EARLY ACTION IS DEMANDED ON BILL AIMED AT ^DIVORCE RING"' VOLUNTARY CLEAN-UP UNLIKELY i (Continued from First Page.) the public Interest" la affected by and » Involved In every suit for divorce or the annulment of the marriage ties, .nd "Whereas It Is further considered . that the people of the Commonwealth, < In every such uncontested suit or : whenever the court or Judge thereof ¦hall deem It for the probable good, should proceed through a duly ap¬ pointed representative and defend or contest the same." . Backed by Woman. Under the provisions of the bill, whenever any suit for divorce or the ' annulment of a marriage hereafter Instituted shall have been matured by the due execution of the process therein, and the respondent shall fall to defend or contest the same, or whenever the court or the Judge thereof In vacation shall be of the opinion at any time during the prog- . ress of the suit that the respondent is not defending same in gOod faith, or that the public Interest require it, the co)irt shall appoint some discreet and competent attorney a guardian ad litem, who shall defend the suit in the name and on behalf of the Common¬ wealth of Virginia. The bill further provides that the guardian shall not be related to or connected with the parties, nor have any Interest In the matter In the con¬ troversy. In case the respondent falls to enter his appearance in any suit the clerk of the court must appoint a guardian to represent the interest of the absent ' defendant. One of the backers of the measure is Dr. Kate Waller Barrett, for many years active in reform work, and a resident of Alexandria, now in Rich¬ mond working for the support of the measure. "The provisions of this bill should put a stop to the wholesale divorce t business which has caused a blight on the name of our grand old State, and disgrace to the city of Alexandria," she declared. $1,000 FOR CAR, TRACTOR, AND TRUCK, FORD'S AIM DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 27..Henry Ford today was near the goal of prices he set out to attain several years ago when he announced he would sell "a car, a tractor, and a truck for $1,000." In a statement Mr. Ford announced a cut of $230 in the pricn of the Ford . tractor, bringing the selling price of the farm machine down to $3!»i. With the new cut In effect, the Ford touring car, a truck, and a tractor'can now be purchased for 31,137. "I believe it will do the country some good Just at this time, especially when spring is approaching, to make ¦. It easier for the farmer to get his work done at lower cost and thus help . bring down the price of food and everything else," says the announce- . ment. all-metal monoplane PERFECTED BY GERMAN BERLIN, Jan. 27..Prof. Hugo Junkers, noted German scientist, has Just completed the design for an all- metal monoplane, which will be 260 \ feet from tip to tip of the wings. . There will be four engines of 1,000- f horse power each. The airplane cannot be built until the allies relinquish their control *! over German aeronautics. NIGHTGOWN AND 3200 WILL GET DIVORCE IN VI, (Continued from First Page.) Immediately came in quest of grist for the mill. Thomas' emmUnary slipped out of a sldedoor, walked a few paces up South Fairfax street, crossed to the oppoelte side and returned to where the reporter stood In front of the other lawyer's office. "Howdy, stranger." the emmlssary stated by way of approach. "Oot a match?" The reporter had and. in exchange accepted the proffered cigarette. Knew Good Lawyer. "Looking for aomebodyT" the stranger asked. The reporter was, tout did not volun¬ teer the Information as to who he was' looking for. "Don't guess you are looking for a good lawyer, are you?" was the stranger's 6autton question. "Yep, I am," the reporter confess¬ ed. "Am In a little trouble. Waiting here to see Mr. (.). "Was It about a divorce, mister?" the stranger boldly asked. "Well, to &e franc, It Is," the re¬ porter replied, loosening up a bit. "I'm over here to get a divorce; was referred to Mr. ( ). Am waiting for him now." "Well, I know a mighty fine divorce lawyer," the stranger volunteered. "Ills office Is right across the street. Want to go over and see him?" "No," the reporter replied. "I was referred to Mr. Blank and will wait a few moments for him." The stranger departed, going around the block. Approaching from the op¬ posite direction he again entered Thomas' office and soon returned with Thomas, the counselor and attorney. An Introduction followed, with the added impressive bit fit information that Mr. Thomas waa a director. In the Peoples Permanent Building and Loan Association of Virginia, Incorporated for $260,000, with offices in Alexandria, Del Hay, etc., with permanent offices at Aurora Hills, Va., which Is Mr. Thomas' home. Sympathetic and