April 4月 2017 快讯 Newsletter Message from The Director 院长致意 大家好! 先,向诸位汇报本院近期的亮点活动。 3月25日,“明师经典”——中国语言、文学、历史、 哲学讲座系列之第三期的第三场演讲在国家图书 馆顺利举行。这一场讲座的主讲者为南洋理工大学汉语语言 学博士谭慧敏老师。她以〈从典籍看人生的变革管理〉为主 题,从先秦经典中总结智慧,与听众们分享了自己对人生变 革管理的理解与心得。本讲座系列的第四及第五场演讲,将 于4月29日及5月20日举行,主讲者为南洋理工大学中文系的 关诗副教授和魏月萍博士,讲题则分别为:〈“明者视于 无形”:鸦片战争译者及丑闻缠身的英国汉学家郭实腊(Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803 –1851)〉和〈当代儒家的演变 与话语争议〉。讲座的地点仍为维多利亚街的国家图书馆五楼 Possibility Room,期待和大家在这每月最后一个周六的知性 之旅中再聚。 活跃乐龄理事会刚于3月24至26日在新达城国际会展中心 举办了“50佳 2017”活动。本院很荣幸得以参展,有机会向 公众介绍我们专为乐龄人士开办的各类课程。本院在这为期三 天的活动中,给大家呈献了以象棋、中医、水墨画、汉语拼 音、汉字趣谈、华文教学及翻译为导向的课程简介,并通过体 验课让前来观展的乐龄人士对我们的各类课程有了进一步的了 解。从现场反应来看,公众对我们的文化课——特别是汉语拼 音课程,尤其感兴趣,不断前来询问课程的相关信息,当中更 有不少人踊跃地即席报读。 此外,我们在4月7日再次与淡马锡初级学院在其学院讲 堂联合主办了“第十届全国中小学生华文文化常识比赛”。这 一赛事的宗旨为提高我国中小学生对华文文化的了解与兴趣, 比赛是通过团队合作的形式,让学生们能够活学活用华文文化 知识。共有25所中小学参与了这项比赛。我们也在比赛当天 安排了轻松有趣的华文文化讲座,讲题为〈反口覆舌的福尔摩 斯〉,由南洋理工大学中文系关诗副教授主讲,希望能让同 学们深化对语言和翻译的认识。 一年一度的“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛(新加坡赛区 2017)已拉开帷幕。这项常年赛事今年已迈入第十六个年头, 本届比赛以“梦想点亮未来”为主题。“汉语桥”不仅是一 个能让全球大学生展示才艺与汉语能力的舞台,也是一个可助 您实现人生理想的平台。现在,一个千载难逢的机会就在你眼 前!我们欢迎所有新加坡的在籍大专生(理工学院与大学)参 加比赛,有兴趣参赛的同学们,可浏览本院的网页了解详情。 本院专为有志成为国际学校或语文中心之汉语/华文教师 而开设的“汉语国际教育专业文凭”课程,最新一期即将开 办,因此我们特于来临的5月5日和5月31日在本院802讲堂举 办课程说明会。如果您对本课程有兴趣,欢迎致电或亲临本院 垂询。 再次感谢诸位的支持与爱护,我们下一期再叙! 南洋理工大学孔子学院院长 梁秉赋 敬启 Greetings! F irstly, let me report on our recent and forthcoming events. On 25 March, the third lecture of the third series of “In Class with the Masters” Lecture Series on Chinese Language, Literature, History and Philosophy was delivered at National Library Building. The speaker was Dr Tham Hwee Min, who holds a doctorate in Chinese Language and Linguistics from Nanyang Technological University. In her topic on “Change Management in Life: Lessons from Chinese Classics”, she drew inferences from Pre-Qin classics on wisdom to share her thoughts on personal change management with the audience. The fourth lecture, Visualizing the invisible: British Sinologist and the scandalous interpreter in the First Opium War, Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803 –1851 by Associate Professor Kwan Sze Pui and the fifth lecture “The Transformation of Contemporary Confucianism as Seen in Recent Debates” by Assistant Professor Ngoi Guat Peng will be presented on 29 April and 20 May respectively, at Possibility Room on Level 5 of National Library Building. Both lecturers are faculty members of NTU Division of Chinese. I look forward to embarking on this intellectual journey with you every last Saturday of the month. The Council for Third Age (C3A) organised “50plus 2017” at Suntec City Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre on 24 – 26 March. We are pleased to have participated in the event which gave us the opportunity to introduce our range of courses for senior citizens. During the 3-day event, we conducted introductory classes on Chinese chess (Xiangqi), Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese ink painting, Chinese phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin), Chinese characters, Chinese teaching and learning, and translation. Furthermore, there were teaser classes to publicise our wide gamut of courses to seniors in the crowd. Judging from the response, public interest in our cultural courses, particularly the Chinese phonetics course, was high. There was a constant stream of people making enquiries, with quite a number eagerly registering for the course. Once again, Temasek Junior College and CI-NTU jointly organised the Inter-school Chinese Language and Cultural Competition 2017 at the college auditorium on 7 April. The objective of the event is to raise the level of knowledge and interest in Chinese language and culture among primary and secondary school students. The competition emphasises teamwork as well as practical learning and practical application. Twenty-five primary and secondary schools participated in the competition. The programme also included a lighthearted and fun talk on The Greek Interpreter by Associate Professor Kwan Sze Pui from NTU Division of Chinese, to deepen the students’ understanding of language and translation. The annual “Chinese Bridge” (Singapore 2017) Chinese proficiency competition for foreign college students is now open for registration. In its 16 th year, the competition has adopted the theme “Dreams Enlighten The Future”. “Chinese Bridge” does not only provide a stage for college students around the world to display their talent and Chinese proficiency, but also a platform for achieving one’s dreams. And now, a golden opportunity has presented itself! We welcome all the students who are now studying in the polytechnics and universities in Singapore to register for the competition. Do surf our website for the details. Our Diploma in Teaching Chinese Language programme is specially designed for those aspiring to be Chinese teachers in international schools or language centres. It is now open for registration for the July intake, we will be conducting briefing sessions on the course at Lecture Room 802 on 5 and 31 May. If you are interested in the course, do give us a call or visit our institute for more information. Once again, thank you for your kind support. Let’s chat again in the next issue! Dr Neo Peng Fu Director, Confucius Institute Nanyang Technological University

