotted. In contrast tothe rotational cooling, there is vibrational heating in-dicating that there should be enhanced dissociation for

vibrating hydrogen molecules on Pd(100). Vibrationallyenhanced dissociation has been known for years in the gasphase dynamics community [53]. Usually it is associatedwith strongly curved reaction paths in activated systems[4]. However, the most favorable path towards dissocia-tive adsorption in the system H2/Pd(100) is purely at-tractive and has a rather small curvature (see Fig. 2a).Therefore one would not expect any substantial influenceof the vibrational state of H2 on the sticking probability.

In fact, the vibrational effects in the systemH2/Pd(100) are also present in adiabatic calculations inwhich the vibrational state of the molecule is kept fixedso that no vibrational transitions are allowed [54]. A de-tailed analysis showed that the vibrational effects in thedissociation of H2/Pd(100) are caused by the strong low-ering of the H-H vibrational frequency during the adsorp-tion and the multi-dimensionality of the relevant phasespace with its broad distribution of barrier heights. Thiscan be understood from the fact that the vibrational mo-tion corresponds to the fastest degree of freedom in thissystem so that the vibrational energy acts as an adia-batic invariant. The higher the vibrational energy, thestronger the effect of the lowering of the vibrational fre-quency. Therefore vibrationally excited molecules expe-rience a potential energy surface with effectively lowerbarriers than molecules in the vibrational ground statecausing vibrationally enhanced dissociation in adsorptionand vibrational heating in desorption.

Earlier experiments showed a vibrational overpopula-tion of the first excited vibrational state in desorptionthat was higher than the vibrational ground-state popu-lation by a factor of nine [55]. This result was later ques-tioned on the basis of the quantum calculations whichonly found an overpopulation by a factor of 2.5 [54].When the experiments were repeated, the theoretical pre-dictions were confirmed [50], as Fig. 5 demonstrates. Thisindicates that in the field of surface science theory hasreached a level of reliability that makes predictions pos-sible and allows a fruitful and close collaboration withexperiment.

The reliability of high-dimensional quantum calcula-tions based on ab initio potential energy surfaces is alsodemonstrated in Fig. 6, where the sticking probability ofH2/Cu(100) obtained by six-dimensional wave packet cal-culations [32] is compared to experimental results derivedfrom an analysis of adsorption and desorption experi-ments [27]. The measured experimental sticking prob-abilities and, via the principle of detailed balance, alsodesorption distributions had been fitted to the follow-ing analytical form of the vibrationally resolved stickingprobability as a function of the kinetic energy:

Sv(E) =A


{1 + tanh

(E − E0(v)W (v)


The agreement between theory and experiment in Fig. 6is very satisfactory except for the fact that the experi-mentally derived sticking probabilities level off at a valueof about 0.4 while the calculated sticking probabilities

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0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.90.0












Incident kinetic energy (eV)

∆ E v 6D, v = 0

Experiment, v = 0

6D, v = 1

Experiment, v = 1

FIG. 6: Dissociative adsorption probability of H2 on Cu(100)as a function of the incident kinetic energy determined by six-dimensional quantum wave-packet calculations for moleculesinitially in the vibrational ground state and first excited state,respectively [32]. For the vibrational ground state, the calcu-lations are compared to experimental results derived from ananalysis of adsorption and desorption experiments [27].

are still rising. However, this should be no serious con-cern. Molecular beam experiments of H2 typically onlyreach kinetic energies of up to 0.5 eV [33, 34], only forD2 kinetic energies of up to 0.8 eV are possible throughseeding with H2 [28]. Hence the experimental data ofH2 in Fig. 6 for kinetic energies above 0.5 eV are de-rived from thermal desorption experiments in which thehigher energy contributions are exponentially suppressedthrough the Boltzmann factor. Therefore there is a largeuncertainty about the high-energy regime.

The onset of the sticking probability at approximately0.5 eV for H2 molecules initially in the vibrational groundstate is given by the minimum energy barrier includingzero-point effects. The zero-point effects arise from thequantization of the molecular levels due to the locali-sation of the wave function in the degrees of freedomperpendicular to the reaction path at the minimum bar-rier position. In a high-barrier system such as H2/Cu,steering effects only play a minor role in the adsorptiondynamics. The rise in the sticking probability is ratherdetermined by the distribution of the barrier heights fordissociative adsorption in the multidimensional potentialenergy surface [31]. Thus sticking can be understood interms of the region of the surface that classically is avail-able to dissociation which is the basis of the so-called holemodel [56].

As Fig. 6 demonstrates, in the system H2/Cu the stick-ing probability is significantly enhanced if the impingingmolecules are initially vibrationally excited. In order toquantify the effect the vibrational efficacy is introduced.It is defined as

χ =∆Ev~ωvib

, (11)

where ∆Ev is the energetic shift between the stickingcurves for molecules in the vibrationally ground and first-excited state. In Fig. 6 we have indicated the energy shift

which is of course not uniquely defined since the twosticking curves are not really parallel to each other. Thisshift is approximately 0.3 eV so that for the vibrationalfrequency of H2, ~ωvib = 0.516 eV, the vibrational effi-cacy is χ ≈ 0.6. This means that 60% of the vibrationalenergy is used to overcome the barrier for dissociativeadsorption.

In contrast to H2/Pd, the vibrational effects in the ad-sorption of H2/Cu(100) are mainly caused by the curvedreaction path. The basic mechanism can be discussedwithin a two-dimensional elbow plot shown in Fig. 2b.The PES corresponds to a so-called late barrier systemwhich refers to the fact that the barrier is located afterthe curved region of PES. If the molecule is already ini-tially vibrating, i.e., if it is oscillating back and forth inthe d-direction, then the vibrational energy can be veryefficiently used “to make it around the curve” and enterthe dissociation channel. Nevertheless, adiabatic effectsas just discussed in the context of the hydrogen dissocia-tion on Pd(100) also contribute to the vibrational effectsfor H2/Cu(100).

