Showers Tonight or Sun- day Warmer ft LAST Yesterdas Circulation 45345 WASHINGTON SATURDAY EVENING JUNE 11 1910 Fourteen Pages PRICE ONE CENT r r e a hinlton ime I EDITION NUMBER 6733 I ¬ BRIDEELECT Friends Believe Millionaire Sexaquarian Will Persist in Marrying School Girl FAMILY HASTENING- TO STOP WEDDING Names of Miss E Rochelle and South Carolinian Appear- on Register of Hotel While Brodle L Duke the million- aire sexagenarian of Durham N C whose marriase to Wylanta Rochelle aged twentytwo was prevented in this city yesterday has successfully vanished from all who seek him while his family and their agents are making every effort to locate him and the girl Washington and its suburbs and nearby points in Virginia and Mary land have scoured In vain all day by newspaper reporters und friends of the Duke family neither Mr Duke nor the young woman has been traced This story of an old man bent on marrying a young girl against the wishes of family the views of at least one clergyman the Rev Donald C of the First Pros byterlan Church to whom he applied for the marriage became the fascinating Interest to the public it developed that for a time yesterday had ap Miss Rochelle This came out when she went to Dr Mac Leods church and he failed to appear there at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon after he had that Dr Mac Leod refused to perform the cere mony Both Disappear- It was thought last night that the budding romance had stopped when it was said that Duke after a brief Interview with the girl at her boarding school at 1828 G street had received his final dis- missal But with the arrival of an employe of Dukes J B Walker in the to look for the wouldbe bridegroom it came out that both and the girl had disappeared utterly to the reports of the authorities various the two have not been to Alexandria Alexandria Court House Hyattsville Hockvllle or Baltimore for a license At the Ebbitt House where Duke registered yesterday It was said t rnoon that he had not been nee Yesterday afternoon- s a reort that he had been morning at the Riggs House not be confirmed He jd at the Burton Hotel on North street yesterday with a de that the marriage ceremony be med in the prior of tht house his permission ws refused him c hs not been seen there since then Mrs Hosstley Gone Mrs Mary Horstley of 1828 G street northwest who was Miss Roschelles chaperone and teacher has also and at the Horstley house a colored woman who answered the door bell utter ignorance of the whereabouts of her mistress or the old man or the young woman Members of Duke family are on their way here from Durham N C to join Mr Walker in the frantic search for this old man who apparently has cherished for a year or two the idea of marrying Miss Roechelie Already married three times and twice he brought the girl to this city from North Carolina and asked th advice of his friend Col William Haskeli of the Keeley Institute at 211 North Capi tol street as to where he could put her to receive a education He later put her in Mrs Horstleys charge But he has been to the Hotel before The register of the house shows that on March 4 1909 there were registered there two couples Miss w E Rochelle and Brodie L Duke and Miss Ida Rochelle and a man whose name is illegible except for the four letters P r y and k Again at Hotel Again on January 14 1919 Duke vas registered there with Miss W E Rochelle- It will be noticed that on the register the girls name was spelled without s an- On the last visit Duke stayed at the hotel two weeks Persons who saw Duke at the Burton Continued on Second Page WEATHER REPORTT- he Southern storm area has made little progress in its eastward move ment There will be unsettled weather with showers tonight or Sunday in the mid dle Atlantic and south Atlantic States and tonight and Sunday in the Atlantic States north of Maryland and In the lower Lake region There will be fair weather tonight and Sunday in the east Gulf States FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICT Partly cloudy with showers tontej or someewhat warmer light to moderate variable winds TEMPERATURE- S a m 9 a m 10 a ta 11 a in 12 noon 1 P ra 2 P m 3 p nu SUN TABLE Sun rises 4 Sun sots TIDE TABIB Today tide 82 a m and 9sl p m Low tide a and 3M p m Tomorrow High tide 1S a m antI 964 p m Low tide SU4 a m and 40 p m CONDITION OF THE WATER HARPERS FERRY W Va June 11 Both rivers very cloudy this morn- ing Whole Windows Glazed for 125 Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y Ave BRODIE T DUKE AND ELUDE EARCHERS V been been PIa sed i j 1 aa 81 A i the cee marriage- S disap- peared rig ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ Samuel M Felton to Present Railroads Side to Sunday Readers TURNS SEARCHLIGHT- ON RATE SITUATION Dominant Figure at White House Conference Sets Forth Argu ments Succinctly With a railroad bill that may make- or unmake rates pending before Con- gress with a recently dissolved injunc- tion hamtimc as a big stick over the heads of those roads which would in- crease their rates before the new law goes into effect and with the lines drawn taut between the rallrcwds and the Administration the situation today- as between the common carriers and the public is one of dramatic interest fraueht with grave possibilities The side of the Administration has been emphatically set forth in issued from the White House and in the debate on the railroad bill in both huses of Congress The side