eager to be of any little assistance, Mr. Thomas won¬ dered if he could assist in any way. When told that the visitor was wait¬ ing to see another lawyer, Mr. Thomas volunteered the information that the other lawyer was probably out of town and would not be back. Wanted Quick Decree. "Come on over to my office and maybe I can help you out," Mr. Thomas urged. The reporter was reluctant, but after some persuasion he agreed to go over. In Thomas' office the reporter In¬ troduced himself and stated the cas-? According' to the story told to Thomas, the reporter had a friend, a very wealthy and prominent so ciety woman, residing in Washing¬ ton. She desired a divorce, but due to her social prominence, it must be gotten quietly and quickly, if gotten at all. Without saying so, the re¬ porter intimated that the woman who nought a divorce waa the wife of a Congressman. "The main thing," the reporter stated, "Is that If this divorce Is to be gotten at all It must be gotten without any chance of publicity, for to have publicity, in this case would ruin the divorce seeker social¬ ly, and, furthermore, the reporter stated, "she has no grounds for divorce and if the suit should be¬ come known to her husband It would be Impossible for her to get It. "The plan," the reporter continued, "is for this woman to get a dlvorco and slip away from Washington at once. "She desires to meet .another man in San Francisco. This man that she will meet Is an official of the SAMMY AND HIS PALS Copjnrlfht, lttt, by lUr Company CUT IT OUT? I CAN'T BEAR IT' ^VE.R 6AW. WE'RE. , GOiMCr "To TAKE THEM 'uwassirs^s?1 lUCApO VKUnw/Mw» Arms Conference To Make China Safe.For International Crooks By POLITICLY. Whatever else the arms confer¬ ence may achieve. It seems certain that It will make China sate for all the plunderers. The latest achievement in this humane endeavor Is Its attempt to forbid the exportation of arms to China. Against this ban, the Jap¬ anese delegation suggested a res¬ ervation that the prohibition must not interfere with the shipment of arms to the Japanese troops in Standard Oil Company. He sails for the Orient In three weeks. What we want Is a divorce, gotten in three weeks, if it can be, and without knowledge of the suit to anybody except the lawyer, the Judge and the prominent Washington woman. Can it be arranged?" Assured of Secrecy. "The whole thing can be arranged to the entire satisfaction of your friend," Thomas declared. "Well, how about the publicity?" the reporter asked. "There won't be any publicity, and her hnnband will know nothing about it until It's too late," Thomas assured the reporter. "As the matter is so urgent wouldn't it be a good idea for you and your friend to meet me at my home tonight," Thomas asked. "You know It is pretty risky business get¬ ting a divorce quick like this, and it would really be better for you to China. They were promptly In¬ formed that the prohibition, of course, would not affect this Jap¬ anese privilege. But the shipment of arms to the Chinese government for its own troops is to be strictly forbidden. That Is the conference idea of "disarmament." Called Restoring Peace. The whole thing was undertaken under the benevolent notion of "re¬ storing" peace in China. Its chief effect will be to leave China, at the come to the house tonight than to be seen in the office here." Accordingly, arrangements were made with Thomas, one of Little Reno's "counselors and attorney* with practice in Virginia and the courts of the District," to secure a quick divorce, details for which would be explained that night in Thomas's home. "Will she have to live over here at all?" the reporter asked, about to de¬ part. "All you need to get a divorce in Alexandria is » night gown and $200. You ran hang your night gown up over here in somebody's house, which establishes you a residence, and give me the $100. I'll do the rest. "It will be easy, dead easy, boy, and you won't have any trouble, publicity, nor worry. "Bring your friend out to my house tonight and we'll settle the whole thing," Thomas declared, bowing the divorce seeker out of hla office. Try It with Hot Milk Get a good start for the day. You need a hot dish that not only warms the stomach, but puts pep and punch into the body. Try Shredded Wheat With HOT Milk Heat the Shredded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore crispness; pour hot milk over them, adding a little cream and salt, or sweeten to suit the taste. Nothing so nourishing, strengthening or satisfying. Shredded Wheat contains more real, strength-giving nu¬ triment than eggs or potatoes and costs but a few cents. Better than ordinary porridges because it contains all the nourishment of the whole wheat in digestible form. Being ready-cooked and ready-to-eat it saves fuel and saves