Introduction Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Shaw- Thornburg, your instructor for English 151-45. This is my sixth year teaching English at SC State. I’m excited about the chance to work with you for the next 15 weeks. You’ll have the chance to introduce yourself a little later. For now, let me share some important information about this course. Communications Policy Need to talk to me? Here’s how to reach me Stop by to see me in my office, which is in Room 290, Turner Hall, A Wing, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM on Wednesdays. It is best to make an appointment so we can set aside time to get you the help you need during these hours. Leave a voicemail at 803-386-9195 or call the office at 803-536-7944 during office hours. E-mail me at [email protected] . I respond within 48 hours during the work week, and on Monday if you write after 1 PM on Fridays. Use your scsu.edu address to avoid having your message dumped into the junk folder in my account, and put your name and course number in the subject heading of the message.

E15145 F2011 Course Syllabus and Course Mate Instructions

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Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Shaw-Thornburg, your instructor for English 151-45. This is my sixth year teaching English at SC State. I’m excited about the chance to work with you for the next 15 weeks.

You’ll have the chance to introduce yourself a little later. For now, let me share some important information about this course.

Communications Policy

Need to talk to me? Here’s how to reach me

Stop by to see me in my office, which is in Room 290, Turner Hall, A Wing, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM on Wednesdays. It is best to make an appointment so we can set aside time to get you the help you need during these hours.

Leave a voicemail at 803-386-9195 or call the office at 803-536-7944 during office hours.

E-mail me at [email protected]. I respond within 48 hours during the work week, and on Monday if you write after 1 PM on Fridays. Use your scsu.edu address to avoid having your message dumped into the junk folder in my account, and put your name and course number in the subject heading of the message.

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Purpose of E151 English 151 is the second writing course in the sequence that is a part of just about everyone’s education at South Carolina State University. Remember the stuff you learned in E150—how to write academic essays, how to read critically, how to come up with stunning thesis statements, how to pull out the big guns—quotations and well-constructed arguments—to support your thesis statement? All of that knowledge will come in handy for this course. We’ll build on what you learned in E150 to help you develop those skills further, which is why one prerequisite for this course is that you have passed E150 with a grade of “C” or higher. In English 150 you probably read and responded to nonfiction genres— essays, articles—or even looked at documentary films. In this course, we’ll hone your critical reading and writing skills by reading literature and writing academic essays about literature from three different genres (or kinds) of literature—short fiction, drama and poetry. Along the way, you’ll develop your ability to use the concepts, vocabulary, and literary criticism gathered by doing research to analyze literature. You’ll use that same writing process you developed in E150 to produce your essays in this class.

E150 E151 Basic Academic Essay Rhetorical Modes (e.g., narrative)

Critical Writing

Expanded Essay Format Literary Analysis

Nonfiction Essays Expository Writing Film

Critical Reading

Literature (e.g., Fiction, Poetry, and Drama)

Logical Arguments Supporting Logical Arguments

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Direct Quotations Persuasive Appeals Examples


Direct Quotations Research of Literary Criticism

This is how the English Department formally states what you will be learning:

LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate an ability to execute the writing process using literary

works as content material to engage in various modes of writing. 2. Show competency in the research process by investigating, writing

and documenting a research paper. 3. Demonstrate an ability to engage, comprehend, analyze and

synthesize a variety of literary works.

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Course Format and Access

Do you see the 45 in your course number? That section number means that this course is a part of the growing distance education offerings at SC State. Did you know that you can take all of your general education English courses (E150, E151, E250, and E251) in online or hybrid (classroom and online) formats? Although you’ll be mastering the same objectives as your classmates in traditional sections of these English classes, all the teaching will occur in Blackboard, a system we use to organize the tools and content to support you as you learn, and other websites.

Here’s the “front door” to our online classroom:


Clicking on this link or typing this address into your browser will take you to SC State’s Blackboard portal. To get in the front door, you need a “key.” At SC State, you have one username and password for all systems. That means that the username for your e-mail, Banner, the library electronic resources, and Bulldog Connection is the same one that gives you access to Blackboard. Contact UCITS at 536-8111 if you are locked out of your account, or use the Network ID lookup link by clicking here.

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Course Materials

Home base for the course is Blackboard. This is where course documents will be stored and where you can find links to resources we will use this semester.

You need to get your book immediately: Kirszner and Mandell, LIT (Boston: Wadsworth, 2011). ISBN 1111348839) Buy or rent (a great option at about $24.00!) the book at the SC State University bookstore. Your textbook should come with an access code to a website called CourseMate. CourseMate is a password-protected site that includes quizzes, videos, and lots of great material that will help you to succeed.

