Early Exploration 1609 - 1965

Early Exploration 1609 - 1965

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Early Exploration 1609 - 1965. Early Exploration. Nicolaus Copernicus Published De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) in 1543. Early Exploration. Tycho Brahe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Early Exploration1609 - 1965

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Early Exploration

Nicolaus Copernicus Published De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the

Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) in 1543

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Early Exploration

Tycho Brahe Observations of Mars in 1583 showed Mars could move

closer to Earth than it did to the Sun; possible in a heliocentric universe, but not geocentric.

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Early Exploration

Ptolemaic System

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Early Exploration

Tychonian System

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Early Exploration

Johannes KeplerAssistant to Brahe; derives first two laws of planetary

motion in 1609. 1st law derived from Brahe’s observations of Mars.

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Early Exploration

Though these early observations helped scientists accurately describe the motion of Mars in the sky, nothing about the planet itself was known.

Mars retrograde motion. Image Credit: Tunç Tezel

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Early Exploration

Beginning with Galileo, scientists were able to observe Mars with a new tool, the telescope.

Percival Lowell at Lowell Observatory.William Herschel’s 40ft telescope, 1789.

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Galileo Galilei observed Mars in 1610 and wrote: “…unless I am deceiving myself, I believe that I have already seen that it is not perfectly round.”

Early Exploration

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Christiaan Huygens made the first (known) sketch of Mars in 1659; determined a rotational period for Mars: “The Rotation of Mars, like that of the Earth, seems to have a period of 24 hours.”

Early Exploration

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Giovanni Cassini calculated a rotational period of 24 hrs, 40 min; may have been first to report the southern polar cap in 1666.

Early Exploration

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French author Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle wrote about Mars in 1686:

“Mars has nothing curious that I know of; its days are not quite an hour longer than ours and its year’s the value of two of ours. It’s smaller than the Earth, it sees the Sun a little less large and bright than we see it; in sum, Mars isn’t worth the trouble stopping there.”

Early Exploration

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In 1783, William Herschel determined Mars to have a diameter 0.55x Earth’s and an obliquity of ~28°; noted the south polar cap.

Early Exploration

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Herschel also noted: “I have often noticed occasional changes of partial bright belts…and also a darkish one, in a pretty high latitude…

Early Exploration

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Herschel also noted: “I have often noticed occasional changes of partial bright belts…and also a darkish one, in a pretty high latitude… And these alterations we can hardly ascribe to any other cause than the variable disposition of clouds and vapors…”

Early Exploration

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Herschel concluded the inhabitants of Mars “probably enjoy a situation in many respects similar to ours.”

Early Exploration

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Early Exploration

• Giovanni Schiaparelli popularized the straight lines he called canali (can mean “channels” or “canals”). He also used fiume or “river.”

• Started a new nomenclature for Martian features.

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Early Exploration

Map of Mars by Schiaparelli, 1877

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Early Exploration

Asaph Hall of the US Naval Observatory discovered the two moons of Mars in 1877.

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Deimos – 15 km (9.3 miles)

Phobos – 26.8 km (16.7 miles)


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• Percival Lowell misinterpreted “canali” to mean canals (artificial); mapped 437 “canals” in 917 sketches; took the idea of artificial canals to the grave.

• Calculated an atmospheric pressure of 85 millibars (8.5% of Earth’s)

Early Exploration

Lowell’s Martian canals, ca. 1900

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Early Exploration

Let’s look at some images…

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Early Exploration

• What observations can you make?

• How would you interpret these observations?

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Setting aside the argument of whether or not the canals were real, astronomers knew with certainty that the surface of Mars changed - dark and light patterns did not remain the same over time.

Early Exploration

Mars Map by Eugène Michel Antoniadi, 1930

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In 1924, Edison Pettit and Seth B. Nicholson used a thermocouple affixed to the 100 in. telescope at Mt. Wilson (CA) to determine surface temperatures on Mars.

Early Exploration

Image Credit: Larry Webster, Mount Wilson Observatory


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What did they find?

Early Exploration

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Early Exploration

What did they find?

Pettit, E. & Nicholson, S.B. (1924). Measurements of the radiation from the planet Mars, Popular Astronomy, Vol. 32, p. 601. (Table 2 on page 606)

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• What did they find?

~ 7° C at the equator

~ -68° C at the southern polar cap

Early Exploration

• As telescopes improved, astronomers became confident that Mars had a polar cap. The question remained, what was it made of?

- Water? Freezing temperature of 0° C

- CO2? Freezing temperature of -100° C

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In 1947, Gerard Kuiper made the 1st positive ID of CO2 in the atmosphere of Mars.

Early Exploration

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• In 1950, the best guess* for the composition of the Martian atmosphere was:

- 98.5% N- 1.2% Ar- 0.25% CO2

- <0.1% O

Early Exploration

*Estimates from Gérard de Vaucouleurs; also calculated an atmospheric pressure of 87 millibars (8.7% Earth’s).

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• In 1963*, the “probable composition of the Martian atmosphere” was believed to be:

• 72% N2

• 25% CO2

• 2% Ar

• < 0.5% O2

• Trace amounts of H2O

Early Exploration

*Estimates from NASA Technical Document NASA-TM-X-56223, 1963; presented at the Symposium on Extraterrestrial Biology and Organic Chemistry, Warsaw, June 3-12, 1963.

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• Spinrad, Munch, & Kaplan in 1963 calculated:

• An average precipitable water amount of 14 micrometers (Earth 2.5cm); MARS IS DRY

Early Exploration

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• Spinrad, Munch, & Kaplan in 1963 calculated:

• An average precipitable water amount of 14 micrometers (Earth 2.5cm); MARS IS DRY

• An atmospheric pressure of 25 millibars (2.5% Earth’s)

Early Exploration

From Spinrad, Munch & Kaplan, 1963

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Early Exploration

• What can you say we know about Mars at this point? How certain are you?

• What questions would you ask about Mars?

• How would you attempt to answer these questions?

• What are the ground-based telescope’s limitations?

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Early Exploration

“A third presence on Mars indicates a living world: vegetation. The evidence is in the blue-green areas and the changes in their appearance. Vegetation would present exactly the appearance shown…. The seasonal change that sweeps over them is metabolic; that is, it shows both growth and decay….”

- Earl C. Slipher, 1962

Image Credit: Lowell Observatory

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• Early exploration of Mars revealed it to be:

Early Exploration

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• Early exploration of Mars revealed it to be:

• Cold; temperatures at freezing or well below freezing

• Dynamic, at least regarding patterns on the surface; dust, vegetation, or both?

• Low atmospheric pressure; clouds

• Unsure about the atmospheric composition

• Arid

• Polar cap – What is it made of?

• No canals/intelligent life

Early Exploration