time. M r The Happy Way to Health TIUSCUTTi* tWShrxMWWW toad . mmd ic mercy of 1U benefactor. Py|lcu- larly of the Japanese. Just as they have done in Siberia, the have fomented revolutlona in China and have armed the enemies of the Chinese government. This noble un¬ dertaking ao far has been some- what hampered by the fact that troopa loyal to China have alao been able to get arma. If * way_ oouVd be found to disarm the Chinese troops, the bandits who get their arma and ammunition from Jap- unese sources, or whose have been bribed by the would have an eaaier time of ine final subjugation of the greai Chinese repubUc. The plan fits in remarkably well with the whole tenor of the arma conference. Inatead of r«*t®^llJ. the integrity or the sovereignty or either China or of Russia, 'the <con- ference leadorn have sought to in- sure the helplessness of those coun¬ tries. lest they resist the future en- croachmenta of Japan or of Great Britain. Simple Way to Peace. It is a simple way to make peace. If China and Russia can be dis¬ armed and paralyzed, if the im¬ perialist free-booting of Japan ana Great Britain has nothing to fear from Chinese or Russian resistance, the peace of the Orient should be Secure# Against this program, the Ameri¬ can delegation has not raised its voice. Instead it haa stood ready to assent at every turn. From time to time we have heard noble sentiments from Mr. Hughes and from his colleagues concern¬ ing the friendly Interest which the , United States has in China as well as Russia. From time to time, Mr. Hughes has emphasized the "moral trusteeship," which he feels the conference should hold for these less-favored countries. To In tlie street, this meant that the United States was prepared to de¬ fend the rights of Russia or at China. In his Innocent credulity, he could picture Mr. Hughes pro¬ claiming the sanctity of treaties against all violators; proclaiming the Independence of China and of Russia against all threats; the determination of the United States to see that Justice should be done to the weakest. Instead, for two months now, wo have heard the voice of the Unltea States raise'i only In defense of the strong, we have heard It* dele¬ gates assent to every step that would fetter these nations; we have watched them bind the United States to the chariot wheels of an alien Imperialism. Leave China Helpless. If the conference were to end to¬ morrow, it would leave China more helpless than ever and Russia more completely at the mercy of the Japanese invaders, than it was when the conference began. Worse, It would leave the United States bound, by the treaty of the ouadruple alliance, to protect Japan against a possible retaliation by China or of Russia, should either of those nations ever become strong enough to strike back at its despoilers. But the conference for the dis¬ armament of China will at ieast have been a success. This is lim¬ itation of armaments with a ven- v geance. tofarmers, FARM BLOCKERS, AND FELLOWS WHO FARM THE FARMERS? If you care to read a book that is full of facts, punch, snd logic, and that will figure effectively In the coming campaign, rea^ .THE CRIME OF '20" By George W Armstrong <>f Kort Worth. Texss. fam Hie press and for suit- m. . »««.' stands in Waoh.ngton NELLIE BLV DIES OF PNEUMONIA IN N.T. HOSPITAL Widely Known Writer Remem¬ bered for Record-Breaking Trip Around the World. NEW TORK. Jan J7..Nellie Blv. In private life Mr*. Robert L. Seaman, one of the apeclal writers on the ataff of the Evening Journal, died today of pneumonia In St. Mark's Hospital. She became 111 two weeks ago and shortly afterward was taken to the hospital from her room In the Hotel McAlpln. She sank steadily and yes¬ terday no further hope was held out for her recovery. Nellie Bly occupied a unique place In the world's journalism for nearly two-score years, and the reputation she made In the eighties by her record- breaking trip around the world for a New York newspaper remains undlm- med today. Men and women in all corners of the United States knew her as a great ministering angel to humanity. Her dally mall contained many grateful letters from persons who had been helped by her words of advice. Inspira¬ tion, and wisdom. Nellie Bly knew life as few news¬ papers writers of the day. The back¬ ground of her knowledge of human fralllties, sacrifices, joys, was the ex¬ traordinary newspaper life she had led since she began writing in Pitta- burgh about forty years ago. She had always been a feature writer and had appeared on the public platform ttiany times In behalf of good move¬ ments to which she decldefl to give her energetic support. She waged a sensational fight against gambling and more recently wielded her powerful pen In an agita¬ tion against capital punishment. She heard the cry of homeless boys, the blind, and the destitute; and her force¬ ful articles in their behalf brought about many much-needed rsforms. Nellie Bly covered political conven¬ tions for many years and her articles were tremendously popular. She knew the political game as few women writers of today. Nellie Bly was fifty-six years old and had led a tremendously active life. 8he was a newspaper writer, from her early youth, managed two large corporations for a time, and In her after life returned to newspaper work with as great an avidity as she had shown In her younger days. The thing that made her famous was her trip around the globe In 1889! In seventy-two days, six hours and eleven mlnutea. 