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April 4月 2017


Message from The Director 院长致意


首先,向诸位汇报本院近期的亮点活动。 3月25日,“明师经典”——中国语言、文学、历史、哲学讲座系列之第三期的第三场演讲在国家图书

馆顺利举行。这一场讲座的主讲者为南洋理工大学汉语语言学博士谭慧敏老师。她以〈从典籍看人生的变革管理〉为主题,从先秦经典中总结智慧,与听众们分享了自己对人生变革管理的理解与心得。本讲座系列的第四及第五场演讲,将于4月29日及5月20日举行,主讲者为南洋理工大学中文系的关诗珮副教授和魏月萍博士,讲题则分别为:〈“明者视于无形”:鸦片战争译者及丑闻缠身的英国汉学家郭实腊(Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803 –1851)〉和〈当代儒家的演变与话语争议〉。讲座的地点仍为维多利亚街的国家图书馆五楼 Possibility Room,期待和大家在这每月最后一个周六的知性之旅中再聚。

活跃乐龄理事会刚于3月24至26日在新达城国际会展中心举办了“50佳 2017”活动。本院很荣幸得以参展,有机会向公众介绍我们专为乐龄人士开办的各类课程。本院在这为期三天的活动中,给大家呈献了以象棋、中医、水墨画、汉语拼音、汉字趣谈、华文教学及翻译为导向的课程简介,并通过体验课让前来观展的乐龄人士对我们的各类课程有了进一步的了解。从现场反应来看,公众对我们的文化课——特别是汉语拼音课程,尤其感兴趣,不断前来询问课程的相关信息,当中更有不少人踊跃地即席报读。





南洋理工大学孔子学院院长梁秉赋 敬启


Firstly, let me report on our recent and forthcoming events.