Once a six-dimensional PES is available, sticking andscattering probabilities as a function of the incident an-gle and the internal state of the molecule can be evalu-ated [57, 58]. In a combined experimental and theoret-ical study the rovibrationally inelastic scattering of H2

molecules initially in the (v = 1, j = 1) from Cu(100)has been addressed [59]. Theory and experiment werein good agreement for the survival probability, i.e., theprobability for rovibrationally elastic scattering. How-ever, as far as the rovibrationally inelastic scattering isconcerned, the theory has overestimated the probabilitiesfor channels that could be detected experimentally. Thereasons for the discrepancies have not been clarified, butit could well be that either inaccuracies inherent in theDFT or in the fitting procedure of the PES are respon-sible [59]. In particular, there is still an intrinsic inac-curacy of the GGA functionals [24] which might be alsorelevant for the H2/Cu system [60]. These problems thatstill exist in the framework of DFT calculations shouldbe considered when the reliability of ab initio potentialenergy surfaces is assessed.

As already mentioned, in the case of semiconductorsurfaces there is often a strong surface rearrangementupon adsorption due to the covalent bonding of the semi-conductor substrate. The benchmark system for thestudy of the adsorption and desorption dynamics at semi-conductor surfaces is the interaction of hydrogen with sil-icon surfaces [2, 61]. Apart from the fundamental inter-est, this system is also of strong technological relevancefor the growth and passivation of semiconductor devices.

It is a well-studied system [2, 61], but still it is dis-cussed very controversely, as far as experiment [62–67] aswell as theory is concerned [14, 36, 37, 68–73]. This de-bate was fueled by the so-called barrier puzle: While thesticking coefficient of molecular hydrogen on Si surfacesis very small [67, 74] indicating a high barrier to adsorp-tion, the low mean kinetic energy of desorbed molecules

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��� ��� ���

FIG. 7: a) Hydrogen covered Si (100) surface (monohydride). b) Snapshots of a trajectory of D2 desorbing from Si (100)starting at the transition state with the Si atoms initial at rest [37]. The dark Si atoms correspond to the Si positions after thedesorption event. c) Clean anti-buckled Si (100) surface [37].

[62] suggests a small adsorption barrier. One of the de-bated issues is the role of the surface rearrangement ofthe silicon substrate degrees of freedom upon the adsorp-tion and desorption of hydrogen which was believed tobe the cause of the barrier puzzle [62, 68]: The hydro-gen molecules impinging on the Si substrate from thegas phase typically encounter a Si configuration whichis unfavorable for dissociation, while desorbing hydrogenmolecules leave the surface from a rearranged Si config-uration with a low barrier.

The Si(100) surface shows a antibuckled p(2 × 2) re-construction which is illustrated in Fig. 7c. As far as thehydrogen dissociation is concerned, there are two possi-ble pathways on clean Si(100): the intradimer pathwaywhere the hydrogen atoms of the dissociating moleculeend up on both ends of a dimer, and the interdimerpathway where the H-H bond is oriented perpendicularto the Si dimers and the hydrogen atoms adsorb at twoneighboring dimers. An earlier study suggested that theadsorption barrier of the interdimer pathway is approx-imately 0.3 eV higher than the intradimer barrier [75].Therefore, most DFT slab studies first focused on the in-tradimer pathway [37, 76, 77]. Upon adsorption of H2 ona Si dimer, the buckling of the dimer (Fig. 7c) is lifted andthe dimer becomes symmetric in the monohydride phase(Fig. 7a). This strong surface rearrangement was consid-ered as a possible candidate responsible for the barrierpuzzle [68, 76, 77]. Ab initio molecular dynamics sim-ulations were performed in order to determine the en-ergy distribution of hydrogen molecules desorbing fromSi(100) [37]. Snapshots of one of the forty calculated tra-jectories are shown in Fig. 7b. The dark Si atoms corre-spond to the relaxation of the Si lattice after the desorp-tion event. Approximately 0.1 eV of the potential energyat the transition state is transfered to vibrations of theSi lattice. The simulations reproduced the vibrationalheating and the rotational cooling observed in the des-orption experiments [61]. However, the kinetic energy in

desorption was still much larger in the ab initio moleculardynamics runs than in the experiment [62]. This is dueto the fact that the elastic energy of the surface frozen inthe transition state configuration is only about 0.15 eV[77] which is too little in order to take up the energy ofthe transition state.

Later the barrier puzzle was resolved in a close col-laboration between experiment and electronic structurecalculations. It turned out that it is not sufficient to justconsider the H2 dissociation on clean Si(100). Insteadit was realized that it is very important to take into ac-count the exact surface structure and surface coveragein the determination of the adsorption/desorption barri-ers [64, 72]. At surface imperfections such as steps thereactivity of a surface can be extremely modified. It wasfound experimentally on vicinal Si(100) surfaces that thesticking coefficient at steps is up to six orders of magni-tude higher than on the flat terraces [71]. This findingwas supported by DFT studies which showed that non-activated dissociation of H2 on the so-called rebondedDB steps on Si(100) is possible [71, 78], while on the flatSi(100) terraces the dissociative adsorption is hinderedby a barrier of 0.4 eV [37].