of the railroads except as it has been given to President Taft b an unknown quantity That there are two sides to the ques tion Is tacitly admitted by the action of the Administration in withdrawing its injunction suit against the Western railroads until Interstate Commerce Commission shall have had opportunity to pass upon their proposed rate In- creases Read Times Tomorrow- The railroad side will be presented in the Sunday Evening Edition of The Times tomorrow There Is probably no man better qualified to present the at- titude of the railroads than Samuel Morse Felton president of the Chicago Great Western Mr Felton was one of the dominant flsrures in the White House conferences of the past week by which- a true was effected betwen the rail- roads and the Administration He is a man risen from the rodcarrier of a shovel days of Mr Felton have way to those of the luxurious and the study of intricate schedules He has required to learn the busi ness from the ground up Today there is probably no m tin Suit possessed of more detailed n- matiaa concerning the real Operation f Mr Felton It was for this reason that The Times following the recent Important confer- ence in Washington between President Taft and various railroad presidents sent one of its special staff correspond- ents Oliver P Newman the party of Western presidents when they left Washington The Kailroads Side The Sunday Evening Times tomorrow will contain a specific comprehensive and authentic statement as to why the railroads consider It necessary for them to increase their rates at this time The authorised Interview with Presi- dent Felton is a most Important contri bution to one of the greatest questions- of the day Without indorsing the atti tude of this great expert The Times presents his views as those of a man who knows whereof he speaks and one who portrays in style the other side of a question in which the entire American public Is interested today- It Is the of The Times at a subsequent date to present the views of those who the conten don of the railroads as to the neces- sity for the attitude now assumed by the common carriers Mr Felton is one of the new school of railroad officials who withal has had a strikingly spectacular career and a not cometlike and rapid due to the mastery of the subject of railroads and to the won derful physical and mental energy which he has thrown Into work eversince he started It as a lad of fifteen carrying a rod for a on the old Chester Creek railroad In Pennsylvania- Has Prepared Himself Within the Intervening fortytwo years Mr Felton prepared himself for Just such a task as that assigned to him last week Out on the ties and along the rails themselves as a prac tical hardworking alert civil en gineer he learned the things which made it possible for him the as sistance of two other railroad presi dents to reach a compromise with Mr Taft In a struggle which threat ened farreaching trouble for the compromise which has been applauded by every interest con cerned the Government the railroads- the shippers and the general One glance at Felton railroader shows why he has succeeded He is as big as a mountain and his bigness Is solid Continued on Sixth Page BIG SYSTEM HEAD TALKS FOR TIMES detailed the I gang to the head of a system plckaad private- car J sune In I I countrya state- ments prac- tically surveying great man but steady ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PARIS June number of the members of the crew of the Illfated submarine Pluviose died of suffoca- tion in the inner compartments of that craft at the bottom of the Chan nel They were slowly suffocated while the divers were Searching the muddy waters for the sunkon tor pedo boat which they had lost after locating it on the morning following- the disaster Had there been any way of hoisting the Pluviose to the sur- face when it was discovered the after Front Doors Glazed 400 Apiece Frank LIbbey Co 6th N Y Ave Adv 11A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Conferees Meet President and Agree on a Capitaliza- tion Commission COMPANIES FIGHT THE ADMINISTRATIONC- annon and Wickersham Partici pate in the Meeting at the White House Today By JOHN SNURE- As the result of the insistence of Pres- ident Taft that the railroad bill must contain some provision with respect to the issues of railroad stocks and bonds there will be put into the measure in conference a feature which requires an investigation by a commission of the question of railroad capitalization and the of H- An understanding to this effect was practically readied at the White House today has the result ef a long conference participated in by the President Attor- ney General Wickersham Speaker Can THE RAILROADS DEMANDED BY TAFT I I cone rol CONTROL OF STOCKS oi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ non Senators and Aldrich and Representative Mann Senators Aldrich and Elkins and Rep- resentative Mann are the principal in the conference committee on the railroad bill Interstate Commerce Com missioner Lane was not actually at the meeting but was consulted by the Pres- ident In the course of the morning Railroads Fight Taft When it wes announced from the White House the other day that the President wanted a capitalization con trol provision put into the bill he had scarcely made his position known when powerful opposition manifested Itself the President had been told would be no capitalization control The President however