Department of International Business 逢甲國貿電子報 / 第88News E-Newsletter Award Mobility Internship 2019/04/22 跨域 群聚 新創 Feng Chia University 2005-01-01創刊

E-Newsletter - fcu.edu.t · 寒假實習心得林家而 ... 在教育部新南向學海築夢計畫經費補助下,本系. 3. 位大四學生於寒假期間前往紐西蘭. 2. 家企業實習

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Page 1: E-Newsletter - fcu.edu.t · 寒假實習心得林家而 ... 在教育部新南向學海築夢計畫經費補助下,本系. 3. 位大四學生於寒假期間前往紐西蘭. 2. 家企業實習

Department of International Business


/ 第88期



Award Mobility Internship





Feng Chia University


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Thailand Field TripExperience Sharing 翁紗蘭

Thailand Field Trip Experience Sharing 韓楚賢

Thailand Field Trip Experience Sharing 諾吉雅

Experience Sharing 威妮弗蕾德on International Trade Management


107-2 外籍生介紹Foreign student introduction

Murphy老師專欄Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition

Page 02












Experience Sharing 周文賢on International Trade Management25


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本次實習企業由紐西蘭台灣商會賴滿會長(銀保系64級系友)協助安排,2位學生於聯強國際集團紐西蘭子公司實習,其為亞太第一大、全球第三大3C專業通路商,學生有機會深入了解紐西蘭通路商經營管理及其財務與報關運作,實習訪視由財務及運營經理Matthew Wu接待;另1位學生於生活達人網路行銷實體超市實習,此為紐西蘭最大華人網購平台,本次實習以商品進口實務、物流配送、網路行銷、網購平台經營管理等為重點,實習訪視由周宜靜總經理接待。

經由賴滿會長之安排,實習期間師生亦拜會駐奧克蘭台北經濟文化辦事處,由劉永健處長及鍾文昌秘書親自接待及座談,並安排午宴交流。此外,江怡蒨教授亦前往姊妹校梅西大學與奧克蘭商學院(賴滿會長協助安排)洽談交流合作事宜,分別由該校商學院JadeChou經理與John Wood執行長接待。




▲奧克蘭辦事處(左四為劉處長, 左一為楊宗澤校友)。




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經過實習第一週,了解了聯強的一些營運模式、歷史,像是他的前身是神通,是一間IT通路商,其員工人數大約為65人,華人佔一半,業務大多為在地人,員工不外派直接當地招募,子公司沒股東(100%聯強控管),他們營運主要是想在第一時間收到貨品並將貨送到顧客手中,而他們的目標為搶佔紐西蘭400萬的人口市場,切割英國市場提高市占,並將利益溢到澳洲的分公司,除此之外也了解了聯強的退貨流程、庫存管理、跟廠商要錢再來給顧客回饋的過程等……各種財務方面的問題、知識,平時在公司除了幫忙對帳之外也有學習怎麼做credit note,以前只在書上學過出credit note的流程、方法,從未實際操作過。


在實務上學到一些財務上的知識,主要都在操作Excel表,也用到了很多以前在學校所沒學到的、或不曾用過的Excel技巧、credit note、計算退貨處理費用CRC fee、企業的財務系統操作,以及從經理身上學到一些公司營運方面的知識。人際關係上,相較於出國前較勇於開口,畢竟身處在國外許多事情只能靠自己,有問題也就主動開口問別人,在公司上班除了認識的同部門的同事之外,午茶時間在茶水間也會主動與不同部門的同事聊天,除了公司的人員以外在假日旅途的過程中也認識了幾個來自不同國家的外國人,有些是來讀書、有些事來旅遊、也有人是來工作的,我們也留下彼此的聯絡方式,繼續保持聯繫。我們也參觀了報關行學習到了很多與報關相關的知識,比起在學校所學的多更多,也更實務、更貼近實際運作時會碰到的狀況,以及報關最新的時事、法規條例等……收穫蠻多的。


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很開心能有這個機會到紐西蘭實習、生活一個月,在這一個月裡看了很多也學到了很多,深入當地生活,比起旅遊有更多的時間好好的觀察這個國家的總總,而這次實習除了上班增加實務經驗,也發現了自己該加強的能力像是更高階的會計知識(在校所學只學到初會)、Excel技巧(學習更多工作上會用到的Excel技巧)、English 能力(平時與外國人對話還算聽得懂,但在紐西蘭他們講話有口音,加上速度比較快,因此會聽不太懂,需要多加適應、訓練聽他們口音以及講話速度),那這次實習在財務部門,很多都會碰到會計科目,其實以前課堂所學的會計基礎、國際財務,國際貿易所學的貿易流程、報關、電腦課所學的基本Excel應用方式對這次的實習過程是很有幫助,而這一個月裡了解更多紐西蘭的在地的生活習慣(食、交通、住、娛樂)、人文特性、產業結構以及經濟現況,也增加了實務技巧、經驗,了解企業的整個財務會計流程、實際操作企業的財務系統,以及了解企業的營運經營模式,也更加了解整個貿易流程,我們也利用了假日到紐西蘭的著名景點走走看看,除了能夠練習英文還結交了好多新朋友,增進了國際視野也拓展了自己的人脈,真的很值得。


比起另一個實習生我接觸到的是整個財務流程(結合AR、AP、Rebate),學得更全面,起初從有些聽不懂、弄混,到後來能夠獨立作業(確認貨物是否有到、利用excel表統整報關行當月所有的貨物運送編號、所產生的費用,獨自計算CRC Fee,一些財務報表的製作)。



