Native Americans African Americans Asian Americans Hispanic/ Latino Americans 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 Myth or Fact Jeopardy Based on Joel Spring’s Book: Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality

Eaf 228 Myth Or Fact Jeopardy Spring

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Page 1: Eaf 228 Myth Or Fact Jeopardy Spring

Native Americans African Americans Asian Americans Hispanic/



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Myth or Fact Jeopardy Based on Joel Spring’s Book: Deculturalization and the Struggle for


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Native American 100 point question: Myth or Fact?

The government used and taught Christianity in their schools to control and “civilize” the Native Americans.


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Fact:Today this would be a violation of the

First Amendment because the government was combining church and state. In 1812 Missionary teachers were sent to teach Native Americans. They believed that is was God’s will to do so. The government thought that Christianity was a superior religion and that if Native Americans were to practice it they could become more like the “superior” white race.


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Native American 200 point question: Myth or Fact?

Native Americans suffered so many injustices at the hands of the U.S. government that even late into the 20th century, United States Government was reforming laws concerning Native American restoration.


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Fact:Because the U.S. government wanted to terminate Native

American culture, they were forced to move from their homes and forced to be educated in ways that would help the Europeans prosper. Their children were taken from them and forced to go to boarding schools. The government is trying to make up for what they had done, with acts such as:

Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1975- provide grants to tribes to support their school operations

In 1975 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act- give power to run own education and heath programs

Native American Languages Act of 1990- protect their rights to speak and promote their languages


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Native American 300 point question: Myth or Fact?

Americans respected the way the Native Americans worked in groups or small communities, called tribes.


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Myth:Americans, or newly settled Europeans, hated the

way Native Americans lived. America stood for a democracy and they viewed the Native American tribes as a socialist group. Early colonists practiced patriarchal lifestyles. They didn’t like the fact that Native American women had a lot of power over what happened in the tribe community. Europeans wished to replace Native American’s clan lifestyles with nuclear family structures. Europeans thought that the more land and the more food you had the more superior you were while the Native American tribes shared their wealth with each other. They also disagreed on the act of punishing children. Native Americans were permissive while Europeans were harsh.


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Native American 400 point question: Myth or Fact?

Indians received US citizenship after the Indian Peace Commission in 1867.


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Myth:The Indian Peace Commission was

supposed to set up reservations for Native Americans and provide them with schooling in Christianity, English, and American ways. After they were knowledgeable in these categories they were supposed to be allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship. In actuality, Native Americans were denied citizenship until the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924.


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African American 100 point question: Myth or Fact?

Whites and African Americans received equal funding for schools from the government.


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Myth:Even though the government claimed schools were equal

between whites and African Americans, they gave more money to the White schools than the African American schools. African American schools were funded by private investors of their own community. They owned 43% of their schools. This took a toll on African American schools because they didn’t have a great amount of money to donate to their children’s schools. This resulted in poor learning facilities. Funds were set up to help this issue. The Jeanes Fund paid 84% of the salaries of the teachers at the schools and the Rosenwald Fund gave the community enough money to build the school buildings.


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African American 200 point question: Myth or Fact?

Northern and Southern slaves were treated the same.


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Myth:Though blacks were considered inferior to whites

in all parts of the United States, they were actually treated much differently in the North and South.

North- worked closely with whites South- worked in plantations (big house

surrounded by slave “houses”) slaves rarely interacted with white people. Slave owners were harsh; sometimes even going so far as to take away their identities by giving them new names.


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African American 300 point question: Myth or Fact?

After slaves were emancipated they were able to exercise and enjoy their human rights.


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Myth:According to our book, “In various

northern colonies, freed blacks were barred from voting, attending the militia, sitting in juries, and in many places there were required to carry special passes to travel, trade, and keep a gun or a dog” (Spring, 44). Slaves were emancipated during the Civil War, (1862) but it took years later for them to become free of laws and segregation.


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African American 400 point question: Myth or Fact?

The media in the 1950’s and 1960’s greatly influenced and informed the citizens on the Civil Rights Movement.


