E-Quality Label European Quality Label for decentralised projects and mobility activities carried out under the Socrates programme E-Quality Label Winners 2006

E-Quality Label - Indire · 2007. 5. 18. · Agencies (Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and Austria) working in the Socrates actions Comenius, Erasmus

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  • E-Quality Label

    European Quality Label for decentralised projects and mobility activities carried out under the Socrates programme

    E-Quality Label Winners 2006

  • E-Quality Label Winners 2006

  • E-Quality Label 2006


    Published by:Nationalagentur Lebenslanges LernenSchreyvogelgasse 21010 ViennaAustria

    Tel.: +43/1/534 08-0Fax: +43/1/534 08-20E-Mail: [email protected]: lebenslanges-lernen.atDVR-Nr.: 0504858, ZVR: 307983193

    With contributions from the following National Agencies:

    Austria: Nationalagentur Lebenslanges LernenBelgium: Agentur für Europäische Bildungsprogramme VoG, (de)Bulgaria: Human Resource Development Centre - BulgariaEstonia: Foundation Archimedes/Estonian Socrates National AgencyFrance: Agence EUROPE-EDUCATION-FORMATION FranceGermany: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)Hungary: Tempus Foundation/Socrates National Agency of HungaryItaly: Agenzia Nazionale Socrates ItaliaLithuania: Education Exchanges Support Foundation – Lithuanian National AgencyLuxembourg: Agence Nationale pour le programme Education et Formation tout au long de la vie en EuropeSlovenia: CMEPIUS - Center republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programeizobraÏevanja in usposabljanjaThe Netherlands: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse OnderwijsUnited Kingdom: UK Socrates-Erasmus Council

    Layout & Print: Gröbner Druck Ges.m.b.H, 7400 Oberwart, Austria

    © Österreichischer Austauschdienst (ÖAD)/Nationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen

    The pictures were provided by the institutions presented in this publication

    Vienna 2007


    Mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission

  • E-Quality Label 2006

    E-Quality Label Winners 2006

    Preface 4

    Introduction 8


    Austria Fachschule für Pferdewirtschaft Lambach 12Belgium Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens –

    Abteilung UNAU 14Bulgaria Vocational Hotel and Catering School, Sofia 16Estonia Rõuge Põhikool 18France Ecole élémentaire publique, Le Vignal 20Hungary Általános Iskola, Bodajk 22Italy Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale Rosa Luxemburg di Torino 24Lithuania Kauno Panemunòs pradinò mokykla 26Luxembourg Institut pour Déficients Visuels 28Slovenia Osnovna šola Glazija 30The Netherlands RKBS De Weijerhof 32


    Austria Fachhochschule Vorarlberg 36Bulgaria University of Food Technologies (UFT) 38 France Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille U.S.T.L. 40Germany Fachhochschule Kiel 42Hungary Pécsi Tudományegyetem 44Lithuania Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (VGTU) 46Slovenia University of Ljubljana 48United Kingdom Liverpool John Moores University 50


    Austria VHS Hietzing 54Estonia VAT Teater 56France A.D.S.E.A. Logis Formation 58Italy Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore G. Salvemini 60Lithuania VšĮ Alytas jaunimo centras 62Slovenia Center za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Dofke Boštjančič Draga 64The Netherlands Stichting voor Volkshogeschoolwerk in Nederland 66

    Content E-Quality Label 2006


  • Preface

    AUSTRIAI am pleased to present this year’s new E-QualityLabel Winner brochure. In Austria, the E-Quality appli-cation round 2006 was again open to Comenius,Erasmus and Grundtvig projects and mobility activi-ties. All in all, we received 41 applications of which 13were awarded with the E-Quality Label. Out of these13 institutions, ten were invited to an official ceremo-ny at the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science andCulture in Vienna in February 2006.

    The core of the E-Quality project was the develop-ment of common quality criteria for a EuropeanQuality Label for decentralised projects and mobilityactivities. This was done by a team of seven NationalAgencies (Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy,the Netherlands, the UK and Austria) working in theSocrates actions Comenius, Erasmus and Grundtvig.

    With the follow-up project, “The Spread of the E-Quality Label” the initiative has now moved into thenext phase with currently fourteen National Agencies(Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, France,Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Nether-lands, Romania, Slovenia, the UK and Austria) takingpart. The E-Quality Label was planed as an instru-ment flexible enough to be easily adapted by allNational Agencies and to be implemented into thenew programme for Lifelong Learning. I hope that byreading the following presentations of high-qualityprojects/mobility activities, many more institutions willtake an interest in the E-Quality Label and that thoseNational Agencies not yet participating in the initiativewill do so in the near future.

    Ernst Gesslbauer

    BELGIUMThis year was the first year the German speakingCommunity of Belgium had participated in the interna-tional programme of E-Quality- Label. We invited theComenius and Grundtvig institutions to take part inthis initiative. For several reasons the number of appli-cants was not as high as we had hoped for. The jurywas impressed by the quality of the selected project inthe field of integration of disabled children suffering ofautism. The National agency will go on promoting theE-Quality-Label and publicly appreciating the goodwork done in each project-partnership.

    Edgar Hungs

    BULGARIAFor the first time the E-Quality Label was launched inBulgaria in 2006. We consider this project an impor-tant part of our work, because it is a very good chancefor the project promoters to spread their results to abroader public and to demonstrate their success in thefield of the European educational programmes. TheE-Quality competition is a useful approach to puttogether lots of the projects realised, to compare themand to highlight the quality of the project work. In 2006 we invited promoters from the three pro-grammes: Comenius, Erasmus and Grundtvig to take part in the E-Quality Label contest.We are satisfied to receive not a lot, but proposals ofgood quality. The institutions submitted applicationswere really interested and were waiting eagerly for theresults.After the assessment of the applications we decidedto award with the E-Quality label two institutions: oneschool having taken part in Comenius and oneErasmus University. The national award ceremony isforeseen for the autumn of 2007.Taking into consideration that it is crucial for the insti-tutions to be rewarded for the results achieved, westrongly intend to continue through the call and awardof the E-Quality label in the next years. We are hopingthat the initiative will become more and more popularand will turn to be a tradition.

    Margarita Dzhoganova

    ESTONIAThis is the first time for Estonia to participate in the E-quality project. In 2007 we focused on the Comeniusand Grundtvig programmes firstly because the resultsof accomplished projects in the two areas should bebetter known Europe-wide and secondly becausepeople who have had the willingness, energy andskills to coordinate projects and/or to actively partici-pate in international cooperation are worth of recogni-tion not only nationally but also internationally.The awarded projects are of high quality and this forsure is a benchmark for future projects.

    Dissemination of good practises and learning fromeach other are important ways to improve the qualityof education. By awarding the E-Quality label we pro-mote the EU educational programmes and hopefullyattract new actors to benefit from them.

    Hannelore Juhtsalu

    E-Quality Label 2006


  • E-Quality Label 2006

    FRANCEFor the first time in France, we launched the E-quali-ty label this year, for Erasmus, Comenius andGrundtvig. We opened our new website in Februaryso we had very short time to implement the on-lineapplications. Despite this lack of time, we were verysatisfied to identify such good projects. We are goingto valorise the label winners through our publicationsand various events all year long.Our collaboration with external experts was excellent;we organised a short debriefing which was for us, aninteresting meeting about thematics and projects’achievements.

    Four French higher education institutions have beenawarded the Erasmus label, four institutions receivedthe Grundtvig label and seven the Comenius label.We already know that these institutions are veryproud of this e-quality label and, of course, we willorganise this operation next year and possiblyextended to Leonardo.

    Marie-Geneviève Picart

    GERMANYThe E-Quality initiative was again on a good track inGermany. Since 2004 the DAAD successfully imple-mented the online application and evaluation of theE-Quality Label and had its national awarding cere-monies.

    This year eight German Higher Education Institutionsearned the Erasmus E-Quality award for the highstandard of their work in planning, promoting andmanaging the mobility of students and staff inEurope.

    In the third year of the E-Quality project we receivedmany high quality applications. The following eightGerman institutions of higher education have beenawarded the E-Quality Label: University of Bremen,Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover, University ofHildesheim, University of Applied Sciences Kiel,University of Leipzig, University of Münster and theCarl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Theawarding ceremony will take place within the frame-work of our Erasmus annual conference on 20th June2007 in Bonn.

    Since the main goals of the E-Quality project are awider geographical coverage and the E-QualityLabel´s realisation into the new Lifelong LearningProgramme, DAAD will through the award of the E-Quality Label continue to highlight the quality of

    mobility and give project promoters and co-ordinatorsan incentive to treat quality as a matter of high priori-ty in student and staff mobility within the Erasmusprogramme.

    Dr. Bettina Morhard, Irène Fandio

    HUNGARY“To have a project of one’s own, should be every per-sons desire.” (Ilya Kabakov, artist, founder of the Palace of Projectsin Essen)

    This year was the third year we announced inHungary the international programme of E-Quality,European Quality Label for applicants of Erasmus,Comenius and Grundtvig decentralized actions. Ourexperts found nine projects (5 Erasmus, 4 Comenius)worthy for the Quality Label this time. Regarding thehigh quality of applications and the commitment ofapplicants the high number of projects to be awardedmeans that choosing only 2 or 3 applications was dif-ficult for experts.According to our experience mainly higher educationinstitutions are in the position to benefit from therecognition derives from the award. A probable expla-nation is that institutions taking part in the Erasmusprogram are more interested in developing an effec-tive marketing strategy, than the institutions partici-pating in Comenius and Grundtvig programs.

    As this leaflet will present only one project of eachcategory the Hungarian National Agency is going toprepare a national brochure to present all Hungarianawarded projects. The certificates of merit are hand-ed over to prize-winners, in front of a professionalaudience, at the Hungarian launching conference ofLLP.We have a confidence in making other institutionsand organizations of secondary and higher educationinterested in this program in order to get the chanceto award the E-Quality Label to even more institutionsand schools in 2007.

