eASiA 2008 - Event Report

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    There have been several Asiancountries that have madeenormous progress in the arena

    of ICT awareness, knowledge, and skill.Some have completely outpaced others

    on particular areas and have becomeglobal leaders. ICT still has muchmore in stock to rule the roost. Manynew market segments and many newdomains will probably see a big growthin times to come. A leading positionin these new growth areas is crucial, ifAsia wants to play in the first league ofproductivity and progress, combinedwith a strong policy system. eASiA2008is just another attempt and approachof exploring all those opportunitiesleading towards a Digital Asia.


    eASIA 2008, the conference andexhibition was held in Kuala LumpurConvention Centre from November11-13, 2008 in Malaysia by the Centrefor Science, Development and MediaStudies (CSDMS), the leading non-governmental organisation engagedin advocacy, research and communitybuilding in ICT for Development andknowledge management issues. Hostedby the Ministry of Water, Energy and

    Communications, Malaysia and inpartnership with several other agencies,the conference and exhibition broughttogether over 700 delegates from 45countries in three days of intensive

    discussions, consultations, deliberations,sharing and networking covering fivedevelopmental tracks- eGov, mServe,Digital LEARNING, Asian TelecentreForum, and eHealth.


    Deputy Minister of Energy, Water andTelecommunications, Datuk JosephSalang while inaugurating eASiA2008said, the ministry was working to trans-form its rural Telecentres, known as Pu-sat Internet Desa to hubs of socio-eco-

    nomic development. The new initiative,known as the Malaysian Telecentre So-cial Entrepreneurs Club, will transformTelecentres to foster entrepreneurshipand encourage learning in these com-munities, he said. Salang explained thiswas in line with the governments na-tional broadband plan. He added thatlocal clinics and libraries would also beincluded as part of the governmentsbroadband agenda. Commenting on thee-Asia 2008, Joseph said the event wasa platform for ICT players to network

    and establish partnerships for coopera-tion and collaboration.

    While Dr M P Narayanan and Dr RaviGupta, the President and Director ofCSDMS highlighted the vision and thekey objectives behind the conference andexhibition. H.E. Dato Dr. Halim Man,Secretary General, Ministry of Energy,Water & Communications, Malaysia,Karl Brown, Associate Director - AppliedTechnology, Rockefeller Foundation,

    USA, Jyrki Pulkkinen, CEO, GlobaleSchools and Communities Initiative(GeSCI), Dublin, Ireland, RichardFuchs, Regional Director, East and SouthEast Asia, International DevelopmentResearch Centre, Yasmin Mahmood,Managing Director, Microsoft MalaysiaSDN. BHD, Abdul Rahman AbuHaniffa, Director - Government Affairs,Malaysia & ASEAN, Intel, Dr. JosephAmuzu, Adviser, Social TransformationPrograms Division - Health Section,Commonwealth Secretariat, UK also

    reiterated that the way forward forICT4D in Asia was to collaborate andstrengthen the initiatives throughrenewed partnerships and sharing ofexpertise.


    The conference also served as aexhibition host of some of the latest e-solutions, services, initiatives and casestudies from across Asia and beyond.Exhibitors from professional serviceproviders, IT vendors, telecom venders,

    satellite providers, consulting firms,government agencies and national/international development organizationsparticipated in the exhibition. KTAK,Microsoft, MSC Malaysia, MAMPUMalaysia, SMART Technologies,University of Malaya, OUM, UniversitiMalaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), UUM, QAIGlobal Institute, Promethean, OneRoofInc, Ministry of Communication &Technology, Thailand, Hitachi, EP-TECSolutions, etc are a few to name in thelist of exhibitors.

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    he progress of e-Government inAsian countries has been uneven

    across the region. Except for a fewcountries, most countries are in a veryearly stage of adopting e-Government.Developing countries in the region havea weak infrastructure to support thedevelopment of e-Government. Theyalso lack an enabling legal and policyenvironment, as well as human capacityto design and implement e-Governmentapplications. In this scenario, it becomesimperative for the countries that are slowto adopt e-Government, to learn fromthe e-Government strategies and models

    adopted by countries. egov Asia 2008provides a platform for all stakeholders-policy makers, practitioners, industryleaders, academicians and architectsof e-Government projects- acrossthe Asian continent to share theachievements, challenges and lessonslearned in implementing e-Governance.egov Asia 2008 was third in the seriesof the annual eASIA event. This trackcomprised of six sessions includingworkshop by Microsoft.