On 25 March, the third lecture of the third series of “In Class with the Masters” Lecture Series on Chinese Language,

Literature, History and Philosophy was delivered at National Library Building. The speaker was Dr Tham Hwee Min, who holds a doctorate in Chinese Language and Linguistics from Nanyang Technological University. In her topic on “Change Management in Life: Lessons from Chinese Classics”, she drew inferences from Pre-Qin classics on wisdom to share her thoughts on personal change management with the audience. The fourth lecture, Visualizing the invisible: British Sinologist and the scandalous interpreter in the First Opium War, Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803 –1851 by Associate Professor Kwan Sze Pui and the fifth lecture “The Transformation of Contemporary Confucianism as Seen in Recent Debates” by Assistant Professor Ngoi Guat Peng will be presented on 29 April and 20 May respectively, at Possibility Room on Level 5 of National Library Building. Both lecturers are faculty members of NTU Division of Chinese. I look forward to embarking on this intellectual journey with you every last Saturday of the month.

The Council for Third Age (C3A) organised “50plus 2017” at Suntec City Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre on 24 – 26 March. We are pleased to have participated in the event which gave us the opportunity to introduce our range of courses for senior citizens. During the 3-day event, we conducted introductory classes on Chinese chess (Xiangqi), Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese ink painting, Chinese phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin), Chinese characters, Chinese teaching and learning, and translation. Furthermore, there were teaser classes to publicise our wide gamut of courses to seniors in the crowd. Judging from the response, public interest in our cultural courses, particularly the Chinese phonetics course, was high. There was a constant stream of people making enquiries, with quite a number eagerly registering for the course.

Once again, Temasek Junior College and CI-NTU jointly organised the Inter-school Chinese Language and Cultural

Competition 2017 at the college auditorium on 7 April. The objective of the event is to raise the level of knowledge and interest in Chinese language and culture among primary and secondary school students. The competition emphasises teamwork as well as practical learning and practical application. Twenty-five primary and secondary schools participated in the competition. The programme also included a lighthearted and fun talk on The Greek Interpreter by Associate Professor Kwan Sze Pui from NTU Division of Chinese, to deepen the students’ understanding of language and translation.

The annual “Chinese Bridge” (Singapore 2017) Chinese proficiency competition for foreign college students is now open for registration. In its 16th year, the competition has adopted the theme “Dreams Enlighten The Future”. “Chinese Bridge” does not only provide a stage for college students around the world to display their talent and Chinese proficiency, but also a platform for achieving one’s dreams. And now, a golden opportunity has presented itself! We welcome all the students who are now studying in the polytechnics and universities in Singapore to register for the competition. Do surf our website for the details.

Our Diploma in Teaching Chinese Language programme is specially designed for those aspiring to be Chinese teachers in international schools or language centres. It is now open for registration for the July intake, we will be conducting briefing sessions on the course at Lecture Room 802 on 5 and 31 May. If you are interested in the course, do give us a call or visit our institute for more information.

Once again, thank you for your kind support. Let’s chat again in the next issue!

Dr Neo Peng FuDirector, Confucius Institute

Nanyang Technological University

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2 Confucius Institute, NTU • Newsletter 快讯

Inter-school Chinese Language and Cultural Competition 2017 Jointly Organised by

Temasek Junior College and CI-NTU淡马锡初级学院与南大孔院联办


7 April 2017 was a special day for students across 25 primary schools and secondary schools, as they formed groups of four to participate in the Inter-school Chinese Language

and Cultural Competition 2017 jointly organised by Temasek Junior College and CI-NTU. The students were challenged on their understanding of local and traditional Chinese culture, with themes varying from local street names and local Chinese folk songs to Chinese idioms, Chinese hieroglyphs and more. It was a truly meaningful learning experience for the students, and many were excited to browse the search engines for the questions and answers, and waiting eagerly for the results.