has felt it would not do to drop the Question In the fashion proposed by the leaders So he called In the leaders on the confer- ence committee and the others already named and went over the mound While the actual language of the President at the meeting today Is not disclosed It Is vif understood that he made it plain he did not want th capitalization con- trol question dropped without any action and without the preliminaries that will lead to such legislation on if not at this session- At the White House today It was not officially admitted the President had given up hope of getting capitalization Continued on Second Page Elk Senate leaders went so far to de- out there fac- tors as legis- lation Il later ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LIVE FORTYEIGHT AT BOTTOM OF Investigation Shows That Half of IllFated Submarine Pluviose Crew Could Have Been Saved After Col Like Rats in Trap i I lisionDied CHANNEL ¬ noon of the collision with the Pas de CalalSi PC least half of the crew of twentytsven officers and men would have been rescued but they were left to die at the bottom like rats in a steel trap from which there was no escape Navy doctors at Calais who exam mod the bodies taken from the compartments declared today that the men lived more than twentyfour hours after the submarine was sent to the bottom Doors Thick 150 Apiece Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y Ave Adv r t inner i3 Inch Lake Como and Victim I I IN A TRUNK BY FISHERMEN MRS MARY SCOTT CASTLE CHARLTON AND A SCENE ON LAKE COMO WHERE HER BODY WAS FOUND CONSTANTINOPLE June 11 It is feared that scores of lives have been lost in the wreck of an express train on the Oriental railroad several ears of which were plunged into the water through the collapse of a bridge near Luleburg fifty miles east of here A special train carrying physicians and hospital supplies was rushed from here ELLA WHEELER WILCO- XI exclusively for The Times Washington Beginning Sunday June and every thereafter she will contribute articles of heartinterest articles that will captivate you from the very start Dont miss the first of these daily hearttoheartt- alks They Will Appear on The Womans Page of The TimesP- airs of No i Blinds for 5125 Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y Ave Adv TRAINS ARE RUSHED TO SCENE OF WRECK II I I I I I 1 2 I i I I I I III I t AFTER SEATTLE FIRE Three Known to Be Dead and at a Million Dollars SEATTLE Wash June 11 Though between and seventyfive persons are missing following big are early today which wiped out six square blocks of buildings here and paused property damage of more than 31M0Me it was believed shortly be- fore noon that few of them except three firemen are dead The tire started at midnight and raged through the early morning Sweeping from water front the flames destroyed lodging bosses homes stores warehouses and hospitals Only by heroic efforts was the water front saved Everp tug hi the harbor reenforced by man from Tacoma and Continued on Second Page SCORES ARE MISSING Loss Estimated tiny the hours up the ¬ Best Detectives of Italy Spurred on by American Consul Are Working Night and Qay to Unravel Mystery RUSSIAN SUSPECT UNDER ARREST SILENT His Attitude Causes Authorities to Believe There Organized Gang of Murderers Plotting Against American Women of Supposed Wealth MILAN June 11 Urged on by American Consul Charles M Caughy who is acting under the direct order of the United States State Department the best detectives of Italy are searching the country for Porter Charlton hus band of Mary Scott Castle Charlton the American woman who was beaten unconscious jammed into a trunk while still alive and thrown into Lake Como to die POLICE THINK CHARLTON WAS MURDERED While the authorities believe that if CharHon is still alive be can solve the mystery concerning the death of his wife the strongest theory is that be was killed by the same person or persons who mur- dered Mrs Charitoa t BIG MURDER PLOT IS SUSPECTED Wbtie some of the nations best detectives were working today along tie line of theory that insane jealousy om the part of one of the beautiful womans former admirers was responsible for her death aad possibly that of her husband others were delving deep into what titer believed to be a plot to kill and rob Americas womn in Italy CHARLTON KILLED BY WIFES SLAYER IS BELIEF POLICE Is- an Places Will Be Found for Them Hitchcock Also Is Champion- By JAMES HAY JR Secretary of the Treasury MaeYeagfe has made good his promise that no aged Government clerks should be dismissed front his department this summer It became known today that MIa leaving Washington for Chicago a few days ago be directed all subordi- nates to see toit that planes be found for the aged clerks who had been served notice that on Jtrly 1 they would be dismissed owing to the of itt positions fat his These positions were abolished ow lag to the economy reforms Instituted under the campaign for a greater saving In the handling of the money It followed as a mat ter of coarse that some of the were by old men and women 3r MaeVeaghs attention had not been called to this feature of the movement When the complaints began to now into his office that aged clerks were to be thrown out and left without the means of support be put his foot down hard and said that every one of them should be provided for He pointed out that he heartily favored the dismissal of clerks who had been inefficient and