Register to gain access and sign up under my course by using this key:

CM-9781111348861-0000024. Your scores and activities in CourseMate are only reported to me if you enter this key when prompted. See the document “Instructions to Register for CourseMate” to learn how to register. Get that done by Friday. You’ll read and respond to literary criticism located in the library’s electronic resources: http://library.scsu.edu/Databases/databasesbysubject.cfm Clicking on a particular database will take you to an access page. Use your SCSU user name and password to get the good stuff!

The web is wide and wonderful, so I will frequently point you to materials I want you to read and respond to. Sometimes I will ask you to point us to good stuff as well, so be prepared to do research in the wild!

Bottom line: Most of the course materials are in your textbook and CourseMate. You can’t pass without them.

Forum Post 1 • Log in to the course in Blackboard by Monday night (Aug. 22) and say hello in the

forum. • Buy/rent your book. In your forum post, tell me what poem is on page 495 of LIT. • Register for CourseMate. • Access one electronic database from the library under any subject area. Do a search

on any topic you want, and in your forum post, give me the title of one thing you found and in which database you found it.

• Find a piece of literature you like online. Post the link to it in your forum post. • Tell us the best way to get in touch with you in your post.

This symbol means

you need to do a task or tasks to show me you can apply what I’ve covered so far.

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Assignments There is no busy work in this class. It is a lean, mean, learning and teaching machine. Each of these assignments on the list is designed to demonstrate that you have met the learning objectives of the department and university. Here’s a chart that shows what assignments meet the learning objectives.



Demonstrate an ability to execute the writing process using literary works as content material to engage in various modes of writing.

Essay 1, 2, and 3

Show competency in the research process by investigating, writing and documenting a research paper.

Research component of Essay 3 and electronic presentation

Demonstrate an ability to engage, comprehend, analyze and synthesize a variety of literary works.

Forums, study group reports, reading assignments, quizzes, and exams.

You will write three essays (50% of course grade), complete and upload one electronic presentation (10% of course grade), and take three exams on literary terms (15% of course grade).

In addition to these assignments, you are required to 1) Complete and pass a minimum of 10 quizzes on CourseMate and show satisfactory performance in the Engagement Tracker; and (10 % of the course grade) 2) Establish a study group with students enrolled in this or any section of E151; study group logs need to be posted in the Blackboard discussion forums once per week on Mondays. (15%) Logs should include attendance, a summary of the material covered during the session, questions about the material covered, and any needs/concerns members of your group have. Expect that over the course of the week I will respond to you and ask follow-up questions you need to respond to receive full credit. You will use these same groups to complete peer review of formal writing assignments. We will set up groups during the week of August 22. Your groups can meet face to face, work via email, Skype in, or interact with each other in any meaningful way you can identify. The point is to process the material together and stay engaged. These two activities will account for the participation portion of your grade (25%).

See the semester assignment sheet on the next pages.

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Assignment Calendar

Key: Bb=Blackboard L=LIT (textbook) C=CourseMate website Week Reading

Due first day of week Assignments

1 (Aug 18/19) Read course syllabus for overview (Bb/email)

Complete Forum 1 by Aug 22 to continue enrollment.

2 (Aug 22-26) LIT: Chapters 1, 2, and 4 9 (all except for “Hills Like White Elephants”) 10 (intro, “Grl,” and Review) 11 (intro, “The Story of an Hour,” and Review), 12 (intro, “A & P,” and Review) Pp 29-31

Organize study groups using Forum 2. Post questions and paragraph on reading.

3 (Aug 29-Sept 2) LIT: 13 (intro, “I Stand Here Ironing,” and review) 14 (intro, “Big Black Good Man,” and review) 15 (intro and review only) 16 (intro, “Everyday Use,” and review) 17 (intro only)

Study log in forum

4 (Sep 6-Sep 9) LIT: Chapters 5, 6, 7, and story of your choice from Chapter 18 or another story included in the book (one we did not read).

Study log in forum Essay 1 rough draft due Sep 9 by 8 AM; submit at Essay 1 RD Forum I Blackboard by deadline to receive feedback.

5 (Sep 12-Sep 16) Read peer essay drafts. Exam 1 due Sep 12; complete in Computer Assisted Writing Center by 3 PM. Review Testing Center Guidelines before taking exam. Essay 1 Revision due September 16; submit at Essay 1 Revision Submission Link in Blackboard.