    The first session in e-Gov track was e-Governance: A strategic Vision.Speakersin this session were Dr. Nor Aliah BT.Mohd Zahri , Deputy Director General(ICT), Malaysian AdministrativeModernisation & Management PlanningUnit, Malaysia; Shankar Agrawal,Ministry of ICT, India; Hiroshi Mizuta,Virtual Enterprise(VE) Center, Japan;and Dr. A. Joseph, Director, Centrefor Education and Rural Development,

    Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. Dr. Nor Aliah Mohd Zahri, gave

    a presentation on e-Governmentin Malaysia: Vision and Strategy.She explained the strategic plan forGovernment ICT and its project forThe Multimedia Super Corridor.

    Second speaker Shankar Agrawal,shared his experience about the IndianPerspective of ICT. He explained howIndia is moving towards the growth ofICT and shared his experience aboutNational e-Governance Plan.

    Third speaker Hiroshi Mizuta,explained about the eParticipationthrough rating the Portal Sites. FinallyDr. A joseph, discussed about e-Govern-ance in Local Administration.


    INITIATIVESThe secind session was chaired byToru Nakaya, Director, InternationalCooperation Division, Ministry ofInternal Affairs and Communications,Japan. The speakers in this session wereC.N. Wickramasinghe, University ofKelaniya, Sri Lanka; Sarina Othman,Lecturer, UiTM, Malaysia; JitendraRoutray, AnaRDe Foundation, India;and Abhay Patodia, CEO, MobineersConsultancy Services, India.

    Jitendra Routray in his presentation

    discussed about e-Governance is notreally about technology. It is aboutpeople, processes, and results usinginformation and communications tech-nologies (ICT) to improve the transpar-ency, efficiency, and effectiveness ofpublic institutions.

    C.N. Wickramasinghe and NobayaAhamad in their joint presentationdiscussed about ICT for Inventions(ICT4I), Innovations for Development(I4D) and Grassroots inventions and in-ventors.

    Abhay Patodia discussed aboutissues and challenges in implementinge-Governance in urban local bodies(ULBS) IN INDIA. He said that Thereare More than 5000 urban Local Bodiesin India but their has been Not Muchprogress in last 4 months.

    Sarina Otman in her said CompaniesCommission of Malaysia (SSM) facilitatethe corporations in Malaysia to use ofe-Lodgement services for the electronicfiling or lodging of documents to theRegistrar.




    Speakers in this session were Noraini BtAbdul Razak, ePerolehan Unit, Ministryof Finance, Malaysia; Bruno vonNiman,Vice Chairman,ETSI TC Human

    Factors, Sweden; Maniam Kaliannan,UiTM, Malaysia;and Ridzuan KushairiMohd Ramli, Hazman Shah Abdullah,Rozalli Hashim, UiTM, Malaysia.

    Noraini Bt Abdul Razak gavea presentation on e-Perolehan inMalaysia. She said that it is an Effectiveand efficient procurement process aseverything is done online.

    In their joint presentation RidzuanKushairi Mohd Ramli, Hazman ShahAbdullah and Rozalli Hashim presenteda paper on Suppliers Perception of

    Government Procurement and e-Procurement. Bruno von Niman gavea presentation on the European Tele-communication Standards.



    In the final session the speakers wereAhmad Naqiyuddin Bakar, Lecturer,UiTM, Malaysia; Jasmine Binti Ahmad,Lecturer, UiTM, Malaysia; AsiyahKassim, Lecturer, UiTM, Malaysia;and Mohamad Nazri Bin Aman, UiTM,

    Malaysia.Ahmad Naqiyuddin Bakar in his

    presentation talked about unlockingthe potentials to refine e-Governmentin Malaysia. Jasmine Ahmad in hispresentation talked about Mainattraction to use e-filing,the motivationto use e-Filing among tax payersand the tax payers perception on e-Filing.Mohamad Nazri Aman in hispresentation discussed about positiveattitudes towards ICT use can existamong non-adopters.