8he undertook the trip to prove that Jules Verne's famous romance. "Around the World In Eighty Days.", could be matched In reality. MEAT WORKERS VOTE TO CONTINUE STRIKE CHICAGO. Jan. 17;.More than 90 per cent of the striking packing house workers voted today to continue the strike, which has been in effect since December 6, according to figures an¬ nounced today by officials of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America. These figure* are based on the votes cast In East St. Louis, St. Joseph, Mo., Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Omaha. Sioux City, Denver, Albert Minn., and a part of the Chi¬ cago vote. Dennis Lane, secretary of the Meat Cutters' Union, said there was no doubt that the strikers had voted overwhelmingly to continue the strike. Some people think "Jan" Is mod¬ ern, but In The Washington Times Sunday morning you will learn that the ladies and gents who lived 5,000 years ago knew hew to shake a mean shoulder-blade. I 57 Ready to heat and eat No wonder it tastes so good! Heinz makes the dry Spaghetti.and cooks it after the recipe of a celebrated Italian chef. The tomato sauce for which Heins is fa¬ mous, is used.and a special cheese with just the right flavor. HEINZ SPAGHETTI i Noted Woman Writer Dies After Illness of Two Weeks * j MRS. ROBERT L. SEAMON (Nellie Bly.) LACK CONFIRMATION OF EGYPTIAN RIOT VICTIMS LONDON. Jan. 27..Official con¬ firmation of the report that 190 per¬ sona had been killed and 1,000 wounded in disorders at Cairo, Egypt, was still lacking this afternoon. Field Marshal Allenby, British high commissioner in Egypt, has made no mention of the casualties nor of any serious new disorders, in his latest dispatches. The cabinet discussed the report of heavy casualties In fresh Egyptian disorders, but no public statement has besa made. CHILD SCALDED TO DEATH IN POT OF BOILING SOAP CHIPL.ET, FTa., Jan. 27..Falling into a pot of boiling soap, the four- year-old son of Henry Wachob, resid¬ ing near here, was scalded to death today. The child, with others, were playing around the pot, where its parents were working. 500 GAL. STILL IS CAPTURED IN Seven Arrests Are Made Fol¬ lowing Swoop on Farm. Raiding the farm house of Igna¬ tius Wat hen at Morganza. abo'lt forty-fg five mites from Leonardtown, 8t. Marys county. Md., Washington and Baltimore prohibition agents this) morning made seven arrests and con- fiacated a 500-gallon still they claim was found in operation and nearly 400 gallons of distilled spirits. Those arrested were Wathen, who was charged with operating the still, and E. W. Williams, T. W. Thomp¬ son. David Alexander and William Miller, charged with aiding Wathen in making whiskey, and Charles Young and Burt Cliffon, who were charged with having in an automo¬ bile a 175-galion still which they were attempting to drive away with when the officers swooped down on Wathen's place. With the qapture of the still, the Federal officers claim they have put out of commission one of the sources of whiskey supply for Baltimore an<i Washington. The officers who made the arrests Included J. H. Albntten, E. Linholn, William Slichen and J. IX. Bratton. CANADA MAY ANNUL INDIAN TRIAL MARRIAGES* WINNIPEG, Manitoba. Jan. 27.. The special Canadian com:nittee on Indian affairs today recommended that legit? In t ion allowing trial mir* rlagos uming the Indians be an¬ nulled Free and easy marriage and di¬ vorce have resulted in grave im¬ morality among the Indians, the committee said. For Colds, Grip or Influenza. and * Prrl«ntlT«. take T.aiitlTe RROMO QUININE Tablata. The teanlnr brara tha de¬ nature of K. W. Gro*a. IB« aura wu (el BHOMO ) 30c.Adv. On Sale Tomorrow $35 and $37.50 HAND-TAILORED Suits for Men i At The Lowest Price That Really Fine Suits Have Been Offered in Four Years, Namely, *25 Embracing 437 All-Wool, Hand-Tail¬ ored Suits, in fabrics of blue serge, pin stripes,- herringbones (tan and grey), plaids, checks, oxford greys, and plain shades of brown, green, black and grey. Models for men and young men; sizes for every figure. We advise you. to look into it! The Avenue at Ninth