Since the electronic structure of the dangling bondsis perturbed in a similar way by both steps and adsor-bates [72], adsorbates can have a similar effect on thedissociation probability as steps. Recent scanning tun-neling microscope (STM) experiments showed that pre-dosing the Si(100) surface by atomic hydrogen createsactive sites at which the H2 adsorption is considerably fa-cilitated [79]. Actually the predosing of atomic hydrogenmakes the adsorption of H2 in an interdimer configura-tion possible. This renewed the interest in the theoreticalstudy of the interdimer pathway. The interdimer path-way was revisited by DFT-GGA calculations [72] whichin fact found that its barrier is smaller than the bar-rier along the intradimer pathway. The discrepancy tothe former calculations [75] was attributed to the fact

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that a different transition state geometry had been con-sidered. The DFT-GGA calculations further confirmedthat on hydrogen-precovered Si(100) highly reactive sitesexist at which H2 can spontaneously dissociate.

Now a consistent picture of the adsorption/desorptionof H2/Si(100) has emerged. On the one hand, H2

molecules can desorb from hydrogen-covered Si(100) atfull coverage without being accelerated towards the gasphase which explains the low kinetic energy measuredin desorption experiments [62, 80]. On the other hand,in adsorption experiments at low coverages, this disso-ciation path without a barrier is not present at cleanSi(100) which leads to the small observed sticking proba-bility. At intermediate coverages, both activated as wellas non-activated adsorption paths are present leading toa crossover from activated dissociation dynamics to non-activated dissociation dynamics.


The adsorption of oxygen on platinum is of great tech-nological relevance since it represents one of the funda-mental microscopic reaction steps occuring in the car-exhaust catalyst. This fact has motivated, in additionto the fundamental interest, a large number of studiesof the interaction of O2 with Pt(111) [81–88] so that ithas become one of the best studied systems in surfacescience.

I will first summarize the experimental findings withrespect to the adsorption of O2 on Pt(111). At surfacetemperatures below 100 K, three molecular O2 adsorp-tion states have been identified. Below 30 K, a weaklybound physisorbed species exists [82, 88]. Up to 100 K,two different kinds of molecularly chemisorbed states arefound [89, 90] which have been characterized as peroxo-like (O−2

2 ) and superoxo-like (O−2 ), respectively. Thisassignment of the chemisorbed molecular states has beenconfirmed by total-energy calculations [91, 92] using den-sity functional theory (DFT) within the generalized gra-dient approximation (GGA) [23]. According to thesecalculations, the superoxo-like O2 species that still hasa magnetic moment corresponds to an O2 molecule ad-sorbed over the bridge position with the two O atomsoriented towards the adjacent Pt atoms in a so-calledtop-bridge-top (t-b-t) configuration. The binding energyaccording to the GGA-DFT calculations is about 0.7 eV.

The non-magnetic peroxo species has been identified asO2 molecules adsorbed in a slightly tilted bridge-hollow-top configuration above the threefold hollow sites. Thefcc and hcp hollow sites are energetically almost degener-ate with binding energies of 0.7 and 0.6 eV, respectively.The O2 physisorption state could not be identified in theDFT calculation since the current exchange-correlationfunctional do not reproduce the long-range van der Waalsattraction.

Figure 8 shows the sticking probability of O2/Pt(111)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4Kinetic energy (eV)









g pr



Exp. Luntz et al., Ts = 200 K

Exp. Luntz et al., Ts = 90 K

Exp. Nolan et al., Ts = 77 K

HCM, Eb = 0.12 eV, Mosc = 3 MPt, Ts = 100 K

HCM, Eb = 0.60 eV, Mosc = MPt, Ts = 100 K

FIG. 8: Trapping probability of O2/Pt(111) as a function ofthe kinetic energy for normal incidence. Results of molecularbeam experiments for surface temperatures of 90 K and 200 K(Luntz et al. [81]) and 77 K (Nolan et al. [87]) are comparedto simulations in the hard-cube model (HCM).

as a function of the kinetic energy as measured in molec-ular beam experiments [81, 87]. First there is a strongdecrease [81], and then after passing a minimum at ap-proximately 0.15 eV the sticking probability levels off at avalue of about 0.3 [81, 87]. Furthermore, molecular beamexperiments yielded the rather surprising result that oxy-gen molecules do not dissociate at cold Pt surfaces below100 K [83, 86, 87], even at the highest accessible kineticenergies of 1.4 eV which are much greater than the dis-sociation barrier.

The experimental findings have been rationalized usingan one-dimensional representation of the potential energysurface that is plotted in Fig. 9 [87]. The strong initialdecrease of the sticking probability has been attributed tothe trapping of O2 in the physisorption state [83]. Sincethe well depth of physisorption states is usually rathersmall, the trapping probability into such shallow wells de-creases rather rapidly as a function of the incident kineticenergy. Using the hard-cube model (HCM, eq. (3)), i.e.,treating the O2 molecule as a point-like object imping-ing on a flat, structureless surface, the initial decreasecould be reproduced assuming a physisorption well depthof 120 meV [83]. The results of this hard-cube analysisare also included in Fig. 8. In addition, the HCM stick-ing probability for trapping into a chemisorption well ofdepth 0.6 eV is plotted. This curve does not resemble theexperimentally determined sticking probablities at all, sothat direct trapping into any chemisorption state seemedto be excluded according to the hard-cube model.

The increase of the sticking probability at higher ki-netic energies was attributed to a direct access of thechemisorbed molecular states [81, 83, 86, 87], which isalso sketched in Fig. 9. Now, such an one-dimensionalsketch of the potential energy surface along some suit-

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� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �

� � � �� � � �� � � �� � � �� � � � �� � � �

� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �

� � � �� � � �� � � �� � � �� � � � �� � � � superoxo


� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �� � � � �

� � � �


� � � � � � �� � � � � � �

� � � � � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � �

� � � � � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � �



l ene





Distance from the surface

FIG. 9: Schematic presentation of the one-dimensional po-tential energy surface for oxygen adsorption on Pt(111) asderived from experiment (after [87]).

able reaction coordinate is certainly very helpful for acompact presentation of the energetics of reaction inter-mediates and products. Furthermore, it can be used asa basis for a kinetic modelling of a reaction. However,in order to understand the microscopic dynamics of areaction, such an one-dimensional illustration of the po-tential energy surface is not really helpful, in fact it caneven be misleading. Instead of providing an explanationfor the observed results it rather creates new questions.Why should the O2 molecule approching the Pt(111) sur-face be trapped in one of the molecular adsorption wellsinstead of directly propagating towards the dissociationchannel? The dissociation barrier derived from a kineticinterpretation of the experimental results is below themolecular vacuum level [87], hence the molecule could inprinciple directly access the dissociation channel if thereis no energy dissipation along the reaction path.

