DynEd New Rel e ase First English For true beginners, ages 10-17, a multimedia English language course that promotes learning and long-term retention DynEd’s content correlates to national and state English Language Development, reading/language arts and TESOL standards. Standards-based Content First English starts at the beginning and systematically helps students comprehend, practice, internalize and build the framework of English necessary for long-term success. DynEd’s innovative use of visuals and comprehension exercises engage the learner in ways that a text- only approach cannot. Based on neuroscientific research and extensive classroom experience, First English builds listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and reading skills in an effective sequence that takes advantage of the learning synergies between each skill. Ideal for Beginners First English provides a framework that facilitates language acquisition, not short- term memorization that quickly fades. Language items appropriate for this age group are modeled, exercised, reviewed and recycled in an expanding spiral sequence so that students build on what they have learned, step-by-step. Students Learn Efficiently First English supports learners by providing: • A variety of coordinated lessons and exercises to keep students engaged. • Optimized skill sequencing, beginning with listening. • Content that automatically adjusts to student performance. Teachers Manage Learning with Ease First English is designed to be a teacher-managed course, where teachers can: • Place learners at the appropriate level. • Monitor progress on an ongoing basis. • Lock and unlock units or lessons to manage learning paths. • Use Mastery Tests to measure learning gains. • Use the Intelligent Tutor to analyze and evaluate student practice activities. Teacher Support • Instructor’s Guide with teaching suggestions and handouts • Detailed Scope and Sequence • Award-winning Records Manager • Teacher training available


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For Beginners ages 10 – 17, FIRST ENGLISH employs

DynEd’s unique methodology and advanced

educational technology to bring the highest quality

learning software to your classroom.

This methodology emphasizes a broad variety of

interactive practice and repetition combined with

teacher coaching and appropriate classroom practice.

Effective Student Learning and Retention

ß First English facilitates effective learning and long-

term retention because it provides:

ß Rich variety of interactive exercises and unlimited

practice necessary to master language skills

ß Emphasis on oral fluency with Voice Record/Playback

compared to native speech

ß Automatic content adjustment based on individual

strengths and weakness

DynEd’s patented Shuffler

ß Optimized skill sequencing

Focus on concepts and phrases

Spiral sequence reintroduces previous skills in

different contexts

First EnglishFor true beginners , ages 10-17, a mult imedia Engl i sh language course that promotes learning and long- term retent ion

DynEd’s content correlates to

national and state English Language

Development, reading/language arts

and TESOL standards.

Standards-based Content

Features Summary

∑ Voice Record/Playback with native speech

∑ Multilingual Glossary, Help Menu,

Translation (some languages)

∑ Award-winning Records Manager

∑ Placement Test, Mastery Test, Score-

based quizzes

∑ DynEd Teacher’s Training Course,

Instructor’s Guide,

User’s Guide

F i r s t E n g l i s h s t a r t s a t t h e b e g i n n i n g a n d s y s t e m a t i c a l l y h e l p s s t u d e n t s c o m p r e h e n d , p r a c t i c e , i n t e r n a l i z e a n d b u i l d t h e f r a m e w o r k o f E n g l i s h n e c e s s a r y f o r l o n g - t e r m s u c c e s s . D y n E d ’ s i n n o v a t i v e u s e o f v i s u a l s a n d c o m p r e h e n s i o n e x e r c i s e s e n g a g e t h e l e a r n e r i n w a y s t h a t a t e x t -o n l y a p p r o a c h c a n n o t .

B a s e d o n n e u r o s c i e n t i f i c r e s e a r c h a n d extensive c lassroom experience, Firs t Engl i sh bui lds l i s tening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and reading ski l l s in an ef fect ive sequence that takes advantage of the learning synergies between each ski l l .

I d e a l f o r B e g i n n e r s

Firs t Engl i sh provides a framework that faci l i tates language acquis i t ion, not short-term memorizat ion that quickly fades. Language i tems appropr ia t e f o r th i s age g roup are modeled, exercised, reviewed and recycled in an expanding spiral sequence so that s tudents bui ld on what they have learned, s tep-by-step.

S t u d e n t s L e a r n E f f i c i e n t l y

Firs t Engl i sh supports learners by providing:

• A variety of coordinated lessons and exercises to keep students engaged.• Optimized ski l l sequencing, beginning with l i s tening.• Content that automatical ly adjusts to s tudent performance.

T e a c h e r s M a n a g e L e a r n i n g w i t h E a s e

F i r s t E n g l i s h i s d e s i g n e d t o b e a t e a c h e r - m a n a g e d c o u r s e , w h e r e t e a c h e r s c a n :

• P l a c e l e a r n e r s a t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e l e v e l .• M o n i t o r p r o g r e s s o n a n o n g o i n g b a s i s . • L o c k a n d u n l o c k u n i t s o r l e s s o n s t o m a n a g e l e a r n i n g p a t h s .• U s e M a s t e r y T e s t s t o m e a s u r e l e a r n i n g g a i n s .• U s e t h e I n t e l l i g e n t T u t o r t o a n a l y z e a n d e v a l u a t e s t u d e n t p r a c t i c e a c t i v i t i e s .

T e a c h e r S u p p o r t

• Instructor’s Guide with teaching suggest ions and handouts• Detai led Scope and Sequence• Award-winning Records Manager• Teacher training avai lable

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Contact Information: www.dyned.com

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Minimum System Requirements

WindowsWindows 98, 2000, NT, or ME:Pentium 200 Mhz with 64 MB of RAMWindows XP: Pentium 300 Mhz /128 MB RAM16 Bit Sound and microphone

Macintosh Mac OS 8.6 or later: 200 Mhz Power PC with 64 MB of RAM Mac OS X 10.1.5 or greater 300 Mhz /128 MB RAM Built-in sound and microphone




All: Speakers or headphones 4 X CD-ROM Thousands of Colors

QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

© 2004 by DynEd International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Printed in U.S.A.

®All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Course Features

• Estimated study time 4--5 hours per unit; 30--40 hours

• Multilingual Glossary, Help Menu

• Voice Record/Playback with native speech playback

• Award-winning Records Manager

• Placement Test, Mastery Test, Score-based quizzes

• Intelligent Tutor for targeted intervention

• Automatic adjustment to the individual learner

• DynEd Teacher’s Training available

• Instructor’s Guide and User’s Guide

Lesson Organization

1. Listening: Introduces key language and provides intensive l i s tening and speaking pract ice. Comprehension quest ions help s tudents focus on meaning and pract ice with Wh- and Yes-No quest ions. Topics include age, gender, nat ional i ty , family, dai ly schedule, locat ion, etc .

2. Dialog: Includes two or more age-appropriate conversat ions at school , with funct ional language routines and interest ing animated characters .

3. Vocabulary: Presents objects and act ions part icular ly important in a school set t ing.

4. Grammar: Focuses on key grammar patterns and gives s tudents pract ice in manipulat ing the language.

5. Letters & Numbers: Develops reading and special ized vocabulary ski l l s . Includes the alphabet , phonics , numbers, t imes and calendar language.

Every Unit has five coordinated

lessons, each with a different focus: Dialog



Letter s &Numbers

Li s tening

FE ss 3 04

Course Features • Multilingual Glossary, Help Menu

• Voice Record/Playback with native

speech playback

• Award-winning Records Manager