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6 (Sep 19-Sep 23)

LIT: 19 (all) 21 (all intro sections, Dickinson (361-), Adame (363), Hughes (364-), Browning (365-), Randall (378-), and Review) 22 (all intro sections, Rich (386-), Brooks (392-), Cummings (394-), and Review) 23 (all intro sections, Williams (401-), Shakespeare (405-), and review pp. 35 and 40-44

Study log in forum

7 (Sep 26-Sep 30) LIT: 24 (all intro sections, Hughes (409), Burns (412), Atwood (421), Lovelace (421-), Sanchez (422-), and review) 25 (all intro sections, Rich (433), Auden (438), and review) 26 (all intro sections, Brooks (448-), Roethke (451-), Basho (453), Sandburg (454), Williams (457-) and Review).

Study log in forum

8 (Oct 3-Oct 7) LIT: 27 (all intro sections, Blake (462), Dickinson (464), Rossetti (468-), Soyinka (471), Cullen (474), and Review) 28: read one set of poems (either the section on parents, nature, love, or war), and Review. Essay 2 will discuss the themes of the set of poems you have chosen. Read peer essay drafts.

Essay 2 rough draft due Oct 7 by 8 AM; submit at Essay 2 RD Forum in Blackboard by deadline to receive feedback. Peer review in forum

9 (Oct 10/11 and Oct 19-21) No reading this week Exam 2 due Oct 13; complete in Computer Assisted Writing Center by 3 PM. Review Testing Center Guidelines before taking exam.

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Essay 2 Revision due October 21; submit at Essay 2 Revision Submission Link in Blackboard.

10 (Oct 24-Oct 28) LIT: 30, 31, 32 (all sections except for Doll’s House), and 33 (all sections and Hamlet).

Study log in forum

11 (Oct 31-Nov 4) LIT: 34, 35, and p. 38 Read peer essay drafts.

Essay 3 rough draft due Nov 4 by 8 AM; submit at Essay 3 RD Forum in Blackboard by deadline to receive feedback. Peer review in forum

12 (Nov 7-Nov 11) No reading this week Exam 3 due Nov 11; complete in Computer Assisted Writing Center by 3 PM. Review Testing Center Guidelines before taking exam.

13 (Nov 14-Nov 18) Read peer essay drafts Essay 3 Revision due Nov 14; submit at Essay 3 Revision Submission Link in Blackboard. Peer review in forum

14 (Nov 21/22) No reading this week Complete research for electronic presentation. Study log in forum (what are you finding?)

15 (Nov 28-Dec 2) View and review minimum of four electronic presentations on Blackboard in Presentation forum.

Submit electronic presentation by November 29 in Blackboard. Reviews in forum

Final Exam Week

You are done!

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All major written assignments and projects are graded using a scoring sheet with clearly outlined standards for achieving each letter or numerical grade. This scoring sheet is called a rubric, and you’ll get one with every paper or project that is assigned. Generally, you’ll receive a grade on your major papers and projects within three weeks of the submission date. Quizzes and tests are usually graded automatically, so you’ll know instantly if you need to review the material. Check the grade book for your grades, keeping in mind the timeframes mentioned above. I don’t accept assignments after the due date and time. You can, however, earn a one-day, no questions asked extension by completing 6 consecutive weeks of forum/study logs posts. Grade Scale A/4=90-100 C/2=70-79 F=59-0

B/3=80-89 D/1=60-69

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Student Engagement and Attendance Requirements

The World Wide Web is our classroom. That means attendance in this class is a matter of completing activities instead of showing up in a classroom two or three days per week for a total of three hours. You should interact with me and your classmates at least once per week in the forums, and you and I (or even you and your classmates) will communicate by e-mail or phone at least once this semester. The more you engage, the more likely you are to complete the course and get something out of it. We move quickly, so not participating regularly can really make it difficult to keep up. Blackboard also logs the time and date of every log-in and submission of assignment, so participation is objectively indicated by the information Blackboard makes available.

Attendance Policy and Definition of Excessive Absence

In my experience students who fail online classes do so not because of lack of ability, but because they fail to participate in the course on a regular basis. Successful online learners are self-directed, are disciplined enough to hold themselves to a regular schedule, are not afraid to ask for help, are able to learn well without regular face-to-face social interaction, and are comfortable with technology. If that description doesn’t sound like you, you should consider taking a hybrid or face-to-face section.

Completion of the weekly forum and weekly log-in to Blackboard fulfill your attendance requirement for each week.