In order to shed light on the mechanism of O2 stick-ing on Pt(111) a microscopic simulation of the adsorptiondynamics is called for. However, such a simulation repre-sents a great challenge compared to, e.g., the dynamicalsimulation of hydrogen dissociation at metal surfaces dis-cussed in the previous section where the substrate degreesof freedom can usually safely be neglected [2, 3]. For thetheoretical description of the adsorption of O2/Pt(111),on the one hand a realistic potential energy surface (PES)is needed that reliably describes both the molecular aswell as the dissociative adsorption channels. On theother hand, molecular trapping processes can only be re-produced if the energy dissipation to the platinum sub-strate is properly taken into account. Direct ab initiomolecular dynamics simulations represent a scheme thatmeets these requirements. But as we already saw in the

last section, the computational effort of running ab initiotrajectories is still very high. This prevents the evalua-tion of a sufficient number of trajectories necessary fora reliable determination of reaction or sticking probabil-ities [2, 37]. Using empirical classical potentials, almostarbitrarily many trajectories could be computed. How-ever, up to now no accurate scheme has been establishedfor the generation of classical potentials that are able toreliably reproduce the potential energy surface of a re-action on a surface as a function of the position of thesubstrate atoms.

Thus an intermediate method is required that is lesstime-consuming than an ab initio approach but still prop-erly describes the quantum nature of bond breakingand bond making at surfaces. The tight-binding (TB)method represents such a compromise. The evaluation ofthe tight-binding Hamiltonian still requires the diagonal-ization of a matrix. Nevertheless, the tight-binding cal-culations are about three orders of magnitude faster thanthe DFT calculations making the evaluation of hundredsof trajectories possible. Originally tight-binding was onlyformulated to yield band-structure energies [93]. Laterthe method was extended to allow the evaluation of totalenergies [94]. Such an extension can be validated on thebasis of density-functional theory [95] (see Ref. [43] for areview). In tight-binding, the exact many-body Hamil-tonian is replaced by parametrized Hamiltonian matrixelements of the effective one-particle Hamiltonian in anatomic-like basis set. The atomic-like basis functions areusually not considered explicitly, but the matrix elementsare assumed to have the same symmetry properties asmatrix elements between atomic states.

The tight-binding matrix elements are often deter-mined empirically (see, e.g., [96]), but there are recentTB formulations in which the matrix elements are de-rived from first-principles electronic structure calcula-tions [41, 42, 97]. One of these ab initio derived schemesis the so-called NRL tight binding method developped atthe Naval Research Lab [42]. Unlike other tight-bindingmethods [43, 97, 98], this TB scheme does not includea pair-potential term. Instead, the total energy of thesystem is just represented by the sum of eigenvaluesthat are shifted depending on the structure and volume.The method also contains environment-dependent on-siteterms that account for the effects of the local neighbor-hood on each atom [42].

The NRL tight-binding method has been used to ad-dress the adsorption of O2 on Pt(111) [99]. The Pt-Ptinteractions were taken from a large data base of TB pa-rameter for the elements which are posted on the worldwide web [100]. These parameters were obtained from afit to DFT bulk calculations. Still, it has been demon-strated that the pure Pt surface is also well-described bythis parametrization [42]. For the Pt-O and the O-O TBparameters a new fit had to be performed. They were ad-justed in order to reproduce the GGA-DFT results of theO2/Pt(111) potential energy surface [91, 92]. The rootmean square error of the fit is below 0.1 eV [41] which is

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1.0 1.5 2.0 2.51.2








1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.01.2









r of


s di


ce Z


(a) (b)

O−O distance d(Å)

FIG. 10: Potential energy surface of the dissociation ofO2/Pt(111) determined by the ab initio derived tight-bindingHamiltonian. The coordinates in the figure are the O2 center-of-mass distance from the surface Z and the O-O interatomicdistance d. The configurations of the remaining O2 degrees offreedom are illustrated in the insets. The contour spacing is0.2 eV per O2 molecule. In (a) a trajectory of an O2 moleculewith an initial kinetic energy of 0.6 eV scattered at Pt(111)is also plotted.

in the range of the error of the GGA-DFT calculations.The spin state of the oxygen molecule was not explicitlyconsidered in the TB Hamiltonian. This corresponds tothe assumption that the electron spins follow the motionof the nuclei adiabatically and remain in their groundstate.

The potential energy surface of O2/Pt(111) obtainedfrom the tight-binding Hamiltonian is illustrated inFig. 10 where two representative elbow plots are shown.These plots might be compared with the correspondingoriginal DFT contour graphs shown in Ref. [92]. Panel(a) presents the elbow plot of the superoxo molecularprecursor state located above the bridge site. The ac-cess from the gas phase is non-activated, i.e. it is nothindered by any barrier. The peroxo states above thethreefold hollow sites (not shown) which are energeticallyalmost degenerate with the superoxo state [91] can alsobe directly accessed from the gas phase.