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下飛機的那一刻就能感覺到紐西蘭的空氣和天空十分的清爽乾淨,路上也沒有壅擠的機車和垃圾,當時非常慶幸能有此次的實習機會。我實習的地方位於紐西蘭北島奧克蘭東區的工業區,附近大多是物流公司,幾乎沒有任何商店或餐廳。實習內容為熟悉財務部門主要工作內容、實際操作公司財務系統、協助對帳、製作財務統計表、獨自在財務系統上完成key in動作、了解CRC Fee整個計算流程等等。最特別的是經理帶我們參觀聯強的儲貨倉,因為紐西蘭法律非常嚴格所以進去必須穿好所有安全裝備,看到好幾公尺的架子跟將近數千的商品非常的驚艷,且聯強不同的地方在於他們每天都會盤點保證實體貨和網路的數量是相符的,也分類的非常詳細為了怕搞混所以相像的產品不會放在一起,在員工裝貨時也都有清晰的攝影機記錄方便查看是否包裝錯誤或是顧客誣賴產品有缺漏。另一個特別的經驗是經理帶我們參觀與他們合作最大間的報關行- Expeditor,主要提供進出口貨物空運、海運、集運、倉儲、分送、監管、報關、咨詢服務,為美國最大的國際貨運代理公司。裡面的業務負責接待我們講述了非常多關於國際貿易進出口的流程和全國運輸的一些規則禁忌等等,非常有感觸,學習到許多之前在課堂上沒有學到的知識。



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本次學術交流的行程中,安排與泰國朱拉隆功大學(ChulalongkornUniversity)師生就經營管理、經濟發展、文化歷史等領域做實地見習及座談。此外也至泰國法政大學(Thammasat University)進行交流,了解泰國經貿的發展及相關教學研究,全程皆以英語進行交流座談。

為進一步了解泰國經貿環境,師生更赴THE SUN PLEX ENGINEERING ANDSOFTWARE COMPANY及宏全國際股份有限公司泰國總公司(HON CHUANTHAILAND CO., LTD.)實地參訪學習。此外,臺灣駐泰國臺北經濟文化辦事處童振源代表也特別抽空,親自歡迎本校師生,席間另有多位辦事處長官陪同。


▲與駐泰國臺北經濟文化辦事處長官座談, 前左二為童振源代表,前右二為劉翁昆老師。(照片/國貿系提供)

▼與「泰國朱拉隆功大學」(Chulalongkorn University)師生進行交流,右八為Pornsook Tantrarungrojm院長。(照片/國貿系提供)


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-Thailand Field Trip

Saranya Wonghatsadorn翁紗蘭

Experience Sharing on Field Trip Course

The field trip in Thailand has started on Sunday January 13, 2019 in the evening. Wemet at Bangkok’s Chinatown to take the dinner. Chinatown has been the main centre fortrading by the Chinese community. It’s covered the history of the early Chineseimmigrants to Bangkok, stayed here, and integrated with Thai society. Chinatown or inThai language “Yaowarat” (the name comes from the road) is famous and has variety offood both in street food and in the Chinese restaurant. Thus, there are many Thai peopleand foreign tourists coming to Yaowarat. Most of the restaurants need to take an queue. Ihave seen that the waiters in the restaurants can speak Chinese and English. It’s soamazing. After we finished having dinner, we walked around and then we separated andtook a rest.

First DayJanuary 13, 2019


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On January 14th, firstly we started at Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand.We got a good welcoming from the officer. We introduced ourselves and talk about thereason why we have chosen to study in Master’s Degree in Feng Chia University, Taichung,Taiwan. For me, Chinese language is the language of Taiwan and nowadays Chineselanguage is the language that a large number of people can speak. So, I want to learnChinese language. Taiwan has provided a lot of scholarships to foreigners. Taiwanese peopleare really kind and they try to help foreign people. The cost of living in Taiwan, especially inTaichung is not quite different from Thailand. The location is near to Feng Chia night marketand the transportation is also convenient. These are the reasons why I choose to study here.We also talked about the New Southbound Policy; the policy that makes Taiwan has lessdependent on Mainland China by cooperating with other countries. The policy waslaunched since 2016. Thailand is also one country that this policy intends to cooperate withand the policy has also developed the relationship, trade & economic, technology, industry,agriculture, education, and tourism between Taiwan and Thailand; for example, Taiwanprovides 14-days Visa free for Thai people who wants to travel to Taiwan since August1,2018 to July 31, 2019. So, the number of Thai people travelling to Taiwan has increased.

We took a lunch in that building; Empire Tower, and secondly we went toChulalongkorn University. Chulalongkorn University is the oldest institute of highereducation in Thailand that’s established since 1917. We have seen the introductionpresentation from the faculty of Education of Chulalongkorn University. The university hasprovided the course for both Thais and foreigners that have the qualification as it requires.Then we did the university tour. That day is the sport day so we didn’t see many studentsbut we saw some of university’s classrooms, buildings, and studying materials. We alsoknew the Chulalongkorn students belief’s do and don’t. If they don’t follow, they may notgraduate. And we have a chance to take a picture in front of the bronze statues of HisMajesty King Chulalongkorn and His Majesty King Vajiravudh; the founders of ChulalongkornUniversity that everyone in the university respects to him.

Second DayJanuary 14, 2019


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Thirdly we went to Icon Siam, Thailand’slargest riverside convenient store that islocated along Chao Phraya River in KlongSan.Icon Siam has many luxury brand shops and ithas one floor that shows the Thai culture offloating market. There are a lot of Thaitraditional food and dessert. We can come toIcon Siam by bus, car, and boat.

Lastly, we had a dinner on Bangkok Chao Phraya River White Orchid Cruise. We took acruise, ate the international cuisine buffet, enjoyed with Thai classical dance show andcabaret show, listened to live music on board,and took sightseeing view along Chao PhrayaRiver. The cruise will pass the beautiful scenery of Bangkok’s most famous places like TheRoyal Grand Palace, Wat Pho (Temple of Reclining Buddha) and Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn),The Rama VIII bridges, etc.


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On January 15th, we started at company visit. The first company is Sun PlexEngineering and Software Co Ltd. This company produces the software programs by appliedfrom Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), Artificial Intelligence(AI), Blockchain, and Big Data for other companies both in Thai and foreign countries.Moreover, the company also has the research center to exchange the knowledge and teachthe course of Augmented Reality (AR) for the one who’s interested. I think it’s veryinteresting. Its products can be used in term of education, meditation, security, educationand amusement. The technology has changed very fast. The one who can adapt thetechnology, it can create a lot benefits. In the future, if I have a chance, I will take its course.

