The Year in Review

Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

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Page 1: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

The Year in Review

Page 2: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

• Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom.


Page 3: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

During the years of early colonial settlement, colonists built their settlements near what kind of geographic feature?

Bodies of water (harbors/rivers

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• What was the name of the meeting of colonial representatives that lead to the Declaration of Independence? (ch5 section 4)

Second Continental Congress

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Who was chosen to write the final draft of the Declaration of Independence?

T. Jefferson

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• One of the main ideas in the Declaration of Independence is that the people have the right to “alter or abolish their government” if that government violates their __________.

Natural rights

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• The Battle of Saratoga is considered the turning point of the American Revolution because it led to ________________ joining the war against the British.


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• During the debates over ratification of the U.S. Constitution, in addition to the concern over the division of power between the states and the federal government, Anti-Federalists were MOST concerned over not including a ____________________ to protect the people.

Bill of Rights

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____ 3 Branches of Government (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)

____1 Branch of Government (Legislative) ____ Power to tax ____ States maintained maximum power

and independence ____ States and National government share

power ____ National government is supreme over

the states

Comparing the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution ( AOC or USC)







Page 10: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

• At the Constitutional Convention, the GREAT COMPROMISE settled the disagreement over representation in Congress by giving each state ______ senators and a number of representatives based on _____________?



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At the Constitutional Convention, the ______________________ settled a disagreement over how slaves would be used in the population number for representation in Congress and taxation by allowing only a percentage or fraction of slaves to be counted

Three-fifths Compromise

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• ______ take land for public use _____ build roads ____tax ______ maintain the armed forces _____ try criminals in court ______ declare war _____ establish local governments

Identify each power listed below as either belonging to the STATE, the NATIONAL Government or those that are CONCURRENT:




Concurrent Concurrent



Page 13: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

• The English Bill of Rights created a situation where the King cannot suspend laws without the consent of Parliament which led to a _______________ monarchy form of government.


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• The Principle of the Constitution which provides a method for one branch to limit the power of the other two branches is called ___________________________.

Examples include: Presidential _______ of a bill passed by Congress, a law declared Unconstitutional by the ___________, a Presidential nominee rejected by the ________.

Checks and Balances




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• The Principle of the Constitution in which power is SHARED by the National and State governments is known as _________________________.


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• The Principle of the Constitution in which the people give the government power is known as ____________________________. (We the People!)

Popular Sovereignty

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• The Principle of the Constitution in which the people VOTE for representatives to make decisions for them is called ___________________________.


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Which branch of gov’t is responsible for making the laws?


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Which branch of gov’t makes sure laws are carried out or enforced?


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Which branch of gov’t interprets law and makes sure laws are Constitutional?

Judicial Branch

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Which branch can impeach the president for illegal activities? **checks and balances


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• Identify the missing step in “How a Bill Becomes a Law?” p. 225

Step 1. Committee Vote Step 2. Floor Debate Step 3. ______________________ **this must

happen before the President signs Step 4. Executive Signature

Vote in Both Houses

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• 2 Examples of political parties today are __________________ & _________________

**Identify each as either True or False regarding the roles of political parties:

___conduct campaigns for political office ___ communicate political beliefs to voters

___create Constitutional requirements for holding office

___ recruit candidates

Republicans / Democrats





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____ Obey laws _____ serving jury duty ____ pay taxes on income ____ support national government policies

____ run for political office ____ serve in the armed forces _____ contribute to charities

•Check all statements apply to the responsibilities of US Citizens today:

Page 25: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

• According to our First Amendment Rights, we have the right to freedom of religion, speech, petition, press and _______________. These freedoms do have limits to ensure that public __________ and ___________ are maintained.



Page 26: Early English colonists to the Americas were seeking ______________ freedom

• Which of the following would violate your first amendment rights?

____ punishing an individual without a trial _____entering a home without a warrant

___ arresting someone for criticizing the President _

_____quartering troops in homes

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• The Second Amendment guarantees the right to _____________________.

Bare Arms

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• The Right to Remain Silent is found in Amendment # ___________.


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• The first territorial acquisition that allowed the United States to begin the focus on Westward Expansion was the ________________________ in 1803.

Louisiana Purchase

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The above territory gave the United States full control of the _________________ River

Mississippi River

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• Which executive power did Jefferson officially cite in order to ensure that the LA Purchase would be found Constitutional? _________________________

Negotiate Treaties

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• Although the ___________________________ temporarily solved the issue over slavery when Missouri and Maine entered the Union as new states, the issue of slavery will continue to remain a problem in the future due to continued expansion west.

Missouri Compromise

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• In 1823, the United States issued the Monroe Doctrine as a foreign policy mainly because the United States wanted to prevent further colonization in the Caribbean region (Latin America) by ____________________ countries.

European Countries

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• The Mexican government hoped that Americans would develop the land in ____________ and so encouraged immigration.


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• The development of __________________ as a means of transportation for trade items brought the _____________ part of the country into the national economy.



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• The _____________________________ relocated thousands of Cherokee from Georgia to Indian Territory for the purpose of making land available for miners and farmers.


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• Job opportunities building railroads was a major reason people _______________ (vocab word) to America from other parts of the world, especially from China.


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• In his anti-slavery newspaper, “_____________________”, William Lloyd Garrison, was outspoken in calling for the immediate _____________________ (vocab word) of slaves.

The Liberator


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The ____________________ decision by the Supreme Court in 1857 (slave who sued for his freedom) helped to increase tension between the North and South because the decision denied ____________ the power to regulate the slave trade in the territories



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• The varied economic conditions and interests of each region of the United States prior to the Civil War led to _____________________. (vocab word – loyalty to your region.)


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The Southern economy before the Civil War increasingly produced more __________ (cash crop) as opposed to developing industry


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• ______ The North and South had equal

percentages of their population working for railroads.

______ The North had fewer manufacturing plants than the South

______ Most of the nation’s railroads ran through the South

______ The North had a major advantage when compared to the South.

Comparing Union and Confederate Resources: Identify each of the following phrases as either True or False.





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The following Amendments to the Constitution were added in order to guarantee African Americans equal treatment under the law.

• The 13th Amendment - ____________________________________________

• The 14th Amendment - ____________________________________________

The 15th Amendment - ____________________________________________


Established rights for all citizens no matter race or color

Right to Vote for African Americans

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_______ Samuel Tilden was given the presidency in return for setting up a Republican cabinet

_______ The Radical Republicans agreed to disband if R. Hayes was given the presidency

_______ Samuel Tilden was given the presidency if the South agreed to ratify the 15th Amend.

_______ Rutherford Hayes was given the presidency in return for the removal of federal troops from the South.

• Presidential Election of 1876 : Identify each of the following statements concerning a the compromise that was reached by Republicans or Democrats, as either True or False:





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• The new regional “division of labor” created by improved transportation meant that

the _________ specialized in cotton, the _________ in grain and livestock, and the _________ in manufacturing. (regions of the country)