Eased/Conserved Landowner with a special evening! To further celebrate its silver anniversary, BDT hosted over 120 conserved/eased Landowners for a lovely fall evening in Anne & Michael Moran’s ‘Ruins’ overlooking the preserved Pennsylvania Hunt Cup grounds. BDT celebrated the Landowner who owns permanently pro- tected properties whether it was 2 acres or 200 acres. Although we certainly want to recognize the tireless efforts by so many people and for so many years, who committed themselves to the preservation of our area, we wanted to specifically celebrate the Landowner of protected properties. Terry Corkran provided insight to BDT history while John Goodall discussed the ‘green maps’ and the importance of maintaining the momen- tum. And all especially enjoyed the incredible perspec- tive offered by Frolic Weymouth. A single person or organization could not have done it alone. Eased landowners were joined by the important organizations who were so instrumental in coordinating the preservation effort. We were very pleased the Brandywine Conservancy, the Natural Lands Trust and Agricultural Land Preservation Board (county program) joined us in the celebration. Continued on page 2 Barbara Stewart and Steve Siepser Terry Corkran and Anne Hausmann Tim Jones, Wayne Grafton, David Shields Jeb Hannum, Anne Hausmann, Terry Corkran Michael & Cathie Ledyard, Rikki Saunders Frolic Weymouth Susan Broomell and Laurie Prysock

Eased/Conserved Landowner with a special evening!

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Page 1: Eased/Conserved Landowner with a special evening!

Eased/Conserved Landowner with a special evening! To further celebrate its silver anniversary, BDT hosted over 120 conserved/eased Landowners for a lovely fall evening in Anne & Michael Moran’s ‘Ruins’ overlooking the preserved Pennsylvania Hunt Cup grounds. BDT celebrated the Landowner who owns permanently pro-tected properties whether it was 2 acres or 200 acres. Although we certainly want to recognize the tireless efforts by so many people and for so many years, who committed themselves to the preservation of our area, we wanted to specifically celebrate the Landowner of protected properties. Terry Corkran provided insight to

BDT history while John Goodall discussed the ‘green maps’ and the importance of maintaining the momen-tum. And all especially enjoyed the incredible perspec-tive offered by Frolic Weymouth. A single person or organization could not have done it alone. Eased landowners were joined by the important organizations who were so instrumental in coordinating the preservation effort. We were very pleased the Brandywine Conservancy, the Natural Lands Trust and Agricultural Land Preservation Board (county program) joined us in the celebration. Continued on page 2

Barbara Stewart and Steve Siepser Terry Corkran and Anne Hausmann Tim Jones, Wayne Grafton, David Shields

Jeb Hannum, Anne Hausmann, Terry Corkran

Michael & Cathie Ledyard, Rikki Saunders

Frolic Weymouth Susan Broomell and Laurie Prysock

Page 2: Eased/Conserved Landowner with a special evening!

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It’s hard to believe that 2010 is nearing an end! As we wrap up our 25th anniversary year, we are proud of all that has been accomplished to preserve our spectacular area over the years. The Easement Facts and Information section of this newsletter highlights some of the many informative sta-tistics about this area. It is exciting to see the impact, how-ever, there is more work to be done. In the townships rep-resented on the Headwaters Map, anywhere from 28% to 76% of property is still unprotected. At our 25th anniversary celebration we showed our appre-ciation of easement holders who have permanently protected their land. We reminded our guests that the Buck and Doe Trust was established as part of the King Ranch project. A key component of our mission was and still is to support the preservation and easement program through community involvement and education. Our original membership was the original group of eased landowners. Over the years, we

have grown in order to embrace more fully our mission through outreach to the larger community. We do this by holding community events, the Spring Fling and the Holiday party and communicating via our biannual newsletter and our new web site but most importantly by talking to our neighbors. We are fortunate that many are working together today for the one common goal to preserve our land helping us accomplish our mission. Let’s keep the momentum going! Happy Holidays!