Third DayJanuary 15, 2019

On January 16th, we started at HonChuan (Thailand) Co., LTD; Taiwanesecompany operating in Thailand. Firstly; wetook a look around the factory, wore thesuitable cloth, mask, head cover, and shoecover, cleaned the handed and body, andput ear plug. I think it looks formal and safe.We saw the process and the machine thatuses to make the cap of the bottle. I haveseen one machine; CCM Machine Sacmiltaly,it can produce 66,000 pieces per hour. Sothey can produce a lot of caps and itsproducts are sent to many big and famouscompanies in Thailand like Pepsi, Coke,Fanta, Ichidan Group, and etc. The companyhas 2 types of the caps. The first is put thecolor name of the brand on the top and nocolor. The machine can check the quality ofthe cap. If it’s not qualified, it will beseparated. Secondly, we went to themeeting room. There were lecturersintroduce the company overview. HonChuan has the manufacture in Taiwan, China,Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia,Myanmar, Cambodia, and Mozambique. Thecompany is set up in Thailand since 2004.The main headquarter is in Taiwan. Lastly,the company took us to have lunch in onerestaurant. The foods were really good andthe Hon Chuan staffs are also nice. Theywere taking very good care of us and givingus a good knowledge. I feel very enjoyable.


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After finishing at Hon Chuan, we went to Thammasat Business School, Tha PrachanCampus. The lecturer gave us the introduction of the university and talked about theexchange program. The university will open to foreign students who would like to studyhere. For the universities that have the contract with Thammasat, the exchange student willget the credit and use it as one subject in their own university. Our Professor said that FengChia University also has the contract with Thammasat University. So, in the future thestudents in Feng Chia have a chance to be exchange student with Thammasat University.Thammasat Business School also provides one class that the lecturer is the CEO from thecompany (Shopee shopping online). The students can learn from the real situation in thecompany, think and analyze the problem. I think it’s very interesting to learn from the CEOof the company because the things that we have studied in the classroom will be differentcomparing to the real working. Then, we made the Campus Tour; saw the university’senvironment, and university library. After finishing Campus Tour, we took the bus going backto the hotel.


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The last day was on January 16th. We went to Pattaya; Chonburi Metropolitan Area.For the first place, we went to Grand Canyon. This place had not too many tourists. We tookaround 15 minutes walking around and we saw a beautiful scenery view of the GrandCanyon. This place is close to the train station.

Then, we went to Kao Sam Muk. There were a lot of monkeys along the roadside.These monkeys are not scary to the tourists but we should be careful because they can takeour belongings. We had lunch at LomSila Seafood restaurant. The food tasted really good.They are very fresh. Near the restaurant, there is a local fresh market. There are someseafood, snacks, and souvenirs that are sold by the local people around there.

Forth DayJanuary 16, 2019


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For the Field Trip in Thailand, I think it’sone of my impressive trips. I got theinteresting knowledge from Companyvisiting, saw the courses in the famousuniversities in Thailand and enjoyed with myfriends. I want to say Thank to the officers inevery place that we have joined. They gaveus a very good welcoming. Thank you forprofessors Liu, Weng-Kun for setting thisfield trip. Thank you Khun Eva; ourcoordinator for contacting to theorganizations in Thailand. Even the weatheris hot, we faced with the traffic jam,everything has passed in the good way.Thank you for my friends, we have shared amemorial time together.

After that, we went to the Million Years Stone Park & Pattaya Crocodile Farm. TheGarden and Stone Park zone has showed the gigantic rock gardens, exotic plants, and flowergardens. The Exotic Zoo zone has showed many wild animals like tiger, crocodiles, giantcatfish, elephants, bears, giraffes, and etc. Some of these animals you can buy some foodand give it to them like fish, giraffes, crocodiles. Some of them we can play and take a photowith them like small tiger and elephant. Moreover, we also saw the crocodile show. Thereare a lot crocodiles here. For me, it looked scary when I saw the people playing with thecrocodiles.

The last place of the trip that we went was Pattaya Walking Street. We used around 10minutes seeing the sea beach and the Walking Street. Because we arrived too fast, some ofthe shops in Walking Street didn’t open yet. In order not to arrive Bangkok too late, wedecided to go back to Bangkok after finishing walking around.


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Experience Sharing on

-Thailand Field Trip

Field Trip Course

Thanida Suthinoparatanakul韓楚賢

I as a second year student of Master Program have got a chance to go to field trip inThailand for 5 days in order to explore Thai working culture, living life style, and country.Field trip period was from 13th to 17th January, 2019. This trip consisted of Professor andMaster students as 13 people in total.

13th January was the first day we arrived to Bangkok. On 14th January, we have gota opportunity to meet the representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office inThailand. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand is the representative officein Thailand, which represents as a de facto embassy in the absence of diplomaticrelations. A de facto embassy means an office or organisation that serves de facto as anembassy in the absence of normal or official diplomatic relations among countries,usually to represent nations which lack full diplomatic recognition, regions ordependencies of countries, or territories over which sovereignty is disputed. In somecases, diplomatic immunity and extraterritoriality may be granted. Taiwan, as theRepublic of China was operated an embassy in Bangkok until 1975. However, an embassywas closed down after Thailand established full diplomatic relations with People’sRepublic of Chi na. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand represents theRepublic of China (Taiwan) in the Kingdom of Thailand to maintain and strengthen thesubstantial relations and traditional friendship between the people in Taiwan andThailand. The current representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand isMr. Tung Chen-yuan. I have acknowledge the New Southbound Policy from joining thismeeting. The New Southbound Policy was established by the Tsai Administration, whichfocuses on four principles, namely, economic cooperation, special talent exchangeprogrammes, resource sharing and regional integration, and deepening economic andcultural links with 16 ASEAN and South Asian countries, Australia and New Zealand. Thepurpose of the New Southbound Policy in the term of a political and economic viewpointis to avoid Taiwan from becoming overly dependent on a monopoly market (e.g. China)and to create bilateral economic partnerships with targeted nations in order to support aNew Model for Economic Development. Trade between Taiwan and the New South+18countries accounted approximately US$ 96,018.2 million in 2016. Moreover, ASEAN+10countries aer the second largest trading partner for Taiwan after China. In addition,Taiwan has invested largely in Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines,and Indonesia in 2017. This policy gives the opportunity for Thailand to workeconomically even more closely with Taiwan as well as exchanging the technologicalknowledge and working labors.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand


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In the afternoon, we went to visitChulalongkorn University. The universitywas established in 1979 by King Rama VI ofThailand. We went to visit Faculty ofEducation. This Faculty was established in1975 as the seventh faculty ofChulalongkorn University. The Faculty isknown as Thailand’s academic referenceand learning resource in education andTeacher Education, responding to the needsof the nation with the nation with theevolution of education, advanced academicprinciples, and the promotion ofinternational education. The facultycurrently operates 6 AcademicDepartments and 2 Demonstration Schools.The Faculty of Education offers all academicprogrammes: (1) Bachelor's Program, (2)Master’s Program, and (3) DoctoralProgram.