We were honoured to have Associate Professor Kwan Sze Pui Uganda gracing the event and sharing with the participants on how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Greek Interpreter was translated in China. Students from the primary and secondary schools showed much enthusiasm during the Q&A session, with several of them walking away with prizes for answering questions correctly.

We look forward to holding the next round of competition to promote the joy of learning and appreciation of Chinese

language and culture among the younger generation.












(Arthur Conan Doyle)原创的《福尔摩斯》系






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April 4月  3



Adult Chinese Learning Programme

CI-NTU @ 50PLUS 2017

CI-NTU took part in the Council for Third Age (C3A) event “50plus 2017” and made a fruitful connection with senior citizens while promoting our exciting


50plus, a 3-day event held at Level 3 of Suntec City Convention Centre, is organised by C3A and supported by Ministry of Health (MOH) from 24 to 26 March 2017. It had many components including a series of talks, a galore of learning opportunities offered by community-based organisations and educational institutions, in the forms of teaser classes and bazaar.

With the objectives of allowing visitors to discover their interests through a fun, interactive and brief experience, 50plus promoted the culture of learning via a quick (15–30 minutes) and hands-on teaser classes. During the event, CI-NTU conducted classes on Chinese chess (Xiangqi), Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese ink painting, Chinese phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin), Chinese characters, Chinese teaching and learning, and translation.

At the Informative Bazaar, the CI-NTU booth drew much attention from seniors. Many of them showed a keen interest in our cultural programmes and especially the Chinese phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin) course among the language programmes. Many signed up on the spot, and CI-NTU is very glad to have gained a better understanding of their learning needs over the three days.

CI-NTU will continue to make every effort to reach out to the community from different walks of life and try to meet the diverse needs as far and effectively as possible!


会议展览中心3楼举办的“50佳  2017”活动,与


南大孔院参加活跃乐龄理事会(C3A) “50佳 2017”活动获得热烈反响

“50佳”由C3A 主办,获卫生部支持。活动节目丰富,












Xiangqi class (Teaser class) by Mr Tan Tuan Seng

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4 Confucius Institute, NTU • Newsletter 快讯

The 16th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students

Singapore 2017

2) Contents:

• Put up an artistic performance (not exceeding 5 mins).

The forms of performance could include but not limited to: Chinese songs, dance, acrobatics, musical instruments, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese ink painting, Wu-Shu, diabolo, or others.

• Knowledge of China. (MCQ and short questions about China and Chinese culture)

3) Prize (Singapore leg):

• 1st Prize: Trophy + $300 Book Voucher + Certificate*• 2nd Prize: Trophy + $200 Book Voucher + Certificate**• 3rd Prize: Trophy + $100 Book Voucher + Certificate • Consolation Prizes (x5): $50 Book Voucher + Certificate

* 1st Prize winner will represent Singapore to compete in the grand finals conducted in China.

** 2nd Prize winner will participate at the grand finals as observing guest.

(1st and 2nd prize winners will attend Chinese cultural education programme for 2 weeks. Flights, food, lodging, transportation, transportation and group activities in China will be sponsored by Hanban)

To participate, please email to jh.lim @ntu.edu.sg / [email protected] or contact us at 6514 1397 / 6592 7590 for more information.

Do you want to display your Chinese language proficiency and showcase your Chinese cultural skills?

Do you want to mingle with individuals from around the world who speak Chinese language?

Do you want to perform on Chinese television and win a scholarship to further your studies in China?

Don’t miss out this opportunity and sign up now!