Terry Corkran


Phoebe Brokaw and Charlie Davidson

CC Ross and TJ Lee

Babette Jenny and Jim Cornell

New Landowners

Dave George, St Malachi Rd

Regis de Ramel, McCue Rd


Welcome baby girl to Sarah and David Larned Family

Sally and Hugh Lofting had a bouncing baby boy


Cookie Brown, passionate animal lover and friend to all

Dickie Hendricks, long time resident and horse enthusiast

Will DeMarino, son of Besty and Don DeMarino, young ,enthusiastic Marine

Celebrating the Landowner Continued from page 1 …Our BDT region has over 23,411 preserved acres. The preservation effort did not happen over night. Some of the area’s first conservation easements were completed in the 1970’s. This was visionary as conservation ease-ments were a very new concept. The process can be soul searching to place permanent easements which affects one’s home and family nest egg. In the 1980’s, we were fortunate to have the King Ranch project which was an incredible opportunity. Overall, it took a lot of vision and courage over many years to protect this area. We are fortunate today that everyone is working together for one common goal-to preserve our land for today and for future generations. None of this could have been done without the Land-owner, who made the commitment! We applaud those who started the effort decades ago, and those who

continued the sacrifice and effort since. Thank you to all working together to achieve this important goal of land conservation!

A special thank you to Jim Graham for his wonderful photos

A magical evening at Anne and Michael Moran’s Ruins, dedicated to eased/conserved Landowners

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John and Dolly Fisher Rick and Dixie Abbott Keith and Connie Adams Henrietta Alexander Melody & Bo Alexander David and PJ Allen Jessie Allred Margaret Anderson John and Betsy Bailey Billie and Michael Bailkin Lydia Bartholomew Lizzy Beer Steve Berkowitz Nancy and Fred Bissinger James & Joan Blaine Peter and Mary Blauner Amy Borun Seth & Robyn Botkin Jim and Meriel Brewer Clayton and Starr Bright Sally Brittle Tom and Margaretta Brokaw Ed and Susan(Garber) Brown Jerry and Cookie Brown Scott and Kathy Brown Pam & Tom Brumfield/Lodese Ramsay and Susie Buchanan Richard and Cindy Buchanan Ann Call Annie Carlino Chris and Sharon Carlisle George and Kathy Conway Richard and Terry Corkran Charlie and Paula Coyne Sumner & Bonnie Crosby

Alicia Cullen Barbara Curtis Grant & Karen DeCosta Kathleen and Harold DeHaven Jennifer and Arthur DeLeo Dr. Betsy DeMarino Nicole and Ray Deschenes Lorraine and Richard DesJardien Hank and Marty Detering Margo and Andy Dinniman Dr. Wendy Dixon Vince and Janice Dugan Priscilla and Bill Dugdale Margaret and Bob Duprey Evie and Phillip Dutton Helen and Bill Elkins Catherine and Peter Ernster Jack Evans PFN Fanning Sandra Fargher Bob and Linda Feathers Rush and Phoebe Fisher Charlie and Blair Fleischmann Marilyn and Bob Forney Joan Galloway Tim and Nina Gardner Jim and Sue Geiger Jay Goldenberg John and Celia Goodall Connie Goracci Alexander and Kristine Gordon-Watson Doug and Kirstie Grabosky Mr. and Mrs. Paul M Green Gary and Angela Greenberg Dick and Holly Gross

Louis & Carolyn Guerrino John and Sue Haldeman Colin and Anne Hanna Jeb and Emily Hannum Jock and Anne Hannum Beth and Sam Harpham/Kursh George and Annie Harris Mary Hazzard Anne & Michael Hearn Temin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hendriks Elizabeth, Ernest Ross Hershey-Ross Shirley Hickman Richard and Paula Hicks Phil and Susan Hoffman Gerry and Jule Hoover Tuck and Heather Hunter Mr. & Mrs Joseph H Huston Richard and Char-an Ireland Richard Ireland Roy and Gretchen Jackson Don and Judy Jefferis Anthony and Susannah Jenks Bettina Jenney Edward and Kim Jenny Janet Johnston Mrs. Annie Jones Russell and Donnan Jones Brett and Meredith Jones Jonathan and Priscilla Jordan Susan Jordan Harvey and Sharon Journey Ron and Densey Juvonen Michael Kahn Barbara L Karas Wilson and Vickie King