    Edina Mátyus

    ITALYThe number of schools and bodies that took part inthe second (for Italy) edition of the European QualityLabel was considerably lower than the previous year.Undoubtedly, the initiative could have been morewidely advertised, but this year our choice was toconcentrate all efforts on the delicate transitional


  • Preface

    phase from Socrates II to the Lifelong LearningProgramme.

    And though… what was lost in terms of quantity wasgained in terms of quality. As a matter of fact, all thesubmitted projects were evaluated as satisfactory andreceived the quality Label. In fact, they all showed ahigh degree of participation in the educational activi-ties of both teachers and pupils/learners. Moreover,they are based on a well-structured and coordinatedworking method that made it possible to jointly definethe objectives and monitor the progress towardsthem.

    The subjects tackled - all of them well targeted to thespecific project typologies - are most varied and rangefrom tourism to environment, from the role of books tothe use of ICT in adult education, involving all fields of“being at school”. Moreover, we were favourably impressed by the inno-vative solutions adopted for specific problems of theteaching-learning practise and the praiseworthyattempt to modify it with a bottom-up approach. Beingsupportive to the learning process, these projects canwell be used as a qualified term of reference and playa role in making our educational systems more effi-cient and attractive, as the European Union has forsome time being requesting.To conclude, the Comenius and Grundtvig examinedentail the acquisition of the categories of sustainabili-ty and transferability, foreseeing proper disseminationactivities and long term strategies that prolong the lifespan of the project and enlarge its action field. Fromall that was said, it can be easily inferred that we lim-ited ourselves to ascertain what the institutionsachieved with undeniable engagement and profes-sional skill.

    Roberto Antonucci

    LITHUANIAEuropean Quality Label was like a bridge betweenSocrates and Lifelong learning programme inLithuania. We invited institutions to present their pro-jects and mobility activities carried out in Comenius 1,Grundtvig 2 and Erasmus actions. Interest was highand 53 applications were received. It was the first andvery successful attempt. Institutions did not miss theopportunity to present projects’ achievements for thewider public. To start implementation of Lifelong learning pro-gramme with the E-Quality label was a challenge forour institution too. Online application submission andevaluation system did not work properly every time,

    but it was an opportunity for us to discover a lot aboutproject administration and to learn by doing.

    On 16th May 2007 the labels were officially awardedto the winners at the ceremony in Vilnius.Representatives from Ministry of Education andScience, Label winners, media, teachers and studentstook part in this unforgettable event. We were happyto award the bests of all and start new programmewith the best results from the past.

    Monika Rajeckaite, Project coordinator

    LUXEMBOURGThe equality label was launched for the first time inLuxembourg in 2006. The national agency addressedthe call to all Comenius 1, Grundtvig 2 and Leonardomobility projects finished during the second phase ofthe Socrates resp. Leonardo da Vinci programme.Despite technical problems of implementation we hadvery positive feedbacks from project coordinatorsregarding this initiative even though not all of thepotential interested candidates presented an applica-tion in the end of the application round. We had a suc-cess rate of 13% for Comenius 1, we received oneapplication for Leonardo da Vinci and none forGrundtvig 2. The e-quality initiative is part of our na-tional agency device which includes quest for quality,valorisation of projects and imitation of good practice.

    Karin Pundel, Director

    THE NETHERLANDSIn 2006 the Dutch Comenius-Grundtvig NationalAgency was involved in the European Quality Labelproject for a third time. Both Comenius and Grundtvigpartnerships were invited to apply. For several rea-sons (administrative threshold, modesty of schoolsand institutions) the number of applicants was not ashigh as we had hoped for, but the jury was impressedby the quality of the competing projects.

    In March 2007 the Dutch jury unanimously awardedthree European Quality Labels. Two labels forComenius, to ‘De Weijerhof’, a primary school inBoxmeer, for the project ‘Show Me Your World’ and to‘CSG Gaasterland’, a comprehensive school for gen-eral and pre-vocational secondary education in Balk,for the project ‘TEST for Quality - Together,Evaluating, STimulating for Quality’. A Grundtvig labelwas awarded to ‘Stichting voor Volkshogeschoolwerk’in Bakkeveen, a national organisation stimulating ini-tiatives in adult education, for the project ‘TROG - TheRevival Of Grundtvig’.

    E-Quality Label 2006


  • E-Quality Label 2006

    On 9 May 2007 the labels were officially awarded ata ceremony in The Hague. The Netherlands will goon to promote the European Quality Label as anexcellent means to enhance the quality of projectsand to publicly appreciate the good work in the field.The sense of recognition and satisfaction shown bythe winning institutions underscore this idea.

    Hennie van den Nieuwenhof, chairman of the jury

    SLOVENIAIn 2006 Slovenia participated for the first time inEuropean Quality Label project. In 2005, when theAustrian NA presented the project results and wereceived the EQL publication, the coordinators ofComenius, Grundtvig and Erasmus decided to partic-ipate in the project, because we were impressed withthe project implementation as well as with the results– identifying good practices. After the project meeting in the end of 2006 inSalzburg and receiving the software from the Italianpartners we wanted to start with the launch and theselection as soon as possible. We have alreadyannounced the whole exercise in December 2006during the LLP launch conference and project coordi-nators’ reactions were very enthusiastic. Due to the restructuring of the NA we could not goahead as initially planned and after we eventuallystarted with the web page in February we encoun-tered further difficulties related to server change andinternet because of the internet provider change. Dueto these difficulties and also in the interest of as highparticipation as possible we extended the deadlineuntil early May.

    Therefore Slovenia has just recently with great helpof external experts chosen from the pool of evalua-tors selected the best projects which will receive theEuropean Quality Label in a national award ceremo-ny before summer. Being a small county the numberof potential applicants is not really very big, but thepromotion done by NA staff was targeted and wehave invited all possible applicants. We have seenvery positive response from the participants whichwas a bit suppressed by technical difficulties. This isreflected in smaller number of submitted applicationsthen expected.Because only a couple of the best of good projectswill be presented in the common publication, we willprepare a national compendium of all awarded pro-jects, which will be presented during the ceremonyand available on the web page in electronic version.

    The identification of good projects through the EQL

    selection and award has been welcomed by nationalauthorities as well as by expert bodies. It is of highvalue that all participating countries are using thesame application, evaluation and selection proce-dure. Therefore we would like to repeat the selectionof good practices next year. Since the disadvanta-geous circumstances will no longer be present we willbe able to reserve more time to prepare and test theweb page before starting. We are confident to be suc-cessful and attract even more projects to participate.

    Neža Pajnič

    UNITED KINGDOMThis year the E-Quality Label was presented toMichael Harley, who represented Liverpool JohnMoores University. The presentation was held at theUK Erasmus Student Prize in London on the 6thDecember 2006.Mr Harley said “I am delighted toaccept this award for the recognition of our work atLiverpool John Moores University. I would like torecognise the academic and non-academic staff thatsupport the Erasmus programme at LJMU and thankthe UK Socrates Erasmus council for their valuablesupport in making Erasmus such a rewarding pro-gramme to be involved in.

    The award was presented to Michael Harley by BillRammell, MP, Minister of State for Life LongLearning, Further and Higher Education. Mr Rammellopened the awards evening with a very supportivespeech about the Erasmus programme “I believe theErasmus mobility programme has an incrediblyimportant role to play in helping to prepare youngpeople for life and work in a world filled with challengeand opportunity.”

    The label is a kite mark of quality, recognised by otheruniversities in the Erasmus programme and demon-strating to them that mobility has been well promotedand carefully planned. The label has been awardedto 13 UK institutions over the past three years, and isa means of championing and acknowledging the hardwork that is carried out within the institutions to makeErasmus the success that it is. The UK SocratesErasmus Council was particularly delighted to awardthis year’s E-Quality Label at the UK ErasmusStudent Prize, recognising the achievements of theSocrates-Erasmus coordinator at Liverpool JohnMoores University, at the same time as those of thestudents who have taken part in the programme.

    Tracy Crowther


  • Introduction

    I. Background

    Socrates is the European Community programme inthe field of education and aims to contribute to thedevelopment of quality in education. Socrates pro-motes educational co-operation and transnationalmobility and supports activities based on interna-tional partnerships, designed to develop innovationand enhance quality in education.

    Transnational Socrates activities not only expandthe personal horizons of the participants throughoutEurope every year, they also provide them with use-ful experiences. Partnerships between schools,higher education institutions and further educationinstitutes enable students, teachers, trainers andstaff in over 30 European countries to enhance theirlearning and teaching experience.

    II. The E-Quality Initiative

    Based on the Austrian Socrates Quality Label,which has been awarded in Austria every year since2002, the E-Quality project was initiated by theSocrates Agency Austria and was supported by theEuropean Commission under the restricted call forNational Agencies for dissemination projects.National Agencies (Comenius, Grundtvig and/orErasmus) from the following countries have so farbeen involved in this initiative: (in alphabeticalorder) Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy,Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania,Slovenia and the United Kingdom; the project coor-dinator is Austria.

    The mile stones of the E-Quality Initiative:

    - Development of common European quality criteria for the implementation of decentralised projects/mobility activities in the framework of the European Educational Programmes:a) Innovationb) Results and Benefitsc) Quality in Implementation and

    Activity Managementd) Sustainability

    - Development of common online application andevaluation forms as well as guidelines

    - Application, evaluation and awarding at nationallevel

    - Evaluation of the impact of E-Quality- E-Quality Conference to spread the idea to the

    other National Agencies and to consider its transfer to the new Lifelong Learning programme

    - Follow-Up Project “Spread of E-Quality” supported by the European Commission

    The results:

    - Online forms and guidelines as well as an onlineevaluation tool

    - A common publication on the best European projects/ mobility activities (- best ranked projects per action/per country)

    - Study on the evaluation of the impact of E-Quality

    - CD-Rom containing an administrative package for the implementation of E-Quality (ready-to-run tool which is aimed at facilitating all NationalAgencies to join the E-Quality initiative).