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i(Continued from First Page.)

the public Interest" la affected by and» Involved In every suit for divorce or

the annulment of the marriage ties,.nd"Whereas It Is further considered

. that the people of the Commonwealth,< In every such uncontested suit or: whenever the court or Judge thereof

¦hall deem It for the probable good,should proceed through a duly ap¬pointed representative and defend orcontest the same."

. Backed by Woman.Under the provisions of the bill,

whenever any suit for divorce or the' annulment of a marriage hereafterInstituted shall have been matured bythe due execution of the processtherein, and the respondent shall fallto defend or contest the same, orwhenever the court or the Judgethereof In vacation shall be of theopinion at any time during the prog-

. ress of the suit that the respondentis not defending same in gOod faith,or that the public Interest require it,the co)irt shall appoint some discreetand competent attorney a guardian adlitem, who shall defend the suit in thename and on behalf of the Common¬wealth of Virginia.The bill further provides that the

guardian shall not be related to orconnected with the parties, nor haveany Interest In the matter In the con¬troversy.

In case the respondent falls to enterhis appearance in any suit the clerkof the court must appoint a guardianto represent the interest of the absent

' defendant.One of the backers of the measure

is Dr. Kate Waller Barrett, for manyyears active in reform work, and aresident of Alexandria, now in Rich¬mond working for the support of themeasure."The provisions of this bill should

put a stop to the wholesale divorcet business which has caused a blight onthe name of our grand old State, anddisgrace to the city of Alexandria,"she declared.


DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 27..HenryFord today was near the goal of priceshe set out to attain several years agowhen he announced he would sell "acar, a tractor, and a truck for $1,000."

In a statement Mr. Ford announceda cut of $230 in the pricn of the Ford

. tractor, bringing the selling price ofthe farm machine down to $3!»i.With the new cut In effect, the Ford

touring car, a truck, and a tractor'cannow be purchased for 31,137.

"I believe it will do the countrysome good Just at this time, especiallywhen spring is approaching, to make

¦. It easier for the farmer to get hiswork done at lower cost and thus help

. bring down the price of food andeverything else," says the announce-

. ment.

all-metal monoplanePERFECTED BY GERMAN

BERLIN, Jan. 27..Prof. HugoJunkers, noted German scientist, hasJust completed the design for an all-metal monoplane, which will be 260

\ feet from tip to tip of the wings.. There will be four engines of 1,000-f horse power each.

The airplane cannot be built untilthe allies relinquish their control

*! over German aeronautics.

NIGHTGOWN AND3200 WILL GETDIVORCE IN VI,(Continued from First Page.)

Immediately came in quest of grist forthe mill.Thomas' emmUnary slipped out of

a sldedoor, walked a few paces upSouth Fairfax street, crossed to theoppoelte side and returned to wherethe reporter stood In front of theother lawyer's office."Howdy, stranger." the emmlssary

stated by way of approach. "Oot amatch?"The reporter had and. in exchange

accepted the proffered cigarette.Knew Good Lawyer.

"Looking for aomebodyT" thestranger asked.The reporter was, tout did not volun¬

teer the Information as to who he was'looking for."Don't guess you are looking for a

good lawyer, are you?" was thestranger's 6autton question.

"Yep, I am," the reporter confess¬ed. "Am In a little trouble. Waitinghere to see Mr. (.)."Was It about a divorce, mister?"

the stranger boldly asked."Well, to &e franc, It Is," the re¬

porter replied, loosening up a bit."I'm over here to get a divorce; wasreferred to Mr. ( ). Am waitingfor him now."

"Well, I know a mighty fine divorcelawyer," the stranger volunteered."Ills office Is right across the street.Want to go over and see him?""No," the reporter replied. "I was

referred to Mr. Blank and will waita few moments for him."The stranger departed, going around

the block. Approaching from the op¬posite direction he again enteredThomas' office and soon returned withThomas, the counselor and attorney.An Introduction followed, with the

added impressive bit fit informationthat Mr. Thomas waa a director. In thePeoples Permanent Building and LoanAssociation of Virginia, Incorporatedfor $260,000, with offices in Alexandria,Del Hay, etc., with permanent officesat Aurora Hills, Va., which Is Mr.Thomas' home.Sympathetic and eager to be of any

little assistance, Mr. Thomas won¬dered if he could assist in any way.When told that the visitor was wait¬

ing to see another lawyer, Mr. Thomasvolunteered the information that theother lawyer was probably out of townand would not be back.