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Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kipp David Kirby Suzanne Kloud Miss Gwendolyne G. Knight DeeDee Kretzschmar Michael and Cathie Ledyard Jim & Pat Culbertson Wendy Lofting Chris and Christine Lyons Ian and Mary MacKinnon Dean and Anita Madsen Mary Alice Malone Vickie and John Manning Frank and Sandy Mariani Janet and Thomas Marklund Whit and Katharine Maroney Karen Marshall Michael and D.D. Matz Linda Clark and Lewis McCullough Carol McHarg Amy and John McKenna Barb and Tracy Merges Fred and Patty Meserve Louis and Jocelyn Micolucci Patti Millerale and Shelley Mincer Brendan and Elizabeth Miney James and Ann Misenheimer John and Nancy Mohr Doug and Pat Mooberry Rod and Alice Moorhead John and Anne Moss Dr. and Mrs. Roger Mustalish Doug and Kim Myers Mark and Anna Myers Natural Lands Trust Don and Rosalind Nathanson Ken and Marietta Neary Joesph & Melissa Nolan Aggie O'Brien Roberta W. Odell

Mr. & Mrs Richard M O'Donnell Cynthia and Barry Olliff Jamie O'Rourke Mary O'Rourke Susan Orsini David and Canby Page Anne and Bill Pape Jeanne Parrott Bill and Maria Pfeffer Lewis and Elizabeth Powell Skip and Wendy Powell Richard Quillman Stuart & Libby Quillman Ms. Amy Rand Dr. and Mrs. Frank Reilly Dean and Tina Rhoades Scott Richard Laura and Dean Richardson John and Nancy Rittenhouse Donald and Judith Rosato Joe and Patti Rothman Michael and Denise Rotko Bill Rubin Deborah Rush Lock and Jackie Rush Ron and Susan Sacks Jesse and Rikki Saunders Mr. Richard J. Scarlett James & Marshal Scharnberg Art and Suzanne Schapiro/Schless Mr. & Mrs Peter Schlobach Mrs. Charles F. Schutt, Jr. Sara Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott Beth Secor J. Scott Sensenig Bill and Liz Sharp James and Ann Givens-Sinclair Jack Singer Joy Slater

Sam and Lornie Slater Robert A. & Oksana Sloan/Demchenko Jon and Gail Smith Pamela Smyth Kathleen Snyder Peter Somers Somerville Manning Gallery Mr. John and Dr. Elizabeth Spence St. Aire Farm, LLC Walter and Georgie Stapleton MaryJean and Mark Stenz Walt Stewart Barb & Dick Stewart/Brown George Strawbridge John and Wooz Swayne Josh and Emery Taylor Bill and Jane Teter Dixon and Gail Thayer Anne Thorington Hale, Ruth & Nancy Truitt Marilyn and Martin Tully Bill and Liz Venditta Dick and Carol Vermeil Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Walker Mrs. March Walsh Paul and Elizabeth Weihman Wendy & Jeff Westcott Theodore Peter and Maria Weygandt Mrs Samuel S. Wilson George and Gretchen Wintersteen Barbara and Scott Wisman Jim and Georgia Wissmiller Mrs. Diana S Wister Connie Wood Bill and Abbie Wylie Jeff & Holly Young Heather Young Kenny Young Bob and Joan Zelnio

Page 5: Eased/Conserved Landowner with a special evening!

1. On the Headwaters Map, how large is the King Ranch Area? 39,600 acres

2. On the Headwaters Map, how many acres are eased in the King Ranch area? 23,411 acres

3. How long is the Buck Run? 25.9 miles4. How long is the Doe Run? 28.4 miles5. How many acres in the King Ranch Area

are in forest? 8,532 acres6. How many covered bridges are in the

King Ranch Area? 37. West Marlborough Twp. population

-today? 864- 80 years ago? 988

8. Who holds the Smallest Easement in the King Ranch? Who holds the largest

Both were done as part of the King Ranch deal 9. How large is the Cheslen preserve? 1068 acres 10. In what year was the King Ranch Preserved?