    III. The European Quality Label

    The purpose of the European Quality Label is:- to highlight the contribution of the

    Socrates/Lifelong Learning Programme- to demonstrate the high quality of decentralized

    activities- to give project promoters, co-ordinators of

    mobility activities and decision-makers an incen-tive to continue to treat quality as a matter of high priority

    - to acknowledge the contribution of promoters and co-ordinators and to make their accomplishments known to a broader audience

    - to improve access to the programme- to involve decision-makers at national and

    regional level in the promotion of the Socrates/Lifelong Learning Programme

    The benefit for European EducationalProgrammes,NAs & institutions

    The commitment of the institutions and the coordi-nators for the Programmes is crucial to the successof the European Educational Programmes. The E-Quality Label acknowledges quality in this field, thusstrengthening the institutions’ commitment to theprogramme. At the same time, the fact that E-Quality is based on online tools which are ready touse (and easy to adapt for the new generation ofprogrammes) facilitates the work of NationalAgencies implementing E-Quality.

    E-Quality Label 2006


  • IV. The Spread of the E-Quality Label

    The European Commission has in the past referred toE-Quality as an important initiative in view of the newprogramme generation. The aim is to transfer the E-Quality Label to the new programme for LifelongLearning.

    “Spread of the E-Quality Label” aims to further high-light the high quality of decentralized projects througha wider geographical coverage and its realisation intothe new Lifelong Learning Programme. The goal is tomake E-Quality a brand name.

    V. About this publication on the very best E-Quality Label Projects / Mobility activities

    Each participating National Agency awarded the E-Quality Label to institutions with a very high ranking inthe E-Quality evaluation. In 2006, the participatingNational Agencies were Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany,Estonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania,Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia, the UK andAustria.

    Due to limited space we cannot present all projects.However, on the following pages we are pleased topresent to you the very best E-Quality LabelProjects/Mobility activities of each activity/country. Toemphasize the European character of this initiativeeach description will be in the project partner’s lan-guage as well as in English.

    While reading the following pages, we hope you willget an impression of the excellent quality of the imple-mentation of decentralised projects/mobility activitiesthrough institutions participating in the EuropeanUnion education programme. The E-Quality Label isan instrument which acknowledges and promotessuch high-quality work.

    Vienna, May 2007

    E-Quality Label 2006


  • E-Quality Label 2006


  • E-Quality Label 2006


    Austria Fachschule für Pferdewirtschaft Lambach: Equine Education in Europe 12

    Belgium MDG – Abteilung UNAU:AUTIME EXODUS – Chancengerechtigkeit,Selbstbestimmung und Kommunikation für Menschen mit Autismus 14

    Bulgaria Vocational Hotel and Catering School, Sofia: Water gifts from nature 16

    Estonia Rõuge Põhikool: Sõjalood/War Stories 18

    France Ecole élémentaire publique, Le Vignal: Connaître nos voisins 20européens à travers les jeux

    Hungary Általános Iskola, Bodajk: Gemeinsames Lernen über Grenzen hinweg: Natur-Faszination und Lebensgrundlage/Joint learning beyond borders – fascinating nature, the basis of our lives 22

    Italy Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale Rosa Luxemburg di Torino: GRADITO 2006 (Guida RAgionata DI Torino Olimpica 2006) 24

    Lithuania Kauno Panemunės pradinė mokykla: „Vaikų žaidimai“/Kaunas Panemune Primary School: “Children‘s games“ 26

    Luxembourg Institut pour Déficients Visuels: MDVI - Development of Expertise for Teachers who do Itinerary Work for Multiple Disabled Visually Impaired Children 28

    Slovenia Osnovna šola Glazija 30

    The Netherlands RKBS De Weijerhof: Show Me Your World 32


  • Fachschule für Pferdewirtschaft Lambach:Equine Education in Europe

    E-Quality Label 2006

    Hauptziel des Projektes war die Gründung einerPlattform für Kommunikation und Qualitäts-sicherung in der Pferdewirtausbildung in Europamittels einer gemeinsam erstellten Homepage(www.equineschools.net). Es wurde ein Verbandder europäischen Pferdewirtschulen initiiert, dereine multilaterale Vernetzung von Pferdewirtschulenund die daraus resultierende Optimierung derAusbildungsstandards ermöglicht.

    Aktivitäten Die Projektaktivitäten umfassten Teamsitzungen,laufende Kommunikation zwischen den Partner-schulen und Recherche sowie Erstellung vonMaterial für die gemeinsame Kommunikations-plattform. Das Endprodukt ist eine Homepage, die inder Arbeitssprache Englisch erstellt wurde sowie dieEinrichtung einer „students page“ und dieFormulierung von Qualitätskriterien für die Pferde-wirtausbildung in Europa.

    MobilitätEs fanden regelmäßige Treffen zwischen denPartnerschulen statt. Die Projektergebnisse wurden bei Veranstaltungen(Tag der offenen Tür, Pressekonferenzen) und mit-tels Presseaussendungen an diverse Medien ver-breitet.

    QualitätDas Prjekt ermöglichte eine Verbesserung undOptimierung des Ausbildungsangebotes im BereichPferdewirtausbildung. Ausbildungssysteme der ver-schiedenen Länder wurden verglichen und gemein-same Qualitätskriterien definiert. Es wurden auchpraktische Ausbildungsstätten und Fachverbände indie Projektarbeit einbezogen. Die Plattform stehtauch anderen Pferdewirtschulen in Europa offen.Langfristig wird die flächendeckende, multilateraleVernetzung der Ausbildungsstätten in Europa ange-strebt, um die Qualität in der Pferdewirtausbildungzu sichern bzw. zu verbessern.

    ResümeeDas Projekt hat bei den Partnerschulen zu einemverstärkten europäischen Bewusstsein geführt.Durch einen Vergleich der Ausbildungssystemewurde eine Diskussion zur Optimierung derAusbildungsmethoden und -abschlüsse eingeleitet.Durch die Einsetzung von Mindeststandards wurdedie Qualität in der Ausbildung erhöht. Mit derGründung einer offenen Kommunikationsplattformwurde ein erster Schritt in Richtung großflächigeVernetzung der Pferdewirtausbildung in Europa rea-lisiert.

    Partnerschulen:Centre de Formation d’Apprentis du Centre d´Enseignement Zootechnique, Rambouillet (FR)Zespol Szkol Rolnicze Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego w Zarnowcu, Zarnowiec (PL)


  • Nationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen

    E-Quality Label 2006

    The main aim of the project was to establish a plat-form for communication and quality assurance inequine education in Europe by means of a jointly cre-ated website (www.equineschools.net). An associa-tion of European equine schools was developed,enabling the multilateral networking of these schoolsand the optimisation of education standards.

    ActivitiesThe project activities included team meetings, on-going communication between the partner schoolsas well as researching and preparing material for thejoint communication platform. The end products are awebsite with English as its working language, theestablishment of a “Students’ Page” and the formula-tion of quality criteria for equine education in Europe.

    MobilityThere were regular meetings between the partnerschools. The project results were communicated at events(Open Day, press conferences etc.) and throughpress releases to various media.

    QualityThe project enabled the improvement and optimisa-tion of programmes in the area of equine education.The education systems of various countries werecompared and common quality criteria were defined.Practical educational facilities and associations wereinvolved in the work of the project. The platform isalso open to other equine schools in Europe. Thelong-term aim is to create a comprehensive, multilat-eral network of educational institutions in Europe inorder to maintain and improve the quality of equineeducation.

    SummaryThe project has led to an increased European con-sciousness in the partner schools. By comparing dif-ferent education systems, discussion was initiated onthe optimisation of educational methods and certifi-cation. The quality of education was increased byintroducing minimum standards. With the establish-ment of an open communication platform a first stepwas made in the direction of the broad networking ofequine education in Europe.

    Fachhochschule für Pferdewirtschaft LambachKlosterplatz 14650 LambachTel: +43/7245/20660

    [email protected] or www.pferdewirt.at

    Contact: Christine Plakolm

    Project period: 08/02-07/05


    AssessmentThe project is characterised by a high level of sustainability. The idea of defining minimum standards forequine education corresponds extremely well with the aims of the various educational authorities. The pro-ject resulted in the establishment of an association of equine schools and continues in the form of Europeansymposia for the exchange of experience and organisation of work placements etc. The project also madeprogress in the general upgrading of current secondary education programmes. The website created duringthe project has an extremely professional design and will continue to be maintained, updated and expand-ed.

  • MDG – Abteilung UNAU: AUTIME EXODUS – Chancengerechtigkeit, Selbstbestimmung und Kommunikation für Menschen mit Autismus

    Mit adäquaten Kommunikationsmitteln Menschenmit Autismus aus einer noch allzu großenFremdbestimmung zur progressiven Selbstbestim-mung zu befähigen und somit den Begleiter aus derOhnmachtstellung vor den zahlreichen Heraus-forderungen des Autismus zu verhelfen, bildetenzwei Hauptziele des EU-Projektes, die wir anpeiltenund schließlich auch erreicht haben. Es ist derGesamtgruppe gelungen, nicht nur eine Anhäufungvon Kenntnissen bezüglich Autismus zu gewährleis-ten, sondern dem Leser bzw. der lernenden Persondie Thematik Autismus nahe zu bringen. Schließlichhat die Dialektik Praxis-Theorie sowie die Synergieder Teilnehmerkompetenzen zur erhöhten Lebens-qualität der Betroffenen beigetragen.