The O2/Pt(111) PES is in fact strongly corrugated, i.e.the interaction depends significantly on the lateral posi-tion of the O2 molecule. If the molecule is only shiftedby about 1 A in lateral direction from the superoxo con-figuration, the nature of the interaction is changed fromattraction towards the molecular precursor to strong re-pulsion with a barrier towards dissociation of almost 1 eV(Fig. 10b). Above the top position the barrier for dissoci-ation even increases to 1.3 eV for an O2 molecule with itsaxis parallel to the surface [92]. For a molecule approach-ing the surface in an upright fashion the PES is purelyrepulsive. Consequently, O2 can not adsorb and dissoci-ate on Pt(111) with its axis being perpendicular to the

surface which means that the PES exhibits a high polaranisotropy. However, also rotations with the O2 axis par-allel to the surface are strongly hindered for example atthe threefold hollow positions [92]. In fact, the majorityof adsorption channels are hindered by barriers; directnon-activated access of the molecular precursor states ispossible for only a small fraction of initial conditions.

Using the NRL-TB parametrization, molecular dy-namics simulations of the adsorption of O2/Pt(111) havebeen performed with the tight-binding molecular dynam-ics code TBMD [101] using a five-layer slab to model thePt substrate. The chosen time step was 1 fs, and thebottom layer of the Pt slab was kept fixed while all otherPt atoms were allowed to move in order to allow energytransfer from the impinging molecule to the substrate.No zero-point energies were taken into account in theinitial conditions. This has been shown to be appropri-ate for the classical simulation in the system H2/Pd(100)where the decrease in the molecular vibrational zero-point energy is compensated for by the building up ofzero-point energies in the other molecular degrees of free-dom [8, 15]. There can still be quantitative differencesbetween quantum calculations and classical and so-calledquasiclassical simulations, in which zero-point energiesare taken into account in the initial conditions [16], thequalitative trends, however, are most often reproduced.

In classical molecular dynamics simulations, reactionprobabilities in general are determined by averaging overthe results of many trajectories whose initial conditionsare usually picked at random. The statistical uncertaintyof the calculated reaction probabilities is then given by1/√N , where N is the number of calculated trajecto-

ries. This also means that it is computationally very de-manding to determine small reaction probabilities sinceany calculated probability below 1/

√N is statistically

not significant.Since the TBMD calculations still require the diago-

nalization of matrices whose dimension is given by theconsidered electronic states, there is still some computa-tional effort associated with these simulations [102]. TheO2/Pt(111) sticking probabilities have been determinedby averaging over 150 trajectories for each energy so thatthere is a statistical error of 1/

√150 ≈ 0.07 associated

with the calculated probabilities. Although this statis-tical uncertainty is still rather large, it allows to iden-tify qualitative trends in the system O2/Pt(111) wherethe measured sticking probabilities are all larger than0.15 (see Fig. 8).

Furthermore, a criterium has to be given that spec-ifies the trajectories which are considered to representtrapping events. It should be noted here that there isno unambiguous definition of the sticking probability be-cause for surfaces with non-zero temperature every ad-sorbed particle will sooner or later desorb again. Hencethe sticking probability depends on the time-scale of therequired residence time on the surface. Usually this doesnot cause problems for any practical purposes. A particlethat has equilibrated at the surface might be safely con-

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4Kinetic energy (eV)











tyExp. Luntz et al., Ts = 200 K

Exp. Luntz et al., Ts = 90 K

Exp. Nolan et al., Ts = 77 K

TBMD, Ts = 0 K

TBMD, Ts = 0 K, Erot = 0.1 eV

FIG. 11: Trapping probability of O2/Pt(111) as a function ofthe kinetic energy for normal incidence. Results of molecularbeam experiments for surface temperatures of 90 K and 200 K(Luntz et al. [81]) and 77 K (Nolan et al. [87]) are compared totight-binding molecular dynamics simulations for the surfaceinitially at rest (Ts = 0 K).

sidered as being trapped. To be specific, in the TBMDsimulations a trajectory was considered to correspond toa trapping event when the molecule stayed for more than2 ps at the surface; furthermore, at a surface tempera-ture of Ts = 0 K a particle was already be considered asbeing trapped if it had transferred more than its initialenergy to the surface.

In order to simulate the energy transfer to the sub-strate, either the considered system has to be largeenough to take up the energy without any feedback ar-tifacts, or it has to be coupled to a heat bath to allowfor dissipation. Typically in molecular dynamics simula-tions the heat bath is modeled either by the generalizedLangevin equation approach [103] or by the Nose ther-mostat [104, 105]. The TBMD simulations were mainlyperformed within the microcanonical ensemble. The sur-face unit cells, c(4 × 2)(111) for the lower energies andc(4× 4)(111) for energies above 0.5 eV, turned out to besufficiently large which was checked by coupling the bot-tom layer of the slab to a heat bath via the generalizedLangevin equation.

Figure 11 presents the calculated sticking probabili-ties of O2/Pt(111) as a function of the kinetic energy fornormal incidence with the surface initially at rest, i.e.at a surface temperature of Ts = 0 K. Quantitatively,the TBMD results are larger than the molecular beamdata [81, 87]. This might be attributed to the fact thatthe PW91-GGA functional [23] used in the DFT calcu-lations overestimates the binding energies of the molec-ular adsorption state by 0.2–0.3 eV [91, 92, 106] com-pared to the experiment [89, 107] so that the PES is tooattractive. Still the qualitative trend found in the ex-

periments is well-reproduced by the TBMD simulations.Since there is no physisorption well present in the usedPES, the strong initial decrease of the sticking probabil-ity as a function of the kinetic energy can not be causedby trapping into the physisorbed precursor state.

In order to determine the microscopic trapping mech-anism, a detailed analysis of the trajectories has beenperformed. This analysis showed that at kinetic ener-gies below 0.2 eV all molecules that enter the molecularchemisorption wells get in fact trapped. Thus it is notthe energy transfer to the substrate per se that deter-mines the sticking probability at low kinetic energies butrather the probability to enter the attractive adsorptionchannels. This suggests that it is the suppression of thesteering mechanism as in the system H2/Pd(100) that isresponsible for the minimum of the sticking probabilityat medium energies.