lazy but he declared that he did not propose to inflict hardships on the men and women who after a life time of arduous and faithful service might be a little loss efficient through old age In all there were adout fifty clerks to be looked after and today the subordinate officials of the depart- ment are ready to report to Mr Mae Veagh upon return to Washington Monday that all of them with one ex will be provided with positions when their present places are abolish- ed July i The one still unprovided for be assured 2 place within the next few days It Is a mat ter of finding the and this wttt be done in order to carry out the Secre tarys orders to the letter MAGYEAGH TO SAVE HIS AGED CLERKS his depart- ment flied w l posh abo- lition Govern- ments posi- tions ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BIG GIRLS KISS MOST ANTIKISS CLUB ASSERTSSc- hool Officers Are Asked to Indorse the Society to Pre vent Indiscriminate Osculation Now j Formed Be- ing ¬ Kissing among Ute nbHc school chil- dren partJeuiarly the girls te a ques tion which to be gives consideration- by the Board of BducattOK at its next meeting Because of poselbiUUes of breeding disease through this timehonored cus tom an effort Is likely to be made by the school officers not to place a ban upon it in the schools but to dis- courage the habit in homes of the children and elsewhere The older girls attending the schools are said to be the chief offenders in the kissing habit of them kiss each in greeting and parting they kiss babies and small children bed sometimes their women teachers Pretty Mantels for 300 Apiece Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y Ave Adv tire 1 S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A chub te formed t the country known as the Worlds Heatta the motto oC which to Kiss Not and the object of which te to stop the kissing The headquarters of this chub to te Cincinnati and it has to the Board of Education that It gives its indorsement to the movement ia Washington- The proposition is for the school chil dren to become members of the club which costs them nothing and to pledge themselves to an agreement not to kiss anyone or permit to be kiss- ed and to wear buttons bearing the met to fibs Not This the sanitation aad the pre vention ef disease Moldings No i for i Cent a Foot Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y Ave Adv tIoR is conducted in o themselves campaign r ¬ ¬ ¬ Death Recalled In connetion with the latter eats wit throw souse light on the death of EsteOe Reid the Amerfotn girl who was found dead m the Bay of Naples An doubt that Mrs Porter Charlton that she was jammed the ironic whici was fnnnt in It lasted three bears and was lIeN m secret The seven Mows on tie head were The womans being broken She tied of suffocation the physicians rteeMea men that a man whom some say was the mtostna husband Porter Charlton and other say was ismolatog the Rus- sian inspector made inquiries as 10 lake TIM boatmen pointed oat shal low water whore the trunk was found Conetand Jspoteto the Russian ar covery of the body was today subjected- to the third degree After hours of questioning there was wrong from hires a statement which further clouded the cue bet which was regarded a ssignifl theory He declared that munlr i- Russian Keeps SaKe The main Questioning of the detecti g was to brine forth tnformatija legard Charl ton The Russian expostal official maintained a cool attitude throughout- the ordeal declaring that he knew Nothing of the possibility of Cbarltons In Como on Thursday as has been declared by tradespeople who Mantras where the trunk wes found was dragged today In the authorities At the same time the ransacking of the villa occupied sy the the Rebel Sums soeause of their quar IrettMg was continued every nook and- i evidence being gone into IspolorotC who arranged for the occu- pancy tHe villa by the Cartoons was taken there but did nothing to aid the pone smiling calmly as he was the nearest town of impor- tance to the scene of the erne te the the investigation to really being con- ducted by the XOnn authorities White it has been made almost certain tbat the body was throws into the water but a few hours before the grue- some trunk was caught in the sets of- iMaKraeto nehetjaaon the pollee today declared that the crime bore every in- dication of having bees committed witii the utmost haste That there was more titan one person involved in It to shown beyond doubt they say by the tact that atone eauJ nut have dragged the trunk Celestial Columns 290 Apiece Frank Ubbey Ce fittt N Y Ave Adv idol theo they declared that tile of this victim oL the Oame trtaek when beaten and In tile dispelled by tine today in the tiM XIas found net face beaten nose TIle police tOdQ boat where to find the part of the within a few ot the dis eaIIt Dr the of the jealousy tile was the UM Porter Chari ton the whereabouts ot seen with two suit cases several knew the Lake Come is tile o trace for CIIarItGa MIll tat the of- I fndhq flew rut titer were to qut CODCetvaWe a place ct ell of for the but 4 one man l I Miss outgome Lab murder was alive eomdsse hike watt asiopry held pres- ence d prmcubor m be mortal was N her creed from deepest rested hours Mippestere woman et im5 Porter bavietg been Americans nsighbecboot hope er d not con after foreed eraany as kidseg ques- tioned Crnutiie base operations police ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = >

e a hinlton ime - Chronicling America « Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-06-11/ed...bell utter ignorance of the whereabouts of her mistress or the

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Showers Tonight or Sun-

day Warmer


Yesterdas Circulation 45345 WASHINGTON SATURDAY EVENING JUNE 11 1910 Fourteen Pages PRICE ONE CENT



e a hinlton ime I EDITION



Friends Believe MillionaireSexaquarian Will Persistin Marrying School Girl


Names of Miss E Rochelle

and South Carolinian Appear-

on Register of Hotel

While Brodle L Duke the million-aire sexagenarian of Durham N Cwhose marriase to Wylanta Rochelleaged twentytwo was prevented inthis city yesterday has successfullyvanished from all who seek himwhile his family and their agents aremaking every effort to locate him andthe girl

Washington and its suburbs andnearby points in Virginia and Maryland have scoured In vain allday by newspaper reporters undfriends of the Duke family neitherMr Duke nor the young woman hasbeen traced

This story of an old man bent onmarrying a young girl against thewishes of family the viewsof at least one clergyman the RevDonald C of the First Prosbyterlan Church to whom he appliedfor the marriage becamethe fascinating Interest tothe public it developed that fora time yesterday had ap

Miss Rochelle Thiscame out when she went to Dr MacLeods church and he failed to appearthere at 4 oclock yesterday afternoonafter he had that Dr MacLeod refused to perform the ceremony

Both Disappear-It was thought last night that the

budding romance had stoppedwhen it was said that Duke after abrief Interview with the girl at herboarding school at 1828 G street

had received his final dis-missal But with the arrivalof an employe of Dukes J B Walkerin the to look for the wouldbebridegroom it came out that bothand the girl had disappearedutterly

to the reports of theauthorities various thetwo have not been to AlexandriaAlexandria Court House HyattsvilleHockvllle or Baltimore for alicense

At the Ebbitt House where Dukeregistered yesterday It was saidt rnoon that he had not been

nee Yesterday afternoon-s a reort that he had beenmorning at the Riggs House

not be confirmed Hejd at the Burton Hotel on Northstreet yesterday with a dethat the marriage ceremony bemed in the prior of tht house

his permission ws refused himc hs not been seen there since then

Mrs Hosstley GoneMrs Mary Horstley of 1828 G street

northwest who was Miss Roschelleschaperone and teacher has also

and at the Horstley house acolored woman who answered the doorbell utter ignorance of thewhereabouts of her mistress or the oldman or the young woman

Members of Duke family are ontheir way here from Durham N C tojoin Mr Walker in the frantic searchfor this old man who apparently hascherished for a year or two the ideaof marrying Miss Roechelie Alreadymarried three times and twicehe brought the girl to this city fromNorth Carolina and asked th adviceof his friend Col William Haskeli ofthe Keeley Institute at 211 North Capitol street as to where he could puther to receive a education Helater put her in Mrs Horstleys charge

But he has been to the Hotelbefore The register of the houseshows that on March 4 1909 therewere registered there two couplesMiss w E Rochelle and Brodie L

Duke and Miss Ida Rochelle and aman whose name is illegible exceptfor the four letters P r y and k

Again at HotelAgain on January 14 1919 Duke

vas registered there with Miss WE Rochelle-

It will be noticed that on the registerthe girls name was spelled without


On the last visit Duke stayed at thehotel two weeks

Persons who saw Duke at the BurtonContinued on Second Page


he Southern storm area has madelittle progress in its eastward movement

There will be unsettled weather withshowers tonight or Sunday in the middle Atlantic and south Atlantic Statesand tonight and Sunday in the AtlanticStates north of Maryland and In thelower Lake region There will be fairweather tonight and Sunday in the eastGulf States

FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICTPartly cloudy with showers tontej

or someewhat warmerlight to moderate variable winds


10 a ta11 a in12 noon

1 P ra2 P m3 p nu

SUN TABLESun rises 4

Sun sots

TIDE TABIBToday tide 82 a m and 9sl

p m Low tide a and 3Mp m

Tomorrow High tide 1S a m antI964 p m Low tide SU4 a m and40 p m


Both rivers very cloudy this morn-ing

Whole Windows Glazed for 125Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y Ave









i j 1





the cee

















Samuel M Felton to PresentRailroads Side to

Sunday Readers


Dominant Figure at White HouseConference Sets Forth Argu

ments Succinctly

With a railroad bill that may make-or unmake rates pending before Con-gress with a recently dissolved injunc-tion hamtimc as a big stick over theheads of those roads which would in-

crease their rates before the new lawgoes into effect and with the linesdrawn taut between the rallrcwds andthe Administration the situation today-as between the common carriers and thepublic is one of dramatic interestfraueht with grave possibilities