Wanted Quick Decree."Come on over to my office and

maybe I can help you out," Mr.Thomas urged.The reporter was reluctant, but

after some persuasion he agreed togo over.

In Thomas' office the reporter In¬troduced himself and stated the cas-?According' to the story told to

Thomas, the reporter had a friend,a very wealthy and prominent society woman, residing in Washing¬ton.She desired a divorce, but due to

her social prominence, it must begotten quietly and quickly, if gottenat all. Without saying so, the re¬porter intimated that the womanwho nought a divorce waa the wifeof a Congressman."The main thing," the reporter

stated, "Is that If this divorce Is tobe gotten at all It must be gottenwithout any chance of publicity, forto have publicity, in this casewould ruin the divorce seeker social¬ly, and, furthermore, the reporterstated, "she has no grounds fordivorce and if the suit should be¬come known to her husband It wouldbe Impossible for her to get It."The plan," the reporter continued,

"is for this woman to get a dlvorcoand slip away from Washington atonce."She desires to meet .another man

in San Francisco. This man that shewill meet Is an official of the

SAMMY AND HIS PALSCopjnrlfht, lttt, by lUr Company


^VE.R 6AW. WE'RE.,GOiMCr "To TAKE THEM'uwassirs^s?1



Arms Conference To Make ChinaSafe.For International Crooks

By POLITICLY.Whatever else the arms confer¬

ence may achieve. It seems certainthat It will make China sate for allthe plunderers.The latest achievement in this

humane endeavor Is Its attempt toforbid the exportation of arms toChina. Against this ban, the Jap¬anese delegation suggested a res¬ervation that the prohibition mustnot interfere with the shipment ofarms to the Japanese troops in

Standard Oil Company. He sails forthe Orient In three weeks. What wewant Is a divorce, gotten in threeweeks, if it can be, and withoutknowledge of the suit to anybodyexcept the lawyer, the Judge and theprominent Washington woman. Canit be arranged?"

Assured of Secrecy."The whole thing can be arranged

to the entire satisfaction of yourfriend," Thomas declared."Well, how about the publicity?"

the reporter asked."There won't be any publicity, and

her hnnband will know nothing aboutit until It's too late," Thomas assuredthe reporter."As the matter is so urgent

wouldn't it be a good idea for youand your friend to meet me at myhome tonight," Thomas asked. "Youknow It is pretty risky business get¬ting a divorce quick like this, andit would really be better for you to

China. They were promptly In¬formed that the prohibition, ofcourse, would not affect this Jap¬anese privilege. But the shipmentof arms to the Chinese governmentfor its own troops is to be strictlyforbidden. That Is the conferenceidea of "disarmament."

Called Restoring Peace.The whole thing was undertaken

under the benevolent notion of "re¬storing" peace in China. Its chiefeffect will be to leave China, at the

come to the house tonight than tobe seen in the office here."Accordingly, arrangements were

made with Thomas, one of LittleReno's "counselors and attorney*with practice in Virginia and thecourts of the District," to secure aquick divorce, details for whichwould be explained that night inThomas's home.

"Will she have to live over here atall?" the reporter asked, about to de¬part.

"All you need to get a divorce inAlexandria is » night gown and $200.You ran hang your night gown upover here in somebody's house, whichestablishes you a residence, and giveme the $100. I'll do the rest.

"It will be easy, dead easy, boy, andyou won't have any trouble, publicity,nor worry."Bring your friend out to my house

tonight and we'll settle the wholething," Thomas declared, bowing thedivorce seeker out of hla office.