This hypothesis is confirmed by the analysis of the tra-jectories. In Fig. 12 snapshots of TBMD trajectories ofan O2 molecule impinging on a Pt(111) surface with ki-netic energies of 0.05 eV and 0.20 eV are shown. Exceptfor the kinetic energgy both trajectories had the sameinitial conditions. This figure corresponds to the real-space analogue of the schematic illustration of the steer-ing mechanism shown in Fig. 4. The molecule approachesthe surface in a canted configuration in which it can notadsorb on the surface. At the low energy, the forces act-ing on the molecule reorient the molecule into a parallelconfiguration. In fact there is even some oversteering,as the panel for t = 200 fs shows, i.e. the molecule ro-tates out of the favorable parallel orientation. However,at t = 350 fs the molecule is oriented parallel again, andat t = 1000 fs it is adsorbed in a slightly tilted configura-tion in the peroxo chemisorption state above a threefoldhollow position.

At the higher kinetic energy, of course the same forcesact upon the molecule. But now the molecule is too fastto become significantly reoriented before it hits the repul-sive wall of the potential at t = 50 fs. When the moleculereaches the surface in the tilted configuration, it startsquickly rotating in a flip-flop motion until the other endhits the surface. The molecule is then scattered back intothe gas phase rotationally excited (which can not beeninfered from the panel at t = 300 fs).

In order to further confirm that the steering mech-anism is indeed operative at low kinetic energies, thesticking probability for initially rotating molecules atEkin = 0.05 eV has been determined as well. The stickingprobability is strongly suppressed by the additional rota-tional motion, as Fig. 11 shows. This rotational hinderingis a strong signature of the steering mechanism [47]. Aninitial rotational energy of Erot = 0.1 eV also causes a ro-tational hindering of the adsorption at Ekin = 0.2 eV (seeFig. 11). The molecules in the molecular beam experi-ments are in fact not in their rotational ground state,but they are also rotating with a mean kinetic energythat depends on the nozzle temperature and the partic-ular molecular species. A rotational energy of 0.1 eV

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FIG. 12: Snapshots of TBMD trajectories of an O2 molecule impinging on a Pt(111) surface with the same initial conditionsexcept for the kinetic energy of 0.05 eV and 0.20 eV, respectively.

seems to be reasonable for a beam of O2 molecules withEkin = 0.2 eV [108]. Hence by taking into account therotational motion of the molecules, the quantitative dif-ference between theory and experiment is significantlyreduced.

Since no physisorption well is present, the question hasto be considered how the inclusion of a physisorptionstate would alter the trapping dynamics. Physisorptionwells are created by a combination of the attractive vander Waals interaction with Pauli repulsion caused by theoverlap of molecular and substrate wave functions. Whilethe former effect is not reproduced by the DFT calcula-tion, the repulsion due to wave function overlap is welldescribed by present DFT functionals. Hence the calcu-lated PES would only become more attractive if van derWaals forces were correctly included. For a more quan-titative description of the trapping process at kinetic en-ergies below 0.05 eV certainly the physisorption channelhas to be included.

However, the important point is that the simulationsclearly demonstrate that a physisorption state is notneeded in order to reproduce the strong initial decreaseof the trapping probability at low energies. The van derWaals attraction is rather independent of the lateral po-sition along the surface since it is a long-range effect.Therefore its inclusion would anyhow not qualitativelychange the adsorption dynamics at kinetic energies above80 meV at which there is almost no trapping into thephysisorption well (see Ref. [83]).

At higher energies, the leveling off of the measuredsticking probabilities is reproduced by the calculations.Such a behavior is not typical for molecular dynamicssimulation which usually yield a monotonously decreas-ing sticking probability for molecular trapping processes.Again, an analysis of the trajectories sheds light on theunderlying microscopic mechanism. In Fig. 13, snapshots

and the energy redistribution of a typical O2 trajectorywith a kinetic energy of 1.1 eV are plotted.

At such a high energy, even molecules with unfavorableinitial conditions can get close to the surface. However,there is a negligible probability that in the first collisionthe high energy particles will transfer enough energy tothe surface to remain trapped, as the analysis using thehard-cube model confirms (see Fig. 8). In the case ofFig. 13, the molecules hits the surface in a tilted config-uration (t = 50 fs). Only very little energy is transferedto the platinum substrate.

However, the molecule impinging in the tilted ori-entation starts rotating very rapidly upon the impact(t = 115 fs). In fact, more than 1 eV is transfered intothis rotational motion. In addition, the molecule alsostarts to vibrate. The snapshot at t = 500 fs depicts themolecule in an elongated situation. The energy storedin the rotational and vibrational motion is not availablefor a direct escape from the adsorption well. Althoughthe molecule is scattered back after the first impact, itis not able to leave the adsorption well; consequently, itbecomes dynamically trapped for a while [8, 9]. Whilebeing trapped, the molecule hits the surface several timesand transfers successively more and more energy to thesubstrate until it equilibrates. As Fig. 13 shows, at about1.3 ps after the first collision the O2 molecule has becomeaccommodated at the Pt(111) surface for this particulartrajectory in the superoxo state in the t-b-t configura-tion, as the snapshot at t = 1700 fs illustrates.