The side of the Administration hasbeen emphatically set forth in

issued from the White House andin the debate on the railroad

bill in both huses of Congress Theside of the railroads except as it hasbeen given to President Taft b

an unknown quantityThat there are two sides to the ques

tion Is tacitly admitted by the actionof the Administration in withdrawingits injunction suit against the Westernrailroads until Interstate CommerceCommission shall have had opportunityto pass upon their proposed rate In-creases

Read Times Tomorrow-The railroad side will be presented

in the Sunday Evening Edition of TheTimes tomorrow There Is probably noman better qualified to present the at-titude of the railroads than SamuelMorse Felton president of the ChicagoGreat Western Mr Felton was one ofthe dominant flsrures in the White Houseconferences of the past week by which-a true was effected betwen the rail-roads and the AdministrationHe is a man risen from therodcarrier of ashovel days of Mr Felton haveway to those of the luxurious

and the study of intricate schedulesHe has required to learn the business from the ground up Todaythere is probably no m tinSuit possessed of more detailed n-

matiaa concerning the real Operation fMr Felton

It was for this reason that The Timesfollowing the recent Important confer-ence in Washington between PresidentTaft and various railroad presidentssent one of its special staff correspond-ents Oliver P Newman the partyof Western presidents whenthey left Washington

The Kailroads SideThe Sunday Evening Times tomorrow

will contain a specific comprehensiveand authentic statement as to why therailroads consider It necessary for themto increase their rates at this time

The authorised Interview with Presi-dent Felton is a most Important contribution to one of the greatest questions-of the day Without indorsing the attitude of this great expert TheTimes presents his views as thoseof a man who knows whereof he speaksand one who portrays in style

the other side of a question in whichthe entire American public Is interestedtoday-It Is the of The Times ata subsequent date to present theviews of those who the contendon of the railroads as to the neces-sity for the attitude now assumed bythe common carriersMr Felton is one of the new schoolof railroad officials who withal hashad a strikingly spectacular careerand a not cometlikeand rapid due to the mastery of thesubject of railroads and to the wonderful physical and mental energy

which he has thrown Into workeversince he started It as a lad offifteen carrying a rod for aon the old Chester Creekrailroad In Pennsylvania-Has Prepared Himself

Within the Intervening fortytwoyears Mr Felton prepared himselffor Just such a task as that assignedto him last week Out on the ties andalong the rails themselves as a practical hardworking alert civil engineer he learned the things whichmade it possible for him the assistance of two other railroad presidents to reach a compromise withMr Taft In a struggle which threatened farreaching trouble for thecompromise which hasbeen applauded by every interest concerned the Government the railroads-the shippers and the general

One glance at Felton railroader showswhy he has succeeded He is as bigas a mountain and his bigness Is solid

Continued on Sixth Page





Igang to thehead of a system plckaad











but steady






















PARIS June number of themembers of the crew of the Illfatedsubmarine Pluviose died of suffoca-tion in the inner compartments ofthat craft at the bottom of the Channel They were slowly suffocatedwhile the divers were Searching themuddy waters for the sunkon torpedo boat which they had lost afterlocating it on the morning following-the disaster Had there been any wayof hoisting the Pluviose to the sur-face when it was discovered the after

Front Doors Glazed 400 ApieceFrank LIbbey Co 6th N Y AveAdv





Conferees Meet Presidentand Agree on a Capitaliza-

tion Commission


annon and Wickersham Participate in the Meeting at the

White House Today


As the result of the insistence of Pres-ident Taft that the railroad bill mustcontain some provision with respect tothe issues of railroad stocks and bondsthere will be put into the measure inconference a feature which requires aninvestigation by a commission of thequestion of railroad capitalization andthe of H-

