Earth’s Earliest Civilization

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    Earths Earliest Civilizations: Full Blown Full Grown5

    January 30, 2014

    Post image for Earths Earliest Civilizations: Full Blown Full GrownEarths Earliest Civilizations: Full Blown Full Grown

    By Will HartI.Egypt: Pyramids but no Cities

    There it is in all its glory rising up to the height of a 48-story skyscraper yet constructed at least 4,500 years ago; built supposedly by people using primitive hammer-stones and muscle power. Of course I am referring to the Great Pyramid



    Ever get the feeling that something is wrong with this picture?

    In fact, you should feel that way because something is very out of synch with the history weve been given by orthodox historians. How can I make such a bold asse

    rtion and be entirely confident that it is true?

    Consider the following carefully.

    If the Great Pyramid was built four millennia ago, then there was virtually no architectural and civil engineering (technological) progress for thousands of years! Another engineering and construction feat of similar proportions and daunting challenges was not attempted until the Hoover Dam was built in the early 1930s.

    How could those incredible ancient Egyptians have pulled it off? They didnt. The Great Pyramid is an unrivalled example of precision-engineering on a massive scale. You have been lied to, plain and simple.

    How can I prove that is the case?

    Let us now take a journey to one of ancient Egypts marvelous cities in order to see how they learned and mastered the knowledge and skills necessary to build thepyramid. But wait a minuteI almost forgotthere are no such cities.

    Question: Where is the evidence we need to see to verify the logical developmental sequence that would show when and where the quarrymen, stonemasons, architects, engineers and construction crews learned their skills?

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  • 8/13/2019 Earths Earliest Civilization


    Skills are produced by long-term training and passed down from one generation tothe next.

    You know that and so do our historians and they hope you do not get beyond theirsilly prattle and dig into the situation more deeply. They know that Egypt lacked citiesthey know that the Great Pyramid arrived full blown full grownwith no anecedents; and no logical evolution of skilled trades and professions.II. The Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro

    This situation does not just apply to ancient Egypt. As noted above, master stonemasons, architects and engineers are not born they are produced by trade guildsand training.

    The Indus Valley presents a similar situation only in a very different way. Thistime we find cities, in fact, highly advanced urban planning- too advanced. This civilization extended from eastern Pakistan northward into northwest India fora thousand miles.

    Imagine a city constructed 4,500 years ago that was conceived upon a planned layout including a street grid lined with rectilinear buildings. The streets were paved with bricks and the buildings built of fired and mortared brick; some incorporated wooden superstructures as well.

    Add to the above vision the fact that this ancient city, Mohenjo-Daro, had a pub

    lic bath, the streets included drains and the apartments had indoor plumbing andtoilets. Once again, the car precedes the horse and buggy; the gun the bow andarrowand we are left scratching our heads.



    Estimates of the area covered by Mohenjo Daro range from 85 to 200 hectares, with a peak population of about 40,000. The sheer size of the city, and its compliment of public buildings and facilities, suggests a high level of social sophistication; perhaps higher than most of our modern cities in much of the world, ifnot all of it.

    But far beyond simple social organization it suggests very skilled architects and civil engineers. Where did they learn their skills? Why has it taken so long for us to duplicate these city conveniences?

    Mohenjo Daro was divided into two parts, the Citadel and the Lower City. The former a mud-brick mound around 12 meters (39) high was known to have supported public baths, a large apartment complex designed to house about 5,000 citizens, andtwo large assembly halls.

    Lets get very serious now because we may need to understand these ancient puzzlesfor reasons that may soon become apparent. Many parts of modern Asia still do not have indoor plumbing or any urban planning. Few cities in the modern world ar

    e planned from the get go. Virtually all of our modern cities evolve haphazardlyin piecemeal fashion.

    So it would appear as if our civil engineers and urban planners really have notlearned much since the earliest days of their ancient predecessorsis that possible?

    Consider that the Harappan civilization also created a system of standardized weights and measures; and they had a uniform brick size that was used in all buildings. These kinds of sophisticated principles have seldom been employed anywhere

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    in the world throughout history, let alone in most of the ancient world.

