8/20/2019 Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1-1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/earth-717-daredevil-vol-1-1 1/7

Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1-1

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8/20/2019 Earth-717: Daredevil Vol 1-1

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 #lo&k away ( wo'an yelling at her hus#and in their apart'ent #e&ause o" so'e lipsti&k on his &ollar

The &link o" glasses as a group o" "riends &ele#rated a #irthday in a near#y #ar .o'e water "ro' the

street draining into a sewer grate

The 'u""led s&rea' o" a wo'an as so'eone stu""ed a so&k into her 'outh

!att instantly sprung into a&tion Turning around$ he ran along the edge o" the #uilding$ staying

 per"e&tly #alan&ed as he 'oved at high speed (s he rea&hed the &orner$ he leaped over the alleyway$

e""ortlessly landing on the opposite roo" )e 'ade sure to land on a rolling 'aneuver$ so as to not lose

any 'o'entu' as he 'oved

)e &ould hear the "ootsteps o" 'ultiple 'en as they dragged the wo'an with the' Three 'en

.he was struggling$ trying to avoid stepping "orward The patter o" her shoes against the pave'ent

indi&ated that they were heels$ likely an e,pensive designer #rand /ne o" the 'en &oughed )e was

standing apart "ro' the other two$ and was s'oking a &igarette !att &ould s'ell and taste the ash

/ne o" the 'en spoke Even through the 'an*s words$ !att &ould hear the 0ui&kened heart#eat

o" the wo'an

.top struggling$ or *ll &ut o"" one o" your pretty little "ingers23

!id-thirties 4ru""$ throaty voi&e .lightly overweight (&&ent indi&ated 'i, o" 'ultiple Eastern

European an&estries

The s'oking 'an spoke

)ey$ hey2 Don*t #e talkin* that kinda shit 5oss said he wanted her unhurt No "inger &uttin*$ no

nothing$ you hear63

Early thirties Clear e""e&t o" s'oking ha#it on laryn, Thin #ut lean #uild ikely ("ri&an-

('eri&an given the diale&t and a&&entuation on &ertain sylla#les

First 'an spoke again

You ain*t the 5oss$ Turk2 Don*t #e telling 'e what he said 5ad enough we didn*t gra# any o"

that art #a&k there 5et we &ould pawn that o"" "or so'e real &ash3

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)e said no art$ 8ust the girl2 You want to piss o"" the 5oss$ that*s your #usiness$ 'an

9e'e'#er what happened to !onty6 )e was in the hospital "or weeks3

Yeah$ yeah$ lay o"" Di&k3

!att waited "or the right 'o'ent Turk opened the #a&k door to a tru&k that was parked in the

alley !att was standing right a#ove the group )e &ould tell e,a&tly where everyone was positioned

Turk stood to the side as the other two 'en pulled the wo'an towards the tru&k (s they stepped inside

the #a&k o" the tru&k$ Turk pla&ed his &igarette #etween his lips


!att 8u'ped and landed on the roo" o" the tru&k The i'pa&t o" his landing 8ostled the wo'an

and the two 'en as they were stepping inside$ &ausing all o" the' to lose their #alan&e and "all to the

"loor Turk dropped his &igarette and looked up$ seeing the &ostu'ed "igure standing a#ove hi'


Turk rea&hed "or the gun on his #elt !att anti&ipated this 'ove and tossed one o" his #atons

The #aton travelled like a #ullet$ s'a&king Turk s0uare in the "orehead (s Turk "ell to the ground$

!att 8u'ped o"" the tru&k and landed on the pave'ent )e gra##ed the 'an &losest to hi' with #oth

hands and threw hi' out o" the tru&k

The last 'an$ the one who spoke earlier$ got #a&k to his "eet )e ki&ked out at !att$ #ut his

atta&k was &lu'sy !att easily sidestepped the #low #e"ore seiing the 'an #y the leg !att #rought

his el#ow down on the 'an*s knee$ &ausing hi' to yell in pain !att then gra##ed his shirt with #oth

hands #e"ore head#utting hi'$ kno&king hi' out

!att &ould sense that the other 'an was re&overing Turk was still on the ground Turning

around$ !att pulled out his se&ond #aton as the other 'an #randished a po&ket kni"e The 'an swung

horiontally$ #ut !att de"le&ted the atta&k with the #aton The 'an then tried a "orward sta#$ #ut !att