Having a chance to visit the campusand classroom, I was able to explore thestudy environment of the faculty. Thefacility and classroom are also appropriatefor students to study.

Chulalongkorn University

The Sun Plex Engineering Co.,Ltd.

We visited the company called The SunPlex Engineering Co.,Ltd. This companyfocus on the Virtual Reality (VR),Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality(MR). We have got to meet the CEO of thecompany and have some discussion withthe him and his technological developmentteam. They presented us regarding the VR,AR, MR technology and also how thesetechnologies are related to our living life-style. I’ve known that this kind oftechnology is surrounded around useveryday.


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AR,VR,MR Technology can apply inany field (e.g. game, study, media,medical study, art, etc.). The companyalso works with several partners fromlocal and international, namelyIndonesia, India, Japan, etc. Forexample, they work with Bandai fromJapan for creating game cards. Thecompany also work with medicaldepartment from local university inorder to develop VR for the studymaterials for the medical students.

We also had a chance to experiencesome game cards and other VR projectsfrom the company. In my opinion, thiskind of technology become people’sattention. Thus, it is crucial to learn andknow how to adapt our lives to thistechnology as well as the having anadvanced development in thistechnological knowledge.


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Our team got a chance to visit Hon Chuan (Thailand) Co.,Ltd in Thailand. Hon Chuanis Taiwanese company. Originally, Tai Hong Industrial Co., Ltd. ” in capital of NT$600,000, was established by founder, Mr. Dai Chin-Si in Zhang Hua City. The mainproduct of the company is Cap Product, PET bottle, Label Products, and other products.

In order to internationalize the business, Hon Chuan has widely expanded thebusiness to other countries such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar,Cambodia, and Africa. In 2004, The Company organized “Hon Chuan (Asia) Holdings Co.,Ltd.,” and set up Hon Chuan (Thailand) plant, Hon Chuan FD plant, Hon Chuan (Indonesia)plant as well as established operation headquarters in Asian, which include Taiwan,China and South-East Asia. Hon Chuan recently operates 5 plants in Thailand in severalcities in order to serve the products to the local businesses. There are several Thaicompanies becoming Hon Chuan (Thailand) Co., Ltd (e.g. Ishitan, Oishi, Coca-Cola, etc.).Hon Chuan (Thailand) Co., Ltd has become the leading plastic producer for local Thaibeverage companies.

We could explore the plant in order to experience how the plastic producedmachines work, how the product lines are operated, the security and safety in the plant,and other management practices. I got a lot of knowledge by joining the company tour. Ihave learnt the management practices and the working life-style in Thai factory.

Hon Chuan (Thailand) Co.,Ltd


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For the last place that we visit was Thammasat Business School of ThammasatUniversity. Thammasat Business School is one of the top business school in Thailand.Thammasat Business School offers several programmes in both Thai language for localstudents and international program for foreign students. After the campus tour, I haveknown the different between Feng Chia Business program and Thammasat BusinessProgram. However, both of them have their own unique principles. Moreover, I haveseen the new studying environment of the university as well.

From this field trip, I have learnt and gained a lot of knowledge that I could notexperience from the normal classes. I have met people from different countries andliving in different environment. Moreover, I have gained some working knowledge in thedifferent culture’s point of view.

This field trip gives a chance for me to open my world wider and learn new things inthe different viewpoint. I feel so glad that I could join this amazing trip with everyone.

Thammasat University (Thammasat Business School)


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-Thailand Field Trip

Jirassaya Norakhun諾吉雅

Experience Sharing on Field Trip Course

The Taipei Economic and CulturalOffice in Thailand is the representativeoffice of Taiwan in Thailand. The officeis responsibility for granting visa to Thaiworkers, Thai students who want towork / study in Taiwan. The objective ofvisiting is to discuss about Taiwansouthbound policy. The president ofTaipei Economic and Cultural Office inThailand gave up the introduction of thepolicy and in this discussion, we havechance to share our idea with therepresentative of Taiwan.

Moreover, he also encourage theuniversity in Taiwan to offer morescholarship to Thai student or findingthe way to collaborate with Thaiuniversity so that it can encourage a lotof Thai student study in Taiwan. And atthe same time, University in Taiwanneeds to offer more opportunities forThai university to come to give anadvice in its school so that it alsoencourage Taiwanese students toexperience in Thailand. Taiwan isconsidered as a one of top 5 investor

who come to invest in Thailand, so it quitereally good that Taiwan University cangenerate a lot of talented Thai / Taiwanesepeople to come to work in Thailand.

Currently, Apart from discussion aboutstrategy a policy, the president asked usabout life in Taiwan, what are the thingsthat we have learned during in Taiwan, Howit is different from Thailand and how couldwe can apply the knowledge that welearned in Taiwan to Thailand economicsregarding to Thailand 4.0 project.

The president of Taipei Economic andCultural Office expect that our team canbring the knowledge from Taiwan to applyin our country Thailand so that it can help alot to Thailand 4.0 idea according to thegovernment plan for the future. No matterThailand 4.0, 5.0 , 6.0 we are ready tosupport Thailand industry.