Try It with Hot MilkGet a good start for the day. You need a hot dish that not onlywarms the stomach, but puts pep and punch into the body. Try

Shredded WheatWith HOT Milk

Heat the Shredded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore crispness; pour hotmilk over them, adding a little cream and salt, or sweeten to suit the taste.Nothing so nourishing, strengthening or satisfying.Shredded Wheat contains more real, strength-giving nu¬

triment than eggs or potatoes and costs but a few cents.Better than ordinary porridges because it contains all thenourishment of the whole wheat indigestible form. Being ready-cookedand ready-to-eat it saves fuel andsaves time. M r

The Happy Way to HealthTIUSCUTTi* tWShrxMWWW

toad . mmd ic

mercy of 1U benefactor. Py|lcu-larly of the Japanese. Just as theyhave done in Siberia, thehave fomented revolutlona in Chinaand have armed the enemies of theChinese government. This noble un¬dertaking ao far has been some-what hampered by the fact thattroopa loyal to China have alao beenable to get arma. If * way_ oouVdbe found to disarm the Chinesetroops, the bandits who get theirarma and ammunition from Jap-unese sources, or whosehave been bribed by thewould have an eaaier time of inefinal subjugation of the greaiChinese repubUc.The plan fits in remarkably well

with the whole tenor of the armaconference. Inatead of r«*t®^llJ.the integrity or the sovereignty oreither China or of Russia, 'the <con-ference leadorn have sought to in-sure the helplessness of those coun¬tries. lest they resist the future en-croachmenta of Japan or of GreatBritain.

Simple Way to Peace.It is a simple way to make peace.

If China and Russia can be dis¬armed and paralyzed, if the im¬perialist free-booting of Japan anaGreat Britain has nothing to fearfrom Chinese or Russian resistance,the peace of the Orient should beSecure#

Against this program, the Ameri¬can delegation has not raised itsvoice. Instead it haa stood readyto assent at every turn.From time to time we have heard

noble sentiments from Mr. Hughesand from his colleagues concern¬ing the friendly Interest which the

,United States has in China as wellas Russia. From time to time, Mr.Hughes has emphasized the "moraltrusteeship," which he feels theconference should hold for theseless-favored countries. ToIn tlie street, this meant that theUnited States was prepared to de¬fend the rights of Russia or atChina. In his Innocent credulity,he could picture Mr. Hughes pro¬claiming the sanctity of treatiesagainst all violators; proclaimingthe Independence of China and ofRussia against all threats;the determination of the UnitedStates to see that Justice should bedone to the weakest.

Instead, for two months now, wohave heard the voice of the UnlteaStates raise'i only In defense ofthe strong, we have heard It* dele¬gates assent to every step thatwould fetter these nations; we havewatched them bind the UnitedStates to the chariot wheels of analien Imperialism.

Leave China Helpless.If the conference were to end to¬

morrow, it would leave China morehelpless than ever and Russia morecompletely at the mercy of theJapanese invaders, than it waswhen the conference began.

Worse, It would leave the UnitedStates bound, by the treaty of theouadruple alliance, to protect Japanagainst a possible retaliation byChina or of Russia, should eitherof those nations ever become strongenough to strike back at itsdespoilers.But the conference for the dis¬

armament of China will at ieasthave been a success. This is lim¬itation of armaments with a ven- vgeance.


If you care to read a book that isfull of facts, punch, snd logic, andthat will figure effectively In thecoming campaign, rea^.THE CRIME OF '20"

By George W Armstrong <>f KortWorth. Texss. '« fam Hie pressand for suit- m. . »««.'stands in Waoh.ngton


Widely Known Writer Remem¬bered for Record-Breaking

Trip Around the World.NEW TORK. Jan J7..Nellie Blv. In

private life Mr*. Robert L. Seaman,one of the apeclal writers on the ataffof the Evening Journal, died today ofpneumonia In St. Mark's Hospital.She became 111 two weeks ago and

shortly afterward was taken to thehospital from her room In the HotelMcAlpln. She sank steadily and yes¬terday no further hope was held outfor her recovery.

Nellie Bly occupied a unique placeIn the world's journalism for nearlytwo-score years, and the reputationshe made In the eighties by her record-breaking trip around the world for aNew York newspaper remains undlm-med today.Men and women in all corners of the

United States knew her as a greatministering angel to humanity. Herdally mall contained many gratefulletters from persons who had beenhelped by her words of advice. Inspira¬tion, and wisdom.

Nellie Bly knew life as few news¬papers writers of the day. The back¬ground of her knowledge of humanfralllties, sacrifices, joys, was the ex¬traordinary newspaper life she hadled since she began writing in Pitta-burgh about forty years ago. She hadalways been a feature writer andhad appeared on the public platformttiany times In behalf of good move¬ments to which she decldefl to giveher energetic support.She waged a sensational fight

against gambling and more recentlywielded her powerful pen In an agita¬tion against capital punishment. Sheheard the cry of homeless boys, theblind, and the destitute; and her force¬ful articles in their behalf broughtabout many much-needed rsforms.