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    The lack of adequate connectivelyhas been one of the biggest causesof the limited impact of ICT to

    bridge the digital divide. Mobile phones

    have spread throughout much of thedeveloping world more quickly anddeeply than any previous technology-based as rolling out a mobile phonenetwork is far cheaper than buildinga fixed-line systems and Internetnetworks for computers.

    Mobiles offer a variety of services otherthan communication and entertainment.These include: News, Stock Prices;Location tracking; Telephone directory;Mobile banking; Ticket reservation;Trading, health services , education, m

    governance and so forth.mServe Asia 2008 discussed andshowcased the different aspects of mobileservices, technologies, implementationand implications, developments onthe public administration and tiethem to the existing and future m-Government, education, agricultureand other applications across differentcountries . The conference provided aplatform to share local and internationaldevelopments, experiences and lessonslearned for knowledge sharing, and

    promoted networking and businessopportunity development.



    First session in mServe Asia 2008 was onBroadband and Wimax... whats next?Speakers is this session were ZamaniZakariah, GM, MyICMS Technologyand Standards Division, MCMC,Malaysia; Abu Saeed Khan, Head-Strategy Analyst, Ericsson. Malaysia;Werner Sutanto, Managing Director,

    Wimax Program Office, Southeast Asia,Intel Corporation; Zainab Hussain,Senior Manager PMO, PakistanTelecommunication Corporation Ltd.,Pakistan; and Vinodan Nair, AssistantGeneral Manager, PMO, HSBB Project,Telekom Malaysia.

    Abu Saeed Khan spoke on SimplifyingUniversal Access He stressed onAddressing the special needs of the leastdeveloped countries. That includes tariffand quota free access for their exports,enhanced programs of debt relief, and

    more generous official developmentassistance. He further said, We cannotmeet twenty-first century challengeswith a twentieth century bureaucracy.

    on the Wimax front he said thatdespite the increasing availability ofLTE and WiMAX, HSPA (and HSPA+)will still account for 54% of wirelessbroadband customers (1.1billion) bythe end of 2015.WiMAX will be a nichetechnology in the wireless broadbandmarket, with less than 100 million usersby the end of 2015.

    Werner Sutanto pondered over thechallenges in growth of broadband inSoutheast Asia. He further said thatFalling WiMAX Chipset Prices SpellGood News for Adoption of SmallerMobile Devices. He also, stressed theneed for Low cost hi-speed connectivityin educational institutions.



    This session was chaired by Ir. WanMurdani Mohamad, Multimedia Deve-

    lopment Corporation, Malaysia andSpeakers in this session were MichaelBjrhov, Director, Government andIndustry Relations, Asia Pacific,Ericsson, Malaysia; Syamsul BahrinZaibon, Lecturer, University UtaraMalaysia (UUM), Malaysia; ZainabHussain, Senior Manager PMO, PakistanTelecommunication Corporation Ltd.,Pakistan; and Asish Sanyal, Sr. Director,DIT, Govt. of India

    Asish Sanyal focused on RuralConnectivity in India its Challenges &

    Opportunities. He said that About 72%population lives in rural India and thereis a Huge urban-rural divide in terms ofdeployment of lines. He futher said thatRural teledensity is approx 2.4% (target4% by 2010) against overall teledensityof 14% (Urban around 28%). He also,said that Rural connectivity in Indiais becoming a reality and Broadbandpenetration is also picking up.

    Zainab Hussain Siddiqui talked aboutMobile Banking in Pakistan. He said thatA very large under-class that is totally

    reliant on cash for all their day-to-dayexpenses. This under-class makes no useof the banking sector and so is invisiblein terms of its cash value.Proliferation ofmobile communications offers a uniqueopportunity for improving access tofinancial services thus, bringing theforgotten millions into the bankingnet. He further laid emphasis on Manybarriers to successful roll- out exist, butan acceptable arrangement must bemade for all stakeholders in terms ofregulations.

    Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon spoke onMOBILE GAME-BASED LEARNING.He talked about Best Practice for MobileGame Development, Scrum Methodol-ogy, Game Development Methodology,Game Life Cycle and Comparison of theDevelopment Methods. He also said Inorder to make the mGBL successful inlearning environment, it should em-brace both entertainment and educa-tion purposes. students preferred learn-ing through mobile phone rather thanother devices.

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    eHealth Asia 2008 inspiring openingkeynote speech of Dato Sri Dr. Hj.Mohd Nasir b. Mohd Ashraf, SecretaryGeneral, Ministry of Health, Malaysia

    (represented by Dr. Maimunah AbdulHamid, Ministry of Health, Malaysia)set the right tone for the two days ofconferencing. In context of the chal-lenges in public healthcare delivery,Dato Mohd. Nasirs speech underlinedthe need for eHealth adoption in coun-tries like Malaysia and the commitmentshown by the national government inmaking such initiatives to succeed.

    The first session of the conferencetitled Understanding eHealth Policy,Technology, Strategy had Dato

    Dr. Jai Mohan, Professor of HealthInformatics & Pediatrics, IMU Malaysia& VP, Malaysian Health InformaticsAssociation; Dr. Molly Cheah, President,Open Source HealthCare Alliance,Malaysia; and Datin Dr. S. Selvaraju,Consultant, Planning & DevelopmentDivision, Ministry of Health Malaysiaas speakers. While Dato Dr. Jai Mohanpresented on the potential of eHealthapplications in maximising healthcareaccess, Dr. Molly Cheah talked aboutthe application of open standards

    based healthcare solutions and DatinDr. Selvaraju contributed on the bestpractices and challenges in developingnational health information network.

    The second technical session titled Technology Solutions & Best Practicesfor ICT driven Healthcare started offwith a captivating presentation by Prof.Dr. Stephen Chu, Vice Chair, HealthLevel 7 (HL7) New Zealand & Head-Health Informatics, MetamorphousConsulting. Dr. Chu effectively broughtout the critical aspects and differences in

    technical and semantic interoperabilityissues. The second presentation byDr. Amiruddin Hisan, Dy. Director(TeleHealth Division), Ministry ofHealth, Malaysia was another interestingdeliberation focusing on telehealthinitiatives undertaken by Malaysiangovernment. The final presentation ofthe session by Ashok Chandavarkar,APAC Healthcare Programs Manager,Intel provided an insight into thecutting-edge technology solutions formobility in healthcare.

    The Commonwealth MedicalAssociations panel discussion onGlobal Experiences in eHealth Imple-mentation & Practices put up someinteresting presentations in the

    afternoon session. Chaired by Dr. S.Arulrhaj, President, CommonwealthMedical Association and co-Chaired byDr. M. Abbas, President, Indian MedicalAssociation, the panel comprised of Dr.Oheneba, Secretary-CMA, Ghana; Dr.N. Arumugam, VP, Malaysian MedicalAssociation and Dr. JP Tabone, VP,Medical Association of Malta.

    The day concluded over a specialworkshop by Microsoft, titled Knowl-edge Driven Health. Beginning with thespeech by Azizah Ali, General Manager-

    Public Sector, Microsoft Malaysia, thetechnical presentations were deliveredby Werner Van Huffel, TechnologyStrategist - Health and Social Services,Microsoft Asia Pacific Region. The pre-sentation by Huffel focused on two sig-nificant aspect of health IT - patientrelationship using CRM solutions andbusiness intelligence and healthcareanalytics. The final presentation byAlex Chang, Managing Director, GlocoHoldings, Malaysia, showcased howCRM and BI solutions are brining high-

    er efficiency and business benefits forhealthcare organisations.

    An exciting panel discussion kicked-off the second and final day of theconference. Moderated by Dr. RosnahHardis, Director Health Services,Ministry of Health, Malaysia the panelcomprised of Dr. Abdullah Salleh,Sr. Consultant Surgeon & Clinical-IT Coordinator, Hospital Selayang,Malaysia; Tan Hai-Shi, IT Manager,Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre,Malaysia; Jack Tan, IT Head, Pantai

    Medical Centre, Malaysia; Dr. K Tilak,Chief Medical Officer Asia, iSoft;and Werner Van Huffel, TechnologyStrategist - Health and Social Services,Microsoft Asia Pacific Region. Focusing

    on the theme - simplifying technologychallenges of healthcare enterprises, thepanel brought forth some the dauntingchallenges faced by modern healthcareenterprises.