    MobilitätDie Treffen fanden im Turnus der EU-Teilnehmerstatt sowie die IST-Analyse einer jeden Institutionmit einem anderen EU-Partner

    QualitätWir haben es geschafft beim Voranschreitenunseres Projektes zu einer geistigen Öffnung zugelangen, die mit kritischer aber wohlwollender Art,Ideen, Einstellungen, Mittel... unter die Lupegenommen hat, um alle Elemente in einen für alle“geprüften” und bereichernden Konsens einfließenzu lassen. Wir haben ein wissenschaftlichfundiertes Aus- und -Weiterbildungsmodul und einegemeinverständliche Broschüre in vier Sprachenerstellt sowie eine fortwährende Internet-site zurQualitätssteigerung und zur Verbreitung betrieben.Als Abschluss gestalteten wir ein internationalesKolloquium.

    AktivitätenE-Mails, Internet und die regelmäßigen, arbeitsin-tensiven Treffen sind die wichtigsten Kommunika-tionsmittel bzw. -momente gewesen zur Förderungvon Austausch, Auseinandersetzung, Konsens-findung, und ständiger Weiterentwicklung, dieschließlich zu einem Ganzen geführt haben, dasein Mehr darstellt im Vergleich zur Addition allerTeile

    ResümeeMenschen theoretisch und praktisch so in dieThematik Autismus eintauchen lassen, dass sie denMenschen mit Autismus von innen heraus verste-hen: dies ist der Schlüssel zur Weiterentwicklungder Begleitpersonen und folglich zur Weiter-entwicklung der Betroffenen in Richtung Selbst-orientierung, -bestimmung, -steuerung - ein effizien-ter Beitrag zur Chancengerechtigkeit.

    Die ursprünglich formulierten Zielsetzungen wurdenerreicht. Der internationale Austausch bündelteRessourcen, Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen aufEU – Ebene. Eine Vielfalt von interessierten undbetroffenen Menschen und Institutionen entwickelteneue Konzepte bzw. erhielten konkrete Mittel. DieMitarbeit von schulexternen Personen war einzusätzliches positives Element.

    Partnerschulen:Institut der DG für Sonderunterricht, Eupen (BE)SUSA, Mons (BE)Diakonie Michaelshoven, Köln (DE)Autismus Therapie-Zentrum, Trier (DE)Centre Aria, Paris (FR)Fondation Autisme Luxembourg, Munshausen (LUX)XONAR Zuid-Limburg, Heerlen (NL)

    E-Quality Label 2006


  • Agentur für Europäische Bildungs-programme VoG, Belgien (de)

    AssessmentThe initial aims have been reached. The international exchange bundled resources, experiences and com-petences on EU level. Many interested and concerned people and institutions developed new concepts orreceived tangible means. The cooperation of persons from outside the school world was another positiveelement.

    Ministerium der deutschsprachigenGemeinschaft BelgiensAbteilung Unterricht und AusbildungGospertstrasse 1B – 4700 EUPENTel +32 87 596300

    [email protected] oder www.autisme-exodus.org

    Contact: Georges HeckGeneviève Simonis – Pelzer

    Project period: 2002 - 2005

    E-Quality Label 2006

    Two main aims of the EU project were to enablepeople suffering from autism to escape from the stillprevailing foreign determination and to attain a pro-gressive self-determination, thanks to adequatecommunication tools, and thus to free the carer fromhis helplessness in the face of the numerous chal-lenges of autism; we have reached these two goals.The group as a whole succeeded not only in col-lecting a thorough knowledge on autism, but also ingiving the reader and the learning person an under-standing of autism. Finally, the dialectic betweenpractice and theory as well as the synergy betweenthe participants’ competences contributed toimprove quality of live for the people involved.

    ActivitiesE-mails, internet and regular labor-intensive meet-ings have been the most important communicationtools and moments used to encourage exchange,debate, search for consensus and permanentdevelopment which finally led to a whole that repre-sents a surplus value compared with the addition ofall components.

    MobilityThe meetings took place following the rotationbetween the EU participants and the current analy-sis of each institution with another EU partner.

    QualityAs our project progressed, we succeeded in reach-ing an open-mindedness which scrutinized in a crit-ical, but friendly manner ideas, opinions, means …in order to let all the elements flow into a “checked”and enriching consensus for everyone. We havedeveloped a scientifically founded module for con-tinuing vocational training and a four-languagebrochure written in a style intelligible to all as well asa web site dedicated to quality enhancing and dis-semination. Finally, we organized an internationalcolloquium.

    SummaryTo let people dive in theory and in practice into theautism problem in such a way that they understandautistic people from the inside: this is the key to fur-ther development of the accompanying persons andsubsequently to further development of the personsconcerned towards self-orientation, self-determina-tion, self-monitoring – an efficient contribution toequality of opportunities.


  • �О�����А О����О�А�А ����А��Я О �У��Ъ�: �О��� �АО��О� �О�А�А/ WATER GIFTS FROM NATURE


    E-Quality Label 2006


    Общо описание на проекта�роектът одни дарове от природата е �зиков проект поподпрограма �оменски, програма �ократ. �роектът ереализиран през учебната 2003/04 година впартньорство между �офийската професионалнагимназия по туризъм – ългария и Lycee AntoninCareme – !ранция. проекта са взели активно участиеученици, подготвящи се за работа в сферата на туризма,които са били и участниците в обмена. Училището-партньор е с идентична професионална насоченост исъщо подготвя кадри в областта на туризма. Основна целна проекта е обогатяване на професионалните знания иумения на учениците и преподавателите, овладяване нанови техники и технологии в областта на кулинарнотоизкуство, с цел повишаване на нивото на тяхнатапрофесионална подготовка и конкурентноспособност напазара на труда, както и подобряване на езиковитеумения на учениците по отношение на професионалнаталексика.

    �ейности(ейностите по проекта са реализирани основно по времена двата обмена. )е включват работа в екип заподготовка на различни ястия, характерни за дветестрани-партньори и запознаване с хранителнитетрадиции на ългария и !ранция. Организирани са ивечери на морските дарове с изработени от ученицитеястия. �рез останалото време на проекта учениците саиздирвали рецепти в интернет и са се запознавали съсспецифичната терминилогия. �родукт на проекта е�пециализиран рецептурник, който включвамеждународни рецепти за ястия от морски дарове.+нтересът на учениците води до задълбочено изучаванена хранителната стойност, приложението в диетичнотохранене и вкусовите качества на водните дарове.

    �обилност�о проекта е осъществен реципрочен обмен на ученици

    от двете училища-партньори. От страна на българскотоучилище в обмена са взели участие 12 ученика. �овреме на обмените е реализрана съвместна дейностмежду българските и френските ученици, както икраткосрочна практика в ресторантите ,ератон,-адисън, �ринцес и посещения на места във !ранция,където се произвежда и съхранява шампанско ивинарска изба в ългария. -езултатите от съвместнатаработа на учениците са демонстрирани на организираниза целта коктейли.

    �ачество�одборът на учениците, които да вземат участие впроекта, е извършено по ясни критерии - знания поанглийски език, добро представяне в часовете попрактика и мотивация за участие в избраната тема напроекта /разработки на тема одни дарове, които саоценени от преподаватели/. �дна от силните страни напроекта е сътрудничеството с кулинарни специалисти отводещи хотелски вериги. �роектът се отличава с ясноизразена полза за участниците в него, както и е видно,че ефектът от крайните резултати може да бъдемултиплициран сред учениците от цялото училище.

    езюмеУчастниците споделят, че реализацията на проекта ебила много трудна, но работата по него е била интересна.�оставените цели на проекта са реализирани, катокрайният резултат е полезен за последващатапрофесионална реализация на бъдещите кулинари,завършващи �офийска професионална гимназия потуризъм. �ъздадена е трайна тенденция за работа посъздаване и експериментиране на рибни рецепти, наосновата на речни и морски дарове. �райният продукт напрокта – -ецептурник за ястия от морски дарове еизработен много добре и има всички качества да бъдеприлаган при обучението на бъдещите кадри в областтана туризма.

  • Human Resource Development Centre - Bulgaria

    The project entitled Water Gifts from Nature is aComenius language project, realized within theSocrates program. The project lasted for 2 years\2003/04\ and it has been carried out in partnershipbetween Vocational Hotel and Catering School,Sofia, Bulgaria and Lycee Antonin Careme, France.Students from the school, undergoing training in thefield of tourism have actively participated in the pro-ject. The partner school has an identical profession-al focus and also prepares specialists for the sphereof tourism. The objective of the project is to supportthe improvement of vocational knowledge and skillsand the acquisition of new techniques and methodsin the culinary field of students and teachers in orderto enhance their vocational qualification and com-petitiveness on the labour market as well as con-tribute to their language competences with regard tothe vocabulary in the concrete professional field.

    ActivitiesProject activities have been carried out mainlyduring the student exchange. They includeteamwork in order to prepare different meals, whichare typical for the two countries and to getacquainted with the culinary traditions of Franceand Bulgaria. Evenings dedicated to nature watergifts, displaying meals prepared by the studentshave also been organized. During the rest of thetime the students have searched the internet forrecipes and have studied the correspondingvocabulary. A special book of recipes has beenmade as a final project product, which coversdifferent international recipes for the preparation ofseafood meals. Students’ interest has lead to anelaborate research within the nutritional value, tastequalities and use in different diets of nature watergifts.

    MobilityA reciprocal exchange of students from both partnerschools has been carried out. Twelve students fromthe Bulgarian schools have participated in theexchange. During the exchange activities Bulgarianand French students have realized different tasksand have participated in short-term placements withSheraton, Radisson and Princess and have visitedvarious localities in France where champagne isproduced and stored, as well as a wine-cellar in aBulgaria. The results from their joint work have beenpresented at cocktails, which have been organizedespecially for that purpose.