'oved "ar too "ast "or hi'

4etting low$ !att per"or'ed a spin ki&k$ striking the 'an in the shins !att spun around and

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landed another ki&k #e"ore the 'an had even "elt the pain "ro' the "irst #low .everely staggered$ the

'an dropped the kni"e The &link o" the kni"e landing on the pave'ent sent a sound wave through the

air$ giving !att an even 'ore a&&urate read o" his surroundings

!att "ollowed up with an aerial spin ki&k$ hitting the 'an in the side o" his "a&e (s the 'an "ell

to the "loor$ Turk s&ra'#led away$ running down the alley

%hat the so'e godda'n nin8a #ullshit23

Turk gra##ed his pistol o"" the ground$ whi&h had gone "lying away "ro' hi' when he was

stru&k #y the #aton !att*s ears perked up as he heard Turk wrap his "ingers around the weapon )is

own heart#eat sped up as he rushed "or Turk )e knew that he had no &over in the alleyway$ and that i"

Turk got o"" a good shot$ he would #e down "or the &ount

!att ran as "ast as he &ould Turk started to turn around as his "inger rested on the trigger !att

knew he had several options$ #ut he did not know whi&h one would give hi' the #est &han&e "or

su&&ess )e also knew that he had virtually no ti'e to weigh the pros and &ons o" any o" the' )e

de&ided to go with a 8u'ping ki&k

!att*s le"t #oot &ollided with Turk*s side$ and on&e again$ the gun "ell out o" his hands The

weapon har'lessly "ell to the pave'ent as Turk went down !att then &rou&hed over Turk*s #ody$

gra##ing hi' with his le"t hand !att &ould sense the "ear e'anating "ro' the hyperventilating 'an

!att then threw a downward pun&h$ ai'ed straight "or his "a&e

%ith his last opponent in&apa&itated$ !att stood #a&k up )e took a 'o'ent to #reathe as the

adrenaline stopped pu'ping )e then 'ade his way #a&k to the tru&k$ where the wo'an was sitting

)er 'outh was still gagged and her hands were #ound #ehind her #a&k ("ter pi&king up his #aton$

!att pulled the so&k out o" her 'outh #e"ore untying her hands

The wo'an &ringed as she shook out her wrists !att "inally allowed hi'sel" to take sto&k o"

her Early "orties (verage #ut healthy #uild Elegant per"u'e The way her earrings 'oved through the

air$ they had to #e "airly large Clearly upper &lass

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grey &loak over a #la&k #odysuit$ with a 'etal 'ask over his "a&e that rese'#led a skull )is right hand

was pla&ed inside o" a gauntlet that had a s&ythe #lade

.lipping into the #athroo' through the opening$ the "igure approa&hed the shower )e &ould see

"ro' her silhouette "ro' #ehind the shower &urtain that she was s&ru##ing her hair )e wat&hed her "or

a "ew 'ore pre&ious se&onds$ running his eyes up and down her #ody$ knowing that he wouldn*t get

another &han&e )e then rea&hed "or his #elt and pulled out his &usto'ied pistol

(i'ing at her$ the "igure then pulled the trigger ( &loud o" #arely visi#le gas shot out "ro' the

gun ;enni"er gasped$ #ut a"ter a se&ond$ she 'ade no other noise The "igure then put the gun #a&k on

his #elt and pulled the shower &urtain out o" the way ;enni"er looked at hi' and opened her 'outh$ #ut

was sho&ked to realie she &ouldn*t s&rea'$ or 'ake any noise at all

The "igure stayed still "or a 'o'ent #e"ore speaking

Don*t #e a"raid3

The "igure then swung his s&ythe #lade horiontally$ slashing ;enni"er a&ross the throat