Finally, the TBMD simulations have also given an ex-planation of the surprising experimental result that atsurface temperatures below 100 K O2 molecules imping-ing on Pt(111) do not dissociate, even at kinetic energiesup to 1.4 eV which are much greater than the dissocia-tion barrier [83, 86, 87]. In fact, no single dissociationevent was observed in the molecular dynamics simula-

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0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500

Run time (fs)









O2 lateral and internal kinetic energy

O2 perpendicular kinetic energy

kinetic energy of Pt atomsO2 distance from the surface





O2 D








FIG. 13: TBMD trajectory of an O2 molecule impinging on a Pt(111) surface with a kinetic energy of 1.1 eV. Left panel: foursnapshots of the trajectory; right panel: distance from the surface and energy redistribution as a function of the run time. Thelateral and internal kinetic energy and the perpendicular kinetic energy curves are indicated by the blue and red-shaded areas,respectively.

tions, irrespective of the initial energy. Again, there isa rather simple explanation in terms of the topology ofthe underlying PES. As far as the elbow potentials plot-ted in Fig. 10 are concerned, dissociation corresponds toan event in which the molecules enter the exit channeltowards the lower right corner of the figures. However,there is a rather narrow curve connecting the entranceand exit channels through the molecular chemisorptionstates.

Now the molecules that enter the chemisorption wellbecome accelerated towards the surface. This makes themolecules so fast that they “do not make it around thecorner” into the dissociation channel. This is illustratedby the projection of a trajectory with Ekin = 0.6 eV ontothe Zd plane in Fig. 10a. This kinetic energy is muchlarger than the dissociation barrier. Still the moleculedoes not dissociate. Due to the acceleration by the at-tractive potential it hits the repulsive wall of the potentialalmost straight ahead and is reflected back.

This means that direct dissociation is sterically hin-dered at the Pt(111) surface so that it becomes a two-step process. First the molecule is trapped molecularlyin the chemisorption well where it equilibrates. At suf-ficiently high surface temperatures dissociation will thenbe induced by thermal fluctuations which make the O2

molecules enter the dissociation channel.

The TBMD results demonstrate that the molecularsticking probability of O2/Pt(111) for the whole energyrange can be understood in terms of trapping into thechemisorption states. However, these results can onlybe obtained and understood if the multidimensionalityof the adsorption process is appropriately taken into ac-count.


In all dynamical simulations presented so far it hasbeen assumed that the electrons stay in their groundstate throughout the whole process, i.e., the simulationshave been based on the Born-Oppenheimer approxima-tion. Still, at metal surfaces with their continuous spec-trum of electronic states at the Fermi energy electron-hole (e-h) pair excitations with arbitrarily small energiesare possible. However, the incorporation of electronicallyadiabatic effects in the dynamical simulation of the in-teraction dynamics of molecules with surface is ratherdifficult [2, 109]. Hence the role of electron-hole pairsin the adsorption dynamics as an additional dissipationchannel is still unclear [4].

Recent experiments determining the so-called chemi-current [111] have provided some information on the im-portance of electron-hole pair excitation in adsorptionprocesses. Using thin films deposited on n-type Si(111)as a Schottky diode device, the nonadiabatically gener-ated electron-hole pairs upon both atomic and molecularchemisorption create the chemicurrent which can be mea-sured [111, 112]. It has been estimated that for examplein the NO adsorption on Ag one quarter of the adsorptionenergy was dissipated to electron-hole pairs. Adsorption-induced electron hole-pair creation has also been foundfor other metal substrates, such as Au, Pt, Pd, Cu, Niand Fe, and even for semiconductors such as GaAs andGe [112, 113].

Since DFT calculations are in principle only applica-ble for the electronic ground state, they cannot be usedin order to describe electronic excitations. Still it ispossible to treat electronic exciations from first princi-ples by either using quantum chemistry methods [114]or time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT)

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with e−h pairs

without e−h pairs

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Initial kinetic energy (eV)



g p














1.0 1.5Initial kinetic energy (eV)




y d




n in









FIG. 14: Role of e–h pairs in the scattering and sticking of CO/Cu(111) at a surface temperature of Ts = 100 K; (a) stickingprobability for CO/Cu(111) under normal incidence calculated without and with electronic friction, (b) Energy distribution ofCO molecules scattered under normal incidence from Cu(111) in percent of the initial kinetic energy (after [110]).

[115, 116]. First attempts have been done in order tocalculate the chemicurrent created by an atiom incidenton a metal surface based on time-dependent density func-tional theory [117, 118]. In this approach, three indepen-dent steps are preformed. First, a conventional Kohn-Sham DFT calculations is performed in order to evalu-ate the ground state potential energy surface. Then, theresulting Kohn-Sham states are used in the framework oftime-dependent DFT in order to obtain a position depen-dent friction coefficient. Finally, this friction coefficientis used in a forced oscillator model in which the proba-bility density of electron-hole pair excitations caused bythe classical motion of the incident atom is estimated.

This formalism has been employed [118] to address thechemicurrent measured in experiments of the adsorptionof hydrogen atoms on copper surfaces [119]. Satisfac-tory agreement with the experiment has been obtained.However, only one single trajectory of a hydrogen atomimpinging on the top site has entered the forced oscilla-tor description so that the effect of corrugation has beenentirely neglected.

Electron-hole pairs have already been treatedon the Hartree-Fock level in otherwise classicalhigh-dimensional molecular dynamics simulationusing the molecular dynamics with electronic frictionmethod [120]. In this approach, the energy transferbetween nuclear degrees of freedom and the electron bathof the surface is also modelled with a position-dependentfriction term, but additionally temperature-dependentfluctuating forces are included.

The friction term has been evaluated for CO/Cu(100)by Hartree-Fock cluster calculations using single excita-tions. A parametrized form of the Hartree-Fock resultshas been used for the molecular dynamics simulations.The interaction potential of CO/Cu(100) in the nucleardegrees of freedom, however, was derived empirically.