    Now the author includes a telling quote:

    The city had a central marketplace, with a large central well. Individual households or groups of households obtained their water from smaller wells. Waste waterwas channeled to covered drains that lined the major streets. Some houses, presumably those of wealthier inhabitants, include rooms that appear to have been set aside for bathing, and one building had an underground furnace (known as ahypocaust), possibly for heated bathing. Most houses had inner courtyards, with doors that opened onto side-lanes. Some buildings had two stories

    It would make more sense to find the Great Pyramid here, rather than in Egypt where none of this urban sophistication, planning and civil engineering appeared.Once again we are faced with a seemingly perplexing situation that stands reasonand all we think we know of human development on its head.

    But the Harrappans did not have stones to build with, and they did not seem inclined to construct mega-sized structures like the pyramid

    Our question for historians is virtually the same here as with Egypt: where didthe civil engineers, architects, urban planners, and plumbers learn their trades? Where are the examples of earlier stages of development, the much smaller towns, cities and so forth?

    Strangely enough this civilization vanished a thousand years before the Greeks and Romans even began to emerge as full-fledged civilizations. Does the author have to add that indoor plumbing did not exist in Greece or Rome and did not appear in Europe or America until the 19th-century AD.

    Once again, the Harrappan civilization appears to have come onto the scene, fullblown full grown.III. Mesopotamia, Sumeria

    We have yet another enigmatic ancient civilization to puzzle over, ancient Sumer. While the Egyptians were allegedly building the Great Pyramid instead of cities, the Sumerian city of Uruk had an estimated population of 50-80,000, in 4,000




    We can position Sumeria between the Egyptian and the Indus valley civilizationsbecause the Sumerians built cities and ziggurats. The latter were not true pyramids but they were large-scale pyramid-like constructions built out of millions of mud-bricks.


    chaos_sun-godChaos Monster and Sun God.Black and white crop of full plate scan, from Austen Henry Layards Monuments of Nineveh, Second Seriesplate 19/83, London, J. Murray, 1853Source: Wikipedia

    Where the Harrappan script remains undecipherable to this day, the Sumerian language, though translated, has been classified as a language isolate. Even at thislate date linguists are not sure where ancient Sumerian originated. It does notappear to be related to any other language family

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    Our puzzle here begins in the barren, parched, brutally hot desert in modern-dayIraq. First we must pause and must wonderhow could people stand in the middle of this god-forsaken landscape lacking in virtually every resource but a river and think they could survive?

    The Sumerians built well-planned cities, though not of the caliber of the Harappans, and religious precincts which were dominated by a ziggurat. But with Sumerwe are most concerned about their extraordinary intellectual output which also seems to have arisen full blown full grown.

    The Sumerians developed a complex system of metrology c. 4000 BC. This metrologyadvanced resulting in the creation of arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. From c. 2600 BC onwards, the Sumerians wrote multiplication tables on clay tablets anddealt with geometrical exercises and division problems.

    Pretty amazing stuff considering the rest of the world was counting using theirfingers and toesgee, algebra and geometry too, way back 4500 years ago?

    The earliest traces of the Babylonian numerals also date back to this period. The era between 2700 2300 BC saw the first appearance of the abacus and a table ofsuccessive columns that delimited the orders of magnitude of their sexagesimal(60-base) number-system.

    Hold on Mr. teacher, are you seriously telling us that these people created the

    60-base number system that we still employ today to keep track of time 4,000 years ago? That sophisticated system is not only the basis of modern-day clock-timebut of the circle being divided into 360 degrees

    That truly is incredible. But surely out of synch with the entire rest of the world that never caught up to that mathematical system until modern times- when the world was globalized and embraced a uniform time-keeping system! [60 seconds, 60 minutes, 12 hour days and nights]

    Next we learn that the Sumerians were the first to invent a written language; and the first to use a place value numeral system. We can throw in their having invented the wheel and the plow as well, probably in their spare time we can assume.

