Early World History Indo-Europeans to the Middle Ages

Early World History

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Early World History. Indo-Europeans to the Middle Ages. Animal Domestication. http://www.pnas.org/content/106/suppl.1/9971/F1.expansion.html. Indo-European Invasions. Triggered by flooding of the Black Sea, 5600 B.C. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Early World History

Early World History

Indo-Europeans to the Middle Ages

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Animal Domestication


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Indo-European Invasions

Triggered by flooding of the Black Sea, 5600 B.C.


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Indo-European Invasions


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• Indo-Europeans (Aryan language)– Nomadic tribes – From Steppes of Asia– Herders and Grazers– Warfare using horses

• Chariots

– Swept into Old Europe, Middle East, India

starting about 5,000 BCHittite chariot


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Indo-European horse warfare

Spread of Chariots, 2000-500 B.C.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Chariot_spread.png

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• Religion of war and male domination

– Male gods of sky, thunder, war and mountains

• Warrior Priests

• Imposed ideology– Male dominance

– Hierarchy

• Herding economy


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Ancient Herding CulturesIndo-European and Hebrew: basis of Western Culture

Herding, Animal agriculture

Capital = head of cattle

Male Warrior Priests

Male domination of women, animals, and nature.

War gods

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Indo-European Conquerers

• Aryans in India– Established Caste system

• Hittites and Mittani in the Fertile Crescent

• Luians in Anatolia (Turkey)

• Kurgans in eastern Europe

– Battle-Axe People

• Achaeans, Dorians in Greece

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Hittites 1300 B.C.(an Indo-European group)


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Diffusion of Indo-European Languages


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Language Family Tree


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Indo-European languages


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Indo-European languages


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Before Indo -Europeans

• Sedentary agrarian society

• Fertility and nature worshiped

• Goddess gave birth to – World

– Agriculture

• Priests male and female

• Women’s status similar to men’s – Graves equal

Fertility Figurinehttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Venus_von_Willendorf_01.jpg

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After Indo-Europeans• Herding introduced• Warfare, war culture dominates• Fortifications built• Male War Gods worshiped

– Male dominated society, religion• Goddess loses status

– Killed or raped by male god– Becomes consort of male god– Becomes goddess of war

• Women lose status in society– Owned by fathers then husbands– Graves unequal

• Nature loses status in society– Economy based on domination of animals

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Early Civilizations


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Early Civilizations

• City states• Elites• Religion• Crop domestication• Animal agriculture• Trade• Metallurgy

– Bronze Age 3000 B.C.– Iron Age 1200 B.C.

• Population explosion

Bronze Age weapons


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MesopotamiaLand between two rivers

• Flooding of Tigris and Euphrates fertilized soil

• Irrigation, drainage produced early abundance

• Competition and warfare between city states: – Ur– Uruk– Nippur– Babylon– Kish– Nineveh– Assur, etc.


Fertile crescent

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• Over-salinization reduced wheat productivity in south by 2,000 B.C.: – political power shifted

north• Eventual large scale

ecological destruction– Fields and pastures

worked until barren– Forests destroyed for

• Fuel• ship building


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• Relative geographical isolation– strong central government,


• Unification of North and South Nile – by 3,500 B.C.

• 2,000 year dynasty ended in Persian conquest – 500 B.C.


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• Yearly flooding of Nile fertilized soil.

• Irrigation, drainage controlled by Pharaoh

• Abundant crops: wheat. – Later would be conquered

for its productivity


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Indus Valley Civilization

• Arose 3000 BC

• Contemporary of Egypt, Mesopotamia

• Lasted longer– 1500 years

• Conquered by Aryans from north

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Aryan Invasion of India

• Aryans invaded 1750 BC• Indus, then Ganges valleys• Horse and herding culture• Vedas and Caste system

– Foundation of Hinduism

• Feudal Kingdoms spread through India– ruled by Brahmins



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Ancient Semitic Peoples(non-IndoEuropean)

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Assyrian Empire: 600 B.C.


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Assyrian War Bulletin (1000 B.C.)

• “Asshur my Lord commanded me to go forth…I covered the regions of Saraush and of Ammaush with ruins…I proved myself against their armies at the mountain of Aruma, I chastised them, I strawed the earth with their bodies as they had been beasts of the field; I took their cities in possession, I carried away their gods, I led them away captive, them and their goods and their treasures;


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Assyrian War Bulletin

• “I burned the cities with fire, I destroyed them, I made them even with the ground, I made of them heaps and a desolation; I laid upon them the grievous yoke of my dominion, and in their presence I gave thanks unto Asshur my Lord.”

• “I slew two hundred and sixty fighting men; I cut off their heads and made pyramids thereof. I slew one of every two.”


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Assyrian War Bulletin

• “I built a wall before the great gates of the city; I flayed the chief men of the rebels, and I covered the wall with their skins. Some of them were enclosed alive in the bricks of the wall, some of them were crucified on stakes along the wall; I caused a great multitude of them to be flayed in my presence, and I covered the wall with their skins. I gathered together the heads in the form of crowns, and their pierced bodies in the form of garlands.”