Because this is an online course, you have ample opportunity to meet this requirement in a way that respects assignment deadlines and your

personal and work commitments. Given the flexibility built into an online course, there are no excused absences.

Excessive absence is defined as missing an exam or essay, missing 2

forums, or failing to log on to Blackboard for 15 consecutive days.

On the 1st missed paper or exam, 2nd missed forum or quiz, or on the 15th consecutive day of inactivity on Blackboard, you will be assigned a grade of “F” for the course or a grade of W, WP, or WF, depending upon

the date, if you request a withdrawal.

Please be forewarned that if you reach the threshold for excessive absences, you can be assigned an “F” without comment or

communication from me.

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Learner Support

You may need help to be successful in this course, and that’s just fine!

Here are places that you can get specific kinds of help

If… Contact: You have a problem with material inside the course

Your instructor [email protected]

Blackboard is down

Blackboard Help Desk 516-4931 [email protected]

E-mail is down OR your username and password doesn’t work

University Computing 536-8111 [email protected]

You need peer tutoring

Computer Assisted Writing Center 533-3649 Room 371-373, Turner Hall, A-Wing

You need help with research

Whittaker Library (Reference) 536-8640 [email protected]

You need overall academic support in all your classes or may be in danger of failing all of your classes

Student Success and Retention 536-7187

You have been identified as learning disabled and need academic support and accommodations

Office of Disabled Student Services 536-8533

You need help with emotional issues that interfere with your ability to learn

Counseling & Self-Development Center 536-7245

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Prepared by the Cengage Learning CourseMate Team

Students: Accessing a CourseMate Website and Enrolling in an Instructor-Led Course

Sticky Note
Please note: CourseMate is in a separate site from Blackboard. To register, go to this address: https://spike2010m.scsu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=56c2968d3f754208b7ce4510fd7e6d2b&URL=http%3a%2f%2fkb.cengage.com%2fx%2ftQA4 You must enter a CourseKey during registration to have your work in CourseMate reported to me. Our CourseKey is CM-9781111348861-0000024
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Please note: CourseMate is in a separate site from Blackboard. Your access card for CourseMate came packaged with your book. Follow the instructions in this document to register. You must enter a CourseKey during registration to have your work in CourseMate reported to me. Our CourseKey is CM-9781111348861-0000024
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
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Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2

IfYouPurchasedCourseMateAccessinYourSchoolBookstoreandDon’tHaveanAccountathttp://login.cengagebrain.com............................................................................................... 3

ElseIfYouPurchasedCourseMateAccessinYourSchoolBookstoreandAlreadyHaveanAccountathttp://login.cengagebrain.com ........................................................................... 10

ElseIfYouWanttoPurchaseCourseMateAccessviathehttp://www.cengagebrain.comWebsite ................................................................................................................................ 14 Introduction The purpose of this document is to give step-by-step instructions on accessing a CourseMate website and enrolling in a course led by your instructor. This document includes three sections, only one of which will be appropriate for you. • If You Purchased CourseMate Access in Your School Bookstore and Don’t Have an Account at

http://login.cengagebrain.com Or • If You Purchased CourseMate Access in Your School Bookstore and Already Have an Account at

http://login.cengagebrain.com Or • If You Want to Purchase CourseMate Access via http://www.cengagebrain.com Finally, note that there are hundreds of different CourseMate sites, and many of them have different visual designs. So, if what you are seeing as you travel the registration and enrollment path does not exactly look like the screen captures shown in this document, note that the functionality described in this document is common to all CourseMate sites.

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If You Purchased CourseMate Access in Your School Bookstore and Don’t Have an Account at http://login.cengagebrain.com What is http://login.cengagebrain.com? Imagine that you are using multiple applications from Cengage Learning (CourseMate and other applications). Rather than having credentials to sign into each of these applications, Cengage Learning offers a single location. With one set of Sign On credentials, then, at http://login.cengagebrain.com you can access all of your Cengage Learning tools. When you access http://login.cengagebrain.com, you will see the following.

This section you are currently reading assumes that you do not already have an account at this location. 1. Click the “Create a New Account” button.

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2. The following will load.

3. Provide the access code you find on the printed access card you received with your bookstore purchase, and click “Continue.” A page like the following will appear (where not all of the page is shown in the following).

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4. Provide First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc., confirm that you are at least 13 years of age, and click “Register.” You will be taken to a page that prompts you to identify the school where you are studying.

5. Complete the fields on this page, providing the information unique to you, and then click the “Search” button. Something like the following will appear.