    A set of interesting presentationscame up in the technical session titled Technology Applications for EfficientHealthcare Management. Chaired byDr. Azrin, Ministry of Health, Malaysia,the session had Dr. Hammad Durrani,Department of Community HealthSciences, Aga Khan University, Pakistan;

    Rajendra Pratap Gupta, President& Director, Disease ManagementAssociation of India; and Dr.RaminMoghaddam, President, Iranian MedicalInformatics Association (IrMIA). Dr.Durrani presented on the Panaceaproject of IDRC. Rajendra P Guptadeliberated on the role of telehealth indisease management & chronic careand Dr. Moghaddam brought out theconcept of patients roaming profile.

    The concluding session of theconference held late afternoon on the

    final day was a special round-table,titled Way Forward for eHealth followup from Rockefeller FoundationsBellagio Conference. Chaired by KarlBrown, Associate Director (AppliedTechnology), Rockefeller Foundation,USA, the panel included Dr. MollyCheah, President, Open SourceHealthCare Alliance, Malaysia; Dr.Hammad Durrani, Dept of Community,Health Sciences, Aga Khan University,Pakistan; and Dr. Ravi Gupta, Editor-in-Chief, eHEALTH magazine.

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    etween 11th and 13th November2008, Ministry of Energy, Water

    and Communications, Malaysiaplayed host to guests from all overthe world. More than 600 participantsfollowed the invitation to attend theinternational conference eASiA2008.The conference organised by Centrefor Science, Development and MediaStudies and elect Technomedia Pvt.Ltd.

    The event has seen deliberationson five thematic domains, namelygovernance, education, health, mobilesand telecentres. One of the most

    dynamic sessions of the conference wasthe Asian Telecentre Forum. The AsianTelecentre Forum 2008, third in theseries of telecentre forums organised byCSDMS in collaboration with telecentre.org, focused on the knowledge sharingbetween the flagships and emergingtelecentre networks in the region andbeyond.

    For an unprecedented few days, ateam of telecentre practitioners a

    small, but growing cadre enjoyed therare opportunity of meeting and learningfrom each other; discussing, clarifying,and codifying their common goals anddisparate experiences; acknowledgingthe challenges to success even as theybegan to shape realistic strategies for

    overcoming them.The participants and theirorganisational titles ranged widely. Theyranged from Heads, Vice-Presidentsfrom corporate sector; Representativesfrom telecentre networks, to grassrootslevel telecentre managers; academicians.Indeed, the discussions were variedwith in-depth deliberations.

    The forum was constructed aroundseven topical sessions scheduled overtwo days. Some of the discussiontopics were: Mapping the Asian Telecentre

    Movement, Telecentre Networks2.0, Role of Telecentre Networks inNational Scale-up Programme,Sustainability of Telecentres: A SystemicApproach, telecentre.org Academy,Content, Services and Innovations atthe Last Mile and Mapping DifferentTelecentre Business Models. Eachsession began with a brief presentation,followed by vigorous discussion anddebate.

    From the beginning of the forum, itwas clear that all the of the participants those from the largest, mostsophisticated national organisationsto those from smaller local andregional groups shared few challenges:national level scale-up, sustainability

    of telecentres, capacity building oftelecentre practitioners, lack of locallyrelevant content and business plan forsustaining them.


    Asia is big and late-comer to theglobal telecentre movement

    Evolution of telecentres in Asia:Concept acknowledgement(1990s),Pilots (late 1990s), Scale-up (mid-2000s)

    Emergence of Asia-Pacific

    Knowledge Network of Telecentres Microsoft remains committedto empower and foster localinnovation

    Huge opportunity for differentstakeholders and the future isbright

    OneROOF, Inc. and D.Netdemonstrated systemic approachesto ensure the sustainability oftelecentres

    Emerging telecentrenetworks from

    East and SouthEast Asian regionjoined telecentre.orgcommunity

    The forum has alsopaved the way formutual knowledgeexchange among theparticipants

    In short, the forumwas a gathering ofpeers. There were no

    experts dominatingthe proceedings,more interactive andparticipative. Rather,the participants tookfull advantage of anunusual opportunityfor exhilaratingcollegial exchangeand knowledge-sharing.

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    Digital Learning Asia 2008, oneof the five seminal tracks, com-mitted to bring some of the key

    drivers from the leading countries oftechnology-enabled education to de-liberate on the pressing challenges oftechnology-enabled education from ca-pacity building to reengineering peda-gogy; change management to providingdigital access.

    The experience of introducingdifferent ICTs in the classroom andother educational settings all over theworld over the past several decadessuggests that the full realization of thepotential educational benefits of ICTs is

    not automatic. The effective integrationof ICTs into the educational system isa complex, multifaceted process thatinvolves not just technology, but alsocurriculum and pedagogy, institutionalreadiness, teacher competencies, andlong-term financing, among others.

    The digital LEARNING ASiA2008was powered by technology, fueled byinformation and driven by knowledge.The conference aimed to provide thedelegates with an understanding of thevarious trends and issues associated

    with the information age in the domainof development in education. Theconference also aimed at bringing onboard case studies, lessons learned,and best practices that could helpthe stakeholders including decisionmakers in addressing pertinent issuesand drawing policy recommendationsand strategies apt for the informationeconomy striving hard to spread theword of education.

    The Digital Learning track conferencewas inaugurated alongside the

    eASiA2008 on the second day withthe start of this keynote session e-Education: The Asian Experience.The first key note presentation waspresented by Prof. Rashid Navi Bax,Deputy Director General, Departmentof Higher Education, Ministry of HigherEducation, Malaysia on e-Educationin Malaysia: Policies and Initiatives.Sofian Azmi, Senior Assistant Director,Curriculum Development Divisionrepresented the Ministry of EducationMalaysia and made his presentation

    on MOE Malaysia: Towards Digital

    Learning which was focused onVision 2020 leading to a Knowledge-based economy. The third speaker ofthe session was Toru Nakaya who isDirector, International CooperationDivision, Ministry of Internal Affairs andCommunications, Japan. Siek Kah Heewho is Education Programme Manager,Intel Malaysia, deliberated on variouseducational programme offerings ofIntel Malaysia.

    The Asia Knowledge Forum had itsfirst planning meeting alongside the

    eASiA2008. It is a Forum designedto assist some of the poorest Asiancountries in mobilizing best practicesand knowledge around issues ofintegrating educational technology intolearning environments. The Forumwill endeavor to establish national andinternational partnerships to ensure thesuccess of such structures. It will alsoprovide a mechanism for exchangeand networking between membercountries and to promote cross countrycollaboration and communication. It

    would also explore opportunities forsynergizing knowledge through theconvergence of regional experiencesand knowledge sharing from across theglobe.

    The planning meeting on AsiaKnowledge Forum was convened byGlobal e Schools and CommunitiesInitiative (GeSCI). The aim was to bringtogether ministries of education, opinionleaders, scholars and educators fromAsian countries to exchange, collaborateand become engaged in an ongoing

    dialogue that will ultimately lead to the

    development of appropriate, innovativeand possibly ground-breaking policysolutions to the impediments on ICTand Education that confront policymakers.

    As yet another successful session,Microsoft coordinated a workshop titled21st Century Teaching and Learning,which provided the audience with anopportunity to know about varioustechnical solutions that the teachersand learners can avail while effectivelyintegrating ICTs in education.

    The session on Building Capacityfor a Learning Community had someenriching deliberations and paperpresentations under the able leadershipof Devadason Robert Peter, Sr Specialist-ICT, South East Asian MinistriesEducational Organisation (SEAMEO)RECSAM, Malaysia.

    The third day of the conferencesaw some interesting discussionshappening on themes like Open andDistance Learning Practices, Towardsa new agenda in higher education,

    and e-Learning Delivery Models: Re-engineering Pedagogy.

    The track came out with some majorrecommendations, like- implementingholistic policies to foster access toICT, give all schools access to Internet,Key Access PoliciesUniversal ServicepolicySpectrum policyVoIP &Wireless Broadband, etc. The participantscalled for strengthening of cooperationand linkages between educationalinstitutions and organisations acrossthe globe.