On 14 th January 2019 at Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand


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Let’s join hand in creating the future

Chulalongkorn University is one of theNational Research Universities of Thailand andsupported by the Office of Nation EducationStandards and Quality Assessment of Thailand.Moreover, CU is the only Thai university whichis a member of Association of Pacific RimUniversities (APRU) and AACSB accreditation.The Admission to CU is highly selective, andapplicants are required to have high test scores.Applicants ranking in the top 10 national scoresare chosen for study at CU. Chalalongkorn is thenumber one university in Thailand, thecompetition among Thai national student isvery competitive.

In the future, Feng Chia University hope to have some cooperation withChulalongkorn to exchange the knowledge and technology between Thailand andTaiwan. Feng chia is the Top University in Taiwan that is well known for business andtechnology. Chulalongkorn is the first rank University in Thailand that create manytalented student to business industry in Thailand. Corporation together will create alot of opportunities for both Taiwan and Thailand.

Chulalongkorn University has many faculties such as Finance, accounting, Teaching,Technology etc. For this visiting, we have chance to visit faculty of technology and teaching.Professor of the university give us some idea of their faculty, their awards. In this paneldiscussion, we have the opportunity to share our Feng Chia University with them the coursedetail and learning environment.

The professor of University took us to tour around the university and she told us thatthe university age is more than 200 years, the architect here is very typical Thai design, it wasbuilt by King No. 5 of Thailand, and she taught us some Thai culture, Thai belief towards kingNo. 5 of Thailand, how great he is. We have chance to visit studio of recording movie, TVshow, the equipment and facility there is very awesome. It is very good for student to have areal practicing and well prepare for upcoming career after their graduate. The Universitygives the useful lecture and professional practicing to help their student understand and wellprepare for their job after graduate. So graduated from Chulalongkorn can guarantee thequality of their student, their student is reach standard.

On 14 th January 2019 at chulalongkorn University


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Sun Plex Company

Sun Plex Company is collaboratingwith Chulalongkorn University, technologyadvancement faculty. The company focuson advance technology regarding toaugmented reality. The company uses thisadvance technology to increase the valueof product such as card game, mobilephone line sticker or even using thistechnology to teach the student whostudy medical to understand more aboutinternal organ of human being.

For this visiting, we have chance totry the augmented reality with thedinosaur card game, we can trulyunderstand how this technology canincrease the value of the product and howto make customer favor in their productwhile we are scanning the card to the app,the dinosaur in card will automaticallymove it exactly same as we saw it in themovie. So this can increase the value ofthe card from the price of 50 NTD per boxbecome 900 NTD per box. The owner ofthe company told us this technology willbecome very popular in the future soon,especially in Thailand we already applythis technology for the investigate the carwho drive very fast exceed the legal limit.

On 15 th January 2019 at Sun Plex Company


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Hon chuan Company head quarter isin Taiwan, the company is specialize inPlastics-Specialties-Wholesales &Manufacturers. In 2004, the companyexpand their business in Thailand and inother counties in South east Asia, thecompany Organized “Hon Chuan (Asia)Holdings Co., Ltd.,” and set up Hon Chuan(Thailand) plant, Hon Chuan FD plant, HonChuan (Indonesia) plant in 2004 onwards.

Hon chuan Company is located inPathuthani, Thailand. In this area, it issuitable for building factory and insidefactory, they have workers around 400-500 people. They works from Monday toSaturday. The main client of Hon chuanCompany is ICHITAN green tea which isvery famous green tea brand in Thailand.During panel discussion, the companyintroduce the brief detail of their companyand mission of company, in the nearestfuture the plan to open more factory inSouth Africa. Moreover, they want toestablish themselves from OEM to thebrand which product plastic bottle to bethe well know brand about beveragecompletely. We are really get a warmwelcoming from them.

On 15 th January 2019 at Hon chuan Company in Thailand

宏全國際集團Hon chuan Company


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Thammasat University is a leading Asian academic institution, with its world-classstandard in producing graduates, creating bodies of knowledge and addressing the country’sissues with commitment to virtues and the public interests. Moreover, ThammasatUniversity provides equal educational opportunity in the fields of social sciences,humanities, science and technology and health sciences. The curriculum focuses ongraduate study and international programs to produce graduates who are competent,committed to fairness, democracy and the public’s interests. hammasat University aims tobecome a world-class research university. The university is committed to the promotion anddissemination of research by faculty, staff and graduate students. Thammasat providesopportunities and channels for the dissemination of research results to the public throughacademic presentations, conferences and publications both domestically and internationally.

Professor of the university give us some idea of their faculty, their awards. In this paneldiscussion, we have the opportunity to share our Feng Chia University with them the coursedetail and learning environment. The professor of University took us to tour around theuniversity and she told us that the university age is more than 100 years, the architect hereis very typical Thai design and full of the political history. Most Thai people know the historyof nation political and Thammasat is the symbol of democracy at that time. The professorgives u the warm welcoming and he address at in the future Feng chia and Thammasat canpossible have the collaboration together.

In the future, Feng Chia University hope to have some cooperation with ThammasatUniversity to exchange the knowledge and technology between Thailand and Taiwan. Fengchia is the Top University in Taiwan that is well known for business and technology.Chulalongkorn is the second rank University in Thailand that create many talented studentto business industry in Thailand. Corporation together will create a lot of opportunities forboth Taiwan and Thailand.

Apart from visiting company, we also have the chance to know more about Thai cultureby visiting China town, Pattaya and Iconsiam. This filed trip gave me a lot of experiencetowards Thai culture and Thai industry business ‘s opportunity.

On 15 th January 2019at Thammasat University in Thailand


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Experience Sharing on International Trade Management

Topic: The Evaluation of conflict impact on human being – Evidence from Uganda

Guest Speaker: Dr. Fu-Min TsengDate: November 8, 2018Listener: Natchanun Duangchaijarat 周文賢 , Thailand

Dr. Fu-Min Tseng,who is the researcher ofthis project, conductedthis speech. He has beenin many countries inEurope, Asia, and Africa-Zimbabwe. He told us thatthe country in Africa isvery different from othersand some of themimpressed him a lot.

During the time that he was in Zimbabwe,he faced with many new things that he neverfaced it before. For example, the very highinflation rate; the about of money in thebanknote in Zimbabwe high to one trilliondollars and it can buy an only chicken but nowpeople change to use USD instead, also thetransportation; many people transport by onlyuse the minibus.

