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E-learning Innovations Australian Flexible Learning Framework

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E-learning Innovations Australian Flexible Learning Framework. YMCA Perth. Community based not-for-profit Operating in Perth for more than 100 years Being an RTO is a small part of the Y Mission driven. YMCA Perth Training. Strategic intent – - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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E-learning Innovations

Australian Flexible Learning Framework

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YMCA Perth

• Community based not-for-profit

• Operating in Perth for more than 100 years

• Being an RTO is a small part of the Y

• Mission driven

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YMCA Perth Training

Strategic intent –

We grow the capacity of individuals through the provision of flexible and innovative training and assessment

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• Geographically dispersed learners– Many in rural/remote locations

• A focus on the individual rather than large cohorts

• Very limited resources

Technology based learning is a natural fit

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What makes innovation work?

Seven key drivers –

Callan & Bowman 2010

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Innovation requires a ‘safe space’

• Framework funding can provide that ‘safe space’

• YMCA Perth has innovation embedded in it’s strategic intent– Framework funding has provided a safety net

for some risk taking innovation

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Innovations projects

YMCA projects have aimed at improving learning and overcoming disadvantage

– Geographic isolation– Lack of time– Literacy

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Innovations projects

The use of technology has to be appropriate and has to add something

– Often the old technologies are the best

“After 400 years, print is still superior”

Hsu & Mitchell 1997

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Innovations projects

2008 – Hand-e-fit

2010 – Choose your own learning

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Hand-e-fit technology

• Nokia 6131 NFC• RFID tags• Video files• Telstra Next G network• tagIT application

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Hand-e-fit• Participant uses the

phone to swipe a tag located on a piece of gym equipment

• Tag activates a request for a video and checks against a server in Tasmania

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Hand-e-fit• Participant views a

video on how to operate that specific piece of equipment

• Central server records the action

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Server checks current

version of video

Video downloaded to phone via Next G

Play requested


Participant swipes

RFID tag

Video request sent to server

Usage recorded by the server



Process flowchart

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• The idea and technology worked well– We proved the capability

• The application/context wasn’t right– Lots of environmental noise– Small screen size and bright environments– Some interference from the metal frames of

the equipment

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Choose your own learning technology


• Existing LMS

• PC/Internet

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Choose your own learning

• Learners access computer based scenarios

• The scenarios are a rendering of a ‘decision tree’

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Choose your own learning

• By choosing their own pathway (and receiving feedback) they are able to construct knowledge

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Choose your own learning

• The approach ‘worked’

• Maybe ARED wasn’t the ideal tool– Required a bit of post production tweaking

• Feedback was positive– This mode of object creation and use will be

more widely implemented

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Benefits of the projects

• Opportunity to test new ways that may not have been trialled otherwise

• Provided an alternative to heavy text based material which engaged learners

• Opened up avenues for better supporting distant learners

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Our learning

• The learning objects weren’t the major outputs – the professional learning was!

• The technology wasn’t the major challenge– The old fashioned job of developing the

content was– Coupled with ‘how’ to best utilise it

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Looking forward

• Framework funding has enabled us to try a number of new things– Existing participants have benefited– Future participants will benefit even more

• Innovation is part of our strategic intent

• We hope to have more opportunities to learn as part of the framework

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