The “Chinese Bridge” or Hanyu Qiao is an annual event organised by the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban). The event aims to attract enthusiasts who have a passion for Chinese language and culture. Since its inception in 2002, the “Chinese Bridge”, an event aims at promoting the learning of Chinese language and culture has created a platform for college students around the world to display their language proficiency and showcase their talent related to Chinese culture.

Theme: “Dreams Enlighten The Future”

1) Eligibility:

• Aged 18 – 30 years old, must not be born in the People Republic of China, first language is not Chinese and currently enrolled at a Singapore university or polytechnic.

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April 4月 5

第十六届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛 新加坡赛区 2017

Preliminary Round 预赛: 12 May 2016 (Fri)

Final Round 决赛: 27 May 2016 (Sat)

Venue 地点: Confucius Institute, NTU 南洋理工大学孔子学院

Registration Closing Date 报名截止日期: 8 May 2016 (Mon)















1) 参赛对象:

• 年龄18岁至30岁,非中国国籍、非在中国出生并成长的新


2) 参加方式:

• 参赛者需要准备不超过5分钟的才艺表演。



• 汉语能力和中华文化知识测试,问题均为判断题和单项选择


3) 奖项:

• 一等奖: 奖杯+$300书券+奖状*• 二等奖: 奖杯+$200书券+奖状**• 三等奖: 奖杯+$100书券+奖状

• 优异奖(五份): $50书券+奖状

* 一等奖得主将获推荐赴华参加总决赛

** 二等奖得主将有机会赴华观摩总决赛



有意参加者,请电邮至 jh.lim@ ntu.edu.sg / [email protected]

或拨电至 65141397 / 65927513 了解详情。

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6 Confucius Institute, NTU • Newsletter 快讯

“In Class with the Masters” Lecture Series: Change Management in Life: Lessons from Chinese Classics“明师经典”讲座系列:从典籍看人生的变革管理

On 25 March, CI-NTU organised the third lecture of the third series of “In Class with the Masters” Lecture Series on Chinese Language, Literature, History and

Philosophy. Dr Tham Hwee Min was invited to deliver a lecture on “Change Management in Life: Lessons from Chinese Classics” where she shared her thoughts on personal change management while drawing inferences from Pre-Qin classics.

Dr Tham introduced the topic by describing the changes she encountered in life. Her discourse on the three levels of “change” incorporated maxims by various philosophers.

Dr Tham believed that no matter how much the environment has changed, people should not manipulate their values and lose themselves, but strive to return to the basics. Change is neither good nor bad. To change or not to change requires much creativity. People should appreciate all aspects of change, and learn to complete life’s mission whether there is change or no change.The seminar attracted many senior citizen and students. They had an engaging and rewarding discussion with the speaker. The seminar ended with thunderous applause from the audience.

”In Class with the Masters” is held at National Library Building every last Saturday of the month. All are welcome to register for the event. The next lecture entitled Visualizing the invisible: British Sinologist and the scandalous interpreter in the First Opium War, Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803–1851, and presented by Associate Professor Kwan Sze Pui, will be held on 29 April 2017, 2.00 – 2:30pm.



谭慧敏博士在讲座中通过介绍人生经历的变化,引入了人生变革管理的话题。她依次讲解了“变”的三个层次:经验层次、先验层次和自由层次,并结合典籍中孔子的“守经权变”、 庄子的“相忘于江湖”、老子的“复命曰常”、荀子的“应变不穷”加以阐释。


本院的品牌项目:“明师经典”——中国语言、文学、历史、哲学讲座系列在今年已昂首步入第三期。为本期主讲的,有来自南洋理工大学的孔子学院、人文与社会科学学院及国立教育学院,以及新加坡国立大学人文与社会科学学院及耶鲁——国大学院,和新加坡科技与设计大学的人文、艺术与社会科学学院的12位学人。这一学术月会将于今年每月的最后一个周六下午,于维多利亚街的国家图书馆大楼举行。 期待与大家共赴知性之旅!