An understanding to this effect waspractically readied at the White Housetoday has the result ef a long conferenceparticipated in by the President Attor-ney General Wickersham Speaker Can





cone rol








non Senators and Aldrich andRepresentative Mann

Senators Aldrich and Elkins and Rep-

resentative Mann are the principalin the conference committee on the

railroad bill Interstate Commerce Com

missioner Lane was not actually at themeeting but was consulted by the Pres-

ident In the course of the morning

Railroads Fight TaftWhen it wes announced from the

White House the other day that thePresident wanted a capitalization con

trol provision put into the bill he hadscarcely made his position known whenpowerful opposition manifested Itself

the President had been toldwould be no capitalization control

The President however has felt itwould not do to drop the Question Inthe fashion proposed by the leaders Sohe called In the leaders on the confer-ence committee and the others alreadynamed and went over the mound Whilethe actual language of the President atthe meeting today Is not disclosed ItIs vif understood that he made it plain

he did not want th capitalization con-

trol question dropped without any actionand without the preliminaries that willlead to such legislation on if notat this session-

At the White House today It was notofficially admitted the President hadgiven up hope of getting capitalization

Continued on Second Page


Senate leaders went so far to de-out there















Investigation Shows That Half of IllFated SubmarinePluviose Crew Could Have Been Saved After Col

Like Rats in Trap






noon of the collision with the Pas deCalalSi PC least half of the crew oftwentytsven officers and men wouldhave been rescued but they were leftto die at the bottom like rats in asteel trap from which there was noescape

Navy doctors at Calais who exammod the bodies taken from thecompartments declared today thatthe men lived more than twentyfourhours after the submarine was sent tothe bottom

Doors Thick 150 ApieceFrank Libbey Co 6th N Y AveAdv



i3 Inch

Lake Como and Victim I I


CONSTANTINOPLE June 11 It isfeared that scores of lives have beenlost in the wreck of an express trainon the Oriental railroad several earsof which were plunged into the waterthrough the collapse of a bridge nearLuleburg fifty miles east of here Aspecial train carrying physicians andhospital supplies was rushed fromhere


XI exclusively for TheTimes Washington

BeginningSunday Juneand every thereafter shewill contribute articles ofheartinterest articles thatwill captivate you from thevery start

Dont miss the first ofthese daily hearttoheartt-alksThey Will Appear on

TheWomans Page

ofThe TimesP-

airs of No i Blinds for 5125Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y AveAdv









1 2 I










Three Known to Be Deadand at a

Million Dollars

SEATTLE Wash June 11 Thoughbetween and seventyfive personsare missing following big areearly today which wiped out sixsquare blocks of buildings here andpaused property damage of more than31M0Me it was believed shortly be-

fore noon that few of them exceptthree firemen are dead

The tire started at midnight andraged through the early morning

Sweeping from water front theflames destroyed lodging bosses homesstores warehouses and hospitals

Only by heroic efforts was the waterfront saved Everp tug hi the harborreenforced by man from Tacoma and

Continued on Second Page


Loss Estimated


hoursup the


Best Detectives of Italy Spurred on by AmericanConsul Are Working Night and Qay

to Unravel Mystery


His Attitude Causes Authorities to Believe ThereOrganized Gang of Murderers Plotting Against

American Women of Supposed Wealth

MILAN June 11 Urged on by American ConsulCharles M Caughy who is acting under the direct order ofthe United States State Department the best detectives ofItaly are searching the country for Porter Charlton husband of Mary Scott Castle Charlton the American womanwho was beaten unconscious jammed into a trunk whilestill alive and thrown into Lake Como to die


While the authorities believe that if CharHon is still alive be cansolve the mystery concerning the death of his wife the strongesttheory is that be was killed by the same person or persons who mur-dered Mrs Charitoa


BIG MURDER PLOT IS SUSPECTEDWbtie some of the nations best detectives were working today along

tie line of theory that insane jealousy om the part of one of the beautifulwomans former admirers was responsible for her death aad possiblythat of her husband others were delving deep into what titer believed tobe a plot to kill and rob Americas womn in Italy






Places Will Be Found forThem Hitchcock Also

Is Champion-

By JAMES HAY JRSecretary of the Treasury MaeYeagfe

has made good his promise that noaged Government clerks should bedismissed front his department thissummer

It became known today that MIaleaving Washington for Chicago a fewdays ago be directed all subordi-nates to see toit that planes be foundfor the aged clerks who had beenserved notice that on Jtrly 1 theywould be dismissed owing to the

of itt positions fat his

These positions were abolished owlag to the economy reforms Institutedunder the campaign for a greatersaving In the handling of the

money It followed as a matter of coarse that some of the

were by old men andwomen 3r MaeVeaghs attentionhad not been called to this featureof the movement

When the complaints began to nowinto his office that aged clerks wereto be thrown out and left without themeans of support be put his footdown hard and said that every one ofthem should be provided for Hepointed out that he heartily favoredthe dismissal of clerks who had beeninefficient and lazy but he declaredthat he did not propose to inflicthardships on the men and womenwho after a life time of arduous andfaithful service might be a little lossefficient through old age