    Apparently there is also anecdotal evidence the Sumerians may have used a type of slide rule in astronomical calculations.

    But we have to stop here because the situation is untenable.

    How are we to square all of this virtually supernatural, creativity and inventiveness, with what we know about early and late Stone Age, human cultures? How come they all advanced at a relatively uniform pace until Egypt, Sumer and the Indus Valley popped up out of nowhere?

    Sumeria comes along and produces generations of Einstiens, daVincis, and Teslasthat are apparently light years ahead of the rest of the human race. There are s

    till many human tribes around the globe that dont know algebra or metrology, thatdo not think of building pyramids, cities or indoor toilets

    Something is out of kilter here as was the case in Egypt and the Indus Valley.

    Suddenly artifacts and inventions are appearing that are without precedent; levels of intellectual performance arising which never before had been manifest by people. And they are suddenly overflowing and flooding arid, lifeless deserts with never before seen human developments.

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    Were the Egyptians, Harrappans and Sumerians really smarter that everybody else?Are their descendants today? The author thinks not.

    There are no antecedents or precedents because there were none on earth.

    Not one of the above civilizations claimed to have created the things that are attributed to them. Funny that modern historians do not take what those ancient people have to say about their historys seriously

    The Sumerians are very clear about the situation. Gods, the Anunaki, arrived from elsewhere, created them and gave them the arts and sciences of civilization. Both the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians claim that their histories went back hundreds of thousands of years, not hundreds or thousandsas our scholars claim.

    Oh no, our scholars cry! That is not real history but historical fantasy.

    Wait a minute, sir. You cannot have it both ways. If you are going to claim thatthe Sumerians were smart enough, wise enough and responsible enough to invent civilization (out of whole cloth ostensibly) then they were also sincere enough and concerned enough to tell posterity the truth

    So, if they were silly, childish fools dumb enough to make up a false history given the host of foregoing issues we are pondering then how are we to believe that they invented everything out of nothing?

    Dear reader it is up to youfull blown full grown.

    Copyright 2014 by Will HartMore Guest Articles by Will Hart

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    About the Author

    Will Hart is a journalist and the author of The Genesis Race, a series that examines the evidence for Cosmic Ancestry or Directed Panspermia II.

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    { 5 commentsread them below or add one }

    Penn February 4, 2014 at 11:09 am

    Hello, Can you imagine going to a modern civil engineering company with a plan of the Pyramids, asking them to construct these monuments, then when your finished c

    ould you pop over to Peru and Mexico and do the same then all the other sites inthe world with massive stone building blocks, ho ho, are you nuts they would say, not as nutty as our modern scholars. Salutations Penn


    Gary Schoenung February 5, 2014 at 8:46 am

    There was indeed a plan but the pyramids were only part of it. They mayhave been used as monuments in recorded history but there are many clues to theoriginal purpose for them. There was a practical reason that had nothing to do w

    ith tombs, aliens, or mysteries of any kind. I tried to reveal that reason in From the Brink of Extinction (Ruins of Old Earth)but I have decided that I am goingto make another video that is more obvious about what they were. We could actually solve a lot of problems by doing things the same way they did.


    Gary Schoenung February 3, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    I think the Sumerians retained some of what was known in an earlier time. Th

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    e same prehistory time period that the massive stone work is from. The reason there is no logical progression of skill and capability is that what was left overfrom before recorded history was reused.

    ReplyWilliam January 31, 2014 at 7:12 pm

    I invite readers to peruse:

    for enlightenment

    read the bios of the speakers at the upcoming Mar 2014 conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

    Replyufo January 30, 2014 at 6:37 pm

    Yes humans on Earth have two origins. One set of humans evolved on Earth. Nonot from apes. Another set of humans are a mixture of human extraterrestrials and Earth humans. The extraterrestrials arrived with all the technology to buildsome of the structures discussed in this article. Read all about it in the Contact Reports of Billy Meier (


    Can get a PDF version of the Contact Reports here: (


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