When Dr. Fu-Min Tseng doing his research,he has a chance to do the project about armyconflict in Uganda. The government needs tofind a way to rebuild and restore the societyback to the normal situation. Some of thegovernment’s ways are gathered all the peopleinto the same village in order to control themduring the army conflict situation.


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This rebuilding process usually takes a long time due to the poor setting of the country.So this research estimates the changes in human well-being when the conflict intensityreduces to low from high to shed light on the urgent needs that the government and donorsshould place more resources. The researcher used ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location &Event Data), UNHS (Uganda National Household Survey) and DiD framework to get theresult. The outcomes of the data are from self-reported illness, visits to health providers,health expenditure per capita, and food consumption per capita.

Therefore, the results show that people use more private clinics, NGO health units,and NGO hospitals in this period when they choose formal providers due to theunaffordability of public healthcare. For people who live in urban areas, they mostly visitformal providers (health units, clinics, and hospitals) but for people who live in rural areasvisit more informal providers (community health worker, HOMAPAK drug distributor,ordinary shop, pharmacy, and others) due to they cannot pay on the higher cost. On theother hand, for food consumption per capita significantly increases in this period which isderived from rural households or male-headed households. This can have attributed to anincrement in home produced food due to the extension of arable areas.

Dr. Fu-Min Tseng also said that there is some limitation of the data because theresearcher cannot access all the data due to the regulation of each country that needs toprotect their national data. Therefore, to capture the longer-term effect of conflict endingon study outcomes is infeasible, it needs to research more on the future.

In my opinion, the country in Africa is the country that no one knows well and want tovisit due to we have heard of it in a negative way. It is a good thing that has a researcherwho volunteers or ordered to research about it, so the people outside can know andunderstand more about them on both positive and negative ways. According to this speech,I learned that each country also facing with the conflict but each of them has their ownways to solve the problem and save their people.


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Experience Sharing on International Trade Management

Topic: The Evaluation of conflict impact on human being – Evidence from Uganda

Guest Speaker: Dr. Fu-Min TsengDate: November 8, 2018Listener: 威妮弗蕾德

The concept of conflict has been approached in a variety of ways and givendiverse definitions. There is apparently no universally accepted definition of theconcept, in that it is contentious as to whether it is a situation or a variety of behavior.Conflicts can be seen as an intrinsic and inevitable part of the existence of humanbeings, this phenomenon can be described as the pursuit of incompatible interestsand goals by different groups. What can however be said to underlie most definitionsoffered are that a conflict is a process, which has developed from past interactions byindividuals and groups; and that there are recognized opposing interests betweenparties in a zero-sum situation. Consequently, the dominant view of scholars andinvestigators is that conflicts are largely the expression of mutually opposing interestsbetween individuals and groups in society.

The concept of conflict

Uganda has suffered intermittent conflict since independence in 1962. In 1967,the first Prime Minister, Dr. Milton Obote, overthrew the country’s first President, SirEdward Mutesa II and pronounced Uganda a republic. Multiple military coups andviolent regimes followed – including that of Idi Amin (1971-1979)– and have sinceresulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and the prolonged suffering of Ugandans.56 years since independence, the country is yet to witness a democratic handover ofpower from one leader to another.

The most recent coup, in 1986, brought current president Yoweri Museveni topower. His government has faced armed opposition from different groups across thecountry. Through a hybrid dictatorship and manipulation, Museveni has held a tightgrip on the country mantle of power for the last 31 years and counting.



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Since the 1990s, Uganda has been engaged in a number of civil wars, the mostprotracted being a 20 years’ war against Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)whose aim was to establish a state based on the Ten Commandments. The LRA becamenotoriously infamous for their abduction of 60,000 children to serve as child soldiers andsex slaves.

A period of stability followed the Juba peace talks from 2006- 2008, but violencesoon resumed after a failed military offensive to wipe out the LRA in their hideouts inGaramba leading to its current incursions in Central African Republic and parts ofDemocratic Republic of Congo.

In 2005, the top five LRA leaders were indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity. As of 2017, only one junior commander, Dominic Ongwen, is facing trial at the International Criminal Court. However, Kony remains at large. The US-backed African Union Regional Task Force has pushed the group back, announcing its mission’s completion in May 2017. However, some analysts claim that active splinters in CAR point to the potential of resurgence.

Despite earlier commitments to democracy and human rights, Museveni also abolished his term limit. His multiple re-elections have been marred with accusations of electoral fraud and violence. In 2016, his opponent, Dr Kizza Besigye, and his supporters were violently harassed by security forces, acting with seeming impunity. As of September 2017, Museveni embarked on a forceful move in Parliament to amend article 102 (b) of the Constitution to remove term limits on the Ugandan presidency and pave the way for serving for life.

One million Sudanese refugees have also fled to Uganda from the civil war, putting further pressure on Ugandan state and society.


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The physical and mental health problems of the survivors of the genocide in Rwandahave been well documented. In a recent community based study examining 2091 subjects,24.8% met symptom criteria for PTSD, with the adjusted odds ratio of meeting PTSDsymptom criteria for each additional traumatic event being 1.43. Respondents who metPTSD criteria were less likely to have positive attitudes towards the Rwandan nationaltrials, suggesting that the effects of trauma need to be considered if reconciliation has tobe successful. There have been reports on the state of health among the large numbers ofrefugees (500,000-800,000 in five days) who fled to Goma, Zaire following the capture ofthe capital Kigali, but none of them has considered the mental health dimension.

Women have an increased vulnerability to the psychological consequences of war.There is evidence of a high correlation between mothers' and children's distress in a warsituation. It is now known that maternal depression in the prenatal and postnatal periodpredicts poorer growth in a community based sample of infants. Social support andtraditional birth attendants have a major role in promoting maternal psychosocialwellbeing in war-affected regions. The association between gender- based violence andcommon mental disorders is well known. Despite their vulnerability, women's resilienceunder stress and its role in sustaining their families has been recognized. There isconsistent evidence of higher rates of trauma-related psychological problems in children.Of the different age groups, the most vulnerable are the adolescents.