In all there were adout fiftyclerks to be looked after and todaythe subordinate officials of the depart-ment are ready to report to Mr MaeVeagh upon return to WashingtonMonday that all of them with one ex

will be provided with positionswhen their present places are abolish-ed July i The one still unprovidedfor be assured 2 place withinthe next few days It Is a matter of finding the and this wtttbe done in order to carry out the Secretarys orders to the letter






w l














hool Officers Are Asked to Indorse the Society to Prevent Indiscriminate Osculation Now

j Formed




Kissing among Ute nbHc school chil-

dren partJeuiarly the girls te a question which to be gives consideration-by the Board of BducattOK at its nextmeeting

Because of poselbiUUes of breedingdisease through this timehonored custom an effort Is likely to be made bythe school officers not to place aban upon it in the schools but to dis-courage the habit in homes of thechildren and elsewhere

The older girls attending the schoolsare said to be the chief offenders inthe kissing habit of them kisseach in greeting and parting theykiss babies and small children bedsometimes their women teachers

Pretty Mantels for 300 ApieceFrank Libbey Co 6th N Y AveAdv








A chub te formed t thecountry known as the Worlds Heattathe motto oC which to

Kiss Not and the object of whichte to stop the kissing

The headquarters of this chub to teCincinnati and it hasto the Board of Education that It givesits indorsement to the movement iaWashington-

The proposition is for the school children to become members of the clubwhich costs them nothing and to pledgethemselves to an agreement not to kissanyone or permit to be kiss-ed and to wear buttons bearing the metto fibs Not

Thisthe sanitation aad the prevention ef disease

Moldings No i for i Cent a FootFrank Libbey Co 6th N Y AveAdv


is conducted ino







Death RecalledIn connetion with the latter

eats wit throw souse light on the deathof EsteOe Reid the Amerfotn girl whowas found dead m the Bay of Naples

An doubt that Mrs Porter Charlton

that she was jammed the ironic whiciwas fnnnt in

It lastedthree bears and was lIeN m secret

The seven Mows on tie head wereThe womans

beingbroken She tied of suffocation thephysicians rteeMea

men that a man whom some say wasthe mtostna husband Porter Charltonand other say was ismolatog the Rus-sian inspector made inquiries as 10

lake TIM boatmen pointed oat shallow water whore the trunk was found

Conetand Jspoteto the Russian ar

covery of the body was today subjected-to the third degree After hours ofquestioning there was wrong from hiresa statement which further clouded thecue bet which was regarded a ssignifl

theory He declared that munlr i-

Russian Keeps SaKeThe main Questioning of the detecti g

was to brine forth tnformatija legardCharl

ton The Russian expostal officialmaintained a cool attitude throughout-the ordeal declaring that he knewNothing of the possibility of Cbarltons

In Como on Thursday as has beendeclared by tradespeople who

Mantras where the trunk wes foundwas dragged today In the authorities

At the same time the ransacking ofthe villa occupied sy the

the Rebel Sums soeause of their quarIrettMg was continued every nook and-i

evidence being gone intoIspolorotC who arranged for the occu-

pancy tHe villa by the Cartoons wastaken there but did nothing to aid thepone smiling calmly as he was

the nearest town of impor-tance to the scene of the erne te the

the investigation to really being con-

ducted by the XOnn authoritiesWhite it has been made almost certain

tbat the body was throws into thewater but a few hours before the grue-some trunk was caught in the sets of-iMaKraeto nehetjaaon the pollee todaydeclared that the crime bore every in-

dication of having bees committed witiithe utmost haste

That there was more titan one personinvolved in It to shown beyond doubtthey say by the tact thatatone eauJ nut have dragged the trunk

Celestial Columns 290 ApieceFrank Ubbey Ce fittt N Y AveAdv


they declared that tile of this

victim oL the Oame trtaekwhen beaten and

Intile dispelled

by tine today in thetiM XIas

found netface beaten nose

TIle police tOdQ boat

where to find the part of the

within a few ot the dis

eaIIt Dr the of the jealousytile

was the UM Porter Chariton

the whereabouts ot

seen with two suit cases

severalknew the

Lake Come is tile o

trace for CIIarItGa MIll tat the of-

I fndhq flew

ruttiter were to qut

CODCetvaWe a place ct


of for the but4

one manl




Lab murderwas alive eomdsse

hike wattasiopry held pres-

ence d prmcubor

m be mortalwas N her

creed from


rested hours


woman et

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bavietg been


hopeer d not

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base operations police