Nellie Bly covered political conven¬tions for many years and her articleswere tremendously popular. She knewthe political game as few womenwriters of today.

Nellie Bly was fifty-six years oldand had led a tremendously activelife. 8he was a newspaper writer,from her early youth, managed twolarge corporations for a time, and Inher after life returned to newspaperwork with as great an avidity as shehad shown In her younger days.The thing that made her famous

was her trip around the globe In 1889!In seventy-two days, six hours andeleven mlnutea.8he undertook the trip to prove that

Jules Verne's famous romance."Around the World In Eighty Days.",could be matched In reality.


CHICAGO. Jan. 17;.More than 90per cent of the striking packing houseworkers voted today to continue thestrike, which has been in effect sinceDecember 6, according to figures an¬

nounced today by officials of theAmalgamated Meat Cutters andButcher Workmen of North America.These figure* are based on the votes

cast In East St. Louis, St. Joseph,Mo., Oklahoma City, Kansas City,Omaha. Sioux City, Denver, Albert

Minn., and a part of the Chi¬cago vote.Dennis Lane, secretary of the Meat

Cutters' Union, said there was nodoubt that the strikers had votedoverwhelmingly to continue thestrike.

Some people think "Jan" Is mod¬ern, but In The Washington TimesSunday morning you will learn thatthe ladies and gents who lived 5,000years ago knew hew to shake a meanshoulder-blade.



Ready to heatand eatNo wonder it tastes so

good! Heinz makesthe dry Spaghetti.andcooks it after the recipeof a celebrated Italianchef. Thetomato saucefor which Heins is fa¬mous, is used.and a

special cheese withjust the right flavor.



Noted Woman WriterDies After Illnessof Two Weeks

* j



LONDON. Jan. 27..Official con¬firmation of the report that 190 per¬sona had been killed and 1,000wounded in disorders at Cairo, Egypt,was still lacking this afternoon.

Field Marshal Allenby, British highcommissioner in Egypt, has made nomention of the casualties nor of anyserious new disorders, in his latestdispatches.The cabinet discussed the report of

heavy casualties In fresh Egyptiandisorders, but no public statementhas besa made.


CHIPL.ET, FTa., Jan. 27..Fallinginto a pot of boiling soap, the four-year-old son of Henry Wachob, resid¬ing near here, was scalded to deathtoday. The child, with others, wereplaying around the pot, where itsparents were working.


Seven Arrests Are Made Fol¬lowing Swoop on

Farm.Raiding the farm house of Igna¬

tius Wathen at Morganza. abo'lt forty-fgfive mites from Leonardtown, 8t.Marys county. Md., Washington andBaltimore prohibition agents this)morning made seven arrests and con-

fiacated a 500-gallon still they claimwas found in operation and nearly400 gallons of distilled spirits.Those arrested were Wathen, who

was charged with operating the still,and E. W. Williams, T. W. Thomp¬son. David Alexander and WilliamMiller, charged with aiding Wathenin making whiskey, and CharlesYoung and Burt Cliffon, who were

charged with having in an automo¬bile a 175-galion still which theywere attempting to drive away withwhen the officers swooped down onWathen's place.With the qapture of the still, the

Federal officers claim they have putout of commission one of the sourcesof whiskey supply for Baltimore an<iWashington. The officers who madethe arrests Included J. H. Albntten,E. Linholn, William Slichen andJ. IX. Bratton.


WINNIPEG, Manitoba. Jan. 27..The special Canadian com:nittee onIndian affairs today recommendedthat legit? In tion allowing trial mir*rlagos uming the Indians be an¬nulledFree and easy marriage and di¬

vorce have resulted in grave im¬morality among the Indians, thecommittee said.

For Colds, Grip or Influenza.and *« * Prrl«ntlT«. take T.aiitlTe RROMOQUININE Tablata. The teanlnr brara tha de¬nature of K. W. Gro*a. IB« aura wu (elBHOMO ) 30c.Adv.

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ored Suits, in fabrics of blue serge, pinstripes,- herringbones (tan and grey),plaids, checks, oxford greys, and plainshades of brown, green, black and grey.Models for men and young men; sizes forevery figure.

We advise you. to look into it!

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