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Assyrian Empire


Assyrian Empire

Religion justifies conquest

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Biblical Warfare

• Joshua leads the conquest of Jericho:

• “And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.”

• Joshua 6:21

Joshua at Jericho


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Biblical Warfare

• Saul instructed by God to destroy the Amelekites (1000 B.C.):

“Spare no one; put them all to death, men and women, children and babes in arms, herds and flocks, camels and asses.”

-- I Samuel 15:3


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Persian Empire: 525 B. C.


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The World: 500 B.C.


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Empire of Alexander the Great:323 B. C.


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Greek Influence

• Alexander the Great conquered the Achaemenid Persian Empire 323 B.C.

• Introduced Hellenistic culture to the mideast

• Maintained by subsequent Greek rulers until 130 B. C.

• Greeks colonized southern Italy and Sicily for grain growing


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Roman Empire

• Romans conquered Italy and Sicily,

• Romans then conquered the entire Greek world (except for Persia):– Asia Minor– Mesopotamia– Egypt– Much of Europe


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Roman Empire: Wheat Empire

• Roman empire dependent on wheat to feed soldiers– And populace of Rome

• Roman forts were granaries designed to hold a year supply of wheat in case of siege– Soldier’s rations were 3 pounds of

wheat a day. – Barley was punishment rations

• The Roman garrison in Britain consumed 1,277.5 tons of grain/yr– Much of it was brought by ship from

supply depotsRoman Fort


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Roman Empire: Wheat Empire


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Roman Empire

Elite in Rome

Conquered Peasants, Slaves

Wealth, Tribute


Food, Resources

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Trade Routes of First Century A.D.

• Extensive trade with India

• Romans never conquered the Persians

• Persians established silk trading routes to China


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Roman Trade

• A fleet of specialized grain carriers was used to import wheat from Egypt to Rome– Huge food giveaway program

for citizens

• Romans depleted their treasury importing luxury items and spices from India– Could no longer support food

giveaways or army– Led to collapse of Empire in

WestRoman grain import


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Roman Inheritance

• Romans inherited 3000 years of Mid East Culture:– Writing– Art– Math– Science– Agriculture– Religion

• Romans passed this culture on to Europe


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Source: Ricardo Salvador

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The World: 500 B.C.


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Shang Dynasty in China

• 1700-1000 BC

• First Chinese dynasty

• Yellow River Basin


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Zhou Dynasty in China

• 1000-221 BC

• Yellow and Yangtze river basins

• Great Wall started in north


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Ch’in Dynasty

• 221-206 BC

• Warring states of China united

• Includes Yellow, Yangtze, and Xi River Basins


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Han Dynasty

• 206 BC-220 AD

• Western expansion opens Silk road

• Southward expansion for rice production

• Central control of dams, canals, irrigation


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T’ang Dynasty

• 580-907 AD

• Grand Canal Opened– Links Yellow and

Yangtze river basins

– 1100 miles long


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Trade Routes of First Century A.D.


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Roman Empire split by 500 AD


Eastern Roman Empire = Byzantine Empire

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Expansion of Islam 632-1000 A.D.


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Arab Empire

• Islam swept through Arabia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia 632-660 A.D.

• Much of Hellenistic culture of Greeks and Romans lost

• Islam moved through North Africa, reaching Iberian Peninsula

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Islamic Jihad

• "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war." Qur'an: 9:5

• "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah." Qur'an: 8:39


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Religions of Europe: 1100-1200 A.D.

• Islam was a leader in science, math, and technology– Taught Europe during the

Middle Ages

• Christianity in Europe split:– Roman Catholic– Eastern Orthodox

• Crusades against Islamic control of Holy Land: 1095-1291 A.D.

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Mongol Empire 1208-1480 A.D


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Mongol Empire

• Mongols conquered most of Asia – China, Central Asia,

Persia, to Danube River

• Great Military Achievement– Mobile army on



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• Trade within China restricted– Treasury Depleted

• Foreign trade welcomed– Marco Polo visits


Mongol Empire

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Ottoman Empire 1300-1699 A.D.

• Roman/Byzantine empire in Asia Minor conquered by Ottoman Turks 1176 A.D.

• Ottoman Empire expanded 1300-1699 A.D.

• Trade routes to China and India controlled by Islamic/Ottoman rule

• Forced Europeans to explore alternate routes around Africa


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Islamic World

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Europe: 1400 A.D.

• Many warring countries and city states

• Many languages• Culturally unified by

Catholic Church• Roman Catholic church

in West– Eastern Orthodox in East

• Effort to push Moslems out of Iberia

• Venice a center of trade with Moslems


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King = warlord

Leases land to Knights, gives protection, justice

Grants land to Barons, gives protection, justice

Leases land to Peasants, gives protection, justice

Pays tax, pledges loyalty in war to Knights

Pays tax, pledges loyalty in war to Barons

Pays tax, pledges loyalty and soldiers to King




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Male Domination in Medieval Europe

• Politics

• Military

• Land ownership

• Animal Agriculture

• Trade

• Education

• Science

• Arts

• Religion

• Family