The sticking probability of CO/Cu(100) was deter-mined by averaging over molecular dynamics trajecto-ries with 108 surface atoms in the periodic surface unit

cell and stochastic boundary conditions representing in-teractions with the bulk. The results with and with-out the consideration of e-h excitations are shown inFig. 14a. Note that the sticking probability shows thetypical monotonously decreasing behavior as a functionof the kinetic energy. The incorporation of e-h pairs leadsto an additional channel for energy transfer to the surfacewhich results in a higher sticking probability. However,the effect is rather small. This means that e-h pair exci-tation plays only a minor role as a dissipation channel inthe sticking and scattering of CO/Cu(100).

In order to quantify the energy transfer to the e-h pairs,the energy distribution for directly scattered moleculeswas determined (Fig. 14b). Less than 10% of the incidentkinetic energy is transfered to e-h pairs in a direct scatter-ing process which is less than observed for NO/Ag [112].The main energy loss channel for CO/Cu(100) is the ex-citation of surface phonons. These findings can be ratio-nalized by considering different time scales of electronicand nuclear motion which already entered the derivationof the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Even if it takesinfinitesimal energies to excite e-h pairs as in the case ofmetal surfaces, still their excitation probability is smallcompared to the excitation of surface phonons.

Nevertheless, it is not appropriate to naively general-ize the results for the CO/Cu(100) system to other sys-tems. Copper has almost no d-band density of states atthe Fermi level; in addition, CO has a closed shell elec-tronic configuration. For other substrate materials andmolecules the coupling between surface e-h pairs and im-pinging molecules might be much stronger. For example,the observed stronger nonadiabatic dissipation effects inthe system NO/Ag [112] might be caused by the unpairedelectron in NO. There is certainly plenty of room for fur-ther investigations.

So far we have only focused in this section on elec-tronic excitations in the substrate. However, there is avery important class of reactions at surfaces which in-volve localized electronic excitations at the adsorbate

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or the adsorbate-surface bond [121, 122]. These reac-tions are often induced by electrons and photons. Inparticular, the desorption induced by electronic transi-tions (DIET) has been studied intensively, both exper-imentally as well as theoretically [121]. Most theoreti-cal studies have in fact been based on empirical modelpotentials due to the problems associated with the first-principles determination of excited state potentials. Nev-ertheless, the dynamics of the laser-induced desorption ofNO from NiO(100) [123] and of CO from Cr2O3 [124, 125]have already been addressed from first-principles. Usingquantum chemical configuration interaction (CI) calcu-lations, the ground state and one charge transfer PES ofNO/NiO(100) has been determined for a restricted two-dimensional geometry. This PES has then been used asan input for jumping wave packet calculations. In thismethod, the wave packet is propagated on the excitedstate potential for a number of different lifetimes beforeit is transferred back to the ground state potential in aFranck-Condon transition. The final results are obtainedby averaging over the simulations for different lifetimeswhich are weighted exponentially with a mean residencetime.

These low-dimensional wave packet calculations haveprovided a qualitative explanation for the bimodalityfound experimentally in the velocity distribution of des-orbing molecules [126]. The specific shape of the excitedstate PES leads to a bifurcation of the wave function inthe excited state. The two parts of the wave functiondesorb with different mean velocities thus reproducingthe bimodality.

The three-dimensional study of the photodesorptionof CO from Cr2O3 confirmed the importance of includ-ing the angular coordinates in the simulations [124, 125].The measured rotational alignment of the desorbing COmolecules could be reproduced qualitatively but quanti-tative discrepancies still remained. One of the challeng-ing tasks for the future is to increase the dimensionalityof the simulations in order to model the photo-induceddesorption more realistically.


In this review dynamical simulations of reactions atsurfaces have been addressed which have utilized po-tential energy surfaces derived from first-principles elec-tronic structure calculations. I have tried to show that

such simulations have significantly deepened our under-standing of the crucial microscopic reaction mechanismsoccuring at surfaces. Not only a better quantitativeagreement with the experiment has been achieved, butalso novel qualitative mechanisms in the reaction dy-namics at surfaces have been identified. The accuracyof many first-principles potential energy surfaces makesreliable predictions possible. Thus theory and experi-ment can cope with each other on an equal footing in thefield of gas-surface dynamics. Furthermore, dynamicalsimulations have the great advantage that they allow adetailed microscopic analysis of the reaction mechanismswhich is hard to achieve in experiments.

Still most dynamical simulations of reactions at sur-faces are limited to rather simple systems, such as the ad-sorption of diatomic molecules on low-index single crystalsurfaces. With the development of more efficient algo-rithms and the improvement of computer power, moreand more complex systems will be able to be addressed.One recent example is the ab initio molecular dynamicssimulation of the soft-landing of Pdn clusters on oxidesurfaces [127] where up to n = 13 Pd atoms have beentaken into account in the calculations.

Most probably we will gain further exciting insightsinto the reaction dynamics at surfaces by first-principlessimulations. Of course, it is hard to envisage which newqualitative concepts will emerge from these simulations;if one could predict this, the concepts would already beknown. However, it is fair to say that there are stillsome open problems in the theoretical description of gas-surface dynamics. First of all, for some systems the abinitio potential energy surfaces are apparently seriouslyin error [128, 129]. In particular, the treatment of oxy-gen using current DFT exchange-corelation functionalsis problematic [24]. Furthermore, an important class ofreactions at surfaces involve electronic transitions. Thetheoretical description of electronically nonadiabatic re-actions at surfaces from first principles is still in its in-fancy. It is not only the determination of excited statepotentials which is difficult, but also the incorporationof electronic transitions in the reaction dynamics [109].Last but not least, there are some systems such as reac-tions at the solid-liquid interface where hardly anythingis known about the microscopic reaction dynamics.

It will be certainly worth-while to meet all these chal-lenges. Dynamical simulations of molecule-surface inter-actions from first principles have been very successful inthe past, and will continue to be so in the future.

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