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Upcoming Highlights 精彩预告

April 4月 7

Student Programmes 状元学堂

24th Young Confucius Cultural Camp第24届少年孔子文化营®

1 – 2 June 2017 9am – 6pm

P6 PSLE Preparatory Workshop小六会考预备班

5 – 8 June 2017 9am – 1pm

Pre-School Top Chinese Enrichment Programme (N2 – K2)学前状元学堂课程 (N2 - K2)

Top Chinese Enrichment Programme (Pri and Sec)状元学堂深广课程 (小学和中学)

Chinese Creative Reading & Writing (Pri 2)创意阅读写作班(小二)

Comprehension Passages and Composition Writing (Pri 3 – 6)阅读写作强化班 (小三至小六)

Fun with Chinese Calligraphy for Children (6 – 12 years old)汉字书法真好玩!(6至12岁)

Email: [email protected] Tel: 6514 1398/6514 1061

Adult Programmes 成人课程

Diploma in Teaching Chinese Language 汉语国际教育专业文凭Information Session 课程说明会5 May 2017 (Fri) or 31 May 2017 (Wed)7:00pm – 8:30pm

Diploma in Business Translation and Interpretation Skills商务翻译及口译专业文凭

Email: [email protected] Tel: 6514 1063/6514 1062

Business Chinese商务中文

Customised Programmes量身定制课程

Communicative Chinese交际汉语

Introduction to Chinese Phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin)汉语拼音课程

Professional Chinese in Finance and Accounting财务与会计汉语

Applied Writing Course (in Chinese)应用文写作课程

Nurturing a Leader: Wisdom from the Ancient Chinese Philosophies领导学:中华古典智慧

Email: [email protected] Tel: 6592 2538/6592 2539

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8 Confucius Institute, NTU • Newsletter 快讯

Upcoming Highlights 精彩预告

“In Class with the Masters”: Lecture Series on Chinese Language, Literature, History and Philosophy “明师经典”——中国语言、文学、历史、哲学讲座系列:

Visualizing the invisible: British Sinologist and the scandalous interpreter in the First Opium War, Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803–1851

“明者视于无形”:鸦片战争译者及丑闻缠身的英国汉学家郭实腊(Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff; 1803 –1851)

主讲者:关诗珮副教授29 April 2017 2:00pm – 3:30pmNational Library Building, Level 5, Possibility Room

The Transformation of Contemporary Confucianism as Seen in Recent Debates当代儒家的演变与话语争议

主讲者:魏月萍博士20 May 2017 2:00pm – 3:30pmNational Library Building, Level 5, Possibility Room

World Book Day 20172017世界书香日

导读徐兰君、李丽丹《建构南洋儿童》导读团队:陈凌子(新加坡国立大学研究生)、翰林书会7 May 2017 2:30pm – 4:30pmNational Library Building, Level 1, Multi-Purpose Room

导读海伦 ·库伯《南瓜汤》 导读团队:洪一翔、方丽莹、洪思雯、周佳怡、常甜甜、罗巧荃(教师)13 May 2017 2:30pm – 4:30pmNational Library Building, Level 1, Multi-Purpose Room

Cultural Programmes 文化项目

The 16th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students Singapore 2017第十六届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛新加坡赛区2017Preliminary Round: 12 May 2017Final Round: 27 May 2017

Singing Made Simple: The McClosky Voice Method麦格罗斯基发声法:让您轻松放歌13 May – 10 June 2017 9:30pm – 12:30pm (in Mandarin) 2pm – 5pm (in English)

Chinese Calligraphy Workshop“名师学堂”文化课程:中华书法系列16 May – 15 August 2017 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Basic Course in Xiangqi象棋入门班18 May – 3 August 2017 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Chinese Ink Painting Workshop“名师学堂”文化课程:中国彩墨画班22 May – 14 August 2017 or 25 May – 10 August 2017 7:30pm – 9:30pm

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