198411. How big was the King Ranch easement?

4,400acres 12. # of acres in Highland Township? 10,999 -How many of these acres are eased?

5,906 or 54% 13. # of acres in East Marlborough Township?

9,948-How many of these acres are eased?

4,441 or 45%14. # of acres in West Marlborough Twp? 10,930

-How many of these acres are eased 7,882 or 72%

15. # of acres in East Fallowfield Township? 9,995

- How many of these acres are eased? 3477 or 35%

16. # of acres in London Grove Township? 11,044- How many of these acres are eased?

2,680 or 24% 17. What were some of the other ideas for the

King Ranch? Landfill, Disney

18. What is the difference between an ag easement and a Conservation Easement?

An Ag easement is held by the County and the development rights are sold.

A Conservation Easement is held by a non-profit and is donated.

19. What is 319? A preferential County Land Tax for working farms generally over 10 acres in size

20. What is an Easement? A deed restriction held by a third party (Land

Trust ,County, state, federal government) 21. Who championed the Laurels Endowment?

The Buck and Doe Trust 22. Total acres preserved in Chester County? 117,839 23. Where is McCorkle’s Rock? House size boulders in the middle of the

Laurels, owned by the heir of Hugh Steele 24. Who owned most of what is now the Laurels

before the King Ranch bought the land? Lammot duPont, who owned about 4,000 acres 22. How many acres (rounded to the nearest thousand)

did the King Ranch ultimately acquire in Chester County? 10,000 acres

25. Who was Sandy Flash? Revolutionary War outlaw who stole from and

sold to both sides. Allegedly, he would hide with his stolen horses in the Laurels.

26. What are Important Bird Areas? The Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program in

the Americas identifies and protects key sites for birds and biodiversity. IBA’s are also excellent indicators of biodiversity richness and are therefore also important for a wide range of species. In 2007, "The Laurels, King Ranch and Stroud Important Bird Area," was designated an "Important Bird Area" by the National Audubon Society.

Buck & Doe Trust Easement Facts and Information:

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Connie Adams

Billie Bailkin

Gus Brown

Terry Corkran

John Goodall

Jeb Hannum

Joe Huston

Anthony Jenks

Tim Jones

Amy McKenna

Brendan Miney

Jamie O’Rourke

Maria Pfeffer

Hugh Plumb

Kate Poole

Scott Richard

Nina Seder-Burnaford

Ann Givens Sinclair

Susannah Small

Pam Smyth

Walter Stapleton

Bob Zelnio

The Buck & Doe Trust was established at the time of the

King Ranch project to encourage community coopera-

tion and support of the conservation easement program.

The Trust attempts to welcome newcomers and offer

opportunities for residents , new and old, to get to know

one another better. The Board Members host the Spring

Fling a chuckwagon breakfast in the Laurels, a holiday

party for members in December, and other activities

which focus on “community conservation”.

2010 Annual Dues-$35 per family

Payable to: Buck & Doe Trust and send to above address

or use our new website

The Buck and Doe Trust is a non-profit organization of community members whose stated mission is support of land and water resource conservation within the Buck and Doe Run watersheds. These watersheds include, but are not limited to, the Townships of East Fallowfield, West Marlborough, East Marlborough, Highland, Londonderry, and Newlin. The Trust initiatives to accomplish this mission are:

Promote, through member involvement and education, the creation of additional high quality conservation easements within the Buck and Doe watersheds. Monitor and support active enforcement by easement grantees of all existing conservation easement requirements. Participate, influence, and monitor the stewardship of the Laurels Reserve by the Environmental Management Center of the Brandywine Conservancy. Initiate and encourage active and timely communication on land and water resource conservation issues within the Buck and Doe watersheds.