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Fact:African American’s views spread easily due to the

media. Martin Luther King Jr. was in the newspapers and on the television screen. Other influential people were covered by the media, like the group: CORE (The Congress on Racial Equality). Riots and protest were covered as well. African Americans made a statement and their word was spread easily through out the United States. Many Americans looked to presidents in the media so they can determine opinions on the Civil Rights Movement. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a face that was looked to when he signed The Civil Rights Act of 1964, getting rid of all discrimination.


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African American 500 point question: Myth or Fact?

Segregation in schools ended after the US Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1954.


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Myth:Ending segregation was tough for African

Americans. There is still even segregation going on today. African American students still fight stereotypes and cruel judgments in schools today. The Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka helped to make segregation unconstitutional. Oliver Brown’s daughter had to walk 21 blocks to a segregated school when she could have just walked 5 blocks to a school where white children attended. Still after 1954 there were segregation cases just like this one. In 1955 the government claimed that is was hard to ensure desegregation because of the amount of schools that they had to supervise.


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Asian American 100 point question: Myth or fact?

Because of their light skin, Asian Americans were accepted in white communities.


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In 1855, the U.S. supreme Court rules in Chan Yong Case that Chinese are not “white” and therefore, ineligible for citizenship under 1790 Naturalization act.


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Asian American 200 point question: Myth or fact?

During World War II, more than 100,000 Japanese Americans were sent to concentration camps.


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Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps in American during WWII. The U.S. government claimed that they needed to be sent to concentration camps because they were an “enemy race.”


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Asian American 300 point question: Myth or fact?

The “Coolie” image applied to Asian Americans had a positive connotation in the minds of white Americans?


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The “coolie” image was applied to servile Asian American workers who were willing to work long hours at extremely low wages. White Americans were threatened by “coolies” because they believed they were stealing their jobs and decreasing the standard of living.


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Asian American 400 point question: Myth or fact?

Japanese Americans came together to oppose the closing of the language schools teaching children how to read, write and speak English.


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The Japanese American community was torn on the issue of language schools.

Some members of the Japanese community wanted the schools closed because they favored Americanization.

Other Japanese Americans wanted the schools to remain open because they believed the cultural differences with the white community were so great that Americanization was impossible.


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Hispanic/Latino Americans 100 point question: Myth or Fact?

The conquered Mexican population was confronted with the mandate that English be spoken in schools.

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Fact:In 1856, a law was passed requiring the

teaching of English as a subject.In 1870, the Texas legislature passed a

school law requiring English to be the language of instruction in public schools.

In 1855, the California Bureau of Instruction mandated in 1855 that school classes be conducted in English.

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Latino American 100 point question: Myth or fact?

Mexican Americans who remained in the U.S. after America conquered Mexican territory during the Mexican-American war were treated unfairly.


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The United states felt racially, religiously and culturally superior to Mexicans in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This attitude caused them to take over Mexican territory. Mexicans who remained and Mexican immigrants who came later were forced to adhere to unfair conditions such as segregated schools, housing, and discrimination in employment.


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Latino American 200 point question: myth or fact?

The Jones Act was beneficial for Puerto Rican Americans.


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The Jones Act obligated Puerto Rican Americans to serve in the U.S. military while it denied them the right to vote in national elections.


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Latino American 300 point question: Myth or Fact?

In the last half of the nineteenth century, Mexican Americans tried to escape the anti-Mexican attitudes of public school authorities by attending either Catholic schools or nonsectarian private schools.


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Private schools instructed Mexican American students in bilingual settings. These students learned to speak English and received lessons about Mexican and Spanish Cultural traditions.


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Latino American 400 point question: Myth or Fact?

In order to assimilate Hispanic and Latino Americans, laws were passed to eliminate the speaking of their native languages.


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Educators argued that learning English was essential to assimilation and the creation of a unified nation.

In 1855, California required all school instruction to be conducted in English.

In 1870, Texas Law requires English as a language of school instruction.

1918, Texas makes it a criminal offense to use any language but English in school instruction.