It is important to report that the WHO and some other UN-related bodies haverecently created a task force to develop "mental health and psychosocial support inemergency settings"



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競賽活動心得/風保四甲 林允彤




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BName: Sasiphan TechasrisukhoNationality: Bangkok, ThailandGender: Female


107-2外籍生介紹Foreign student introduction

Bangkok, Thailand

Bachelor Degree(2007 – 2011)

Kasetsart University : Bangkok,ThailandBachelor of Engineering, Industrial Engineering

GPA 3.52/4.00 (First Class Honor)


Isuzu Motors CO., (Thailand) LTD.Body Quality Control Department


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Working experience-Employment history:

2011-2015YIC Asia Pacific Corporation LTD. (YAZAKI Group)A global automotive parts supplier with a focus on wire harnesses at 462 sites in 44countries

R&D Leader Engineer•Responsible for coordinating and supporting wire harness designer with YAZAKIfactory in the project of Yaris & Corolla Model

•Implement and succeed in VA/VE reduction cost project in 2014

•Provide, adapt, and deploy Japanese basic knowledge (PDCA, Kaizen, and 4M check)to factory employees in order to enhance production efficiency

2015-2017SCG Packaging Corporation LTD. (Siam Cement Group)A company of total packaging solutions provider, developing efficient production toserving customer’s needs

Quality and Productivity Management Engineer•Responsible for enhancing paper machine efficiencies to challenge awards of TPM(Total Production Management) system and sustainable development factory

•Enhance effectiveness of Autonomous Maintenance and strengthen capability ofshop-floor operators

•Elevate continuous improvement (Kaizen) capability and reduce risk fromunsafety/high-risk jobs in daily operation

2017-2018Topbest Corporation LTD. (Itthiporn Group):A body’s builder of Trucks and Buses.

Production Engineer•Responsible for design new plantlayout and production flow.

•Responsible for complying to customsregulations for the import goods ofCKD (Completely Knocked Down) intothe country by cooperating withCustoms and Thai Industrial StandardsInstitute


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LanguagesThai: Excellent (Mother language)English: Good Japanese: Good Chinese: Fair

How long do you learn Chinese and Chinese proficiency?The thought of studying Chinese started when I was travelling to China 5 years ago

where at that time, I couldn’t understand any conversation at all. At that point, it hasbecome an inspiration to me to study Chinese by self-studying for a period of time. However,when I made up my mind to study at Fengchia University, I had prepared myself to studyChinese from a Taiwanese teacher in Thailand. Although I have not participated in theChinese proficiency exam, I am looking forward to try in the future.

What are your impressions on, and life in Feng-Chia University and Taiwan?My first time visiting Taiwan was when I travelled with my family in April 2018. Personally,

I think Taiwan is a very beautiful and hygienic country filled with nice people and pleasanttourist attractions, including delicious food.

When I came to Fengchia University, I found that the atmosphere is very pleasurable where Ihad warm from every teachers and friends. The classroom, in one way, inspired me tobecome very eager to learn because I got to exchange knowledge with my friendsregardless of academic knowledge or traditions with other classmates from differentnationalities.

Have you seen much of Taiwan? Is there a place where you most want to visit inTaiwan?

As an out-going person, I love to travel to many places and meet new people. Therefore,while I’m studying in Taichung, I also spend my time travelling to other cities like Taipei,Miaoli, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung. Every city has its own unique atmosphere andlifestyle of people living there. I would like to go hiking in Taroko when I have more time tovisit. Last of all, I would like to recommend my friends to go to Gugong , the National PalaceMusuem, in order for them to see the long-history of Taiwan and the country’s successfulstory in becoming one of the fast-growing economies of the world.


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107-2外籍生介紹Foreign student introduction

Name: Pham Thi ThoaNationality: Hai Duong, Vietnam Gender: Female

Grace范 氏 釵

Bachelor of International Studies(2009 – 2013) University of Social, Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University

Working experience-Employment history:October 2014 – June 2018Executive Supervisor - Huggs Coffee Pte. Ltd, SingaporeMay 2014 – August 2014Management Trainee - Kimly Food Holdings Pte. Ltd, SingaporeJune 2013 – March 2014Telesales - ANZ Bank, Vietnam

Hai Duong, Vietnam


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Languages: Vietnamese, English

How long do you learn Chinese and Chinese proficiency?During my time in Singapore, I recognized the importance of learning Chinese.

Being fluent in Chinese not only helped me communicate with my customers dailybut in a larger perspective, it could also be considered as a language forinternational trade, economic transaction and integration between Chinese-speaking countries. As a self-motivated individual, I learned Chinese through onlinecourses and practised speaking with my friends as soon as I arrived in Taiwan. Up tonow, I have studied Chinese for seven months. Moreover, I believe that being able tospeak Chinese will help me blend in with the Taiwanese, adapt to the environmentand integrate seamlessly into its culture.

What are your impressions on, and life in Feng-Chia University and Taiwan?

When I was young, I first got to know about Taiwan through movies, newsreleases and magazines. The beauty of a sunny island with picturesque sceneries,great food and educated people captivated my young heart. Naturally, I hoped tobe able to visit Taiwan one day.

Have you seen much of Taiwan?Is there a place where you mostwant to visit in Taiwan?

I went to some places inTaiwan but the most impressiveplace for me was Shifen OldStreet. Hope I get a chance tovisit again with my Vietnamesefriends in the near future.

While studying and living in Taiwan, Ilearned more about the Taiwanese culture –renowned for its intriguing blend of traditionand modernity, as well as the quality ofeducation in Taiwan - an open learning culturewith great prospect for international students.More importantly, Feng Chia University islocated in Taichung City, one of the threelargest cities in Taiwan. This is an ideal anddynamic learning environment for me.


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107-2外籍生介紹Foreign student introduction

Rivaldy呂 春 陞

Name: Rivaldy Stanley LukitoNationality: Surabaya, Indonesia Gender: Male

Bachelor Degree(2012 -2016 ) Bachelor at Ciputra university , faculty of economics ,

majoring in International Business Management , Marketing Concentration

(2018 – now)

Master management at Fengchia University majoring in International business.