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6. Select the proper institution and click the “Register” button. Something like the following will appear.

7. There are hundreds of CourseMate sites, and which one you access when you click the “Open” link

for the CourseMate resource depends on the textbook you are using. For example, the “Open” link in the example above would take you to the landing page in a College Success CourseMate site, whereas the example below is the landing page on an Art Study CourseMate website.

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8. You are free to use this website without enrollment in an instructor-led course. If you do so and then later enroll in an instructor-led course, all activity before enrollment will appear to the instructor once enrolled (as will all activity after enrollment). At the point you wish to enroll in an instructor-led course, you will need to have from the instructor a “Course Key.” With this Course Key in hand, click the Enter Your Course Key button. An overlay will appear, on top of the current screen.

9. Provide the Course Key your instructor gave to you, and click the Submit button. The overlay will disappear, and the Home page of the site will have changed as follows.

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Now that you are enrolled in the instructor-led course, the instructor will be able to see the time you spend on all resources in the CourseMate site, and will also be able to see your scores for the graded quizzes in the site.

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Else If You Purchased CourseMate Access in Your School Bookstore and Already Have an Account at http://login.cengagebrain.com This section assumes you have an existing account at login.cengage.com, a web address that will bring you to the following page.

1. Provide the credentials to your existing account, and click the Log In button. Your Dashboard will appear, similar to the following.

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2. Locate the Register another Access Code or Aplia Course Key field.

3. Provide the access code you find on the printed access card you received with your bookstore

purchase, and click “Continue.” The Dashboard’s Last Accessed area will update with your new

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4. There are hundreds of CourseMate sites, and which one you access when you click the “Open” link

for the CourseMate resource depends on the textbook you are using. For example, the “Open” link in the example above would take you to the landing page in a College Success CourseMate site, whereas the example below is the landing page on an Art Study CourseMate website.

5. You are free to use this website without enrollment in an instructor’s course. If you do so and then later enroll in an instructor-led course, all activity before enrollment will appear to the instructor once enrolled (as will all activity after enrollment). At the point you wish to enroll in an instructor-led course, you will need to have from the instructor a “Course Key.” With this Course Key in hand, click the Enter Your Course Key button. An overlay will appear, on top of the current screen.

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6. Provide the Course Key your instructor gave to you, and click the Submit button. The overlay will disappear, and the Home page of the site will have changed as follows.

Now that you are enrolled in the instructor-led course, the instructor will be able to see the time you spend on all resources in the CourseMate site, and will also be able to see your scores for the graded quizzes in the site.

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Else If You Want to Purchase CourseMate Access via the http://www.cengagebrain.com Website At http://www.cengagebrain.com, you can use a credit card to purchase Cengage Learning products, such as CourseMate websites. If you are interested in this route, the following steps will guide you. 1. Point your browser to http://www.cengagebrain.com.

2. In the Search box, search for the product you seek. If you want to use the name or ISBN of your textbook, that will work, or you can just search for CourseMate.

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3. Upon click of “Find,” something like the following will appear.

4. Find the product you are interested in, and click on it. Something like the following will appear.

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5. If you want to buy the product, click on the “Add to Cart” button.

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6. Click the “Checkout” button.

If you have an existing account with Cengage Learning, travel that path. This document, though, focuses on the other path: “New User.”

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7. Provide all the requested information and click “Continue.”

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8. Provide the requested information and click “Continue.”

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9. Provide payment information, review your order (not seen in the screen capture snippet above), OK the user agreement, and click the “Finish Purchase” button.

7. There are hundreds of CourseMate sites, and which one you access when you click the “Open” link

for the CourseMate resource depends on the textbook you are using. For example, the “Open” link in the example above would take you to the landing page in a Psychology CourseMate site, whereas the example below is the landing page on an Art Study CourseMate website.

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8. You are free to use this website without enrollment in an instructor’s course. If you do so and then later enroll in an instructor-led course, all activity before enrollment will appear to the instructor once enrolled (as will all activity after enrollment). At the point you wish to enroll in an instructor-led course, you will need to have from the instructor a “Course Key.” With this Course Key in hand, click the Enter Your Course Key button. An overlay will appear, on top of the current screen.

9. Provide the Course Key your instructor gave to you, and click the Submit button. The overlay will disappear, and the Home page of the site will have changed as follows.

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Now that you are enrolled in the instructor-led course, the instructor will be able to see the time you spend on all resources in the CourseMate site, and will also be able to see your scores for the graded quizzes in the site.