    QualityThe selection of students who have participated inthe project followed clear criteria- good English lan-guage skills, class participation and motivation totake part in the project theme /work on the topic ofNature water gifts, which has been assessed by theteachers/. One of the project’s positive characteris-tics is the cooperation with culinary specialists fromleading hotels. The benefit for the students from theproject is well-defined; it is obvious that the projectimpact can be multiplied to reach students from thewhole school.

    SummaryParticipants in the project say that realization of theproject has been hard, but interesting for them. Theobjectives set have been realized; the final result isbeneficial for the students from the VocationalSchool for Tourism in Sofia for their professionalcareers in the culinary field. There is now a stabletrend for the creation and testing of different fishrecipes, which include river and sea water gifts. Thefinal project product- the Book of Water-Gift Recipeshas been developed well and can be used for thetraining of future specialists in the field of tourism.

    AssessmentThe added value of the project can be found in the raised mutual interest to explore the culinary area by bothBulgarian and French students and teachers. The project topic is related to vocational training, the labourmarket and improvement of the quality of tourist services offered. The project in question is an integral partof a long-term strategy of the school aimed at dissemination of European and world practices in the field ofthe culinary mastery. This fact makes a strong impression and is worthy of high appreciation with respect tosustainability.

    VOCATIONAL HOTEL AND CATERING SCHOOLAddress: 182 Slivnitsa blv.CIP code Town: 1202 SofiaCountry: Bulgaria

    Tel.: 00359 / 2 9835130

    E-mail: [email protected]:http://www.spgt.org/content/index_bul.html

    Contact: Mr./Ms. first name last name

    Project period: 01/08/2003 – 31/07/2004

    E-Quality Label 2006


  • Rõuge Põhikool : „Sõjalood“/War Stories

    E-Quality Label 2006

    Projekti kirjeldusKoostöö eesmärk oli suurendada rahvusvahelisekoostöö kogemust ja selle kaudu toetada kooliõppetegevust ning kasutada uuenduslikku lähene-mist erinevate riikide ajaloo teemale. Projektipeamine eesmärk oli kaasata erinevate riikide õpi-lasi ning läbi kavandatud tegevuste suunata noorimõistma, et sõprus erinevate riikide vahel on ainusviis ära hoida uusi konflikte maailmas; pannanoored mõistma, kui rumal ja kasutu on sõda ningsuurendada noorte teadlikkust rahvaste kanna-tustest sõjas.Projekti tulemusena valmis digitaalne materjalkogutud lugudest ja trükitud raamat; interneti kod-ulehele on üles pandud valitud videointervjuud janende tõlked igasse partnerriigi ja inglise keelde.

    TegevusedIntervjuude sisu ja ülesehituse loomine ningkooskõlastamine; intervjuude salvestamineKohtumised vanavanematega ja teiste vanemateinimestega, kes mäletasid sõda, nende intervjueer-imine ja filmimine. Filmilõikude töötlemine, subtiitritelisamine, tõlkimine Sõjateemaliste materjalide kogu-mine.; temaatilised üritused, väljasõit teemaga seo-tud paikadesse; kodulehe koostamine; DVDvalmimine; PDF formaadis raamatu trükkimine.HTTP://WWW.ITISMT.IT/DIARIO/DIARIO.HTM

    Mobiilsus2003-2006 aastatel toimusid projektikoosolekudjärgmiselt: Rõuge, Eesti (2004), Matera, Itaalia(2004 ja 2006), Paks, Ungari ( 2004), Hnu?ta,Slovakkia ( 2005, 2006). Õpilasi kaasati võimalikultpalju rahvusvahelistele projektikoosolekutele.

    KvaliteetProjekti hinnati ühiselt koos partneritega . Projektihindamise kriteeriumiteks olid: kooli, õpilaste janende perede kaasatuse tase; projekti mõju koolis,peredes, kohalikus omavalitsuses, kogukonnas;kavandatud eesmärkide täitmine; lõpptoode.Iga aastaga suurenes iga kooli ja iga osaleja panusprojekti tulemuslikkusesse. Õpilaste ja vanavane-mate suhted paranesid. Noored mõistsid, et sõda eilahenda probleeme. Kavandatud eesmärk sai täide-tud õigeaegselt ja selle järgi saab hinnata projektiedukust väga kõrgelt. Projekti tulemusi kasutatiõppetundides ja neist anti teada kogukonnale läbikooli ajalehe ning valla infolehe. Samuti on ilmunudartiklid maakonnalehes. Projekt osales Socrates jaLeonardo projektide tulemuste näitusel EXPRO2006.

    KokkuvõteEelkõige suurendas selles projektis osaleminerahvusvahelise koostöö kogemust, mis koolilpeaaegu puudus. Projekti edu tagas ka kooli mainetõusu. Oluline roll oli sõjatemaatika käsitlemisel janoorte ning vanema generatsiooni omavaheliselkoostööl. Vanemate inimeste mälestusi sõjaperi-oodist ning eelkõige Rõuge ajalugu puudutavatesküsimustes hinnatakse kõrgelt. Vanemad inimesedtunnevad end vajalikena ja on väljendanud omatänulikkust tähelepanu eest, mida noored on neileosutanud Projektis osalemine andis õpilastele või-maluse kohtuda samaealiste noortega erinevatestriikidest, tekkisid sõprussidemed, suurenes huviinglise keele ja ajaloo vastu. Õpilased tunnevadnüüd senisest rohkem ka filmimisega ja filmitöötlemisega seotud oskusi.

    Partnerkoolid:Instituto Tecnico Industriale Statale „ G.B.Pentasuglia“ (IT)Aizputes Secondary School (LV)Gymnasium Mateja Hrebendu, Hnusta (SK)I.E.S. „HUMANEJOS“ (ES)Energetikai Szakközepiskola es Kollegium /ESZI/ (HU)


  • E-Quality Label 2006

    Foundation Archimedes/ Estonian Socrates National Agency

    General descriptionThe aim of the project was to support teaching andlearning process at school and to use innovativeapproach to the history of the partner countries. The objectives of the project were to involve pupilsof different countries in the project activities andmake them understand that friendship betweencountries is the only way to avoid new conflicts inthe world; to make young people aware of foolish-ness and uselessness of the war and make suffer-ings of people in the past better known to them.The war stories were made available as a printedbrochure and a digital material . The project home-page presents a choice of video interviews whichhave been translated into English and into all part-ner languages.

    ActivitiesFirst meetings between pupils, grandparents andother elderly people; first interviews and shooting;:choice of video clips, montage , translations, subti-tles; Collecting material about the war; thematicevents; excursions to the places known from theinterviews.The creation of the homepage; production of theDVD and the brochure.HTTP://WWW.ITISMT.IT/DIARIO/DIARIO.HTM

    Mobility Project meetings took place in every participatingcountry and pupils were actively involved in interna-tional meetings: the organisation of project meet-ings in 2003-2006: 2004 in Estonia and in Hungary;2004 and 2006 in Italy; 2005 and 2006 in Slovakia.

    QualityThe evaluation based on criteria set by the partner-ship: level of involvement of the whole school,pupils and their families; impact of the project andits results on the school, families and on the localcommunity; accomplishment of results and the finalproduct.The working atmosphere was encouraging; commit-ment and input of every partner to a common resultincreased year by year. Relationships betweenpupils and grandparents improved . Pupils under-stood that the war was not a solution to problems.The aims and objectives were achieved in time; thecommunication between the partners was excellent. The project results were used in subject lessons asteaching materials and disseminated via schoolnewspaper and via local government newsletter;articles have been published in the county newslet-ter. The project results were exhibited in the nation-al dissemination event Socrates and LeonardoEXPRO 2006.

    SummaryThe project had great impact on the local communi-ty. Participation in the project gave valuable experi-ence that the school did not have yet. The successof the project had a very positive influence on theprestige of the school. It was extremely important tobring different generations closer to each other.Elderly people and their stories and memories of thewar time helped to picture local history. They feelneeded and they are grateful for the attention theyreceive from pupils. Pupils have more respecttowards them and towards their memories of thepast.Pupils had also a good opportunity to meet youngpeople of the same age from different countries;they have found many new friends; their motivationto learn languages has increased; they are moreinterested in history and they have obtained newskills such as team working, making interviews,shooting and working with video material.

    Rõuge Põhikool (Rõuge Basic School)Haanja mnt 16, RõugeCIP Code Town: Võrumaa

    Tel: + 372 78 59 384

    E-mail: [email protected]: www.rouge.edu.ee

    Contact: Ms Kerli Kõiv

    Project period: 2003 – 2005


  • Ecole élémentaire publique, Le Vignal: Connaître nos voisins européens à travers les jeux

    Partenaires:St Andrew’s CE primary school – Headington – Oxford (UK)Colegion Salesiano Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen – Utrera (SP)Kart-Nahrgang-Schule – Dreieich-Götzenhain (DE)Karolinerskolan – Dalsostock (SW)

    E-Quality Label 2006


    Description généraleLa petite école rurale de la région de Bergerac enDordogne a souhaité sortir de son isolement, aller àla rencontre des européens et élargir l’horizon nonseulement de ses élèves mais de toute la commu-nauté éducative locale. Le projet est multidisciplinaire : maîtrise de lalangue, géographie, éducation civique, éducationphysique et sportive, langue vivante. Il s’est con-struit dans la concertation à l’occasion des rencon-tres parents/enseignants ou des conseils d’école.Toutes les décisions relatives au travail des élèvesont été prises avec eux, lors des séances de « viecollective ». Le projet s’intéresse aux jeux tradition-nels mais c’est la dimension de découverte, departage, de rencontre et d’échange qui sera tou-jours privilégiée.

    ActivitésLes élèves ont élaboré des documents sur les jeuxtraditionnels ou populaires de leur pays ou de leurrégion. Ils ont beaucoup aimé l’échange de jeuxavec les écoles partenaires. Une brochure papieraccompagnée d’un cédérom recense une collectionde jeux de cours de récréation en Allemagne, enEspagne, au Royaume-Uni, en Suède et en France.Les élèves ont eux-mêmes décidé de la réorganisation spatialede leur cours de récréation.

    Mobilité80 élèves de l’école ont participé au projet sur 3 ans3 enseignants, 1 bibliothécaireEnviron 20 personnes ont été associées (mairie,parents d’élèves)

    QualitéLe projet a induit de nombreux changements dansles pratiques de classe. Il a donné « un coup defouet » à la motivation générale des personnels. Ladécouverte d’autres systèmes éducatifs a permisde mieux comprendre son propre système scolaire.L’accueil des partenaires européens, au cours desvisites d’étude ou en réunion de projet, a déclenchédans l’école, un sentiment de fierté : chacun a puexpliquer et valoriser son travail et s’est sentipleinement reconnu. Le projet a soudé toute la com-munauté éducative : élèves, enseignants, écolesvoisines intéressées par ce type d’ouvertureeuropéenne, parents d’élèves qui ont apprécié lachance de leurs enfants. Les bonnes relations avecla municipalité de Saint-Sauveur se sont renfor-cées.

    RésuméLe projet a été entièrement mené en équipe :équipe restreinte pour la partie pédagogique,équipe élargie pour l’organisation de l’accueil ou lesréunions de projet. Tous les personnels impliquésdans le projet font preuve d’une motivation excep-tionnelle, l’équipe est maintenant extrêmementsoudée et souhaite valoriser le travail mené dans lecadre de ce projet.

  • The small rural school in the region of Bergerac inDordogne has tried to get out of its isolation, to meetEuropeans and to enrich the culture of its pupils andall the local educational community. The project is multidisciplinary: language skills,geography, civic education, physical and sport edu-cation. The project has been built by encouragingdialogue through meetings of parents/teachers orschool councils. The pupils had the opportunity totake decision related to their work during “collectivelife sessions”. The project is more focused on tradi-tional games, but discovery, sharing, meeting andexchange will always be privileged.

    ActivitiesThe pupils have elaborated documents about tradi-tional or popular games from their countries or(their) regions. They really appreciated to exchangegames with partner schools. A paper brochure witha CDROM lists recreation ground games inGermany, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden andFrance. The pupils have decided by themselves tospatially reorganize their recreation grounds.

    Mobility80 pupils from the school have participated to theproject during 3 years3 teachers, 1 librarianAbout 20 persons have been associated (towncouncil, parents of pupils)

    QualityThe project has implied several modifications in theclass practices. It was like a whiplash for staff gen-eral motivation. The discovery of other educationalsystems was a mean to better understand their ownschool system. Welcoming of European partners during study visitsor project meetings has developed a feeling of pridein the school: each one could explain and valorizehis or her work and has been fully recognized. Theproject has bind together all the educational com-munity: pupils, teachers, neighbouring schoolsinterested by that kind of European openness, par-ents who have appreciated the chance given to theirchildren. The project has also improved the rela-tionship between the school and the town Council ofSaint-Sauveur.

    SummaryThe project has been entirely lead as a teamwork: asmall team for the educational part, a large one forthe organization of the hosting or the project meet-ings. All the staff involved in the project has shownan exceptional motivation, the team is now extreme-ly strong ant wishes to valorize their work accom-plished in the project.


    Ecole élémentaire publiqueLe Vignal24520 Saint-Sauveur (FR)

    Tel : 05 53 27 93 02

    e-mail : [email protected]

    Contact: Hervé Mignon

    E-Quality Label 2006


    AssessmentThis project is adapted to the age of participants who had been strongly motivated. Pedagogical teams hadefficient and close relationship. The project has reached all his objectives: to favour open-mindedness, tomotivated for learning and acquisition of new basic skills, to discover European diversity through exchangesand meetings.

  • Általános Iskola, Bodajk: Gemeinsames Lernen über Grenzen hinweg: Natur-Faszination und Lebensgrundlage

    Partner institutions:Deutschsprachige Mittelschule Rudolf Riedel, Tramin (IT) Oswald-von Nell-Breuning-schule, Rödermark (DE)Publiczne Gimnazjum, Prezedborz (PL)

    E-Quality Label 2006


    A projekt célja, hogy a részt vevo országok ter-mészeti értékeik megismerésén keresztül tanul-janak egymás erényeibol, hibáiból, megosszákegymással tapasztalataikat, baráti kapcsolatokatalakítsanak ki más népek diákjaival, tanáraival. Aközös témához kapcsolódóan iskolánk célként tuzteki, hogy a község határában található gyurgyalagtelephelyet védettség alá vegyék. Tevékenységünk-nek köszönhetoen Bodajk Nagyközség Önkor-mányzata 2006. márciusában megszavazta aterület védetté nyilvánítását. A német és az olaszpartneriskola diákjai arra vállalkoztak, hogy akörnyezo természetes életterek hiánya miatt kipusz-tult növény- és állatvilágot visszatelepítsék a helyitermészetvédokkel közösen létrehozott mester-séges tavakba. A lengyelek a környéken találhatógyenge minoségu talaj környezetbarát módontörténo hasznosítását tuzték ki célul: fuzbokrokattelepítettek, új technológiával tüzeloanyagotkészítettek belole, megtanultak kosarakat, hasz-nálati tárgyakat készíteni, és ezeket értékesítik.

    TevékenységekA diákok könyvtárban, Interneten és a helyszínenvégeztek kutatómunkát, szakemberek eloadásaithallgatták meg. A telepet tisztán tartották,madáreteto odúkat készítettek, télen gondoskodtaka madarak etetésérol. Madarakat gyuruztek, ésmadár-megfigyelési naplókat vezettek. A munkátfotókkal, videókkal, feljegyzésekkel dokumentálták.A tevékenységekben önállóan, csoportokban, sza-kemberek segítségével, képességeiknek és érdek-lodési körüknek megfeleloen vettek részt.

    MobilitásA találkozókon a diákok megismerték a partnerektevékenységét. Az utazások során szüleik nélkül

    kellett boldogulniuk, önállóságra kényszerültek.Magabiztosabbá váltak azáltal, hogy sikerültmagukat idegen országban megértetni az általuktanult nyelven.

    MinoségIskola eloször vett részt közös munkában másiskolákkal, ez minden tekintetben újszeru volt. Aprojekt tevékenységei beépültek az iskolák helyitantervébe, nevelési programjába. Ez természete-sen csak az iskolavezetés teljes támogatásával voltlehetséges. Az önkormányzat védetté nyilvánítóhatározata is hosszú távú tevékenységi lehetoségetbiztosít, és egyben el is várja azt. Kötetlenebb for-mában „A fiatalság kutat” címmel folytatjuk a pro-gramot. Évente kitöltött kérdoív segítségévelkövetjük nyomon, hogy a „Comenius gyerekek”pályaválasztásában, tevékenységében hogyanhasznosítják tapasztalataikat.

    ÖsszegzésLegnagyobb eredmény iskolánk számára a környe-zetvédo tevékenység tudatossá válása. Bodajk ked-velt kirándulóhely, az itt éloknek természetes, hogya kirándulásokról mezei csokrok helyett fényké-pekkel térnek haza, télen kiakasztják a madárete-toket. Ám látva, hogy a partnerek milyen ero-feszítéseket tesznek annak érdekében, hogy ter-mészeti értékeik csak kis töredékét visszanyerjék,világossá vált számunkra, hogy nem elég csakszeretni a természetet, hanem tervszeru, módsz-eres, tudatos munkával, neveléssel, összefogássalóvni és védeni kell.








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  • Through exploring their natural treasures the partic-ipating countries learn from the other’s merits andmistakes, share their experiences and form friend-ship with pupils and teachers of other nations. Inline with the common theme of the project theschool in Bodajk proposed that the nearby beeeater nesting place be taken under protection.Thanks to their activities the local authority ofBodajk classified the area as protected. The pupilsof the German and Italian partnerschools along withhelping local environmentalists undertook to devel-op artificial lakes and restore their native flora andfauna, which had become extinct due to the loss ofsurrounding natural territory. The Polish aimed atutilizing the poor quality soil in an environmentally-friendly way: planted willow bushes, which they lateron used for producing fuel, and furthermore learnedto weave baskets and create articles of personaluse, which they sold.

    ActivitiesThe pupils carried out their research work at thenesting place and by using the library and the inter-net. They attended experts’ presentations. Theykept the location clean, prepared bird feeding holesand catered for feeding the birds during the winter.They ringed birds and kept a birdwatch diary. Theydocumented their work with photos, videos andnotes. They participated in the activities individuallyor in groups according to their interests and abilities.

    MobilityThe pupils got familiar with the partners’ activities atthe project meetings. During the trips they had to

    get around independently, without the help of theirparents. It gave them confidence that they couldmake themselves understood abroad, using a for-eign language.

    QualityThis was the first time that the Hungarian schoolhad taken part in a joint project with other schools,which therefore was in all aspects new to them. Theproject activities were embedded in the school cur-riculum and the educational programme. All thiswould have been impossible without the support ofthe school management. The local authority’senactment to protect the nesting place created theopportunity and commitment for carrying out long-term activity. They carry on with the programme in anew, more informal way, under the title „Youngresearchers”. Once a year they interview the „ex-Comenius pupils” with regards to how they use theirexperiences when choosing profession.

    SummaryThe school believes that the greatest achievementwas raising the level of environmental awareness.Bodajk is a popular walking area, for the locals it isnatural, that they return from the outings with pho-tos instead of bunches of flowers or that they placebird feeders in the yard during the winter.Experiencing how much the partners do to regainonly a bit of their natural values, it became quiteclear for them too, that it is not enough to lovenature, but it needs protection through collective,planned, regular and conscious work and educa-tion.

    Tempus Public FoundationSokrates National Agency of Hungary

    Általános Iskola8053 BodajkBányász ltp. 21-22.Hungary

    Tel.: 0036/ 22 581 040

    E-mail: [email protected]: www.altiskbodajk.hu

    Contact: Ms. Sándorné Rigó

    Project period: 09/2002 - 09/2005

    E-Quality Label 2006


    AssessmentThe project proved to be effective and an absolute success regarding both in achiving its aims and in the wayof implementation. They realised a line of diverse activities, that have yield remarkable results. The projecthad long term effects on the work of the participating institutions, the local communities and the partner insti-tutions as well. The project participants reported on their experiences and made their products accessible toa wider audience. They published articles in professional journals, they appeared in media and they stagedexhibitions. It can be regarded as a public benefit, that the school organises hiking tours every year, usingthe newly developed hiking trail.

  • Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale Rosa Luxemburg di Torino:GRADITO 2006 (Guida RAgionata DI Torino Olimpica 2006)

    Partner schools:National School for Ancient Languages and Culture “St. Constantine Cyril The Philosopher”, Sofia (BG)Escola Secundaria Aurélia de Sousa, Porto (PT) Città di Torino, Settore Politiche Giovanili, Torino (IT) IX Circoscrizione Comune di Torino, Torino (IT)Värmdö Gymnasium, Johanneshov (SE)

    E-Quality Label 2006


    “GRADITO 2006” è una guida di Torino scritta daigiovani in collaborazione con il Settore delle politi-che giovanili e I Ragazzi del 2006. Per gli studentidell’ITC Rosa Luxemburg è stata un’occasione diprotagonismo costruttivo e un’esperienza culturale,fuori dall’apprendimento abituale. Stile e contenutirispecchiano l’attuale universo giovanile torinese.L’iniziativa è nata nel 2003 per accompagnare l’at-tesa olimpica e realizzare una guida turistica insoli-ta di Torino. Il codice di lettura adottato dal testofinale è costruito sui 5 Sensi/5 Cerchi. “Bocca” perconoscere locali tipici piemontesi e non; “Naso” acaccia di curiosità; “Orecchio” per conoscere/deco-dificare lo slang giovanile; “Occhio” per scovarecuriosità insolite e apprezzare bellezze artistiche;“Mano” guida agli acquisti; “Sesto Senso” informa-zioni pratiche e necessarie.

    Attività Questionario su “cosa i giovani vogliono scoprire inuna città”; elaborazione dei dati; formazione gruppidi lavoro; ricerca di materiale e selezione; discus-sione per selezione dei contenuti e loro stesura; tra-duzione plurilingue. Il tutto attraverso la metodolo-gia del lavoro in team e le ricerche individuali e digruppo, e soprattutto dando libero sfogo alla creati-vità dei ragazzi.

    Mobilità2003, 2 – 6/10 – Sofia (BG); 2004, 31/05 – 6/06 – Porto (PT); 2005, 6 – 12/05, Stoccolma (SE);2006, 27/05 – 1/06, Sofia (BG).

    QualitàI ragazzi sono stati coinvolti in tutte le fasi svilup-pando, nel gioco di vedersi con gli occhi degli altri,il confronto interculturale e acquisendo, tramite illavoro sul campo, molte e diverse competenze, tracui: stesura testi, traduzione plurilingue, abilità mul-timediali, creatività. L’entusiasmo dei giovani e il valido coordinamento,sostenuti da un’esemplare sinergia con il territorio egli enti locali, hanno permesso la realizzazione di uneccellente prodotto finale, accompagnato da un’in-tensa attività di disseminazione in occasione diSaloni del Libro, gemellaggi europei ed extraeuro-pei anche oltre oceano, ecc.

    SintesiUn progetto molto ben focalizzato e coeso che,attraverso la realizzazione di un unico prodotto fina-le, peraltro di ottima qualità, è riuscito a stimolare iragazzi al confronto internazionale, a spingerli ariflettere sulla loro realtà (vista con gli occhi altrui) ea far loro acquisire molteplici competenze. Notevolela capacità di creare sinergie per incrementare ifondi e permettere la sostenibilità.

  • “GRADITO 2006” is a guide of Turin written by theyouth in cooperation with the Turin Youth PolicySector and “Ragazzi del 2006” Project. For RosaLuxemburg School’s students it was an opportunityfor active participation and a cultural experiencebeyond the usual educational patterns. Its style andcontent mirror the world of Turin youths. This projectwas born in 2003 to work towards the 2006 WinterOlympics and to create an unusual tourist guide ofthe city. The reading code adopted by the guide is:5 senses corresponding to 5 Olympic circles.“Mouth” to get to know the typical places ofPiedmontese and non-Piedmontese cuisine; “Nose”to poke one’s nose in curiosities; “Ear” tolearn/decode the conversations of young people;“Eye” to find out unusual curiosities and be able toappreciate the artistic beauties of the city; “Hand”,a helpful guide to go shopping; “Sixth sense”,some practical and useful information.

    ActivitiesA questionnaire about what young people want tofind out in a city; data processing; group work; mate-rial research and selection; open discussion toselect the content and its layout; multi-lingual trans-lation. The above steps were carried out through teamwork, individual and group research and, above all,the young people’s creativity.

    Mobility2003, 2 – 6/10 – Sofia (BG)2004, 31/05 – 6/06 – Porto (PT)2005, 6 – 12/05, Stockholm (SE)2006, 27/05 – 1/06, Sofia (BG)

    QualityThe students were involved in all stages of the pro-ject. Being able to look at themselves from anotherpoint of view, they developed intercultural aware-ness and acquired several different competenceson the spot: text writing and laying out, multilingualtranslation, multimedia skills, creativity. Enthusiasm, effective coordination and perfect syn-ergy with the local Council favoured an excellentfinal result, which continued with an intensive dis-semination activity during book fairs (e.g. “Salonedel Libro”), European and extra-European twin-nings, etc.

    SummaryThe project was coherent and very well focused.Thanks to the realization of a high quality product,GRADITO 2006 was able to drive the studentstowards a culture of international awareness, tomake them think about their own world (seen fromanother point of view) and to enable them to acquireseveral competences. This project also was alsounique in its capability to create the right synergiesin order to raise additional funds and allow its sus-tainability.

    Agenzia Nazionale Socrates Italia

    Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale Rosa Luxemburg Corso Caio Plinio 610127 TORINO

    Tel. (+39) 011 6192212/ 011 6193021

    web www.luxemburg.ite-mail [email protected] - [email protected]

    Contact person Francesca Carpo

    E-Quality Label 2006


    AssessmentThis brilliant project coordinated by the Technical Vocational Secondary School Rosa Luxemburg in Turin isparticularly remarkable for the co-operation with local bodies, which set off a new way of working at school,more closely linked to society and the world of work. The Turin guidebook had a pivotal role around which awhole range of activities was implemented, spanning from a sociological preparatory study, to field work, towriting and editing of texts in different languages and multimedia editing. These activities enabled pupils toacquire a number of different abilities, while thoroughly enjoying themselves at the same time. Disseminationactivity has been intense and is still ongoing. Thus it can be said that enlarged cooperation, sustainability,innovation and transferability are all strong points of this experience.

  • Kauno Panemunės pradinė mokykla: Vaikų žaidimai/Kaunas Panemune Primary School: Children‘s games

    Partnerschools:Istituto Comprensivo 2, Suzzara (IT) Klauzal Gabor Altalanos Iskola (HUN)Ceip Josep Maria Folch I Torres (ES)Kauno Panemunės Pradinė Mokykla (LT)

    E-Quality Label 2006


    Sau artimą temą ,,Vaikų žaidimai” pasiūlė patysmokiniai. Pirmieji metai buvo skirti stalo žaidimųkūrimui pagal Š.Pero pasaką „Raudonkepuraitė“,antrieji – žaislų iš įvairių medžiagų gamybai, tretieji– lauko ir kambario žaidimų aprašymams, filmav-imui ir mokymuisi. Tikslas - suteikti vaikams progųįdomiose veiklose atrasti tautų panašumus ir skirtu-mus, skatinti mokytojus bendradarbiauti taikantinteraktyvius ugdymo metodus, įvaldyti naujas IKT,vykdyti mokytojų vizitus ir pasikeitimus, semtisgerosios patirties. Įgytos žinios apie tėvų, senelių iršiuolaikinius Europos vaikų žaidimus ir žaislus, nau-dota efektyvi mokymo(si) strategija - žaidimas.Mokinių ir mokytojų bendravimas tęsiasi iki šiol.

    VeiklaMokiniai drauge siuvo lėles, gamino stalo žaidimusir žaislus. Pamokų, pertraukų metu ir namuosežaidė su jais. Iš tėvų ir senelių mokėsi jų vaikystėsžaidimų, aprašė juos ir filmavo. Organizavo paro-das, akcijas, konferencijas, mokėsi kitų tautųpapročių, kalbų, šokių, dainų, bendravo el.paštu iron-line, keitėsi sveikinimo atvirukais.

    MobilumasĮvyko 6 projekto koordinatorių susitikimai. Į partner-ių mokyklas vyko 7 mūsų mokyklos mokytojai, pasmus svečiavosi 7 partneriai.