Working experience-Employment history:2011-2012 : Era property consultant 2012 – 2015 : Owner of Forward Event Creator ( Event Organizer)2015 : Freelance Marketing at PT Intiland Development Tbk2016 – 2017 : Funding Marketing at Maybank Indonesia Tbk2018 : Freelance Lecturer at Universitas Ciputra

Surabaya, Indonesia


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Languages:Mother tongue – Indonesian language

English - average

A little bit Chinese

How long do you learn Chinese andChinese proficiency?

Actually I already have a Chinesecourse since I am at elementary school,but since at Indonesia we don’t use muchChinese so I forget all of it , so myChinese is not that good , and the reasonI come here to make an environment tomake me must speak Chinese and itsworking now.

What are your impressions on, andlife in Feng-Chia University andTaiwan?

First time I come here it’s not easy forme , because I only speak Chinese a littlebit and I only can tak English, when I comehere I was shocked because many peopleon Taichung especially, many of them can’tspeak English , so I learn more with myself ,google translate help a lot of course, butnow my Chinese was getting better, I canorder my own food now, as for my life atFengchia right now is good, becauseFengchia is the biggest night market atTaichung and I can find food really easily ,not hard as another university, and I enjoya lot to live at Taiwan , because my mainpurpose to come here is to study Chinese ,so I have to fulfill my destiny to masteredit as soon as possible.

Have you seen much of Taiwan? Isthere a place where you most want tovisit in Taiwan?

I want to explore more of Taiwan , Ialready go to Taipei , Taoyuan but Idefinitely want to go to Tainan, Shinchu ,and another places, because I heard thatTaiwan still have many beautiful places toexplore. I hope that I can go all to anothercity of Taiwan before I graduated.


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Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition

Murphy / 莫非

The 1955–58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (CTAE) was aCommonwealth-sponsored expedition that successfully completed the firstoverland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole. It was the first expedition toreach the South Pole overland for 46 years, preceded only by Amundsen's andScott's respective parties in 1911 and 1912.

In keeping with the tradition of polar expeditions of the "heroic age" theCTAE was a private venture, though it was supported by the governments of theUnited Kingdom, New Zealand, United States, Australia and South Africa, as wellas many corporate and individual donations, under the patronage of QueenElizabeth II. It was headed by British explorer Dr Vivian Fuchs, with NewZealander Sir Edmund Hillary leading the New Zealand Ross Sea Support team.The New Zealand party included scientists participating in InternationalGeophysical Year (IGY) research while the UK IGY team were separately based atHalley Bay.

Fuchs was knighted for his accomplishment. The second overland crossingof the continent did not occur until 1981, during the Transglobe Expedition ledby Ranulph Fiennes.

Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition


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In December 1956 Fuchs returned on Danish Polar vessel Magga Dan withadditional supplies, and the southern summer of 1956–1957 was spentconsolidating Shackleton Base and establishing the smaller South Ice Baseabout 300 miles (480 km) inland to the south.

After spending the winter of 1957 at Shackleton Base, Fuchs finally set outon the transcontinental journey in November 1957, with a twelve-man teamtravelling in six vehicles; three Sno-Cats, two Weasels and one specially adaptedMuskeg tractor. On route, the team were also tasked with carrying out scientificresearch including seismic soundings and gravimetric readings.

Hillary (left) with Rear-Admiral George J. Dufek at Scott Base just beforethe expedition's departure from the base. In parallel Hillary's team had set upScott Base – which was to be Fuchs' final destination – on the opposite side ofthe continent at McMurdo Sound on the Ross Sea. Using three convertedMassey Ferguson TE20 tractors and one Weasel (abandoned part-way), Hillaryand his three men (Ron Balham, Peter Mulgrew and Murray Ellis), wereresponsible for route-finding and laying a line of supply depots up the SkeltonGlacier and across the Polar Plateau on towards the South Pole, for the use ofFuchs on the final leg of his journey. Other members of Hillary's team carriedout geological surveys around the Ross Sea and Victoria Land areas.



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Hillary in the Cockpit of the RNZAF DHC-2 Beaver aircraft that supportedhis team, 1956. It was not originally intended that Hillary would travel as far asthe South Pole, but when he had completed laying supply depots he saw theopportunity to beat the British and continued south, reaching the Pole – wherethe US Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station had recently been established byair – on 3 January 1958. Hillary's party was just the third (preceded byAmundsen in 1911 and Scott in 1912) to reach the Pole overland. Hillary'sarrival also marked the first time that land vehicles had ever reached the Pole.

Fuchs' team reached the Pole from the opposite direction on 19 January1958, where they met up with Hillary. Fuchs then continued overland, followingthe route that Hillary had laid, while Hillary flew back to Scott Base in a USplane (he would later rejoin Fuchs by plane for part of the remaining overlandjourney). The overland party finally arrived at Scott Base on 2 March 1958,having completed the historic crossing of 3,473 km (2,158 miles) of previouslyunexplored snow and ice in 99 days. A few days later the expedition membersleft Antarctica for New Zealand on the New Zealand naval ship Endeavour. Theship was captained by Harry Kirkwood.

Hillary (left) and Fuchs in Wellington after their return from Antarctica,1958. Although large quantities of supplies were hauled overland, both partieswere also equipped with light aircraft and made extensive use of air support forreconnaissance and supply depoting. Additional logistical help was provided byUS personnel who were working in Antarctica at that time. Both parties alsotook dog teams which were used for field work trips and backup in case offailure of the mechanical transportation – though the dogs were not taken allthe way to the Pole. In December 1957 four men from the expedition flew oneof the planes – a de Havilland Canada Otter – on an eleven-hour, 1,430-mile(2,300 km) non-stop trans-polar flight across the Antarctic continent fromShackleton Base via the Pole to Scott Base, following roughly the same route asFuchs' overland party.

▲Hillary in the Cockpit of the RNZAF DHC-2 Beaver aircraft

that supported his team, 1956.

▼Converted Ferguson TE20 tractors used by Edmund Hillary's team on the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition.