East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Appendix 3 Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) Consultation Report Applicant: East Anglia ONE North Limited Document Reference: 5.1.3 SPR Reference: EA1N-DWF-ENV-REP-IBR-000373_003 Rev 01 Pursuant to: Section 37(3)(c) of The Planning Act 2008 Author: Royal HaskoningDHV Date: October 2019 Revision: Version 1

East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Appendix 3... · Appendix 3.1 Consultation on the Draft SoCC and Updated SoCC Consultation Report Applicant: East Anglia ONE North Limited

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  • East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

    Appendix 3 Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)

    Consultation Report

    Applicant: East Anglia ONE North Limited Document Reference: 5.1.3SPR Reference: EA1N-DWF-ENV-REP-IBR-000373_003 Rev 01 Pursuant to: Section 37(3)(c) of The Planning Act 2008

    Author: Royal HaskoningDHV Date: October 2019 Revision: Version 1

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  • East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Consultation Report

    5.1 Consultation Report

    Table of Contents

    Appendix 3 Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)

    Appendix 3.1 Consultation on the Draft SoCC and Updated SoCCAppendix 3.2 Published SoCC (6th March 2018)Appendix 3.3 Newspaper Notice Advertising Publication of the SoCC

    Appendix 3.4 Venues with the SoCC available to view

    Appendix 3.5 Stakeholders who received email advertising the SoCC

    Appendix 3.6 Local Authority Comments Raised to Publicised SoCC and SPR’s Response

    Appendix 3.7 Updated SoCC (19th September 2018)

    Appendix 3.8 Newspaper Notices Advertising Publication of the Update to the SoCC

    Appendix 3.9 Venues with the Update to the SoCC available to view

    Appendix 3.10 Stakeholders who received email advertising the Update to the SoCC

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  • East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

    Appendix 3.1 Consultation on the Draft SoCC

    and Updated SoCC

    Consultation Report

    Applicant: East Anglia ONE North Limited Document Reference: Reference: EA1N-DWF-ENV-REP-IBR-000373_003_01 Rev 01 Pursuant to: Section 37(3)(c) of The Planning Act 2008

    Author: Royal HaskoningDHV Date: October 2019 Revision: Version 1

  • This page is intentionally blank

  • From: Kelly LinayTo: Ellie SymondsSubject: FW: EA TWO and 1N DRAFT SoCCsDate: 05 January 2018 14:44:15Attachments: EA2 Report to inform the Statement of Community Consultation V7.docx

    EA1N Report to inform the Statement of Community Consultation V7.docxEast Anglia TWO SoCC V7.docxEast Anglia ONE North SoCC V7.docx

    For logging.

    Kelly LinayDeputy Director, Community Engagement

    DDI: 01733 207330Mob: 07748 793509Email: [email protected]: 25 Priestgate, Peterborough, PE1 1JL

    Twitter: @AtheneCommsWeb: www.athene-communications.co.uk

    From: Cartwright, Holly Sent: 21 December 2017 15:00To: Lisa Chandler Cc: Mackay, Ian Walker, Helen Subject: EA TWO and 1N DRAFT SoCCs

    Dear Lisa, John,

    Please see attached draft Statements of Community Consultation and supporting Report to Inform the SoCC for East Anglia TWO and ONE North. These are not for formal publication and comment yet, this will be carried out in Spring next year. We wanted to share an early draft with you in order

    to gain feedback on its content and would ask that you please come back to us by 26th January 2018 with any comments. We will then review those comments, update the reports accordingly and publish for formal consultation at the end of February 2018.

    As discussed on our call last week, please can you confirm that SCC and SCDC will provide comments on the SoCCs on behalf of all the potentially relevant local authorities for example Norfolk CC, the Broads Authority, Ipswich BC, Great Yarmouth BC, etc?

    Please let me know if you have any queries regarding the attached documents.

    Wishing you both a wonderful Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you in January.

    mailto:/O=FIRST ORGANIZATION/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KELLYmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://twitter.com/athenecommshttp://www.athene-communications.co.uk/

    Report to Inform the Statement of Community Consultation

    Whitelee Windfarm Extension Phase 3Month, YYYY

    Environmental Statement


    Type of summaryPage 1


    Revision and Approvals



    Reason for Issue

    Originated by

    Checked by

    Approved by



    First draft

    Debbie Harper



    Second draft




    Revised following comments from JY & HC




    Revised following comments from KC




    Revised following comments from HW and S&W




    For submission in

    draft to SCC and SCDC


    Table of contents

    1Glossary of abbreviations5


    2.1Statement of Community Consultation6


    2.3The Applicant7

    3The Proposal7

    3.1East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarms7

    4Geographical Area of Engagement11

    4.1The Onshore Consultation Zone11

    4.2The Onshore Study Area13

    4.3The Offshore Consultation Zone13

    5SoCC Strategy14

    5.1Overlap with RAG Report and Red Line Boundary14

    6Consenting Process15

    6.1Pre-Application Consultation17


    6.3Supporting Environmental Information17

    7Identifying our Consultees17

    7.1Statutory Consultees17

    7.1.1Non-Statutory Consultees18

    7.1.2The Local Community18

    7.1.3All Other Stakeholders18

    8The Consultation Process18

    8.1Consultation Objectives18

    8.2Consultation Strategy19

    8.3Four Phases of Consultation19

    8.3.1Phase One19

    8.3.2Phase Two19 to Reach Groups19

    8.3.3Phase Three20

    8.3.4Phase Four20

    8.4Special Events20

    9Communication Tools22

    9.1How we will respond to Consultee Comments22

    10Further Information23

    10.1General Consultation Enquiries23

    10.2Fishing Related Enquiries23

    10.3Land Related Enquiries23

    Report to Inform the Statement of Community Consultation

    Scottish Power Renewables is pleased to commence the statutory consultation for the East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm.

    SPR is responsible for progressing offshore windfarms throughout the world and onshore wind and marine energy projects in the UK. It is currently taking forward the development and progressing the construction of the 102-turbine East Anglia ONE offshore windfarm approximately 43km off the coast of Suffolk. This £2.5 billion project is planned to deliver energy to meet the annual demand of around 600,000 homes and should be fully operational during 2020. This project will be followed by the 1,200MW East Anglia THREE windfarm which received development consent in summer 2017.

    Building on these first two East Anglia projects, SPR is now seeking to progress development of the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects.

    As with the East Anglia ONE and East Anglia THREE offshore windfarm projects, consultation with local communities will play a major part in shaping East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North, and I encourage you as much as possible to get involved in the process. Public information events will be held locally where members of the ScottishPower Renewables project team will be on hand to discuss the proposals and answer questions.

    Details of these events are provided in the table below.

    We welcome any feedback on our plans and look forward to discussing them with you.






    Victoria Hotel

    17 March 2018

    10am – 1pm



    17 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    United Church

    18 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Thorpeness Golf Club

    24 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Brundenell Hotel

    24 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    Town Hall

    25 March 2018

    10am – 1pm

    This document is also available in large print, Braille and audio forms on request.

    Glossary of abbreviations



    Commercial Fisheries Working Group


    Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


    Development Consent Order


    East Anglia TWO


    East Anglia ONE North


    Environmental Impact Assessment


    Environmental Statement


    Health & Safety Executive


    Local Enterprise Partnership


    Marine Mammals Organisation


    Planning Inspectorate


    Preliminary Environmental Information Report


    Red Line Boundary


    Report to Inform


    Royal Society for the Protection of Birds


    ScottishPower Renewables


    Statement of Community Consultation


    Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies


    Zone of Theoretical Visibility



    Statement of Community Consultation

    This section describes the strategy to deliver the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC), the advertisement of the SoCC and the supporting Report to Inform the SoCC for East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm (EA2).

    This document is a statement detailing how statutory and non-statutory consultees can engage with ScottishPower Renewables (SPR), and the decision makers.

    The SoCC was originally scheduled to be produced to coincide with the refinement of the Red Line Boundary (RLB) for the location of the onshore infrastructure. However, early engagement outside of the formal Development Consent Order (DCO) application process combined with dialogue with the local authorities (Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Coastal District Council), has influenced SPR’s decision to bring this forward.

    There are four key issues to be considered and relayed to stakeholders around this consultation strategy.

    Key Issues:

    1. The geographical spread of the interested parties is large and focussed on a coastal strip between Great Yarmouth and Felixstowe.

    2. The stakeholders associated with the new connection point are new and are assumed to have some experience of consultation on major infrastructure projects, and this influenced our decision to commence early engagement.

    3. SPR has completed a phase of early engagement in the area of search for onshore infrastructure and those potentially impacted by the visual aspects of the wind turbines using Public Information Days (PIDs). These were completed 30 & 31 October and 1 & 2 November 2017.

    4. SPR is refining the area of search for onshore infrastructure in parallel using a balance of consultation and technical constraints. The local authorities have expressed a desire to understand how the early engagement ties in with the refinement of the area of search.

    Scoping was submitted to PINS on 9th November 2017 for both East Anglia TWO (EA2) and East Anglia ONE North (EA1N). The two projects have been developed in parallel to November 2017 and the SoCC will now be progressed for both EA2 and EA1N. The SoCC strategy is to deliver a single SoCC advert for publication and a separate ‘Report to Inform the SoCC’ and SoCC for both EA2 and EA1N.


    The aim of the SoCC is to clarify the development programme, lines of communication and means of engagement with statutory stakeholders, non-statutory stakeholders and interested parties.

    During the determination of the application, SPR will be measured against the commitments made in the SoCC. It is therefore a critical document in the development process.

    Planning Inspectorate (PINS) advice acknowledges that responding to the Developers pre-application consultation is the best time to influence the final design or mitigate any perceived impacts

    The SoCC will detail what consultation SPR intends to undertake with the communities potentially affected by the project.

    One of the key issues for this SoCC is that the area of search for onshore infrastructure, the ‘Onshore Study Area’, and the resultant Red Line Boundary (RLB), will be refined in parallel. SPR consultation therefore has a dual objective – to both consult on the development of the East Anglia TWO Windfarm and the definition of the RLB.

    East Anglia TWODecember, 2017

    Statement of Community Consultation

    Page 2

    The Applicant

    SPR is part of the Iberdrola Group, a world leader in clean energy with an installed capacity of over 28,000MW, and the leading wind energy producer worldwide. SPR is at the forefront of the development of the renewables industry through pioneering ideas, forward thinking and outstanding innovation which, in turn, drives economic success.

    By the end of 2017, SPR will have 40 operational windfarms in the UK producing over 2,500MW of clean energy. SPR manage all of their operational sites, including their international offshore portfolio, through the Control Centre at Whitelee Windfarm, just outside Glasgow.

    SPR is currently taking forward the development and progressing the construction of the 102-turbine East Anglia ONE offshore windfarm approximately 43km off the coast of Suffolk. This £2.5 billion project is planned to deliver energy to meet the annual demand of around 600,000 homes and should be fully operational during 2020. SPRs 1,200MW East Anglia Three offshore windfarm project has recently received development consent and will follow on from East Anglia ONE.

    Building on these first two East Anglia projects, SPR is now seeking to progress development of the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North offshore windfarm projects.

    Figure 1- SPR East Anglia portfolio

    The Proposal

    East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarms

    The East Anglia TWO windfarm site (see Figure 1) is approximately 255km2 in area. At its nearest point, the East Anglia TWO windfarm site is 31km from Lowestoft and 32km from Southwold. Within the East Anglia TWO windfarm site it is proposed that up to 75 wind turbines and an overall installed capacity of up to 900MW would be constructed. When operational the project would have the potential to provide up to 740,000* homes with power. From the wind turbines electricity would flow via subsea inter-array cables to a number of offshore electrical platforms and then to the shore via offshore export cables.

    *Calculated taking the number of megawatts (900) multiplied by the number of hours in one year (8,766), multiplied by the average load factor (efficiency of electrical energy usage) for offshore wind (36.7 %, published by the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics), divided by the average annual household energy consumption (3,900 kWh), giving an equivalent of powering 742,413 homes.

    Page 7

    Scenario 1 (East Anglia TWO installs ducts and National Grid Infrastructure)

    Scenario 2 (East Anglia TWO does not install ducts and National Grid Infrastructure)

    Landfall and Onshore Cable Route

    Number of ducts installed at the landfall (either by HDD or open trenching)


    Up to 4

    Number of transition bays

    Up to 2

    Up to 2

    Transition bay dimensions

    9m x 4m

    9m x 4m

    Landfall HDD compound dimensions (if required)

    175m x 50m

    175m x 50m

    Number of onshore export cables

    Up to 6

    Up to 6

    Onshore cable corridor swathe width



    Number cable trenches (between transition bay and onshore substation)


    Up to 2

    Number ducts installed within onshore cable corridor swathe


    Up to 6

    Number of jointing bays

    Dependent upon length of onshore cable route. One required approximately every 500m.

    Dimension of jointing bays

    15m (length) x 3m (width) x 2m (depth)

    Number of link boxes

    Dependent upon length of onshore cable route. Two required for every jointing bay

    Dimension of link boxes

    1.5m (length) x 1.5m (width) x 1.5m (depth)

    Onshore Substation

    Substation operational compound area

    190m x 190m

    190m x 190m

    Substation construction compound area (required in addition to the operational footprint)

    185m x 50m

    185m x 50m

    Substation buildings height

    Up to 21m

    Up to 21m

    National Grid infrastructure

    Substation compound area


    325m x 140m

    Maximum height


    Up to 13m

    Offshore export cables will connect the offshore electrical platforms within the proposed East Anglia TWO windfarm site to shore, making landfall between Sizewell and Thorpeness in Suffolk.



    Up to 800MW

    East Anglia ONE North windfarm area (offshore)


    Distance from East Anglia ONE North to shore

    36km Lowestoft

    42km Southwold

    50km Sizewell

    60km Orford

    Maximum offshore export cable corridor length


    Number of wind turbines

    Up to 67

    [footnoteRef:1]Proposed wind turbine capacity [1: More than one wind turbine and foundation type and manufacturer could be deployed, up to a maximum of three wind turbine models will be considered for the proposed East Anglia TWO project design envelope.]

    Up to 19MW (dependent upon available technology) and subject to change within the dimensions ultimately assessed

    Wind Turbine rotor diameter

    Up to 250m

    Tip height

    Up to 300m (LAT)

    Minimum clearance above sea level

    22m (MHWS)

    Minimum inter-row spacing


    Number of offshore electrical platforms

    Up to 4

    Number of accommodation platforms


    Number of operational met masts


    Number of export cables


    Inter-array, platform link and inter-connector cables

    The lengths and numbers required will be determined as more detailed work is undertaken and assessed in the final ES.

    Water depth over wind farm site

    Typically -33 to -67mLAT

    Once the offshore export cables reach the shore they will be joined to onshore cables via a transition bay near the point of landfall and then to a new onshore substation. From this substation the proposed East Anglia TWO project will then be connected into the transmission network via a new transmission substation owned and operated by National Grid. In addition, there may be a requirement to upgrade the existing pylons to allow for connection to the transmission network. All of these elements would be consented as part of the East Anglia TWO windfarm Development Consent Order (DCO) application (see Figure 2).

    Onshore, given partial location within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), SPR is committed to undergrounding the cables with the benefit of avoiding landscape and visual impacts associated with overhead lines. Furthermore, SPR is committed to exploring synergies between the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects in the same manner as for East Anglia ONE and East Anglia THREE by proposing where possible, and subject to regulatory certainty, to install ducting for the East Anglia ONE North windfarm onshore electrical cables during the East Anglia TWO windfarm construction. This would reduce the construction impacts for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project.

    Figure 2 – How an offshore windfarm works

    The onshore study area (see Figure 3) has been identified by initial constraints and feasibility studies. It includes land between Sizewell and Thorpeness at the landfall and inland approximately 7km to the north of Friston

    Figure 3 – Onshore Study Area

    The DCO application for the proposed East Anglia TWO project will include all of the new elements described above (including the associated National Grid infrastructure). In addition temporary works and ancillary infrastructure necessary for the construction and operation of the project, such as temporary construction areas onshore, and accommodation platforms offshore shall be included.

    East Anglia TWO has been developed in parallel with East Anglia ONE NORTH in so far as submission of their Scoping Reports to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and preparation and publication of the project SOCCs.

    East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North are advertising their commencement of formal consultation in accordance with Section 47 the Planning Act 2008. As part of that process, consultation will be carried out on the Onshore Study Area (see Figure 4) for potential locations for the onshore infrastructure and the cable routeing.

    Following the advertisement of the SoCC, East Anglia TWO will progress through the development phase around one year ahead of East Anglia ONE North. It is currently expected that the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the proposed East Anglia TWO project will be submitted in 2019 and the DCO application for East Anglia ONE North in 2020.

    Geographical Area of Engagement

    The Onshore Consultation Zone

    Figure 4 shows the Onshore Consultation Zone. This has been determined by defining the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV), shown in Figure 4 below. This output of computer modelling identifies where it is theoretically possible to see the offshore wind turbines from, in very good or excellent visibility conditions; as well as communities within the Onshore Study Area.

    Figure 4 – Onshore Consultation Zone

    The Onshore Study Area

    Figure 3 shows the Onshore Study Area. This is the area within which onshore infrastructure, for East Anglia TWO, East Anglia ONE North and National Grid would be placed. This is currently an area of search and the forthcoming months will refine the locations of the substations, landfall and onshore cable corridor. This is a key function of the consultation process.

    The Onshore Study Area will be taken to a stage where there is a refined study area (in March 2018) and then a final red line boundary in June 2018.

    The onshore study area is the area where we focussed our October /November 2017 PIDS and we will continue to engage with this area throughout the process, as well as widening the geographical area to ensure we engage with those within the wider Onshore Consultation Zone.

    The key onshore components of the proposed East Anglia TWO project are expected to comprise:

    · Landfall site with an associated transition bay to connect the offshore and onshore cables

    · Onshore underground cable ducts and cable jointing bays, into which cables will be installed

    · Onshore underground cable ducts installed for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project

    · Onshore substation

    · Infrastructure required by National Grid to connect the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects to the electricity transmission network, expected to include:

    · Onshore substation

    · Sealing end compounds / gantries

    · Potential for the upgrade of up to two existing overhead pylons or minor relocation of up to two existing overhead pylons.

    It is expected that the proposed East Anglia TWO project will consent all of the required National Grid infrastructure as it will be constructed first. However, the proposed East Anglia ONE North project may need to consent additional infrastructure required to connect its substation to the overhead lines, as well as parts of the National Grid substation infrastructure. The Onshore Study Area; i.e. the area within which onshore infrastructure, for East Anglia TWO, East Anglia ONE North and National Grid would be placed has a separate, but parallel, consultation process. This is integral and running in tandem with the broader consultation process defined in this SoCC.

    Whilst this boundary is being refined and ultimately presented at June 2018 PIDs, wider consultation will continue on the project towards the submission date.

    The Offshore Consultation Zone

    Figure 5 shows the proposed development boundary for the project and the Offshore Consultation Zone. This is the area within which offshore infrastructure will be placed.

    Figure 5 – Offshore Cable Corridor Area of Search

    Engagement is ongoing with a number of stakeholders including the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and our Commercial Fisheries Working Group (CFWG).

    SoCC Strategy

    This document is a statement detailing how statutory and non-statutory consultees can engage with SPR and the decision makers. This document is known as the ‘Report to Inform’ (RtI) and describes the strategy to deliver the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) to support the development and consenting of the East Anglia TWO offshore windfarm.

    The SoCC strategy is to deliver:

    · a single SoCC advert for publication as shown below;

    · two ‘advertising poster’ SoCCs; and

    · two ‘Reports to Inform the SoCC’ for East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North.


    Publication Date

    East Anglian Daily Times

    w/c 26 February 2018 & w/c 5 March 2018

    Lowestoft Journal

    w/c 26 February 2018 & w/c 5 March 2018

    Fishing Trade Journal – Fishing News Weekly Journal

    w/c 26 February 2018

    The aim of the SoCC is to clarify the development programme, lines of communication and means of engagement with statutory stakeholders and non-statutory stakeholders.

    Overlap with RAG Report and Red Line Boundary

    There is a logical overlap between the consultation strategy and the refinement of the Red Line Boundary for onshore infrastructure.

    The Onshore Study Area for onshore infrastructure has been shared at our recent Public Information Days (PIDs) and in Briefing sessions with Town and Parish Councils. The Area of Search is also presented in the Scoping Report and is something we will be seeking opinion on as part of the wider consultation and planning process.

    SPR Commitment to Early Engagement

    · SPR is committed to early engagement, meaningful and full consultation with interested parties.

    SPR Commitment to Briefing Town Councils and Parish Councils in and around the Area of Search

    · Leiston Town Council, Aldringham Parish Council, Knodishall Parish Council already engaged

    · Other relevant Parish/Town Councils and Residents Associations Briefings to be arranged


    · Trackers to monitor consistency between RLB refinement and SoCC commitments

    · Trackers to maintain momentum and deliver a DCO in 2019

    Consenting Process

    A diagram of the Consenting Process is shown below.

    Figure 5: Consenting process flow chart

    Pre-Application Consultation

    This document provides information to support the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC), provided as Appendix 1, for the East Anglia TWO offshore windfarm and associated development. It includes the proposed strategy for consultation with local communities in accordance with Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008 and represents the commencement of consultation under Section 47. It explains who we have identified to consult, the consultation methods proposed and the proposed timeframes for consultation.

    This document also identifies how you can comment on the proposals and help shape the proposed DCO application for the project. The first formal events of statutory community consultation under Section 47 will be held in March 2018.


    Following the advertisement of the SoCC, East Anglia TWO will progress through the development phase around one year ahead of East Anglia ONE North. It is currently expected that the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the proposed East Anglia TWO project will be submitted in 2019 and the DCO application for East Anglia ONE North in 2020.

    The East Anglia TWO Scoping Report is available to view on the PINS website by clicking here or visiting


    The East Anglia ONE North Scoping Report is available to view on the PINS website by clicking here or visiting


    Supporting Environmental Information

    Legislation requires that SPR undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to identify likely significant environmental effects of the project. The results of the EIA will be published in an Environmental Statement (ES) that will accompany the DCO application for the proposed project.

    In order to agree the environmental studies required for the EIA with statutory consultees, SPR submitted a Scoping Report to PINS on 9th November 2017. This document included detailed information on the approach to EIA for the proposed project, an indicative project description for offshore and onshore works and the potential environmental impacts which will be assessed.

    A Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), which will include details of the preliminary assessment findings, will be published for consultation in autumn 2018, and will be made available to the public through publication on the East Anglia TWO project website as well as the PINS website. The PEIR will include a description of the proposals and baseline information (to date) and identify the potential impacts of the development, as well as possible measures to reduce, prevent or offset these. This will include information on the scope for any associated land restoration, landscaping and other mitigation measures if required.

    There will be an opportunity to respond to SPR when the PEIR and the EIA/ES are published.

    Identifying our Consultees

    Statutory Consultees

    We are required by the Planning Act 2008 to consult with certain organisations and persons on our proposed application. We will also notify these parties if the application is accepted by PINS.

    These consultees include:

    · Relevant local authorities

    · MMO

    · The Crown Estate

    · HSE

    · Environment Agency

    · Natural England

    · Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs)

    · Relevant Parish Councils

    · Owners, lessees, tenants and other persons with an interest in the land/right to make a relevant claim

    Non-Statutory Consultees

    Non Statutory consultees are those agencies and organisations with whom we consult with as best practice and these include:

    · Local communities, i.e. Residents’ Associations

    · Fishermen, through our ‘Commercial Fisheries Working Group’ (CWFG)

    · Local Interest Groups

    · Local Amenity Groups

    Please note that these lists are not exhaustive.

    The Local Community

    The Local Communities have been determined by defining the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV), shown in Figure 4 above.

    The local communities are within the defined Onshore Consultation Zone

    We have focussed on the coastal settlements within the ZTV and the communities within the Onshore Study Area. However, the consultation events will be advertised on a regional basis using the East Anglia Daily Times and Lowestoft Journal and we would encourage those from the wider area with comments and opinions to engage.

    All Other Stakeholders

    Other Stakeholders have been identified by SPR and will also be consulted. For example other Stakeholders include the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Suffolk Preservation Society.

    The Consultation Process

    Consultation Objectives

    The consultation objectives are to consult widely, honestly and in a cyclical fashion – to allow representations to be incorporated into the project where possible.

    PINS guidance on the pre-application process advocates that early involvement of local communities, local authorities and statutory consultees can bring about significant benefits for all parties, by:

    · Helping the applicant identify and resolve issues at the earliest stage, which can reduce the overall risk to the project further down the line as it becomes more difficult to make changes once an application has been submitted;

    · Enabling members of the public to influence proposed projects, feedback on potential options, and encouraging the community to help shape the proposal to maximise local benefits and minimize any downsides;

    · Helping local people understand the potential nature and local impact of the proposed project, with the potential to dispel misapprehensions at an early stage;

    · Enabling applicants to obtain important information about the economic, social and environmental impacts of a scheme from consultees, which can help rule out unsuitable options;

    · Enabling potential mitigating measures to be considered and, if appropriate, built into the project before an application is submitted; and

    · Identifying ways in which the project could, without significant costs to promoters, support wider strategic or local objectives.

    Consultation Strategy

    The Consultation Strategy for East Anglia TWO is focussed around the dual objective of both consulting on the development of the proposed East Anglia TWO project and the area of search for onshore infrastructure, the ‘Onshore Study Area’, and the resultant Red Line Boundary (RLB), for the onshore infrastructure (which covers both East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North).

    The consultation has been split into four phases, as described below.

    Four Phases of Consultation

    Phase One

    SPR chose to complete a phase of early engagement to share the work with statutory bodies to identify our onshore study area. There were three reasons for this:

    1. To introduce the project to stakeholders;

    2. Consult on potential locations for onshore infrastructure; and

    3. To consult on those potentially impacted by the visual aspects of the offshore windfarm.

    This was completed using the following tools:

    · Telephone calls, briefings, meetings and sharing the Project Leaflet with a wide range of statutory and non-statutory stakeholders; County, Borough, District, Town, Parish Councils, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Visit East Anglia, New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership. For further details, please see Appendix 6.

    · Preparation and circulation of the Project Leaflet (see Appendix 3), as a means of introducing the projects.

    · Public Information Days (PIDs) on 30 and 31 October and 1 and 2 November 2017.

    Phase One was ‘non statutory’ consultation as it was outside the process described in legislation.

    A Summary of Environmental Considerations was produced to support East Anglia TWO in early engagement activities. All the materials presented are accessible on the website link below:


    Phase Two

    SPR propose to hold a series of PID events in March 2018. These will be the first ‘formal’ consultation events. A ‘formal’ consultation event is one which is required by legislation and has certain requirements including registration of visitors.

    The March 2018 events will specifically provide further information on our onshore study area within which we intend to site the projects onshore electrical infrastructure, the refinement of the RLB, and also further information on visual impact.

    Hard to Reach Groups

    The geographical area of engagement includes a ‘Hard to Reach’ audience. This is made up of a number of informal groups of people and includes tourists and second home owners.

    In order to secure the attention of the ‘Hard to Reach’ audience, it is proposed to target this audience when we hold PIDs in March 2018 to coincide with the consultation events associated with refining the RLB.

    It is recognised that some individuals may not have had the opportunity to visit the PIDs in October/ November 2017. The proposal is to complete a targeted phase of PID events over a weekend, using advertisement and a mail drop to highlight the opportunity.

    Details below:






    Victoria Hotel

    17 March 2018

    10am – 1pm



    17 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    United Church

    18 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Thorpeness Golf Club

    24 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Brundenell Hotel

    24 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    Town Hall

    25 March 2018

    10am – 1pm

    Phase Three

    The third phase of consultation will be in June 2018.

    We will hold PIDs in the venues already visited to show our defined Red Line Boundary for onshore infrastructure and update our consultees on the proposed development plans.

    The defined Red Line Boundary will be shared at the June PID events and other details of the project will be available to share with our consultees. The period between the June PID events and submission of the PEIR in November 2018 will allow further refinement of the project.

    Phase Four

    The fourth phase of consultation will be in November 2018 when the PEIR is submitted.

    This SoCC sets out the manner in which the scheme promoter is proposing to consult with the local community in accordance with Section 47(1) of the Planning Act 2008. Consultation with statutory consultees (such as Natural England, the Environment Agency etc.), local authorities and landowners will also be undertaken under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008. Where relevant, this may include information on the scope for any associated landscaping, other mitigation or compensatory measures for natural habitats impact.

    The PEIR will essentially be a draft Environmental Statement (to that point) to support the DCO application. The DCO is scheduled to be submitted in 2019.

    Consultation on the PEIR will be known as ‘Section 42 Consultation’.

    Special Events

    SPR takes consultation very seriously as a scheduled part of the development programme. However, it is acknowledged that there are often consultation opportunities that arise for example engagement with the wider ‘Hard to Reach’ Groups, including visitors and groups that do not meet frequently.

    For this reason, our Development Team and Stakeholder Manager will monitor these opportunities and engage as appropriate.

    The integrated timeline of activities is shown below:

    Figure 5: Timeline of activities

    Communication Tools

    SPR recognise that one method of consultation doesn’t meet the requirements of each stakeholder group. For this reason, it is proposed to use a number of communication tools.

    How we will respond to Consultee Comments

    Following each phase of consultation, we will have a period to digest and consider feedback and review our proposals. After each phase of PID events we will publish findings on the SPR website.

    Phase two consultation in March will continue to inform the definition of the RLB. The RLB will be presented in June 2018 at a series of PIDs. Consultation regarding other aspects of the project will continue towards submission date.

    Where consultees approach SPR by email or mail, SPR will acknowledge the communication within 1 week. SPR will endeavour to respond to the consultee within 1 calendar month.

    All comments and information we receive will be recorded in a consultation database and be considered by SPR. As part of our DCO application, we will provide a Consultation Report to explain how the views received have been incorporated into the project design process and EIA. If an issue has not resulted in a change to the proposed development, the Consultation Report will explain this. As there may be a large number of responses, the Consultation Report may group comments into broad issues of concern. Please note that all communications will be publicly available, however, no personal details will be published.

    Further Information

    General Consultation Enquiries

    SPR has a Stakeholder Manager, Joanna Young, who is co-ordinating consultation on the development of the proposed East Anglia TWO project.

    All project information will be available on our website at the following address or by clicking here


    We also have a dedicated email address for you to communicate with: [email protected]

    You can also write to us at the following Freepost address:

    ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia TWO



    25 Priestgate

    Peterborough PE1 1JL

    Should you wish to follow the project on the PINS website, the East Anglia TWO website is at the following address or by clicking here:


    Fishing Related Enquiries

    SPR has a dedicated Fishery/Fishing Liaison Officer, Brown & May, who is coordinating liaison with fishing stakeholders on the development of the proposed East Anglia TWO project. 

    We have a dedicated email address for you to communicate with the Fishery/Fishing Liaison Officer: [email protected]

    You can also contact us at the following address:

    Jonathan Kerr

    East Anglia TWO FLO

    For and on behalf of ScottishPower Renewables

    Brown & May Marine Limited

    Progress Way

    Mid Suffolk Business Park


    Suffolk IP23 7HU

    Direct Dial: 01379 872143

    Land Related Enquiries

    SPR has a dedicated Land Officer, Savills, who is coordinating liaison with land owners on the development of the East Anglia TWO project.

    We have a dedicated email address for you to communicate with the Land Officer:

    [email protected]

    Address Here

    Direct Dial: XXXX XXXXXX

    Appendix 1 - SoCC

    Attach once designed

    Appendix 2 - Advert Produced to Support Phase 1 PID Consultation

    Appendix 3 – Project Leaflet (V2 & superseded by Scoping Report in November 2017)

    Appendix 4 – Pre-application consultation to Drafting of SoCC in December 2017


    Norfolk County Council

    Expert Topic Group (ETG) Meeting on Seascape Visuals

    Suffolk County Council

    Mid Suffolk District Council

    New 'East Suffolk Council' from 2019

    (Suffolk Coastal & Waveney merging)

    Waveney District Council

    The Broads Authority



    Natural England

    Historic England

    Leiston cum Sizewell Town Council

    Aldringham cum Thorpe Parish Council

    Knodishall Parish Council

    Sizewell Residents Association

    Orford and Gedgrave Parish Council

    Aldeburgh Town Council

    Walberswick Parish Council

    Southwold Town Council

    Kessingland Parish Council

    Lowestoft Town Council

    The Crown Estate



    Galloper OFTO

    Gabbard OFTO



    Members of Parliament

    Commercial Fisheries Working Group

    New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership for Norfolk and Suffolk


    Suffolk Wildlife Trust


    Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

    Suffolk Preservation Society

    Suffolk Coastal Forum

    Destination Management Organisation

    Royal Yachting Association

    Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club

    Visit East Anglia

    The follow consultees were identified through the phase 1 PIDS:

    Southwold Chamber of Trade

    AONB Management Team

    Rayden Society

    Southwold Harbour Master

    Leiston Together

    Transport Groups

    ScottishPower Renewables

    ScottishPower House

    320 St Vincent Street


    G2 5AD

    T 0141 614 0000

    [email protected]


    December 2017


    February 2018

    March 2018

    Scoping Opinion due

    Review of Scoping Opinion and scoping responses

    Workshop with LPA and wider statutory stakeholders


    Presentation of final development boundary to LPA and wider statutory stakeholders

    Town and Parish Council engagement ongoing as required - presentation of updates


    Presentation of draft development boundary to LPA

    Production of draft SoCC


    Phase 3 PIDs

    Commence section 42 consultation on submitted Preliminary Environmental Information Report

    Phase 4 PIDS to coincide with section 42 consultation

    Local Planning Authority (LPA) workshop

    Phase 2 Public Information Days (PIDs)

    Ongoing meetings with Town and Parish Councils

    Town and Parish Councils engagement ongoing as required

    Scoping submission

    Ongoing Meetings with Town and Parish Councils to present onshore study area

    Phase 1 PIDs to introduce the projects to local communities

    November 2017

    Initial Meetings with Town and Parish Councils to present onshore study area


    November 2018

    Consultation Events

    Written Communication

    Verbal Communication

    Website Updates

    Drop in Public Information Days (PIDS)

    Presentation to Local Authorities, Parish Councils, specific interest groups

    Stakeholder Events

    Email Updates

    Response to written letters/emails

    Presentations by invite

    Updates in The East Angle - SPR's flagship newsletter

    Project video

    Project Launch

    August 2017

    Summer Break

    Aug-Sept 2017

    Phase 1 PID Roll Out

    Oct 2017


    Oct/Nov 2017


    Nov 2017

    SoCC Drafting

    Dec 2017

    Page 32

  • Report to Inform the Statement of Community Consultation

    Whitelee Windfarm Extension Phase 3Month, YYYY

    Environmental Statement


    Type of summaryPage 2


    Revision and Approvals



    Reason for Issue

    Originated by

    Checked by

    Approved by



    First draft

    Debbie Harper



    Second draft




    Revised following comments from JY & HC




    Revised following comments from KC




    Revised following comments from HW and S&W




    For submission in

    draft to SCC and SCDC


    East Anglia ONE NorthDecember, 2017

    Statement of Community Consultation

    Page 2

    Table of contents

    1Glossary of abbreviations5


    2.1Statement of Community Consultation6


    2.3The Applicant7

    3The Proposal7

    3.1East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarms7

    4Geographical Area of Engagement11

    4.1The Onshore Consultation Zone11

    4.2The Onshore Study Area13

    4.3The Offshore Consultation Zone13

    5SoCC Strategy15

    5.1Overlap with RAG Report and Red Line Boundary15

    6Consenting Process15

    6.1Pre-Application Consultation17


    6.3Supporting Environmental Information17

    7Identifying our Consultees17

    7.1Statutory Consultees17

    7.1.1Non-Statutory Consultees18

    7.1.2The Local Community18

    7.1.3All Other Stakeholders18

    8The Consultation Process18

    8.1Consultation Objectives18

    8.2Consultation Strategy18

    8.3Four Phases of Consultation19

    8.3.1Phase One19

    8.3.2Phase Two19 to Reach Groups19

    8.3.3Phase Three20

    8.3.4Phase Four20

    8.4Special Events20

    9Communication Tools22

    9.1How we will respond to Consultee Comments22

    10Further Information23

    10.1General Consultation Enquiries23

    10.2Fishing Related Enquiries23

    10.3Land Related Enquiries23

    Report to Inform the Statement of Community Consultation

    Scottish Power Renewables is pleased to commence the statutory consultation for the East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm.

    SPR is responsible for progressing offshore windfarms throughout the world and onshore wind and marine energy projects in the UK. It is currently taking forward the development and progressing the construction of the 102-turbine East Anglia ONE offshore windfarm approximately 43km off the coast of Suffolk. This £2.5 billion project is planned to deliver energy to meet the annual demand of around 600,000 homes and should be fully operational during 2020. This project will be followed by the 1,200MW East Anglia THREE windfarm which received development consent in summer 2017.

    Building on these first two East Anglia projects, SPR is now seeking to progress development of the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects.

    As with the East Anglia ONE and East Anglia THREE offshore windfarm projects, consultation with local communities will play a major part in shaping East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North, and I encourage you as much as possible to get involved in the process. Public information events will be held locally where members of the ScottishPower Renewables project team will be on hand to discuss the proposals and answer questions.

    Details of these events are provided in the table below.

    We welcome any feedback on our plans and look forward to discussing them with you.






    Victoria Hotel

    17 March 2018

    10am – 1pm



    17 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    United Church

    18 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Thorpeness Golf Club

    24 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Brundenell Hotel

    24 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    Town Hall

    25 March 2018

    10am – 1pm

    This document is also available in large print, Braille and audio forms on request.

    Glossary of abbreviations



    Commercial Fisheries Working Group


    Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


    Development Consent Order


    East Anglia TWO


    East Anglia ONE North


    Environmental Impact Assessment


    Environmental Statement


    Health & Safety Executive


    Local Enterprise Partnership


    Marine Mammals Organisation


    Planning Inspectorate


    Preliminary Environmental Information Report


    Red Line Boundary


    Report to Inform


    Royal Society for the Protection of Birds


    ScottishPower Renewables


    Statement of Community Consultation


    Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies


    Zone of Theoretical Visibility



    Statement of Community Consultation

    This section describes the strategy to deliver the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC), the advertisement of the SoCC and the supporting Report to Inform the SoCC for East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm (EA2).

    This document is a statement detailing how statutory and non-statutory consultees can engage with ScottishPower Renewables (SPR), and the decision makers.

    The SoCC was originally scheduled to be produced to coincide with the refinement of the Red Line Boundary (RLB) for the location of the onshore infrastructure. However, early engagement outside of the formal Development Consent Order (DCO) application process combined with dialogue with the local authorities (Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Coastal District Council), has influenced SPR’s decision to bring this forward.

    There are four key issues to be considered and relayed to stakeholders around this consultation strategy.

    Key Issues:

    1. The geographical spread of the interested parties is large and focussed on a coastal strip between Great Yarmouth and Felixstowe.

    2. The stakeholders associated with the new connection point are new and are assumed to have some experience of consultation on major infrastructure projects, and this influenced our decision to commence early engagement.

    3. SPR has completed a phase of early engagement in the area of search for onshore infrastructure and those potentially impacted by the visual aspects of the wind turbines using Public Information Days (PIDs). These were completed 30 & 31 October and 1 & 2 November 2017.

    4. SPR is refining the area of search for onshore infrastructure in parallel using a balance of consultation and technical constraints. The local authorities have expressed a desire to understand how the early engagement ties in with the refinement of the area of search.

    Scoping was submitted to PINS on 9th November 2017 for both East Anglia TWO (EA2) and East Anglia ONE North (EA1N). The two projects have been developed in parallel to November 2017 and the SoCC will now be progressed for both EA2 and EA1N. The SoCC strategy is to deliver a single SoCC advert for publication and a separate ‘Report to Inform the SoCC’ and SoCC for both EA2 and EA1N.


    The aim of the SoCC is to clarify the development programme, lines of communication and means of engagement with statutory stakeholders, non-statutory stakeholders and interested parties.

    During the determination of the application, SPR will be measured against the commitments made in the SoCC. It is therefore a critical document in the development process.

    Planning Inspectorate (PINS) advice acknowledges that responding to the Developers pre-application consultation is the best time to influence the final design or mitigate any perceived impacts

    The SoCC will detail what consultation SPR intends to undertake with the communities potentially affected by the project.

    One of the key issues for this SoCC is that the area of search for onshore infrastructure, the ‘Onshore Study Area’, and the resultant Red Line Boundary (RLB), will be refined in parallel. SPR consultation therefore has a dual objective – to both consult on the development of the East Anglia ONE North Windfarm and the definition of the RLB.

    Page 6

    The Applicant

    SPR is part of the Iberdrola Group, a world leader in clean energy with an installed capacity of over 28,000MW, and the leading wind energy producer worldwide. SPR is at the forefront of the development of the renewables industry through pioneering ideas, forward thinking and outstanding innovation which, in turn, drives economic success.

    By the end of 2017, SPR will have 40 operational windfarms in the UK producing over 2,500MW of clean energy. SPR manage all of their operational sites, including their international offshore portfolio, through the Control Centre at Whitelee Windfarm, just outside Glasgow.

    SPR is currently taking forward the development and progressing the construction of the 102-turbine East Anglia ONE offshore windfarm approximately 43km off the coast of Suffolk. This £2.5 billion project is planned to deliver energy to meet the annual demand of around 600,000 homes and should be fully operational during 2020. SPRs 1,200MW East Anglia Three offshore windfarm project has recently received development consent and will follow on from East Anglia ONE.

    Building on these first two East Anglia projects, SPR is now seeking to progress development of the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North offshore windfarm projects.

    Figure 1- SPR East Anglia portfolio

    The Proposal

    East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarms

    The East Anglia ONE North windfarm site (see Figure 1) is approximately 208km2 in area. At its nearest point, the East Anglia ONE North windfarm site is 36km from Lowestoft and 42km from Southwold. Within the East Anglia ONE North windfarm site it is proposed that up to 67 wind turbines and an overall installed capacity of up to 800MW would be constructed. When operational the project would have the potential to provide up to 650,000* homes with power. From the wind turbines electricity would flow via subsea inter-array cables to a number of offshore electrical platforms and then to the shore via offshore export cables.

    *Calculated taking the number of megawatts (800) multiplied by the number of hours in one year (8,766), multiplied by the average load factor (efficiency of electrical energy usage) for offshore wind (36.7 %, published by the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics), divided by the average annual household energy consumption (3,900 kWh), giving an equivalent of powering 659,922 homes.

    Page 7

    Scenario 1 (East Anglia TWO installs ducts and National Grid Infrastructure)

    Scenario 2 (East Anglia TWO does not install ducts and National Grid Infrastructure)

    Landfall and Onshore Cable Route

    Number of ducts installed at the landfall (either by HDD or open trenching)


    Up to 4

    Number of transition bays

    Up to 2

    Up to 2

    Transition bay dimensions

    9m x 4m

    9m x 4m

    Landfall HDD compound dimensions (if required)

    175m x 50m

    175m x 50m

    Number of onshore export cables

    Up to 6

    Up to 6

    Onshore cable corridor swathe width



    Number cable trenches (between transition bay and onshore substation)


    Up to 2

    Number ducts installed within onshore cable corridor swathe


    Up to 6

    Number of jointing bays

    Dependent upon length of onshore cable route. One required approximately every 500m.

    Dimension of jointing bays

    15m (length) x 3m (width) x 2m (depth)

    Number of link boxes

    Dependent upon length of onshore cable route. Two required for every jointing bay

    Dimension of link boxes

    1.5m (length) x 1.5m (width) x 1.5m (depth)

    Onshore Substation

    Substation operational compound area

    190m x 190m

    190m x 190m

    Substation construction compound area (required in addition to the operational footprint)

    185m x 50m

    185m x 50m

    Substation buildings height

    Up to 21m

    Up to 21m

    National Grid infrastructure

    Substation compound area


    325m x 140m

    Maximum height


    Up to 13m

    Offshore export cables will connect the offshore electrical platforms within the proposed East Anglia ONE North windfarm site to shore, making landfall between Sizewell and Thorpeness in Suffolk.



    Up to 800MW

    East Anglia ONE North windfarm area (offshore)


    Distance from East Anglia ONE North to shore

    36km Lowestoft

    42km Southwold

    50km Sizewell

    60km Orford

    Maximum offshore export cable corridor length


    Number of wind turbines

    Up to 67

    [footnoteRef:1]Proposed wind turbine capacity [1: More than one wind turbine and foundation type and manufacturer could be deployed, up to a maximum of three wind turbine models will be considered for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project design envelope.]

    Up to 19MW (dependent upon available technology) and subject to change within the dimensions ultimately assessed

    Wind Turbine rotor diameter

    Up to 250m

    Tip height

    Up to 300m (LAT)

    Minimum clearance above sea level

    22m (MHWS)

    Minimum inter-row spacing


    Number of offshore electrical platforms

    Up to 4

    Number of accommodation platforms


    Number of operational met masts


    Number of export cables


    Inter-array, platform link and inter-connector cables

    The lengths and numbers required will be determined as more detailed work is undertaken and assessed in the final ES.

    Water depth over wind farm site

    Typically -33 to -67mLAT

    Once the offshore export cables reach the shore they will be joined to onshore cables via a transition bay near the point of landfall and then to a new onshore substation. From this substation the proposed East Anglia ONE North project will then be connected into the transmission network via a new transmission substation owned and operated by National Grid. In addition, there may be a requirement to upgrade the existing pylons to allow for connection to the transmission network. All of these elements would be consented as part of the East Anglia ONE North windfarm Development Consent Order (DCO) application (see Figure 2).

    Figure 2 – How an offshore windfarm works

    Onshore, given partial location within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), SPR is committed to undergrounding the cables with the benefit of avoiding landscape and visual impacts associated with overhead lines. Furthermore, SPR is committed to exploring synergies between the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects in the same manner as for East Anglia ONE and East Anglia THREE by proposing where possible, and subject to regulatory certainty, to install ducting for the East Anglia ONE North windfarm onshore electrical cables during the East Anglia TWO windfarm construction. This would reduce the construction impacts for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project.

    The onshore study area (see Figure 3) has been identified by initial constraints and feasibility studies. It includes land between Sizewell and Thorpeness at the landfall and inland approximately 7km to the north of Friston

    Figure 3 – Onshore Study Area

    The DCO application for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project will include all of the new elements described above (including the associated National Grid infrastructure). In addition temporary works and ancillary infrastructure necessary for the construction and operation of the project, such as temporary construction areas onshore, and accommodation platforms offshore shall be included.

    East Anglia TWO has been developed in parallel with East Anglia ONE NORTH in so far as submission of their Scoping Reports to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and preparation and publication of the project SOCCs.

    East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North are advertising their commencement of formal consultation in accordance with Section 47 the Planning Act 2008. As part of that process, consultation will be carried out on the Onshore Study Area (see Figure 4) for potential locations for the onshore infrastructure and the cable routeing.

    Following the advertisement of the SoCC, East Anglia TWO will progress through the development phase around one year ahead of East Anglia ONE North. It is currently expected that the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the proposed East Anglia TWO project will be submitted in 2019 and the DCO application for East Anglia ONE North in 2020.

    Geographical Area of Engagement

    The Onshore Consultation Zone

    Figure 4 shows the Onshore Consultation Zone. This has been determined by defining the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV), shown in Figure 4 below. This output of computer modelling identifies where it is theoretically possible to see the offshore wind turbines from, in very good or excellent visibility conditions; as well as communities within the Onshore Study Area.

    Figure 4 – Onshore Consultation Zone

    The Onshore Study Area

    Figure 3 shows the Onshore Study Area. This is the area within which onshore infrastructure, for East Anglia TWO, East Anglia ONE North and National Grid would be placed. This is currently an area of search and the forthcoming months will refine the locations of the substations, landfall and onshore cable corridor. This is a key function of the consultation process.

    The Onshore Study Area will be taken to a stage where there is a refined study area (in March 2018) and then a final red line boundary in June 2018.

    The onshore study area is the area where we focussed our October /November 2017 PIDS and we will continue to engage with this area throughout the process, as well as widening the geographical area to ensure we engage with those within the wider Onshore Consultation Zone.

    The key onshore components of the proposed East Anglia ONE North project are expected to comprise:

    · Landfall site with an associated transition bay to connect the offshore and onshore cables

    · Onshore underground cable ducts and cable jointing bays, into which cables will be installed

    · Onshore underground cable ducts installed for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project

    · Onshore substation

    · Infrastructure required by National Grid to connect the proposed East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North projects to the electricity transmission network, expected to include:

    · Onshore substation

    · Sealing end compounds / gantries

    · Potential for the upgrade of up to two existing overhead pylons or minor relocation of up to two existing overhead pylons.

    It is expected that the proposed East Anglia TWO project will consent all of the required National Grid infrastructure as it will be constructed first. However, the proposed East Anglia ONE North project may need to consent additional infrastructure required to connect its substation to the overhead lines, as well as parts of the National Grid substation infrastructure. The Onshore Study Area; i.e. the area within which onshore infrastructure, for East Anglia TWO, East Anglia ONE North and National Grid would be placed has a separate, but parallel, consultation process. This is integral and running in tandem with the broader consultation process defined in this SoCC.

    Whilst this boundary is being refined and ultimately presented at June 2018 PIDs, wider consultation will continue on the project towards the submission date.

    The Offshore Consultation Zone

    Figure 5 shows the proposed development boundary for the project and the Offshore Consultation Zone. This is the area within which offshore infrastructure will be placed.

    Figure 5 – Offshore Cable Corridor Area of Search

    Engagement is ongoing with a number of stakeholders including the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and our Commercial Fisheries Working Group (CFWG).

    SoCC Strategy

    This document is a statement detailing how statutory and non-statutory consultees can engage with SPR and the decision makers. This document is known as the ‘Report to Inform’ (RtI) and describes the strategy to deliver the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) to support the development and consenting of the East Anglia ONE North offshore windfarm.

    The SoCC strategy is to deliver:

    · A single SoCC advert for publication as shown below;

    · Two ‘advertising poster’ SoCCs; and

    · Two ‘Reports to Inform the SoCC’ for East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North.


    Publication Date

    East Anglian Daily Times

    w/c 26 February 2018 & w/c 5 March 2018

    Lowestoft Journal

    w/c 26 February 2018 & w/c 5 March 2018

    Fishing Trade Journal – Fishing News Weekly Journal

    w/c 26 February 2018

    The aim of the SoCC is to clarify the development programme, lines of communication and means of engagement with statutory stakeholders and non-statutory stakeholders.

    Overlap with RAG Report and Red Line Boundary

    There is a logical overlap between the consultation strategy and the refinement of the Red Line Boundary for onshore infrastructure.

    The Onshore Study Area for onshore infrastructure has been shared at our recent Public Information Days (PIDs) and in Briefing sessions with Town and Parish Councils. The Area of Search is also presented in the Scoping Report and is something we will be seeking opinion on as part of the wider consultation and planning process.

    SPR Commitment to Early Engagement

    · SPR is committed to early engagement, meaningful and full consultation with interested parties.

    SPR Commitment to Briefing Town Councils and Parish Councils in and around the Area of Search

    · Leiston Town Council, Aldringham Parish Council, Knodishall Parish Council already engaged

    · Other relevant Parish/Town Councils and Residents Associations Briefings to be arranged


    · Trackers to monitor consistency between RLB refinement and SoCC commitments

    · Trackers to maintain momentum and deliver a DCO in 2019

    Consenting Process

    A diagram of the Consenting Process is shown below.

    Figure 5: Consenting process flow chart

    Pre-Application Consultation

    This document provides information to support the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC), provided as Appendix 1, for the East Anglia ONE North offshore windfarm and associated development. It includes the proposed strategy for consultation with local communities in accordance with Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008 and represents the commencement of consultation under Section 47. It explains who we have identified to consult, the consultation methods proposed and the proposed timeframes for consultation.

    This document also identifies how you can comment on the proposals and help shape the proposed DCO application for the project. The first formal events of statutory community consultation under Section 47 will be held in March 2018.


    Following the advertisement of the SoCC, East Anglia TWO will progress through the development phase around one year ahead of East Anglia ONE North. It is currently expected that the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the proposed East Anglia TWO project will be submitted in 2019 and the DCO application for East Anglia ONE North in 2020.

    The East Anglia TWO Scoping Report is available to view on the PINS website by clicking here or visiting


    The East Anglia ONE North Scoping Report is available to view on the PINS website by clicking here or visiting


    Supporting Environmental Information

    Legislation requires that SPR undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to identify likely significant environmental effects of the project. The results of the EIA will be published in an Environmental Statement (ES) that will accompany the DCO application for the proposed project.

    In order to agree the environmental studies required for the EIA with statutory consultees, SPR submitted a Scoping Report to PINS on 9th November 2017. This document included detailed information on the approach to EIA for the proposed project, an indicative project description for offshore and onshore works and the potential environmental impacts which will be assessed.

    A Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), which will include details of the preliminary assessment findings, will be published for consultation in autumn 2018, and will be made available to the public through publication on the East Anglia ONE North project website as well as the PINS website. The PEIR will include a description of the proposals and baseline information (to date) and identify the potential impacts of the development, as well as possible measures to reduce, prevent or offset these. This will include information on the scope for any associated land restoration, landscaping and other mitigation measures if required.

    There will be an opportunity to respond to SPR when the PEIR and the EIA/ES are published.

    Identifying our Consultees

    Statutory Consultees

    We are required by the Planning Act 2008 to consult with certain organisations and persons on our proposed application. We will also notify these parties if the application is accepted by PINS.

    These consultees include:

    · Relevant local authorities

    · MMO

    · The Crown Estate

    · HSE

    · Environment Agency

    · Natural England

    · Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs)

    · Relevant Parish Councils

    · Owners, lessees, tenants and other persons with an interest in the land/right to make a relevant claim

    Non-Statutory Consultees

    Non Statutory consultees are those agencies and organisations with whom we consult with as best practice and these include:

    · Local communities, i.e. Residents’ Associations

    · Fishermen, through our ‘Commercial Fisheries Working Group’ (CWFG)

    · Local Interest Groups

    · Local Amenity Groups

    Please note that these lists are not exhaustive.

    The Local Community

    The Local Communities have been determined by defining the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV), shown in Figure 4 above.

    The local communities are within the defined Onshore Consultation Zone

    We have focussed on the coastal settlements within the ZTV and the communities within the Onshore Study Area. However, the consultation events will be advertised on a regional basis using the East Anglia Daily Times and Lowestoft Journal and we would encourage those from the wider area with comments and opinions to engage.

    All Other Stakeholders

    Other Stakeholders have been identified by SPR and will also be consulted. For example other Stakeholders include the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Suffolk Preservation Society.

    The Consultation Process

    Consultation Objectives

    The consultation objectives are to consult widely, honestly and in a cyclical fashion – to allow representations to be incorporated into the project where possible.

    PINS guidance on the pre-application process advocates that early involvement of local communities, local authorities and statutory consultees can bring about significant benefits for all parties, by:

    · Helping the applicant identify and resolve issues at the earliest stage, which can reduce the overall risk to the project further down the line as it becomes more difficult to make changes once an application has been submitted;

    · Enabling members of the public to influence proposed projects, feedback on potential options, and encouraging the community to help shape the proposal to maximise local benefits and minimize any downsides;

    · Helping local people understand the potential nature and local impact of the proposed project, with the potential to dispel misapprehensions at an early stage;

    · Enabling applicants to obtain important information about the economic, social and environmental impacts of a scheme from consultees, which can help rule out unsuitable options;

    · Enabling potential mitigating measures to be considered and, if appropriate, built into the project before an application is submitted; and

    · Identifying ways in which the project could, without significant costs to promoters, support wider strategic or local objectives.

    Consultation Strategy

    The Consultation Strategy for East Anglia ONE North is focussed around the dual objective of both consulting on the development of the proposed East Anglia ONE North project and the area of search for onshore infrastructure, the ‘Onshore Study Area’, and the resultant Red Line Boundary (RLB), for the onshore infrastructure (which covers both East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North).

    The consultation has been split into four phases, as described below.

    Four Phases of Consultation

    Phase One

    SPR chose to complete a phase of early engagement to share the work with statutory bodies to identify our onshore study area. There were three reasons for this:

    1. To introduce the project to stakeholders;

    2. Consult on potential locations for onshore infrastructure; and

    3. To consult on those potentially impacted by the visual aspects of the offshore windfarm.

    This was completed using the following tools:

    · Telephone calls, briefings, meetings and sharing the Project Leaflet with a wide range of statutory and non-statutory stakeholders; County, Borough, District, Town, Parish Councils, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Visit East Anglia, New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership. For further details, please see Appendix 6.

    · Preparation and circulation of the Project Leaflet (see Appendix 3), as a means of introducing the projects.

    · Public Information Days (PIDs) on 30 and 31 October and 1 and 2 November 2017.

    Phase One was ‘non statutory’ consultation as it was outside the process described in legislation.

    A Summary of Environmental Considerations was produced to support East Anglia ONE North in early engagement activities. All the materials presented are accessible on the website link below:


    Phase Two

    SPR propose to hold a series of PID events in March 2018. These will be the first ‘formal’ consultation events. A ‘formal’ consultation event is one which is required by legislation and has certain requirements including registration of visitors.

    The March 2018 events will specifically provide further information on our onshore study area within which we intend to site the projects onshore electrical infrastructure, the refinement of the RLB, and also further information on visual impact.

    Hard to Reach Groups

    The geographical area of engagement includes a ‘Hard to Reach’ audience. This is made up of a number of informal groups of people and includes tourists and second home owners.

    In order to secure the attention of the ‘Hard to Reach’ audience, it is proposed to target this audience when we hold PIDs in March 2018 to coincide with the consultation events associated with refining the RLB.

    It is recognised that some individuals may not have had the opportunity to visit the PIDs in October/ November 2017. The proposal is to complete a targeted phase of PID events over a weekend, using advertisement and a mail drop to highlight the opportunity.

    Details below:






    Victoria Hotel

    17 March 2018

    10am – 1pm



    17 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    United Church

    18 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Thorpeness Golf Club

    24 March 2018

    10am – 1pm


    Brundenell Hotel

    24 March 2018

    3pm – 6pm


    Town Hall

    25 March 2018

    10am – 1pm

    Phase Three

    The third phase of consultation will be in June 2018.

    We will hold PIDs in the venues already visited to show our defined Red Line Boundary for onshore infrastructure and update our consultees on the proposed development plans.

    The defined Red Line Boundary will be shared at the June PID events and other details of the project will be available to share with our consultees. The period between the June PID events and submission of the PEIR in November 2018 will allow further refinement of the project.

    Phase Four

    The fourth phase of consultation will be in November 2018 when the PEIR is submitted.

    This SoCC sets out the manner in which the scheme promoter is proposing to consult with the local community in accordance with Section 47(1) of the Planning Act 2008. Consultation with statutory consultees (such as Natural England, the Environment Agency etc.), local authorities and landowners will also be undertaken under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008. Where relevant, this may include information on the scope for any associated landscaping, other mitigation or compensatory measures for natural habitats impact.

    The PEIR will essentially be a draft Environmental Statement (to that point) to support the DCO application. The DCO is scheduled to be submitted in 2019.

    Consultation on the PEIR will be known as ‘Section 42 Consultation’.

    Special Events

    SPR takes consultation very seriously as a scheduled part of the development programme. However, it is acknowledged that there are often consultation opportunities that arise for example engagement with the wider ‘Hard to Reach’ Groups, including visitors and groups that do not meet frequently.

    For this reason, our Development Team and Stakeholder Manager will monitor these opportunities and engage as appropriate.

    The integrated timeline of activities is shown below:

    Figure 5: Timeline of activities

    Communication Tools

    SPR recognise that one method of consultation doesn’t meet the requirements of each stakeholder group. For this reason, it is proposed to use a number of communication tools.

    How we will respond to Consultee Comments

    Following each phase of consultation, we will have a period to digest and consider feedback and review our proposals. After each phase of PID events we will publish findings on the SPR website.

    Phase two consultation in March will continue to inform the definition of the RLB. The RLB will be presented in June 2018 at a series of PIDs. Consultation regarding other aspects of the project will continue towards submission date.

    Where consultees approach SPR by email or mail, SPR will acknowledge the communication within 1 week. SPR will endeavour to respond to the consultee within 1 calendar month.

    All comments and information we receive will be recorded in a consultation database and be considered by SPR. As part of our DCO application, we will provide a Consultation Report to explain how the views received have been incorporated into the project design process and EIA. If an issue has not resulted in a change to the proposed development, the Consultation Report will explain this. As there may be a large number of responses, the Consultation Report may group comments into broad issues of concern. Please note that all communications will be publicly available, however, no personal details will be published.

    Further Information

    General Consultation Enquiries

    SPR has a Stakeholder Manager, Joanna Young, who is co-ordinating consultation on the development of the proposed East Anglia ONE North project.

    All project information will be available on our website at the following address or by clicking here


    We also have a dedicated email address for you to communicate with: [email protected]

    You can also write to us at the following Freepost address:

    ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia ONE North



    25 Priestgate

    Peterborough PE1 1JL

    Should you wish to follow the project on the PINS website, the East Anglia ONE North website is at the following address or by clicking here:


    Fishing Related Enquiries

    SPR has a dedicated Fishery/Fishing Liaison Officer, Brown & May, who is coordinating liaison with fishing stakeholders on the development of the proposed East Anglia ONE North project. 

    We have a dedicated email address for you to communicate with the Fishery/Fishing Liaison Officer: [email protected]

    You can also contact us at the following address:

    Jonathan Kerr

    East Anglia ONE North FLO

    For and on behalf of ScottishPower Renewables

    Brown & May Marine Limited

    Progress Way

    Mid Suffolk Business Park


    Suffolk IP23 7HU

    Direct Dial: 01379 872143

    Land Related Enquiries

    SPR has a dedicated Land Officer, Savills, who is coordinating liaison with land owners on the development of the East Anglia ONE North project.

    We have a dedicated email address for you to communicate with the Land Officer:

    [email protected]

    Address Here

    Direct Dial: XXXX XXXXXX

    Appendix 1 - SoCC

    Attach once designed

    Appendix 2 - Advert Produced to Support Phase 1 PID Consultation

    Appendix 3 – Project Leaflet (V2 & superseded by Scoping Report in November 2017)

    Appendix 4 – Pre-application consultation to Drafting of SoCC in December 2017


    Norfolk County Council

    Expert Topic Group (ETG) Meeting on Seascape Visuals

    Suffolk County Council

    Mid Suffolk District Council

    New 'East Suffolk Council' from 2019

    (Suffolk Coastal & Waveney merging)

    Waveney District Council

    The Broads Authority



    Natural England

    Historic England

    Leiston cum Sizewell Town Council

    Aldringham cum Thorpe Parish Council

    Knodishall Parish Council

    Sizewell Residents Association

    Orford and Gedgrave Parish Council

    Aldeburgh Town Council

    Walberswick Parish Council

    Southwold Town Council

    Kessingland Parish Council

    Lowestoft Town Council

    The Crown Estate



    Galloper OFTO

    Gabbard OFTO



    Members of Parliament

    Commercial Fisheries Working Group

    New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership for Norfolk and Suffolk


    Suffolk Wildlife Trust


    Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

    Suffolk Preservation Society

    Suffolk Coastal Forum

    Destination Management Organisation

    Royal Yachting Association

    Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club

    Visit East Anglia

    The follow consultees were identified through the phase 1 PIDS:

    Southwold Chamber of Trade

    AONB Management Team

    Rayden Society

    Southwold Harbour Master

    Leiston Together

    Transport Groups

    ScottishPower Renewables

    ScottishPower House

    320 St Vincent Street


    G2 5AD

    T 0141 614 0000

    [email protected]


    December 2017


    February 2018

    March 2018

    Scoping Opinion due

    Review of Scoping Opinion and scoping responses

    Workshop with LPA and wider statutory stakeholders


    Presentation of final development boundary to LPA and wider statutory stakeholders

    Town and Parish Council engagement ongoing as required - presentation of updates


    Presentation of draft development boundary to LPA

    Production of draft SoCC


    Phase 3 PIDs

    Commence section 42 consultation on submitted Preliminary Environmental Information Report

    Phase 4 PIDS to coincide with section 42 consultation

    Local Planning Authority (LPA) workshop

    Phase 2 Public Information Days (PIDs)

    Ongoing meetings with Town and Parish Councils

    Town and Parish Councils engagement ongoing as required

    Scoping submission

    Ongoing Meetings with Town and Parish Councils to present onshore study area

    Phase 1 PIDs to introduce the projects to local communities

    November 2017

    Initial Meetings with Town and Parish Councils to present onshore study area


    November 2018

    Consultation Events

    Written Communication

    Verbal Communication

    Website Updates

    Drop in Public Information Days (PIDS)

    Presentation to Local Authorities, Parish Councils, specific interest groups

    Stakeholder Events

    Email Updates

    Response to written letters/emails

    Presentations by invite

    Updates in The East Angle - SPR's flagship newsletter

    Project video

    Project Launch

    August 2017

    Summer Break

    Aug-Sept 2017

    Phase 1 PID Roll Out

    Oct 2017


    Oct/Nov 2017


    Nov 2017

    SoCC Drafting

    Dec 2017

    Page 32

  • East Anglia TWO

    PROPOSED OFFSHORE WINDFARM Statement of Community ConsultationHow to have your say on the proposed East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

    Prepared and published in accordance with Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008

    1. The Purpose of Community Consultation

    The aim of the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) is to explain how we intend to consult with you on our proposed offshore windfarm project known as the East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm (“East Anglia TWO”) as required under the Planning Act 2008. It details the opportunities available for you to come and meet us, to ask questions and to com