    KokybėMokyklose sukurta (pasiūta, nulipdyta, išlankstyta,numegzta, suklijuota, iškirpta, sukonstruota) virš300 stalo žaidimų, keturių tautų kultūros tradicijas,įvairius laikmečius atspindintys žaislai, lauko ir kam-bario žaidimų aprašai su garso ir vaizdo įrašais.Parengtas projekto 2002-2003 m.m. kalendoriusvisiems mokyklos mokiniams ir partnerių mokyklųbendruomenėms. Sukurta svetainėhttp://utenti.lycos.it/comeniusgames/. Apgintosmagistro tezòs, tarptautinòje konferencijoje Kretosuniversitete skaitytas prane‰ims apie projekteįgyvendintas edukacines novacijas, mokyklos ben-druomenės bendradarbiavimą.

    SantraukaĮ curriculum inkorporuoti projekto tikslai netapopapildomu krūviu mokiniams. Mokytojai individual-izavo programas, taikė naujus metodus, formas.Išaugo bendruomenės bendradarbiavimas, moky-masis, etosas. Projekto dalyviai tapo atviresni nau-jovėms, drąsiau bendravo su partneriais, dalijosipatirtimi, mokėsi užsienio kalbos, IKT. Dalyvavimąparėmė Kauno miesto savivaldybė.

  • Education Exchanges Support Foundation – Lithuanian National Agency

    Kauno Panemunes pradine mokyklaKariunu pl. 5LT-45432 KaunasLithuania

    Tel.: + 370-687-24532

    E-mail: [email protected]: www.panemune.kaunas.lm.lt

    Contact: Ms. Virginija Rupainiene

    Project period: 09/2001 - 08/2004Logo of the school:

    E-Quality Label 2006


    ActivitiesPupils made games and toys and played with themin the lessons, breaks and at home. They inter-viewed their parents and grandparents, made writ-ten and filmed reports. Kids learnt games of peersfrom other countries. Special exhibitions, confer-ences were held. Kids learnt other languages, sente-mails, holiday greetings, chatted on-line.

    Mobility6 project meetings were held. 7 teachers from ourschool went to stay in partner schools and 7 col-leagues visited our school.

    QualityChildren made over 300 table games using variousmaterials and techniques. Toys representing differ-ent cultures and epochs were displayed in allschools. Every partner produced illustrated Report

    Books and videos describing indoor and outdoorgames. The calendar for school year 2002-2003was published and presented for every pupil andpartner school communities. The Internet site wasprepared http://utenti.lycos.it/comeniusgames/.Master’s theses and paper presented at the confer-ence at University of Crete revealed the facts ofeducational innovations and school community col-laboration in the project.

    SummaryProject goals were incorporated into school curricu-lum. Newly prepared programs included new meth-ods and forms. Partnership of school communityand ethos of the school continued to grow.Participants were open to innovation and dissemi-nated good practice. They started learning lan-guages and used new ITC. Kaunas municipalityapproved of our participation in the project.

    AssessmentTopic “Children’s games” was proposed by pupils themselves. The 1st year was devoted to making table

    games after the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”. During the 2nd year toys from various materials were pro-

    duced. The 3rd year was devoted to describe, film and learn playing indoor and outdoor games which were

    popular in parents’ and grandparents’ childhood. The aim of the project was to give kids possibilities to find

    out about similarities and differences of nations and cultures, enhance teachers’ collaboration in using inter-

    active teaching/ learning methods, use ICT, visit partner schools, exchange teachers and disseminate good

    practice. Some kids and teachers still continue the partnership.

  • MDVI - Erweiterung des Fachwissens von Ambulanzlehrern fürmehrfach behinderte sehgeschädigte Kinder/ MDVI - Developmentof expertise for teachers who do itinerary work with multiple disa-bled visually impaired children

    Partner:“Secundaire School Koninklijk Instituut Spermalie” – Brügge, Belgien“Staatliche Schule für Sehgeschädigte” – Schleswig, Germany“Langemyr Skole” - Grimstad, Norwegen

    “Specialni Skoly Aloyse Klara” - Prag, Tschechische Republik

    E-Quality Label 2006


    Ziel des Comenius-Projekts war es, das Fachwis-sen von Ambulanzlehrern, die mit mehrfach behin-derten sehgeschädigten Kindern arbeiten, zu erwei-tern. Im Rahmen des Projekts wurden wirkungsvol-le Evaluierungs- und Beratungsinstrumente ent-wickelt und geeignete Unterrichtsmaterialien fürMDVI-Kinder konzipiert.

    AktivitätenHauptprodukt – “Leitfaden für Ambulanzlehrer”- Beratung: Artikel über den Interaktionsprozess

    zwischen ambulanten Beratern und Lehrern auf der Grundlage eines ressourcenorientierten Ansatzes

    - Sehschwächenbeurteilung: Beurteilungs-schema und Richtlinie zur Feststellung des funktionalen Sehvermögens von MDVI-Kindern: Begriffsdefinition, strukturierte Beobachtung des Sehverhaltens und Bildungsansatz für alle Elemente des Beurteilungsschemas

    - Sammlung von Materialien: Datenbanken mit Beispielen wirkungsvoller Materialien, die Kinder zu Aktivität anregen.

    QualitätDer Hauptnutzen des Comenius-Projekts lag in derVergrößerung des Wissens, das wir gemeinsam mitFreunden aus unseren Partnerländern weiterentwickeln konnten. Dieses Wissen baut auf dervorhandenen Literatur (auf die im Leitfaden hin-gewiesen wird), der praktischen Arbeit mit MDVI-Kindern in verschiedenen Ländern und den imKontext der Comenius-Partnerschaft entwickeltenIdeen auf. Der Nutzen aus dieser Arbeit liegt einer-seits in der Zusammenfassung bestehender Datenaus der Literatur und der Anwendung undAuslegung eines kongruenten Ansatzes, der neuro-psychologisches, ophthalmologisches, bildungsbe-zogenes und pädagogisches Wissen neu ordnet.Dieser Ansatz wurde in spezifischer Weise an den

    ambulanten Ansatz angepasst, wobei “Einbe-ziehung” das Schlüsselwort des Projekts war. Daseigentliche Ziel des Projekts ist eine intensivereEinbeziehung mehrfach behinderter sehgeschädig-ter Kinder. Die Erreichung dieses Ziels wird durcheinen Beratungsansatz, wie er von dem Leitfadenvorgeschlagen wird, realistisch. Die beschränktenverfügbaren Personalressourcen in den einzelnenTeilnehmerländern könnten auch zur Entstehungeiner Strategie beitragen, die eine breitere Gruppevon Schülern mit vielfältigeren Behinderungenunterstützt, ohne die bereits bestehendeUnterstützung der jeweiligen Schule oder des jewei-ligen Institut einzuschränken.

    ResümeeDas hier vorliegende Projekt geht über die zu erwar-tenden Ergebnisse und Produkte einer Comenius-Schulpartnerschaft hinaus: es kann alle Qualitäts-kriterien erfüllen und hinterlässt einen sehr starkenEindruck. Es ist geradezu eine Paradebeispiel einereuropäischen Partnerschaft im Bildungsbereichinnerhalb derer professionel an der Lösung einesgemeinsam erkannten Problems gearbeitet wurde.Der Nutzen für alle Beteiligten ist offensichtlich:Erhöhung der Lebensqualität und der sozialenEingliederungsmöglichkeiten der behindertenKinder, Professionalisierung des Betreuungsperso-nals, Kompetenzförderung (fachlich, soziale undmethodisch) der Beteiligten am Projekt,Internationalisierung der Institutionen und letzend-lich Mainstreaming im Bereich Betreuung einermehrfach (geistig und visuell) behinderten undbesonders förderbedürftigten Zielgruppe. DieProjektergebnisse haben ein hohes Transferpoten-tial und sprechen offenkundig weitere Interessentenim Bereich der MDVI-Behinderung an. Aus derPartnerschaft hat sich ein stabiles Netzwerk erge-ben, das über die Förderdauer hinaus an einerWeiterentwicklung der Ergebnisse interessiert ist.

  • The aim of the Comenius project was to increasethe expertise of itinerant teachers working with mul-tiple disabled visually impaired children. The projectaimed to develop valid tools for evaluation andcounselling as well as to design appropriate teach-ing materials for MDVI children.

    ActivitiesMain product – “Guide for the itinerant teacher”- Counselling: Articles about the process of inter-

    action between counsellor and teacher in itinerantwork, based on a resource-oriented approach

    - Low vision assessment: Assessment scheme andguideline for functional vision for children with MDVI: Definition of terms, structured observationof visual behaviour and educational approach foreach item of the assessment scheme

    - Collection of materials: Database with examplesof good materials stimulating the activity of the child.

    Quality The main benefit of the Comenius project was theincreased knowledge which was developedtogether with friends from our partner countries.This knowledge was based on existing literature(referred to in the guide), practical work with MDVIchildren in different countries and ideas developedin the context of the Comenius partnership. Thebenefits of this work are the gathering of existingdata from literature and practice and the construc-tion of a congruent approach that combines neuro-psychological, ophthalmologic, educational andpedagogical knowledge. This is especially adaptedto an itinerant approach since “inclusion” was thekey premise of this project. The project actuallyaims at a more intensive inclusion of multiple disa-bled visually impaired children. This becomes morerealistic with a counselling approach, as suggestedby the guide. Since human resources are limited foreach of the participant countries, this could alsohelp to define a strategy giving support to a widerrange of pupils with a wider range of disabilitieswithout limiting the support already received by theschool or institute.

    Institut pour Déficients Visuels17a, rte de LongwyL-8080 Bertrange

    +352 45 43 06 1+ 352 45 43 06 700

    [email protected]://www.idv.lu

    Contact: Frank Groben

    Project period: 09/03 - 07/06

    E-Quality Label 2006


    AssessmentThis project achieves more than just the results and products normally expected from a Comenius schoolpartnership. It is also able to fulfil all quality criteria and makes an extremely strong impression. It is a text-book example of a European