CONG HdAxA IIOT cIItT NGHIA VIET NAM Doc l4p - Ts do - q4nh Dhtc THE SOCIALIST REPVBLIC OF METNAI'I Indepe"dence - Freedon - Eappiaef ,, *' :,r"; :: ::::rlt ;:: :r t Brio cio KiT eu,i crAo DICII co pEriu/cHl]I{c cHi e!"i ciJA NcrJoI NQI BO ci,A CONG TY DAI CHT'NG, NGUdI NOI BO ciJA QUi E4I CH('NG vi Ncudl cO LIiN QUAN carA NGrJor Nqr Be REPORT ON RESALTS OF TLANSACTION IN SEARES/ FUND CERTI FICATES OlI INTERNAL PERSON OF PUBI,IC COMPAN(, INTERNAL PERSON OF TOBLIC FAND AND IIELA|ED PERSONA OF INTERN.IL PDRSON Kin! sni: - Ui ba ChLhg knorin Nhd nudc - Sd Ciao dlchchme kho6n C6ng ly dii chlng c6 phAn Tu vrin Dv dn Qu6c r€ KpF fhe State Seertu ies Connission The public cohpahr/ The funt1 nanaseneht conpaq' l. Tl6ng tin vc cr.I6JVI0 chfc thuc h'qn gi.o dich/ 1,/6rhatiaa on inliridral/ oryanintion thal conductt the ttunsfet: - Ha vd t€n c6 nharvTen 16 chnc/ Nane of indtuidual/otsanizato, : Doin Tbi QuyGtr - Qu6c tict/ tr'utiodltt: viet Nan - s6 CMND/1D cald: - Dia chi te. h€,Eia chi rru so chinlv -rddle$r - Dien $o4iJ Telepho ne..... F ax:.... Ehril:....Website;,.,. - Chfc vu hien nay tai cons ry dai chnne, c6ne ty qudn li qui (neu c6) hoac m6i quo h0 vdi c6ng ry dai chnne. c6ng t! qldn li q\j /Ctmnt positiah ih the publn canpan!, the fund nanacenent conpa,, (if an, or retatia$hip with the public conpary, the fund 2. TlOng 1in + n$oi n6i bO cia cOns ty dqi chnng/qut dai chtng ld nguiri cd IiCn qum cna cn drer/t6 chtc thvc hiQn eiao dich /ddi vat tfri,g hap ,guoi 'hK hiin Eiao dich lA ngoi .o li6n quan cna ngvoi n'i b6 cna c'he t, dai chnnq/qd dai chiing)/ Llfothation abaut ihterhat petsah of the p"blic conwny/public find ^ rctated pqsoh oI ttu1iig indiyidualorqani2atioh (ih .ase ta.let is related pe6oh af ihtehal pe4on af the p u b t i c c an p a ry|p t b I ic Iu nd) :

Eappiaef ,, *' ::::rlt :r

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Page 1: Eappiaef ,, *' ::::rlt :r

CONG HdAxA IIOT cIItT NGHIA VIET NAMDoc l4p - Ts do - q4nh Dhtc

THE SOCIALIST REPVBLIC OF METNAI'IIndepe"dence - Freedon - Eappiaef

,, *' :,r"; :: ::::rlt ;:: :r


Brio cio KiT eu,i crAo DICII co pEriu/cHl]I{c cHi e!"i ciJA NcrJoINQI BO ci,A CONG TY DAI CHT'NG, NGUdI NOI BO ciJA QUi E4I CH('NG vi



Kin! sni: - Ui ba ChLhg knorin Nhd nudc- Sd Ciao dlchchme kho6n

C6ng ly dii chlng c6 phAn Tu vrin Dv dn Qu6c r€ KpFfhe State Seertu ies Connission

The public cohpahr/ The funt1 nanaseneht conpaq'

l. Tl6ng tin vc cr.I6JVI0 chfc thuc h'qn gi.o dich/ 1,/6rhatiaa on inliridral/oryanintion thal conductt the ttunsfet:

- Ha vd t€n c6 nharvTen 16 chnc/ Nane of indtuidual/otsanizato, : Doin Tbi QuyGtr- Qu6c tict/ tr'utiodltt: viet Nan- s6 CMND/1D cald:

- Dia chi te. h€,Eia chi rru so chinlv -rddle$r

- Dien $o4iJ Telepho ne..... F ax:.... Ehril:....Website;,.,.- Chfc vu hien nay tai cons ry dai chnne, c6ne ty qudn li qui (neu c6) hoac m6i quo

h0 vdi c6ng ry dai chnne. c6ng t! qldn li q\j /Ctmnt positiah ih the publn canpan!, the

fund nanacenent conpa,, (if an, or retatia$hip with the public conpary, the fund

2. TlOng 1in + n$oi n6i bO cia cOns ty dqi chnng/qut dai chtng ld nguiri cd IiCnqum cna cn drer/t6 chtc thvc hiQn eiao dich /ddi vat tfri,g hap ,guoi

'hK hiin Eiao

dich lA ngoi .o li6n quan cna ngvoi n'i b6 cna c'he t, dai chnnq/qd dai chiing)/Llfothation abaut ihterhat petsah of the p"blic conwny/public find

^ rctated pqsoh oI

ttu1iig indiyidualorqani2atioh (ih .ase ta.let is related pe6oh af ihtehal pe4on af thep u b t i c c an p a ry|p t b I ic Iu nd) :

Page 2: Eappiaef ,, *' ::::rlt :r

- HA viL r€n ngudi n6i b6/ /r'a-e of ihternal penot Donn Mitrn T:|:ja'- Qu6c t!ch/ Nado"ali4,: Viql N- 36 CMND, I.I0 cnidu, I hC cnn ctdcl ID cad/P6spa,1 No.. - Dia chi thui'ng lrd/ P€lza,e,r dddrc$:

- Chic v! hien nay tai cong ry d.i ching. c6ng ry qudn ti quy tcttetnty pariuian inthe p$lic canpah!, the lund nanaeehent conpan : cT. HAi dinc qdb hi kien njns

- M6i quan hC gida cA nharttd clnc lhuc hiOn giao dich vdi ngrti n6i b6lFclato8hipat n viauat zantauo, cxp.utihg ba8a.rioa aih iaterhatpc...n. Ln zal

- sn luds. d li c6 ph.:Ld'ns ch qui mA nsuoi no. ou dms n;n sir 'ner;o)Nunbet, ownetship praportian afs].ares hetd br the inttuat (tf an ):2.8At.00a ai phil!3. Mn ching kho6n giao d!ch/ Securities cade: KpF

. 4. cdc 1ai *no,n eiao d&h c6 c6 phi€dchiig chi quy neu &j nlc jtTradins accou"l

iunbq vnh sht^/|nh.l ceftficates nen d abore: lai cdng r, chrrnckJ,oir',t Ih secutities c.npan!: -

5. 56 luqng. rn li co plieucbf8 chi quj nin Bij rud( kni rhuc \';1g.co d,ch\"ab"r ov'et\h,p ptofaaion alsharysraad f*hh.aks hetd beIory tan a.t.aa. t4o.oooc6Dhi6u

o so lr@s c; pFiF I chrhgchr qJi d6nsb btu \,hberotsha,p.,nJc4hf,aks' cEisterc.1 to buv: 140.000 C 6 ohiin, . .?.

56 llqne ,cd

plidLtcbins chj qut da giao dich (nua/brn/cho/dudc chotiog/duqctaneftnna ke/cbDy6n nhuqns/nnan chlyen nnuqns/ho6n ddD 'n Nunb* af shd^/fund.AtJ;cot? ia.led tpur.ha\p \ote,et, bp Exen dohap be dana4d ihne-t cansl?rL anrcte.l/:wpt . l10.nn0 Cd phiAu

8. S0 ludg, * 1C cd phicvchtne chi qui nam sin sau khi thsc hien eiao dich/Nrhber, awne$hip ptoportios oI shara/fund cetiletes hetd aliet aecutinc h;nsdction:

9. Phumg thic siao dich/ Mod? aftto$@tiot K\@ Eil\10.

-Ibdi eian thuc hiCn giao dichl Tra6actio, period. agity 29tA8t21t6

DiEn rho?ili{ he/,4dd er\ |

c,i NUAN,TO cElJc Bio c.io/Ncrtol Drlgc Iry euyiN cdNc B6 TsONc TrN


DISCLOSE INFOLAATION(Ki, shitO ho En, d6n|.du nd, at)

(sisnatte, futt name and teal-in c6e of oryanjzation)

(Trcng trudng hqp kl6ngdruc nion het s6 lugns dEnski, Dgui'i n6i bo/nsui'i c6 lenquan phai giii trinh nguyennhan.)/ . (h c^. ot l.ilihE bere.u1e lull resieerel nmber, theinthat pt:od telded r4ar oIinktnal pe6., shall need ta erplain